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Pass The Toeic Test-new-Introductory

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T @T
NEW EDITION Introductory Course


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About the Author
Miles Craven has worked in English language education since 1988, teaching in schools,
colleges, and universities around the world. He is the author 01several best-selling textbooks,
and has a wide range of experience as a teacher, teacher.trainer, examiner, and materials
writer. He currently acts as an advisor for Executive Education programs at The Mellier Centre
for Continuing Education Ltd., Churchill College, University of Cambridge, specializing in
the design and delivery 01 management training programs lor aspiring business leaders.

Pass the TOEle@ Test Introductory Course

Copyright @ 2019 by First Press ELT

Vietnam's edition @ 2020 by Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd.

This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between First Press ELT
Limited andlNhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording. or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owners.

The author would like to thank the many professionals who have given their lime and
contributed greatly to the development of this project. In particular, thanks must go to the
hundreds of teachers and students who have participated in interviews, locus groups,
piloting and reviewing stages. Thanks also to all those involved in the editorial, production
and design stages, especially to Jo Barker, Graham Hart and all at Hart McLeod, Gerald
Thulbourn at www.websanity.co.uk, everyone at CityVox and John Marshall Media New York,
Chris Ambrosio, Charlotte Aldis, Mitsuyasu Miyazaki, Li-ling Lee, An-Jean Jiang, Tzyhrong
Wu, Julie Middleton at Studio Cambridge, and all at The Meliler Centre, Cambridge lor their
assistance. A special thanks to Jessica Craven for her help and support, and to Duncan
Prowse for his kind advice and expert guidance. Finally, the author would like to thank Berta
de Llano for all her hard work, dedication, and professionalism pushing this new edition to

Visit the website that accompanies this course at www.pass-the-toeic-test.com.

Photo Credits
The publisher would like to thank the following for their permission to reproduce
pp5-8, p14, p15 (top/middle), p16, pl7 (top righVbottom), p18 (top), p19. pp22-25, pp27-
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Introduction 7
Guide to the TOEIC@Test 7
About this Course 8

Listening Comprehension 11

Part 1: Photographs 12
Part 2: Question-Response 38
Part 3: Short Conversations 65
Part 4: Short Talks 109

Listening Comprehension Test 145

Reading 158
Grammar 159
Vocabulary 175
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 190
Part 6: Text Completion 203
Part 7: Reading Comprehension 218

Reading Test 296

Appendices 324

Answer Sheets and Score Conversion Chart 325

Essential Vocabulary 329
Understanding Different Accents 334
Tips on Taking the TOEIC Test 338

Practice Tests 341

Practice Test 1 342

Practice Test 2 382
Listening Comprehension

Part 1 IPhotographs

Try It Out 13
Improve Your Performance 17 1111. Analyzing Distractors 18
Similar-sounding Words 22
Incorrect Key Words 24
Incorrect Interpretations 26
Steps to Success 28
Strategy Review and Tips 34
Review Test 35

Part 2 I Question-Response
'Try It Out 39
Improve Your Performance 40 1111. Wh- Questions 41
Other Question Types 46
Words with Multiple Meanings 54
Similar-sounding Words 55
Homophones 56
Steps to Success 57
Strategy Review and Tips 63
Review Test 64

Part 3 IShort Conversations

Try It Out 66
Improve Your Performance 71 1111. listening for Main Ideas 72
listening for Details 78
Making Inferences 87
Steps to Success 97 Conversations Including a Graphic 92
Strategy Review and Tips 103
Review Test 104

Part 4 IShort Talks

Try It Out 110
Improve Your Performance 113 1111. listening for Main Ideas 114
listening for Details 119
Making Inferences 127
Steps to Success 135 Short Talks Including a Graphic 130
Strategy Review and Tips 141
Review Test 142

Listening Comprehension Test 145


Grammar and Vocabulary Part 5 and Part 6

Grammar 1111" 159 Vocabulary 1111" 175

Word Choice 160 Word Forms 176
Auxiliary Verbs 162 _ Words with Similar Meanings 178
Comparatives and Superlatives 164 Word Choice 180
Subject-Verb Agreement 166 Prepositions - Time and Place 182
Pronouns 168 Words that Look Alike 184
Verb Forms and Tenses 170 Conjunctions 186
Gerunds and Infinitives 172 Phrasal Verbs 188

Part 5 I Incomplete Sentences

Try It Out 191
Improve Your Performance 1111" Grammar and Vocabulary
Steps to Success 193
Strategy Review and Tips 199
Review Test 200

Part 6 IText Completion

Try it Out 204
Improve Your Performance 1111" Grammar and Vocabulary
Steps to Success 207
Strategy Review and Tips 213
Review Test 214

Part 7 IReading
Try It Out 219
improve Your Performance 232 1111" Reading for Main Ideas 233
Reading for Details 239
Making Inferences 245
Steps to Success 268 Double Passages 252
Strategy Review and Tips 274 Triple Passages 260

Review Test 275

Reading Test 296



Guide to the TOEIC@ Test

TOEIC stands for Test of English for International Communication. The TOEIC test measures your ability
to understand and use English across a wide range of business, travel, and work scenarios. Nearly
eight million people take the TOEIC test every year. It is an increasingly popular way to assess English
proficiency in the world of work.

The test is divided into two main sections: Listening Comprehension and Reading. There are 100 items
in each section, and all the items are multiple choice. The test takes two hours to complete.

In 2016, some sections of the TOEIC test were revised for test-takers in Japan and South Korea.
From 2018 these changes came into effect worldwide. The chart below shows the changes in the
revised TOEIC test:

TOEIC Test before 2018 TOEIC Test revised

Listening Comprehension 45m Questions Questions
Part 1: Photographs 10 Part 1: Photographs 6
Part 2: Question.Response 30 Part 2: Question-Response 25
Part 3: Short Conversations 30 Part 3: Short Conversations 39
10 conversations 13 conversations
3 questions per conversation 3 questions per conversation
Part 4: Short Talks 30 Part 4: Short Talks 30
10 talks 10 talks
3 questions per talk 3 questions per talk
Total 100 Total 100
Points 495 Points 495
Reading 75m
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 40 Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 30
Part 6: TextCompletion 12 Part 6: TextCompletion 16
3 texts with 4 questions per text or 4 4 texts with 4 questions per text
texts with 3 questions per text Part 7: Reading Comprehension
Part 7: Reading Comprehension 10 single passages 29
7-10 single passages 28 2-4 questions per passage
2-5 questions per passage 2 double passages 10
4 double passages 20 3 triple passages 15
5 questions per set 5 questions per set
Total 100 Total 100
Points 495 Points 495
Total TOEIC Score 990 Total TOEIC Score 990

TOEIC Scoring
You cannot fail the TOEIC test. Your "raw" scores are converted into a test score of between 5 and
495 per section. This gives a total TOEIC score of between 10 and 990. Your TOEIC score is valid for
two years.

Your Score on the TOEIC Test

Don't expect to score a maximum 990! Be realistic with your aims. Your target should be to reach the
highest score that you are able to achieve. There are three levels in the course. This is the Introductory
Course. After completing all the exercises in this book you should be able to score around 500 on the
TOEIC test. Of course, if you study hard your score may be a lot higher than 500.

About this Course
Pass the TOEIC Test, New Edition is fully revised and updated to reflect the latest changes to the
TOEIC test. The exercises provide authentic, up-to-date language practice and skills development for
each part of the test.

Overview of each part

Try It Out This opening section gives you a preview of what to expect in the

Improve Your Performance Here you practice the language and skills you need to do well in
each part. This material forms the basis of your preparation. Work
through these exercises and you will improve your score. Identify
any weaknesses you may have and work hard to overcome them.

Steps to Success This section helps you develop your test-taking skills, giving you
detailed guidance on how to attempt each type of question.

Strategy Review and Tips This reviews the best strategies to use for each part of the test, and
gives you some advice other test-takers have found useful.

Review Test This final section is a complete test for each part. Your performance
on thiS test will help you assess your progress.

Assessing your progress

As well as the Try It Out preview test at the start of each part and the complete Review Test at the end,
Pass the TOEtC Test includes other tests to help boost your score.

Mini Tests Regular Mini Tests give you authentic test practice specific to each i
language point or skill.

Listening Comprehension A complete Listening Comprehension Test assesses your ability on I

Test the Listening section of the test.

Reading Test A complete Reading Test assesses your ability on the Reading
section of the test.

Practice Tests Two full-length Practice Tests at the back of the book evaluate
your performance across both the Listening and Reading sections
of the test. You can use the Score Conversion Chart to get an
approximate indication of your TOEIC score.

Additional features
Grammar and Vocabulary These handy sections focus on the grammar and vocabulary you
need to progress successfully through this level.

Essential Vocabulary This is a comprehensive list of words and phrases used in this
Understanding Different This provides practice recognizing the various accents used in the
Accents test. Being familiar with these accents will help to improve your
listening comprehension.

Online Su~_or_t _
You will find a lot of additional TOEIC preparation exercises and activities on the website
that accompanies this course. Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com to:
• find out more about Pass the TOEIC Test
• get information and advice on taking the TOEIC test
• read useful Study Tips for ideas on how to improve your Listening and Reading skills
• download the Audio Program
download the Answer Key and Audioscript
• see a Word List of the most common words and phrases used in the book
• try the useful Worksheets, giving you further practice in the language and skills you
need to succeed in the TOEIC test.

To access the full range of Worksheets:

1. Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com.
3. Choose a Worksheet.

Online TOEIC Practice Tests

Go to www.practice-the-toeic-test.com for authentic TOEIC test practice. Each full-length
Practice Test follows the format of the TOEIC test and gives you authentic practice that will
help you:
• improve your timing
• develop your test-taking skills and strategies
boost your confidence
identify areas for improvement
• increase your TOEIC score.

After each test, you will see an estimated TOEIC score. You can review your answers,
listen again, and see full explanations.

At the front of this book you have a unique registration code that allows you to take two
online TOEIC Practice Tests absolutely free. Simply follow the instructions to claim your
free tests.


Guide to the Listening Test

The first section of the TOEIC@test is Listening Comprehension. In this section, the test focuses on
how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts in this section.

Part 1: Photographs 6 questions

Part 2: Question-Response 25 questions
Part 3: Short Conversations 39 questions
Part 4: Short Talks 30 questions

You will have 45 minutes to complete this section of the TOEIC test.

Directions are given for each part. You need to mark your answers on the separate
Answer Sheet provided.

Guide to this section of Pass the TOEle Test

The Listening Comprehension section of Pass the TOEle Test is divided into the same four parts
as the TOEIC test. Each part begins with a Try It Out preview test, which shows you exactly what to
expect. This will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. You then study important skills
and useful language in Improve Your Performance. In Steps to Success you practice special strategies
for taking each part of the test, before Strategy Review and Tips summarizes key guidance and gives
useful advice. Finally, you put everything into practice in a Review Test.

For all Examples, the gender and accent of each speaker is given using these abbreviations:

[M-Am] American man [F-Am] American woman

[M-Br] British man [F-BrJ British woman
[M-Au] Australian man [F-Au 1 Australian woman
[M-Cn] Canadian man [F-Cn] Canadian woman

The gender and accent of every speaker for every recording is given in the Audioscript.


This part of the TOEIC~ test consists of six black-and-white photographs. You will hear
four short statements describing each photograph. The photographs cover typical
situations. Most of the photographs are pictures of people. Some photographs are
pictures of a scene or an object.

You must choose the statement that best describes what you see in each photograph.
The statements are spoken only once, and are not written in your test book.

The statements are short and fairly simple. They are often in the present tense.

There is a short pause between each question, but there are no pauses between the
statements you hear that describe each photograph.

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,•. How many photographs are in this part of the TOEIC test?
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, How many statements are there for each photograph?

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'-' Ho~ many times do 'you hear each statement? '.

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Are all the photograph's of people?
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1 Directions
For each question, you will hear four statements about a photograph. Listen and select the one
statement: (A), (8), (C), or (D), that best describes the picture. Then mark your answer.
You will hear the statements only once.

Look at the photograph and listen to the four statements.


(A) He's working on a computer.
(8) He's drawing on the board.
(C) He's walking into the room.
(D) He's sitting near the desk.

The best description of the picture is statement (8), "He's drawing on the board." You should
mark answer choice (8).

. Answer choice (Al incorrectly interprets the situation. The man is not working on a computer.
. Answer choice (C) uses a word that sounds similar to something you can see in the photograph.
He is working in the room, not walking into the room. Answer choice (0) uses the wrong verb.
The man is standing, not sitting, near the desk. ..... ,
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REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see the four answer choices.












0@@@ Score ../6


In this section you will practice ways to improve your score on Part 1 of the TOEIC@test.

These are the exercises you will cover:

Analyzing Distractors ~ understanding why some statements are correct

and others are incorrect

Similar-sounding Words ~ listening carefully to words that sound alike in

order to tell them apart

Incorrect Key Words ~ listening for key words to help identify correct
and incorrect statements

Incorrect Interpretations ~ listening for false accounts; distinguishing

between facts and assumptions

As you work through Improve Your Performance, look back at your answers in the Try It Out section and
try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Notice what problems you have, and focus on the areas
you need to improve.

Analyzing Distractors
It is useful to understand why some answers are correct and others are incorrect. In order to
do this, you need to identify distractors. A distractor is an incorrect answer choice.

There are many reasons why a statement might be incorrect. However, they can be grouped
into three common types of distractor: simiiar-sounding words, incorrect key words, and
incorrect interpretations.

Exercise A

Look at the photograph you saw in Question 1. Read the four statements you heard.


(A) She's taking something to a customer.

(B) She's standing at the reception desk.
(C) She's about to send a fax.
(0) She's talking on the phone.

The correct answer is answer choice (0), "She's talking on the phone."
This statement correctly describes what is happening in the photograph.

See the chart below for an explanation of each incorrect statement.

Type of Distractor Incorrect statement Reason statement is incorrect

Similar-sounding word (A) She's taking something to The word taking sounds like talking.
a customer.
Incorrect key word (B) She's standing at the The woman is sitting at the desk, not
reception desk. standing.

Incorrect interpretation (C) She's about to send a fax. We cannot be sure that the woman is
going to send a fax. There is no evidence.

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see the four answer choices.

Exercise 8
Now look at the rest of the photographs from the Try It Out section. Read the statements you heard. Match
each incorrect statement with a type of distractor.

2. (A) The women are in an

exercise class.
(8) The instructor is sitting on
a stair.
(C) They're waving at the window.
(D) The curtains are closed.

A ....Correct
......Similar-sounding word
Incorrect key word
Incorrect interpretation

3. (A) He's examining a card in

the garage.
(8) He's trying to repair the
car door.
(C) He's driving the car into the
repair shop.
(D) He's fixing a tire on the car.

D Correct
Similar-sounding word
Incorrect key word
Incorrect interpretation

4. (A) The tourists are swimming in
the lake.
(8) There's a boat on the water.
(C) It's a very large snake.
(D) There are some trees under
the water.

l) .... Correct
Similar-sounding word
Incorrect key word
..... Incorrect interpretation

5. (A) The driver's door is open.

(8) The trunk is unlocked.
(C) The man is standing in the truck.
(D) The man is getting out of the truck.

A Correct
Similar-sounding word
Incorrect key word
Incorrect interpretation

6. (A) She's closing the store.
(8) She's cleaning the window.
(C) She's sweeping the floor.
(0) She's looking at the door.

C Correct
Similar-sounding word
Incorrect key word
Incorrect interpretation

Similar-sounding Words
Incorrect answer choices sometimes include words that sound similar to key words in the correct
answers. For example, a photograph shows a man standing in a hall, but the statement you hear says
"He's standing against a wall." The words hall and wall sound similar. You need to listen carefully to
distinguish these similar-sounding words.

Exercise A 2 Listen to the words. Check (,f) the words you hear in each pair below.

1. large [Z] charge 0 6. plane 0 frame 0

2. fire 0 hire 0 7. choose 0 lose 0
3. guest 0 rest 0 8. close 0 nose 0
4. bag 0 rag 0 9. sock 0 lock 0
5. wait 0 way 0 10. waiter 0 water 0
Exercise B 3 Read these statements. Then listen and check (,f) the statements you hear.

1. The man is sitting alone. 0 4. She's setting the table. 0

The man is sitting at home. [Z] She's sitting at the table. 0
2. He's sailing a boat. 0 5. There's a bat on the chair. 0
He's selling a boat. 0 There's a hat on the chair. 0
3. They're working together. 0 6. The woman is waiting for a train. 0
They're walking together. 0 The woman is waiting for a plane. 0
Exercise C 4 Look at this photograph. You will hear six statements. Listen carefully and check (,f)
Correct or Incorrect for each statement.

You hear: 1. The woman is holding a copy.
This is incorrect. The words copy and coffee
sound similar.

1. Correct 0 Incorrect [Z]

2. Correct 0 Incorrect 0
3. Correct 0 Incorrect 0
4. Correct 0 Incorrect 0
5. Correct 0 Incorrect 0
6. Correct 0 Incorrect 0

Similar-sounding Words

5 For each photograph, you will hear four statements. Listen and choose the correct statement:
(A), (B), (C), or (D). Do not be distracted by words that sound similar to what you see in the





Score .13

Incorrect Key Words
Some statements describe photographs incorrectly, often by using the wrong key word (verb, noun,
adjective, etc.). For example, a photograph shows a man sitting in a bus, but the statement you
hear says:

He's standing in a bus. (incorrect verb)

He's sitting in a train. (incorrect noun)
He's sitting in front of a bus. (incorrect preposition)

Exercise A 6 Look at this photograph. You will hear six statements. Listen carefully to make
sure that the key words you hear accurately describe the photograph. Check (.t) True or False for
each statement.

You hear: 1. The woman has long dark hair.
This is false. The adjective long is incorrect. The woman has short dark hair.

1. True D False 0
2. True D False D
3. True D False D
4. True D False D
5. True D False D
6. True D False D

Exercise B 7 Look at this photograph. You will hear six statements. Listen carefully to make
sure that the key words you hear accurately describe the photograph. Check (.t) True or False for
each statement.

1. True D False D
2. True D False D
3. True D False D
4. True D False D
5. True D False D
6. True D False D

MINI IESTJ Incorrect Key Words

• For each photograph, you will hear four statements. Listen and choose the statement: (A), (8),
(C), or (Dl. that best describes the photograph. Listen carefully for any incorrect key words.

1. 2.

0@@@ 0@@@


Score ./3

Incorrect Interpretations
Some statements attempt to mislead you by giving a false account of what is happening. For example,
a photograph shows two men jogging in a park, but the statement you hear says "They're walking to
work." The description does not accurately describe what you see in the photograph.

False Accounts 9 Look at this photograph. There are

six statements. Listen carefully and check (.I) True or
False for each statement.

You hear: 1. He's leaning against the wall.
This is false. He is not leaning against the wall.

1. True D False [2]

2. True D False D
3. True D False D
4. True D False D
5. True D False D
6. True D False D

Some statements also attempt to mislead you by making assumptions that cannot be proven to be true.
For example, a photograph shows two women talking outside a restaurant, but the statement you hear
says "They're about to have a meal." The assumption is that they will go into the restaurant and have a
meal, but there is no visible evidence to support this. (They could, for example, be leaving the restaurant
or just passing by.)

Unsupported Assumptions '0 Look at this photograph.

There are six statements. Listen carefully and check (,f)
Fact or Assumption for each statement.

You hear: 1. They're about to catch a plane.
This is an assumption. There is no evidence
to support this.

1. Fact D Assumption [Z]

2. Fact D Assumption D
3. Fact D Assumption D
4. Fact D Assumption D
5. Fact D Assumption D
6. Fact D Assumption D

MINI TESlj Incorrect Interpretations

11 For each photograph, you will hear four statements. Listen and choose the statement: (A), (B),
(C), or (D), that best describes the photograph. Do not be misled by false accounts or unsupported

1. 2.

@@@@ @@@@


Score ../3

This section presents an effective, step-by-step approach to use when answering questions on
Part 1 of the TOEIC@test.

The steps shown here are designed to help you achieve a higher score when you take the test.
By following these steps, you should be able to maximize your score on this part of the test.

a~ Study the photograph quickly to get a general idea of the context. Ask yourself where
the location is, what is happening, and who you can see.

Ask yourself ...

- at a train station, in an office, in a parking lot

What? buying a ticket, making a call, getting into a car

Who? passenger, office worker, driving instructor

B~ Look for any significant objects and identify them. Ask yourself how they relate to the
location and what they tell you about the situation.

II~ Listen carefully to all four statements. As you listen, eliminate any statements you are
sure are incorrect. To help you eliminate incorrect statements:
• listen for key words that relate to the photograph
• be careful of words that sound alike
• do not be misled by incorrect interpretations

II~ Mark your answer.

p~evlewing 1 Key Skill for Part 1

I ---------
Step 1 and Step 2 involve previewing. Here, that means looking quickly at the photograph to
find out as much information as you can before you listen. Your goal is to get a general idea of
the context. If possible, try to predict statements you might hear. Think about the relationship
between any people you can see (e.g., if they are passengers, tourists, coworkers, etc.). Get
used to previewing Part 1 photographs in this way, and you will improve your TOEIC score.
1 . . ~ ~__ ._ ~ __

Practice 1

mmD Look at the photograph. Answer the following questions.

Where are these people? .

What are they doing?

What is their relationship?

EmD Find these objects in the photograph.

jacket folder telephone chair carpet board

What other things can you see? .

Ilii!D 12 Listen to four statements about the photograph. As you listen, eliminate any statements
you are sure are incorrect.

(A) ] eliminate ] consider

(B) ] eliminate ] consider
(C) ] eliminate ] consider
(0) ] eliminate ] consider

•• Select the one statement that best describes what you see in the photograph.

Mark your answer. (£; @ @ @


BmD Look at the photograph. Answer the following questions.

Where is this? .

What is happening?
Who are these people?

EmD Find these items in the photograph.

clock cash register calendar fiie watch book

What other things can you see? .

IiiiiD 13 Listen to four statements about the photograph. As you listen, eliminate any statements
you are sure are incorrect.

(A) ] eliminate ] consider

(8) ] eliminate ] consider
(C) ] eliminate ] consider
(0) ] eliminate ] consider

BD Select the one statement that best describes what you see in the photograph.

Mark your answer. @ @ @ @

Practice 3

~ Look at the photograph. Answer the following questions.

Where is this person? .

What is he doing? .

What does he look like?

EDFind these items in the photograph.

menu teapot picture bowls tissue table

What other things can you see? .

IliiB '4 Listen to four statements about the photograph. As you listen, eliminate any statements
you are sure are incorrect.

(A) 1 eliminate 1 consider

(B) 1 eliminate 1 consider
(C) } eliminate ] consider
(D) 1 eliminate 1 consider

IiiDSelect the one statement that best describes what you see in the photograph.

Mark your answer. 0 @ @ @


mmD Look at the photograph. Answer the following questions.

Where is this?
What is happening? ...
Who are these people?

•• Find these items in the photograph.

racket basket net shorts court balls

What other things can you see? .

I!iiB 15 Listen to four statements about the photograph. As you listen, eliminate any statements
you are sure are incorrect.

(A) 1 eliminate I consider

(8) 1 eliminate I consider
(C) 1 eliminate I consider
(D) 1 eliminate I consider

EDSelect the one statement that best describes what you see in the photograph.

Mark your answer. (£; @ @ @

Practice 5

~ Look at the photograph. Answer the following questions.

Where is this?

What is happening?
Who are these people? .

EmD Find these items in the photograph.

mirror poster hair dryer towel apron brush

What other things can you see? .

ED 16 Listen to four statements about the photograph. As you listen, eliminate any statements
you are sure are incorrect.

(A) 1 eliminate 1 consider

(B) I eliminate 1 consider
(C) 1 eliminate 1 consider
(0) 1 eliminate 1 consider

maD Select the one statement that best describes what you see in the photograph.

Mark your answer. @ @ @ @


Strategy Review Listening Test - Part 1

Remember, in the test...

Quickly preview each photograph before you hear the statements. Ask yourself Where? What? Who?
Look for and identify any important details.

Listen carefully to all four statements before making your decision.

While you listen, eliminate any answers that you are sure are wrong.

If you are not sure about the answer, don't waste time. Decide quickly!

As soon as you answer, move on and preview the next photograph.

_ Here is some advice that people taking the TOEIC test have found useful for this part.
Choose the tips you like, and try to use them.

! . ';Don'tr~~~~~topreviewthe .. --'1

.' I ~ ,.- - - - - ~ r.~!\ .' I. . .. I

"Most statements focus on the general situation or the main activity. However, a few 1

---------_.- --- ------ - ----- -----~

,, I
"If you can't immediately connect the statement with what you see, it is probably an
assumption. Remember, a fact is something that is definitely true. An assumption is
,;something that mayor may n?t be true." L_Jin-KYOng C~~~-",
~--- - - _. . -- _.. - - - - - -~

Review Test
'7 Directions: For each question, you will hear four statements about a photograph. Listen and select
the one statement: (A), (8), (C), or (0), that best describes the picture. Then mark your answer. You will
hear the statements only once.











Score ../6
Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com for advice and useful exercises
to help improve your score on Part 1 of the TOEle test.

~ Similar-sounding Words
~ Practice with Prepositions
~ Separating Facts and Assumptions


This part of the TOEIC'" test consists of 25 items. For each item, you will hear a short
question or statement, followed by three responses. You must choose the most
appropriate response.

This part of the test is a "pure" listening challenge, because there are no photographs to
preview or answer choices to read. Everything is contained on the audio.

There is a short pause between each item. You will hear each item only once.

. .. .
How many items are in this part of the :rOEIC test?
How many responses are there for each item?
How many times do you hear each item?


'8 Directions
Listen to these questions and statements. After each question or statement, you will hear three
responses. Select the most appropriate response: (A), (6), or (C). Then mark your answer. You will
hear each question or statement, and the responses, only once.

You hear: [F-Am 1 What time is the board meeting?
You then hear: [M-Am] (A) The meeting room is on the left.
(6) Yes, everyone was bored.
(C) I think it's at twelve.

The best response to the question "What time is the board meeting?" is answer choice (C), "I think
it's at twelve." You should mark answer choice (C).
"j-; '.'" ,_ ~ ~. • __ -;-_ ,_ _ • _ ,_. • a. _.. .
Answer choice (A) answers a different question ("Where is the meeting room?"). ;
Answer choice (6) uses a word that sounds the same, but has a different meaning
. (bored sounds the same as board). '
t, : • --......---'--'-.~ _ - -- . • . __ .

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see the question or statement and the
three answer choices.

1. Mark your answer. (£) @ @ 8. Mark your answer. (£) @ @

2. Mark your answer. (£) @ @ 9. Mark your answer. (£) @ @

3. Mark your answer. (£) @ @ 10. Mark your answer. (£) @ @

4. Mark your answer. (£) @ @ 11. Mark your answer. (£) @ @

5. Mark your answer. (£) @ @ 12. Mark your answer. (£) @ @

6. Mark your answer. (£) @ @ 13. Mark your answer. (£) @ @

7. Mark your answer. (£) @ @ 14. Mark your answer. (£) @ @

Score /14


In this section you will practice ways to improve your score on Part 2 of the TOEle" test.

These are the exercises you will cover:

Who Questions ~ recognizing different types of Wh- questions

Other Question Types ~ recognizing Yes/No questions, choice questions,

tag questions, negative questions, embedded
questions, and statements

Words with Multiple ~ choosing the correct meaning for words that
Meanings have more than one meaning

Similar.sounding Words ~ listening carefully to differentiate words that

sound alike

Homophones ~ listening for words that sound the same but

have different spellings and meanings

As you work through Improve Your Performance, look back at your answers in the Try It Out section and
try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Notice what problems you have, and focus on the areas
you need to improve.

Wh- Questions
Around half of the questions you will hear in Part 2 of the TOEIC test are Wh- questions. These questions
ask for specific information, and begin with the words What, When, Where, Who, Whose, Why, and Which.
In addition, How is also grouped together with Wh- question words, because it asks for specific
information in a similar way.

Responses to Wh- questions can be short or long. Sometimes the response is simply a word or short
phrase, but you will often hear a complete sentence.

Exercise A Complete each short dialogue using a Wh- question word from the box.

What Where Who Whose Why Which How

1.:.Y.f:1.<;:.I1 ... did Carla leave the office? 5. .. coat is yours?

About five minutes ago. Mine's the red one.
2 do you get to work in the mornings? 6. .. didn't you ask for a new computer?
I usually take the subway. Because the one I'm using is fine.
3 do you think of the food? 7. is the bathroom, please?
It's OK I guess. But it's nothing special. At the end of the hall, on your left.
4 is in charge of the Halson project? 8. is that umbrella by the door?
I don't know. You'd better ask the C.E.O. It's Mr. Patterson's. He left it by mistake.

Exercise B Match each Wh- question (1-8) with the correct response (a-h).

1. What are you doing next Thursday? a. I'm not sure. They're not mine.
2. When did you begin working for this company? b. All the sales managers from Europe were there.
3. Where's the bank? c. She wrote this month's marketing report.
4. Who did you see at the conference? d. It was long, but very useful.
5. Whose are those files? e. He didn't want to lose control of the company.
6. Why did the President not support the takeover? f. I have a meeting at 3:00 P.M.

7. Which report did Lisa write? g. It's over there, on the corner.
8. How was the meeting? h. I started as a graduate trainee in 2010.

1... £...2 ... 3 . 4 5. 6 . 7. 8 .

Questions with What
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).
1. What time are you open? a. It's very informative and easy to use.
2. What did Mrs. Smith ask you to do? b. How about Friday afternoon?
3. What is the best time to meet? c. From nine until five every day.
4. What will it cost to renew our insurance? d. 1 went to one on marketing.
5. What presentation did you go to? e. She wants me to write a report.
6. What do you think of our new website? 1. About $300, I think.

1. c 2. 3. 4 . 5... 6.

Exercise B Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).
1. What time does your flight leave?
(Al Yes, let's leave. (8) Is that the time? (C) At five fifteen.

2. What was the weather like on your vacation?

(A) I hope it's not raining. (8) It was OK. (C) I didn't like the hotel.

3. What do you do on Saturdays?

(Al I'm looking forward to it. (8) No, I don't. (C) I usually see my friends.

4. What's your plan for cutting costs this year?

(A) I haven't decided yet. (8) It cost more than I expected. (C) I hear it's expensive.

5. What's your office like?

(A) I don't like to work late. (8) That's a good idea! (C) It's pretty big.

6. What kind of business is Jason in?

(A) He's an engineer. (8) Yes, business is good. (C) He'll be back tomorrow.

Exercise C 19 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).
1. What was the company's headquarters like? @. @
2. What's the matter with Sanjay? @ @ @
3. What drink do you want? @ @ @
4. What will you do with your old laptop? @ @ @
5. What would you like to discuss? @ @ @
6. What did you put in that desk? @ @ @

20 You will hear eight questions that begin with What. Each question is followed by three

responses. Listen and choose the correct response: (Al, (8), or (C).
1.@ @ @ 3.@ @ @ 5.@ @ @ 7.@ @ @
2.@ @ @ 4.@ @ @ 6.@ @ @ 8.@ @ @ .. J8

Questions with When or Where
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).
1. When does the meeting start? a. It should be here tomorrow.
2. Where is the post office? b. I left it at home.
3. Where is your cell phone? c. He's going to visit a client.
4. When will the package arrive? d. At three thirty, I think.
5. Where's Tim going? e. It's across from the supermarket.
6. When did you receive this fax? f. Late last night.

1.. <;l. 2 ... 3 4 . 5... 6.

Exercise B Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).
1. Where did you buy those shoes?
(A) I didn't want to lose them. (B) From the store on the corner. (C) They were cheap to buy.

2. When will the new director start work?

(A) Yes, he's flying direct. (B) He never walks. (C) He should begin next week.

3. When do you leave for France?

(A) I don't live in France. (B) We're flying tomorrow (C) Yes, it's a beautiful country.

4. Where should we have dinner tonight?

(A) I don't like heights. (B) Let's eat at the hotel. (C) I usually have dinner at

5. Where is the parking lot?

(A) There's one across the street. (B) There are lots of cars. (C) I like parks, too.

6. When will you finish the report?

(A) Thanks for your support. (B) Yes, I'll be at the finish. (C) By next Monday.

Exercise C 21 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).
1. Where is my black pen? @ @ •
2. When will you call? @ @ @
3. Where will the interview take place? @ @ @
4. When does the demonstration begin? @ @ @
5. When can you hand in the report? @ @ @
6. Where did you get your suit? @ @ @

E T. Questions with When or Where

You will hear eight questions that begin with When or Where. Each question is followed by three
responses. Listen and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).
1. @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ 7.@ @ @
2. @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ 8.@ @ @ .../8

Questions with Who, Whose, Why, or Which
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).
1. Who forgot to mail these letters? a. Our office manager, Emily, will do that.
2. Why do you want to leave your job? b. Sorry, that was me.
3. Whose jacket is that? c. The 4:15 express to Paris.
4. Which train are you catching? d. I'm not enjoying it anymore.
5. Who's going to book our accommodations? e. We don't have the money.
6. Why can't we buy some new computers? f. I think it's Cheng's.

1.. P. 2. 3.. 4 . 5... 6...

Exercise 8 Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).
1. Which department do you work for?
(A) I like this apartment. (8) I'm in Human Resources. (C) That's not my department.

2. Why weren't you at the regional sales meeting?

(A) Yes, sales are increasing. (8) That's very reasonable. (C) I was on vacation.

3. Who's responsible for these mistakes?

(A) I don't like milkshakes. (8) We didn't have any (C) Marco was the project
responses. manager.

4. Whose printer is out of ink?

(A) Mine, and Susan's too. (8) I didn't print it. (C) I don't want a drink.

5. Why did the journey take so long?

(A) It's not too far. (8) The traffic was bad. (C) That's my attorney.

6. Who are those packages for?

(A) They're brochures for the (8) There are four more of them. (C) I'll mail them tomorrow.
sales team.

Exercise C 23 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).
1. Which way is Gate 34, please? • @ @
2. Why don't we leave early tonight? @ @ @
3. Who forgot to sign these letters? @ @ @
4. Whose idea was it to expand the business? @ @ @
5. Who has the key to the closet? @ @ @
6. Why didn't Richard stay in London? @ @ @

Questions with Who, Whose, Why, or Which

You will hear eight questions that begin with Who, Whose, Why, or Which. Each question is
followed by three responses. Listen and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).
1. @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ 7. @ @ @
2. @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ 8. @ @ @

Questions with How
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).
1. How much did the tickets cost? a. It lasts three days.
2. How soon can you deliver the new copier? b. It happens at least once a day.
3. How long is the conference? c. We can get it to you by Thursday.
4. How do you want to pay? d. It's about a mile from here.
5. How often does this fault occur? e. They were $50 each.
6. How far is the station? f. Is cash OK with you?

1... t:::... 2 ... 3 4. 5 . 6 .

Exercise 8 Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (6), or (C).
1. How was your stay in Madrid?
(A) I stayed there a week. (6) It's a long way. (C) It was great, thanks.

2. How many people work in your company?

(A) Over a hundred. (6) Most people drive to work. (C) Nobody accompanied me.

3. How late is the store open on Sundays?

(A) I ate already, thank you. (6) Yes, it opens at eight. (C) We close at nine on

4. How much paper did you order?

(A) Enough for two months. (6) I read the newspaper (C) I need some for the
this morning. printer.

5. How well do you know Darren?

(A) I didn't know that. (6) We were at school together. (C) He's not very well.

6. How about going to a movie tonight?

(A) It's not moving at all. (6) I didn't like it very much. (C) That's a great idea.

Exercise C 25 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (6), or (C).
1. How old is Tim's car? @ • @
2. How can I help you? @ @ @
3. How many ink cartridges do you need? @ @ @
4. How much time will it take? @ @ @
5. How did you hear about the job? @ @ @
6. How do we get to the South Exit from here? @ @ @

INI TI:.SI Questions with How

26 You will hear eight questions that begin with How. Each question is followed by three
responses. Listen and choose the correct response: (A), (6), or (C).

1. @ @ @ 3.@ @ @ 5.@ @ @ 7.@ @ @

2.@ @ @ 4.@ @ @ 6.@ @ @ 8.@ @ @ ... f8

Other Question Types
Other types of questions you may hear in Part 2 of the TOEIC test include:

Yes/No questions - can be answered Yes, No, I don't know or with a statement.
Sometimes they may be answered with another question.

Choice questions - ask about alternatives or preferences.

Tag questions - added to the end of a statement to make a question.

Negative questions - begin with a negative.

Embedded questions - questions contained within a question.

You may also hear statements, in place of questions, for some items.

Responses can be short or long. Sometimes the response is simply a word or short phrase, but often
you will hear a complete sentence.

Exercise A Write the correct question type next to each sentence.

Vesh\'(j etUestiefl embedded question statement negative question

choice question tag question

1. ...........
Ms. Jackson is in New York now, isn't she?

2. .....We haven't received your invoice yet.

3. .................................
Can you tell me what time the conference finishes?

4 . Do you want coffee or tea?

5 . Don't you want to use the fax machine?

6. Y~;;/N9..:.'l"'~;;!;i9.'.1 Would you like delivery this Tuesday?

Exercise 8 Match each question or statement (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. Are you going to Paris next weekend? a. No, I had no idea.

2. Do they want us to pay by cash or check? b. Actuaily, I've had it over a year.
3. Did you decide when to hold the meeting? c. Oh, no. That's very inconvenient.
4. That suit's new, isn't it? d. I think so, but it's not confirmed.
5. I'm afraid your flight is delayed, Mr. Wood. e. Yes. It will be on Thursday the 28th.
6. Didn't you know the package arrived this morning? f. They said either would be fine.

1. d 2 3 . 4... 5. 6 .

Yes/No Questions
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. Did you see the Vice President yesterday? a. I think it's in the boardroom.
2. Can you e-mail the documents to me? b. No, I think I'll take a taxi.
3. Are you going home by bus? c. No, a single is OK.
4. Have you seen my cell phone anywhere? d. I'll do it right away.
5. Would you like a double room? e. Yes, I phoned her ten minutes ago.
6. Does Vicky know you're going to be late? I. Yes, we had a useful meeting.
1 :f... 2._.. 3. __ . 4.. 5.. 6 .

Exercise B Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).

1. Would you like some help with that report? 4. Will you stay in Vancouver overnight?
(A) It's a little short. (A) I'm coming back the same day.
(B) Yes, I can help. (B) It's too much to pay.
(C) I don't need any, thanks. (C) I hear it's all right.

2. Did you enjoy your meal? 5. Was there a problem at the bank?
(A) That's how I feel. (A) Yes, I'd like to thank them.
(B) It was delicious. (B) That's a good solution.
(C) Yes, that would be good. (C) No, everything went well.

3. Have you met Mr. Jacobs? 6. Does the museum open at nine?
(A) It's rather wet. (A) I think it is.
(B) He's over there. (B) Yes, it's fine.
(C) No, not yet. (C) No, not until ten, I'm afraid.

Exercise C 27 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (B). or (C).

1. Will the flight be on time?

2. Have you booked a room yet?

@ @
@ @
3. Do you want something to eat? @ @ @
4. Would you like to use the bathroom? @ @ @
5. May I take your coat? @ @ @
6. Can you book a table for five? @ @ @

Yes/No Questions
28 You will hear eight Yes/No questions. Each question is followed by three responses. Listen and
choose the correct response: (A), (B). or (C).
1.@ @ @ 3.@ @ @ 5.@ @@ 7.@ @@
2.@ @ @ 4.@ @ @ 6.@ @@ 8.@ @@

Choice Questions
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. Do you want beef or fish? a. A suit and tie is best.

2. Will Mrs. Shriver arrive in the morning or in the afternoon? b. I'll have the salmon, thanks.
3. Is your office on the left or the right? c. Let's finish it now.
4. Would you like the door open or closed? d. It's at the end on the left.
5. Should I wear casual or formal clothes? e. She'll be here at 5:00 P.M.

6. Should we go now or stay and complete this work? f. Close it, please.

1.... p..... 2. m.m 3. m.m 4 ... 5..... 6...

Exercise B Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (B). or (C).

1. Did Susan come by train or bus? 4. Do you want coffee or tea?

(A) I met her at the station. (A) Tea's fine, thanks.
(B) Yes, she did. (B) I'll have one, please.
(C) She arrived on the 2:15 train. (C) No, not at all.

2. Is the meeting at one or five? 5. Would you like apple pie or cheesecake?
(A) There are five of us. (A) Yes, I'll retake them.
(B) It's just after lunch. (B) That wouid be great.
(C) Yes, we're meeting then. (C) They both look good.

3. Will the delivery be on Tuesday or Thursday? 6. Are you going to call Bill or send a fax?
(A) It could be either day. (A) I think it's about our tax.
(B) Yes, I'm very thirsty. (B) The bill arrived by fax.
(C) Not until three thirty. (C) I'll speak to him tonight.

Exercise C 29 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A). (B), or (C).

1. Can we pay by check or do you prefer cash?

2. Is the contract in the blue fiie or the red one?

@ @
@ @
3. Would you like to stay in or eat out? 0 @ @
4. Do you want a room with a bath or one with a shower? 0 @ @
5. Will you make the reservation or should I? 0 @ @
6. Has Brad gone to Washington or New York? 0 @ @

Choice Questions
30 You will hear eight Choice questions. Each question is followed by three responses. Listen and

choose the correct response: (A), (B). or (C).

1.0 @ @ 3.0 @ @ 5.0 @@ 7.0 @@
2.0 @ @ 4.0 @ @ 6.0 @@ 8.0 @@ ... /8

Tag Questions
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. The meeting has finished, hasn't it? a. No, I've never tried.
2. Connor isn't leaving the company, is he? b. Yes, we will.
3. You don't play golf, do you? c. Most people say she is.
4. Mrs. Sanders is a very good manager, isn't she? d. Yes, it finished at two.
5. Your flight wasn't late, was it? e. No, I don't think he is.
6. We will have to reduce costs, won't we? f. No, it arrived on time.

1... .d..... 2. 3 4 5 6 .

Exercise B Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).

1. You aren't hungry, are you? 4. This is your umbrella, isn't it?
(A) No, I'm from Romania. (A) It looks like mine.
(B) No, I just ate. (B) Thanks, I need one.
(C) That's a good idea. (C) No, it's not raining.

2. That training session was a waste of time, 5. Jason got a promotion, right?
don't you think? (A) That's my hand lotion.
(A) Yes, it was useless. (B) Yes, he's on your right.
(B) No, I don't think. (C) He didn't tell me.
(C) It's all wasted.

3. You met Josie before, didn't you? 6. These chairs aren't very comfortable, are they?
(A) I couldn't get any more. (A) I hope you feel better soon.
(B) We worked together in Tokyo. (B) This one is OK.
(C) No, I didn't know that. (C) Are you chairing the meeting?

Exercise C 31 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).

1. You haven't bought another printer, have you?

2. The product launch was a great success, wasn't it?

@ @ @
@ @

3. Train fares didn't go up again last week, did they? @ @ @

4. You'll finish this work today, won't you? @ @ @
5. Jim is a good worker, isn't he? @ @ @
6. You won't tell the boss I was late, will you? @ @ @

Tag Questions
32 You will hear eight Tag questions. Each question is followed by three responses. Listen and
choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).
1.@ @ @ 3.@ @ @ 5.@ @ @ 7.@ @ @
2.@ @ @ 4.@ @ @ 6.@ @ @ 8.@ @ @ .........

Negative Questions
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. Haven't you sent off those application forms yet? a. Sorry, I wasn't looking.
2. Aren't we going to order any new chairs? b. No, I never learned it at school.
3. Wasn't it kind of Mr. Blanchard to give us a pay raise? c. Yes, it was very generous of him.
4. Didn't you see that coffee cup on the floor? d. Sorry, I haven't had time.
5. Wouldn't you like to take a break now? e. Yes, I'm exhausted.
6. Can't you understand French? f. I don't think we have the money.

1 .....<:1.....2. m....... 3 ... 4 ... 5 . 6...

Exercise B Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).

1. Isn't this building perfect for our company? 4. Wouldn't you like someone to help you?
(A) It's a big project. (A) I like helping people.
(B) We should continue to build. (B) I guess I could use an assistant.
(C) Yes, it's just the right size. (C) I'd love some.

2. Aren't you tired after all that exercise? 5. Haven't you worked here before?
(A) Yes, let's take a break. (A) I spent six weeks here as a trainee.
(B) I don't like a lot of exercises. (B) No, I came by car.
(C) I retired last June. (C) I'd like some more.

3. Shouldn't you be leaving for the airport? 6. Didn't you know anyone at the party?
(A) It's noisy living near the airport. (A) It was a bit boring, actually.
(B) Yes, I don't want to miss my flight. (B) I didn't know that.
(C) The exports are arriving soon. (C) There was nobody I recognized.

Exercise C 33 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).

1. Doesn't the scanner work anymore?

2. Weren't you going to meet Jen this afternoon?


@ @

3. Hasn't the accountant finished yet? @ @ @

4. Isn't the President a great speaker? @ @ @
5. Didn't I ask you to get some more ink? @ @ @
6. Shouldn't you put on a coat? @ @ @

You will hear eight Negative questions. Each question is followed by three responses. Listen
and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).
1. @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ 7.@ @@ Score
2. @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ 8.@ @@ .. /8

Embedded Questions
Exercise A Match each question (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. Do you know where the water fountain is? a. I'll tell you as soon as I see him.
2. Did anyone tell you that you can't park there? b. It's on the first floor, near the elevator.
3. Will you let me know when Gareth arrives? c. Yes, there was an announcement yesterday.
4. Are you sure the convention is canceled? d. No, I turned it down in the end.
5, Did you decide whether you will take the job? e, Sorry, I'll move my car.
6. Can you tell me why the order is delayed? f. We have had problems at the factory.

1, . b 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, ..

Exercise B Read the questions and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).

1, Do you know when the movie starts? 4. Did you know that Jim is now the Regional Manager?
(A) It's on Eighth Avenue. (A) I know him well.
(8) At six, I think. (8) Yes, I heard about that.
(C) Yes, I know, (C) They're having a meeting now.

2. Does anyone know where my umbrella is? 5. Are you sure you want to work here full-time?
(A) We think you're right. (A) Yes, I'd like to.
(8) It might be at reception. (8) We're all full-time staff,
(C) I don't know whose it is. (C) Around 40 hours a week.

3. Have you heard if they signed the contract? 6. Will you let me know your address?
(A) It's behind the closet. (A) Yes, I know where you live.
(8) Yes, I heard that too. (8) I'll e-mail it soon,
(C) Nobody's said anything. (C) Please call me Nick,

Exercise C 35 Read the questions. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).


Do you know where the bank is?
Did you decide where we're meeting?

@ @ @
@ @

3. Does anyone know where my keys are? @ @ @

4, Will you let me know when my order is shipped? @ @ @
5, Are you sure this address is correct? @ @ @
6. Can you tell me when the taxi is here? @ @ @

36 You will hear eight Embedded questions. Each question is followed by three responses. Listen
and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C),

1. @ @ @ 3.@ @ @ 5.@ @ @ 7.@ @ @

2.@ @ @ 4.@ @ @ 6.@ @ @ B.@ @ @ .. jS

Statements are common in Part 2 of the TOEIC test. There can be a wide range of possible responses to
a statement. Identifying the correct response can therefore be challenging.

Exercise A Match each statement (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. Mr. Simmons left an hour ago. a. Yes, let's rest for a while.

2. It's freezing cold outside! b. I hope it gets warmer soon.

3. There's no paper in the printer. c. Yes, he lived there for five years.

4. I think it's time for a break. d. I thought it closed at eight.

5. The store closes at ten. e. That's right. I saw him take a taxi.

6. I hear Joe speaks Chinese. f. I'll get some more right away.

1 'C.... 2. 3.. 4. 5. 6 .

1. My flight gets in at seven. a. That's Philip's, I think.

2. This food is delicious. b. Do you have an elevator?

3. I found this file in the meeting room. c. I'll meet you at the airport.

4. This product is reliable and economical. d. How long is the warranty?

5. The stairs are on your left. e. I was in Hawaii on business.

6. I didn't see you in the office last week. f. I'm glad you like it.

1. c 2 3 . 4. 5. 6 .

1. I don't feel so weli today. a. Maybe you should see a doctor.

2. Mr. Saito was happy with the demonstration. b. Don't worry. I won't forget.

3. It's very hot in here. c. Let's hope he places an order.

4. Please remember to mail this tonight. d. Oh really. Who's that?

5. Only one applicant seems to be suitable. e. I'll turn on the air conditioning.

6. I'm going to a concert tonight. f. I hope you really enjoy it.

1. a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 .

Exercise B Read the statements and choose the correct response: (A). (B), or (C).
1. We need to rent a car. 6. This coffee is very good.
(A) It's not so far. (A) I'm pleased your cough is improving.
(B) Yes, we went by car. (B) I'll make one for you.
(C) OK. I'll check the price. (C) I knew you would like it.

2. I won't finish this work before Friday. 7. l'i1see you at six.

(A) The clerk's here on Monday. (Al I don't want to swim in the sea.
(B) Yes, it's very tidy. (B) I'm looking forward to it.
(C) Do you want my help? (C) Yes, he'i1 be six next week.

3. Let's go to the bank together. 8. Tina put the report on your desk.
(A) I don't know about weather. (A) The doctor said I should rest.
(B) Why do you want to come? (B) l'i1look at it soon.
(C) There's no need to thank me. (C) By tomorrow at the latest.

4. Thanks for the lunch. 9. These computers are on sale.

(A) Don't you feel weil? (Al Is that my mail?
(B) Yes, it was. (B) Maybe we'i1 buy one.
(C) You're welcome. (C) I'm buying a digital TV.

5. Tracy Chang is at reception for you. 10. There are lots of taxis over there.
(A) l'i1 be right down. (A) I'd prefer to walk.
(B) That's not my intention. (B) Yes, taxes are too high.
(C) The reception was wonderful. (C) I don't know what to wear.

Exercise C 37 Read the statements. Then listen and choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).
1. It's raining outside. @ • @
2. The post office is closed. @ @ @
3. My headache is getting worse. @ @ @
4. The train was late this morning. @ @ @
5. Timothy is preparing the business plan. @ @ @
6. You need to wear a suit. @ @ @
7. Today's training is in Room 14. @ @ @
8. This month's income is low. @ @ @
9. The bus leaves from Harvard Square. @ @ @
10. I'm very interested in this opportunity. @ @ @

38 You wiil hear eight Statements. Each statement is foilowed by three responses. Listen and
choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C).

1. @ @ @ 3.@ @ @ 5.@ @ @ 7.@ @ @

2. @ @ @ 4.@ @ @ 6.@ @ @ 8.@ @ @ /8

Words with Multiple Meanings
In English, the same word can sometimes have more than one meaning. For example, you hear the
question "Do you have the right time?" followed by the response "Yes, it's on the right." The word right
is used for two different meanings: right (correct) and right (opposite of left). The TOEIC test sometimes
uses words that have multiple meanings in order to mislead you. This is especially common in Part 2.

Exercise A Read these questions and statements. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.
1. You have to come and see us more often. 5. Let's fix a date for the meeting.
a. visit b. look at a. arrange b. repair
2. We're looking for two cheap metal filing cabinets. 6. We need to make some hard decisions.
a. poor quality b. inexpensive a. difficult b. solid
3. That hotel is very good. 7. This keyboard doesn't appear to work.
a. kind b. high-quality a. seem b. become visible
4. We need to study the report carefully. 8. Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.
a. learn b. examine a. incorrect b. unsuitable

Exercise 8 Complete each pair of sentences with the same word.

1. Do you want to stop work and take a ...?re;:l,!<: ?
Th e mac h"me ISexpensive
. so p Iease d'on t bre ak .
2. I'd like to a room for tonight.
I'm reading a on time management.
3. Hugo is taking a....... in business studies at college.
I never fly business as it's too expensive.
4. I would like a refund, please.
After the big meal everyone was. . .
5. What . ....of work do you do?
It was very .. of you to meet me.
6. I often . tennis on the weekend.
What did you think of the last night?
7. Please tell me your name and.
The president gave a wonderful .................................
at the start of the conference.
8. I don't like food that's too spicy or .. .
It's going to be .. and sunny all weekend.

STJ Words with Multiple Meanings

39 You will hear eight questions or statements, each followed by three responses. Listen carefully
for words with multiple meanings, and choose the correct response: (A), (8), or (C).
1, @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ 5, @ @ @ 7. @ @ @
2. @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ Score

Similar-sounding Words
As in Part 1, incorrect answer choices can include words that sound similar to key words in the question
or statement. For example, you hear the question "Do you enjoy your job?" followed by the response
"Yes, I like to jog." The words job and jog sound similar. You need to listen carefully to distinguish these
similar-sounding words.

Exercise A For each numbered word below (1-5), find three words in the box that sound similar.

than bird meat disobey Japan hotel third ~ personnel sheet repay concrete bell heard delay

1. can ..pl<i,I:L
2. well
3. sweet
4. word ..........................
5. say

Exercise B Read these questions and responses. Underline the words that sound similar. Then identify
the correct response for each question.

1. Where's the report? 5. Should we meet at eight?

(A) I think James has it. (A) If that's not too late.
(B) There's a resort on the coast. (B) Go straight and turn left.
(C) I'd like some support. (C) Please wait here.

2. Are they coming by plane? 6. Congratulations on winning first prize.

(A) Please remain seated. (A) Can I have fries with that?

(B) I'm glad they came. (B) They advised me to go.

(C) No, they're taking a train. (C) Thanks. It was a big surprise.

3. What time do you usually get home? 7. Are you in charge of the sales promotion?
(A) It's a tough climb. (A) No, I think Simon is.
(B) Just before nine, usually. (B) It's a very large increase.
(C) There's a sign by the phone. (C) I don't use hand lotion.

4. When will they advertise the new position? 8. Would you prefer to leave at nine?
(A) The exhibition is on Friday. (A) I can refer you.
(B) It's a new competition. (B) It's time to transfer now.

(C) It'll be in Monday's edition of the paper. (C) Yes, if you don't mind.

Similar-sounding Words
You will hear eight questions or statements, each followed by three responses. Listen and
choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C). Do not be misled by words that sound alike.

1.@ @ @ 3.@ @ @ 5.@ @ @ 7.@ @ @

2.@ @ @ 4.@ @ @ 6.@ @ @ 8.@ @ @ i8

Words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings are called homophones.
For example, you hear the question "Can you hear what she's saying?" followed by the response
"Yes, here it is." Both hear and here sound the same. Sometimes this part of the TOEIC test uses
homophones in order to mislead you.

Exercise A Complete each question or statement with the correct homophone.

1. Could you please .... .... the door? 5. I don.t...... ... Mike's cell phone number.
a. close b. clothes a. no b. know
2. Can you get the file for me? 6. Is it birthday today?
a. blew b. blue a. your b. you're
3. I've been waiting ages. 7. I.. . Jack on my way to work.
a. for b. four a.past b.passed
4. Did you buy that computer on . 8. There are many errors in this document.
a. sail b. sale a. too b. two

Exercise B Read these questions and responses. Underline two words that sound the same. Then
identify the correct response for each question.

1. Where do you want to have lunch? 5. The sun is very hot today.
(A) That's a good idea. (A) That's the wrong way.
(B) I have nothing to wear. (B) Yes, it is.
(C) Why don't you decide? (C) My son is fifteen.

2. The director will arrive in one hour. 6. Who knows the answer to question 17
(A) That's our collection. (A) There are ten questions.
(B) No, there are two. (B) I think I do.
(C) Is everyone ready? (C) I have a runny nose.

3. Have you read that magazine? 7. Something I ate didn't agree with me.
(A) I looked through it quickly. (A) Oh, that's a shame.
(B) Yes, it's very red. (B) Yes, it's at eight.
(C) It cost $10. (C) I don't like to argue.

4. Can you write your name on this form, please? 8. Could I see the account details?
(A) Yes, that's right. (A) I can't count.
(B) OK, I'll do it now. (B) They love the sea.
(C) The form's over there. (C) Here they are.

You will hear eight questions or statements, each followed by three responses. Listen and
choose the correct response: (A), (B), or (C). Do not be misled by words that sound the same.
1.0 @ @ 3.0 @ @ 5.0 @ @ 7.0 @ @
2.0 @ @ 4.0 @ @ 6.0 @ @ 8.0 @ @ ......

This section presents an effective. step-by-step approach to use when answering questions on Part 2
of the TOEIC@test.

The steps shown here are designed to help you achieve a higher score when you take the test.
By following these steps, you should be able to maximize your score on this part of the test.

II~ Listen carefully and pay particular attention to the beginning of each question. The
first word or phrase is especially important. The beginning can help you identify the
type of question (Wh-, YeslNo, choice. etc.). Remember that sometimes you will hear a
statement rather than a question.

EI~ Think about the kind of response that might be appropriate. Decide what kind of
response you need to listen for.

Questions beginning with .•. May ask about ...

What? an activity (a meeting)

When? a dateltime, etc. (four o'c/ock)

Where? a place (the airport)

Who? a person I occupation (Mr. Smith I a dentist)

Why? a reason (because I was sick)

Which? an alternative (the red one)

How? a method (by car)

How long? duration (three days)

How often? frequency (once a month)

EI~ Listen carefully to all three answer choices. As you listen, eliminate any responses
you are sure are incorrect. To help you eliminate incorrect responses:
• try to remember details from the question or statement
• check that the response matches the question type
• do not be misled by distractors or responses that answer a different question

II~ Mark your answer.

mmD 42 Listen to this question. Check (.1) the first word you hear.

[ ] Where (.I] Would [] What [] When

r!D!D Predict one or two possible responses. Note your ideas.


I!D!D Look at the responses below. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) Not at all. That's fine. [,(] eliminate [ ] consider

(8) Yes, I like meat. [,(] eliminate [ ] consider
(C) The end of the week would be OK. [ ] eliminate (.I] consider

mD Select the most appropriate response and mark your answer. @ @ •

mmD 43 Listen to this question. Pay particular attention to the beginning.

r!D!D Quickly think of one or two possible responses.

I!D!D Listen to the responses. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) ] eliminate ] consider

(8) ] eliminate ] consider
(C) 1 eliminate ] consider

mD Mark your answer. @ @ @

ED •.•
Listen to this question. Check (,I) the first word you hear.

[ J Who [J Do [1 Did [J Does

EDPredict one or two possible responses. Note your ideas.

mmD Look at the responses below. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.
(A) Is that the time? 1 eliminate 1 consider
(B) Yes, unless I'm away on business. 1 eliminate 1 consider
(C) Thanks, but I've eaten already. 1 eliminate 1 consider

EmDSelect the most appropriate response and mark your answer. 0 @ @

ED 'OS Listen to this question. Pay particular attention to the beginning.

EDQuickly think of one or two possible responses.

mmD Listen to the responses. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.
(A) 1 eliminate J consider
(B) 1 eliminate J consider
(C) J eliminate 1 consider

EmDMark your answer. 0 @ @

ED 46 Listen to this question. Check (.1) the first word you hear.

[ 1 What [1 Where [1 When [] Why

Iii& Predict one or two possible responses. Note your ideas.

mD Look at the responses below. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) He's an electrician. ] eliminate ] consider

(B) Yes, he does. ] eliminate ] consider
(C) He'd like to, one day. ] eliminate I consider

EmD Select the most appropriate response and mark your answer. @ @ @

mmD 47 Listen to this question. Pay particular attention to the beginning.

EiiiD Quickly think of one or two possible responses.

mD Listen to the responses. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) 1 eliminate 1 consider

(B) ] eliminate 1 consider
(C) 1 eliminate 1 consider

EmD Mark your answer. @ @ @

Practice 4
EmD 48 Listen to this question. Check (.f) the first word you hear.

[ 1 Can [1 When [ 1 Where [1 Do

EiiD Predict one or two possible responses. Note your ideas.

EiiD Look at the responses below. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) I can see you perfectly. 1 eliminate 1 consider

(B) Yes, of course. 1 eliminate 1 consider
(C) I took the subway. 1 eliminate 1 consider

ED Select the most appropriate response and mark your answer. 0 @ @

EmD 49 Listen to this question. Pay particular attention to the beginning.

EiiD Quickly think of one or two possible responses.

EiiD Listen to the responses. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) 1 eliminate 1 consider

(B) 1 eliminate J consider
(C) 1 eliminate 1 consider

ED Mark your answer. 0 @ @

Practice 5
I!mD 50 Listen to this statement. Check (.I) the first phrase you hear.

[ 1 It's nearly time [] Please don't [ ]1 don't want [] There are a lot

mmD Predict one or two possible responses. Note your ideas.

mmD Look at the responses below. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) I'd like to do that again. 1 eliminate ] consider

(8) The traffic was terrible. 1 eliminate 1 consider
(C) Don't worry. You won't be late. 1 eliminate 1 consider

limSelect the most appropriate response and mark your answer. @ @ @

I!mD 51 Listen to this statement. Pay particular attention to the beginning.

mmD Quickly think of one or two possible responses.

mmD Listen to the responses. Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.

(A) 1 eliminate 1 consider

(8) 1 eliminate I consider
(C) 1 eliminate 1 consider

limMark your answer. @ @ @


Strategy Review Listening Test - Part 2

Remember, in the test. ..

Concentrate on the audio completely. Focus especially on the beginning of each question or

As you listen to the question or statement, think about possible responses.

Listen carefully to all three responses before making your decision.

Eliminate any answers that you are sure are wrong.

If you are not sure about the answer, don't waste time. Decide quickly! There is only a short
pause of a few seconds between each question.

Here is some advice that people taking the TOEIC test have found useful for this part.
Choose the tips you like, and try to use them .

"I find it hard to maintain concentration on this part. So, for each item, I begin by t,

holding my pencil over (A). If I think I hear the correct response, I keep my pencil
over (A). If I think the response is incorrect, I move the pencil along to (6) and repeat
the tactic. After I've heard all three responses, I mark the letter my pencil is over. This I:
helps me keep up with the recording and focus on the right answer." Pierre Bertrand Il
~----------------------- ----------_.---.-.---
- -~ ._.
..--- ..---.----------
..." - --
.. . --~------~- -.
"Don't think too hard about one answer, because you might miss the next question. ,"
Just guess and get ready for the next question."
.~. - _ ..
--~ ~.. _... -
". - .- _. -- - - . - - - - -~
Dae-Ho Kyoun
-- -------
- - --
. '

"Don't expect the same verb tense to be used in the question and the response. I
noticed that correct responses are often in a different verb tense to the question."
Umiko Kimura
-------------------------_ ../"
-- -- ---_.~
, "If you think you hear the same word in the question and in the response, it could be I
a dlstractor!" Kurt Graggaber
. ---- .. - -
- - -- - -----------------'"'" -

. . ._- -- - -------- - _. .
"The best advice I can give is to always listen carefully to the first word. This is the key J'

to identifying the correct answer." Pedro Ruiz

.,---------- -- . - - -- ---- --""
-- - ------ ----

Review Test
52 Directions: Listen to these questions and statements. After each question or statement, you will hear
three responses. Select the most appropriate response: (A), (6), or (C). Then mark your answer. You will
hear each question or statement, and the responses, only once.

1. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 14. Mark your answer. (6) @ @

2. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 15. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
3. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 16. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
4. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 17. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
5. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 18. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
6. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 19. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
7. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 20. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
8. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 21. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
9. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 22. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
10. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 23. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
11. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 24. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
12. Mark your answer. (6) @ @ 25. Mark your answer. (6) @ @
13. Mark your answer. (6) @ @

Score ..............


This part of the TOEIC~ test consists of thirteen short conversations. There are three
questions for each conversation. Each question has four answer choices. You must
choose the correct answer from the four choices.

You can read the questions and the answer choices, but not the conversations. You will
hear each conversation only once.

• Most conversations are between two people. Often each person speaks twice, but
sometimes they may speak three or more times each.

• Conversations are designed to be natural, so they include contractions (I'll rather than
I will), fillers (Oh, Uh, Hmm, etc.) and a range of formal and informal language.

• One conversation has three people.

• There are a few questions that require you to make inferences based on what you
hear. These questions test your knowledge of context, and vocabulary function.
For example, What does the man mean when he says, "It's up to you"?

• For three conversations you will also see a small graphic (e.g., a form, list, or label)
together with the questions. One question will require you to relate the information in
the graphic to what you hear in the conversation.
For example, the graphic may be a list of office departments. One question may be:
Look at the graphic. Which department You will not
does the man need to contact?
hear the name of the department, but the man may be calling with an invoice query,
and one of the departments is Finance.

• After each conversation, you will hear the three questions. There is a pause of eight
seconds between each question.

'," ...•


~any conversations are there in this part of the TOEIC test?

How many conversations have three speakers?
What kinds of graphics are sometimes used?
Do all the conversations include a graphic?
Are the conversations repeated?



53 EXAMPLE 1 - a typical conversation

Most conversations are between two speakers. Each speaker has two "turns".

[M-Am] Hello. I work in a small accounting firm and we're interested in a Web site. I saw your ad in a
locai newspaper. Um - can you tell me how much it would cost?
[F-Cn] Ah, well that depends on what you want. I'm guessing you won't want e-commerce or
anything too fancy?
[M-Am] Oh no, Just something simple to give us an online presence. The cheaper the better, actually.
[F-Cn] Hmm. I see. Well, our basic package costs from $3,000 .. , that's for a maximum of 20 pages,
with photos. I can put you through to one of our team of designers, if you'd like to find out

1, Where most likely does the woman work?

(A) At an accounting firm
(B) At a web design agency
(C) At an online store
(D) At a local newspaper

- - - .
2. Why is the man calling?
(A) To make a purchase
(B) To query an invoice
(C) To inquire about a service
(D) To complain about the price

• •• •

3. What does the woman offer to do?

(A) Reduce the price
(B) Provide more information
(C) Connect the man with a colleague
(D) Send some photographs

.. • •

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see each conversation.

54 EXAMPLE 2 - a longer conversation
For some conversations, speakers have more than two "turns".

[M-Cn] What time's the train?

[F-Am] I think it leaves at five minutes after eleven.
[M-Cn] Really? We don't want to miss it.
[F-Am] Don't worry. We have five minutes.
[M-Cn] But this traffic's terrible! Can't you take a different route?
[F-Am] No. This is the only way. Look, there's the station! We're almost there.
[M-Cn] Well, that's a relief!

1. Where are the speakers?

(A) At a train station
(B) In a hotel
(C) In a car
(D) At an airport

- --- - - -- ._- -
The man mentions the traffic and asks the woman If she can take a different route. The woman
is driving. They are not yet at the train station (A). (B) is not mentioned. (D) seeks to mislead by
confusing train with plane. i
----- -- -----------------_. '

2. Why is the man nervous?

(A) He thinks the woman is driving badly.
(B) He does not feel well.
(C) He thinks they are going the wrong way.
(D) He is worried about missing the train.

The man says We don't wa;; to miss it. His trai~ ieaves shortiy. He says the traffic is terrible, .-:
not the woman's driving (A). The man is anxious, but there is no indication he feels unwell (B).
(el mistakenly relates the man's request to take a different route to heading in the wrong direction.
I..... _
3. What time is it?
(A) 5:00 A.M.

(B) 7:00 A.M.

(C) 9:00 A.M.

(D) 11 :00 A.M.

The train leaves at five minutes after eleven and the woman says We have five minutes.
(A) confuses the time five o'clock with five minutes. (B) confuses the similar-sounding words
seven and eleven. (C) is not mentioned.

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see each conversation.


55 EXAMPLE 3 - a conversation between three speakers
This example shows a conversation between three speakers. Notice Question 3, which is an example
of an implied meaning question.

[F-Br] How was the trade show, guys? Did you enjoy it?
[M1-Am] I'll say. There were a lot of new products on display. Plenty of things I hadn't seen before,
[M2-Au] Yeah, and almost all our rivals were exhibiting there. Out of interest, why didn't we have a
stand, Nick?
[M1-Am] I was thinking we would, but the cheapest they had was over $8,000.
[F-Br] What? Just for two days? That's incredible.
[M1-Am] Yeah. I couldn't really justify that kind of expense, but maybe nex1year.

1. Who are the speakers?

(A) Trade show exhibitors
(B) Office coworkers
(C) Employees of rival firms
(D) Business students

~~f~.~ --:1'" : ~ # •• I~ I _' ---.-----.---------.

The"speakers are discussing a trade show, and why their company didn't exhibit there. They refer ,;
"to'themselves as we and mention ...J....._'
__'l • . .
our rivals. We can deduce
_' ~ __
they ••work together.' 1 • •
':. •

2. What can be inferred about the woman?

(A) She did not attend the event.
(B) She was away for two days.
(C) She is responsible for new products.
(D) She enjoys going to trade shows.

t r' . -~.) , .. --- ---------r- .-~

l The woman asks the men How was the trade show, guys? and they explain a little about it.
We can
_1 __ infer the woman didn't go to the event.
,________________ _ _ _ [' _~

3. Why does the woman say, "That's incredible"?

(A) She thinks the news is wonderful.
(B) One of the men won a prize.
(C) She is surprised at the cost.
(D) Her trip was very short.

---- .. ....
woman is responding
to the news that a stand at the
twO-day event
cost $8,000._ ,

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see each conversation.

56 EXAMPLE 4 - a conversation including a graphic
This example shows a conversation including a graphic. Notice Question 3, which requires you to
relate the information you see in the graphic to what you hear in the conversation.

[M-Br] Sorry, Katy. Gan you tell me when I'm seeing Dr. Nickels? Weather chart
I can't remember. Monday 9°e
[F-Gn] No problem. Let me just check in the diary ... Uh, that's at 3 P.M.
Tuesday Boe
on Friday. Wednesday 7°e
[M-Br] OK, thanks. It's a long drive and I'm not looking forward to it, Thursday 10 e

to be honest. I hope the weather improves. Friday 10 e


[F-Gn] I checked and they say it is going to be warmer from tomorrow.

[M-Br] Well, that's a relief. And I suppose he is the senior engineer on this
project, so I can't avoid going.

1. What is the conversation mainly about?

(A) The changing weather
(B) Plans for a vacation
(C) An upcoming meeting
(D) A medical appointment

The speakers are discussing the man's meeting with Dr. Nickel's, which is scheduled for
3 P.M. on Friday.
----- ------

2. What does the man imply about Dr. Nickels?

(A) He has been unwell.
(B) He might soon retire.
(C) He will be relieved.
(D) He is a key associate.

The man says Dr. Nickel's is the senior engineer on this project and therefore he can't avoid
going. We can infer Dr. Nickels is an important contact.
- ----- -

3. Look at the graphic. On what day does this conversation take place?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Thursday
(D) Friday
- ---------_._.
The woman mentions the weather is going to be warmer from tomorrow. We can see from the
chart that the weather will improve from Thursday, meaning the day the conversation takes
place IS Wednesday.
.... - - - ._ ..

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see each conversation.


57 Directions
You will hear four conversations. For each conversation, read the three questions and the four answer
choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (D). Then mark
your answer. You will hear each conversation only once.

1. What is the woman's job? 7, Where are the speakers?

(A) Teacher (A) In a restaurant
(8) Flight attendant (8) In an airport
(C) Secretary (C) In a hotel
(D) Chef (D) In a police station

2. What did the caller want to do? 8. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) Change an appointment (A) A wake-up call
(8) Send a fax (8) A meeting
(C) Have lunch (C) A flight schedule
(D) Place an order (D) A welcome party
3. When will the man meet the caller? 9. What will the man probably do next?
(A) Later that afternoon (A) Catch a plane
(8) Later that evening (8) Have breakfast
(C) The following morning (C) Go to sleep
(D) The following afternoon (D) Start work

4. Who are the speakers? 10. Where does this conversation take place?
(A) Athletes (A) In a hotel
(8) Job applicants (8) In an office building
(C) Actors (C) In a fire station
(D) Security guards (D) In a school

5. What does the man mean when he says, 11. What is the problem?
"Don't hold your breath"? (A) The coffee machine is broken.
(A) He doubts they will be successful. (8) The woman cannot make copies.
(8) They all feel very tired. (C) The man has lost some paper.
(C) They cannot wait for long. (D) The woman has failed a test.
(D) He is worried about the women's health.
12. Look at the graphic. What extension number
6. What will they probably do next? will the woman call?
(A) Take a rest (A) 221
Personnel Extension
(8) Start work (8) 249
Sandy Kline 221
(C) Watch a play (C) 322
Bob Statham 249
(D) Catch a bus (D) 389 Gerry Connors 322
Mel Leeson 389

1. 0 @ @ @ 4. 0 @ @ @ 7. 0 @ @ @ 10. 0 @ @ @
2.0 @ @ @ 5. 0 @ @ @ 8. 0 @ @ @ 11. 0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @ 6. 0 @ @ @ 9. 0 @ @ @ 12. 0 @ @ @
Score. .../12


In this section you will practice ways to improve your score on Part 3 of the TOEIC@test.

These are the exercises you wili cover:

Listening for Main Ideas ~ listening to conversations for overall

comprehension; identifying the speakers, the
topic, the main activities and the location

Listening for Details ~ listening to conversations for specific

information; identifying time, reasons,
plans, offers, requests, suggestions, advice
and opinions

Making Inferences ~ listening to conversations for information that is

not directly stated

Conversations Including relating what you hear with information you can
a Graphic see in a simple graphic (e.g., a chart, table, etc.)

In the TOEIC test, there are conversations on many different topics: business meetings, negotiations,
travel, health care, entertainment, socializing, etc. You will practice listening to a wide range of
conversation topics to help you prepare for this part of the test.

As you work through Improve Your Performance, look back at your answers in the Try It Out section and
try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Notice what problems you have, and focus on the areas
you need to improve.


Listening for Main Ideas
In Part 3, you need to demonstrate that you have a good overall understanding of the conversations
you hear. Questions that test your ability to understand main ideas in a conversation may ask about the
speakers, the topic, the main activities, and the location.

TIPS I Listening for Main Ideas - Part 3 Short Conversations

• Look for questions such as Who is the man talking to? What are they discussing?
What is happening now? Where is the conversation taking place?
• As you listen, ask yourself: Who is speaking? What are they talking about?
What are they doing? Where are they?

• Don't worry about words you might miss. You do not need to understand every
single word in a conversation in order to understand the main ideas.


[M-BrJ My interview was terrible. I don't think I'll get ttie promotion. ., talking
. ~about
[F-Am] Don't worry. You have good !=jualificationsand a lot of experience. --- a job
I'm sure they'll choose you. interview
[M-Br] No, I don't think so. Not with my poor health record.
waitingfO' ._Anyway, wtiere's my bus? It's five minutes late already.
a bU5
[F-Am] Look, here it is. Try not to worry about it tonight.
Go home, relax, and I'll see you in tHe office tomorrow. ....'--- coworkers

1. What are the speakers discussing?

The man mentions he had an interview
(A) A bus schedule
for a promotion. The woman refers to his
(B) A job interview
qualifications and experience. She tells him
(C) A health problem
not to worry about it (the interview).
(D) A recent exam

2. Where does the conversation take place?

The man asks Anyway, where's my bus? and
(A) At the man's home
mentions it's late. The woman says here it is.
(B) At an airport
They must be waiting at a bus stop.
(C) At a bus stop
(D) At a taxi stand

3. Who are the speakers?

(A) Office workers The woman says I'll see you in the office :
(B) Restaurant employees tomorrow, which suggests they work together,
• I
(C) Bus drivers In an office.
(D) Medical doctors

Questions about the Speakers Hssential Vocabulary p329
These questions focus on who you hear. They ask you to identify who the speakers are, their
occupations, and their relationship to each other.

Listen for: Questions about the speakers may include Who are the speakers? Who most likely is the
man? What is the woman's occupation?

59 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. Who most likely is the woman? 0@@@

(A) A teacher
(B) A student
(C) A secretary
(0) A flight attendant

2. Who are the speakers? 0@@@

(A) Booksellers
(B) Authors
(C) Travel agents
(0) Police officers

3. Who is the man talking to? 0@@@

(A) A passenger
(B) A tourist
(C) A patient
(0) An employee

4. Who is the man? 0@@@

(A) A painter
(B) A firefighter
(C) A professor
(0) A florist

5. Who is the woman? 0@@@

(A) A receptionist
(B) A waitress
(C) A cleaner
(0) A hotel manager

6. What is the woman's occupation? 0@@@

(A) Flight attendant
(B) Taxi driver
(C) Traffic officer
(0) Ticket clerk


Questions about the Topic
These questions focus on what the conversation is about. They ask you to identify the subject of the
conversation, which can be a person, a thing, or an activity.

Listen for: Questions about the topic may include What are the speakers talking about? What is the
subject of the conversation? What is the problem?

60 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. What is the subject of the conversation? @@@@

(A) A flight
(B) A movie
(C) A meeting
(0) A presentation

2. What are the speakers talking about? @@@@

(A) Food quality
(B) Poor service
(C) Cooking techniques
(0) Healthy eating

3. What are the speakers mainly discussing? @@@@

(A) A board meeting
(B) A sales report
(C) A new employee
(0) A daily schedule

4. What is the problem? @@@@

(A) The elevator is being serviced.
(B) Someone is trapped in the elevator.
(C) The elevator is broken.
(0) There are no stairs.

5. What are the people discussing? @@@@

(A) Buying a house
(B) Going to a party
(C) Someone's address
(0) Problems with neighbors

6. What are the man and woman talking about? @@@@

(A) The best way to get to the airport
(B) The cost of public transportation
(C) The location of the train station
(0) The airport bus schedule

Questions about Activities ~ Essential Vocabulary p329
These questions focus on what is happening. They ask you to identify what the speakers are doing, or
what they are going to do.

Listen for: Questions about activities may include What are the speakers doing? What is the man going
to do? What does the woman plan to do?

6' Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0). that best answers
each question.

1. What is the woman doing? @@@@

(A) Taking the subway
(B) Getting on a bus
(C) Waiting for a train
(0) Catching a flight

2. What is the man doing? @@@@

(A) Giving change
(B) Paying the fare
(C) Picking up a package
(0) Changing clothes

3. What is the woman doing? @@@@

(A) Mailing a letter
(B) Working in a post office
(C) Giving directions
(0) Going to a bank

4. What is Jason doing? @@@@

(A) Moving some furniture
(B) Working on a report
(C) Visiting an important client
(0) Preparing a presentation

5. What is the man doing? @@@@

(A) Checking the time
(B) Repairing a car
(C) Charging a battery
(0) Changing a tire

6. What are the speakers doing? @@@@

(A) Eating in a restaurant
(B) Buying food in a supermarket
(C) Waiting for friends
(0) Cooking a meal


Questions about the Location ~ Essential Vocabulary p330
These questions focus on where the conversation is taking place. They ask you to identify the location,
such as a meeting room, a post office, a restaurant, etc.

Listen for: Questions about the location may include Where are the speakers? Where does the man
probably work? Where is the man going?

62 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers
each question.

1. Where is the conversation taking place? 0@@@

(A) At a train station
(B) At a hotel
(C) At a sports center
(D) At a movie theater

2. Where are the speakers? 0@@@

(A) In a restaurant
(B) In a kitchen
(C) In an apartment
(D) In a supermarket

3. Where is the woman going? 0@@@

(A) To a bookstore
(B) To her school
(C) To the library
(D) To the museum

4. Where does the woman probably work? 0@@@

(A) At a grocery store
(B) At a post office
(C) At a flower shop
(D) At a doctor's office

5. Where most likely are the speakers? 0@@@

(A) At a garage
(B) At a car showroom
(C) At a car rental agency
(D) At a parking lot

6. Where is Mr. Wilkinson? 0@@@

(A) In a dentist's office
(B) At a hair salon
(C) In a coffee shop
(D) In a travel agency

I Listening for Main Ideas
63 Practice listening for all the main idea elements: the speakers, topic, activities, and location.
Listen to these conversations and choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), for
each question.

1. Where is the conversation taking place? 7. What does the woman plan to do?
(A) At a museum (A) Take a vacation
(B) At a college (B) Attend a convention
(C) At a hotel (C) Give a presentation
(0) At a bus station (0) Buy some presents

2. What are the speakers discussing? 8. What is the probiem?

(A) A job opportunity (A) She cannot find a hotel.
(B) A business course (B) The train is late.
(C) A vacation package (C) The hoteis are expensive.
(0) A work schedule (0) She feels unwell.

3. What is the man's occupation? 9. Where will the woman probably stay?
(A) Student (A) In the city center
(B) Tourist (B) Near the train station
(C) Clerk (C) Outside the city
(0) Businessman (0) At an airport hotel

4. What is the problem? 10. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) The woman is not happy with her meal. (A) A job vacancy
(B) There is no food. (B) A trip to a restaurant
(C) The man refuses to apologize. (C) Plans for a party
(0) The room is too cold. (0) Preparations for a meeting

5. Who is the woman talking to? 11. What is the man going to do?
(A) A friend (A) Clean the room
(B) A cook (B) Call home
(C) A waiter (C) Have a drink
(0) A mechanic (0) Order some food

6. What is the man going to do? 12. Who are the speakers?
(A) Leave work early (A) Passengers
(B) Pay the bill (B) Students
(C) Close the office (C) Customers
(0) Bring more food (0) Coworkers

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @

Score ...... /12


Listening for Details
In Part 3, you , need to show that you can identify and understand important points in the conversations
you listen to. Questions that test your ability to understand details in a conversation may ask about time,

reasons, plans, offers/requests, suggestions/advice, and opinions. For some questions, you will also need
to refer to a graphic (e.g., a list, form, schedule, table, etc.) to find the information you need.

TI PS Listening for Details - Part 3 Short Conversations

• Look for questions beginning with What, When, Why, and How.
• Before you listen, make sure you know what information you need to listen for.
• As you listen, identify any key words or phrases related to the information you need.
• Focus on the information you need to answer each question.
• Check key details in any graphics ..

64 EXAMPLE 1 - a typical conversation

(F-Am) Good morning, this is Helen from Boston Office Supplies.

[M-Am] Oh, yes. Hello.
time --~.- (F-Am) We have a promotion this month. We have solid oak desks
for just $199, and our Ambassador office chairs are half-price.
opinon --...,._ [M-Am) That sounds good. Umm ... well, some of the chairs here -.~---- reason
are pretty old. How much are the ones you mentioned?
(F-Am) The Ambassador chairs are just $80 right now.
[M-Am] Really?
(F-Am) They're leather, and come with a five-year warranty.
Why don't you order now, while the shipping is free? ..•• suggestion

1. How long does the promotion last? The woman says the promotion is for this
(A) All morning month. (A) refers to when the conversation
(B) One month takes place. The warranty is for five years (C).
(C) Five years (O) is not indicated.
(0) One week

The woman say~why don't you order n~

2. What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A) Buy an oak desk
She is referring to the Ambassador chairs,
not a desk (A). She refers to a warranty, but
(B) Extend the warranty
not that the man should extend it (B). She
(C) Place an order immediately
, . says shipping is free, but special delivery (0)
(0) Choose special delivery is not mentioned.

3. What does' the man think of the promotion?

The man says Thatsounds good. (B) and (0)
(A) It is a good opportunity. are incorrect, as the man is interested in the
(B) It is expensive. low price. (C) confuses the age of the chairs
(C) It is an :Oldoffer. in the man's office with the offer.
(O) It is not very interesting.
65 EXAMPLE 2 - a conversation with a graphic BUS
X5 12:00 P.M.

[F-Br] I've almost finished these designs for Bradshaw's. Skyliner 12:15 P.M.

They want all their original samples back, too, so do Central 12:30 P.M.

you think you could take everything over there later? Crty Express 1 :15 P.M.

[M-Au] Sure. No problem.

[F-BrJ Thanks a lot. I promised Geoff Clarkson he would have them today.
[M-Au] Oh, my car's being serviced, so I'll have to take the bus. Is that OK?
[F-Br] Yes. If you're all right with that. Don't you want to take a taxi?
[M-Au] No need. The stop's right outside their place. I have a quick meeting with
Steve from Accounts at half past twelve. I'll head straight over after that.

1. What does the woman ask the man to do?

(A) Finish her work
(B) Copy some documents
(C) Deliver a package
(D) Order some samples
,.- -- _.,- -- -------_. __ .. - -
: The woman mentions she has some designs and samples for a client, and asks the man to
I take everything over there. (A) and (D) are incorrect. (B) is not indicated.
~ __ ~R • _ _ _ • • _

2. What will the man do later?

(A) Visit a client
(B) Go to the bank
(C) Call customer service
(D) Repair his car
. ---------------
We can deduce that Bradshaw's is a client, and that is where the man agrees to go later. He mentions
a meeting with Steve from Accounts, not that he will visit a bank (B). He says he is having his car
serviced, not that he will call customer service (C) or repair the car himself (D).
--------------------------- _. - ." - _. "-

3. Look at the graphic. Which bus will the man most likely take?
(A) X5
(B) Skyliner
(C) Central
(D) City Express
._-- - - - -- - ----
The man says he has a meeting at half past twelve, and adds he will head straight over after that. The
l ~~Iy_b~ I.e.a~i~gI:~er ~han12:30 P.M. is the City Express. ~


Questions about Time ~ Essential Vocabulary p331
These questions focus on when something happens. To answer these questions, you need to recognize
time expressions.

Listen for: Questions about time often begin with When, What time, How often, or How long.

66 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. When will the project be completed? @@@@

(A) On Monday
(B) Before the weekend
(C) Next week
(0) In three months

2. When did the man buy his cell phone? @@@@

(A) A few days ago
(B) Over the weekend
(C) Last week
(0) Two weeks ago

3. What time does the lecture finish? @@@@

(A) At 2:00 P.M.

(B) At 3:00 P.M.

(C) At 4:00 P.M.

(0) At 5:00 P.M.

4. When will the woman sign the contract? @@@@

(A) On Tuesday
(B) On Wednesday
(C) On Thursday
(0) On Saturday

5. How often does Tony go to the gym? @@@@

(A) Every day
(B) Three times a week
(C) Twice a week
(0) On weekdays only

6. How soon will the order be shipped? @@@@

(A) Right away
(B) By five thirty
(C) Later that evening
(0) Early tomorrow morning

Questions about Reasons
These questions focus on why something happens. To answer these questions, you need to be able to
identify reasons.

Listen for: Questions about reasons usually begin with Why.

67 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers
each question.

1. Why is the man unhappy? 0@@@

(A) The filing system is very old.
(B) His boss is difficult to work with.
(C) He cannot find some documents.
(D) His computer does not work.

2. Why did Sean move home? 0@@@

(A) To have more space
(B) To be closer to his office
(C) To walk to the train station
(D) To live in the countryside

3. Why is the meeting delayed? 0@@@

(A) They have to go to the main office.
(B) They are waiting for the manager.
(C) The woman is at a convention.
(D) A coworker is away on business.

4. Why is the woman working late? 0@@@

(A) She is finishing a report.

I (B) She is doing the accounts.

(C) She is preparing an invoice.
(D) She is waiting for a phone call.

5. Why is the woman surprised? 0@@@

(A) Her application was declined.
(B) She was offered a new job.
(C) The Research Director is leaving the company.
(D) Her coworker will be away for six months.

6. Why is Brian unable to come to the office? 0@@@

(A) He is not feeling well.
(B) He has to wait for Barbara.
(C) He is visiting his daughter.
(D) He has an annual review.


Questions about Plans
These questions focus on what someone intends to do. To answer these questions. you need to be able
to identify statements about plans.

Listen for: Questions about plans may include What is the man planning to do? What does the woman
plan to do? What will the speakers probably do?

68 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C). or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. What are the speakers planning to do over the weekend? @@@@

(A) Study for a test
(B) Finish some work
(C) Get some exercise
(0) Visit friends in the country

2. What does Carol plan to do? @@@@

(A) Move to Vancouver
(B) Sign a contract
(C) Quit her job
(0) Work in Toronto

3. How will the man pay? @@@@

(A) By check
(B) By cash
(C) By credit card
(0) By bank transfer

4. What will the woman probabiy buy? @@@@

(A) A blue dress
(B) A black skirt
(C) A red dress
(0) A dark suit

5. What does Fiona plan to do? @@@@

(A) Change jobs
(B) Leave her job immediately
(C) Take a month's vacation
(0) Look for another job
6. What is the company planning to do? @@@@
(A) Open offices in London
(B) Close one of its branches
(C) Ask investors for advice
(0) Layoff employees in New York

Questions about Offers and Requests Hssential Vocabulary p331
These questions focus on offers people make and things people ask for. To answer these questions, you
need to be able to identify language used to make offers and requests.

Listen for: Questions about requests sometimes begin with Could you ... ? Can you ... ? Do you
think you could ... ? Would you mind ... ing? Questions about offers sometimes begin with Shall I... ?
or Would you like ... ?

69 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers
each question.

1. What does the man offer to do for the woman? 0@@@

(A) Go and get her lunch
(B) Do her shopping
(C) Buy her a drink
(D) Lend her some money

2. What does the man ask Diane to do? 0@@@

(A) Finish at 5:00 P.M.
(B) Come in early on Monday
(C) Work late that evening
(D) Have dinner later

3. What does the woman offer to exchange with Noreen? 0@@@

(A) Her computer
(B) Her monitor
(C) Her desk
(D) Her laptop

4. What does the man offer the woman? 0@@@

(A) A drink
(B) Some food
(C) His cell phone
(D) A check

5. What does the man ask the woman to do? 0@@@

(A) Lend him some money
(B) Allow him to take a chair
(C) Contact some friends
(D) Check the correct time

6. What does the woman request? 0@@@

(A) A meeting with the man's boss
(B) Details of a competition
(C) A discount on purchases in the future
(D) Faster delivery of online orders



Questions about Suggestions and Advice ~Essential Vocabulary p331

These questions focus on suggestions people make and advice they give. To answer these questions,
you need to be able to identify language used to make suggestions and give advice.

Listen for: aJestions about suggestions and advice may include What does the man suggest?
What advice does the woman give? What does the woman advise the man to do?
70 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. What does the woman suggest Craig do to find a job? 0@@@

(A) Check the employment agencies
(B) Go online
(C) Look i~ newspapers
(0) Ask friends
2. What does the woman advise the man to do? 0@@@
(A) Meet Mr. Chan quickly
(B) Plan a new schedule
(C) Work more hours
(0) Look for a taxi company

3. What doek the man advise the woman to do? 0@@@

(A) Work for another company
(B) Find out about another position
(C) Study for more qualifications
(0) Apply for several different jobs

4. What does the woman suggest? 0@@@

(A) Expanding the business
(B) Living in the city
(C) Relocating to a different city
(0) Moving to a larger office
5. What does the man suggest they do for the end-of-the-year party? 0@@@
(A) Go to a local restaurant
(B) Have a party in the conference room
(C) Bring drinks and food to the office
(0) Organize a dance competition

6. What do~s the man advise the woman to do? 0@@@

(A) Take the train
(B) Go by car
(C) Catch the bus
(0) Get a taxi

Questions about Opinions Hssential Vocabulary p331
These questions focus on people's opinions. To answer these questions, you need to be able to identify
language used to express and respond to opinions.

Listen for: Questions about opinions may begin with What is the man's opinion of ... ? How do the
speakers feel about ... ? What does the woman think about...?

71 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (8), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. What do the speakers think of the concert? 0@@@

(A) The tickets were expensive.
(8) The music was too loud.
(C) It was disappointing.
(D) It lasted too long.

2. What is the man's opinion of the recycling procedure? 0@@@

(A) It is not easy to understand.
(8) It is costly to operate.
(C) It is a waste of time.
(0) It does not reduce waste.

3. What does Michelle say about the sales targets for nex1year? 0@@@
(A) They should be higher.
(8) They are surprising.
(C) They are mostly achievable.
(0) They will be hard to reach.

4. What does the woman think of the museum's new shop? 0@@@
(A) It is not easy to find.
(8) It is not finished.
(C) It is a little small.
(0) It is expensive.

5. What do the speakers think about the company? 0@@@

(A) The company's future is secure.
(8) They feel lucky to work there.
(C) There are too many divisions.
(0) It is in danger of going out of business.

6. What does the woman think of the man's suggested price for the TX20? 0@@@
(A) It is too high.
(8) It is a little high.
(C) It is about right.
(D) It is a little low.


1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @

Score ...../12

Making Inferences
In Part 3, you also need to show that you can understand things that are not directly stated in the
conversations you hear. Questions that test your ability to make inferences in a conversation may ask
about the speaker's attitude, or ask you to make deductions based on what you hear.

TIPS I Making Inferences - Part 3 Short Conversations

• Look for questions like What does the man imply about...? Why does the man say... ?
• How a word or phrase is spoken can reveal a speaker's attitude. Listen for each speaker's
stress and intonation, and try to identify how they might feel (angry, surprised, etc.) .
• Think about the meaning "behind" the words. For example, if you hear ''I'd like to check
in, please" and "Here's your key," you can deduce the speakers might be at a hotel .
• Consider the context. The same phrase can have different meanings. For example, if you
hear "The ticket cost $20" and the response is "That's incredible!", the speaker could
think it is expensive or cheap (e.g., if it is a bus ticket or a plane ticket) .
• Watch out for informal expressions and idiomatic language. For example, when someone
says "You bet!" they often mean "I agree".

[F-Am] I don't think there's a future for me at this company.
not happywith • I want a bigger cliallenge, with more responsibility.
herjob? [M-Am] All right. Well, would a raise in salary Help? ~
. .......•.......
doesn'twant her
[F-Am] No, I've made up my mind. I need to pursue
wants to leave? ---- .•• my career elsewhere.
[M-Am] But you're the only person wHo can do this job.
We can't manage without you.
[F-Am] I'm sorry, but there it is.

1. What does the woman imply? The woman says there is no future for her in her
(A) She wants a higher salary. current role. She wants a different job elsewhere (Le.
(B) She wants to quit her job. with a different company). We can make a deduction
(C) She likes working for the company. that she wants to quit.
(0) She needs time to think.

2. What does the man mean when he says,

The man is saying he understands the woman's
"All right"? concerns. He does not offer her more responsibility
(A) That's no problem. (Al or agree to anything (B). He is not trying to get her
(B) It's acceptable. attention (C).
(C) Attention, please.
(0) I understand.

3. How does the man probably feel? The man says the woman fulfills a vital role that
(A) Happy nobody else can do. He feels the company can't
(B) Relieved manage without her. We can infer his attitude is worried
(C) Worried from what he says, and the way he speaks.
(0) Angry


Inferring attitude
74 Exercise A 1 Read and listen. How does the context and pronunciation change the meaning of each
underlined phrase? Choose the correct answers.
1 A. Man: Look! It's raining again! The woman feels ....
Woman: Oh no. And I don't have an umbrella. That's great. a. relieved
b. upset

B. Man: I just got a promotion. The woman feels ....

Woman: Hey, that's great! Good for you. a. pleased
b. thankful

C. Man: The bank has agreed to lend us more money. The woman feels ....
Woman: That's great! Finally, we can go ahead with the expansion. a. relieved
b. upset

2 A. Woman: Guess what? I just got a $3,000 pay raise. The man ....
Man: You're kidding! That's wonderful news, Jane. a. is irritated
b. feels thrilled for the

B. Woman: It looks like the train's going to be late. They just said
there's a delay. The man ....
Man: You're kidding! That's the third time this week. a. feels frustrated
b. doesn't believe the

C. Woman: I think the copy machine's broken. The man ....

Man: You're kidding! We only bought it two weeks ago. a. is amused
b. thinks the woman is

3 A. Man: We should be able to finish the report by Friday, right? The woman ....
Woman: No way! It'll take another week at least. a. is hurt
b. doesn't agree

B. Man: The energy company overcharged us $250 last month. The woman ....
Woman: No way! We should make a complaint. a. feels angry
b. thinks the man is

C. Man: Did you hear? The Lakers won the Super Bowl last night. The woman ....
Woman: No way! I was sure they'd lose. a. is surprised
b. disagrees with the man

Idiomatic language
Exercise A2 Match each expression (1-8) with a meaning (a-h).
You hear... Meaning
1. Absolutely! a. The item was very expensive.
2. Be my guest. b. I've been ill.
3. I can't believe it! c. Be patient.
4. I've been under the weather. d. It was a joke.
5. It cost an arm and a leg. e. I totally agree.
6. We're all in the same boat. f. I'm very surprised.
7. Hold your horses. g. You have my permission.
8. I was pulling your leg. h. Everyone is in a similar position.

listening "behind" the words

You hear ... Meaning
It's really hot in here! Is the heating on? The speaker would prefer the heating to be off.
Are you using that chair? The speaker would like to use the chair.
I can't work out this copy machine. The speaker wants help using the copy machine.

Exercise A3 Read these short statements. What do you think the speaker wants? Complete the
1. This package is really heavy. Are you busy, Chris?
The speaker would like Chris to .

2. I'm not feeling too good. Do you need me this afternoon, Fiona?
The speaker wants Fiona to . .

3. 1don't have any black printer cartridges left. Do you have any, Ian?
The speaker wants Ian to .. .

4. Did you say you're going to the store, Richard? I could do with a sandwich.
The speaker wants Richard to .

5. Diane, do you pass the rail station on your way home? I have a train at six.
The speaker would like Diane to .


Practice Inferring Meaning ~ Essential Vocabulary p329

These questions focus on how people feel about a situation or even!. To answer these questions, you
need to be able to make inferences and deductions in order to understand what the speakers are

75 Listen to six short conversations. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (Dl. that best answers
each question.

1. How does the woman probably feei about the situation? @@@@
(A) Frustrated
(B) Amused
(C) Bored
(D) Pleased

2. What can be inferred from the conversation? @@@@

(A) The food was better than expected.
(B) The woman thinks the meal was expensive.
(C) The service was very poor.
(D) The restaurant does not take cash.

3. What is the man implying? @@@@

(A) The band is very popular
(B) The tickets were a gift.
(C) He goes to a lot of concerts.
(D) He has a busy weekend.

4. What do the men imply about the company? @@@@

(A) It was founded in 2004.
(B) There are more staff these days.
(C) The hours are long.
(D) It is a good place to work.

5. Why does the woman say, "I don't believe it"? @@@@
(A) She strongiy disagrees.
(B) She feels angry.
(C) She is happily surprised.
(D) She wants more evidence.

6. What can be inferred about the man? @@@@

(A) He wants to wait another year.
(B) He feels excited at the news.
(C) He is a little disappointed.
(D) He supports the woman's decision.

Making Inferences
76 Practice listening for inference and implied meaning. Listen to these conversations and choose
the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (D), for each question.
1. What does the woman mean when she says, 7. Why does the man talk to the woman?
"I'm afraid not"? (A) To ask for her help
(A) She agrees with the man. (8) To talk about a recent trip
(8) She does not feel well. (C) To invite her to an event
(C) She has found some mistakes. (D) To offer her a job
(D) She rejects the man's suggestion.
8. What can be inferred from the conversation?
2. Where do the speakers most likely work? (A) It takes place on a weekday.
(A) At an energy company (8) Janice and Kevin are coworkers.
(8) At an engineering firm (C) The speakers are musicians.
(C) At a cell phone company (D) Kevin is busy most evenings.
(D) At a computer store
9. What does the man imply about Mike?
3. How do the speakers probably feel? (A) He knows the area well.
(A) Hopeful (8) He really likes Chicago's.
(8) Worried (C) He does not work hard.
(C) Relaxed (D) He listens to a lot of jazz.
(D) Hungry

I 4. What does the woman mean when she says,

10. Where most likely is this conversation taking
"Is that any good?" (A) At a sports center
(A) She is asking the man for his opinion. (8) At a movie theater
(8) She thinks something could be better. (C) At a high school
(C) She has some doubts about quality. (D) At a conference
(D) She wants to know if something is
acceptable. 11. What does the woman mean when she
says, "Right"?
5. What can be inferred about the woman?
(A) That's correct.
(A) She can drive.
(8) The West Room is on the right.
(8) She is a student.
(C) I agree.
(C) She lives locally.
(D) Let's get started.
(D) She has lost her purse.
12. What can be inferred about the speakers?
6. Where most likely is the conversation taking
(A) They are similar in age.
(8) They work in the same company.
(A) In an office
(C) They are keen on sports.
(8) In a library
(D) They have not met Dr. Harper.
(C) In a bank
(D) In a store

1.0 @ @@ 4. 0 @ @ @ 7. 0 @ @ @ 10.0 @ @ @
2.0 @ @ @ 5. 0 @ @ @ 8. 0 @ @ @ 11.0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @ 6. 0 @ @ @ 9. 0 @ @ @ 12.0 @ @ @
Score ............


Conversations Including a Graphic
Some conversations have a graphic (e.g., a list, or chart). One question will test your ability to relate what
you hear with information you see in the graphic. You need to study the information in the graphic while
you listen.

Types of graphic
Here are some types of graphics you will see:

1 a directory, showing companies, staff, phone 4 a simple map, showing places and their
numbers, floors, departments, etc. locations.


Ground Floor
Display area 1 ESCALATOR Display area 2
SecondFloor Hilton& Sons
Third Floor BaxterLegalServices "

2 a transportation timetable, showing flight

numbers and destinations, train times and ~'NEN
Display area 3
platforms, bus numbers and routes, etc.
I Display area 4


5 a schedule or agenda (e.g., for a meeting

or conference) showing presentations and
speakers, or activities and times, etc.
3 an advertisement, coupon, menu, price list or
other type of promotional material. Event !-ocation
Employee disputes Seminar Room 1
MANOLA B470 Work/Life balance Seminar Room 2
Computer security I.T. Room
Time management Lecture Hall

£79.99 • These questions always begin Look at the
12-month guarantee graphic.
Delivery within 3-5 working days • Notice the type of graphic (a map, list, etc.)
Flexible credit terms available • Study the information quickly. Look for dates,
names, prices, etc.

The information you hear may sometimes be different from the information you see in the graphic. For
example, you see an office directory with a list of names and phone numbers, but in the conversation the
speakers say the phone numbers have changed.

Practice Questions with a Graphic
These questions all relate to information you can see in a graphic.

n Listen to eight short conversations. For each conversation. look at the graphic and choose one
statement: (A). (8), (C). or (0). that best answers the question.

1. Look at the graphic. Which platform does the Destination Platform

man need to go to? West Beach 1
(A) 1 Central 3
(8) 3 Park Avenue 2a
Edgeware 7
(C) 2a
(0) 7

2. Look at the graphic. How much I,

did the man most likely pay?
The best cakes in town
(A) $1.99
Come and try our famous Chocolate cheesecake for just $2.99.
(8) $2.99
10% off for parties of 6 or more!
(C) $3.99
Plus free coffee refills 3 p.M.-5 P.M.every day
(0) $5.98

3. Look at the graphic. What extension will the Stall Directory

woman call? Celine Han 345
(A) 345 Peter Wilkes 867
(8) 867 Jmoce Li 212
Tony Yeo 545
(C) 212
(0) 545

4. Look at the graphic. Where does this conversation Belview Hotel

take place? Reception Ground Floor
(A) Ground Floor Conference Suites 1st - 4th Floors
Fitness Room 5th Floor
(8) 1st - 4th Floors
Brasserie Mange Tout 6th Floor
(C) 5th Floor
(0) 6th Floor

1.0 @ @ @ 2.0 @ @ @ 3.0 @ @ @ 4.0 @ @ @


5. Look at the graphic. Where will Dr. Kelber's Speaker Room
talk take place? Dr. Parsons •••.. •... Churchill Suite.
(A) Churchill Suite Prof. Collins Lecture Room A
Mr. Lee Meetinl'/l'lRoom4
(B) Lecture Room A
Dr. Kleber Pembroke Suite
(C) Meeting Room 4
(D) Pembroke Suite
6. Look at the graphic. Which company does the Ground Floor ALTTech Inc.
man want to visit? First Floor Lifestyle Insurance
(A) ALT Tech Inc. Second Floor Hilton & Sons
Third Floor Baxter Legal Services
(B) Lifestyle Insurance
(C) Hilton & Sons
(D) Baxter Legal Services

7. Look at the graphic. Where is Sam?

(A) Building A
(B) Building B
(C) Building C
(D) Building D

8. Look at the graphic. On which day does

this conversation take place? Sales
(A) Tuesday 40
(B) Wednesday
(C) Thursday 30
(D) Friday


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5.0 @ @ @ 6.0 @ @ @ 7.0 @ @ @ 8.0 @ @ @

Conversations Including a Graphic
Practice listening for conversations that include a graphic. Listen to these conversations and
choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), for each question.

1. Why does the woman say, "It's incredible"? CITY MUSEUM

(A) She doesn't believe the man. Chinese Ceramics Level G
(B) She strongly disagrees. Ancient Egypt Level 1

(C) She is very impressed. European Art Level 2

Greek Sculpture Level 3
(0) She feels disappointed.

2. What does the man suggest they do?

(A) Check the signs
(B) Take a short break
(C) Wait until later
(O) Leave the cafeteria

3. Look at the graphic. Which level will the

speakers go to?
(A) Level G
(B) Level 1
(C) Level 2
(0) Level 3

4. Look at the graphic. What is the final

Bus Destination
destination of the man's bus?
(A) BVS Business School
~Uls.7. .::'. BVS Business Scheiol •...

8 Basildon Park
(B) Basildon Park
(C) Eastern University 9 Eastern University

(0) Casement Bridge 12 Casement Bridge

5. How often does the man's bus run?

(A) Every ten minutes
(B) Every fifteen minutes
(C) Every half hour
(0) Every hour

6. What can be inferred from the conversation?

(A) The man has a long wait.
(B) The weather is warm.
(C) The conversation takes place in the evening.
(O) The speakers are outside.

1. @ @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @
2. @ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @


7. Why does the woman want her carpet cleaned? I
(A) She spilled something on the floor.
$40.00 per room
(B) She is preparing to sell her home.
(2 rooms minimum charge)
(C) She recently moved into a new condo.
+ $30 per each additional room.
(D) She wants to take advantage of a promotion.

8. When does the man say he can carry out the work?
(A) In the morning
(B) Later that day
(C) Tomorrow
(D) The following week

g. Look at the graphic. How much will

the woman pay for the service?
(A) $30
(B) $40
(C) $70
(D) $80

10. When was the survey carried out?

Which feature of the botanic garden did you
(A) Yesterday
most enjoy on your visit today?
(B) Five days ago
(C) The previous week
(D) Last month
11. How does the man feel?
(A) Frustrated
(B) Delighted 1 2 3 4
(C) Curious
(D) Enthusiastic

12. Look at the graphic. Which feature of the botanic

garden is represented by bar 2 on the chart?
(A) Butterfly pavilion
(B) Restaurant
(C) Hothouse
(D) Visitors' center

7. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @ @
8. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @

Score }12

This section presents an effective, step-by-step approach to use when answering questions on
Part 3 of the TOEIC~ test.

The steps shown here are designed to help you achieve a higher score when you take the test.
By following these steps, you should be able to maximize your score on this part of the test.

II~ Quickly read the questions and answer choices to get a general idea of the context.
Use the key information to help you understand the overall situation. For conversations
with a graphic, study the key details (names, prices, etc.). Ask yourself Who is speaking?
What are they doing? Where are they?

Identify the information that you need to listen for. The first word or phrase of each
question can help you (e.g., Where - a place, Why - a reason, When - a time, etc.).
If you have time, look again at the answer choices before you listen.

Listen carefully to the conversation. For questions with a graphic, remember you
need to relate what you hear with information you see in the graphic. As you listen,
look at each question in turn. Try to identify the correct answer, and eliminate any
answer choices you are sure are incorrect.

II~ Mark your answers.

.'preViewing .-------- -- -. ---. -_.. ~

Step 1'and Step 2 involve previewing. Here, that means quickly reading the questions, answer
choices, and looking at any graphic that accompanies each conversation. Do not read every word
- just focus on the key words that contain important information. Your goal is to get a general idea
of what the conversation is about and what you need to listen for. Get used to previewing Part 3
questions and answer choices in this way, and you will improve your TOEIC score.


~ Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this conversation. Identify the key words.
What do they tell you about the context?

1. What is the woman going to do?

(A) Type a letter
(B) Copy some documents
(C) Make an order
(0) Send some mail

2. What does the man mean when he says, "Let's hope it's worth it"?
(A) He would like to know the cost.
(B) He wants to see more orders.
(C) He appreciates the woman's effort.
(0) He is thankful for the opportunity.

3. What time is it?

(A) 9:00 A.M.
(B) Around 3:00 P.M.

(C) Just before 6:00 P.M.

(0) Shortly after 6:30 P.M.

miD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.

Question 1: .Y!..~'!::~!9? .
Question 2: .....

Question 3:

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

Iii& 79 Listen to the conversation. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices
above. For each question, try to identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices
you are sure are incorrect.

ED Mark your answers.

1. 0 @ @ @
2. 0 @ @ @
3. 0 @ @ @

Practice 2
~ Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this conversation. Identify the key words.
What do they tell you about the context?

1. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) Their hotel
(B) Vacation plans
(C) Conference arrangements
(0) An upcoming seminar

2. What does the woman think of the cost?

(A) It is a good deal.
(B) It is a little expensive.
(C) It is not worth the price.
(0) It is the standard price.

3. What will the woman probably do next?

(A) Go to the bank
(B) Take a week's leave
(C) Look for another place
(0) Book the event

mmD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.
Question 1: .

Question 2: .

Question 3: .

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

BiD 8. Listen to the conversation. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices
above. For each question, try to identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices
you are sure are incorrect.

m:mD Mark your answers.

1. @ @ @
2.0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @


I!il!D Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this conversation between three
speakers. Identify the key words. What do they tell you about the context?

1. What is the problem?

(A) The computer is faulty.
(B) The store is closed on Thursday.
(C) The man cannot work on Friday.
(0) Classes have already started.

2. What does the man ask the women to do?

(A) Return at the end of the week
(B) Call back the following week
(C) Stay and wait in the store
(0) Call the manager immediately

3. How do the women probably feel?

(A) Satisfied
(B) Upset
(C) Nervous
(0) Tired

I!mD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.

Question 1: ..

Question 2: ...

Question 3: .

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

Eii!I) 81 Listen to the conversation. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices
above. For each question, try to identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices
you are sure are incorrect.

mmD Mark your answers.

1.@ @ @ @
2. @ @ @ @
3. @ @ @ @


Practice 4
mmD Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this conversation. Identify the key words,
and study the graphic. What do they tell you about the context?

1. Why does the man feel anxious? Departures

(A) He cannot find his bag. Flight Gate Destination
(B) He has lost his watch. AE53 44 Boston 1
(C) His ticket is missing. YH8 17 Washington
(0) His coworker is late. BAS01 23 Seattle
CN377 15 Miami
2. What will the woman do next?
(A) Cancel the trip
(B) Make a call
(C) Collect the tickets
(0) Check the time

3. Look at the graphic. Which city are the speakers traveling to?
(A) Boston
(B) Washington
(C) Seattle
(0) Miami

IiiiD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.

Question 1: .

Question 2: .

Question 3: .

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

mmD 82 Listen to the conversation. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices
above. For Question 3, you also need to refer to the graphic. For each question, try to
identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect.

I!imD Mark your answers.

1.@ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @


Practice 5
Iiii!D Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this conversation. Identify the key words,
and study the graphic. What do they tell you about the context?

1. Look at the graphic. ",=..,..-. - .,.,....

:;:Department Manager
What most likely is the man's name? I
;..Finance Mr.Bradley
(A) Mr. Bradley
r'.' Production Mr.Shaw
(B) Mr. Shaw
'" Research Dr.Tripp
(C) Dr. Tripp !. Sales Mr.Nickels
~_. _.l .. _._~ __ ~_. .. .
(D) Mr. Nickels

2. What are the speakers planning to do?

(A) Dismiss over thirty workers
(B) Hire more staff
(C) Increase the working hours
(D) Reduce overtime costs

3. What does the man advise the woman to do?

(A) Take more time to decide
(B) Choose the cheapest option
(C) Work out the cost first
(D) Ask the staff for their ideas

EiiD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.

