MKUltra HypnoticTriggers
MKUltra HypnoticTriggers
MKUltra HypnoticTriggers
Targeted Individual Gang Stalking MKULTRA Mind Control John Hall Microchip
AI Transhuman CIA CSIS
Targeted Individual Gang Stalking MKULTRA Mind Control John Hall Microchip AI Transhuman
Shad Budge Productions
Published on Jul 18, 2018
Targeted Individual Gang Stalking MKULTRA Monarch Mind Control Dr. John Hall Microchip
Artificial Intelligence Transhumanism CIA RCMP CSIS Disinformation Fake News Propaganda
Mind Reading Direct Neural Interface Brain Implant ***NOTE*** If you watched the short version
already, skip the introduction. 0:00 - Introduction 1:54:42 - Your government just wants the best for
you! 2:42:23 - Disinformation, fake news, propaganda, character assassination3:20:07 - Targeted
individuals (whistleblowers, doctors, victims, patents, laws, precedence, etc) 6:05:22 - Mind reading
technology, brain implants, direct neural interfaces 7:25:28 - Artificial Intelligence 7:59:01 -
Transhumanism 8:22:13 - MKULTRA (they totally stopped research and development on this in
1973, and will never attempt it again...) 9:42:10 - Conclusion Check out the Global Neuroethics
Conference 2019 that is taking place on the 25th of May in Banff, Alberta, Canada! Please help us
enact the Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill by sharing these links on all social media
I made this documentary similar to a basic essay. Both the introduction and conclusion highlight the
key factors and main points of the targeted individual/human experimentation subject, but do not
cover all the details associated.
The body of the documentary dives deep into the details of all the specific areas that are discussed.
Technically speaking one could just watch the body of the video and still have access to all the
information presented.
Due to the vast amount of information regarding this subject I deduced it was most effective to have
an introduction and conclusion highlighting the most vital clips.
I am aware the length of this documentary is very long, but keep in mind I have done thousands of
hours of research regarding this subject and I would rather over inform the viewers as opposed to
under inform them.
Our goal is to host a Global Neuroethics Conference that will educate the general populous on the
current exponential growth regarding the fields of neuroscience and neurotechnology; while
simultaneously elaborating on the need for new neuro-specific human rights.
This will be a community funded event relying solely on donations, sponsorship contributions, and
fundraising campaigns.
Lectures will be provided by a number of very distinguished speakers who have dedicated their lives
to the fields of neuroscience, neuroethics, and human rights. There will also be a segment during the
conference which will allow the victims of human rights violations in the neurological field to give
brief 4 minute testimonials to the audience.
A panel of legal experts, neuroscientists, technology developers, neuroethicists, and human rights
advocates has been formed, and will continue accepting membership applications until the 15th of
This panel has created a rough draft of the Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill, which will be
distributed to all conference attendees.
Discussion regarding the current state of the bill is highly encouraged as it will be presented to
legislative assembly later in the year. All suggestions regarding any potential revisions to the bill will
be acknowledged, reviewed, and deliberated by the panel.
This conference will be covered by multiple media outlets, and representatives from all 4 major
political parties will be invited. Rapid advancements in human neuroscience and neurotechnology
open unprecedented possibilities for accessing, collecting, sharing and manipulating information
from the human brain.
Such applications raise important challenges to human rights principles that need to be addressed to
prevent unintended consequences.
This video assesses the implications of emerging neurotechnology applications in the context of the
human rights framework and suggests that existing human rights are not sufficient to respond to these
emerging issues. After analysing the relationship between neuroscience and human rights, we
identify four new rights that may become of great relevance in the coming decades: the right to
cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to
psychological continuity.
The freedom of thought, freedom from slavery, torture and inhumane or degrading treatment or
punishment are regarded by international human rights law as not subject to any exceptions and,
therefore, as absolute rights.
Absolute rights cannot be limited for any reason. No circumstance justifies a qualification or
limitation of absolute rights.
Absolute rights cannot be suspended or restricted, even during a declared state of emergency. The
right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to
psychological continuity should also be enacted into law as absolute rights.
PART A. Intro on the importance of spiritual programming tactics.
PART B. The history of Programmed Golem
PART C. The 3 foundations: Loss of identity, Fear, and Demons
The Use of Giving Demonic Assistance to entrap.
The Use of Occult Focal Points.
PART D. A complete Chronology of how the victim experiences the early spiritual programming. Steps a through
o. (by Cisco)
PART E. Specific spiritual programming maneuvers
WHITE GOLD, other information
LIST of PROGRAMMERS (continuation from the list given in Vol. 2)
Anton LaVey--Profile of a trauma-based mind-control programmer
MICHAEL AQUINO, a military/cult mind-control programmer
In the 1780’s, Marquis de Puysegur was putting people into deep hypnotic trances and then
commanding them to forget the hypnotic session. James Esdaile in his book Mesmerism in India &
its Practical Application in Surgery and Medicine. (pub. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, 1846)
pp. xxiii-xxiv, describes and lists hundreds of surgeries (some quite serious) which he did in India
using hypnosis as his anesthesia. He found his patients could heal quickly and experienced no pain
under hypnosis.
In modern medical history, every type of surgery has been successfully carried out without drugs and
"without pain" by using hypnosis. In the VoL 2 book, it was brought out that perceptive researchers
have figured out that the pain under hypnosis is placed by the mind into a dissociated piece of the
mind, which is essentially what MPD (DID) is all about. Tests have shown that hypnosis to reduce
pain does not work by the brain releasing endorphins (see Hilgard, 1975 & Spiegel and Leonard,
1986). The mind simply diverts the pain into a "mental floppy disk" that it doesn’t look at. In the
early 1880’s, occult researcher Edmund Gurney found he could give post-hypnotic commands that
would be successfully carried out in the future.
What amazed him was that subjects would fulfill commands exactly as commanded at a particular
time on a particular day without even looking at the clock. Various European doctors, too numerous
to mention, discovered in the 1880’s that they could cure various diseases via hypnosis. The cure rate
was not 100%, but significant enough to make hypnosis an option in some treatments.
This author (Fritz) has reported that programmed multiples are able to increase the temperature of
one body part, or one side of their body. Cisco, the co-author of this book, when she hits certain
programs, turns ice-cold on the right of her body and burns on the left side. It was with great interest
then when this author located the 1920 work of hypnotist J.A. Hadfield who published his work in
Lancet, 2: pp. 68-69, under the title "The influence of suggestion on body temperature.
"Using hypnosis, Hadfield could get a subject to drop his temperature in one hand to 68.0 while the
other hand stayed at 94º. Here is the paper trail to what they have been doing to programmed
multiples for half a century. Today, the occult world uses sophisticated hypnotic techniques as one of
their programming tools to create mind-controlled slaves. The slave’s mind is structured into a
robotic-computer controlled by a master. Parts (alters) of the slave will learn how to trance (self-
hypnosis) on cue. The better conditioned a subject is to hypnosis, the easier they fall into trance. The
victims of mind-control are all very conditioned for hypnosis, even though their programmers then
hide that under post-hypnotic suggestions that no-one else is to be allowed to hypnotize the slave.
The ancient saying is that a picture is worth a thousand words. In conveying suggestions to the
subconscious mind, the occult world of black magic and the programmers are very aware of the
power that picture images convey. The good programmer will be able to utilize images to give him
tremendous leverage in hypnotic techniques. An alter which needs to create something in the mind
can be prepped with images, and can be asked to borrow images, such as borrow such and such
quality from this person or animal. The child alter who becomes a Lion after eating a dead lion’s
parts can imagine the qualities (speed, agility, fierceness) of the lion easily. The image of the lion is
worth a thousand words to the hypnotic programmer. If the programmer wants an alter that is trained
in karate to be agile, quick and fierce, they don’t mind dehumanizing that alter to become a lion or
tiger. One element of why this is done is the power of the image for hypnotic commands. The deeper
Illuminati alters will be highly skilled in self-hypnosis & the ability to change at will into various
states of consciousness. This is part of their witchcraft training in order to practice witchcraft.
The programmer will not tell the slave something is hypnotically happening until it has already
happened. He will use the art of timing his words at the correct time, of using repetition, of
combining several mutually supporting suggestions, and of having total confidence in his words to
add strength to his hypnotic commands. Muscular rigidity and deep breathing are one way to increase
suggestibility within the victim being programmed via hypnosis. The programmer will also use other
hypnotic tricks, such using his own body language to suggest something, and to use what is called a
"voice roll". When the programmer moves his voice into a monotonous patterned style he is using the
roll voice. Words are delivered at the rate of 45 to 60 beats a minute. To empower the suggestions,
the programming hypnotist uses the victim’s five senses. The victim visualizes something using his
five senses, such as the imagery of the holy spirit (done in mockery of God) and then breathes this
imagery in. For instance, the victim breathes in the message of the programming and roots it deep
deep down into the oak tree. (In VoL 2, it was explained that the oak tree is the structure that the
programs are attached to.)
During the hypnotic trance, the human mind is at the pinnacle of its ability to quickly learn. What
might take years to learn and weighing the evidence, will be accepted quickly by the victim’s
subconscious. The mind strings together a series of "cognitive mental demons?? that is a series of
mental processes--similar to how a computer programmer writes a program. These strings have been
called K-lines. Much of what the mind does is simply activations of various K-lines (a habitual ways
of doing things), so that the mind can focus its limited conscious thinking. The mind also takes
micronemes (such things as a particular aroma, or a particular intonation for which it has no word,
but for which it has a series of sensory clues) and builds these into K-lines too. Once a K-line works,
the mind in order to prevent itself from making reckless changes, gives priority to those K-lines.
