Soil Carbon Sequestration in Different Land Use Systems
Soil Carbon Sequestration in Different Land Use Systems
Soil Carbon Sequestration in Different Land Use Systems
The soil organic carbon is highly sensitive to changes in land use and management practices. The
build-up of soil organic carbon has a direct impact on soil health. An inverse relationship was
speculated between the soil organic carbon and global warming which is caused by an increase in
the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in atmosphere at the rate of 0.5% yr-1 (3.2 Pg C yr-1) for
CO2, 0.6% yr-1 for CH4 and 0.25 ppb yr-1 for N2O. Contribution of these three GHGs to global warming
is to an extent of 20% due to agricultural activities and 14% to change in land use and attendant
deforestation. Principal agricultural activities that contribute to emission of GHGs include ploughing,
application of fertilizers and manures, soil drainage, biomass burning and residue removal. The loss
of soil C is accentuated by soil degradation (soil erosion, compaction, salinization etc.) and the
assisted decline in soil quality. Historic global C loss due to agricultural activities is estimated as 55
to 100 Pg from soil C pool and 100 to 150 Pg from the biotic C pool. The long-term solution to the risk
of potential global warming lies in finding alternatives to fossil fuel. Therefore, the strategy of soil C
sequestration is a bridge to the future. Over the short-time horizon of 25 to 50 years, it is the simplest
and most cost-effective option, and a win-win strategy.
Key words: carbon sequestration; land use systems; soil organic carbon
Scientist, Division of Soil Biology, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal 462 038 (M.P.)
Division of Soil Biology, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal -462 038 (M.P.)
3Department of Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi, U.P
278 MANNA et al. [Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 12(4)
heating the planet. Another factor is the so called Table 1. Organic carbon in soil after six years of plantation
black aerosols, small soot particles, and tar balls with different land use options
which are produced when something is burned. System Organic C (%)
They do not stay in the atmosphere for a very long 0-15 cm 15-30 cm
time, but they absorb sunlight efficiently. Most Sole cropping 0.42 0.37
scientists think that between 0.1 and 0.2 degree Agro- forestry 0.71 0.73
Celsius of the 0.8 degree warming which has already Agro- horticulture 0.73 0.74
taken place, this far, has probably happened Agro-silviculture 0.38 0.56
because the Sun has been a little bit more active Source: Das and Itnal (1994)
than what is its long-term average. The home planet
Earth is also overheating because of its albedo or
reflectivity - its capacity to reflect sunlight directly Consequences of soil erosion on C-sequestration
back to space - is diminishing. Open water surfaces, Soil erosion indeed can cause a rapid depletion
forests, other vegetation and dark soils absorb most of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. Accelerated
of the sunlight falling on them like a sponge, so soil erosion, affecting 1094 million ha (Mha) by water
when the ice and snow cover retreats in the Polar erosion and 549 Mha by wind erosion (Oldeman
Regions the surface of the planet becomes darker. 1994), has local, regional and global impacts (Lal
If the climate heats by a couple of degree 1998a). Estimates of contemporary rates of soil
centigrade, the average strength of hurricanes, and erosion show total sediment discharge of 15 billion
typhoons should increase by 50 per cent or more, tonnes for the world comprising 7.6 billion tonnes
which would make them much more destructive. from Asia, 2.4 billion tonnes from South America,
The annual number of cyclones might also increase 2.1 billion tonnes from North America, 1.7 billion
if the warming amounts to 6 degree or even much tons from Africa and 1.2 billion tonnes from
more intense. elsewhere (Lal 1994; Walling 1987). In addition to
effects on crop productivity, soil erosion also
Carbon sequestration
profoundly impacts the environment. Two principal
Sink of carbon from atmosphere to either plant impacts of erosion on environment include