Question 1: ...

Question 2: .

Question 3: ...

On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

I!.iiB 83 Listen to the conversation. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices
above. For Question 1, you also need to refer to the graphic. For each question, try to
identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect.

miD Mark your answers.

1. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @

Strategy Review and Tips

Strategy Review Listening Test - Part 3

Remember, in the test. ..

Quickly preview the questions and answer choices before you hear each conversation. To get a
general idea of the context, ask yourself, Who is speaking? What are they doing? Where are they?

For conversations that have a graphic, quickly study the information the graphic contains.

Make sure you know what information you need to listen for.

As you listen, try to identify the correct answers and eliminate any answers that you think are
definitely wrong.

If you are not sure about the answer, don't waste time. Decide quickly! Then preview the questions
for the next conversation.

= Here is some advice that people taking the TOEIC test have found useful for this part.
Choose the tips you like, and try to use them.

.- -
"Don't listen to the directions at the start. Use this time to read the questions and
answer choices." Joao Bolzan

"As soon as you finish answering the questions about one conversation, immediately
preview the questions and answer choices for the next conversation." Jessie Phan

"Listen for word groups. For example, if you hear game, net, serve, and ball then the
topic could be tennis." Hee-Young Yi

"The information you need is usually in the same order as the questions ... but not
always!" Adrien Deschamps

"I think it's better to read the questions first, before you look at any graphic. You can
get more context from the questions." Jules Petit


RevieJ Test
84 Directions: You will hear thirteen conversations. For each conversation, read the three questions
and the four ahswer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C),
or (0). Then mark your answer. You will hear each conversation only once.

1. What is the woman's occupation? 7. Who most likely are the speakers?
(A) Teach~r (A) Web site developers
(B) Firefighter (B) Office workers
(C) Cook I (C) Photographers
(0) Sales manager (0) Job applicants

2. What doel I
Julia say about her new job? 8. What does the man say about the new Web
(A) The hours are too long. site?
(B) She nJeds more training. (A) It is very informative.
(C) It is very exciting. (B) It cost a lot of money.
(0) It is n6t what she expected. (C) It will be finished soon.

3. What hap be ned last week? (0) It is not very easy to use.
(A) Someone was injured. 9. Why is the woman surprised?
(B) There 0as a traffic accident. (A) There is a photo of her on the Web site.
(C) The woman went to a hospital. (B) Her job is advertised on the Web site.
(0) A building burned down. (C) She won a customer service award.
(0) She is no longer on the team.
4. Who is the woman talking to?
(A) A pilot 10. Who is the man talking to?
(B) A flighlt attendant (A) A coworker
(C) A travel agent (B) His boss
(0) A hotel manager (C) An employee
I (0) His wife
5. What time will the woman arrive in London?
(A) 3:00 A.M. 11. What does the woman suggest the man do?
(B) 5:30 A.M. (A) Quit his job
(C) 6:15 P.M. (B) Build a swimming pool
(0) 9:30 p.M. (C) Move to a better neighborhood
I (0) Request a higher salary
6. Why does the man advise the woman to stay at
the Piccadilly
, Grand Hotel? 12. How do the speakers probably feel?
(A) It is a bargain. (A) Unhappy
(B) It is in the city center. (B) Confused
(C) It is ahigh-quality hotel. (C) Jealous
(0) It is a~ailable for three nights. (0) Nervous

1.0 @
, @ @ 4. 0 @ @ @ 7. 0 @ @ @ 10.0 @ @ @
2.0 @ @ @
5. 0 @ @ @ 8. 0 @ @ @ 11.0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @ 6. 0 @ @ @ 9. 0 @ @ @ 12.0 @ @ @

13. What is the woman's occupation? 19. Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) Company director (A) In a bank
(B) Accountant (B) In a travel agency
(C) Secretary (C) In a bookstore
(0) Reporter (0) In a post office

14. Why is the man calling? 20. What is the man planning to do?
(A) To ask for a meeting (A) Visit a relative
(B) To check the result of a job interview (B) Buy a book
(C) To speak to the C.E.O. (C) Go to Paris
(0) To arrange to visit the company (0) Send a present

15. Why does the woman say, "Of course"? 21. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) To suggest a solution (A) Complete a form
(B) To give permission (B) Come back on Tuesday
(C) To agree to a request (C) Pay cash
(0) To make an apology (0) Respect the custom

16. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 22. What are the man and woman discussing?
(A) Customer feedback (A) A vacation
(B) Overseas bookings (B) A coworker
(C) An important document (C) A party
(0) A coworker's appearance (0) A hiking trip

17. When is the group from China arriving? 23. What does Kevin plan to do?
(A) At midday (A) Go traveling
(B) On the 12th (B) Get married
(C) Late on Friday (C) Find another job
(0) Next week (0) Buy a new house

18. What does the woman plan to do? 24. What does the woman mean when she says,
(A) Improve her English ability "Well I never"?
(B) Find a professional translator (A) She has never met Kevin.
(C) Call the customer (B) She doesn't believe the man.
(0) Speak to Ms. Chang (C) She is surprised by the news.
(0) She strongly disagrees.

13.0 @ @ @ 16. 0 @ @ @ 19.0 @ @ @ 22.0 @ @ @

14.0 @ @ @ 17.0 @ @ @ 20.0 @ @ @ 23.0 @ @ @
15.0 @ @ @ 18.0 @ @ @ 21.0 @ @ @ 24.0 @ @ @


25. Who most likely is the woman?
(A) A police officer Small cup Large cup

(B) A taxi driver Tea $1.50 $1.75

(C) A driving instructor
Coffee $2.00 $2.50
(0) An auto mechanic
Fruit juice $1.75 $2.50
26. What does the woman say about the man's
Hot chocolate $2.00 $3.00
(A) He is a danger to other people.
(B) He practices a lot.
31. Where most likely does the man work?
(C) His concentration is good.
(A) At a train station
(0) He cannot sing very well.
(B) At a supermarket
27. How does the man probably feel? (C) At a cafe
(A) Excited (0) At a soft drinks company
(B) Unwell
32. What does the woman mean when she says,
(C) Surprised
"My train leaves in five minutes"?
(0) Nervous
(A) She does not want any food.
(B) She needs to buy a ticket.
28. Where does the conversation take place? (C) She lives a long way off.
(A) In a company cafeteria (0) She always travels by train.
(B) In a fast-food restaurant
33. Look at the graphic. How much will the woman
(C) In a school dining hall
pay for her drink?
(0) In the dining car of a train
(A) $1.50
29. What do the speakers think of the food? (B) $1.75
(A) The variety is poor. (C) $2.00
(B) The quality has declined. (0) $2.50
(C) The sandwiches are disappointing.
(0) The price is lower.

30. What does the man plan to do?

(A) Eat at his desk
(B) Make a complaint
(C) Cook his own food
(0) Ask for a refund

25.@ @ @ @ 28. @ @ @ @ 31. @ @ @ @

26.@ @ @ @ 29. @ @ @ @ 32. @ @ @ @
27.@ @ @ @ 30. @ @ @ @ 33. @ @ @ @


Departure Time Destination STOCK ITEM
3:00 P.M. Sydney Vermont Sweater
4:10 P.M. Perth
Reference number Color Size
5:00 P.M. DarwIn
5:30 P.M. Tamworth 5225 Brown XL
5219 Green XL
34. Where does this conversation take place? 2525 Red XL
(A) At a hotel 2519 Blue XL
(B) At a taxi stand
(C) In an office
37. Why is the man calling?
(D) At an airport
(A) To follow up an order
35. Why does the woman say, "You're a star"? (B) To request a refund
(A) The man is well-known. (C) To make a purchase
(B) The man has been helpful. (D) To ask about availability
(C) The man is an inspiration.
38. Look at the graphic. Which color sweater are
(D) The man gives good advice.
the speakers discussing?
36. Look at the graphic. Where is the woman (A) Brown
traveling to? (B) Green
(A) Sydney (C) Red
(B) Perth (D) Blue
(C) Darwin
39. What does the woman suggest the man do?
(D) Tamworth
(A) Try on the garment
(B) Pay by credit card
(C) Check the reference number
(D) Visit the store on Thursday

34.0 @ @ @ 37.0 @ @ @
35.0 @ @ @ 38.0 @ @ @
36.0 @ @ @ 39.0 @ @ @ Score ./39


Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com for advice and useful exercises to help improve your score
on Part 3 of the TOEIC test.

~ Word Families
~ Collocations

~ People and Places



This part of the TOEIC" test consists of ten short talks. There are three questions for each
short talk. Each question has four answer choices. You must choose the correct answer
from the four choices.

The short talks are all given by one speaker. You can read the questions and the answer
choices, but not the short talks. You will hear each short talk only once.

There are many different types of short talk. You may hear an advertisement, news
bulletin, recorded announcement or traffic report. Some talks may be someone leaving
an answerphone message, giving a business talk, or making a public announcement.
Before each short talk begins, there is an introductory statement that states the kind of
talk you will hear.

• Similar to Part 3, for some questions you need to make inferences based on what
you hear. These questions often test your knowledge of idiomatic phrases, and
expressions in context. For example, What does the woman imply when she says,
"I couldn't have done it without you"?

• For two short talks you will also see a small graphic (e.g., a sign, graph, notice, or list)
together with the questions. One question will require you to relate the information
in the graphic to what you hear in the short talk. For example, the graphic may be a
map. One question may be: Look at the graphic. Where do listeners need to go? The
speaker explains to listeners their coach will leave from the stop on Pine Avenue, and
the map shows a Visitor Center at that location.

• Some talks are more formal than others. Therefore, some speakers use more relaxed,
natural language while others will have a more official tone.

• After each short talk, you will hear the three questions. There is a pause of eight
seconds between each question.


How many short talks are there in this part of the TOEIC test?
How many questions are there for each short talk?
How many times do you hear each short talk?
How many talks include a graphic?
What kinds of graphics are used?



85 EXAMPLE 1 - a typical short talk

This example shows a typical short talk. Notice Question 3, which is an example of an implied

meaning question.

[M-Am] Well, tonight will be partly cloudy with low temperatures in the mid-30s ... but the good
news is that finally we have some sun on its way. Yes, that's right! Starting tomorrow you
can expect to see fewer clouds and more sunshine, folks. It will be sunny and bright, and
warmer too, with temperatures rising to the mid-60s. However, with that icy wind blowing in,
you'll still need a jacket if you go out. And of course, winter is on its way, so we don't know
how long the good weather will last, but let's enjoy it while we can.

1. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

(A) Cool with more rain
(8) Very hot and humid
(C) The same as today
(0) Sunny with clear skies
.-1-~ ~ --- - --~~ -- I --

The forecast mentions fewer clouds and more sunshine and the weather will be sunny and bright.
'_I _ _ . I -

2. Why does the speaker recommend wearing a jacket?

(A) Temperatures will drop in the afternoon.
(8) There will be a very cold wind.
(C) It is expected to rain.
(0) It will not be as warm as in recent days.
1 _.~_._. - - ----,

The forecast mentions an icy wind. (A) is incorrect as temperatures will go up throughout the day.
is no.~___mention of rain (C). (0) is incorrect as it will be warmer. _ .• 1
I _

3. What does the speaker mean when he says, "let's enjoy it while we can"?
(A) Everyone can enjoy the weather.
(8) There will be good weather soon.
(C) The weather will change again.
(0) It is easy to have fun in the sun.
; ----- - - _.-
The expression enjoy something while you can means that a positive situation probably won't last
. ,....~.. - -

long. The speaker says winter is on its way, and is encouraging listeners to take advantage of the
good weather while it lasts.
_I _ _ ••• ------, -

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see each short talk.


86 EXAMPLE 2 - a short talk including a graphic
This example shows a short talk including a graphic.

[M-Br] Good morning everyone. I need to tell you about a change to our program today.
Dr. Carlton is running late. Apparently, there are roadworks on the A 14 again and traffic is a
nightmare, so no surprises there! He expects to be here in an hour or so, but can't confirm
exactly when. We wish him well. Luckily, Professor Samuels has agreed to swap places with
him, so she'll now be our first speaker this morning. Oh, and one more thing, can I ask you
to put your tea and coffee cups back on the drinks station after each break? It will help our
kitchen staff enormously.

1. Why is Dr. Carlton unable to give his

lecture this morning?
(A) He slept badly the previous night.
(B) He has a fever and is feeling unwell.
(C) His journey has been disrupted.
(D) He has had a traffic accident.

2. Look at the graphic. At what time will the

Urban Partnerships session begin?
(A) 10:00 A.M.

(B) 11 :45 A.M.

(C) 2:00 P.M.

(D) 3:45 P.M.

3. What does the speaker ask listeners to do?

The speaker asks listeners to put your tea and
(A) Help in the kitchen
coffee cups back on the drinks station.
(8) Take a break
(C) Finish their drinks
(D) Return their used cups

REMEMBER On the actual test, you will hear but NOT see each conversation.


87 Directions
You will hear four short talks given by a single speaker. For each short
talk, read the three questions and the four answer choices that follow
each question. Select the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or
(D). Then mark your answer. You will hear each short talk only once.

1. Who most likely are the listeners? 7. What is Mrs. Gifford's current position?
(A) Shoppers (A) President
(B) Families (B) Vice President
(C) Fashion students (C) Chairman
(D) Store employees (D) General Manager

2. What is this announcement mainly about? 8. When did Mrs. Gifford join the company?
(A) A fashion contest (A) Last month
(B) A special promotion (B) Last year
(C) A clothing exhibition (C) A year ago
(D) A charity collection (D) Three years ago

3. Look at the graphic. Where are listeners 9. What does the speaker ask the audience
encouraged to go at 2:30? to do?
(A) 1" floor (A) Advertise for a replacement
(B) 200 floor (B) Congratulate Mrs. Gifford
(C) 3'd floor (C) Meet with the Chairman
(D) 4 floor
1h (D) Apply for the position

4. What is the speaker talking about? 10. Where is the event being held?
(A) Resigning from the company (A) At a library
(B) Planning a website (B) At a theater
(C) Starting a new design company (C) At a department store
(D) Designing a computer system (D) At a museum

5. What does the speaker mean when he says he 11. What is the purpose of the speech?
wants to "discuss the financial implications"? (A) To declare a new gift shop open
(A) He needs to increase his fee. (B) To ask supporters for donations
(B) More money has been spent. (C) To thank the employees
(C) He wants to share profits equally. (D) To advertise new products
(D) The project is now in debt. 12. What does the speaker mention?
6. What does the speaker suggest? (A) The vacation period will be short.
(A) Meeting next week (B) Sales are increasing very quickly.
(B) Calling back in the afternoon (C) Work on the cafeteria will finish soon.
(C) Getting more information (D) Financial difficulties lie ahead.
(D) Providing the service free of charge

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @

Score ../12



In this section you will practice ways to improve your score on Part 4 of the TOEIC" test.

These are the exercises you will cover:

Listening for Main Ideas ~ listening to short talks for overall

comprehension; identifying the speaker, the
topic, the audience, the location, and the
purpose of a short talk

Listening for Details ~Iistening to short talks for specific information;

identifying numbers, dates and times, reasons
and requests, people and places, problems and
suggestions, plans and sequences

Making Inferences ~ listening to short talks for information that is

not directly stated

Short Talks Including relating what you hear with information you can
a Graphic see in a simple graphic (e.g., a chart, table, etc.)

In the TOEIC test, there are short talks on many different topics: news bulletins, weather forecasts,
recorded announcements, advertisements, public announcements, business presentations, etc. You will
practice listening to a wide range of short talks to help you prepare for this part of the test.

As you work through Improve Your Performance, look back at your answers in the Try It Out section and
try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Notice what problems you have, and focus on the areas
you need to improve.


Listening for Main Ideas
In Part 4, you need to show that you have a good overall understanding of the short talks you hear.
Questions that test your ability to understand main ideas in a short talk may ask about the speaker,
the topic, the audience, the location, and the purpose of the talk.

TIPS f.u~t~riing- P~rt'4 Sh~rtThlkS -.-~ eIF~'

i~~'tn~~~ .. T - - - .- - , .!:
~)~'-Look for questi~ns sU,chas Who is speaking? What is the message mainly about?Who is , i~
l:} t,he.audience fOf t~i~ falk? ~here is this announcement being made? What is the purpose!,
,,~!of t~is talk? ",~ - ",~ ,~; I. I - __'
,J ; 'As you listen, ask yourself these fundamental questions: Who is the speaker? What is the" ,
~:: speaker taiking about? Whois the speaker talking to? Where is this.taking place? 'What is~ ;
~. !heaim of the talk?',' ~. L 1-, ' I
~'., Don't worry about words you miss. You do not need to understand every single word in' '!
rt~.s~o~ t~ !~~.~~~t~.~~d.I~r~and,the main id~a~.~ -: . , ,i c ~ 0', _' -:-,'\

[M-Am] Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for coming. I have called this • boss
• board meeting because I need to tell you some disappointing news.
As you know, recent months here at ARC Pharmaceuticals have not _ nameof company
been easy. Orders are currently 50 percent less than they were at the • talkingabout
same time last year. What's more, today I heard from 8ensons, our low sales
bad for ----t.~biggest client, that they are going out of business. We can expect
tough times ahead. However, since I started this company thirty years • boss
ago, we have overcome many challenges. I believe we have the best
product on the market and that we can survive.

1. Who is the audience for this talk? ~ I . I'

The man says he has called a board meeting, I

(A) All staff at ARC Pharmaceuticals
which suggests senior staff within the -:
(8) Employees at 8ensons
co~pany, ARf P~armaceuticals. 'I!
(C) Senior managers in a company
(D) Sales and marketing personnel

2. What is the purpose of this talk?

(A) To report that the company is having difficulty percent, that the company's biggest client is'
(8) To announce a merger with 8ensons going out of business, and that he expects
(C) To give the latest sales figures tough times ahead. ',',
(D) To encourage staff to do their best
~"L--'-._. _-._.!..I_l_._.......=.....L.~

3. Who most likely is the speaker? ~ says

he called this board ['~'i'1.1
(A) The Production Manager meeting. Later. he adds I started this company. '
• - I • . I
(8) The Chief Financial Officer
(C) ARC Pharmaceuticals' Sales Manager
(D) The owner of the company


Questions about the Speaker Hssential Vocabulary p329
These questions focus on who you hear. You need to identity the speaker's occupation or position within
a company or organization.

Look for: Questions about the speaker may include Who is the speaker? or What is the speaker's

89 Listen to three short talks. Choose one statement: (A), (8), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. Who is the speaker? 3. What is the speaker's position in the

(A) A college professor restaurant?
(8) A news presenter (A) Cleaner
(C) An airline pilot (8) Manager
(0) A weather reporter @@@@ (C) Waiter

2. What is the speaker's occupation?

(0) Head chef @@@@
(A) Office receptionist
(8) Company secretary
(C) Hotel manager
(0) Security guard @ @ @ @

Questions about the Topic

These questions focus on what the talk is about. They ask you to identity the subject of the talk, which can
be a person, a thing, or an activity.

Look for: Questions about the topic may include What is the message about? What is the main topic of
this talk? What is being announced?

90 Listen to three short talks. Choose one statement: (A), (8), (C), or (0), that best answers each

1. What is the main topic of this message? 3. What is being announced?

(A) A presentation (A) A cheap vacation
(8) A job vacancy (8) A job opportunity
(C) A new project (C) A weekend sale
(0) A lecture @ @ @ @ (0) A store closure @ @ @ @
2. What is the talk mainly about?
(A) Cleanliness
(8) Safety at work
(C) Meal times
(0) Food and drink @ @ @ @


Questions about the Audience ~ Essential Vocabulary p329

These questions focus on who is listening to the short talk. The audience may be a group of people,
such as customers, employees, students, politicians, etc.

Look for: Questions about the audience may include Who is the intended audience for this talk? Who is
the speaker probably addressing? Who is being addressed?

91 Listen to three short talks. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers each

1. Who is the speaker talking to? 3. Who is this message intended for?
(A) Baseball players (A) Office workers
(B) Tourists (B) Police officers
(C) Freshmen students (C) Dental patients
(D) New employees o @ @ @ (D) Ambulance drivers 0 @ @ @
2. Who is the audience for this announcement?
(A) Workers on a farm
(B) Shoppers in a supermarket
(C) Fruit and vegetable sellers
(D) Customers in a restaurant 0 @ @ @

Questions about the Location ~ Essential Vocabulary p330

These questions focus on where the short talk is taking place. They ask you to identify the location, such
as a store, a bank, an airport, etc.

Look for: Questions about the location may include Where is the speaker? Where is this speech being
made? Where can this announcement be heard?

92 Listen to three short talks. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers each

1. Where is the speaker? 3. Where can this talk be heard?

(A) At a theater (A) At a library
(B) At a hotel (B) At a university
(C) At a library (C) At a company
(D) At a museum o @ @ @ (D) At a sports center 0 @ @ @
2. Where is this announcement being made?
(A) At a bus station
(B) At an airport
(C) At a train station
(D) At a taxi stand 0 @ @ @


Questions about the Purpose
These questions focus on why the short talk is taking place. They ask you to identify the purpose. You
sometimes need to remember several details in order to identify the purpose.

Look for: Questions about the purpose may include What is the purpose of this message? What is the
main purpose of the speech?

93 Listen to three short talks. Choose one statement: (A), (8), (C). or (0), that best answers each

1. What is the purpose of this public announcement?

(A) To encourage people to be more active
(8) To warn people about serious health dangers
(C) To promote participation in team sports
(0) To explain how to live longer 0@@@
2. What is the main purpose of this talk?
(A) To plan a conference
(8) To accept an award
(C) To thank employees
(0) To discuss a meeting 0@@@
3. What is the purpose of the event the speaker announces?
(A) To welcome a new employee
(8) To celebrate the retirement of a coworker
(C) To declare a research facility open
(0) To encourage staff to work harder 0@@@


MINI IESTJ Listening for Main Ideas
.4 Practice listening for all the main idea elements: the speaker, topic, audience, location, and
purpose. Listen to these short talks and choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C),
or (0), for each question.

1. What is the purpose of this advertisement? 7. What is the main purpose of this talk?
(A) To announce a store opening (A) To introduce a speaker
(B) To attract more customers (B) To thank the audience
(C) To advertise for new staff (C) To promote a book
(D) To promote car safety (D) To present an award

2. What is being announced? 8. What is the woman mostly talking about?

(A) Reduced prices on products (A) The importance of local history
(B) Cheap vehicle insurance (B) A prominent local historian
(C) Extra discounts on cars (C) A famous person from the past
(D) Vehicle tests at no cost (D) The voyage of The Mayflower

3. Who is this advertisement directed towards? 9. Who is the audience for this talk?
(A) Existing customers only (A) University students studying history
(B) New customers only (B) Local people interested in history
(C) Listeners to a radio station (C) Members of the Historical Society
(D) Car owners with full insurance (D) Authors of books on history

4. What is this report mainly about?

10. What is the main purpose of this speech?
(A) A transportation trade show
(A) To share experience and knowledge
(B) An industrial dispute
(B) To ask for help in the Sales Department
(C) A union leader's resignation
(C) To announce a merger
(D) An auto manufacturer
(D) To introduce a new staff member
5. Who is the speaker?
11. Who is the speaker talking to?
(A) A factory worker
(A) Lecturers in business
(B) A local reporter
(B) New company trainees
(C) A news presenter
(C) People at a sales conference
(D) A company president
(D) Sales and marketing personnel
6. Where is this report being made?
12. Where is the speech taking place?
(A) In a radio studio
(A) In a factory
(B) Outside a union headquarters
(B) In a restaurant
(C) At a press conference
(C) In an office building
(D) From Derek Brown's home
(D) In a parking lot

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
@ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @
Score ............../ 12


Listening for Details
In Part 4, you need to show that you can identity and understand important points in the short talks you
hear. Questions that test your ability to understand details in a short talk may ask about numbers, dates
and times, reasons and requests, people and places, problems and suggestions, as well as plans
and sequences.

TIPS I 'Listening for Details - Part 4 Short Talks

• Look for Wh- questions (e.g. questions beginning with What, When, Why, How, etc.).
• Before you listen, make sure you know what information you need to listen for.
.- • Listen to the statement at the beginning of each short talk. This tells you what kind of
short talk you will hear (an advertisement, an announcement, etc.) .
• As you listen, identity any key words or phrases related to the information you need .
• Focus on the information you need to answer each question .
• Check key details in any graphics.
1_,' "

95 EXAMPLE 1 - a typical short talk

[M-Au] Hello, Amy. It's James. Can you e-mail everyone about the training ..••
~--- reason
seminar next week, please? It's urgent, and I'm in meetings all day.
date • The seminar's on Thursday tlie fifteenth, in Room 12. The morning ..••
time ---- •• session will run from nine to twelve, and focus on customer service,
and improving our support to our top clients. Roy Gosling, the
people~ Human Resources director, will lead that session. In the afternoon,
------ our Chairman, Liz Simmons, will be presenting our strategic
company goals, and then there'll be a leadership exercise, and .....-- sequences
finally a review of sales targets. That will run from two until six. Tell
everyone to make sure they attend. Thanks a lot.

The caller says the session will last from nine. .,

1. How long will the morning seminar last?
to twelve. (A) cannot be inferred, as we do not
(A) Until lunch
~know when they are having lunch. (C) confuses
(B) Three hours
the duration of the morning session with the start "
(C) Around two hours
time (2 P.M.) of the afternoon session. (D) is not
(D) From 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
2. Who is Liz Simmons?
(A) The Director of Human Resources The caller mentions Liz Simmons, referring to
(B) A speaker on leadership her as our Chairman. (A) refers to Roy Gosling.
(C) Chairman of the company There is a leadership exercise, but no speaker is
(D) The Sales Manager mentioned (C). (D) is not mentioned.
<----- - - -_.

, , - ---~.- "
3. What will happen last? The speaker says that finally there will be a review
(A) There will be a review of sales targets. of sales targets. (B), (C), and (D) will all happen
(B) Roy Gosling will make a presentation. b~eforehand.,." ' __
(C) Employees will hear about the company's
(D) Employees will take part in a leadership
99. EXAMPLE 2 - a short talk including a graphic
This example shows a short talk including a graphic. Notice Question 3, which is an example of an
implied meaning question.

[F-Gn] Hello Mr. Johnson. This is Angela from Travel Adventures. We spoke earlier when you
came in to ask about packages to Mexico and I gave you a brochure. By the way, did you
give me the right e-mail address? I sent you an e-mail.butitbouncedback.Anyway.l.ve
found a vacation I think you'll like! You fly from Toronto direct, and aithough you said you'd
prefer a four-star hotel, this is only a three-star, but it's for an amazing 13 nights. You said
you wanted to go for as long as possible, right, for under $3,000. Anyway, seats are filling
fast, so call me as soon as possible if you're interested and I'll sort that out for you. We can
discuss payment options then. Speak soon. Bye.

Discover Mexico Price
AII.inc/usive packages Flights + hotel
Gancun ----- 13 nights, 4 * hotel $3,450
Riviera Maya ---- 11 nights, 3 * hotel $2,650
Puerto Vallarta ---- 11 nights 4 * hotel $2,699
Acapulco ----- 13 nights, 3 * hotel $2,950

1. What problem does the speaker mention?

(A) She thinks Mr. Johnson gave her an incorrect e.mail address.
(B) Mr. Johnson did not give her any contact information.
(C) She cannot find Mr. Johnson's e-mail address.
(0) She forgot to give him her e-mail address.

, ~ • • ~ -,---'----

The speaker asks did you give me the right e-mail address? and adds that an e-mail she sent
Ibounced back (meaning was retumed) .
.~ --~. - - - - - - - - .
2. Look at the graphic. Which vacation does the speaker recommend?
(A) Gancun
(B) Riviera Maya
(C) Puerto Vallarta
(0) Acapulco
, --- - ---- . --"- .. - _~- - ~-~
The speaker says she has found a three-star hotel, for 13 nights. We can see from the graphic
that this must be Acapulco. This is the longest vacation for under $3,000, which was another of I

Mr. Johnson's requirements.

~.~~.---- . ~-~-.- - - -, -- -~. -
3. What does the speaker mean when she says, "I'll sort that out"?
(A) She will answer his query.
(B) She will resolve the problem.
(C) She will make a booking.
(0) She will find another seat.

r H~re, the expression s;rt ;omething out means to make the necessa~ arrangements. The speak~r :
says seats are filling fast and asks Mr. Johnson to confirm quickly, so she can make the booking. i
I __ .. _~. ~ '4 ._~ _ _ ~


Questions about Numbers, Dates, and Times ~ Essential Vocabulary p331

97 A Listen to this news bulletin. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. When were the payments made?

(A) Every week
(B) A total of ten times
(C) Once a month
(0) On the 20th

2. When will the trial probably take place?

(A) Tonight
(B) Next week
(C) Next month
(0) In six months

3. How many construction companies are involved?

(A) One
(B) Five
(C) Six
(0) Ten

B Listen to this announcement. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. How long will the cafeteria be closed?

(A) Three days
(B) Around four weeks
(C) Two months
(0) Until further notice

2. Look at the graphic. Which button should Elevator

employees press to get to the Coffee Shop?
(A) 2
(B) 1
0 Third Floor

(C) F
(0) G
0 Second Floor

3. What will employees receive each week?

0 First floor

(A) $5 in coupons
(B) $15 in coupons
~ @ Ground

(C) $25 in coupons

(0) $50 in coupons

A1. (6) @ @ @ 2. (6) @ @ @ 3. (6) @ @ @

B1. (6) @ @ @ 2. (6) @ @ @ 3.(6)@@@


Questions about Reasons and Requests Hssential Vocabulary p331
98 A Listen to this announcement. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers each

1. Why is the 15:35 service to Newcastle delayed?

(A) There has been a traffic accident.
(B) There is road construction.
(C) The bus has broken down.
(0) The weather is bad.

2. What are passengers traveling to Newcastle requested to do?

(A) Wait where they are
(B) Move to another location
(C) Get on a different bus
(0) Buy tickets for another service

3. Why shouldn't passengers to Newcastle get on the next bus at Bay 3?

(A) There are no seats available.
(B) There is no service to London.
(C) It is coming in for repairs.
(0) It is going to a different destination.

B Listen to this radio advertisement. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0). that best answers
each question.

1. Why should listeners contact Advance Net?

(A) To get a 40 percent discount
(B) To get faster, cheaper broadband
(C) To compare Internet access prices
(0) To speak to existing customers

2. Look at the graphic. How much will customers

need to pay per month to get the $50 credit?
(A) $0
(B) $20
(C) $25
(0) $30

3. Why should new customers join before the end

of the month?
(A) They can claim a free gift.
(B) They will receive a $50 credit.
(C) They can get a discount.
(0) The first month is free.

A1.(£) @ @ @ 2. (£) @ @ @ 3. (£) @ @ @

81.(£) @ @ @ 2. (£) @ @ @ 3. (£) @ @ @


Questions about People and Places ~ Essential Vocabulary p329

99 A Listen to this speech. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers
each question.

1. Where does the speaker plan to spend his retirement?

(A) In Arizona
(B) In Chicago
(C) In Los Angeles
(D) In New York

2. What was the speaker's first job at Signet Holdings?

(A) Section Director
(B) Chief Engineer
(C) Assistant Manager
(D) Vice President

3. Who is Mr. Hammond?

(A) The speaker's replacement
(B) The Chairman of the company
(C) The head of the New York office
(D) The Human Resources Director

B Listen to this short talk. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers
each question.

1. Who can borrow up to ten books at any time?

(A) Research students
(B) Undergraduate students
(D) Graduate students

2. In which part of the library is talking not allowed ? Reading Room

(A) The Blue zone
(B) The Red zone
(C) The Reading Room [West Entrance1 2 West Room 4 Study Area 3
(D) The West Room

3. Look at the graphic. Where can students Front desk 1

return their books when the library is closed? [Main Entrance]
(A) Location 1
(B) Location 2
(C) Location 3
(D) Location 4

A1. @ @ @ @ 2.@@@@ 3.@@@@

81. @ @ @ @ 2.@@@@ 3.@@@@


Questions about Problems and Suggestions Hssential Vocabulary p331
'00 A Listen to this short talk. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers
each question.

1. What problem does the speaker mention?

(A) The company has no more money.
(B) The bank has refused to lend the company money.
(C) The bank loan is less than the company requested.
(D) The company has recently lost $100,000.

2. What does the speaker suggest they do?

(A) Cancel all new projects
(B) Postpone the planned expansion
(C) Try to expand the company
(D) Build bigger offices

3. What does the speaker want the audience to do?

(A) Go home until the end of the week
(B) Wait before making further cuts
(C) Reschedule the staff meeting
(D) Suggest ideas to cut costs

B Listen to this voicemail message. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers
each question.

1. What problem does Kathy mention?

(A) She cannot access her e-mail.
(B) She cannot use her phone.
(C) Her computer does not work.
(D) She has to delay a meeting.

2. When will the problem be solved?

(A) At 10:00 A.M.

(B) Later that morning

(C) By the end of the day
(D) She has no idea.

3. How does she suggest Henry contact her?

(A) By phone
(B) By fax
(C) Bye-mail
(D) In person

A1.(£) @ @ @ 2.(£) @ @ @ 3. (£) @ @ @

B1.(£) @ @ @ 2. (£) @ @ @ 3. (£) @ @ @


Questions about Plans and Sequences
'01 A Listen to this announcement. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers each

1. What will the speaker do next?

(A) Give a presentation
(B) Introduce a speaker
(C) Leave the conference
(D) Hand out the information packs

2. Where will the talk on Innovation take place?

(A) Room C
(B) Room 403
(C) Room 213
(D) In the Main Hall

3. Who will give the first presentation of the day?

(A) Dr. Fraser
(B) Dr. Gupta
(C) Dr. Sanders
(D) Dr. Rosafio

B Listen to this short talk. Choose one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best answers
each question.

1. When will CG10 go on sale? DELTA Flights to Los Angeles

(A) Today
07:00 10:25
(B) Before the end of the week DX64
New York (JFK) Los Angeles (LAX)
(C) In two weeks
11:25 14:45
(D) At the end of the year DX91
New York (JFK) Los Angeles (LAX)
2. What will happen before the first unit is sold? 15:00 18:25
(A) The speaker will be interviewed. New York (JFK) Los Angeles (LAX)
(B) There will be a customer survey.
17:25 20:45
(C) The media will be informed. DX78
New York (JFK) Los Angeles (LAX)
(D) Advertisements will appear on television.

3. Look at the graphic. Which flight will the

man take to Los Angeles?
(A) DX64
(B) DX91
(C) DX14
(D) DX78

A1.0 @ @ @ 2.0 @ @ @ 3.0 @ @ @

81.0 @ @ @ 2.0 @ @ @ 3.0 @ @ @


Listening for Details
.02 Practice listening for various types of specific information. Listen to these short talks and choose
the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), for each question.

1. What do callers who press number 3 want? 7. What was the problem with last year's
(A) To ask about an invoice Summer Event?
(B) To request a catalog (A) The venue was not big enough.
(C) To place an order (B) The Regent Hotel was too expensive.
(D) To visit the building (C) It was not very well attended.
(D) The presentations were poor.
2. What is this month's special offer?
(A) Half-price computer manuals 8. Where is the Roosevelt?
(B) Discounted software (A) In the business district
(C) Reduced-price audio equipment (B) Near the company
(D) Free next-day delivery (C) In the countryside
(D) Beside the sea
3. What number should you press to speak to
someone? 9. What does the speaker ask the committee
(A) 3 members to do?
(B) 4 (A) Prepare some information
(C) 5 (B) Discuss a document
(D) 6 (C) Look for a better rate
(D) Find an alternative venue
4. Who is this advertisement trying to attract?
(A) Single professionals
10. What time will the first group of six people
(B) Young couples
arrive for dinner?
(C) Families
(A) 6:30 P.M.
(D) The elderly
(B) 7:00 P.M.

5. What kind of food is the Aloha restaurant (C) 7:30 P.M.

famous for? (D) 8:00 P.M.

(A) Traditional dishes 11. What are the Tomlinsons celebrating?

(B) Western cooking (A) A wedding anniversary
(C) Seafood (B) A birthday
(D) Health food (C) A retirement
6. Why might customers choose to book (D) A new job
online? 12. What will the speaker do next?
(A) To get discounted travel insurance (A) Open the restaurant
(B) To pay less for their booking (B) Prepare the tables
(C) To qualify for free meals (C) Greet the customers
(D) To upgrade to a larger room (D) Go to the kitchen

1. @ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @
Score .......}12


Making Inferences
In Part 4, you also need to show that you can understand things that are not directly stated in the short
talks you hear. Questions that test your ability to make inferences in a short talk may ask about the
speaker's attitude, or ask you to make deductions based on what you hear.

TIPS I Making Inferences - Part 4 Short Talks

• Look for questions such as What does the speaker imply about. .. ? How does the woman
, . probably feel about... ? What does the woman mean when she says... ?
• The way something is spoken can tell you a lot about a speaker's attitude. Listen to
each speaker's stress and intonation; try to identify how they might feel (pleased,
anxious, etc.).
• Think about the meaning "behind" the words. For example, if you hear "Passengers for
flight AE257 to Paris, please go to Gate 11" you can deduce the location is an airport.
• Consider the context. The same phrase can have different meanings. For example, if a
speaker is leaving a message "Is it all right?", they could want permission, or to check if
something is working.
-'. Watch out for informal expressions and idiomatic language. For example, if the speaker
says "Tickets are selling like hot cakes'" that means the tickets are selling very quickly.

not many [M-Cn) Hmm, OK. Well, I suppose I should, uh, start. It seems the traffic is causing
people<;::-+- problems for everyone. Maytie more people will come later on. Anyway, for those of you
there? -....,..who are here, may I say welcome? I'm Jud, and this morning I'm going to show you
some great storage solutions from Abax Storage. In particular, I want to show you our
new range of plastic boxes. These are perfect for your daily office storage needs. expensive?
Oh, and don't be worried by the cost. Believe me, they are wortfi every cent. _
OK, so let's get going, shall we?

1. What does the speaker imply about the audience?

The speaker says for those of you who are
(A) There are fewer people than expected.
here, implying some people haven't arrived. He ,
(B) Most people arrived late.
hopes more people will come later on. We can !
(C) More people will arrive soon. deduce there are not as many people as the I'

(0) A traffic accident has delayed everyone. : speaker expected.

2. What is implied about the plastic boxes?

The speaker says don't be worried by the cost.
(A) They are very popular.
This implies the boxes are more expensive
(B) They are well-made. than people may expect. We can also infer he
(C) They are expensive. _,is worried, as he adds this comment in a,
(0) They are on sale. hurried way. •'
1 - _' _-----------I...
3. What does the man mean when he says, ~., ~----~
Here, the expression get going means start
"let's get going"?
'or begin. The speaker wants to start his :
(A) It's time to leave. ~ .
!p~atlon. . '.:~_ • "" ••.
(B) Stand up.
(C) Please hurry.
(0) Let's begin.


Practice Inferring Meaning ~Essential Vocabulary p329
These questions focus on how a speaker feels about a situation or event. To answer these questions,
you need to be able to make inferences and deductions in order to understand what the speaker is

104 Listen to six short talks. Choose one statement: (A). (8). (C), or (0). that best answers each question.

1. How does the speaker probably feel? @@@@

(A) Worried
(B) Thankful
(C) Tired
(0) Excited

2. How does the man feel? @@@@

(A) Jealous
(8) Happy
(C) Nervous
(0) Uninterested

3. What can be inferred from this announcement? @@@@

(A) Customers cannot park in front of the building.
(8) Some staff vehicles are in the customer parking lot.
(C) The customer parking lot is fuil.
(0) Customers have to park behind the building.

4. What does the speaker imply about the situation? @@@@

(A) The company is in a difficult situation.
(8) The company has no more orders.
(C) The company's situation will improve soon.
(0) The company's stock price is undervalued.

5. What does the man mean when he says,

"I don't see why not"? @@@@
(A) He cannot understand the objections.
(B) He is agreeing to a suggestion.
(C) He is surprised at the cost.
(0) He wants to find evidence.

6. What does the speaker impiy when she says,

"It's all about appearance"? @@@@
(A) You should try to look professional.
(B) How you look is the most important thing.
(C) You need to appear confident.
(0) Be sure to wear suitabie clothing.


Making Inferences
10S Practice making various inferences. Listen to these short talks and choose the most appropriate
answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), for each question.

1. What is implied about the timing of the 7. Who most likely is the speaker?
meeting? (A) A personal secretary
(A) The meeting is starting late. (B) A travel agent
(B) Some people prefer a later time. (C) An airline employee
(C) The speaker usually starts on time. (D) A tour guide
(D) An earlier time would be better.
8. What can be inferred about Mr. Andrews
2. How does the speaker probably feel? from this message?
(A) Nervous (A) He prefers to travel in the afternoon.
(B) Frustrated (B) He often goes to New York.
(C) Tired (C) He travels a lot on business.
(D) Hungry (D) He is looking forward to the trip.

3. Why does the woman say, "It is what it is"? 9. What does the speaker imply when he
(A) She is sure the answer is correct. says, "There was one seat left!"?
(B) She wants to clarify a point. (A) The flight is very popular.
(C) The situation is under control. (B) Mr. Andrews is very fortunate.
(D) The situation can't be helped. (C) The plane has few seats.
(D) One seat was not needed.
4. What can be inferred from the
10. What most likely is the speaker's job?
(A) Many performers are sick.
(A) Sports commentator
(B) Carolina Strakovsky is a talented actress.
(B) News broadcaster
(C) The performance will be canceled.
(C) Gossip columnist
(D) Some people may want a refund.
(D) Political advisor
5. How does the speaker probably feel?
11. What is implied about Dale Winters?
(A) Disappointed
(A) He almost missed the birth of his child.
(B) Unwell
(B) He just flew back from New Zealand.
(C) Unhappy
(C) He posts a lot on Instagram.
(D) Jealous
(D) He has three young daughters.
6. What does the man imply when he says,
12. What does the woman mean when she
"if you feel you need to"?
says, "Winters is now the front runner"?
(A) People need to follow the instructions.
(A) He is a world-class athlete.
(B) Some listeners will miss the performance.
(B) He likes to run from the front.
(C) He does not expect listeners to do this.
(C) He is the best player in the team.
(D) The audience has everything they need.
(D) He is the favorite candidate.

1.(£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @ 7. (£) @ @ @ @

@ 10. (£) @
2.(£) @ @ @ 5. (£) @ @ @ 8. (£) @ @ @ 11. (£) @ @ @
3.(£) @ @ @ 6.(£) @ @ @ 9.(£) @ @ @ 12. (£) @ @ @
Score ./12


Short Talks Including a Graphic
Similar to Part 3, some short talks have a graphic (e.g., a map, or label). One question will test
your ability to relate what you hear with information you see in the graphic. You need to study the
information in the graphic while you listen.

Types of graphic
The types of graphics you will see in Part 4 are similar to those in Part 3: a building directory, floor
plan, schedule, price list, order form, map, meeting agenda, advertisement, timetable, etc.

Flight Destination
3rd quarter, July-September
2 _ VAF65Zi.~. Paris -,.
g BAS01 Manchester

0.5- -
SU234 .

:i1 0
Knitwear Swimwear Rain jackets Ouler coats

Department GATE 21

Meeting room Capacity

Ballroom.'. ' up to 250 people j

Oakwood Room 30.40 people
Phoenix Lounge 20-30 people
Boardroom up to 12 people C

• These questions always begin Look at the graphic.
• Notice the type of graphic (a program, timetable, etc.)
• Study the information quickly. Look for numbers, names, places, etc. Listen for this information in
the talk.

Remember, the speaker may change information that you see in the graphic. For example, you see a
notice showing bus numbers and bays, but you hear an announcement saying that one bus will now
depart from a different bay.


Practice Questions with a Graphic
These questions all relate to information you can see in a graphic.

106 Listen to eight short talks. For each short talk, look at the graphic and choose one statement:
(A), (B), (C), or (0), that best answers the question.

1. Look at the graphic. Which item on the original

order form is no longer needed? Chent: GT Conex
(A) Canon printer ITEM PRICE
(B) Keyboard Canon printer $119.75 .
KeEmboard $39.99
(C) USB 3.0 drive
USB 3.0 drive $16.88
(0) Samsung printer
Samsung printer $138.95

2. Look at the graphic. Which group does the Customer satisfaction

speaker want listeners to discuss? 5
(A) Platinum 4
(B) Gold 3
(C) Silver 2
(0) Bronze
platinum Gold Silver Bronze

3. Look at the graphic. Which office space is the

woman interested in renting?
(A) East Tower 1 Park Avenue, Midtown
(B) East Tower 2 Available now!
(C) West Tower East Tower 1 - 2,500m'
(0) Annex
East Tower 2 - 3,500m'
West Tower - 5,OOOm'
Annex - 1,500m'
On-site Parking
2 meeting rooms Call
1-year lease 555-882-7866

4. Look at the graphic. What time will the flight to

Time Flight Destination
Madrid leave?
10:45 BX23 Rome
(A) 11: 15
(B) 11 :25 10:50 TW109 Berlin

(C) 11 :30 11:15 AF45 Madrid

(0) 11 :45
11:25 KL151 Barcelona

1. (£; @ @ @ 2. (£; @ @ @ 3. (£; @ @ @ 4. (£; @ @ @


5. Look at the graphic. Which talk will
take place at 3:30 P.M.?
(A) Education Policy
(B) School Funding
(C) Managing Change
(0) Personalized Learning

6. Look at the graphic. Which room does the speaker go into?

(A) Bedroom
(B) Living Room
(e) Kitchen
Bedroom Kitchen r-:
(0) Master Bedroom

living Master
Room Bedroom

7. Look at the graphic. Who is the speaker talking Quarter 1 ' Sales Performance
about? "
~--.l ;"~-
(A) Mike
(B) Samuel
(C) Tina
(0) Alison

January February March April

~Mike ••• -Samuel ~Tina -.-Alison

8. Look at the graphic. How much will the dress cost card members?
(A) $80
(B) $100 .;~/s}r;::::.;::AA.LjdcE;.-J..
(C) $120
(0) $150 ~.., !Ju~'~,i~

Ii, - , I. -'FALLSAt.ESSTYLES , ,::

V'_. Cardme~b~rsgetanextra.,_~~

~.: .•, , ~ _•• ' •. h • ".::.,:;.:~', :-.~

5. 0 @ @ @ 6. 0 @ @ @ 7. 0 @ @ @ 8. 0 @ @ @


Short Talks Including a Graphic
'07 Practice listening to short talks that include a graphic. Listen to these short talks and choose the
most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), for each question.

1. What caused the delay? Gate Destination

(A) Technical problems
(B) Bad weather
(C) A plane crash
(0) A workers' strike

2. Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A tour group leader
(B) A flight engineer
(C) A safety inspector
(0) An airline official

3. Look at the graphic. Which gate will the listeners go to?

(A) 42
(B) 17
(C) 24
(0) 63

4. What is the main purpose of the announcement?
Room Room
(A) To advertise adult learning courses
(B) To mention changes to a program Main Hall
(C) To introduce a college open house Room Room

(0) To announce the finalists of a contest 3 4

5. What can be inferred about Mr. Ivanov?

(A) He just arrived from Russia.
(B) His computer has a virus.
(C) He was ill over recent days.
(0) He is replacing another speaker.

6. Look at the graphic. In which room will Ms. Cooper be speaking?

(A) Room 1
(B) Room 2
(C) Room 3
(0) Room 4

1. @ @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @
2. @ @ @ @ 4.@@@@ 6.@@@@


7. Where does the speaker most likely work?
Jenson Classic - Bean to Cup Coffee Machine
(A) At a training college with guarantee
(8) At a drinks company
***** (342 reviews)
(C) At an online firm
(D) At an advertising agency Great machine. makes perfect coffee.
Easy to clean and cheap to run.
8. Look at the graphic. Why might the listener
not want to buy the calfee machine? £350
£29.99 postage
(A) Delivery is extra.
(8) He dislikes the brand.
(C) The price is too high.
(D) He already bought one.

9. What is the listener asked to do?

(A) Respond quickly
(8) Send an email
(C) Check details
(D) Write a review

10. According to the speaker, what can be said

about the reorganization?
(A) It will be easy to carry out.
(8) It needs to be done quickly.
(C) It is mostly unnecessary.
(D) It will mean significant changes.

11. What does the speaker imply?

(A) The President has too many responsibilities.
(8) He will soon leave the company.
(C) He would rather be President.
(D) The C.E.O has very good contacts.

12. Look at the graphic. Which position is

currently vacant?
(A) President
(8) C.E.O.
(C) Vice President Sales
(D) Vice President Finance

7. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @ @
8. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @
Score .../12


This section presents an effective, step-by-step approach to use when answering questions on
Part 4 of the TOEIC~ test.

The steps shown here are designed to help you achieve a higher score when you take the test.
By following these steps, you should be able to maximize your score on this part of the test.

II~ Quickly read the questions and answer choices to get a general idea of the context.
Ask yourself Who is speaking? What are they speaking about? Who are they speaking
to? For short talks with a graphic, study the key information (places, numbers, etc.).

Identify the information that you need to listen for. The first word or phrase of each
question can help you (e.g., Where - a place, Why - a reason, When - a time, etc.). If
you have time, look again at the answer choices before you listen.

II Listen carefully to the short talk. As you listen, look at each question in turn.
Remember that for questions with a graphic, you need to relate what you hear with
information you see in the graphic. Try to identify the correct answer, and eliminate
any answer choices you are sure are incorrect.

II. Mark your answers.

Previewing KeySkill for Part 4

Step 1 and Step 2 involve previewing. Here, that means reading the questions and the answer
choices quickly and looking at any graphic. Do not read every word - just focus on the key
words that contain important information. Your goal is to get a general idea of what the short talk
is about and what you need to listen for. Get used to previewing Part 4 questions and answer
choices in this way, and you will improve your TOEIC score.


EimD Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this newscast. Identify the key words.
What do they teli you about the context?

1. What is being announced?

(A) A merger between two companies
(8) The coliapse of a drug company
(C) A career move by a senior executive
(D) Difficulties in the US drug market

2. How iong has Ms. Vicks worked at Mundo Medical?

(A) Just two years
(8) For ten years
(C) Over twenty years
(D) All her working life

3. What is implied about the news?

(A) It was expected.
(8) It is surprising.
(C) Investors are happy.
(D) Some staff are jealous .

•• For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.

Question 1: . "fh",t:/",n"9.':':"<:'<:'c::! ..
Question 2: .

Question 3: .

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself .
•...._----------------------_ ...
llii!D '08 Listen to the newscast. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices above.
For each question, try to identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices you are
sure are incorrect.

BiD Mark your answers.

1.@ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @


I!iiD Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this voicemail message. Identify the key
words. What do they tell you about the context?

1. What problem with the company's website does the speaker mention?
(A) Customers cannot access the website.
(8) The website does not work well.
(C) Some information is incorrect.
(0) Nobody can e-mail customer service.

2. How long has this been a problem?

(A) For ten minutes
(8) All week
(C) Since last week
(0) For almost a month

3. What does the speaker mean when she says, "This can't go on"?
(A) One part does not fit correctly.
(8) The situation has to change.
(C) She is unable to continue.
(0) No progress is possible.

mmD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.
Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

•• 09 Listen to the voicemail message. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices
above. For each question, try to identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices
you are sure are incorrect.

~ Mark your answers.

1. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @


Practice 3
mmD Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this announcement. Identify the key
words. What do they tell you about the context?

1. Where is this announcement being made?

(A) On a plane
(B) On a bus
(C) On a train
(0) On a ferry

2. What are passengers asked to do?

(A) Take care of their luggage
(B) Return to their seats
(C) Wait for the buffet service
(0) Avoid standing in the corridors

3. When will they arrive in London?

(A) 8:45 A.M.

(B) 9:00 A.M.

(C) 9: 15 A.M.

(0) 9:30 A.M.

mmD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.
Question 1:.............................. .."

Question 2:

Question 3:

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

E) 110 Listen to the announcement. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices
above. For each question, try to identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices
you are sure are incorrect.

EDD Mark your answers.

1. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @


Practice 4
mmD Quickly read the questions and answer choices for this short message. Identify the key
words. What do they tell you about the context?

1. What is the aim of this message?

(A) To compare different movies
(B) To promote a movie company
(C) To announce movie times
(0) To answer questions about movies

2. What kind of movie is showing at 7:00 P.M.?

(A) A political drama
(B) A romantic comedy
(C) An animated feature
(0) An action movie

3. Where can you see a movie about rock music?

(A) In theater 1
(B) In theater 2
(C) In theater 3
(0) In theater 4

mmD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.
Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

ED 11' Listen to the message. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices above.
For each question, try to identify the correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices you are
sure are incorrect.

rlii!D Mark your answers.

1.@ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @


Practice 5
m:mD Quickly read the questions and answer choices for Argo 250
this speech. Identify the key words, and study the
Simply the best!
graphic. What do they tell you about the context?
Use anywhere!
1. How does the Argo 250 compare to its rivals?
Do anything!
(A) It is more economical to use.
-+ super strong
(8) It is easier to use.
(C) It is less expensive to buy.
-+ cordless
(0) It is a lot more powerful. -+ quiet

2. How long does the company guarantee the Argo 250?
(A) For one month only $220!
(8) For six months
(e) For one year Accessory pack: $49.99
(0) For the life of the product Shipping $19.99

3. Look at the graphic. How much can listeners save if they buy the product today?
(A) $19.99
(8) $40.00
(C) $49.99
(0) $110

mmD For each question, identify the information you need to listen for. Note the key words.
Question 1: ....

Question 2: .....

Question 3:

REMEMBER On the actual test, you cannot mark the test paper, or make notes. You
should quickly preview the questions and identify the key words silently
to yourself.

lim 112 Listen to the speech. As you listen, study the questions and answer choices above.
For Question 3, you also need to refer to the graphic. For each question, try to identify the
correct answer. Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect.

miD Mark your answers.

1. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @


Strategy Review and Tips

Strategy Review Listening Test - Part 4

Remember, in the test...

Quickly preview the questions and answer choices before you hear each short talk. To get a general
idea of the context, ask yourself, Who is speaking? What are they speaking about? Who are they
speaking to?

For short talks that have a graphic, quickly study the information the graphic contains.

Make sure you know what information you need to listen for.

As you listen, try to identify the correct answers and eliminate any answers that you think are
definitely wrong.

If you are not sure about the answer, don't waste time. Decide quickly! Then preview the questions
for the next short talk.

• Here is some advice that people taking the TOEIC test have found useful for this part.
Choose the tips you like, and try to use them.

. ----_._~~- .__ .- ---------------_ .. - - ~,

. "Remember, the questions are often organized in the order that you hear the 1
information." Ahn Tran I
"'"--------=--=--~----=~_-- .;- .: ._.::: _--='= ~J


, ---- - .. - -----

"There isn't a lot of time between talks, so if there is a graphic don't spend too long
studying it. Preview the questions first and then just notice the key details in the iI
graphic." Francoise Chirae
Review Test
13 Directions: You will hear ten short talks given by a single speaker. For each short talk, read the three
questions and the four answer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer:
(A). (B), (C), or (0). Then mark your answer. You will hear each short talk only once.

1. Where can this announcement be heard? 7. Who is the speaker talking to?
(A) At a hotel (A) A new employee
(B) At a sports center (B) An important client
(C) At a supermarket (C) A news reporter
(0) At a flower store (0) A maintenance worker

2. What is the purpose of this announcement? 8. Where is the restroom?

(A) To promote a special offer (A) On the third floor
(B) To ask people to leave (B) Along the hallway
(C) To announce the time (C) In the corner
(0) To invite people to return (0) Across from the elevator

3. When is this announcement taking place? 9. What is the speaker going to do next?
(A) On Sunday morning (A) Make coffee
(B) On Monday evening (B) Give a presentation
(C) On Tuesday morning (C) See a customer
(0) On the weekend (0) Go to lunch

4. Where is the speaker? 10. What will the weather be like in Ontario?
(A) On a soccer field (A) Warm and sunny everywhere
(B) In a school (B) Mostly warm but cloudy
(C) In a sports stadium (C) Cold and rainy in the afternoon
(0) In a television studio (0) Rainy later for some areas

5. Who is the speaker talking to? 11. What does the speaker suggest people do?
(A) The spectators (A) Get some exercise outdoors
(B) The event organizers (B) Avoid travel until midweek
(C) A group of fans (C) Stay away from big cities
(0) A couple of players (0) Enjoy a trip to the coast

6. What is stated in the talk? 12. What will happen later in the week?
(A) The match lasted a long time. (A) Some areas will have snow.
(B) The result was surprising. (B) Temperatures will rise.
(C) The weather was fantastic. (C) More rain will fall.
(0) The competition is almost over. (0) The pressure will drop.

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @
@ @ 11. @ @@ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @


13. What is the purpose of this speech? 19. Who is the intended audience for this
(A) To introduce the program schedule advertisement?
(B) To welcome the audience (A) Workers
(C) To ask people to attend a seminar (B) Employers
(0) To review safety procedures (C) Insurance specialists
(O) Accident investigators
14. Who is the audience for this talk?
(A) Graduate students at a business school 20. Why should people get in touch with the
(B) Employees of a marketing company company?
(C) People interested in personal development (A) To receive compensation for an injury
(0) Anyone who wants to be famous (B) To apply for a position at the company
15. What will happen at the end of the day? (C) To complain about their employer
(A) There will be a test. (0) To claim something they have lost
(B) There will be a lecture at 5:00 P.M. 21. What does the speaker imply when she says,
(C) Participants will look at case studies. "What have you got to lose?"
(0) The speaker will answer questions. (A) Valuable items should be protected.
(B) There is no downside to going ahead.
16. Who most likely is the speaker? (C) Some people lose things easily.
(A) A radio reporter (0) Losing cannot always be avoided.
(B) A news announcer
(C) A business correspondent 22. What is the purpose of this talk?
(0) A climate change expert (A) To give advice to young singers
17. What is the report about? (B) To introduce sections of a radio show
(A) A recent speech on global warming (C) To promote a popular magazine
(B) Progress at environmental talks (0) To compare forms of entertainment
(C) Increasing carbon emissions 23. Who is Laura Sharp?
(0) The problem of global warming (A) A theater critic
18. When will there be an official announcement? (B) A singer
(A) In a few minutes (C) A reporter
(B) In less than an hour (0) A movie producer
(C) Next week 24. What does the man mean when he says,
(0) Later in the year
"I'll give you the full picture"?
(A) The whole movie will be shown.
(B) He will explain in detail.
(C) He intends to finish the picture.
(0) Some facts are incorrect.

13.@ @ @ @ 16. @ @ @ @ 19. @ @ @ @ 22. @ @ @ @

14.@ @ @ @ 17. @ @ @ @ 20. @ @ @ @ 23. @ @ @ @
15.@ @ @ @ 18. @ @ @ @ 21. @ @ @ @ 24. @ @ @ @


Temperature Temperature
Fahrenheit Celsius
Seoul 60 15
Tokyo 65 18 \I7
Hong Kong 68 20

Sy dney 70 21

25. At what time of day is this talk taking place? 28. Who most likely is the speaker?
(A) Early morning (A) An event announcer
(B) Midday (B) A news reporter
(C) Afternoon (C) A police officer
(D) Evening (D) A Scout's leader

26. Look at the graphic. Where are listeners 29. What is the lost boy wearing?
traveling to? (A) A blue sweater
(A) Seoul (B) A yellow hat
(B) Tokyo (C) A striped top
(C) Hong Kong (D) Black and white pants
(D) Sydney 30. Look at the graphic. Where is the lost boy
27. What does the speaker ask listeners to do? now?
(A) Adjust their watches (A) Area 1
(B) Reposition their seats (B) Area 2
(C) Contact the cabin crew (C) Area 3
(D) Donate to charity (D) Area 4

25.0 @ @ @ 28.0 @ @ @
26.0 @ @ @ 29.0 @ @ @
27.0 @ @ @ 30.0 @ @ @ Score 130


Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com for advice and useful exercises to help improve your score
on Part 4 of the TOEIC test.
~ Paraphrasing
~ Word Building
~ Roles and Responsibilities


Listening Comprehension Test
This Listening Comprehension Test covers Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the TOEIC" test. Allow 45 minutes to
complete this test. Mark all your answers on the separate Listening Comprehension Test Answer Sheet
provided on page 325.

Part 1
14 Directions
For each question, you will hear four statements about a photograph. Listen and select the one
statement: (A), (8), (C), or (D), that best describes the picture. Then mark your answer on the Answer
Sheet. You will hear the statements only once.


The best description of the picture is statement (8), "He's drawing on the board." You should mark
answer choice (8) on your Answer Sheet.













Part 2
"" Directions
Listen to these questions and statements. After each question or statement, you will hear three
responses. Select the most appropriate response: (A), (B), or (C). Then mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet. You will hear each question or statement, and the responses, only once.

You hear: What time is the board meeting?
You then hear: (A) The meeting room is on the left.
(B) Yes, everyone was bored.
(C) I think it's at tweive. (£) @ •

The best response to the question "What time is the board meeting?" is answer choice (C), "1think
it's at twelve." You should mark answer choice (C) on your Answer Sheet.

7. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 20. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
8. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
9. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 22. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
10. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 23. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
11. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 24. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
12. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 25. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
13. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 26. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
14. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 27. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
15. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 28. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
16. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 29. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
17. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 30. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
18. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 31. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
19. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.



Part 3
116 Directions
You will hear thirteen conversations. For each conversation, read the three questions and the four answer
choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D). Then mark
your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear each conversation only once.

32. What is the woman's occupation? 38. Who most likely are the speakers?
(A) Telecommunications engineer (A) Bus drivers
(B) Receptionist (B) Office workers
(C) Postal worker (C) School teachers
(D) Reporter (D) Restaurant workers

33. What is the problem? 39. What do the man and woman plan to do?
(A) Lucy Michell is on the phone. (A) Go for lunch
(B) The man does not know the phone number. (B) Catch a bus
(C) The extension number is incorrect. (C) Work together
(D) The answering machine is not working. (D) Learn French

34. What does the man decide to do? 40. What will the man most likely do nex1?
(A) Call back later (A) Complete a survey
(B) Leave a message (B) Continue working
(C) Ask for a free sample (C) Check the time
(D) Call a different number (D) E-mail a report

35. What are the speakers discussing? 41. Where is this conversation taking place?
(A) Transporting furniture (A) On a bus
(B) Maintaining office equipment (B) On a train
(C) Moving home (C) On a plane
(D) Decorating a new office (D) On a ferry

36. What does the man suggest? 42. What is the problem?
(A) Finishing it quickly (A) Some passengers are late.
(B) Asking for help (B) The baggage is too heavy.
(C) Renting a vehicle (C) Their departure is delayed.
(D) Going by car (D) They failed a test.

37. What does the woman offer to do? 43. What will they do nex1?
(A) Check the price (A) Make a complaint
(B) Come back later (B) Start their journey
(C) Pay the bill (C) Wait a short time
(D) Share her idea (D) Work more quickly


44. What is the problem? 50. Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) There are not enough desks. (A) In a hotel
(B) The office is too small. (B) In a garden center
(C) A coworker is ill. (C) In an office building
(0) The office is very dirty. (0) In a coffee shop
45. What does the man mean when he says, 51. What does the man suggest?
"I'm sick of it"? (A) Improving the lighting
(A) He has been doing it for too long. (B) Meeting upstairs
(B) It has made him feel unwell. (C) Making the entrance bigger
(C) He is worried about his health. (0) Inviting some guests
(0) The situation is very annoying.
52. When will the woman buy some plants?
46. What wiil probably happen to Andy? (A) Later that day
(A) He will be dismissed. (B) The foilowing day
(B) He wiil move office. (C) On the weekend
(C) He wiil get a new job. (0) Next week
(0) He wiil be promoted.
53. What is the man's occupation?
47. What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) Auto mechanic
(A) The results of a conference (B) Painter
(B) An important contract (C) Taxi driver
(C) Increasing salaries (0) Plumber
(0) Recent strong periormance
54. What does the man imply about the client
48. When did the company win the Jefferson when he says, "It's always like that with her"?
contract? (A) She usuaily pays late.
(A) One week ago (B) She often makes mistakes.
(B) Earlier this month (C) He prefers to work aione.
(C) Last month (0) The woman is a slow worker.
(0) Five months earlier
55. What will the woman probably do next?
49. What does the man intend to give the sales (A) Make an appointment
team? (B) Cail Joanne Masters
(A) Five more contracts (C) Pay an invoice
(B) A smail pay raise (0) Wait for a phone cail
(C) More vacation time
(0) Some extra money

leJ.I.!,il ••• :ij@IQ'WCJ:


56. Where does this conversation take place? KENT COUNTY SHOW
(A) In an office Cooking Demonstrations
(B) In a grocery store Start time Demonstration
(C) In a restaurant 10:00 A.M. Vegeta'rian Appetizers
(D) At a market 10:30 A.M. Meat Feast

57. Who most likely are the speakers? 11 :00 A.M. Family Cooking

(A) Housemates 11 :30 A.M. Easy Entertaining

(B) Students
62. Look at the graphic. Which demonstration do
(C) Coworkers
the speakers decide to watch?
(D) Friends
(A) Vegetarian Appetizers
58. What can be inferred from the conversation? (B) Meat Feast
(A) They do not see each other often. (C) Family Cooking
(B) They are traveling together. (D) Easy Entertaining
(C) They work together.
63. What does the man want to do after the
(D) They are vegetarians.

59. What is the subject of the conversation? (A) Return to work

(A) A lost order book (B) Have lunch

(B) The bad weather (C) Catch a train

(C) Repairs to a building (D) Find a taxi stand

(D) Operating costs 64. What will the speakers do next?

(A) Meet a new staff member
60. What do the women offer to do?
(B) Do some grocery shopping
(A) Take a closer look
(C) Go to the kitchenware section
(B) Fix the problem themselves
(D) Look for a restaurant nearby
(C) Send a quote to a client
(D) Get an estimate for the work

61. How does the man probably feel?

(A) Worried
(B) Unwell
(C) Tired
(D) Bored


65. What is indicated about the hotel? Randall Hotel
(A) 24-hour room service is available. Guest Newspapers
(B) Breakfast is served from 7 A.M. Floor 3 Room number Newspaper
(C) Newspapers are complimentary. 307 New York Times
(0) It only has three floors. 311 Chicago Tribune

66. Look at the graphic. What is the man's room 319 Washington Post
332 Wall Street Journal
(A) 307
(B) 311
(C) 319
(0) 332

67. What will the man most likely do next?

(A) Read a newspaper
(B) Go to sleep
(C) Take a walk
(0) Have dinner

68. What is the man's problem? ONLINE BOOKING FORM

(A) A meeting has been canceled. MEDIA SUITE ~-..... Tuesday October 25
(B) A room is not available. ~
(C) A booking is incorrect. 09:00 - 10:00 Helga Roswell Technical Support
(0) Sales have been slow.
10:00 - 11:00 Helga Roswell Technical Support
69. Look at the graphic. Which department did 11:00 -12:00 Bill Cordon Finance
the man speak with?
12:00 - 13:00 Uam Drew Marketing
(A) Technical Support
(B) Marketing 12:00 - 13:00
(C) Finance 14:00 - 15:00 Jason Manley Planning
(0) Planning
15:00 - 16:00
70. What does the woman offer to do?
16:00 - 17:00 Bill Cordon Finance
(A) Notify her colleagues
(B) Cancel the arrangements 17:00 - 18:00

(C) Let people go

(0) Apply for a permit

lij ••• I@I••I.:I:t@I=tJ't@:


Part 4
17 Directions
You will hear ten short talks given by a single speaker. For each short talk, read the three questions and
the four answer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or
(D). Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear each short talk only once.

71. Who is the audience for this announcement? 77. Who is the audience for this talk?
(A) Spectators at a sporting event (A) Executives at Ablewight Industries
(B) People in a movie theater (B) Market research analysts
(C) Shoppers in a mall (C) Workers at Candie Communications
(D) Listeners to a radio station (D) Customer service personnel

72. What will the weather be like on Thursday? 78. What is the purpose of this talk?
(A) Mostly warm and sunny (A) To report trading results
(B) Partly sunny with some rain (B) To win a new contract
(C) Very cloudy and wet (C) To gather information
(D) Cold and windy (D) To explain market data

73. Which day will have the most rainfall? 79. Who most likely is the speaker?
(A) Wednesday (A) A manager in a large factory
(B) Thursday (B) A government researcher
(C) Friday (C) A university lecturer in business
(D) Saturday (D) A market research specialist

74. Where can this announcement be heard? 80. Who is this advertisement directed at?
(A) In a bus station (A) Leading business experts
(B) In an airport (B) Local magazine retailers
(C) In a train station (C) Anyone interested in business
(D) In a ferry terminal (D) Employees of international companies

75. What is the purpose of the announcement? 81. How often is Business International published?
(A) To apologize for a delay (A) Once a week
(B) To ask passengers to leave (B) Twice a month
(C) To announce a change of departure time (C) Every month
(D) To tell a passenger to hurry up (D) Four times a year
76. What can be inferred from this announcement? 82. What does the speaker mean when he says,
(A) It requires an urgent response. "Don't be left behind"?
(B) Few passengers are listening. (A) Listeners should stay together.
(C) The service may be canceled. (B) Everyone is preparing to leave.
(D) Many passengers are late. (C) Act now or be at a disadvantage.
(D) It is easy to lose your way.


83. What is this speech mainly about? 89. Who is the intended audience for this talk?
(A) The resignation of an employee (A) Restaurant staff
(B) The need to expand the business (B) Factory supervisors
(C) New vacancies within the company (C) Emergency service workers
(0) Future corporate events (0) Kitchen equipment suppliers

84. Who is the audience for this talk? 90. Who has made a complaint?
(A) Conference delegates (A) A former employee
(B) Managers at Waterford Hotel (B) A recent customer
(C) Corporate event organizers (C) A member of staff
(0) Employees at Marston Convention Center (0) A health inspector

85. What should people interested in the position 91. How long do they have to complete the task?
do? (A) Three hours
(A) E-mail the speaker (B) Most of the morning
(B) Speak to the Facilities Services Manager (C) Until midday
(C) Get in touch with Emma Wilkins (0) One week
(0) Contact Human Resources
92. What is being announced?
86. Why would a caller hear this message? (A) A recent earthquake
(A) Nobody is available to answer the call. (B) The closure of a company
(B) The extension number is incorrect. (C) The appointment of a new executive
(C) The wrong number has been dialed. (0) An increase in job losses
(0) The company has now closed.
93. Who is Steve Chadley?
87. How long will the caller most likely have to (A) A radio news presenter
wait? (B) A business news reporter
(A) Less than one minute (C) The boss of a local company
(B) A couple of minutes (0) A local factory worker
(C) Around five minutes 94. What reason is given for the failure of Brinks
(0) Over ten minutes
88. What type of company is Far Out Enterprises? (A) Outdated equipment
(A) A web design company (B) Foreign competition
(B) An electricity supplier (C) Poor-quality products
(C) A travel agency (0) Management errors
(0) A telecommunications company



95. Who most likely are the listeners? Speaker Tille of lecture
(A) A group of tourists
Jacob Marden The Old County Steelworks
(8) College students
(C) New employees Rose Gallagher Public Art - Enjoyment for All
(D) Members of the public Sandra Dawson At Your Service - My Time as Mayor

96. What can be inferred about the group? Kevin Young Seasonal Color in the Memorial Park
(A) It meets four times a month.
(8) It specializes in historical subjects.
(C) It does not have enough members.
(D) It organizes talks on topics of local interest.

97. Look at the graphic. Who will be the speaker at

the next meeting?
(A) Jacob Marden
(8) Rose Gallagher
(C) Sandra Dawson
(D) Kevin Young

98. Where does this announcement take place? Guided Tours

(A) At a department store
with one of our qualified guides
(8) At an art museum
(C) At a train station Tours begin:
(D) At a shopping mall 9:30 A.M.

99. How long will the tour last? 11 :15 A.M.

(A) 20 minutes
2:15 A.M.
(8) 30 minutes
(C) 45 minutes 4:15 A.M.

(D) 60 minutes

100. Look at the graphic. What time does the

speaker give the announcement?
(A) 9:30 A.M.

(8) 2:15 A.M.

(C) 4:00 P.M.

(D) 4:15 P.M.

This is the end of the Listening Comprehension Test.



Guide to the Reading Test

The second section of the TOEIC~ test is the Reading Test. In this section, the test focuses on how
well you read and understand written English. There are three parts in this section.

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 30 questions

Part 6: Text Completion 16 questions
Part 7: Reading Comprehension 54 questions

You will have 75 minutes to complete this section of the TOEIC test.

Directions are given for each part. You need to mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet
provided. Part 5 focuses on grammar and vocabulary. You need to choose the correct word or phrase
to complete each sentence. Part 6 focuses on grammar and vocabulary in a similar way, but here
you complete short tex1s.You also need to identify one missing sentence. Part 7 focuses mainly on
reading comprehension. In this part, there are up to ten single passages, two double passages,
and three triple passages.

Guide to this section of Pass the TOEle Test

The Reading section of Pass the TOEle Test covers Parts 5, 6, and 7 of the TOEIC test. First, you
study important Grammar and Vocabulary. This is because Part 5 and Part 6 share the same grammar
and vocabulary testing points. Focusing on this language first allows for more complete preparation,
and more authentic practice. Part 5 and Part 6 each begin with a Try It Out preview test, which shows
you exactly what to expect. This will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. In Steps
to Success you practice special strategies for taking each part of the test, before Strategy Review and
Tips summarizes key guidance and gives useful advice. Finally, you put every1hing into practice in a
full-length Review Test. You then continue to Part 7, which is presented as an individual section.


In this section you will practice the grammar you need to improve your score on Part 5 and Part 6 of the
TOEIC~ test.

These are the exercises you will cover:

Word Choice ~ checking your knowledge of words that are

often confused (some/any, etc.)

Auxiliary Verbs ~ choosing the correct auxiliary verb (will/have/

may, etc.)

Comparatives and ~ using the comparative (quicker, more

Superlatives convenient, etc.) and superlative (the cheapest,
the most interesting, etc.)

Subject-Verb Agreement making sure the subject and the verb of a

sentence match (A team of experts is working on
the problem.)

Pronouns ~ practicing the use of different pronouns

(She asked me to work overtime on my own.)

Verb Forms and Tenses ~ using the correct form of the verb and the
correct tense (We are having a meeting at 4:00 P.M.)

Gerunds and Infinitives ~ using the gerund (-ing form) and the infinitive
(with and without to)

As you work through this Grammar section, try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Notice what
problems you have, and focus on the areas you need to improve.

Word Choice
Study these examples of grammar that can often be confused.

There are many things we need to do. Used with countable nouns (problems, people, etc.).
There are few women in senior management.

I do not have much work at the moment. Used with uncountable nouns (time, money, etc.).
We have little control over the project.

Here are some tickets for tonight's movie. Used in positive statements and questions.
Can I have some help, please?

I do not have any luggage. Used in negative statements and questions.

Are there any letters for me?

This is so easy. it will not take long. Used before an adjective (so heavy, so cheap).
It is such an easy task it will not take long. Used before an adjective + noun (such a good idea).

Do not work too hard. more than is necessary

Are there enough chairs? sufficient
We do not have enough money. less than is necessary

There is no ink in this printer. Used before nouns (no work, no food).
The printer is out of ink. There is none left. Used without a noun, meaning "not any" or "not one."

I called two hotels. They are both full. Used with a noun to relate two things.
Neither hotel has any vacancies.
I cannot stay at either hotel.

That is the best meal I have ever had. Used in positive statements and questions.
Have you ever gone abroad on business?
I have never had a long vacation. Used in negative statements.

Most workers have lunch in the cafeteria. the majority of

Of all my hobbies, I like reading the most. Used in superlatives.
Almost all the employees have a pension. very nearly

Word Choice
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), to complete each sentence.

1. When I got home I was tired that I 6. Did you take photographs when
fell asleep immediately. you were on vacation?
(A) such (A) almost
(B) such a (B) much
(C) so (C) many
(D) too (D) most

2. Susan looked for a place to park her car, but 7. .....manufacturing companies are
there were spaces left. having difficulty at the moment.
(A) none (A) The most
(B) no (B) Most
(C) not (C) Much
(D) nothing (D) Almost

3. Would you like assistance with your 8. James and Bill started working
bags? here after high school.
(A) some (A) both
(B) ever (B) either
(C) little (C) neither
(D) much (D) ever

4. There are not .' people to do all this 9. We sent several e-mails, but we got
work. a reply.
(A) no (A) no
(B) enough (B) never
(C) much (C) almost
(D) too (D) either

5. Very time is available to resolve this 10. We do not have time to waste.
problem. (A) no
(A) short (B) few
(B) few (C) little
(C) less (D) any
(D) little

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ Score ../10

Auxiliary Verbs
Study these examples of modal auxiliary verbs.

I can/could work overtime if you want. making an offer

May/Can I come in? asking for permission

Phil can speak Japanese, but he cannot write it. present ability/inability
My previous secretary could type quickly, but she could not past ability/inability
use spreadsheets.

Will/Can/Could you help me with this report, please? making a request

You have not eaten all day? You must be hungry. deduction
That is Susan's car. She must have arrived already. deduction in the past

Mr. Hershaw may/might/could know the answer. possibility

I might have left my keys in the car. possibility in the past

They are charging $300 an hour. That cannot be right. certainty

Julie was away last week so she could not have heard the news. certainty in the past

You' can use this office, but you cannot smoke in here. permission

I must finish this work today. obligation

You must not park in front of the fire escape.

You should go home if you are not feeling well. advice

You should not have worked so late last night. advice in the past

Employees should always arrive on time. responsibility

You should not have any trouble finding us. We are next to the station. expectation

My tooth really hurts. I will have to go to the dentist. necessary

You do not have to come in to work tomorrow. not necessary

MI Auxiliary Verbs
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), to complete each sentence .

1. Visitors .........
sit in Row G because those 6. Donald .......................
called as there are no
seats are reserved. messages on my answer phone.
(A) could not (A) must be
(B) cannot (B) could not have
(C) do not have to (C) had to
(D) might not (D) should not

2. This project is very important, so we ............. 7. If you get some professional advice you
try our best to make it a success. ...................
be able to save the company.
(A) can (A) must have
(B) must have (B) have to
(C) may (C) can
(D) have to (D) might

3. Excuse me ... ...................

you open the door for 8. Meeting Room C is the only room that
me, please? ......................
hold sixty people.
(A) Could (A) should
(B) Must (B) can
(C) May (C) must
(D) Should (D) has to

4. You .......................
checked the details more 9. We. ...try to get to this afternoon's
thoroughly before you signed the meeting early as we need to set up the
agreement. projector.
(A) must have (A) must
(B) had to have (B) would
(C) may have (C) cannot
(D) should have (D) need

5. In my last job I ......have to wear a suit. 10. The store had so many computers I ..
(A) must not not decide which one to buy.
(B) should not (A) would
(C) did not (B) could
(D) could not (C) should
(D) might

1.@ @.@ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @

2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ Score .... j10

Comparatives and Superlatives
Study these examples of the comparative and superlative form.

Adjectives with one syllable

Liz works harder than anyone else in the office. old / older (than) / the oldest
She is the hardest worker we have. big / bigger (than) / the biggest
long / longer (than) / the longest

Adjectives ending in .y
I was happier when I worked as a teacher. easy / easier (than) / the easiest
Teaching was the happiest time of my life. lucky / luckier (than) / the luckiest
angry / angrier (than) / the angriest

Most adjectives with two or more syllables

Mumbai is more crowded than Tokyo. painful/more painful (than) / the most painful
It is the most crowded city in the world. famous / more famous (than) / the most famous
expensive / more expensive (than) / the most

Irregular adjectives
The sales figures are better than I expected. good / better / best
They are the best figures we have had all year. bad / worse / worst

That trip was less expensive than I thought. more ... than /Iess ... than
That is the least expensive trip I have ever taken. the most / the least

Angela earns as much as me. (just) as ... as

Her salary is the same as mine. the same as

MI J:IE ]j Comparatives and Superlatives
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), to complete each sentence.

1. This crisis is .... ...the company has ever 6. My office looks onto the street so it is not
faced. . yours.
(A) so serious that (A) quiet than
(B) the most serious (B) more quiet
(C) most serious (C) as quiet as
(0) more serious than (0) the quietest

2. That hotel room was not the one I 7. If you feel tomorrow than you do
had last time. today, you should take the day off.
(A) as comfortable than (A) as worse
(B) as comfortable as (B) bad
(C) more comfortable (C) worst
(0) most comfortable (0) worse

3. The new director seems to be than 8. We should choose whichever option is

his predecessor. .....................
(A) more interested (A) the least
(B) as interested (B) the less than
(C) most interested (C) as less than
(0) the most interested (0) as little

4. I prefer to bring sandwiches to work 9. The new copy machine is just the
because it is eating out. old one.
(A) less expensive (A) unreliable than
(B) the least expensive (B) as unreliable as
(C) less expensive than (C) more unreliable than
(0) as expensive (0) unreliable as

5. The new building is than the one we 10. I wish I lived to work.
were in before. (A) more near
(A) more mod81'r1 (B) nearer than
(B) modern (C) as near as
(C) as modern (0) nearer
(0) the most modern

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ Score/10

Subject-Verb Agreement
Study these examples of subject-verb agreement.

The Director has an office on the top floor. A singular subject takes a singular verb form.

All employees have health insurance. A plural subject takes a plural verb form.

The manager, who is very well liked, is retiring. The subject and verb must always agree,
Many of the projects I started last year are even when separated.
now completed.

Two miles is the most I can run without stopping. Distance, time, price, and weight are
Forty minutes is enough time to get to all singular subjects.
the station.
Twenty dollars is the ticket price per person.
Sixty pounds is more than I can lift.

Everyone is very excited about the expansion. Every, everyone, nobody, each, one of, etc.,
Each of these problems has a solution. are all singular subjects.

A number of issues were raised at the meeting. A group of, a number of, a couple of, a lot of, etc.,
A group of scientists have made an are usually used with plural verbs.
important discovery.

The number of complaints has increased. The group of, the number of, the team of, etc.,
The use of cell phones is prohibited. (i.e., with the definite article) are usually used with
singular verbs.

The United States is a major investor in The names of countries, subjects, newspapers,
the region. books, films, etc., are all singular subjects.
Math is not my strong point.
The New York Times reports record growth
in imports.

News of the merger was well received. Some collective nouns use only singular verbs.
How much money is in our savings account?

All the people I work with are very helpful. Some collective nouns use only plural verbs.
The police were investigating the company
for fraud.

The committee is going to meet next month. In American English, the following collective nouns
The audience was enjoying the presentation. are usually treated as singular: committee, audience,
class, company, crowd, family, government, school.

Subject-Verb Agreement
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A). (B), (C), or (D), to complete each sentence.

1. Bates Bicycles been here for over 6. A number of engineers trying to fix
thirty years. the problem.
(A) has (A) am
(B) have (B) be
(C) are (C) is
(D) was (D) are

2. The team of scientists from Geneva . 7. The best place to go for a short vacation
arriving tonight. .. Singapore.
(A) are (A) be
(B) is (B) has
(C) will (C) is
(D) be (D) are

3. One of the senior managers 8. Do you think that two hours .

dismissed for misconduct last week. enough to complete all this work?
(A) were (A) are
(B) has (B) is
(C) is (C) have
(D) was (D) be

4. My favorite kind of program to watch on 9. Nobody expecting the sales figures

television sports. to be so high.
(A) are (A) were
(B) be (B) was
(C) is (C) had
(D) has (D) could

5. Over $30,000 taken during the 10. We are pleased to announce that our latest
robbery. restaurant, The Three Chefs, to
(A) has open next month.
(B) had (A) is
(C) was (B) are
(D) were (C) will
(D) have

1.(£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @ 7. (£) @ @ @ 10. (£) @ @ @

2.(£) @ @ @ 5. (£) @ @ @ 8. (£) @ @ @
3.(£) @ @ @ 6. (£) @ @ @ 9. (£) @ @ @ Score ... /10

Study these examples of the correct use of pronouns.

Subject pronouns
I was an account manager at 8MI Industries for I, you, he, she, it, we, they
three years.
Mr. Saito always has coffee when he gets
to work.
Many employees were upset because they
did not get a bonus.

Object pronouns
Please give me a call first thing tomorrow me, you, him, her, it, us, them
I will give her the message soon.
The visitors were disappointed nobody greeted
them at reception.

Possessive pronouns
I believe this pen is yours. mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
The decision to cancel the order was not ours.
I met Mike and Tim. Aren't you a friend of theirs?

Possessive adjectives
Max called and left a message on my my, your, his, her, its, our, their
voicemail. (often tested in the TOEIC test alongside
possessive pronouns)
Where is Diane? I think this is her coat. Remember, possessive adjectives modify the
Please visit our showroom for a demonstration. noun (It is my coat). Possessive pronouns replace
the noun (It's mine).

Reflexive pronouns
I think I will do the marketing report myself. myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,
Please help yourselves to more tea and coffee. ourselves, yourselves, themselves
We usually do our tax return ourselves.

INI IES Pronouns
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), to complete each sentence .

1. Everything I know about computers I taught 6. We will send .....................

an application form
(A) I (A) you
(B) me (B) your
(C) mine (C) yours
(0) myself (0) yourself

2. That coffee mug is not ................•

so please 7. Nobody asked .......................
for identification at
do not use it. the security gate.
(A) you (A) ourselves
(B) your (B) us
(C) yours (C) we
(0) yourself (0) our

3. I would like to welcome you all to 8. Ms. Howe decided to tell .........
boss she
new headquarters. wanted to leave the company.
(A) our (A) she
(B) ours (B) herself
(C) us (C) hers
(0) we (0) her

4. Please take good care of Mr. Lee because 9. Be careful moving that desk, Paul, or you
....................... is our best customer. might hurt ......
(A) he (A) your
(B) him (B) yours
(C) his (C) yourself
(0) himself (0) you

5. Passengers are advised to check .. 10. This company rewards .....................

route before traveling. for good performance.
(A) they (A) them
(B) them (B) its
(C) their (C) theirs
(0) theirs (0) itself

1.(£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @ 7. (£) @ @ @ 10. (£) @ @ @

2.(£) @ @ @ 5.(£)@@@ 8.(£)@@@
3.(£) @ @ @ 6. (£) @ @ @ 9. (£) @ @ @ Score ... j10

Verb Forms and Tenses
Study these examples of different tenses and their forms.

Present simple
We always have a staff meeting every Friday Used for routines, habits, planned events,
at 4:00 P.M. and things that are always true.
What time do you usually get home from work? Look for adverbs of frequency (always, usually, etc.)
The train does not leave until five o'clock. and time markers (evety day, once a week, etc.).
Michael speaks Spanish and Italian.

Present continuous
Susan is having lunch at the moment. Used for things that are happening right now or
Why are you advertising for new staff? around now, or future planned events.
I am not attending the conference next week, Look for adverbs and time markers (at the moment,
because it is canceled. right now, still, etc.).
Remember, stative verbs (e.g. know, believe,
see, hear) and verbs of emotion (like, want,
prefer, etc.) do not use the continuous form.

Present perfect
Andrew has worked for that company for Used for things that have started but not finished,
ten years. general experience, or things that happened
We have not exported to the European very recently.
Union before. Look for time markers (already, yet, just, etc.).
The mayor has just resigned. Remember, for = a period of time (for three years),
since = a point of time (since 2011).

Past simple
We delivered the parts to the customer last week. Used for things that finished in the past.
Did you stay in the Grand Hotel? Look for time markers (last, ago, etc.).
I did not go to the party because I felt sick. Remember, some verbs have irregular past
forms (go-went, know-knew, etc.).

Past continuous
They were talking about the new design Used for things that were in progress in the past,
for hours. or that were interrupted in the past.
Wasn't anyone waiting for you when
you arrived?
Sam was typing a report when his computer

Past perfect
When we arrived, the meeting had Used for things that happened before another
already started. action in the past.
Although I had not given a presentation before,
I did not feel nervous.

Future forms
Are you going to take a vacation this year? Use going to for intentions or for plans made earlier.
I'll help you with that bag. Use will/will not for decisions made at the time of
Look for time markers (next, tomorrow, etc.).

MINI TEST Verb Forms and Tenses
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), to complete each sentence.
1. We coffee when the new Vice 6. What you arguing about with Peter
President came into the office. just now?
(A) have (A) have
(B) were having (B) did
(C) will have (C) were
(D) have had (D) are

2. What time is Mrs. Ono ..... ? 7. Brendan .......................

work until late last night.
(A) will come (A) did not finish
(B) going come (B) had not finished
(C) come (C) has not finished
(D) coming (D) will not finish

3. Sorry, James is not here. I think he .. 8. I .......................

that the new rescue plan will work.
ten minutes ago. (A) am doubting
(A) left (B) will doubt
(B) had left (C) doubt
(C) was leaving (D) was doubting
(D) has left
9. It was the first time the creative team
4. Mr. Denny called to say the package you .......................
since January. so there was a lotto
sent .......................
arrived yet. discuss.
(A) was not (A) meets
(B) did not (B) is meeting
(C) has not (C) had met
(D) is not (D) will meet

5. Where .......................
next month's sales meeting 10. It is definitely true that we...... ...a period
going to take place? of great uncertainty at the moment.
(A) will (A) experience
(B) is (B) are going to experience
(C) has (C) have experienced
(D) did (D) are experiencing

1.(£) @ @ @ 4.(£) @ @ @ 7.(£) @ @ @ 10. (£) @ @ @

2.(£) @ @ @ 5. (£) @ @ @ 8. (£) @ @ @
3.(£) @ @ @ 6. (£) @ @ @ 9. (£) @ @ @ Score 110

Gerunds and Infinitives
Study these examples of gerunds and infinitives.

Smoking is not permitted in this office. as the subject of a sentence
Experts agree that swimming relieves stress. as the object of a sentence
I recommend buying this stock as soon after certain verbs (e.g. admit, adore, appreciate,
as possible. avoid, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, feel,
finish, imagine, involve, justify, keep (on), mention,
mind, miss, postpone, practice, quit, recommend,
risk, suggest, waste)
Kim never travels by plane because he is after certain adjectives + prepositions
afraid of flying. (e.g., interested in, good/bad at, angry about, etc.)

Why did you choose to cancel the order? after certain verbs (e.g. agree, arrange, attempt,
choose, dare, decide, expect, help, hope, intend,
learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise,
refuse, seem, want)
Unfortunately. it is not possible to change the after certain adjectives (e.g. difficult, easy, happy,
date of your next appointment. pleased, possible)
The security guard wouldn't allow us to enter after certain verbs that take an object with to
the building without a ticket. (e.g. advise, aI/ow, beg, expect, forbid, help, tel/,
want, warn)
I have called this meeting to discuss our to express a purpose
training program.
Please let me show you to your room. after certain verbs that take an object without to
(e.g., let, make)

George and Kylie do not like to work on Some verbs take either the gerund or the infinitive
wee <ends. with no significant difference in meaning (e.g. begin,
I like working on weekends. continue, hate, like, love, prefer, start).

Janet remembered to send the invoice. Some verbs take either the gerund or the infinitive
(The action happened after she but the meanings are different (e.g., forget, regret,
remembered.) remember, stop, try).
Janet remembered sending the invoice.
(The action happened before she

MINI IES..J:I Gerunds and Infinitives
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (0), to complete each sentence.

1. All employees are forbidden.... . jeans at 6. 00 you agree that sales is the key
work. to success?
(A) wear (A) increase
(8) wearing (8) increasing
(C) to wear (C) to increase
(0) wore (0) increasingly
2. 00 you mind while I get the 7. The new president is very good at
manager? the staff.
(A) waiting (A) motivating
(8) wait (8) motivate
(C) to wait (C) motivates
(0) you wait (0) motivation
3. We must stop money on ineffective B. I have never regretted my own
advertising. company.
(A) waste (A) to start
(8) to waste (8) having started
(C) wasting (C) starting
(0) wasted (0) I had started
4.. personal calls at work is allowed 9. The shift supervisor made us
during breaks. harder, but we earned more.
(A) To make (A) working
(8) Making (8) work
(C) They make (C) to work
(0) Made (0) worked
5. Rita suggested out for a meal after 10. How can we justify so much money
work on Friday. on travel?
(A) go (A) to spend
(8) will go (8) spending
(C) to go (C) they spend
(0) going (0) spend

1.0@@@ 4. 0 @ @ @ 7. 0 @ @ @ 10.0 @ @ @
2.0 @ @ @ 5. 0 @ @ @ B. 0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @ 6. 0 @ @ @ 9. 0 @ @ @ Score ./10

Common Grammar "Traps" in the TOEIC@Test
Here are some of the most common grammar "traps" that are used in the TOEIC test.

Are you f'lfeleffi~ to go by bus or take a taxi? Stative verbs cannot be used in the continuous form.
Do you prefer to go by bus or take a taxi?

We do not have flt) time to watch TV. Avoid double negatives.

We do not have any time to watch TV.

They asked me to wait by themselves. Make sure pronouns agree.

They asked me to wait by myself.

Our Europe sales have fallen this year. Adjectives modify nouns.
Our European sales have fallen this year.

I did not work eflough hard to pass the exam. Be careful of word order.
I did not work hard enough to pass the exam.

She asked me how long hatH worked Indirect questions do not use inversion.
for DNG Corp.
She asked me how long I had worked for
DNG Corp.

The accident "as happefled while workers Intransitive verbs cannot be used in the passive form.
were leaving the factory.
The accident happened while workers
were leaving the factory.

Everyone was very 00fift9 by the long Be careful of participles that end in -ed and -ing.
Everyone was very bored by the long

The report wfte Daniel sent was very thorough. Check the use of relative pronouns (who, which,
The report which Daniel sent was very thorough. that, etc.).

Brigit works hard, so she fle\Ief leaves work late. Make sure adverbs are used correctly.
Brigit works hard, so she often leaves work late.

I will call you when the client wHI-tlfrive. The present simple tense can be used tor future time
I will call you when the client arrives. after when, while, after. before, as soon as, until.

In this section you will practice the vocabulary you need to improve your score on Part 5 and Part 6 of
the TOEIC@test.

These are the exercises you will cover:

Word Forms ~ identifying parts of speech (nouns, verbs,

adjectives, adverbs)

Words with Similar ~ choosing from words that have similar

Meanings meanings (option/choice/aIternative, etc.)

Word Choice ~ choosing the correct word for the context

Prepositions ~ practicing prepositions of time and place (on

Monday, for a week, at home, etc.)

Words that Look Alike ~ choosing from words that look similar

Conjunctions ~ using words that join sentences together (both,

although, so, etc.)

Phrasal Verbs ~ checking the meaning of common two-part

phrasal verbs (break down, callfor, etc.)

As you work through this Vocabulary section, try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Notice what
problems you have, and focus on the areas you need to improve.

Word Forms
Identifying parts of speech is an important skill in the TOEIC test. You need to show you can choose
correctly between verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Study these examples of different parts of

We will need to widen our search for suitable Used for actions, feelings, and events. Common
suppliers. endings include -en, -ize, -ify, -er, -ale.
We intend to modernize our factories next year.
Do you think you could simplify this report
a little?
We hope sales will recover in the next quarter.
Did you incorporate all my recommendations?

Thank you for your application. Used for people, objects, and places. Abstract nouns
The entrance is over there on the left. are especially common. Endings may include -lion,
This candidate has a lot of experience. -ance, -ale, -ence, -ian, -er, -isl, -hood, -ness, -ion.
I would like you to meet our technician and the
office manager.
Steven is a chief economist for JD Securities.
We moved to this neighborhood two years ago.
Do you need any assistance?
Their kindness made a good impression on me.

That lunch was wonderful. Used for describing nouns. Adjectives come before
You will find this is a very friendly and supportive nouns, but after the verb 10be. Common endings
place to work. include -lui, -Iy, -ive, -ous, -ing, -ie, -ical, -less, -able,
She is a very famous speaker. -ish, -ible, -al.
Thank you for such an interesting presentation.
Expanding into Asia is a strategic decision.
The most economical solution is to close
the factory.
It was careless to leave the door unlocked.
My office is comfortable, but it is not very stylish.
Who is responsible for this delay?
A quick response to this emergency is critical.

They all worked quickly to finish the job on time. Used for describing verbs or adjectives.
Donald carefully packed the shipment Adverbs usually end in -Iy or -ally.
of glasses.
We all felt slightly disappointed that we did
not win the competition.
Thank you for working so hard. You have
done very well.
The new trainees listened enthusiastically to
the Chairman's welcome speech.

Word Forms
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (0), to complete each sentence.

1. I feel I must the risks involved in this 6. The only way to deal with this
dangerous experiment. problem is to tackle it head on.
(A) emphasis (A) effectiveness
(8) emphasize (8) effectively
(C) emphatically (C) effect
(0) emphatic (0) effective

2. Mr. Lange was promoted after he 7. Piease which option you prefer by
completed all the training. raising your hand.
(A) success (A) indicate
(8) succeeded (8) indicator
(C) successfully (C) indication
(0) successful (0) indicative

3. I am sorry to have to tell you that the .. 8. Since the beginning of the year, matters
will be delayed another week. have become worse.
(A) deliver (A) progress
(8) delivery (8) progressive
(C) deliverance (C) progression
(0) deliverable (0) progressively

4. There was a lot of as to who would 9. Nobody could the full impact of the
win the election. decision.
(A) speculate (A) comprehensive
(8) speculator (8) comprehend
(C) speculation (C) comprehensively
(0) speculating (0) comprehension

5. The XF210 is our most vehicle yet. 10. The talk on marketing was very ,
(A) rely but irrelevant to our needs.
(8) reliant (A) entertain
(C) reliable (8) entertainment
(0) reliability (C) entertaining
(0) entertainer

1.(£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @ 7. (£) @ @ @ 10. (£) @ @ @

2.(£) @ @ @ 5. (£) @ @ @ 8. (£) @ @ @
3.(£) @ @ @ 6. (£) @ @ @ 9. (£) @ @ @ Score ..... ./10

Words with Similar Meanings
Some questions test your knowledge of vocabulary by focusing on words that have the same or similar
meanings. Study these examples.

We had no option/choice/alternative but to Words that have the same meaning are called
close the company. synonyms. They can often be used interchangeably.

Of the many candidates for the position, However, the exact meaning and the structure of
Mr. Nielson is our first choice. the sentence may affect which words are possible.
We need to keep our options open before
making a decision.
Reducing wages was suggested as an
alternative to cutting jobs.

Can you see that blue file on the shelf Words with similar meanings are often used
over there? in different ways.
The inspector came to observe operations
in the factory.
Don't look now but the Chairman is walking
this way.
We are going to watch a new training video
this afternoon.

Common words with similar meanings

Here are some groups of common words you need to be familiar with. Go online to
www.pass-the-toeic-test.com to review the difference in their use and meaning.

achi eve/com plete/obtai n/reach clai m/demand/insist/order

ad mit/ag ree/g uarantee/req uest cl ient/consu mer/custom er/shopper
advantage/benefit/i m provement/profit close/conclude/end/fi nish
advise/i nd icate/pro pose/suggest close/handy/near /nearby
agenda/I ist/plan/sched ule clu b/crowd/g rou p/team
aid/assistance/backi ng/su pport com mute/jou rney /travel/trek
aisle/lane/line/row com pensate/refu nd/repay /retu rn
apolog ize/defend/excuse/j ustify construct/create/d iscover /invent
appo intment/conference/meeti nglreun ion decl ine/d rop/fall/red uce
bill/cash/coin/notes develop/expand/g row /i ncrease
boost/en hance/im prove/raise discount/offer /reduction/sale
borrow /Iease/lend/provid e earn/gain/make/win
buy/obtai n/pay /purchase em ploy /h ire/lease/rent
caller /g uest/tou rist/visitor em ployees/personnel/staff/workforce
carry/dress/put/wear fare/fee/fine/tax
charge/cost/pay /spend hear/listen/notice/pay attention
check/cou pan/receipt/ticket lose/loser/loss/lost
check/exami ne/i nspect/i nvestigate say/speak/talk/tell

EST Words with Similar Meanings
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (D), to complete each sentence.

1. We are not buying from Office Supplies, Inc. 6. Full-time staff .......................
as permanent
anymore as they .......................
too much for our employees will receive health insurance
stationery. after two years of service.
(A) pay (A) hired
(8) charge (8) leased
(C) spend (C) employed
(D) cost (D) rented

2. If we cannot ..... ......

our expenses, we might 7. The supervisor .......................
us to wear safety
have to layoff some staff. goggles when operating the equipment.
(A) drop (A) suggested
(8) decline (8) proposed
(C) fall (C) indicated
(D) reduce (D) advised

3. Mr. Chung is the kind of person who always a. Do not forget to get a .......................
as proof of
what he thinks. payment for everything you buy.
(A) talks (A) coupon
(8) speaks (8) receipt
(C) says (C) ticket
(D) tells (D) check

4. After twenty years, the factory finally 9. The captain led his .......................
to a great
last December. victory in the basketball tournament.
(A) finished (A) team
(8) closed (8) group
(C) ended (C) club
(D) concluded (D) crowd

5. The report suggested that food, clothing, 10. This government is working hard to
and other ..goods would become a successful economic strategy to fight the
more expensive. recession.
(A) client (A) grow
(8) customer (8) develop
(C) consumer (C) expand
(D) shopper (D) increase

1.@@@@ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5.@@@@ a.@@@@
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ Score/10

Word Choice
Some questions test the range of your vocabulary. These questions focus on words that are the same
part of speech, but have different meanings.

Often, recognizing collocations can help you choose the correct word. Collocations are words that
go together.

Adjective + noun collocation

The chairman usually keeps light control on various factors/issues/ways/problems
all the senior staff. special attention/features/significance/needs
Mr. Callum has made a significant contribution spare tire/time/moment/parts/key
to our business.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to
speak to you all tonight.
The boss wants to see you for a brief chat in
his office.

Adverb + adjective collocation

It is highly unlikely that oil prices will fall highly effective/recommended/profitable
next year. extremely difficult/important/sorry
Our new products have all been extremely fully booked/trained/qualified
Are you fully recovered from your illness?

Verb + adverb collocation

We all need to try hard if we are to succeed. speak fluently/slowly/at length
Profits will increase significantly once the write clearly/concisely/legibly
new machinery is in operation. work diligently/tirelessly/hard

Verb + noun collocations

achieve success/your goals/an aim overcome difficulties/a problem
catch a cold/a cab pay attention/cash
do your best/harm/some work/an play a game/a part in/an important role
experiment/damage/a report/research provide help/trai ning/assistance/su pport/
earn money/a salary/wages evidence
gain control/i ndependence/weig ht send a package/an attachment/an e-mail
get a promotion/a raise spend money/time
give advice/someone a hand take a vacation/advantage of/a risk/
go to a meeting/abroad/on vacation interest in/action/a break/the train/
have an accident/fun/a problem/a party/ responsibility
difficulty/a chat/a discussion win a prize/an award/an election/a match/
hold a meeting/a ceremony a game
keep a secret/trying/an appointment/a record work from home/overtime/full-time/for a big
make arrangements/progress/a profit/a company/at a computer
mistake/an effort/a decision/an excuse

Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (D), to complete each sentence.

1. All of our staff are qualified and 6. The decision was finally late last
experienced. nigh\.
(A) fully (A) ended
(8) extremely (8) made
(C) greatly (C) predicted
(D) absolutely (D) caused

2. We would like to thank you for playing an 7. The marketing department wants to have
important in rescuing the company a about the company's European
from disaster. operations.
(A) role (A) selection
(8) point (8) delivery
(C) need (C) discussion
(D) decision (D) condition

3. The closing ceremony will be in the 8. Do you know the best place to order some
stadium at 4:00 P.M. spare for the delivery truck?
(A) granted (A) types
(8) raised (8) parts
(C) taken (C) fuel
(D) held (D) amounts

4. The attorney's salary has increased . 9. Due to factors beyond our control,
since he took control of the firm. no food will be served in the cafeteria
(A) closely today.
(8) truly (A) frequent
(C) significantly (8) ranged
(D) definitely (C) various
(D) repeated
5. Do you mind if I give you some useful
..... ? 10. We would be very grateful for any .
(A) purpose you can provide.
(8) hope (A) appreciation
(C) thanks (8) way
(D) advice (C) effort
(D) assistance

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ ScoreJl0

Prepositions - Time and Place
Prepositions of time and place are common in the TOEIC test. Understanding how they are used is
important. Study these examples.

Prepositions of lime
We will meet at 10:00 A.M. in the Study Center. at + time of day (at noon, at 12:30, at night)
I will see you on Monday. on + day/date/occasion
The conference starts on March 3rd.
You cannot go to work on your birthday!
The merger will take place in April of next year. in + week/month/year/season
See you in twenty minutes. in within a certain time (in the morning, in the
afternoon, in the evening)
Do you think you will finish this by Friday? by any time up to a certain point (by the weekend,
by 4:00 P.M.)
I will not be able to get away until eight. until up to but not after a certain point
Stacy will be away for a week. for a period of time (for an hour. for three days, for
two months)
I fell asleep during the presentation. during within a period of time (during the summer.
during the 1990s)
He has not been home since last weekend. since a point of time (since 2011, since last year.
since 9:00 A.M.)
Your next shift is from three to seven. from ... to (from time to time)

Prepositions of place
Our offices are at 34 South Street. at + address
Let's meet at the Metropolitan Hotel. at + building/location
Sue is sick, so she is staying at home today. at home

They are waiting for you in the boardroom. in + room/building (inside)

Our headquarters is in Philadelphia. in + City/country/region (in Sydney, in Canada, in
I put the report on your desk. on + a surface (on the table, on the first floor)
The printer is by the fax machine. by next to
We are traveling from New York 10 Boston by bus. from ... to place to place

Prepositions - Time and Place
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), to complete each sentence .

1. Mr. McGrath is waiting for you ....his 6. Hurry up! The bus leaves five
office. minutes.
(A) on (A) until
(B) in (B) before
(C) to (C) in
(D) by (D) during

2. The photocopier is fairly new, so it should 7. We keep all our records and tax returns
last many years to come. .. the basement.
(A) after (A) at
(B) in (B) on
(C) for (C) by
(D) until (D) in

3. The lecture on time management will be in 8. .. the conference, I managed to meet

Room 223 from 1:00 P.M 2:00 P.M. everyone I had wanted to see.
(A) at (A) During
(B) to (B) From
(C) since (C) On
(D) around (D) By

4. Please put my luggage the door, if 9. I am afraid we cannot close all the
you can. customers have left the store.
(A) in (A) when
(B) on (B) until
(C) to (C) for
(D) by (D) by

5. Some tourists got lost while they were 10. I have had nothing to eat.. ..... ... breakfast,
the museum. so I feel very hungry .
(A) in (A) in
(B) to (B) on
(C) by (C) until
(D) on (D) since

1.(£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @ 7. (£) @ @ @ 10. (£) @ @ @

2.(£) @ @ @ 5. (£) @ @ @ 8. (£) @ @ @
3.(£) @ @ @ 6.(£) @ @ @ 9. (£) @ @ @ Scorej10

Words that Look Alike
Some questions test your ability to choose between words that look similar. Study these examples.

Same prefix Words can look alike if they share the same prefix.
mislead, misunderstand, misplace, mistake

Same suffix Words can look alike if they share the same suffix.
subscription, description, resignation, innovation

Same root Words can look alike if they share the same root.
vision, invisible, division, revision, supervise, visit

Similar spelling Some words may look alike because they are spelled in a similar way.
sale, scale, mail, trail

Adverbs Many adverbs look alike.

usually, evenly, strictly, fluently

The following prefixes mean "the opposite of" Other prefixes have different meanings
dis- disagree, dissatisfied, dislike anti- (against) anti-smoking, anti-war
in- inconvenient, inefficient, incorrect mis- (badly or wrongly) misunderstand, misspell
un- unhealthy, uncomfortable, unnecessary multi- (having many) multi-purpose, multi-cultural
im- (before m and p) impossible, impractical, impatient semi- (half or in part) semi-final, semi-circle
iI- (before I) illegal, illegible post- (after) post-war. postgraduate
ir- (before r) irregular. irrational co- (together) coworker
re- (again) retake, replay

Adjectives Verbs
-ful (full of) beautiful, helpful -en (to become) shorten, lengthen
-less (without) hopeless, careless -ize (to make) modernize, legalize
-able (able to) enjoyable, reasonable
-ous (containing) dangerous, delicious
-er/-or/-ist (a person who) manager/actor/typist
-ive (having the quality of) offensive
-ion (state/condition) destruction
-ness (condition) kindness

. Words that Look Alike
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (0), to complete each sentence.

1. A government source said high .. 6. Everyone seemed happy with the new
was the cause of the current economic kitchen .......................
Martine, who complained
difficulties. there was not enough light.
(A) infection (A) expect
(8) intervention (8) extent
(C) inflation (C) excess
(0) indication (0) except

2. The company stock price is ••••••.••••t 7. Low .......................

among the workforce is partly
according to experts. responsible for the drop in productivity.
(A) overrated (A) moral
(8) overcome (8) mortgage
(C) overcharged (C) mortal
(0) overdeveloped (0) morale

3. Mr. Kim was disappointed with the builder's 8. Your employer should .......................
full details of
to continue working over the any pension plan you are entitled to take
weekend. part in.
(A) renovation (A) protect
(8) refusal (8) protest
(C) removal (C) provide
(0) renewal (0) propose

4. Would you like to ..........

towards Gina's 9. We have to .......................
permission from the
anniversary gift? landlord before we redecorate the building.
(A) contribute (A) retain
(8) contaminate (8) obtain
(C) convince (C) maintain
(0) converse (0) attain

5. Unfortunately, it is .......................
impossible to 10. Any complaints will be ...at next
repair your computer without losing some week's production meeting.
data. (A) misused
(A) commonly (8) improved
(8) practically (C) discussed
(C) recently (0) persuaded
(0) evenly

1.(£; @ @ @ 4. (£; @ @ @ 7. (£; @ @ @ 10. (£; @ @ @

2.(£; @ @ @ 5. (£; @ @ @ 8. (£; @ @ @
3.(£; @ @ @ 6. (£; @ @ @ 9. (£; @ @ @ Scorej10

Conjunctions are words that connect parts of sentences. Study these examples to understand the
different kinds of conjunctions and their uses.

Showing addition
Can you and Harriet work late tonight? and
Both the Vice President and the CEO. will be both ... and
attending the talk.
We need someone who is not only well qualified not on/y ... but a/so (for emphasis)
but also available immediately.

Giving a choice
We can go to the theater by bus or take a cab. or
You can either sit here or by the window. either ... or

Excluding alternatives
They do not accept cash, nor do they take credit cards. nor
Unfortunately, neither Paul nor Jason knew how neither ... nor
to use the data projector.

Showing contrast
I would like to join you for lunch, but I need to but
finish this report.
Samuel enjoys his job, even though it is not even though
very well paid.
Profits were up, although they were still below although/though
last year's high.
In spite of the hot weather, sales of ice cream in spite of
fell last August.
They continued working despite feeling despite
very tired.

Giving reasons
Since it is sunny, let's walk to the store instead of driving. since
Mr. Watanabe has an interpreter because he cannot because/as
speak English.
We won the award because of our commitment because of
to customer service.
The flight was canceled due to heavy fog. due to

Showing results
You have worked here for two years, so you have so/therefore
earned an extra day's vacation. (in order) to

Stating a purpose
Send this mail now so that it arrives on time. so (that)
We studied hard in order to pass the exam. (in order) to

Showing a condition
I do not know whether they will place an order or not. whether ... or/if ... or
You will lose your job unless you start working harder. unless

Emphasizing urgency
Please give me a call as soon as you get this message. as soon as/immediately

MINI TE Conjunctions
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), to complete each sentence.