Under hypnosis, the mind willingly allows the hypnotist to change K-lines without the normal
unconscious conservative restraints. Under behavior modification techniques, abnormal K-lines (that
is K-lines that wouldn’t normally develop) can be forced into the mind.
A hypnotic suggestion given to normal subjects lasts about a week, so reinforcement is helpful. The
programming suggestions are layered in using methods far more powerful than mere hypnosis, and
are locked up in dissociated subconscious states, so that these programming scripts which are layered
in are almost impossible for the victim to be aware of to challenge them. The emotions of women
have been found to slightly detract from the hypnotic trance, while male victims take the hypnotic
words in an unemotional matter-of-fact way. The male victims will simply accept the programming
and directly comply. That is one reason why the suicide programs that are layered into the men are so
deadly. The female victims of programming may emotionally play the suicide out and survive; the
male slaves when they trigger suicide programs, comply with the programming in an unemotional
direct way.
How deep is the slave’s trance? There are tests for trance depths, but from what this author can
ascertain, sometimes it can be difficult to determine exactly where the mind is at. If a memory is laid
in at a particular trance level, the slave may be able to avoid an abreaction later on by going above or
below the memory’s trance level. A deep level, where for instance, the person can’t move a body part
due to hypnotic suggestion, would be called the "cataleptic stage" or level.
a. Particular sensations and chemicals cause the mind to feel what it mentally describes as a pang of
hunger. This is perceived as an important need.
b. The mind has a process that we can call an Intention System that creates specific intention
messages that are sent throughout the brain. It stores these Intentions temporarily. If an intention is
not freshly created and restacked at the top of the clutter of intentions in the intention store, then it
gets buried underneath the "mind cluttered desk of things to do" and forgotten. In our example, the
mind is searching its memory banks for options on how to satisfy its hunger.
c. The mind must decide upon one particular course of action. The mind quits focusing on other
matters, and concentrates upon deciding which course of action to take. The mind has now activated
all kinds of what some researchers call "demons". Because we are not talking about spiritual demons,
but rather we are referring to units of cognitive processes--which are very similar to UNIX computer
demons--we will refer to these demons by the name "cognitive demon processes." Some of these
cognitive demon processes are action demons and some are word demons, and some are recognition
Recognition Cognitive Demon Processes go running through the mind, "shouting" the wishes of the
Intention store. A number of lower level cognitive demon processes wake up and make themselves
known if they identify with what the recognition demon is shouting about. Many may think they
match the request, but other demon processes check them out to see how close they match. Now the
checkers come up with a list of cognitive demon processes who are concerned with eating at
restaurants, who have woken up and are all scrambling for attention. Cognitive demon processes
establish themselves in families, and develop relationships that are automatic. (Cognitive Demons do
not die, but some go to sleep and others can get somewhat rusty in their relationships.) The "demons"
that respond to the shouting of our recognition demon go through a series of "interviews" with a
hierarchy of other demon processes, and soon the messenger demon can rush back to the Intention
Store with the name of the choices available.
All this happens extremely quick. If the mind did not set up a series of automatic cognitive demon
processes that become habits, (called K-lines) it would find itself involved in the conscious
relearning of trivial matters that would make it impossible to get much accomplished. Every skill
would have to be constantly relearned. A person might easily end up spending all day dressing. As
long as the mind remains in a static environment, where habits work, it’s great. But life is such a
changing environment, that our entrenched habits can cause the mind to pull up a cognitive demonic
process out of habit, when it is neither wanted nor appropriate.
Emotions and needs (which are tied to our emotions) will trigger the mind to search out cognitive
demon processes. For instance, if our emotional need for someone we are looking for is great, let’s
say a wife waiting for a long expected war-husband, it may send a need down the brain for the
cognitive demons that are attached to the identification of the long-awaited person, and the mind
triggers itself to see his face in the crowd at the busy railway station before its owner arrives.
Cognitive Demon Processes live in close proximity to other demons, and when one gets excited,
others in the area do too, although their excitement may be much less. If a cognitive demon is being
used a great deal, it will be on its toes, but little used demons can go to sleep, and somehow need to
be hollowed at very loud to wake up.
The Intention System after a while will set itself on autopilot for certain mental functions, which
frees the conscious mind for other problems. The conscious mind can only focus on a small amount
of material--it is like a computer which has limited memory. It is constantly in a state of
redeployment, and the Intentions system has only a small sway over how the Attention part of the
mind decides to focus. The Attention part constantly asks itself, which tasks can be relegated to
habit. Then when the Intention system sends out cognitive search demons, they do not have to
involve the conscious mind, because everything that is habitual is set up like a script, with families of
"cognitive demon processes" already knowing the roles/relationships they are to play. (Again,
Behavior modification is used to strengthen the relationships of demonic processes, and to make
some well used and awake, so that certain behaviors become habits.) When our minds meditate or go
into a hypnotic trance, what is occurring is that our conscious mind is delegating its limited
computing memory for the focus of its attention upon one object. What happens to the cognitive
demon processes that would normally take instructions from the conscious mind?
During meditation the untrained cognitive demon processes bubble up to the top of the conscious
mind. However, the opposite happens during hypnosis. During hypnosis, the mind has made the
decision (for whatever reasons) to accept control statements from the hypnotist. The mind has
surrendered or at least temporarily or partially abdicated his or her position as the master of his or her
Intention System. Some of this power is given away. The hypnotist now has access and control over
many or all the cognitive demonic processes, including some that the person would not normally
activate. Cognitive demon processes that are asleep or deeply buried can be accessed by the
hypnotist, in a much quicker direct way than the Intention System would. By suggesting that the
subject has a cat on his lap, the hypnotist is actually causing the recognition cognitive demon
processes to wake up and act out their jobs to such an extent that the subject sees a cat. By suggesting
that the subject’s body stiffen, the hypnotist has gained control over those cognitive action demons
that cause the body to stiffen. Age-regression brings up demons that are associated with the subject’s
Although it is unpopular to admit publicly that the hypnotist has power over the subject, a close look
at the process of how hypnosis works at the neuronal "cognitive demon process" level shows that the
hypnotist has indeed been given power. In fact, the hypnotist has been given power to activate
cognitive units of demon processes that the mind itself would allow to remain inactive or asleep. The
mind would not normally use its ability to activate them. Today, it is politically incorrect to admit
that the hypnotist has power to make an individual do what they wouldn’t normally want to do, but
unfortunately hypnosis does give this power.
Because the programmers control the slave’s life to such a high degree they can add other elements
that move the brain into programmable states.
Fasting along with a high sugar intake will make the brain more suggestive. (The military also used
this in basic training. This was done to this author at West Point during Beast Barracks, where during
the first two weeks he ate all-total enough food for one regular meal; however, New Cadets were
allowed to go to chapel and eat all the brownies, cookies and kool-aid they wanted.)
Physical discomforts and the chanting of rituals in witchcraft ceremonies are also ways to move the
mind into programming states.
Lights, sounds (for instance repetitive beats such as with any rock music), and smells are all used to
encourage the brain to go into a programmable state.
In the chapter on electronics, it discusses how the functions of the mind-body such as breathing and
the heartbeat can be regulated by external stimuli ---that is lights and sounds which are electronically
produced. If the repetitive beat is ranged between 45 to 72 beats per minute, many people will go into
a programmable state with their eyes open. This is because this beat is close to the beat of the heart in
a relaxed state.
Some secret Illum. programming centers have areas that are constructed for the greatest hypnotic
sound and lighting effect. The child/ or adult victim is cut off from the world at these programming
centers. The victims’ freedom to walk outside into normal life depends upon their cooperation with
the programmer(s).
Lullaby music is used as a cue for some alters of slaves to induce trance when their systems are older
because the child alters still respond to the cue. Anything can be a cue, but it appears the
programmers often pick cues that are naturally reinforced by the mind. The lullaby or carousel music
is a good cue, because the lullaby is taking advantage of the natural desire of the brain to retreat from
reality to the nostalgia of childhood fun. The retreat of the mind to childhood naturally evokes the
helplessness and dependence that a child feels.
The programmers are powerful enough to place in cues that don’t need natural reinforcement, but
from observation it is apparent that they will often skillfully strengthen the hypnotic power by the
choice of a cue which carries its own natural reinforcement. One supporting element in programming
is that the programmer sets himself up as "god the creator" of the victim, or an alien of a far-
advanced race.
In hypnotism, this fulfills the need that all hypnotic subjects must have faith and trust in their
hypnotist. Hypnosis is subjective in nature. If the programmer is the creator of the alter being
programmed, and the alter is additionally under a hypnotic drug that makes it willing to obey, it is
easy to see how the victim lets go of all inhibitions, because "god" or this "superior alien" knows
what is best. The better and stronger the relationship between the victim and his master programmer,
the better the hypnotic commands work. If the slave sees the master as a religious guru prophet (or a
great doctor) it enhances his willingness to accept hypnotic commands. Bear in mind that the slave is
conditioned to love their master without reservation. Yes, the benevolent dictator has historically
received the devotion of the masses, (and many of the Illuminati programmers are actually simply
egotistical sadists).
The Illuminati is now even resorting to creating talking hologram images to access their slaves with
their hypnotic cues.
The entire alter system of a Monarch slave has their sleep patterns controlled. Many alters are
programmed not to get real sleep. They actually sleep in a hypnotic alpha-state sleep, or what may be
called trance sleep.
