IPA Symbols
IPA Symbols
IPA Symbols
ʤ joy, bridge
/ɑː/ or /æ/
A number of words are shown in the dictionary with alternative pronunciations
with /ɑː/ or /æ/, such as ‘path’ /pɑːθ, pæθ/. In this case, /pɑ:θ/ is the standard
British pronunciation. However, in many other accents of English, including
standard American English, the pronunciation is /pæθ/.
One of the main ways in which RP differs from most other accents of English is
that ‘r’ is only pronounced as /r/ when the next sound is a vowel. Thus, in
RP ,‘far gone’ is pronounced /fɑː gɒn/ but ‘far out’ is pronounced /fɑːr aʊt/. In
other accents of English, including GenAm, the ‘r’ in ‘far’ is always pronounced.
The /ʳ/ superscript shows that:
Some of the complex vowel sounds shown in the table above are simplified in
In GenAm, this symbol represents the same sound as the symbol /ɑː/, so that
the first syllable of ‘common’ sounds like ‘calm’. In RP, the sounds are different.
This symbol is used to represent the sound /əʊ/ in RP, and also the sound /o/
in GenAm, as these sounds are almost entirely equivalent.
/i/ has a sound like /iː/, but is short like /ɪ/: very /veri/ create /krieɪt/
/u/ has a sound like /uː/, but is short like /ʊ/: actual /æktʃuəl/
Stress is shown by underlining the vowel in the stressed syllable:
two /tuː/
result /rɪzʌlt/
disappointing /dɪsəpɔɪntɪŋ/
When a word is spoken in isolation, stress falls on the syllables which have
vowels which are underlined. If there is one syllable underlined, it will have
primary stress.
If two syllables are underlined, the first will have secondary stress, and the
second will have primary stress:
A few words are shown with three underlined syllables, for example
‘disqualification’ /dɪskwɔlɪfɪkəɪʃən/. In this case, the third underlined syllable will
have primary stress, while the secondary stress may be on the first or second
‘DISqualifiCAtion’ or ‘disQUALifiCAtion’
In the case of compound words, where the pronunciation of each part is given
separately, the stress pattern is shown by underlining the headword: ‘off-peak’,
‘first-class’, but ‘off day’.
Stressed syllables
When words are used in context, the way in which they are pronounced
depends upon the information units that are constructed by the speaker. For
example, a speaker could say:
It should be noted, however, that in the case of adjectives with two stressed
syllables, the second syllable often loses its stress when it is used before a
1. They can take primary or secondary stress in a way that is not shared by
the other syllables.
2. Whether they are stressed or not, the vowel must be pronounced
distinctly; it cannot be weakened to /ə/, /ɪ/ or /ʊ/.
These features are shared by most of the one-syllable words in English, which
are therefore transcribed in this dictionary as stressed syllables:
two /tuː/
inn /ɪn/
tree /triː/
Unstressed syllables
It is an important characteristic of English that vowels in unstressed syllables
tend not to be pronounced clearly. Many unstressed syllables contain the
vowel /ə/, a neutral vowel which is not found in stressed syllables. The
vowels /ɪ/ and /ʊ/, which are relatively neutral in quality, are also common in
unstressed syllables.
Single-syllable grammatical words such as ‘shall’ and ‘at’ are often pronounced
with a weak vowel such as /ə/. However, some of them are pronounced with a
more distinct vowel under certain circumstances, for example when they occur
at the end of a sentence. This distinct pronunciation is generally referred to as
the strong form, and is given in this dictionary after the word strong.