1. I cannot believe that neither the phone 6. Please do not touch the vase you
the fax machine is working. want to buy it.
(A) and (A) unless
(B) not (B) neither
(C) nor (C) because of
(0) but (0) despite

2. I decided to accept the job it was not 7... we saw the fire, we all rushed
very interesting. outside.
(A) in spite of (A) However
(B) although (B) Because of
(C) whereas (C) As soon as
(0) unless (0) Not only

3. Mrs. Nielson asked me I had 8. We sat at the back we could not

completed the training successfully. see the screen clearly.
(A) whether (A) so
(B) either (B) so that
(C) neither (C) such that
(0) despite (0) also

4. Jackie chose a room on the top floor of the 9. Apparently, Stephanie and Gary are
hotel she could have a good view .. in favor of the merger.
(A) but (A) neither
(B) so (B) both
(C) due to (C) so that
(0) or (0) not only

5. I went to Seattle yesterday feeling ill. 10. Before you leave you have to not only lock
(A) in spite all the doors and windows turn on
(B) whereas the alarm system.
(C) however (A) also
(0) despite (B) and
(C) nor
(0) but also

1.0 @ @ @ 4.0 @ @ @ 7.0 @ @ @ 10.0 @ @ @

2.0 @ @ @ 5. 0 @ @ @ 8. 0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @ 6. 0 @ @ @ 9. 0 @ @ @ Score./10

Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb followed by a preposition or adverb that changes its meaning. Sometimes the
meaning is clear (e.g., Please take off your jacket). However, usually it is not possible to guess the
meaning. Study these examples of common two-part phrasal verbs.

A new photocopier should not break down. stop working

The board decided to call for the president's resignation. demand

Bad weather meant we had to call off the meeting. cancel

I have never come across a crisis like this before. encounter

We need to cut down waste and recycle more. reduce

Anne and Jason usually deal with all complaints. handle

Neil and Gary do not get along. have a good relationship

We have enough savings to get by until you find a new job. survive

It is a hard project, but we cannot give up now. stop

These problems will hold up production for months. delay

Do not stop yet. Please keep on working. continue

Mr. Chen will look into the issue immediately. investigate

Look out! Those files are about to fall off the desk. be careful

I will look through this report and call you back. read quickly

Do not put back that file yet. I need it. replace

We will have to put off the meeting until Friday. postpone

Did you run into James when you were in town? meet someone by chance

All the terms are clearly set out in the contract. explain

Please do n,at show up late again or you will be in trouble. arrive

Can I take up your offer of a ride to the station? accept

It was an oJportunity I could not turn down. refuse

I cannot work out what these directions mean. understand

MI Phrasal Verbs
Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (D), to complete each sentence.
1. If you walking along this street, you 6. Did you manage to how to use the
will find the bank on the left. new fax machine?
(A) give out (A) pick out
(8) keep on (8) work out
(C) get on (C) hand out
(D) put off (D) get out

2. We need to .....this and find a solution 7. The flight was by bad weather at
as soon as possible. Denver airport.
(A) look up (A) called for
(8) look out (8) checked into
(C) look into (C) looked out
(D) look onto (D) held up
3. This is urgent, so we cannot making 8. There is a spill in aisle four. Can you
a decision. .......................
it, please?
(A) put off (A) come across
(8) take up (8) get by
(C) get out (C) deal with
(D) call for (D) look through
4. We need someone with good personal skills 9. After three months, I finally trying to
who can well with people. persuade Julie to join the company.
(A) go over (A) gave over
(8) get by (8) gave up
(C) get along (C) gave out
(D) give out (D) gave back
5. Please the money you took from the 10. I am afraid the bank has our
cash register. application for a loan.
(A) put back (A) given out
(8) look out (8) run into
(C) call off (C) turned down
(D) take over (D) got off

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ Score ...)10


This part of the TOEIC~ test consists of 30 sentences. Each sentence contains a missing
word or phrase. Below each sentence are four answer choices. You must choose the
answer that best completes the sentence. The focus is on grammar and vocabulary.

You may find it useful to review the Grammar and Vocabulary sections before you start.


Read each sentence. You will notice that there is a word or phrase missing. Study the four answer
choices and select the one answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best completes the sentence. Then mark
your answer.

Can you please send a more detailed ..... .....of how to install this software?
(A) argument
(B) explanation
(C) justification
(0) reason (£) • @ @

IThe correct answer is 'answer choice (B), "explanation." An explanation is statement ihat makes
i something clearer to understand. This is therefore the only answer with an appropriate meaning ..
: for the sentence. You should mark answer choice (B).
. ~- - - - - ------- -- -

1. We prefer to be very here, so you 4. As Carlo's cough became worse, the nurse
do not need to wear a suit in the office. became worried about his health.
(A) informal (A) increase
(B) independent (B) increased
(C) indecisive (C) increasingly
(0) insensitive (0) increasing

2. In your opinion, which of these alternatives is 5. If the traffic is not too bad, I should be there
option? ..............................
an hour.
(A) more cheap (A) until
(B) cheaper than (B) during
(C) as cheap (C) before
(0) the cheapest (0) in
3. Ten hours in an airplane a very 6. When is the annual salary review .
long time when you are sitting nex1to a small take place?
child. (A) will
(A) are (B) is
(B) is (C) going to
(C) has (0) shall
(0) be

1.(£)@@@ 3. (£) @ @ @ 5. (£) @ @ @

2.(£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @ 6. (£) @ @ @


7. Although he knew he was wrong, Kevin 12. Nobody wanted to the Vice
refused it. President that the stock pri~e had collapsed.
(A) admit (A) say
(B) to admit (B) tell
(C) admitting (C) speak
(O) admitted (0) talk

8. I had to pay a $20 for parking in a 13. Thank you for your offer of help, but
restricted zone. I do not need any right now.
(A) fine (A) kind
(B) fee (B) kindly
(C) fare (C) kindness
(0) tariff (0) kinds

9. This has been the most difficult . 14. Madison likes working at the bank
I have ever had to make. she gets along with her coworkers there.
(A) role (A) but
(B) task (B) because
(C) decision (C) due to
(0) work (0) whereas

10. Mail order customers are advised to check 15. In the three years I.. . here, I have never
purchases upon receipt. taken a single sick day.
(A) they (A) am working
(B) them (B) have worked
(C) their (C) had worked
(O) theirs (0) will work

11. My grandfather lived and worked . 16. .. .. Linda was tired, she did not have
Canada all his life. time to take a break.
(A) at (A) Because of
(B) on (B) Not only
(C) to (C) As soon as
(O) in (0) Even though

7.(£) @ @ @ 10. (£) @ @ @ 13. (£) @ @ @ 16. (£) @@ @

8.(£) @ @ @ 11. (£) @ @ @ 14. (£) @ @ @
9.(£) @ @ @ 12. (£) @ @ @ 15. (£) @ @ @ Score .............

This section presents an effective, step-by-step approach to use when answering questions on
Part 5 of the TOEIC'~test.

The steps shown here are designed to help you achieve a higher score when you take the test.
By following these steps, you should be able to maximize your score on this part of the test.

a Quickly read the sentence and look at the answer choices. Identify the language focus
and ask yourself what exactly the item is testing.

a Read the sentence again carefully. First, think about the meaning of the sentence as a
whole. Then focus on the missing word or phrase .
• Ask yourself what kind of word you need to complete the sentence (a noun, verb,
adjective, etc.) .
• Pay close attention to the words that come before and after the blank. These words
often provide context clues that will help you identify the correct answer choice.

Grammar often tested ... Vocabulary often tested ...

word choice word forms
auxiliary verbs words with similar meanings
comparatives and superlatives word choice
subject-verb agreement prepositions
pronouns words that look alike
verb forms and tenses conjunctions
gerunds and infinitives phrasal verbs

II Look at the answer choices and identify the part of speech and meaning of each one.
Eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you can't decide between two or more
options, read the sentence silently to yourself with each answer choice in place.
Which one "sounds" right?

II Mark your answer.


~ Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

The baseball coach appeared to be than the players before the game.
(A) nervous
(B)' more nervous
(C) nervously
(D) most nervous

] word choice [ ] subject-verb agreement

] gerunds and infinitives [,r] comparatives and superlatives

EmD Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the form of the word or phrase you need.
Study the words that come before and after the blank.

mmD Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

I!DD Mark your answer.


1.2 I
~ Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

the bad weather forecast, it was agreed that the staff picnic would go ahead as
(A) However
(B) Although
(C) Because
(D) Despite

] prepositions ] word forms

] conjunctions I phrasal verbs

EmD Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the meaning of the word you need. Study
the words that come immediately after the blank.

mmD Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

I!DD Mark your answer.


Practice 2
~ Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

I thanked Daniel because I . not have completed the report without his help.
(A) must
(8) should
(C) could
(D) had

1 word choice 1 subject-verb agreement

1 auxiliary verbs 1 pronouns

mmD Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the meaning of the word you need. Study
the words that come before and after the blank.

mmD Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

l!DD Mark your answer.


~Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

This is the first customer complaint about poor service that I have ...........
in two years.
(A) worked out
(8) called off
(C) cut down
(D) come across

1 prepositions 1 word forms

1 phrasal verbs 1 words with similar meanings

mmD Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the meaning of the phrase you need. Study
the words that come before and after the blank.

mmD Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

l!DD Mark your answer.



EmD Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

There was nobody to help me copy the files, so I had to do it ..

(A) myself
(B) mine
(C) me
(D) my

1 verb forms and tenses I subject-verb agreement

1 auxiliary verbs 1 pronouns

ED Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the part of speech of the word you need.
Study the words that come before the blank.

mmD Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

I!D!D Mark your answer.


EmD Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

This report is very of the health and safety standards at the factory.
(A) critic
(B) critical
(C) criticize
(D) criticism

1 word choice 1 word forms

1 words with similar meanings 1 phrasal verbs

ED Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the part of speech of the word you need.
Study the words that come before and after the blank.

mmD Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

I!D!D Mark your answer.


Practice 4
ED Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

We regret to inform you that on this occasion you have been . ......in your application
for the position of Assistant Shift Manager.
(A) unsuccessful
(B) ineffective
(C) incompetent
(0) unproductive

] word choice 1 prepositions

] phrasal verbs 1 conjunctions

ED Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the meaning of the word you need. Study
the words that come before and after the blank.

mm Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

ED Mark your answer.


mmD Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?
Because our favorite restaurant , we decided to go home and cook instead.
(Al to close
(B) closes
(C) be closed
(D) was closed

1 auxiliary verbs 1 subject-verb agreement

] gerunds and infinitives 1 verb forms and tenses

ED Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the tense of the word or phrase you need.
Study the words that come before and after the blank.

mm Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

ED Mark your answer.



•• Q~ickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?
Can you please stop.... that and help me with this?
(A) to do
(B) doing
(C) you do
(D) do

1 verb forms and tenses 1 auxiliary verbs

1 pronouns 1 gerunds and infinitives
I!DD R~ad the sentence again carefully. Think about the form of the word or phrase you need.
Study the words that come before and after the blank.

Iii!D Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

I!iiiD Mark your answer.


•• Quickly read this sentence and the answer choices. What exactly is the item testing?

For the whole of next week, Mrs. Philipps will be a trade convention in Frankfurt.
(A) out
(C) at
(D) across

1 words with similar meanings 1 word choice

1 prepositions 1 conjunctions
I!DD Read the sentence again carefully. Think about the meaning of the word you need. Study
the words that come before and after the blank.

Iii!D Go through each of the answer choices and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect. If you
are unsure, ask yourself which answer choice "sounds" right.

I!iiiD Mark
your answer.


Strategy Review and Tips

Strategy Review Reading Test - Part 5

Remember, in the test...

Read the whole sentence carefully. Do not stop when you see the blank. This will help you to get an
idea of the context.

Decide if the focus is grammar or vocabulary. Then look more closely and ask yourself what exactly
is being tested.

Look at the words before and after the blank and try to identify the part of speech, and the meaning,
of each missing word or phrase.

Eliminate any answers that you are sure are wrong.

If you are not sure about the answer, don't waste time. Decide quickly and move on to the next item.

= Here is some advice that people taking the TOEIC test have found usefuf for this part.

Choose the tips you like. and try to use them .
._-- ----


• • •• •


• 0


Revie~ Test
Directions: Read each sentence. You will notice that there is a word or phrase missing. Study the four
answer choices and select the one answer: (A), (8), (C), or (D), that best completes the sentence.
Then mark your answer.

1. None of the we interviewed for this 6. May I please speak to the person for
job was suitable. maintaining the website.
(A) applies (A) response
(8) applications (8) responsible
(C) applicators (C) responsibility
(D) appliJants (D) responsive

2. More people would be able to use our products 7. Luckily, Derek nor Alicia were hurt in
without difficulty if the instructions were the accident at the factory.
(A) either
(A) simplify (8) both
(8) simplicity (C) neither
(C) simplified (D) but
(D) simply
8. Can everyone please help to tea and
3. Senior experts seem to think that the economic coffee while we wait for the speaker to arrive?
................................ 1. will begin early next year. (A) they
(A) recovery (8) them
(8) recover (C) theirs
(C) recovered (D) themselves
(D) recovering
9. If we want to maintain the same rate of
4. The room was so I could not find a ..................
next year, we will have to invest in
seat and had to stand up for the lecture. new machinery and equipment.
(A) crowded
(A) contribution
(8) isolated (8) routine
(C) complete (C) event
(D) incapable (D) growth
5. I would like to introduce you to my personal 10. The board decided to approve our plan
, Ms. Ono. even though it was option under
(A) assist consideration.
(8) assistance (A) more expensive
. I
(C) assistant (8) the most expensive
(D) assisting (C) more expensive than
(D) as expensive

1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @

11. From the of the robber, he was tall 17. The main of this plan is that the
with brown hair and a moustache. company should be able to increase profits
(A) reception while at the same time minimize its expenses.
(B) prescription (A) method
(C) description (B) advantage
(D) conception (C) image
(D) boost
12. Making large cuts in the budget will not be
to achieve, but it is necessary. 18. Astronomers have a new planet
(A) easy outside our solar system.
(B) easily (A) discovered
(C) ease (B) invented
(D) eased (C) created
(D) constructed
13. The seminar room we are using today is
the third floor, across from the 19 they worked hard all day, by the
elevator. evening they still had not finished their tasks.
(A) at (A) Aithough
(B) over (B) However
(C) on (C) Despite
(D) by (D) Even

14. I do not want to hold you in case you 20. I am taking a special course because I
miss your train, so go ahead and we can talk ..........................
to improve my presentation skills.
about this next Monday. (A) am wanting
(A) up (B) will want
(B) in (C) would want
(C) out (D) want
(D) over
21. There is a lot of work to do, so let's try to
15. At this time of uncertainty and crisis, the most ............................
as much progress as we can as
thing we could do is to rush into a quickly as possible .
hasty decision. (A) do
(A) irresponsible (B) become
(B) irritable (C) make
(C) irresistible (D) obtain
(D) irreversible
22. We the same vendor to provide all our
16. We were very excited by the.... news food services since 2010.
that Joseph and Francesca were engaged. (A) have used
(A) wonder (B) were using
(B) wonderful (e) had used
(C) wondering (D) used
(D) wondered

11.@ @ @ @ 14. @ @ @ @ 17. @ @ @ @ 20. @ @ @ @

12.@ @ @ @ 15. @ @ @ @ 18. @ @ @ @ 21. @ @ @ @
13.@ @ @ @ 16. @ @ @ @ 19. @ @ @ @ 22. @ @ @ @


23. I will meet you for coffee ten minutes 27. I do not think the way Economics .
in the cafeteria. taught in college prepares anyone for a career
(A) until in business.
(B) during (A) are
(C) in (B) be
(D) before (C) is
(D) has
24. In case there is a power outage, an
emergency generator in the basement will 28. Do you think you help me redecorate
supply power to the hospital. the bathroom next weekend?
(A) tempting (A) would
(B) tentative (B) must
(C) temporary (C) may
(D) terminal (D) could

25. The invoice from the for the building 29. I found a $20 . . on the ground in the
extension was far more than we had expected. parking lot when I arrived at work this morning.
(A) contractor (A) coin
(B) conductor (B) cash
(C) computer (C) money
(D) consumer (D) bill

26. We will not know the training program 30. Serina was so busy compieting the schedules
has been effective until next year. that she did not have time to have
(A) because lunch.
(B) not only (A) many
(C) whether (B) any
(D) neither (C) some
(D) no

23.(£; @ @ @ 26. (£; @ @ @ 29. (£; @ @ @

24.(£; @ @ @ 27. (£; @ @ @ 30. (£; @ @ @
25.(£; @ @ @ 28. (£; @ @ @ Score ... . ./30

, , ~.pass.th~-toeic.test.com fo~~ore ~;ammar and vocabulary exercises to help
improve your score on the TOEle test.
L. ._ .!-__________ - _

This part of the TOEIC~ test consists of four short texts. Each text has four blanks -
these are spaces where a word, phrase, or sentence is missing. Below each blank are
four answer choices. You must choose the answer that best completes the sentence.

Part 6 of the TOEIC test is very similar to Part 5. The main focus is on grammar and
vocabulary. However, Part 5 consists of single sentences whereas in Part 6 the sentences
are part of a text (an e-mail, article, letter, notice, etc.). Therefore, you sometimes need to
read more than one sentence in order to choose the correct answer.

In addition, one question for each text asks you to identify a missing sentence. This
question tests your understanding of context. You may need to read the paragraph, or
even the whole text, again to get a general idea of the purpose.


How many questions are in this lJart of the TOEIC test?
How many answer choices are there for each question?


W ....
is Part 6 different from Part 5?

You may find it useful to review the Grammar and Vocabuiary sections before you start.





The safety of our employees is a top priority at Sentinel Systems. Every member of the
production staff is therefore required 1 the "Safety in the Workplace" training
seminar once every year. This is a mandatory requirement to make sure all employees work
in a safe environment. Anyone who? to attend the seminar risks endangering
themselves and their coworkers.

The seminars take place on the last Friday of every month, at 2:00 P.M. in Training Room B.
A maximum of twenty people can attend each session. Please note that we :3_ .
have four spaces left for this month's seminar on Friday the 27th. Call Amanda at Ext. 233
to reserve your spot.

4 If you have any questions, contact me bye-mail.

Geoff Kleber
Human Resources

. ..
1. (A) attendance
(B) attending
(C) to attend
~~. -

(0) attend

2. (A) wishes
(B) registers
(C) applies
(0) fails

3. (A) currently
(B) openly
(C) absolutely
(0) hardly

4 (A) I look forward to seeing you there.

(B) Thank you for your co-operation.
(C) No further action is necessary.
(0) Your concern is most appreciated.

Directions: Read each text. You will notice that there are four blanks. These are places where a word,
phrase, or sentence is missing. For each blank, study the four answer choices and select the one
answer: (A). (B). (C), or (0). that best compietes the text. Then mark your answer.

Questions 1-4 refer to the following e-mail.

From: [email protected]
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Re: New website

I am pleased to inform you all that the new KK, Inc. website is finally operational. This is great news.
After months and months of hard work, the resuit is very impressive.

1 As members of our Customer Review Panel, your contributions have been extremely
useful. ? your help, I don't think we could have succeeded in creating such a good

As a token of our appreciation for your efforts, we ~ like to give each of you a $200 gift
certificate. Please log on to the website and enter the code JYIU987R to claim your reward.
We hope you have fun L1 this in our online store!

Sandie Jenkins
Customer Liaison Officer, KK, Inc.

1. (A) Thank you for all your suggestions. 3. (A) could

(B) Good luck in your future endeavors. (B) might
(C) Please send in your responses soon. (C) would
(0) Be sure to claim your reward. (0) will

2. (A) Because of 4. (A) spending

(B) Without (B) spend
(C) Apart from (C) to spend
(0) Not only (0) spent

1.0 @ @ @ 2. 0 @ @ @ 3. 0 @ @ @ 4. 0 @ @ @


Questions 5-8 refer to the following article.

A group of international business experts today 5 the results of a three-year economic

survey. Their research indicates that a global recovery might be on the way. ..... 6 The
group, called Business International, made the statement in a press conference at the Governor's
Hotel, New York. Over fifty industry economists participated in the data review. After the forty-five
minute presentation, there was a question and answer session. "We are confident that economic
growth will occur 7 the next two years," said Dr. Neil Ormond, the president of
Business International. ".... 8 ....not all sectors of the world economy will see improvements,
the overall effect should be positive."

5. (A) pronounced 7. (A) on

(B) announced (B) to
(e) denounced (C) in
(D) renounced (D) at

6. (A) Markets worldwide welcomed the news. 8. (A) Although

(B) Further economic data is needed. (B) However
(C) This report will be completed soon. (C) Despite
(D) Nobody has taken responsibility yet. (D) Even

5.(£) @ @ @ 6. (£) @ @ @ 7. (£) @ @ @ 8. (£) @ @ @

Score ... .../8

This section presents an effective, step-by-step approach to use when answering questions on
Part 6 of the TOEIC" test.

The steps shown here are designed to help you achieve a higher score when you take the test.
By following these steps, you should be abie to maximize your score on this part of the test.

II. Preview the text quickly to get a general idea. Do not look at the answer choices.

Find the first biank. Is this testing grammar/vocabulary, or is it a missing sentence that
tests reading comprehension?
• For a grammar/vocabulary question, ask yourself what kind of word or phrase you
need to complete the sentence (a modal verb, noun, etc.). Study the words that
come before and after the blank space .
• For a missing sentence, ask yourself what the purpose of the text is and look at how
the missing sentence connects with the sentences that come before and after.

II Remember that sometimes you may need to refer to the previous and following
sentences to help you find the correct answer. Occasionally you will need to read
the whole text again.

II Study the answer choices carefully, and eliminate any you are sure are incorrect.
Mark your answer. Then repeat steps 2 through 4 for the remaining questions.

~;-":---~'- " . ---

. ..•.
KeySkill for Part 6
:,::Step 1 involves previewing. Here, that means reading the text quickly. Do not worry about the
....missing words or read the answer choices. Do not read every word - just focus on the key words
J: that contain important information. Your goal is to identify the type of text (a letter, e-mail, etc.), .~
i.and to get an overall understanding of what it is about. Get used to previewing Part 6 texts in this : I
r' way, and you will improve your TOEIC score.
~';.2...::..:...._.__ .__ ... _'.. __ . - ;. _. .. _, ~ .__


EmD Quickly preview this advertisement.

Fantastic Summer Sale!

The HomeTronics summer sale starts Monday. Don't miss the fantastic summer ~ .
on a huge range of electrical products. Take 50% off all flat screen televisions, MP3 players,
and satellite receivers. Plus, for the next two weeks, we are offering shoppers the chance to
enter our free prize drawing. For every purchase you 2 , we will give you a ticket
to win a two ..week dream vacation.. 3 Europe plus $1 ,000 in spending money .
.... ~ Hurry in now to the HomeTronics summer sale. At these prices, you'd be crazy
to shop anywhere else!

1. (A) exclusions 3. (A) over

(B) withdrawals (B) on
(C) discounts (C) in
(D) cutbacks (D) at

2. (A) make 4. (A) All items have been reduced.

(B) will make (B) We hope to see you there.
(C) are making (C) No exchange is allowed.
(D) made (D) What are you waiting for?

•• Read the first sentence with a blank, and look at the answer choices. Is the focus grammar
or vocabulary? What exactly is the item testing?

•• Read the sentence again. Study the words that come before and after the blank. If
necessary, look for information in previous and following sentences. For a missing
sentence, you may need to read the whole text again.

I!D!D Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect. Mark your answer. Then repeat
steps 2 through 4 for the remaining questions.

1.0 @ @ @

2.0 @ @ @

3.0 @ @ @

4.0 @ @ @

Practice 2
&mD Quickly preview this notice.

Staff Parking

I'd like to J all staff that it is not possible to park in the main parking lot at the
front of the building. As you know, these spaces are limited, and are strictly for the use of our
customers and other visitors. Sufficient staff parking 2 at the rear of the building.
Staff parked outside the main entrance will be asked to move. 3 ...cars immediately.

Some customers have complained that they are unable to find spaces. 4 Thank
you for your attention.

Carole Wynn, Manager

1. (A) remind 3. (A) they

(8) remember (8) theirs
(C) repeat (C) their
(0) reclaim (0) them

2. (A) provides 4. (A) Comments are always welcome.

(8) to provide (8) This situation has to stop.
(C) providing (C) Your feedback is appreciated.
(0) is provided (0) There is space for everyone.

BiD Read the first sentence with a blank, and look at the answer choices. Is the focus grammar
or vocabulary? What exactly is the item testing?

IlimD Read the sentence again. Study the words that come before and after the blank. If
necessary, look for information in previous and following sentences. For a missing
sentence, you may need to read the whole text again

EiiiD Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect. Mark your answer. Then repeat
steps 2 through 4 for the remaining questions.

1.0 @ @ @
2.0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @
4.0 @ @ @


I'!lED Quickly preview this article.

Business Expert Visits City

1 There is huge excitement at the prospect of meeting the boss of one of the
nation's largest and most successful enterprises. Ms. Jackson, the millionaire owner of the
Happy Chicken chain of restaurants, is here to offer help to the region's small businesses. She
is giving a talk to business owners Thursday at the Maryland Convention Center.
?: the vital role they play in our economy, many companies lack the support they
need to realize their growth potential," she said. "My talks give entrepreneurs the right advice
to help them ~...... .. their goals." Ms. Jackson recently appeared in the hit TV show
"Back to Business," and will host a free networking event at the Maryland Convention Center
.......... '.1. .. June 4. For more details, visit www.thebiz.com/events.

1. (A) It helps to be a celebrity. 3. (A) win

(B) More firms are reporting growth. (B) achieve
(C) Louise Jackson is in town. (C) gain
(D) Female bosses are popular. (D) succeed

2. (A) Although 4. (A) on

(B) However (B) at
(C) Whereas (C) in
(D) Despite (D) by

I!ii!D Read the first sentence with a blank, and look at the answer choices. Is the focus grammar
or vocabulary? What exactly is the item testing?

mmD Read the sentence again. Study the words that come before and after the blank. If
necessary, look for information in previous and following sentences. For a missing
sentence, you may need to read the whole text again.

Eii!D Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect. Mark your answer. Then repeat
steps 2 through 4 for the remaining questions.

1. @ @ @

2.0 @ @ @

3.0 @ @ @

4.0 @ @ @

Practice 4
I!iiiD Quickly preview this letter.

Mr. Frank Leibnitz

8974 Green Valley Drive
Inglewood, CA 90305 June 17

Dear Mr. Leibnitz:

Thank you for attending the interview with us on June 3 for the Healthcare Assistant vacancy
at Dews Retirement Homes.

Although your qualifications are impressive, ..1 it is clear you have a great deal of
useful experience, I regret that we are not able to offer you a.......... 2 at this time.

There were many strong candidates, and unfortunately, on this occasion you have not
been successful.

..............;J. I wish you success with your 4 for suitable employment.

Yours sincerely,
Raymond Lee

1. (A) nor 3. (A) All employees are carefully selected.

(8) and (8) Thank you for your interest in our company.
(C) but (C) Your participation was welcome.
(D) then (D) We were delighted to meet you.

2. (A) condition 4. (A) research

(8) situation (8) searching
(C) position (C) searcher
(D) preparation (D) search

IlmD Read the first sentence with a blank, and look at the answer choices. Is the focus grammar
or vocabulary? What exactly is the item testing?

mmD Read the sentence again. Study the words that come before and after the blank. If
necessary, look for information in previous and following sentences. For a missing
sentence, you may need to read the whole text again.

I!imD Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect. Mark your answer. Then repeat
steps 2 through 4 for the remaining questions.

1.@ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @

3.@ @ @ @
4.@ @ @ @


Practice 5
•• Quickly preview this memo.

From: [email protected]
To: "All Employees" <[email protected]>
Re: Employee of the Season

Yes, it is that time J ! Voting forms will be issued today. As done previously, the
forms will be placed in envelopes and distributed to you by your line managers at your
next departmental meetings. The forms must be completed and 2 to your line
manager by no later than midday on Friday, March 25th.
You can vote for your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices. People receiving votes from outside of their
own department will receive double points. Please remember, you must provide a reason to
support your ~
We will announce the winners at the next staff meeting planned for Wednesday, March 30th.
...... .....<1........ If anyone has any questions, please let me know.

Staff Development

1. (A) yet 3. (A) choice

(B) already (B) cause
(C) still (C) business
(D) just (D) claim

2. (A) returned 4. (A) Membership is not mandatory.

(B) revisited (B) Can all staff report on time?
(C) replied (C) No exceptions can be made.
(D) replaced (D) Please do try to attend.

IiiiiD Read the first sentence with a blank, and look at the answer choices. Is the focus grammar
or vocabulary? What exactly is the item testing?

Em» Read the sentence again. Study the words that come before and after the blank. If
necessary, look for information in previous and following sentences. For a missing
sentence, you may need to read the whole text again.

mmD Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are incorrect. Mark your answer. Then repeat
steps 2 through 4 for the remaining questions.

1. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @

3.@ @ @ @

4.@ @ @ @

Strategy Review and Tips

Strategy Review Reading Test - Part 6

Remember, in the test. ..

Begin by previewing the passage. Don't stop when you see a blank. Keep reading. You should read
quickly to get a general idea of the content.

Carefully read each sentence with a blank. Look closely and decide what is being tested: grammar,
vocabulary, or (for a missing sentence) reading comprehension.

Look at the words before and after the blank and try to identify the part of speech, and the meaning,
of each missing word or phrase.

Eliminate any answers that you are sure are wrong.

Do not forget that sometimes you may need to look at other sentences elsewhere in the text to help
you identify the correct answer - especially for missing sentences.

If you are not sure about the answer, don't waste time. Decide quickly and move on to the next item.

am Here is some advice that people taking the TOEIC test have found useful for this part.
Choose the tips you like, and try to use them.

"I try to predict the missing words before I look at the answer choices. Then, when
J check the answer choices, if I find the same word or something similar I know it is
probably the correct answer." Kumiko Ito
'~==~-,-_ ..-c', --~-_. __ -----~~~~~~~~~-_~--""

. . _. ----- -_.- -
. "In Part 6, I never read the text. I go straight to the ~i~sing words. I can usually _ . 1
.~o_:n::w:.r~ ~~atdefinit~_~ d_o_n'_t~ .j!

" -

"For missing sentence questions, ask yourself what is the purpose of the text." 1
, Ana Velasquez »

, ----
"If the information you need is not in the sentence with a blank, always start by looking
at the sentence immediately before the sentence with the blank. You'll often find what
you need there:' Haruo Matsumoto
.'"'-- -=-~---==_.
__ ..._-

. -
"Don't spend long on this part. There are only 16 points. Do it as quickly as you can I

and move straight on to Part 7." Soon-Bok Yoon



Review Test
Directions: Read each text. You will notice that there are four blanks. These are places where a word,
phrase, or sentence is missing. For each blank, study the four answer choices and select the one
answer: (A), (8), (C), or (0), that best completes the text. Then mark your answer.

Questions 1-4 refer to the following article.

Mishima Motors to Expand

By Hideo Arakawa,Japan

Mishima Motors today announced plans to . 1 expand its car manufacturing operations.

Sales of the 'Oaiba' - the company's most popular model - are partially responsible for this move.
"The 'Oaiba' ~ great success since its launch," said C.E.O Minoru Takada. "We now
want to double our production over the next three years, by starting production at new facilities in
Tokyo, Osaka, and Sapporo." The company's stock price rose an incredible 21 percent on hearing
this news, ~ fears by some experts that Mishima Motors is being too aggressive.

Mr. Takada welcomed the jump in the stock price. "With such a positive response
t o our am b't'
I tOUS program, we canna t fai,'1" he Insls
. . t ed 4 .

1. (A) significantly 3. (Al even though

(8) fluently (8) in spite of
(C) strictly (C) however
(0) commonly (0) so that

2. (A) will enjoy 4. (A) Stock prices can go down, too!

(8) was enjoying (8) A new program will start soon.
(C) has enjoyed (C) We appreciate your order.
(0) had enjoyed (0) The time is right for expansion.

1.(£)@@@ 2. (£) @ @ @ 3. (£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @

Questions 5-8 refer to the following letter.

Mrs. Maggie Bertram

1025 Francis Street
British Columbia
Canada V6Z 1L4

August 14

Dear Mrs. Bertram:

Our records show that you last 5 .. us on February 26, earlier this year. Your next dental
appointment is now due. Please call 360-925-8144 to make an appointment as soon as possible.

You may be interested to know that we are offering our customers 15% off our teeth
whitening ~ The most important thing you wear is your smile, so ask about our Laser
Plus package, and how it can get you ahead. Call us today to take 7 of this great offer.

Patient Support
Bannard Associates

5. (A) visit 7. (A) advice

(B) visited (B) notice
(C) have visited (C) advantage
(D) were visiting (D) possession

6. (A) renewal 8. (A) Get the smile you deserve!

(B) provision (B) Come and join us.
(C) resource (C) Your views are most appreciated.
(D) service (D) Experience is not essential.

5.0 @ @ @ 6. 0 @ @ @ 7. 0 @ @ @ 8. 0 @ @ @


Questions 9-12 refer to the following e-mail.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Your mustick.com order

Dear Mr. Gooding:

Thank you for ordering four e-tickets to see The Big Bash Live on Saturday, April 3 at the M2
Arena... !!. Your application for tickets..... ...1..~ being processed.

You ~..~ receive your tickets bye-mail within two weeks. Simply print them, and take
them with you to the event. You will need to show them to access the stadium. If you do not
hear from us within two weeks, please .... ~? the Ticket Services team bye-mailing ticket-
[email protected].

Thank you for choosing mustick.com.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Chen
Ticket Services

9. (A) We are glad you enjoyed the show. 11. (A) could
(B) The ticket price cannot be changed. (B) should
(C) We have received your request. (C) must
(D) Tickets to this event are very popular. (D) have to

10. (A) is 12. (A) to contact

(B) are (B) contacting
(C) will (C) contacted
(D) has (D) contact

9. (£) @ @ @ 10. (£) @ @ @ 11. (£) @ @ @ 12. (£) @ @ @

Questions 13-16 refer to the following notice.

Watch out for phone scams

~.~ someone ever call saying you owed tax and demanding you make a payment
immediately? Did you ever get a phone call 1..~ you of a refund, and asking for your
banking details and proof of identity? If the answer is affirmative, then that was a scam!

Phone scams are fake calls from people claiming to be from a bank or other organization.
They aim to trick you into revealing personal information such as bank details, passwords,
etc...m~ ..!5

• Never give personal information to people who call you unexpectedly.

• Call the company back on a known number
• Always hang up if you're in any ~~ .

Don't be fooled - be smart!

13. (A) Has 15. (A) Phone scams are common.

(8) Did (8) Most calls are genuine.
(C) Was (C) Stay safe with our tips.
(D) Have (D) Contact us for more help.

14. (A) warning 16. (A) accident

(8) alerting (8) inconvenience
(C) notifying (C) trouble
(D) referring (D) doubt

13.0 @ @ @ 14. 0 @ @ @ 15. 0 @ @ @ 16. 0 @ @ @

Score ./16


Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com for more grammar and vocabulary exercises to help
improve your score on the TOEIC test.



This part of the TOEIC" test consists of a series of short passages. The passages are
followed by a number of questions, each with four answer choices. You must choose the
best answer for each question.

Single passages
There are usually ten single reading passages. Each passage is followed by between two
and four questions. There are 29 questions in this section.

Double passages
There are two double reading passages. These are readings that include two related
passages. They are followed by five questions. There are 10 questions in this section.

Triple passages
There are three triple reading passages. These are readings that include three related
passages. They are followed by five questions. There are 15 questions in this section.

Questions test your general reading comprehension, as well as your understanding of

words and phrases in context. Sometimes for single passages you also need to choose
where to insert a missing sentence.

The passages cover a variety of different text types, such as advertisements, letters and
faxes, notices, e-mails and memos, forms and charts, and articles. Before each passage,
there is an introductory statement that specifies the type of passage you will read.

EXAMPLE 1 - a single passage

New leader takes control of GBK, Inc.

Today, GBK, Inc, confirmed the appointment to C.E.O. of Canadian business leader Spencer
McGregor. The construction giant elected McGregor due to his extensive experience and
previous record. McGregor previously saved Hansely Engineering from collapse, taking it out
of trouble to regain its former leading position in the industry. He replaces former C.E.O. Gary
Oldson, who was dismissed last month after reports of financial mismanagement. In recent
months, GBK has suffered a record drop in sales, with disappointing results for the last quarter,
However, the news of McGregor's appointment was welcomed by industry experts, causing the
stock price to increase 12 percent.

1. What is the main purpose of this article?

(A) To advertise a job opening
(B) To declare the retirement of a business leader
(C) To announce a new corporate executive
(0) To declare poor financial results
~---~ - - - -- -

The article begins by stating that GBK, Inc. confirmed the appointment to CEO, of Spencer
McGregor, and later refers to news of McGregor's appointment,

2. What happened to Gary Oldson?

(A) He moved to another department.
(B) He was recently fired.
(C) He retired from the company.
(0) He joined Hansely Engineering.
The article mentions he was dismissed last month. '

3. What can be inferred about GBK, Inc.?

(A) The company is not performing well.
(B) The company has few good managers.
(C) The company is owned by a Canadian firm.
(0) The company will soon expand.
- ---
_.- -- --
The article mentions a record drop in sales and disappointing results.
- _._- - ----- ~~._.~. - - .


EXAMPLE 2 - a double passage

Parham Printing, Inc.

Overseas Visitor Tour
Tuesday, August 21

9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Welcome & Introductory Lecture, Dr. Gange, C.E.O
Seminar Room A

10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Group A - Tour of Print Room, Mr. Walker, Print Manager
Group B - Tour of Warehouses & Packaging, Miss Rivera,
Operations Director

11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. Distribution Challenges, Mrs. Atkins, Vice- President

12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. Lunch in Main Cafeteria (with department heads)

1:30 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. Group A - Tour of Warehouses & Packaging, Miss Rivera,
Operations Director
Group B - Tour of Print Room, Mr. Walker, Print Manager

3:00 P.M. International Development Strategy, Dr. Nicholson, President

Seminar Room C

To: Senior staff
From: Naomi Arakawa. Program Manager
Date: Aug. 17
Re: Tour next Tuesday

As you know, next Tuesday's Overseas Visitor Tour is a group from Far East Orient Printing, Inc.
There will be 20 senior executives representing over a dozen of the top printing firms in East Asia.
This is a huge opportunity for us to increase our services to the region.

Can I ask you all to please be prompt for all appointments, and keep to the schedule? You will
notice the length of the group tours is no longer two hours. This is because our visitors have to
leave at four o'c1ock. A bus will pick them up at Gate 0, so they will need ten minutes to get there.
Therefore, Dr. Nicholson, could you please try to complete your talk in 45 minutes? The last thing
to mention is that we may move lunch to the Green Room if there is space, as the main cafeteria
might be too noisy. I will let you know whether this is possible as soon as I hear.

Thank you for your cooperation. I am sure the tour will be a success.

1. What is the main purpose of Naomi Arakawa's memo?
(A) To thank staff for their help with the tour
(B) To notify staff of changes to the tour schedule
(C) To encourage staff to go on the tour
(D) To ask staff to help organize the tour
- - -- -
Ms. Arakawa mentions changes in the length of the group tour and also the departure time, and
possibly lunch venue. (A) IS incorrect as the tour hasn't taken place yet. The tour is not for the staff
to participate in (C) and it is already organized (D).
. -

2. How much shorter is each group tour than originaliy pian ned?
(A) Fifteen minutes
(B) Thirty minutes
(C) One hour
(D) Two hours
- .. -
In her memo, Ms. Arakawa says the length 01 the group tours is no longer two hours. In the
schedule, the group tours are shown as lasting 90 mmutes (from 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 P.M.). They are
thirty minutes shorter.
. .

3. Where wili Mr. Walker take Group B in the afternoon?

(A) To the Cafeteria
(B) To the Warehouses
(C) To Seminar Room A
(D) To the Print Room
. .
In the schedule, Mr. Walker is shown to take Group B on a tour of the Print Room in the afternoon.

4. By what time should Dr. Nicholson aim to finish his talk?

(A) 3:00 P.M.
(B) 3:30 P.M.

(C) 3:45 P.M.

(D) 4:00 P.M.

In the memo, Ms. Arakawa ask Dr. Nicholson to fimsh his talk in 45 minutes. In the schedule, his
talk starts at 3:00 P.M. He should therefore finish by 3:45 P.M.

5. In the memo, the word "prompt" in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to

(A) polite
(B) prepared
(C) patient
(D) punctual

Here, the word prompt means punctual or on time.


EXAMPLE 3 - a triple passage

I. Boston Cheetahs
vs. 'I,
Buffalo Hawks !

Supermax Stadium i
Thursday October 9
Kick-off at 8.30 P.M. '!I,

Admission by ticket only 'i

. :.''':.''.''' '_,' ~.~-JJ

From: Jai Chaudhry <[email protected]>

To: All staff <[email protected]>
Subject: Tickets for the Thursday game
Date: Friday October 3

Dear all,

We have been given 20 free tickets for the playoff between the Cheetahs and the Hawks this
coming Thursday evening at the Supermax Stadium. If you would like to go to the game,
reply direct to me as soon as possible. Tickets will be given out on a first come, first served
basis. Please note, we can allow a maximum of two tickets per staff member.

Jai Chaudhry
Human Resources

Brad 5:15 P.M.

Hey Ron. Do you want to go to the big game tomorrow evening? I know
you're a fan. I was given two free tickets at work!

Ron 5:18 P.M.

Woah! Are you kidding me? You bet! Those tickets are like gold dust.

Brad 5:21 P.M.

Yeah. I was lucky! Let's meet in the Roadrunner Sandwich Shop near South
Station. OK with you?

Ron 5:23 P.M.

Sure. What time?

Brad 5:25 P.M.
I'll go straight from work, so say around 6:30. We can grab a bite and get to
the stadium by 7:30. There should be a great atmosphere.

Ron 528 PM
Fine by me. See you then. Hey, thanks, man. I'll wear my Cheetahs jersey.

1. How did Brad get tickets to the game?
(A) He took part in a prize drawing.
(B) He responded quickly to an e-mail.
(C) He went in person to Human Resources.
(0) He was rewarded for good performance .
.,_.~_ .. --- - --- - - -

In his e-mail, Jai Chaudhry asks staff to reply direct to me as soon as possible and
adds tickets will be given out on a first come, first served basis.
- ----

2. On which day were the text messages written?

(A) Wednesday
(B) Thursday
(C) Friday
(0) Saturday
The advertisement states the game is on Thursday. In his text, Brad asks
Ron if he would like to go to the game tomorrow evening.
~-'-- ---- - -
3. What can be inferred about Ron?
(A) He will travel to the stadium by train.
(B) He has known Brad for a long time.
(C) He works for Memotex.
(0) He supports the Boston Cheetahs.
- - -~.~
Brad texts Ron I know you're a fan and Ron says he Willwear his Cheetahs jersey .
. .. ~--~_
4. How early does Brad want to arrive at the stadium?
(A) A half hour
(B) An hour
(C) An hour and a half
(0) Two hours
- -- - -

I Brad wants to get to the stadium by 7:30. We can see from the
advertisement that the game starts at 8:30 P.M.

5. In the e-mail, the word "note" on paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

(A) remark
(B) record
(C) notice
(0) show
~. ,,~ .._.'. - .. _- --
Here, the verb note means take notice.
• • _' __ ' __ '"


Directions: Read the texts. You will notice that each text is followed be several questions. For each
question, decide which of the four answer choices: (A), (B), (C), or (D), best answers the question. Then
mark your answer.

Questions 1-4 refer to the following letter.

Mr. Harno Katsuzawa

19 Delaware Court
Chicago, Illinois 60601

May 3

Dear Mr. Katsuzawa:

Thank you for your letter dated April 17. I am sorry that you are not satisfied with the outcome of your
application for registration in our Computing for Beginners course. As you know, this one-week course is
free, and therefore demand was very high. We felt we needed to admit a broad range of participants from
many different backgrounds.

Of the sixteen spaces available, half went to men and half to women. Of the men we admitted, three
are unemployed, two are retired, and the remaining three have part-time jobs. The course takes place
Monday through Friday from 10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. Since you have a full-time job already, we were
unsure how you would manage to attend the course.

Thank you for your interest in the Chicago Lifelong Learning Center. I do hope we can welcome you into
a suitable course at some point in the future.


Dr. Brenda stevens

Admissions Supervisor
Chicago Lifelong Learning Center

1. Why is Dr. Stevens writing to Mr. Katsuzawa? 3. Why is Mr. Katsuzawa unsuitable for the
(A) To confirm his attendance in a course course?
(B) To thank him for his application (A) He is retired.
(C) To offer him a teaching position (B) He works part.time.
(D) To explain the selection procedure (C) He works full-time.
(D) He is unemployed.
2. How long is the Computing for Beginners
course? 4. The word "admitted" in paragraph 2, line 1, is
(A) Five mornings a week closest in meaning to
(B) A total of 15 hours (A) agreed
(C) Two weeks (B) accepted
(D) Lunchtimes only (C) interviewed
(D) discussed

1.@ @ @ @ 2. @ @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @

Questions 5-8 refer to the following e-mail.

0 E-mail

To: I undisclosed recipients

From: I [email protected] I
Subject: I Work in Action e-mail alert
Dear Customer:

I am pleased to inform you that the latest edition of "Work in Action" is now available. ---[1]---
You can download this issue at www.prc-publications.com. Those of you who have subscribed
to the print edition should receive your copy shortly. ---[2)---

The main feature this month is about financial support and funding. Diane Shaw, from Carpe
Financial Management, reveals how to secure the money you need to help your business grow.
Her informative article will help you to learn more about sources of funding, both regional
and national. ---[3]---

Also in this month's issue, you'll find a survey about "Work in Action." Your participation in this
survey is very important, as it will help identify ways to improve the magazine. Even if you have
not yet read "Work in Action," your views would be helpful. The survey should take no longer
than ten minutes to complete. ---[4]--- Responses received by September 15 will be entered
into a competition to win a notebook computer, a smartphone, or even a vacation to Florida!

Mark Perkins
Subscriptions Officer, PRC Publications

5. What is the purpose of this e-mail? 7. In which position marked [1]. [2]. [3]. and [4]
(A) To invite people to take a survey does the following sentence best belong?
(8) To announce a recent publication "All answers are of course confidential."
(C) To ask for financial support (A) [1]
(D) To recruit more employees (8) [2]
(C) [3]
6. Who is Diane Shaw?
(D) [4]
(A) A financial expert
(8) A business writer 8. Who is this e-mail intended for?
(C) A publisher (A) Finance managers of large companies
(D) A researcher (8) Customers who receive "Work in Action"
(C) Workers at PRC Publications
(D) Writers of articles for "Work in Action"

5.@ @ @ @ 6. @ @ @ @ 7. @ @ @ @ 8. @ @ @ @


Questions 9-11 refer to the following advertisement.

9. According to the advertisement, who can 11. What must customers do if they want the web
benefit from the cheapest web saver rate? saver rate?
(A) Any customer who books online (A) Pay the total amount in advance
(B) Regular business clients only (B) Contact the Reservations department
(C) Anyone booking on a red date directly
(0) All new customers (C) Book within forty-eight hours of arrival
10. What is NOT indicated about the hotel? (O) Stay at least two nights
(A) The food is good.
(B) The location is convenient.
(C) Internet access is free.
(0) Corporate clients are welcome.

19'@ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @ 11. @ @ @ @ I


Queslions 12-16 refer to the following two e-mail messages.

To: MargaretJen [email protected]

From: [email protected]
Dale: Ocl12
Subject: Prices and standards

Dear Ms. Jennings:

For the last five years I have purchased all of our office supplies from Central Stationery. Over that
time, I estimate the orders I have placed to value more than $25,000. I am writing to inform you,
however, that I will no longer be ordering supplies from your company.
I have found that the prices you charge are in some cases more than double those charged at
other stores. For example, last week I bought ten BestBrand X30 black printer cartridges for a total
cost of $290. I notice from their online shop that the same cartridges only cost $140 in OffMart. I
also bought three Denby filing cabinets, which are identical, but was charged different prices for
them; two are $55 while a third is $65. This makes no sense to me at all.

Following advice from my coworkers, I will therefore take our business elsewhere, and shop at
OffMart from now on.
Julian Hilper
Office Manager

To: [email protected]
From: Desmond [email protected]
Date: Oct 19
Subject: Your complaint

Dear Mr. Hilper:

I am sorry that you feel dissatisfied with the prices we offer at Central Stationery. Ms. Jennings has
forwarded your complaint to me, and I would like to respond to the issues you raise.
1. Our policy is to stock items at the same prices, or as close as we can, as other office supply
companies in this area. The BestBrand X30 black printer cartridges you mention seeing on
OffMart's website are currently on special offer, and available only to customers who purchase
over $1000 of office furniture at the same time. You will notice that their regular price for these
cartridges is actually $32 each.
2. Regarding the Denby filing cabinets, two are an older model. They were the last two in stock
and were on clearance. The third cabinet you received is the new model, which appears the same,
but is of superior quality. This explains the difference in cost.
I do hope you continue to shop at Central Stationery. We value your business and look forward to
your next order with us.
Desmond Prent
Customer Relations Manager

12. Who is Julian Hilper? 15. How much does the new Denby filing cabinet
(A) A store manager at altMart model cost?
(8) A customer service agent for 8estBrand (A) $32
(C) A buyer for Central Stationery (8) $55
(D) An employee of Aranlo (C) $65
13. What does Mr. Hilper mostly complain about in (D) $140
his e-mail? 16. In Mr. Prent's reply, the word "value" in
(A) Low discounts paragraph 4, line 1, is closest in meaning to
(8) Poor quality (A) estimate
(C) Long delivery times (8) believe
(D) High prices (C) demand
14. How did Mr. Hilper find out the cost of altMart's (D) appreciate
8est8rand X30 black printer cartridges?
(A) A coworker told him.
(8) He checked altMart's website.
(C) He received a special alter coupon in the
(D) There was an advertisement in the local

12.@ @ @ @
13.@ @ @ @
14.@ @ @ @
15.@ @ @ @
16.@ @ @ @


Questions 17-21 refer to the following Web page, price list, and text message chain.

Let our chic and intimate function rooms bring a sense of beauty and joy to your wedding
reception. Experience the romance and magic of stars twinkling above you when dining in
our Conservatory, or enjoy the fabulous ocean views from our private outdoor terrace.

Your Tropical Bay wedding planner will make your wedding dreams a reality - overseeing
everything from invitation design to floral decorations. Our chefs will prepare the menu
of your choice, and customize the perfect wedding cake for you. Tropical Bay can also
recommend reputable photographers, dressmakers, and tuxedo rental services.

We have nearly 300 bedrooms, so your guests don't need to worry about driving home.

Reception halls Size Capacity (guests seated

at round tables)
Grand ballroom. ~ - 11-;. .. -,,1 .
- 4602 sq. ft. 420
Holyrood Room (with conservatory) 1824 sq. ft. 150
Dunedin Room (with private terrace) 1178 sq. ft. 80
Lochrin Room 784 sq. ft. 70

Tropical Bay accommodations

Price per room
per night

Deluxe 2-Bedroom Suite Two private balconies

Panoramic ocean view
Luxury kitchen
Top floor
Standard room with King-size bed Private balcony
Ocean view $175
Standard room with 2 Queen-size Private balcony
beds Ocean view $190
Family room Sleeps 4
Crib available
Private balcony overlooking $220
tennis courts or swimming pool

In addition, all rooms have: En-suite bathroom with shower, Air conditioning,
Satellite television, Telephone, free Wi-Fi (in public areas), In-room safe.

Mia 9:12 P.M.
Hi Rosa. Just looking at the hotel where Joe and Alysha are holding their
wedding reception. Rooms are pretty expensive. Want to share?

Rosa 9.21 P.M.

Good idea. I'm a bit nervous actually. I won't know anyone there except for
you and Alysha. I don't like large crowds @

Mia 928 P.M.

Alysha told me the reception hall has a terrace, so we can spend our time
there. It'll be quieter.

Rosa 933 P.M.

Good idea. What about accommodations? It's not too late to book, is it?

Mia 9:39 P.M.

No, but we need to book now, if we want a cheaper room. One night is
enough, right? I'll book a room with two beds and pay with my credit card.
We can settle up at the hotel. How's that?

Rosa 9.43 P.M.

Great, thanks!

17. What is indicated about the Tropica! Bay Hotel? 20. How much will Rosa and Mia pay in total for
(A) It has recently been renovated. their hotel room?
(B) It is situated in a coastal area. (A) $175
(C) It accommodates up to 300 people. (B) $190
(D) It offers a tuxedo rental service. (C) $220
(D) $380
18. Which of the function rooms will Alysha and
Joe's wedding reception be held in? 21. What is indicated about Rosa?
(A) Grand Ballroom (A) She dislikes noisy environments.
(B) Holyrood Room (B) She would prefer they had booked earlier.
(C) Dunedin Room (C) She does not have many friends.
(D) Lochrin Room (D) She will pay her share when they meet.

19. Which facility is NOT a feature of every hotel

(A) Private balcony
(B) Refrigerator
(C) Free Wi-Fi
(D) Lockbox
17.@ @ @ @
18.@ @ @ @
19.@ @ @ @
20.@ @ @ @
21.@ @ @ @

Score ./21



In this section you will practice ways to improve your score on Part 7 of the TOEIC~ test.

These are the exercises you will cover:

Reading for Main Ideas ~ reading for overall comprehension; learning

how to skim texts; identifying the writer, the
topic, the audience, and the purpose

Reading for Details reading for specific information; learning how

to scan texts; identifying important points and
key information

Making Inferences ~ reading for information that is not directly

stated and drawing conclusions

Double Passages reading two related passages and referencing

information in both texts

Triple Passages ~ reading three texts of different genres and

relating information between them

In the TOEIC test, there are passages on many different topics, covering a variety of text types:
advertisements, forms, letters, faxes, e-mails, memos, tables and charts, schedules, instructions, notices,
news articles, etc. You will practice reading a wide range of text types.

As you work through Improve Your Performance, look back at your answers in the Try It Out section and
try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Notice what problems you have, and focus on the areas
you need to improve.

Reading for Main Ideas
In Part 7, most passages have at least one question that tests your understanding of the main idea.

TIPS I Reading for Main Ideas - Part 7 Reading Comprehension

• Look for topic questions: What is this article about? What does this letter mainly discuss?
• Look for purpose questions: What is the purpose of this e-mail? Why was this memo written?
• As you read, ask yourself: What is the passage about? What is the purpose of the passage?
Who is the passage written for?
• Remember, you do not need to read every word in order to understand the main ideas.
• You can often find information about the main idea near the beginning or end of a
• Don't worry about words you do not understand. Keep reading until you reach the end.
• Look for words or phrases that are repeated. They may be important.


To: All Faculty

From: The Dean's Office
Date: Monday, October 10
I would like to remina all of you that next Monday is our Founder's Day, readthe firstsentence
and therefore no classes will take place. However, lecturers and other
pickout somekeywords
teaching staff must still come in as we will be having a "Skills Improvement and phrases
Workshop" as part of our faculty development program. Your department
heads have organized sessions throughout the day, from nine througli five.

This is important, so please be here. I lOOKforward to seeing you all readthe lastsentence
on Monday.
Dr. Fisher, Dean

1. What does this memo mainly discuss?

The notice is from The Dean's Office to All Faculty.
(A) A national holiday It mentions a faculty development program for
(8) Class schedules lecturers and other teachers. which suggests
(C) Staff training training.
(D) Employee attendance

- . .- .
2. What is the main purpose of this memo?
The Dean says there are no classes next Monday
(A) To announce a new job opening
but staff must still come in for a workshop. The
(8) To encourage staff to attend a training Dean adds This is important, so please be here.
(C) To emphasize the need for better
(D) To ask staff to work longer hours

3. What kind of institution is involved? The notice mentions lecturers and faculty. and is
(A) A library written by the Dean. All these terms are related to
(8) A training company universities.
(C) A sports facility
(D) A university


Reading for Main Ideas
Passage 1

Skim this e-mail, then immediately answer the questions. Check (,f) your answers. Do not look back at
the passage.


From: I [email protected] I
To: I [email protected] I
Subject: I Leadership conference last Tue. I
Hi Lilly,

I would like to say "many thanks" to you and all the staff for making our conference at the
Maybridge Center such a great success. The event went extremely well, with lots of positive
comments coming in all the time. Many delegates mentioned what a fantastic venue the
Maybridge Center is, with excellent facilities and wonderful catering. All the staff were very
helpful and cheerful, too, which is so nice.

Would you please pass on our thanks to the whole team? I look forward to holding more events
in your great facility.

Kind regards,
Eryl Williams
Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer

1. What is this e-mail about? 3. What is the Maybridge Center?

[ 1 A recent conference [ J A school
[ 1 The results of a competition [ J A convention center
[ 1 A sporting event [ J A restaurant

2. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

[ 1 To book an event
[ 1 To ask for employment
[ 1 To thank an organization's staff

Reading for Main Ideas
Passage 2

Skim this article, then immediately answer the questions. Check (.,I) your answers. Do not look back at
the passage.

Residents Say "Exciting" Development Not Welcome

Local residents in the town of Brookside gathered development. They included the landowners
last night to protest against plans for a new fast and representatives of The Pine County Business
food restaurant and gas station planned for the Forum, which is financing the development. Head
east side of town. "We feel it is unsuited to the of the fomm, Clark Debussy, claimed that studies
neighborhood," said Mayor Maddie Perrows. on the environmental impact have proven the
"There is no need or desire for it. It will mean more new development will have mainly positive effects
traffic problems. more noise, more pollution, and in the community. "We also expect that these
people are worried about the negative effect on facilities will attract more people to the area and
their property values." More than 200 residents boost local businesses," he insisted. However, the
came to the special council meeting, which didn't vast majority of residents remain unconvinced.
end until nearly midnight Friday. Of those who Officials from the fast food chain could not be
attended, only ten were in favor of the planned reached for comment.

1. What is the article mainly about? 3. Where was the article published?
[ 1 The need for more local facilities [ 1 In a college newsletter
[ 1 Opposition to a proposed development [ 1 In a local newspaper
[ 1 The result of some environmental studies [ 1 In a science journal
2. Why was the article written?
[ 1 To promote investment in local services
[ 1 To report on a community meeting
[ ] To persuade residents to back a plan


Reading for Main Ideas
Passage 3

Skim this fax. then immediately answer the questions. Check (.t) your answers. Do not look back at
the passage.

TransBank International

FAX To: Adam Wong

Number: 011-44-2072-9836428
Pages: 4
From: Michelle Bertram
Date: Jan 17

Urgent [.t] Please reply [ For review [] Please recycle [ 1

Dear Mr. Wong:

Thank you for your e-mail expressing interest in our International Savings Account. In accordance
with banking regulations, I must ask you to confirm some personal details before we can proceed.
Please find follO\ving an application form UY87, which I would like you to complete and sign. After
you fax this back to me, I will process your application.

I look forward to welcoming you as a customer.

Best regards,

MicheUe Bertram
Overseas Account Manager
1. What does the fax mainly discuss? 3. Who is Mr. Wong?
[ I Applying for a job [ ] A bank employee
[ I Banking regulations [ I A potential investor
[ 1 Application requirements [ 1 A personnel manager
2. What is the main purpose of this fax?
[ ] To recommend a service
[ I To request information
[ 1 To thank a customer

Reading for Main Ideas
Passage 4

Skim this letter, then immediately answer the questions. Check (.f) your answers. Do not look back at
the passage.

Dr. Indira Gupta

IndiChemicals Ltd.
3487 Kasturba Road Cross
Bandra (East)
India - 402051

November 4

Dear Dr. Gupta,

Thank you for taking the time to visit Barlow Industries while you were on vacation here last month.
It was wonderful to meet you and learn of your research interests. I trust you have now returned home

You mentioned the possibility of working together on a research project. I have spoken with my
coworkers here,. and we agree this is an excellent idea. Your knowledge and experience in the field of fuel
cells and renewable energy is certainly of interest to us. I have therefore asked Julie Artens, our Special
Projects coordinator, to contact you regarding a research program that might interest you.

1. What is the letter mainly about? 3. Who is Dr. Gupta?

[ J Education opportunities [ 1 A scientific researcher
[ 1 Cooperating in research [ 1 A recruitment manager
[ 1 Travel arrangements [ 1 A politician
2. What is the purpose of the letter?
[ 1 To advertise a job vacancy
[ 1 To explain research aims
[ 1 To agree to work together


Reading for Main Ideas
Read this article and choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or (0), for each question.



July 15

Harney's, the state's top electronics retailer, has announced a fall in profits of 11.5% for
the first six months of the year. This represents an eye-watering $21 million loss. The retail
giant blamed poor consumer demand and a disappointing holiday season. Harney's C.E.O
Arthur Ledeal said, "Confidence among consumers has been low since the New Year, and
we don't expect it to pick up anytime soon. However, the structure of the industry is strong
and we hope to recover toward the end of the year." He added that Harney's intends to close
five of its stores across Oregon in the coming months. This is part of a recovery plan that is
expected to reduce overheads by $10 million over the next three years. The company's stock
price fell 14% after the announcement.

1. What is this article mostly about? 4. What does Harney's plan to do to recover?
(A) Portland's economy (A) Leave Oregon
(8) A large retail company (8) Cut costs
(C) Low stock prices (C) Increase demand
(0) Consumer confidence (0) Issue more stock

2. What is the purpose of this article? 5. What is suggested about Harney's?

(A) To announce the closure of several (A) The company is going through a difficult
stores time.
(8) To show the latest retail statistics (8) The company is enjoying strong growth.
(C) To analyze a company's post-holiday (C) The company is about to collapse.
sales (0) The company has a strong customer
(0) To report a company's performance service record.

3. Where was this article published?

(A) In a store leaflet
(8) In a company brochure
(C) In a business magazine
(0) In a college newsletter

1. (6) @ @ @ 3. (6) @ @ @ 5. (6) @ @ @

2. (6) @ @ @ 4. (6) @ @ @ Score ./5

Reading for Details
In Part 7, you need to show that you can identify and understand important points in the texts you read.
Questions about details are the most common type of question in this part of the test.

TIPS I" Reading for Details - Part 7 Reading Comprehension

.;. Look for Wh- questions (e.g., questions beginning with What, When, Why, How, etc.)
-. "Before you read, make sure you know what information you need to read for.
•. Look for any headings or titles to help you find the part of the passage you need.
',. Don't read every word. Focus only on finding the information you need.
• Don't worry about words you do not understand.
• When you find the part you need, read more carefully. Identify any key words or phrases .
• . As soon as you have found the information you need, stop reading.


ARGO Summer Conference Agenda

Thursday, July 10
Lookfor any keywords
12:15 Lunchtime networking relatedto the information
1:00 Lecture: The Future of Technology, Dan Swanson (IT Director) you needto find.
2:00 Panel discussion: Opportunities in Europe
3:30 Lecture: Strategic Management, Hye Kim (Operations Manager)
4:30 Coffee break Whenyou find the right
4:45 Lecture: Innovation, Hans Peterson (Marketing Director) part of the text,read
5:45 Panel discussion: Growth in Asia
6:30 Closing speech, Nigella Coopers (C.E.O.)
7:00 Farewell Dinner, Function Room 1

1. When is the Marketing Director's afternoon

. After you find Marketing Director in the program,
I you see Lecture and the time 4:45.
(A) Immediately after lunch .. .-
(B) Around 4:00 P.M.
(C) A quarter to five
(D) After the coffee break

2. What talk is Dan Swanson giving? After you find Dan Swanson In the program, you
(A) The Future of Technology see the title of the lecture The Future of Technology.
(B) Growth in Asia
(C) Opportunities in Europe
(D) Innovation

3. Who is Nigella Coopers? -- --- - -- -- - -~ - - -

After you find Nigella Coopers in the program. you

(A) Operations Manager
see her Job title given as C.E.O. ,
(B) Marketing Director - - - - -- -_.

(C) I.T. Director

(D) Chief Executive Officer


Reading for Details
Passage 1

Read the first question. Then scan this letter to find the answer. Only look for the answer to the question.
When you find the information you need, write the answer in the space provided. Then go on to the next
question. Answer all the questions as quickly as you can.

1. What is Ms. Gillingham's job?

2. When do the Adult Learning courses take place?

3. What course is Mr. Courtney most interested in?

4. What two documents does Mr. Courtney request?

5. How did Mr. Courtney hear about the discounted fees?

6. Who qualifies for discounted fees?

Admissions Officer 47 Ipswich Road

Redhill College Colchester
Westacre Drive Essex
Colchester C028GR
Essex COl 7SR

May 14

Dear Ms. Gillingham,

I recently read an advertisement for Adult Learning courses at Redhill College and am writing to request
further details. [ understand these courses are on weekday evenings, which is fine for me, as I work
during the day. I am especially interested in your Skills for Work program. Do you offer any courses in
Accounting? [f not, then [ might be interested in a Computer Skills course. I would appreciate it if you
could please send me a brochure. A friend told me that the fees are reduced for people with low incomes.
Can you please include a price list?

Yours sincerely,

Mike Cou.rcney

Reading for Details
Passage 2

Read the first question. Then scan this notice to find the answer. Only look for the answer to the
question. When you find the information you need, write the answer in the space provided. Then go on
to the next question. Answer all the questions as quickly as you can.

1. Where does "The Learning Brain" lecture take place?

2. What is the title of Professor Kelly Walters' lecture?

3. Which lecture lasts the longest?

4. Who should you ask for a ticket?

5. What time does Dr. Silvia Petronelli's lecture finish?

6. Who can go to these lectures?

The Connaught Lecture Series Astrobiology - the search for life in the
Chollerlord University of Science universe
Chollenord University is proud to announce this Lecture Room 12, Department of Physics
year's series of Connaught lectures. Once again.we Astrobiology is a new and exciting field of science.In
are delighted to bring three top scientists to the this stimulating lecture. discover how the first stars
university.Pleasecontact our Academic Program and galaxies were formed. Join Dr. Silvia Petronelli on
Manager.Sally Erskine,as soon as possible to reserve a journey to other planets and moons in the hunt for
a seat Tickets are issued free of charge on a strictly alien life.We are not alone'
"first come, first served" basis. March 17,11:30 A.H.- 1:15 P.M.

The Learning Brain

Living Energy
Melrose Hall
Patten Building
Dr. Thomas Gingrich will explain the latest research
Learn how we can use plants to create renewable
into how our brains work. Every second, we process
fuel.Watch real-life experiments, and be amazed as
huge amounts of information. But how do we do this.
Professor KellyWalters demonstrates new sources of
and what happens when things don't function as well
energy for the future.
as they should? Come find out!
March 23, 10:00 A.M.- 11:30 P.M.
March 3, I :30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.
Only members of the university may attend. We
regret that we cannot admit family members or
friends to any lecture.


Reading for Details
Passage 3

Read the first question. Then scan this e-mail to find the answer. Only look for the answer to the question.
When you find the information you need, write the answer in the space provided. Then go on to the next
question. Answer all the questions as quickly as you can.

1. When did Claire return from her recent business trip?

2. Why has work on the Franklin Project stopped?

3. Why did Claire not reply to Rupert sooner?

4. Where is Claire going tomorrow?

5. When will she return?

6. What time does she say Rupert can call her?


From: I Claire Ling

To: I Rupert Lee
Subject: I The Franklin Project


I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I have been on a business trip to Seoul and just
got back yesterday. Anyway, to answer your query, the Franklin Project has been going well,
but we are still waiting for payment for Phase Three. I have told them we cannot proceed to
the next phase until we receive payment in full for the work we have done. I'll be away again
tomorrow until Friday. I have to go to Beijing to give a talk. If you want to discuss this, please
call me at four o'clock this afternoon.


Reading for Details
Passage 4

Read the first question. Then scan this advertisement to find the answer. Only look for the answer to the
question. When you find the information you need, write the answer in the space provided. Then go on
to the next question. Answer all the questions as quickly as you can.

1. What does Cam Call Computing Solutions specialize in?

2. Which customers can expect emergency help in less than 60 minutes?

3. Which service costs $250 per month?

4. What should you do for more information?

5. How much does the "Back to Basics" software training cost per hour?

6. Which service do you NOT have to pay for?


2036 Monroe Boulevard
Orlando, FL 34545

At CamCall Computing Solutions we Technical assistance

understand technology. That's why we can help For as little as $2000, we can design a computer
you with a wide range of services. system to suit your exact requirements. What's
Web design more, we'll maintain your computer system so
We know what makes a website successful for it operates at maximum capacity. Imagine, no
an organization. Book a free consultation with more computer problems! We are specialists at
our web design team and get a professionally removing viruses and spyware. Monthly "PC
designed website for your company from just Total Care" fee - $250.
$1500. Emergency help
Software training Our engineers will solve any technical issue
Save money and time! We will train your staff you may experience. For customers in Orlando,
to use the latest software packages quickly and we guarantee to respond within one hour.
efficiently. Our "Back to Basics"courses cost Minimum service call charge of $175 applies.
$500 for ten hours. Parts and labor not included.

Call liS to discuss your requirements: 800-555-8957 (Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.)


Reading for Details
Read this form and choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), for each question.


82 Cherry Lane, Biggleswade • Bedfordshire SG21 8PY • Tel: 01767 • 438798 I Fax:0 1767 • 438799
Dear Mr.Ames.
Please nnd below details of the office products you expressed an interest in during your visit to our
showroom last Friday.As discussed,we have applied the maximum discount on each item wherever possible.

Shipping: Free (1"0 charge for delivery on orders over l.1 000.)
Expected delivery times: Approximately 5 days after order is received.
Returns policy A cancellation fee of 20% of the order (ost will be applied in the event any items are retumed to ~s after delivery.
All goods are guaranteed for a period of one year from delivery.

We look forward to receiving your order.

Charlie Bryson

1. Which item has the largest discount? 4. Why is there no charge for shipping?
(A) Viper metal storage cabinet (A) There is a special promotion.
(B) Oak bookcase (B) The order exceeds a certain amount.
(C) Milano executive chair (C) All items have free shipping.
(0) OfficePro conference table (0) Mr. Ames negotiated this separately.

2. How soon after ordering will the items be 5. How much is the order without VAT?
delivered? (A) £662.74
(A) The next working day (B) £926.25
(B) Within three days (C) £3313.70
(C) Within a week (0) £3976.44
(0) Over one week

3. When did Mr. Ames visit Bendix furniture?

(A) The previous day
(B) Over the weekend
1.@ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @
(C) At the end of last week
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @
(0) Sometime last month
3.@ @ @ @ Score /5

Making Inferences
In Part 7, you occasionally need to show that you can understand things that are not directly stated in
the passages you read. Questions that test your ability to make inferences in a reading passage require
you to draw conclusions about information you read. You may also have to make connections between
information in different parts of the passage, or between two passages.

TIPS r-- ~~ki.ng Inferences-Part :.;R'eading'Compreh'ension

."', Look
~~ - for questions such as Which of the following can be inferred from this e-mail? Which

~•. ofthese statements is probably true? What is implied about...?

~.~ As you read, think about the meaning "behind" the words. Pay special attention to words
{" and phrases with positive and negative meanings.
., .Try to make deductions as you read, and draw conclusions; for example, about the
..f_. relationship between the two writers, or what might happen next.
: , . Consider the whole passage before making any inferences.
~~ I", _' • __ -. " __ 1_._ •


Date: March 8
To: sand raben [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Order no. 98434 a long time
Dear Ms. Bennett:
It is now four weeks since we dispatched your order of 300 color brochures
(Ref. no. 98434). We hope you are happy with the quality and the service we invoicestili unpaid
have provided. Assuming this is the case, may I please remind you to ay the
invoice dated Feb. 7 at the earliest opportunity? This is the third e-mail I have
sent regarding this matter. If we do not receive payment from you before Friday,
March 12, we will be forced to take further action. losing patience

Beatrice Franklin (Accounts Receivable)

1. Which of the following can be inferred from

---_.. - ----- -
The e-mail seeks to remind the customer
this e-mail? to pay the invoice, which was sent on Feb.
(A) The brochures are poorly printed. 7. The date now is March 8.
(B) Ms. Bennett has been on vacation. -~. '-

(C) Payment for the brochures is overdue.

(D) Uniprint is a local company.

2. How does Ms. Franklin feel about the

Ms. Franklin says this is the third e-mail
to ask for payment, and suggests further
(A) Frustrated action may be necessary if payment is not
(B) Relieved made soon.
(C) Optimistic ~~.- -~

(D) Regretful


Making Inferences
Passage 1

Read this notice. Then answer the questions. Check (,f) your answers.

Will all staff who use the conference room for internal meetings please remember to take their
tea and coffee cups away with them afterwards. I have noticed in recent weeks that more and
more dirty cups are being left on the table and windowsill. This can't go on. Please remember this
makes a poor impression on our clients, who we also meet in this room.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Susan Shaw

1. Who most likely wrote this notice?

[ J An important client
[ 1 An office cleaner
[ 1 The office manager
2. Which of the following can be inferred from this notice?
[ ] The issue is getting worse.
[ 1 Customers have been complaining.
[ 1 There are too many internal meetings.
3. What does Ms. Shaw imply?
[ 1 Staff should meet in another room.
[ 1 The current situation is bad for business.
[ 1 No drinks should be taken into the conference room.
4. What does Ms. Shaw mean when she writes, "This can't go on"?
[ 1 Meetings are a waste of time.
[ 1 The situation has to change.
[ 1 There is no way to make progress.

Making Inferences
Passage 2

Read this letter. Then answer the questions. Check (.1') your answers.


13 Mulberry Park Avenue
Mount Redmont, British Columbia V7L 2FP

September 23

Mr. Petain
234 Oak Valley Drive
SE Calgary, T4K 9B5

Dear Mr. retain:

Thank you for your letter expressing an interest in working as a ski instructor at Hanbarger Alpine
Resort. Although the position has only been advertised a week, the response has been overwhelming.
We have so far received many applications, including from instructors who have many years' experience
and are extremely well qualified. As you only have a Levell qualification, we regret that we are unable to
offer you a position at this time.


Mary Sharlow
Human Resources

1. What can be inferred about Mr. Petain?

[ J He recently applied for a job.
[ 1 He is a graduate student.
[ 1 He works near Hanbarger Alpine Resort.

2. Which of the following can be inferred from this letter?

[ ] Many ski instructors are unqualified.
[ 1 Mr. Petain has trained as a ski instructor.
[ 1 Hanbarger Alpine Resort has no job vacancies.

3. What does Mary Sharlow imply about Mr. Petain?

[ 1 He should submit another application next year.
[ 1 He needs to achieve better qualifications.
[ 1 His qualifications are not appropriate.
4. What does Ms. Sharlow mean when she writes, "The response has been overwhelming"?
[ 1 She gets emotional thinking about it.
[ 1 Many more people applied than they expected.
[ I There are too many applicants for the jobs available.


Making Inferences
Passage 3

Read this online chat discussion. Check (,f) your answers.

Lee Harveys 940A.M.

Hey everyone. Thanks for helpin9 out. So, Assembly Line 4 is down and we need to
get the GTexorder out. Any suggestions?
Richard Ng 941 A.M.

I can get a team together and head down there to take a look. Maybe in half an hour?
Kim Sook 941 A.M

How long will it take to repair?

Richard Ng 9:41 to,M

No idea until the guys see which machine it is.

Lee Harveys 942 A.M.

I guess we can wait and see.

Kevin Danson 942 A.M.

No way! I promised them they would have the order by the end of the day.
This is GTexwe're talking about. We can't risk it. We need to swap to another Assembly line.
Paul Athers 943 A.M.

We could use nO.6. It was offline yesterday for cleaning, but Control Room says
that's finished so ...
Kim Sook 943 A.M.

Great! I'd say we go with that.

Kevin Danson 943 A.M.

Sounds good to me.

Lee Harveys 944 AM.

OK. Paul, can you get that sorted asap? Richard - please send your team to 4 anyway.
We need it back online.

1. Where most likely do the speakers work?

[ ] In a laboratory
[ J In a factory
[ lin a hospital

2. At 9:42 A.M., what does Mr. Danson mean when he writes, "This is GTex we're talking about"?
[ 1 GTex is a very important client.
[ 1 Do not confuse this client with another.
[ 1 They need to focus on the customer.
3. In which department does Richard Ng most likely work?
[ 1 Sales
[ 1 Finance
[ 1 Maintenance
4. Which of the following can be inferred from the discussion?
1 The situation is very urgent.
1 This difficulty happens often.
1 The repair may take a long time.

Making Inferences
Passage 4

Read this text message chain. Check (.1') your answers.

Bill Mathers 2.12 P.M.

Hi Vernon. I just got here and found I forgot all the
brochures. and my notes I Are you in the office?
Vernon Rees 2:12 PM.
Oh no! Yes. I'm here. Are they on your desk?
Bill Mathers 2.13 P.M.
Try on the right, near the phone. Everything's in a
black folder, quite thick.
Vernon Rees 2.13 P.M.
Got iti Do you want me to mail it?

Bill Mathers 214 P.M

Yes, to the hotel. The address is in the inside front

cover. Use TransEx.
Vernon Rees 2.14 P.M.
Will do.

Bill Mathers 2.15p.M.

Thanks. Got to go. Flight's boarding.

Vernon Rees 215 P.M.

OK. Have a good one.

1. Where most likely is Bill Mathers?

[ lin an airport
[ l With a client
[ 1 In a hospital
2. What kind of organization is TransEx?
[ ] A courier service
[ 1 A taxi company
[ 1 A shipping line

3. What can be inferred about Mr. Rees?

1 He is a personal secretary.
1 He works with Mr. Mathers.
1 He is leaving the office soon.
4. At 2:15 P.M., what does Mr. Rees mean when he writes, "Have a good one"?
1 Stay positive.
] Have a nice stay.
1 Enjoy your trip.


Making Inferences
Read this information and choose the most appropriate answer: (A). (B), {el. or (O),
for each question.

Great Business Leaders of the Past

Sun ValleyPress, $15.95

Frank Bickerstaff is well known for his profiles of business leaders. This is his latest
publication on the subject. and here he looks at prominent businesspeople from -
you guessed it - the US once again. Famous names such as Henry Ford. Bill Gates.
Jack Welch (the youngest-ever C.E.O. of General Electric). Andrew Carnegie. John
D. Rockefeller, and W.K. Kellogg are covered. Bickerstaff certainly goes into detail
about the characteristics needed to become successful in business. Qualities such
as the ability to learn from mistakes. motivate people, and take risks are thoroughly
investigated. However, I cant help but feel he missed a chance to look beyond the
borders of the US and search for inspiration elsewhere. Overall. it is a good read for
those who are new to the subject, but for those who are already familiar with the top
ten he chose it is a little lacking.
Brad Ellington

1. Which of the following can be inferred about 3. Who most likely is Brad Ellington?
Frank Bickerstaff? (A) A book reviewer
(A) He is an excellent writer. (B) An employee of Sun Valley Press
(B) His books are best-sellers. (C) A successful businessman
(C) He has written on this topic before. (D) An expert in international business
(D) He is a successful businessman.
4. How does Brad Ellington probably feel about
2. What does Brad Ellington imply about the the book?
book? (A) It is exciting to read.
(A) Anyone who wants to own a business (B) it is a Iittie disappointing.
should read it. (C) It is badly written.
(B) It covers the most important business (D) It is reasonably priced.
5. What does Brad Ellington mean when he
(C) Everyone interested in business will
writes, "It is a little lacking"?
enjoy it.
(A) Certain facts are incorrect.
(D) It focuses too much on American
(B) The book is not finished.
business leaders.
(C) It is not as good as it could be.
(D) Some sections shouid be longer.

1.0 @ @ @ 4. 0 @ @ @
2.0 @ @ @ 5. 0 @ @ @
3.0 @ @ @ Score ......../5


Double Passages

Temporary Cashier THE OWL'S NEST BISTRO

Salary: $20 per hour
Location: Augusta, Maine
Job term: Temporary, Full-time
Reference: 3459860
Contact: Vernon Marshall, Owner

Are you looking for a busy and varied role? Do you enjoy working in a fun but challenging
environment? The Owl's Nest Bistro is a successful family-owned business. For 25 years, we
have been Maine's biggest seafood and fish restaurant, serving up to 500 customers a day. We
are looking for an experienced cashier. You must be flexible and positive, and you need to have
excellent communication skills. Plus, since we also cater for corporate clients, you must have an
appetite for providing top-quality customer service!

Full training will be given. However, please note that this position is temporary. We expect the
position to last six months.

We need someone who is reliable, intelligent, and loves hard work. If you are interested in
applying, e-mail your resume and a cover letter, including your current salary, to Vernon Marshall.
Could this be the perfect opportunity for you?

From: [email protected]
To: Vernon. [email protected]
Subject: Temporary cashier [Reference: 3459860].

Dear Mr.Marshall:
I am writing in response to your advertisement in Maine Business Monthly for a temporary cashier.
I have five years' experience at Lee Brothers, Inc. here in Augusta, where Iwork part-time as a
cashier. This has given me strong communication skills. I am used to managing several tasks
at once, and work well under pressure. I also have excellent customer service capabilities. I am
flexible, and have a good sense of humor, too.
I believe my skills make me a good match for the Owl's Nest Bistro. Iwould welcome the
opportunity to work on a temporary basis at your restaurant. Ifyou feel I might be suitable, I
look forward to coming in for an interview and telling you more about my abilities and how I can
contribute towards your establishment's success.
Brianna Jackson

1. Who would be most interested in the
. The position is temporary and will/ast six months .
advertisement? . Experience is necessary, so (A) is incorrect. (C)
(A) Someone wanting to start a new career. . confuses the job of cashier with banking. (0) is
(B) People looking for short-term incorrect as the job is full-time.
(C) Bank staff living in Augusta, Maine.
(0) Anyone looking for part-time work.

2. What is suggested about Ms. Jackson?

(A) She has the necessary experience.
(B) She is unhappy in her current job.
(C) She works full-time at the moment.
(0) She is overqualified for the position.

3. What is indicated about the Owl's Nest Bistro?

(A) It is part of a large group.
(B) It was recently renovated.
(C) It has a successful history.
(0) It serves all types of food.

4. Which quality that Ms. Jackson mentions is

(A), (C). and (0) are all mentioned'in the ~d. In her
NOT requested in the advertisement?
e.mail Ms. Jackson wntes she has a good sense
(A) Excellent customer service skills
(B) A good sense of humor I of humor, too.
- ._------ ---
(C) Strong communication skills
(0) A flexible approach

5. In the e-mail, the word "contribute" in --------_._. - -- ,

The verb contribute has all these meanings,
paragraph 3. line 4, is closest in meaning to
but we can tell from the context it is used here
(A) donate
meaning help (to cause or bring about).
(B) subsidize
(C) help
(0) supply


Passage 1/2

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, July 17
Subject: Course confirmation

Dear Mr. Jones

Following our recent phone call, please find attached details confirming your participation in our
"Dynamic Sales and Marketing" summer school program.
I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this e-mail. Please note that since you are
registering very late, you need to pay an extra $50 "priority registration" fee. Please add this to the
course fee and pay immediately. Our bank details are in the attached document. Because I am
away from the office until Monday, please e-mail our course planning team at courseplanning@
GeoTraining.co.us if you need further assistance. Alternatively, please speak to the Academic
Advisor for your course, Brian Sharpe, on Monday morning.
I hope you enjoy the course.

Best wishes
Emma Burton, Course Manager
GeoTraining, Inc.

GeoTraining, Inc.
Dynamic Sales and Marketing
Summer School

Location: The Hoover Building

Date: July 22 - July 26
Entry requirements: No formal entry requirements
Subject area(s): Sales f Marketing
Course description: This comprehensive course covers account management, telephone sales.
advanced selling techniques, and sales negotiation skills.In addition, you will
learn how to develop an effective and powerful marketing strategy. The
latest trends in marketing (such as viral marketing) will also be covered.

Assessment: Course participants will complete a short assessment.Successful candidates

will receive a GeoTraining Certificate ofTraining award.

Resident fee: $3.950

Application status: Approved

Bank details:
Bank: Hanubo International Account: Geo Training. Inc. Sort Code: 30-345-34 Account No: 098450864365

Main Ideas
Skim the e-mail and notice. Then immediately answer the questions. Do not look back at the passages.

1. Who most likely is Mr. Jones? 2. Who is the notice intended for?
(A) A bank employee (A) Anyone interested in sales and marketing
(B) A course applicant (B) Entrants to a business competition
(C) A training manager (C) Recent employees at GeoTraining, Inc.
(D) An event planner (D) Candidates who have applied for a job

Read the first question. Then scan the e-mail and notice to find the answer. Only look for the answer to
the question. When you find the information you need. write the answer in the space provided. Then go
on to the next question. Answer ali the questions as quickly as you can.

1. Who is Brian Sharpe? .

2. How many days does the course last?

3. What do participants who pass the course receive?

4. If necessary, who can Mr. Jones contact before Monday?

5. What is the total amount Mr. Jones needs to pay?

6. What is Emma Burton's job? .

7. Where wili the training take place? .

8. When is payment due? .

9. To which bank should Mr. Jones send payment?

10. Why does Mr. Jones need to pay a "priority registration" fee? .

11. What qualifications are needed to enroli in the course?

12. How soon will the course begin? .


Passage 3/4

Gianna Rebecci
Human Resources Manager
Glyson, Inc.
154 Fifth Avenue
New York,NY, 10018 Tuesday, September 30

Dear Mrs. Rebecci:

With regret, I am writing to inform you that I feel unable to continue in my role here. Since the
new management changes came into effect last spring, I find that I am working much longer hours
than I am comfortable with. This has obviously affected my personal and family life. In addition,
staff cuts in the Research Division mean I now have far more responsibility and yet my salary has
remained the same. My second request for a raise has just been denied.
I have enjoyed my five years with Glyson. However, I hope you can understand my reasons for
leaving this position. I believe that this decision is in the best interests of my family and my career.
I will, of course, work the necessary one-month resignation period, making October 28 my last
working day here.
Ian Ronson
Ian Ronson
Senior Scientist

To: Ian Ronson
From: Gianna Rebecci
Re: Your letter

Dear Ian:

I was disappointed to read your letter. which I received yesterday. As you know, when I arrived at
Glyson in the beginning of April, the company was in terrible shape. I have tried to bring us up-to-date
so we are more competitive. This has meant staff reductions (including three members of your division).
As a result, we all have to work harder.

I am confident the measures I have taken will bring success. I am sorry you feel unable to be part of this
success as we move forward, but I respect your decision. I will make arrangements for your coworkers
to take over your responsibilities after your departure.


Main Ideas
Skim the e-mail and memo. Then immediately answer the questions. Do not look back at the passages.

1. What is the main purpose of Mr. Ronson's 2. Why is Ms. Rebecci writing to Mr. Ronson?
letter? (A) She is trying to change his mind.
(A) To complain about staff cuts (B) She is questioning a decision.
(B) To ask for a pay raise (C) She is accepting his resignation.
(C) To arrange a meeting (D) She is expressing support for his opinion.
(D) To resign from his job

Read the first question. Then scan the e-mail and memo to find the answer. Only look for the answer to
the question. When you find the information you need, write the answer in the space provided. Then go
on to the next question. Answer all the questions as quickly as you can.

1. What company does Mr. Ronson work for?

2. When did Ms. Rebecci receive the letter? .

3. How many times has Mr. Ronson asked for a pay raise?

4. How long has Ms. Rebecci worked at Glyson, Inc.? .

5. Why is Mr. Ronson unhappy to be working longer hours?

6. What department does Mr. Ronson most likely work in?

7. How long has Mr. Ronson worked at Glyson, Inc? .

8. How much notice is Mr. Ronson required to give? .

9. How many members of the Research Division have been made redundant? .

10. On what date will Mr. Ronson leave the company? .

11. Why does Ms. Rebecci say redundancies were needed? .

12. Who will take over Mr. Ronson's job when he leaves? ...


MINI T~SJj Double Passages

o E-mail

From: I [email protected]
To: I [email protected]
Re: I ETF grant

Dear Sanjaya:
As we discussed when you called, the government has cut our budget for the coming year.
This has resulted in fewer grants, and in some cases the level of grant has also been reduced.
As you will see from the attachment, your industry has been the hardest hit.
Nevertheless, as this is your first time attending ETF, I think it is worth submitting an application.
You MUST read the terms and conditions before applying for a grant to confirm you qualify for
support. I would also encourage you to oniy apply for a grant if you are sure you will attend. In
the past, companies have applied for grants and then changed their minds at the last minute.
This obviously means that others miss out on the chance to go.
Anyway, if you decide to go ahead, I look forward to receiving your application for funding.
With kind regards,
Ministry of Trade & Investment

Eastern Trade Fair

Overview of Government Cuts

Maximum funding per company (US$) by industry sector

D Last year
• This year


1000 -


Leisure Financial Computing Clothing Medical Construction

1. What does Gladys encourage Sanjaya to do? 4. Why does Gladys believe Edge Exports might
(A) Miss this year and apply for next year succeed in getting funding to attend ETF?
instead (A) It has good connections with the
(8) Wait until other companies submit their government.
applications (8) It is a major exporter in the region.
(C) Apply even if Edge Exports may not go to (C) It has not been to the trade fair
ETF before.
(D) Read another document before applying (D) It is a well.established company.
2. How much support can clothing companies 5. What industry sector does Sanjaya Murthy
receive to attend the next ETF? work in?
(A) $500 (A) Leisure
(8) $1,000 (8) Financial
(C) $1,500 (C) Clothing
(D) $2,000 (D) Construction

3. The word "confirm" in paragraph 2, line 2, is

closest in meaning to
(A) check
(8) inquire
(C) prove
(D) accept

1.@@@@ 4. @ @ @ @
2.@ @ @ @ 5. @ @ @ @
3.@ @ @ @ Score ./5


Triple Passages

Cream patent leather


platform sole

Made in Italy

Sizes 5-8


To: All staff <[email protected]>

From: Eleanor Jarvis <[email protected]>
Date: April 13
Subject: Shoes for sale

Hi all,
Before I advertise these shoes (see attached) on an auction site, I thought I'd ask if any of you would like
to buy them from me. I bought them to wear at my brother's wedding last week, and have worn them only
on this one occasion. I really like them, but they're too high for me and I was wobbling all day! They're
size 7'h and are a very narrow fitting. I'm happy to sell them at half the price I paid for them. If you're
interested, please let me know. I have them in the office with me, so you're welcome to try them on.

Eleanor Jarvis
Accounts Department

Jana April 13. 10:23 A M.

Hi Eleanor. I got your e-mail. Yes, I'm interested! They're my size exactly, and I like the look. I'm working at home
this morning, but I'll drop by this afternoon and try them on. Is that OK?

1. Which feature of the shoes is NOT mentioned
--- .-------
The ad states that the shoes are Made in Italy, but
in the advertisement? does not name the manufacturer. They cost $80
(A) The manufacturer ! (6), are leather (C), and the color is Cream (D).
(B) The price -----_. -

(C) The material

(0) The color

2. What does Eleanor suggest about the shoes? In her e-mail, Eleanor writes she was wobbling l
(A) They were too expensive. (meaning walking unsteadily) all day, so we can
(B) They are not the right size. infer the shoes were uncomfortable to walk in. She I
(C) They are not very popular. writes the shoes are too high for me, but this does
(0) They are difficult to wear. not mean they are the wrong size (6). (A) and (C)
are not indicated.
3. What size shoe does Jana take?
(A) 5.5
- --------- .. --- -

In Eleanor's e-mail, she mentions the size is size

(B) 6 7'12.In her text, Jana writes the shoes are my size
(C) 7.5 exactly. I
(0) 8 - -- - ._------ -
4. What is indicated about Jana?
Eleanor writes that the shoes are in the office with
(A) She usually works from home.
me. Jana texts that she will drop by this afternoon
(B) She will go to Eleanor's office later.
and try them on. We can deduce she will go to
(C) She likes to wear shoes made in Italy. Eleanor's office.
(0) She prefers to buy used clothing.

5. How much will Jana most likely pay for the -- - - - ----;
, The ad gives the price as $80. In her e-mail, ,
! Eleanor writes she will sell them at half the price I ,I
(A) $20
(B) $40 I paid for them.
_ _ .

(C) $60
(0) $80


Passage 1/2/3

The Benefits of Functional Fitness

by Brodie Jackson, US Olympic coach
What's the point of having massive muscles if you get breathless when running for the bus, or get tired
when you carry your own children ?The trouble with many machines at the gym is that they only exercise
individual muscles, The result may be a toned, attractive appearance with big muscles, but you can't do
anything useful with those muscles,

Functional exercises, on the other hand, are those that help you handle real-life situations, These exercises
work on lots of muscle groups at once, For example, nurses, auto-mechanics, or carpenters should all try
rowing, They will find their jobs much easier as rowing builds up the muscles in the back. the shoulder, the
neck, and the arms,

Squats and lunges exercise muscles in the legs and back. Push-ups activate nearly every m~scle in the
body, especially your arm and chest muscles, The plank strengthens your core and stomach muscles, The
best exercise of all is the burpee, the ultimate full-body exercise, which combines a squat. a plank. a thrust,
and a jump; but burpees are strictly for the super-fit.

Functional exercises are adaptable to suit all ages and all levels of ability, If one is too tough for you, try
another. Start gently, build up gradually, and you'll soon be ready for a burpee,

Jake B
Hi everyone, I'm looking for advice,
I'm 42, slightly overweight, but not in
particularly bad health - I don't take
any medication apart from sleeping
tablets, The problem is I'm not that
fit. I want to get fitter, At college I
played football and baseball, but a
stressful job and four kids put an end
to that. Most evenings I collapse in
front of the television, However, I'm
determined to change all that and
to do a few of exercises that were
mentioned in Brodie Jackson's article
in the newspaper this week, Do any
of you have any suggestions?

Main Ideas
Skim the article, web page, and online post. Then immediately answer the questions. Do not look back
at the passages.

1. Who is the article aimed at? 2. What can be inferred about Jake B?
(A) Gym owners (A) He does not play any sports.
(B) The general public (B) He enjoys watching television.
(C) Professional athletes (C) He takes no medication.
(D) Personal trainers (D) He works long hours.

Read the first question. Then scan the passages to find the answer. Only look for the answer to the
question. When you find the information you need, write the answer in the space provided. Then go
on to the next question. Answer ali the questions as quickly as you can.

1. According to the article, what are functional exercises?

2. How old is Jake B? .

3. Which exercise focuses on the arm and chest muscies?

4. What is Mr. Jackson's job? .

5. What two reasons does Jake B give for no longer playing sports? .

6. Which exercise should Jake B probably avoid? .

7. Why might health care workers benefit from rowing?

8. What sports did Jake B use to play? .

9. According to Mr. Jackson, what is the problem with most machines at the gym?

10. Who are functionai exercise suitable for?

11. Which exercise in the 20-minute Workout is NOT mentioned in the fitness article? ..

12. What should people do after completing the 20-minute Workout? .


Passage 4/5/6

Vanguard Office Supplies

Stationery, printers, ink, boards, flip charts, and easels are all discounted 10%.
Shredders discounted up to 20%.

LMV Power Shredder
- Shreds up to 16 sheets of paper at a time
- Shreds staples, paperclips, credit cards, and CDs/DVDs
- U~ra-quiet performance; suitable for all shared work areas
- 100% jam-proof - powers through the toughest jobs
- Maximum runtime - 20 minutes, with a 30-minute cool down
- 6-gallon pull-out bin
- 100% safe - shredder shuts off if a hand touches the paper opening

Was $250, NOW only $200.


Last chance to buy! Sale finishes on Friday!


To: Vanguard Office Supplies

Target Brand Marketing 150 Adams Street
Suite 175 New York
Cornell House Invoice no. 1856
450 Lomax Street Time: 09:25
New York Date: January 31

All orders received before 10 A.M. will be delivered the same day.
Orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.
Please make all checks payable to Vanguard Office Supplies.
If you have any inquiries about this invoice please call 555-7791 or e-mail [email protected]

Date: January 31
From: Sheryl Chambers
To: Luke Marshall
Subject: Office supplies

Hi Luke,
Did you see this ad in the local paper? It looks like a good deal. I suggest we take advantage of the promotion since
we shop at this store regularly anyway. We could use a new shredder. Ours takes ages and can only handle half the
number of sheets at a time as the model on offer. Could you pop into the store and check it out? If you're happy, then
order one. Ask them to charge it to our office account and deliver it as soon as possible.

While you're there, could you also pick up some other bargains I spotted. They are all in bins at the front of the store.
We need some color printer cartridges (get as many as they have left), four flip-chart pads, a dozen reporters' pads
for meetings, 20 ballpoint pens, and a dozen packs of their cheapest all-purpose copy paper for the printer and
photocopier. There's no harm in stocking up. The sale ends tomorrow, so you'd better go over there this afternoon or
tomorrow morning.
Office Manager

Main Ideas
Skim the advertisement, invoice, and e-mail. Then immediately answer the questions. 00 not look back at
the passages.

1. What is the purpose of Ms. Chambers' e-mail? 2. Who most likely is Mr. Marshall?
(A) To review a recent order (A) A delivery truck driver
(8) To recommend a new store (8) Ms. Chambers' assistant
(C) To promote office supplies (C) A Vanguard Office Supplies employee
(0) To request purchases be made (0) An office supplies salesperson

Read the first question. Then scan the passages to find the answer. Only look for the answer to the
question. When you find the information you need, write the answer in the space provided. Then go on
to the next question, Answer all the questions as quickly as you can.

1. In what part of the store are the ballpoint pens located? .

2. How much did the copy paper cost? .

3. What company does Mr. Marshall work for? .

4. For how long can the LMV Power Shredder operate continuously? .

5. On which day of the week was the e-mail written? .

6. What is the non-sale price of a pack of two flip charts?

7. How many sheets of paper did the old shredder shred at one time? .

8. How many color printer cartridges were available in the store when Luke got there? .....

9. What does Sheryl mean when she writes, "There's no harm in stocking up"?

10. What did Luke NOT buy that he was asked to buy? .

11. How did Luke pay for the items?

12. On which date were the items be delivered?


-',.-r~\rn L~~:-.
I J'" •• "- ~. I r Triple Passages
Read this e-mail, calendar, and menu. Choose the most appropriate answer: (A), (8). (C), or (D). for
each question.

To: Rahul Sharma <[email protected]>

From: Jack Evans <[email protected]>
Date: October 23
Subject: Lunch next week

Hi Rahul,
Sorry, but I can't make our lunch appointment next Monday. Something important has come up.
Let's change to another day, if possible; I'm eager to discuss the upcoming Garmin project with you
and check that you're happy to work with the brief. I can do any day next week except Wednesday,
when I am in meetings all day. 12:30 or 1 P.M. works for me.
I remember you told me some time ago about your strict diet. I'm attaching the menu of the
restaurant I'm planning to book, so please do check that there's something here you can eat. If not,
we'll go someplace else. This is a great restaurant for a quick business lunch; I can recommend the
seafood - it's what I always order.

Thanks, and I am looking forward to seeing you next week.


Rahul Sharma's calendar

The Pink Geranium
Two or Three Course Prix Fixe
Watermelonandfeta salad
Spicy chicken spring roll

Lemonchicken piccata
Shrimpand mussel chowder

Keylime pie

1. Why did Jack write the e-mail? 4. On what day will Jack and Rahul most likely
(A) To cancel an upcoming project meet?
(B) To reschedule a meeting (A) Tuesday
(C) To brief a coworker on a task (B) Wednesday
(0) To recommend a restaurant (C) Thursday
2. What time will Rahul's flight depart from (0) Friday
Milwaukee on Friday? 5. In the e-mail, the word "strict" in paragraph 2,
(A) 7:30 A.M. line 1, is closest in meaning to
(B) 10:05 A.M. (A) harsh
(C) 8:30 P.M. (B) firm
(O) 11:10p.M. (C) extreme
3. What is Jack's favorite dish on the menu? (O) limited
(A) Shrimp and mussel chowder
(B) Lemon chicken piccata
(C) Beef bourguignon
(0) Butternut squash risotto

1. (6) @ @ @ 4. (6) @ @ @
2. (6) @ @ @ 5. (6) @ @ @
3. (6) @ @ @ Score ./5


This section presents an effective, step-by-step approach to use when answering questions on
Part 7 of the TOEIC@test.

The steps shown here are designed to help you achieve a higher score when you take the test. By
following these steps, you should be able to maximize your score on this part of the test.

a ~ Skim the passage to get a general idea of the content. Notice any key words and ideas.
Remember, skimming a passage means reading it quickly.

II Read the first question and look at the four answer choices. The first question often
asks about the main ideas. Answer the question if you can. If you are not sure, make
certain what information you need to look for before you look in the text.

II~ Look through the passage to find the area you need. Then slow down and scan to
find the answer. Remember, scanning a passage means reading it carefully in order
to find specific information.

Refer again to the answer choices. Eliminate any answer choices you are sure are
incorrect. Then mark your answer. If necessary, make a guess. Then go to the next
question and repeat steps 2--4.

Skimming Key Skill for Part 7

When reading for main ideas, you need to read the passage simply to get a general overview
of what it is about. This is called skimming. For example, if you look through a magazine to see
what's inside, or look at a menu, this is skimming. Do not read every word - just focus on the key I

words that contain important information. Your goal is to get an overall idea of what the text is
about. Get used to skimming texts in this way, and you will improve your TOEIC score .

Scanning Key Skill for Part 7

When reading for details, you need to read the passage quickly to find the specific information
you need. This is called scanning. For example, if you look through a dictionary to find a word, or
check what time your favorite program is on TV,this is scanning. Do not read every word - just
focus on the information that you are looking for. Your goal is to find specific details. Get used to
scanning texts in this way, and you will improve your TOEIC score.

Practice 1
I!mD Quickly skim this note.

From: Installation Manager, Sentinel Systems

-Iti John,
I have to leave now to ':j0 to Beta Corp. Mr. -Itolden ju.st called to say the intru.der
alarm has ':j0ne off and won't stop. -Ite thinks it's a false alarm, and ju.st wants
me to reset the system. So, ""1 sorry bu.t I won't be here for the meetln':j with Tim
C10ldmanthis afternoon. Can you. please e><plainand ':jive my apolo':jies?

NB,Try to make su.re he orders the T)(2.0 system. It's the best intru.der alarm we
have. Tell him we can install it ne><tweek, and we can install a smoke alarm (the old
5mokeC1u.ardl model we still have in stock) at half price if he wants.


I!mD Read Question 1. Make sure you understand what information is required. Then read the
answer choices. It you know the answer, mark your answer and go to the next question.

Im!D Quickly look through the passage to find the area you need. Then slow down and read
more carefully. Look for key words that can help you.

IfJiJD Look again at the answer choices and eliminate any you can. Then mark your answer. If
necessary, make a guess. Then repeat steps 2-4 for the remaining questions.
1. What is the main purpose of this note? 3. What does Mr. Holden want Chris to do?
(A) To reschedule a meeting with a client (A) Check if the SmokeGuard1 model is in
(8) To apologize for being unable to attend a stock
meeting (8) Install a new smoke alarm
(C) To place an order for an intruder alarm (C) Reset the intruder alarm
(0) To check prices for various kinds of (0) Reduce the price by 50 percent
4. Who most likely is Tim Goldman?
2. What kind of company is Sentinel Systems? (A) A competitor
(A) A security company (8) A coworker
(8) An investment bank (C) A neighbor
(C) A management training company (0) A client
(0) A computer manufacturer

1. @ @ @ @ 2. @ @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @


EmD Quickly skim this letter.

Dear Ms. Hernandez:

Thank you for your letter dated August 27 asking for information about the International Hotel
Workers Association. Please find enclosed some information about our organization.

The International Hotel Workers Association's goal is to protect the rights of hotel workers all over
the world. Anyone working in the hotel industry, from part-time cleaners to hotel managers, is
able to join. We fight for better pay and working conditions for our members. We also support the
rights of our members in disputes ,,'ith employers. As a member, you will receive a newsletter every
month and be able to attend conferences and other events at no charge. Regular Membership costs
$250 per year. For an extra premium of $75 per month, we also offer a comprehensive Health Care
plan that also includes dental and vision coverage.

Please complete the form at the back of the brochure if you \vish to join. We look forward to
welcoming you into our association.

Best regards,
Mary ftolscell1
Membership Team, IHWA

•• Read Question 1. Make sure you understand what information is required. Then read the
answer choices. If you know the answer, mark your answer and go to the next question.

~ Quickly look through the passage to find the area you need. Then slow down and read
more carefully. Look for key words that can help you.

mm Look again at the answer choices and eliminate any you can. Then mark your answer. If
necessary, make a guess. Then repeat steps 2-4 for the remaining questions.

1. What is the purpose of this letter? 3. Which of the following is NOT included in
(A) To give details about an organization Regular Membership?
(B) To reply to a job applicant (A) A monthly newsletter
(C) To advertise health insurance (B) Admission to conferences
(0) To ask for a donation (C) Support in employment disputes
(0) Health insurance
2. Who does the organization aim to help?
(A) All senior hotel managers 4. Who is Mary Holstein?
(B) Mostly part-time hotel workers (A) A senior employee for a large hotel
(C) Any employees in the hotel industry (B) An administrator for a union
(0) Full-time workers who have a dispute (C) An insurance sales advisor
(0) A medical doctor

1. 0 @ @ @ 2. 0 @ @ @ 3. 0 @ @ @ 4. 0 @ @ @

Practice 3
IimD Quickly skim this notice.

Attention Staff!
Next Tuesday is International Volunteer Day. Once again, we will be taking part by using our
skills to help the local community. This year we will be going to The Birches Elementary School
to install a new bathroom and paint two classrooms. We're leaving from the front entrance at
9:00 A.M., so don't be late. Nobody's late on my watch! We'll go in the two new trucks that
have our sign, E.H. Barley & Sons, on the side. Plumbers and electricians will be directed by
Rodney, and those painting will be with me. It should take a full day, but if we finish early, you'll
be free to go home! Remember, this is great publicity for us. A reporter from The Newton Times
will be coming along in the afternoon to report on progress and take some photos, so keep

Sergei Petrov
Project Manager
E.H. Barley & Sons

EiiD Read Question 1. Make sure you understand what information is required. Then read the
answer choices. If you know the answer, mark your answer and go to the next question.

&) Quickly look through the passage to find the general area you need. Then slow down and
read more carefully. Look for key words that can help you.

I!DiD Look again at the answer choices and eliminate any you can. Then mark your answer. If
necessary, make a guess. Then repeat steps 2-4 for the remaining questions.
1. Why was this notice written? 3. What does Mr. Petrov mean when he writes,
(A) To tell staff about an event "Nobody's late on my watch!"?
(B) To ask for volunteers (A) He always checks the time carefully.
(C) To report on a local school (B) Punctuality is essential while he is in
(D) To advertise a job opening charge.
2. What are the transportation arrangements? (C) Everyone has arrived on time.
(A) They will use work vehicles. (D) His watch is always accurate.
(B) They should use their own transportation. 4. What kind of organization is E.H. Barley &
(C) Everyone should take public Sons?
transportation. (A) A teaching agency
(D) Taxis will be provided. (B) A building company
(C) A vehicle manufacturer
(D) A media consultancy

1. eEl @ @ @ 2. eEl @ @ @ 3. eEl @ @ @ 4. eEl @ @ @


EmD Quickly skim this document.


Please note these prices are effective from Jan. 2

Delivery times Prices starting from Guaranteed on time Additional information

Standard 1-3 days, all national $3 No Maximum weight 10

Delivery locations pounds

Priority Overnight, most $14 Yes Includes $200

Delivery national locations compensation for loss
or damage

Global 3-6 days, most $35 No Maximum weight 30

Express locations worldwide pounds
Global 2-3 days, any $50 Yes Free online
Priority location worldwide confirmation of delivery

Prices based on size, weight, and distance. All packages must be sent in approved NKP packaging, otherwise
surcharge applies. Surcharge for non-standard package sizes, CDs and DVDs. Sunday/holiday delivery fee: $12.
Proof of delivery: $2.S0.lnsurance against loss or damage: from $3.75.
We regret we cannot carry dangerous and/or prohibited items. Please check our website (or details.

I!mD Read Question 1. Make sure you understand what information is required. Then read the
answer choices. If you know Ihe answer, mark your answer and go 10Ihe next queslion.

mm Quickly look through the passage to find the general area you need. Then slow down and
read more carefully. Look for key words that can help you.

IliiiD Look again at the answer choices and eliminate any you can. Then mark your answer. If
necessary, make a guess. Then repeat steps 2-4 for the remaining questions.
1. Where might you find this document? 3. How quickly could a package weighing
(A) In an instruction manual 25 pounds reach another country?
(8) In a leisure magazine (A) Overnight
(C) In a restaurant menu (8) Two days
(D) In a customer brochure (C) Three days
(D) More than three days
2. What is indicated about the Priority Delivery
4. Which of the following could NOT be sent by
Standard Delivery?
(A) Some deliveries are not guaranteed.
(A) Items such as CDs and DVDs
(8) A surcharge is usually required.
(8) Items not wrapped in NKP packaging
(C) It is not available in some areas.
(C) Items costing more than $200
(D) It is an international service.
(D) Items weighing more than ten pounds

1. @ @ @ @ 2. @ @ @ @ 3. @ @ @ @ 4. @ @ @ @

Practice 5
~ Quickly skim this article.

Do you ever worry that the meetings you attend are a waste of time? ---[lJ--- Research published
today by Sa reo International suggests up to two-thirds of all meetings are badly planned, poorly
managed and achieve nothing. Sarco sent questionnaires to 5,000 managers across a wide range
of industries. ---[21--- Of the 80 percent that replied, the average time spent in meetings amounted
to nine hours a week. For companies employing ten managers, that's around 4,500 hours a year. Yet
most respondents complained that meetings started behind schedule, failed to meet their objectives
and lasted too long. ---[3J--- In fact, the most effective length of time for a meeting was found to
be 30 minutes. Better training on how to run meetings properly seems to be the key. "Meetings that
are well prepared, and have an agenda, are more likely to succeed," says lead researcher Asha Sri.
As a result of the research, Sarco is planning to offer a one-week "Management Efficiency" course,
at a cost of $3,000, to companies that want to eliminate this problem. ---[4J---
Eric Knowles, Business Today

ED Read Question 1. Make sure you understand what information is required. Then read the
answer choices. If you know the answer, mark your answer and go to the next question.

mmD Quickly look through the passage to find the general area you need. Then slow down and
read more carefully. Look for key words that can help you.

I!imD Look again at the answer choices and eliminate any you can. Then mark your answer. If
necessary, make a guess. Then repeat steps 2-4 for the remaining questions.

1. Which of the following headings would be 3. Which of the following complaints is NOT
most suitable for this article? reported in the survey?
(A) Managers at Sarco Discuss Complaints (A) Meetings are boring.
(B) Successful Meeting at Sarco International (B) Meetings begin late.
(C) Study Finds Meetings of Little Value (C) Meetings do not achieve their goals.
(D) The Nine Principles of Effective Meetings (D) Meetings last too long.

2. How many managers replied to the survey? 4. In which position marked [1], [2], [3], and [4J
(A) 3,000 does the following sentence best belong?
(B) 4,000 "Well, you are not alone!"
(C) 4,500 (A) [1 J
(D) 5,000 (B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4J

1. (£) @ @ @ 2. (£) @ @ @ 3. (£) @ @ @ 4. (£) @ @ @


Strategy Review and Tips

Strategy Review Reading Test - Part 7

Remember, in the test. ..