Hypnotists (and brain researchers) will tell you that true sleep and a hypnotic sleep are not the same
thing for the brain. Some alters (but not many) must stay awake 24 hours a day internally and
carefully watch all that happens in the system of alters. Someone has to take the body and sleep--but
whichever alters are set up to do it, they are hypnotically commanded to only sleep about three hours
to insure that the mind stays in an alpha state easy to program. Because alters which do not hold the
body "rest" mentally in a sense--when they take the body they are fresh. The mind dissociates when
it is given unpleasant things to hear which it doesn’t want to hear.
The electronic implants that send voices to victims are used to create dissociation within the slaves,
plus certain implants and devices send specific electro-magnetic wave patterns to the mind to put the
slave’s mind into the alpha state. See chapter six for more on the mind-control implants.
The programmer places the victim in an acute state of anxiety and guilt. The tension reduces the
power of the judgement part of the mind. One of the tortures for slaves is to keep them from going to
the bathroom and relieving themselves. This is part of the hypnotic programming package. The
anxiety that this creates increases the power of the programming in the brain, because the anxiety
causes slight malfunctions with the brain’s judgment abilities. Mental and physical fatigue are also
sought in the victim. For instance, water deprivation is common. (This was also done to the author at
West Point, where one of this author’s classmates was hospitalized for dehydration during Beast
Barracks.) Offensive language also helps drive the mind into tension and encourages it into an alpha
The children who are being programmed are taught 4 IMPORTANT HYPNOTIC ABILITIES. These
four abilities are a. relaxation, b. visualization, c. concentration, and d. projection, which work in
handling the slave along with the alpha state.
Relaxation and visualization go hand in hand each enhancing each other. When given a good pleasant
image to visualize, the victim relaxes, which leads to the hypnotic concentration, which then
produces good projection. Initially, the child victim is given drugs that induce euphoria and deep
relaxation. They are then taught to work toward that drug euphoria by going to it mentally. They
develop the ability to go into that euphoria mentally as a trained behavior. Many of the children will
have their training in visualization and concentration reinforced when they go to public schools,
many of which are now involved in the programming process. To teach the child concentration and
visualization, the child is given an apple and trained to visualize it. The first time, the child will be
given drugs which will enhance the experience and perception greatly to around 100 times the
perception without the drugs. There is no pain involved in this early programming at around the age
of 3 or 4. After the child has gone through the visualization of the apple in the drugged state he or she
will work toward the mental ability to visualize it intensely without the drugs. The visualization
script used with the apple (in both the drugged and undrugged exercises) will vary slightly from
programmer to programmer, yet will be close to the following:
By the way, an apple training incident very similar to this (which is given by the Illuminati to child
slaves from the ages 2 to 4), strangely turned up occurring in a setting that the author, who never was
a slave nor never in the occult, found himself in when this author was a 4-H counselor at a 4-H camp
as a 16 year old. The first thing all the counselors were given was an apple exercise so that we could
appreciate each camper for what he or she was. The person who led the exercise was a psychologist.
Where had he learned it? The apple visualization must be done to a standard of excellence by the
child victim. The victim’s life depends upon learning to visualize vividly, so that the internal
structures (internal mental images) it builds within the mind will stay strong and firm.
The programmers want the child to have good visualization so they will work with the child to have
the most successful experience. For instance, the child will be offered a variety of apples to look at,
yellow, green, red etc. The child can choose the apple that it likes so that its visualization exercises
will be the most successful. The entire imagery of an internal system will be built upon the
foundation of the child’s ability to visualize an apple. The child will be taken through a succession of
exercises where the child learns to visualize the apple in greater and greater detail using all the
senses. Eventually, the child is able to visualize his or her apple to the point that the child can dissect
or chop the apple up in any way and reconstruct it mentally. The internal seeds of the apple can be
seen brilliantly by the child. Upon this ability to visualize, the programmer will then teach the child
that the apple can become anything the child wants, a river, a couch, a book etc. The five seeds of the
apple will be turned into 5 castles. This is why essentially all Illuminati Mind-controlled slaves have
5 major castles in their system of programming. One approach by therapists has been to cast
out/remove the castles. However, the castle imagery is based upon the apple seeds which is based on
the apple. The real thing to deal with for therapists is the apple. If the castle is returned to its original
image of being an apple seed, and the rest of the apple-and its tree imagery dealt with, then some
progress can be made. Unfortunately, not being aware of the original imagery, the therapists have
been frustrating themselves with the superficial imagery rather than the foundational imagery.
Another script for teaching the young 2 to 4 year old slaves simple visualization is to have the child
close his or her eyes and imagine that they are looking at a white wall or blank screen. Then they
practice visualizing simple geometric shapes, and then visualize the screen in different colors, and
then finally visualize the objects changing colors.
The Illuminati begin training the child victim to work at the starlight level. This is called magical
training. The child’s abilities to relax, visualize, concentrate and project are then harnessed in the
alpha state by "MAGICKAL TRAINING" which opens up the STARLIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS.
Starlight consciousness is the other way of knowing that which belongs to the right hemisphere, and
it allows the victim to make contact with the "DIVINE WITHIN". The Divine within the victim is
actually the generational spirits, which are placed in during the Moon Child ceremonies described in
detail in Vol. 2.
The generational spirits are laid in to help build the programming and to guard it. However, as in so
much spiritual work, the victim’s (technically speaking, the alter’s) will & thoughts work hand in
hand with the spirits. The child must learn to visualize and participate in the mental building of the
internal worlds, structures, etc. However, the demons will be strategically placed to protect the
structures once the programming is built into the mind. (For more understanding of this see Cisco’ s
section on "Programming, foundational, destruction of’.)
The child victim’s mind is FINETUNED. This means that the child can function excellently at
visualization, relaxation, concentration, projection, while in the alpha state and can work with their
subconscious mind. The mental work done in the subconscious can not be retrieved easily. Only
through outside assistance or special training can most people access what is done at the starlight
level of the mind. The programmers are using the child’s abilities with its 5 acute senses to develop
the 6th sense (which is its ability to work in the Starlight consciousness, which includes such mental
activity such as psychic abilities--which will be discussed in other locations in this book.) Enhancing
the mind so that it can work in the subconscious area called the starlight consciousness is referred to
by many insiders as astral.
One of the most important concepts of the programmers is having slaves "go over the rainbow."
Although in recent years other methods have been substituted for this, there are many hundreds of
thousands of slaves for whom "going over the rainbow" is part of their programming. What is the
script for programming this?
(Three dots in this script do not indicate missing parts, but rather pauses. In other words, pauses are
indicated by three dots.)
ROCKING GENTLY ... DEEPER ... AND DEEPER ... DOWN ... [this repeated, one time, for each
color of cloud-orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet clouds.] "LAND VERY GENTLY ... VERY
gives the much abused victim of mind-control and trauma, a safe mental place to travel to; and this
serves as a "home base" for the mind to return to when things get difficult. If the programming
begins to be destroyed and a deeper alter experiences real life--its coping mechanism to face the
harsher realities of life will be a knee-jerk reaction to go to safety over the rainbow.]
After the slave has been switched to deeper personalities who are in trance in order to have the slave
a. be programmed b. be programmed & carry out a mission, c. go to a ritual, then it is important that
the programmer takes time to get the slave to emerge slowly and gently from their altered state. The
induction process is reversed. The repetition of trances will reinforce the depth of the trance state,
and keep the undetectable slavery operating smoothly:
SOUTH ... THEN THE WEST ... THEN THE NORTH. [this helps the slave orient themselves
"STAY ON THE RAINBOW ... [at this point the script for the slave’s programming or mission or
ritual will be placed into the mind].
After the programming session, the mission, or the ritual the handler/or programmer finishes...
YOUR SPACE, AND RED 2001-A [whatever the code is for the alter] WILL RETURN."
If we rate trance depths on a scale of 1 to 13, then the deep trance that is being described here is 7-10.
At this 7-10 depth, the person must be constantly watched. The victim is turned on his side so that
the victim will continue to breathe. If the person monitoring has doubts whether the slave is alive, the
programming staff will poke the lungs and neck. The person’s breathing will be encouraged by the
programmer breathing along with the person being programmed as he says "BREATHE ...
BREATHE ... BREATHE". This is important because at this level the slave is so tranced their body
can forget to breathe.
While we are still on the subject of the rainbow and its colors, and before we continue onto other
parts of the hypnotic programming process, let’s deal with color programming.
When Illuminati slaves are being programmed as little children, they usually will get music and color
programming. Most readers are like this author, in that they are not interested in learning magic.
However, because this author (Fritz Springmeier) was interested in helping victims understand
what’s been done to them, it was important to dive into trying to understand the thinking of the occult
world in regards to colors.
If I write that the occult world views yellow as a healing color, and blue as a relaxing color, and
purple (violet) as a spiritually enlightened color, that is not because I want to teach that as a doctrine,
but so that therapists can begin to understand the hidden mannerisms & thought patterns of these
powerful generational occult families, who believe in such odd practices as child sacrifice.
In the 1940’s, as the Illuminati were applying scientific investigation to their ancient skills in mind-
control, a number of researchers investigated color psychology. Cecil Stokes’ color research on the
influence of colors on the mind led to the Auratone films, which were used to treat the "mentally ill".
