Ferrous and Non

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amount of carbon (may be 1.

8%), these mixtures

are known as pig iron and cast iron. Primarily pig
FERROUS AND NON-FERROUS iron is produced from the iron ore in the blast
METALS furnace from which cast iron, wrought iron and
steel can be produced.
is a solid material that conducts heat and electricity,
hard, malleable, fusible, and ductile.
Carbon Steel
Types of Metals
• Iron and carbon are the most abundant
materials present in steel. Pure iron is not
are those which have the iron as their main particularly strong or hard on its own, so it’s
constituent. the addition of carbon that helps give steel
its great strength.
 Cast iron
 Alloy cast iron • The crude iron used to produced steel has a
 Wrought iron relatively high amount of carbon. Its carbon
 Steel composition can be as high as 2.1%, which
 Alloy steel is the greatest amount of carbon a material
can contain and steel be considered steel.
are those which have a metal other than iron as
their main constituent. CLASSIFICATION OF CARBON STEEL


 Aluminum - also known as a mild steel, low carbon steel has
 Brass low strength relative to steel with a higher carbon
 Tin levels.
 Zinc
- it is the most ductile.
- provides a balance between low and high carbon
steel, offering greater strength and hardness than
low carbon steel while remaining more ductile than
carbon steel.
- toughest
- offer the greatest strength and hardness
compared to mild and medium carbon steel plate.
However, high carbon steel is less ductile than the
FERROUS METALS lower carbon steels, meaning it is much harder to
machine or form.
Ferrous metals possess different physical
properties according to their carbon content.

Iron and Steel

The ferrous metals are iron base metals which
include all varieties of iron and steel. Most
common engineering materials are ferrous
materials which are alloys of iron. Ferrous means
iron. Iron is the name given to pure ferrite Fe, as
well as to fused mixtures of this ferrite with large
Mechanical Properties

 Hardness
 Toughness
 Ductility
 Elasticity
 Malleability
 Tensile Strength
 Fatigue Strength
The key to toughness is a good combination of  Grey Cast Iron
strength and ductility. A material with high  White Cast Iron
strength and high ductility will have more  Malleable Cast Iron
toughness than a material with low strength and  Nodular Cast Iron
high ductility. Therefore, one way to measure  Chilled Cast Iron
toughness is by calculating the area under the  Alloy Cast Iron
stress strain curve from a tensile test.
It is used in applications where its high stiffness,
Wrought Iron machinability, vibration dampening, high heat
capacity and high thermal conductivity are of
 The meaning of “wrought” is that metal
advantage, such as internal combustion engine
which possesses sufficient ductility in order
cylinder blocks, flywheels, gearbox cases, and
to permit hot and/or cold deformation.
Wrought iron is the purest iron with a small
amount of slag forged out into fibres. The 1. Grey Cast Iron
typical composition indicates 99 percent of
• It is the iron which is most commonly used
iron and traces of carbon, phosphorus,
in foundry work. If this iron is machined or
manganese, silicon, sulfur and slag.
broken, its fractured section shows the
USES OF WROUGHT IRON greyish colour, hence the name “grey” cast
 Fences, gate and railings
 Balconies • The grey colour is due to the fact that
 Roof cresting carbon is present in the form of free
 Canopies graphite. A very good characteristic of grey
 Grilles cast iron is that the free graphite in its
structure acts as a lubricant
• Tensile strength: Generally 100-350 MPa,
which can meet the strength requirements
of many engineering machinery parts.
• Compressive strength: Very high
compressive strength, which is 3-4 times of
its tensile strength. It can be equivalent to
steel, and is the best choice for pressure
Cast Iron
parts (such as base).
 It is primarily an alloy of iron and carbon. • Hardness: Can meet the wear-resistant
The carbon content in cast iron varies from requirements of general engineering
1.5 to 4 percent. Small amounts of Silicon, machinery parts. The higher the hardness,
Manganese, Sulphur and Phosphorus are the better the wear resistance
also present in it. • Modulus of elasticity: Not a fixed value, but
a variable. The elastic modulus of gray cast
iron is related to its strength. The higher the
grade is, the greater the elastic modulus is.
• Impact toughness: It is a brittle material • Greater ductility than grey cast iron
with low toughness and plasticity. It is not
• Tensile strength is usually higher than grey
recommended to use grey cast iron as a
cast iron
material bearing impact load.
• Has excellent machining qualities
 Clutch plate and brake drums
 Machine bed • Electrical fittings
 Elevator, counterweights
• Pipe fittings
 Cylinder, piston and engine frames
 Gear housing and pump housing • Mining hardware

