Neet (Living World) 28-04-2024 (Lt26 Hybrid)

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Name ................................................

Batch.................... Roll No. ............... UNIT EXAMINATION

26L/TP/N/R&H(ONLINE) Living World
Time: 45 min Mark: 180
1. Select the wrong match with regard to wheat :

1) Family : Poaceae 2) Order : Carnivora

3) Genus : Triticum 4) Class : Monocotyledonae

2. The characteristics of growth include

1) Increase in mass 2) Increase in number

3) Decrease in size 4) Both 1 and 2

3. In yeast and hydra, reproduction occurs by

1) Fission 2) Spore formation 3) Budding 4) Sexual

4. The organism(s) that can multiply by fragmentation is/are

1) Fungi 2) Filamentous algae

3) Protonema of moss 4) All of these

5. Living organisms that do not reproduce are

1) Mule 2) Worker bees

3) Infertile human couples 4) All of these

6. Match column I with column II and choose the correct option from the codes given below :

Column I Column II
a) Growth 1) Production of progeny
Sum of all chemical reactions
b) Reproduction 2)
occurring in body
Sense and respond to
c) Metabolism 3)
environmental stimuli
d) Consciousness 4) Increase in mass and number

a b c d
1) 3 2 4 1
2) 4 1 2 3
3) 1 3 2 4
4) 2 4 3 1
26L/TP/B 2

7. Systematic arrangement of taxonomic categories is :

1) Taxonomy 2) Hierarchy 3) Nomenclature 4) Classification

8. In Mangifera indica Linn., the specific epithet is

1) Mangifera 2) indica 3) Linn. 4) Both 1 and 2

9. The lowest taxonomic category is

1) Genus 2) Species 3) Class 4) Family

10. The taxonomic category ‘order’ lies between

1) Genus and species 2) Genus and family

3) Family and class 4) Class and phylum

11. Among the following, organism having maximum similarity is in :

1) Genus 2) Family 3) Order 4) Class

12. The branch of biology concerned with identification classification and nomenclature of organisms is called

1) Cytology 2) Ecology 3) Morphology 4) Taxonomy

13. Binomial nomenclature consist of two words such as

1) Genus and family 2) Genus and species

3) Species and family 4) Family and order

14. Find out the mismatched one

1) Potato- Solanum tuberosum 2) Mango- Mangifera indica

3) Leopard- Felis catus 4) Tiger- Panthera tigiris

15. True regeneration can be observed in

1) Hydra 2) Planaria 3) Fungi 4) Bacteria

16. Which of the following is wrong regarding the rule of binomial nomenclature :

1) Biological names are generally in latin and printed in Italics

2) The first word in biological name represents genus while second name denotes specific epithet.

3) When hand written, biological names are jointly underlined

4) Genus name starts with capital letter while specific epithet starts with small letter

17. Solanum tuberosum is the botanical name of

1) Potato 2) Sweet potato 3) Lion 4) Mango

18. The ability to sense environment and respond to that stimuli is _________

1) Consciousness 2) Biodiversity 3) Reproduction 4) Metabolism

26L/TP/B 3

19. Find the correct statement from the following:

1) A Taxonomic group of any rank is called taxon

2) In taxonomic hierarchy maximum number of common characters present in lower taxon.

3) Taxonomic categories are distinct biological entities and not merely morphological aggregates.

4) All are correct

20. Which of the following are defining features of living organisms?

1) Reproduction and metabolism 2) Growth and Consciousness

3) Growth and Reproduction 4) Metabolism and Consciousness

21. Who among the following is considered as Darwin of 20th centuary?

1) Linnaeus 2) Mayr

3) Whittaker 4) Bentham and Hooker

22. Family Felidae and Canidae belongs to the order :

1) Polymoniales 2) Carnivora 3) Primata 4) Sapindales

23. Sum total of all chemical reactions occur in the body of an organism to keep them alive is :

1) Growth 2) Reproduction 3) Metabolism 4) Consciousness

24. Taxonomic hierarchy refers to :

1) Step-wise arrangement of all categories for classification of plants and animals.