Walt Disney Studios produced one of the best occult attempts to free associate color, light and music
in their movie Fantasia, especially Fantasia’s opening selection of Stokowski’s adaption of Bach’s
"Toccata and Fugue in D minor". Walt Disney also used selections of music from the Satanist
composer Igor Stravinsky in Fantasia. Igor Stravinsky is an anarchy-espousing Satanist. Fantasia was
a long labor of occult devotion for Walt Disney and his studios. It took many years to create the film,
and when it was finished, it was used as a programming foundation for alter systems. (Chapter 5 will
have more on Disney. Chapter 5 will also give a very detailed script for HOW Fantasia has been used
as the primary foundation programming tool.) Disney’s Dick Tracy movie is also a classic example
of how color is employed in a movie which is used covertly for mind-control programming.
The five primary areas of occult thinking that were investigated by this author in terms of color
programming were:
1. witchcraft books such as Raymond Buckland’s Practical Color Magick,
2. an extensive study of several New Age Groups such as the I AM Movement, and Church
Universal & Triumphant (CUT) using hundreds of documents that ex-insiders of these groups
3. masonic & rosicrucian sources, such as Manly P. Hall’s book The Secret Teachings of All Ages,
4. Metaphysical books in general such as the excellent The Rainbow Book being a collection of
essays & illustrations devoted to Rainbows in particular & Spectral Sequences in general focusing on
the meaning of color (physical & metaphysically) from Ancient to Modem Times. The Rainbow
Book was done by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco in assoc. with Shambhala of Berkeley &
London, 1975.
And finally, the last primary source -but not least- was interviews with an ex-programmer. What did I
find out? After lots of weeding, I have some siftings from these sources to share. In Buckland’s
Practical Color Magick, we learn about a type of Voodoo called Poppet dolls. These dolls are made
according to the color that is appropriate for the person’s problem. For instance, they make a green
poppet doll if the person needs help with finances. The name of the person is written on the doll
according to the color that corresponds to their astrological birthdate. For instance, Leo is orange,
and Pisces is Indigo. Those who need success are advised by Buckland to make a "Color Treasure
Map" which is simply a collage of the things they want, making sure that the pictures are bright
This is another example of color magic. Buckland provides a Color-Number Code as follows:
The letters of the alphabet then are corresponded to these 9 numbers and by adding up the numbers in
someone’s name (numerology), Buckland tells us we can get the name’s Color from such a process.
What did I learn of value from Buckland? some tips on how occultists assign colors to numbers and
objects. For the average person these witchcraft teachings are simply trite imaginations. Even so, the
fact remains for those of us confronting Occult mind-control, colors are important to total-mind-
control programmers of the Illuminati. Colors are important to their world-view. A programmer who
knew color magic would likely use color magic in their programming, programming scripts and
codes. Now, both you and I know some more about how to second guess the programmer’s mind.
(By the way, Color programming was dealt with in a major way in Vol. 2, but the tips in this chapter
may also be useful.)
Dance has been associated with color from ancient times, to greek and medieval courts up to modern
times with the use of colored floodlights. Keys in music have been associated with colors by many
famous musicians. Beethoven referred to B minor as the black key. Schubert compared E minor to a
"girl robed in white with a rose-red bow on her breast". Rimsley-Korsakov interpreted the keys of C,
D, A, F, & F# major as white, yellow, rosy, green, and grayish-green. Handel had his own idea of
how the keys related to the colors. The brighter hues of a color have been associated by some with
the major scale, and the more subdued hues of a color with the minor. Goethe stated that a painting of
powerful effect was like a piece of music with a sharp key, while a painting with a muted effect was
like music in a flat key.
Certain colors have been associated with violin music. In Wassily Kandinsky’s book The Art of
Spiritual Harmony, we learn a great deal about color and music. The following comes from
Kandinsky’s observations, and may relate to Mengele’s programming. The ringing notes of a violin
have been associated with a cool red. The largo of an old violin is associated with orange. The placid
middle tones of the violin are associated with absolute green. A dark blue is like a cello. White is like
the pauses in music that temporarily break the melody. Black represents "the final pauses, after which
any continuation of melody see the dawn of another world."
The Rainbow Book is definitely the most comprehensive book this author has seen on the
significance of color both physically and metaphysically. An interesting chart is given on page 125,
which examines the relationship of the frequencies of electromagnetic waves in the visible light
spectrum with an octave of music just above middle C. In order to make the comparison (which is
charted below) the light frequencies which are 1012 are written without the powers of ten and taken
down 40 to match the note octaves. This gives us a chart which we will arrange by:
Orangish red/445 440/A note light orange/464 = 466/A # note yellow green/495 = 494/B note green/
523 = 523/ C note
Although there is no single one-to-one correspondence between music and color, because there are
different patterns to consider and the role of association is such a complex issue, there are several
things that naturally suggest themselves: an increase in pitch does seem to suggest an increase in
brightness. An increase in brightness also is suggested by an increase in tempo. Colors also fit the
mood of a piece of music. A mass of color can suggest the musical ground.
Musical intervals have also been related by the ancients to the orbits of the planets. This began with
the spherical theory of the cosmos by Pythagoras, where the different astrological bodies made
different sounds. Another correspondence with merit is to associate colors with "properties", & then
associate with music intervals, then assoc. with related cords, and related planets, and then associate
with other things.
For instance, Orange would be associated with the Sun, Energy, Glory, and Power. In turn, it would
be associated with Re (pronounced "Ray" in music, the whole tone, D). Its related cord would be
minor, and its related planet would be the Sun "Apollo." Violet would be death, separation, advanced
spirituality. It would be associated with Ti ("Tee") in music, the Maj. 7th, B, and its related planet
would be the moon "Diana". There is no way all the different associations can be reviewed here. The
chinese have had a number of music-color association schemes, as well as the Hindis, the Tibetans,
and others. Is this section on color going somewhere with these associations? Yes, Joseph Mengele,
the original Dr. Green (the name Green got passed on to a least one of his proteges), played the violin
and piano while doing the color programming to slaves. He was the original master at associating
both a tone or chord with a particular color or color scheme. He loved using Fantasia for
According to Hilton Hotema’s book Ancient Sun God (Mokelumne Hill, CA: Health Research,
1956), light & fire are associated with Sun worship. "Pyra" is Greek for fire, and "Midos" means
measure. Pyramid is a combination of the greek words pyra and midos, which together meant "light-
measures". In other words, the pyramid was the eternal ascending flame, the spark returning to its
maker. The eternal flame of Prometheus is a recurrent theme within all the modern revolutions
(which by the way were all created secretly by the occult hierarchy).
The Tower of Babel most likely followed the pattern which the ancient babylonian cylinders say was
used by the Babylonians in building their temples. Each level was dedicated to one of the 7 planets,
and was built in that color. In other words the Tower of Babel looked like a rainbow. The lowest was
to Saturn and was black. The next was to Jupiter and was orange. The next was to Mars and was red.
The fourth was the sun and was yellow. The fifth was Venus and was green. The sixth was Mercury
and was blue, and the top or seventh level would be white.
A good example of color programming and a New Age group which is involved with
Illuminati/government mind-control is Church Universal & Triumphant. In the Covert Action
Information Bulletin, No. 30, Summer, 1988, Church Universal & Triumphant was exposed as a
conduit of CIA funds. Another clue as to how CUT connects in is that Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
CUT’s prophetess, speaks in Masonic emples.
E.C. Prophet claims she is Marie Antoinette. (One of the first Illuminati programs that this author ran
into when working with programmed multiples was Marie Antoinette programming.) Another
obvious CIA asset (who is not part of CUT) has been directing implant victims to go to CUT and
solve their implant problem by seeking the "I AM force" within them. (The I AM is a system
programmed into slaves.) Initiates into CUT have received a letter, "Keeper of the Flame: the need
for harmony and love between all the master’s servants united in a common effort cannot be
overemphasized. Working and serving together, we form a mandala of light through which the
masters of the Great White Brotherhood will awaken humanity." (Quote from a letter by CUT
Chairman of the Outreach Committee Michael Veys to CUT’s Fraternity of the Keepers of the Flame,
c. 1980.) Elizabeth Claire Prophet’s "Fraternity of Keepers of the Flame" as she calls her initiates
learn such things as astrology, crystals, white magic, color magic, Hinduism (reincarnation, karma,
meditation, chakra points), how to decree, how to dress (for instance what color to where at what
time), and how to become divine at Summit University.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet (that’s the name she wanted) established Summit University, and CUT’s
headquarters in Colorado Springs, a house in Santa Barbara, and an underground fortress for the end
times in a valley in Montana. Details about Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her organization are hard to
come by. If a person gets serious about being part of her organization, they are expected to make a
once in a life-time gift of everything they have to the CUT and its head Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
(Sources: Notes, Summit University Student and Confidential Interview.) After that they are
expected to tithe (one-tenth). Church Universal and Triumphant Tenets, Colorado Springs, CO: 1975,
p.12 under Art. XII Law of the Tithe. In return, they are initiated into what I call "the supreme Grand
Flattery", "You shall become an enlightened God."
One of the programming tricks by the Mind-control programmers is to have some of the alters, incl.
front alters believe that they are divine gods. Although members are told they are divine, when
people on E.C. Prophet’s staff got revelations from the Ascended Masters that she channels, she
threatened to expel them if they talked about their revelations. E.C. Prophet does not want any one
else to prophecy in her organization. CUT makes their mind-controlled slaves think that they are too
smart and intuitive to ever be deceived. In this way, they use New Age ideas and the person’s pride to
blind them to the fact the person is a mind-controlled slave who is fooled much of the time. When
students are invited onto staff it is a commitment. They are told, "Your life will never be your own
again, but was it ever your own?" They have already been taught "Ascension Keys".