into soil or from atmosphere into soil is called as reduction in quality of water and air through
soil carbon sequestration. Excluding carbonate pollution and eutrophication of surface water, and
rocks (inorganic carbon path), a soil represents the emissions of radioactively-active gases (e.g., CO2,
largest terrestrial stock of carbon, holding 1500 Pg CH 4 and N 2 O) to the atmosphere. Increasing
(1Pg = 1015 g), which is approximately twice the atmospheric concentration of radioactively-active
amount held in the atmosphere and three times the gases (0.5% yr-1 for CO2, 0.6% yr-1 for CH4, 0.25%
amount held in terrestrial vegetation (McCarl et al. yr-1 for N2O) (IPCC 1995) necessitates identifying
2007). Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) pool contains 750 sources and sinks for developing potential
- 950 Pg C. Terrestrial vegetation is reported to interventions towards mitigating the greenhouse
contain 600 Pg C. The majority of carbon is held in effect. While the impact of land use change on soil
the form of soil organic carbon, having a major C pool and fluxes is being widely recognized (Lal
influence on soil structure, water holding capacity, et al. 1995a; b; Janzen et al. 1998) that of soil erosion
cation exchange capacity, the soils ability to form on C dynamics is not properly understood. Soil
complexes with metal ions to store nutrients, erosion, both by water and wind, causes decline in
improve productivity, minimize soil erosion etc. This SOC content on-site. Preferential removal of clay
organic carbon is highly sensitive to changes in land and soil organic matter content reduces SOC pool,
use systems (Post and Kwon 2000, Lakaria et al. lowers soil quality and declines biomass
2012, Guimaraes et al. 2013) and management productivity. Several experiments have documented
practices such as increased tillage, cropping reduction in SOC content of soils subjected to
systems, fertilization etc. leading to changes of status moderate and severe soil erosion. In Canada,
of soil organic carbon (Purakayastha et al. 2008). Gregorich et al. (1995) observed a rapid decline in
The land use with different cropping systems SOC on an eroded compared to an uneroded
changes the soil organic carbon content in the soil cropland. The SOC content in the top 30-cm layer
(Table 1).
October-December 2013] SOIL CARBON SEQUESTRATION 279
decreased by 20% in an uneroded soil and it was Impact of land use and management practices on SOC
further declined by 70% in eroded soil following storage
80 years of cultivation. Several experiments Land use and soil management systems, which
conducted in North America have demonstrated enhance the amount of biomass returned to the soil,
the adverse impact of accelerated erosion on SOC also accentuate the terrestrial C pool. Different
pools (Gregorich and Anderson 1985; Gregorich et technological options for biotic and soil C
al. 1998). In Ohio, USA, Fahnestock et al. (1996) sequestration include afforestation, and restoration
observed that SOC pool in the top 0-10 cm depth of degraded ecosystem, establishment of bio-
was 39.8 Mg C ha-1 for the uneroded soil, 15.6 Mg energy plantations with a large potential for biomass
C ha -1 for slightly eroded, 14.6 Mg C ha -1 for production, establishing perennials with a deep and
moderately eroded, 13.4 Mg C ha -1 for severely prolific root system, growing species containing high
eroded and 17.0 Mg C ha-1 for the depositional cellulose and other resistant species containing high
phases. The drastic reductions were observed in cellulose, and developing appropriate land use
SOC pool by accelerated soil erosion on bare fallow systems. Similarly, strategies for soil C sequestration
soil. The rate of SOC loss ranged from 20 to 700 kg include adoption of conservation tillage and mulch
C ha -1 yr -1 on cultivated land with improved farming techniques, maintenance of soil fertility,
cropping practices of grass barriers and soil and water conservation, and adoption of
intercropping. Taking into consideration the land complex rotations (Table 2 & 3). The total potential
area affected, the historic C loss is estimated at 21.2 of SOC sequestration through restoration of
Pg by water erosion and 3.7 Pg by wind erosion degraded soils in India is 10-14 Tg C yr-1.
