Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Being Self-aware
THE INTERVIEWER – The most pivotal element of The type of self-awareness that should be maximized is the
a clinical interview is the person who conducts it. A skilled interviewer’s ability to know how he or she tends to affect
interviewer not only is a master of the technical and practical others inter personally and how others tend to relate to him or
aspects of the interview but also demonstrates broad-based her.
wisdom about the human interaction interviewing entails.
Developing Positive Working Relationships
As with eye contact, culture can shape the connotations of Observing Client Behaviors
body language. A few general guidelines for the interviewer
That behavior can vary widely: Some clients are calm while
include facing the client, appearing attentive, minimizing
others are nervous; some are easygoing while others are
restlessness, and displaying appropriate facial expressions.
hostile; some stay on task while others stray in random
Vocal Qualities – Skilled interviewers have mastered the directions; some are emotional while others are stoic; and so
subtleties of the vocal qualities of language—not just the on. Observing client behaviors during the interview allows the
words but how those words sound to the client’s ears. They psychologist to consider not only what the client said but how
use pitch, tone, volume, and fluctuation in their own voices to the client said it, and that “how” component can offer important
let clients know that their words and feelings are deeply information to the psychologist about responding during the
appreciated. And these interviewers also attend closely to the interview and understanding the client.
vocal qualities of their clients.
PAYMENT VERSUS SELF-PAYMENT Health insurance and managed-care companies often require a
diagnosis for treatment coverage, potentially leading
Health insurance companies increasingly recognized the worth
of clinical psychologists’ practices and included them in their psychologists to assign diagnoses differently based on payment
coverage. So today, although some clients still pay for therapy method. Studies indicate that psychologists may be more likely
on their own, many use their health insurance/managed care to diagnose clients when they pay through managed care
benefits to pay for therapy, at least partially. The presence of compared to self-payment, especially for mild symptoms, which
this third-party payer in the therapy relationship has numerous could result in differences in treatment accessibility and the
consequences (Reich & Kolbasovsky, 2006).
perception of clients' symptom severity.