Elizabeth Clare Prophet tells her students that to Ascend to Godhead is their birthright, the divine
right of every person. (see Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. X, No. 23, June 4, 1967, The Summit Lighthouse,
p. 41 -"...has robbed men of the birthright of their Ascension...") This matches what the Illuminati
teach their people. See also Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. X, No. 19, (May 7, 1967), The Summit
Lighthouse, p. 24 - "The Divine Right is the Immortal Plan...Inherent pattern of unique Christ
manifestation..." In the Ascension Dossier of Serapis Bey initiates are told "The capacity of the
externalized self must be given in toto." Also-"You must abandon your past to God." In Lanello’s
Message(a channeled message), 4/20/73 the students are told, "You do not have to wait for the carnal
mind to evolve, for the carnal mind will never evolve. It must be put off and cast into the Flame."
(See Lanello 4/20/73 in the Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 16, #32, 8/12/1973.)
After emptying themselves of all their past and of what they knew, the initiates are then restructured
by CUT. In Serapis, Ascension Class they are told, "The Ascension Flame is the Flame of Mother."
It can’t be overemphasized that Green is the highest color in Satanism--it is Satan’s color. It is not by
accident that green has been used in uniforms, although the decision also was dictated by its
advantage in camouflage. In the Omega computer programming a CODE GREEN for many victims
means "self-destruct", the ultimate sacrifice for one’s satanic programming.
Interviews with witches, as well as a person in witchcraft who the Masons tried to recruit, and an ex-
member of CUT, and an ex-member of similar New Age group called the I AM movement reveals
that they all wear special colors of clothes on certain days. Due to the large influx of new converts, it
has been difficult for CUT to keep up the teachings on wearing different colored clothing during
different times of the day, and for different days. Newer converts may be unaware of this teaching.
The colors of purple and white are especially esteemed. The magical properties that Masons & New
Agers believe are intrinsic to purple is why the 33rd degree has written books using purple, and
several New Agers have published books on purple paper. The programmers also manipulate such
things so that child alters believe that color "magic" has accomplished things.
· "The second method of healing was by vibration. The inharmonies of the bodies were neutralized
by chanting spells and intoning the sacred names or by playing upon musical instruments and
singing. Sometimes articles of various colors were exposed to the sight of the sick, for the ancients
recognized, at least in part, the principle of color therapeutics, now in the process of rediscovery."
Masonic Hermetic Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, p. CXI
· "50. "The force of the obligation is therefore in the obligation and not in the reason. As a matter of
fact, the real reason is scientific to the last analysis; scientific to a degree beyond the penetration, up
to the present time, of the ‘radiant matter’ of the Roentgen Ray of Modern Science. The Word
concerns the science of rhythmic vibrations, and is the key to the equilibrium of all forces and to the
harmony of Eternal Nature." Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry, p.48.
Sometimes the handlers "TRADE DOWN" the symptoms that result from abuse so that the slave will
heal quicker, others attempt to remove the symptoms immediately. For burns, the hypnotist can
suggest cooling. For other injuries, suggestions for warmth are applied. For bleeding suggestions for
stopping blood flow are used.
The programmer has gotten the results that he wants via drugs, torture, hypnosis, and deception. Now
he must build in back-ups to insure the programming holds up.
Step 1 is to program the slave to get inadequate sleep, eat poorly, and work hard. It is called
Step 2 is to create confusion in the mind via programmed confusion using a series of alters. The
person may go into revolving from one alter to another, or may have alters coming and going with
conflicting messages so that the person remains in a PROGRAMMED CONFUSED STATE. In
military "training" conflicting orders would be rapidly issued to confuse the mind.
Step 3 is to cause the mind to have something simple to focus on so that it goes into a FLAT STATE.
In the military, this author became aware that the beat of the drum and marching would shift the mind
to a flat state. For centuries the military have known that they could shut off the critical thinking of
the mind and put their soldiers into a flat, non-thinking state by training them to the beat of the drum
and the sound of marching feet. Now you know why those British Red-coats marched so non-
thinking into the barrels of American guns in battles such as New Orleans and Bunker Hill. The mind
feels good to shift into this simple flat state. The brain quits thinking and withdraws into a state that it
quits thinking except for what the controllers want it to think. This is why marching has been so
important in military training. Chanting and singing will also move the mind into this flat state,
which is why the French Foreign Legion requires its men -to sing sing sing. When this author lived
in the Indian subcontinent, I saw Hindu holy men who had meditated in a flat alpha state so long
their brains no longer functioned in anything but a flat state. This non-thinking flat state is believed
by Hindus to be nirvana, but God didn’t give us minds to throw away and waste, but to use. He gave
us independent thoughts so that we could show our love for Him by choosing to love Him. God
didn’t want brainwashed followers, which is what some of the churches think God is calling for. The
programmers can induce a mood or state of mind hypnotically which will make retrieval of
something learned dependent upon going into that particular mood or state.
It is clear that some of the psychologists have NOT got wind that the mind-control is being exposed.
The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis had a recent article (10/1996, p. 105-114) promoting the
use of the Wizard of Oz metaphor in hypnosis with "treatment-resistant" children. For a
therapist/hypnotist to hypnotically use Wizard of Oz material on child victims of mind-control will
get a response from them! The authors of the article say that they use the authoritarian approach to
hypnosis (p. 107) for "treatment-resistant" children. The Wizard of Oz metaphor is given on page
108 of the article, which boils down to: the Straw Man, Tin Man, Lion, Dorothy and Toto were
surprised at their success- and that they already had brains, a heart, & courage.
This chapter will provide some more of the hypnotic codes, cues, triggers or whatever one wants to
call these words, noises, and sensory inputs that manipulate these poor victims turned into Monarch
robots. The reader is encouraged to refer to Vol. 2 for the principle list of codes. Other chapters will
explain about the structures these codes go to, and also the spiritual dimensions of these codes and
Another way to see things is to recognize that the programmers have created "power words" to which
they have attached memory and programming. If a de-programmer observes closely the word usage
of the victim, you will begin to spot power words of the abuser, for instance, "follow the yellow brick
Unfortunately, people who are not initiated into the arcane world of handshakes, grips, codes, signals
and cues allow the appearance of these things to be interpreted from their own frame of reference.
Usually, because these events are not perceived as being significant, outsiders forget them
immediately and therefore remain oblivious to some of the most overt clues.
Once the reader is aware of the types of programming themes used: the Wizard of Oz, Alice In
Wonderland, and Star Wars and Star Trek, etc., he will begin to realize our entire American culture
has been transformed into one big mind-control programming center during the second half of the
twentieth century!
Unfortunately for the victim, apparently harmless little things, for instance, the arrival of flowers to
their hospital bedside, a dead bird on their doorstep, or the words "NEW BEGINNINGS" and "NEW
LIFE" may signify programming commands. One Illuminati slave in this area has started a large
church called NEW BEGINNINGS. The name was not by accident.
A cipher is when symbols are used to represent letters. One can use letter frequencies to break
ciphers. There are charts for letter frequencies for the chief languages. Likewise, there are
frequencies to codewords. The Illuminati’s intelligence agencies have programmed thousands upon
thousands of slaves. There are only so many code words to pick from and some of these code words
are favorites. In the previous book many of their favorite code words were listed, but words starting
with A’s, B’s, T’s, U’s, V’s, ‘W’s, X’s, and Y’s, were not given and will be now. (A plus sign
indicates other words are attached to the root word.) From the co-author Fritz Springmeier’s
experience, the following is a continuation of favorite code words that have been used to program
slaves with:
The intelligence organizations prefer to code a single project with a single word, and an ongoing
operation with two words. A nickname of something will consist of two words. The reader needs to
bear several things in mind. First, the programmers generally have intelligent, well sounding codes,
that do form patterns. For instance, a woman’s name from the Bible will be used as a code, with
subparts or subcodes having other female names from the Bible. Deeper Illuminati parts will have
goddess & god names, and king & queen names for cult alters. These are the names the handler or
cult uses--NOT their access codes.
The codes for slaves follow patterns. There are standard and unique codes. During the 1940’s
through the 1960’s there were only perhaps a dozen American master programmers travelling
around. (After that the number of programmers appears to get quite large.) The master programmers
would lay in the foundational programs and codes. They developed the scripts. The codes and
systems used from system to system do follow patterns. The child’s creativity & their purpose in life
would contribute to the uniqueness of the programming. Each child visualizes differently and the
programmer works with the child’s mind.
The master Illuminati programmer would allow the handler--the "Daddy" figure in life to have the
day-to-day ownership. The Daddy figure, often the actual pedophile father of the child victim, would
be allowed to put in his own codes in the sexual part of the system. Some Daddy figures used their
own songs, their own poetry and their own interests in this area of the coding. In other words, most
of the system’s codes will reflect the master programmer (such as Dr. Mengele), and the sexual part
of the system will reflect the "Daddy" figure’s programming.
The standard method for many of the memory and alter codes is to use a combination of the date of
the child’s birth along with the date of the trauma for part of the code. A color will then be attached
to this, to produce a color-alpha-numeric code combination. These are placed into the internal
computers. The standard computer codes were given in Vol. 2. They can be used to temporarily stop
programming to give a victim some respite and a chance to regroup. The programmers did not
especially care if the front part of a system is discovered and although they hide the anarchy (coven
level) witchcraft alters, they don’t hide them like they do the hierarchy alters. The coven alters have
simplistic codes. The hierarchy alters which are placed in another area of the system and much
deeper, receive a great deal of cabalistic codes and mathematical codes. You will not find the
mathematical codes in the front part of a system. The internal programming alters have the power to
change codes if they need to protect the programming. They will have to hypnotically work with
alters when they trance out at night.