Always skim the passage(s) first. Don't worry about words you don't know. Keep reading. You
should read quickly to get a general idea of the content.

For each question, make sure you know what information you need to find. Then scan the passage
to find the answer you are looking for.

Eliminate any answers that you are sure are wrong.

Remember that for double or triple passages you sometimes need to refer to multiple texts to find
the answer.

Do not spend too long on one passage. Be aware of the time. If you are not sure of an answer,
make a guess and move on.

_ Here is some advice that people taking the TOf/C test have found useful for this part.
Choose the tips you like, and try to use them.

Review Test
Directions: Read the texts. You will notice that each text is followed by several questions. For each
question, decide which of the four answer choices: (A), (8), (C), or (D), best answers the question. Then
mark your answer.

Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.

Mr. Pierre Dubois

71 Lincoln Avenue
Wilmington, Delaware 19346

February 25

Dear Mr. Dubois:

I would like to thank you for taking the time to write to me about your latest dining experience at
Jim's Diner, Delaware. When people write to us, it is usually to make a complaint. Therefore, your
letter expressing satisfaction was a nice change.
I am delighted you found the food "excellent" and that the service was "superb." I will certainly
pass on your comments to the cook and the restaurant staff. Sandra Antonelli was your waitress that
evening. I will recommend Sandra for our "Make a Difference" award. This is a monthly bonus of
$200, given to one member of staff from any of our restaurants who has made a special contribution to
our business.
Thank you once again for your kind comments. We look forward to welcoming you again at Jim's
Diner in the near future. Please present this letter to any member of our staff for a 20% discount in
recognition of your valuable feedback.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Chloe Mi"elli
Jim's Diner, Delaware

1. Why did Mr. Dubois write to Jim's Diner? 3. What does Mr. Dubois receive as a result of his
(A) To complain about the poor service letter?
(8) To ask for a discount (A) A $200 cash prize
(C) To comment on a recent visit (8) A discount on his next visit
(D) To inquire about an award (C) Free entry into a competition
(D) A monthly bonus
2. How does Mrs. Minelli feel about the letter?
(A) Pleasantly surprised
(8) Rather disappointed
(C) A little upset
(D) Very curious

11.0 @ @ @ 2. 0 @ @ @ 3. 0 @ @ @ I
Questions 4-5 refer to the following e-mail.

o E-mail

From: I [email protected]
To: I [email protected]
Re: I Friday night

Dear Anne,

Sorry but I won't be able to make dinner on Friday night after all. I know I promised when you
asked me last week, but something has come up at work. Basically, my boss has just resigned
(actually, I think he was fired) and they need me to cover his job for a few weeks. There is a meeting
in Los Angeles on Friday that I have to attend. I'm flying out tomorrow morning. I'm really sorry. I
hope the evening is a success.

Let's catch up when I get back.


4. Why is Rob unable to attend the dinner on 5. The word "fired" in line 3 is closest in
Friday night? meaning to
(A) He is worried about losing his job. (A) engaged
(8) He will be on a business trip. (8) cleared
(C) He has to catch a plane. (C) promoted
(D) He is going on vacation. (D) dismissed

14. @ @ @ @ 5.@@@@1

Questions 6-7 refer to the following text message chain.

Nigel Adams July 12, 10:34 A.M.

Hey Vicky. I'm in Granger's now. Is there anything we

Vicky Skelton Ju~ 12, 10:36 A.M.

We could do with some more milk and coffee. Get one
of the big 2 kilo bags.

Nigel Adams July 12, 10:38 A.M.

You mean the red ones?

Vicky Skelton Ju~ 12, 10:39 A.M.

Yes. And get some de-caffeinated, too. Usa wants to try
it. Green bag, I think.

Nigel Adams July 12, 1041 A.M.

Got It. Anything else?

Vicky Skelton Juiy 12, 10:41 A.M.

No .... just hurry up. Jill Baker from Capcom will be here
at 111

Nigel Adams Ju~ 12, 10:42 A.M.

Ah! Forgot about that. Leaving now. Should be there
before she arrives.

Vicky Skelton Ju~ 12, 10:43 A.M.

You'll be lucky.

Nigel Adams July 12, 10:49 A.M.

Just hit bad traffic. If I'm late, give her a brochure and
tell her I'm on my way.

Vicky Skelton July 12, 10:55A.M.

She's here already. I've put her in the conference room.
Will tell her you'll be 10m.

6. At 10:43 A.M., what does Ms. Skelton mean 7. What will Mr. Adams most likely do next?
when she writes, "You'll be lucky"? (A) Pay for some groceries.
(A) Mr. Adams is usually very fortunate. (B) Speak with Ms. Baker.
(B) She expects the trip will go well. (C) Go to the conference room.
(C) She doubts Mr. Adams will be on time. (D) Continue his journey.
(D) Ms. Baker is a valuable client.

16. (6) @ @ @ 7. (6) @ @ @


Questions 8-10 refer to the following notice.

Leadership Seminar
Dr. Jack Dawkins

Dale & Time: October 10, 10:00 A.M. -12:30 P.M.

Location: The Marlin Cross Building, New Jackson University

Dr. Jack Dmvkins received his Ph.D from Cambridge University. He is currently Professor of
Management at Cambridge International Business School and a Senior Member of St. Matthews
College. Dr. Dawkins teaches on MBA and executive education programs. He has also taught in Japan
and Korea, as well as in France. He has twice received the CIBS Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award.
He is also C.E.O. of Electra International, a highly successful management consultancy company. He
designs and delivers a large number of corporate training programs for top international companies.

Session Content: This seminar covers the following areas:

- The seven principles of effective leadership

• Team and learn working - keeping it positive

- Management skills in the workplace

- A good manager's checklist

For information on 11010to book YOllr place. call Iall Bertram at tlze Department of Management, Extension 4342.

a. What is the purpose of this notice? 10. Which of the following does Dr. Dawkins
(A) To encourage people to enter a NOT do?
competition (A) Run a company
(B) To promote a training program (B) Teach management skills
(C) To recognize a lecturer's achievements (C) Design courses for companies
(D) To announce an event (D) Write books on management

9. Where will Dr. Dawkins' talk take place?

(A) At SI. Matthews College
(B) At Cambridge International Business
(C) At New Jackson University
(D) At the Department of Management

la.@ @ @ @ 9. @ @ @ @ 10. @ @ @ @ I

Questions 11-14 refer to the following memo.

To: All Sales Managers

From: Amanda Steel, Resources Manager

Date: March 11

Re: expenses

I have just finished analyzing the company expense reports for last month. ---[1]--- Currently, it
seems sales representatives are spending far too much on sales trips away from the office. We
are 30% over our budget already. ---(2)--- I would therefore like all sales managers to please tell
their staff to reduce their expenses significantly. From now on, overnight stays in hotels will only be
allowed for destinations over 200 km from the company. There should be no first class train travel,
even for senior managers. ---[3]--- I will also need receipts for all expenses, not just expenses
over 20 Euros as is presently the case. These measures are necessary to help us avoid cutting
expense budgets. However, if savings are not made within the next three months, budgets will
have to be cut. ---[4]---

Thank you for passing this news on to your sales teams.

11. Why was this memo written? 13. Which of the following does Ms. Steel NOT
(A To announce cuts in expense budgets mention?
(8) To ask sales staff to reduce their (A) Travel by air
expenses (8) Trips by rail
(C) To report the company's latest losses (C) Receipts
(D) To encourage fewer sales trips (D) Accommodations

12. What does Ms. Steel intend to do in three 14. In which position marked [1], [2], [3], and (4)
months' time? does the following sentence best belong?
(A) Cut spending by sales staff "I'm afraid there will be no way to avoid it."
(8) Reduce the number of sales staff (A) [1]
(C) Review expense budgets (8) [2]
(D) Announce cuts of up to 30 percent (C) [3]
(D) [4J

11. @ @ @ @ 12. @ @ @ @ 13. @ @ @ @ 14. @ @ @ @


Questions 15-18 refer to the following article.


Tip No.5

[n business. creating a strong relationship with your Step Two is to prepare a plan of how you can help
clients is important. It allows you to understand your clients. Set yourself achievable goals. and
their needs and get the best possible results. review the plan regularly. It is important to assess
your progress. to find out how well you are doing.
Step Olle is to be informed. Take some time to
Always do what you say you are going to do. Keep
learn about your clients' interests and ambitions.
any deadlines you promise your client.
Find out about them and their business. Look at
their annual reports. and browse for information These are the fundamental principles of successful
on their business activities on the internet. Most of relationships in business. Anyone who can
all. talk to your clients about what they do and how maintain relationships effectively will succeed.
you can help them achieve their goals. Can you?

15. What is this article about? 17. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in
(A) International business Step Two?
(B) Managing staff (A) Never break your promises
(C) Business relationships (B) Establish realistic targets
(D) Successful companies (C) Keep within your budget
(D) Measure your progress
16. In the first step. which of the following
principles is most important? 18. The word "fundamental" in paragraph 4,
(A) Find out about the client's company line 1, is closest in meaning to
(B) Discover the client's goals (A) basic
(C) Research the client's needs (B) amazing
(D) Communicate with the client (C) truthful
(D) compulsory

15. @ @ @ @ 16. @ @ @ @ 17. @ @ @ @ 18. @ @ @ @

Questions 19-21refer to the following form.

Kilvers Translation Services

Forrest Place
WA 6001

Customer Satisfaction Form

Thank you for coming to us for your language translation needs. We would like to know how
satisfied you are with the service you received. Please take a few moments to complete this form
by circling your answers. Your help will allow us to improve our performance. All answers are

not satisfied at all highly satisfied

Value for Money 2 3 Q} 5

Quality of Work

Time taken 1 @
2 3



cD 3 4 5

Overall 2
0 4 5

Would you recommend Kilvers Translation Services to others? Yes ~

As always, I was very pleased with the final translation done by Ivan, bu.t this ti",e
it took over one week "'ore than e)(pected. This cau.sed proble",s with the co"'pany in
MoscowI was sendin'j the contract to. I al",ost lost the order'

Perhaps you.shou.ldtrain you.r reception staff to be "'ore polite and friendly when
dealin'j with telephone in4u.iries.I called several ti",es to ask abou.t the delay, bu.t the
",an I spoke to (c;re'jory?) was u.npleasant on every occasion.

19. Which of the following can be inferred from 20. The word "unpleasant'. in paragraph 3, line
this form? 3, is closest in meaning to
(A) The customer has used this company (A) inaccessible
before. (B) disagreeable
(B) The company mostly translates (C) unhelpful
documents into Russian. (0) impractical
(C) The translators are all very experienced.
21. Who most likely is Gregory?
(0) The company sends a feedback form to
(A) The owner
all its customers.
(B A translator
(C) A receptionist
(0) A customer

119.0 @ @ @ 20.0 @ @ @ 21.0 @ @ @ I


Questions 22-23 refer to the following fax.

FAX Smith, Parson & Shaw

Investment & Wealth Management Specialists

Date: Wednesday May 27

Time: 13:23 EDT
To: Diane Sotton, Office Direct
From: Sofia Barkley
Pages: 3
Subject: Order Ref: 76327
Message: Dear Diane,
Please find following our order for stationery supplies for next month. It's bigger than
normal, as we have our summer training program starting next week. ---[1]--- I hope
you can get all these items to us by Friday, June 5, as courses will start the following
Monday. The Legal-size Office Pads (NV324) are probably the most important, but
please let me know if there are any items you can't supply. You'll notice we need five
different colors of Presentation Binders (FD165) - this is essential, so please don't
send all the same color as you did last year! I noticed the black toner cartridges
(TG436) are a good price at $35, so I ordered ten. ---[2]---
Since the order totals over a thousand dollars, I understand there is a 20% discount.
As usual, we'll pay within 30 days of receiving your invoice. ---[3]---
If you need any further information, or want to arrange for special delivery methods,
just give me a call on Extension 437. ---[4J---

Sofia Barkley
Office Manager

22. When does Ms. Barkley want the items to be 23. In which position marked [1]. [2]. [3]. and [4]
delivered? does the following sentence best belong?
(A) As soon as possible "1 hope you have enough."
(B) On Monday, June 8 (A) [1 J
(C) Before the end of the following week (B) [2]
(D) Within 30 days (C) [3]
(D) [4]

122'(£) @ @ @ 23. (£) @ @ @

Questions 24-25 refer to the following memo.

Aspect Corporation
From: SumikoSato
To: All Employees
Date: Tuesday,March 4
Subject: Your support, please!

Hi, everyone!

As some of you may know, I am taking part in the Boston Marathon next month. This year,/ am
running in support of the American Stroke Association. Pleasebe generous and sponsor me if you can.
Last year I raised $3457 for Cancer Relief,and this year I want to do even better. I started training
two months ago.It's hard! Hopefully, I will finish in less than four hours (my record is three hours and
two minutes). Anyway,don't feel like you haveto give me anything (I know many of you havealready
contributed to the company's official charity. UNICEF). but whatever you do give will go to a
good cause.

Thank you very much,


24. What does Ms. Sato mean when she writes, 25. What can be inferred about Ms. Sato?
"I war:Jlto do even better"? (A) She likes running marathons.
(A) She wants to run faster. (B) She has run many marathons.
(B) She wants to raise more money. (C) She has run the Boston Marathon
(C) She wants to work harder. before.
(0) She wants to achieve more. (0) She runs in several marathons every

1 24.(£; @ @ @ 25. (£; @ @ @


Questions 26-29 refer to the following schedule.

United Health Medical Centers

Summer Intensive
Course Objectives
To help medical staff at UHMC develop their management and leadership competencies.
Participants will explore strategies to organize, motivate, and lead staff effectively.

The course will take place at the Chatfield Institute, a residential management training venue
10 miles outside New York.

Sunday 6
10:30 Arrival and check-in
11 :45 Course Introduction

2:00-3:30 Key Seminar: "Challenge, Opportunity, and Success" Dylan McKenzie
4:00 Team Building (see course folders for more details)
7:00 Welcome Reception, the Belvoir Room

Monday 7
9:00-10:30 Key Seminar: "Performance Management in Hospitals" Linda Chang
10:30-12:00 Key Seminar: "Healthcare Strategy and People Development" Maurice Hugo

1:15-5:00 Visit to Meegan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (bus leaves from main entrance)

Tuesday 8

9:30-12:00 Visit to MicroSystem Wellness Center (meet at side entrance)

1:00 Team project work

7:00 Farewell reception, the Rosen Suite

Wednesday 9

8:30-1 :30 Team Presentations. These will be assessed by Vice President Gail Winderson,
of Human Resources.

2:00 Check-out. Bus leaves at 2:30 P.M.

26. Who is this training course for? 28. The word "competencies" in paragraph 1,
(A) University teachers line 1, is closest in meaning to
(B) Healthcare professionals (A) preferences
(C) Local government employees (B) gifts
(D) Military personnel (C) skills

27. What further information can participants find (D) choices

in their course folders? 29. Where will participants stay during the
(A) Details of team-building activities course?
(B) Biographies of the key speakers (A) In New York
(C) Guidance on the team project work (B) At the training center
(D) Departure times for bus journeys (C) In their own homes
(D) With their team members

26.0 @ @ @ 27. 0 @ @ @ 28. 0 @ @ @ 29. 0 @ @ @


Questions 30-34 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

Sakura Building 1
Notice to All Occupants
July 20
Fire Alarm Test
In order to meet our insurance responsibilities, every year we have to test the fire alarm systems in the building.
We have therefore scheduled Monday, August 17 for a full fire alarm test. Please note that this affects all
occupants of ollices on everv floor of the building.
The fire alarm is a continuously ringing bell. When you hear the fire alarm, you must leave the building
General Evacuation Procedures
Stop your work.

Stay calm.
Close, but do not lock, your office door and window.
Use the nearest sare stairs (do not use the elevator) and make your way to the nearest exit.
Go to the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) in the parking lot.

When everyone is out of the building, please wait until the Fire Officer has announced it is safe to re-enter.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Building Management. Sakura Buildings Group

From: I [email protected]
To: I [email protected]
Re: I Yesterday's fire alarm test

Dear Sirs,

I really must complain about yesterday's fire alarm test. Although you gave us the date, you did not give
us a time. As we had no idea when the alarm would sound, many workers in my office felt unable to make
calls to clients, hold meetings, etc., because they didn't want to be interrupted. In the end, the alarm
sounded at 5:20 P.M., when some staff had already gone home. What's more, although we evacuated our
office, 1 noticed people from several other companies continued working as usual.

Can you please make sure that the next fire alarm is during normal office hours, and that everyone follows
the correct procedures? It would also be good to know what time you intend to sound the alarm.



CEO" Presoneat Assurance Co., Ltd

30. Who is Ken Walliam? 33. When did Mr. Walliam send his e-mail?
(A) A manager in the Sakura Buildings Group (A) June 17
(B) An employee in the Building Management (B) July 20
office (C) August 18
(C) The head of a company with offices in the (0) October 4
34. In the notice, the word "scheduled" in
(0) The Fire Officer who carried out the test
paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to
31. What problem with the fire alarm test does (A) planned
Mr. Walliam NOT mention? (B) designed
(A) The fire alarm was ignored by some (C) imagined
people. (0) expected
(B) The test took place too late in the day.
(C) Not everyone could hear the fire alarm.
(0) They had no idea when the test would
take place.

32. According to the notice, what should office

workers do when the alarm goes off?
(A) Check that their coworkers are safe
(B) Leave as quickly as possible
(C) Lock all doors and windows
(0) Wait for instructions from the Fire Officer

30.0 @ @ @
31.0 @ @ @
32.0 @ @ @
33.0 @ @ @
34.0 @ @ @


Questions 35-39 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Maintenance Supervisor
Location: Atlanta Airport, Atlanta, USA

Pay: $50,000 - $55,000 per year

Employee Type: Full-time

Job Type: Management

Experience: 3 to 5 years

Deadline: September 30
Contact: Vivien McAllister [email protected]

US Union Airlines is currently looking for a Maintenance Supervisor at our Atlanta facility. You will be
responsible for the supervision and management of the day-to-day operations within the Maintenance
3-5 years experience in aircraft maintenance

High School Diploma or equivalent

Current FAA Certificate, held for at least 5 years

General business knowledge

The successful applicant will also have basic computer skills, including knowledge of common
computer software programs. You should be knowledgeable in all aspects of the Maintenance Manual
requirements. You should also have excellent leadership and communication qualities, with strong time
management. Applicants with at least one year's supervisory experience will be preferred.

o E-mail

From: I Ryan Lyton<[email protected]>

To: I [email protected]
Re: I Maintenance Supervisor
[Attachment - R.Lyton n3sume.doc)

Dear Ms, McAllister:

I would like to apply for the position of Maintenance Supervisor at US Union Airlines. Please find
attached my resume for your attention. As you will see, I achieved my FAA Certificate in 2001, and
have eight years' experience in aircraft maintenance. Although I have never been a manager, I strongly
believe I have the right skills to fulfill the job well. I am used to working with computers and am familiar
with all the latest software.

If you want to get in touch, the best way to reach me is on my cell phone - '-749-023-9083, or you can
e-mail me at this address.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Ryan Lylon

35. According to the advertisement, what should 38. How does Mr. Lyton prefer to be contacted?
people interested in the position do? (A) Bye-mail
(A) Call Ms. McAllister (B) By phone
(B) Apply before the end of September (C) By letter
(C) Send a resume and photograph (0) Byfax
(0) Complete the application form
39. In the job advertisement, the word
36. What is the successful applicant required "common" in the final paragraph, line 1,
to do? is closest in meaning to
(A) Supervise staff (A) frequent
(B) Run training sessions (B) popular
(C) Travel frequently (C) famous
(0) Work flexible hours (0) advanced
37. Why might Mr. Lyton's application not be
(A) His computer skills are poor.
(B) He has insufficient experience.
(C) He has only just qualified.
(0) He has no previous management

35.0 @ @ @
36.0 @ @ @
37.0 @ @ @
38.0 @ @ @
39.0 @ @ @


Questions 40-44 refer to the following notice, e-mail and text message.

Mel Eversfield in association with

Rialto Recordings
for one night only

the giants of the rock music world


playing all their classic hits
Musical guests include the Grammy award winner for solo artiste

Carmen Carrero

Saturday September 5
Weslern Slale Hall, Atlanla
8:00 P.M.

Tickets available from: www.rialtorecordillgs.com

Date: Tuesday August 26

To: All sales staff < sales@copydatacom>
From: Emily Lane <[email protected]>
Subject: Concert tickets

Dear all,
I have two lickels that I cannot use for the Shaking Willows concert on September 5. I bought the
tickets earlier this year as a fifth wedding anniversary present for my husband, but I just found out
that my knee operalion has been scheduled for lhe day before lhe concert! They say I will be in
the hospital for 48 hours. Anyway, the tickets cost me $60 each, but I am willing to sell them at a
discount. All offers considered.
Sales Administrator

Rebecca Wong 1147
Hey Emily. Re your e-mail - if those tickets are still
available, I'll give you half the price you paid for them.
How's that? BTW, sorry about your knee!

40. What type of music will be heard at the 43. How much in total does Rebecca offer for the
concert? tickets?
(A) Rock (A) $30
(B) Classical (B) $50
(C) Operatic (C) $60
(0) Country and western (0) $120
41. What is NOT indicated about Emily? 44. What will most likely happen on Sunday
(A) She works in the same department as September 6?
Rebecca. (A) The Shaking Willows will perform again.
(B) Her knee operation has been (B) Rebecca will go to the Western State
rescheduled. Hall.
(C) She got married five years ago. (C) Both women will meet Mel Eversfield.
(0) She made a purchase from Rialto (0) Ms. Lane will be discharged from the
Recordings. hospital.
42. On what day of the week will Emily's
operation take place?
(A) Wednesday
(B) Thursday
(C) Friday
(0) Saturday

40.(6) @ @ @
41.(6) @ @ @
42.(6) @ @ @
43.(6) @ @ @
44.(6) @ @ @


Questions 45-49 refer to the following Web page, memo, and e-mail.

Energize your staff!
Improve workplace dynamics!
Challenge your people!

The average office is a very stressful environment - and where there's
stress, there's conflict. Colleagues fallout, productivity drops, breakdowns in
communication affect performance, office politics get out of control ...

If this describes your office, then we have the answer. If you want people to
perform better at work, they need to work well together, and feel better about
themselves and their job. Here at Buzz Events we can help. We know that
removing people from their everyday environment, giving them challenging
tasks, and encouraging them to collaborate in non-threatening, friendly
surroundings, can result in better relationships between individuals and
heightened productivity and effectiveness. So, while your staff de-stress
and have fun, you see results!

Try one of our popular team-building activities:

Dragon boat racing

Dragon boats are like big canoes. Your employees have to work together to
win. One of our staff keeps time to make sure the team is in order by banging
on a big drum! The winning team is the one that is able to operate in unison.

Raft building and racing

Teams construct their own raft - and hopefully make it to the other side of our
lake in the ensuing race. It's either that or sink and swim! This activity is huge
fun. It builds confidence and encourages creativity and teamwork.

Scavenger hunt
Teams have a list of items that they must search for and locate by solving
clues. Teams have to think creatively and outside of the box and really work
their gray matter in this game. The only way to succeed is to think and work as
a team.

Pontoon challenge
The challenge in this activity is to use the materials we supply to build a
structure that is big enough, strong enough, and buoyant enough, to allow
every member of the team to cross to the middle of the lake.

From: Office Manager
To: All staff
Subject: Team-building day
Dear all,

The management team has decided to introduce something new this year.Instead of our usual party in August
we thought it would be fun for you to spend a day with your coworkers outdoors and get to know them better
by working together on some fun tasks.So,on Wednesday,July 19 we'll be going on a team-building exercise.
There are various options (see the link below).We will all do the same activity as a group, but you can choose
the activity. Readthe information, and let me know your preference by Friday, June 8.The activity with the most
number of votes wins!

Stephanie Chase
Office Manager

From: Ryan Morton <[email protected]>

To: Stephanie Chase <[email protected]>
Subject: Team-building event

Dear Ms. Chase,

This is a courtesy e-mail to confirm that we are looking forward to seeing your group, consisting of
twenty-six people, next Wednesday. We will be preparing the boats this week. You will have two teams of
thirteen, plus two or three of our own staff will join you, including our expert drummer and timekeeper. If
numbers change, I would appreciate it if you would notify me as soon as possible. Please arrive at least
45 minutes before the scheduled start time of the activity.
Thank you.
Ryan Morton
Client Relationship Co-ordinator

45. What is the main purpose of Ms. Chase's 48. In which month did Ryan Morton write his
e-mail? e-mail?
(A) To publicize the results of a recent survey (A) June
(B) To announce a change of date for a party (B) July
(C) To attach an important company (C) August
document (0) September
(0) To ask staff for their input on a matter
49. Which team-building activity will
46. Which benefit of team-building is NOT Technospheric staff take part in?
mentioned in the Web page? (A) Dragon boat racing
(A) Employee stress levels will be reduced. (B) Raft building and racing
(B) Productivity in the workplace will go up. (C) Scavenger hunt
(C) Interpersonal relationships will improve. (D) Pontoon challenge
(D) Staff will demonstrate more loyalty.
45.0 @ @ @
47. On the Web page, the phrase "fall out" in
46.0 @ @ @
paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) Have disagreements 47.0 @ @ @
(B) Become sick 48.0 @ @ @
(C) Change places 49.0 @ @ @
(0) Leave work early
Questions 50-54 refer to the following notice, Web page, and e-mail.


The annual Philosophical Society conference will be held this October at Harvard
University. The topic of the conference will be German Thinkers of the 19th Century.
Leading experts in this field have been invited to speak and we are pleased to announce
that Professor Hans Hoffman has agreed to give the keynote speech on Hegel and

The co-chairs at this conference will be Professor Jeremy Roberts and Dr. Shelley Jung.

You are invited to submit papers on topics that you feel would be of interest to participants.
Current post-graduate students and post-doctoral researchers are particularly encouraged
to consider submitting details of their research. Papers should have a reading time of
approximately 40 minutes. Papers themselves should not include the author's name or
affiliation, as the review process will be blind; this information should be submitted in a
separate document. Please visit the Registration and Submissions page for details.

Submissions are due by July 31.

Georgeville University Department of History

Marlon Phillips, Professor of History of Thought

Professor Phillips specializes in European philosophy including Manifesto for Revolution. which considers
and political thinkers. He came to Georgeville the philosophy and ideas of the 19th-century German
University in 2009 after having taught for twenty years thinker Karl Marx. and Authority and Totalitarianism.
at Cambridge University in England. He gained his which considers the ideas of the 20th-century Gem,an
B.A. from Columbia University in 1980. and his Ph.D philosopher Hannah Arendt. He is currently working
from Harvard University in 1985. He has published on a book about classical German philosophy.
articles on a wide range of topics. including socialism. Professor Phillips teaches the undergraduate
rationalism. idealism, and authoritarianism. His first courses German Philosophy. Russian Philosophy. and
book. Leibniz and Rationalism. is regarded as the world The History of Ideas. He is currently supervising a
authority on the 17th-century German philosopher number of Ph.D. students in these fields.
and mathematician Leibniz. His second book. The
First Russian Marxist. about the] 9th-century Russian Professor Phillips will be on sabbatical leave from
thinker and revolutionary. Plekhanov. won the Royal September to December of this year. when he will be
Society "Book of the Year" award in 2005. In recent conducting research at the University of New South
years he has written other award-winning books, Wales in Sydney.Australia.

To: Professor Marlon Phillips <[email protected]>
From: Gregory Cecil <[email protected]>
Date: March 25
Subject: Philosophical Society conference, October 25-27

Dear Professor Phillips,

On behalf of the Philosophy Department of the University of Harvard, I am writing to invite you to speak at
the annual Philosophical Society Conference, to be held at Harvard from October 25-27. The title of the
conference is German Thinkers of the 19th Century. You are one of the leading experts in this field, hence
our invitation. As you know, the conference attracts not only academies, but also undergraduate and post-
graduate students, as well as members of the general public with an interest in philosophy. The conference.
organizing committee feels that your book on this period will be of interest to the audience, and we would like
you to talk about the subject for about forty minutes. If you are happy to accept our invitation we can decide
on a specific time and date for your talk, and can discuss the content in more detail.

I do hope you will accept this invitation, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Gregory Cecil
Administrator, Department of Philosophy

50. What is true about Professor Phillips? 53. Which book does Gregory Cecil most likely
(A) He has met Gregory Cecil before. want Professor Phillips to talk about at the
(B) He is an Australian citizen. conference?
(C) He speaks German fiuently. (A) Leibniz and Rationalism
(0) He previously lived in Britain. (B) The First Russian Marxist
(C) Manifesto for Revolution
51. What can NOT be inferred about the October
(0) Authority and Totalitarianism
(A) Members of the general public may 54. Why will Professor Phillips probably turn
attend. down the invitation?
(B) Post-graduate students may talk about (A) He will be out of the country.
their research. (B) The subject is not his specialty.
(C) The registration date for attendees is (C) He will be working on a book.
July 31. (0) He has teaching commitments.
(0) The conference takes place every year.

52. What is indicated about review process?

(A) Reviewers will not know who wrote the 50.(£) @ @ @
papers. 51.(£) @ @ @
(B) Reviewers must not show the papers to
52.(£) @ @ @
(C) Reviewers will not publish their opinions.
53.(£) @ @ @
(0) Reviewers will not be experts on the 54.(£) @ @ @
subject. Score ............./54


,....----_. __
Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com for advice on how to improve your reading comprehension


Reading Test
This Reading Test covers Parts 5, 6, and 7 of the TOEIC" test. Allow 75 minutes to complete this test.
Mark all your answers on the separate Reading Test Answer Sheet provided on page 325.

Part 5
Read each sentence. You will notice that there is a word or phrase missing. Study the four answer
choices and select the one answer: (A), (8), (C), or (0), that best completes the sentence. Then mark
your answer on the Answer Sheet.

101. There was no elevator in the office building, 104. Mr. Saito has been away on a business trip
which was very for visitors to the ......
higher floors. (A) on
(A) inconclusive (8) since
(8) inefficient (C) during
(C) incomplete (0) by
(0) inconvenient
105. Following the oil leakage, the company had
102. We do not have money in the cash to pay a of $12,000 for polluting the
register. environment.
(A) most (A) fare
(8) much (8) tariff
(C) many (C) fine
(0) almost (0) tax

103. Nobody answered the door when I rang the 106. Gary enjoyed so much at the party
bell, so they have left already. that he did not get home until very late.
(A) must (A) he
(8) can (8) him
(C) did (C) his
(0) would (0) himseif

107. Please can you all. .....attention during 111. I.... . to work this month because I need
the safety demonstration? the exercise.
(A) give (A) walk
(8) get (8) am walking
(C) pay (C) had walked
(0) hold (0) was walking

108. All of our used cars are sold with a six month 112. I do not think there is chance that
on parts and labor. interest rates will rise this month.
(A) contract (A) no
(8) assurance (8) some
(C) guarantee (C) any
(0) promise (0) none

109. When the workers arrived the 113. The report made several comments
factory gates, they found the company had about the bonuses given to senior staff.
gone out of business overnight. (A) critic
(A) to (8) critical
(8) on (C) critically
(C)at (0) criticism
(0) by
114. The chairman promised to the
110. I am sorry, but smoking in this area is possibility of raising salaries for workers in
.....forbidden. the cafeteria .
(A) strictly (A) show up
(8) steadily (8) look into
(C) severely (C) keep on
(0) sternly (0) come across

lij.,.JlII••• :I#I@I::g"#41C1:+


115. We should be on time for the movie ..... 119 we sat at the back, we could hear
the traffic is worse than normal. the presenter very clearly.
(A) if (A) However
(B) so (B) Despite
(C) because (C) Although
(D) unless (D) Even

116. Celine first has to take a management training 120. One thing we always.. .. on here at
course ._ by her company if she wants Clarkson Engineering is punctuality.
to qualify for promotion. (A) demand
(A) provided (B) insist
(B) proclaimed (C) order
(C) proceeded (D) require
(D) produced
121. Expanding our business interests into Asia
117. Is Miguel coming with us to seems to be a very decision, given
Colorado on Friday? the recent growth in the region.
(A) positively (A) reasonable
(B) definitely (B) reason
(C) undeniably (C) reasonably
(D) certainly (D) reasoning

118. Because of the failure of the marketing 122. There is nothing... .. to a company than
campaign, Frederick decided he had no loyal, hard-working staff .
but to resign from the company. (A) as important
(A) alternative (B) so important
(B) substitute (C) important
(C) decision (D) more important
(D) opportunity

123. The coffee shop my brother works for 127. Both of these candidates are very strong, so
him to bring home three bags of deciding them will be difficult.
coffee a week free of charge. (A) among
(A) lets (B) between
(B) allows (C) inside
(C) agrees (0) within
(0) consents
128. What is our to overcome this
124. The coach leaves twenty minutes downturn in profits and beat the recession?
from Platform C. (A) strategy
(A) during (B) strategic
(B) until (C) strategically
(C) in (0) strategical
(0) before
129. Can you ..........
me another cup of coffee,
125. The winner of the first prize in the design please?
competition .. . finally been (A) take
announced. (B) allow
(A) was (C) bring
(B) did (0) carry
(C) has
130. Everyone at the welcome party was
(0) is
dressed and the atmosphere was relaxed.
126. If there is anything else I can do to be of (A) actually
assistance, please do noL to ask. (B) casually
(A) hesitate (C) careiessly
(B) hesitated (0) needlessly
(C) hesitant
(0) hesitation



Part 6
Directions: Read each text. You will notice that there are four blanks. These are places where a word,
phrase, or sentence is missing. For each blank, study the four answer choices and select the one
answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best completes the text. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following memo.

To: All Sales Dept. staff
From: Computer Dept.
Date: Nov. 23
Re: Network maintenance

An important update to the company's computer network is ~..~.~ for the afternoon of Friday,
November 28. Work will commence at 2:00 P.M. We expect it to continue until some point after

For 1.~? this period, it will not be possible to access the Sales and BOOkings system. E-mail
will also be unavailable, along with the company website. All public workstations will be out
of ~.~~ Access to e-mail and electronic data via cell phones or tablet PCs will also be
unavailable .

..~..~.~ For example, you may wish to transfer files to a notebook, to use during the afternoon.
If you need help, do not hesitate to ask.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Computer Department

131. (A) declared 134. (A) Please make suitable arrangements in

(B) scheduled advance.
(C) aimed (B) We all need to try harder to make
(D) maintained progress.
(C) Teams should work closely together.
132. (A) most
(D) Work in the afternoon can be more
(B) mostly
(C) most of
(D) the most

133. (A) action

(B) debt
(C) print
(D) office

Questions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail.

To: desgood [email protected]

From: [email protected]
Subject: Your account application

Dear Dr. Gooding:

135 This is being processed and ..1....:3..l:; dealt with as quickly as possible.
You !..
~!. receive a letter from us within the next week to update you on the status of
your application. If you do not hear from us, piease contact the Customer Care Team bye-mailing
custom [email protected].

Please also feel free to call our Vancouver office at 555-287-5734 to discuss any queries you may
have regarding investments.

We hope to ~3..~. you to MaxiTrade.Com shortly.

Jason Chen
Trading Client Supervisor

135. (A) I hope this is satisfactory. 137. (A) could

(8) Thank you for your application. (8) must
(C) I hope this finds you well. (C) should
(D) It was good to meet you earlier. (D) have to

136. (A) was being 138. (A) welcome

(8) will be (8) greet
(C) has been (C) receive
(D) had been (D) meet



Questions 139-142 refer to the following article.

The Role of Business Consultants

Sometimes in business things can start to go wrong. Perhaps you come across !.;3.~ that
you feel you can't overcome, or questions you can't answer. Occasionally, the problem may be
with the people you work with, or the working practices you have adopted 1..~.Q the
cause, when business gets tough, you must look for help .

!.~.! The role of a business consultant is to analyze problems facing a company and
to instigate measures to turn that business around. Business consultants use their years of
experience to work with numerous companies of all sizes, big and small, to overcome the
challenges they face. A business consultant can proactively help ~..~.?..........failure and
bankruptcy, grow the business, and give much-needed strategic direction.

139. (A) characteristics 141. (A) Some problems cannot be solved quickly.
(B) obstacles (B) That's where business consultants can help.
(C) surroundings (C) Asking for assistance can be difficult.
(0) intricacies (0) Working together is the way forward.

140. (A) Whoever 142. (A) avert

(B) However (B) averted
(C) Wherever (C) averting
(0) Whatever (0) averts

Questions 143-146 refer to the following information.

Over 350,000 businesses have now signed up for the government's new Online Tax Return
system. .....~43

Soon, all registered businesses with an annual taxable turnover above $135,000 must keep digital
records of all their ~.~.~ Specialized software is also needed to submit your returns.

Act now to make sure your returns '.'.?

J.. through the new system. You must check with
your supplier to make sure your current software is compatible. Register online to join one of
the webinars ...1
..'.'~ the requirements. You can also watch videos to find out how other
businesses have made the transition.

143. (Al Are you one of them? 145. (A) submit

(6) We must verify our application. (6) are submitted
(C) More signatures are required. (C) submitting
(D) Thank you for joining. (D) would submit

144. (A) transacting 146. (A) inspecting

(6) transacted (6) requesting
(C) transactions (C) checking
(D) transactional (D) covering


Part 7
Directions: Read the texts. You will notice that each text is followed by several questions. For each
question, decide which of the four answer choices: (A), (B), (C), or (D), best answers the question. Then
mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following itinerary.


TravelRight GlobalSightseeing UK Summer Tour

DAY 1 London - Cambridge - York

Travel by coach north to the beautiful university city of Cambridge. Enjoy a two-hour
guided walking
, tour, including entry to the wonderful King's College. Then continue
to historic York to visit wonderful York Minster, England's largest medieval cathedral.

DAY 2 York - Edinburgh

We leave early, passing the romantic ruins of Jedburgh Abbey as we cross into Scotland. At the
capital, our coach takes us on a tour of this beautiful city, ending at the famous Edinburgh Castle.

DAY 3 Edinburgh - Liverpool

We journey across the border back into England, through the stunning Lake District National
Park, to visit the grave of the poet William Wordsworth. In the afternoon, enjoy a short boat
cruise on Lake Windermere before continuing to lively Liverpool, home of the Beatles!

DAY 4 Liverpool- Stratford - London

The coach takes us to William Shakespeare's birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon to visit the house in
which he was born. There will be a pleasant walking tour around this attractive market town, before
returning to London through the picturesque Cotswolds, designated an Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty.

£550.00 per person, inclusive of accommodation, transportation, meals, and admission fees

147. What is the main purpose of this itinerary? 149. Which of these statements explains why the
(A) To notify tour operators Cotswolds is well known?
(B) To publicize a short tour (A) It has many ancient castles.
(C) To promote tourist attractions (B) It is the birthplace of a famous poet.
(D) To support historic sites (C) It is a very beautiful region.
(D) It is home to a large cathedral.
148. Which of these destinations does NOT
include a ,tour as part of the itinerary?
(A) Cambridge
(B) Stratford-upon-Avon
(C) Edinburgh
(D) York I

Questions 150-151 refer to the following text message chain.

Colin Jacobs June 21. 852 A.M

Hi Beth. Did you order any business cards yet?

Beth Howell June 21,857 A.M.

Not yet. No time!

Colin Jacobs June 21. 9:01 AM.

I'm in Office Warehouse now. They have a machine
here that does them - 200 for $49. What do you think?

Beth Howell June 21,9:03 A M

What's the quality of the card?

Colin Jacobs June 21,905 A.M.

Good. And color too. If you send me the company logo

they can design the card on the machine here. Same
as we have now, right?

Beth Howell June 21.9:07 A.M.

Works for me.

150. What does Mr. Jacobs want to do? 151. At 9:07 A.M., what does Ms. Howell most likely
(A) Send an e-mail mean when she writes, "Works for me"?
(B) Correct an order (A) She agrees with Mr. Jacobs' suggestion.
(C) Repair a machine (B) She has no trouble operating the
(0) Make a purchase equipment.
(C) She no longer needs any business cards.
(0) She is happy that the machine is working.

lijl'[email protected]:lj@IAA.:t4C1:+


Questions 152-154 refer to the following e-mail.

o E-mail

To: I paulinebesson@the1 net.com

From: I [email protected]
Subject: I Order Confirmation

[Attachment - Delhi Fair - Order Confirmation.docJ

Dear Customer,

Please find attached the order confirmation for your participation at this year's Delhi
International Exhibition Fair in October. --- [1J---

An invoice will be issued shortly. Please keep this order confirmation for future reference. You
may contact your account manager within the exhibitor services team immediately if you wish
to make any changes. ---[2J---

You can also view and edit your registration data online at www.delhi-fair.com. ---[3J---
If you have not yet been assigned the necessary access rights, your account manager will be
happy to arrange this for you. This is also important when it comes to making or changing
the entries listed for your company in the Who's Who directory and in the Exhibition
Catalog. ---[4J---

Best regards,

Your Delhi International Exhibition Team

152. In which position marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] 154. The word "assigned" in paragraph 3, line 2,
does the following sentence best belong? is closest in meaning to
"Contact details can be found on the order (A) dealt
confirmation. " (B) offered
(A) [1 J (C) sold
(B) [2] (D) allocated
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

153. How can Ms. Besson make changes to her

company's registration details?
(A) By calling the exhibitor services team
(B) By writing to the Exhibition Management
(C) By going to the Web site
(D) By completing the access rights

Questions 155-157 refer to the following letter.

United Allied Banking Group

1920 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 93409

June 3
Dear Mr. Hanrahan:

It has come to our attention that your United One account [Ace. No: 409853465-9384} has exceeded
its credit limit. An automatic overdraft charge of $35 has therefore been applied. In order to rectify
this situation, and to avoid hlrther charges, it is important that you take action to bring your balance
down immediately. Please remit the amount outstanding of $650 within the next five working days.

In the event that you are unable to comply with this request, please visit your local branch, where a
client services manager will be happy to assist you further.

Yours very truly,

Doo.':jlas Marshall
Account Supervisor

155. What does this letter mainly discuss? 157. What does the letter say Mr. Hanrahan should
(A) A rise in bank charges do to resolve the situation?
(8) An offer to increase credit (A) Make a payment
(C) An overdraft excess (8) Call his client services manager
(0) A correction to a credit limit (C) Try to avoid further charges
(0) Ask for assistance
156. Who most likely is Mr. Hanrahan?

t (A) A bank employee

(8) A bank customer
(C) A credit advisor
(0) An accounts clerk



Questions 158-161 refer to the following memo.

To: Suzanna Hinckley
From: Francis Lansley
Re: Next Monday

, I have a doctor's appointment next Monday morning, which unfortunately I can't reschedule, so I
won't be able to conduct your annual performance review at 10:30. However, it is important that we
do this soon, so please check your diary for an alternative date for early next month. I can do the
4th, 8th, or 12th, around the same time if possible, but no later than midday. Let me know asap.

By way of preparation, please complete the attached self-evaluation form, paying particular attention
to your successes over the last year. We need to look at challenges you have faced and how you
overcame them. You might also want to make a list of goals you'd like to achieve over the next year,
and how you think you can best work towards them. Don't forget to note down any1hing you want to
ask about, too. I want this review to be productive so we have to use the time well.


158. Why was this memo written? 160. The word "productive" in paragraph 2, line 5,
(A) To reschedule a doctor's appointment is closest in meaning to
(B) To give feedback to an employee (A) powerful
(C) To postpone a meeting (B) constructive
(D) To recognize important achievements (C) influential
(D) skillful
159. Which of these is Suzanna NOT asked to
prepare a list of? 161. Which of these statements is probably true?
(A) Goals (A) Suzanna is not looking forward to the
(B) Achievements review.

(C) Questions (B) Suzanna works in a large company.
(D) Complaints (C) Francis is Suzanna's manager.
(D) Francis suffers from poor health.

Questions 162-165 refer to the following advertisement.

One call is all it takes to get your perfect kitchen. A Creative Kitchen Solutions design
consultant will visit your home, discuss your requirements, and measure the dimensions.
There is no obligation whatsoever. No hard-selling. No gimmicks.
Just great customer service!

We promise to design a perfect layout for you. We will use colors and materials creatively to make a
unique design that fits your lifestyle. Then we'll build the kitchen of your dreams, and install it to the
highest standards. We're confident you'll be impressed by the quality.

Established in 2003, Creative Kitchen Solutions is a family-run business.We take pride in our reputation
as the top designer and installer of spectacular new kitchens at homes throughout the Manchester area.
This is why all our kitchens are guaranteed for fifteen years.

For more informotion, call 0/2/ 5546 9098 and book a free design visit today!
Order this month and pay nothing for one year.

162. According to the advertisement, what service 164. What is indicated about Creative Kitchen
is NOT provided free to customers? Solutions?
(A) A home visit (A) It is an international company.
(8) Kitchen design (8) It's the biggest kitchen retailer in
(C) Professional advice the UK.
(0) Installation (C) It started business less than a

year ago.
163. Who would be most interested in this
(0) It offers a complete service.
(A) Private individuals 165. What special offer is available at the moment?
(8) Restaurant owners (A) 12 months free credit
(C) Kitchen designers (8) 15 percent off the extended warranty
(0) Small businesses (C) Premium colors at no extra cost
(0) Free entry in a contest

[email protected]"I:I#I~lij':tMCJ.


Questions 166-167 refer to the following notice.

Kyl~ValleyMedical Center Notice Board


We are pleased to announce that from August we will be starting to train students from nearby
Kyle Medical College to become doctors. This has been a long-standing aim of the practice for
many years, but limited space at our previous premises meant this was not possible. Now we have
moved into our Wigston Road site we are in a position to take this forward.

As a consequence, Dr. Sahil Gupta and Dr. Ted Wilson will be required to video some of their
consultations for education purposes. Naturally, we will obtain your consent in advance. This is
entirely voluntary and you are free to opt not to participate if you prefer.

166. For whom is this notice most likely intended? 167. Why is it possible to start training students at
(A) Doctors Kyle Valley Medical Center?
(8) Patients (A) There is sufficient room.
(C) Medical students (8) There are new video facilities.
(D) Staff (C) There are more doctors.
(D) There are enough medical students.

Questions 168-170 refer to the following memo.

To: All Staff
From: Alison.Mayer < [email protected]>
Re: Purchasing Policy for Goods and Services

Please remember that a Purchase Order must be completed on the day of placing an order.
Currently, the policy is not being followed consistently.

The blue copy is to be sent to the Finance Department on the same day. The white copy must
be sent to the supplier, and the pink copy must be kept in the purchase book as your record for
checking delivery, invoice charges, etc.

Supervisors can order goods and services for operational purposes up to a value of $300 on a
day-to-day basis to meet business needs. Requests to purchase goods and services over $300,
however, need to be authorized by your Line Manager, before an order is placed. The Accountant
should be consulted before placing an order for any item over $1000. This is to ensure that
sufficient cash flow funds are available to meet the proposed expenditure.

DWH Corp. is a member of the OneStop Network purchasing consortium, which allows us to buy
goods and services at a discounted rate. Please refer to the list of recommended suppliers to
check prices before placing an order elsewhere. In most cases, ordering through the OneStop
Network should save us money.

It is important that the Finance Department is kept fully aware of all committed expenditure for
accurate Profit and Loss accounts to be produced and for the maintenance of positive cash flow

If you have any queries with regards to the purchasing policy please give me a call.

Many thanks
Alison Mayer

168. What is the main purpose of this memo? 170. The word "consortium" in paragraph 4, line 1,
(A) To ask staff to reduce expenditure is closest in meaning to
(B) To check cash flow reserves (A) facility
(C) To standardize purchasing procedures (B) range
(D) To recommend certain suppliers (C) band
(D) group
169. When should the white copy of a Purchase
Order for an item costing $350 be sent to the
(A) After placing an order
(B) After checking with the Line Manager
(C) Before consulting the Accountant
(D) Before ordering through the OneStop
Network ICJ.,.i~""I:I:I~I:Ei.:t;lC1.


Questions 171-172 refer to the following article.

Automotive Technician
An automotive technician requires a detailed knowledge and understanding of the electrical systems
used in cars. In modern cars, these systems can be extremely complex. Having a good general
education is therefore important, as good qualifications are often necessary to gain acceptance
into an apprenticeship. ---[1]--- Most apprenticeships for automotive technician jobs are with car
manufacturers. It is here that essential skills necessary to perform the job are learned.

---[2]--- Unlike a mechanical fault, an electrical fault in a car can sometimes be extremely hard to
pinpoint. Automotive technicians need to have excellent analytical skills to identify and fixproblems.
They also have to be able to work in an organized and systematic way. Familiarity with computers is
vital. An automotive technician needs to be able to use state-of-the-art technology and a wide range
of advanced computer programs. ---[3]---

The knowledge required to keep up with technology has elevated automotive technicians to become
an elite group. ---[4]--- The professional training and skills required mean that these specialists can
earn a salary over $80,000 in today's Darket.

171. In which position marked [1]. [2]. [3]. 172. What is NOT mentioned as a necessary
and [4] does the following sentence best quality of an automotive technician?
belong? (Al Excellent I.T.skills
"First class vehicle diagnosis is a vital part of (B) A methodical mindset
the job." (C) Problem-solving skills
(A) [1] (D) A smart business brain
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Questions 173-175 refer to the following letter.

A&T Training Lid.

24S Hamilton Boulevard. Cleveland, OH, 44118-7120

Dear Mrs. Petronelli:

Thank you for applying for a place in our "Telephone Skills and Telesales" course, to be held on
AprilS, 9:30 A.M.-S:30 P.M.at The Excel Lecture Theater in the Mandy McAllister Center, SI. Clair
Avenue, Cleveland. We are happy to say that your application for a position in this course has been
Please find enclosed an Introduction Pack that gives general information, instructions on how to
get to the venue, and your pre-course assignments. In order to make sure you receive an approved
Certificate of Attendance, you must have completed all the necessary pre-course assignments
before you arrive. These include:
No: 431 Best Practice for Telesales (due March 4)
No: 723 Selling by Telephone (due March ll)
No: 246 Telephone Skills and Customer Service (due March 18)
Please complete each assignment by the due date and mail them to your Academic Support
Officer (details enclosed on page 4 of the Introduction Pack).
If you have any questions regarding this event. please do not hesitate to contact me. I am out
of the office from March IS until March 23. However if you do need to contact me during this time
please e-mail me at [email protected]. Otherwise, I am happy to talk to you on the phone
upon my return.
Kind regards,
Andrew +raIson
Programme Director
A&T Training Ltd.

173. What is Mr. Halson's main purpose in writing 175. What is implied about the "Telephone Skills
this letter? and Telesales" course?
(A) To explain the objectives of the course to (A) The course is now fully booked.
Mrs. Petronelli (8) Participants must have relevant
(8) To tell Mrs. Petronelli about the course experience.
requirements (C) Work on the course begins well in
(C) To explain where the training course will advance.
take place (D) It is a tough course that not everyone will
(D) To warn Mrs. Petronelli that he will be pass.
going away shortly

174. What should Mrs. Petronelli do if she has a

query between March 15 and March 23?
(A) Call Mr. Halson and leave a message
(8) Send Mr. Halson an e-mail
(C) Contact her Academic Support Officer
(D) Wait until Mr. Halson returns


Questions 176-180 refer to the following notice and memo.

As you may have read in last month's GCZ Corp Newsletter, we are launching the Staff Forum
initiative. The group will run four times throughout the year and is intended to be an opportunity to
address any issues that staff may have related to the company. It is designed to be by the staff for
the staff. Please contact your line managers for further information.

We also need six staff members, one from each department, to help prepare questions for this
year's Staff Opinion Survey, which will be launched later this year. The Survey will cover various
aspects of working at the company, and the team responsible needs to seek opinions about what
questions should be included. As well as providing the opportunity to say what you think about
working here, the Survey will be used to help guide our future efforts.

Both the above opportunities are open to all staff, although numbers are limited. If you are interested
in taking part, please contact Marianne Northton, Internal Communications at m.northton@gczcorp.
co.us, or phone Extension 613 indicating which group you would like to join.

Remember, irs all about being part of the team ... and what does team stand for?

T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore

To: All Department Heads
From: [email protected]
Re: Staff Forum / Staff Opinion Survey

Dear All

A notice regarding these two initiatives has been on the main notice board outside the cafeteria
for three weeks now, but I have yet to receive any expressions of interest. It is important that we
encourage staff, especially junior ranks, to engage in these key decision-making processes. In order
to promote a more pro-active response, I have decided that anyone who does volunteer to take part
in the Staff Forum will receive a $200 bonus for the extra time required. Those assisting on the Staff
Opinion SurVey will each receive $50. Please can you all pass this information on to the staff in your
departments at the next Department Meeting.

Marianne Northton
Head of Employee Relations

176. What does the notice mainly discuss? 179. In the notice, the word "address" in
(A) Opportunities for staff to express their paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to
views (A) deal with
(B) Important questions that workers want to (B) expand
raise (C) offer
(C) The latest GCZ Corp Newsletter (0) construct
(0) The results of a recent employee survey
180. Which of the following can be inferred from
, 177. Why was the memo written? Ms. Northton's memo?
(A) To offer staff in certain departments a (A) She is disappointed at the poor response
bonus to the initiatives.
(B) To respond to important decisions (B) She believes that many junior staff lack
(C) To encourage greater staff participation motivation.
(0) To report pay raises for junior employees (C) She wants the department heads to take
more responsibility.
178. How many people did Ms. Northton send her
(0) She will cancel the Staff Forum and Staff
memo to?
Opinion Survey.
(A) Two
(B) Four
(C) Six
(0) Eight



Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and document.

Worldwide: annual insurance policies
For many people in today's "global village," coverage for personal items and baggage. Policies
traveling abroad for both business and pleasure that include up to $3,000 for cancellation or delays
is a matter of routine. But have you considered are also a good idea.
the best insurance for the type of travel you Along with the standard features, some
undertake? Choosing the right policy could bring insurers offer supplementary coverage for missed
considerable savings. To help point the way, here departures, delays, holiday and airline failure, etc.
are some tips on what you might want to consider Always check the terms and conditions
when selecting travel insurance policies. carefully before purchasing coverage. It is worth
If you make more than two or three trips a year, noting that policy details can change depending
consider buying an annual policy as it will usually on where you buy the coverage. Also, the online
be cheaper than buying single-trip travel insurance price can sometimes be cheaper than the price
policies. All your trips should be covered for a year you get over the phone. Remember to be careful
- even domestic ones. You should also look for of any age at which a premium applies, and ask
policies that include at least $Smillion of medical whether pre-existing medical conditions are also
coverage worldwide, and a minimum of $3,000 of covered, if required.

Elite Insurance
Business Travel Specialists
Worldwide Travel Coverage

Coverage Limit of cover Policy Excess

1. Cancellation and Delays $2,000 $100

2. Medical Emergency (coverage $10,000,000 $250'

within the US limited to $20,000)

3. Personal
, Accident $30,000 No excess

4. Personal Possessions and Baggage $2,500 $100+

5. Personal
, Money and Documents $750 No excess

6. Legal Expenses $50,000 No excess

+Single article limit $2,000. Cell phones/accessories limit $300

* Age premium for over 60s. Pre-existing medical conditions not included

181. What is the main purpose of the article? 184. In the article, the word "supplementary" in
(A) To recommend travel insurance paragraph 3, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(8) To promote safer travel worldwide (A) enhanced
(C) To compare travel insurance products (8) prolonged
(D) To give advice on travel insurance (C) comprehensive
(D) additional
182. Which category of Elite Insurance's
worldwide travel coverage falls below the 185. Which of the following can be inferred from
guidelines recommended in the article? the article?
(A) Legal expenses (A) An annual travel insurance policy is best.
(8) Medical emergency (8) Always check the small print before
(C) Personal possessions and baggage buying coverage.
(D) Personal money and documents (C) Many people do not have sufficient travel
183. Which group of people are NOT covered by
(D) Comprehensive travel insurance is
Elite Insurance for medical emergencies?
(A) People who already have an illness
(8) People over sixty years of age
(C) People traveling in the US
(D) People who smoke


Questions186-190 refer to the following information from a Web page, ingredient list, and review.

Nothing beats beans when it comes to feeding hungry Black beans. frequently used in Caribbean
crowds. Beans are not only filling, they're wholesome cooking. They are large and shiny and look attractive,
and nutritious, too, since they are known to reduce especially when mixed with other beans to give color
LDL cholesterol (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) in the contrast, Black beans can be substituted for red kidney
bloodstream. They are very versatile - you can enjoy beans in any recipe.
them dried, canned, or frozen. Plus, they cost a lot
less than meat, so either use them instead of meat in Cannellini beans - also known as fasolia beans.
your recipes, or throw in a few beans to make a small They are small and white and are members of the
amount of meat go further. kidney bean family. They are very popular in Italian
There are dozens of different varieties of bean, so why cuisine. Cannellini beans can be substituted for navy
not try something new today? Here are some of our or haricot beans in any recipe.
Navy beans. usually eaten in the form of "baked
Adzuki beans. small, reddish-brown beans with beans, n served in a rich tomato sauce, often on toast.
a sweet, nutty flavor. In the Far East they are often They are small and oval shaped. and creamy white in
cooked until very soft and served with coconut milk. color. These beans can be prepared in many delicious
They can be sweetened with sugar and made into ways. [In the UK they are known as haricot beans.]
cakes and sweetmeats.

Beef and lentil soup Chili con carne

2 tablespoons vegetable oil 3 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 pounds beef, cut in small cubes I large onion, chopped

1 onion, chopped I chili pepper, chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced 1 pound ground beef

4 carrots, diced 1 can (15 ozl chopped tomatoes in juice

3 celery stalks, sliced 1 can (15 ozl red kidney beans

1 V2 cups dried green or brown lentils 2 cloves garlic, chopped or crushed

2 cans (15 oz) chopped tomatoes in juice V2 tablespoon chili pepper

6 cups beef stock 1 tablespoon paprika

3 bay leaves
pinch cayenne pepper

Hummus . .. - . -

2 cups chickpeas, cooked and drained vegetable oil
V2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste) 12 oz frozen lima beans
1/4 cup olive oil 1 small onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, chopped or crushed 1 clove garlic, minced
juice of 1 lemon % cup milk
1 tablespoon ground cumin or paprika % cup cream
chopped fresh parsley leaves for garnish 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 (2 oz) jar pimentos, drained and diced
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

This was very tasty and, although it's designed as a first course dish,
it's hearty enough to be considered a full meal in itself. I have just one
complaint - I felt that a pinch of cayenne pepper just wasn't enough -
this recipe could be a bit spicier. Maybe add some red pepper sauce
- a couple of drops will give the dish an extra kick

186. What is NOT indicated about beans in the 189. Which recipe is the author of the review
article? writing about?
(A) They can be eaten uncooked. (A) Beef and lentil soup
(B) They are cheaper than meat. (B) Chili con carne
(C) They are found in different colors. (C) Hummus
(0) They are healthy and good for you. (0) Creamy bean casserole

187. What ingredient is in all the recipes? 190. In the article, the word "beats" in paragraph
(A) Tomatoes 1, line 1, is closest in meaning to
(B) Meat (A) surpasses
(C) Paprika (B) overcomes
(0) Garlic (C) whisks
(0) strikes
188. Which beans could alternatively be used in
the chili con carne recipe?
(A) Adzuki beans
(B) Black beans
(C) Cannellini beans
(0) Navy beans


Questions 191-195 refer to the following chart, e-mail, and text message chain.

Number of visitors
- -
>- :=- .c >- ••
0; :u •• :u ••
= ••
= " ~
•• '"
:E ...,= =
= t; ••". ••"
...,'" .E
•• ••
z ••

To: all team leaders

From: Gavin Crowther <[email protected]>
Date: September 12
Subject: Visitor numbers

Dear all,
At our quarterly board meeting last week the directors discussed the number of visitors at the zoo.
More specifically, we considered ways to increase numbers in our two quietest months. The birth of
a baby gorilla in March should certainly attract large crowds, and I know the keepers are working
very hard to look after Martha, the mom-to-be, to ensure that everything goes smoothly. As for our
other quiet month, we have decided to cut ticket prices by 50% for this period next year. We hope
that this will encourage more visitors, particularly school parties, and families with children.

We are always on the lookout for new initiatives, so could I please ask you to find out what other
zoos offer? Either think of a zoo you have visited, or go online to get information about zoos in other
cities or countries. All ideas and suggestions are welcome, but please be realistic. We all know it
would be wonderful to have a couple of baby pandas at our zoo, or more lions - but it's just not
going to happen since we don't have the budget.

Thank you for all your hard work in caring for the animals - and visitors!

Gavin Crowther
Director, Customer and Market Operations

191. What does Mr. Crowther ask staff to do? 194. Which animal are Jenni's children excited
(A) Do some research about seeing?
(B) Visit other zoos (A) Lion
(C) Help with advertising (B) Panda
(D) Raise more money (C) Gorilla
(D) Penguin
192. In the e-mail, the word "realistic" in
paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning to 195. What can be inferred about the zoo?
(A) truthful (A) Its visitor numbers are declining.
(B) lifelike (B) There are no restaurants there.
(C) practical (C) Entrance tickets are expensive.
(D) economical (D) It is located near a train station.

193. During which month will tickets be half-price?

(A) January
(B) February
(C) March
(D) April


Questions 196-200 refer to the following catalog page, and e-mails.

Work shirt: Model WS495V 12

All our shirts are unisex and are available with the following features:
All sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL (see Size conversion chart on inside back cover)
Your company logo on the pocket
Shirts come in a choice of fabrics:
Pure cotton
Easy iron - polyester/cotton blend
Colors: White, Light gray, Dark gray, Light blue, Turquoise, Navy blue, Light green, Dark green, Light tan

Stain-resistant fabric

From: Amanda Beck

To: All personnel
Subject: Work shirts

Dear all,
The company prides itself on its professionalism and the positive image that employees present as
representatives of the company. For this reason, we provide staff with a uniform, comprising a black suit
and three shirts in the color that indicates their role within the company.

I have attached the relevant page from the catalog of our shirt supplier. If you need any new shirts, please
complete the empty fields in the form below and return to me by Friday. Please only do this if your shirts
need to be replaced. Unless there are any medical reasons why you cannot wear polyester (e.g., you
have an allergy), we will supply you with a shirt in a polyester/cotton blend. Our departmental colors are:

Maintenance: green
Reception: white
Warehouse: blue
Security: gray

It is up to you to wash or dry-clean your uniform regularly and keep it in good condition.

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please discuss with me, or your supervisor.

Amanda Beck

From: Gary Crabb
To: Amanda Beck
Subject: Re: Work shirts

Dear Ms. Beck

Furtherto your e-mail,here are my shirt requirements:

Manythanks for your assistance.

Gary R Crabb

196. What is indicated about the Model 199. What can be inferred about Gary Crabb?
WS495V12 work shirt? (A) He does not wear a suit at work.
(A) It is suitable for men and women. (B) He is Ms. Beck's supervisor.
(B) It is simple to launder. (C) He has an allergy to polyester.
(C) It will last for a long time. (0) He works in the security department.
(0) It has two pockets.
200. Which details of Mr. Crabb's order will the
197. What is the main purpose of Amanda Beck's manufacturer most likely need to confirm with
e-mail? Ms. Beck?
(A) To introduce a new company policy (A) Size
(B) To insist staff follow the dress code (B) Color
(C) To request information from employees (C) Fabric
(0) To place an order for work clothing (0) Sleeve length

198. Who should NOT order a new shirt?

(A) Anyone who also needs a black suit
(B) Staff whose shirts are in a good condition
(C) Those who recently joined the company
(0) Employees who already have three shirts

This is the end of the Reading Test.


Answer Sheets

Listening Comprehension Test

1. @@@@ 26. @@@ 51. @@@@ 76. @@@@
2. @@@@ 27. @@@ 52. @@@@ 77. @@@@
3. @@@@ 28. @@@ 53. @@@@ 78. @@@@
4. @@@@ 29. @@@ 54. @@@@ 79. @@@@
5. @@@@ 30. @@@ 55. @@@@ 80. @@@@
6. @@@@ 31. @@ @ 56. @@@@ 81. @@@@
7. @@@ 32. @@@@ 57. @@@@ 82. @@@@
8. @@@ 33. @@@@ 58. @@@@ 83. @@@@
9. @@@ 34. @@@@ 59. @@@@ 84. @@@@
10. @@@ 35. @@@@ 60. @@@@ 85. @@@@
11.@@@ 36. @@@@ 61. @@@@ 86. @@@@
12. @@@ 37. @@@@ 62. @@@@ 87. @@@@
13. @@@ 38. @@@@ 63. @@@@ 88. @@@@
14. @@@ 39. @@@@ 64. @@@@ 89. @@@@
15. @@@ 40. @@@@ 65. @@@@ 90. @@@@
16. @@@ 41. @@@@ 66. @@@@ 91. @@@@
17. @@@ 42. @@@@ 67. @@@@ 92. @@@@
18. @@@ 43. @@@@ 68. @@@@ 93. @@@@
19. @@@ 44. @@@ @ 69. @@@@ 94. @@@@
20. @@@ 45. @@@@ 70. @@@@ 95. @@@@
21. @@@ 46. @@@@ 71. @@@@ 96. @@@@
22. @@@ 47. @@@@ 72. @@@@ 97. @@@@
23. @@@ 48. @@@@ 73. @@@@ 98. @@@@
24. @@@ 49. @@@ @ 74. @@@@ 99. @@@@
25. @@@ 50. @@@ @ 75. @@@@ 100. @@@@

Reading Test
101. @@@@ 126. @@@@ 151. @@@@ 176. @@@@
102. @@@@ 127. @@@@ 152. @@@@ 177. @@@@
103. @@@@ 128. @@@@ 153. @@@@ 178. @@@@
104. @@@@ 129. @@@@ 154. @@@@ 179. @@@@
105. @@@@ 130. @@@@ 155. @@@@ 180. @@@@
106. @@@@ 131. @@@@ 156. @@@@ 181. @@@@
107. @@@@ 132. @@@@ 157. @@@@ 182. @@@@
108. @@@@ 133. @@@@ 158. @@@@ 183. @@@@
109. @@@@ 134. @@@@ 159. @@@@ 184. @@@@
110. @@@@ 135. @@@@ 160. @@@@ 185. @@@@
111. @@@@ 136. @@@@ 161. @@@@ 186. @@@@
112. @@@@ 137. @@@@ 162. @@@@ 187. @@@@
113. @@@@ 138. @@@@ 163. @@@@ 188. @@@@
114. @@@@ 139. @@@@ 164. @@@@ 189. @@@@
115. @@@@ 140. @@@@ 165. @@@@ 190. @@@@
116. @@@@ 141. @@@@ 166. @@@@ 191. @@@@
117. @@@@ 142. @@@@ 167. @@@@ 192. @@@@
118. @@@@ 143. @@@@ 168. @@@@ 193. @@@@
119. @@@@ 144. @@@@ 169. @@@@ 194. @@@@
120. @@@@ 145. @@@@ 170. @@@@ 195. @@@@
121. @@@@ 146. @@@@ 171. @@@@ 196. @@@@
122. @@@@ 147. @@@@ 172. @@@@ 197. @@@@
123. @@@@ 148. @@@@ 173. @@@@ 198. @@@@
124. @@@@ 149. @@@@ 174. @@@@ 199. @@@@
125. @@@@ 150. @@@@ 175. @@@@ 200. @@@@


Practice Test 1

Listening Comprehension
1. @@@@ 26. @@@ 51. @@@@ 76. @@@@
2. @@@@ 27. @@@ 52. @@@@ 77. @@@@
3. @@@@ 28. @@@ 53. @@@@ 78. @@@@
4. @@@@ 29. @@@ 54. @@@@ 79. @@@@
5. @@@@ 30. @@@ 55. @@@@ 80. @@@@
6. @@@@ 31. @@@ 56. @@@@ 81. @@@@
7. @@@ 32. @@@@ 57. @@@@ 82. @@@@
8. @@@ 33. @@@@ 58. @@@@ 83. @@@@
9. @@@ 34. @@@@ 59. @@@@ 84. @@@@
10. @@@ 35. @@@@ 60. @@@@ 85. @@@@
11. @@@ 36. @@@@ 61. @@@@ 86. @@@@
12. @@@ 37. @@@@ 62. @@@@ 87. @@@@
13. @@@ 38. @@@@ 63. @@@@ 88. @@@@
14. @@@ 39. @@@@ 64. @@@@ 89. @@@@
15. @@@ 40. @@@@ 65. @@@@ 90. @@@@
16. @@@ 41. @@@@ 66. @@@@ 91. @@@@
17. @@@ 42. @@@@ 67. @@@@ 92. @@@@
18. @@@ 43. @@@@ 68. @@@@ 93. @@@@
19. @@@ 44. @@@@ 69. @@@@ 94. @@@@
20. @@@ 45. @@@@ 70. @@@@ 95. @@@@
21. @@@ 46. @@@@ 71. @@@@ 96. @@@@
22. @@@ 47. @@@@ 72. @@@@ 97. @@@@
23. @@@ 48. @@@@ 73. @@@@ 98. @@@@
24. @@@ 49. @@@@ 74. @@@@ 99. @@@@
25. @@@ 50. @@@@ 75. @@@@ 100. @@@@

101. @@@@ 126. @@@@ 151. @@@@ 176. @@@@
102. @@@@ 127. @@@@ 152. @@@@ 177. @@@@
103. @@@@ 128. @@@@ 153. @@@@ 178. @@@@
104. @@@@ 129. @@@@ 154. @@@@ 179. @@@@
105. @@@@ 130. @@@@ 155. @@@@ 180. @@@@
106. @@@@ 131. @@@@ 156. @@@@ 181. @@@@
107. @@@@ 132. @@@@ 157. @@@@ 182. @@@@
108. @@@@ 133. @@@@ 158. @@@@ 183. @@@@
109. @@@@ 134. @@@@ 159. @@@@ 184. @@@@
110. @@@@ 135. @@@@ 160. @@@@ 185. @@@@
111 . @@@@ 136. @@@@ 161. @@@@ 186. @@@@
112. @@@@ 137. @@@@ 162. @@@@ 187. @@@@
113. @@@@ 138. @@@@ 163. @@@@ 188. @@@@
114. @@@@ 139. @@@@ 164. @@@@ 189. @@@@
115. @@@@ 140. @@@@ 165. @@@@ 190. @@@@
116. @@@@ 141. @@@@ 166. @@@@ 191. @@@@
117. @@@@ 142. @@@@ 167. @@@@ 192. @@@@
118. @@@@ 143. @@@@ 168. @@@@ 193. @@@@
119. @@@@ 144. @@@@ 169. @@@@ 194. @@@@
120. @@@@ 145. @@@@ 170. @@@@ 195. @@@@
121. @@@@ 146. @@@@ 171. @@@@ 196. @@@@
122. @@@@ 147. @@@@ 172. @@@@ 197. @@@@
123. @@@@ 148. @@@@ 173. @@@@ 198. @@@@
124. @@@@ 149. @@@@ 174. @@@@ 199. @@@@
125. @@@@ 150. @@@@ 175. @@@@ 200. @@@@

Practice Test 2

Listening Comprehension
1. @@@@ 26. @@@ 51. @@@@ 76. @@@@
2. @@@@ 27. @@@ 52. @@@@ 77. @@@@
3. @@@@ 28. @@@ 53. @@@@ 78. @@@@
4. @@@@ 29. @@@ 54. @@@@ 79. @@@@
5. @@@@ 30. @@@ 55. @@@@ 80. @@@@
6. @@@@ 31. @@@ 56. @@@@ 81. @@@@
7. @@@ 32. @@@@ 57. @@@@ 82. @@@@
8. @@@ 33. @@@@ 58. @@@@ 83. @@@@
9. @@@ 34. @@@@ 59. @@@@ 84. @@@@
10. @@@ 35. @@@@ 60. @@@@ 85. @@@@
11 . @@@ 36. @@@@ 61. @@@@ 86. @@@@
12. @@@ 37. @@@@ 62. @@@@ 87. @@@@
13. @@@ 38. @@@@ 63. @@@@ 88. @@@@
14. @@@ 39. @@@@ 64. @@@@ 89. @@@@
15. @@@ 40. @@@@ 65. @@@@ 90. @@@@
16. @@@ 41. @@@@ 66. @@@@ 91. @@@@
17. @@@ 42. @@@@ 67. @@@@ 92. @@@@
18. @@@ 43. @@@@ 68. @@@@ 93. @@@@
19. @@@ 44. @@@@ 69. @@@@ 94. @@@@
20. @@@ 45. @@@@ 70. @@@@ 95. @@@@
21. @@@ 46. @@@@ 71. @@@@ 96. @@@@
22. @@@ 47. @@@@ 72. @@@@ 97. @@@@
23. @@@ 48. @@@@ 73. @@@@ 98. @@@@
24. @@@ 49. @@@@ 74. @@@@ 99. @@@@
25. @@@ 50. @@@@ 75. @@@@ 100. @@@@

101. @@@@ 126. @@@@ 151. @@@@ 176. @@@@
102. @@@@ 127. @@@@ 152. @@@@ 177. @@@@
103. @@@@ 128. @@@@ 153. @@@@ 178. @@@@
104. @@@@ 129. @@@@ 154. @@@@ 179. @@@@
105. @@@@ 130. @@@@ 155. @@@@ 180. @@@@
106. @@@@ 131. @@@@ 156. @@@@ 181. @@@@
107. @@@@ 132. @@@@ 157. @@@@ 182. @@@@
108. @@@@ 133. @@@@ 158. @@@@ 183. @@@@
109. @@@@ 134. @@@@ 159. @@@@ 184. @@@@
110. @@@@ 135. @@@@ 160. @@@@ 185. @@@@
111 . @@@@ 136. @@@@ 161. @@@@ 186. @@@@
112. @@@@ 137. @@@@ 162. @@@@ 187. @@@@
113. @@@@ 138. @@@@ 163. @@@@ 188. @@@@
114. @@@@ 139. @@@@ 164. @@@@ 189. @@@@
115. @@@@ 140. @@@@ 165. @@@@ 190. @@@@
116. @@@@ 141. @@@@ 166. @@@@ 191. @@@@
117. @@@@ 142. @@@@ 167. @@@@ 192. @@@@
118. @@@@ 143. @@@@ 168. @@@@ 193. @@@@
119. @@@@ 144. @@@@ 169. @@@@ 194. @@@@
120. @@@@ 145. @@@@ 170. @@@@ 195. @@@@
121. @@@@ 146. @@@@ 171. @@@@ 196. @@@@
122. @@@@ 147. @@@@ 172. @@@@ 197. @@@@
123. @@@@ 148. @@@@ 173. @@@@ 198. @@@@
124. @@@@ 149. @@@@ 174. @@@@ 199. @@@@
125. @@@@ 150. @@@@ 175. @@@@ 200. @@@@


Score Conversion Chart
Use this Score Conversion Chart to work out your probable TOEIC' score. This score can only provide a
guide. It is intended to be a reasonable estimate of the score you may achieve on the TOEIC test.

Raw score Raw score Converted score

Converted score
[total number of [total number of
[estimated TOEle score] [estimated TOE Ie score]
correct answers I correct answers}

Listeninc Reading Listening Reading

0 5 5
1 5 5 51 260 215
2 5 5 52 265 220
3 5 5 53 275 225
4 5 5 54 280 230
5 5 5 55 285 235
6 10 5 56 295 245
7 15 5 57 300 250
8 20 5 58 305 255
9 25 5 59 310 260
10 30 5 60 315 265
11 35 5 61 320 275
12 40 5 62 325 280
13 45 5 63 330 285
14 50 10 64 340 295
15 55 10 65 345 300
16 60 15 66 350 305
17 65 20 67 355 310
18 70 25 68 360 315
19 75 35 69 375 320
20 60 40 70 380 325
21 65 45 71 385 335
22 90 50 72 390 340
23 95 55 73 395 350
24 100 60 74 400 355
25 105 65 75 405 365
26 110 70 76 410 370
27 115 75 77 420 375
28 120 80 78 425 385
29 125 85 79 430 390
30 135 90 80 435 395
31 140 95 81 440 400
32 145 105 82 445 405
33 150 110 83 455 410
34 155 115 84 460 415
35 165 120 85 465 420
36 170 130 86 470 425
37 175 135 87 475 430
38 160 140 88 480 435
39 165 145 89 485 445
40 190 150 90 485 450
41 200 160 91 490 460
42 205 165 92 490 465
43 210 170 93 490 470
44 215 175 94 495 475
45 220 180 95 495 480
46 230 185 96 495 485
47 235 190 97 495 490
48 245 195 98 495 495
49 250 200 99 495 495
50 255 210 100 495 495

Essential Vocabulary
In this section, you will find over 500 useful words and phrases that often appear in the TOEIC~ test.
Refer to this list to help you prepare whenever you see the Essential Vocabulary icon throughout the
book. You can also use this list as a self-study resource.

artist, author, auto mechanic, bookseller, businessman/woman, cashier, chef, cleaner, consultant, cook,
correspondent, dentist, doctor, electrician, engineer, flight attendant, firefighter, florist, health inspector,
hotel manager, information officer, market researcher, mechanic, news presenter, newspaper reporter,
painter, pilot, plumber, police officer, professor, realtor, receptionist, researcher, sales clerk, secretary,
security guard, student, taxi driver, teacher, telephone engineer, tennis coach, ticket clerk, tour guide,
traffic officer, travel agent, waiter, waitress

Relationship_s _
bank manager-client, cashier-shopper, coworkers, doctor-patient, employee-employer, friends,
passenger-flight attendant, salesperson-customer, student-teacher, tourist-tour guide, waiter-customer

apply for a job, attend a lecture, buy food, call the office, catch a bus, change a tire, check some figures,
check the time, do some work, drive a car, check your e-mail, cook a meal, exercise in the gym, extend
a warranty, find a job, get on a plane, give a presentation, give directions, go for a drive, go home, go
on a training course, go out with friends, go sightseeing, go to a concert, go to the movie theater, have a
meal in a restaurant, have breakfast/lunch/dinner, have a meeting, have a picnic, leave a message, leave
work, listen to the radio, look for a job, mail a letter, make a cup of tea/coffee, meet some coworkers,
open a bank account, order some food, pay a bill, place an order, plan a party, playa computer game,
play golf, play the violin, prepare a presentation, prepare dinner, rent a movie, repair a fault, see a play,
send a text message, take a bath, take a break, take a subway, take a vacation, take a walk, visit a client,
wait for a train, watch a soccer game, watch TV, work on a report, write an e-mail

Feelings and Emotions

afraid, amused, angry, bored, calm, cold, confident, disappointed, excited, frustrated, happy, hot,
hungry, ill, jealous, nervous, pleased, relaxed, sad, sick, thankful, thirsty, tired, unhappy, uninterested,
unwell, upset, worried

Positions in a Comp.a_.nYI _
Assistant Manager, Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.), Chief Financial Officer (C.F.O.), Director, Manager,
Managing Director (MOl. President, Supervisor, Vice President (VP)

~artments in a Comp~a_nYI____ _ _
Accounts, Customer Service, Finance, Human Resources, I.T/Computing, Maintenance, Marketing,
Personnel, Research and Development, Sales, Technical Support


Locations and Related Words

airplane - cabin, overhead locker, safety video demonstration

airport - baggage carousel, boarding pass, customs, flight, gate, immigration, passport,
apartment - flat-screen 1V, living room, sofa
bank - checking account, credit/debit card, deposit, interest, savings
bookstore - books, fiction, read, shelves
bus station - Bay 3, platform, seat number
car rental agency - insurance, mileage, vehicle
clothes store - alteration, fitting room, try on
coffee shop - cup of coffee, snack
college - assignment, board, classroom, course, semester
concert hall - music, orchestra, performance, seating
dentist's office - appointment, cavity, drill, polish
doctor's office - check-up, medication, patient, prescription
florist's - arrangement, bouquet of flowers
garage - brakes, oil change, service, tire
golf course - club, green, round
grocery store - fruit, vegetables
hair salon - brush, comb, dry, shampoo, wash
hotel - busboy, front desk, housekeeping, reservations, room service, wake-up call
library - borrow, loan, return, novel
movie theater - audience, box office, feature, screen
museum - display, entrance fee, exhibit
office - computer, copy machine, desk, file, folder, laptop, monitor, stapler, stationery
parking lot - car, park, ticket
police station - alarm, arrest, officer
post office - first class, letter, mail, postage, stamp
restaurant - dessert, dish, main course, menu, order, reserve a table, service, waiter/waitress
sports center - court, game, gym, racket, sports
supermarket - aisle, food, shop
taxi stand - cab, driver, fare, tip
theater - actor, cast, play, sing, stage
train station - catch, delay, express, track
travel agency - beach, book, flight, package, scenery, vacation, visa

Time Exp_re_s_si_o_ns _
at (six o'clock/night), on (Monday, June 17th), in (two hours, the summer, 2012),
in (the morning/afternoon/evening), by (Friday/midnight), until (the weekend), next (year), for (three
years), from (nine to five, September 1st), since (2011), during (the meeting), around (noon), every
(week), once (a month), tonight

Offers and Requests

Making an Offer Making a Request
I can/could do that for you. Can/Could I have ... ?
Can I help you? Can/Wili you ... ?
How can I help you? Could/Would you ... ?
Please ...
Would you please ?
Do you mind ... ing ?
Do you think we could ... ?

~estions and Advice

Why don't you ... ? If I were you, I'd ...
How about ... ? Have you considered ... ?
Perhaps you could ...

Asking for opinions Giving opinions
What do you think (ol...)? I think ...
Do you agree (that.. .)? I agree (completely).
Do you think that. ..? In my opinion, .
If you ask me, .
Sorry, I don't agree.

Asking for directions Giving directions
How do I get to ... ? Go straight ahead.
Is there a... nearby? Go along .
Are there any near here? Go past .
Where's the ? Turn left/right.
It's on the corner.

Preposition of place
above, across from, against, behind, below, beside, between, close to, in front of, inside, near, on top of,

Prepositions of movement
into, through, past, up, down, toward, from, onto, away (from)


Common Words
"8 Here are some of the most common words you will find in the TOEIC@test. Make sure you know
what these words mean, and test yourself regularly. You can listen to the words using the CD in the back
of this book.

accept block definite

accommodation board degree
according boost delivery
actually branch demand
additional brand department
adjust briefcase detail
advanced budget development
advantage bulletin director
advertise calculate discuss
advertisement campaign downturn
advise cancel earn
affect cancellation economy
afford candidate effective
agreement cash efficient
aid cause electrical
aim charge emergency
alarm cheap employment
allow claim enable
alternative clerk enclose
ambitious closure engineer
amount code environment
analysis committee estimate
analyze company examine
announcement complaint excellent
apologize complete expand
appliance complex expansion
applicant concern expect
application confirm expense
appointment consider expensive
appreciate construction experience
appropriate consumer express
approximate contain extension
area convenient factor
arrange corporate failure
assist corporation fare
attach cost fax
attend crowd feature
availability daily fee
available damage feedback
background deal field
benefit debt figure
bid decision file

finance mileage recruit
financial million reduce
firm neighborhood refund
focus notice regional
force obtain regular
forecast occur remain
forget officer remind
forward official remove
function operate renovate
furniture organize repair
guarantee original replacement
handle outlook report
handy outstanding representative
hesitate package require
identify parcel reschedule
immediate particularly reserve
impact patience responsibility
improvement payment responsible
include permit review
indicate personal route
individual point sale
inexperienced popular schedule
Inflation power service
information practical shipment
installation predict staff
intend prefer stock
investment prepare strategy
invite present submit
invoice price suggest
item profit suit
journey project suitable
label promotion supply
labor prompt support
law property target
license protect trade
list purchase traffic
local quote transfer
luxury raise transportation
maintenance range understand
major rate update
manage reach vacancy
manufacture realize various
marketing receipt venue
medical receive vital
meeting recent
membership recommend


Understanding Different Accents
In the Listening section of the TOEIC@ test you will hear speakers with American, British, Australian, and
Canadian accents. You do not need to identify the different accents. However, being familiar with these
accents can help improve your score on the test.

Of course, people from different countries have different accents. Even people from the same country
can speak very differently. The American, British, Australian, and Canadian accents used in the
TOEIC test are .standard." This section of Pass the TOEIC Test gives you practice in listening to and
understanding .standard" American, British, Australian, and Canadian accents.

Comparing Accents
Exercise A 119 Listen to the way these words are pronounced differently.

American British Australian Canadian


again m =


brother ••
~ ~
!'AI I:H
= ••
!::'lI ""
park bi

vase = ••
/Ail ~ 1+1
= ••
!::'lI ~
~~ m
Exercise 8

'20 Listen to these sentences. Compare the pronunciation.
1. The woman is pouring water in the vase. ~~

2. We went to a beautiful park last weekend. ~ ~

3. Mr. Hill's secretary will call you later today. ~

4. My brother's a doctor. ~

= ••
5. I hear Jane's salary has gone up again. ~~

6. Would you like pasta with tomato sauce?

iW1 = ••
~~ HI
7. The car caught fire, but nobody was hurt. ~

8. When is a convenient time to meet? ~ ~

!::'lI 1+1
American English
Exercise A 121 Listen and read this conversation. Notice the speakers' pronunciation.

Woman: Do you know where Kevin is? I can't find him anywhere.
Man: He's at a sales conference. Didn't you know?
Woman: No, I didn't. Will he be back tomorrow?
Man: I don't think so. He'll be in on Thursday, I think. Is there anything I can help you with?

Exercise B 122 Listen and complete these sentences.

1. How many days .,;;l\~L\1Q""

..sp"'n,;;l.. in Tokyo?
2. I'd like to ................w........... . . .. , please.
3. Where can I find . . . ?
4. I'm afraid we didn't . .
5. The man is . . .
6. What time does . . . ?

Exercise C 123 Listen to these sentences. Repeat what you hear.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

British English ~
Exercise A 02. Listen and read this conversation. Notice the speakers' pronunciation.

Woman: Do you know where Kevin is? I can't find him anywhere.
Man: He's at a sales conference. Didn't you know?
Woman: No, I didn't. Will he be back tomorrow?
Man: I don't think so. He'll be in on Thursday, I think. Is there anything I can help you with?

Exercise B 12. Listen and complete these sentences.

1. That presentation!Y.~sl'):(:;..y"'r':lin\::"'r"';;\::i'1'3
2. Can I . •••• w ••••••••• ?
3. Why did you decide to . .......................
4. The woman is .
5. Hello. I'm Simone..... . . ?
6. Mr. Peterson will ' .

Exercise C >26 Listen to these sentences. Repeat what you hear.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Australian English _
Exercise A '21 Listen and read this conversation. Notice the speakers' pronunciation.

Woman: Do you know where Kevin is? I can't find him anywhere.
Man: He's at a sales conference. Didn't you know?
Woman: No, I didn't. Will he be back tomorrow?
Man: 1 don't think so. He'll be in on Thursday, I think. Is there anything I can help you with?

Exercise B ,.. Listen and complete these sentences.

1. Samantha is now ~."'.~9

?:f.tI1~Cf::"'.~i~.;) .
2. Remember to . . . during the tour of the factory.
3. What year . . ?
4. The man is .
5. The European conference was .... . in Germany.
6. We . . . again soon.

Exercise C '29 Listen to these sentences. Repeat what you hear.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Canadian English 1+ 1
Exercise A '3D Listen and read this conversation. Notice the speakers' pronunciation.

Woman: Do you know where Kevin is? I can't find him anywhere.
Man: He's at a sales conference. Didn't you know?
Woman: No, I didn't. Will he be back tomorrow?
Man: I don't think so. He'll be in on Thursday, I think. Is there anything I can help you with?

Exercise B '3' Listen and complete these sentences.

1. Is Tim workingfCJr!1l~.f":i=.~"'~ .. . now?

2. We expect the . . three million dollars.
3. Sorry, but I . . . what you mean.
4. Any employee . ..will be fired immediately.
5. Our company . on Lake Michigan.
6. The woman is. . .

Exercise C '32 Listen to these sentences. Repeat what you hear.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Identifying Accents
You will hear this short talk four times. Listen and try to identify each speaker's accent.

Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you are all refreshed after lunch. We have a lot to get through, so
please pay attention as I outline the schedule of events ahead of us. Very shortly Emily Roberts will
be speaking to us about Health and Safety in the workplace. As you know, this is something the
company is driving hard to improve, so make sure you listen carefully and take notes. Specifically,
Emily will be looking at ways we can reduce the number of accidents in the loading bay. She will
also talk to you about new safety procedures for staff on the production lines. Over to you, Emily.

American British Australian Canadian

~ IIO:'!l

= ••
I:OIiiI IIO:'!l

I Ii
= ••

'36 Speaker 4
i J
o:;.a IIO:'!l m
Improving Your Accent Recognition
Remember, the more familiar you are with these accents, the higher your score will be in the Listening
section of the test. There are many things you can do to help become more familiar with the different
accents used in the TOEIC test.

Listen to your local English language radio station, or one of these international stations: Voice of
America, BBC World Service Radio, Radio Australia, Radio Canada International.

• Watch programs on TV (e.g., news, sports, etc.). Try: CNN, CBS, BBC, ABC and CBC.

• Watch movies in English. Use the subtitles to help .

• Listen to songs in English. You can listen and read the lyrics, or practice karaoke and sing along!
Repeating what you hear is a good way to improve your listening comprehension.

Go online. There are many great websites with podcasts of native speakers you can listen to.

• • •• • e • . ..

Improving Your Listening Skills
Listening to Different Accents


Tips on Taking the TOEIC@ Test
Here are some tips you might find useful to help you prepare for the TOEIC test.

Before the test. ..

• Make sure you know the directions
If you are familiar with the format of each section, you can focus more on the questions. Take as many
Practice Tests as you can to prepare you for the test. Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com to register
for your two free online TOEIC Practice Tests.

Plan your study effectively

Practice your listening and reading comprehension skills. Identify what your strengths are, and focus
on improving any weaknesses.

• Expand your vocabulary as much as possible

Read as widely as you can. Make a note of all the new words you learn, and test yourself regularly.

In the test. ..
• Time yourself
Keep a watch in front of you and check the time regularly. Make sure you know how long you should
take on each part. Don't fall behind and run out of time! After marking your answer, quickly move on.

Stay alert and concentrate

The test lasts two hours, and it is easy to become distracted during this time. Make sure you focus all
your energy on the test.

Never leave a blank

Always make a guess if you don't know the answer. You are not penalized for wrong answers, so you
have nothing to lose.

Eliminate answer choices whenever you can

Your chances of guessing the correct answer increase if you first eliminate any answer choices you
think are incorrect.

• Be aware of distractors
Make sure you know the common traps used in the test, and avoid them.

• Trust your instincts

Don't waste time changing your mind. Answer a question, and move on.

• Use effective test-taking techniques

Don't forget to use the strategies you have covered in this book to help you achieve the best possible
score. Make time to preview the questions whenever you can. Try to predict the answers. Remember
that skimming and scanning are effective reading skills.

Go to www.pass-the-toeic-test.com for more advice, tips, and lots of practice exercises to help you
prepare for the test.


Pass the TOEIC Test Introductory Course Track List
Part 1 48. Steps to Success - Practice 4 Warm-up
1. Try It Out 49. Steps to Success - Practice 4 Practice
2. Similar-sounding Words - Exercise A 50. Steps to Success - Practice 5 Warm-up
3. Similar-sounding Words - Exercise B 51. Steps to Success - Practice 5 Practice
4. Similar-sounding Words - Exercise C 52. Review Test
5. Mini Test- Similar-sounding Words
6. Incorrect Key Words - Exercise A Part 3
7. Incorrect Key Words - Exercise B 53. Try It Out - Example 1
8. Mini Test- Incorrect Key Words 54. Try It Out - Example 2
9. Incorrect Interpretations - False Accounts 55. Try It Out- Example 3
10. Incorrect Interpretations - Unsupported Assumptions 56. Try it Out - Example 4
11. Mini Test- Incorrect Interpretations 57. Try It Out
12. Steps to Success - Practice 1 58. Listening for Main Ideas - Example
13. Steps to Success - Practice 2 59. Questions about the Speakers
14. Steps to Success - Practice 3 60. Questions about the Topic
15. Steps to Success - Practice 4 61. Questions about Activities
16. Steps to Success - Practice 5 62. Questions about the Location
17. Review Test 63. Mini Test - Listening for Main Ideas
64. Listening for Details - Example 1
Part 2 65. Listening for Details - Example 2
18. Try It Out 66. Questions about Time
19. Questions with What - Exercise C 67. Questions about Reasons
20. Mini Test- Questions with What 68. Questions about Plans
21. Questions with When or Where - Exercise C 69. Questions about Offers and Requests
22. Mini Test- Questions with When or Where 70. Questions about Suggestions and Advice
23. Questions with Who, Whose, Why, or Which - 71. Questions about Opinions
Exercise C 72. Mini Test- Listening for Details
24. Mini Test- Questions with Who, Whose, Why, 73. Making Inferences - Example
or Which 74. Inferring Altitude
25. Questions with How - Exercise C 75. Practice Inferring Meaning
26. Mini Test- Questions with How 76. Mini Test- Making Inferences
27. Yes/No Questions - Exercise C 77. Practice Questions with a Graphic
28. Mini Test- Yes/No Questions 78. Mini Test- Conversations Including a Graphic
29. Choice Questions - Exercise C 79. Steps to Success - Practice 1
30. Mini Test- Choice Questions 80. Steps to Success - Practice 2
31. Tag Questions - Exercise C 81. Steps to Success - Practice 3
32. Mini Test- Tag Questions 82. Steps to Success - Practice 4
33. Negative Questions - Exercise C 83. Steps to Success - Practice 5
34. Mini Test- Negative Questions 84. Review Test
35. Embedded Questions - Exercise C
36. Mini Test- Embedded Questions Part 4
37. Statements - Exercise C 85. Try It Out - Example 1
38. Mini Test- Statements 86. Try It Out - Example 2
39. Mini Test- Words with Multiple Meanings 87. Try It Out
40. Mini Test- Similar-sounding Words 88. Listening for Main Ideas - Example
41. Mini Test- Homophones 89. Questions about the Speaker
42. Steps to Success - Practice 1 Warm-up 90. Questions about the Topic
43. Steps to Success - Practice 1 Practice 91. Questions about the Audience
44. Steps to Success - Practice 2 Warm-up 92. Questions about the Location
45. Steps to Success - Practice 2 Practice 93. Questions about the Purpose
46. Steps to Success - Practice 3 Warm-up 94. Mini Test- Listening for Main Ideas
47. Steps to Success - Practice 3 Practice 95. Listening for Details - Example 1


96. Listening for Details - Example 2 Understanding Different Accents
97. Questions about Numbers, Dates, and Times 119. Comparing Accents - Exercise A
98. Questions about Reasons and Requests 120. Comparing Accents - Exercise B
99. Questions about People and Places 121. American English - Exercise A
100. Questions about Problems and Suggestions 122. American English - Exercise B
101. Questions about Plans and Sequences 123. American English - Exercise C
102. Mini Test - Listening for Details 124. British English - Exercise A
103. Making Inferences - Example 125. British English - Exercise B
104. Practice Inferring Meaning 126. British English - Exercise C
105. Mini Test - Making inferences 127. Australian English - Exercise A
106. Practice Questions with a Graphic 128. Australian English - Exercise B
107. Mini Test - Short Talks Including a Graphic 129. Australian English - Exercise C
108. Steps to Success - Practice 1 130. Canadian English - Exercise A
109. Steps to Success - Practice 2 131. Canadian English - Exercise B
110. Steps to Success - Practice 3 132. Canadian English - Exercise C
111. Steps to Success - Practice 4 133. Identifying Accents - Speaker 1
112. Steps to Success - Practice 5 134. Identifying Accents - Speaker 2
113. Review Test 135. Identifying Accents - Speaker 3
136. Identifying Accents - Speaker 4
Listening Comprehension Test
114. Listening Test - Part 1 Practice Test 1
115. Listening Test - Part 2 137. Listening Test - Part 1
116. Listening Test - Part 3 138. Listening Test - Part 2
117. Listening Test - Part 4 139. Listening Test - Part 3
140. Listening Test - Part 4
Essential Vocabulary
118. Common Words Practice Test 2
141. Listening Test - Part 1
142. Listening Test - Part 2
143. Listening Test - Part 3
144. Listening Test - Part 4



Practice Test 1
This test aims to accurately reflect the TOEIC" test in every way possible. It consists of seven parts, and
is designed to be the same level of difficuily as the TOEIC test. The test takes approximately two hours
to complete.

Allow two hours to complete the test.

Make sure you read the directions for each part carefully.

Mark all your answers on the separate Answer Sheet provided on page 326.

When you finish, you can check your answers in the separate Answer Key. See the Score Conversion
Chart on page 328 for a prediction of your score on the TOEIC' test.


Listening Test
The Listening Test is an opportunity for you 10show how well you understand spoken English. There are
four parts, and each part has different directions. You have 45 minutes to complete this Listening test.

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet provided on page 326.

Part 1
'31 Directions: For each question, you will hear four statements about a photograph. Listen and select
the one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best describes the picture. Then mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet. You will hear the statements only once.


The best description of the picture is statement (B), "He's drawing on the board." You should mark
answer choice (B) on your Answer Sheet.













Part 2
138 Directions: Listen to these questions and statements. After each question or statement, you will hear
three responses. Select the most appropriate response: (A), (B), or (C). Then mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet. You will hear each question or statement, and the responses, only once.

You hear: What time is the board meeting?
You then hear: (A) The meeting room is on the left.
(B) Yes, everyone was bored.
(C) I think it's at twelve.

The best response to the question "What time is the board meeting?" is answer choice (C). "I think it's at
twelve." You should mark answer choice (C) on your Answer Sheet.

7. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 20. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
B. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
9. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 22. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
10. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 23. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
11. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 24. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
12. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 25. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
13. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 26. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
14. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 27. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
15. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 2B. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
16. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 29. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
17. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 30. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
1B. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 31. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
19. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

ICl.i.1 ~i••••


Part 3
'39 Directions: You will hear thirteen conversations. For each conversation, read the three questions
and the four answer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate answer: (A), (B), (C),
or (0). Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear each conversation only once.

32. What does the woman plan to do? 39. What does the woman think of the man's first
(A) Send the report by mail suggestion?
(B) Finish the report later (A) It is unimaginative.
(C) E-mail the report soon (B) It is expensive.
(0) Analyze the data again (C) It is complicated.
(0) It is time-consuming.
33. What does the man imply?
(A) The report is overdue. 40. Who most likely is Angela Adams?
(B) The report is not detailed enough. (A) A local florist
(C) He is not happy with the results (B) A long-serving employee
(0) He no longer requires any help. (C) An accountant
(0) A trade advisor
34. When will the man receive the report?
(A) Later that afternoon
41. What does the man ask the woman to do?
(B) Early the next morning
(A) Wait a few days
(C) By midday the following day
(B) Apply for a grant
(0) Before the end of the week
(e) Put an item on sale
(0) Weigh a package
35. What is the purpose of Annie's call to Rob?
(A) To inform him of a client's arrival 42. Why does the woman say, "It'll have to be"?
(B) To thank him for helping her (A) She has to leave.
(C) To tell him to go to the bank (B) She does not agree.
(0) To ask him for assistance (C) She has no choice.
(0) She trusts the man.
36. How soon will Rob go to the reception area?
(A) Immediately 43. How will the woman pay?
(B) In a few minutes (A) By cash
(C) In half an hour (B) By credit card
(0) Within an hour (C) By check
(0) By money order
37. What will Rob do when he gets to reception?
(A) Prepare some documents
44. Where are the speakers?
(B) Make some calls
(A) In a plane
(C) Pack some boxes
(B) In a train
(0) Answer some queries
(C) In a bus
(0) In a car
38. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
(A) An office party 45. What is the woman doing?
(B) A retirement gift (A) Looking at a map
(C) A vacation (B) Admiring the mountains
(0) A staff bonus (C) Trying to make a call
(0) Typing on a computer


46. When does this conversation take place? 54. What do the men suggest the woman do?
(A) In the morning (A) Send a fax
(B) In the afternoon (B) E-mail a client
(C) In the evening (C) Contact Telco Phone Systems
(D) At night (D) Buy some new equipment

55. How does the woman probably feel about the

47. Who is the woman talking to?
(A) A real estate agent
(A) Bored
(B) A property developer
(B) Frustrated
(C) A bank manager
(C) Offended
(D) A company accountant
(D) Surprised
48. What is the problem with the property?
(A) It is in a bad location. 56. Where does this conversation take place?
(B) It is not available yet. (A) At a train station
(C) It is not big enough. (B) At a bus station
(D) It is too expensive. (C) At an airport
(D) At a taxi company
49. What does the man suggest?
(A) Moving to a different location 57. What time will the man arrive in Boston?
(B) Taking out a bank loan (A) 9:05 A.M.

(C) Offering a lower price (B) 11:35 A.M.

(D) Changing the contract (C) 5:40 P.M.

(D) 8:10 P.M.

50. What is the man's problem?

58. How much will the man's round trip ticket to
(A) He is late for an appointment.
Boston cost?
(B) He cannot find his coworkers.
(A) $8
(C) He needs directions.
(B) $19
(D) He cannot see clearly.
(C) $27
51. What does the woman offer to do? (D) $54
(A) Advise HSC Dental of the man's arrival
(B) Call the man a taxi on his way out 59. Who is the woman most likely speaking to?
(C) Take the man to the company's offices (A) A store assistant
(D) Ask a coworker to help (B) A cleaner
(C) Her manager
52. What will the man probably do next?
(D) Her husband
(A) Sit down and wait
(B) Leave the building 60. What does the man mean when he says,
(C) Call a friend "This is it, I'm afraid"?
(D) Take the elevator (A) It is the only suitable shirt.
(B) There is no time to get changed.
53. What are the speakers discussing? (C) He prefers to wear this shirt.
(A) A tax demand (D) He will not change his mind.
(B) Computer problems
(C) Communication difficulties
(D) Contract details



61. What will the man probably do next? 66. What does the woman imply?
(A) Call a taxi (A) It is usually difficult to get a parking
(B) Go to the mall space.
(C) Wait for twenty minutes (B) The man was lucky to get an
(0) Get dressed appointment.
(C) Most people arrive earlier than expected.
(0) Seat availability can be very limited.
RV326 Moscow
JK672 Istanbul 67. What does the woman say she will do next?
JV917 Tokyo (A) Take a seat
LU458 Warsaw (B) Pour some coffee
(C) Make a phone call
62. Why does the woman have to wait?
(0) Speak to her assistant
(A) Her flight has been delayed.
(B) There is a iong line at security.
(C) Check-in has not yet begun.
(0) She does not know the gate number.
10:00 A.MJ~,., Cambridge~,;! ~.
63. Look at the graphic. Which flight is the man 10:15 A.M. Peterborough
catching? 10:20 A.M. Stansted
(A) RV326 10:55 A.M. Norwich
(B) JK672
68. Where most likely is the conversation taking
(C) JV917
(0) LU458
(A) In a taxi
64. What will the man do now? (B) In a coach
(A) Go to the departure gate. (C) On a train
(B) Buy something to read. (0) At a bus stop
(C) Check the display screen.
69. Look at the graphic. Where are the speakers
(0) Go through security.
traveling to?
(A) Cambridge
(B) Peterborough
Till:lme'of apllOint-illent h:" Patie~t ,;~. '-::" (C) Stansted
1:45 P.M. Mr. James (0) Norwich
2:15 P.M. Mr. Armstrong
2:30 P.M. Mr. Fernandez 70. Why is the man concerned?
2:50 P.M. Mr. Kasparov (A) He needs to pay by credit card.
(B) He has lost the reference number.
65. Look at the graphic. What is the man's name?
(C) There is no booking confirmation.
(A) Mr. James (0) He does not have the tickets.
(B) Mr. Armstrong
(C) Mr. Fernandez
(0) Mr. Kasparov


Part 4
40 Directions: You will hear ten short talks given by a single speaker. For each short talk, read the
three questions and the four answer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate
answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D). Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear each short talk
71. What is the purpose of the event? 77. Who is the speaker probably addressing?
(A) To raise money for good causes (A) Company employees
(B) To publicize local businesses (B) Important clients
(C) To launch a range of new products (C) Job applicants
(D) To honor successful businesspeople (D) Shareholders

72. What does the speaker say about trade via 78. What is the purpose of the event the speaker
the Internet? announces?
(A) It is very important for all businesses. (A) To improve the company's image
(B) It mostly benefits larger organizations. (B) To attract potential investors
(C) It makes international trade quicker. (C) To boost production
(D) It will change the way business is done. (D) To reward loyal customers

73. What does Mrs. Sumner's company do? 79. What will happen next?
(A) Manufacture furniture (A) Management will answer questions.
(B) Produce fresh fruit (B) The audience will vote for a Chairman.
(C) Sell flowers online (C) The speaker will ask a question.
(D) Train entrepreneurs (D) Mr. Sissons will give a presentation.

74. What is the message mainly about? 80. What kind of vacations does Betts Travel
(A) A meeting request specialize in?
(B) A new publication (A) Trips to Egypt and Africa
(C) A business seminar (B) Sunny locations worldwide
(D) A hospital appointment (C) Winter package deals
(D) Tours of North America
75. Who most likely is Carla Johnson?
(A) A medical doctor 81. What will customers get if they book a "last
(B) A travel agent minute" deal?
(C) A book publisher (A) A $500 credit
(D) A business reporter (B) A free travel bag
(C) A half-price vacation
76. What does the speaker imply when she says,
(D) Low-cost car rental
"It shouldn't take longer than an hour"?
(A) She only has one hour available. 82. What does the speaker mean when she says,
(B) It will not be too inconvenient. "Life is short"?
(C) There is a strict time limit. (A) Nobody lives forever.
(D) No further delays can be allowed. (B) There is no time to waste.
(C) You never know what may happen.
(D) Do not worry about small details.



83. What do callers who press number 2 want 89. What is the purpose of the speech?
to do? (A) To announce a job vacancy
(A) Ask about medication (B) To welcome a new employee
(B) See a doctor urgently (C) To review stockroom procedures
(C) Make an appointment (D) To congratulate workers
(D) Arrange a home visit
90. What is implied about Wallace & Sons?
84. What shouid you do if your call is urgent and (A) It has plans to expand.
the office is closed? (B) It has many employees.
(A) Hold the line (C) It is a popular retail store.
(B) Press 3 (D) It started trading five years ago.
(C) Dial a different number
91. What will happen next?
(D) Call the hospital
(A) The audience will have a meal.
85. When is the baby clinic open? (B) The speaker will chair a meeting.
(A) Every day (C) The stockroom manager will give a talk.
(B) Weekdays at 9:00 A.M. (D) The meeting will come to an end.
(C) One day a week
(D) By appointment only 92. Who is being addressed?
(A) Service managers
86. What is this report mainly about? (B) New employees
(A) Wages for workers (C) Factory inspectors
(B) New products and services (D) College students
(C) Rising job opportunities
93. On which floor is the Financial Services
(D) Skill shortages in the United States
87. How many employers responded to the (A) First
survey? (B) Second
(A) 6,000 (C) Third
(B) 9.000 (D) Fourth
(C) 12,000
94. Where will extra information be posted?
(D) 15,000
(A) Near the entrance
88. Which sector of the economy will benefit (B) By the elevator
most? (C) On the website
(A) Finance (D) In the newsletter
(B) Retail
(C) Manufacturing
(D) Construction


April: Percentage increase in sales Greenhouse


Professional Baby care

95. When is this talk taking place?

(A) At an annual shareholders' meeting
(B) During a recruitment interview
(C) At the start of a business meeting
(D) At the end of a sales presentation

Gate House
96. Look at the graphic. In which department
does Michael work?
(A) Kitchen products
(B) Bathroom products 98. Who is the woman speaking to?
(C) Professional care (A) A gardener
(D) Baby care (B) A delivery driver
(C) A sales assistant
97. What does the speaker imply listeners will
(D) Her husband
(A) A promotion 99. What is implied about the shed?
(B) A free product (A) It is a tall structure.
(C) A financial reward (B) It is made of wood.
(D) A monthly bonus (C) It is unpleasant to look at.
(D) It was recently erected.

100. Look at the graphic. In which area of the

garden will the bushes be planted?
(A) Area 1
(B) Area 2
(C) Area 3
(D) Area 4

This is the end of the Listening Comprehension section of the test. Go on to the Reading section.


Reading Test
This Reading Test contains a variety of texts and reading comprehension questions. They are designed
to test your ability to read and understand written Engiish. There are three parts. You have 75 minutes to
complete this section of the test.

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet provided on page 326.

Part 5
Directions: Read each sentence. You will notice that there is a word or phrase missing. Study the four
answer choices and select the one answer: (A), (B), (C), or (0), that best completes the sentence. Then
mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

101. Everyone is welcome to walk around the 104. Negotiations between management and
exhibit hall, but visitors are from workers over the new contract were
eating or drinking. finally concluded at a meeting with union
(A) discouraged leaders last night.
(B) disappointed (A) employment
(C) dissatisfied (B) employer
(0) discounted (e) employ
(0) employing
102. Unless we fix the gas leak soon, we run the
risk of the situation becoming so serious that 105. The results of the market research survey
we have to evacuate the production ................
that the reputation of the company
site. had suffered due to negative press reports
(A) can eariier in the year.
(B) will (A) designed
(C) must (B) approved
(0) should (C) confirmed
(0) depended
103. If you have any further questions, please
contact our reception staff who will be glad to 106. By the time the conference was finally over,
further assistance. everyone was so tired they that they were
(A) donate ...........
asleep on their feet.
(B) grant (A) presumably
(C) present (B) proportionately
(0) provide (C) practically
(0) passionately


107. Customers who are not satisfied with any of 110. Oue to the upturn in the global economy,
our products may bring them back at any sales have risen over the past two
time and them for an alternative of months.
their choice. (A) sincerely
(A) exchange (8) generously
(8) transfer (C) heavily
(C) hand over (0) sharply
(0) renounce
111. Increasing wages for the entire staff equally
1OB.We have never had a single accident in is a very fair and cost-effective way for a
the history of the company, is an company to motivate . employees
industrial safety record we are very proud of. and boost performance.
(A) that (A) it
(8) which (8) its
(C) what (C) them
(0) whom (0) they

109. One thing that was very noticeable about the

debate was the great of opinions
expressed by the participants.
(A) mobility
(8) diversity
(C) adversity
(0) capacity

lij, •• I@II••• :lj@lq'#t@.