(Lal 1999). The total historic C loss of 24.9 Pg due Major changes in land use occurred in the forests
to accelerated erosion is 45% of the estimated 55 and grassland with 39.9 and 37.5 % of total land
Pg of C lost from world soils (IPCC 1995). use change (Lal et al. 1998c, 1999). Change in land
Table 3. Long-term effect of Rice-based cropping system on C- sequestration in an Alluvial soils of India
Location Cropping Study Sampling Initial Final C-sequestration
system period depth SOC SOC (kg ha-1 yr-1)
(cm) ( Mg ha-1) (Mg ha-1)
compost compost
Gayeshpur (W.B.) Rice-mustard-sesame 1998-2004 0-20 37.3 39.1 40.2 257 414
Mohanpur (W.B.) Rice-wheat-fallow 1986-2004 0-20 34.0 35.2 37.2 63 168
Barrackpur (W.B.) Rice-wheat-jute 1971-2004 0-20 27.9 30.1 46.09 64 535
CRRI,Cuttack (Orissa) Rice-fallow-rice 1969-2004 0-20 31.6 39.7 46.1 225 402
Source: Mandal et al. (2008)
280 MANNA et al. [Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 12(4)
use contributes C to the atmosphere in two principal results in C-sequestration of about 12.7 to 16.5 Tg
ways: (i) release of C in the biomass which is either yr -1 . There was a great potential for carbon
burnt or decomposed, and (ii) release of SOC sequestration through secondary carbonates;
following cultivation enhanced mineralization especially in irrigated soils, at about 21.8 to 25.6 Tg
brought about by change in soil moisture and C yr-1 (Pal et al. 2000; Nordt et al. 2000). The total
temperature regimes and low rate of return of potential of SOC sequestration in India is 77.9 to
biomass to the soil. Carbon contained in the 106.4 Tg yr-1 (92.2 ± 20.2 Tg yr-1). Of this potential,
biomass of the climax vegetation is in the order: 12.9% is through restoration of degraded soils and
tropical rainforest > temperate forest > temperate 45.6% through erosion prevention and
deciduous > boreal forest > tropical woodland > management, 15.8 % through agricultural
temperate woodland > tropical grassland > intensification and 25.7 % through secondary
temperate grassland > desert scrub > alpine tundra carbonates.
and meadow. After forest, introduction of
improved pasture in natural grassland and savanna Impact of soil conservation and SOC pool
ecosystem is another major option of carbon Soil conservation implies reducing risks of soil
sequestration in soil. Adoption of appropriate erosion to the tolerable limit, which in most soils
farming systems and use of cover crops provide of the tropics and sub-tropics may be as low as 1 to
another option of C-sequestration with in terrestrial 2 Mg ha-1 yr-1 (Lal 1998b). In a broader context, soil
ecosystems (Table 4). Mixed crop rotations and use conservation may also imply improving soil quality
of cover crops improve SOC contents and enhance through controlling erosion, enhancing SOC
aggregation. Diversified cropping systems with content, improving soil structure, accentuating
better management substantially improved SOC in activity of soil fauna etc. Soil conservation may be
semiarid-tropic soils of India (Manna et al. 2003) achieved through reduction of soil detachment and
(Table 4). Adoption of conservation tillage increases its transport by agents of erosion. Improving soil’s
C-sequestration in soil (Karlen 1994). Lal (1989) resistance to forces causing detachment and
estimated that widespread adoption of transport involves enhancing soil structure. Some
conservation tillage on soil in 400 million ha crop agricultural practices with favourable impact on soil
land by the year 2020 may lead to C-sequestration structure include growing cover crops, sowing
of 1481 to 4913 Tg (1 Tera gram= 10 12 g). It is crops with conservation tillage, maintaining
estimated that agricultural intensification in India required level of soil fertility, and converting
Table 4. Identifying cropping systems for C-sequestration in semi-arid topic (SAT) regions of India
Location Soil type Cropping Study Sampling Initial Final C-sequestration
system period depth SOC SOC (kg ha-1y-1)
(cm) (Mg ha-1) (Mg ha-1)
Madhya Typic Haplusters Paddy- 1982-2002 0-30 19.8 22.5 135
Pradesh (Kheri) Wheat
Maharashtra Typic Haplusterts Citrus 1982-2002 0-30 22.0 36.9 745
Maharasthra Typic Haplusterts Cotton/ 1982-2002 0-30 17.3 35.0 885
(Asra) Greengram+
Pigeon pea
Gujarat Typic Haplusterts Groundnut- 1978-2002 0-30 27.3 31.9 209
(Semla) Wheat
Karnataka Typic Haplusterts Paddy- 1974-2002 0-30 18.61 43.6 861
(Teligi) paddy
Karnataka Typic Haplustalf Finger millet 1982-2002 0-30 19.3 21.9 130
Andhra Typic Halplustalf Castor + 1978-2002 0-30 14.5 35.1 936
Pradesh (Kaukuntala) Pigeonpea
Source: (Manna et al. 2003)
October-December 2013] SOIL CARBON SEQUESTRATION 281
marginal and degraded lands to restorative land • The soil carbon map of country depicting the
uses. All these practices lead to C sequestration current status and attainable deficit must be
through improvement of soil structure and prepared.