In other words, most of their programming of front alters will be done when a system lies down for
"sleep"--more accurately described as lies down "for trance." If the internal alters change many
codes, in their efforts to protect the system, they will even make it difficult for the
handler/programmer to get into the system. The science of Ciphers developed rotors that require lines
to line up. Some simple schemes using this principle appear in some Monarch systems. This is part
of the science of structuring. Intelligence codes often come from the Bible or popular fiction books.
The deeper codes are occult words, often in foreign languages such as Arabic, which is an important
language in the upper occult world. Slaves will be given COVER NAMES for ops, and often males
receive female names and vice versa.
The patterns used in programming slaves will represent the world view of the programmer. If the
interests of the programmer are known, that will be a major clue to the codes they like to install. For
this reason, it would be worthwhile to review the access clearance codes that are used for external
security of some agencies, because these same types of clearance codes may be found in mind-
controlled slaves.
A BIGOT list is a list of names of those who have clearance to a particular set of information. Within
a slave there would be numerous BIGOT lists, because persons (personalities) are compartmentalized
somewhat like the CIA and the Puzzle Palace (NSA). Agency Codes for clearances include B, C3, K,
L, M, N, 0, T, COSMIC, MAJIC (MJ), SI, SCI, and Staff D. (As this author has only examined these
secret societies from the outside, some insiders may know of other clearances. In other words, it
would be foolish to think that this clearance code list is comprehensive, but it has hit upon the major
The exercise in judging whether a person can have access to compartmentalized information is called
ADJUDICATION. A group of persons (agents) working under one handler is called a NET. The FBI
which also uses mind-controlled slaves likes to call its groups NETS.
FUNNY NAME is intelligence slang for a pseudonym. GRANNY is a CIA asset used in the US
which is not under their direct funding. The American military-intelligence groups publish a
periodical called JANAP 299 which lists the cover names (code names) for many of the ongoing
projects, groups, or installations.
There are other code books too. C can stand for Controller or Control, which means the person(s)
handling a mind-controlled slave. A person, who is neither a controller, nor a slave, nor asset, but
who consciously advances the desires of the controller is called a TRUSTED CONTACT. Sexual
slaves would not be expected to respond to such a term, but a middle level slave/agent of an
intelligence agency might be familiar with this type of intelligence jargon.
The BIRD was a name for Fort Holabird, MD where intelligence operatives were trained as well as
subjected to mind-control. DIA used the code name EMERALD for drug-trafficking. Boy, does this
code word have a double meaning. Since the DIA, which is playing both sides, also is involved with
drug smuggling & using Monarch slaves heavily coded with EMERALD type coding. Very shortly,
we will provide more of the Monarch hypnotic cues (codes) for the multitude of functions that a
Monarch’s mind must carry out. These cues are reinforced as a conditioned response by the
programmer. In other words the response becomes so well trained that it becomes automatic.
The type of programming which is placed in a slave varies. Remember, for intelligence operations
the slave will have to have BONA FIDES, which are codes to allow two people to meet. All slaves
are given CONTROL SIGNS which allow them to indicate via a code that they are in trouble. A
RECOGNITION signal allows two people to make contact. For instance, the handler might fly his
distinctive sounding plane over a slave’s house in a pre-arranged signal. It might also be a particular
colored scarf, and a particular set of phrases. A GO-AWAY code is a prearranged signal that means it
is unwise to make contact. The go-away signal may be simply placing one’s hands in one’s pocket or
turning the porch lights off. A "GO TO GROUND" signal means to go into hiding. A BLACK
ENVELOPE, which is in actuality a black-colored envelope, has been used by intelligence to hold
the real name of an agent being used. In the case of multiples, a chief of a station might have a
BLACK ENVELOPE with the actual name of a mind-controlled agent being used in his field of
operations. A MAYDAY BOOK exists for Illuminati and Intelligence slaves which allows them to
call if they are about to be arrested. A telephone number is left open for just this purpose.
Also common universal Illuminati codes can be used by the slave to get set free from police and
judges. BACKSTOPPING is an intelligence term for setting up proof to support the cover stories the
intelligence agencies give their agents and assets. Some of the programmed multiples they use, need
Within the Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially their headquarters, the Illuminati uses Enochian language
to program with. With Druidic branches Druidic symbols are used. With the Jewish groups, Hebrew
is used. Other languages are also used. An Illuminati System can easily have 6 different languages
used as programming codes. The foreign language codes will be for small parts of a system only.
Special artificial languages are also employed, as well as sign language. The Illuminati employs
signs which they teach some of their slaves with pick-up sticks. This system of secret symbols is a
series of crosses and horizontal & vertical marks. These marks can be drawn on anything, and consist
of up to 7 lines. They are believed to be used in regards to ritual dates/ceremonies. These secret signs
resemble similar secret symbols used by the Romany tribe of Gypsies. T
he masters of mind-controlled slaves also use a technique where one signal or code will carry several
messages simultaneously. This is called MULTIPLEXING. We are all aware of the phenomena of
how the brain can selectively hear. The brain can select certain sounds to pay attention to, such as
when a person is in a noisy room listening to someone, or a football player is trying to hear the
quarterback’s calls, likewise certain alters hear certain codes/cues/triggers while others don’t. The
internal programmers and reporting alters may internally hypnotically make telephone noises that are
fake, so that host alters loose the ability to discern what is real and not real, so that they don’t pay
close attention to access calls. This ability of the brain is manipulated in MULTIPLEXING.
A. ALPHA (basic)
· Basic Commands. (These basic commands are also found used in many slaves, although there will
be exceptions to everything.) Many of the basic structures/codes will be put in using a sensory
deprivation tank and LSD. For the most foundational levels of a system, the programmers may use
the Hebrew letters associated with the attributes of God and the angel names. This can also be
worked into English, as there is a cabalistic equivalent in the letters B through K for the Hebrew
letters associated with God’s names used in magic to conjure angels. In the basic Alpha structuring,
Illuminati slaves will have stars as power sources, and the ditty Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star will
pertain to this programming. The Hansel & Gretal story is used for obedience programming.
Another story line that is used in programming is the Cassandra and Apollo myth. Common access
triggers are "HELLO PRINCESS’, 3 knocks, flashes of light, tones, and sequences of blank phone
If the slave leaves their answering machine on, a recording may be left "IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO
MAKE A PHONE CALL PLEASE HANG UP & TRY YOUR 911" accompanied by a beep-beep-
beep. This activates a program within the slave to call a prearranged phone number for further
B. BETA (sexual)
· SEXUAL ALTERS---most of the following codes are for deep sexual alters. In Illuminati Systems
these are called Beta alters, in CIA systems they create Beta models whose primary function is to
provide sex, usually perverted sex and S&M for the perverts who run our secret government and
visible government. BETA models are those who are primary job is sexual, such as service as a
Presidential Model (sex slave for a President). These System models may be numbered BETA 1,
BETA 2...BETA 601, etc. Sexual programming for espionage and seduction, such as is done at
Disneyland, may well involve the use of hundreds of dolls, such as Wonderwoman, Genie, Barbie
type dolls. The names/codes would tie in with these dolls.
TIME CLOCK programming is placed in to cover the time that the sexual alters were on a mission,
so that they can switch back to the - front and nothing be remembered.
Colors attached to sequences of numbers have been used for some of the Beta programming. For
other sexual operatives, the intelligence agencies trigger them via specific sequences of chess moves.
Betty Boop programming is used sexually. Betty Boop was a 1930’s cartoon character who was an
attractive "vivacious vamp". She was described in one cartoon as the "kitty from Kansas City." She
had cartoons about Gigolos, Bimbos, Little Red Riding Hood, Mother Goose rhymes which were
used as programming themes. Plays on words such as "CHESS-NUT" were used in the cartoons.
Chi programming uses a lot of idiosyncratic phrases, and little ditties. Some of the nursery rhymes
listed in the song section will be Chi programming. Some of the Chi programming has been listed in
the Alpha programming section of Vol. 2.
The number of hang-up calls may serve as a code, incl. when the hang-up calls happen.
D. DELTA (assassination)
· Delta alters --are activated to kill by the following three things: seeing specific clothing, items held
in a persons hand, and particular words. Since these items would specific for a particular murder
there is no particular specifics that can be given.
It is thought by some people that the following TV ad may have been used to trigger Hinkley when it
was time for Hinkley to attack President Ronald Reagan.
Submit p_hero.jpg
Most slaves have end-time programming. The programming to activate a slave’s end-time
programming often runs pages upon pages of coded messages. A number of Monarch slaves have
been de-programmed enough that they began accessing and spewing out pages and pages of these
activation codes. In the end times, there appears to be a great deal of color coding for operations.
Many of the people who are taking part in the end times events are not American. For instance, the
different lists of people to round up are categorized by color. The Red list in America are anti-NWO
opposition leaders to be executed approx. 2 weeks before martial law. The blue list are anti-NWO
order people who will be programmed or killed in the process. The yellow list is people to be
rounded up for reeducation camps after martial law. Other countries apparently have different color
codes. The red & blue lists have been distributed, & are periodically updated. The blue routes have
already been marked by blue patches of color to guide those transporting prisoners when martial law
is declared in the U.S. Within Monarch slaves, some of them apparently have an internal crystal/and
or rocks that are programmed to explode at a certain point in time--thus releasing the victim’s end
time programming. The internal crystal (mental image) contains at least the four basic colors, red,
green, blue, purple. One sample of part of end time programming was given in the previous Vol. 2
book. Still another example is as follows:
11,4,6,9,32,101, 70
[This program is related to a slave contacting other slaves in some end time operation.]