112. Campers in the National Park are welcome 118. When Mike and Claude became business
to hike anywhere they want, but fishing in the partners they knew that in order for the
lakes and rivers is not in order to company to succeed they would have to trust
protect the balance of our wildlife population. . completely.
(A) permit (A) another
(8) permitted (8) other
(C) permissive (C) each other
(0) permission (0) both

113. I know the negotiations were very difficult, 119. Following the first night's perlormance of
but I would not have agreed to such a big the new play, all of the reviews were, without
discount, if I you. ..................
, full of praise.
(A) were (A) conception
(8) had (8) deception
(C) am (C) exemption
(0) did (0) exception

114. We believe the secret to the success of every 120. Please can you pass the blue folder
one of our projects comes down to good over there on the top shelf?
design and thorough . (A) I
(A) preparation (8) me
(8) legislation (C) myself
(C) translation (0) my
(0) declaration 121. Although our stand at the exhibition was
115. After a long delay due to bad weather, our not very big, the event went very well for
flight London to Vancouver finally us because far more potential customers
took off six hours behind schedule. ...up than we had expected.
(A) for (A) showed
(8) at (8) enquired
(C) in (C) arrived
(0) from (0) appeared

116. An electrician was called to check the smoke 122. The report concluded that the heavy losses
alarm, which had gone off several times in the the company sustained over the previous
office building there was no smoke. year meant that could have been
(A) because done to save it from bankruptcy.
(8) even though (A) something
(C) despite (8) any1hing
(0) however (C) every1hing
(0) nothing
117. Mr. Arakawa was chosen to lead the project
because he was one of the most hard 123. After Roberto was promoted to supeNisor
working and members of the team. in the packing department, he .
(A) knowledge given the freedom necessary to change
(8) knowing procedures.
(C) knowledgeable (A) had
(0) knowledgeably (8) was
(C) be
(0) has


124. The furniture store drastically cut its prices 128. Our enjoyment of the fishing expedition was
across its entire line of luxury sofas . severely by the bad weather, which
an attempt to generate more sales. caused several members of our group to be
(A) in seasick.
(B) at (A) accepted
(C) on (B) effected
(D) by (C) affected
(D) infected
125. The coffee maker that Zoe gave us as a
wedding present is better than the 129. The meal at the restaurant downtown was so
last one we had, isn't it? expensive that we decided to share the cost,
(A) more and so of us paid $25.
(B) as (A) every
(C) most (B) nobody
(D) much (C) none
(D) each
126. The annual 'Best in Business' award
ceremony, which is the most prestigious 130. Lindsey Martinez, the Director of Operations
event of the year, take place in the at Hope Hospital, said the growing number of
Grosvenor Center on Saturday, June 3rd. patients suffering from tropical disease was
(A) will .........................
(B) is (A) remarkably
(C) has (B) strictly
(D) do (C) extremely
(D) mainly
127. I was surprised at all the positive comments
I received after my talk, because I never
expected it so well.
(A) go
(B) going
(C) to go
(D) goes


Part 6
Directions: Read each text. You will notice that there are four blanks. These are places where a word,
phrase or sentence is missing. For each blank, study the four answer choices and select the one answer:
(A), (8), (C), or (D), that best completes the text. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following fax.

To: Kirsty Spalding, Reservations Manager - Hotel Grand Chapelle

From: Rei Matsumoto
Pages: 1
Date: May 23
Subject: Room confirmation

Dear Ms. Spalding:

Regarding our recent telephone conversation, I am writing to confirm the following reservation at
your hotel: One non-smoking executive double room, for two nights beginning Friday, May 29.

Can you please confirm that the room will have a balcony with a 1~.~ of the sea, as
promised? We would also like a room with a bathtub, rather than a shower, if at all possible.

We understand that the room rate of 120 per night includes breakfast. Can you also confirm that
the hotel provides free internet access, and that the room 1~? a safe?

We understand that no deposit is required, but we need to make payment in full on

arrival. ~.;3~.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your prompt 134

Kind regards,
Rei MacslA.l11ocO

131.(A) sight 133. (A) Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

(8) view (8) We are looking forward to our stay in your hotel.
(C) vision (C) If you have any questions, please get in touch.
(D) mirage (D) We accept all major credit cards.

132. (A) to have 134. (A) responsive

(8) is having (8) respond
(C) will have (C) responding
(D) has had (D) response


Questions 135-138 refer to the following advertisement.

Corporate Vision - The Eye Care Specialists

For All Your Business Eye Care Needs
Here at Corporate Vision, we make it our business to help your business. We are Canada's NO.1
supplier of glasses and NO.1 provider of eye tests. We have also been voted the country's most
135 opticians for the past ten years.

Contact our Account Management team today to discuss your eye care needs. Soon, you could
be 13..6. the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are caring for your company's
most important assets ... its employees. Research shows that eye care benefits are highly valued
by employees, and are an effective way to encourage staff loyalty ~.3..!. If your employees
use screens for periods of an hour or more continuously, then you must comply with Display Screen

What's more, corporate client employees can take advantage of our exclusive Executive Club. This
allows them, and their family members, to enjoy great savings on glasses from our Supreme range.
Employees are entitled to three Executive Club coupons per year, one for themselves and two for
family members. Distribute the coupons ~.3..~ your staff, and they can be redeemed at
any store.

Call Corporate Vision today and find out about our great deals.

135. (A) vigilant 137. (A) Laser eye surgery is also available.
(8) precious (8) Tell your staff now about this exciting opportunity.
(C) predictable (C) On-site eye testing can be arranged.
(D) trustworthy (D) Providing eye care is also a legal requirement.

136. (A) enjoying 138. (A) in

(8) enjoy (8) about
(C) to enjoy (C) among
(D) enjoyed (D) over



Questions 139-142 refer to the following article.

International Poll Shows Stress Affects Us All

Work.related stress is an everyday part of most people's lives. That's the result of one recent
survey of over 15,000 workers across ten countries. A staggering 70% of workers described their
. b s as "very st ressf u.I" .. . 139

According to the U.Poll International survey, which took over a year to complete, the most
stressful of all occupations include police officer, firefighter, and commercial pilot. Workers in
these professions are most affected by work-related stress, depression, and anxiety. The statistics
suggest that work-related stress affects men and women equally, .1.~() that older workers
suffer more than younger people.

The poll found that 84% of respondents 141 high levels of stress at some point in
their lives. Common causes of stress at work include large workloads, lack of support, weak
management, bullying or harassment, and a poor working environment.

It seems that 142 no one is immune to stress. In Japan, the perceived threat from this
"silent killer" is so strong that the Japanese even have a word for sudden death as a result of
overwork, "karoushi."

139. (A) The effects of stress in the workplace can 141. (A) experienced
be alarming. (8) were experienced
(8) However, the reasons remain largely (C) to experience
unknown. (0) experiencing
(C) Reducing stress must be a priority.
142. (A) strictly
(0) Most respondents felt stressed to some
(8) definitely
(C) unanimously
140. (A) so (0) virtually
(8) but
(C) even
(0) for


Questions 143-146 refer to the following memo.

To: All staff
From: Shirley Blaine
Re: Security issues
Date: September 14th

In recent weeks there have been a number of thefts from the premises. These include a client's

notebook computer taken from Study Center 1, one of our new digital cameras that went

..... ..143 from the reception area, and Carol Miller's purse, which apparently was stolen

yesterday from her desk while she was at lunch.

Obviously, this is an important matter and we have asked the police to investigate. In the meantime,

I'd like to ask everyone to take particular care of your personal belongings, especially any valuable

items (bags, wallets, cell phones, etc.). Always lock your offices when you leave, J..
it's only for a short time. We need to do everything we can to deter opportunistic thieves. Please

be vigilant and report anyone J.4!=i in a suspicious manner to Bob or Michael in Security


We also have an ultra-violet marker pen at reception, for you to mark items such as notebook

computers and cell phones. This is very easy and quick to do, so please take advantage of this
. option.
secunty . ..146 .


143. (A) missing 145. (A) acts

(B) absent (B) act
(C) misplaced (C) acting
(D) lost (D) acted

144. (A) yet 146. (A) Please be sure to return it after use.
(B) even if (B) Therefore, more pens will be purchased.
(C) ever (C) Thank you for joining the security team.
(D) still (D) I will let you know when it is available.



Part 7
Directions: Read the texts. You will notice that each text is followed by several questions. For each
question, decide which of the four answer choices: (A), (6), (C), or (D), best answers the question. Then
mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Assistant Mandy P: Hello. Can I help you? 3: 19 P.M.

Celine Depardieu: Yes. I received an order, but you sent too many books, I ordered
200 and you sent 2501 3.21p.M.

Assistant Mandy P: Sorry about that. Please accept our apologies. What's your order
number? 322 P.M.

Celine Depardieu: GH-35832fTW. We just got delivery this morning, 324 PM

Assistant Mandy P: Yes, I have your order here. 200 copies of English Student Plus.
You say you received 250? 325 P.M.

Celine Depardieu: Yes, and you invoiced for 250, We'd like to return them, or keep
them here until we need them, and then pay? 3:26 P.M.

Assistant Mandy P: You'll have to return them. I'm afraid, I'll send a pre-paid label to
your e-mail address. Please just print it out and mail them back.
3:32 P.M.

Celine Depardieu: That's a pain. Really? 3:34 P.M.

Assistant Mandy P: Sorry. It's our policy. But I can give you a 50 credit note to
compensate for the inconvenience. And I'll send out a new invoice
right away. 335 P.M

Celine Depardieu: OK, thanks. 3 35 P.M.

Assistant Mandy P: Thank you for your understanding. Is there anything else I can
help you with today? 3:36 PM

Celine Depardieu: No, that's it. Thanks a lot. Bye, 336 PM

147. At 3:34 P.M., what does Ms. Depardieu mean 148. What will Mandy P most likely do next?
when she writes, "That's a pain"? (A) Revise a bill
(A) She has no printer, (6) Process a refund
(6) She is feeling unwell. (C) Check her e-mail
(C) She dislikes the trouble. (D) Renew a policy
(D) The books are very heavy.


Questions 149-151 refer to the following e-mail.

o E-mail

To: I [email protected]
From: I [email protected]
CC: I Accounts Payable

Subject: I Request for copy of invoice

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

I work in the Accounts Payable department at Hertford Legal. I was forwarded your e-mail
asking about an outstanding invoice, ref #5098. I am very sorry that this has been unpaid. I
have checked and we do not seem to have a record of this invoice. Could you please send a
hard copy to me personally at our main office address, and I will clear it for payment as soon
as possible.

I do apologize for this oversight. The Accounts Payable department has recently been
reorganized, and this issue just came to my attention today. Dan Denapoli, who you were in
contact with previously, has transferred to our Investments division, and is no longer part of
this department. Since I have taken over Dan's role, I will be your new Relationship Manager.
I hope to give you the very highest levels of customer service, and look forward to managing
your account with us. Please feel free to contact me directly in the future if you have any further

Once again, please accept our sincere apologies for this delay.

Sue Morriss
Accounts Payable
Hertford Legal

149. What does this e-mail confirm? 151. The word "oversight" in paragraph 2, line 1, is
(A) A payment is overdue. closest in meaning to
(8) An account has been changed. (A) delay
(C) An invoice has been processed. (8) difficulty
(D) An employee will be disciplined. (C) obstacle
(D) mistake
150. Who is Dan Denapoli?
(A) A worker in the Accounts Payable
(8) A colleague of Mark Jenkins
(C) An employee of Hertford Legal
(D) An accountant at the main office
Ict ••• l~I••••


Questions 152-153 refer to the following text message chain.

152. At 8:38 ~.M.,what does Ms. Watkins mean 153. Who most likely is Jason Pollard?
when she writes, "Tell me about it"? (A) A coworker
(A) She wants to hear more information. (8) A friend
(8) She understands the situation (C) A manager
completely. (D) An actor
(C) She was unaware of the problem.
(D) She expected Ms. Trent to be late.


Questions 154-155 refer to the following information.

Chorley County Community College

Steering Group - Agenda
Monday, October 14
Main Hall, 7:30 P.M.

• 7:30 P.M. Welcome, Calling Meeting to Order
• 7:33 P.M. Roll Call
• 7:3S P.M. Public Comments
At this time, any member of the public can take the opportunity to address the Steering Group (SG) on any
item within the subject matter jurisdiction of SG. Comments are restricted to three minutes per item. Please
note that SG cannot take action on any items not on the agenda.
• B:OOP.M. Approval of Minutes/Matters arising from previous meeting (September 16)
• B:20 P.M. Chairperson's Report on plans for the annual College Open House
• B:30 P.M. Reports from Treasurer, Administrator, and other Officers
• BAS P.M. Action items
I - Fundraising projects
2 - Promoting greater student engagement
3 - Valuing Diversity
4 - Tuition and Fees
S - Employee and Student Well-Being
6 - Africa Project Update
7 - Academic Achievement - Grading and Credits
• 9:30 P.M. Any Other Business for discussion and adoption of resolutions
• 9:4S P.M. Discussion of details for next meeting
• 9:S0 P.M. Adjournment of Meeting

Chairperson of the Meeting: Mr. R. Lee

Date of Next Meeting: November 12
Individuals wishing to attend who require special accommodations should contact Winnifred Martlow at
(SSS) 729-2370 at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.

154. How often does the Steering Group most 155. What was NOT discussed at this meeting?
likely meet? (A) Plans to raise money for the college
(A) Once a week (8) Efforts to encourage more students to
(8) Once a month get involved
(C) Twice a month (C) Decisions made at the last meeting
(D) Twice a year (D) Ways to promote the college's online

iijl •• '@i •••• :I¥I@I=tt'V4CJ=


Questions 156-158 refer to the following memo.

To: Hopkins Institute Employees <[email protected]>
From: Cheryl Baker <[email protected]>
Date: March 19
Re: Developing the Marketing team

I am pleased to announce two further appointments to our Marketing team.

Leanne Riggins will be working from our Houston, Texas office. Leanne will be on the Client Service team
as an account manager, and brings a wealth of marketing experience. She has specialized in the design of
strategic marketing plans as well as website and e-mail marketing technology. Her past positions include
Development Director at Parrington Chemicals International and Marketing Project Manager at Usafo, Inc.
Leanna will start full-time on March 25.

Also joining the marketing team will be Kevin Rose, who will begin on the first of next month as a
marketing assistant. Kevin recently majored in Business Economics at the Mayfair International School
at Washington University. Kevin previously worked for Allied Pensions, Hersh's, Inc. and West Virginia
Promotions. Kevin's main objective will be to help deliver marketing projects for the team, and he will
be working closely with many of you in the future. Kevin will initially be working three days a week until
October 1.

I am sure you will all join me in making Leanne and Kevin feel at home. Please do what you can to help
them settle in as quickly as possible.

Brad - please arrange login details and remote desktop access. Their user registration details should be
ready when they each start work.
Naomi - please contact Security for clearance.
Claire - please arrange for temporary badges.
Molly - please set them both up on the AccountPro system, and arrange training as appropriate.


Cheryl Baker
Marketing Manager
The Hopkins Institute

156. What is the purpose of the memo? 158. What can be inferred about The Hopkins
(A) To introduce new staff members Institute?
(B) To notify employees of new work policies (A) It is a Market Research company.
(C) To announce new marketing projects (B) It is expanding its marketing operations.
(D) To review company procedures (C) It needs help to develop its marketing
157. How much time does Brad have to prepare
(D) It relies heavily on marketing technology.
for Kevin's arrival?
(A) Three days
(B) Until the end of the week
(C) Less than two weeks
(D) One month


Questions 159-160 refer to the following form.

Perfect Parking Ltd.
East Road,Vancouver, British Columbia,V I D 3Y5, Canada
E.mail: [email protected]

Booking reference: U086 Parking Details: PERFECT PARKING PARK & RIDE
Client Details: Me S. Bernstein Meeting at: 2:00 P.M., Jan 15
Vehicle Details: SILVERHONDA For flight: BAOl5
License plate number: 674 NDA Return: I :35 P.M., Jan 28
Passengers: 2 On Flight: BAOl4

Payment Details
Total Cost: $280
Payment: $280
Card No: 00**2194

Cancellations made with at least 24 hours' notice are refunded in full. Within 24 hours we apply a $40.00
cancellation charge. No-shows are not refundable.
Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your airport check-in time.
Parking Lot telephone number: (604) 234-7853

Customers using Perfect Parking will be subject to the terms and conditions, which contain certain exemption
clauses and limit each company's liability.Perfect Parking will only accept liability for proven acts of negligence.
Full terms and conditions are displayed on the site and are available in printed form upon request Claims cannot
be made after your vehicle has left the site, so please check your vehicle carefully before proceeding with your

159, How long has Mr. Bernstein reserved to park 160, How much money will Mr. Bernstein receive
his car at the Perfect Parking lot? if he cancels his booking on the day of
(A) 7 days departure?
(B) 10 days (A) $0
(C) 14 days (B) $140
(D) 17 days (C) $240
(D) $280



Questions 161-164 refer to the following e-mail.

o E-mail

To: andrei. [email protected]

From: booki [email protected]
Date: April 29
Subject: Details of your booking

Dear Mr. Ivanski:

It was good to talk to you on the phone today. Thank you for your inquil)' about holding your
Holistic Therapy event here at the Bellevue Hotel. Just to confirm, we have provisionally booked the
Main Conference Room for May 23 - May 27, from 1:30 - 4:30 P.M. The total cost will be £800 to rent
the room for that period. This includes a 15 percent discount for off-peak reservations, since these
are all weekdays. ---[1]---
In order to confirm your reservation, you are required to provide a copy of your public liability
insurance. For invoicing purposes, I am assuming this e-mail address is correct. ---[2)---
If this is not the case, please let me know. I will mail the brochures to you shortly.
I have attached a catering price list and a facilities order form. I would appreciate it if you could
please complete these and e-mail them back at least one week before your event. However, please
be aware that the catering service's prices are currently being revised and are likely to increase after
May 9. --- [3]--- If you place your order before this date, we can commit to the current prices, so it
will be cheaper for you to prioritize your catering requirements.
I have also attached our terms and conditions for room rentals. Please read this document carefully
and sign the last page to confirm you have understood and agree to meet our terms and conditions.
Please return the signed original to me, and keep a copy for your own records. ---(4J---
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Liam O'Toole
Conference Reservations
Bellevue Hotel

161.ln which position marked [1]. [2]. [3]. and [4] 163. The word "records" in paragraph 4, line 3, is
does the following sentence best belong? closest in meaning to
"This is also inclusive of all taxes:' (A) purposes
(A) [1] (8) files
(8) [2] (C) calculations
(C) [3] (D) signs
(D) [4]
164. How many documents does Mr. Ivanski need
162. What is implied about the rental Mr. Ivanski to supply?
has made? (A) Two
(A) It would cost more to hold the event on (8) Three
the weekend. (C) Four
(8) The Main Conference Room is the only (D) Five
suitable room.
(C) All supplemental)' charges are already
included in the quote.
(D) The hotel will provide comprehensive
insurance coverage.


Questions 165-167 refer to the following article.

Hi-Tech Companies lead Recovery


The impact of the global recession has never been more evident than in recent months. ---[lJ---
A large number of companies have reported losses, in what has proven to be a disastrous financial year for
many. Traditional industries have been the hardest hit. Over the last year, demand in some manufacturing
sectors such as aerospace, textiles, and shipbuilding has declined by up to 40 percent.

---[2]--- Recent press releases show that companies making equipment used to manufacture microchips
enjoyed healthy sales growth. In fact, sales have more than doubled in the past four quarters for
leading hi-tech manufacturer TWl'\ Technologies. Chief Financial Officer Adam Wong attributes much
of this turnaround to the demand for the latest smartphone and tablet computer gadgets. "The future
looks bright. For us, demand for microchips has never been higher," he said. A host of new handheld
tablet PCs and ever-increasing numbers of smartphones coming onto the market all contribute to the
demand. nVN Technologies is just one of many fast-growing technology providers, spurred on by the
popularity of gadgets for home and business use. Wireless carriers seeking to expand network capacity
for online gaming and to meet the rising demand for mobile video also helped to drive sales upwards.
---[3]--- The rush in demand for in-car navigation systems and telecommunications equipment is also
seen as a contributing factor.

Market analysts are going so far as to claim that demand for consumer electronics might actually be leading
the way out of the recession. ---[4]--- "Companies that produce microchips typically see sales pick up
at the very beginning of a recovery. This is definitely the first wave of growth we're seeing here,"said vice
president Dr. Jane Murthy, at Mann Research. She points out that some chipmakers also benefited from
a rise in memory prices. "The price per megabyte of DRAM memory, which is used for temporary data
storage by computing devices, rose 17 percent this year."

165. What is suggested about hi-tech companies? 167. Which of these is NOT mentioned as a cause
(A) Most remain badly affected by the for increased demand for microchips?
recession. (A) The popularity of internet gaming
(B) Some are expected to recover in the near (B) Demand for in-car navigation systems
future. (C) Increasing numbers of smartphones
(C) They have all reported poor results for the (D) Growth in sales of desktop computers
last year.
(D) Certain sectors are enjoying strong

166.ln which position marked [1], [2], [3], and [4]

does the following sentence best belong?
"However. this grim picture is showing signs of
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4] ICi.I.j~'I"1:I:I~I#:t'#I-'CJ:


Questions 168-171 refer to the following information.


Tenth Annual Conference
June 2-S,IEC International Exhibition Center, Berlin


Infodesk Physical security

Need information about talks. room locatons We hope this event will be safe and comfortable for
or other matters) Our volunteers will be happy everyone. Security guards will be patrolling the show
to assist you at one of the ten Infodesks located during the weekend. Notify Security if you think
throughout the site,The main Infodesk is located in there is a problem. You can also contact any staff
Hall 2. member (identifiable by their bright red T-shirts with
"Staff" on the back).
Coat check
Don't want to carry your coat or bags?Then Lost & found
store them in our free coat check room near the Found or lost something? Head over to the main
entrance to Hall I.This will be permanently staffed. Infodesk.
so you can drop off or pick up at any time.
First aid
Catering Feeling sick. or had an accident? A fully trained First
Breakfast wiil be available on Saturday and Sunday Aid team is on hand during the entire weekend.
from 7:30 A.M. at The Breakfast Bar in the D Building. Follow the signs in Hall 4.
Prices are very reasonable. For other mecls.
including sandwiches. hamburgers. pizza. and pasta. Some requests
the Cafeteria in Central Plaza has it all. Do not leave your valuables unattended at any
There are also catel'ing vans parked outside the time.
D. F.and G Buildings serving hot tasty snacks from In the interests of fire safety,do not try to enter a
10:30 A.M. !'Oom if the sign says Full.
Please dispose of all empty bottles, packages, etc.
in the appropriate recycling bins.

168. Who would be most interested in this 170, Which of the following topics is NOT covered?
information? (A) Personal safety
(A) Attendees at the interContinental Trade (B) Vehicle security
Show (C) Fire regulations
(B) Organizers of the annual conference (0) Recycling waste
(C) Managers at the International Exhibition
171. The word "valuables" in paragraph 7, line 1,
is closest in meaning to
(0) Staff responsible for security at the event
(A) treasure
169. Where should you go to reclaim any lost (B) proceeds
property? (C) important items
(A) Hall 1 (0) prizes
(B) Hall 2
(C) Hall3
(0) Hall 4


Questions 172-175 refer to the following invoice.

A 1 Alarm Maintenance
387 Maple Street
Des Moines, IA 33500
Mr. James
67 Alpha Terrace
Ames, IA 33142
Date: June 4
Invoice Number: 3498FD

Visited the site on May 29 to attend to the smoke detectors after reports of false alarms. Two devices
present on the property. Stripped and cleaned both detectors, then tested both in sequence. Detector
in the lounge failed (gave a false alarm, unknown cause). Fitted new optical unit in lounge and verified
unit in landing working correctly. All left clear. Tim Edwards.

Installation as quotation
Labor $95.00
Materials (1 x optical unit FX114) $80.00
Emergency call out charge
Monitoring fee
Sub total $175.00
Sales tax @ 9% $10.50
Total $185.50

If you wish to contact us regarding this invoice, please either e-mail us at sales@A1-alarm-
maintenance.co.us, or phone 555-832-1000.

We do not issue reminders. Please pay upon receipt of this invoice. Terms strictly 14 days.
A 1 Alarm Maintenance reserves rights to all goods supplied until payment received in full.
Note: Tests on existing equipment are to determine correct operation only and do not imply that the
system complies with current US or international standards.

172. Why did Mr. James contact A 1 Alarm Maintenance? 174. By which date should payment in full be
(A) The smoke detectors were not made?
working properly. (A) May 29
(B) He wanted a new smoke alarm system installed. (B) June 4
(C) One of the smoke alarms did not meet (C) June 18
international standards. (D) June 30
(D) The smoke alarm system needed routine
175. Which service was NOT carried out at the
173. Who most likely is Tim Edwards? (A) Both smoke detectors were cleaned.
(A) The owner of A 1 Alarm Maintenance (B) Both smoke detectors were tested.
(B) A resident at 67 Alpha Terrace (C) One smoke detector was replaced.
(C) An alarm maintenance engineer (D) One smoke detector was repaired.
(D) An invoice clerk for A 1 Alarm Maintenance
Ict.I'J~'I•• j:I#I~I:i:,.#(;!ij.


Questions 176-180 refer to the following advertisement and form.

- Luxury at a Price you can Afford
Every Paramount Hotel offers luxurious accommodations right in the heart of unique locations
throughout the United States - the Imperial Hotel in Los Angeles, the Boathouse Hotel in Maine,
the Old Stables Hotel in Chicago, and the Park Hotel in New York.Excellent service, beautifully
furnished hotel rooms and fine dining in each of our hotel restaurants are the key features of all
Paramount hotels.

Great rooms at great prices from $120 throughout August!

Save 10% by booking online.
Free fruit basket for all Paramount Frequent Travel Club members.

Special Offer: Stay two nights in July and get breakfast absolutely free.

E-mail: [email protected]


NAME .T~°Itl~~\\"hi~['1. Room Type

ADDRESS:. 1132.N,Bro<kdCrescellc, .. [,f] Single Room [ ] Double Room []Twin Room

AtLMC<k,.c;A 3Q3Q'::l 1
No. of People
TEL .'tQ'/:",357",,/:2-IC'::l
No. of Rooms 1
Hotel: Park1+oceL Check in .......7../2:3
Check out .J/2:~
Paramount Frequent Travel Club member
[ ] Yes [,f] No

- All moms are Non-Smoking.
- There is a supplement of $20 per day to use a double as a single,
- All rooms have showers, fiat-screen TVs. hairdryers, & tea/coffee making facilities. Sorry, no bathtubs.
_ Deposits are non-refundable, In the event of a cancellation within four weeks of the date of arrival, a
cancellation charge of 75% may be made if the room is not resold.


176. Which city does Mr. Whitly plan to visit? 179. In the advertisement, the word "unique" in
(A) New York paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to
(B) Chicago (A) typical
(C) Maine (B) single
(D) Los Angeles (C) rare
(D) distinctive
177. How is Mr. Whitly making this hotel
reservation? 180. Which of the following characteristics of
(A) By phone Paramount Hotels does the advertisement
(B) Bye-mail NOT mention?
(C) Directly via the website (A) They are well located.
(D) By mail (B) They serve excellent food.
(C) They are reasonably priced.
178. Which of the following will Mr. Whitly
(D) They have been recently refurbished.
qualify to receive?
(A) A 10 percent discount on his bill
(B) Breakfast each morning free of charge
(C) A special room rate of $120 per night
(D) A free fruit basket



Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and calendar.

Developing Global Markets

Changing demographics are opening the door to new markets and exciting opportunities. That's the
conclusion of the panel of experts interviewed last Saturday as part of the Wellington Business Forum
"Festival of Ideas." Dr. Philippe Gaston of Hendrix Associates, a leading investment bank, put forward
the view that there will soon be millions of new consumers for high-value products in the global market
place. He argued that emerging economies like China, India and Brazil will spark major changes to global
income distribution, significantly altering consumer demand and spending.
Professor Marvin Klysters, lead Economics analyst at Wellington Business Institute, agreed. According to
his figures, disposable incomes among consumers in these emerging economies will rise and expenditure
will increase dramatically in areas such as leisure, medical care, and luxury products and services.
New Zealand Shipping Association Chief Executive Jason Foulkes added to the positive tone of the
symposium, saying that he was excited by the new export, supply chain, and commercial opportunities
already in evidence.
Dr. 'Carole Sherringham, a colleague of Prof. Klysters, supported these assertions \vith statistical data
suggesting that Asia's economy could grow by as much as 40% in the next five years. She put this into
context by explaining it would make Asia comparable in size to the economies of the US and Europe. She
went on to say that with China's economy grOlving at around 9% a year, China could overtake the United
States as the global economic superpower by as early as 2030.
Around 300 people attended the panel discussion, which was very well received. The"Festival of
Ideas"lasts until Friday 27th, with all events held in the West Road Theater. Those wishing to attend the
remaining events are encouraged to call as soon as possible.

Wellington Business Forum

Festival of Ideas
Calendar of Events

A World of Opportunity Discover how these economies will shape the

Tuesday, October 24,7:30 P.M. new international political and economic order.
This talk will focus on key trends in the global Mr. Ian Sissons, global economist, New
economy. Astonishing facts and figures promise Zealand Times
huge potential for New Zealand manufacturing.
Exciting opportunities for growth will be Environmental Market Opportunities
identified and the projections made could Friday, October 27,6:30 P.M.
astound you. With the world's energy supplies starting to
Dr. Xavier Hernandes, Wellington Business run out, find out about the huge opportunities
Institute available in the field of energy efficiency. This
presentation will use the example of New
Emerging Markets Zealand Autos as a case study to show how
Thursday, October 26, 7:30 P.M. "green technology," and particularly low-carbon
The emerging economies of Brazil, Russia. India, technology, can make the world a safer, cleaner,
China and South Africa - otherwise known as and more productive place.
the BRICS - form the basis for a stimulating Professor Lee Kwok, Green Matters, Inc.,
presentation on the future of the global economy. Auckland


181. Where will Professor Lee Kwok's 184. In the articie, the word "leading" in paragraph
presentation be held? 1. line 3. is closest in meaning to
(A) Auckland (A) innovative
(B) The Wellington Business Forum (B) renowned
(C) West Road Theater (C) exclusive
(D) New Zealand Shipping Association (D) classified

182. Which economy is expected to expand by 185. Which speaker does NOT refer to statistics to
nearly half in the next five years? support his or her argument?
(A) BRICS (A) Dr. Xavier Hernandes
(B) Asia (B) Mr. Ian Sissons
(C) China (C) Dr. Carole Sherringham
(D) The United States (D) Prof. Marvin Klysters

183. Where does Dr. Sherringham work?

(A) Wellington Business Institute
(B) New Zealand Autos
(C) Green Matters. Inc.
(D) New Zealand Times



Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement, and e-mails.

Bilingual Call Center At least two years of customer multiple office duties. including
Assistant service experience required. answering phone calls,and record-
Total Call Irsurance is looking preferably in a call center. Financial keeping. Must have knowledge of
for bilingual (Spanish/English) services experience useful. word processing and database
customer care professionals who Knowledge of Spanish preferred. software. and be nuent in
have a minimum of two years of but not essential. [APPLY] German. [APPLY]
call center experience delivering
excellent customer satisfaction Administrative Assistant Accounting Assistant
in a fast-paced environment. Campbelltown Medical Center is Leading international accounting
Call Center Assistants respond seeking a part-time Administrative firm JVWatson has an immediate
to customer queries, and help Assistant to perform general opening for a bilingual (German/
troubleshoot and resolve their office duties, including dealing with English)Accounting Assistant, who
problems. [APPLY] correspondence and maintaining a will work closely with a team of
database. Must possess excellent senior accountants to perform
Customer Service communication skillsand be able various administrative duties.
Representative to type 60 wpm. Knowledge of includirg: prepare customer and
Mellistone Edwards is a leading French useful. [APPLY] client invoices; book and arrange
Financial Services company. We travel as needed; general office
are looking for an exceptional Clerical Assistant duties such as filing.and answering
professional to answer inbound Deutsche Werkzeuge GmbH phones. Previous accounting
customer service phone inquiries is currently seeking a candidate experience essential. Degree in
in an accurate. timely, and with an extensive administrative Accountancy, Finance, Business
courteous manner. High school and/or clerical background. The Management, or related field
diploma or equivalent required, successful candidate will handle required. [APPLY]

From: Claire Robertson < [email protected]>

To: [email protected]
Subject: job advertisement - Bilingual Call Center Assistant

Dear Sir,
I am writing to apply for the Bilingual Call Center Assistant position advertised in the online classified
section of The Downtown Gazette. I have completed high school, and possess four years of call center
experience. My resume is attached.

I currently work as a Call Center Representative for Efrusco Financial Services, where I receive daily
calls from customers and assist them with their inquiries. I enjoy working in this fast-paced environment
very much. I have been here a year. This is a part-time position, and I am looking to move because I
am seeking a full-time position. I am also eager to work for an insurance company, since my ambition
is to become an insurance broker. I am currently attending a night class that leads to the Certificate in
General Insurance.

I am organized and pay great attention to detail. I have a positive attitude and a friendly phone voice
that helps to put customers at ease. Previous supervisors have praised my professional attitude and
interpersonal skills. I feel confident that I will be a great asset to Total Call Insurance.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email at your earliest convenience to arrange an in-
person meeting. I look forward to speaking with you.

Claire Robertson


From: Jefferson [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Claire Robertson

Dear Ms. West,

Thank you for your e-mail regarding your candidate for the Bilingual Call Center Assistant position,
Claire Robertson, Claire worked in the Call Center at InvoPro for two years, before she moved to
Etrusco Financial Services. Claire is a very competent young woman, and we were all sorry when she
left InvoPro. She had a professional attitude when dealing with customers and coworkers, and she was
a popular member of staff. I can recommend her to you wholeheartedly,

If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact me,

Jefferson Waters
Team Leader
International Call Center, InvoPro Inc.

186. Which position does NOT require previous 189. How long ago did Mr. Waters first meet Ms.
experience? Robertson?
(A) Administrative Assistant (A) One year
(8) Customer Service Representative (8) Two years
(C) Clerical Assistant (C) Three years
(D) Accounting Assistant (D) Four years

187. What is indicated about Claire Robertson? 190.ln the e-mail from Mr. Waters, the word
(A) She excelled at high school. "wholeheartedly" in paragraph 1, line 5, is
(8) She is working full time. closest in meaning to
(C) She would like a promotion. (A) personally
(D) She studies in the evenings. (8) frankly
(C) totally
188. As well as Total Call Insurance, which
(D) warmly
organization is Claire Robertson also qualified
to apply to?
(A) Campbelltown Medical Center
(B) Mellistone Edwards
(C) Deutsche Werkzeuge GmbH
(D) JV Watson



Questions 191-195 refer to the following Web page, online shopping basket, and e-mail.


CleanCut Professional Knives

All of our knives have high carbon stainless steel blades (so they won't rust!),
well-designed handles fit the hand comfortably, and finger guards for safety.
Beware: these knives are extremely sharp!
Wash and dry immediately after using. Note that the handles are not dishwasher-safe.
Lifetime warranty.

7.inch chef's knife $59

ideal for cutting and slicing fruit and vegetables, BUY
and for all the smaller kitchen jobs

a.inch butcher's cleaver $175

a serious knife for butchers and commercial BUY
kitchens. Designed to disjoint turkey, chicken,
and other poultry with ease. Heavy and
powerful enough to crack spare ribs.

9.inch bread knife $79

Glides effortlessly through freshly baked bread, BUY
giving slices as thin as you like

11.inch carving knife $95

cuts cleanly through all meats; long enough to cut BUY
through turkey, and large roasts

www.cleancutknives.com/shop pingcart
Order Summary: Number 5755


From: Douglas Long <[email protected]>
To: Customer Services <[email protected]>
Date: June 15
Subject: Order #5755


The knife I ordered arrived this morning. Thank you for that. However, I checked with my credit card
provider after reading the delivery note and see that you debited my account by over $85. It looks like
you charged me for a $79 knife, but this is not what I bought. Please rectify this mistake immediately.

Douglas Long
Senior chef, Grand Metropolitan Hotel

191. What is NOT indicated about the knives? 194. What does Mr. Long imply in the e-mail?
(A) They are guaranteed indefinitely. (A) He received the wrong-sized product.
(B) They should be washed by hand. (B) He was charged the price of a bread
(C) They are resistant to rust. knife.
(D) They are self-sharpening. (C) The package arrived later than agreed.
(D) The parcel did not contain a delivery note.
192. Which size knife did the customer buy?
(A) 7 inches 195.ln the e-mail, the word "rectify" in line 3 is
(B) 8inches closest in meaning to
(C) 9 inches (A) refund
(D) 11 inches (B) correct
(C) investigate
193. What will the hotel kitchen most likely use the
(D) acknowledge
knife for?
(A) To chop herbs
(B) To slice cake
(C) To carve roast beef
(D) To remove chicken bones


Questions 196-200 refer to the following notice, comment form, and e-mail.

Great weekend! I might not be saying that tomorrow, though, when my muscles are aching!
I don't think I lost any weight - the meals were delicious, and I probably ate too much -
but I learned a lot and improved my technique. I'll definitely be coming again before my
wedding in August. Thanks particularly to Matt, who was very patient with me, the slowest
member of the group!
Lisa Liu


From: Logan Dexter
To: Fitness Instructors
Subject: Upcoming Weekend Boot Camp

Hi all,
The upcoming fitness boot camp weekend has had more bookings than ever before. Twenty-five
people have signed up, so we'll offer three different activities for each of the morning sessions. These
are my ideas for Saturday's program. We'll see how it goes, and then decide on Sunday's program.

Brad, will you lead the boxercise sessions and the obstacle course? Teri, will you lead the groups for
aerobics and basketball? And Kris, will you lead the circuit training sessions?

In the afternoon I'd like Teri to lead the hiking group, and Matt, who can't make it here before lunchtime,
will organize a ten-mile bike ride for those who want it. I'll take anyone interested on a long run.

Unfortunately, Charmaine's not available this weekend, so we can't run her usual sessions, as no-one
else is qualified.


196. What is indicated about the boot camp? 199. Which advertised activity did NOT take place
(A) Weight loss is guaranteed. on Saturday at this boot camp?
(B) The program is the same each boot (A) Aerobics
camp. (B) Obstacle course
(C) The instructors are military personnel. (C) Bodyweight training
(D) Some activities must be paid for. (D) Team games

197. Who is NOT scheduled to lead a session on 200. What is true about Lisa Liu?
Saturday afternoon? (A) She lost weight at the boot camp.
(A) Kris (B) She went cycling on the Saturday.
(B) Logan (C) She attended the event twice before.
(C) Matt (D) She hurt herself while exercising.
(D) Teri

198. What can be inferred about Charmaine?

(A) She leads the power yoga sessions.
(B) She usually works on Sundays only.
(C) She is currently away on vacation.
(D) She is a recently-qualified instructor.

This is the end of the test. If you finish with lime to spare, you may go back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 to
check your answers.


Practice Test 2
This test aims to accurately reflect the TOEIC@test in every way possible. It consists of seven parts, and
is designed to be the same level of difficulty as the TOEIC test. The test takes approximately two hours
to complete.

Allow two hours to complete the test.

Make sure you read the directions for each part carefully.

Mark all your answers on the separate Answer Sheet provided on page 327.

When you finish, you can check your answers in the separate Answer Key. See the Score Conversion
Chart on page 328 for a prediction of your score on the TOEIC test.


Listening Test
The Listening Test is an opportunity for you to show how well you understand spoken English. There are
four parts. and each part has different directions. You have 45 minutes to complete this Listening test.

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet provided on page 327.

Part 1
141 Directions: For each question, you will hear four statements about a photograph. Listen and select
the one statement: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best describes the picture. Then mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet. You will hear the statements only once.


The best description of the picture is statement (B), "He's drawing on the board." You should mark
answer choice (B) on your Answer Sheet.

ICl.I.l ~'I.'I:
I#I ~I ::t:•• :l4CJ:












Part 2
•• ~ Directions: Listen to these questions and statements. After each question or statement, you will hear
three responses. Select the most appropriate response: (A), (8), or (C). Then mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet. You will hear each question or statement, and the responses, only once.

You hear: What time is the board meeting?
You then hear: (A) The meeting room is on the left.
(8) Yes, everyone was bored.
(C) I think it's at twelve.

The best response to the question "What time is the board meeting?" is answer choice (C), "I think it's at
twelve." You should mark answer choice (C) on your Answer Sheet.

7. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 20. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
8. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
9. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 22. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
10. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 23. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
11. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 24. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
12. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 25. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
13. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 26. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
14. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 27. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
15. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 28. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
16. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 29. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
17. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 30. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
18. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 31. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
19. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

ICJI•• [email protected]:I#I@I:f)':tr1ij:


Part 3
•• :> Directions: You will hear thirteen conversations. For each conversation, read the three questions and
the four answer choices that foliow each question. Select the most appropriate answer: (A), (8), (C), or
(0). Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear each conversation only once.

32. What is the subject of the conversation? 38. Who most likely is the woman?
(A) A missing jacket (A) A secretary
(8) A recent meeting (8) A receptionist
(C) An important client (C) A waitress
(0) An investment decision (0) A ticket agent

33. Where does this conversation take place? 39. What does the man want to do?
(A) In Conference Room 4 (A) Change an appointment
(8) In the elevator (8) Cancel a booking
(C) At reception (C) Reserve a room
(0) At the box office (0) Pay an invoice

34. What will the woman do next? 40. What does the man imply?
(A) Contact Mr. Sykes (A) The price is too high.
(8) Clean the office (8) The quality is poor.
(C) Visit Capital Investments (C) The time is inconvenient.
(0) Speak to a member of staff (0) The service is below standard.

35. What problem does the woman have? 41. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) Her computer is faulty. (A) Plans for a conference
(8) Her presentation has been delayed. (8) A job vacancy
(C) The projector does not work. (C) Life in big cities
(0) The lights have broken. (0) The man's work

36. What happened last week? 42. Where does the conversation take place?
(A) There was a power outage. (A) Hong Kong
(8) Someone lost the cable. (8) London
(C) The equipment was checked. (C) New York
(0) The man had a similar problem. (0) Paris

37. What does the man suggest as a solution? 43. How long does the man plan to stay in New
(A) Checking the cable connections York?
(8) Asking an engineer for help (A) A few days
(C) Contacting the manufacturer (8) A week
(0) Replacing the batteries (C) A month
(0) Two months


44. What are the speakers doing? 52. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Signing an agreement (A) Check her e-mail
(B) Revising some figures (B) Contact a customer
(C) Reviewing a presentation (C) Find a hotel
(D) Discussing a meeting (D) Place an order

45. How many times have the speakers visited

53. Where does the man probably work?
Dr. Kobayashi's company this year?
(A) In a hotel
(A) Once
(B) At an airport
(B) Twice
(C) In a movie theater
(C) Three times
(D) In a supermarket
(D) Four times
54. What is suggested about the women?
46. What can be inferred from the conversation?
(A) They work in the same company.
(A) The speakers feel disappointed.
(B) They are sisters on vacation.
(B) An order wiil be made shortly.
(C) They are at a sales conference.
(C) No agreement is possibie.
(D) They are worried about the time.
(D) Dr. Kobayashi has been iii.
55. Why does the man say, "No problem"?
47. Where does the man probably work? (A) To agree to a request
(A) In a design studio (B) To give his permission
(B) In a print works (C) To suggest a solution
(C) In a post office (D) To decline an offer
(D) In a delivery office
56. What problem are the speakers discussing?
48. What problem does the woman mention?
(A) Trouble connecting to the Internet
(A) She has not received an order.
(B) The company's recent losses
(B) She wants to leave the company.
(C) Disappointing sales forecasts
(C) A shipment has been lost.
(D) An old computer system
(D) She is unhappy with her pay.
57. How does the man probably feel?
49. What does the man decide to do?
(A) Tired
(A) Hand in his notice
(B) Frustrated
(B) Visit the woman that afternoon
(C) Confused
(C) Fix the problem himself
(D) Unweil
(D) Rearrange his work schedule
58. When wiil the problem be resolved?
50. What wiil the woman do in Paris? (A) Very shortly
(A) Meet with clients (B) Within a few hours
(B) Attend a sales conference (C) Before the end of the day
(C) Go on a training course (D) Nobody knows
(D) See the accountant
59. Who most likely is the man?
51. How does the woman plan to travel to the
(A) A sales clerk
(B) A factory supervisor
(A) By bus
(C) A personal assistant
(B) By train
(D) A marketing manager
(C) By taxi
(D) By subway
(•••:1:W ~ I #fi' i1e1C1:


60. What does the woman imply about Mr. 66. Look at the graphic. Which birthstone does
Dawson? the man suggest?
(A) She does not like him. (A) Diamond
(B) She does not want to speak to him. (B) Emerald
(C) She has met him before. (C) Pearl
(D) She used to work with him. (D) Ruby

61. What will the woman probably do next? 67. What does the woman say about her mother?
(A) Speak to Mr. Dawson (A) She has brown eyes.
(B) Leave the office (B) She wears bright clothes.
(C) Go straight home (C) She is interested in fashion.
(D) Find a catalogue (D) She prefers small earrings.

Regular coffee $2.50
3 1
Espresso $2.00
Cappuccino $3.00
Decaffeinated coffee $3.50

62. Where does this conversation take place? 4 2

(A) In a cafeteria
(B) In a hotel
(C) At a bus stop 68. Who is the man?
(D) At a railway station (A) A security guard
(B) A friend of Ms. Kolsky
63. Look at the graphic. What drink did the man (C) A computer repairman
buy? (D) A delivery truck driver
(A) Regular coffee
(B) Espresso 69. What does the woman imply?
(C) Cappuccino (A) She was not expecting the man.
(D) Decaffeinated coffee (B) They have been waiting for some time.
(C) He is the final visitor of the day.
64. What does the woman advise him to do? (D) The man got lost on his way there.
(A) Check online
(B) Make a complaint 70. Look at the graphic. Which is Ms. Kolsky's
(C) Ask customer services office?
(D) Speak with an attendant (A) Room 1
(B) Room 2
Month Birthstone (C) Room 3
(D) Room 4
• Diamond

June Pearl
Jul y Rub y

65. What does the man say about the earrings?

(A) They are made of pure gold.
(B) They come in different sizes.
(C) They are the store's best-sellers.
(D) They are very expensive.


Part 4
144 Directions: You will hear ten short talks given by a single speaker. For each short talk, read the
three questions and the four answer choices that follow each question. Select the most appropriate
answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D). Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear each short talk
only once.

71. What is the purpose of the talk? 77. What will Diane Trent give a presentation on?
(A) To promote an author (A) Projects taking place in other countries
(B) To introduce a speaker (B) An overview of Transform Cosmetics
(C) To launch a travel agency (C) Opportunities for new graduates
(D) To encourage global travel (D) The company's business strategy

72. Which aspect of tourism does Dr. Hartley 78. What must the group do after lunch?
currently specialize in? (A) Go to the Washington Room
(A) Social (B) Meet at the Riverside Mall
(B) Political (C) Assemble at the main entrance
(C) Environmental (D) Give updates on their projects
(D) Economic
79. What will the speaker do next?
73. What does the speaker mean when he says, (A) Answer any questions
"Without further ado"? (B) Ask someone else to speak
(A) He will not delay any longer. (C) Give a presentation
(B) Something ex1rais missing. (D) Open a new retail outlet
(C) He could say a lot more.
(D) There has been a mistake. 80. What is the purpose of Sally's call?
(A) To make a complaint
74. What is this report mainly about? (B) To ask for information
(A) An industrial dispute (C) To request a meeting
(B) Job losses at a factory (D) To confirm plans for the weekend
(C) Illness among employees
81. What day will the workshop be held?
(D) An accident at an automobile plant
(A) Monday
75. How many workers are involved? (B) Wednesday
(A) 50 (C) Thursday
(B) 100 (D) Friday
(C) 300
82. Why does the speaker say, "I was hoping you
(D) 1,000
would pick up"?
76. What does the speaker imply? (A) She expected the man to answer.
(A) The trouble is now over. (B) She is disappointed the man is
(B) Employees are in good health. unavailable.
(C) Chelfin Industries is a national company. (C) She is an optimistic person.
(D) The situation may get worse. (D) She feels pleased to get a response.

83. Where is the group of people? 89. Who is this advertisement aimed at?
(A) In a street (A) Companies based in a foreign country
(B) In a cathedral (B) Large multinational corporations
(C) In a bus (C) Small companies doing business
(D) In a train overseas
(D) Firms specializing in overseas travel
84. At what time should the group return to the
main entrance? 90. What does the advertisement guarantee?
(A) 2:00 P.M. (A) Discounted overseas calls for one year
(B) 5:00 P.M. (B) Cheaper calls for a limited time
(C) 5:30 P.M. (C) Free calls to some countries
(D) 6:30 P.M. (D) 20 free international calls every month

85. What does the speaker tell the audience to 91. What restriction does the speaker mention?
do? (A) Customers must commit to a 12-month
(A) Buy their tickets contract.
(B) Get some refreshments (B) The offer is limited to the first 100
(C) Purchase some gifts customers.
(D) Take their valuable items (C) Companies already with HTC Digital may
not apply.
86. What does the speaker imply when she says, (D) Businesses must apply within three
"You probably know that already"? months.
(A) The restaurant is famous.
(B) The diners are intelligent. 92. What is the main purpose of the talk?
(C) The subject is well-researched. (A) To prepare for an important meeting
(D) Lots of people agree. (B) To explain the latest sales figures
(C) To appoint a senior manager
87. What does the speaker say about the tuna
(D) To name new employees
(A) It is very fresh and tasty. 93. What does the speaker ask Trisha to present?
(B) It is not available to order. (A) An overview of the company
(C) It is on the la carte menu. (B) An analysis of the investment risks
(D) It is on the specials board. (C) The sales forecasts for the year ahead
(D) The financial results for last year
88. What special offer do the listeners qualify for?
(A) A complimentary appetizer 94. Who will record what happens in the
(B) A discount of $30 meeting?
(C) A free drink (A) Joe
(D) Some fresh fruit (B) Bill
(C) Sarah
(D) Mike


Destination Time Platform HELIX Media Publishing
Ryevale 9:34 3 Magazine title Cover price
Burbridge 9:39 1 Fashion and Lifestyle $6.50
Westfield 9:42 2 Your Fashion Guru $6.25
Staffham 9:52 4 Fitness and Fashion $6.25
Style Trends $5.50
95. What problem is being announced?
(A) One station has been closed. 98. What is the purpose of the talk?
(B) There is a mechanical issue. (A) To point out a statistical error
(C) A rail line is blocked. (B) To request further information
(0) There is a staff shortage. (C) To confirm a change of policy
(0) To disagree with a decision
96. Look at the graphic. Which platform should
passengers traveling to Burlington use? 99. What does the speaker anticipate may
(A) 1 happen?
(B) 2 (A) Extra staff will be needed.
(C) 3 (B) Revenue will increase.
(0) 4 (C) Sales of magazines may drop.
(0) More advertising will be needed.
97. Why are some passengers asked to go to the
West exit? 100. Look at the graphic. Which magazine is the
(A) To receive compensation speaker responsible for?
(B) To take alternative transportation (A) Fashion and Lifestyle
(C) To catch a different train (B) Your Fashion Guru
(0) To await further news (C) Fitness and Fashion
(0) Style Trends

This is the end of the Listening Comprehension section of the test. Go on to the Reading section.


Reading Test
This Reading Test contains a variety of texts and reading comprehension questions. They are designed
to test your ability to read and understand written English. There are three parts. You have 75 minutes to
complete this section of the test.

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet provided on page 327.

Part 5
Directions: Read each sentence. You will notice that there is a word or phrase missing. Study the four
answer choices and select the one answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best completes the sentence. Then
mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

101. Did you hear ....the foreman said 105. Travelers were upset when they heard the
about the need for improved safety measures announcement that their train had been
on the building site? ..........
by poor weather and would not be
(A) which arriving for another 30 minutes.
(B) that (A) canceled
(C) what (B) delayed
(D) why (C) crashed
(D) overrun
102. Do you know how long Darren for
HTL International before he came here? 106.1 am responsible for making sure that all the
(A) has worked fruit and vegetables we for use in
(B) is working our restaurant are of the highest quality.
(C) worked (A) select
(D) works (B) nominate
(C) elect
103. We regret we no longer accept checks. so
(D) decide
pay the enclosed invoice by credit
card or debit card. 107. Please complete this form carefully and be
(A) also sure to write at all times.
(B) each (A) tangibly
(C) both (B) readily
(D) either (C) legibly
(D) eligibly
104. After they disembarked from the ferry, all the
passengers had to go customs and 108. Mr. Gonzales is an important client, but two
immigration before being allowed onto the hundred miles .., a long way to drive
island. just for a brief meeting.
(A) through (A) is
(B) over (B) are
(C) by (C) have
(D) into (D) has


109.ln order to cut costs, officials at Fairhaven 113. We were all very tired after working so hard,
City Hall decided to outsource waste but when we saw the finished results we knew
management operations to a city. our efforts had not been
(A) neighborhood (A) wasted
(B) neighbor (B) hopeless
(C) neighboring (C) useless
(0) neighborly (0) misused

110.1 do not agree that the responsibility for this 114. .. the favorable exchange rate at
mistake is completely , because the moment, our overseas sales for the last
there were others involved in the decision, quarter have exceeded all expectations.
too. (A) Seeing as
(A) mine (B) Thanks to
(B) me (C) Given that
(C) myself (0) Provided that
(0) my
115. Mrs. Hwang. .. recently promoted
111. We decided to the services of a to Assistant Vice President of Human
website developer to help us create a more Resources, which is great news.
accessible online presence. (A) is
(A) engage (B) has
(B) appoint (C) was
(C) connect (0) did
(0) assign
116. Spare parts for all our coffee machines are
112. After a long period of low growth, it appears ............
available online or from any good
the recession has finally hit and the . kitchen retailer.
situation is starting to affect small businesses. (A) simply
(A) economy (B) easily
(B) economic (C) justly
(C) economical (0) openly
(0) economized

117. The graduation ceremony will start "."." . 121. Initial results look promising, but we need to
15 minutes, so we need to hurry or we might """"""""""".
all the research data very carefully
not get a seat. before drawing any conclusions.
(A) in (A) estimate
(B) at (B) evaluate
(C) on (C) calculate
(0) under (0) dedicate

118. We regret that since you did not follow the 122. After I explained my symptoms to the
recommended guidelines for servicing your pharmacist and asked for advice, she
intruder alarm, we cannot offer a"""""" """"""""""""""
me to go and see my doctor as
now that a fault has developed. soon as possible.
(A) refund (A) will tell
(B) discount (B) was telling
(C) concession (C) tells
(0) reward (0) told

119. Any expenses that you incur while officially 123. Since the network had received so many
" ".. business must be submitted to the complaints, it was clear that they did not
accounts payable department together with have """"..."""".,,option but to withdraw the TV
the original receipts. advertisement.
(A) in (A) no
(B) at (B) any
(C) to (C) some
(0) on (0) each

120. Oominga Torres was given an award by the 124. Scientists want """"""""""""""
the results of their
Federation of Women Workers in recognition study on alternative biofuels early in the new
of her extraordinary """""" "".to the cause of year.
equal pay for women. (A) publishing
(A) devotion (B) publish
(B) commotion (C) to publish
(C) promotion (0) published
(0) emotion


125./ndustry analysts stated that, due to the 128. This new desk is very heavy. so I need
incredibly hot summer last year, sales of air .................
assistance moving it to the corner
conditioning units had been greater. office.
(A) ever (A) some
(B) always (B) any
(C) never (C) an
(0) not (O) much

126. There can be no way to celebrate 129. Reports that interest rates will go up two
our 1DDDthorder than by having a party for all percent next week are at unconfirmed.
the staff and their families. (A) present
(A) good (B) current
(B) better (e) moment
(C) most (O) recent
(O) best
130. One of the main advantages to being .
127. Personally I liked the presentation, but near an airport is that transportation costs for
the people I spoke to said they our goods are, of course, much lower than they
found it rather dull. would otherwise be.
(A) most (A) location
(B) most of (B) locating
(C) every one (C) located
(O) almost (0) locate



Part 6
Directions: Read each text. You will notice that there are four blanks. These are places where a word,
phrase, or sentence is missing. For each blank, study the four answer choices and select the one
answer: (A), (B), (C), or (D), that best completes the text. Then mark your answer on the
Answer Sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following letter.

Mr. Sean Connor

142 West 17th Street
New York City, NY 10110

June 17

Dear Mr. Connor:

Thank you for your letter of May 23. I apologize for the difficulty you have ..131.. .
contacting our Customer Service department. We recently had a new telephone system installed
and this has caused some disruption.

In regard to the Go VX12 computer monitor you purchased, please return it to .1..3.2 , so
we can determine the problem and repair it. If a repair is not possible, we .. 133 a
replacement. Simply stick the enclosed pre-paid shipping label to the front of the box and mail
it to us as soon as possible.

Once again, I apologize for the time it has taken to deal with this matter. 134

Yours sincerely,

Eli:z..abech Al1dersol1
Customer Service Representative

131. (A) expanded 133. (A) send

(B) expected (B) will send
(C) experienced (C) are sending
(D) expressed (D) have sent

132. (A) theirs 134. (A) A customer service agent will contact you
(B) us shortly.
(C) them (B) Thank you for choosing Go Direct.
(D) its (C) We look forward to your order.
(D) Please refer to our shipping guidelines.


Questions 135-138 refer to the following advertisement.


Summer Sale
Don't Miss Our Great Discounts

Hobson Office Furniture is proud to announce our annual summer sale. Come and 135
the largest office furniture store in Manchester, with a wide range of fantastic oak furniture to
choose from. We have thirty years of experience J3!L quality furniture to businesses
across the U.K.

All of our furniture J.:n from solid oak, and comes fully assembled. Change the look and
feel of your office with our superb range of furniture, which combines strength and beauty you can
only find in natural oak.

Visit our store today and enjoy up to three years' interest-free credit on your first order!

,/ Spend over £1000 and receive a free executive chair worth £200!
,/ All prices include tax - no hidden extras!
,/ Free premium delivery service - every item delivered to the roorn of your choice!
,/ 7-day money back guarantee!

135. (A) collect 137. (A) is made

(B) examine (B) made
(C) browse (C) makes
(0) purchase (0) has made

136. (A) supplying 138. (A) Over 200 stores nationwide!

(B) supplier (B) All prices correct at time of advertising
(C) supply (C) Online applications only
(0) supplied (0) Sale starts Monday, June 2



Questions 139-142 refer to the following memo.

To: All staff

From: Christine Besson
Subject: Year End Purchase Invoice Completion

With the end of the financial year J311 approaching, can you please all go through your
Purchase Order books to ensure that all the necessary invoices are included?

I probably don't need to J.4Q you, but this is very important. We need to have the original
invoices for all goods and services that were delivered by June 30th. If necessary therefore, you
must contact your supplier to obtain a June-dated invoice. After you .14.1. this, please
pass the authorized invoice to the Finance Department.

For accurate accounting purposes, please keep the Finance Department updated on any
supplier discrepancy issues at the end of the year.
.1.42 .

139. (A) fast 141. (A) did

(B) faster (B) have done
(C) fastest (C) had done
(D) faster than (D) were doing

140. (A) remember 142. (A) Thank you for returning these promptly.
(B) remove (B) Suppliers should contact me personally.
(C) remind (C) Hoping to hear from you soon.
(D) remit (D) Your cooperation is appreciated.


Questions 143-146 refer to the following notice.

Legal Requirements for Notice Periods

The Employment Rights Act states that both the employer and the employee are
legally J4~ to a minimum period of notice before an employee leaves a company or
organization. Contracts should therefore be compliant with these laws.
The minimum notice period is:
One week for employees who have been with your company or organization for more than
a month, but less than two years
Two weeks for employees who have been with your company or organization for longer
than two years
The period of notice required then increases by one week for each year the employee
......JA.4......., up to a maximum of 12 weeks.

Employment contracts can be ended for many reasons: resignation, dismissal, redundancy,
or retirement 1.4!;.

Please note that these rules do not apply to retiring employees who are older than the
retirement age. In addition, forfixed term contracts no notice need be given.

146 an employee without giving the legally-required notice period could result in a
claim for wrongful dismissal. Only in cases of gross misconduct can dismissal without notice
be justified.

143. (A) authorized 145. (A) It is unusual to encounter problems.

(B) enabled (B) Many older workers want flexible hours.
(C) entitled (C) Notice should always be given in writing.
(0) allowed (0) Some employees prefer to retire early.

144. (A) was working 146. (A) Terminating

(B) has worked (B) Terminate
(C) is worked (C) Terminated
(0) had been working (0) Termination



Part 7
Directions: Read the texts. You willnotice that each text is followed by several questions. For each
question, decide which of the four answer choices: (A). (B), (C), or (0), best answers the question. Then
mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following article.

Keep your Money Safe Online

These days, more and more people are making purchases online. As a result, there is a lot of financial
information Hoating around out there on the internet. So, ii you're not doing so already, you need to
take measures to protect yourself.
One mle that is often quoted is to never use the same password twice. The problem with this
rule is that it can be very difficult to remember many different online passwords. One solution is to
simplify things by using vaIiations on the same theme. For example, you could choose passwords
that are all the names of streets where you have lived, countries you have visited, your favoIite
animals, the colors of the rainbow, and so on. Adding numbers to the ends of the words will provide
even greater password security.
Experts also warn that consumers should never write down passwords. That is,of course, generally
tme. However, forgetting a password can cause a great deal of inconvenience. It can be safe to note
your passwords, as long as you disguise them in some way. Add a few extra letters and numbers at
the beginning and end, or"hide" them in a note to an imaginary fIiend. If you do write down your
passwords, then YOll should definitely remember to aiways keep them separate from the accounts
they relate to. Following a few simple mles can help you to keep access to your money safe and

147. Who is this article intended for? 148. What is implied about the use of passwords
(A) Online shoppers for online security?
(B) Security experts (A) Many passwords look alike.
(C) Website developers (B) Passwords must be kept secure.
(0) Software engineers (C) Some passwords are easy to copy.
(0) It can be hard to think of new passwords.


Questions 149-150 refer to the following text message chain.

149.At 11:22 A.M., what does Ms. Blane mean 150. What will Ms. Blane most likely do next?
when she writes, "I don't see why not"? (A) Deliver some paperwork
(A) She does not understand the reasons. (B) See Mr. Crawley in her office
(B) She dislikes the new schedule. (C) Contact Mr. Benson
(C) She is agreeing to a change of plan. (D) Arrive at her destination
(D) She wants to clarify some points.


Questions 151-153 refer to the following e-mail.

From: I [email protected]
To: I Undisclosed recipients

Date: I Nov. 11
Subject: I Feedback session

Hello All,
Sorry it's a bit late, but I'm just e-mailing to confirm that the "My Life, My Choice" Web site launch is
arranged for Wednesday the 17th. ----[1]----
As for the final feedback session, please come to City Hall at 10:30 tomorrow. I have booked
Training Room 4 in that building, because it has around ten computers we can use to check the
new Web site. I will make sure that doughnuts and coffee are there to help us all think creatively! We
will try to finish by noon.
Unfortunately, we do not have any designated visitor parking. If you are driving, you can try to park
on East Street (see the attached map). ----[2J---- There should be plenty of spaces so hopefully it
won't be too difficult for anyone. We will naturally reimburse travel expenses.
For those of you who are unable to make the session tomorrow, please send your feedback either
bye-mailing myself or Katja Weitz ([email protected]). Alternatively, you can use the
feedback form that I'm attaching. ----[3)---- Please let us have any feedback by November 15.
Your views are very important. Thank you again for all the ideas, time, and effort you have put
into helping with the development of our new Web site. As members of the public, and users of
Carlington City Hall services, your suggestions have been invaluable in making our new Web site
more attractive and accessible. -----[4]----
Looking forward to seeing those that can make it tomorrow.
Best regards,
Nancy Henshaw
Strategic Development Manager

151. Who is Ms. Henshaw writing this e-mail to? 153, When will the feedback session take place?
(A) Workers at City Hall (A) On November 11
(B) Computer trainers (B) On November 12
(C) A group of local citizens (C) On November 15
(D) The Strategic Development department (D) On November 17

152.ln which position marked [1], [2], [3], and [4]

does the following sentence best belong?
"We hope you like the difference!"
(A) [1]
(B) [2)
(C) [3]
(D) [4]


Questions 154-156 refer to the following information.

21st Century Employment Trends

Women in Work
This table shows popular full-time occupations for women in the US, with median
weekly earnings by industry sector.

(in thousands)
Total median
Total employed usual weekly
employed (men and Percent earnings
Occupation (women) women) women $
Secretaries and administrative assistants 2941 3014 97.5 667
Registered nurses 2527 2859 88.3 1143
Elementary and middle school teachers 2273 2827 80.4 982
Cashiers 2280 3157 72.2 386
Customer service representatives 1213 1873 64.8 598
Maids and cleaners 1267 1416 89.4 396
Childcare workers 1141 1238 92.1 412
Managers 1093 2817 38.8 1176
Accountants 979 1609 60.8 987
Teacher assistants 884 966 91.5 505

154. According to the table, in which occupation 156. Which of the following statements is true?
are women the least well-paid? (A) Elementary and middle school teachers
(A) Cashiers have the highest salaries.
(8) Maids and cleaners (8) Three quarters of customer service
(C) Childcare workers representatives are women.
(0) Teacher assistants (C) Female registered nurses earn almost the
same as female managers.
155. Which of these occupations has the lowest
(0) There are more female childcare workers
percentage of women?
than female secretaries.
(A) Accountants
(8) Customer service representatives
(C) Registered nurses
(0) Managers

,ij••• ,@••••• :i.@lij.#/4CJ:


Questions 157-158 refer to the following advertisement.

F1Translation Services

In international business, it is vital to make sure you get your point across. So for reliable
translation support, use the professionals. Fl Translation Services is a premier translation
company \,ith more than 15 years' experience in professional translation.

If you need to deliver accurate, locally relevant and culturally connected products in any market,
we can help. No matter where your clients are, or what language they speak, we will help you to
succeed in global businesses.

We have a proven track record in legal, financial, medical, engineering, manufacturing, and
technical fields. Many of our clients are leading Fortune 500 companies operating worldwide.

Fl provides:
- high-quality, reliable seIVice
- accurate translation
- speedy delivery
- competitive rates
- personal seIVice

We have a world-class team of language experts from all corners of the globe. Call for information
about our executive"premium"seIVice, which guarantees your documents translated and returned
within 24 hours. Contact FlTranslation Services - the only translation seIViceyou'll ever need.
Call 1-888-344-8112 or visit www.Fl-lranslation-services.com.

157. What can be inferred about FlTranslation 158. Which of these claims is NOT made in the
Services? advertisement?
(A) Their low prices mean they are very (A) Clients include many top international
successful. companies.
(B) They translate many different types of (B) Alltranslators are fully qualified
documents. professionals.
(C) They do not lranslate documents for (C) Documents can be translated into any
private individuals. language.
(D) Many government departments use their (D) Translations can be made within a single
services. day.


Questions 159-161 refer to the following letter.

Mr. Prabhakar Shinde

Human Resources Manager
Weston Shipping Ltd.
735 Strand Road
Mumbai 140 105 India September 25

Dear Mr. Shinde:

It is with great regret that I am writing to infonn you of my decision to resign from Weston
Shipping Ltd. I intend to leave my current position as Shift Supervisor at the Mumbai branch at the
end of next month. In accordance with my contractual obligations, my last day will be Oct 31.
I have greatly enjoyed my time ,,;th Weston Shipping Ltd. In the three years I have worked here, I
believe I have made a significant contribution to the company. However, I now feel that in order to
achieve my career objectives, I need to move on to a fresh challenge.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the support you have given me during my
time with the company. I especially value the training opportunities I have had while working here,
which have allowed me to obtain a higher level of professional qualifications. The opportunities for
growth you have provided me during my time here will prove useful in my next job as Operations
Manager with Asia Malitime. Before I move on, I will do my best to ensure a smooth handover of
my current projects and responsibilities.
I hope you can understand the reasons for my decision. I wish you, and Weston Shipping Ltd.,
every success in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Ral1moVla CheVlCj
Raymond Cheng
Shift Supervisor

159. Why is Mr.Cheng leaving Weston Shipping 161. The word "handover" in paragraph 3,
Ltd.? line 5, is closest in meaning to
(A) He has found a better job elsewhere. (A) conclusion
(8) He wants more professional support. (8) report
(C) He has reached the end of his contract. (C) transfer
(0) He wants greater training opportunities. (0) supply

160. What can be inferred about Mr.Cheng?

(A) He does not get along with Mr.Shinde.
(8) He has played a big part in Weston
Shipping Ltd.'s success.
(C) He intends to leave the region shortly.
(0) He is better qualified now than he was
three years ago.

ICi.I.j~.j.'.:I:[email protected]'4CJ:


Questions 162-165 refer to the following memo.

To: All Staff

From: Nigel McGuiness
Subject: Cost-cutting

As you all know, in these difficult economic times the company is making every effort to save money
wherever we can. As a result, it has been decided that we wiil no longer employ an outside cleaning
agency. We have therefore canceled our contract with Avon Cleaning Services, effective immediately.
From now on, it is up to all of us to keep our own work areas and offices clean.

To help with this, one green recycling bin has been ordered for each office. These will be delivered next
week, and placed in a corner. Please make sure that all recyclable trash is placed in this bin.

Someone from each office needs to be responsible for taking out the trash every collection day
(Wednesday for recyclable and Friday for regular trash). Other people can take turns vacuuming and
dusting (preferably on Fridays, late in the afternoon). Appropriate equipment, cleaning products, etc. will
be kept in the large storage cabinet behind the reception desk. Department supervisors will draw up a

This measure will obviously save us money (around $2,300 per month). We also suspect that the
company will end up throwing away less trash, and so this will help us meet our "corporate social
responsibility" goal of reducing the waste we generate.

Thank you for your cooperation.

162. What is the main purpose of this memo? 164. Who will carry out the tasks?
(A) To announce the arrival of recycling bins (A) The reception staff
(B) To inform employees of extra (B) Department supervisors
responsibilities (C) All company employees
(C) To encourage workers to reduce waste (D) One person from each office
(D) To introduce a different cleaning agency
165. The word "measure" in paragraph 4, line 1, is
163. What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of the closest in meaning to
new system? (A) decision
(A) It will save money. (B) result
(B) It will reduce waste. (C) action
(C) It will promote recycling. (D) proposal
(D) It will be easy to manage.


Questions 166-168 refer to the following letter.

Mountain Business Solutions

387 Broadway
Suite 12
Denver, CO 80982
Mr. Adam Curran
Brancaster Academy
162 Bannock Street
Denver, CO 80904 January 7

Dear Mr. Curran

Your Lim/x 0400 Pro Copy Machille is 110W protected by MOlllltain Business Soilltiolls.

Welcome to Mountain Business Solutions, the specialists in office equipment and appliance insurance,
providing protection against unexpected repair costs.
----(1)---- Your policy number is GTY 009630227. Please keep this number safe, as you will need to
mention it ifit becomes necessary to call for assistance. ----[2]----Please read the accompanying
Extended Warranty and make sure that you fully understand the terms and conditions of your insurance
plan. To make a claim at any time, just follow the instructions in this document. ----[3]----
As a Mountain Business Solutions customer, you can also call our friendly customer service department,
free of charge. If you have any queries about your policy, do not hesitate to call us during office hours at
1-800-473-8833. All calls are answered within ten seconds. Remember, we are here to help.
You are in good hands with Mountain Business Solutions. ----[4)----

Kenneth t;'(lI1son
Kenneth Gimson
Sales Director, Mountain Business Solutions

P.S. Did you know that we can protect all your company's equipment against theft, accidental damage,
flooding and fire damage? Coverage is available for all office equipment under eight years old, and is
normally renewable for the useful life of the device. Call to ask about our comprehensive office-contents

166. What kind of company is Mountain Business 168. Why might Mr. Curran need his policy
Solutions? number?
(A) A manufacturer of business equipment (A) To order other products in the future
(B) An insurance company (B) To help pay any unexpected bills
(C) A debt collection agency (C) To ask for another quote from Mountain
(D) A computer repair specialist Business Solutions
(D) To quote if the copy machine breaks
167.ln which position marked [1]. [2]. [3]. and [4]
does the following sentence best belong?
"Your warranty is enclosed."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]


Questions 169-171 refer to the following information.

Business Ethics Seminar

October 11-12
Atlanta International Business School

Suitable for professionals from any f,eid, th,s seminar in advance. Please allow 6-8 weeks for a refund. An
provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject administration fee of 150 U5D will apply.
of ethics in business. Participants explore t'1e topic
from a variety of angles. through in-depth analysis Travel:
from leading experts in ethics education. articles, case From the airport
studies. and computer simulation exercises. Participants Express Shuttle transportation is recommended. The
are encouraged to develop their own insights. This cost is I2 USD one way per person.
seminar is designed to help future business leaders A cab will take an estimated 15 minutes and cost
greatly increase their understanding of this topic. approximately 20 U5D one way.
Lee Meyer is Professor of Business Ethics at AIBS. By car
and a member of the Institute for Corporate Ethics. He Follow the signs to Downtown and get on East Street.
is the author of the hugely popular "Ethics in Business:' Take the overpass and follow to North Harbor Island.
and is well known for his regular appearances on radio AIBS International is adjacent to the Atlanta
and television. Pacific Hotel.

Fee: Accommodations:
AIBS Members $900. Non-members $1,395 The nearest hotel is the Atlanta Pacific. on Franklin
10% discount for bookings received before Street. AIBS has negotiated a preferential rate of $150
September II (double room. single occupancy) for delegates. Please
Refunds will be granted if written cancellation is quote code AP82 IX when making your booking.
received bye-mail or fax ONL~ and at least 30 days

169. Which of the following is NOT stated about 171. What should people do if they want to stay
Professor Meyer? overnight at the Atlanta Pacific hotel?
(A) He works at Atlanta International (A) Reserve a room within 30 days
Business School. (B) Make a reservation bye-mail or fax
(B) He has written a best-selling book on (C) Quote code AP821X when booking
business ethics. (0) Go there by Express Shuttle
(C) He is a famous media celebrity.
(0) He chairs an important professional

170. How much will non-members receive if they

cancel three weeks before the seminar?
(A) $0
(B) $150
(C) $900
(0) $1,245


Questions 172-175 refer to the following fax.


To: Julia West Time: 09:35
From: Curtis Elliot Date: April 17
Pages: 1 Subject: Ms. Fouroux

Dear Ms. West:

It was nice speaking to you just now. Thank you for appreciating that this can be a stressful
business. Your efforts to process Ms. Fouroux's application are much appreciated.

As requested. this fax is in further support of Ms. Fouroux's application for an H-1B visa. I can
confirm that she has been offered a temporary, full-time position at this company, and is due to
start work as a Junior Research Engineer in our facility in Columbus, Nebraska on the first of
next month. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering, and applicable polyethylene
manufacturing experience. Her contract is for six months. However, we fully expect that she
will perform her duties satisfactorily and, assuming this is the case, she will then be offered a
permanent position.

Please be assured that this is a bona fide application. As her start date is quickly approaching,
I would be grateful if you could process this application without delay, so that Ms. Fouroux may
start work here as scheduled. I understand that all requirements have been met, and all necessary
documents have been sent. If you require any further information in support of this matter, please
get in touch with me directly.

Thank you once again for your thoroughness in processing Ms. Fouroux's application.
I Sincerely,
Cv..rtis E{{(ot
Curtis Elliot
Human Resources Manager
Armitage Chemicals

172. What is the main purpose of this fax? 174. What will probably happen to Ms. Fouroux in
(A) To make an offer of employment November?
(B) To support a visa to work in the United (A) She will be given a permanent job.
States (B) She will leave Nebraska.
(C) To confirm a job applicant's qualifications (C) She will be awarded a Master's degree.
(D) To thank Ms. Fouroux's employer (D) She will be promoted to Research Engineer.

173. Who most likely is Julia West? 175. What does Mr. Elliot hope Ms. West will do?
(A) Mr. Elliot's supervisor (A) Deal with the visa application quickly
(B) Ms. Fouroux's current employer (B) Send more detailed information
(C) A U.S. immigration official (C) Approve Ms. Fouroux's schedule
(D) An engineer at Armitage Chemicals (D) Provide further support



Questions 176-180 refer to the following two letters.

16202 Westridge Drive

Kansas City, KS 65190
Mrs. Brenda Timson
Global Gateway
164 East Second Street
Newton, KS 67341
February 17
Dear Mrs. Timson:
In response to your advertisement in Ocean Discovery Monthly for a Cruise Sales Consultant, I am enclosing
my resume and other supporting documents.
For the last three years I have worked as a Travel Advisor at Vernon's in Kansas City. I believe this has given
me the skills I need to fulfill the role of Cruise Sales Consultant. I am used to dealing with clients and
matching them to their ideal vacations. As well as booking package vacations, I also manage tailor-made
vacations, and regularly make bookings to destinations in Asia, Europe, and other locations worldwide.
[ have a Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality Management from Wichita College. As you will see from the
enclosed certificates, I am qualified in the use of the Worldplan, Viewdata and Galileo booking systems. [
have a passion for travel, and have first-hand experience of many popular destinations around the world.
I consider myself a self-motivated team player, and am proficient in English, written and oral. The letters
of recommendation I enclose attest to my abilities. I would welcome the chance to further my career with
Global Gateway.
LOll.ise Almodovar
Louise Almodovar

March 2

Ms. Louise Almodovar

164 East Second Street, Newton. KS 67341

16202Westridge Drive
Kansas City. KS 65190

Dear Ms. Almodovar:

Thank you for your interest in Global Gateway. and your recent application for the position of Cruise Sales
Consultant. I am pleased to inform you that you have been shortlisted and are invited to come in for an
interview on Friday.March 16.at 2:30 P.M. at our offices.

We will reimburse any transportation costs you may incur to attend the interview. so please bring any
original train or bus receipts with you when you come. Please also bring evidence of your academic
qualifications. and proof of your right to work in the US (if appropriate). I would be grateful if you could call
my personal assistant. Emma Cardew. at 45 1-2424 to confirm your attendance.

We look forward to meeting you.

Brenda Timson
Mrs. Brenda Timson
Recruitment Manager


176. What kind of company is Global Gateway? 179. What can be inferred from Mrs. Timson's
(A) A magazine publisher letter?
(B) A ship builder (A) She is unsure of Ms. Almodovar's
(C) An airline employment status.
(0) A travel agency (B) She will not be at the interview on March
177. What did Ms. Almodovar fail to include in her
(C) She would prefer Ms. Almodovar to take
the train.
(A) A resume
(0) She is impressed by Ms. Almodovar's
(B) A diploma
(C) Her professional qualifications
(0) Some references 180. What should Ms. Almodovar do next?
(A) Contact Global Gateway
178. Which of the following abilities does Ms.
(B) Send more documentation
Almodovar NOT mention in her letter?
(C) Prepare a shortlist
(A) She has good communication skills.
(0) Buy a bus ticket
(B) She works well with other people.
(C) She is experienced in customer service.
(0) She speaks several foreign languages.



Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and e-mail.

Science Park Aims for the Stars

by William Raynor

Coalport Science Park this week announced the completion of an ambitious program of expansion to the
site. Begun over a year ago, the work has cost nearly £3 million to complete. The park, which was first
opened in 2008, is home to a number of top international research companies. The park's Development
Director, Dr. Bill Townsend, spoke of the transformation, "Coalport Science Park has a world-class
reputation for innovation and excellence. We have built a state-of-the-art Research and Development
Center and a new science laboratory. We hope that these facilities will attract more leading companies
to the park." Dr. Townsend added that there are also three new office buildings, which double the office
accommodations for academics and businesses.
However, the project is not without its opponents. Some sources say the latest phase of development
cost almost £1 million more than originally planned. In addition, there are doubts that the changes will be
enough to turn around the fortunes of the ailing development. In recent months, declining profits among
the high tech sector has resulted in job losses for over 60 workers at the park, leading to concerns about
its long-term future.

o E-mail

From: I I [email protected]

To: I [email protected]
Date: I April 18 I
Subject: I ~====================================~
I Your recent article on Coalport Science Park

Dear Mr. Raynor,

I was extremely disappointed to read so many inaccuracies in your article about Coalport Science
Park, published in this month's edition of Business Monthly.
During your visit here, and in our subsequent interview by phone, I made every effort to answer
all your questions clearly and in detail. The cost of the recent development actually came to
£2,750,000. Although true that this is higher than the original estimate of £2.3 million, it is clearly
well below the figure given by your "sources." What's more, the job losses you mention relate only
to one company, NIC Technologies. They have relocated their manufacturing plant to China as part
of their global restructuring program. This does not mean they are reducing their stake in the park.
Quite the contrary, they intend to hire more than 80 personnel over the coming months as they
expand their Research facility here.
We are ~ot an "ailing development." I would appreciate it if you could print a correction along the
lines noied above in your next issue.

Dr. Bill Townsend
Development Director, Coalport Science Park


181. What is the main purpose of the article? 184. How much did the Coalport Science Park
(A) To promote a science park expansion cost?
(8) To announce job losses (A) £1 million
(C) To advertise new office space (8) £2.3 million
(D) To report on a major development (C) £2.75 million
(D) £3 million
182. What can be inferred from Dr. Townsend's
e-mail? 185. Which of these statements about NIC
(A) He is not happy with Mr. Raynor's article. Technologies is true?
(8) Coalport Science Park is in financial (A) They plan to close their facility at
difficulty. Coalport Science Park.
(C) He is employed by NIC Technologies. (8) They will soon employ more workers than
(D) He is worried about the future of the park. they had before.
(C) They manufacture all their products in
183. In the e-mail, the word "stake" in paragraph 2,
China now.
line 6, is closest in meaning to
(D) They have been hit by poor profits in the
(A) trust
high tech sector.
(8) interest
(C) potential
(D) investment

'ij••• i@I •• i.;I#I@I*'IWC1:


Questions 186-190 refer to the following Web page, manual, and text message chain.

Table of contents
Chapter ~ Page number,

1 Introduction to food safety 3

2 Food safety legislation 5
3 Foodborne illnesses 9
4 Chemical hazards 11
5 Physical hazards 13
6 Allergens 14
7 Microorganisms, bacteria, and potentially hazardous foods 16
8 Temperature and safety 19
9 Food storage 29
10 Cross-contamination 33
11 Equipment care 35
12 Personal hygiene 38
13 Cleaning and sanitizing 43
14 Pest control 46
15 Food safety management 49
16 Appendices 55


Jim 09:05 A.M.

Hello, Jim the plumber here. I'll be with you very shortly. Am just driving down
Cleveland Avenue. Satnav down. Where exactly are you?
Stefan 09:06 A.M.

Drive almost the full length of Cleveland Avenue. You'll see the Green Flag Garage
and Tire Center on y'our left. Take the next left after that - we're about 500 y'ards along.
Jim 09:07 A.M.

Thanks. How about parking?

Stefan 09:08 A.M.

On the street outside. It's not too busy right now. We're next to the Day and
Night SUp'ermarket.
---- 09:08
Jim A.M.

Thanks. Almost there. See you in a few minutes.

186. Why are the businesses mentioned in the 189. What is the purpose of Jim's text message?
Web page closed? (A) To request directions
(A) Insufficient cleaning staff (B) To introduce himself
(B) Lack of hot water (C) To apologize for a delay
(C) Health code violations (0) To reserve a parking bay
(0) Out-of-date permit
190. Where is Jim most likely traveling to?
187. Which chapter in the manual would the owner (A) Grant Avenue
of The Healthy Cook be particularly advised (B) Main Street
to read? (C) Lakeshore Blvd
(A) Chapter 4 (0) Wendell Street
(B) Chapter 6
(C) Chapter 8
(0) Chapter 14

188. Which topic is NOT discussed in the manual?

(A) Site security
(B) Handwashing
(C) Refrigeration
(0) Food poisoning

IM.I.) ~'I'
Ii: 1::W~ lij.:tin,:


Questions 191-195 refer to the following notice, and e-mails.

Joi •.•US for the 5th A•.••.•ual Hallowee •.•Fu•.•Ru•.•

saturday October 30th
10:00 A.M.
Race starts at Washington Park
Put on your running shoes and your Halloween costume
(if you're brave enough!).
There will be prizes for the top three finishers,
and for the three best costumes
* 1O-mile entry fee $15
* 5-mile entry fee $10
* Chitdrens run/walk/toddle entry fee $1

To sign up to run please visit the Web site halloweenfunruns.com.

Book by August 31st and get a 10% early bird discount off the entry fee.

Date: August 25
To: All staff
From: Leonie Bartlett
Subject: Annual fun run sponsorship

Dear all,

I registered earlier today for the five-mile Halloween Fun Run that will be taking place at the
end of October. I'm running to help a charity called Kids Are All Right, which sends books to
children's hospitals and orphanages in the developing world. It's a very worthy charity, so
please support me by sponsoring me. If you have any ideas for a suitable costume I can wear,
or if you have a costume at home that I could borrow, please let me know.

Thank you all in advance.



Date: August 26
To: Leonie Bartlett
From: Kim Wyrko
Subject: Re: Annual fun run sponsorship

Dear Leonie,

Well done on signing up for the fun run. Where do you get your energy? You put me to shame!
I'll be happy to sponsor you for $3 a mile. I'll be back from the Milan conference that day, so will
pay you Monday - if you make it @

Good luck!


P.S. I wish I could think of an original idea for your costume, but I can't!

191. What is NOT suggested about the Fun Run? 194. Why is Kim not taking part in the event?
(A) It has been held before. (A) She cannot think of a costume to wear.
(8) It is a themed run. (8) She forgot to register in time.
(C) It is for adults only. (C) She does not have the energy.
(D) Dress-up is optional. (D) She will be away on business.

192. What is indicated about Leonie? 195. How much will Kim give Leonie if she
(A) She paid $9 to enter the event. completes the fun run?
(8) She will take part with a friend. (A) $3
(C) This is her first Halloween Fun Run. (8) $10
(D) She supports many charities. (C) $15
(D) $30
193. What type of work is Leonie's charity
involved in?
(A) International development
(8) The promotion of literacy
(C) Illness and disability
(D) Children's safety



Questions 196-200 refer to the following e-mail, schedule, and memo.

From: Richard Etherington <[email protected]>

To: Professor Olaf Johansson <[email protected]>
Subject: Inter-Continental Exchange Program
Date: November 12

Dear Professor Johansson,

I received your contact details from Dr. William Booth, Director of the Inter-Continental Exchange
Program at your university. I am writing to ask you about the possibility of visiting your faculty for
a few days in February nex1 year as part of an academic staff exchange within the Program.
I am Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Literature in Bradford University, England. I specialize
in 19th-century literature - you may know my latest book, which was published in June, "Frankenstein,
Dracula, and the Victorian Horror Novel". However, I also teach the poetry and literature of other periods.
I could offer your students lectures on any aspect of English literature. I will be speaking at a conference
in San Jose on Monday, February 17, and would like, if possible, to come to you for the rest of
that week.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Richard Etherington, Ph.D
Senior Lecturer, Department of English Literature
Bradford University


Date: November 27 MEMO
From: Professor Olaf Johansson
To: Teaching staff, English Faculty
Subject: Dr. Richard Etherington

Dear all,
Dr. Richard Etherington of Bradford University would like to come and teach in this department for a
few days in February of next year, as a participant in the Inter-Continental Exchange Program.

As you know, normally I refuse such requests as a new, short-term teacher can be disruptive for the
students. Also, Dr. Etherington's specialty - the Victorian horror novel - is not taught as a separate
subject here. However, I am aware that Dr. Fernandez, who is our Victorian and 19th-century specialist.
will be away on a financial and administrative training course for the week beginning February 17. It
might be useful if Dr. Etherington covered Dr. Fernandez's classes during that week; her students would
then not lose out on tuition.

If Dr. Etherington comes, I would like to ensure that he is made to feel welcome. If any of you would be
happy to allow him to sit in on your classes, then I'm sure he would appreciate that. I will invite him out
to dinner one evening, and if any of you could offer him hospitality too. I'm sure he wouid like that.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Olaf Johansson
Head of English Faculty. University of Southern Sacramento

196. What can be inferred about Dr. Etherington? 199. Whose classes would Dr. Etherington also be
(A) He is a United Kingdom national. competent to teach?
(B) He often speaks at conferences. (A) Professor Johansson
(C) He is the author of more than one book. (B) Dr. Durkin
(D) He was recommended by Dr. Booth. (C) Dr. Latimer
(D) Dr. Simm
197. What would Professor Johansson like his
staff to do? 200. Why will Professor Johansson most likely
(A) Receive training in financial management approve Dr. Etherington's request?
(B) Provide cover for an absent colleague (A) The two men are personal friends.
(C) Offer accommodation to an overseas (B) The timing of the visit is convenient.
lecturer (C) He wants to go to England in return.
(D) Allow a visiting lecturer to attend their (D) Dr. Booth has asked him to agree.

198. How many classes will Dr. Etherington

teach while at the University of Southern
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 7

This is the end of the test. If you finish with time to spare, you may go back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 to
check your answers.
Pass the TOEIC@ Test
Introductory Course

Miles Craven

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tham khao nhanh nhCJngkien thlic quan trQng nhu WVl,lng, ngCl phap, cach phat am, cac loi
thlICJnggijp ... NhCJngnoi dung nay duoc trinh bay co dong, de hieu tren cac trang gap A4.
Day la tai li$u rat thuan ti$n de b<;1nSLIdung khi hoc 6 nM, 6 truang hoijc khi tham gia cac
khoa hQc tieng Anh.

Cac tua trang 10<;1t

tai Ii$u nay:
(1) Cac quy tac ve chinh ta va dau cau

(2) NhClng mau cau tieng Anh thong dung trong giao tiep
(3) Khai quat ve cach phat am tieng Anh

(4) Gi6i thi$u khai quat ve ngCJphap tieng Anh

• (5) TLrvl,lng tieng Anh can ban

• (6) NhCJngdong W cum th6ng dung

• (7) Giao tiep bang tieng Anh qua di$n tho<;1i
va thu di$n tLl
(8) Gi6i thi$u khai quat ve dong W tieng Anh
(9) Tieng Anh thuong m<;1i
(10) NhCJngmau cau thiet yeu trong
thu thuong m<;1itieng Anh •
(11) Cac thi trong tieng Anh

• (12) NhCJng16ithuang gaP trang tieng Anh


Trilingual Visual Dictionary VISUAL DICTIONARY
Vi etnamese- Engl ish -Ch i nese Vietnamese

Bandich tieng Vi$t

U~Huy Lam





l!l .

Quet rna QR

HQc nga<;lingu chlla baa gio thu vi va de dang nhll the nay!

~ TlJ dien cung cap tren 16.000 W, c\lm W cung 3.000 hinh mau minh hoa. Cac W va C\lm W
dliQC sap xep thea ch0 de gan lien voi cac Iinh vt,lc quan trong trang cuoc song.

~ Thong qua nhOng hinh anh sinh dong. b,m se co them hung thu va dong It,lc trang qua trinh
hoc. nhb do b,m thuQc W nhanh va nM W lau han.

~ Tat ca cac W vt,lng deu co phan phien am de giup b,m phiit am chinh xac.

~ Muc Cac cach diEmd;;!t COban trang bj cha b,m nhOng mau cau quan trong nhat, kern thea do
la danh muc khaang 2.000 dQng W de he trQ b;;!ndilt cau.

> Bang chi muc 6 cuoi W dien giup b;;!ntra tim W vt,lng mot cach nhanh chong.

~ Day la tai lieu phu hQp voi ca nglibi mol bat dau hoc nga;;!i ngO (trinh do A1) Ian nglibi 6 trinh
do caa han (B2).

Gldl thieu sach

_ GE"IIUl unU"I([ _ GINf.U UUlENCf

.•• GENEtAl UfHfNC(



Vietnamese Vietnamese Vietnamese

Japanese French German
~~. English
English English
NEW EDITION Introductory Course

. Audioscript & Answer Key

PART 1 - Photographs 2. [F.Br]

Try It Out p13 Track 1 (A) She's looking at the sink.

(B) She's using the copy machine,
1. IF.Br]
(e) She's making a drink.
(A) She's taking something to a customer.
(0) She's folding a paper cup.
(B) She's standing at the reception desk.
(C) She's about 10 send a fax.
3, 1M-Au]
(0) She's talking on the phone.
(A) The man is making a complaint
(B) The room is being painted,
2. IM.Aul
(C) Two shelves are on the light.
(A) The women are in an exercise Class.
(O) The leader is in the middle of th~ room.
(B) The instructor is sitting on a stair.
(C) They're waving at the window.
Inconeet Key Words p24
(0) The curtains are closed.
Exercise A Track 6 [F.Am)
3. (F.Am] 1. The woman has long dark hair. 2, She's wearing pants.

(Al He's examining a card in the garage. 3. The floor is very clean, 4. The woman is standing near an elevator.
(B) He's trying 10 repair the car door. 5, Some recycling bins are in front oflhe woman.
(C) He's driving the car into the repair shop. 6. She's wearing a skirt and jacket.
(0) He's fixing a tire on the car.
Exercise B Track 7 [M-Cn]
4. [M-Bt] 1, The man is sitting in an office. 2, There's a cup on the table.
(Al The tourists are swimming in the lake. 3. He's wearing a shirt.4. The spoon is under the saucer.
(B) There's a boat on the water, 5, He's speaking on his phone. 6. He is alone
(C) It's a very large snake.
(0) There are some trees under the wale'. Mini Test - Inconect Key Words p25 Track 8
1. [F.Au]
5. IF-Au] (A) It's dark outside.
(A) The driver's door is open. (B) Two people are sitting on the floor.
(B) The trunk is unlocked. (C) There are some large sofas in the room.
(C) The man is standing in the truck. (0) The windows are half-closed.
(0) The man is getting out of the t'uck.
2, [F-Cn]
6, [M-Cn] (A) Someone is riding a scooter,
(A) She's closing the store, (B) The scooter is lying on the road.
(B) She's cleaning the window (C) An L sign is on the back of the scooter,
(C) She's sweeping the floor. (0) There's a chain around the frcnt wheel.
(0) She's looking at the do:)r.
3, [M-Am]
(A) She's using a computer,
Improve Your Performance (B) She's holding a piece of paper.
Similar-sounding Words p22 (C) She's opeOing a document.
(0) She's wearing a long jacket.
Exercise A Track 2 [F-Am)
1. large, 2, hire, 3, rest, 4, bag. 5. wait, 6. frame, 7, choose,
8. nose, 9. sock, 10, waiter Incorrect Interpretations p26

False Accounts Track 9 (M.Brl

Exercise B Track 3 (M.Au]
1. He's leaning against the wall. 2. He's about to drink water from
1. The man is sitting at home. 2. He's sailing a boat.
the water fountain. 3. He's wearing a pair of glasses. 4. He's looking
3, They're walking together. 4 She's setting the table.
at the notices on the board, 5, He's getting a dnnk from a vending
5, There's a hat on the chair. 6. The womar is waiting for a train,
machine. 6, He's holding a glass of water.

Exercise C Track 4 [F-Cn] Unsupported AssumptIons Track 10 (F-Am)

1, The woman is holding a copy. 2. She has long dark hair, 3. She's 1. They're about 10 catch a plane. 2, There are three suitcases on the
feeding a cook. 4. There's a small round cable in front of her,S. baggage cart. 3, The suitcases are very heavy. 4. The man is pushing
She's dressed in blaCk. 6. She's testing the magazine on her knee, the baggage cart. 5. They've just CO'Tle back from vacation. 6. The boy
is sitting on the baggage cart.

Mini Test - Similar-sounding Words p23 Track 5

Mini Test -Incorrect Interpretations p27 Track 11
1. IM.Am]
1. (M.Am]
(A) The woman has a black cat.
(A) She's listening to music.
(B) They're leaving the park.
(B) She's writing on a piece of paper.
(C) The weather is cold. but It'S sunny
(C) She's typing at a desk.
(0) The dog and its owner are in the dar1<..
(O) She.s going to sit down.

2 Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT

2, IF-Br) 5. [M-AuJ
(A) He's asking for help. (A) They're waiting for a bus to arrr..e.
(B) He's taking the box away. (B) They're standing in the rain.
(C) He's sitting on a cart. (C) They're getting on a bus.
(D) He's lifting a large box. (D) They're boarding a train,

3. (M-Au) 6. [F-Cnl
(A) A tennis match is about to start (A) The pillows are on the floor.
(B) The tennis courts are closed (B) The woman is making the bed.
(C) The ground is very we!. (C) There's a picture above the bed.
(D) They're building some tennis courts. (0) Someone's sleeping in the bed

Steps to Success p26 PART 2 - Question-Response

Practice 1 Track 12 [F.Aml
(A) They're playing a game indoors.
Try It Out p39 Track 18
(B) They're sitting in a coffee shop. 1. [M-Brl What are you doing in the morning?
(e) They're having a meeting. [F-Cn] (A) Yes, it's a lovely morning
(D) They're discussing the seating arrangements. (B) I have a meeting at ten.
(e) I think thaI's a good idea.
Practice 2 Track 13 (M-Cnl
(A) Both women are wearing glasses, 2. [F-Am) I need more lime to finish thiS work.
(B) The customer is making a purchase. [M.Aul (A) When did you finish?
(C) There's a lock on the wall. (B) I like 10 work, too
(D) The women are looking at a book. (C) You can have two more days.

Practice 3 Track 14 IF.Au] 3. [F.AuJ Do you know when the new printer will arrive?
(A) He's sitting in a restaurant. 1M-Ami (A) I think it's blue.
(B) He's ordering a meal. (B) No, this printer is OK.
(C) He's holding his glasses. (C) It should be any day now.
(0) He's drinking tea.
4. (M.Cn) When did you get back from New York?
Practice 4 Track 15 [M.Am] (F.Br] (A) My back hurts, too.
(A) The tennis players are having a competition. (B) At midnight last night.
(B) A man is hiding a tennis ball, (C) I'm coming back lor the trade show.
(C) The people are picking up Ihe balls.
(0) They're playing tennis indoors. 5. IF.Am] Would you like to sit down?
(M.Br) (A) I like this town a lot.
Practice 5 Track 16 [F-Cn] (B) That's very kind of you.
(A) The woman is washing her hair. (e) Because I'm not tired
(B) The customer is having her hair dried.
(e) They're watching television. 6. IM.Aul How much is a return tiCket?
(0) There's a poster on the mirror. [F.Aml (A) Twenty five dollars,
(B) Yes, thank you very much.
Review Test p35 Track 17 (C) I'll return it soon

1. 1M-Am] 7, [F.Cnl I haven't seen you in the office recently

(A) He's lilling the car with gas. [M.Am] (A) It'll be ready soon.
(B) He's loading the truck. (B) He's here somewhere.
(e) He's putting something in the trunk. (e) I've been sick.
(0) He's going to change the tire.
8, [M.Am] How often do you visit our london branch?
2, IF-Br]
• (A) There's some Iruit on a plate.
[F-Aml (A) Around once a month
(B) Irs a great place to visil.
(B) The food is on the floor. (e) I'd love to, thank you.
(e) People are sitting on the sola
(D) There's a saucepan on the table. 9. [F.Brl Who just called you?
[M-Cnl (A) Yes, it is cold.
3. (M-Aml (B) I answered the phone.
(A) The man is standing on a chair. (e) That was my boss.
(B) The man is lixing !he lights.
(C) The people are sitllng outside. 10. (M.Cn) Are you going to buy another computer?
(0) The chairs are lacing the poster. (F.Cn] (A) I spoke to the producer.
(B) I might get one tomorrow
4. IF.BT] (C) It belongs to my brother.
(A) She's Sitting on the counter.
(B) She's working al a computer. 11. IF.Au) Whose suitcase is that?
(C) She's looking at the picture on the wall. (M-Br) (A) It's not my hat.
(0) She's lalking on the phone. (B) I need a new shoelace.
(C) It could be Peter's

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT 3

12. [M-Cn] Aren't you feeling tired? S. 1M-Am] Whafs the plan for today?
[F-AmJ (A) No, it's healing OK. (F-Cn] (A) I'm not sure.
(B) A lillie, yes. (B) The plane will be late.
(C) I agree completely. (C) No, I'd like to pay.

13. [M-Cn] Why did you work la~elast night? 6. [F-Au] What happened to your car?
IF.Br) (A) We need to wait. [M-Am) (A) Yes, it's my car.
(B) You're quite right. (S) I had an accident.
(C) I had to finish a report. (C) It's not very far.

14. {M-Am] Nicole wasn't al the opening meeting, was she? 7. [M-Cn) What will the transportation cost?
(F.Am] (A) No. iI's not open. [F-Br] (A) It's on the coast.
(B) The seating was perleet. (S) No, it's not lost
(C) I didn't see her there. (C) tt won't be cheap.

Improve Your Performance 8. (F-Am] What does the Oiredor think?

(M-Br] (A) t asked for a drink.
Questions with What (B) She didn't say.
Exercise C p42 Track 19 (C) I think so.
1. (M-Am) What was the company's headquarters like?
[F-Cn] (A) I went there on my own. Questions with When or Where
(B) It was bigger than I thought. Exercise C p43 Track 21
(C) Yes, it's their main office. 1. [M-Am] Where is my black pen?
[F-Am] (A) Thank you very much.
2_ [F-Aul Whal's the mailer with Sanjay? (B) No, this one's blue.
[M-CnJ (A) He has a headache. (C) It's in your bag
(B) He made it yesterday.
(C) Yes, he did. 2. [F-AuJ When will you call?
[M-Br] (A) Sorry, I went to City Hall.
3. 1M-Am] What drink do you want? (B) This evening. around five.
(F-BrJ (AI Is that what you think? (C) Yes. I'm sure I will.
(B) A coffee would be great
(C) No, I won'l. 3. 1M-Am] Where will the interview take place?
(F-Cn] (A) At the main office
4. {F-Am] What will you do with your old laptop? (B) It's my first interview.
[M.Brl (A) I'lilry to sell it. (C) Yes, that's the place.
(B) II's not that fair.
(C) Yes, I think 1 will. 4. [F-Br] When does the demons~ration begin?
[M-Am) (A) It's a good presentation.
S. [M-Au] What would you like to discuss? (B) Right after lunch.
[F-Am] (A) I went to the talk on retirement. (C) I don't think we have lime,
(B) Yes, I'd like that very much.
(C) Last month's sales f;gures. 5. [M.Br) When can you hand in the report?
IF-Au] (A) You'll have it on Monday.
6. (F.Cn) What did you put in that desk? (B) Sorry it's rather short.
[M-Am] (A) I can't find it anywhere. (C) I can handle it.
(B) A couple of lolders.
(C) The desk is ideal, thank you. 6. (F-Am] Where did you get your suit?
(M-Cn] (A) No, there's no dispute.
Mini Test - Questions with What p42 Track 20 (B) Actually. I can't remember.
1. (M-Cnl What time do you have lunch? (C) It cost around $200.
IF-Au] (A) That's a good idea
(B) Sorry, I don't have the time. Mini Test - Questions wIth When or Where p43 Track 22
(C) Around one, usually. 1. [M.Au] Where can I get a taxi?
[F-Am) (A) Sure, go ahead.
2, [F-Br] What did the clients think of your presentalion? (B) Try outside 01 the hotel.
[M-Au] (A) They loved il. (e) The tax is very expensive.
(B) II's a wonderlul gift.
(C) Yes, they did. 2. (F-Cnl When does the movie start?
(M.Am] (A) Yes, I like art.
3. [M-Br] What are you watching on TV? (B) No, we're not moving.
[F-Am] (A) II's a new watch. (C) I think irs at eight.
(B) An old movie.
(C) Is that the tree? 3. [M-Am] Where was this machine made?
[F.Cn] (A) In Germany. I guess.
4, [F.Am] Whal do you want to eat? (B) Over a year ago.
(M-Cn] (A) A window seat would be fine. (C) I don't know who oaid.
(B) We should meet soon.
(C) Just a salad.

4 Pass The TOEIC Test Introdudory Course AUOIOSCRIPT

4. [F.Am] When are they going to place the order? 3, IM.Am] Which movie did you see?
[M-Au] (A) First thing tomorrow morning. [F.Am] (Al It was at eight o'clock.
(B) I don't like taking orders. (B) I liked it a lot
(C) They didn't break it. (C) I can't remember the name.

5. [M-CnJ Where did you go after work last night? 4. {F.Am] Whose instruction manual is this?
[F-AuJ (A) I'm alraid 01heights. [M-Br] (A) I read the annual report.
(B) I went straight home. (B) It's Janet's, I think.
(e) NO,I stopped work at live. (C) They got a tax deduction,

6, [F-Am] When was the company founded? 5, [M-Au) Why won.t the coffee machine work?
[M-Am) (A) Not for a long time. [F-Cn] (A) It needs more water.
(B) NO,I couldn't find it, (B) Not fot me, thanks.
(C) In 2008, by my father. (C) I made the copies already.

7. (M-Br] When did you make the booking? 6, [F-Au] Who left the window open?
IF-Am) (A) As soon as you asked me. [M-Cn] IA) We don"! close until five.
(B) I'm not looking any more. (B) I think Chris forgot to close it.
(e) I just read that book. (C) I closed it last night.

8. [F-Br] Where will we stay during the conference? 7. [M-Am] Which pen is yours?
[M-Cn] (A) I don"! know the way. (F-Br) (A) Now and then, yes.
(B) At a nearby hotel. (B) That's right. It is,
(C) We'll be there for three days, (e) The blue one.

Questions wllh Who, Whose, Why, or Which 8, (F.Cn] Who's doing the health and safety training?
(M-Am] (A) Jason and Fiona are.
exercise C p44 Track 23
(B) She's always complaining.
,. [M.Au] Which way is Gate 34, please?
(C) It's not very safe.
[F-Am] (A) Turn left and go straight.
(B) Yes, that's what they say.
(e) It's on its way. QuestIons with How
Exercise C p45 Track 25
2. IF-Cn) Why don't we leave early tonight? 1. IM.Br] Howald is Tim's car?
[M-Br] (A) That sounds right. IF-Am] (A) It's not so lar.
(B) No, I don't want to be late. (B) It's brand new, I think.
(C) We can't until we finish this work. (C) I don't feel cold.

3, [M-Am] Who 10rgOllo sign these letters? 2, [F.Am] How can I help you?
[F-Br] (A) The signs are good. [M-Cn] (A) Yes. you can,
(B) I guess that was me. (B) I'd like a catalogue, please.
(C) I don't wear sweaters. (C) Irs about ten minutes away.

4, [F-Au] Whose idea was it to expand the business? 3, [M-Cn) How many ink cartridges do you need?
1M-Am] (A) There was only room to stand. [F.Au] (A) Just one is fine.
(B) The Managing Director was responsible. (B) I can read very well.
(e) That would be ideal. (e) [think there's a blockage.

5. [M-Br) Who has the key to the closet? 4. IF-Br] How much time will it take?
(F-Am] (A) We don't have it in stock. 1M-Am] (A) Oh, I'd love a steak.
(B) Stacey has it in her desk, (B) Irs seven o'clock.
(C) I have the deposit here. (C) No more than three days .

6. IF.Br] Why didn't Richard stay in London? 5, [M-Au] How did you hear about the job?
(M-Am] (A) He missed his family in New York. [F-Am] (A) My heating is fine.
(8) He wanted to say so right away. (B) I saw an ad in the paper.
(e) In order to work from home. (Cl I'm not afraid of hard work.

MIni Test - QuestIons with Who, Whose, Why, or Which p44 6. (F-Cn] How do we get to the South Exit from here?
Track 24 [M.Au] (A) That subway train wilt take you straight there
" IM.Cn] Who works in that office? (B) The data just doesn't exist.
IF.Au) (A) Irs a short walk. (C) Yes, you can get one here.
(B) Thal"s Susan's office.
(C) Yes, I do. Mini Test - QuestIons with How p45 Track 26
1. IM-Cn] How long will the meeting last?
2, [F-Am] Why weren't you at your desk this morning? [F-Am] (A) Yes, this is the last one.
[M-Au} (A) I went to see a client. (B) It should finish by three.
(8) That's my desk. (C) It was a long discussion,
(C) 1had no warning.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 5

2. [F-Au) How many people came to the party? Mini Test - Yes/No Questions p47 Track 28
[M-Am] (A) Almost everyone I invited. 1. (M-Cn] Ale you going to see the doctor?
(B) It was a great party. [F-Am] (A) Sorry you're not feeling well.
(C) There were many people to blame. (B) Ves, I'll pay the fee soon.
(C) My appointment is at fOUL
3. [M-Am] How about a cup of coffee?
[F-Cnl (A) I'm not sure how. 2. IF-Brl Did you come by car?
(B) Actually. I'd prefer green tea. {M-Au] (A) I took the train.
(C) Sorry. I'll clean up right a •••.
ay. (8) It's not so far.
(C) I'd love to come,
4. [F-Aml How was the presentation?
IM-Br] (A) It was a lovely present. 3. (M-Aml Do you have Simon's phone number?
(B) I think it was interesting [F.Cn] (A) I wrote it down somewhere.
(C) About two hours includirg questions. (B) I wish I'd known.
(C) He works in Personnel.
5. [M-Au) How can I contact you while you're away?
[F-Cn] (A) Send me an e-mail. 4. [F.Aml Is your company very big?
(B) Ves, I'll be gone for a week.
(M-Br] (A) We have branches all over the world
(C) The contract is already signed. (B) It takes around an hour.
(C) The head office is in New Vork.
6. [F-Am] How otten do you run training courses?
IM-Cn] (A) The training is very hard.
5. (M-Aml Can you take a message?
(B) Around once a month. [F.Au) (A) I'd love a massage.
(C) Ves, of course we do.
(B) Ves. there's one from Charles.
(C) I'll get a pen.
7. (M-Am) How did they solve the problem?
[F-Au) (A) It didn't involve me.
6. (F.Cn) Has she worked here long?
(B) I'm not sure what they did.
(M-Am) (A) No, sre was wrong.
(C) Ves. they succeeded in :he end.
(B) It took an hour.
(C) Over ten years, I think.
8. [F-Br} How do you know Brian?
[M-Au] (A) He's still sick, I'm afraid.
7. [M.Brl Could you close the door, please?
(B) Ves, very well indeed.
[F.Aml (A) It closes at six.
(C) We work together.
(B) No, I don't like cheese.
(C) Sure. 1"11 do it right away.
Yes/No Questions
Exercise C p47 Track 27 8. [F-Au] Were you waiting for me?
1. 1M-Am] Will the flight be on time? [M-Am) (A) The waiter's over there.
IF.Am] (A) Ves, I hope so. (B) I've been here hall an hour.
(B) No, it's too tight. (C) Ves, leI's wait here.
(C) It's a quarter after lour.
Choice Quesltons
2. [F-Aml Have you booked a room yet?
[M-Brl (A) Yes, lers do that. Exercise C p48 Track 29
(B) nr do it tomorrow. 1. [M-Aul Can we pay by check or do you prefer cash?
(C) I looked last night. [F-Br) (A) Cash if possible, thank you.
(B) It's better to check.
3. [M-Cn] Do you want something to eat? (C) Ves, that would be fine.
[F-Br] (A) I'm not hungry right now.
(B) Ves, let's meet. 2. [F-Am] Is the contract in the blue file or the red one?
(C) This is a good sandwich. [M-Cn) (A) As a matter 01 fact, they are.
(8) Ves, I read them both.
4. [F-Au] Would you like to use the bathroom? (Cl It's in the blue one.
[M-Aml (A) Is this your classroom?
(B) I heard the news. 3. [M-Am] Would you like to stay in or eat out?
(C) No thanks. I'm fine. IF-Ami (A) Are you sure we can afford it? ,
(B) Yes, I'd like that.
5. [M-Am] May I take your coa:? (C) Let's go to a restaurant,
[F-Am] (A) That's very kind of you.
(B) It's not what I wrote. 4, [F-AuJ 00 you want a room with a bath or one with a shower?
(C) No. my throat is very sore. 1M-Ami (A) I'd preler a bath, thank you.
(B) The flowers are nice,
6. IF-Am) Can you book a table for fIVe? (e) That sounds wonderful.
1M-Am] (A) They weren't able to.
(B) Sure. No problem. 5. [M.Cn) Will you make the reserva:ion or should I?
(C) Ves, you can book one right now. [F-Am) (A) I have reservations, too.
(B) Can you do it?
(C) It's easy to make.