2. White Cast Iron • Hand tools

It is so called due to the whitish color shown by its

fracture. White cast iron contains carbon
4. Nodular Cast Iron
exclusively in the form of iron carbide (cementite).
From engineering point of view, white cast iron has It is also known as “spheroidal graphite iron” or
limited applications. This is because of poor ductile iron or high strength “cast iron”. This
machinability and possessing, in general, relatively nodular cast iron is obtained by adding magnesium
poor mechanical properties. It is used for inferior to the molten cast iron. The magnesium converts
castings and places where hard coating is required the graphite of cast iron from flake to spheroidal or
as in outer surface of car wheels. Only crushing nodular form. In this manner, the mechanical
rolls are made of white cast iron. But it is used as properties are considerably improved. The strength
raw material for production of malleable cast iron. increases, yield point improves and brittleness is
reduced. Such castings can even replace steel
Mechanical Properties
• High compressive strength
Mechanical Properties
• Retains good hardness and strength at a
higher temperature • High strength
• Highly brittle
• Highly ductile
• High wear resistance
• Flexible
• Elastic
• Shot blasting equipment
• Railroad brake shoes Applications
• Coal grinding mills
• Hydraulic cyclinders
• Slurry pump housings
• Hard rock mining • Valves
• Components of quarrying
• Pipes and pipe fittings
• Liners of cement mixers
• Cylinder Head for Compressors
3. Malleable Cast Iron
• Diesel Engines
• Malleable cast iron is produced from white
cast iron. The white cast iron is brittle and 5. Chilled Cast Iron
hard. It is, therefore, unsuitable for articles
Quick cooling is generally known as chilling and the
which are thin, light and subjected to shock
iron so produced is “chilled iron”. The outer surface
and vibrations or for small castings used in
of all castings always gets chilled to a limited depth
various machine components. The
about (1 to 2 mm) during pouring and solidification
malleable cast iron is produced from white
of molten metal after coming in contact with cool
cast iron by suitable heat treatment, i.e.,
sand of mould. Sometimes the casting is chilled
annealing. This process separates the
intentionally and some becomes chilled
combined carbon of the white cast iron into
accidentally to a small depth.
noddles of free graphite.
Mechanical Properties
• High strength • These steels are actually iron chromium
alloys and cannot be hardened by heat
• Hard
• Tough • Such type of steel is utilized in manufacture
of dairy equipment food processing plants,
• Wear Resistant
• Producing stamping dies Martensitic Stainless Steel

• Crushing rolls railway • These steels contain 12–18% chromium and

0.1 to 1.8% carbon
• Wheels cam followers
• These steels can be hardened by heat
6. Alloy Cast Iron treatment but their corrosion resistance is
Alloying elements are added to cast iron to
• Steel with little less carbon percentage and
overcome inherent deficiencies in ordinary cast
higher percentage of chromium are used as
iron to provide requisite characteristics for special
springs, ball bearings and instruments
under high temperature and corrective
APPLICATIONS conditions.
• Steels with 12 to 14% chromium and 0.3%
• Internal combustion engine cylinder blocks
carbon are widely used for table cutlery,
• Flywheels tools and equipment