enhancement of soil quality. • In order to attain the maximum C content in
different soil and climatic conditions, there is
Knowledge gaps and future research in carbon sequestration a need to devise the suitable agronomic practice
Soils are one of our most important natural taking into account of organic resources
resources. Increasing carbon content in the soil, availability.
through better land use management practices, • Emphasis should be given on increasing carbon
produce a number of benefits in terms of soil content of resistant pool rather than total
biodiversity and soil health sustenance. Soil carbon organic carbon per se.
sequestration through the restoration of soil organic • Soil carbon stabilization mechanism as
matter can further reverse the process of land influenced by different factors must be
degradation and restore soil health through ascertained.
restoring soil biota and soil ecological processes. • Research for characterization of different
In particular, through improved management and functional pools of carbon should be
conservation of natural resources contribute to undertaken in different soil types and cropping
stabilizing or enhancing food production and systems.
optimizing the input use efficiency, thereby • Research work should be undertaken for
reducing emissions of GHGs from agricultural land. evaluating the effect of surface applied organic
Under climate change scenarios, increased materials on carbon sequestration, soil water
temperature may enhance soil organic matter conservation, and water stabile aggregates
mineralization in colder regions of the world, which greatly influence SOC dynamics.
releasing carbon dioxide from soils. Improved soil • There is a need for research on the introduction
management will mitigate the effects of global of legumes or forage crops in the context of
warming by improved and permanent soil cover. judicious land management under different
Carbon storage assists climate change mitigation crop rotations for improving soil physical
and provides other ecosystem benefits. Changes in health, and maintaining SOC levels.
land use management causing CO2 release to the • Strategies need to be developed for subsurface
atmosphere can alter ecosystems, reducing their placement of organic residues to improve SOC
carbon storage and sequestration capacity. There level in different soils.
is a huge technological option for biotic and soil C • Effort should be made to sequester carbon in
sequestration includes afforestation, and stable pool than that involves short-term
restoration degraded land. There is lack of storage of carbon in vulnerable compartments.
comprehensive knowledge about the carbon • There is a need for better understanding of
dynamics and potentials of carbon sequestration in microbial mechanisms involved in the complex
tropical ecosystems, frozen soils, wetlands, relationship between C input and soil C
Histosols, Andisols, Aridisols and Alfisol, Vertisol sequestration.
as well. There is also insufficient knowledge about
the potentials carbon sequestration in subsoils, soil CONCLUSIONS
erosion and carbon dynamics, plant nutrients and
Adoption of conservation effective farming
their interaction with soil carbon, and soil structure
practices can lead to reduction in soil erosion,
and soil quality indices.
improvement in soil quality, and enhancement of
SOC pool. Important agricultural practices with
Some future lines of work in the domain of soil
potential for C sequestration include conservation
carbon sequestration are mentioned below.
tillage, crop residue mulch, conservation research
• Research on determining maximum attainable
programme and conservation buffers including
carbon content of soil for different agro-
management of riparian zone, elimination of
ecological regions of country should be taken
summer fallow, soil fertility management and
on priority basis.
adoption of recommended cropping systems. While
282 MANNA et al. [Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 12(4)
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