6 Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT

6, [F-Br] Has Brad gone to Washington or New York? 5, [M-Bf] Jim is a good worker, isn't he?
[M.Am] (A) Either, I Ihink. [F-Au] (A) He supports the merger,
(B) I'm not sure. (B) He can't walk so well.
(G) Yes, he has. (G) He sure is,

Mini Test - Choice Quesllons p4B Track 30 6. [F-Am] You won't tell the boss 1 was late, will you?
[M-Au] (A) Notlhis time.
1. (M-Br] WOuld you like milk or sugar in your coffee?
(B) The boss has arrived now.
(F-Au] (A) Both, thank you.
(C) I hope to sell it later.
(B) Yes, I'd like that.
(C) No, not at aiL
Mini Test - Tag Questions p49 Track 32
2, (F.Am] Is Vernon going with you to the meeting or is Ashley?
1. {M.Cn] The Personnel Manager's on vacation, isn't he?
IM-Gn) (A) Yes, I'm meeting Vernon.
[F-Am] (A) Ves, he'll be back next Monday.
(B) No, he's not.
(B) He said he had a great lime.
(C) I'm going alone.
(C) Is he at the stalion already?

3, [M-Au] Will you be away for one week or two?

2. [F-Br) Vou've seen the new company brochures, haven't you?
IF.Gn) (A) Yes, we will.
[M-Am] (A) Ves. they're really good.
(B) Two of us are going
(B) I didn't know that.
(G) I'll be there for seven days.
(C) I'm a little unsure.

4. [F-Am) Are you free in the morning or in Ihe afternoon?

3. [M-Cn] You don't want to get a new phone, do you?
[M-Brl (A) I'm available until midday.
[F-Au] (A) No, my home is very comfortable.
(B) No, iI's expensive at any lime.
(B) Well, this one's a little old,
(C) Yes, there are.
(C) I didn't think you would.

5. [M-Gn] Do you want a window seat or an aisle seat?

4. [F-Am] Vou and Elizabeth work in the same department,
IF.Br] (A) The file's on the seat.
don't you?
(B) Either is OK.
[M-Br] (A) I usually walk there.
(C) This seal's fine.
(B) II's a very small compartment.
(C) Ves, we're in Manufacturing.
6, [F-Gn) Is your presentation in the morning or in the afternoon?
[M-Au] (A) II's the last session of the day
5. [M.Am] Vou haven't seen my watch anywhere, have you?
(6) The afternoon is better.
[F-en] (A) Is it new?
(C) Unfortunately, it is.
(B) I'm afraid not.
(C) Anywhere is fine,
1. [M-Am] Did you choose the large office or the office with a window?
[F.Br] (All! was a hard choice.
6. (F-Br] They offered you the job, didn't they?
(8) The one with a view,
(M-Am] (A) Ves, they all have jobs.
(C) That would be great.
(8) I'm still waiting.
(e) That's a very kind offer,
8. (F-Am] Shoutd we pnnt this in black and white or color?
(M-Gn] (A) The printer is too old.
1. [M-Au] Kenny's from England, isn't he?
(B) II's very coforful.
[F-Aml (Al I think he is.
(G) Let's ask Susan what she thinks.
(B) He'll be back next week.
(C) Yes, I'd like a refund.
Tag Questions
B, [F-Au] You wrote that ad in the paper, didn't you?
Exercise C p49 Track 31
[M-Cn] (A) There's no more paper.
1. [M.Am] You haven't bought another primer, have you?
(B) Ves, that was me.
[F-Aml (A) Yes, I got this last week,
~. (C) 1 didn't get your note.
(B) ThaI's what I thoughl.
(G) I'll print it again for you
Negative Questions
2. [F-Gn] The product launch was a great success, wasn't it?
exercise C p50 Track 33
[M-Br) (Al Thanks for the request.
1. [M-Am] Doesn't the scanner work anymore?
(B) We had a great lunch.
[F-Bf] (A) I scanned the documents yesterday.
(G) It certainly was.
(B) No, it broke last week.
(C) There are no more scans.
3. (M-Au] Train fares didn't go up again last week, did they?
[F-Gn] (A) Unfortunately, they did.
2. (F-Cn] Weren't you going to meet Jen this afternoon?
(8) ThaI's not fair.
1M-Am) (A) She catted and canceled.
(C) Ves, you can go by train.
(B) There's a good view of the moon.
(C) She's sitting in the conference room.
4. [F-Am) You'll finish this work today, won't you?
(M.Aml (A) Ves, there were.
3. (M-Cnj Hasn't the accountant finished yet?
(8) I hope I can get it aU done.
[F-Am) (A) The announcement was made.
(C) The clerk will be ready.
(B) He's still working on the figures.
(C) Vou can count on me

Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 7

4. [F-Am] Isn't the President a great speaker? 3. [M-Cn] Does anyone know where my keys are?
[M.Au] (A) Yes, he's getting weaker, [F-Brl (A) Oh, yes please.
(B) I spoke to him yesterday. (B) Have you looked on your desk?
(C) He's very good at communicating. (C) There's one on your knees.

5. [M-Br] Didn't I ask you to get some more ink? 4. [F.Am] Will you let me know when my order is shipped?
[F.Au] (A) I didn't want to think. 1M-Au) (A) Yes. it's a very fast ship.
(B) We don't need any. (B) Shipping is free.
(C) There's a glass by the sink. (C) I'll send you a fax.

6. [F-Am] Shouldn't you put on a coat? 5. 1M-Am] Are you sure this address is correct?
[M-Am) (A) I'd prefer to wea- a coal. IF-Cnl (A) There's nothing to collect.
(B) That's not what I wrote, (B) I can check it for you, if you'd like,
(C) It's not that cold outside. (C) You're under a lot of stress.

Mini Test - Negative Quesllons pSO Track 34 6. IF-Am] Can you tell me when the taxi is here?
1. 1M-Au] Aren't you looking forward to the conference? (M-Br] (A) I think it's arriving now.
(F.AmI (A) Yes, we need to go forward. (B) We already paid the tax.
(B) Irs always the same every year. (C) Yes, we'll take a taxi.
(C) Sorry, I didn't see you there.
MinI Test - Embedded Questions p51 Track 36
2. [F.Cnl Shouldn't we say we're going to be late? 1, 1M-Ami Did anyone tell you how the news got out?
1M-Am] (A) The survey is great. IF-Au) (A) Yes, they are nice shoes.
(B) It's already on Ihe plate. (B) When did you hear that?
(C) Yes, I'll call Anthony now. (C) No, what happened?

3, IM.Cn] Can't you drive any faster? 2_ IF-Br) Do you know whose cup this is?
[F.Br] (A) I passed my test six years ago. IM-Cn] (A) Thanks fot cleaning up.
(B) Sorry, but the speed limit is 55. (B) No, it's not mine.
(C) That'll be the principa~'s car, (C) Yes, you can use it if you want.

4, IF.Au] Didn't Usa say we could go home early? 3. (M-Au] Did you decide what color to paint the walls?
IM.Br] (A) She didn't say anything to me. (F-Am] (A) That office is Paul's.
(B) Yes. it's an old phone. (B) I think blue, probably.
(C) Lisa went home at six. (C) Yes, they're very colorful.

5. [M-Am] Haven't you received my resume yet? 4. [F-Cn) 00 you know if they're taking the train?
[F-Am] (A) I'll send it right away. [M-Am] (A) I'm very glad you came.
(B) We got it this morning. (B) It's quicker by train,
(C) Good luck with the application, (C) Yes, they're at the station now.

6. [F-Br] Isn't this party lun? 5. IM-Cnj Did anyone show you how to use the lax machine?
[M.Cn) (A) Mine's a little overdone. (F-Am] (A) Not everyone can use it.
(B) That sounds w:)nderiul. (B) I'd like to send a fax right away.
(C) Yes, I'm really enjoying myself. (C) Nobody's shown me yet.

7. [F-Am) Didn't you win first prize last year, as well? 6. [F.Cn] Can you tell me where Mr. Chen is?
(M-Au] (A) This competition is held every year. [M-Am] (A) He's in his office.
(B) That's not whatI'd advise. (B) Yes, I think he is.
(C) No, this is the first time. (C) He must be forty years old.

8. [F-Cn] Won't you join me for dinner? 7. [M.Aml Are you sure this is your best price?
1M-AmI (A) I enjoyed it a lot. [F-Am) (Al We can't go any lower
(B) Thanks, I'd love to. (B) ThaI's very nice of you
(e) No, I'm a beginner. (C) You are a great guest.

Embedded Quesllons 8. IF.Brl Did you hear if there will be any job cuts?
(M.Cn] (A) I'll apply tomorrow.
Exercise C p51 Track 3S (B) Over two thousand staff will go.
1. IM-Br) Do you know where the bank is? (C) luckily I didn't hurt myself.
IF-AmI (A) I'm afraid irs a long way from here.
(B) Who can I thank?
(C) II opens at nine,
Exercise C p53 Track 37
2. [F-Au] Did you decide where we're meeting? 1. [M-Arn]I!'s raining outside.
[M-Am] (A) Yes, in Room 7, [F-Br) (A) I can't decide.
(B) At live O'Clock. (B) let's wait until it stops.
(C) I haven't chosen a restaurant yet. (C) No, she came in already.

8 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT

2, [F-Am) The post office is closed. 6. [F.Am] The trip went very well.
[M~Br) (A) At five o'clock, IM-Br) (A) I love traveling by Ship,
(B) No, our main office is open, (8) I feel much beller now, thank YOu.
(C) You'll have to go tomorrow. (C) I'm pleased to hear that.

3, [M-Am] My headache is getting worse, 7. [M~Cn] The contract says we cannot cancel.
[F~Au) (A) Here's your purse, [F-Am] (A) I lost contact weeks ago.
(B) Have you taken any medication? (8) Are you sure there isn't a way?
(C) I'm a lillie beller now, thanks, (C) Yes, I canceled the order.

4. IF-BrI The train was late this morning, 8. [F-Au] Please hold and I'll connect your call.
[M-Am] (A) How long did you have to wait? [M.Am] (A) There's nothing to collect.
(B) No, I ate breakfast already, thanks, (B) OK, I'll wait,
(C) Yes, it'll be here at nine, (C) Sorry, my hands are full.

5. (M-Br] TImothy is preparing the business plan. Mini Test - Words with Multiple MeanIngs p54 Track 39
[F-Cn] (A) Yes, I think he can,
1. [M-Br] Have you read the book I gave you?
(8) Yes, we need to plan our Christmas vacation,
[F~Cn] (A) I booked it last week.
(C) Why don't you do it?
(B) No, I haven't had time.
(C) Thank you very much,
6. [F-Am] You need to wear a suit,
[M.Au] (A) I think it suits me,
2. [F-Am] Did anyone come to fix Ihe fife alarm yet?
(B) LeI's share the cost.
IM.Au] (A) Lers fix a time to test it.
(C) OK, I'll get one.
(B) Do we want a fire alarm?
(C) They should be here tomorrow morning,
7. [M-Cn] Today's training is in Room 14.
[F-Br] (A) Yes, I think it was.
3. [M-Cn] The accOuntancy exam was very hard.
(B) Thanks for letting me know,
[F-Br) (A) Nobody could use it.
(C) Irs always raining.
(B) Only five people passed.
(G) I couldn't move il at all.
8. IF-Au] This month's income is low.
1M-Am) (A) I'd like to become a cashier,
4. [F-Am] Don't you think iI's hot in here?
(8) Yes, the temperature is lower,
1M-Am] (A) No, it's not too spicy.
(C) Maybe next month will be beller,
(B) I'll open a window,
(G) The weather should be good tomorrow as well.
9, [M.Cn] The bus leaves from Harvard Square,
[F-Am] (A) U's the nineteenth today,
5. [M.Au) This is the wrong cable for the DVO player.
(B) There's a boat in the bay,
[F-Am] (A) Doesn't it fit?
(C) LeI's hurry or we'll miss it.
(B) I think I'm right.
(C) That was wrong of you.
10. IF-Cn) I'm very interested in this opportunity,
1M-Au] (A) That's good to hear.
6. [F-Br] Does Nigel want to upgrade 10 first class?
(B) The community is very strong,
[M-Am) (A) Yes, he was in my class.
(G) It was a great chance,
(B) The first class is on the twenty-seventh.
(C) How much will it cost?
Mini Test - Statements p53 Track 38
1. [M.Brl That lecture was very interesting. 7. [M-Am] How was your meal?
[F-Aml (A) It was at the leisure center. [F.Au] (A) It was very good, thanks.
(8) I'm no! sure I agree. (B) ThaI's very good of you.
(C) It lasted two hours, (C) I'm not good at cooking.
• 2. [F-Am) The printer is out of ink. 8. [F-Cn] How about a game of tennis?
[M-Cn) (A) Qh, no. Not again! IM.Br] (A) I don't know how to play.
(B) He wants another drink? (B) Can you play that again?
(C) I'll get more paper. (C) II's a boring play.

Mini Te5t- Similar-sounding Words p55 Track 40

3. 1M-Am] We're leaving in thirty minutes,
IF-Au] (A) It was only hall an hour. 1. (M-Cn) How about a cup of coffee before we leave?
(8) I'm not thirsty, thanks (F.Am) (A) I've already made copies.
(C) rll be ready (B) I don't believe you.
(C) ThaI sounds good
4. IF-8r] I'd like a seat near the door, please.
[M-Cn] (A) Please don't sit on the floor. 2. [F.Br] I'm starting a new project soon,
(8) That shOuldn't be a problem. (M-Am] (A) No, I checked everything.
(C) We'll meet at four. (8) I hope it goes well for you
(C) When will you collect it?
5. [M-Au] Tony lost his car keys.
[F-Gn] (A) He'll have to find them quickly. 3, [M-Au] Where's the no.smoking sign?
(B) He arrived by car. [F-Am] (A) On the wall over there.
(e) He's always getting losl. (B) I like the design a lot.
(C) It's not mine.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT 9

4. IF-Cn} Doesn't Sue work in Personnel? Steps to Success pS7
IM-Br] (A) She's gone to the hotel.
(B) She likes to sell. Practice 1
(C) Yes, I think she coes. Warm.up Track 42
(F-Am] Would you like to meet on Tuesday the 25th or Friday
5. [M-Am] Are you ready for more cake? the 28th?
[F-Au] (A) Yes, I'd love some, Practice Track 43
(B) Can I take the call later? [M-Am] Why did William leave earty?
(G)I read it before. [F-Br] (A) He lives nearby.
(B) Yes, he quit last week.
6. (F-Am] All the figures are in this chart, (C) He didn't say.
(M-Cn] (A) We'll depart at five.
Practice 2
(B) I don't understand modern art.
Warm.up Track 44
(G) Can I have a closer look?
[M-Am] 00 you always have lunch at one?

7. 1M-Am] Did you get the grant you applied lor? Practice Track 45
(F-Br] (A) No, I can't find it. [F-Au] How is the new sales manager?
(B) Yes, fortunately I did. [M-Cn] (A) Sales are good this month.
(C) Yes, leI's decide. (B) He's very enthusiastic.
(C) Yes, he is quite old, actually.
8. [F-Au] We need to repay the loan immediately. Practice 3
[M-Am] (A) I didn't know we could play, Warm.up Track 46
(B) Can't we delay payment? [F-Am] What does your brother do?
(C) Well, ifs not unknown.
Practice Track 47
[F-Br] When did Julie give you the message?
Mini Test - Homophones p56 Track 41 [M-Au) (A) No, she didn't.
1. IM-Brl I never knew you liked classical music. (B) Just aller lunch.
(F-Cn) (A) Yes, iI's very new, (C) We got married last year.
(B) I don't believe it.
Practice 4
(G)ll's so relaxing to listen to.
Warm.up Track 48
(F-Am] Can you come see me later today?
2. [F-Am) Mr. Chang doesn't eat meat.
1M-Au] (A) Then we'll have sushi. Practice Track 49
(B) Why can't he meet us? [M-Cn] Would you like coffee or tea with your sandwich?
(C) Is five o'clock OK? [F-Au] (A) That would be lovely.
(B) Can I have a cold drink?
3. {M-Cn) I rode a horse on vacation. (C) Just one sandwich is fine.
IF-Br] (A) No, just a bad cough, Practice 5
(B) This is the road Warm.up Track 50
(C) Did you fall ott?

(M-Am] I don't want to miss my train.

Is your desk made of real wood? Practice Track 51

(A) Yes. I really would, [F-Cnl We're meeting at eight.
(B) II's solid oak, actually. [M-Br] (A) OK. r won't be late.
(C) Please take a seat. (B) Is someone at the gate?
(C) No, I'm not eating anything.
5. [M-Au] There isn't any more coffee,
[F-Am] (A) They're coming tomorrow, I :hink, Review Test p64 Track 52
(B) Are those their drinks on the table? 1. [M.Am] When are you leaving for Paris?
(C) I'll make some more. [F-Br] (A) I've been living there lor three years.

.. [F-Br) She's away fOf the whale week.

IM.Cn] (A) I can't see a hole.
(B) At nine tomorrow morning.
(Cl I have to go there on ousiness,

(B) Yes, I know. 2. [F-Am] Would you like milk or sugar with your tea?
(G) She'll be finished by Friday. [M-Au] (A) Can I have both?
(B) No, I don't drink milk.
7. IM.AmI The Executive Suite is on the 6\'1 floor. (C) It's on the table over there.
IF-Am] (A) ThaI's very sweet of you.
(B) Where's the elevator? 3. [M-BrJ John's computer isn't working.
(C) I'll just take three, thanks. [F-Cn] (Al He should calliechnical services.
(B) Can't he find a job?
•• [F-Am) Please put the bOl<"eson the first stair.
[M-Au] (A) OK. no problem.
(C) Lots of commuters are underemployed.

(B) Yes, thanks a lot. 4. [F-Au] Do you know why they canceled the order?
(C) I don't want to stare. [M-Aml (A) I can handle it.
(8) They ordered a sample,
(C) They didn't give a reason.

10 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT

5. [M-Au] Where did you go to college? 19, {M-Cn] How much was the hotel?
[F-Am) (A) I majored in Math. [F-Am] (A) II was fine.
(B) I was at Colorado State University. (B) I'll go there tonight.
(C) Yes, I think I would like Ihat. (C) I can't remember.

6. [F-Cn] II looks like it might snow. 20. [F-Br) Can't you ask someone for directions?
[M-Br] (A) No, I have to go now. [M-Cn] (A) I have no objections.
(B) So I'll see you tonight? (B) I'll look at my map.
(C) I hope it doesn't. (C) Thanks for asking.

7, 1M-Am] How aboul getting take-out? 21. [M-Au] So, how was New Jersey?
(F-Am] (A) 1"11
take it out soon. IF.Cn] (A) The trip went well, thanks.
(B) That's a great idea. (B) I think the color suits me.
(C) Didn't you get one once? (C) I need to check.

8, (F.Au] What do you think of my new office? 22. (F-Am) leday's the seventeenth, right?
[M-Cn) (A) It's bigger than your old one. (M-Brl (A) It's the first house on the left.
(B) Sorry, that was thoughtless of me, (B) That's too many,
(C) Yes, I agree with you. (C) Yes, thal"s right.

9, [M-Br] Where's the bus station, please? 23. [M-Am] How long did you spend in london?
[F-Am] (A) There's been a cancellation [F-Am] (A) I was there a week.
(B) It's across from the park, (B) It's very expensive,
(C) I came by car. (C) It won't be long now.

10. (F.Br] Who called you just now? 24, IF.Au] Do you want to sit in the front or in the back?
[M-Am) (A) t think Glen owned it. 1M-Am) (A) Yes, let's go back.
(B) I'd like to know how. (B) I'd like Ihat.
(C) That was my assistant. (C) I'd prefer 10 be in the front.

11. [M-Cn] 00 you accept credit cards? 25. (M-Cn) Aren't you taking the train?
[F.Au) (A) Yes, of course. [F-Br] (A) I don'llike champagne.
(B) I bought my car. (B) A little, yes
(C) t don't know how 10 play. (C) No, I'll drive there.

12. [F.Am] Whose idea was that?

[M.Au] (A) That's my hat.
Part 3 - Short Conversations
(B) I have a good idea. Try It Out p70 Track 57
(C) It wasn't mine.
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation,
13. 1M-Am) You're a little tired, aren't you? [F-Cn) Oh, Mr. Perry. Before you go into your office .... Mr. Watson
[F-Am] (A) Yes, it's very big called while you were at lunch.
(8) A little, yes. [M-Br] Oh, really? I wasn't expecting a call from him. He's due to be
(C) It was acquired last month. here at three, isn't he?
[F-CnJ Yes, that's why he called. He said he can't make it this
14. (F.Aml What will you wear for the dinner? afternoon. He wanted to reschedule for tomorrow, so I booked
(M.Br] (A) let's have seafood, him in at ten A,M. I hope that's OK with you.
(B) I don't know where it is. [M-Bf] Yes, thaI's fine. Thanks for letting me know.
(C) A suit and lie, J think.
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following conversation with
15. (M.Au] Where can I write my name? three speakers.
[F.Cn] (A) What's wrong? {M.Au] I'm glad that's over, I'm exhausted.
(B) You're quite right. (F1-Am]So am I. How did yours go, Usa?
(Cl Put it at the bottom. (F2-Am] Not too bad I guess. But it was much tougher than J expected,
and longer too.
16. IF.Am] Are you sure the director wants to see me? (F1-Am]Hmm. It seems like a great place to work, though, If Ihey offer
IM.Br] (A) That's what he said. me a position, I'll certainly take it,
(B) It was a great movie. [M-Au] Oon.t hold your breath, t counted over thirty of us, for three jobs.
(C) He really likes the sea. [F2-Am) Yeah. Well, good luck! You never know!
[M.Au] Anyway. we'd better go to the main entrance. There's a bus
17,IM-AU] You weren't here yesterday, were you? there to take everyone to the stalion. II's leaving in len minutes.
(F.Am) (A) No, it's not here.
(B) I was at the Singapore office. Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following conversation,
(C) It was last week, I think,
[F-Am] Good evening, Reception, Can I help you?
[M-Cn] Yes, I'd like an early morning call at six thirty tomorrow. please,
18. IF-Cn] Didn't they give you any training?
Can you do that for me?
{M-Am] (A) There's only one remaining.
[F-Am] Of course. Room 412. an early morning call at six thirty. That's
(B) I had a few classes.
booked for you, Is there anything else I can help you with?
(C) I don't think they will.
[M-Cn] No, that's all, thank you. Good-night.

Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT 11

Queslions 10 through 12 refer to the following conversation and 4, [F-Au] The elevator stopped working this morning around nine,
list. luckily, nobody was inside,
[F-Au] Oh no! Don't tell me the photocopier's broken again? [M.Cn] Well, I suppose we'll take the stairs. Any idea when it will
1M-Am) I'm afraid so. It just stopped working a minute ago. Irs not out be fixed?
of paper. I checked that already. I'm not sure whalthe problem [F-Au] I called the maintenance guys hours ago. They should be
is, to be honest. here soon.
[F-Au) Typical! My class starts in live minutes. I need to copy this test.
[M-Am) Well, why don't you call Bob. He should be able to fix it. 5, 1M-Am] Are you going to Tim's on Saturday night?
[F.Brl Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Who else is going?
[M-Am] Everyone from work, some of his friends, his neighbors ..
Improve Your Performance It starts at eight. You know where he lives, right?
[F-Br) Yes. 42 Greenacre Drive. I'll see you there at eight!
Ustenlng for Main Ideas

Questions about the Speakers p73 Track 59 6. IF.Am] The train to the airport is the quickest. It's direct, 100.
1. [F-Br] Can you sit in your seat. please, sir? The plane is going to [M.Br] But it's expensive, and the bus is more convenient. There's
take off soon. a stop just outside our hotel.
IM-Cn] rm sorry. Where can I put this bag? [F.Am] I don.t want to get stuck in traffic with a flight to catch. leI's
IF-Br] Please put it under the seat in Iront 01you. take the train,
(M-Cn] OK. Thanks.
Questions about Activities p75 Track 61
2. (F-Cn] Where should I put all these books? 1. [M.Au] Can I see your passport, please?
(M-Au) They're all new for this season. I want them in [F-Am) Yes. Here it is. And here's mv
boa'ding pass, too.
the window. [M-Au] Thank you. Please take a seat in the lounge. The flight is
(F-Cn] OK. I'll do it now on time, so you can board in ten minutes.

3, [M-Br] OK, so what seems to be the problem? 2. [M-Am] Here we are. 30 Harvard Square. That'll be
[F.Am] I have a terrible cough and a sore throat. II's been almost a $12.50, please.
week now, and iI's not getting any better. [F-Cn] Oh, I only have a twenty. Is that OK?
IM-Br] I see. let me have a look down your throat. Say "Ahh." [M-Aml No problem. let me see .. seven dollars and fifty
[F-Am] Ahh. cents. Here you are.

4. (M.Cn] Hello, ma'am. How can I help you? 3. [F-Au] So go along Fifth Avenue and take a right at the
[F-Am] I'd like twelve red roses. please. The best you have. post office.
[M-Cn] Certainly. Would you like me to w-ap them in gift paper? [M-Cn] Right at the post office. OK.
[F-Am] Yes, please. They're a birthday present lor my husband. [F-Au] Then walk straight lor two blocks and the bank is on your
5. [M-Am] Sorry, but my room hasn't been cleaned today. and the TV [M-Cn] That's great. Thanks for your help.
doesn't work.
[F-Au] Oh, dear. I'm very sorry to hear U'at. What's your 4. [F.Am) Jason, can you help me prepare lor the presentation in
room number? Room 4?
[M-Am] 247. And the service at breakfast this morning was terrible. {M-Am] Sorry, I can't. I have to finish this report.
Gan I speak to the manager? [F-Am] Can't it wait? I could really use your help moving the
[F.Au] I'll get her right away. furniture, and I need someone to connect my laptop.
[M-Am] Sorry. I need to e-mail this by four o'clock, My best
6. [M-Gn] Hi. The airport, please. customer is wailing lor it. Maybe Alan can help?
[F-Br] No problem.
[M.Gn) Gan you go as quickly as you can? I'm late and I don't 5. [F-Am] 00 you know what the problem is?
want to miss my t1ight. [M.Br] No, not yet. The engine works fine, and it's not
[F-Br] I'll do my best. but the trat'ic is pretty bad right now. the battery
[F.Arn] I need it soon. I have a meeting at three and irs at least a
Questions about the Topic p74 Track 60 thirty minute drive from here.
1. [M.Au] I thought that was boring, actually. It was way too long (M-Br) Hmm. It might be a loose connection. Give me a little more
[F-Am] Hmm. And the acting wasn't very good, was it? time, We'll have you on the road again really soon.
1M-Au] It had a lot of big stars in it. and they say it cost a fortune
to make. 5. (M.Cn] Suzie, can you pass the salt? II's over there on the table.
[F-Am] Yes. But the story itself was terrible. I don't think I'll be (F-Cn] Sure, Here you go. The vegetables will be ready soon.
getting the OVO! (M.Cn] Good. I checked the steak about two minutes ago. It looks
2. [F-Au] How's your steak? IF-Cn! Great. I'm looking forward to this. I'm really hungry.
[M-Br] It's great. And the potatoes are tasty too. What about your
lish? Questions about the location p76 Track 62
IF-Au] It's good, but the vegetables are overcooked, 1, IF-Au] TIckets, please. Can I see your ticket?
IM.Br] Oh, thaI's a shame. Maybe you should tell the waiter? 1M-Au] Oh, here it is. Thank you. Which platform is the 3:10 to
Sydney. please?
3. 1M-Am) So, you have a board meeting at ten, then lunch [F.Au] That'll be Platform 11. Go straight and turn right. Irs at
with Or. Uu. the end.
IF-Gn] OK. Anything after lunch? 2. IM.Cn] Excuse me. Can you tell me where the meats are. please?
1M-Am] Gary from sales wants to see you. How about. say, two? [F-Br] Over near the fruit and vegetables. Can you see
(F-Gn] Two's fine. I don't want any appointments after that. the sign?
though. I need to finish a report. IM.Cn! Oh, yes. I see it. Thank you.

12 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT

3. [M-Am] Are you going out? LIstening for Details
[F.Cn) Yes. I need to return these books. I just remembered I've
QuestIons about Time pao Track 66
had them for ages.
[M-Amj You'll probably have to pay a fine then. 1. [F.Am] It's Friday already and we still haven't finished this project.
[F-Cn] I know. I hope it's not too ellpensive. I'll be glad when it's over.
[M.Am] I know. It's almost three months now. Well, we should be
4. [M.Br] How's the new job? Are you enjoying it? able to finish it next week, hopefully.
[F.AuJ Yes. but it's hard work, I hurt my back lifting a package this [F.Am] Hopefully! I'm looking forward to it. Anyway, have a good
morning onto the scales. It was really heavy. weekend, I'll see you on Monday.
[M.Br] Couldn't anyone help you?
[F-Au] No, everyone was busy. It's always busy on Mondays. I 2. [M.Cn] I don't think this cell phone is working properly.
filled Sill huge bags of mail. and sold around three hundred [F. Brl You only bought it two weeks ago, didn't you? Why don.t
stamps before lunch! you take it back to the store?
IM-Cn] I haven't had time this week. I've been too busy,
5, [M.Am] I'd like a car for a few days, What do you have? IF. Br] Maybe you'll get the chance over the weekend.
Small is OK.
[F-Am] Well, we have a compact available. That's the 3. [M.Au] When does the lecture on Telephone Sales begin?
most economical. [F-Amj I think it starts at three. II's in Training Room B this time.
{M.Am] ThaI's fine. How muCh is it for the weekend, 1M-Au] 11finishes at four, right? I have a meeting then.
including insurance? [F.Am) No, this one lasts for two hours. You'U have to reschedule
IF.Aml OK. Give me a minute and I'll get you a price. your four o'clock appointment.

6. [F.Br] Hello, Mr. Wilkinson. How are you? 4, IM.Am] When are you going to sign the Franklin contract?
[M.Cn] Not too good, actually. I have a toothache in the back, on [f.Br] There's no rush. It's only Tuesday. We aren't seeing them
the side. Right about here. until Thursday.
[F.Br] Sit back in the chair and let me take a look, Ooen (M.Am] Yes, but I promised Mr. Franklin he would have it before
wide. Oh, yes, I see the problem, Hmm. I'll need to do the weekend.
something about this right away. [F.Br] Really? I didn't know that. OK, I'll do it right away.

Mini Tesl - Ustening for Main Ideas p77 Track 63 5. [F-Au] Say, Tony. Have you lost weight?
[M-Br] Yes, I have. Thanks for noticing. I started going to the gym
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.
a few months ago.
[F.Am] I'm interested in your evening adult education classes. Do you IF.Au) Well, it seems to be working! Do you go every day?
have any business courses? IM.Br) No. They say you need to go three times a week. but I just
IM.Am] Yes, we do. We have Business Administration. II covers all the go on Mondays and Fridays.
basic skills you need in the world of work.
(F-Am] That sounds interesting. Is it ellpensive? 6. [F.Am] I haven't sent this package yet, and it's five thirty already.
1M-Am] Not really. The classes are twice a week for ten weeks, all (M-Am] Well, why don'l you leave it untillomorrow? It's not urgent,
for $250. is it?
[F.Am] I guess not. But I wanted to do it today.
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following conversation. IM.Am] I'd leave it and do it right away when you get in tomorrow.
IF.Cn] Ellcuse me. I'm afraid this soup is cold. That'll be OK.
IM.Am) Oh, I'm very sorry. I'll change that for you right away.
[F-Cnl Thank you. And can I please have some more bread? This is Questions about Reasons pa1 Track 67
hard. 1. IF.Au] What's wrong? You look a little upset.
IM.Am] Certainty. Please accept my apologies. IM.Cn) It's this new filing system. It's not very good. A lot of
documents seem to be missing.
QuestIons 7 through 9 refer to the following conversation. IF.Au] You're right. It's nol easy 10use. I think the old system was
IF.Br) The annual conference in Paris is next week and I haven't muCh better.
booked a hotel yeti [M-Cn] I'll have to ask senior management to look into it. It's time
1M-Au] Really? I booked one weeks ago. All the hotels near the we put all these records on the computer anyway.
con1erence site will be full by now
(F.Br] Yes, I know. I've tried everywhere. I guess I'll have to book a 2. IF.Am] Hey, Sean. I hear you moved home last week.
hotel further out and take the train in. At least it'll be cheaper, Congratulations!
[M.Am] Thanks. II's a smaller place than I was in. though.
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following conversation with [F-Aml But don't you find it's more con ..••
enient to be in the city?
three speakers. [M-Am] Yes, thaI's why I moved. I love the countryside. but it used
to take 40 minutes to get here on the train, but now I walk
{M-Cn) It's Usa's birthday on Thursday.
to world
IFt.Br] Hey! That's right!
{M.Cn] We should have a party to celebrate. What do you think, Jane?
3. [F.Br] Why are we meeting on Friday and not today, as
1f2.Am] Good idea. We can use Meeting Room 4.
[M.Cn] Yes. That should be big enough for us all. and it's easy to we planned?
(M-Am] James can't make it today. He's away at a convention,
IF-Br] Can't we manage without him?
[F1.Br] OK, so who's going to do what?
1M-Am] Not really. The main office says we all have to attend
[M-Cn) Well, we'll need something to eat. How about I call and get
some sandwiches delivered, and you both get the drinks. the meeting.
(F2.Am] Yes, OK, Oh, and we need to tell everyone a time.
IF1.BrJ Hmm. Let's make it sill o'clock, Then people can just stop by
before they leave the office.
IM-Cnl Great So that's all settled then.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 13

4. (M-Cn) Don'l you want to leave? II's seven thirty. Everyone's gone Questions about Offers and Requests p83 Track 69
1. (M-Br] OK. It's almost one o'clock, I'm going out to get a
[F-Au] I have to wait for a client to call. It's the Jenkins
sandwich, I can get one for you too, if you like.
account ... again.
[F-Sf] That's very kind of you. Thank you. Could you get me a
IM-Cn] Oh, really. What's the problem this time?
ham and cheese, from the coffee shop on the corner?
(F-Au) They're saying they won't pay our latesl invoice.
IM.Br] OK. Do you want anything to drink?
IF.Sr] A regular coffee, thanks. Wait a minute and I'll give you the
5. [M-Am] Have you heard the news about Michael Fraser?
He resigned!
[F-Cn] No! He's only been here six months. What happened?
2. [M.Am] Diane, do you think you'll get that work done by
[M-Am) I have no idea. But they're already advertising for a new
rive o'clock?
Research Director.
JF-Cn) By five? No way. There's too much to do. It'll have to wait
until Monday.
6. (F-Am) Hello? Barbara Reddich speaking.
[M.Amj Would you mind staying late tonight and finishing it? It's
[M-Br] Hi, Barbara. "'s Brian. I won't be in today. I have a really bad
very urgent. I can pay you overtime.
stomachache. I'm seeing the doctOf later this morning.
[F-Gn] Sorry, but I have plans. I'm meeting some friends
[F-Am] Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear trat. I'll tell the others. Ohl What
for dinner,
about your annual review?
[M-Br] It'll have to wait. Can we just reschedule it for next week?
3. IF.Au] Hello, Noreen, How can I help you?
(F-Am] I need a new monitor. Mine is starting to cause problems.
Questions about Plans pB2 Track 68 and it's way too small. Do we have a budget for this kind oj
1. (F.Am] At last. it's Friday. What a wHlk! I'm glad we finished that thing?
report. [F.Au) Not at the moment. Money is very tight. I can give you my
[M-Am) Let's enjoy ourselves this weekend. The weather forecast is monitor if you want. We can swap!
good, so why don't we play tennis tomorrow? IF-Am] Well, you're not at your desk as much as me, so OK, yes.
[F-Am) OK, and on Sunday we can go lor a long walk in Let's do that.
the country
[M.Am] That sounds like a good plan! 4. [M.Aml Are you waiting for Mrs. Men?
[F-Am] Yes. We have a meeting at four, but it seems she's a little
2. [M-Cn] Hi, Carol. This is your last month. Do you know what late.
you're going to do after this contract is over? 1M-Am] Yes, I think it's the traffic, I'll call her on her cell
[F-Cnj Yes, I'm going 10 apply for a permanent position here. phone to check. Would you like some tea or coffee while
I really like working with you all. you wait?
[M-Cn] That's great! But. I thought you wanted to work
in Vancouver. 5. [M.Au] Excuse me. Are you using this?
[F-Cn] No, I've changed my mind, Toronto is much nicerl IF-Sr) No, that one's free. I just need two. for my friends. They'li
be here any minute.
3. [M-Am] Can you check the price 01these memory [M-AuJ OK, well, I'm with some people over there in the
sticks, please? comer, and we need one more chair. 00 you mind if
(F-Au] Certainly, one moment ... They're $8.49 each. Do you I take this one?
want all three? [F-Br] Sure, go ahead.
[M.Am] Yes, please. Oh, I don't have enough cash. Is a credit card
OK? 6. IF-Gnl We've been good customers of yO,Jrsfor a year now.
[F.Au) Sure, no problem. [M-Am] Yes, that's right. I hope you're happy with our service,
and our products. Do you feel you're getting good value
4, [F-Brl Which one do you think I should get: the red or the blue for your money?
dress? Or maybe that skirt over there? [F-Cn) Well, that's what I want to ask you about, I've been
[M-Aul The black one? That looks good. But you have a lot of comparing prices on the Internet, and you're not that
skirts, already. competitive, to be honest. We'd like to stay with you, but
IF.Br] Yes, you're right. OK, so if it.s for work, then the blue is a could you give ten percent off aU future orders?
little more suitable, I think, [M-Aml Oh. I see. I'll have to ask my boss about that.
[M-Au] I agree. Let's hurry up and pay. -,
Questions about Suggestions and Advice p84 Track 70
5. 1M-Am) Fiona, we'd like to offer you the job. Will you accept? 1. [F-Am] Haven't you found a job yet, Craig?
[F-Am) I'd love to. Thanks. Oh, I'll have 10tell my current [M-Br] No, I haven't. I can't seem to find anything. There aren't
employer, of course. any good jobs in the newspapers, and the employment
[M-Am] Yes, of course. So, you intend to give a month's agencies are useless.
notice there? [F-Am] There are a lot of job sites on the web. Why don't you look
[F-Am] That's right. I can't just leave ,mmeciately. That means I there? That's how I found my job.
should be free to start here four weeks from next Monday. [M-Br] Of course, the Internet! Why didn't I think of that?

6. IM-Cn] Due 10the economic slowdown, we're going to have to 2. IM.Am] I'm going to the airport to pick up Mr. Chan, .. again.
close our Munich branch next year. [F.Am] Wow. That's the third time this month.
[F-Au] Oh, that's terrible. What abO,Jt all the staff who wor!<;there? (M-Am) I know. And it's getting in the way of my wor!<;,I'm already
Will they lose their jobs? behind schedule.
IM-Cn) Some will be offered work in New Yor!<;or London, but the [F.Am) If I were you, I'd find a good taxi company and get them to
majority will have to go, I'm afraid. meet him.
[F-Au] Hmm. I wonder how our investors will take this news,

14 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSGRIPT

3. IF-Brl You know, I've done the same job since I started here five 5. [F-Am] It seems we have to either cut costs or lose more staff.
years ago. I'm getting bored, bull don'l wanllo leave the There's no other way.
company, [M-Cn] Yes, I agree. II we continue as we are, the company will
[M-Aul Isn'lthere a vacancy in Media Relations? I saw an ad on fail. thaI's for sure.
the bulletin board in the caleteria, [F-Am) So, we have a lot of decisions ahead of us. Some very
IF.Br) Yes, I saw that too. I don't think I'm qualified for difficult ones, I'm afraid.
it, though. [M-Cn] Yes, but we have to take them, and take them quickly. If we
[M-Au) Maybe you should ask them about it. You might have the don't, we'll be lucky to survive another sill. months.
skills they need
6, [M-Au) How much do you think we should sell the new TX20 for?
4. {F-Am) Oh, this office is so small. I'm surprised you haven't moved [F-Cn] I'd say the price should be around $295. That would make
by now. us slightly cheaper than most of the competition.
[M.Am) There are only three of us. We don't need a lot of space, [M-Au] Well, I think we should aim 10f $360. II's a quality product
you know. and customers will ell.pect to pay more for it.
(F-Am) Hmm. Have you considered moving someplace bigger, [F-Cn] But thaI's twenty percent more than our rivals. ThaI's a big
and closer to the city? It would be more convenient lor difference. Do you think anyone would buy it?
your clients.
(M-Am) Yes. but it would also cost more money. I don't think we Mini Test - Ustenlng for Details p86 Track 72
can afford it. Quesflons 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.

5. (F-Cn) What are we going to do for the end-ol-the-year party? Do (M-Aml Hello, Can I speak to Mr, Yang, please?
(F-Am) I'm sorry, but Mr. Yang is in the middle of a lunch meeting right
you have any ideas?
{M.Aml We usualiy have drinks and snacks in the conference room now. Would you like to leave a message?
on the last day, don't we? (M-Aml Yes, Can you tell him Bill Carson from ARC Engineering
IF-Cn) Yes, but this year I want us all to do something different. called? I need to talk about his latest invoice. It's urgent.
What about a dance competition? iF-Am) OK, sure. Mr. Yang should be out by two. I'll make sure he
[M-Am) Hmm. How about eating out for a change? We could have gets your message as soon as possible.
dinner at the new Italian place across the street.
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following conversatlon.
6. IF.Aml Whal's the best way to get to Halson Chemicals from IF- Am) Do you want to go for a meal? There's a new French restaurant
here? over on Third Avenue. It should be opening around now.
1M-Am) II I were you, I'd catch a train to Newberry, and then walk 1M-AmiI'd love to, but I can't tonight. I need to go home and pack, I'm
there from the station. II's not far, and quicker than the bus. leaving for Houston tomorrow, remember?
IF-Am) Oh, OK. I was thinking of driving actually. IF. Am) Oh, that's right. You're flying over there to sign the Peterson
1M-Am) Don't The traffiC is terrible. When I drove there, it look two contract. aren't you? I forgot. I hope il goes welt.
hours. 1M-Am] Thanks. Maybe we can have dinner to celebrate when I get
back. Oh, look at the time, I should be going.
Questions about Opinions p85 Track 71
1. [F-Au) Well, that was, er, an "interesting" experience. Questlons 7 through 9 refer to the following conversation.
[M-Am] Interesting? Huh. I guess you could say that. The guy on (M-Brl Hello. I have a couple of shirts I'd like you to wash. Can
the violin was terrible. Not what I was expecting. someone come to my room to pick them up?
IF-Au) And I couldn't hear the piano at all. I think one 01the (F-Cn) Yes, I'll send someone up right away. Can you please put them
microphones was broken. in the blue plastic bag? There should be one in the closet.
1M-Am) Yes, irs a shame. At least it was only an hour. IM-Br) Yes, I've done that, I've filled out the pink form, too. When willi
get them back?
2. [F-Aml Those plastic bollles go in the blue bin, not the [F-Cn) let me see. II's five thirty now. Anything collected before Sill.
black bin. should be back before ten the following morning.
(M-Cnl Oh, right. Sorry, It's so difficult to remember w"lat goes
where. Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following conversation.
[F-Aml Just read the poster on the wall over there. II's simple, [F-Am) I don't understand. It should be along this street on the left.
IM-Cn) Maybe for you, but I'm not used to all these bins. ThaI's what the map says.
[M-Au) Well, il"s not. is it? We're almost at the end of Cedar Road now.
3. 1M-Ami OK, let's move on to next year's sales targets. MiChelle, What do you want me to do?
what are your thoughts? [F-Am] Just keep going. I can't believe it's taken us almost two hours
IF-Br] In my opinion, the targets are very high. We'll tle lucky to so far. Oh, look! There it is.
get anywhere near them, [M-Au) Finally. We're thirty minutes late. We were supposed to be
[M-Am] So, which targets can we achieve? here at three. Can you tell the reception desk we're here while
[F-Brl To tell you the truth, I'd be surprised if we can reaCh any of I park the car?

Making Inferences
4. [M-Br] How do you like the new Museum shop? It was only
finished last week, Practice Inferring Meaning p90 Track 75
IF-Au] I like It, but why is it on the top floor? I didn't expect it to be
1. iF-Au) I can't believe they canceled the order.
there. It's not marked in the leaflet so it took me ages to
[M.Cn) I know. They just called an hour ago.
work out where it was.
[F-Au] But I was there for three days negotiating that. We gave
[M-Brl We wanted to put it next to the coffee shop. That was the
them everything they asked for. We couldn't have done
only place in the museum where we had enough space,
any more.
too. [M-Cn) I know. But they say they don't want it now. Perhaps they
(F-Au] Hmm, Well, maybe some signs would help.
got a better offer from somewhere else?

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 15

2. [F-Am] Are you sure this bill is cor'ect? Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following conversation.
[M-Br] Yes ma'am. One appetizer, one main course, a glass of 1M-Am] Hey Janice, There's a jazz band on at that new place on Fifth
wine, one dessert ... a twelve percent service charge. Avenue tonight. You know, Chicago's. 1was thinking about
Yes, the bill is correct. going ..
[F-Am] Really. I know what I had, but l'm amazed at the cost. [F-Am] II sounds great, Kevin, but I go to the gym on Thursdays.
don't have enough cash. Maybe next time?
[M-Br] Would you like to pay by credit card? [M-Aml Sure. I think they have live music mos: evenings. At least
that's what Mike said. He seems to be there all the time!
3. [F-Cn] Do you have any plans lor the weekend, David?
[M-Am] Yes, I'm going to a concert on Saturday night. Questions 10 through 12 reter to Ihe following conversation with
The Blue Kings. three speakers,
[F.Cn] Oh, right. Are they famous?
[M1-Am] Do you know when the presentations start?
[M-Am] Are you kidding? I can't believe I got tickets.
[F.Au] They're all after the plenary, I think.
IM2-Sr) Oh, yes. That's in :he West Room, isn't it?
4. [Ml-Au] How long have you worked here, Brian?
[F-Au] Right.
1M2-Am] I started in 2004. How about you?
IM2-Br) Who's the speaker?
[M1-Au] A couple of years before that.
[F-Au] Someone called Dr. Harper.
[F-Br] Wow, You guys are old hands all right.
[M1-Aml Never heard of him.
IM1-Au] Well, the pay's good!
[F-Au] It says in the program he's the CEO of Sports International.
1M2-Am] And I like the flexible hours.
Why don't you both take a look? Here, Ihere's a picture.
[M2.Br] Hey! He was on my table just now at breakfast! I didn't
I just wenl online to reorder the office supplies, and it
speak with him, but he seemed a nice guy.
looks like they've increased the cost again,
(F-Am] Are you sure?
Conversations Including a Graphic
1M-Am) Yes. The green files we get are now 30 percent more
expensive than they were just two months ago. And the PractIce Questions with a Graphic p93 Track 77
stationery has nearly doubled. 1. IM.Am] Hello. I'd like a ticket to Edgeware, please.
IF-Am] I don't believe it. Well, I think we should start looking IF-Au] Sure thing. That'll be 55.
elsewhere. 1M-Am] Thanks a 101.Wren's the next train?
IM-Cn] I'm already on it. IF-Au] 5 o'clock. You'd better hurry!

6, [F-Am] So this year's good cause is Barney's Night Shelter. 2_ IM.Au] I went to a place called Ken's Coffee Shop yesterday,
IM-Br] Oh, I see. Across Irom the park. Do you know it?
[F-Am] It's a refuge for homeless. over 0'1 Barnaby Street. IF-Am] Oh, yes. I've seen it, but I've never been in. What did you
IM-Br] Yeah. I think I know it. It opened last year, right? have?
[F-Am] Yes. They've been asking us to donate ever since. I think IM.Au] I just had the cheesecake. They're famous for it apparently
they do good work there. IF-Ami So how was it?
IM-Bf] Hmm. But what about Pels At Home? I thought we were IM.Au] It was really good!
supporting them.
IF-Am) Maybe next year. 3. [F-Aml Do you know wrere Peter is?
IM.Am] Sorry. I have no Idea. He might be off sick today. At least.
Mini Tesl- Making Inferences p91 Track 76 haven't seen him.
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation. [F-Am] So who do I send the lalest timest-eets to? They need to
be in today.
[F-Br] Have you seen these customer feedback forms, Colin?
1M-Am] I'd say maybe Tony, Why don't you call him to check?
1M-Am] Yes. They're not very good, are they?
IF-Am] OK. I'll do that.
[F-Br] I'm afraid not. Scores are pretty low across the board.
especially customer service.
4, IF-Ami And here's your room key. You're in room 24. Welcome to
[M-Am) Yeah. People seem more or less OK with the signal strength
Ihe Belview Hotel.
and the network speed. but the wait lime for the call centers is
IM.Br] Thank you. Can you tell me If there is a gym here?
the biggest issue. It's taking up to 30 minutes to get through.
IF-Am] Yes, we have a gym on the frfth floor. Irs open 24f7 so you
IF-Bf] Yeah. and lots of complaints about increase in charges for
can go anytime. "
international calls. We need to pass these on to head office.
IM.Br] Thank you. And is there a restaurant?
IF-Am] Yes, the Brasserie Mange Tout. It's very popular. Shall I
Questions 4 through 6 refer 10 the following conversation.
book you a table?
[F-Am] Sorry, I lett my card at home by mista~.e. Can I still get in? IM-Br] Yes please. 8 o'clock, a table for three.
[M-Au] Do you have any ID? A driver's :icense. for example?
[F.Am) No, I left that at home as well. I only have a credit card. It has 5. IF.Br) Are you going to Or. Kleber's talk later, Harry?
my name on it, Ihough. Is thaI any good? IM.Am] Yes. I'm looking forward to it. It's at one-thirty in the
[M.Au] Hmm, I'm alraid we need a picture 10 Pembroke Suite, right?
[F-Am] Oh dear. (F-Brl No. Didn't you hear the announcement? They're repainting
1M-Au) But if you go to the registration office, they'll look you up on the Pembroke Suite,
our system and give you a temporary pass. You won't be able (M-Am] Really? So where's Dr. Kleber's talk?
to borrow any books, but you can come in. Just down the {F-Br] It"II be in the same room as Dr, Parsons. HIS talk finishes
corridor, to the left. at one, so Dr. Kleber's talk will still start as scheduled at
[F.Am] Great. Thanks a 101. one.thirty.

6. (M-Am] Hello, I have a meeting with Mr. Watson, at five o'clock.

The name's Jayden Cragg.
{F-Am] OK, let me just see in our visitor file here .. No. We're not
expecting anyone. You're here to see who .. Mr. Watson?

16 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCAIPT

[M-Am] That's right Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following conversation and
[F-Am] We don't have anyone working here with that name. graph
Oh, hang on! I think I know what's happened. This is [M-Br] HI, Susan. Have you looked at the results of the survey yet?
Ufestyle Insurance. You need the next floor up. I pretty You know, the questionnaire we handed out to visitors last
sure Mr. Watson works up there. month?
[M-Am) Oh, OK. Thank you. Sorry for the mistake! [F-Br) Yes, I went through them yesterday. Here you are ... Look at
the graph lor question five ... where we asked what feature
7. IF-Au] Sam? Irs Gina. they most enjoyed.
[M.Am] Hi, Gina. Where are you? [M-Sr] What! The restaurant was that popular?
(F.Au] I'm right outside the mall. Where are you? [F-Br} Yes, after the butterfly pavilion, it was their favorite place of the
[M-Am] I"m in the diner- Isn't that where we were supposed to day.
meet? Sut we're a botanic garden! You'd think visitors would be
[F-Au] No. You said the mall. Anyway, how do I get there? interested in the plants.
{M-Am] Turn left and walk past the City Hall. It's across the street, [F-Br] Well, the pavilion still got the highest number of votes .. , as
next to the bank, usual.
(F.Au] OK. 1"11be there soon. You owe me a coffee, Sam! [M-Br] Even so. Sometimes I think we might as well just build another
restaurant instead of expand OUf collection of plants.
8. [M-Br] Carol, do you think I could take tomorrow olf?
(F-Br] What? again! You had two days off last week,
{M.Br] I know, but, Steps to Success p97
(F.Br] And tomorrow's the busiest day 01our week. I'll need you! Practice 1 Track 79
(M-Br] I know, but the weather forecast isn't good and it's my [F-Au] These leners are ready to go out now, Mr. Sanchez. I've put in
birthday. I've been working hard all summer. I need a a brochure and added a price list, too.
break. [M-Am] OK, that's great_ How many are you sending out?
[F-Br] Oh, OK. I suppose I'll manage on my own, [F-Au] Three hundred. They're going 10people who have already
bought something from us. Hopefully. we'li gel some more
Mini Test - Conversations Including a Graphic p95 Track 78 orders.
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the lollowlng conversation and sign. [M-Am] Let's hope iI's worth it. Well, hurry up! It's elmost six now. The
post office closes in half an hour. You can use my car to drive
(F-Am] I'm exhausted. We've been here since nine o'clock.
(M-Au) I know. There's just so mUCh to see though, isn't there?
[F.Am] It's incredible. I had no idea it was so big.
Practice 2 Track 8D
[M-Au) How about having a quick bile to eat? The sign over there
says there's a caleteria up on the next level. [F-Am] I think Iiound a good place we can use for next month's
(F-Am] OK. I could do with a sit down, conference,
[M-Au] And the Greek SCulpture exhibit is up there too. We car"!have [M-Am] Oh yes? Where?
a look around at that afterwards belore we leave [F-Am] The Olympic Hotel. They have twelve seminar rooms. and 01
course they provide accommodations as well
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following conversation and [M-Am] That sounds good. Is it expensive? The budget lor this is
notice, already tight.
[F-Am] They're offering a good deal. Just three thousand dollars lor
1M-Br] Hello. I'd like to go to the Business Park, Which bus do I need,
the week, including all equipmenl and lunch for everyone each
[F-Am] You need Number 9. II's the stop at the far end 01the terminal,
[M.Am] Hmm. That is good, Let's go ahead.
but you've just missed one, I'm afraid.
[F.Am] OK, I'll get on it right away.
[M.Br] Oh, no, Really?
(F-Am] It leaves at a quarter after the hour, so the next one isn't until
Practice 3 Track 81
IM-Brl Hmm. [Fl-Am] Excuse me, I bought this notebook PC from you last week, lor
(F-Am] Why don'l you sit in the waiting room? There are radiators in my daughter, but it doesn't seem to work properly.
there, so you can stay warm. And a coffee vending machine, [F2.Am] There's something wrong with it, I can't use the Internet
IM-Br} Good idea. I'll do thaI! and the screen keeps going black so I have to restarl all the
Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following conversatIon and time. I'm sick of it.
advertisement. [M-Cn] Oh, OK. Sorry about that. Leave it with us and we'll take
a look.
IF-Ami Hello, I saw your advertisement in my community newsletter,
IF1-Am] How long will that take?
and I'm wondering if you could come over and clean the
[M-Cn] Well, it's hard to say. Can you come back on Friday?
carpel in my condo.
[F2.Am] What? I can't wait that long. I need it for my classes. College
(M-Am] Sure. How many rooms?
starts next week!
(F-Am] Just one - but ii's a living.dining room, and it's quite big.
IM.Cn] Sorry, but we're very busy. You can call on Thursday if you
[M-Am} Hmm, And what condition is it in? I mean, is the carpet badly
want. It might be ready then.
stained? Did you spill something on it?
IF-Am] No, it's just I'm planning to put my condo on the market next
Practice 4 Track 82
month, and I want everything to look Iresh and clean.
[M-Am} I see. [M-Cn] Where on earth could Alex be? We can't wait for him any
(F-Am] Can you come this week? Tomorrow morning would be good longer. They"re boarding already.
forme? [F-Am] I know. We should go to the gale. I'll call his cell phone again
(M.Am] Let me check. Actually, I have a cancellation at three o'clock to see where he is.
this afternoon. How does that sound? [M-Cn] Tell him if he misses this flight, he'll have to get the next one,
[F-Am] OK. It'll mean getting another ticket, thOugh.
[M.Cn] Well, that's his problem, Look, Gate 17"s that way, LeI's start
walking or we'll miss it.

Pass The TOEIC Testlnlroductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 17

Practice 5 Track 83 IM-Cn] Well, could you please thank him for his time anyway?
I 1M-Am] I'm sorrv but the recent increase in orders means the [F-Aml Of course.

I production department needs more staff. I can't promise to

meet our largets with the number we have.
And please say it was good meeting him and the leam.
Yes, I'll be sure to pass that on. Thank you.

I [F-Gn) Are you sure? You already have 35 employees. Perhaps we

could just extend the shifts from eight to nine hours?
IM-Cn] OK, thanks. Bye.

I [M-Am] Hmm. That might work. I'd recommend you calculate the Questions 16 through 1B refer to the following conversation.
(M-Am] We need to get this customer feedoack form Iranslated into
cost of the overtime first, though, before r suggest that to my
I workers.
(F-Gn) Yes, I'll do that. It won'l be cheap, but it might be better than
[F-Sr) I forgot an about that. The group from China is arriving on the
I laking on more staff. twelfth. Should I ask Ms. Chang to do it?
[M-Am] No, I don't think ner English is good enough. We should get it
I Review Test pt04 Track 84
done by an agency. We don't wan: to appear unprolessionai.
[F-Sr) OK. I'll try to find one. We need the form by next Friday atlhe
I Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversatIon. latest.
(M-Sr) How are you enjoying the job, Juli::!? Is it 8J:citing?
IF-Au) Well, iI's not as exciting as I firsllhoughl. There's a 101of Questions 19 through 21 refer to the loUowlng conversation.
training 10do. Every day we train lor four or five hours. [M-Cnl Could you tett me how much this weighs, please?
[M-Sr] So you haven't rescued anyone from a burning building? [F-Au] Yes, put it on he'e. OK. That's just under two pounds. What's
[F.Au] Not yet! We had an emergency call last week, to a car crash, inside?
but nobody was hurt. IM-Cn] Books. I need to send them to Paris to arrive as quickly as
possible, Irs my sister's birthday soon.
Questions 4 through 6 refer to Ihe following conversation. [F-Au] Well, that'll be $45.50 for priority mail. They should be there on
IM.Am] So, you can take the six-fifteen flight to Hong Kong, arriving Tuesday. Would you mind filling in this customs declaration?
at nine thirty. and change there for London. You'll have a two
hour wait at Hong Kong airport, I'm afraid. Questions 22 through 24 refer to the following conversation.
IF-Sr] That's not too bad. What time does it arrive in London? [F-Cn] Kevin's leaving on Friday. Are we going to go get him a
[M-Am) Five thirty in Ihe morning, the following day. I found a hotel, present or anything?
also, The Picadilly Grand. It's lour slars, at 150 pounds a [M-Am] 1already got him a pair of hiking boots, and a card. Do you
night. I'd recommend you take it. it's a very good rate. That's want to sign it?
for a single room, with a view of the river. [F-Cn] Thanks. Do you know if he's found another job yet?
[F-Br] And do they have that for t"lree nighls? [M-Am) He's not looking for one. He's going to travel around South
America for a year with his girlfriend.
Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following conversation. [F-Cn] Weill never! 1wish I could take a year off and do something
[M-Au) The company's new Web site is hnally working. Have you seen adventurous like that
it? [M-Am) Me too!
IF-Cn] No, I haven't. I didn't know it was finished yel. What's it like?
1M-Au} II looks very good, actually. There's a lot of information. Questions 25 through 27 refer to the following conversatlon.
There's even a photo 01us, under "Meet the Customer Service [F-Cnl Can you please turn left here, slop the car in a safe place, and
Team." tum off the engine?
[F-Cn] Oh no! I didn't know they were going to do that! [M-Br] Well, how did I do? I thought I did OK.
[F-Cn] Well, it was good in places, but you need to practice a lot
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the followIng conversation. more. Your reversing is poor. Bu~ most importantly you don't
[M-Aml See that place over there, on the corner? The white house with concentrate. Actually, you're not safe to be on the road. You
the double garage? almost hit a cyclist back there.
[F-Am] Yes. What about it? (M-BrJ Cyclist? I never saw a cyclist. Why didn't you tett me?
[M-Am] That's where Jason lives.
[F-Am] Jason? Questions 28 through 30 refer to the following conversation with
(M-Aml You know ... my boss. He came to our wedding. three speakers.
[F-Am) Oh yes. I remember. Wow, It's a huge house alright! I wish we (Fl-Au] This salad isn't very good. How's yours, Helen?
lived in a place like thaI. (F2.Am] Terrible. There's hardly any tuna and the tomatoes are hard.
[M-Aml II's a greal neighborhood, 100. [M-Am) And Ihis steak is overcooked. I'm a bit disappointed, to lell
IF-Ami Where does he get Ihe money from? you the truth,
(M-Aml I have no idea. It must be worth a fortune, Ihough. And I heard (F2-Am] So am l.
there's a swimming pool in Ihe back, 100. {M-Am] I can cook better than this. They said it would be
[F-Am] Hmm. Maybe you should ask him for a raise when you go inlo much better when it reopened.
work on Monday. [F1-Au] For a month we've had to have sandwiches at our desks, and
now we come down here to find the food is worse than before.
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the followIng conversation. [F2-Am] Yeah. And iI's more expensive.
[F.Aml Hello. Clark and Smith Associates. Can I help you? [M-Aml I think I'll say something to the managemenl.
[M-Cn] Hello, My name's Dawson, Andrew Dawson. I was told to call
today about the Finance Director position. Questions 31 through 33 refer to the following conversation and
[F.AmI Oh, yes. Mr. Dawson. I have a message here from the C.E.O. price Ust.
He says that although you're very well qualified, you don't [F-Am] Excuse me. I see you have a specialty tea on the
have enough experience. menu - is th2t green tea?
[M.Cn] Oh, I see. [M-Am] No, irs Chinese. Slack Pagoda.
[F-Am] He says he needs someone with at least five years in a [F-Am] Hmm. I'll have a cup 01coffee, thanks.
similar role. So, I'm very sorry, but you haven't been
[M-Am] Large or srnatt? Milk? Cream? Sugar?
[F-Am] Urn, large, t think. Cream, no sugar.

18 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT

(M-Aml Coming right up. Anything to eat? We have soup .. applause 10congratulate Mrs. Gifford in her new role, which
a nice house salad? she will start neKt month.
[F-Am) My train leaves in live minutes. I'd better not.
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following spee<:h.
Questions 34 through 36 refer to the following conversation and (F-Cn] Thank you lor coming here loday. I am very proud that after
schedule. almost one year of renovation, work is finally finiShed, and
[F-Au] You won"! lorget 10make that hotel booking, will you, Jim? the Space Museum now has a brand new gift shop. It covers
1M-Au) 1called them already. II's all done. three times the area of the previous shop, and as you can
IF-Au) You're a star. Okay, I really have to go now. The taxi's waiting. see, has a huge variety of posters, postcards, books, games,
1M-Au] Here's your coat. and other products that I'm sure will prove popular. Shortly,
IF.Au) Thanks. Oh, look at the time! It's three o'clock already. I only the renovation of the cafeteria will also be completed, and
have a couple of hours before my flight we hope and eKpect sales in both facilities to contribute in no
1M-Au] Don't worry, You'll be fine. It's only thirty minutes at this time 01 small part towards the financial success of the museum for
day. When are you going to be back in the office? many years 10come.
IF-Au] Early next week. Tuesday I eKpect. I have to run. Byel

Questions 37 through 39 reler to Ihe following conversation and Improve Your Performance
product Information.
Ustenlng for Main Ideas
[F-Br) Hello, Dawsons Department store. Can I help you?
[M-Am) Hello, I ordered a Vermont sweater last week, because you Questlons about the Speaker p115 Track 89
didn"! have size extra-large in stock. I'm wondering if it arrived 1. 1M-Am] Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard
yet. night AE564 to Washington. We will be flying at an altitude
[F-Br] We had a delivery this morning. let me check lor you. Do you of 35,000 feet today. The weather conditions are good, and
have a relerence number? we eKpect to land in Washington on time at ten thirty-five.
1M-Am] Yes. iI's 5219. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.
IF-Br} Yes, irs here. You can pick it up any time from the Customer 2. (M-Sr) Hello, my name is Gary Wilson, and I'd like to welcome
Service counter on the first floor. You might want to try it on you all to the Seaview Bay Resort, When you check in at
lirst. If you're not satisfied. we'll refund the cost back on 10 reception, don't forget to pick up your Welcome Guest
your credit card. Pack. That tells you all you need to know to help you get
IM.Am] Thanks, I'll come in on Thursday. the most 001 01your stay here. Please make yourselves at
home and enjoy your time with us. I'm in charge here, so if
you have any questions during your stay, please just ask.
Part 4 - Short Talks 3, [F-Am] At Joe's Grill, we serve the best steak in Chicago
Try It Out p112 Track 87 Everyone who works with me here in the kitchen needs to
undersfand that. I know you're new here and there's a lot
Questions 1 through 3 refer 10 the following announcement and
to learn, but you have to do your best to be the best. I'll be
watChing every move you make, and no dish leaves here
(F-Au] Good afternoon, and welcome to Martlel's Department Store. unless I see it first, OK?
Every follower of fashion knows you can't have too many pairs
of shoes, and thaI's why Martlel's is offering 10 percent off Questions about the Topic p115 Track 90
all women's, men's, and children's winter shoes and boots.
1. [F-Aul Hi. Rahul. Irs Vicky Henderson from Neon Engineering.
Yes, ten percent. There are also discounts on other selected
I'd like to thank you for coming to visit this morning. We
products around Ihe store. So don't miss out. Check out these
all thought your presentation was very interesting. It also
bargains today on 1I00rs one through three. And don't forget,
seems you have the experience we need, and we were
all you fashion lovers, at two thirty today there will be a free
impressed by your knowledge of currentlechnologies,
fashion show in the Fountain Restaurant, which will give you too. So, we'd like to ask you to come lor the final stage of
a preview of our new summer collection. No tickels needed ... interviews next week, Please call me to discuss a SUitable
just turn up! Thank you lor shopping at Martlel's. time as soon as you can.
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following volcemali message. 2. (F-Am] Washing your hands after you help a patient at meal times
(M-Au) Hi. Matthew. This is lee from Information Technology. I need is very important. It prevents the spread of disease. You
to talk to you about the new computer system we're designing also need to remember to clean the tables and food trays
lor you. There's just one thing I'm not sure about. In your last thoroughly as well. Oh, and it's essential that the area
e-mail you asked us to add an online searCh function, but around the beds is kept clean, too.
we haven"! included this in Ihe cost. Obviously, this isn'l as
simple as it sounds and in fact means a lot more work, so it's 3. (M-Au] This weekend only, get 50 percent. yes, that's 50 percent
probably a good idea if we meet up to discuss the financial off everything at Household Supplies! Top brand ranges,
implications. I'm free next Tuesday afternoon. Please lei me refrigerators, microwave ovens and more for less than
know if thaI's good for you. two hundred dollars! Come this weekend to Household
Supplies for some great end-ol-the-season bargains.
Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following announcement.
1M-AmI Welcome everyone. As your Chairman, it is with great Questions about the Audience p116 Track 91
pleasure thai I can announce Mrs, Gifford has agreed to
1, [M-Am] OK, so it's almost three o'clock. Our next stop today is
become the new President of CAM Industries. As you know,
Banery Park, where we will board the ferry to the Statue 01
Mrs, Gifford has been Vice President here for three years
Liberty. This is the last destination in our tour today. and 01
now, since she first came to us, and in a very challenging course is one of the most famous landmarks in the world.
market. she has helped to make CAM Industries stronger We'U have two hours to look around before catching the
and more competitive. AI a time when many of our rivals are ferry back here at siK o'clock. OK, so please make sure
struggling to survive, thanks to her efforts, business for us you have all your valuables with you before you get oft.
has never been bener. As Chairman, I am delighted that she
has aa:epted the position. So please, join me in a round of

Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 19


I 2. [F.Am] Attention customers: We have a special promotion in the Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following news report.
I fruit and vegetable section. For the next hall hour, you can IF-Aul Welcome to WNRC Radio's Daily Jobs Bulletin. I'm your host.
buy all frUit and vegetables at half price. That's everything Jennifer Duran, Our top story tonight is the breaking news that
I at half price, for half an hour. Go to our fruit and vegetable Derek Brown, head of Australian Workers Unite. has called
section now to get everything at half price. Hurry. This for a national strike. Mr. Brown made the announcement at a
promotion is only available for the next thirty minutes. press conference three hours ago. Following the breakdown
I 3. [F-Gn) You have reached Charles Westhill and Associates. Our
in contract negotiations between workers and management,
Mr. Brown confirmed that the union will instruct its members
I offices are currently closed. Our office hours are Monday to stop working as of Monday. Australian Workers Unite is
through Friday, from nine AM. to five PM. If you would like to the largest farm .•••.
orkers union in Australia, with over 70,000
make an appointment. please call back during Ihese times. members. The reason lor the collapse of the talks is still
If you have an urgent problem, call our emergency denial unclear. However, sources say it could be due to proposals 10
advice line at 1.800-555-4321. That's 1-800-555-4321. cut pay for under'performing employees.
Questions about the location p116 Track 92 Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following talk.
I 1. IM.Brl And now we come to the Impressionist rooms, Here [F.Am] It's wonderful to see so many pecple here lor this evening's
you will find the finest paintings Irom the early to late lecture. Thank you all for coming, and welcome 10the
I Impressionist period. We can see on the left here a Cape Cod Historical Society, This. is the third in our series
marvelous example by Monet, and over there in front of 01 lectures to the general public. As you know, the series is
you is a Renoir. Altogether you will find over sixty paintings, called People and Places. Today .•••.e focus on people, and
I so please feellree to ask questions if you wish. specifically Richard Warren. Warren is well-known as one of
the passengers on The MayfIOw8f. He arrived in this country
I 2. (F-Cn! Attention, please. We regret to announce the late arrival in November of 1620. Yet tinle is known about him after
he landed here at Cape Cod. Tor,ight, local hislorian Peter
of the 3:45 service to Vancouver, due to heavy snow. This
service is now expected to arrive at 4:30 PM. Passengers. Fletcher, who has written a book about The Mayflower, will
Iry to give us more details about Warren's incredible lite. So,
I please note this train will arrive on Platform 2 and not
Platform 6. Thank you, without further ado, please let's welcome Peter Fletcher.
I Questions 10 through 12 reler to the following speech.
3, (F-Am] So, I would like all reports to be handed in by Friday at the
I {F-Brl Now, everyone, I would like to welcome the latest member of
latest. These will go towards your final grade. The end-
our team, Martin Sanchez. Martin comes to us from Brewster
of-semester exam will be next month, on the 14th. Please
and Sons, where he was Sales and Marketing Manager for
study hard for this. Any studenls unable 10come on the
fifteen years. He brings with him a great deal of experience,
14th need to tell me now.
and of course ability. Starting nB':xl:week, Martin will share
his knowledge and expertise wit'1 us, working closely with
Questions about the Purpose p117 Track 93
everyone in the Sates and Marketing Department. So, as
1. (F-Aul We all know thaI health is irrportanl, but how many of us we are finishing up our main course, and belore our dessert
exercise regularly? Just a twenty minute walk a day can arrives, let's have a round of applause to welcome Martin to
dramatically reduce your risk. Of heart disease and other Palco Systems,
serious illnesses. Why not walk or cycle on weekends? Or
take up a hobby, like golf or tennis. More exercise means a
Ustenlng for Details
healthier and longer life
Questions about Numbers, Dates, and TImes p121 Track 97
2. (M-Cn) I'd like to take this opporturily to express my gratitude A [F-Am] On WKYC News tonight, we've just learned that five City
to everyone for all your hard work over the last year. Hall employees are being investigated following reports
Without your efforts, we would not have won the Best that they took money in return for awarding contracts.
Conference Venue award for the third time. This is a Local cor,struction company, Parker Buildings, is rumored
great achievement, and you should all be very proud of to be the recipient of the contracts. Police confirm that they
yourselves, are looking into multiple payments of up to $20,000, paid
3. [F-Aml Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome. Your attention, please. every month for the last six months. Ten major contracts
We are here today to show our appreciation to Dr, Williams are involved, including the new county hospital. The fIVe
for all his hard work over the past thirty seven years. Dr,
Witriams has been with us since this research facility
City Hall staff, who all work in the Purchasing Department. '.
insistlhey're innocent. However, our source says Ihe case
opened. His hard work, dedication and enthusiasm are an will probably go to tria! next month, No other building
example to us all. II is therefore with great regret that we
companies are thought to oe involved
have to say gOod-bye to him. However, he takes with him
our warmest wishes for a long and happy future ahead. B [M-Cn] Attention all employees. The cafeteria will close next week
for a penod of approximately one month. This closure
Mini Test - Ustening for Main Ideas p1 18 Track 94 is necessary to replace the ovens in the kitchen. Can all
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following advertisement. employees please use the Coffee Shop on the third floor
1M-Am] Mike's Molors is proud to announce our best deal ever. We are until further notice? Starting on Monday the 4th, every
giving all Radio Skyline listeners a free engine check and a free employee will receive $50 in coupons to use in the Coffee
winter tire check. And thaI's not all. We'll give you a huge 25 Shop for each week the cafeteria is closed. This rr.ay be
percent off any work we do on your car lor the next month. We used lor the purchase of sandwiches, food and drink only
are the biggest and best vehicle repair shop in town. All the work Thank you.
we do comes with a 12-monlh warranty. So, if you're already Questions about Reasons and Requests p122 Track 98
one of our loyal customers, or if you're new to Mike's Motors,
call now to book your free engine and winter tire checks. A [F-Br] This is an announcement for passengers waiting for
the 15:35 service to Newcastle. This bus is running
approximately twenty mirutes late. This is because of road

20 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT

repairs on the M25. Will all passengers please go to Bay QuestIons about Plans and Sequences p125 Track 101
3, where your bus should arrive in twenty minutes, Please A [F-Cn] Welcome to the conference, everyone. Before I begin
note thallhe nellt service at Bay 3 is the 15:45 service by introducing our keynote speaker, Dr. Fraser, I need to
to London, so passengers with tickets to Newcastle are tell you all about some changes to teday's program. Dr.
warned not to board that bus, Thank you. Gupta has canceled due to illness, so at eleven o'clock
Dr. Sanders will give a presentation in Room C on Global
B (M-Amlls your Internet service slow? Is it expensive? If it is, contact Marketing. In the afternoon session, Dr. Rosafio's talk on
Advance Net now. We promise you ultra-fast broadband Innovation wilt take place in Room 403 on the fourth floor,
at the cheapest rates in your area, Our customers tell us not in Room 213 as it says in your conference information
we're forty percent cheaper than most companies! We're pack. The only other change is the buffet reception
reliable, too. So for great broadband at great prices, come tonight, which will be at seven thirty, not seven, in the Main
over to Advance Net now. Customers who sign up for our Hall. OK, those are all the messages, so let's get started
Advance Net Plus 24-month contract will receive a $50 with the conference.
credit. Plus, for a limited period, we're giving away a free
two.gigabyte memory stick 10every new customer. Hurry B [M-Au) Alright everyone, we have two weeks before the launch
and claim your free gift. Offer available unlil the end of the of CG10, This phone has the most advanced software
month. programming we have ever designed. We expect it to
Questions about People and Places p123 Track 99 become the market leader in its first year. Before it goes on
sale, and starting today in fact, we have a TV advertising
A [M-Am] Thank you very much everyone for this marvelous gift. I will
campaign. Can all the marketing team please reconfirm
use this spade in my garden, where I intend to spend most
media demonstrations, interviews, etc? After the launch,
of my time once I move to Sun City, Arizona. After working
we need to survey as many customers as we can for the
here in New York for all these years, I think I deserve a
follow-up marketing campaign, I'm going to fly to Los
breath of fresh air! I was twenty-five when I started at Signet
Angeles at three o'clock to start preparing this. If you have
Holdings as an Assistant Manager. I worked my way up
any problems, e-mail me, OK?
the Engineering division to Section Director and now I'm
sixty-five, and leaving you as Vice President. Nellt week
Mini Test - Ustenlng for Details p126 Track 102
I'm heading to our Chicago office, to spend my final month
handing over responsibilities to Mr. Hammond. As you all Questlons 1 through 3 refer to the following recorded message.
know, he will be starting here on the first of June to take my [F-Brl Thank you for calling KTM Computer Supplies. Your call is
place, This is the same date I began here forty years ago, so important to us. To place an order, please press 1. To ask for
it seems I chose the right day to finally leave. J wish you all a catalogue, please press 2. For a billing inquiry, please press
well. and hope that you enjoy working with Mr. Hammond 3. To check the status 01an existing order, please press 4,
To hear about our fantastic offers. including this month's 50
B [F-Au] Now this is the library. You're all graduate students, so percent discount on all headphones and speakers, please
unlike undergraduates at NPU, you can borrow up to press 5. For aU other enquiries. or to speak to a customer
ten books at any time for your research. Irs all done service representative, please press 6. To hear these options
electronically. Just walk through the security gales and again, please press 7.
your library card will automatically register all the books
you take, The main part of the library is divided into Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following advertisement.
different areas. The Reading Room is for rare bOoks. The [F-Am) Take time out to unwind at the Sandy Beach Hotel. Enjoy a
West Room is where we keep journals and articles. The dip in our swimming pool, play tennis, or explore the island
Blue zone is the social area. where talking is allowed, The on our Family Fun Adventure trail. We have a huge selection
Red zone is the silent area. No talking in the Red zone, of outdoor activities for children of all ages. Hungry? Why not
of course, We're open six days a week from eight in the dine at our popular Aloha restaurant? We're well-known for
morning until 9:00 PM. When you return books, leave them serving a great range of authentic local food, Kids under five
at the front desk. If the library is closed, you can leave the eat free. Call now to find out more, Altematively, go to our
books in the book drop at the West entrance. website to make your booking and we'll give you breakfast
absolutely free. Go on. Take a break. Visit the Sandy Beach
Questions about Problems and Suggestions p124 Track 100 Hotel today,
A [M-Br) Thank you for coming to this emergency meeting. As you
know, the bank has just replied to our request for elltra Questions 7 through 9 reler to the following talk.
funding. We asked for a loan 01one hundred thousand
(M-Cn] Hi, everyone, and thanks for coming to the first meeting of
dollars, and they're only prepared to lend us half that
this year's Summer Event Planning Committee. The Summer
amount. ThiS means we need to cancel some scheduled
Event is a special day each year when all employees and
projects, such as the expansion of our office space. Yes,
their families gather to have fun. We organize it, and the
the company has grown, and we all need bigger offices.
company pays! Our purpose is to make sure that the event
but we might need to wait on this. We need to find more
runs smoothly. Last year there were a number of problems,
savings. so let's make a list of all our ideas for cutting
especially with the venue, ThaI's why this year we need to be
costs and discuss them at Friday's general staff meeting.
elltra careful and plan things in detail. Obviously, we won't be
using the Regent Hotel anymore. I think last year confirmed
B [F-Am] Hi Henry, this is Kathy. Just to let you know, I can't get
that it's too small for us these days. We need somewhere
my work e-mail. Apparently, there's a problem witn the
outside of the city. The Roosevelt is in the Adirondack Park.
computer system here. It started around ten o'clock. I
It's fifty miles from here, so it's not exactly close, but I've been
don't know when I'll be able to use it again, so please
there to see it and it has excellent facilities. They can also help
don't e-mail me for the rest 01the day. If you want to get in
organize lots of outdoor activities, J think we can negotiate a
touch, can you please call me at 555-647-8172?
good rate, too. Anyway, here's their brochure. Take a look and
leI's talk about it.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 21

Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following speech. Questions 7 through 9 reler to the following telephone message,
IF-Aul OK. so we have a big night tonight The restaurant is fully- (M.Am} Hello, Mr. Andrews, This is Mike. I'm just calling to let you
booked. We have three tables of six all booked for between know I managed to get you that flight to New York tomorrow
seven thirty and eight. We also have a group of twelve coming at - the one you wanted, leaving at three in the atternoon. There
seven o'clock. That's the Tomlinson's, for a 50Ih birthday party, I was only one seat ieftl You said you preferred that as it means
think. Jo and Karen, you'll be looking after them. That'll be a big you get to the hotel in good lime for dinner. Anyway, it's all
job. We're going to be busy, $0 let's get the tables ready now, booked. Lee will collect you from your home at eleven in the
make sure everything is in place. I'll go and tell the chef. We morning and drive you to the airport as usual. Your meeting
have half an hour before we open, with Mr. Nielsen is at ten the day after you arrive. Hope you
have a good trip. See you when you get back.
Making Inferences
Questions 10 through 12 refer 10 the following broadcast.
Practice Inferring Meaning p128 Track 104
(F-Au] And finally, today's sports news. Cricketer Dale Winters and
1. [F-Br) Thank you so much to everyone for this wonderful party. his wife Celine have announced the birth 01their third child,
I've really enjoyed celebrating my birthday with you all. daughter Emily. The national team captain was rushed to
And I appreciate the effort you put into keeping this a hospital in Adelaide just in time for the birth following a
surprise .. , which it wasl I'll certainly remember this day for dramatic win over New Zealand only hours earlier, The pair
many years. posted pictures of the new arrival on Instagram and both
mum and Emily are doing well. This ends a superb season for
2. [M-Au) And finally, I really must mention Megan, As you all know Winters, who has led the national team to victory in each of the
by now, Megan won the Jameson contract. It's something last nine international games. Following John Bain's retirement
we all wanted, and we all tried to win, but only one person as Assistant Manager, Winters is now the front runner.
can have the contract and Megan is the lucky woman who
finally succeeded. She's sure to get a huge bonus at the Shott Talks Including a Graphic
end of the year. Well done to her.
Practice Questions with a Graphic p131 Track 106
3. (M-Cn} Your attention please. The parking lot at the front of the 1. [F.Am] Hello. This is Carol Chivers. from GT Conex. Sorry, but we
company is for customers only. Any employees who have need to change our order. We're only going to take one
parked there please move your cars to the staff parking lot printer now - we'litake the chea;:>erone. The staff
at the rear of the building as soon as possible. Thank you. member who wanted the other one is leaving, so we don't
need it. Thanks. Bye!
4. [F.Am] This isn't the worst situation the company has ever faced,
but it isn't good. Our stocks are down again this month. 2. IF-Brl And now could you all please take a look at the Customer
Orders have fallen and soon we'll need to think about Satisfaction report. As you can see ITom the graph, the
restructuring. Hopefully we can get through this. satisfaction levels differ considerably between our
different user groups. Surprisinj:;ly, our Bronze members
5. [M.Br] As you know, the weather has been extremely hot in recent score highest of all, above even Ihose with Platinum
weeks and we've had many requests from customers membership. What I want you all 10discuss now is what
asking for air conditioning in the lobby and other public we can do to bring up the scores tor the weakest group.
areas. Well, we have a surplus from the last quarter so I
don't see why not. I'll look into costs right away. 3. [F.Am) So, lor all these reasons, as you know, we really need
to relocate, Luckily, I've found somewhere that looks
6. [F-Am] So when you go for that interview for the job you really promising, in Midtown, There's parking for everyone,
want. it's all about appearance. The impression you give which is great. I called them but they said they only have
when you walk in the door basically decides the result. the largest office space available. Everything else has
You have to look the part - so dress smart and look gone. I know it's too big lor us now, but we could grow into
professional. it within a year.

Mini Test - Making Inferences p129 Track 105 4. IM-Cn] Good afternoon passengers. This is a pre.boarding
announcement for all passengers on flight AF45 to Madrid
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following shott talk.
We apologize for the delay, which has been due to heavy
[F-Cn} OK everyone. We really must begin now. I know some people fog in Madrid. We are now advised this has cleared and we
are still having lunch, but we can't wait any longer. We're are ready to board. Could those passengers with young
already ten minutes behind, and I have a lot to get through this children. or anyone needing assistance, please begin
afternoon. People who arrive late will just have to catch up. If boarding now. This aircraft will now depart fifteen minutes
they can't be here on time, then that's their problem. Anyway, later than scheduled. Thank you.
it is what it is, So, please can you all tum to page 24 in your
manuals? 5. [M-Aml Welcome back, everyone. I'm !;;Iad to hear you all enjoyed
lunch and am hoping you can stay awake for the afternoon
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following announcement. session! I lor one am particularly interested in what's
[M.Br] Ladies and gentlemen. It is with great regret that 1have to tell coming up, especially the talk on Personalized Learning.
you that CarOlina Slrakovsky, who was due to play for you However, beiore we start, I just want to lei you know that
tonight, cannot perform due to ill health. We have the very our technical staff are still trying to link Professor
lalented Claire Whitfield, however, who will play the violin in Whittaker's computer with lhe interactive whiteboard, so
her place, Claire is a wonderful soloist. but we understand that we are swapping his talk with Or. Barlow. Hopefully all will
you came to hear Carolina Strakovsky, and for that reason we be well by the break. Now, leI's begin with the first session.
are offering a full refund if you go to the lobby and present
your ticket after this performance .. if you feel you need to.

22 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT

6. [M-Sr] Yes, it's not a very large apartment. but it is well-designed. in principle, but unlil we know who will fill that key position
There's no space wasted here, that's for sure, So that's then we won't know exactly how it will work, I know Sales and
the kitchen - small but functional... and so if we come out Finance VPS are especially worried about how things will turn
and tum left we go through here .. , into what you can see oul. They've had a good relationship with the President and
is a good sized double, with a closet built in along the wall they'll be sorry to lose it.
here. It's larger than the other one, and also has the
bathroom leading off it. Steps to Success p135
Practice 1 Track 108
7. IF-Am] So you can see that at the start of the year sales were
[M-Am) Welcome to the World of Business. Our maIO story tonight
strong, which was the case for almost all members of the
is Ihe news that Eileen Vicks, CEO, of Mundo Medical,
team, There was a decline in performance in February, but
is leaving the company to join rival PRC Chemicals, This
then in March we again see strong growth - not quite as
shocking announcement was made at a press conference just
strong as in January but the most impressive performance
ten minutes ago. Vicks has been at Mundo Medical for more
out of all the team in March, that's for sure.
than twenty years, steering the company from early difficulties
to become the number two supplier of drugs to the U.S.
8. IF-Cn] And here is Item 51, one of our most popular summer
markel. Her departure raises questions of a merger between
dresses of the season, the Hamilfon, designed by Marco
the two giants.
Goldstein. It's made of pure cotton, and as you can see
from the sleek design this stunning dress will be suitable
Practice 2 Track 109
for either formal or informal occasions, This is a show
IF.Au] Oh, hi. Lee. It's Christine Look, I really need you to make that
special, and costs just $100. If you're a card member,
change we discussed to the Web site. It's been almost four
don't forget to show your card and ask the cashier for your
weeks now. I just checked the site ten minutes ago and the
discount when you pay.
wrong telephone number is still given as the Customer Service
contact. I can't do this, so I'm relying on you. I sent you an
Mini Test - Short Talks Including a Graphic p133 Track 107 e-mail about it last week but nolhing's changed, You need 10
Queslfons 1 through 3 refer to the following announcement and do this ASAp' today if possible. This can't go on. II's causing
sIgn. problems for our customers. Call me if you need to. Bye.
IM.AuJ Your attention please, everyone. I've finally found out the
cause for the delay. They say engineers needed to perform Practice 3 Track 110
safety checks on the airport's control tower in case last night's [M.Br] Ladies and gentlemen, good morning and welcome aboard
storm and lightning strike caused any damage. Lots of flights this Eurostar service to London, Waterloo. Please make sure
are affected, not just ours to Mumbai. Anyway, they say your luggage is labeled with your name and seat number,
everything is fine, and it won't be too long before we can start and doesn't block the aisles. May I also remind you to please
boarding. So, we should go to the gate. Please collect all your place any small bags in the racks above your seat. A buffet
service is available on this train. We will be arriving in London
bags and follow me. This way everyone!
at 9:15_ For your informalion, the time in Great Britain is now
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following talk and floor plan. 8:45. Thank you.

[F.Cn] Good moming everyone and welcome. We hope toda{s open

Practice 4 Track 111
sessions give you a taste of the courses offered by the adult [F.Cn] Royal Cinema is located at 95 East 47th Street, in Hartford.
learning college. For our first session, we have four options for These are tonight's features: In theater 1, we will be showing
you. Dr. Gardner's philosophy lecture will take place in Room "Walking Proud," a drama about the struggles and ultimate
1, That's over by the entrance there. Ms. Cooper's session success of a young man's journey to become a famous
on garden design will be in the classroom directly opposite. baseball player. Show times are 4:00, 6:10, and 8:30. In
Dr. Clark's astronomy session and Mr. Ivanov's lecture on thealer 2, we are showing the romantic comedy "Always a
Russian literature will be held on the floor above. I must say a Bridesmaid,e at 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00. In theater 3, we have the
special thank you to Mr. Ivanov for coming along today. He's animated feature "Trucks in Space,e showing at 2:00 and 3:30.
been suffering from a stomach virus all week. We're pleased Finally, in theater 4. we have "Metal Music Mania," showing at
to see you here, Mr, Ivanov. 10:00 and midnight - a must.see for all rOCkfans. For other
questions, call 555-323.4422.
• Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following telephone message
and advertisement. Practice 5 Track 112
[F-Br] Hello? Gary? It's Nicky. Listen, I just saw an ad online for [M.Am] There is no doubt that the Argo 250 is the best vacuum on the
a coffee machine. I know you've been looking for one for market today. It's perfect for all kinds of uses, and works on all
ages for the staff room, but they're so expensive. This one surfaces, from carpets and rugs to tiles, wooden floors, and
looks pretty good. It's a Jenson Classic. That's (he one you even concrete. Its design means it is not only very elfectlVe,
mentioned you like when we spoke, but new they're over but also efficient The Argo 250 uses less than 50 percent of
£650. Anyway, this is less than a year old so is still under the electricity of other leading brands. At $220, you're paying
guarantee. I know you said £300 is your limit, but it has great for quality and a lifetime warranty, which means you can be
reviews. All the teachers will love it! II you're interested, I can confident in your purchase. Check out this handy accessory
a-mail you the link. Let me know soon, OK? Bye. pack. What a bargain at just $49.991 It's available at all good
department stores, but for this event only, if you buy today,
we'll ship it to you absolutely free of charge. No need to carry
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following excerpt from a
it home! How's that, folks?
meeting and chart.
[M-Amj So, as you can see from this chart, the latest round of
restructuring will shake things up considerably. Vice
Review Test p142 Track 113
Presidents will no longer report directly to the Presiden!. That Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following announcement.
should free up some time for Mr, Sanders to pursue high [F-Aml Attention shoppers. Attention shoppers. The time is now 8:45.
value deals and new contacts at board level. lt sounds fine This store will be closing in fifteen minutes. Will all shoppers

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 23

I please make their way 10 the checkout counters and pay for Investigators for help right now. We promise to investigate
I their purchases. Please remember you can visit all our branches
every day of the week during our store hours of 8:00 A.M.to 9:00
your claim within a week, You could get a cash lump sum, or
a regular payment every month. Making a claim with us is fast
I PM. And don't forget. tomorrow is Bargain Tuesday. with an extra
10 percent off selected food and drink products throughout the
and easy. We'lf deal with your employer directry. Call now! Call
t ,800-555-8598 and find out how much you could gel. What
I store. Thank you lor shopping at SupaSave, where you can find
great bargains every day of the week
have you got to lose?

I Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following short talk.

Questions 22 through 24 refer to the following report.
[M-Aml Good morning, I'm Jack Allbright and welcome 10 "Best in
I [M-Br] Well, what a great match that was. Truly remarkable. I'm joined Shaw" right here an Capital City Radio. In just a lew moments,
here by both players ...Weloome guys. First, congratulations to we'll be speaking to Hamir Sharma, theater crilic and chief
I both of you on what has been an excellent final. I don't think reviewer for the popular magazine .City Life." I'U be asking rim
we have ever seen such fantastic tennis here at Wimbledon about the best shows in town at the moment, so keep listening
I for many years, That was a spectacular match, one 01 the
longest in the history of this compelltion, and the fans here in
lor hot tips on what to walCh. Then at ten, we'll go to our very
own Laura Sharp for the latest music and entertainment news
I the stadium and those watching at home surely enjoyed it as
much as I did.
in the region. Finally. from ten thirty to eleven, we'll have a
special report an what It takes to make it as a singer in a "fame
I Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following short talk.
academy." I'll give you the full picture of the pressure these
young people lace, how it can affect their health and their
lives, and the sacrifices they have to make in order to live life
I 1M-Au] So, this is the office you'U be using. I hOpe you'll find it big
in the entertainment fast lane
enough. Please make yourself at home. There's a coffee
I maker in the corner, hopefully it works, and you have a nice
view, too. The restroom is down the hall on the left You should Questions 25 through 27 refer to the forrowing announcement and

I have everything you need. II you have any questions. I'm on

the third floor, room 302. You can call me on extension 4530.
weather chart.
{F-Aul Can I have your attention, please, ladies and gentlemen, We
I Now, a client 01 mine is coming soon, so if that's everything, I'll
let you get settled,
will be landing in approximately Meen minutes. The sun is
just rising, and it looks as if irs going to be a glorious day.
The temperature is a very pleasant 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following report. That's 20 degrees Celsius. local time is live minutes after six.

I IF-Cn] Hello, everyone. Well, today is going to be another beautiful,

warm and sunny day in Ontario with temperatures up to 17
II you have any spare foreign coins, please put them in the
red envelopes in the back of the seat in front 01 you and hand
them to a member of the cabin crew, All proceeds will go to a
I degrees Celsius in some parts. Just perfect for this time of
year here. A great day to enjoy a walk or a jog in the park. The charity that supports children's orphanages around the world
So, please check your pockets for any unwanted coins.
I high pressure win stay with us all day. The only change will be
in far northern Ontario, which will see some showers coming
Questions 28 through 30 refer to the followIng announcement and
I in through Thunder Bay in the tate afternoon. But no rain at all
for Onawa, Toronto and throughout the rest of the region. By map.
mid-week we could hit 20 degrees! (M-Am] Good afternoon. everyone. This is an important
I announcement. We have a lost little boy here with us, He's
Questions 13 through 15 reler to the following speech.
I (M-Cnl Thank you all for coming today. Tris is the first of three
looking for his mom, He's wearing a green and yellow striped
sweatshirt, blue pants, and a black and white baseball cap.
seminars we'll be having on achieving your potential. Now. Would his parents please come to the Customer Information
I you all have different jobs, and have different backgrounds, Counter. which is located at the north end of the field, between
but one thing you all have in common is the desire to be the face-painting area and the refreshment tent. And speaking
the best you can be in life, Over the next three hours, we'll of refreshments, make sure you try the home.made cakes and
be looking at the key principles behind personal growth, cookies baked by the loca! Girl Scouts. They're available in
I and discover ways you can tap into your true potential. After
that, it's lunch, and then we'll look at case studies of some
the refreshment tent now!

I famous people who started with nothing. but went on to enjoy

tremendous success ... as well as one or two who didn't make
Listening Comprehension Test
I it We'll examine the lessons we can learn, and then wrap up
with a question and answer session around five o'clock.
Part 1 p145 Track 114
1. (F-Brl
(A) Some bags are on the baggage C<!.rousel.
I Questions 16 through 18 refer to the following radio report.
(8) People are unpacking their bags.
(C) The bags are beng loaded into an airplane.
I [M-Am] This news just in from our business correspondent Kate (0) The bags are for sale in a store.
Leung. at the World Trade Talks in Geneva, Switzerland. It
I appears that an agreement has been made to reduce carbon 2. [M.Cn]
emissions by 30 percent over the next five years, Surprisingly, (A) The man is entering the room.
aUthe countries attending the talks have now signed and (B) The room is very messy
promised to meet this target. This represents a major step (C) The man is looking outside.
forward in the battle against climate change and global (0) The bed is next to the door.
warming, which has become an increasing problem in recent
years. An official announcement confirming the details is 3. [F-AuJ
expected within the next sixty minutes. And now, the rest of (A) The hotet guest is checking his bag.
tonight's news ... (B) They're standing in a store.
(C) There's a telephone an the counter,
Questions 19 through 21 refer to the following advertIsement. (O) The men are shaking hands.
[F.Am] Have you had an accident at work? Have you lost money
as a result of this accident? Then call Accident Insurance

24 Pass The TOEle Testlntroduetory Course AUDIOSCRIPT

4. IF-Cn) 17. [F-Au] You're new here, aren't you?
(AI The boots are on the floor [M-Am] (A) Sorry, I can't.
(B) The samples are in the way. (B) A little, yes.
(C) The shoes are displayed for sale. (G) I started last month.
(0) Shelves are filled with clolhes.
18. [F-Cn) Where can I park when I arrive?
5. [M-Brl [M-Au] (A) Parking is free 01 charge,
(A) He's rinsing the plates at the sink. (B) The park is next to the post office.
(B) He's exercising in the water. (C) There should be spaces oul/ront.
(C) He's drying the dishes.
(D) He's waiting for more plates, 19. (M-Br) Has the mail been delivered yet?
(F-Am] (A) It's for women only, I'm afraid.
6, [M-Aul (B) Nick put it on your desk.
(A) She's helping a patient. (C) I only ordered illasl week,
(B) She's getting into an elevator.
(C) She's holding a badge. 20_ [F-Am] You're nol happy wilh my work, are you?
(D) She's walking through the doorway. [M.Cn] (A) No. it worked fine.
(B) I like working here.
Par12 p149 Track 115 (G) You make too many mistakes.
7, [M-Cn] What time will Mr. Jameson be here?
21. [M-Am] Oidn'lthey give you a raise?
[F-Bt] (A) Around lour o'clock, llhink.
[F-Aul (A) I'm still waiting to hear.
(B) Yes, I hear it. too,
{B) She was absolutely amazed.
(C) He's the sales manager.
(C) There was none lelt.
8, [F-Au) Do you want to meet in my office or in Room 3?
22. [F-Br] How much was lhe flight?
(M-Am) tA) Only if there's enough room,
(M-Cn] tA) It was delayed two hours.
(B) Yes, that's a goOd idea.
(8) I paid two hundred dollars.
(e) Your office should be fine.
(C) I'll fly there tonight.
9, [M,Brl I can't access the Inlemet from here.
23. [M.Au] Can't you leave early?
IF-AmI (A) I think you need a password.
[F-Cnl (A) I lelt it here this morning.
(B) Don'l you know the address?
(8) I/eel very relieved.
(C) There's a vending machine over there.
(C) Not be/ore six, I'm afraid.
10. [M-Am) Do you know who called while I was oul?
24. [M-Cnl Tomorrow's your birthday, isn't it?
[F-Br] (A) I'm going out soon, 100.
[F.Aml (A) I didn't know that!
(B) They called a few minutes ago.
(8) It was a fantastic day.
(C) Sorry, I didn't get the name.
(C) How do you know that?
11. (F-Cnl What presentalions did you go to at the conference?
25, [F-Au) How many days did you spend in Florida?
[M.Au] {A) I gave a talk on time management.
1M-Am) (A) It cost over a thousand dOllars,
(B) I didn't go to any, actually.
(6) We were there for a week,
{C) I wenlto the School Administrators conference last week.
(C) The first day was the besl.
12. {M-Am) Where do you recommend I stay in New York?
26. [M-Aml 00 you want coffee or lea?
IF-Au) (A) 01 course I'd recommend staying in New York.
[F-8rl (A) Yes, that sounds great.
{B) Don't spend 100 much on accommodations.
(8) That's not what I asked lor.
(C) The Grand Hotel is a good value.
(C) I'm not thirsty, thanks.
13. IF-Brl What's the quickest way to the station?
27, IF.Cn] Haven't you finiShed lhe report yet?
1M-Am} (Al Yes, the train is very last.
IM.Aul (A) I'm leaving al the end of the week.
(B) I'd take a taxi if I were you.
(6) The imports will be here soon.
{G) You'li get a vacation soon.
(C) I need another two days.
14. [M-Au) Who's the new assistant manager?
28, [M.Am] I'm not/eeling too good today.
(F-Cn] (A) I think Brad started it.
[F-Aml (A) 00 you wanf to take the allernoon off?
(B) I have no idea,
(6) I don'l feel like ii, either.
(C) I don't need any assistance, thank you.
(C) Yes. today's been a goOd day.
15. (F-Am) 00 you want to take a break?
[M-Br] (A) Maybe in half an hour.
29. (M-Aml Which college did Naomi say she wenllo?
(B) No, I didn'l break it.
[F-Aml (A) She graduated Irom Princeton.
(G) 1"11
have three, thanks.
(B) No, she didn't say.
(C) She lell college in 2011, I think.
16. [M-Cn] Whose briefcase is thai?
[F-Am] (A) Yes, I think it is.
30. [F.Br) You didn'l give the cuslomer her money back, did you?
(B) II's not mine,
IM.Am) (A) The money is althe back 01 the store.
(C) I don't know who replaced il.
(8) The customer paid lull price.
(C) She got a lull re/und.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 25

I 31. [M-Au] Why didn't you tell anyone you needed help? [M-Cn] No, but maybe I'll give them a small bonus. Say, three
[F.Gn] (A) No, 1shouldn't lell. hundred dollars each this month?
I (8) I didn't want to cause any trouble.
(C) I'll help as much as I can. Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.

I Part3p150 Track 116

IF-Cn] It looks so dark and depressing here, doesn't il? What can we
do to brighten it up?
[M-Au] Well, we could put more lights in, I suppose. There are some
I Questions 32 through 34 refer to the following conversation.
[M-en] Hello. Can I speak 10 Lucy Micheli, please? Extension 429.
in the meeling room upstairs we do,,'t really use. They might
took OK over there by the entrance.
I [F-Aml Extension 429. Jusl one moment... I'm afraid the line is busy.
[F-Cn] Yes, thaI's a good suggestion. There's lots of space. let's do
Do you want 10leave a message?
that tomorrow. I'll go to a garden center on Saturday and buy
I (M-en) Yes. please. Can you ask her to call David Ward at Greenbay
Solufions, 85 soon as possible? II's about the samples she
some plants for the coffee table and the desk, too
(M-Au] Hmm, That would help make a better impression for visitors.
I IF.Am]
sent. She knows my number.
Certainty. I'll pass this message 10 her once she's free.
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversalion.
I Questions 35 through 37 refer to the following conversation. (F-Cn) Joanne Masters said she'd ca!ltoday, but she hasn't. It's five
o'clock already. Do you think I should call her?
[F-Am] How are we going to get all thesefWng cabinets, tables, and
[M-Am] Yes, go ahead. Teli her I can'tslart on the first floor
I chairs over to the new buiJdirg? 11'11take ages to carry them
rooms until she decides what color she wants for the ceilings
over there by ourselves.
I [M-Cn] I know. I checked with the Maintenance department and they
and walls
OK. Oh, you know we haven't received payment for the work
don't have anyone who can help.
you did for her last month?
I (F-Am) That's a shame.
(M-Cnl Hmm. We need to do it soon, Maybe we could hire a truck? 1 [M-Am) Really? It took ages to paint those doors and windows.
[F--Gn] Hmm ...
I know it's not far, but it might be quicker.
IF-Am) That's not a bad idea. I can find oul how much il'lI cost this
[M-Am] Irs always like that with her. Tell her we need that money first
before we do the offices. She needs to learn we can't wait
afternoon, if you want me to.
I [M-Cn] OK. I'll wait to hear from you, and then we can make a
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.
Questions 38 through 40 refer to the following conversation, [M-Au] The price is very reasonable, I think. The fish is OK. How's
your piua?
[F-Cn] Hi, Joseph. Jwas thinking of going to lunch now. Do you want
[M-Brl II's tasty. I haven't had a vegetable one before. It was a good
to come?
idea to meet up here.
I [M-Br] Where were you thinking of?
[M-Au] We haven't seen each other for ages, have we?
[F-Cnl How about the French place on the corner near the bus
I station.
[M-Br] Thars righ!. It must be over three months, So, how have
you been? How are things at work?
[M-Brl J haven't prepared this week's sales report yet. so I don't
have much time
I [F.Cn) They're pretty quick, and the food's very tasty. You can just
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation wIth
three speakers.
have a sandwich.
I (M-Brl OK, that sounds good. You go ahead, and I'll be along in (Fl-Cnj What shOuld we do about this place? The roof leaks in the
a minute. bathroom when it rains and the windows won't close.
I Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
[F2.BrJ Yes, it's freezing in here! Jim, do you have any ideas?
[M-Au] Well, we could call someone to fix it, but it'll be expensive.
I [F-Cn] Are all the passengers on board yet? We're due for take-oil in
don't know if we can afford it.
[F1-Cn] How can you say that we can't arord it when you don.t know
ten minutes
how much it will cost?
I [M-Sr) 'just counted and we're still waiti"'lg for two more. Apparently,
[F2.Br] Usa's right. At least let us get someone in to take a look,
they've passed through Customs, so they should be here
don't mind phoning around for quotes.
I (F-Cnl
soon. Their bags are already loaded,
OK, I'll tell the captain. They'd better hurry up because we
(Ft-Cn] Neither do I.

I can't wait much longer.

[M-Au] Hmm .., OK. I suppose we have to do something. I hope it
won't cost too much, ,.
I Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation,
(M-Aml look at this! These desks are covered in dust, and there'S
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following
conversation and

paper all over the floor. I d:>n't think this room has been
I cleaned at all in the last month,
Hmm .., Which of the cooking demonstrations should we go to?
lers go to the one at eleven thirty. That sounds interestir.g
IF-Am] I know. And it's not even that big! I had a word with Andy last
I week and he said he'd do it.
[M-Am] Well, I'm sick of it. I think we'li have to get rid of him and find
Good idea. How about we have a bite to eat afterwards?
Why not? As long as we catch ttle train home before two
o'clock.l have to start work at five, remember.
I someone else. He can't seem to keep anything clean. leI's
advertise ror a new cleaner.
[M-Cn) No problem. We can take a taxi back to the station. Want to
look around the exhibition now?
I Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation. [F-Am] Sure. leI's see what pots and pans they have first. We need
[F-Am] Did you hear we got the Jefferson contract last week? That some new ones for the restaurant.
makes five big contracts so far this month, II's a record,
[M-Cn] Yes, we've been working "ard for a long time, and now we're Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation and
starting to see the results YOuknow, I think the sales team all form,
deserve a reward, [F-Cn] Good evening, Reception. Can I help you?
[F-Am] Really? What are you thinking of? A pay raise? An exira day's [M.Am] Yes, this is leonard Tang on the third floor. I'd like to order a
vacation? newspaper for tomorrow morning. Would that be possible?

26 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT

[F-Cn] Yes. of course. Which newspaper would you like? 555-8956, or go online at www.businessinternational.com.
1M-Am) The New York Times. Don't be left behind.
(F-Cn] Okay, that's ordered ror you. It'll be outside your door by
seven tomorrow morning. There's no charge. by ~he way. It's Questions 83 through 85 reler to the following speech.
on the house. Will there be anything else, sir? 1M-Au] For those of you who don't already know, it is with great regret
[M-Am] No, that's all, thank you, I think I'll tum in now. Good night. that I have to announce that Emma Wilkins has decided 10
step down from her position as Guest Services Manager.
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the foHowlng conversation and Emma has worked here for over ten years, and has made
booking form. a significant contribution to the business, especially in
1M-Am) Hey. Louise. We have a problem. The media suite is booked organizing corporate evenlS and developing our conference
up tomorrow morning. I wanted to use it for our sales review, business. Emma's last working day will be Friday, the 27th.
but I wasn't quick enough. As department heads. please communicate this news to
[F-Am] What about the other meeting rooms? your staff. Emma will be taking on a new position as Facilities
(M-Am) They're not big enough. I called Bill to see il he could give us Services Manager at Marston Convention Center, and we wish
his slot. but .. her every success in her new role. Her successor has not yel
[F-Aml Well, we can't cancel it. We have urgenl things to discuss. been appointed, but as is our normal custom at Waterford
1M-Am) I know! Hotel. we want to fill this position by promoting from within.
IF.Am) How about we meet over lunchtime. It's always free then. We'll Anyone interested in this opportunity, please e-mail Human
have a working lunch! I can e-mail everyone now and let them Resources within the next two weeks.
(M-Am) Good idea, louise. You're a lifesaver! Questions 86 through 88 reler to the following recorded message.
[F.Am) Thank you tor calling Far Oul Enterprises. Your call is
Part4p154 Track 117 importanl to us. All our cusfomer representatives are currently
Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following broadcast. busy attending other customers. 1/you know the extension
you are calling, please dial now. Otherwise, please continue
IM.Am] Hello. I'm Tom Chan, bringing you the weather here on
to wait and a customer representative will be with you shortly.
WINC. And now, the forecast here in beautiful Saratoga.
Did you know you can also make flight reservations, book
Wednesday will be mostly sunny with temperatures around
holel rooms, and much more via our website? $0 why not visit
53 degrees and a calm wind, no more than ten miles per
us at www.faroutenterprises.com.Alternatively. please hold,
hour. A cold night, though, with temperatures lalling to 35
Your position in the line is five and your estimated wait time is
degrees, Thursday will be wet, with a 40 percent chance of
eleven minutes.
showers in the daytime. However, there will be sunny periods.
and temperalures should again be in the low fifties. Showers
Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following short talk.
very likely overnight and certainly into Friday, which witt be
moslly cloudy with a 70 percent chance of rain. So, get those [M-Br] Thank you all for coming in early. I know it was short notice,
umbrellas ready, folks. You'lt need them! but an emergency has come up. I've just heard that an
inspector from the Department of Health will be viSiting us
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following announcement. this afternoon to assess health and safety requirements.
Apparently, a member of the public has complained about
[F-Au) Your attention please. This is a passenger announcement. Will
a fingernail found in their soup last week, So, we need the
passenger Riccardo Tomaselli, that's Mr. Riccardo Tomaselli.
kitchen cleaned from top to bottom, and all the tables, chairs,
passenger for National Airlines flight Vl318 to Sydney, please
cutlery, and so on have to be spotless. The storage room must
proceed directly to Gate 34, The flight is about to depart This
be straightened up, and the staff lounge, too. Everything must
is the final call for night Vl318 to Sydney. This gale will close in
be clean, Is thai clear? It's ten now, and they're arriving at one,
five minutes. Thank you.
so let's get started immediately

Questfons 77 through 79 refer to the following talk.

Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following talk.
(M-Cn) So, hopefully you can see from that short presentation that (F.Am) Welcome to "In the Know~ wilh me, your host. Amanda
Candie Communications has a great deal of experience in this Ridgely. The breaking news of the day is the collapse of Brinks
field. We are experts at market research, and have worked with Machinery in Springtown. The President, Steve Chadley,
governments. large corporations, and other institutions. We told reporters this morning that the company would stop
look lorward to the opportunity to design and deliver a market operations at the end of the month. Blaming cheap imports
research program suitable lor your needs here at Ablewight from overseas, Chadley confirmed that the entire factory
Industries. I am sure that my team and I can gather plenty 01 would be closing. Over four hundred people are expected to
quality data to help you learn more about your customers, so lose Iheir jobs. The news has come as a great shock to the
you can meet their needs successfully and prosper as a result town, which has been home to Brinks for over fifty years,
Now, does anyone have any questions?
Questions 95 through 97 reler to the following talk and poster,
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the followIng advertisement.
[M-Am) OK, everyone. That's it for this evening. Thank you for coming,
[M-Am] In business today. it's vital to keep up with the very latest and a special thanks to our speaker for that interesting and
business trends. Get the edge. Get ahead, Get Business informative talk. There are lour more lecture evenings before
International. EnJOYup-to-the-minute analysis of all tne the end of our season - all very different. The municipal park's
important business matters 01the month. Read in-depth chief gardener will be telling us what's in bloom now. We'll
articles and interviews with tOday's leading business experts. also be hearing hom the artist who sculpted the new statue
Get your subscription to Business International today. Just $89 outside this building, and from a tormer mayor of the town.
gets you twelve issues, delivered monthly. Or, buy a copy from Our next speaker will be a local historian who specializes in
your local retailer at $9.99 per issue. Oh, and did I mention the industrial history. I hope to see you all here next month, Oh.
special offer? Subscribe for two years and get a free luxury and can everyone please bring your friends along, and try to
ballpoint pen worth twenty dollars, and we'll pay the shipping! persuade them to join the society? New members are always
To get your subscription to BuSiness International, call 1-800- welcome! See you all next time.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT 27

Questions 98 through 100 refer 10 the lollowing announcement Practice Test 1
and notice.
Part 1 p343 Track 137
[F-Cn] Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. While you're shopping
with us today, why not take a guided lour to learn more about 1. [F-Br] (A) They're enlering a building.
the magic of McAJlisters? You'li see the fantastic architecture (B) They're walking on Ihe grass.
inside the building. and we'll teU you all about the beautiful (C) They're sitting in a circle.
artwork that hangs on our walls, You'll also hear about the (D) They're relaxing on the beach.
fascinating retailing history 01McAliisters. The next scheduled 2. [M-Au] (A) The vehicles are parked under cover.
tour will begin in 15 minutes' time. Please note that this is the (B) The man is standing next to the truck,
final tour of the day. and will last apprmdmately half an hour, (C) The truck is driving down the road.
The meeting point is at the Visitors' Center, which is next to (D) The construction worker is lying on the ground.
the stationery department near the Empire Street entrance.
There is no charge for the tour. Thank you. 3_ [M-Cn] (A) The shopping mall is crowded with people.
(B) The sign shows travelers where to go,
(C) The passengers are waiting at the gate.
Understanding Different Accents (D) The flight is about to take 011,
American English p335
4. [F.Aul (A) The man is reading a newspaper,
exercise B Track 122
(B) The people are asking for directions.
1. How many days did you spend in Tokyo? 2,1'd like to see the
(C) The woman IS wearing sunglasses.
manager, please. 3Where can I lind the nearest bank? 4. I'm afraid
(D) The tourists are taking a cruise.
we didn't receive your letter. 5. The man is checking into a hotel, 6.
What time does the meeting start?
5. [M-Aml (A) They're sitting on some benches.
Exercise C Track 123
(B) They're showing people to their seals.
1.The women are shaking hands. 2. People are waiting lor a train.
(C) They're giving a presentation,
3. Is this the fastest computer you have? 4. I didn't get your e-mail.
(D) They're arranging Ihe chairs.
5. Would you like meat or fish?

British English p335 6. [F-Cn] (A) He's digging with a shovel.

Exercise B Track 125 (B) He's getting into a hole.
1, That presentation wasn't very interesting 2. Can I use your (C) He's trying on some gloves.
computer? 3. Why did you decide to leave the company? 4. The (D) He's walking in the sunshine,
woman is cleaning her glasses. 5. Hello. l'm Simone, How do you
do? 6. Mr, Peterson will see you shortly Part 2 p347 Track 138
exercise C Track 126
7. [M-Br] How about having lunch later?
1. We can't aHord to employ more staff. 2. How long have you
IF.Cnl (A) Yes, I had lunCh lale.
worked at the bank? 3. The woman is waiting at a bus stop. 4. I'll
(B) He works as a waiter,
be back at around one o'clock,S. Did you check if these figures
(C) I'm free around one.
are correct?

Australian English p336 8. IF-Ami Where did you buy Ihat jacket?
Exercise B Track 128 IM.Au] (A) I needed a new one.
1, Samantha is now head of marketing. 2. Remember to wear a hat (B) At the shop on the corner.
during the tour of the factory. 3. What year were you born? 4. The (C) Do you mean this tennis racket?
man is pointing to a graph. 5. The European conference was held
in a castle in Germany? 6, We hope to see you again soon. 9. [M.Cnl When will you be back in the office?
exercise C Track 129 [F-Am] (A) Not until Friday.
1, The man is getting oul 01a car. 2. let me help you with those (B) Jwent on vacation
files. 3. How Jong have you lived in Sydney? 4. Bill's retirement (C) I'll give it back next week.
party is tomorrow at seven. 5. Do you have a room with a view of
the sea? 10. [M.Am] Didn't TImothy say he'd be here by ten?
[F-Brl (A) I heard there are ten people.
Canadian EngliSh p336 (B) Yes, I think that's right.
ExercIse B Track 131 (C) He didn't Slay long.
1. Is TIm working for his father now? 2. We expect the cuts will
save about three million dollars. 3. Sorry, but I can't understand 11. [F-Am) If you need any more information. just ask.
what you mean. 4. Any employee caught stealing will be fired [M-Brl (A) The inflammation is better no.••••
, thanks.
immediately. 5. Our company owns a boat on Lake Michigan. 6. (B) You've been very helpful.
The woman is writing a letter. (C) Yes, ask me anytime.
exercise C Track 132
1, Did you gel muCh work done today? 2. John will be flying to 12. [F-Gn] What time do you Ihink you'll arnve at the hotel?
New York next week. 3. What did yOU think of Ihe presentalion? 4. [M-Am] (A) It's on the corner of First and Third.
I didn't see you at the sales conve~tion. 5. He's Changing a tire on (B) We won't have lime to stay long.
the car. (C) Sometime in the early evening, Jthink.

13. [M-Am] How do you and Stacey know each other?

[F-Am] (A) Yes, we're gOOdfriends.
(B) We went Ie college together.
(G) We've known each olher for years.

28 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT

14. IM.Au) Do you remember when the next seminar is? 28, [M-Cn) Please don't take any equipment without filling out the
[F-Gn) (A) After lunch in the main hall. appropriate forms,
(8) No, I can't find it anywhere, [F-Am] (A) Do you want to negotiate these reforms?
(C) I'll definitely be there, (B) The Shipment should arrive any day now.
(C) OK, I'll do my best to remember that.
15. [F.Au) Why don't you speak to liz instead of sending her an e-mail?
[M-Aml (A) I don't know her number. 29. [F-Am] Do you want these brochures printed on white or
(8) OK. I'll send her an e-mail right away, colored paper?
(C) You didn't tell me you'd spoken to her, [M-Br) (A) Whichever is the cheapest will be fine
(B) Yes, that sounds like a good plan,
16. IM-Gn] They say that the Regent Hotel is the best in the city (C) The paper covered everything.
[F-Br] (A) I'd rather not ask them,
(B) No. it's to the east of the city. 30. (M.Am] Whidl supplier would you recommend?
(G) Yes, I've heard that, too, (F-Gn] (A) I'll inquire first thing tomorrow morning,
(B) I don't intend to order any supplies.
17. [F-Am] Are you ready to leave or do you want to keep working? (C) Our regular supplier is the best. I'd say
" [M-Au] (A) OK, leI's do that.
(B) I want to stay and finish this report. 31. [F-Au) Where do you think you'll go after the convention finishes?
(C) I only left because I had to, 1M-en] (A) I won't go to the convention this year,
(B) 1haven't made any plans just yet.
18. IM-Gn] The supervisor doesn't want to see me, does he? (C) Yes, it should finish soon, I hope.
[F.Am] (A) Yes. He said he'll be in his office at one.
(B) No, he can't swim so well. Part 3 p348 Track 139
(C) He already met us last week. Questions 32 through 34 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn] Hello. Nigel Travers speaking. Can I hetp you?
19. [F.Au] Don't you have to stop for gas?
IF-Am] Hello. This is Suzanne Watson here, from Information
[M.Brl (A) rve had enough to eat, thank you.
Technology_ I'm just calling to let you know that I've finished
(8) I'll drive to the doctor later.
writing up the performance improvement plan we did for you,
(C) No, the tank's almost full.
and I'll be mailing the report to you this afternoon. Is that OK?
[M-en) Yes. thaI's a relief, thank you. I was actually expecting it last
20. {M-Am] How many delegates came to your presentation?
[F-Gn] (A) That demonstrates my point precisely. week.
[F.Am] I know, but as I said in my e.mail it took longer than I expected
(B) There must have been over one hundred.
10compile all the data. I don't think you'll be disappointed with
(G) There are twelve students in my class.
the results, though. You should have it by noon tomorrow
21. [F-Am] Can you help me move this desk to the other office,
Questions 35 through 37 refer to the following conversallon.
IM.Cn] (A) I'm sorry, but I have a bad back [F-Am) Rob, this is Annie Irom reception, I'm wondering if you can
(B) II's down the hallway on the left. help us. We're short stalled today, because Uuie is sick, and
(C) My brother doesn't need any help. the Saratoga Bank representatives will be here in an hour. Do
you have time to help us?
22. IM.Am) Which one of you forgot to lock the door last night? 1M-Am] Well, I need to make a couple of calls. but I can come down
IF-Br] (A) One was knocked on the floor. after thaI. What do you want me to do?
(B) Greg said it was him. [F-Am) Just give us a hand putting the information sheets into the
(C) I'll never forget that files. There are two hundred to get through. and we haven't
started yel!
23. [F-Am] When is Kate and Ryan's anniversary? [M-Am] OK, I'll be down in five.
[M.Br] (A) It's a week from Monday.
(B) Yes, they're going away for the weekend. Questions 38 through 40 refer to the lollowing conversation.
(C) I'll see them at the end of the month. (F-Am] Angela Adams is leaving next Friday, and we haven't decided
what to get for her. Do you have any ideas?
24. [M-Aul Didn't the chef say our prices would be going up this month? (M-Cn) Hmm. How about a box of chocolates and some roses?
[F-Am) (A) I like it. but it's too spicy for me, (F-Am) ThaI's not very original, is it? Anyway, we have more money to
(B) I guess he changed his mind. spend that that. We can go up to five hundred dollars.
(C) We're selling more rice dishes now. (M.Cn) Wow, Well, I guess she has worked here lor forty years. Maybe
she'd like some new luggage or something?
25. (F-Gn) Are we supposed to meet the designer tomorrow or is it
the project manager? Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
IM.Am] (A) Well, 1can't manage everything on my own.
[F-Am] Hello. I'd like to send this package to Singapore. How much
(B) I'm not opposed to borrowing money for this project
will it cost?
(C) As far I'm aware. we're sCheduled to see them both,
[M.Am] Put it on the scale, please. . Thanl be fifty-eight dollars and
fifty cents. Priority Mail. Is that OK?
26. (M.Cn] Where are the ink cartridges that go with this printer?
[F-Am] 11'11have to be. Is that the quickest?
(F-Au] (A) Yes, they're the right ones.
[M-Am] Yes. It'll be there in six days.
(B) They'li be in the storage cabinet.
(F-Am) OK. Well, I don't have enough cash, so I'll pay by card, thanks.
(C) II's been a very mild winter, thaI's for sure.
[M.Am] ThaI's fine. I'll just check thai all the details are correct first
before I take payment
27. IF-Bf) Why wasn't Graham at the staff meeting?
(M-Au) (A) The staff are completing it now.
(B) II was at three o'clock in the boardroom.
(C) Apparently, he wasn't feeling well.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCR1PT 29

Questions 44 through 46 refer to the 'ollowlng conversation, 1M-Am] I'd like to go business class. please.
[F-Cn] Look, it's after two already and we're still not on the freeway. IF.AmI OK, business class is eight dollars extra,
We should have taken the train, Can I borrow your cell phone, (M-Am] ... and come back early.
Joe? I left mine at home this morning, and I really shOuld {F-Am] Coming back I can do a 5:40, gets in a18:10, So, that'll be twenty
phone the office to say we'll be late. seven dollars each way. One round trip on the Downeasler to
1M-Am] No problem. It's in the glove compartment. Yeah. Just slide Boston, business class. How would you like to pay?
that button and ... yeah ... that's the keypad. I'd better keep my
eyes on the road. Questions 59 through 61 refer to the 'ollowlng conversation,
[F-Cn] Good idea. Oh no! It says there's no reception. It must be the [F-Cn] You're not wearing that old shirt tonight, are you Steve? The
mountains. collar's all worn and there's a button miSSing in the middle. I
[M-Am] Don'I worry. Just another five minutes or so and we'll be thought we were going to a formal dinner.
through them. It should be OK Ihen. [M-Aml Yes. we are, II's the company's annual award ceremony. But I
spilled some sauce on my best shirt last night at the welcome
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation. reception, and I don't have another while one. This is it, I'm
[F-Am] Hello, This is Pauline Connelly from Kl Plastics? afraid.
[M-Am) Oh yes, Ms. Connelly, Good to hear from you. IF-Cn) Well, you can'l go dressed like that. look, it's only six o'clock.
[F-Am] I came over earlier today to look at the offices on Commerce Why don't you drive down to the mall and buy a new one. It'll
Drive. Number 54. only take twenty minutes so you shol.ld still have time 10get
[M-Am] I remember, 54 Commerce Drive. We've had a lot of interest dressed before the taxi arrives.
already in that property. Have you had enough time to make a [M-Am] I guess you're right. You stay here and wait for the babysitter.
decision? I'll be as quick as I can.
[F-Am] Yes, and I'm alraid we won't be going ahead. The location is
perfect, and there's enough offce space for us Ihere, but the Questions 62 through 64 refer to the 'ollowlng conversation and
price is rather high. IUght schedule,
[M.Am] Oh, thaI's too bad. [M-BrI All this silling around is terrible, isn't it? Is your flight delayed
IF-Am] I mentioned it was a concern at the time and after going through too?
the figures, il just doesn't work for us financially, I'm afraid. [F-Au) Not as lar as I know. I'm still waiting for the gate to be
[M-Am) I could contact the owner iftha! would help, and maybe ask announced. I see lots 01flights are delayed though, Are you
if there's any room for negotiation. Let me see ... it's two going to Moscow?
hundred thousand, right? How does one hundred eighty work {M-Br] No, Istanbul. And you?
for you? IF-Au] I'm going to Warsaw. On time, hopefully. It's not been too bad
so far. 1checked in early because I trought going through
Questions 50 through 52 refer 10 the following conversation. security would lake a long lime - but it didn't.
[F-Au] May f help you, sir? [M-Br] Well, I'm going to get a paper. It looks as if I'll be here for a
[M-Br] Er, yes. I don't think I'm lost, but can you tell me what floor while yet. Nice talking to you. Have a good trip.
HSC Dental is on, please? I'm sure this is Ihe righl place, but 1
can't see their name on the directory over there. Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation and
[F-Au] Well, they only moved in last week and we haven't added their appointment list.
name to the list yet. They're on the fit.h floor. You can take the [M.Cn) Hello. I have an appointment with Dr. Shinn al a quarter after
elevator over there. When you get out. turn left and they're two.
allhe end on the right. I can call them to say you're on your IF-Am] Goodness! You're half an hour early.
way, if you wish. [M-Cn] Yes. I managed to find a parking space right outside.
[M-Br] That would be good, thank you. Please tell them Mr. Thomas [F-Am] Wow. lucky you. OK, so please take a seat and I'll call through
has arrived for his appointment. to Dr. Shinn's assistant to tet her know you're here.
[M-Cn] Thank you.
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation with [F-Am] Oh, and help yourself to coffee from the pot!
three speakers. [M-Cn] Thank you. I will.
[F-Am] Oh no! I just gol anolher e.mail from Telco Phone Syslems
saying the fax I sent didn't go through. Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversatIon and
IM1-Am]What, again? Schedule,
IF-Ami I can't understand it. I sent them the same order form three IM-Br] Oh dear, look at that line 01traffic up ahead. Can you tell the
times already, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with our fax driver to take a different route? We'll miss the train.
I machine.
IM2.Br] Well, I just senl a fax hall an hour ago without any trouble.
IF-Br) No, we won'l. We''ve plenty 01time. Irs only ten o'clock. The
train isn't for another fifteen minutes,
IM1-Am]Yeah, I've sent a couple already today. It's been working fine. IM-Br] Yes, but I have to pick up our tickets from the machine.
[M2-Br) The problem might be at their end. Maybe you should give [F-Br]
I them a call?
(Ml.AmlGood idea. Call and speak to someone. Maybe they
What? 1thought you had them with you?
No. I have the reference number lor the booking, but I still
need to gel the tickets,
changed their number. [F-Br] Well. keep your credit card handy so you don't waste time
IF-Am] NO,I can't have this drag on all day. I'll just scan the form looking for it when we're there. You'n need it as confirmation
I and e-mail it to them. I wish they could use their equipment
properly [M.Br)
you paid already.
RighI. OK.

Questions 56 through 58 reter to the following conversation. Par14 p351 Track 140
I 1M-Am] Hello. Gan I have a round trip ticket to Boston please, leaving
early tomorrow if possible?
Questions 71 through 73 refer 10 the following speech.
1M-Am] Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Eastern Business
[F-Am] OK. Let me see ... Portland to Boston ... We have a train Forum, I'd like to start by saying what a great idea this

I departing at 9:05. That's direct. It takes two and a half hours

and a regular reserved seat will cost you nineteen dollars.
Awards Ceremony event is. II is a wonderful way to recognize
achievement among this region's entrepreneurs, and the

I 30
Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT
publicity it has attracted is definitely a bonus. Now, the first press 2. If your call is urgent, and you require immediate
award is ~Internet Entrepreneur of the Year," As you know, medical attention, press 3. If you need urgent medical
the Internet is increasingly important to even the smallest attention outside of normal office hours, please visit the
businesses, opening up the prospect of attracting additional nearesl emergency room, or call 482-555-1010 for inlormation
customers both nationally and internationally. The growing on how to contact our alter-hours emergency services. For
acceptance of shopping online has produced a revolution, any other inquiries, please hold. Your call will be answered
and we all need to embrace this. So it is with great pleasure shortly. Please note, our baby clinic for new mothers is now
that I can announce that this award - "Internet Entrepreneur on Wednesdays, There is no need to make an appointment for
of the Year" - goes to a local company that has shown this service. Thank you.
great success in this area. And now, for her achievements in
developing the online fresh flowers market, the award goes Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following report.
to .., Mrs. Deborah Sumner of Fresh-To-Your-Door.Com! [M-Am] Results of a survey published today reveal that employers
are optimistic about hiring prospects for the coming year.
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following yolcemail message. The survey, carried out by the ManManagement Group.
[F-Au] Hello, this is a message for Dr. Peter Night's secretary. My found that increased demand for products and services
name is Carla Johnson from Business Life magazine. 1would means that employers are now looking to take on more
like to arrange a time to come and interview Dr. Night about personnel. Despite evidence that the nation's economy is
stili in recession, nearly 75 percent of the 12,000 employers
his 'atest book, The Culture 0' Business, which was published
who responded to the survey said they eKpected to increase
last week by Harcourt Press. I read this over the weekend and
found it fascinating, I'm sure some of the points he raises would stalling levels in the coming quarter. This is welcome news, as
interest our readers and so I'd like to write an article on it for our the U.S. net employment outlook, wtlich subtracts anticipated
magazine. My number is 555-203-9215. It's Monday today so if job cuts from jobs created, is now posting a pOsitive figure.
this is possible, can you please get in touch with me by the end Most demand will be in construction, although finance,
manufacturing, and retail sectors will also benefit.
of the week to arrange a suitable time for me to come over? It
shouldn't take longer than an hour. Thank you very much.
Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following speech,
Questions 77 through 79 refer to the followIng talk. [M.Br) I'd like to take a lew moments if I may to introduce Nicola, who is
[M-Cn] Thank you, everyone lor coming to tonight's Question TIme our new stockroom manager. Nicola comes to us with over five
years' experience in warehouse and stockroom management.
event. As you know, this is the first event of its kind we have
Previously, she worked at Simmons Retail, and I'm sure her
organized, so we all feel very excited and hopeful that it will
prove productive. Bill Sissons, our Chairman, is here, along knowledge of stockroom systems will help us all. Nicola will
be applying her experience to make improvements that are
with other members of the Board, all waiting to answer your
questions openly and honestly. Can I start by saying it is essential for us as we aim to double our store portfolio over the
next two years. She's not only new to the company. but also new
wonderful that so many of you have stayed behind to take part.
Feet Iree 10 ask any question you want on any matter related to Baltimore. so before we begin our dinner, I'm sure you'll all
to the management of the company. Positive and negative join me in wishing her a very warm welcome to Wallace & Sons.
comments and observations are also welcome, The purpose
is to help us identify what the company is doing well, and what Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following talk.
it's not doing well, so we can all work together to improve (F-Aml OK, so here we are now on the second floor, and on the
procedures and ultimately increase our productivity! Please right here you can see the International Student services
direct all questions to me first, and I will then choose suitable department. Their job is to guide you through the registration
members 01the panel to give an answer. Now, can I have the process. They'li also help with visa requirements, and your
first question, please? health and housing needs. Oh, and that's where you go
for your job placement assignment. As you know, work
experience is an important part of all our business programs
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following advertisement.
here, Before you choose where to work, you'll discuss options
[F-Am] Do you need a break? Want to go somewhere hot and sunny? with a Guidance Counsellor, They'll help you determine your
Then book your next vacation with Betts Travel. We oller the education goals, give you advice on which work experience
best deals to hot locations all over the world, , . because we're schemes might be most suitable, and help with any eKira
North America's number one travel specialist, whatever you're language training or work skills you might need. Up on the
alter, we have it, and at a price you can allord. Travel to Egypt next floor is the Dean's Office, and also the Financial Services
to see the amazing pyramids for just $1700. or go on an African department where you pay your fees, Oh, I nearly forgol...
safari lor $15OO!Stay on one of the spectacular islands of next to the elevator on the wall over there is the college bulletin
the Adriatic for as little as $2000 for a two-week, all-inclusive board. Check that regularly for further details and special
package, or for budget travelers, simply relax on some 01the events, things like that.
world's finest beaches in Spain from an amazing $500 per
week. Save, save, save with Betts TraveL If you don't have a Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following excerpt from a
particular destination in mind, then book one 01our lamous meeting and graph.
"last minute" deals and save up to 50 percent 011the regular
price. Save big when booking your flights, hotel and car with us. IF-Au) Good afternoon everyone. Before we begin with the
Book online now and we'll give you a free travel bag. Or call our minutes of last month's meeling, I'd like to oller you all my
team at 1-800-555-71 04. That's 1-800-555-7104. Remember, congratulations. Every department's sales figures are up this
these deals are not available through any other travel agent. Ufe month. And some of you showed double-digit increases:
Jordan and Natasha, your departments have each seen sales
is short, so get in the sun now, . with Betts Travel.
revenue rise by ten percent. Sales in Usa's department went
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following recorded message. up by fourteen percent, and sates in Michael's department
increased by a whopping twenty-two percent. Great job,
(F-Amj Wetcome to Serpentine Medical. Please select from the everyone! You can all look forward to an extra something in
following optiOns. For appointments, or to speak to a your paycheck this month.
receptionist, press 1. If you have a question about your
medication and it is between nine A.M. and live thirty PM"

Pass The TOEIC Testlntroduetory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 31

Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following excerpt trom a 12, [F-Am) Who's prepared to work late tonight?
conversation and map. [M-Au] (A) Yes, the report is all prepared.
{F-Am] Would you leave the bushes next to the fence for now? Thank (B) Is it eight already?
you. My husband will help me deal with them tomorrow. We're (C) Charlie said she would
going to plant them in the large bed over there, at the end 01
the path, beyond the small pond. The shed is a real eyesore, 13. [M.Cn) Would you mind answering the door?
don't you think? We bought all these new rose bushes hoping IF-Au] (A) Not at all.
they'll hide it! Now, do you need me to sign lor receipt? (B) I'm alraid I don', know.
(C) What did you have in mind?

Practice Test 2 14. [F-Aml Which of these reports have you seen?
Part 1 p383 Track 141 [M-Am] (A) I don't know any reporters.
(B) Sorry, I didn't clean any of them.
1. IF-Br] (A) He's adjusting his lie.
(C) Just the latest one, actually
(B) He's clearing dishes from a table.
(C) He's checking the time.
15. (M-Br] How did the test go?
(0) He's taking salad from a bowl.
(F-Am] (A) I think I did OK.
(B) Yes, it went yesterday.
2, 1M-Au] (A) The cashier is serving a customer.
(C) II's still here.
(8) The women are buying some coats.
(C) The shoppers are leaving the store.
16, [M-Au] Is it casual or formal dress tonight?
(0) The workers are cleaning the counter.
[F-Am] (A) That dress looks great.
(8) I think it's tomorrow.
3, [F-Aml (A) She's watching the news,
(C) Jeans are OK.
(B) She's watering a plant.
(C) She's reading a newspaper.
17. [F-Cn] Helen didn't ask to see me, did she?
(0) She's opening a book.
[M-Br) (A) She didn't see anything.
(B) No. don't ask her.
4, [M-Cn] (A) The chairs are stacked in a corner.
(C) I'm really not sure.
(B) The exam is almost finished.
(C) The desks are arranged in rows.
18. [F-Au] The mail has just arrived.
(0) The class is about to start.
[M-Am] (A) Is there anything for me?
(8) No, it's for women only.
5. [M-Cn] (A) They're writing on the board.
(C) Can he wait ancther hour or so?
(B) They're standing side by side.
(C) They're getting clubs from the carts
19. IM-Br] Why is Noriko leaving early today?
(0) They're playing a round of golf.
(F-Am] (A) She has a doctor's appointment.
(B) Sorry, t was late too.
6. [M-Brl (A) Some people are climbing trees in the park,
(C) I don't know where she lives.
(B) The man is carrying a ladder over his shoulder.
(C) The ladder is resting against a taU tree.
20. [F-Br] What's your schedule like for next week?
(0) The construction workers are taking a break.
[M-Am) (A) I was traveling all week.
(B) Monday is not too busy.
Part 2 p387 Track 142
(C) I'd like that a lot, thank you.
7. [F-Br] What was your reason for not accepting the plan?
[M-Aml (A) I couldn't agree more. 21. [M-Cn] Don't you ever get "red of doing the same thing?
(B) No, I didn't plan anything. [F-AuJ (A) No, I enjoy my job.
(C) I felt it was too expensive. (B) I think the same, too.
(C) The tires look similar to me.
B. (M-Au] When did you start work this morning?
[F.Cnl (A) It's not far. so I usually walk. 22. 1M-Am] Could you tell me where the reception is, please?
(B) About an hour ago. (F-Am] (A) We had a warm reception.
(C) l'll be there by nine (B) 1I's in the main hall.
(e) There can be no exceptions.
9. [M-Cn] I think James is on vacation.
IF-Am] (A) No, he's in France on business. 23. [F-Cn] Who else attended the meeting?
(B) He lives near the station. [M-Br] (A) What else could I do?
(C) ThaI's a good idea. (B) II starts at four.
(C) Tina and Geoffrey were both there.
10. IF-Au] Can't you read that sign?
[M-Br] (A) I signed it right away. 24, 1M-Au] What does Tom think about the reorganization project?
(B) The writing's too small, IF-Cn) (A) Next Friday should be fine,
(C) I don.t like the design, (B) Yes, I think he does,
(C) He supports what we're doing.
11_ (M-Am] How do you know Oanielle?
[F-Cn] (AJ Yes, I do. 25. 1M-Am) Have you found your camera yet?
(B) We work together, [F-Br] (A) Yes, 1"11get a digital one.
(C) She's very talented. (B) No, I"ve looked everywhere.
(C) It's a very good camera.

32 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course AUOIOSCRIPT

26. [F-Cn] We have no more copy paper left. Questions 41 through 43 reler to the following conversation.
(M-Am] (A) Your coffee is on the desk. (F-Am) How are things going in london, Geoff? You've been there for
(B) No, iI's not on the left. SiKmonths now, so I guess you're getting used to it.
(C) I ordered some last week. [M-Au] Yes. I love it there. I mean, the weather is awful, 01course,
but the job is going well and I seem to get along with all my
27. (M-Br] Will we be eKpanding the supply room soon? coworkers.
(F.Am] (A) He's standing over there. [F-Am] That's good to hear. So, are you staying in New York for
(B) I don't think we can avoid it. long. or do you have 10get back after the conference?
(C) Please store it in your room. [M-Au) I'm here for a week, then stopping off in Hong Kong for a few
days on my way back
28. (F-Am) You need to check all the statistics included in this report.
IM.Cn) (A) Are you sure that's necessary? Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.
(B) Yes, they're all in the report.
(C) Thank you for checking. IF-Cn] I thought that meeting went very well.
(M-Am] Yes, I suppose so.
{F.Cn] They certainly seemed interested in what we had to say. didn't
29. [M.Am) Will you get paid at the end of the month?
[F-Au] (A) I hope so. they?
(B) Yes, I'd prefer that. (M-Am] But Dr. Kobayashi wasn'Ilhere. He's the President, and Ihat
means he's the one who makes all the decisions. I doubt
(C) The end of the month is fine.
they'll get back to us with an order just yel.
30. [F-Br] What did you have for lunch? [F-Cn) What? You mean we'll have to come back again, Thal'll be
three times this year.
[M-Am] (A) OK, leI's go to the cafeteria.
[M-Am] I know, but ilthafs what it takes to get an agreement signed
(B) I'll be ready at one.
(C) A ham sandwich and a coffee. then thaI's what we have to do. We really have no choice.

QuestIons 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.

31. {M.Au] Can you fax the application to me?
[F-Am] (A) The tax was unacceptable [F-Cn] Hello. Chris. This is Sue Ha'f'Nard at Dominion Insurance.
(B) I'm lull of admiration. was just wondering how the new brochures were
(C) I'll do it right now. coming along?
[M.Au] Oh, hi Sue. Well, we got the files OK. Thanks for sending them.
Part 3 p388 Track 143 Unfortunately, we've had a problem with our main printing
press here. I'm still waiting for it to be resolved. We have a 101
Quesllons 32 through 34 refer to the following conversation.
of jobs backed up and yours is one of Ihem, I'm afraid
[M-Cn] I just got a call from Mr. Sykes at Capital Investments. He (F.Cn] ThaI's a shame, When I called last week I said we needed
says he left his jacket in Conference Room 4 after the meeting these for today, didn"! I? It's urgent. We have a big Shipment
on Friday afternoon. Has anything been handed in over the ready to go and we need to include these brochures before
weekend? we can send it.
[F.Am] Not as far as I know. There's nothing at the reception desk, [M-Au] I understand. like I said, there's a problem with the press.
an'f'Nay. We put any lost property we lind under the counter.
My hands are tied until it's fiKed, I'll put your job althe top of
here in this bol(... II's empty, see? my list, though. It should be done sometime this afternoon,
[M-Cn] Hmm. The night cleaners would have found it if it was still in hopefully.
the room, I guess.
(F.Am] Yeah, that's right. I don't think we have it. Unless Andy found it Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.
when he opened up this morning. Let me give him a call and
[F-Au] I'm off to Paris tomorrow. II's the final seminar in my European
Business course, remember. so you'li have to look atter Ihe
sales accounts yourself while I'm gone. I'll be back on Friday.
Questions 35 through 37 refer to the following conversation.
[M-Cn] OK. Do you want a ride to the airport? I can take you there if
(F.Am] AleK, can you give me a hand with this projector, please? you like. The subway is closed for repairs, so there'li be no
(M-Am] Sure. trains, and it'll be quicker than taking the bus.
[F.Am] I can't seem to get it to work, and my presentation is [F-Au] No. thaI's alright. I already booked a cab. Oh, can you e-mail
supposed to start in twenty minutes. Mr. Gibson while I'm gone? I think he's ready to place another
[M.Am] It looks like you've plugged it into your computer correctly, so order.
whal's the problem?
[F-Am] Nothing comes up on the screen, All the lights are green. but Questions 53 through 55 refer to the followIng conversation with
the screen is blank, three speakers.
[M-Am] Oh, right. II did this with me last week, actually.
(M-Am] OK, so thaI's one club sandwich, one house special salad, a
[F-Aml I've reset it three times already.
glass of fresh orange juice, and a green tea, Will thai
[M-Am] It can"! be the batteries. I think the cable might be loose, You
be everything?
need to check if everything is light enough.
(F1-AmJYes, I think thaI's it, Unless you want something else, Susan?
[F2-Au] No, that's fine for me, The movie starts in half an hour, though.
Questions 38 through 40 refer to the following conversation. We don't want to miss the beginning. How much is it?
{F-Cn] Hello. How may I help you? [M.Am] That'll be $26.50. I can gel you the bill now if you like,
(M.Am] Hello. I'd like to book a double foom for two nighls from the [F2-Au] Yes, please.
2tst of this month, please. Do you have anything available? [Fl-Am]Actually, can you just put il on my room? 563? Would that be
[F-Cn] I'll check for you. Two nighls from the 21st., . yes, we have OK?
a deluKe room available. 11'11 be $220 per nigtr., including [M.Am] No problem, madam, 1"I1do Ihat for you.
breakfast. Would you like 10go ahead with this?
[M-Am] Hmm. II's a little more than I wanted to spend. Do you have a
standard double inslead?

Pass The TOEIC Tesllnlroductory Course AUDIOSCRIPT 33

Questions 56 through 58 refer 10 the following conversation, (F-Am) Could you please sign your name in the visitors' book, and
write your vehicle registration number in the right.hand
1M-Am] 00 you know why we haven't been able \0 get online all
column? Oh, and please wear this securily pass around your
day, Joanne? I have e-mails I neee to answer, and orders to
[M.Am] Thank you. Which way do I go?
(F-Am) I checked with our technical guys at the main office and
[F-Am) Through this set of double doors. Then through the next set
they said it has nothing to do with them. Irs the Computing
and her office is the lirst on the left.
Department in Seattle, apparently. They made a mistake
during routine maintenance last night.
[M-Am] Well, do they have any idea when we'll get back online? Part 4 p391 Track 144
[F-Am] No, Questions 71 through 73 refer 10 the following talk,
(M-Amllt must be costing us a fortune in lost sales. [M-Aml Welcome everyone, to the firstlalk in our series on Sustainable
IF.Am] They said Ihey were working on it, but Ihey don'l know how Tourism in the 21st Century. Tonight we slart with a very special
much longer Ihe sytems will be down. I know irs inconvenienl, guest speaker, Or. Brenda Hartley. As many of you here know,
but you'll just have to Iry 10be patient Or. Hartley has championed the cause of sustainable tourism
for over thirty years now. She began as a student activist, taking
Questions 59 through 61 refer 10 the following conversation, part in demonstrations against the social and environmental
IM-Br] There's a Mr. Dawson for you an line 3. impact of tourism on indigenous cultures In South America and
[F-Cnl Oh no. Not him again. Atrica. Today, she chairs a United Nations task force assessing
IM.Bf] He said he called last week about some markeling supplies, the economic impact 01tourism around t~e world. She is
bul you didn't reply. perhaps best known as the author of the "Act Now. books, in
(F-Cn] He's e-mailed me alleasl three limes. Can you tell him I'm which she encourages not only the world powers 10take action,
in a meeting and can'l talk right now? Ask him to send a but also each of us as irdividuals. Ladies and gentlemen,
catalogue, that's all. wlthoullurther ado, please join me in welcoming tonight's very
(M.Br) OK, but he says there's a special going on right now .. special guest speaker, Or. Brenda Hartley.
{F-Cn] Yes, I know. But it's six o'clock already. I really need to go.
{M-Bf] 50 percent off brochures and calendars. We need some more, Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following report.
you know. [M-Am) Hello and welcome to Star Radio's Jobs Report. I'm your host.
(F-Cn] Oh, OK. Put him through. Hugh Robinson. We start with breaking news of trouble al
Hartford's biggest employer, Cheffin Industries. Workers today
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversallon and walked out of the automobile manufacturer's largest plan! in
prIce Ust, the region, demanding better pay and conditions. Some three
(M-Am) I wouldn't use that machine if 1were you. II gave me Ihe wrong hundred workers staged the strike, which caused production
change. at Ihe plant to stop completely, Workers complained of low
IF-Cn] Really? pay, unpaid overtime, and the withdrawal of health benefits
[M-Am) Yeah. I put a fIVe dollar bill in and only got one dollar back. announced by the management last monlh. The strike appears
should have given me two dollars back. likely to spread to Cheffn's other factories, and could have a
[F-Cnl That's too bad. tremendous impact on the company if it is not resolved quickly
[M-Am] And there's nobody around to help, of course. No attendant
anywhere. Everything's automatec on this line now. Questions 77 through 79 refer to Ihe following speech.
[F-Cn] Why don'! you go to the website and send them some [M-Cn] Welcome all of you to our Graduate Training program. I'm
feedback? They'll have a customer services email somewhere. Francis Sheen, C.E.O. 01Transform Cosmelics. You are
[M-Am] Good point. I think I'll do Ihat. Oh, look. Here's the train now. about to have six months of the hardest training in the beauty
business. Today, we'll start with an overview of Ihe company
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation and In just a moment. I'll hand you over to Communications
Information. Director Jeremy Mason, who will give a presentation on what
Hi. I'm looking for a present lor my mother's birthday next we do and where our corporate strategy is taking us. At
week. eleven, Diane Trent, our Operations Manager, will speak to you
[M-AU] Oh yes? How about some earrings? about our operations abroad. She'll be updating you on our
iF-Br] Hmm, Maybe. These ones are nice exciting new retail establishments in Europe, Lunch will be at
1M-Au] They're our most popular collection. We sell more of these one in the Washington Room. Then in the afternoon, you will
than anything else. And this style is very fashionable, visit our flagship retail outlet at the Riverside Mall. The bus will
[F-Br) Yes. They're very delicate, aren't they? leave after lunCh at two, so please be at the main entrance on
{M-Au] And they can be customized with a births:one, 100. Her time
birthday's next week, you say, so ... May. Oh, she's lucky - a
lovely, bright color. Questions 80 through 82 reler to the following volcemail message,
[F-Br] Yes, those would definitely go well with her brown hair. And IF.Am] Hello, Tony? Irs Sally again, I was hoping you would pick up.
she's not keen on large earnings so these would be fine. In II's eleven thirty Friday morning and you still haven't gotten
lact, they're perfect! back 10me about the schedule lor next Monday. Ie-mailed
you twice last week, and this is my third call since Wednesday
Questions 68 Ihrough 70 refer to the following conversation and I really need you to confirm Ihe speakers and the content lor
floor plan. the workshop, before I pul everything together and print out
IM.Am] I'm here to see Ms, Kolsky. She's expecting me. the details. I don't want to have 10do this over the weekend,
(F-Am] Ah, yes. At last. Ms. Kolsky will be very pleased to see you. and it will be too late on Monday morning. so please call me
She's had a frustrating time all morning with her laptop back to confirm the details as soon as possible. t am very
problems. concerned about this and really hope we can avoid any further
(M-Am] Wefl I've brought a new monitor with me I think thai will SOlve delays, Thanks.
the issue.

34 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

Questions 83 through 85 reler to the following announcement. Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following announcement and
[M.BrJ And here as we come around (he comer we can see the schedule.
marvelous eleventh-century cathedral. It's a wondertul (M-Br] May I have your attention please? We are sorry to announce
eJ(ample of medieval architecture, over 900 years old, and still that alt local trains to Burlington have been canceled. This
very much the centerpiece of the city 01Norwich. This is one is due to a fallen tree on the Burlington regional rail line. All
of the biggest attractions in the East of England. In a moment, passengers wishing to travel to Burlington or long bridge
our driver Sam will pull over and drop us off and we'll have two should travel on the next express service to Westfield. This
hOUrs to eJ(plore this lovely cathedral. Don't forget, the price service will now make additional stops at Burlington and
01your entry to the cathedral is included. so just wait at the Longbridge. Anyone traveling to the other stations on the
group entrance while I deal with the tickets. For those of you Burlington regional line, please make your way to the West
whO want some refreshments, there's a coffee shop inside, exit where a coach service is wailing 10take you to your
and a gift shop, of course. They're both open until five o'clock. destination. We apologize for any inconvenience. The next
We'll meel back at the main entrance al five thirty. OK. Oh, and train to arrive on Platform 3 will be the 9:34 service to Ryevale.
before we stop, please remember, you can leave your jackets,
bags, and other belongings on your seals, but I encourage Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following excerpt from a
you to take all your valuables with you. meeting and price list.
[F-Cn) Before we move on, I'd like to return to pricing - specifically,
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following talk. the increase in the cover price of my team's magazine which
IF-Cn] Welcome to Ocean Bay. My name is Michelle and I'll be your is due to lake effect from next month. I just looked at the latest
waitress for today. Here is our evening menu. You can choose sales data in one 01the documents we were given earlier, and
two courses lor S30 .. , so thaI's an appetizer and a main I really don't see hOw increasing our price will boost revenue.
course, or a main and a dessert. We also have an a la carte I'm worried it will have the opposite effect, actually, and
menu which I will leave for you here, and the specials bOard readership will fall. We're already the most profitable of ailihe
is over there on the wall. I highly recommend the salmon, range, because more of our pages are devoted to advertising.
which is very fresh. Oh. and the grilled lobster is delicious. Why don't we turn our attention elsewhere? Take a look at
We're known for our seafood here, but you probably know that Fashion and Utestyle - it costs a whole dollar more, but it's
already. The only thing we don't have lor you today is the tuna less profitable.
salad. ThaI's usually on the regular menu, but everything on
the a Jacarte is available, and, as I said, the specials are over
there on the wall. Since irs before six o'clock, you qualify for
our Early Eater complimentary beverage. You can have fresh
orange juice, mango juice, a choice 01 soft drinks or mineral
water. Which would you like?

Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following advertisement.

IM.Au] For small companies, a big phone bill can be .. , well ... a big
problem. And iI's an even bigger problem when doing business
abroad. The tact is, when you're out of the country, calling the
office back home can be expensive ... very expensive. And just
think about the money your company spends on contacting
your customers overseas by phone! Wouldn't you like 10save
money on your phone bill? Then why not switch your phone
provider to HTC Digital? We guarantee to reduce your phone
bill by thirty percent. That's right. If you have fewer than twenty
employees, juSI sign up lor one year to our International Small
Business plan, and we'll cut your overseas phone bill by thirty
percent, guaranteed for the first three months. Call now at
555-388-9759 to lind out more. HTC Digital's International Small
Business plan. You know it makes sense.

Questions 92 through 94 reler to the following talk.

[F-Am] OK, I've asked you all into my office because we need to gel
ready for the meeting with Flax Investments next week, Joe,

, I'd like you to start off with a presentation of our financial

results tor the last year. Keep it brief, maybe five minutes
Trisha, you can follow that with the expected sales figures for
the next year. Give an overview, but make sure you mention
our operations in Mexico, You'll need to liaise with Bill in
Marketing, I think. Sarah, can you please prepare some
questions we need Flax to answer, such as what level of risk
they are comfortable with, how much they want to invest, how
long they want to invest for - that kind of thing? Mike, I want
you to take the minutes of the meeting. I'll prepare the agenda
and send a copy out to everyone tomorrow

Pass The TOEle Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 35

AnswerJ(ey----- True. 4. False. She's standing near an escalator. 5. True. 6. True.
Exercise B Track 7
1. False. He's silting in a coffee shop. 2. True. 3. True. 4. False. The
PART 1 - Photographs spoon is on the saucer. 5. False. He's leiding on his phone. 6. True.
Try It Out p13 Track 1
Mini Test -Incorrect Key Words p25 Track 8
1. 0 In (A), taking sounds similar to talking, but there are no
1, C It's light outside, not dark (A). People are silting on sofas, not on
customers in view. She is sitting, not standing. at the reception
the floor (8). The blinds, rot the windows, are half closed (D).
desk (B). (C) is an assumption. 2. 0 Thera's nobody on the scooter (A). The scooter is parked, not
2. A (B) is confuses the similar-sounding stair and chair. They are
lying, on the road (B). The L-sign is on the front, nol the back, of
nol waving at the window (el. The curtains are open (0).
the scooter (C).
3. 0 He's examining a car, not a card (A). He's fixing the tire, naltha
car door (6). He is nol driving the car (e).
3. B She's using a fax machine, not a computer (A). She's holding a •
4. B There are no tourists in the lake (A). (C) is incorrect because
document, not opening one (C). She's wearing a short jacket,
not a long jacket (O).

snake sounds like lake. The trees are nOI under the water (0).
5. A In (B), trunk sounds similar 10truck, but we cannot see the trunk
Incorrect Interpretations p26
(B). He is sitting. not standing, in the truck (C). He is nol getting
False Accounts Track 9
out of the truck (0). 1. False. He is not leaning against the wall. 2, True. 3. True, 4. False.
6. C She is not closing the store (A) or cleaning the window (8). She
There are notices on the board, but he's not looking at them. 5.
is looking at the floor not the door (Dj.
False. It is nota vendingmacnine. 6. False. He's not holding a glass.

Improve Your Performance Unsupported Assumptions Track 10

1, Assumption. 2. Fact. 3. Assumption. 4. Fact. 5. Assumption. 6. Fact.
Analyzing Dlstractors p18
Exercise A Mini Test -Incorrect Interpretations p27 Track 11
1. D Correct. (A) Similar-sounding word (laking - lalking). (8) 1. 8 There is a music system on the table, but we can't assume she's
Incorrect key word (sitring not standing). (C) Incorrect listening to it (A). She not typing at a desk (C). We can't assume
interpretation. she's going to sit down (D).
ExercIse B 2, 0 He may need help, but we can't assume he is asking for help
2. A Correct. (8) Similar-sounding word (stair - chair). (C) Incorrect (A). He could be delivering the box so (8) is an assumption.
interpretation. (D) Incorrect key word (open not closed). There is a cart, but he is not silting on it (C).
3. 0 Correct. (A) Similar-sounding word (card - car). (B) Incorrect 3. C We can't assume a match is about to start (A). or that the
key word (tire not car door). (C) Incorrect interpretation. courts are closed (8). We can see tennis courts, but no signs of
4. B Correct. (A) Incorrect interpretation. (C) Similar-sounding word construction (D).
(snake -lake). (D) Incorrect key word (near not under).
5. A Correct. (8) Similar-sounding word (trunk -truck). (C) Incorrect Steps to Success p28
key word (sitring not standing). (0) Incorrect interpretation. PractIce 1 C They are indoors, but they are not playing a game (A) or
6. C Correct. (A) Incorrect interpretation. (8) Incorrect key word Track 12 silting in a coffee shop (8). We do not know what they
(floor not window). (D) Similar.sounding word (door- floor). are discussing (0).
Practice 2 0 Only one woman;s wearing glasses (Al. We cannot
SImilar-sounding Words p22
Track 13 assume a purchase is being made (8). There is a
exercise A Track 2 clock. not a lock, on the wall (C).
1. large, 2. hire. 3. rest, 4. bag,S. walt, 6. frame, 7. choose, 8. nose, Practice 3 A He is in a restaurant, but he is not ordering a meal (8).
9. sock, 10. waiter Track 14 He's holding a teapot. not his glasses (C). He is
Exercise B Track 3 pouring. not dn'nking, tea (D).
1, The man is silting at home. 2. He's sailing a boat. 3. They're walking Practice 4 0 We can't assume this is a competilion (A). The man is
together. 4. She's selting the table. 5. There's a hat on the chair. Track 15 hitting, not hiding, a tennis ball (8). Nobody is picking
6. The woman is waiting for a train. up the balls (C),
exercIse C Track 4 Practice 5 8 She is not washing her hair (A). The poster is on the wall,
1. Incorrect (copy - coffee). 2. Correct. 3. Incorrect (feeding - reading Track 16 not on the mi"or (0). They are not walching television (C).
I cook - book). 4. Incorrect (cable - lable). 5. Correct. 6. Incorrect
(testing - resting). Review Test p35 Track 17
1. C He is not filling the car with gas (A). He is loading Ihe trunk, not •
Mini Test - Similar.soundlng Words p23 Track 5 the truck (8). (D) is an assumption.
1. C She has a black hat, not a cat (Al. There are leaves on the 2. A The food is on a table, not on the floor (8). Nobody is silting on
ground, but they are not leaving the park (B). They are in the the sofa (C). There is a teapot, not a saucepan, on the table (0).
park, not the dark (D). 3. 8 He standing on a ladder, not a chair (A). There is nobody silting
2. C She's looking at the drink, not the sink (A). She's using the outside (C). The chairs are facing away from the poster (0).
coffee machine, not copy machine (8). She's holding, not 4. D She's silting b€hind the counter, nolan it (A). (8) is an assumption.
folding, a paper cup (0). There isa picture on the wall (Cl, but she is not looking al it.
3. 8 The word complaint (Al sounds like paint. The shelves are on 5. C The bus has already arrived (Al. The weather is sunny, with no
the right, not the light (C). The/adder, notthe/eader, is in the rain (B). They are boarding a bus, not a train (D).
midd!e(D). 6. 8 The pillows are on the bed, not the floor (Al. The picture is on
Incorrect Key Words p24 the wall next to the bed, not above it (C). Nobody is sleeping in
the bed (0).
Exercise A Track 6
1. False. She has short dark hair. 2. False. St-e's wearing a skirt. 3.

36 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

PART 2 - Question-Response 4. C (A) uses seat, which sounds similar to eat. {B) confuses meet
(whiCh sounds like mear) with eal.
Try It Out p39 Track 18 5. A (8) uses plane. which sounds similar to plan. (B) confuses to
1. B (A) repeals morning, but does not answer the question. pay with today.
6. 8 (A) repeats car, but answers a different question (Is thai your
(C) is a response to a suggestion.
2. etA) uses the same verb finish, but in the past simple. (B) repeals car?). (C) confuses far with car.
7. C (A) confuses the similar-sounding words coast and cost. (B)
work, but as a verb and without answering the question.
confuses the similar-sounding words lost and cost
3. C (A) answers a different question (What color is ... ?) and confuses
8. B (A) confuses the similar-sounding words drink and think. (C)
blue with new, (B) repeats pn"nte(. but does not answer the
repeats think but does not answer the question.
4. B (A) confuses get back (return) with back (part of the body). Questions with When or Where p43
(e) answers a different question (Why are you coming back ... 7).
Exercise A
5. B (A) repeals like and confuses (he similar-sounding words down
1. d. 2. 6.3. b,4. a.5. C,6.f
and town. (C) answers a different question (Why don't you want
Exercise B
to sit down?).
6. A (B) responds to a different statement (Is this your ticker?).
Exercise C Track 21
(C) repeals rerum, but in a different context.
,. C (A) answers the statement Here's your black pen. (8) answers a
7. C (A) uses soon to mislead recently. (B) refers to a different
different question (Is Ihat a black pen?).
subject (He).
2. B (A) confuses the similar-sounding words hall and call. (Cl
8. A (B) repeats visit. (C) answers a different question (Would you like
answers a different question (Will you cal!?).
tovisif. .. ?).
3. A (B) repeats intel1liew, and (C) repeats place, but neither answers
9. C (A) confuses the similar-sounding words called and cold.
the question.
(B) uses the same context. but does not answer the question.
4. B (A) usespresentafion, which sounds similar to demonstration.
10. B (A) confuses the similar-sounding words computer and
(C) refers to time, but does not answer the question.
producer. (C) answers a different question (Whose is that .. 7).
5. A (B) confuses short with report, and does not answer the question.
11. C (A) conluses hat with that, and (B) confuses suitcase with
(C) uses handle (meaning manage) which sounds like hand in.
shoelace. 6. B (A) uses dispute, which sounds like suit. (C) answers a different
12. B (A) confuses the similar-sounding words feeling and healing.
question (How much was you suit?).
(C) does not answer the question.
13. C Neither (A) nor (B) answers the question. Mini Test - Questions with When or Where p43 Track 22
14. C (A) uses the same verb. but a different subject. (B) confuses 1. 8 (A) answers a different question (Can f get a taxi?). (C) confuses
meeting with seating. tax with taxi.
2, C (A) uses art. which sounds similar to start. (8) confuses moving
Improve Your Performance with movie.
3. A (B) answers a different question (When was this machine
Who Questions p41 made?). (C) confuses paid with made.
exercise A 4, A (8) confuses take orders with place an order. {C) confuses place
1. When. 2. How. 3. What. 4. Who. 5. Which, 6. Why, 7. Where. with replace.
8. Whose 5. 8 (A) uses heights, which sounds similar to nighl. (C) does not
Exercise 8 answer the question.
1.f, 2.h, 3. 9.4. b, 5.a, 6.e. 7. c, 8.d 6. C (A) does not answer the question. (B) confuses find it with
Questions with What p42
7. A (B) uses looking, which sounds similar to booking. (C) confuses
Exercise A the noun book with booking (meaning resel1lalion).
1. c, 2. e. 3. b, 4. t, 5. d, 6. a 8. B (A) confuses the similar-sounding words way and stay. (C)
Exercise 8 answers a different question (How long will we be al .. 7).
Exercise C Track 19 Questions with Who, Whose, Why, or WhICh p44
1. B (A) answers a different question (Who went to .. ?). (C) does not Exercise A
answer the question. 1. b, 2.d, 3. f, 4.c. 5. a,6. e
2. A The subject is the same, but neither (B) nor (C) answers the Exercise B
question. 1.8,2. C,3. C,4. A,S. B, 6.A
3. B (A) confuses the similar-sounding words drink and think. (C) Exercise C Track 23
confuses won.t with want. 1. A (8) confuses the similar.sounding words say and way. (C)
4, A (B) does not answer the question. (C) answers a different repeats way, but in a different context.
question (Will you sell your ..• 7). 2. C (A) uses right, which sounds like tonight. (B) uses lale which
5. C (A) confuses the noun talk with the verb discuss, and does not relates to early, but the meaning doesn't fit here.
answer the question. (B) answers a different question (Woufd 3. B (A) uses the noun sign. but in the plural and with a different
you like to ... ?). meaning. (C) confuses sweaters with the similar-sounding letters.
6. B (A) does not answer the question. (C) repeats desk. but answers 4. B (A) uses stand. which sounds similar 10expand. (C) does not
a different question (Do you like that deSk?). answer the question.
5. 8 (A) does not answer the question. (C) uses deposit which
Mini Test _ Questions with What p42 Track 20
sounds like closet.
1. C (A) answers a different question (Would you like to .. 7). (8) 6. A (8) uses say. which sounds like stay, (C) does not answer the
confuses by repeating time. question.
2. A (B) confuses gift with present from presentation. (C) answers a
different question (Did the clients like ... ?). Mini Test - Questions with Who, Whose, Why, or Which p44
3. B (A) confuses the noun watch with watching. (C) confuses tree Track 24
with TV, 1. 8 (A) uses walk, which sounds similar to work. (C) answers a
different question (Do you work in ... ?).

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 37

2. A (B) repeats desk, but does not answer the question. (C) does 4. C (A) uses classroom, which sounds similar to bathroom. (8) uses
not answer the question. news. which sounds similar to use.
3. C (A) answers a different question (When was the movie?). (8) 5. A (B) and (C) confuse the similar-sounding words wrote and throat
also answers a different question (Did you like the movie?). with coat.
4. 8 (A) confuses annual with manual. (C) uses deduction, which 6. B (A) relers to a different subject. (C) answers the question Can I
sounds similar to instruction. nolCan you.
5. A (8) answers a different question (Would you like a coffee?).
Mini Test - Yes/No Questions p47 Track 28
(C) suggests copies might relate to copy machine.
S. 8 (A) confuses close (for business) with open (a window). (C) 1. C (Al confuses the subject, responding to the statement I am
uses the same verb and context. but in the past simple. going to ... (B) uses fee, which sounds similar to see.
7. C (A) does not answer the question. (8) answers a different 2. A (B) uses far, which sounds similar to car. (C) repeats come, but
question (IS this pen yours?). is a response to an invitation.
8. A (8) relers to a different subject. (C) repeals safe. but without 3. A The subject is the same. but neither (B) not (C) answers the
answering the question. queslion.
4. A (B) does not answer the question. (C) answers a different
Questions with How p4S question (Where is the head office?).
ExercIse A 5. C (Al uses massage, which sounds like message. (8) answers a
1. e.2.c.3. a,4. f. 5. b,6. d different question (Are there any messages?).
ExercIse B 6. C (A) uses wrong, which sounds similar to long. (B) confuses long
1. C, 2. A. 3. C. 4. A. 5. B, 6. C with duration.
Exercise C Track 25 7. C (Al uses the same verb, but in a different context. (B) uses
1. B (A) and (C) confuse by using the similar-sounding words (far cheese, which sounds similar to please.
and car I cold and old). B. B (Al conluses the similar-sounding words waiter and waiting. (C)
2. B (A) answers a differenl question (Can I helD you?). (C) does not uses the same verb, but answers a different question (Where
answer the question. shall we wai!?).
3. A (A) uses read, which sounds like need. (Cl conluses blockage
Choice Questions p48
with the similar-sounding cartridge.
4. C (A) uses steak, which sounds similar to take. (B) gives the tima, Exercise A
but does not answer the question. 1. b, 2. e, 3.d.4. f, 5.a,6. c
5. B (A) confuses the noun hearing with the verb hear. (C) uses work Exercise B
which relates to job. 1.C.2.B,3.A.4.A.5.C.6.C
6. A (B) uses axist, which sounds like exit. (C) does not answer the Exercise C Track 29
question. 1. A (8) confuses the verb check with the nour: check. (C) cannot
answer a choice question.
Mini Test - Questions with How p45 Track 26 2. C Both (Al and (B) refer to a plural subject.
1. B (A) repeats last, but as an adjective (meaning finaf). (C) uses the 3. C (A) implies a reference to eat out, bul does not make the choice.
past simple. (8) cannot answer a choice question.
2. A (B) repeats party, but does not answer the question. (C) repeats 4. A (B) uses flowers. which sounds similar to shower. (C) lails to
people and uses blame. which sounds similar to came. make a choice.
3. B (A) responds with how as a distraetor. (C) uses up which sounds 5. B (A) repeats reservation in the plural, but confuses the context.
like cup. and incorrectly implies the coffee is spilt. (C) repeats the verb make, but does not answer the question.
4. 8 (A) confuses present with presentation. (C) answers a different 6. B (A) is grammatically incorrect (Neither WOL.ldbe possible). (C)
question (How long was ... ?). cannot answer a choice question.
5. A (8) answers a different question (Are you going away?). (C) uses
Mini Test - Choice Questions p48 Track 30
contract, which sounds like contact.
6. B (A) repeats training, but does not answerthe question. (C) 1, A Neither (8) not (C) can answer a choice question.
answers a different question (Do you run training courses?) 2. C (Al repeats meeting, but as a verb, and along with (B)
7. 8 (A) confuses involve with solve, and does not answer the incorrectly responds Yes/No to a choice question.
question. (C) answers a different question (Did they solve the 3. C (Al cannot answer a Choice question. (8) repeats two, but
problem?). answers a different question (How many people ... ?).
8. C (A) does not answer the question. (B) answers a different 4. A (B) misleads by using expensive to relate to free. (C) repeats
question (Do you know Brian well?). are, but does not answer the question.
5. B (A) repeats seat and uses file which sounds like aisle. (C) also
Other Question Types p46 repeats seat, but does not answer the choice question.
Exercise A 6. A (B) repeats afternoon. but does not answer the question. (C)
1. tag question, 2. statement. 3. embedded question. 4. choice also fails to answer the question
question,S. negative question, 6. YeS/No question 7. B (A) misleads by using choice to relate to choose _ (C) does not
Exercise B refer to the past, and does not answer the question.
1. d,2. f. 3.e. 4. b. 5. c.6.a 8. C (A) uses printer which might refer to prim, but does not answer
the question. (B) confuses colorful with color.
YeslNo Questions p47
Exercise A Tag Questlons p49
1.1. 2.d. 3. b,4.a. 5. c, 6.e Exercise A
Exercise B 1.d. 2. e.3.a,4.c. 5. f, 6, b
1. C,2. 8.3. C,4.A, S.C. 6. C Exercise B
Exercise C Track 27 1.B.2.A.3.B.4.A,5.C.6. B
1. A (B) uses tight, which sounds like flight. (C) answers a different Exercise C Track 31
question (What is the time?). 1. A (B) uses thought, which sounds similar to bought. (C) confuses
2. B (A) answers the suggestion What about booking a room? (C) print and again with printer and another.
uses looked, which sounds like booked. 2. C (A) uses request. which sounds similar to success. (8) uses
3. A (B) uses meet. which sounds like eat. (C) does not answer Ihe lunCh, which sounds similar to launch.
38 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY
3. A (B) contuses fair with Ihe similar-sounding word fares. (C) 2. A (8) answers a different question (What time are we meeting?).
repeals train and the verb go. but does nol answer Ihe question. (C) misleads by using restaurant, which assumes eating lor
4. B (A) refers to a different subject. (C) uses clerk, which sounds like meeting.
work. 3. 8 (A) is an illogical response. (C) uses knees, which sounds like
5. C (A) uses merger, which sounds similar to worker. (8) confuses keys, with a singular subject.
walk wilh work. 4. C (A) and (B) use related words to shipped (Ship and shipping),
6. A (B) repeats boss and uses amved now to confuse with late. (C) but neither answers the question
uses sell, which sounds like tell, and confuses later with late. 5. 8 (A) uses collect. which sounds similar to correct. (C) confuses
stress with address.
Mini Tesl- Tag Questions p49 Track 32 6. A (8) uses tax, which sounds like taxi. (C) repeats taxi, but answers
1. A (8) uses Ihe past tense. (C) uses station, which sounds like a different question (Will we take a taxi there?).
Mini Test - Embedded Questions pS1 Track 36
2. A (8) does not answer the question. (C) uses unsure, which
sounds similar 10brochures. ,. C (A) uses shoes. which sounds like news. (8) does not answer
3. B (A) uses home. which sounds like phone. (C) does nol answer the question.
the question. 2. 8 (A) uses up, which sounds like cup. (C) answers a different
4. C (A) uses walk, which sounds like worle (8) uses compartment, question (Can I use your cup?).
which sounds similar to department. 3. B (A) uses Paul's. which sounds like walls. (C) colorful refers to
5. 8 (A) does nol answer Ihe question logically. (C) repeats color. but does not answer the question.
anywhere, bul does nol answer the queslion. 4. C (A) uses came, which sounds like train. (8) repeats train, but
6. B (A) repeals they and job in the plural, but confuses the context. does not answer the question.
(C) misleads by using the same word offer. 5. C (A) repeats use, but does not answer the question. (8) is an
7. A (B) answers a different question (Kenny'S gone to England, illogical response.
hasn't he?). (C) does not answer the queslion. 6. A (8) answers a different question (Is Mr. Chen in his office?). (C)
B. B (A) repeats paper, but with a different meaning. (C) uses note, answers a different question (How old is Mr. Chen?).
which sounds like wrote. 7. A (8) uses nice, which sounds like price. (C) uses guest, which
sounds like best.
NegatIve Questions pSO 8. 8 (A) misleads as are no job vacancies, onty job cuts. (C)
Exercise A confuses the context, relerring to cuts as in injuries.
1. d. 2.f,3.c, 4. a, 5.e, 6. b
Statemenls pS2
Exercise B
1.C, 2.A.3. B, 4.B. S.A,6. C Exercise A1
Exercise C Track 33 1.e, 2. b, 3. I. 4. a. 5. d. 6. c
1. 8 (A) answers a different question (When did you scan .. ?). (C) Exercise A2
misleads by using scans 10 relate to scanner. 1.c, 2. f, 3.a, 4.d, 5. b, 6.e
2. A (8) confuses moon with afternoon. (C) answers a different Exercise A3
question (Where is Jen?). t. a,2.c.3. e,4. b,S. d,6. f
3. 8 (A) uses announcement, which sounds similar 10accountant. (C) Exercise B
confuses count on (meaning rely on) with the similar-sounding t.C,2.C,18.4.C,S.A,6.C,~8,B.a9.8.10.A
accountant. Exercise C Track 37
4. C (A) uses weaker, which sounds like speaker. (8) uses spoke 1. 8 (A) uses decide. which sounds like outside. (C) relers to a
which relales to speaker, but does not answer the question. different subject.
5. 8 (A) and (C) use similar-sounding words (think and sink sound 2. C (A) answers a different question (When does the post office
similar to ink). close?). (8) misleads by using main office in place of post office.
6. C (A) repeats coat. but is an illogical answer. (8) uses wrote, 3. 8 (A) uses purse, which sounds like worse. (C) answers the
which sounds like coat. question How is your headache?
4. A (B) uses ate, which sounds like late. (C) uses the future simple.
Mini Test - Negative Questions pSO Track 34 5. C (A) uses can, which sounds like plan. (8) repeats plan. Both are
1. 8 (A) repeats forward, but is an illogical response. (C) uses the illogical responses.
past tense. 6. C (A) misleads by using the verb suit. (8) uses share, which
2. C (A) and (8) use similar-sounding words (great and plate sound sounds like wear.
similar to late). 7. 8 (A) uses the past simple. (C) confuses raining with training.
3. B (A) and (C) both refer to driving, but do not answer the question. 8. C (A) is an illogical response. (8) confuses lower with low in a
4. A (8) uses phone, which sounds like home. (C) repeats Usa and different context.
home. but is not a logical response. 9. C (Al and (8) are both illogical responses.
5. 8 (A) confuses the subject. (C) does not answer the question. 10. A (8) uses community, which sounds similar to opportunity. (C)
6. C (A) uses overdone, which sounds like fun. (8) is an illogical uses chance, which is similar in meaning to opportunity, but the
response. sentence is in the past simple.
7. C (A) relers to the context and repeats year, but does not answer
Mini Test - Statements pS3 Track 38
the question. (8) is an illogical response.
8. 8 (A) uses enjoyed, which sounds similar to join. (C) uses 1. B (A) says where the lecture took place. and (C) says how long it
beginner which sounds like dinner. lasted. Neither is a logical response to the stalement.
2. A (8) uses drink, which sounds like ink. (C) is illogical as the paper
Embedded Questions pS1 supply is not the problem.
Exercise A 3. C (A) repeats the time in a different way. but in the past simple. (8)
1. b, 2. e, 3. a. 4. c. 5. d, 6. f uses thirsty. which sounds like thirty.
Exercise B 4. 8 (A) uses sit, which relates to seat, and floor, which sounds
1.8,2.8.3.C,4.8.5.A.6.B like door. (C) uses four, which sounds like door, but does not
Exercise C Track 35 answer the question.
1. A (8) uses thank, which sounds like bank. (C) answers a different
question (When does the bank open?).

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 39

5. A (8) repeats car, but is not a logical response. (C) uses the Homophones pS6
phrase get lost, which means Jose your way rather than lose Exercise A
something, La, 2. b.3. a, 4. b, 5. b,6. a, 7. b,8. a
6. C (A) uses ship, which sounds like trip. (8) confuses the adverb Exercise 8
weH with healthy, 1. C - Where, wear. 2. C - hour, our, 3. A - read, red, 4. 8 - write, right,
7. 8 (A) uses contact. which sounds like contract. (C) uses the verb 5.8 - sun, son, 6. 8 - knows, nose, 7. A - ate, eight, 8. C - see, sea
cancel, in the past simple, but begins Yes and therefore is not a
logical response. Mini Test - Homophones p56 Track 41
8. B (A) uses col/ect, which sounds like connect. (C) confuses the 1. C (A) confuses the adjective new with the past simple knew. (8) is an
verb hold (meaning carry) with the meaning wait. illogical response.
Words with MullJple Meanings p54 2. A (8) confuses the verb meet with the noun meat. (C) is an illogical
Exercise A 3. C (A) is an illogical response. (8) confuses the noun road with the
1. a,2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. a. 6. a, 7. a, 8.a past simple rode.
Exercise B 4. 8 (A) confuses the modal auxiliary would with the noun wood. (C) is
1, break, 2. book, 3. class. 4. full. 5. kind, 6. play, 7. address. 8. hot an illogical response.
Mini Test - Words with Multiple Meanings p54 Track 39 5. C (A) uses the contraction They're and (8) uses the possessive
adjective their, which both sound like There.
1. B (A) confuses the verb book (meaning reserve) with the noun. (C)
6. 8 (A) conluses the noun hole with the adjective whole. (C) is an
d03S not answer the question.
illogical response.
2. C (A: confuses the verb fix (meaning arrange) with the meaning
7. 8 (A) confuses the adjective sweet with the noun Suite. (C) is an
repair. (8) repeats fire alarm. but is an illogical response.
illogical response.
3. B (A) is an illogical response due to the verb use. (C) confuses the
8. A 18) is an illogical response. (Cl conluses the verb stare with the
adjective hard (meaning solid or inflexible) with the meaning
noun stair.
4. 8 (AI confuses the adjective hot (meaning spicy) with the meaning
vel}' warm. (C) relers to weather. not indoor temperature. Steps to Success pS7
5. A (8) conluses the adjective wrong (meaning incorrect) with the Practice 1 Warm.up Track 42: Would. Tuesday is finetrd preler the
meaning unsuitable. (C) repeats wrong, but with the meaning 28th, Answer: C
dishonest or unethical rather than unsuitable. Practice Track 43: C
6. C Both (A) and (B) confuse the noun class (meaning group of Practice 2 Warm-up Track 44: Do, Yes, usually/Not always,
students) with the meaning standard of travel. Answer: B
7. A (8} uses good meaning kind. (C) uses good meaning skilled or Practice Track 45: 8
competent. Practice 3 Warm.up Track 46: What, He's a businessman/He's a
8. A (8) uses the verb playas in play music. (C) uses the noun play student, Answer: A
meaning show or theatrical performance. Practice Track 47: B
Practice 4 Warm-up Track 48: C,m. I'll try my bestlSorry, I'm busy.
Slmllar-soundlng Words pSS
Answer: 8
Exercise A Practice Track 49: 8
1. can, plan. than, Japan, 2. well. hotel, personnel, bell, 3, sweet, meat. Practice 5 Warm-up Track 50: I don't want, You should leave nowl
sheet. concrete. 4. word. bird, third, heard,S. say, disobey, repay. Neither do I. Answer: C
delay Practice Track 51: A
ExercIse B
1. C - report, support, resort, 2, C - plane, remain. came, train,
3.8 - time, climb, nine, sign. 4. C - position. exhibition, competition,
Review Test p64 Track 52
edition,S, A - eight, late. straight, walt, 6. C - prize, Iries, advised, 1. 8 (A) confuses living with leaving, and answers a different question
surprise. 7. A - charge. large I promotion, lotion, 8. C - prefer. reler. (How long have you been living in Paris?). (C) answers a
transfer I nine, time, mind different question (Why are you ... ?).
2. A (8) repeats milk, but does not answer the question. (C) answers
MinI Test - Similar-sounding Words pSS Track 40 a different question (Where is the ... ?).
1. C (A) uses copies, which sounds similar to coffee. In (8) believe 3. A (8) confuses the subject and meaning 01 working. (C) confuses
sounds similar to leave. the similar.sounding words commuters and computer.
2. 8 (A) and (C) use similar-sounding words (CheCked and collect 4. C (A) refers to a different subject, and confuses handle with
sound similar to project). canceled. (8) uses ordered, which related to t"e noun order, but
3. A (8) and (C) use similar.sounding words (design and mine sound does not answer the question.
similar to sign). 5. B (A) answers a different question (What did you study at college?).
4. C (A) and (8) use Similar-sounding words (hotel and sell sound (C) relers to the future.
similar to Personnel). 6. C (A) does not answer the question. (B) confuses So with snow
5. A (8) uses take, which sounds similar to cake. lro(C) read sounds and tonight with might.
similar to ready. 7. 8 (A) repeats take out. but as a verb. (C) uses the same verb get,
6. C (A) uses depart. which sounds similar to chart. Jn (8) art sounds but is an illogical response.
similar to chart. 8. A (B) does not answer the question. (C) gives an opinion, but
7, B (A) is an illogical response. (C) uses the verb decide, which without context.
sounds similar to applied. 9. B (A) confuses cancellation with station, and does not answer the
8. B (A) uses play, which sounds Similar to (re)pay.ln (Cl unknown question. (C) answers a different question (Haw did you get
sounds similar to loan. here?).
10. C (A) does not answer the question. (B) conluses how with now.
11. A (8) relates bought to credit, and confuses car with cards. (8)
relales to play to cards.
12. C (A) conluses hat with that. (B) repeats idea. but does nOl answer
the question

40 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

13. B (A) relates big to liffle. (C) uses acquired. which sounds like tired. 6. 8 The man wants 10 go to the airport. He asks the woman to go as
14. C (A) relates seafood to dinner. (B) confuses wear with where. quickly as you can, and woman mentions traffic. (A) relates to
15. C Both (A) and (B) confuse the homonym right (wnfe). airport. (C) repeats traffic. (0) cannol be inferred as the man is
16. A (B) relales movie to director. (C) confuses sea with see. not buying a licket.
17. B (A) repeats here, but a different subject. (C) also refers to a
different subject. Questions about the Topic p74 Track 60
18. B (A) confuses remaining with training. (C) refers 10the future. 1. 8 The woman mentions the acting, the stOI)' and says she won't
19. C (A) answers a diNerent question (How was the hotel?). (B) be getting the DVa. The man mentions big stars.
answers a differenl question (When will you go ... ?). 2. A The man says his steak is great and the potatoes are tasty.
20. B (A) contuses objections with directions. (C) relates asking 10ask. The woman says her fish is good but the vegetables are
21. A (B) conluses an item of clothing (sweater or jersey) with New overcooked. A waiter is mentioned, but not (8). (C) and (0) are
Jersey. (C) is an illogical response. not mentioned.
22. C (A) confuses the context by giving directions. (B) assumes the 3. 0 The couple speak about various events throughout the day.
number seventeen, not the date 17th. A board meeting (A) is just one event, not the main topic. (8)
23. A (B) does not answer the queslion. (C) repeats long. but refers to misleads by repealing sales. (C) is not mentioned.
the future. 4. C The woman begins TtIs elevator stopped working Ihis morning.
24. C (A) repeats back. but as part of go back (meaning return). (B) The man asks when it will be fixed, but there is no mention of it
confuses that with back. being serviced yel (A). (8) is incorrect as nobody was inside. They
25. C (A) confuses champagne with train. (B) is not a logical response. decide to take the stairs so (C) is incorrect.
- 5. B The speakers menlion going to Tim's on Saturday night and talk
aboul who will be there, (A) is not mentioned. An address (C) and
PART 3 - Short Conversations
neighbors (0) are mentioned, but are not the topic.
Try It Out p70 Track 57 6. A They are talking about getting to Ihe airport. The woman prefers
the train, and the man prefers the bus. The man says the train is
1. C The woman passes on a message from a client, and says she
expensive, but (8) cannot be inferred. The location of the bus stop
rescheduled the man's appointment. These are all activities a
is mentioned, but not the train station (C). (0) is not mentioned.
secretary would do, not a teacher (A), flight attendant (B), or
chef (D). Questions about Activities p75 Track 61
2. A The woman says the client can't make it this afternoon and
1. 0 The man asks for the woman's passport. The woman offers her
wanted to reschedule his appointment.
boarding pass. The words lounge, /light and board also indicate
3. C The client will visit tomorrow. The woman says she booked him the woman is catching a "ight.
in at ten A.M. 2. A We can infer the man is a taxi driver. He is giving the woman
4. B The speakers are discussing a job interview they have just had.
change for a $20 bill. He is not paying Ihe fare (B). (C) and (0)
5. A We use the phrase Don't hold your breath when we feet that are not mentioned.
something is not very likely to happen.
3. C The phrases go along, take a right, walk straight and on your left
6. D The man says they need to go to the main entrance to lake a indicate the woman is giving directions. She mentions a post
bus to the station.
office, but she is not mailing a letter (A) or working there (B).
7. C The man wants an earty morning call, and the woman says he is The man wants to go to a bank (0).
in Room 412. (A), (B), and (0) do not fit the context. 4. 8 The man says he needs to finish this report, so he is still working
8. A The man asks for an early morning call at six thirty tomorrow, on it. The woman asks him to move some furniture (A), but
and the woman confirms this. he refuses. He mentions a customer (client), but he is not
9, C After booking his early morning call, the man will probably go visiting the client (C). The woman, not the man, is preparing a
to sleep, (A) is not mentioned. The man ends the conversation presentation (0).
with GOod.night, so (B) is incorrect and (0) cannot be inferred. 5. 8 The man says the engine and Ihe battery are not the cause of
10. 0 The woman says My class stat1Sin five minutes. She is at a school. the problem. He promises the woman will be on the road soon.
11. B The photocopier is not working and the woman says I need to He asks for more lime, but does nol check the time (A). He
copy this test. (A) confuses copy with coffee. The man says It's mentions the battery, but does not say he is charging it (C). (0)
not out of paper, rather than he has lost some paper (C). The is not mentioned.
woman wants to copy a test. She has not failed a test (0). 6. D The woman says the vegetables will be ready soon. The
12. 8 The man says Why don'l you call Bob? He should be able to man says he checked the steak. They are therefore not in a
fix it.
restaurant (A). or buying food (8). (0) cannot be inferred

Questions about the Location p76 Track 62

Improve Your Performance
1. A The woman asks for the man's licket. The man asks about a
Listening for Main Ideas platform. (8), (C) and (0) are therefore incorrect
2. 0 The man asks where the meats are. The woman replies near the
Questions about the Speakers p73 Track 59
fruit and vegetables, and mentions a sign. He is shopping in a
1. 0 The woman asks the man to sil in your seat, and mentions The supermarket, (A) and (B) are incorrect. (e) is not mentioned.
plane is going to take off. 3. C The woman says she needs to return these books. As Ihey are
2. A The woman mentions books and the man asks her to put them overdue, the man says she may have to pay a fine. (A) and (8)
in the window. are therefore incorrect. (0) is not mentioned.
3. C The woman complains of a terrible cough. The man looks down 4. B The woman mentions a package and refers to bags of mail
her throat and asks here to Say "Ahh". He is a doctor examining and stamps. The word scales is a dislraetor for weighing food
a patient. items (A). (C) is not mentioned. The phrase hurt my back tries to
4. 0 The woman asks for twelve red roses, and the man offers 10 confuse with health (0).
wrap them in gift paper. 5. C The man wants a car for a few days and the woman suggests
5. A The man complains his room hasn't been cleaned and mentions a compact and looks lor a price. The car is not being repaired
the TV doesn't work. He is in a hotel. (8) cannot be inferred. (C) in a garage (A), and the man is not buying a car (B). (0) is not
confuses cleaned with cleaner. (0) is the person the man wants mentioned.
to speak to.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 41

6. A The man complains of a toothache. The woman asks to take a 2. 8 The man agrees it is convenient to be able to walk to work. (Al
look and says she needs to do something about this urgently. is incorrect, as his new home is smaller, (C) relates to train and
We can inler she is a dentist. (B), (C), and (0) cannot therefore walk but confuses the context, (0) relates to his previous home.
be inlerred. 3. 0 The man says their coworker James is away at a convention.
(A) repeats main office but confuses the context. (8) confuses
MIni Test - Ustenlng tor Main Ideas p77 Track 63 manage with manager, (C) repeats convention but refers to the
1, B The woman asks aboul adult education classes. The word woman,
courses also indicates a college. 4. 0 The woman says I have /0 wait for a client to call. (A) is not
2. B The woman asks about business courses. She is not looking mentioned. (8) confuses the Jenkins account with accounts. (C)
lor a job (A) or a vacation (C). The phrase twice a week for ten repeats invoice but confuses the context.
weeks refers to the class schedule, not a work schedule (0). 5. C The man says Mr. Fraser resigned, and a new Research Director
3. C The man is giving information about the Business Administration is needed. (A) confuses resigned and declined. (B) repeats
course, He is not studying (A) or on vacation (8). (0) is a new but confuses the context. (0) refers to the length of time
distractor, as the word business appears twice. Mr. Fraser was in his job.
4. A The woman mentions that this soup is cold and the bread is 6. A The man says he has a really bad stomachache. (8) repeats
hard. There is food (B) and the man apologizes (C). The soup is wait, but this refers to the man's annual review. (C) confuses
cold, not the room (0). doctor and daughter. (D) repeats annual review but it isn't the
5. C Only a waiter, not a friend (A), would apologize lor the cold reason he can't come in.
soup. A cook (8) would be in the kitchen not waiting tables in
Questions about Plans p82 Track 68
the restaurant. (0) is not mentioned,
6. 0 The man promises to change the soup and bring more bread 1. C They decide to play tennis and go for a long walk. (AI confuses
(A), (8), and (C) are not mentioned. tennis and test. (B) is incorrect as the man says they finished
7. 8 The woman says the annual conference in Paris is next week. that report. (0) repeats country but confuses the context.
She is not going there on vacation (A). (C) cannot be inferred 2. 0 The woman plans to apply for a permanent position and is in
and (0) is not mentioned. Toronto. Vancouver (A) is mentioned, but she says I've changed
8. A The man says the hoteIS... will be full by now and the woman my mind. (8) repeats contract but confuses the context. They
replies rve tried everywhere. She ment'ons taking a train, but talk about her job (C) but she didn't quit it - it ended.
not that a train is late (8). The hotels may be expensive (C), but 3. C The man asks Is a credit card OK? (A) confuses the verb check
that is not the problem, (0) cannot be inferred. with the noun check, (B) repeats cash but he doesn't have
9. C The woman says she will book a hotel further out (01the enough. (D) is not mentioned.
city). (A) is incorrect, (8) cannot be inferred, and (0) is not 4, A The woman mentions a blue dress and then later says the
mentioned, blue is a little more suitable (B) and (C) are mentioned but are
10. C The man mentions Lisa's birthday and suggests a party to incorrect. (0) conluses suitable and suit.
celebrate, (A) is not mentioned, (8) distracts by suggesting 5. A The woman accepts a job offer. (8) is incorrect as she will give
food, They are making preparations, but nol for a meeting (0). a month's notice. She will be working, not on vacation (C). She
11. 0 The man says he will get some sandwiches delivered. The room has found a job, and is not looking for one (D).
they choose is easy to clean, but we cannot infer the man will 6. 8 The man mentions plans to close our Munich branch, There
clean it (A). The man will call 10order food, not call home (B). is already a branch in London (A), (C) repeats investors but
The woman will order the drinks, but it is not mentioned that the confuses the context. The company will employ some people in
man will have a drink (C). New York, not layoff employees there (D).
12. 0 They say the party will take place in Meeting Room 4, and that
Questions about Offers and Requests p83 Track 69
people can stop by before they leave the office. We can infer
they work together. 1. A The man says he will get a sandwich and says J can get one for
you too. He is going to buy food, not do the woman's shopping
(B). The woman asks the man to buy her a dnnk (C). She will give
Listening for Details
him some money, rather the man lend her some (0).
Questions about Time pao Track 66 2. C The man asks Would you mind staying late tonight ... (A) repeats
five o'clock. (8) repeats Monday but confuses the context. (0)
1. C The man says we should be able to finish it next week. The
relates to the woman's plans for the evening
woman says See you on Monday (A) but this is a distraction.
3. B The woman says I can give you my monitor, (A) and (01 are not
(8) is a distractor for have a good weekend. (0) relates to how
mentioned. (C) repeats desk but confuses the context.
long the prOject has lasted so far.
4. A The man asks Would you like some tea or coffee? (B) is not
2. 0 The woman says You only bought it two weekS ago. (A) is not
mentioned, but late and wait sound like ate. The man offers to
mentioned. (B) repeats over the weekend. (C) is incorrect.
3. D The woman says the lecture starts at three and lasts for two call Mrs. Arten on her cell phone. not give it to the woman (C).
hours. (Al confuses the time with the length of the lecture. (8) is (0) confuses check as a verb with check as a noun,
5. B The man mentions a chair and asks Do you mind if I take this
the start time. (C) is the time the man thinks the lecture finishes.
one? (A) is not mentioned. (C) repeats friends, (0) relates to any
4. A The woman says U's only Tuesday and later promises fli do it
right away. (8) is nol mentioned. (C) is the day 01the meeting. minute and confuses the context.
6. C The woman asks for ten percent off all future orders. (A) repeats
(0) is a distractor for weekend
boss. (C) confuses competitive with competition. (0) is not
5, C The man says he goes on Mondays and Fridays, (A) repeats
every day in the woman's question. The man mentions three
times a week (B) but doesn't go that often, (D) is incorrect. Ouestions about Suggestions and Advice p84 Track 70
6, 0 The man advises the woman to do it right away when you get in
1. 8 The woman suggests the man look at job sites on the web.
tomorrow. (A) repeats right away but in the context of tomorrow
The man has already tried employment agencies (A) and
(8) is the current lime. (C) is not mentioned.
newspapers (C). (0) is not mentioned.
Questions about Reasons p81 Track 67 2. 0 The woman suggests the man find a good taxi company to
1. C The man says A lot of documents seem to be missing. (A) is a collect Mr. Chan, (A) repeats Mr. Chan. (B) repeats schedule.
(C) is not mentioned.
distractor for the old system (i.e. the previous system). (8) is not
J. 8 The man advises the woman to contact Media Relations and
mentioned. (0) refers to computer and confuses the canteK!.
ask them about a vacancy there. (A) is incor"eet as the woman

42 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

doesn't want to leave the company. (C) relates to qualified, but 11. C The man says We were supposed to be here at three and that
there is no mention of taking qualifications. (D) is not indicated. they are thirty minutes late.
4, 0 The woman says the office is small and suggests moving to 12. B The man asks the woman to tell the reception desk we're here.
someplace bigger, (A) confuses the idea of a bigger office with
expanding the company, The woman suggests the man move
Making Inferences
closer to the city, not live in it (B). Moving to a different City (C) is
not mentioned, Inferring attitude paa Track 74
5. A The man says How about eating out and mentions a new Italian Exercise A1
place across the street. (B) and (C) refer to what is usually done, 1 A.b.B.a,C.a
(D) relates to the woman's suggestion. 2 A.b,B.a,C.b
6. A The man says I'd I were you, I'd catch a train to a nearby stallon. 3 A,b,B.a,C.a
(B) refers to the woman's original intention. The man says the
train is quicker than the bus (C), (D) is not mentioned. IdiomatIc language p89
Exercise A2: 1. e, 2. g, 3. f, 4. b, 5. a, 6. h. 7. c, 8. d
Questions about Opinions pB5 Track 71
1_ C The man complains The guy on the violin was terrible and the Listening "behind" the words
woman says she couldn't hear (he piano. (A) is not mentioned. Exercise A3: 1. help him/her carry the package, 2. give hirnjher the
(B) confuses couldn't hear with loud music. (0) is incorrect as afternoon oH work, 3. give hirnjher a black printer cartridge, 4. buy him!
they were relieved it was only an hour. her a sandwich,S. give himfher a ride to the station
2. A The man says It's so difficult to remember what goes where and
refers to af{ these bins, implying the system is confusing, (B) is Practice Inferring Meaning p90 Track 75
not menlioned. (C) and (0) cannot be inferred.
1. A The woman says she spent three days negotiating the deal and
3. 0 The woman says they will be lucky to reach the targets and
gave them everything they asked for. We can infer that she is
she will be surprised if we can reach any of them, She feels the
frustrated the client cancelled the order.
targets are very high already, not that they should be higher (A).
2. B The woman questions whether the bill is correct and says I'm
(B) relates surprised to surprising. (C) is incorrect.
amazed at the cost, adding that she doesn't have enough cash
4. A The woman says the shop is not marked in the leanet and it took
to pay. We can deduce the birt is more than she anticipated. (A)
her ages to work out where it was. (B) is incorrect as the shop was
and (C) are not mentioned. (D) cannot be inferred.
finished laSI week. (C) confuses the problem of finding space in
3. A When asked if the Blue Kings are popular. the man says Are you
the museum with the size of the shop. (D) is not mentioned.
kidding?, which suggests they are well-known. He also adds I
5. 0 The man says the company will tail unless something is done,
can't believe I got tickets, implying tickets soon selt out. We can
or they may not sUNive another six months, (A) is incorrect. (B)
deduce the band is popular. (B) is incorrect. (C) and (0) cannot
repeals lucky. (C) confuses a lot of decisions with divisions.
be inferred.
6. A The woman says the suggested price is twenty percent more
4. 0 Both men mention advantages. One says the pay's good and
than our rivals and asks if anyone would buy it. She thinks there
the other likes the flexible hours. We can infer they both feel it
is a big difference in price, not that it is a little high (B). (C) and
is a good place to work, (Al is incorrect, as one man started
(0) are incorrect.
working at the company in 2004 and the other started a couple
Mini Test - Ustening for Details p86 Track 72 of years before that. (B) and (C) are not mentioned.
1. A The man says 1need to talk about his latest invoice. (B) confuses 5. B The man gives examples of price increases at the office supplies
invoice and voice. (C) is not mentioned. (0) relates to Mr. Yang's company they order from. We can tell from the context and the
lunch meeting. woman's tone that she is angry at the hike in prices.
2. 0 The woman asks Would you like to leave a message? She does 6, C The man mentions the alternative charity Pets At Home, saying
not oHer to call the man (A). (B) and (C) are not mentioned. he thought we were supporting them. His tone also suggest
3, C The woman says Mr. Yang should be out by two. (A) cannot be disappointment.
inferred. (B) confuses soon with noon. (0) is not mentioned.
4. A The woman asks Do you want to go for a mea/? IB) confuses Mini Test MakIng Inferences p91 Track 76
leaving for Houston and pack with a vacation. (C) repeats
1. A The man refers to the customer feedback forms, and says
French, but this is the type of restaurant the woman mentions.
They're not very good. are they? and the woman responds
The man needs to go home, not move home (D).
I'm afraid not, meaning No, they aren't. We can deduce she is
5. C He is going to Houston on business the next day. He will sign a
agreeing with the man.
conlract. not rewrite one (A), (B) is not mentioned. (C) confuses
2. C The speakers mention signal strength, network speed, and
pack with snack.
charges for in/emational calls, These terms aU relate to celt
6. 0 The man is going home to pack. (A) is incorrect, (B) refers to his
phone coverage and costs.
trip the next day, (C) relates to the woman's request.
3. B The conversation centers around low scores in customer
7. C The man says f have 8 couple of shirts I'd like you to wash.
feedback forms, and the high number of complaints. We can
Various times are mentioned, but he is not checking the time
infer that the speakers are concerned about these negative
(A). He wants someone 10 pick up his laundry from his room,
perlormance indicators. (A) and (C) are incorrect. (0) is not
not room service (B). (C) relates to a couple 01 (meaning two),
but confuses shirts with desserts.
4. 0 The woman is oHering the man her credit card as proof of
8. A The woman asks the man to put the shirts in a blue plastic bag.
identification. We can infer that she is asking whether this is
A pink form (B) is mentioned, but by the man. (C) repeats closet.
(D) confuses closet and deposit,
5. A The woman says she leh her driver's license at home. We can
9. B The woman says laundry collected before six P.M.should be
deduce she can drive. Although she doesn't have her card or
back before ten the following morning. (A) is not mentioned. (C)
driver's license with her, we can't deduce she has lost her purse
refers to the current time. (D) refers to the deadline for laundry
(D). (B) and (C) cannot be inferred.
6, B Because the man tells the woman You won't be able to borrow
10. 0 The man mentions they are thirty minutes late. (A) is not
any books we can infer this is a library
mentioned. (B) repeats map, but the woman has not forgotten it.
7. C The man says there is a jazz band playing that evening, and
(C) confuses the context and also confuses on the leh with left.
that he was thinking about going. Although he doesn'l say so
the past tense of leave.
directly, we can infer he is inviting the woman to go with him.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 43

8. A The woman responds to the man's invitation by saying I go to 8. B The man says he has a cancellation at three o'clock this
the gym on Thursdays, implying she cannot attend the event afternoon and suggests coming then.
that evening. We can infer the day the conversation takes place 9. 0 Although the woman only wants the carpet in one room
is Thursday. (8) cannot be inferred there is no suggestion the cleaned, we can see from the ad that there is a minimum charge
speakers are at work. Although the even! is a musical one, (C) of $80 (the cost of cleaning two rooms),
cannot be inferred. The venue Kevin mentions has live music 10, 0 The man asks abOut the survey we handed out to visitors last
most evenings, but we cannot infer (0). month
9, 8 Kevin refers to the venue, Chicago's, and says thaI Mike seems 11. A We can tell from the man's tone that he is frustrated the
to be there all the time. We can infer that Mike likes going to restaurant ranks so highly, He complains You'd think visitors
Chicago'S. would be more interested in /he plants, and sarcastically
10. 0 We can infer from the key words presentations, plenary, speaker suggests they build another restaurant.
and program that the selling is at a conference. 12. A The woman says after the butterfly pavilion the restaurant was
11. A Here. the phrase Right means That's correct. The woman is the most popular with visitors. She fater confirms the pavilion still
responding to the man's question That's in the West Room, isn't got /he highest number 01votes.
12. 0 The woman says Someone called Dr. Harper implying she Steps to Success p97
doesn't know him, One man says he Never heard of him and the
Practice 1 Track 79 1 What/do, 2 What/man mean, 3 time
other man says he saw him at breakfast but didn't speak with
" 0 The man asks How many are you sending out, and later refers to
him. We can deduce that none of them has met Or. Harper,
a post office.
2. 8 If something is .worth" doing it means there will be an
Conversations Including a Graphic advantage to doing it. Here, the man hopes that the time and
effort and expense 0/ sending out the brochures, etc. will resutl
Practice Questions with a Graphic p93 Track 77
in more orders,
1. 0 The man asks for a ticket to Edgeware, We can see from the 3, C The man says It's almost six now.
graphic train to Edgeware leaves from Platform 7.
2, 8 The man says he just had the cheesecake. We can see from the Practice 2 Track 80 1 What/discussing, 2 woman/think of/ cost.
graphic cheesecake cost $2.99, 3 What/Woman/do next
3. 0 The man suggests the woman call Tony, We can see from the 1. C The woman mentions next month's conference, and Ihey
graphic that Tony's extension number is 545. discuss seminar rooms, accommodations and the cost.
4. A We can tell from the context that this conversation takes place at 2. A The woman says They're offering a good deal.
the reception of the hote!. The man has just checked in and the 3. 0 The man says Let's go ahead, and the woman responds I'll get
woman says here's your room key. We can see from the graphic on it right away, meaning she will book the event immediately
that the reception is located on the Ground Floor.
5, A The woman says Or. Kleber's talk will be in the same room as Dr. PractIce 3 Track 81 1 Whatfproblem, 2 What/man/asklwomen/do,
Parsons, We can see from the graph c this is the Churchill Suite. 3 How/women/leel
6. C The woman says This is Westyle Insurance and goes on to 1, A One woman says the notebook PC doesn't seem to work properly
tell the man you need the next floor up, We can see from the and her daughter adds there's something wrong with it.
graphic that the next floor up is Hillon & Sons. 2. A The man asks them to come back on Friday. He does not ask
7. C The woman says she is outside the mall. The man says Turn them to come back the following week (B). (C) and (0) are not
left and walk past the City Hall. Irs across /he street. next to the mentioned.
bank. We can see from the graphic t'lat this is Building C. 3. 8 We can infer the women aren't happy about the situation.
8. C The man asks to take tomorrow off. The woman says tomorrow's The daughter needs the computer for her work, and says I can't
the busiest day of our week. We can see from the graphic that wait that long.
the busiest day is Friday, so the day the conversation takes
place is Thursday Practice 4 Track 82 1 Why/man/anxious, 2 What/woman/do next.
Mini Test _ Conversations Including a Graphic p95 Track 78 3 Which citylttaveling to
1. 0 The man is worried that Alex is late lor the lIight they are abOut
,. C The woman is responding 10the man's comment that there is
to catch.
so much to see in the museum, and adds she had no idea it
2. 8 The woman says f11call his cell phone again,
was so big. We can infer she is impressed.
3 8 The man mentions Gate 17 and suggests they start walking
2. 8 The man says How about having a quick bite to eat? He points
there. We can see Irom the graphic that Gate 17 is lor the flight
out a sign, but does not suggest they check the signs (A). (C) is
to Washington.
not mentioned. They are not in the cafeteria yet (0).
3. 0 They decide to go to the cafeteria, and the man says the Greek
Practice 5 Track 83 1 What/man's name, 2 What/speakers/do.
Sculpture exhibit Is up there too. We can see from the notice that
3 Whatfwoman/do
this is level 3
1. B The man mentions the production department. He says he
4. C The woman says You need Number 9. We can see from the
needs more staff to meet our targets, and later relers to my
chart that the final destination for bus number 9 is Eastern
workers. We can deduce he is the production manager, and
from the chart we can see this is Mr. Shaw,
5. 0 The woman tells the man his bus leaves at a quarter after the
2. C They mention they might extend the shifts from eight to nine hOUrs
hour, meaning every hour.
3. C The man suggests the woman calculate the cost of overtime first.
6. A At the start of the conversation the woman tells the man just
missed his bus. As they run every hour, we can infer he has a
long wait. (8) is incorrect as she suggests he wait in the waiting Review Test pl04 Track 84
room to stay warm, so the weather must be cold. (C) and (0) 1. B The phrases burning building, emergency call and car crash
cannot be in/erred. indicate the job is a firefighter.
7. 8 The woman says I'm planning to pur my condo on the market. 2, 0 She says It's not as exciting as I first thought, She mentions hours
(A) is incorrect as when the man asks Did you spill something spent training, butdoesn'1 say they are too long (A), (8) is not
on It? she replies No. She is planning to leave her condo. so she suggested, (C) repeats exciting.
hasn't just moved in (C). (0) wrongly associates advertisement 3. B The woman mentions there was a carcrash last week. Nobody
with a promotion. was hurt (A). (C) is not mentioned. (0) tries to mislead by relerring
10 burning building.
44 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY
4. C The man is telling the woman about flight times, and 30. B The man decides 10say something to the management. We can
accommodation options. infer he is going to complain. (A) relers to eating arrangements
5. B The man says her flight arrives at live thirty in the mornIng. before the cafeteria reopened. The man says I can cook belter
6. A The man says irs a verygood rate. (B) is not mentioned. It has lour than this. but this doesn't mean he plans 10cook his own food
stars (C). butthis is not why he recommends it. We don't know if it (C). (0) is not mentioned.
is available lor three nights (0). 31. C The man is asking the woman what she wants to eat and drink.
7. B They are part of the Customer Service Team, The woman has a train to catch, but (A) cannot be inferred.
8. A The man says There Is a lot of information. (B) and (0) are not (B) is not indicated. Soft drinks are mentioned, but he is not
mentioned. (C) is incorrect as the website is finally working. employed in a soft drinks company (0).
9, A She says she didn't know there would be a photo 01her on the 32. A The woman is responding to the man's query Anything to eat?
website, (B) is not mentioned. (C) aims to mislead by including the She is explaining why she does not want to order any food. The
name of their department (0) is incorrect. inference is she has no time to have soup or salad.
10. D The man says his boss came to our wedding. (A) and (C) cannot 33. 0 The woman says I'll have a coffee and then decides on large.
be inferred. (B) is the topic of the conversation. We can see from the price list that a large coffee costs 52.50.
11. 0 The woman suggests the man asks his boss for a raise. (A) is not 34. C The man asks When are you going to be back In the office? and
mentioned. (B) refers to the house they are looking at. (C) repeats hands the woman her coat. (A) relates to the hotel booking he
neighborhood but contuses the context. has already made, There is a taxi waiting lor the woman. but she
12. C Thewomansays/wlshwe lived In a p/ace /ike that and the man is not at a taxi stand (B). She is leaving shOrtly for the airport,
replies the house must be wOfth a fortune. (A), (B), and (0) cannol but she is not there yet (0).
be inferred. 35. 8 .You're a star. is said to someone who has done something
13. C The woman passes on a message from the C.E.O. (A) refers to the willingly that helps you. (A) and (e) are wrongly associated with
C.E.O. (B) relates to Ihe job title Finance Director. (0) cannot be other meanings of .star: (0) is not indicated.
inferred. 36, C The woman says It's three o'clock and adds I only have a
14. B The man is calling about the Finance Director position. The woman couple of hours before my flight. We can see from the schedule
teUs him he has not been successful. We can infer he had an that the flight at 5pm goes to Darwin.
interview as he says It was good meeting the C.E.O. and the team. 37. A The man says he ordered a Vermont sweater last week and adds
15. C The woman is agreeing to Ihe man's request that she thank Ihe I'm wondering if it arrived yet.
C.E.O on his behall. 38. B The reference number the man gives is 5219. We can see from
16. C They are talking about translating a customer leedback form into the graphic that the color is Green.
Chinese. They are not discussing any feedback itself (A). They 39. A The woman advises the man You might want to try It on first. She
mention thai a group from China is arriving, but not an overseas offers to refund the cost back onto his credit card if he is not
booking (8). (C) confusesappearwilhappearance. satislied, so does not need to pay (B). (C) is incorrect. as the
17. B The woman says the group Is arriving on the twelfth. man gave a valid reference number. The man says rtl come In
18. B The man says Ihe translation should be done by an agency, and on Thursday, so this is not the woman's suggestion (0).
the woman says 1"1/ try to find one,
19. 0 The phrases weighs, send them to Pans and priority mail indicate PART 4 - Short Talks
this takes place in a post office
20. 0 The man mentions he is sending books as It's my sister's birthday. Try It Out pl12 Track 87
He does not plan to viSit his sister (A), He has already bought the 1. A The announcement is aimed at shoppers in a department store.
books (B), His sister lives in Paris (C). but he doesn't plan to go All shoppers are addressed. not just families (B), There is a
there. fashion event. but the talk is not directed at fashion students (C).
21. A The woman asks the man to lill in a customs declaration. (B) refers (0) is incorrect. as employees are not shopping at Marttet"s.
to when the package will arrive, (C) is not mentioned, (0) conluses 2. B The announcer mentions 10 percent off all shoes and boots,
customs (meaning tax or duty) with custom (meaning tradition). and refers to discounts on other selecfed products. She
22. B They are speaking about a coworker. Kevin. They discuss his mentions a fashion show, not a contest (A), and this is not the
present. card. and future plans. (A) refers to Kevin's travel plans main focus of the announcement. The clothing mentioned is on
only. (C) is not mentioned. (0) repeats hiking. but refers to sale. rather than on exhibition (C). The announcer relers to a
Kevin's leaving present. summer col/ection, not a charity collection (0).
23. A The man says Kevin plans 10travel around South America for a 3. 0 The fashion shOw is at 2:30 in the Fountain Restaurant. We can
year, His girlfriend is mentioned, but no marriage plans (B). (C) see tram the graphic that this is on the 4'" Floor.
repeats another job. (0) is not mentioned. 4. 0 Lee says his call is abOut the new computer system they're
24. C The phrase Well I never is used to express surprise. The woman designing. (A) confuses resigning with designing. (8) incorrectly
knows Kevin and has met him before (A). She believes what that assumes online search function means planning a website.
man said (B), She is not expressing disagreement (0). (C) repeats new and uses design, but he is nat starting a new
25. C The woman asks the man to stop the car. and then reviews his company.
driving abilities. 5. A Lee says that adding an online search function means a lot
26. A The woman says the man is not safe on the road and mentions he more work is needed. We can deduce that he wants to increase
almost hit a cyclist. She doesn't say he practices a lot (B) but that his fee for the work. (8) is incorrect as the extra work hasn't
he needs to practice a lot more. (C) is incorrect as she says you been done yet. (C) is not mentioned. (0) cannot be inferred. ,
don'f concentrate. (0) is a distractor lor your reversing is poor. 6. A Lee says I'm free next Tuesday. (B) repeats afternoon. (C) is not
27. C The man says he never saw 8 cycfist and seems surprised mentioned. (0) is incorrect as there are financial Implications.
28. A One woman mentions eating sandwiches at our desks for a 7. 8 Mrs. Gifford has been Vice President here for three years. (A)
month until they were able to come down here when cafeteria refers to the position she will take up next month. The speaker is
reopened. They are in a company canteen. the Chairman (C). (0) is not mentioned.
29. B One woman says the food is worse than before. (A) is not 8. 0 The speaker says she first came to us as Vice President, three
mentioned. (C) repeats sandwiches and links this incorrectly to years ago.
the man saying fm a bit disappointed. (0) is incorrect as one of 9. 8 The speaker asks the audience to join me in a round of applause
the women says irs more expensive. to congratutate Mrs, Gifford. (A) assumes she is leaving the
company. (C) repeats Chairman. (0) repeats position.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 45

10. 0 They are in a Space Museum. (A) incorrectly links books with 2. 0 The ad promises free engine and winter tire checks. No
a library. (B) is not mentioned. (C) retates the varied items the products are mentioned (A), only services. (B) confuses a
speakers lists with a department store. warranty for work done on a car with vehicle insurance. Prices
11. A The speaker is announcing that work is finally finished on the for services are reduced, but no cars are on sale {Cl.
museum's brand new gift shop. (B) confuses renovation with 3. C The ad is directed at all listeners; loyal customers and people
donation. The speaker does not thank anyone (C). Although she who are new to Mike's Motors.
lists various products on sale, she is not advertising them (D). 4. B The report mentions a national strike will take place following
12. C The speaker says Shortly, the renovation of the cafeteria will also the breakdown in contract negotiations between a farm workers
be completed. (A) confuses renovation with vacation. (B) relates union and management.
to the speaker's wish for strong sales. (D) repeats financial, but 5. C The speaker is the host of a feature called Jobs Bulletin on
there is no suggestion of difficulties ahead. WNRC Radio. She is a news presenter.
6. A The report is being made !rom the radio station. A union is
Improve Your Performance mentioned but they are n~t outside the headquarters (B). The
speaker mentions a press conference (C), but that was three
Ustening lor Main Ideas hours ago. (D) refers to the union leader.
7. A The woman is preparing the audience for a talk by local
Questions about the Speaker p115 Track 89
historian Peter Fletcher.
1. C The phrases Welcome aboard, flight AE564, flying, an altitude of, 8. C The speaker is mostly talking about Richard Warren. a sellier
land, and flight all indicate this is in an airplane. who arrived in 1620. The topic is local history. but she is not
2, C The speaker is welcoming the audience to the Seaview Bay speaking about its importance (A). She only introduces historian
Resort. The phrases check in at reception and Welcome Guest Peter Fletcher. rather than talks about him (8). The Mayflower is
Pack suggest this is a hotel. The speaker says I'm in charge here. mentioned (D), but is not the topic.
3. 0 The speaker mentions Joe's Grill, steak, and dish, and refers to 9. B The talk is held at the cape Cod Historical Society, and is for the
Everyone who workS with me in the kitchen. general public.
10. 0 The woman is introducing Mr. Sanchez, wh~ she says is the
Questions about the Topic p115 Track 90
latest member of our team.
1. B The speaker mentions the man's experience and knowledge, 11. 0 The woman says Mr. Sanchez will work with everyone in the
and invites him to anend the final stage of interviews. She is Sales and Marketing Department. (A), (8). and (C) cannot be
talking about a job vacancy. inferred.
2. A The speaker mentions Washing your hands as it prevents the 12. B The woman mentions main course and dessert, so this would
spread of disease. She reminds the audience to clean Ihe indicate they are in a restaurant.
tables. food trays, and the area around the beds.
3. C The ad mentions 50 percent off everything and great end.of.
Ustentng for Details
the.season bargains for listeners who come to the store this
weekend. Questions about Numbers, Dates. and Tlmes p121 Track 97
Questions about the Audience p116 Track 91
1. B The speaker mentions the next stop and says they will visit the 1. C The payments were paid every month for the last six months.
Statue of Uberty. which is the last destination in our tour today. 2. C The speaker says the case will probably go to trial next month.
3. A Parker Buildings is the company mentioned. No other building
2. B The speaker refers to a half price promotion in the fruit and
companies are thought to be involved.
vegetable section. The audience are not working on a farm (A),
selling food (C), or eating in a restaurant (D). B
1. B The speaker says the cafeteria will close for approximately
3. C The message gives a number for callers to dial for emergency
dental advice. one month.
2. A Employees are told to use the Coffee Shop on the third floor. We
Quesllons about the Locallon p116 Track 92 can see from the graphic that they should press bullon 2 to get
1. 0 The speaker mentions the Impressionist rooms. and says there to the third 1I00r.
are over sixty paintings, mentioning Monet and Renoir. 3. D Employees will each receive $50 in coupons per week.
2. C The speaker says this train will arrive on Platform 2. Questions about Reasons and Requests p122 Track 98
3. B The key words mentioned are reports. grade. end-of-semester
exam, study and students.
1. 8 The speaker says the delay is because of road repairs.
Questions about the Purpose p117 Track 93 2. 8 Passengers are advised to go to Bay 3 and wait there.
1. A The speaker says it is important to exercise regularty, and 3. 0 The next bus at Bay 3 is the 15:45 service to London. not
mentions the benefits of a daily walk. He also mentions cycling. Newcastle.
golf and tennis. Serious health problems (B) are mentioned. and B
team sports (C). but neither is the main reason for the talk. The 1. B The ad promises uftrafast broadband at the cheapest rates.
speaker says more exercise results if': a longer life (D). but this is 2. B To qualify for the $50 credit. customers will need the Advance
a result of exercise, not the purpose of the announcement. Net Plus 24-month contract. From the graphic we can see this
2. C The speaker says he wants to express his gratitude for the costs $20 per month.
staff's hard work over the last year. They work at a conference 3. A New customers can get a free two-gigabyte memory stick. but
venue (A). and have won an award. cut he is not accepting it only until the end of the month.
now (B). (D) is nol mentioned. Questions about People and Places p123 Track 99
3. B The woman is paying tribute to Dr. Williams, whO is retiring alter 37
years at the research facility. No new employees are mentioned A
(A). They work in a research facility. but she is not opening one 1. A The speaker says he will move to Sun City. An'zona.
(C). (D) confuses hard work with the need to work harder. 2. C His first job was as an Assistant Manager. He was then Section
Director (A). He is now Vice President (D). (B) Is not mentioned.
Mini Test - Ustenlng for Main Ideas p118 Track 94 3. A The speaker says he will be handing over responsibilities to
1. B The ad tries to attract customers with !ree offers and big Mr.Hammond.
discounts. (Al and (C) are not mentio"'led. The checks will result B
in safer cars (D), but this is not the main purpose of the ad. 1. D Only graduate students can borrow up to ten books at a time.