• Gearboxes
• Manifolds Austenitic Stainless Steel

• Disk brake rotors • These are the most costliest among all
stainless steels. In these steels besides
• Cookware
chromium, nickel is also added.
• Nickel is a very strong austenitic stabilizer
and therefore the microstructure of these
Stainless Steels
steels is austentic at room temperature.
The only material known to engineers which • These steels contain 12 to 21% chromium
possesses a combination of various properties such and 8 to 15% nickel and carbon less than
as: wide range of strength and hardness, high 0.2%.
ductility and formability, high corrosion resistance, • The most familiar alloy of this group is
good creep resistance, good thermal conductivity, known as 18:8 stainless steel i.e. 18%
good machinability, high hot & cold workability and chromium and 8% nickel plus other.
excellent surface finish is stainless steel. Alloy
steels have been developed for a specific purpose.
Tool Steels
Ferritic Stainless Steel
They are divided into numerous categories based
• When properly heat treated and finished, on their features and makeup. There are seven
resists oxidation and corrosive attacks from main types of tool steel: water-hardening, hot-
corrosive media work, cold-work, shock-resisting, mold steels,
• Contain 12–18% chromium, 0.15 to 0.2% high-speed steels, and special purpose tools steel.
carbon besides iron and usual amounts of The presence of carbide-forming elements like
manganese and silicon. chromium, vanadium, molybdenum, and tungsten
• Relatively cheap are key identifying features of high-speed tool
• Magnetic in nature steels, for example. Their performance at high
• Structure of these steels consist of ferrite temperatures is enhanced by the addition of cobalt
phase which cannot be hardened by heat or nickel. Tool steels are typically heat treated to
treatment increase their hardness and used for metal
stamping, forming, shearing, cutting, and plastic
Properties of Tool Steel Typical applications include: chisels, boiler shop
tools, tool chuck jaws, collets, clutch parts, hot and
cold swaging dies, hot and cold shearing blades,
allows it to withstand the forces and pressures and chipper knives
involved in cutting, shaping, and forming
Mold Tool Steels (Symbol P)
operations without deforming or wearing out
quickly. P-type tool steels are used to make mold steels for
manufacturing plastic parts. These steels are
suitable molds and dies for processes such as: cold
it can maintain its cutting edge and withstand punching, hot forging, die casting, and plastic
abrasive wear, prolonging the tool's lifespan. injection molding. Common mold tool steel grades
include P20 and 420 (highly refined, mold-quality
stainless steel).
enables toughness to absorb shock and resist
Ultimate strength: 1,000 Mpa – 2,000 Mpa
fracture under high-stress conditions, ensuring the
tool's reliability and durability. Cold-work Tool Steels