A team leader will have a down line of around 4 people--which are coded red ray, yellow ray, green
ray, blue ray. When the activation code hits a slave team leader during the end times, they will in turn
activate their people, who in turn will have people who are team leaders and have a down line. At
least two false callback alarms will be sounded (tested) before the real one.
K. TWINNING (teams)
The following is only speculatory, but worth taking note of. This author believes that some of the
Theta models got chess programming. Within the system of Enochian magic is the magical system of
Enochian Chess. The Golden Dawn has been identified as one of the groups carrying out mind-
control. Some Golden Dawn leaders have recently put out a reference book Enochian Chess of the
Golden Dawn by Chris Zalewski (St. Paul: Llewellyn Pub, 1994). Enochian chess is played with four
players, on a chess board that is divided up into four squares, one for each of the magical
watchtowers of air, water, earth, and fire. It has only been since 1992 that researchers within the
Golden Dawn (specifically the New Zealand branch which is called the Emerald of the Sea)
reinvented a set of rules to play enochian chess. The moves for Enochian chess may have been used
in recent years as a programming script. Since only a few people have mastered the game, and since
the game is more than a game, it is magic, it would stand to reason that the temptation would be there
to use it as a programming script if the programmer knew the game.
· What follow is a list of Nursery Rhymes Used As Triggers, & Songs which have Monarch
programming meanings &, such as access parts, or soliciting a behavior or thinking.
The Illuminati create imaginary worlds for many of the deeper alters to live in. They keep these alters
living in such unreality and nonsense that deeper alters have a difficult time separating their
subjective programmed reality from the objective reality of the outside world, which doesn’t
understand them. Nursery rhymes function well for programming in messages. Often these nursery
rhymes are distorted slightly to serve their programming purpose. Some of the programming
distortions and uses of these nursery rhymes are provided below. Major corporations and advertising
groups working for the Network place nursery rhymes into their television ads. These nursery
rhymes are constructed in the ad to activate on certain slaves which usually are sleepers. Some were
given in Vol. 2, here are some additional nursery rhymes beyond those listed in Vol. 2:
A Tisket A Tasket
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (used for money laundering scripts, and drug money, drug carrying scripts)
Bye, Baby Bunting (used with actual rituals where the slave child is placed within a skin, cocoon
programming with a butterfly coming forth etc.)
Diddle, Diddle Dumpling
Ding, Dong Bell (Dr. Mengele liked to use this--message: don’t disturb the mouse that runs the
internal system clock.)
Fa Fe Fi Fo Fum (Movement within the system’s bean sprouts in the system, and also a death threat.)
Farmer in the Dell, The (Used by the CIA for a serious program)
Georgy Porgy
Gingerbread Man
Hey! Diddle Diddle! (used for astral projection programming)
Hot-Cross Buns!
Humpty Dumpty (used for shattering the mind programming)
I’m a Gold Lock (used to instill cover programming to hide the truth)
I Love Little Pussy (kitten programming)
Jack, Be Nimble
Jack and Jill
Jack Sprat (possibly cannibalism programming)
Little 80-Beep (come home to Papa programming)
London Bridge (This was used at the Presideo and other sites for learning the chants, and the spells.
At the Presideo it was used with barber pole programming. They all fall into a stupor at the end.)
North Wind, The
Queen of Hearts, The (swearing an obedience oath programming)
Rub-a-Dub-Dub (refers to the 3 internal programmers)
There was an Owl
Three Blind Mice
Three Little Kittens
It should be pointed out that the mind-control programmers have long ago discovered the power of a
rhyme in the mind. Rhymes have a hypnotic quality to them. An example of how rhyming was used
by internal programming alters to reprogram an alter wanting free is given in Daniel M. Traver’s
book (Phd dissertation) Dissociative Disorders and Mind Control. Wichita, KS: Daniel Traver, 1996,
p. 52,
"What the hell man/ you can’t stand! a winter worse yet/ you’ll cry and you’ll die/ as we place the
mind-set/ you won’t know what to do now/ you’ll hear every rhyme/ and you’re cravings will be as
an addict in crime...." This rhymed program would accomplish its goal of wearing down the alter and
bringing that alter into line.
Yankee Doodle (used for sexual obedience programming "mind the step" and the word "girls" was
changed to "boys" to make "and with the boys be handy". "Yankee Doodle keep it up" was ref ramed
to mean "slave yank yankee doodle (the penis) sexually up." MTV is blatantly using programming
rock-and-roll songs. Aleister Crowley is featured in some of these. Maiden (a satanic rock and roll
band) blatantly places the words "POWER SLAVE" on one of their CD covers along with snakes and
an enlightening pyramid. Anton LaVey has had an MTV song video shown, where he sings in detail
how he is going to make the listener into a sex-slave, etc. etc. Some of this is blatantly mind-control
in the open, it is so open it is dismissed by many of the public.
In the Vol. 2 book, it was written about how telephone tones are used for codes. These type of codes
tie in with the computer and the lower levels, such as the dungeon. You will find that access to items
has been encoded by using the telephone tones to spell them backwards. For instance, if we were to
take castle, find the numbers that correspond to C=1, A=1, S=8, etc. on the telephone, and then put
those tones out backward. But to make this code unbreakable the programmers will add something
like some piano cords--something that can still be played out via the tones. To make it further
unbreakable the programmers will have a code (such as a combination of cards) assigned to that level
which also must be toned in. An example of this in its totality would be 14 tones + 3 cords to open up
a person’s dungeon (hell pit the lowest level). In other words, such an access would take the
programmer from a distance about 11/2 mm. to open up the dungeon, whatever time he needed to
work in it and 1 1/2 mm. to close it down. A 5 mm. phone call might be sufficient. This gives the
programmers the ability to internationally use telephone tones to access deeper items within the
victim’s mind. And as standard practice the reversal of the code closes down that part of the mind,
and gets the programmer out.
A ring with a snake swallowing its tail called Ouraboros signifies rank in the Illuminati. Rings, credit
cards, business cards, tokens and keys are all used as codes, triggers and signals. For instance, one
slave had an old distinctive skeleton key. In another instance, a slave was given a token from a
particular business as a BONA FIDE. In another instance, the BONA FIDE was a programmer’s
business card from his notional job. In another instance, a particular credit card would get the user
into particular parts of the slave’s system.
Zeta is the sixth letter, and it’s ancient meaning was a sacrifice. (These codes are not known by the
As an example of the type of code names (called operational cryptonyms) used for an intelligence
asset one intelligence asset had the following cryptonyms: AECHALK, ARINIKA, CHICKADEE,
These codes are purely a representative model-not any particular real system. The overall system
code at times consists of [birthdate + programming site codes + birth order + number of generations
family was in the Illuminati.]
For our hypothetical system Mary we have the hypothetical overall system code of: 6-13- 51- 14 - 02
- 12. In order to give the codes for a hypothetical alter system we will have to explain some things as
we go. The Programmers have for each slave both medical programming files, and a grey or black
binder with the programmed access, trigger, codes & cues, & structure.
A typical Illuminati system will be a cube (although spheres and pyramids are also used). The
principle alters will be the "a" alters. A typical section of alters will consist of a 13 x 13 grid of alters.
These are alters who live in a world together and must function together. A 13 x 13 section will have
13 families of "a" through "in" alters. The "a" alters will be the primary alters that the Programmers
will interact with. The Programmer may call up an "a" alter and ask it to go get the "c" alter in its
family, rather than directly asking for it. This initial page of alter codes will be the primary or "a"
If we are dealing with a 13 x 13 x 13 cube of alters, then the initial page has 13 "a" alters of each
section. Each of these alters will have an access code which will often include the following
This will equal 1/3 their access code. These code words must be repeated three times to pull the alter
up. However, if an alter is trained well, and hears his master’s voice, an alpha-numeric code can pull
the alter up. For many of the alters, the reversal of their access code puts them back to sleep. This is
an important point, because some alters would be dangerous to leave in control of the body.
The "a" alters are regular alters. Many of them have been hypnotically age advanced to see
themselves as teenagers or adults. Sometimes "b" and "c" alters are also aged. The "d" through "in"
alters are generally left as they were split and most of them are infantile, with little concept of how
old they are. The little ones will be the ones who often remember the programming very well, and
know things about the system. The top alters will also sometimes receive personal names from their
handler. This is in addition to all their codes. If the alter is responsive to its master, the personal name
might pull the alter up too. Do all of the alters get charted? There are several groups of alters which
get charted separate from the rest or don’t get charted at all. Because of the competition and distrust
between the different programmers, they often place in secret back doors into the person’s mind that
only they know about. Worlds of secret alters loyal and devoted to the programmer may be built into
the system and not appear on the regular charts. The core, and some of the primal splits from the core
will not appear on the regular grids. They will be placed on a separate sheet, and their codes will be
in some magical language.
The Illuminati commonly employs 20 magical languages, and Hebrew, Latin and Greek are also
often used for charting the core and its primal splits. Enochian is a good example of a magical
language used by the Illuminati. Some alters will be created solely by the slave in order to cope with
life. Hour glass alters have entire sentence access codes. Deaf & blind alters need their access code
signed on their hands by moving their fingers up and down, etc. End time alters may have access
codes that may entail reading an entire page. Reporting alters are often small children, that are hidden
in each section, and may require slaps to the face or jabs with a needle to pull them up. Spinner
kittens will be accessed via their mama cat, who acts like a Madam in a "cat house". The codes for
this was given in the Beta section codes of Vol.2.