46 Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course ANSWER KEY

2. B The speaker says The red zone is the silent area and No talking 2. B Her tone is frustrated. especially towards the end that's
in the red zone. their problem.
3. B Books can be left in Ihe book drop at the West entrance if 3. 0 The expression it is what it is is used when we need to accept a
the library is closed. We can see from the graphic that this is situation we do not like, because it is out of our control.
Location 2. 4. D The man apologizes that Carolina Strakovsky cannot perlorm,
saying we understand that you came to hear Carolina
QuestIons about Problems and Suggestions p124 Track 100 Strakovsky. and oilers a refund lor those that want it.
A 5. A We can infer that the man feels disappointed that the event can't
1. C The company asked lor $100.000, but the bank is only prepared take place as planned.
to lend half that amount. 6. C The man says that Claire Whitfield is very talented and a
2. B The speaker says that they might need to wait lor bigger offices. wonderful sotoist. He is confident her performance will please
3. 0 He says leI's make a list of our ideas for cutting costs. the audience. We can infer he does not expect them to be so
e disappointed that they will need to ask lor a refund.
1. A Kathy says I can't get my work e.mail. 7. A The man is advising Mr. Andrews of travel arrangements he has
2. 0 She says I don't know when I'll be able to use it again. made. He wishes Mr. Andrews a good trip and adds See you
3. A She asks please call me and gives a phone number. when you get back. (B) is incorrect as a travel agent would not
know details of Mr. Andrews' meeting with Mr. Nielsen in New
Questions about Plans and Sequences p125 Track 101
York. (C) and (0) are incorrect.
A 8. C The man says someone called Lee will collect Mr. Andrews and
1. B She begins by saying Before I begin by introducing our take him to the airport as usual. We can infer Mr. Andrews often
keynote speaker. travels on business. (A) relates only to thiS particular "ight. (B)
2. B The talk on Innovation will take place in Room 403. cannot be inferred. (0) is not indicated,
3. A The presenter who will be introduced first is Dr. Fraser. 9. B The man implies that Mr. Andrews was lucky to get the "ight he
e wants, given the short notice (the flight is tomorrow). (A) cannot
1. C The speaker says we have two weeks before the launch. be inlerred. The size of the plane (C) is not indicated. (0) is not
2. 0 He mentions that starring today there will be a TV advertising mentioned.
campaign. 10. B The broadcast begins And finally. tor today's sports news. We
3. C The man says he wilt tty to Los Angeles at three o'clock. We can can deduce that the speaker has already given the rest of the
see Irom the graphic that the flight leaving at this time is OX14. news. She cannot therefore be purely a sports commentator (A).
AlthOugh the item is gossip, she is not a gossip columnist (C).
Mini Test - Ustenlng for Details p126 Track 102
(0) is not indicated.
1. A The message says For a billing inquiry, please press 3. 11. A The woman says Winters was jus/ in time for the birth. There is
2. C There is 50 percent discount on a.'l headphones and speakers. no suggestion the game took place in New Zealand (B). (e) and
3. D The message says to speak to a customer service (D) cannot be inferred.
representative, please press 6. 12. D The expression Ironl runner means the top candidate for a
4. C The ad mentions family lun and activities tor children of all ages. position. The woman mentions the Assistant manager post is
and free meals for children under five. vacant. and suggests Winters is the favorite for this position.
5. A The Aloha restaurant specializes in authentic local food.
6. C Anyone booking online will get breakfast absolutely free,
7. A The man says that the Regent Hotel is too small for us these days. Short Talks Including a Graphic
8. C The Roosevelt is in the Adirondack Park. which is outside of Practice Questions with a Graphic p131 Track 106
the city. 1. D The woman says they only need one printer and adds we'/1
9. B He hands out the brochure and says let's talk about it.
take the cheaper one. We can see lrom the graphic the more
10. C There are three tables 01six aI/ booked tor between seven thirty
expensive printer is the 5amsung.
and eight.
2. B The woman says she wants listeners to discuss the weakest
11. B They are having a 50th birthday party.
group. We can see from the graphic that the weakest group is
12. 0 The woman says 1'/1go and tell the chef. We can inler she will
go into the kitchen. 3. C The woman says only the largest office space is still available.
We can see from the graphic that this is the West Tower
Making Inferences (5000m").
4. C The announcement says the flight 10 Madrid will depart fifteen
Practice Inferring Meaning p128 Track 104
minutes later than scheduled. We can see from the graphic that
1. B The speaker sounds grateful. saying Thank you and later the original departure time is 11: 15, so the new departure time
repealing her appreciation. must be 11:30.
2. A The man says the Jameson contract was something we all tried 5. B The speaker says that Professor Whittaker and Dr. Bartow are
to win. and mentions the lucky woman who succeeded will gel a going to swap their presentation slots. We can see from the
huge bonus. His tone is jealous. graphic that Prof. Whittaker's talk is School Funding. so this will
3. B The speaker asks employees who have parked there to move now be at 3:30 P,M.
their cars as soon as possible. 6. 0 When the man goes into the room. he reters to it is a good sized
4. A The woman says the situation isn't good. and that stocks are double (Le.• double bedroom). and adds it has a closet built in
down again. She mentions orders have fallen. along the wall. He then says it as larger than the other one (i.e.,
5. B The speaker relers to customers asking for air conditioning the other bedroom) and adds it has the bathroom is leading off
and mentions there is a surplus (meaning extra funds). Here, it. We can see from the graphic he must be speaking about the
the expression means I don't see why we can't (agree to what Master Bedroom.
they want). 7. B The speaker mentions a decline in perlormance in February,
6. B The expression it's all about (something) means the most which could refer to Samuel or Tina, but then says there was
important thing is... The speaker is saying how you look (i.e .• strong growth in March. We can see Irom the graphic that this
your appearance) is vital in a job interview must be Samuel.
Mini Test - Making In1erences p129 Track 105 8. A The woman says the dress costs $100. We can see from the
graphic that card members get a 20% discount.
1. A The speaker says we can't wait any longer. and that they are ten
minutes behind schedule.
Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 47
Mini Test - Short Talks Including a Graphic p133 Track 107 1. C The message is all about tonight's features
1. 8 The man says the delay was due to safety checks needed 2. B The romantic comedy Always a Bridesmaid is the only movie at
following a recent storm and lightning strike. (A) is incorrect as 7:00PM.
no problems were lound. (C) is not mentioned (0) confuses 3. D This is where Metal Music Mania is showing.
workers'stnke (i.e., industrial dispute) with lightning strike
2. A The man is addressing a group of travelers at an airport. He Practice 5 Track 112 1 How/Argo 25O/compare, 2 How long!
has responsibility for their trip. (8) and (C) relate to engineers guarantee/Argo 250, 3 How much/savelbuy
conducting the safety checks. (0) is incorrect as the speaker is today
traveling on the same flight as the listeners. 1. A The speaker mentions the Argo 250 uses 50 percent of the
3. 0 The speaker mentions their flight is to Mumbai. We can see from electricity of other leading brands.
the graphic that the gate they need to go to is 63. 2. 0 The vacuum hasa lifetime warranty.
4. C The woman welcomes everyone to the open sessions and 3. A The speaker says shipping will be Iree for customers who buy
hopes they will give a taste of the courses offered at the today. We can see from the graphic that shipping costs 519.99.
college. She is not advertising the courses (A), and there are no (C) is the cost of the accessory pack, but this is not discounted
changes to the program (8). (0) is rot indicated. (D) wrongly assumes the vacuum is reduced by 50%. (8) is not
5. C Mr. Ivanov has been suffering from a SlOmach virus, (A) cannot mentioned.
be inferred. (B) confuses virus (mea'ling computer bug) with a
health problem. (D) is not mentioned. Review Test p142 Track 113
6. 8 The speaker says Dr. Gardner's philosophy lecture is in Room
1. C The announcement begins Attention Shoppers and mentions
1, and Ms. Cooper's session is directly opposite. We can see
store, checkout counters. purchases, and food and drink.
from the graphic that this is Room 2.
2. 8 The announcer warns the store will be closing in fifteen minutes
7. A The woman says the coffee machine would be for the staff
and asks shoppers to pay for their purchases.
room and later adds the teachers wiillove it. (8) relates to the
3. B The announcer says that tomorrow is bargain Tuesday. The
subject 01 the call (a drinks machine). The woman saw the
store is shortly to close. It is therelore Monday evening.
advertisement online, but (C) and (0) are not indicated.
4. C The presenter refers to the fans here in the stadium.
8. C The woman says I know you said £300 is your limit (meaning
5. 0 The presenter says he is joined by both players, who have just
maximum price). From the graphic, we can see the price in
finished a tennis match,
6, A The match was one of the longest in the history of this
9. A The woman finishes the call by saying Let me know soon. She
offers to send an email (B). (C) is not mentioned. She refers to
7. A The speaker says this is the office you'll be using, and gives
reviews, but does not ask the man to)write one (D).
some general information about where things are.
10. D The speaker says the restructuring will shake things up
8. 8 He says the restroom is down the t/afl on the left.
considerably (meaning it will change things a lot), (A), (8). and
9. C He says a client of mine is coming soon so we can assume he
(C) are not mentioned.
will go to meet him. (A) refers to coffee maker. (8) and (C) are
11. A The speaker says that the changes should lree up some time
not mentioned.
for Mr. Sanders (the President) to focus on other things. The
10. D Thunder 8ay in northern Ontario will see some showers .. in the
implication is he has no time available to do these now.
late afternoon,
12. 8 The man says they don't yet know who wi/! fill that key position.
11. A The speaker encourages listeners to enjoy a walk or a jog in the
re/erring to the person who the Vice Presidents will now report
to. We can see from the graphic that this is the C.E.O.
12. 8 The speaker says by mid.week we could hit 20 degrees! It is
currently 17 degrees.
Steps to Success p135 13. A Phrases such as Over the neid three hours, After that, and then
Practice 1 Track 108 1 WhaVannounced, 2 How 10ngMckslMundo indicate the speaker is outlining a series 01 events.
Medical, 3 WhaVimplied/news 14, C The speaker says that everyone anending the seminars shares
1. C The announcer says the C.E.O. of Mundo Medical is leaving to the desire 10be the best you can be in life. He goes on to
join rival PRC Chemicals. mention personal growth and true potentiat.
2. C She has been there for more than fI.'Ienty years. 15. 0 The speaker says he will wrap up with a question and answer
3. 8 The man relers to the announcement as shOCking. session.
16. 8 The speaker is announcing different news stories, (A)
PractIce 2 Track 109 t problem/website, 2 How long/problem, confuses news announcer with reporter. (C) repeats business
3 WhaVmeanlThis can't go on. correspondent, but refers to Kate Leung not the speaker. (0)
1. C The woman complains that there is still a wrong telephone repeats climate change, but reflects the focus of the first news
number on the website item rather than the speaker.
2. 0 She says It's been almost four weeks now. 17. B This extract is mostly about an agreement reached at the World
3. B Here, the expression This can't go on means that a solution Trade Talks to reduce carbon emissions. This is a major step
must be lound. The woman is frustrated that the problem has forward. No speech is mentioned (A). (C) is incorrect as carbon
not been resolved yet. emissions are to reduce. (D) repeats global warming but this is
not the topic.
Practice 3 Track
110 1 Where/announcemenVmade, 2 WhaV 18. 8 An official announcement is eJO;pectedwithin the neid sixty minutes.
passengers/do. 3 When/arrive/London 19. A The ad is aimed at anyone .•••. ho has had an accident at work,
1. C The words luggage, seat, aisies. racks, and bags are related, The company will deal wilh your employer, so the ad isn't
but buffet service and train indicate the location. aimed al employers (A). (e) repeats insurance. (0) relers to the
2. A Passengers are asked to make sure your luggage is labeied company placing the ad. who will investigate your claim.
correctly and to put small bags in the racks above your seat. 20. A The ad mentions a cash lump sum and a regular payment. and
3. C The man says We will be arriving in London at 9:15. (A) is the encourages listeners to get in touch to find out how much you
current time in Great Britain, (8) and (0) aren't mentioned. could get,
21. B When you have nothing to lose it means there are no
Practice 4 Track 111 1 WhaVaim/message, 2 kind{movie/7:QO PM., disadvantages to doing something, The speaker is using this
3 Where/movie/rock music expression to emphasize to tisteners that making a claim can
bring only positive results.

48 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

22. B The radio presenleris outlining the sections of the show. as 16. B (A) does not answer the question. (C) confuses rep/ace and
indicated by phrases such aslna few moments. Then. andFinally. briefcase.
23. C The speaker refers to our vmyown Laura Sharp. i1"lplying she 17. C Both (A) and (8) are illogical responses.
works for the radio stalion. and says she will talk about the latest 18. C (A) answer a different question (How much is parking?). (B)
music and entertainment news. (A) refers to Ham;r Sharma. (B) repeats park, but as a noun.
repeats singer. (0) is not mentioned. 19. B (A) confuses male (relating this to women) with mail. (C)
24. B To give someone the full picture means you tell them everything assumes they are waiting for delivery of an order. not mail.
necessary for them to fully understand. 20. C (A) uses past tense of the verb work and the distractor fine. (B)
25. A The speaker says The sun is just rising and adds Local time is confuses the subject and topic.
five minutes after six. 21. A 1B) confuses amazed with raise and refers 10a different subject.
26. C The speaker says the temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit, or (C) is an illogical response.
20 degrees Celsius. We can see from the chart that this is the 22. B (A) answers a different question (How long was the flight?). (C)
temperature in Hong Kong. uses the verb fly and confuses tonight and flight.
27. 0 The speaker asks listeners for any spare foreign coins and says 23. C (A) uses the verb leave in the past but refers to a different
these will go to a charity. The speaker mentions the local time, but subject. (B) confuses relieved with leave.
does not ask listeners to adjust their watches (A). (B) confuses 24. C (A) is an illogical response. (B) refers 10the past.
the context, and relates to the location of the envelopes listeners 25. 8 (A) answers a different question (How much did it cos!?). (C)
should put their coins in. Usteners are not asked to contact the relates to days but does not answer the question.
cabin crew (C). but just to hand them their envelopes. 26. C (A) cannot answer a choice question. (B) is an illogical response.
2B. A The person is making this lost child announcement at an 27. C (Al relates leaving with finished. (B) confuses Imports with report.
outdoor event. (B) is incorrect. (C) and (0) are not indicated. 28. A (8) uses the phrase feel like. not feel. (C) repeats today and
29. C The bOy is wearing a green and yellow striped sweatshirt. (A) good but answers a different question.
confuses sweater with sweatshirt. (B) and (0) are incorrect as 29. A (B) begins No. which answers the slightly different question Did
his cap is black and white. and his pants are blue. Naomi say which ... ? (C) answers a different question (When did
30. A The lost boy is now at the Customer Information Counter. which Naomi leave college?).
is located between the face-painting area and the refreshment 30. C (A) repeats money and back but answers a different question.
tent. We can see from the graphic Ihat this is Area 1. (B) does not answer the question.
31. B (A) repeats tell. (C) repeats help in a different context.
Listening Comprehension Test Part 3 p150 Track 116
Part 1 p145 Track 114 32. B The woman answers the phone and oilers to take a message.
1. A There are bags. but people are not unpacking them (B) and (A) confuses extenslon,/ine. and busy with technical prOblems.
they are not for sale (0). This is at an airport, but the bags are (C) and (0) cannot be inferred.
not being loaded onto an airplane (C). They are on the baggage 33. A The woman tries Lucy Ward's extension number and says the
carousel. line is busy.
2. C He is in the room. not entering it (A). The room is tidy. not messy 34. B The woman asks the man if he'd like her to pass on a message.
(B). We do nol know if the bed is next to the door (0). He says Yesplease.
3. C This question focuses on a detail. The man may be at a hotel 35. A They are talking about moving filing cabinets. tables. and chairs
checking in, but he is not checking his bag (A). They are not in to a different location in another building. (B) is a distraetor for
a store (B), or shaking hands (0). Maintenance Department. They are relocating their office, not
4. C They are not boots and they are not on the floor (A). We do not moving home (C). (0) is not mentioned.
know they are samples (8) or in the way. These are racks. not 36. C The man says Maybe we could hire a truck?
shelves, and there are no clothes on them (0). 37. A The woman says she will find out how much it'll cost.
5. A (B) mentions water, but confuses the context. He is washing. not 3B. B The man says he is wol1ling on this week's sales report. They
drying. the dishes (C). There are plates. but he is not waiting for are both in an office. (A), (C) and (0) are incorrect.
any (0).
39. A The woman mentions going to lunch at a nearby restaurant and
6. 0 She may be a nurse, but she is not helping anyone (A). There is the man says OK, that sounds good.
no elevator (B). She has a badge, but she is not holding it. she's 40. B The man is working and says 1'1/be along in a minute. We can
wearing it (C) assume he wants to keep working for a short while.
41. C The words on board, passenger.s, take off, Customs and captain
Part 2 p149 Track 115 indicate this conversation takes place on a plane.
7. A (8) confuses hear with here. (C) answers a different question 42. A The man says they are waiting for two more passengers.
(What is Mr. Jameson's position?). 43. C The woman says they can't wait much longer, meaning they witt
B. C (A) confuses room (meaning space) with Room and does not wait for a short time.
answer the question. (B) cannot answer a choice question. 44. 0 The man complains about the desks covered in dust and paper
9. A (B) responds to a different problem. (C) misleads linking there all over the floor.
with here. 45. 0 To be sick of something means you have experienced 100 much
10. C (A) repeats out but does not answer the question. (B) repeats of it. The man feels annoyed at Andy's poor performance.
caffed but answers a different question (When did they call?). 46. A The man says he wants to get rid of Andy. and advertise for a
11. 8 (A) answers the question What presentation did you give at new cleaner.
the conference? (C) repeats conference but does not refer to 47. 0 The woman says they have won five big contracts recently. The
presentations. man says they are starting to see the results of their hard work.
12. C (A) repeats recommend but answers a different question (Would 48. A The woman says we got the Jefferson contract last week.
you recommend ... ?). (B) refers to staying in New York but does 49. 0 He says I'll give them a small bonus. (B) and (C) are the
not answer the question woman's suggestions. (A) misleads by referring to the contract
13. B (A) answers a different question (Is the train the qulckest. .. ?). they have won.
(C) confuses vacation with station. 50. C The man mentions the meeting room upstair.s and later refers
14. B (AI confuses the subject. (C) relates assistance to assistant. to impressing visitors. They can't be in a hotel (A). The woman
15. A (8) confuses the verb break (meaning to damage) with the says she will go to a garden center (B). (A) confuses coffee
noun break. (C) refers to Do you want to take a break? but is an table with coffee shop.
illogical response. 51. A The man says we could put more lightS in.

Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course ANSWER KEY 49

52, C She will go to a garden center on Saturday to buy plants. 79, 0 The man says he and his team are eJ(perts at market research.
53, B They are speaking about painting the ceilings and walls on the 80. C The ad says the magazine features leading business experts (A).
first floor rooms, and need to know the color. The man also and asks people to subscribe, so is not aimed at retailers (B). (0)
refers to work he did last month. saying It took ages to paint misleads by relating to Intemational in the title of the magazine.
doors and windows. 81. C The magazine is delivered monthly to subscribers
54. A The man is responding 10 news thaI they haven't received 82. C The speaker is encouraging listeners to subscribe to Business
payment yet from Joanne Masters. He is saying thatlale Intemalional magazine, The implication is that if they don't. they
payment from this client is not unusual. will not be able to keep up with the latest business trends and
55. B The woman suggests calling Joanne MaSlers at the start of the therefore lose their competitive edge.
conversation. The man later says Tell her we need that money. 83. A The man says that Ms. Wilkins has decided to step down from
implying the woman should call Ms. Masters. her position and will be moving to Marston Convention Center,
56. C They are talking aboulthe dishes they are eating: fish and 84. B The speaker refers to the audience as department heads, and
vegetable pizza. They are not in an office (A). or buying the food later mentions Ihe name of the company as the Waterford Hotel.
in a grocery store (B) or at a market (0). We can assume they 85. 0 He says that anyone interested should e.mait Human
are in a restaurant. Resources.
57. 0 They can't be housemates (A) or coworkers (e) as they do not 86. A This is an automated queuing system, The extension number
see each other often. (B) is incorrect as the man asks How are is mentioned, but has not been dialed (B). (C) and (0) are
things at work? They are most likely friends. incorrect.
58. A The man says We haven't seen each other for ages. 87. 0 The end of the message states your estimated wait time is
59. C The women complain that the roof leaks./he windows won.t eleven minutes.
close. and Ihat iI's freezing. They then suggest investigating the 88. C The phrases make /light reservations and book hotel rooms
cost of repairs, indicate Ihe company is a travel agency.
60. 0 They both agree they want to start phoning around for quotes. 89. A The speaker tells the people to clean the kitchen, tables. chairs,
They do not offer to take a closer look (A) or fix the problem and cutlery before the inspection. (B) is not mentioned. The
themselves (B). (C) confuses the context, as they want 10get an speaker says this is an emergency, but he is not speaking to
estimate rather than send a quote. emergency workers (C). Kitchen is mentioned, but not kitchen
61. A The man says f hope it won't costtoo much. He is worried by suppliers (0).
the possible expense. 90. B The man says the complaint was made by a member of the
62. 0 The woman says Let's go to the one at eleven thirty and the public last week.
man replies Good idea. We can see from the graphic that the 91, A The time is ten. and the inspectors are arriving at one.
demonstration at this time is Easy Entertaining. 92. B The presenter says that Brinks Machinery will stop operations
63. B The man suggests they have a bite ro eat alteflNards. (A), (C) at the end of this month. {A) confuses shock to the town with
and (0) all relate to later in the day earthquake. The President is not new to the job (C). and no
64. C They decide to look around the exhibition and the woman says job losses were announced previously so there can be no
LeI's see what pots and pans they have tirst. We can deduce increase in job losses (0).
they will go to the kitchenware section. 93. C He is the President of Bnnks Machinery.
65. C The woman reserves a newspaper for the man and says There's 94, B Mr. Chadley blames cheap imports from overseas for the failure
no charge, by the way. It's on the house. (AI is not mentioned. of the company.
(B) refers to when the man can expect his paper. not what the 95. 0 The speaker mentions this part of a season of lecture evenings.
lime breakfast is served. (0) cannot be inferred. USleners are encouraged to bnng your friends along to the
66. A The man orders the New York Times. We can see from the society. We can deduce this is a group open to local people.
graphic that his room number must be 307. 96. 0 The lectures cover a range of local interests. (A) wrongly
67. B The man ends the conversation by saying I'll turn in now associates four times a month with four more lecture evenings.
(meaning go to bed). (B) is incorrect as not all lectures are on historical subjects.
68. B The man complains thallhe media suite is booked up and (C) is incorrect as. although the speaker says new members
regrets that he wasn't quick enough when making the booking. are always welcome this does not mean that there are too few
69. C The man says he called Bill. From the graphic we can see that members now
Bill works in the Finance department. 97. A The speaker at the next meeting is a local histonan who
70. A The woman suggests a working lunch and offers to email specializes in industrial rustory:
evef}'One now. (8) is incorrect as she says they can't cancel 98. A The talk is directed at people shopping wilh us today. The
it. (C) is a distractor. sounding like let Ihem know. (0) is not speaker mentions McAliisters, refers to its retailing history. This
mentioned. is a building not a mall (0). (B) wrongly associates art museum
with the artwork that hangs on our walls. (C) confuses station
Part 4 p154 Track 117
and stationery department.
71. 0 The speaker is giving the weather forecast on WTNC. which we 99. B The speaker says the tour will last approximately half an hour.
can deduce from the context is a radio station. 100. C The speaker says the next tour will begin In 15 minutes' time
72. B He says Thursday will 00 wet but there will be sunny periods. and adds this is the final/our of the day. We can see from the
73. C The forecast says there is a 70 percent chance of rain on Friday. graphic that the final tour is at 4:15 P.M., so the current time
74. B The phrases National Airlines flight, Gate 34. flight and final call must be 4:00 P.M.
all suggest this is in an airport.
75. 0 The speaker advises Mr. Tomaselli to proceed directly to Gale
34. as the flight is about to depart READING
76. A As the gale will close in five minutes. Mr. Tomaselli needs to gel
there quickly Grammar
77. A The speaker refers to your needs here al Able wight Industries
Word Choice - Mini Test p161
He is presenting a sales pitch to executives at the company. (B)
relates to the man's field of eJ(pertise. (C) is his company_ (0) 1. C The structure used here is so + adjective (tired) + that.
refers to cuslomers the man mentions. 2. B We use no before nouns
78. B The speaker is pitching to design and deliver a markel research 3. A Would you like is followed by some before an uncounlable noun.
program. 4. B We use enough (meaning sufficient) before countable nouns.

50 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

5. 0 As time is uncountable. little is used after very. 7. A The action is completed in the past, so we use the past simple.
6. C Before the countable noun phOtographs. we use many. B. C The present simple is needed to complete this sentence.
7. B Here most (meaning the majOrity of) is needed. 9. C With since, the present perlect is normally used. However, this
B. A To refer to two related nouns. both is used. refers to the completed past. so the past perfect is used.
9. B Only never can complete this statement. 10. 0 We use the present continuous lor things happening around now.
10. 0 In this negative statement, any is used.
Gerunds and Infinitives - MinI Tes1 p173
Auxiliary Verbs - Mini Test p163
1. C After forbid the infinitive with to is used.
1. B Only cannot (can't) is possible to express present inability. 2. A After mind we use the gerund.
2. 0 We use have /0 as this is something that is necessary. 3. C The gerund is needed here as the action (wasting money)
3. A Could completes this polite request. started before.
4. 0 We use should have to express advice in the past. 4. B This is the subject of the sentence. so we need the gerund.
5. C Here we use didn'/ have to (meaning it was not necessary). 5. 0 After suggest we use the gerund.
6. B To express negative possibility in the past we use could not have. 6. B Here the gerund is used as the subject of the clause.
7. 0 Here might expresses possibility 7. A The adjective + preposition good a/takes the gerund.
B. B To indicate present ability. we use can. 8. C The gerund is used after regret as the action happened before.
9. A Occasionally, must is used to express present obligation. 9. B After make + object we use the infinite without to.
10. B Here. could completes the negative possibility. 10. B The verb justify takes the gerund.
Comparatives and Superlatives - MIni Tesl p16S
1. B The superlative of the three-syllable adjective serious is
needed here. Word Forms - Mini Test pl77
2. B The comparative using as... as completes this sentence.
1. B After the modal auxiliary must we use a verb here.
3. A The comparative more interested is used before than.
2. C Only an adverb can describe the verb completed.
4. C This option gives the complete comparative form 01the three.
3. B Here the countable noun is needed
syllable adjective expensive.
4. C The noun is the only word that completes this sentence.
5. A Only more modem can be followed by than.
5. C Only an adjective can describe the noun vehicle.
6. C To complete this comparative sentence, as... as is used.
6. 0 The noun way is described by an adlective.
7. 0 AJthough separated. the comparative form here is worse than.
7. A The verb is used as an imperative.
B. A The superlative the least difficult is needed here.
B. 0 The adverb is used because it describes the verb become.
9. B After just (meaning equally) the structure as ... as must be used.
9. B After the modal auxiliary could the verb is used here.
10. 0 The comparative form of this one-syllable adjective is nearer.
10. C Here the adjective describes the noun talk.
Subject-Verb Agreement - Mini Tesl p167
Words with Similar Meanings - MIni Test p179
1. A The subject is singular. so has completes this present
1. B The verb charge means ask someone to pay (+ for).
perfect tense.
2. D The verb reduce means make something smaller.
2. B Because the definite article is used, only is can complete the
3. C The collocation used here is say what you think.
present continuous tense.
4. B To match the subject factory we use closed.
3. D Despite Ihe plural managers, one of takes a singular verb.
5. C The collocation used here is consumer goods.
4. C The object is plural (sports). but the subject is program. which is
6. C Members of stall are employed by a company.
7. D Only advised can be followed by us.
5. C Money takes a singular verb form. so was completes the past
8. B The document that proves payment is a receipt.
simple passive.
9. A Of these options. only a team can have a captain.
6. 0 The indefinite article is used here. so are completes the present
10. B The collocation is develop (meaning create) a strategy.
continuous tense
7. C The subject is place. which lakes the singular verb form. Word Choice - Mini Tes1 p1Bl
8. B Time takes a singular verb form, so is completes the present 1. A The collocation used here is fully qualified.
simple tense. 2. A Someone can playa role (in + noun/gerund).
9. B NObody is a singular subject. 3. 0 A ceremony is held in a particular place.
10. A Although the name of the restaurant uses the plura! Chefs, it 4. C In thiS case, only significantly can follow increased.
takes a singular verb. 5. D Only advice can complete this sentence meaningfully.
Pronouns - Mini Test p169 6. B A decision is made (or taken/reached).
7. C Only have a discussion makes sense here.
1. 0 Only the reflexive pronoun correctly completes this sentence.
8. B The collocation used here is spare parts.
2. C The possessive pronoun is needed here.
9. C Here only van'ous can come before factors.
3. A In this case we use the possessive adjective.
10. 0 The verb provide collocates with assistance.
4. A Mr. Lee is the subject. so we need the subject pronoun.
5. C The possessive adJective is needed to complete this sentence. Prepositions - Time and Place - Mini Tesl p183
6. A The subject is We, so we need the object pronoun. 1. B We use in with rooms (e.g. office).
7. B The object pronoun is needed here. 2. C We use for with a period of time (e.g. foryears).
B. D The possessive adlective completes this sentence. 3. B The structure/rom ... to ... is used here.
9. C In this case we use the reflexive pronoun. 4. 0 Only by the door makes sense here.
10. B The possessive pronoun is needed here 5. A Here in (meaning inSide) makes the most sense.
Verb Forms and Tenses - Mini Test p171 6. C Only in (meaning within a certain time) fits here.
7. 0 We use in with rooms (e.g. basement).
1. B For actions in progress in the past .•••
e use the past continuous.
B. A Dun'ng is used here (meaning Within the time).
2. D Here we need the present continuous for a planned future event.
9. B For up to but not after a cerlain point, we use until.
3. A The action finished in the past, so the past simple is used.
10. D We use since with a pOint of time (e.g. since breakfast).
4. C The present perlect is used for this unfinished action.
5. B For plans made earlier, we use to be followed by going to. Words that Look Alike - Mini Test p1BS
6. C The pasl continuous is used for actions in progress in the past 1. C When prices rise. inflation can cause difficulties.

Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course ANSWER KEY 51

2. A To be overrated means valued too highly. Prac1ice 4
3. 8 Only the noun refusal is possible here. 1.1 A The only word choice possible here is unsuccessful.
4. A Here contribute (meaning give money) completes the sentence. 1.2 0 The tense needed here is the past simple passive.
S. 8 The collocation practically impossible is used here.
6. 0 The prepositional use 01except fits here. PractIce 5
7. 0 Only the noun morale (meaning enthusiasm) can be used here. 1.1 B The gerund is needed as the action started belore.
8. C The verb provide collocates with details. 1.2 e The preposition at is used here to refer to a location.
9. 8 We use obtain (meaning get) With permission.
10. C Of these options, complaints can only be discussed. Review Test p200
Conjunctions - Mini Test p187 1. 0 The noun applicants (meaning candidates) is used here.
1. C The structure neither ... nor is used here. 2. e The past participle completes the pasl simple passive tense
2. 8 Only the conjunction alt1lough fits grammatically. needed here.
3. A Here whether (meaning if) completes the sentence. 3. A Only the noun can come after the adjec':ive economic.
4. 8 The purpose is given using the conjunction so. 4. A The adjective crowded (meaning full of people) fits here.
S. 0 The preposition despite can take the gerund. 5. C This noun completes :he phrase personal assistant.
6. A The condition unless (meaning if... not) fits here. 6. B This adjective completes the phrase the person (who is)
7. C Only As soon as (meaning Immediately) can be used here. responsible (for... ).
B. A The conjunction so (showing a result) fits here. 7. e The structure used here is neither ... nor.
9. 8 The structure both ... and is used here. B. 0 Here the reflexive pronoun is used.
10.0 After not only ... we use but also. 9. 0 The noun needed here is growth (meaning expansion).
10. 8 Only the superlative form completes this sentence.
Phrasal Verbs - Mini Test plB9 11. e These words look alike, but only description fits the sentence.
1. 8 Only keep on (meaning continue) can fit here. 12. A The adjective easy best fits the meaning of this sentence.
2. e To look into means to investigate. 13. e We use the preposition on with surfaces/Iloors, etc.
3. A Only put off (meaning delay) can ,t here 14. A The phrasal verb to hold (someone) up means to delay.
4. e The phrasal verb used is get along well (with someone). 15. A Only the adjective IrresponSible (meaning foolish) fits here.
S. A To put back means to replace. 16. B Thead/ective is needed here.
6. 8 Only work out (meaning understand) can fit here. 17. B The noun advantage (meaning benefit) fits here
7. 0 The flight was held up (meaning delayed). 18. A Planets can only be discovered.
B. C To deal with something means to handle or take care of it. 19. A This conjunction showing contrast fits here.
9. 8 Only gave up (meaning stopped) can fit here. 20. 0 The present simple tense is used with the stative verb want.
10. C The application was turned down (meaning refused). 21. e The verb make collocates with noun progress.
22. A Here the present perlect tense is used with since.
23. e Only in (meaning within a certain time) completes the sentence.
PART 5 - Incomplete Sentences 24. e Here temporary (meaning for a limited time) fits here.
Try It Out p191 25. A The extension was done by a contractor (i.e. building company).
26. e The conjunction whether (meaning if) bestlits this sentence
1. A The adjective needed is Informal (meaning casual).
27. e The names of subjects (Le. Economics) aJllake a singular
2. 0 The superlative form is used here.
3. 8 TIme takes a singular verb form. so Is completes the present
2B. 0 This modal auxiliary completes the polite request.
simple tense.
29. 0 Only bill (meaning banknote) can be used here.
4. e The adverb is used because it describes the verb become.
30. B Hereanyis used as a determiner before the uncountable noun time.
S. 0 Only in (meaning withm a certain time) fils here.
6. C The verb form used here is to be + going to for plans made earlier.
7. 8 After refuse the infinitive WIth to is used_ PART 6 - Text Completion
8. A The noun needed is fine (meaning pena,'Iy).
9. C The noun decision takes the verb make. Try It Out p204
10. e The possessive adlective is needed to complete this sentence. 1. A The purpose of this paragraph is to thank readers for
11. 0 We use in with countries. contributing to the company's new Web site design. Only
12. 8 We use tell (meaning in'orm) with an Object. this sentence fits the context (thanking readers for their
13. A Only an adjective can describe the noun offer. contribution).
14. B The conjunction that fits here is because (meaning 'or the 2. B Used as a preposition. Without is lollowed by the noun help.
reason that). 3. e This modal auxiliary completes the phrase would like 10.
1S. B The present perfect is used for ac:ions that continue into the 4. A The gerund is used after have fun (meaning enjoy).
present. S. B The verb that collocates with results is announce.
16. 0 We use the conjunction Even though to show contrast. 6. A This sentence logically relates back to the good news of a
global recovery. It explains how the news was received. (C) is
Steps to Success p193 incorrect as the research is fimshed. (8) is not suggested. (0)
does not connect to the context or subject.
Practice 1
7. C Here in (meaning within a certain time) is needed.
1.1 B The comparative form more ... than completes this sentence.
B. A This conjunction fits the sentence. showing contrast.
1.2 0 Ontythe preposition despite can be lollowed by this noun phrase.

Practice 2 Steps to Success p207

1.1 e The auxiliary verb could is used here to indicate ability Practice 1
1.2 0 The phrasal verb come across (meaning encounter) is used here. 1. C The noun discounts (meaning price reductions) fits here.
2. A We use the present simple tense in this case.
Practice 3 3. C The preposition in is used for places and regions.
1.1 A The reflexive pronoun is needed here. 4. 0 This sentence logically follows on from news of the prize
1.2 B The adjective is the word lorm needed to describe the noun drawing. and reinforces the purpose of the advertisement (to
(repoff). encourage readers to shop at HomeTronics).

52 Pass The TOEle Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

Practice 2 2. 8 The course runs Monday through Friday from 10:ooA.M. until
1. A The verb needed is remind (someone about something). 1:00 PM_. making a total of fifteen hours.
2. 0 The simple present passive is used here. 3. CDr. Steven's refers to Mr. Katsuzawa's full.time job. and
3. C The possessive adjective completes this sentence. questions how he would manage to at/end the course, which
4. B This situation refers to the problem mentioned previously of runs during normal office hours.
customers being unable to find park.ing spaces. The sentence 4. 8 Here the word admitted means accepted (onto a course).
explains the reason why staff should not use the main parking 5. 8 The e.mail begins by announcing the latest edition of "Work in
lot. Action". Although (A) a survey is mentioned, this is not until the
third paragraph so is not the main purpose. (C) and (D) are not
Practice 3 mentioned.
1. C This sentence clearly introduces the subject of the article. It links 6. A Ms. Shaw works for Carpe Financial Management and writes
logically with the following sentences that outline the response about sources of financial support and funding. (8) is too
to and reasons for her visit. general. (C) is incorrect as she is not publishing the magazine,
2. D Only this preposition can be followed by this noun phrase. and (D) is not mentioned.
3. B The collocation used here is achieve goals. 7. 0 This sentence fits best here as it refers to the survey.
4. A The preposition on is used for dates. 8. 8 The e-mail begins Dear Customer. It is for anyone who receives
the magazine .Work in Action."
Practice 4 9. A The ad states that the offer is available when you book online.
1. B The conjunction and links these two positive statements. (B) is not mentioned. (C) is incorrect because you must arrive
2. C The noun position means job in a company. (not book) on a red date. The offer is valid for new reservations,
3. B The purpose 01the letter is to reject an application. This which does not mean new customers (D).
sentence concludes the rejection .. 10. C The ad mentions the very finest cuisine (A). that the hotel is
4. 0 Only the noun search can complete this sentence. ideally situated for exploring the city (8), and that it is aperlect
venue for a ... buSiness meeting (D).
Practice 5 11. A The ad states Full payment is due at the time of booking.
1. B This adverb indicates the time has arrived earlier than expected. 12. D Mr. Hilper's e.mail address indicates he works for Aranlo. He
2. A Only returned has a meaning that makes sense here mentions Off Mart (A). He is writing to Central Stationery (C). He
3. A The noun choice (meaning selection) completes this sentence. bought BestBrand printer cartridges (8).
4. D This sentence refers to the next staff meeting mentioned 13. 0 Mr. Hilper's e.mail mentions prices at Central Stationery and
previously. The purpose of the memo is to announce the says they are in some cases more than double those charged
Employee of the Season competition. and this sentence at other stores. He goes on to give examples of high prices. (A),
encourage. (8). and (C) are not mentioned.
14. 8 Referring to OffMart, Mr. Hilper says I notice from their online
shop ..
Review Test p214 15. C In his e-mail.Mr. Hilper mentions one 01the three filing cabinets
1. A Only the adverb significantly can be followed by expand. cost 565. In his response. Mr. Prent says this third cabinet is the
2. C The present perlect is used with since. new model and is therefore more expensive.
3. 8 Only this preposition can complete the sentence. 16. 0 Here, the word value means appreciate or consider important.
4. 0 This relates directly to the rise in the company's stock price. and 17. B The web page refers to ocean views and several rooms have an
the fact that Mr. Takada welcomed the jump. We can conclude Ocean view. (A) is not suggested. (C) confuses the number of
this is his view guests with the number of bedrooms. The hotel can recommend
5. 8 The past simple is used because the action is completed. tuxedo rental services. it does not rent tuxedos itself (0).
6. 0 Teeth whitening is a service that the company offers. 18. C Mia says that the reception hall has a terrace and tM Dunedin
7. C The phrase needed here is take advantage of (meaning Room is the only room with a terrace.
benefit Irom). 19. C Wi-R is free in public areas only. Each room has a private
8. A The second half paragraph encourages the reader to have her balcony (A). a refrigerator or luxury k.itchen which will include a
teeth whitened. This sentence logically relates to the great offer refrigerator (B). and an In-room safe {OJ.
mentioned (15% off). 20. B The two women will share a room for one night. Mia says she
9. C This sentence confirms receipt of the application for tickets. It will book a room with /\vo beds. We can see a Standard room
links logically with what comes before. and after. with 2 Queen-size beds costs $190.
10. A The present continuous passive completes this sentence. 21.0 Mia offers to pay and says they can settle up at the hotel
11. 8 The modal auxiliary should is used to indicate expectation. (meaning Rosa can pay the money she owes then). Rosa
12. 0 We use the imperative after please to issue polite instructions. dislikes large crowds. not necessarily noisy places (A). She asks
13. 8 The auxiliary Did completes the past simple tense which is Mia if it is too late to book. rather than says they should have
needed here. booked already (8). She only knows two people at the wedding,
14. C Here. we need the verb notify (meaning make someone aware 0' but this does not mean she has few friends (C).
15. C This sentence logically intrOduces what follows: a series of tips
Improve Your Performance
on how to avoid phone scams.
16. 0 The noun doubt (meaning uncertainty) is the only word that fits Reading for Main Ideas
the context here.
Passage 1 p234
1. A recent conference. In the subject line, Ms. Williams refers to the
PART 7 - Reading Comprehension conference last Tue and goes on to say it went extremely well.
Try It Out .224 2. To thank an organizations' staff. Ms. Williams begins I would like to
say "many thanks. and finishes with please pass on our thanks to
1. 0 Dr. Stevens is responding to Mr. Katsuzawa's lener asking why
the staff at the Maybridge Center.
he was not selected for the course Computing for Beginners.
3. A convention center. Ms. Williams refers to the Maybridge Center
She mentions there were sixteen spaces available. that they
as a fantastic venue and says she looks forward to holding more
were evenly distributed between men and women. and that
events in your great facility.
those selected were all unemployed. rehred or have part-time
Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 53
Passage 2 p235 Passage 4 p243
1. Opposition to a proposed developme'lt. The article focuses on 1. The ad states We are specialists at removing viruses and spyware.
protests from residents at the plans to build a fast food restaurant 2. Any customers in Orlando who need emergency help.
and gas station. 3. The PC Total Care service.
2. To report a community meeling. The article is about a special 4. At the bottom the ad says Call us to discuss your requirements.
council meeting that took place last night. 5. The cost is 550 per hour. ($500 for ten hours.)
3. In a local newspaper. There is nothing to indicate this is tram 6. There is a free consultation with the web design team.
a college newsletter or science journal. It is a straightforward
reporting piece in a local paper, Mini Test - Reading for Details p244
1. A The discount for this item is given as 12 percent in the fourth
Passage 3 p236
1. Application requirements. The fax corcerns an application for a 2. C The Expected delivery times state around 5 days after the order
bank account, and is accompanied by an application form which is received. This is within a week.
Mr. Wong must complete and sign, 3. C In the opening line. Mr. Bryson says Mr. Ames visited last Friday.
2. To request information, Ms. Bertram wants to confirm some 4. B The letter stales that shipping is free for crders over £1000, The
personal details tram Mr. Wong total order is above this amount.
3. A potential investor, Mr. Wong is interested in a savings account. 5. C The Sub. Total (betore VAT is added) is given as £3313.70,
He wants to invest.

Passage 4 p237 Making Inferences

1. Cooperating in research. The letter mentions Dr. Gupta's research Passage 1 p246
interests. and discusses workmg together on a research project.
1. The office manager. Only someone senior within the company
2. Toagree to work together. Mr. Harp says that the possibility of
{i.e. not a client) would have the authority to issue this reminder. A
working with Dr, Gupta is an excel/ent idea.
cleaner would not refer to our clients.
3. A scientific researcher. Dr. Gupta's knowledge is in the field of fuel
2. The issue is getting worse. The writer states that in recent
-::ells and renewable energy,
weeks .. more and more dirty cups are being left in the conference
MinI Tes1- Reading 'or MaIn Ideas p238 room. It is not suggested that customers are complaining. The
number of meetings is unrelated.
1. 8 The article is mainly about Harney's, whic:l is described as
3. The current situation is bad for business. Ms. Shaw mentions that
a large electronic retailer. (Al is not mentioned. (C) is only
the sight of the dirty cups makes a poor impression on clients,
mentioned in the final line. (D) is given as a reason for poor
inferring it is bad for business. There is no suggestion that staff
sales, but is not the main locus 01the article.
should meet elsewhere, or nol take drinks into the room.
2. D The article locuses on the company's lall in profits and poor
4, The situation has to change. Ms. Shaw is referring to the problem
performance. Five stores witt close, but this is not the main
of cups left in the conference room. When she writes it can't go on
locus (A). (8) is too general. Sales since the New Year (Cl are
(meaning continue) she means the situation has to change.
referred to, but are nol analyzed.
3. COnly jCl is possible. (A), (8), and (D) do not match the style or Passage 2 p247
1. He recently applied for a job. Ms. Sharlow thanks Mr, Petain for his
4. B The article mentions the company's recovery plan is intended
letter expressing an interest in working at the resort and mentions
to reduce overheads (i.e. cut costs). There is no indication the
there were many applications for the position.
company witt leave Oregon (A), although 've stores in Oregon
2. Mr Petain has trained as a ski instructor. The job that he applied for
witt close, (C) and (0) are not mentioned.
is ski instructor, and it is stated that he has a Level t Qualification.
5. A The company is clearly faCing tough challenges. (B) is incorrect
We can therefore infer he has trained as a ski instructor.
as profits are down. Although results are poor there is no
3. He needs to achieve better Qualifications. Ms. Sharlow relers to
indication the company will collapse (C). (0) is not mentioned.
applicants who are extreme~1well qualified, and ends by explaining As
you only have a Level 1 quaMication which implies it is appropriate, but
Reading for Details insufficient. There is no suggestion he should reapply.
4. Many more people applied than they expected. The response Ms
Passage 1 p240
Sharlow is reterring to is the number of job applications - which
1. Ms. Gillingham is the Admissions Officer. has been ovefWhelming (meaning vel}' great or large).
2. The courses take place on weekday evenings.
3. Mr. Courtney says he is especially inte'ested in Skills for Work. Passage 3 p248
4. He asks for a brochure and a price list. 1. In a factory. We can deduce from Assembly line, machine, and
5. He says A friend told me. Control Room that this is an industrial manufacturing facitity.
6. Reduced fees are available for people with low incomes. 2. GTex Is 8 vel}' important client, By stating the name of the client. Mr.
Danson is stressing their importance. He goes on to add that that
Passage 2 p241
can't risk any unnecessary delay.
1. 1,1Melrose Hall. 3. Maintenance. The problem is that Assembty Une 4 is down (meaning
2. Her lecture is LMng Energy. not working). Mr. Ng alters to take a look. Kim Soak aSks him how long
3. The Learning Brain lasts for two hours. it will take to repair. We can infer he is in the Maintenance department
4. Sally Erskine the Academic Program Manager: 4. The situation is very urgent. The order needs to be delivered by the
5. Her lecture finishes at 1:15PM. end of the day.
6. The last paragraph states Only members of the university may attend.
Passage 4 p249
Passage 3 p242
1. In an airport. When Bitt Mat:lers writes Flight's boarding we can
1. She got back yesterday. deduce he in in an airport.
2. They are waiting for payment for Phase Three, 2. A courier service. Bitt is advising Vernon 01the way to mail the
3. She has been on a business trip to Seoul. package.
4. She is going to BeIjing. 3, He WQ/1(s with Mr Mathers. During the call, Mr. Rees goes to Mr,
5. She will be back on Friday Mather's desk 10look lor the package. We cannot be certain he is Mr,
6. Rupert can call her at four o'clock this afternoon. Mathers' secretary. and we do not know when he is leaving the office.

54 Pass The TOEIC Test IntrOductory Course ANSWER KEY

4. Enjoy your trip. Mr. Mathers has just announced he is about to 2. C In her memo, Ms. Rebecci writes I respect your decision. She
board a plane and continue his journey. Mr. Rees' response means defends her actions. but does not try to change his mind (A),
Have a good trip. or question his decision to leave (B). She disagrees with his
opinion rather than supports it (D).
Mini Test - Making Inferences p250
1. C Mr. Bickerstaff is well known for his profiles of business leaders Details/Inferences
and this is referred to as his latest publication. Neither (A) nor 1, Glyson, Inc. In his lener he refers to his role here. He is writing to
(B) can be inferred. (D) relates to the topic of the book rather Ms. Rebecci al Glyson, Inc.
than the author. 2. Yesterday. In her memo, she says she received the lener yesterday.
2. D Mr. Ellington feels the author needed to look beyond the borders 3. Twice. He writes My second request for a raise has just been
of the United States for business leaders 10focus on. There is no denied.
mention of it being specifically useful for those wanting to own 4. 6 monlhs. In her memo. Ms. Rebecci slates she started in the
a business (A). The suggestion is there are importanlleaders beginning of April. The lener gives the date as September 30.
elsewhere that are not covered (B). Only those new to the 5. He says it has affected his personal and family life.
subject will enjoy this, not everyone (C). 6. The Research Division. His title is Senior Scientist and he refers to
3. A This is a book review. The book was published by Sun Valley staff cuts in the Research Division, which have meant he now has
Press (B). There is no indication Mr. Ellington is a successful more responsibility. We can conclude he workS there.
businessman (Cl or an expert in business (D). 7. 5 years. He writes he has enjoyed his five years with Glyson.
4. B He is disappointed only business leaders from the USA are 8. 1 month. There is a one.month resignation period.
covered, and feels the author missed a chance to broaden 9. Three. In her memo Ms. Rebecci mentions three members of your
the focus. This means the book is lacking in appeal. There is division have been made redundant. Mr. Ronson works in the
no indication the book is exciting (A), or badly written (C). The Research Division.
price is given as $15.95, but there is no mention whe:her this is 10. October 28,
reasonable or not (0). 11, To bring the company up-to-date so it is more competitive.
5. C Here, lacking means the book is missing something important. 12. Ms. Rebecci writes Ihat his coworkers wi1ltake over his
Mr. Ellington is referring to the fact the book covers only the responsibilities
most famous American business leaders. He fhinks it would be
bener to include examples from outside the U.S
Mini Test - Double Passages p258
1. 0 Gladys tells Sanjaya You MUST read the terms and conditions
Double Passages before applying. (A) and (C) are incorrect. (B) is not mentioned.
2. C The chart indicates this year's funding for Clothing to be $1,500.
Passage 1/2 p254
3. A Here, the word confirm means check or verify.
Main Ideas 4. C Gladys mentions As this is your first time attending ETF,f think
1. B The e-mail confirms Mr. Jones' participation in a summer it is worth submitting an application. (Al, (B), and (0) are not
school program. Bank details areatrached, but he is not a indicated.
bank employee (A). Mr. Jones is receiving training. rather than 5. D In the e.mail. Gladys refers to the chart and tells Sanjaya your
responsible lor it (C) or planning the event (D). industry has been the hardest hit. The chart shows that funding
2. A The notice shows the course covers sales/marketing for Construction fell most, from $2,000 to $1,000.
Participants will receive a Trainmg award, but lhis is not a
competition (B). This is not an in-house program for GeoTraining Triple Passages
staff (C). Application status refers 10the course application, not
a job application (D). Passage 112/3 p262

Details/Inferences MaIn Ideas

1. The e-mail states that Mr. Sharpe is the Academic Advisor for the 1. B The article gives basic information about exercises. so it is not
Dynamic Sales and Marketing course. aimed at professionals or experts.
2. Five days. The dates are July 22-July 26. 2. A The writer says he played football and baseball at college, but
3. Those who pass will receive a GeoTraining Certificate of Training his work and kids put an end to that (meaning those activities
award. stopped). (B) is incorrect as, although he mentions watching
4. Ms. Burton mentions he can e-mail the course planning team. television he does not specificany say he enjoys it. (C) is
5, He needs to pay $4,000 (the course fee $3,950 and $50 .priority incorrect as he takes sleeping tablets. He mentions a stressful
registration" fee). job, but nol that he works long hours (0).
6. She is the Course Manager.
7. The location is given in the notice as The Hoover Building. Details/Inferences
8. In her e-mail.Ms. Burton asks Mr. Jones to pay immediately. 1. Functional exercises are ones that help you handle teal.life
9. At the bottom of the notice, the bank is given as Hanubo sffuations.
Internatlonal. 2. 42.
10. Ms. Burton mentions Ihis is necessary because he is registering 3. Push.ups.
very late. 4. US OlympiC coach.
11. None. The notice stales No formal entry requirements. 5. He says he stopped playing sports because of a stressful job and
12. In 5 days. The start dale is given in the notice as July 22. According four kids.
to the e-mail. it is currently July 17. 6. Surpaes. Jake B says I'm not that fit and the article makes clear
that burpees are strictly for the super.fit.
7. Rowing builds up the muscles in the back, the shoulder, the neck,
Passage 3/4 p256
and the arms.
8. Football and baseball.
Main Ideas
9. They only exercise individual muscles.
1. 0 Mr. Ronson writes he is unable to continue and will be leaving
10. Anyone. The can suita/l ages and alf levels of ability.
his position. Staff cuts (A) and a pay raise (B) are covered. but
11. Crunches.
are not the main purpose of the lelter. (C) is not mentioned.
12. Extra stretching.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 55

Passage 4fS/6 p264 purpose. The letter mentions membership lees. not donations
Main Ideas 2. C The letter states Anyone working in the hotel industry can join.
1. D She asks luke to pop into the store and order various items. This includes senior managers (A), part-lime workers (8), and
No order has yet been made (A). She is not recommending the full.time wOrkers (0).
store (BJ or promoting any prod.Jcts (C). 3. 0 The Health Care plan costs 575 per month extra.
2. B We can infer he is her assistant, as she is asking him to perform 4. B Ms. Holstein workS in the Membership Team of the IHWA, whictJ
a task. is a union. (A), (C). and (D) are incorrect.

Details/Inferences Practice 3
1. In Sheryl"s e.mail, she writes they are in bins at /he front. 1. A The notice outlines what employees will do on International
2. $48.60. Volunteer Day. Participation is mandatory, so no volunteers
3. Target Brand Marketing (mentioned in the Invoice). are required (B). They will be renovating the local school, not
4. 20 minutes. The ad states this is the Maximum runtime. reporting on il (C). No job vacancy is advertised (D).
5. ThurSday. Sheryl tells luke the sale ends tomorrow. In the notice, 2, A The notice states they will be using the two new trucks that have
we see thatlhe sale finishes on Friday. our sign. (B), (C), and (0) are not mentioned.
6. $25. The ad states f1tpcharts are discounted 10%. The invoice 3. B The phrase on my watch means while 1am in charge. He is
shows the sale price as 522.50. We can deduce that the regular emphasizing that everyone has to be on time ..
price is $25 4. 8 With teams of plumbers. electricians and painters, we can
7. Eight. The shredder in the ad can shred up to 16 sheers at a time. deduce this is a bUilding company
In her e.mail, Sheryl writes that their shredder can only handle ha" Practice 4
the number of sheets. 1. 0 This document is for customers of a delivery company. It details
8. In her e.mail, Sheryl asks luke to get as many as rhey have left. services and prices. There are no instructions (A), or leisure
The invoice shows 5 packs were purchased. topics (B), and the content does not cover food (C).
9. She means it is a good idea to buy more products as the prices 2. C The service is for most national locations, meaning some areas
are so low. If there is no harm in doing something it often means it are not covered. Where delivery is possible, it is guaranteed (A).
is a good idea to do it. A surcharge is only needed in the cases lisled below the chart
10. Reporters pads are the only items in Sheryl's e.mail that are nol on (B). Packages cannot be senl to other countries (0).
the invoice. 3. B The fastest international service is Global Priority. which could
11. Sheryl tells luke to charge it to our office account. lake just two days.
12. January 31. The invoice is dated Jan 31, and states orders made 4. 0 The maximum weight for this service is 10 pounds. COs and
before 10A.M. will be delivered the same day. We can see the time OVDs (A) and items not wrapped in NKP packaging (B) incur a
is 09:25. surcharge whatever the service. No liMil to the value of items
(C) is mentioned.
Mini Test - Triple Passages p266
1. B Jack writes 1can.t make our lunCh appointment next week and Practice 5
suggests Ihey changfJ to another day. He wants 10discuss an 1. C This heading best summarizes the content of lhe article. Sarco
upcoming project, not cancel it (A). He wants to check that Inlernational conducted the survey, sc (A) and (B) are incorrect.
Rahul is happy to work with the brief, not 10brifJf him (C). He (0) is not mentioned.
mentions a great restaurant, but is not recommending it (D). 2. B 5.000 queslionnaires were sent out. eo percent of managers
2. C In Rahul"s diary. we can see his flighl details to and from replied, meaning 4.000 in tolal.
Milwaukee. He departs at 07:30 (A), arrives in Milwaukee at 3. A The complaints mentioned are that meetings stafted behind
10:05 (B), and leaves from Milwaukee at 20:30 (C). arriving back schedule (B), failed:o meet their objectives (C). and lasted too
at 23:10 (D). long (0). Only (A) is not mentioned.
3. A Jack writes in his e-mail that he always orders the seafood. (B), 4. A This sentence directly relales to the question asked immediately
(C), and (D) are not seafood. before, in the first sentence.
4. C Jack says he can do 12:30.1 P.M.any day except Wednesday,
so he is free on Thursday. Rahul is also free at lunch lime on Review Test p27S
5. D A strict diet is a very limited diet that restricts the range of foods 1. C The beginning of the letter states that Mr. Dubois wrote about
you can eat his larest dining experience at Jim's Diner.
2. A She states that when people write it is usually to make a
complaint, so Mr. Dubois' leiter was a nice change.
Steps to Success p268 3. B He is told to show the leiter to a staff member for a 20% discount
Practice 1 the next time he visits. (A) and (D) reler to the Make a Difference
1. B Chris writes I'm sony bur I won't be rhere for the meeting and bonus for siaN. (C) is not mentioned.
asks John to go alone. The meeting will go ahead, nol be 4. B Rob writes he will be ata meeting in Los Angeles on Friday. He is
rescheduled (A). Chris is not placing an order (C) or checking not going there on vacation (D), but for business. He is flying out
prices (0). tomorrow morning, nolon Friday (C). (A) refers to his boss. who
2. A The company installs and maintains alarms. There is no has lost his job.
reference to a bank (B). (C) and (D) are not mentioned. 5. 0 Here, the word fired means dismissed or sackedfmade redundant.
3. C Chris mentions Mr. Holden's intruder alarm has gone off and 6. C Mr. Adams has an t 1 A.M. meeting with Jill Baker, and texts that
that he wants me to reset the system. (A), (B), and (D) all relate he should be there before she arrives. This response suggests
to John's meeting with Mr. Goldman. that Ms. Skelton does not think he can make it in time.
4. 0 Chris wants Mr. Holden to place an order, which indicales he is 7. 0 He is in his car driving back to his office. He has already left the
a client. (A), (B), and (C) are incorrect. store (A). (B) is nol suggested. When he arrives he will see Ms.
Baker in the conference room (C). but he is not there yet.
Practice 2 8. 0 The nolice publicizes a single seminar. not a training program (B).
1. A The letter is about the benefits of membership in the Dr. Dawkins' achievements are listed (C), but this is not the main
International Hotel Workers Association. Ms. Hernandez is not purpose. (A) is not mentioned
applying for a job (B). (C) is mentioned, but is not the main 9. C The talk will take place at The Martin Cross Building at New

56 Pass The TOEIC Tesllntroductory Course ANSWER KEY

Jackson University. Dr. Dawkins will give seminar during his visit. 38. 8 In his e-mail.Mr. lyton states the best way to reach me is on my
(A) and (8) refer to Dr. Dawkins' current positions elsewhere. (D) is eel/phone.
the univerSity departmenlthat is running the event. 39. B Here. the word common means popular or widespread.
10. 0 He is C.E.O. of Electra International (A), he teaches on MBA and 40. A The notice says that the group are tfle giants of the tock music
executive education programs (B) and hedesigns ... corporate world. (8) wrongly associates classical with classic hits. (C) is
training programs (C). Only (D) is nol mentioned. not mentioned. (D) wrongly associates countf'j and western with
11. B Ms. Steel asks sales managers to leiliheir staff 10reduce their the name of the hall, Western State Hal/.
expenses. She wants to avoid cutting budgets (Al. (C) is not 41. 8 Emily just found out the date of her operation. There is no
mentioned, and (D) cannot be inferred. mention is was rescheduled. Her job is Sales Administrator and
12. C She warns Ihat savings musl bemade within the next three months her e-mail is to All sales staff. Rebecca received her e-mail.so
or budgets will be cut. We can infer she inlends 10review budgets we can deduce Rebecca works in the same department (Al.
in three months. (A) may not be necessary. (B) is not mentioned. Emily writes the tickets were a fifth wedding anniversary present
(0) refers to the amount over budget. for my husband (C). The poster indicates the tickets she has
13. A She mentions train travet (B), receipts tot all expenses (C) and were purchased from Rialto Recordings Web site (0).
stays in hotels (0). Only (A) is nol mentioned. 42. C The concert is on Saturday, and Emily says her operation is
14. 0 Ti'lis sentence directly relales to the possible future need to cut scheduled for the day befote the concert.
budgets. referred to in the previous sentence. 43. C Emily bought two tickets at $60 each, so she spent $120.
15. C The artiCle is about creating successful relationships in business. Rebecca offers to pay ha" the price.
(A). (B), and (0) are nol mentioned. 44. 0 Emily writes she will be in the hospital for 48 hours, She will
16. 0 Paragraph two ends Most of all. talkto your clients ... (A). (B). and have her operation on Friday. so on Sunday we can deduce she
(C) are all mentioned, but are not the most important principles. will leave the hospital.
17. C Step Two mentions Always do what you sayyou are going to do 45. 0 In her e.mail. Ms, Chase asks staff to read the information on
(A). Setyourse" achievable goals (B) and assess your progress the Buzz Events Web page and vote on their preferred activity.
(0). Only (C) is not mentioned. No results of any survey are mentioned (A). There will be no
1B. A Here. the word fundamental means basic or essential. party (8). She provides a link to an external Web site, not an
19. A Under Reasons. the Customer writesAs always, I was very attachment (C).
pleased ... which clearly indicales the customer has used the 46. 0 The Web page stales that team-building tasks can de.stress
company before. (B), (C) and (0) cannot be inferred. staff (A), and result in heightened productivity (8), and bettet
20. B Here. the word unpleasant means disagreeable or Objectionable. relationships between individuals (C).
21. C The topic of this paragraph is the reception staff mentioned in 47. A To fall out means to have a disagreement and no longer be
the first line. Ivan is the translator (B). The writer is a customer friends with someone.
(0), (A) is not mentioned. 48. 8 Mr. Morton writes that he is looking forward to seeing the group
22. C The fal( is sent on May 27, and Ms. Barkley wants the items by next Wednesday, and in her e-mail Stephanie Chase gives the
Friday, June 5th. which is the end of the following week. date of the outing as July 19.
23. 8 This sentence directly relates to the the number of black toner 49. A Mr. Morton refers to boats and a drummer. Only the Dragon boat
cartridges just referred to. racing activity refers to boats and someone banging on a big
24. B The phrase to do bettet means to improve in some way. She is drum.
referring to the amount of money raised last year. 50. D The Web page biography states that Professor Phillips taught for
25. C She mentions This year, I am running ... which suggest she has twenty years at Cambridge University in England. (A. (B) and (C)
run the Boston Marathon before. She also refers to Last year, are not indicated.
and says this year I want to do even better. She started tmining 51. C July 31 is the final date for submissions of papers, not
two months ago, so (0) cannot be correct. (A) and (B) cannot registration. The conference registration date is not specified.
be inferred Gregory Cecil writes that the conference attracts members of the
26. 8 Under Course Oblectives, the course is stated as being for general public (A). The Web page encourages current post.
medical staff at UHMC (United Health Medical Centers). graduate students to participate (B). The Philosophical Society
27, A Next to the Sunday afternoon session Team Building is the conference is an annual event {OJ.
comment see course folders fot mote details. 52. A The notice stales that the review process will be blind and
2B. C Here. the word competencies means skills or abilities. clarifies that the author's name should be submitted in a
29. B They will stay at the Chatfield Institute which is a tesidential separate document. (8), (C). and (0) are not mentioned.
management training venue. 53. C The theme of the conference is German Thinkers of the 19th
30. C Mr. Walliam is C.E.O. 01Presoneat Assurance Co.• Ltd which has Century, and this book is about Karl Marx. a 19th-century
offices in Sakura Building 1. (A) and (8) refer to the notice. (0) is German thinker. (A) is incorrect because Leibniz was a 17th-
not mentioned. century German thinker. (B) is incorrect as this book is about
31. C Mr. Walliam says some people continued working as normal (A). Plekhanov, who was Russian, not German. (0) is incorrect as
and that the fire alarm sounded at 5:20 PM. (B), He also complains this book is about Hannah Arendt, who was a 2Oth.century
you did not give us a time (D). Only (C) is not mentioned. German thinker.
32. B The notice states you must leave the building immediately. (A) is 54. A The conference will take place in October, and Professor Phillips
not mentioned. (C) is incorrect and (0) refers to after they have will be on sabbatical leave in Australia from September to
left the building. December.
33. C The notice states the fire alarm test will take place on Monday,
August 17. Mr. Walham refers to yesterday's fire alarm tes/. Reading Tesl
34. A Here, the word scheduled means planned or timetabled.
35. 8 The deadline is given as Septembet 30. (A) is incorrect. (C) and Part 5 p296
(0) are not mentioned. 101. 0 Only this adjective has the correct meaning to fit the sentence.
36. A The position advertised is Maintenance Supervisot. and 102. 8 We use much in negative sentences with the uncountable noun
duties described include the supervision and management of money.
operations. (8). (C), and (0) are not mentioned. 103. A This modal verb completes the deduction must have + past
37. 0 The ad states those with supervisof'j experience will be participle.
preferred. In the e-mail. Mr. Lyton writes I have never been a 104. B We use since to refer to a point of time in the past.
manager. He is used to working with computers (A) and has 105. C A fine is a sum of money to be paid as a penalty for breaking
eight years' experience (8). He qualified in 2001 (C). the law.

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 57

Part 2 p347 Track 138 (Sometimes in the TOEle test one piece of information can link
to two answers.]
7, C (A) repeats lunch, but refers to the past. (8) confuses the
41. 0 The man says Put it on the scale. please. (A) refers to when the
subject. and confuses waiter with later.
mail will arrive. (8) is not mentioned. (C) confuses scales with
8. C (A) answers the question Why did you buy that jacket? (C)
confuses racket with jacket.
42. e The man asks Is that OK? and the woman's reply indicates she
9. A (8) refers to the past. (C) misleads linking give back with be back.
has no other option because the pad<age is urgent.
10. 8 (A) repeats ten, but as a number not a time. (C) refers to the
43. 8 The woman mentions cash, but decides I'll pay by card.
past, and the response says Tim left already
44. 0 The woman mentions freeway and the man says I'd better
11. 8 (A) contuses inflammation with the similar.sounding information.
keep my eyes on the road.
(C) repeats ask, but is an illogicat response.
45. C She tries to make a call using the man's cell phone. which is in
12. C (A) answers a different question (Where is the hotel?). (8)
the glove compartment.
repeats time, but does not answer the question.
46. 8 At the start of the conversation. the woman says it's after two
13. 8 (A) answers a different question (Do you and Stacey know
already, [Answers are not always in the same order as you hear
each other?). (C) answers the question How long have you and
the information.]
Stacey known each other?
47. A The woman is speaking to the man about the possibility of
14. A (8) contuses the context, answering the question Do you know
purchasing offices at 54 Commerce Drive. (8) is incorrect as
where .... which is illogical due to the subject. (C) answers the
the man does not own the property. (C) and (D) are distractors
question Will you be going to the next seminar?
relating to the references to finance and money.
15. A (8) repeats e.mail. (C) distracts by relating spoken to speak.
48, 0 The woman says the price is rather high.
16. C (A) relates to the subject They but is an illogical response. (8)
49. C He suggests lowenng the price by ten percent offenng
links best to west and confuses this with east.
$t60,ooo instead of the asking price of $200,000.
17. 8 (A) cannot answer a Choice questior. (e) uses left relating to
50. C The man asks the woman for directions to HSC Dental. (A) is
leave, but refers to the past.
not indicated. (8) is incorrect. (C) confuses / can't see meaning
18. A (8) confuses sea with see. (e) does not answer the question.
find with sight probiems.
19. C Both (A) and (8) are illogical responses.
51. A The woman offers to call them to say you're on your way. There
20. 8 (A) confuses demonstrates with delegates. (C) confuses the
is no mention of a taxi (8). (C) and (D) are incorrect.
context and answers a different question.
52. 0 The man will follow the woman's directions and take the elevator.
21. A (8) answers a different questicn (Where is the other office?). (C)
53. C They are speaking about problems sending a fax to Telco
confuses brother with other.
Phone Systems. (A) contuses fax with tax. (8) is incorrect as
22, 8 (A) confuses !mocked with the similar-sounding lock. and noor
they are in e-mail contact, and no computer problems are
with door. (C) uses lorget relating to forgot. but is an illogical
mentioned. They are trying to place an order. but there are no
contract dllficulties (D).
23. A (8) is an illogical response. (Cl answers the question When will
54. C One man says Maybe you should give them a call and the other
you see Kate and Ryan?
man agrees, saying Call and speak to someone. The woman
24. B (A) relates cher with food, but refers :0 a dish. (C) confuses rice
can.t send a fax (A), (8) refers to what she decides to do. (D)
with prices. and does not answer the question.
repeats equipment.
25. e (A) contuses manage with manager. (8) repeats project, but
55. B We can deduce from her tone. and the fact she has sent the
does not answer the question and confuses opposed With
same order form three times, that the woman is frustrated
56. A The woman says We have a train departing .... The phrases
26. 8 (A) answers a different question (Are they the ink cartridges
round trip ticket. regular reserved seat. and business class also
that ... ?). (C) confuses winter with printer.
help identify that they are in a train station
27. C (A) repeats staff. but does not answer the question, (8) answers
57. 8 The train departs at 9:05 (A) and takes /"Wa and a hair hours. The
a different question {When was the slaff meeting?)
man therefore gets to Boston at t 1:::!5A.M. (C) and (0) reter to
28, e (A) contuses reforms and forms. (8) confuses shipment and
the return journey.
58. 0 The woman says that"ll be /"Wenty-sevendollars each way.
29. A (8) cannot answer a Choice question. (C) repeats paper, but is
59. 0 We can infer that the couple is at home, not in a store (A). The
an illogical response
man is preparing 10leave and they are waiting for a babysitter.
30. e (A) confuses inquire and supplier. (8) does not answer the
(8) is a dlstractor relating to the man's dirty shirt. (C) is not
31. 8 (A) answers a different question (Do you think you will go to ... ?). indicated.
60, A The man is referring to his shirt and says I don't have another
{e) relates to finishes, but does not answer the question.
white one. The implication is he needs to wear a white shirt, and
Part 3 p348 Track 139 this is the only one he has.
32. A The woman says she will be mailing the report to Mr. Travers. {8) 61. B The woman suggests the man drive down to the mall to buy a
is incorrect as she has finished already. (C) confuses mailing with shirt. The man agrees and says 1'1/be as quick as I can.
e.maiting and the e.mail the woman refers to. (0) repeats dala. 62. 0 The woman says she is still waiting far the gate to be
33. A He says he was expecting it last week. {8) and (C) are incorrect announced. (A) is incorrect as it is the man's flight that is
as he has not seen the report, (0) is not mentioned. delayed. She has already been through security (8) and she
34. C The woman says he will have it by noon tomorrow. checked in earty (C).
35. 0 She asks Rob Do you have time 10help us? The clients have not 63. 8 The man says he is going to Istanbuf, We can see from the
arrived yet (A). and he hasn't helped yet (8), (C) relates to the graphic that this ftight JK672
client's company. 64. 8 The man says I'm going 10get a paper. (A) is incorrect as he is
36, 8 Rob says I'll be down in five (meaning in five minutes), still waiting. (C) and {O) are not indicated.
37. A The woman wants him to help puning the informallon sheets into 65. B The man says he has an appointme1tat a quarter after two
the files. We can see from the graphic that this appointment is for Mr.
38. 8 The woman says Angela Adams is leaving and the man Armstrong.
mentions she has worked here for forty years. The couple 66. A When the man says he managed to park right outside, the
discuss what to buy as a present. woman responds Wow. Lucky you. We can infer that it is not
39. A She says his idea is not very original. common to find a parking space outside.
40. 8 The man mentions she has worked here for forty years. 67. C The woman says she will call through to Dr. Shinn's assistant.
(A) is incorrect as she tells the man:o take a seat, She tells the

60 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

man to help himself to coffee, not that she will pour some lor 94. B Information will be posted on the bulletin board, which is next to
him (8). She is going to speak to Dr. Shinn's assistant. not her the elevator.
own assistant (D). 95. C The speaker starts by saying before we begin and goes on
68. A The man refers to a line of traffic up ahead, and suggests they to congratulate staff members for their performance. (A) is
tell the driver to take a different route. therelore incorrect as the speaker is addressing staff, and (D) is
69. B The woman says the time is ten o'clock and that the train isn't incorrect as this is the start of the talk. (8) is not indicated,
for another fi/teen minutes. We can see Irom the graphic that the 96. 8 The speaker relers to sales in Michael's department and says
train leaving at 10:15 goes to Peterborough. the increased by 22%. We can see lrom the graph that this
70. 0 The man says I have to pick up our tickets and later confirms f applies to sales 01 bathroom products.
still need to get the tickets. 97. C The speaker says listeners will get an extra something in their
next paychecks. (A) and (B) are not mentioned. The bonus will
Part 4 p351 Track 140
apply to their next month's pay only, not every month (D).
71. 0 The speaker says the ceremony is to recognize achievement 98. B The woman asks do you need me to sign for receipt? so we
among this region's entrepreneurs. (A) is not mentioned. (8) is a can deduce she has just received a delivery. The talk relers to
bonus, not the main purpose of the event. (C) is incorrect. a garden, but gardener (A) is not mentioned. (C) is incorrect as
72. A He says the Internet is increasingly important to even the the items have already been purchased and she is in her own
smallest businesses. (8) is therefore incorrect. (C) is not garden. She mentions her husband, but she is not speaking 10
mentioned. (D) refers to the future, but the revolution caused by him (0).
online shopping has already begun. 99. C The woman says the shed is a real eyesore (meaning, an ugly
73. C Her company is in the online fresh flowers market. building). (A), (B), and (0) cannot be inferred.
74. A The woman says she would like to arrange a time to come and 100. A The woman says she and her husband will plant the roses in
interview Dr. Night. the large bed n' at the end of the path and adds this is beyond
75. 0 She is from Business Lile magazine, and wants to write an the small pond. The purpose is to hide the shed. We can see
article about Dr. Night's latest book. We can infer she is a from the graphic this is Area 1.
business reporter.
76. 8 The speaker is suggesting that as only an hour of his time is Part 5 p354
needed, Dr. Night should hopefully be able to find time for the 101. A Only this adjective (the opposite 01encouraged) is loll owed by
interview. from and fits the meaning 01this sentence.
77. A The speaker mentions the audience have stayed behind to 102, B We use the modal verb will for prediction.
attend the event. and says that they all work together. They are 103. 0 In this case, provide collocates with assistance.
not clients (B) or job applicants (C). (0) is not mentioned. 104. A The compound noun employment contract is used here.
78. C The purpose is to ultima/ely increase our productivity. (A). (B), 105. C To confirm means 10venfy or substantiate.
and (0) are not mentioned. 106. C Here practically (meaning nearly/almost) fits the meaning of the
79. A The man says he will choose someone from the panel to answer sentence.
any questions. Bill Sissons is the Chairman, but no vote (B) or 107. A The verb used here is exchange (something for something else).
presentation (D) is mentioned. (C) is incorrect as the speaker 108. B Only this non-defining relative pronoun can be used here.
will direct, not ask, questions. 109. B Only the noun diversity (meaning variety) describes opinions.
80. B The ad says We offer the best deals to hot locations all over 110. 0 The adverb sharply collocates with the verb rise.
(he world. This includes. but is not limited to, (A). (C) is not 111. B Here the possessive adjective refers to the singular subject
mentioned. (D) relers to where the company is based. company.
81. C The speaker says there is up to 50 percent off lhe regular price 112. B Only the oed form ot the adjective completes this sentence.
on "last minute" deals. 113. A The phrase used here is if I were you.
82. B The speaker is encouraging listeners to act quickly and book a 114. A This noun collocates with thorough and fits the meaning 01the
vacation with Betts Travel. The expression is a call to action sentence.
83. A The message says callers should press 2 If you have a question 115.0 The structure used here is from ... to.
about your medication. 116. B Only this conjunction showing contrast fits here.
84. C People who call outside normal office hours are told to call 484- 117. C This adlecUve is needed to describe Ihe subject. Mr. Arakawa.
555-101 for assistance. 118. C This pronoun (meaning one another) fits here.
85. C The baby clinic is open on Wednesdays. 119. 0 The collocation used here is without exception.
86. C The speaker says employers are optimIstic about hiring 120. B The Object pronoun completes the phrase pass someone
prospects and hope to increase staffing /evels. something.
87. C The man says 12,000 employers responded. (B) relates to those 121. A Here, only showed can be followed by up (show up means
who expected to increase staffing levels. (A) and (0) are not arrive).
mentioned. 122. 0 Only nothing frts the sense of this sentence
88. 0 According to the speaker, most demand will be in construction. 123. B The past simple passive completes this past action.
89. 8 The speaker wants to introduce Nicola, a new stock roan 124. A This preposition completes the phrase in an altempt to.
manager. He then details her experience and ends by asking 125. 0 Only much can be used to intensity the comparative belter than.
the audience to join me in wishing hera vel}' wann welcome, 126. A The future simpte is used here lor a lulure evenl.
90. A The man says we aim to double our store portfoliO. (B) and (C) 127. C Here. the infinitive with to is used after the verb expect.
cannot be inferred. (D) relates to Nicola's experience in her role. 128. C The verb to be affected (meaning inlluenced) + by is used here.
91. A The speaker asks the audience to welcome Nicola before 129. 0 Here the pronoun each is 101l0wedby of.
we begin our meal. (8) and (0) are incorrect as they are in a 130. C Here, only this adverb can describe the adjective alanning
restaurant, not a meeting room. (C) is not indicated.
Part 6 p358
92, 0 The speaker refers to the International Student Services
department, education goals, business programs, and the 131. B The collocation needed here isa view of + noun.
COllege bulletin board. (A) is a distractor for Services, which is 132. C The future simple is the only tense thatlits the meaning of this
repeated twice. The speaker says before you choose where to sentence.
work so the audience don't have jobs at the moment (B). (C) is 133. B This sentence !its best as it aims to conclude Ihe message in
not mentioned. a positive way. (A) is a formal expression that does not fit the
93. C They are currently on the second Iloor, and the Financial context. (C) does not logically lollow. (D) confuses the context.
Services department is up on the next floor. as the writer is the customer, not the provider of the service ..

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 61

134. 0 Only the noun can be used after the adjective prompt. 165. 0 The article reports healthy sales growth among microchip
135. 0 This adjective (meaning reliable) best completes the sentence. manufacturers. (A) refers to traditional industries. (8) and (C)
136. A Here could be +ing is used to express possibility in the Mure. are incorrect because many hi.tech companies are already
137. 0 This sentence fits best as it closely relates to the following recovenng.
sentence that mentions Display SCreen Regulations .. 166. B This sentence fi!s best here as it introduces a paragraph
138. C The preposition among is used after distribute to indicate showing more healthy economic outlook.
sharing between a group. 167.0 Online gaming (A). in-car navigation systems (8), and smart
139 0 This sentence links with what has gone before, and is a phones (C) are all mentioned as dr.ving sales of microchips.
continuation of the findings of the survey. The other options do Only (0) is not mentioned.
notlogicalty relate to what comes before and after. 168. A The information covers various services that may be of interest
140. B The conjunction but expresses the contrast between these two to conference delegates.
clauses. 169. 8 Lost property is kept at the main Infodesk. which is located in
141. A The past simple is used to indicate finished time. Ha1/2.
142. D Of these adverbs, only virtually (meaning almost) fits the 170. 8 Physical security (Al, fire safety (C). and recycling (D) are ah
meaning of the sentence. mentioned. Only (8) is not mentioned.
143. A The collocation here is go missing (meaning disappear). 171. C Here, the word valuables means important items or things 01
144. B This is the only conjunction that fits the sentence. value.
145. C The gerund is needed as the Object of the sentence. 172. A The invoice refers to reports of false alarms.
146. A This sentence refers directly 10the ultra.violet marker pen, 173. C Mr. Edwards' name follows the report of work done, so it can
and logically completes the paragraph. (B) is not indicated. be inferred that he carried out the work. (A) cannot be inferred.
(C) confuses the context, as readers are all staff rather than (B) relates to Mr. James. (0) is the writer of the invoice.
security staff. (D) is incorrect as the pen is available now. 174. C The last paragraph states Terms strictly 14 days. The date of
the letter is June 4th.
Part 7 p362
175. D The unit on the landing was working correctly. so a repair was
147. C II something is a pain, it means it is very troublesome or not necessary. Both units were cleaned (A) and then tested
inconvenient (8), A new optical unit (C) was fined in the lounge.
148. A At 3:35 P.M. Mandy P writes she will send out a new invoice 176. A The hotel Mr. WMly reserves is Park Hotel. which the ad states
right away. We can infer that this is what she will do next. is in New York.
(B) confuses the context. as no payment has been made 177.0 The form asks send this page to us. The booking is not made
so no refund is required. Mandy P says she will e-mail Ms by phone (A). The alternative is to e.mail us (B). The form is
Oepardieu. not check her e-mail (C). (0) is not indicated. completed by hand and is not on a website (C).
149. A The e-mail refers to an outstanding invoice and apologizes that 178. B The ad states Stay two nights in July and get breakfast
this has been unpaid. (A) and (0) are not mentioned. (C) is absolutely free. Mr. Whitly's booking is for July 23-25. (A) refers
incorrect as there is no record of this invoice. to online bookings. (C) is for bookings in August. (0) refers to
150. C The e-mail says Mr. Danapoli has transferred to another Paramount Frequent Travel Club rrembers.
division. He is a coworker at Hartford Legal. 179. 0 Here, the word unique means distinctive or exclusive.
151. D Here, the word oversight means mistake or error. 180.0 The ad states that Paramount Hotels are nght in the heart of
152. B The phrase Tell me about it is used to indicate you understand various great locations (A), provide fine dining (B), and have
what someone is talking about because you are familiar with rooms at great prices (C). The rooms are beautifully furnished.
the situation or have had a similar experience. but not necessarily recently furniShed (0).
153. 0 The women are on their way to see a movie. Sue mentions 181. C According to the article, all talks are held in the West Road
great reviews and refers to Jason Pollard as being fantastic in Theater.
Back Home. We can infer Back Home is a movie and Jason 182. 8 The article states that Asia's economy could grow by as much
Pollard is an actor. as 40"10 in this time.
154. B The last meeting is listed as September 16. The current 183. A Dr. Sherringham is a colleague 01Prof. Klysters. who works at
meeting is October 14. The next meeting is November 12. We Wellington Business Institute.
can infer the Steering Group meetings monthly. 184. B Here. the word leading means renowned or top.
155. 0 Fundraising projects (A), Promoting greater student 185. B We read of facts and figures in Dr. Hernandes' talk (A).
engagement (B), and Matters an'sing from previous meeting (C) sfatistical data in Dr. Sherringham's talk, and figures used in Dr.
are all mentioned. Only (D) is not mentioned. Klyster's talk. Only (B) does not specifically refer to statistics
156. A The purpose of the memo, stated in the opening line, is to 186. A There is no mention of previous experience in the
announce two further appointments. advertisement for the job of Administrative Assistant.
157. C The memo states that Kevin will begin on the first of next 187.0 Claire Robertson writes I am currently attending a night class.
month. The date of the memo is March 19. She has comple:ed high school but we do not know her
158. B Both new appointments are additions to the Marketing team. grades (A), (B) is incorrect as she currently has a part.time
(A). (C). and (D) cannot be inferred. position. She is not asking for a promotion (C).
159. C The booking begins Jan 15 and ends Jan 28. 188. B She has a high school diploma and 4 years of relevant
160. C For cancellations within 24 hours trJere is a $40 charge. The experience. We do not know her typing ability or whether she
total charge is $280. Therefore, he will receive $240. speaks French (A). She doesn't mention she speaks German
161. A This sentence fits best here as it follows on from the previous (C), and does not mention any accounting experience or
sentences discussing the cost. This refers to the total cost qualifications (D).
mentioned earlier. 189. C Mr. Waters says Claire worked for two years. before she went
162, A The first paragraph slates that weekdays are off.peak. (S) to Etrusco Financial Services, where in her e-mail Claire say
cannot be inferred. (C) is incorrect as catering and facilities are she has worked a year. We can deduce that Mr. Waters first
not included. (0) is incorrect as the client must prove public met Claire three years ago.
liability insurance. 190. C Wholeheartedly means with aUone's heart (i.e.. totally/completely),
163. B Here. the word records means files or paperwork. 191. 0 Sharpening is not mentioned. The knives have a lifetime
164. C Mr. Ivanski needs to send a copy of his public liability warranty (A), are not dishwasher.safe (B). and won't rust (C).
insurance. and return a completed catering price list and 192. A The knife the customer bought cost $59. We can see from the
facilities form. as well as the original terms and conditions. Web page that this is the cost of a 7.inch knife.

62 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

193. A The knife is used for smaller kitchen jobs. The g.inch knife is 17. C (A) repeats didn't and see (inslead of say, which would ht). (8)
a bread knife (B), the l1-inch knife cuts cleanly through ... all repeats ask, but does nol answer the question.
roasts (C). and the a.inch cleaver is designed to disjoint turkey, 18. A (B) relates women to male and confuses Ihis wilh mail. (C)
chicken, and other poultry (D), confuses Ihe subject mail with a person,
194.8 Douglas Long writes you charged me for a $79 knife. We can 19. A (B) misleads relating late to early, (C) confuses lives and leaving.
see from the Web page that this is !he cost of the bread knife. 20. 8 (A) repeats week but refers to the past. (C) does not answer the
195. 8 The verb rectily means to correct or put something right. question,
196. 0 There is an extra charge for massage and relaxation 21. A (8) conluses think wilh Ihing and repeats same. (C) contuses
treatments. Weight loss is mentioned, but not guaranteed (A), tires (plural noun) with the adjective tired.
schedules vary (8). and the activities are only described as 22. B (A) repeats reception, but with the meaning welcome. (C)
military-slyle (C). confuses exceptions with reception.
197. A Logan win take anyone m/eres/ed on a long run (B), Matt will 23. C (A) repeats else. and is an illogical response. (8) answers a
organize a ren-mile bike ride (C), and Teri will/ead the hiking different question (What time is the meeting?)
group (D). Kris is only mentioned in connection with the 24. C (A) does not answer the question. (8) repeats does, but does
morning's activities. not answer the question.
198. A Power yoga is not mentioned in the e-mail. We can deduce that 25. 8 (A) answers a different question (Have you chosen 8 camera
this is the session that Charmaine. who is absent. usually runs. yet?). (C) repeals camera, bul does not answer the question,
None of the other statements can be inferred. 26. C (A) confuses coffee and copy. (B) confuses left (nol right) with
199. C Logan does not mention bodyweight training in his e-mail, Teri left (meaning remaining).
led aerobics (A) and basketbafl (a team game) (0). and Brad 27. B (A) relates to a different subject, and confuses standing with
led the obstacle course session (8). expanding. (C) repeats room but does nol answer the question.
200. 8 Usa Uu mentions being in Matt's group. and Malt was 28. A (8) repeats report and is an illogical response. (C) relates
responsible for the ten-mile bike ride. She says I don't think checking to check, but contuses the conlext.
I/os/ any weight (A), She mentions she will definitely come 29. A (8) answers a different question (Would you /ike 10get paid .. ?).
again. but does not mention attending before (C}. She is joking (C) does not answer the question.
about the fact that her muscles will prObably ache tomorrow 30. C (A) answers a different question (Do you want to have lunch?).
(OJ. (8) refers to the tuture.
31. C (A) confuses tax and fax. (8) confuses admiration and application,
Practice Test 2
Part 1 p383 Track 141 Part 3 p388 Track 143
32. A The speakers are discussing where Mr. Sykes' jacket could be.
1. 0 The man is wearing a tie, but he is not adjusting it (A). There are
(B) relates to a meeting Mr. Sykes attended on Friday afternoon.
some dishes, but he is not taking Ihem away (B). (C) is incorrect
(C) relers to Mr. Sykes as a client, but he is not the subject of Ihe
because the man is not wearing a watch,
whole conversation. (0) incorrectly confuses the company name
2. A The women ale wearing coats. not buying them (8). They are
Capirallnvestments with the subject of the conversation.
paying the cashier. nolleaving the store (C). They are slanding
33. C The woman says lost property is kept under the counter at the
atlhe counter. not cleaning it (D).
reception desk. and adds here in this box ... II's empty. see? The
3. C (A) contuses watching the news with reading a newspaper.
speakers are at reception. (A) relers to where the meeling look
There is a plant, but the woman is not watering it (8). She is
place. (8) is nol mentioned. (0) repeats box.
holding a newspaper. nol a book (0).
34. 0 The woman says she will call Andy, the staff member who
4. C The chairs are not slacked togelher (A). This is an exam room,
opened up that morning. (A) contuses him with Mr. Sykes. (B)
but there isn't anyone taking the exam at Ihe moment (8). (0) is
refers to the night cleaners. (C) refers to Mr. Sykes' company.
not indicated.
35. C The woman mentions a projector and says she can't seem to
5. 8 There is some wriring (noun) on the board (A), but the people
get it to work. (A) repeats computer. but this is not the problem.
are not writing (verb) on it. They are not louching the golf clubs
Her presentation is due to start shortly. but is not delayed yet
in the carts (C), or playing golf (0).
(8). The lights are green. not broken (0).
6. 8 There are people and trees. but nobody is climbing trees (A).
36. D The man says /t did this with me last week. (A) is not mentioned.
(C) contuses Ihe taUman carrying the ladder, with the ladder
(8) repeats cable, and confuses the similar-sounding words
resllng near a tree. (D) we cannot tell that the people sitting
loose and lost. The man suggests that the woman check the
down are construction workers.
equipment, not that the equipment was checked (C).
37. A The man says the woman should check if everything is right
Part 2 p387 Track 142 enough, (B) and (C) are both possible solutions. but are not
7. C (A) is an itlagical affirmative response. (8) repeats plan, but as a mentioned. (D) is incorrect because the man assumes the
verb. batteries are working as normal.
8. 8 (A) answers the question How do you get to work? (C) refers to 38. 8 The woman checks availability lor a two-night stay, and gives a
the tuture. room price. She is not a secretary (A). The man is not ordering
9. A (8) confuses stalion with vacal/on. (C) is an iIIagical response. food in a restaurant (C). (0) confuses Ihe context, as the man is
10. 8 (A) misleads by using the verb sign in the past. (C) confuses not booking any tickets.
design with sign. 39. C He wants to book a double room.
11. 8 (A) answers a differenl question (Do you know Danie/Ie?), (C) 40. A The man says /I'S a lit/Ie more than 'wanted to spend, (8), (Gl,
answers a different question (What do you think of Daniel/a?). and (0) are not indicated.
12. C (A) confuses the subject. and repeats prepared with the 41. 0 The topic is focused on the man's job in London. (A) repeats
meaning ready rather than willing. (B) confuses eight with late. conference, but this is not the lopic. (8) is a distractor for the
13. A (B) does nOl answer the question, (C) repeats mind. but does references to the man's job. New York, Hong Kong and London
not answer the question. are mentioned, but life in big cities (C) is not discussed.
14. C (A) confuses reporters with reports. (8) confuses clean wilh seen. 42. C The woman asks Are you staying in New York for fang?
15. A (8) and (C) mislead by assuming the wrong meaning of the verb 43. 8 The man says I'm here for a week.
go used in the question. 44. 0 They are talking about a recent meeting. (A) is a distractor
16. C (A) repeats dress in a differenl context. (8) does not answer the for get an agreement signed. (8) relates to three times. No
question. presentation is mentioned (D).

Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 63

45. B If they return again, the woman says That'll be three rimes this Part 4 p391 Track 144
year, so they have already visited twice. 71. B The man is introducing Dr. Hartley, who will shortly give a
46. A They are disappointed that no agreement has been made. (B) is talk. He ends by asking the audience to join me in welcoming
incorrect. (C) cannot be inferred. (0) is not mentioned. tonight's very special guest speaker. Dr. Hartley is the author of
47, B The man says we've had a problem with our main printing press. several books, but the man is not trying to promote her as an
48. A The woman needs the brochures urgently. but she hasn't author (A). (C) refers to one of the themes of Dr, Hartley's talk
received them yet. (B) is not indicated. (C) repeats shipment, but (tourism) but there is no mention of a travel agency. (D) repeats
it hasn't been sent yel. (D) is not mentioned. global travel, but the man is not encouraging listeners to travel
49. D The man says I'll put your job at the top of my list. around the world.
50. C The words seminar and course indicate the woman is going 72. D Dr. Hartley is the head of a group that focuses on the economic
on a training course.
impact of/ourism. (A) and (C) relate to her interest in the past as
51. C The woman says I already booked a cab. a student activist. (B) misleads by referring to the United
52. B She asks the man to e-mail Mr. Gibson as /le's ready to place Nations.
another order. We can deduce that Mr. Gibson is therefore a 73. A The expression without further ado is often used in introductory
talks and means that the speaker will not hold things up by
53. A Referring to the bill, one woman asks the man can you just put it talking any more, so the main event can start.
on my room? and gives her room number as 563. We can infer 74. A The report mentions a strike. Workers at Cneffin Industries have
the man works in a hotel. walked out and are demanding better pay and conditions. (B)
54. D The women are going to watch a movie which one woman is incorrect because no jobs have been lost. (C) confuses the
says starts in half an hour and adds We don't want to miss the withdrawal of health benefits with employee illness. (D) correctly
beginning. (A), (8), and (C) cannot be inferred. states the report is about an automobile plant. but there is no
55. A One woman asks the man to charge the bill to her room, saying mention of an accident.
Would that be OK? Here, his response No problem means Yes. 75. C The report says three hundred workers staged the s/rike.
of course. 76. D The speaker says the strike appears likely to spread. The
56. A The man says we haven't been able to get online all day. situation is not resolved (A). (B) confuses health benefits with in
57. B The man says he has e-mails I need to answer and orders to good health. Cheffin Industries has other factories, but we are
process, and complains about lost sales. We can deduce he is not told they are a national company (C).
frustrated by the situation. 77. A The speaker says Ms. Trent will speak about our operations
58. D The woman says that the company's technical staN don't know abroad, specifically new retail establishments in Europe
hOw muCh longer the systems will be down. 78. C The audience are asked to be at the main entrance at 2 PM. to
59. C The man is taking a call for the woman, and checks with her take a bus. (A) is the room where they will have lunch. The will
before putting the call through. (A) and (B) cannot be inferred. visit the Riverside Mall, not meet there (Bj. (D) is not mentioned
(D) repeats marketing but is not the correct answer. 79, B At the start. the man says In just a moment f'II hand you over to
60. B The woman asks the man to tell Mr. Dawson she is in a meeting. our Communications Director. (A). (C), and (D) are not indicated.
(A) cannot be inferred. (C) and (D) are not indicated. [Sometimes in the TOEIC test. the final question relates to
61. A The woman finally says Put him through. She will speak to Mr. information at the beginning of a talk.]
Dawson. 80. B The woman wants to know the speakers and the content for the
62. D The man refers to this line and later says Here's the train. We workshop. She is unhappy the man hasn't replied, but her call
can deduce they are at a railway station. is not to make a comp;aint (A) or arrange a meeting (C). (D)
63. C The man says he paid with a five dollar bill and should have repeats weekend but is not the correct answer.
got two dollars back. We can see from the graphic that a 81. A She says the event will take place next Monday. (B) refers to my
cappuccino costs three dollars. third call since Wednesday. (C) is not mentioned. (D) is today.
64. B The woman suggests he go to the Web site and send them 82. B The woman feels disappointed that Tony has not answered her
some feedback, referring to customer services. As the man's can, She needs to hear from him urgent'y.
experience is a negative one. we can infer she is suggesting he 83. C The speaker says our driver sam wl/1pullover and drop us off
makes a complaint. She does not suggest he check anything indicating this is in a bus, rather than in the street (A) or a train
(A), or ask anything (e). There is no attendant to speak with (D). (D). They are not yet in the cathedral (8).
65, C The man says the earrings are our mas' popular collection and 84. C The speaker they will meet back at the main entrance at five thirty.
adds We sell more of these than anything else. 85. 0 The man says I encourage you to take alf your valuables with you.
66. B It is the mother's birthday next week and the man says neJCl 86_ A The speaker says that the restaurant has a good reputation for
week is May. We can see from the graphic that the birthstone for its seafood. and this phrase reinforces her expectation that the
May is Emerald. diners know this already.
67. D The woman says her mother is not keen on large earrings 87. B The tuna salad is the only thing we don't have for you today,
(meaning she prefers small earrings). Her mother has brown 88. C The Early Eater special oNer is a compiimentary beverage. (A)
hair, not brown eyes (A). (B) is not mentioned. We hear that repeats incorrectly links complimentary' with appetizer. {B) refers
the earrings afe fashionable, not that the woman's mother is to the cost of a two course meal. (D) confuses fruit juices with
interested in fashion (C). fruit.
68. C The woman mentions that Ms. Kolsky has had laptop problems 89. C The ad is targeted at small companies that are doing business
and the man says he has brought a monitor which he thinks will abroad.
solve the issue, We can deduce he is a computer repairman. 90. B The ad promises to cut your overseas phone bill by thirty
69. B When the man introduces himseU, the woman says At last. The percent, but says this is only guaranteed for the first three
implication is that they have been waiting a long time for the months; not one year (A). No free calls are mentioned (C). (D)
man. (A) is therefore incorrect. (C) confuses At last (meaning relates to the maximum number of employees as company can
finally) with last {meaning finaQ. (D) confuses last with the have to be eligible for the offer.
similar-sounding word lost. 91. A The speaker says customers need to sign up for one year to the
70. D The woman tells the man to go through two sets 01double International Small BuSiness plan.
doors, and then the office is the first on the left. We can see from 92. A The speaker gives various people diHerent responsibilities to get
the graphic that this is Room 4. ready for the meeting with Ftax Investments next week.
93. C The speaker asks Trisha to present the expected sales figures
for the next year.

64 Pass The TOEle Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

94. D The speaker asks Mike to take minutes of the meeting. 135. C In this case, only the verb browse can relate to the oblect
95. C The speaker announces trains to Burlinglon have been furniture store
canceled. and explains the cause as a fallen tree on the line. We 136. A Here. the gerund is used after the phrase to have experience in
can deduce that the line is blocked. (+ing).
96. B Passengers wishing to travel to Burlington are told to take the 137. A The present simple passive is needed here.
next express service /0 Westfield. We can see from the graphic US. D This fits best as this gives the start date lor the sale. (A) is
-I that this leaves from Plat10rm 2. incorrect as the company has only one store. No prices are
97. B The speaker says that a coach service is waiting at the West given (B). Readers are encouraged to visit our store (not go
exit lor passengers going to the other stations on the Burlington online) and they are not applying for any1hing (C).
regional line. 139. A Here. fast is used as an adverb (meaning quickly) to describe
98. 0 The speaker is disagreeing with the increase in the price of the verb approaching
the magazine from next month, She says she doesn't see how 140. C This verb (meaning tell someone somethmg they already know)
increasing our price will boost revenue. fits here.
99. C The speaker says she is worried that readership will fall. The aim 141.8 We use the present perfect to show sequence in the future
of increasing the magazine's price is to boost revenue (B), but following Aher.
this is not the speaker's opinion, (A) and (C) are not indicated. 142. D The memo asks staff to make sure they have original invoices.
100. D The speaker says the magazine Fashion and Lifestyle costs a This sentence is a logical conclusion, thanking staff for
whole dollar more. We can see from the graphic that Fashion complying with this request. (A) does not follow. as these refers
and Lifestyle is $6.50, so the price of the magazine the speaker to issues with suppliers. (8) is incorrect as staff must contact
is responsible for must be $5.50. their suppliers directly. (Cl confuses the context. as no reply is
requested, just action,
Part 5 p394
143. C To be entitled to something means to have the right to it.
101. C Only this relative pronoun (meaning the things whiCh) can 144. B Because the sentence begins by using the present tense
come belore the phrase said about. increases (to describe something that is generally true), we
102. C We use the past simple for a completed past action. need the present perfect tense to describe the whole period of
103. D The conjunction used here is either ... or. expressing choice. time the employee has worked.
104. A This phrasal verb is used with official procedures (i.e. clearing 145. C This sentence fits best as it is links clearly to the topic of
customs), employment notice.
105. 8 Here, only delayed + by can be used here. 146. A The gerund Terminating (meaning Dismissing someone from
106. A The verb select (meaning decide to use) fits the sense of this employment) correctly completes this noun phrase.
107. C This adverb (meaning c/early) collocates with the verb write. Part 7 p402
108. A Distance (i.e. miles) takes a singular subject. 147, A The article refers to making purchases online and adds you
109. C Here. this adjective (meaning adjacent) is needed to describe need to take measure to protect yourseff.
the noun city. 148. 8 The steps suggested in the article all relate to keeping
110. A The possessive pronoun completes this sentence. passwords secure, (A), (Cl and (D) cannot be inferred.
111. A This verb completes the collocation engage the services 0/. 149. C The phrase I don', see why not (meaning, Yes. of course) is
112.8 Here, this adjective is needed to describe the noun situation. used to indicate you agree to something. Here, Ms. Blane is
113. A This adlective (meaning in vain) collocates with efforts. saying the change in time for her meeting with Mr. Benson is
114.8 This preposition (meaning Because of) is used here. no problem for her.
115. C The past simple passive completes this sentence, 150. D Ms. Blane is traveling by train. At 11:16 A.M. she writes she will
116.8 This adverb (meaning with no trouble) collocates with the arrive in abOut 10m. The exchange finishes at 1 1:24 A.M. (A).
adjective available. (8), and (C) cannot be inferred.
117. A Only in (meaning within a certain time) fits here. 151. C The e-mail refers to readers As members of the public. (A)
118. A This noun (meaning reimbursement) fits the meaning of the relates to Ms. Henshaw and Ms. Weitz. who work at (D). (8) is
sentence. not mentioned.
119. 0 This preposition completes the phrase on business. 152. 0 This sentence fits best here as it refers to the new Web site
120. A This noun (meaning dedication) + to fits the meaning of the mentioned previously.
sentence. 153. 8 The e.mail states the meeting will take place at 10:30
121. 8 This verb (meaning assess) is needed here. romorrow. The dale is Nov 11. (C) is the deadline for e-mailing
122. D The past simple is used as the action is in the past. feedback. (0) refers to the launch of the new website.
123. B Here, any is used after the negative. 154. A The median usual weekly earnings for female cashiers is given
124. C After the verb want the infinitive with to is used. as $386.
125. C Here the adverb never (meanillQ at no lime in the past) is needed 155. 0 Only 38.8 percent of managers are women. according to the
126.8 The structure used here is no + comparative. chart.
127. 8 We say most of the people (i.e. most people). 156. C The chart states that female registered nurses earn an average
128. A Before the uncountable noun assistance we use some to 01$1143 per week, and female managers earn an average of
complete this positive sentence. $1176 per week. This is almost the same.
129. A Here, at present means at the moment or currently. 157. B The ad mentions they have expenence in translating legal,
130. C The past participte completes this adverbial clause financial, medical, engineen'ng. manufactunng, and technical
expressIng reason. documents. (A) is not mentioned. (C) and (D) cannot be
Part 6 p398 158. 8 Clients include leading Fortune 500 companies (A). No
131. C The collocatiOn used here is experience difficulty. maner ... what language can be translated as their translators
132. B The object pronoun is needed here. are from all comers of the globe (C). They can translate within
133. B The future simple is the only tense that fils Ihe meaning 01this 24 hours if necessary (D). Only (B) is not mentioned.
sentence 159. A Mr. Cheng leaving his position as Shift Supervisor for the more
134. 8 This senlence tits besl as it concludes the letter in a standard senior position of Operations Manager at another company.
way. (A) confuses the conlext. as Ms. Anderson is a customer (8) refers to all the support he has already received. (C) is
services agent. Mr. Connor is not placing an order (C). not mentioned. (D) refers to rhe training opportunities he has
Shipping is mentioned, bulthere is no need to refer to any already had.
guidelines (D),
Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY 65
160.0 Mr. Cheng writes he has a higher level of professional 182. A Mr. Townsend writes he was extremely disappointed by
qualifications now. (A) and (C) cannot be inlerred. (8) relers to inaccuracies in the article. (B) and (0) cannot be inferred. (C)
Mr Cheng's personal opinion that he has made a sigmficant is incorrect as he is the park's Development Director.
contribution. 183. 0 Here, the word stake means investment cr involvement.
161. C Here, the noun handover means transfer or passing on. 184. C Mr. Townsend states the development came to £2,750.000,
162. 8 Employees now have to keep their own work areas and offices (8) is the estimated cost. (A) is the amount over budget some
clean. The recycling bins have been ordered, but they haven't sources claim. (0) is the inaccurate figure claimed in the article.
arrived (A). Workers may end up throwing away less trash 185. B The article refers toiob losses for over 60 workers.
(C), but this is not the aim of the memo. (0) is incorrect. as Mr. Townsend writes that these relare anI'1 10one company. NIC
they will be doing the cleaning themselves Technologies. He goes on to say that NIC Technologies intend
163. 0 The memo states they will save around $2,300 per month to hire more rhan 80 personnel over the coming months. The
(A). There will be less trash (B) and workers are encouraged company will therefore soon employ more workers than they
to put recyclable trash in the green bins (C). Only (0) is not had before.
mentioned. 186. C The businesses listed in the Web page have all been closed for
164. C The tasks will be carried out by all of us. (A) refers to where a variety of health protection reasons.
the cleaning products will be kept. {B) refers to those who will 187.0 The notice states that The Healthy Cook is closed due to
organize the system. (0) refers to the employees who will take a rodent infestation. Chapter 14 of the manual covers Pest
out the trash on collection days. control. Rodents are pests.
165. C Here. the noun measure means action or step. 188. A Site (here meaning, business premises) security is not covered
166. A The company specializes in office equipment and appliance in the manual. Handwashing (B) is cove'ed in Chapter 12.
insurance. Refrigeration (C) is covered in Chapter 8. Food poisoning (D) is
167. A This sentence fits best here as the policy number that follows covered in Chapters 3 and 7.
directly relates to the warranty. 189. A Jim texts to ask Wnere exactly are you? He needs directions as
168. 0 He will need the policy number if it becomes necessary to call his Satnav is down (meaning. not working).
for assistance, 190. C In his text. Jim introduces himself as the plumber. We can
169. 0 He is Professor of Business Ethics at AIBS (A), and is author see in the Web page that Deli Delight in lakeshore Blvd was
01 a hugely popular book (B). He is also well known for nis closed due to inoperalive plumbing. Jim is most likely going to
regular appearances on radio and television (C). Only (D) is not fix this,
mentioned. 191. C According to the notice. there is a Chitdren's run. The race is
170. A Cancellations must be at least 30 days in advance. (B) relers the 5th Annual Halloween Fun Run, so it has taken place four
to the administration fee payable. (C) is the cost for AIBS times before (A). II has a Halloween theme (B). and you need
members. and (D) is the cost lor non-members, less the to wear Halloween cestume only if you're brave enough (D).
administration lee. 192. A In her e-mail dated August 25, Leonie writes she registered
171. C Participants are encouraged to quote cOde AP821Xwhen earlier today lor the five.mile run. The notice states a 10% early
making your booking. (A) and (B) refer to the cancellation bird discount applies to those booking before August 31. and
procedures. (D) refers to transport to AIBS. the S.mite entry fee is $10, We can ded;Jce that Leonie will pay
172. B The fax is in support of Ms, Fouroux's aDplication for an H01 B $9 instead of $10. (8), (C), and (0) cannot be inferred.
visa. She already has a job offer (A). (C) is mentioned but is not 193. B Leonie's chanty senas books to children's hospitals and
the main purpose 01the lax. (D) is not mentioned. Olphanages. (A) wrongly associates international development
173. C As Ms. West is asked to process the application, and the job with the developing wortd. (C) and (0) wrongly associate
is lor Columbus. Nebraska. it can be inferred that she is a U.S. illness and safety with children's health and welfare issues.
immigration offiCiaL 194. 0 Kim writes she will be back from the M,'/an conference lhat day
174. A Ms. Fouroux is due to start work next month. The fax is sent is (i.e., the day olthe event. Oct 30"'). She cannOI participate as
April. After the initial contract for six months, (i,e. in November). she will be away.
Mr. Elliot states she will then be offered a permanent position. 195. C Kim says she will sponsor Leonie $3 a mile, and Leonie is
(B) and (D) cannot be inferred. (C) is not mentioned entering the 5-mile race.
175. A He asks Ms. West to process this application witnoul delay, 196. C Dr. Etherington refers to my latest boo/(. so we can deduce he
because the date Ms. Fouroux is due to start wor1<:is quickly has written more than one. (AI and (Bl cannot be inferred. Dr.
approaching. Booth only gave him Professor Johansson's contact details,
176. 0 In her cover letter, Ms. Almodovar refers to travel and booking not a recommendation (D).
package vacations. She works as a Travel Advisor and wants to 197.0 Professor Johansson asks faculty members to allow him to sit
further her career. We can therefore infer that Global Gateway in on your classes. (A) wrongly associates "training in financial
is a travel agency. management" with the "Iinancial and administrative training
177.8 She has included her resume (A), certificates showing course" that Dr. Fernandez will attend. (B) is incorrect as
competency in various travel booking systems (C), and letters Professor Johansson does not ask them to provide cover for
of recommendation (D). Mrs. TI:T1sonasks to see evidence anyway. (C) wrongly confuses offering accommodation with
of your academic qualifications. which implies a diploma (a oHering hospitality.
document proving academic achievement in the U.S.) was not 198. B Dr. Etherington will teach Or. Fernandez's classes, According
included in Ms. Almodovar's application. to the schedule Dr. Fernandez teaches five classes. However.
178. 0 In her letter Ms. Almodovar mentions she is proficient in English Dr. Etherington will be al a conference on Monday 17. so will
(A), she is a team player (B) and is used to dealing with clients only be available to leach four classes.
(C). Although she says she has traveled widely. she does not 199. C Dr. Etherington teaches poetry and literature of various periods.
mention she can speak any foreign languages (D). and can offer lectures on any aspect of English literature. We
179. A Mrs. Timson asks for proof Of your right to work in the U.S. (B). can see Irom the schedule that Dr. latimer teaches English
(C), and (0) cannot be inferred. literature
180. A Mrs. Timson asks Ms. Almodovar to call my personal 200. B Prof. Johansson writes that it might be useful if Dr. Etherington
assistant ... to confirm your attendance. covers Dr. Fernandez's classes during the week she is away.
~81. 0 The article covers the expansion of Coalport Science Parie (A) (A), (C). and (D) are not suggested.
is incorrect as the final paragraph does not promote the park.
Job losses (B) and space (C) are mentioned. but are not the
main purpose of the article.

66 Pass The TOEIC Test Introductory Course ANSWER KEY

A appointment broaden compromise D
ability appreciable browser compulsory daily
abroad appreciate budget concede damage
accept appreciation bulletin concern deadline
access appreciative conclude deal
accessible apprentice C conclusion debit
accommodate approach cabin crew concourse debt
accommodation appropriate calculate conduct decision
accomplish approximate calculation confirm decrease
accomplishment arbitrate campaign confirmation dedicate
according area cancel confusion deduct
aC(:ordingly arrange cancellation connect defect
accounting assemble candidacy connection defective
accurate assess candidate consequence definite
achieve assets capacity consider definitely
acquire assign career considerable degree
actually assignment oa,h constant delay
additional assist cashier constantly delete
adequate assistance cause construction delivery
adjust assume cell phone consult demand
adjustment attach chain consultant demanding
admit attachment chain store consume demonstrate
admittance attend chairman consumer depart
advance attendance characterize contain department
advanced attract characteristic container departure
advantage audience charge continual deposit
advantageous audit cheap continuation description
advertise authority check in continue designate
advertisement authorize check out contribute dessert
advise availability circumstances contribution destination
affect available claim control detail
afford avoid claimant convenient detailed
affordable awareness classification conveniently detect
agency classify convinCIng deterioration
agenda B clerk corporate determine
agree background client corporation determined
agreeable baggage claim climate cost develop
agreement balance closure counter development
aid bargain coach couner device
a,m basic code cover letter diagnose
airline behave commence coverage differential
aisle belongings commission coworker director
alarm beneficial commit crash discount
allow benefit committee credentials discrepancy
alternative beverage common credit discrimination
ambitious bid commonly criteria discuss
amend bill commuter critical discussion
amount binder company criticize dish
analysis blanket comparable crowd dismiss
analyze block compare crucial dismissive
announcement board compatible cruise display
annual boarding pass competent currency disposable
apologize boo" competition current dispose
appeal borrow competitive customer dispute
appetizer bottom line competitor customs disruption
appliance branch complaint cutting edge distinctive
applicant brand complete distinguish
application briefcase complex dividend
apply briefing complexity download
appoint broadcast comply downsize

Pass The TOEle Test Introductory Course A.Z TOEIC WORD LIST 67

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