HEAT RESISTANCE Cold-work tool steels are divided into three

categories: Air-hardening (A-grade), Oil-hardening
can withstand high temperatures without losing its
(O-grade), and High-carbon chromium (D-grade)
hardness and mechanical properties, making it
tool steels. This group of tool steels offers average
suitable for high-speed machining and hot-working
hardness, high wear resistance, and high
hardenability. They are typically used in the
Water-hardening Tool Steels (Symbol W) fabrication of larger parts or parts that require
minimal distortion when hardened.
W-grade tool steels are high-carbon steel that
requires water quenching because its low alloy Ultimate strength: 1, 400 Mpa – 2,400 Mpa
content gives it lower hardenability than other tool
• A-grade tool steel are steels that are air-
steels. Small amounts of other elements, like
cooled. These steels combine the benefits
manganese, molybdenum, and silicone can be
of deep hardening qualities equal to air
added to the steel for added functionality. This
hardening grades with a low hardening
group of tool steels is less expensive than the
temperature range similar to oil hardening
others, making it a popular choice for many basic
grades. Compared to other air-hardening
applications. Although it often costs less than other
grades or oil hardening grades, A6 tool steel
kinds of tool steels, it cannot be used in situations
exhibits the least distortion. This tool steel
where high temperatures are present — at 150 °C
is easily machined, and has a good balance
they start to noticeably soften. This steel can reach
of toughness and wear resistance. Its
high hardness levels but it is more brittle when
common uses include: coining, cams, die
compared to other tool steels. Water quenching,
bending, arbors, and blanking. Ultimate
which might result in more warping and cracking, is
strength: 1,600 Mpa – 2,200 Mpa
required for all W-grade tool steels. Some common
uses are for the manufacture of cold heading dies, • O-grade tool steels stand for oil-hardening
embossing tools, industrial cutting tools, and steels. It is robust, has good abrasion
reamers. Ultimate strength: 600 Mpa – 1,000 Mpa resistance, and is used in a variety of
applications. Applications include: chasers
(thread-cutting), arbors, bushings, and die
Shock-resisting Tool Steels (Symbol S) blanking. Ultimate strength: 1,500 Mpa –
2,100 Mpa
Shock-resisting tool steel was created to withstand
stress at low temperatures with fair hot hardness. • D-type tool steels have chromium contents
The S-grade metals are characterized by their high of 10-13%. They can maintain their
impact toughness with limited abrasion resistance. hardness up to 425 °C. These steels are also
S-type steels are not among the hot-hard tool air-hardening steels with high hardenability,
steels, with a temperature limit of up to 537 °C. low distortion, good high wear resistance,
and they are good for long production runs.
Ultimate strength: 1,400 Mpa – 2,200 Mpa
Common applications are: die-casting die
blocks, drawing dies, and forging dies. • Special purpose tool steels are divided into
Ultimate strength: 1,800 Mpa – 2,400 Mpa two groups: low alloy (L-type) and carbon-
tungsten-based (F-type). L-type tool steels
are used where wear resistance and
Hot-work Tool Steels (Symbol H) toughness are prioritized, including:
bearings, clutch plates, rollers, wrenches,
• H-grade tool steels are used for working
cams, and collets. Steels with increased
material at high temperatures, with the
carbon content are used for dies, drills,
exception of cutting. H-grade tools steels
gauges, knurls, and taps.
are harder and stronger and are ideal for
applications where the steel will be exposed Ultimate strength: 400 Mpa – 550 Mpa
to high temperatures for extended time
• F-type steels are water-hardening tool
intervals. These metals have a fair amount
steels. These steels are ideal for
of alloying content with little carbon
applications that require high wear
content. Ultimate strength: 1,400 Mpa –
resistance, but not high temperature or
2,200 Mpa
shock resistance. Common applications of
High-speed Tool Steels F-type steels include: paper-cutting knives,
broaches, burnishing tools, reamers, and
• High-speed steels (HSS) are divided into M-
plug gauges.
type (molybdenum-based) and T-type
(tungsten based). The molybdenum steels Ultimate strength: 1,800 Mpa – 2,000 Mpa
have a shorter hardening range and a lower
Applications of Tool Steel
hardening temperature than the tungsten
grades due to their somewhat lower • Cutting tools
melting point. Although the M-type high- • Dies and Molds
speed tool steels are slightly less hard than • Forging and Hot Work Dies
the T-type high-speed tool steels, they are • Cold Work Dies and Press Tools
more durable. Ultimate strength: 1,900 • Punch and Shear Blades
Mpa – 2,600 Mpa • Aerospace
• Components
• HSS are frequently used in cutting tools,
• Food Processing Equipment
tool bits, drill bits, and power-saw blades.
• Chemical Processing Equipment
These steels have the ability to endure high
• Woodworking Tools
temperatures without losing their hardness.
The high-speed steels are so named
because they can cut at higher tool speeds
Selection of Tool Steels
and feed rates than plain high-carbon
steels. In comparison to conventional Cutting
carbon and tool steels, HSS grades typically
- tool must have high hardness, good heat and
exhibit high levels of hardness and abrasion
wear resistance.
resistance (usually linked to the tungsten
and vanadium components frequently used Shearing
in HSS).
- tools have high wear resistance and fair
Special Purpose Tool Steels toughness.