Telephone tones are frequently used to be able to key in (that is access or trigger) parts of the
computer program matrix. Dominoes also are used for the computer programming. The dominoes are
put in so that the programmers can get a domino effect, if they want to set off a series of programs.
Dominoes and flashing sequences of lights were used to train the child to automatically respond to a
certain pattern of dots.
In the 1940’s, the Jesuit branch of the Illuminati placed tatoos onto their mind-controlled slaves.
These tatoos consisted of the sacred heart with a rose & a dagger, & were generally placed upon the
left hand. The Jesuits have discontinued the practice of tattooing their slaves. Now all types of people
are using this sacred heart tatoo.
The Rite to Remain Silent is a programming trauma which is a satanic reversal of the Catholic Mass.
The VOW OF SILENCE is a keep quiet program activated by "THE WALLS HAVE EARS & THE
the victim that the sea shells & the plants have the ability to hear, and that a sensitive occultist
(programmer) can psychically pick up what the plants and sea shells hear. "MAINTAIN IT" --is a
command to maintain the Vow of Silence. "MAINTAIN IT & LISTEN."-- a command to keep silent
& listen to a command.
"ENTER INTER INNER DIMENSION TWO" is a standard Jesuit infinity program (2 is a sacred
voodoo no.) Pontifax is a demon &/or alter placed in Jesuit systems.
BABY BREATH, BLACK ROSE, and WHITE ROSE are codes/triggers that are all used in Jesuit
mind control. The Baby Breath and the black rose relate to programming having to do with death.
The WHITE ROSE is a trigger to cue a person to release programming. The black rose is also used
by the Mafia. The black rose was also used by George Bush, drug kingpin for the Illuminati, on his
no. 1 helicopter for the upholstery pattern.
When the Catholic Priests do the handsignal genuflection across their chest, this has the second
meaning which is a programming meaning of north, south, east and west.
Masons and monastic orders who program are very keen on hand signals. A very skilled handler can
do morse code with winks and eye rolls.
Rotating the hands around each other and then gesturing with the hands toward the person with both
hands means--"did you get the signal?"
Sign of distress. Arms raised over the head with palms forward. Then lowing the arms to a bent
position with the hands at head level, and then lowing the hand to chin level, and then dropping them
to the side.
Drawing the right hand across the throat with the thumb of the hand pointing to the throat. (used in
connection with oaths, such as fidelity to death.)
· Sign of Reverence.
· Sign of Preservation. Consists of placing one hand over the heart, and raising the other to form a
right angle at the elbow, with the hand pointing to heaven.
The movie "Dune" showed male & female Ilium, hierarchy hand greetings, as well as showing signet
rings, which are indeed often worn on pinky fingers. (The movie also shows the Karat goddess, how
a man becomes a Grand Master by learning control of the demons, astral projection through the
spheres which are conquered by the Grand Master, & control of the int. weather, etc.)
S. SCRIPTURES USED IN PROGRAMMING (cont. from Vol. 2. chap. 10)
· 1 KGS 7:21 --talks about 2 pillars on the outside of the Temple. The pillars of Joachin and Boaz are
important to Freemasonry and are built in the slaves mind at an intermediate level. Joachin is a white
pillar of light associated with fire. It is easy to see how this association could be built by certain
traumas. Boaz is the shadowy pillar of darkness and is also associated with water. A dark water
torture would make this association. The two pillars represent the two sides of the Illuminati’s "the
Force". Between them is the door to the Illuminati’s House of God.
· 1 KGS 10:18--description of Solomon’s Temple used to build the imagery and the lion guards to the
internal Temple programmed into victims.
· Song of Solomon--Used in the ritual of the Great Rite, a ritual pertaining to the Middle Earth, where
the High Priest & Priestess join in sexual union as the God & Goddess creating fertility for the land.
· Ezekiel chap. 1 and chapter 12 are being used for endtime callback codes.
· Blue beams of light are used as a hypnotic induction for slaves who are given the cover story of
being abducted by aliens.
· The All-Seeing Eye is used to represent the planet Sirius. Sirius is important to the Hermetic
magicians, and some of the programmers are deeply into hermetic magic. Satan is said to come from
Draco or Sirius, esp. the dog star Canis major. Masonic programming may well have the "blazing
star" portrayed in the programming as a pentagram, with the name Sirius. Sirius may represent the
Master, the creator of the system in some systems where the programmer is steeped in Masonic
philosophy. A sickle may be involved with the Garden of Eden story for some victims of this type of
programming, because supposedly the Golden Age ended with a sickle splitting heaven from earth.
The ability of the handlers signals to the slave in so many mediums makes it difficult to
communication and accessing, to send different prevent communication and accessing.
One mind-controlled slave, using her photographic memory, managed to sneak into the programming
files of her programmer, who went by the code name Dr. Green. Her information was included in the
book U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments On Children which was compiled by Jon
Rappoport and presented before a congressional committee & put on public record. The co-authors
recognize some of the programs.
In the late 60’s and early 70’s, all the programming was revamped. The best programs were identified
and then used. The continual revamping, editing and modernizing of programs has continued to
strengthen the mind-control. The recovering victim’s name is Chris De Nicola, b. 7/62. She worked
full-time at Disneyland for 7 years (from ’83-’90). Her father Donald Richard Ebner worked with her
major programmer who was Dr. Green. She received standard Illuminati trauma-based mind-control.
In 1970, she received Radiation Experiments on her neck, throat, & chest. In 1972, the experiments
concentrated on her chest, and in 1975 the radiation tests concentrated on her uterus. She was
programmed in Kansas City Univ., Tucson, AZ, & in the desert in AZ. During her programming, the
assistants were careless and she was able to sneak into the Programmer’s office and look at the files
with her photographic memory. She was caught twice in the files, and tortured, but simply used her
ability to nest memories to their disadvantage.
Chris was such a poor programming subject, so much so that finally the programmer tried to trigger
her suicide programs to activate, but they failed and she managed to survive. Suicide alters
repeatedly tried to kill her body, and they came very close to killing her. On 3 occasions she had to
have her stomach pumped, and one occasion when the paramedics found her she’d stopped
breathing. She has survived her suicide programming countless times, praise the Lord, and provided
what she saw with her photographic memory. The following codes were remembered by Chris
without the aid of hypnosis. Cisco and this author recognize some of these programs. What Chris saw
were the files. Each program (script) is given a name and then its file has a standard access code
assigned to it. Chris saw the standard access codes.
The standard method for coding a program is to use the DAY OF BIRTH CODE, THEN THE DAY
OF THE TRAUMA that puts in the program into the slave’s mind, and then the STANDARD
ACCESS CODE. Evidently, Chris got into the file with level D programs, which means she was
looking at programs 4 levels deep. Comments about the programs are this author’s and reflect his
understanding, and may be subject to correction. [Spellings are exactly as program names were
Relevance D-1000
Kick-It-Back D-1010
(D-1012 makes the slave think they have an electrical field on them. In order to cover their electrical
field tests, that they actually do place on slaves, they have the ability to confuse the slave, and
prevent detection by activating a programmed abreaction that makes the field seem real, when it
doesn’t exist. This prevents detection.)
River Runs Deep D-1016 (D-1016 is a powerful program which tells the slave that there is no escape,
because the programming runs deep through every fiber of the person.)
Educated Mentality D-1017 (D-1017 is a program to allow the slave to look intelligent when
Operation 2000 D-2050 (This relates to Project 2000, which is end time programming.)
Pro-Life-Go D-2060
D.O.A. D-6000
-[From here on I will select specific programs, and will not review the entire list of programs that she
saw the files for.]
One-For-All D-95452
Counter-Transference DIA-5001
Border-Line-Schizophrenic DIA-5009
[If the slave misbehaves, they can be triggered to act schizophrenic & get themselves incarcerated
into a mental hospital for prgrmmg.]
Lens-Reverse-Angle DIA-5011
Canary-Sings DIA-5015
Train-Wreck-Perception DIA-5021
False Memory Syndrome [even in c. 1973 they were setting up the False Memory Syndrome
campaign to take down their opposition.]
-(Her med. file no.s of radiation lab experiments are given chptr. 8)-
This is the secret hierarchy level. It is secret by virtue of almost all (if not all) its members being
programmed multiples from elite powerful bloodlines- This is hardcore generational Satanism that
believes in a Gnostic Lucifer/an doctrine, hence, they may be called your elite Luciferians.
The Network.
This level of activity is secret by virtue of its secret ties. It includes the anarchy level of the
Illuminati, the various criminal syndicates, the music industry, the various fraternities, new age
institutions and people in power all over the globe. It is held together by fear, blackmail, and
common bonds of lust and greed. The network includes atheists, self-made satanists, opportunists,
and many mind-control slaves. It is far more cohesive and controlled than meets the eye. It is very
eclectic. It doesn’t matter at this level what you believe, what matters is whose control are you under.
This is the hidden seamy power side of the World System.
This level is open for the common people to participate in. This level remains stably operating in
their control because of secret election fraud across the board in U.S. elections, extensive blackmail,
extensive control of the masses through the establishment media (TV, radio, newspapers),
interlocking corporations and government agencies that control the economic life, and many mass
mind-control techniques that these groups use. Most people are unaware of how powerful the
establishment is. As long as they drift in its current, they will never see the control. It is only when
one tries to swim upstream against the current that you find out how powerful the establishment is.
The Illuminati sets up controlled opposition to the System, such as the Hip pie movement, militant
environmentalists, Hell’s Mgels, Neo-nazis, John Birch Society, the Communist Party, etc.
Controlled opposition gives people a chance to vent their anger without threatening their control. It
also gives them dialectic conflicts which they can control to their advantage.