2) Grouping into convenient categories based on observable characters

3) Systematic arrangement of different organisms

4) Evolutionary relationship between organisms

25. The generic name of Lion, Tiger and Leopard is :

1) Felis 2) Panthera 3) Solanum 4) Musca

26. In Taxonomical hierrarchy, as we go from species to kingdom the number of common characteristics:

1) will increase 2) will decrease

3) remain same 4) may increase or decrease

27. Find the correct order from the following :

1) Kingdom - division - class - order - family - genus - species

2) Kingdom - class - division - order - family - species - genus

3) Kingdom - order - class - division - family - genus - species

4) Kingdom - division - order - class - family - genus - species

26L/TP/B 4

28. Binomial Nomenclature was introduced by :

1) Ernst Mayr 2) R.H. Whittaker

3) Aristotle 4) Carolus Linnaeus

29. The number of species that are known and described present on earth is :

1) 1.7 - 1.8 million 2) 1.7 - 1.8 billion 3) 3 - 3.8 million 4) 5 - 6 billion

30. Scientific names of animals are standardised by :

1) ICZN 2) ICBN 3) ICVN 4) IUB

31. “Systema Naturae” was written by :

1) Bentham and Hooker 2) Aristotle

3) Ernst Mayr 4) Carl Linnaeus

32. The basic unit of Biological classification is :

1) Species 2) Genus 3) Family 4) Class

33. The scientific name of Leopard is :

1) Musca domestica 2) Panthera pardus 3) Panthera tigris 4) Canis familiaris

34. Solanum, Petunia and Datura belongs to the family :

1) Poaceae 2) Solanaceae 3) Felidae 4) Anacardiaceae

35. Scientific name of ‘wheat’ plant is :

1) Solanum tuberosum 2) Solanum nigrum

3) Triticum aestivum 4) Mangifera indica

36. Which one of the following is an order :

1) Poales 2) Sapindales 3) Diptera 4) All

37. Taxonomical process involves

1) Identification 2) Classification and nomenclature

3) Characterisation 4) All the above

38. Which of the following are the characteristics of living organisms :

1) Growth 2) Metabolism 3) Consciousness 4) All the above

39. Which of the following scientific name is correct :

1) Mangifera Indica 2) MANGIFERA indica

3) mangifera indica linn 4) Mangifera indica Linn

26L/TP/B 5

40. ICZN stands for

1) International Council of Zoological Classification

2) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature

3) International Code of Zoological Naming

4) International Council of Zoological Classification

41. According to Binomeal nomenclature, every living organism has :

1) One scientific name with two components

2) Two scientific name with single components

3) Two names, one Latin and other common

4) One name with three components

42. Which of the following pair is wrongly matched about taxonomic arrangement of Humans?

1) Scientific name - Homo sapiens 2) Family - Hominidae

3) Order - Diptera 4) Class - Mammalia

43. ICBN stands for :

1) International Classification of Biological Nomenclature

2) International Code of Biological Nomenclature

3) International Classification of Botanical Nomenclature

4) International Code for Botanical Nomenclature

44. Which of the following is wrongly matched pair about organisms and its common reproductive mechanism:

1) Bacteria - Binary fission 2) Fungi - Asexual spores

3) Yeast - Fragmentation 4) Hydra - Budding

45. Naming of living organism is called

1) Nomenclature 2) Identification 3) Classification 4) Taxonomy

Name ................................................

Batch.................... Roll No. ............... UNIT EXAMINATION

26L/TP/N/R&H(ONLINE) Living World

1. 2 10. 3 19. 4 28. 4 37. 4

2. 4 11. 1 20. 4 29. 1 38. 4
3. 3 12. 4 21. 2 30. 1 39. 4
4. 4 13. 2 22. 2 31. 4 40. 2
5. 4 14. 3 23. 3 32. 1 41. 1
6. 2 15. 2 24. 1 33. 2 42. 3
7. 2 16. 3 25. 2 34. 2 43. 4
8. 2 17. 1 26. 2 35. 3 44. 3
9. 2 18. 1 27. 1 36. 4 45. 1

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