• Special purpose tool steels are too Forming

expensive for general W-type tool steels.
- forming is carried out at high or low temperature
Their special compositions and qualities
and done by forging press.
make them suitable for special applications
that can't be accomplished by W steels. Drawing
These steels do not require the extra
- drawing dies require high strength and high wear
expense of the other tool steel alloy
content and attendant challenges with heat
Ultimate strength: 500 Mpa – 2,000 Mpa
- done at high or low temperature by forcing • Quenching is a rapid cooling process that
material into a die and commonly extruded alters specific properties of materials by
materials include metals, polymers, ceramics and manipulating the cooling rate. The process
concrete involves heating the part to the required
temperature and immersing it in a
quenching medium to quickly cool it.
- rolling dies must be hard enough to withstand the
forces in forming and must have sufficient wear
resistance and toughness to adjust the stress • Water
• Oil
• Brine
Heat Treatment of Tool Steel
• Polymer
• Tempering is another technique that is
• TEMPERING vastly used in the industry. Tempering is a
heat treatment process that increases the
toughness of iron-based alloys such as steel.
• SURFACE HARDENING The process involves heating the metal to a
high temperature below the melting point,
then cooling it in air or water.
• The process is similar to annealing.
• Annealing is a heat treatment process that However, the finished product has
alters the physical and chemical properties completely different properties because in
of a material to make it more ductile, less tempering the metal is heated in lower
hard, and more workable. temperatures. Like in annealing, the rate
that the temperature drops during the
• Annealing is used for materials such as
cooling step is controlled.
steels, metals, and alloys.
• Before any tempering takes place, the
• Annealing consists of three stages: heating
metal should be first and foremost
the material above its recrystallization
hardened. After that, the metal must be
temperature, holding or soaking at that
preheated and immediately cooled down.
temperature, and cooling, usually to room
Tempering helps to improve the
characteristics and durability of the metal.
• Normalizing is another process similar to
• Case hardening is a heat treatment process
annealing. The way heat is added to steel is
used to increase the surface hardness of
the same on both methods. Normalizing is
tool steel, making it more resistant to wear
where a material is heated to a predecided
and improving its overall durability.
elevated temperature, hold at that
temperature for a certain period of time • By undergoing case hardening, tool steel
(usually 10-20 minutes), and then allowed can maintain its strength and resistance to
to cool freely in the air to reach room wear even after repeated use, making it
temperature. The difference between those suitable for various applications, such as
two processes is related to the cooling step. cutting tools, dies, and other components
In normalizing, the metal cools down with that require high surface hardness and
the help of air. The microstructure of steel durability.
changes with this method.
• Carburizing ferrous materials, such as steel and iron. It
• Cyaniding differs from cyaniding in the way it
• Nitriding introduces nitrogen into the surface layer
• Carbonitriding instead of carbon. This process of case
hardening is used to obtain hard surface of
steel components only.
• Carburizing is a heat treatment process
Advantages of Nitriding
where carbon is added to the surface of
ferrous metals through exposure to high • Better Corrosion Resistance
temperatures or Carburizing is a heat-
• Improved Fatigue Strength
treating process whereby carbon atoms are
diffused into the surface layer at the Limitations of Nitriding
molecular level, imparting an extremely
• Longer Process Time
hard and wear-resistant surface
• Carburizing may be performed either as a CARBONITRIDING
visible sign of strengthening at the surface
• Carbonitriding is a heat treatment process
only or as combined with chromium or
that combines elements of both carburizing
nitrogen for added corrosion resistance.
and nitriding. It introduces both carbon and
Advantages of Carburizing nitrogen into the surface layer of ferrous
materials, such as steel and iron, to improve
• Enhanced wear resistance
their wear resistance, fatigue strength, and
• Better dimensional stability corrosion resistance.
• Case depth control Advantages of Carbonitriding
Limitations of Carburizing • Stress reduction
• Stress induction • Improved corrosion resistance
Limitations of Carbonitriding
CYANIDING • Environmental concerns
• Cyaniding is a type of case hardening • Higher cost
process that uses cyanide salts to introduce
carbon into the steel's surface.
• Cyaniding case hardening offers advantages
in terms of surface hardness and process • Aim to increase the hardness and wear
speed. However, it also presents limitations resistance of the outer surface layer of
related to environmental and safety ferrous materials, such as steel and iron,
concerns, cost, and potential toxicity. while maintaining or improving their
toughness and ductility in the core. Surface
Advantages of Cyaniding
hardening techniques are essential in
• Dimensional stability enhancing the performance and durability
• Fatigue strength of components in various industries.
Limitations of Cyaniding FLAME HARDENING
• Toxicity concers This surface hardening technique uses a high-
temperature flame to heat the component's
surface and then rapidly cools it with water or oil.
NITRIDING The rapid cooling induces martensite formation,
resulting in a hardened surface layer with increased
• Nitriding is another case hardening process
wear resistance and strength.
that enhances the wear resistance, fatigue
strength, and corrosion resistance of
• Localized treatment • Brass
• Bronze
• Solder
• Limited depth of hardening
• Skill dependent process
• It tends to be light in color although it
• Limited material compatibility can be polished to a mirror like
• Melting point of aluminum is 660 ˚C.
INDUCTION HARDENING • It is very good conductor of heat and
electricity although not as good as
In this process, an electrically conductive
copper. Possesses high ductility and
component is heated by an electromagnetic field,
light weight so widely utilized in aircraft
causing the surface layer to reach a specific
temperature for hardening. This method is
particularly useful for hardening specific areas of Material testing
components, such as gears, shafts, and connecting
• Tensile Testing
rods, while keeping the core soft and ductile.
• Compression Testing
• Hardness Testing
• Short Treatment Time
• Impact Testing
• Suitable for Mass Production
• Fatigue Testing
• Environmentally Friendly
• Bend Testing
• Capital Intensive
• It is soft, ductile, and malleable metal. It is
often red or brown in color.
NON FERROUS METALS • It is a very good conductor of heat and

• Are metals that do not have any iron in • is a corrosion resistant metal of an
them at all. attractive reddish-brown color.

• Non-ferrous metals are not attracted to a • Melting point of Copper is 1084 ˚C.
magnet, and they also do not rust in the
same way when exposed to moisture.
Material testing
• Non-ferrous metals include copper,
aluminum (coke cans), tin and zinc. • Tensile Testing

NON-FERROUS METALS • Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

• Aluminum • Compression Testing

• Copper • Hardness Testing
• Zinc
• Nickel • Impact Testing
• Tin • Fatigue Testing
• Lead
• Silver • Bend Testing
• Gold • Fracture toughness Testing
• Magnesium
Zinc Tin
• It is very resistant to corrosion from • It is bright silver in appearance.
moisture. However, zinc is a very weak • It is a very ductile and very malleable
metal and is used mainly for coating metal. It is resistant to corrosion from
steel. moisture.
• Zinc is a heavy, bluish-white metal • Melting point of tin is 231 ˚C.
principally utilized in view of its low • 220 MPa – ultimate tensile strength
cost, corrosion resistance and alloying • 41.6 GPa – modulus of elasticity
characteristics. • 15.6 – shear modulus
• Zinc melting point is 419 ˚C.
Material testing
• 37 MPa – ultimate tensile strength
• 96.5 GPa – modulus of elasticity • Tensile Testing
• Compression Testing
Material testing
• Hardness Testing
• Tensile Testing • Impact Testing
• Compression Testing • Fatigue Testing
• Hardness Testing • Bend Testing
• Impact Testing
• Bend Testing
• It is a soft and malleable metal.
• Lead is the heaviest of the common
• Pure nickel is tough, silver colored metal. Lead is extracted from its ore
metal, harder than copper having some known as galena. It is bluish grey in
but less ductility but of about same color and dull lustier which goes very
strength. dull on exposure to air
• It is plated on steel to provide a • It is used for its weight in many ways.
corrosion resistance surface or layer. • Lead melting point is 327 ˚C.
• Widely used as an alloying element with • 18 MPa – ultimate tensile strength
steel. Higher proportions are • 14 GPa – modulus of elasticity
advantageously added in the production
Material testing
of steel such as Monel.
• It possesses good resistance to both • Tensile Testing
acids and alkalis regarding corrosion so • Compression Testing
widely utilized in food processing • Hardness Testing
equipment. • Environmental Testing
• 345 MPa – tensile strength • X-ray fluorescence analysis
• 190 GPa – young’s modulus

Material testing
• A soft, white, lustrous transition metal,
• Tensile Testing it has the highest electrical conductivity
• Hardness Testing of any element and the highest thermal
• Impact Testing conductivity of any metal.
• Fatigue Testing • Melting point of silver is 961 ˚C.
• Compression Testing • 140 MPa – ultimate tensile strength
• 76 GPa – modulus of elasticity
• 54 Mpa – yield strength
Material testing
• Tensile Testing
• Compression Testing
• Hardness Testing
• Impact Testing • Compressive strength – 65 – 100 Mpa
• Fatigue Testing
Material testing
• Bend Testing
• Fracture Toughness Testing • Tensile Testing
• Compression Testing
• Hardness Testing
Gold • Impact Testing
• Fatigue Testing
Compressive yield strength
• Fracture Toughness Testing
128-758 Mpa
Shear strength
Non-Ferrous Alloys
• Are metals that are a mixture of two or
Ultimate tensile strength more metals. The main ones in everyday
120 Mpa use are:

Modulus of elasticity • Brass

77.2 Gpa • Bronze

• Gold is a dense, soft, shiny, malleable

and ductile metal. Brass
• Pure Gold has a bright yellow color and
luster traditionally considered • Is a mixture of copper and zinc. Copper is
attractive, which it maintains without the main component, and brass is usually
oxidizing in air or water. classified as a copper alloy.
• It resists attacks by individual acids it • The color of brass varies from a dark
won’t tarnish, discolor, crumble, or be reddish-brown to a light silvery yellow.
affected by most solvents.
• Gold melting point is 1337˚C. • It is stronger and harder than copper, but
not as strong and hard as steel.
Material testing
• A good conductor of heat, and generally
• Tensile Testing resistant to corrosion from salt water.
• Compression Testing
• Hardness Testing • Melting point is 940˚C.
• Impact Testing
• Fatigue Testing
• Bend Testing Types of Brass
• Fracture Toughness Testing • Alpha Brass
• Beta Brass
• Brass Filter Element
Magnesium • Navy Brass
• Magnesium is a strong, silvery white, light- • Red Brass
weight metal ( one third lighter than • Free Cutting brass
aluminum) that slightly tarnishes when
exposed to air.
Alpha Brass
• In a power, this metal heats and ignites
when exposed to moisture and burns with a • Excellent cold working performance,
white flame. suitable for bending and forming processes

• Melting point of magnesium is 648 ˚C. • It contains 75% copper and 25% zinc.

• Tensile strength – 175 Mpa

• Shear modulus – 16 Gpa
Beta Brass Solder
• Has better thermal processing properties • Is a fusible metal alloy that is used to join
and is suitable for processes involving metal work pieces and having a melting
higher temperatures. point below that of the work pieces.
• It contains 45% - 55% zinc. • It is an alloy of lead and tin.
• Its melting point is 200˚C.
Brass Filter Element
• Known for its high ductility, strength and different compositions of solder
corrosion resistance.
• Soft solder- lead 37%, tin 63%.
• containing approximately 70% copper and
• Medium solder- lead 50%, tin 50%.
30% zinc.
• Plumber’s solder- lead 70%, tin 30%.
• Electrician’s solder- lead 58%, tin 42%
Navy Brass
• Known for its corrosion resistance in marine
environments. Iron
• Contains a 59% copper, 40% zinc and 1%

Red Brass
• Known for its deep red color and corrosion
• High in copper, typically around 85% copper
and 15% zinc.

Free Cutting Brass

• Excellent machining performance, suitable
for precision machining operations..
• Contains lead to enhance machinability,
approximately 60-63% copper, 35.5-39.5%
zinc, 2.5-3.7% lead.

• Is a metal alloy consisting primarily of
copper, usually with tin as the main
• It is a hard and brittle metal and has a very
high resistance to corrosion.
• Melting point is 950˚C.
• Modern bronze is typically 88 percent
copper and about 12 percent tin.

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