Lesson 1 Introduction To The Worldwide Web and Its Structure
Lesson 1 Introduction To The Worldwide Web and Its Structure
Lesson 1 Introduction To The Worldwide Web and Its Structure
The internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks that link together millions of
computers used by businesses, the government, educational institutions, organizations and
individuals using modems, telephone lines, televisions cables and other communications devices
and media.
Internet Timeline
1960 - The USA creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
with the mission of becoming the leading force in science and new
1973 – Vinton Cerf working from Stanford and Bob Kahn from DARPA
begin work developing TCP/IP to allow computers on different networks to
communicate with each other.
1974 – Kahn and Cerf refer to the system as the Internet for the first time.
1976 - Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, sends out an email on 26
March from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE) in Malvern.
1996 – Internet Service Providers begin appearing such as Sprint and MCI.
2001 – Blackberry releases first internet cell phone in the United States.
2005-Youtube launches
2008 – Google Chrome as web browser was first release by the google.
A computer network for sharing information, collaboration tools, operational systems and other
computing services within an organization, usually to the exclusion of access by outsiders. The
term is used in contrast to public networks, such as the Internet, but uses most of the same
technology based on the Internet Protocol Suite
World Wide Web or (www or w3) or simply the “WEB”, is one of the services that use the internet.
It is a collection of interlinked information that is stored on the computers all around the world. It
is the part of the internet that supports multimedia and consists of a collection of linked documents.
To support multimedia, the Web relies on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http), which is a set of
rules for exchanging text, graphic, sound, video and other multimedia files. The linked documents
or pages of information on the web are known as Web Pages.
Tim-Berners Lee – Director of the WWW Consortium (W3C). The web uses the client(s)
server concepts.
Client – is a software program of computer that request information from another software
program on another computer.
Server – is a software program that interacts with the client software in a client(s) server
environment. It is also referred to as a computer running the server software and responds
to the requests for information from client computers.
Web Technologies
Web technologies are the various tools and techniques that are utilized in the process of
communication between different types of devices over the internet. Some of the web
technologies used most often by both beginners and experts in the industry.
1. The basics, which will cover web browsers and some web app development fundamentals.
Web Browsers
Web browsers, often just called browsers, make it possible for us to view all the resources
that are part of the World Wide Web. They are based on a client-server architecture. The
client is the browser in this scenario. You can think of the server as a combination of
software and hardware that receives the client’s requests and then sends the requested
resource to the client.
Whenever you enter a URL into a browser’s address bar, it relays your request to the
server and then fetches and displays whatever the user requested for.
Some popular web browsers are Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari.
2. Programming languages and frameworks which are used in the development of websites.
Programming languages are the most basic component of website creation. In order to
code a website, you need to be familiar with a few programming concepts, some
languages and their syntax, and a good development IDE. Some of these languages may
be general-purpose, but others are specifically created for the purpose of web
Popular programming Languages and Frameworks
3. Databases that are used at the backend to store data required or collected by websites.
All the data that is exchanged on the web needs to be stored somewhere. For this purpose,
most websites have their own databases associated with them.
Web protocols are some predefined rules that must be followed by everyone
communicating over the web.
HyperText Transfer Protocol, better known as HTTP, is a web protocol that defines two
Graphical elements are a key feature of any webpage. They not only contribute to the
beautification of a page but can also be used to convey important points in a better manner
than text does.
Building a successful website always requires you to get the basics right in the first instance.
Everyone will have a different opinion of your site, and sometimes those opinions could be polar
opposites from one another. There are four (4) Key Principles in Web Design:
Images aren’t space fillers. If you’re using an image with the sole purpose of bulking
out a piece of content, your audience will see straight through your intentions which
will likely result in a higher bounce rate. All the images you use should provide value
and offer a greater insight into the written content.
And if you must use images, make sure not to over-do it and that they are correctly
sized for the web (internet resolution is 72 ppi). Images, animations and videos
account for up to 60% of the loading time for a page.
2. Fonts to use
Early web content producers were restricted to just a few fonts, as venturing outside
of “web-safe fonts” would result in collection of random symbols and gibberish. There
are three (3) considerations that should be adhered to when selecting font.
Keep the end user experience in mind. Large fonts could result in increased
loading times which is a sure way to aggravate your visitors.
The body text should usually be sans serif and headlines should also be
reserved to serif fonts as otherwise they can be difficult to read.
As with color, keep the number of different fonts to a minimum. Three different
fonts on the one site should be the maximum.
Human beings are creatures of habit. Since the invention of codex, we have used the
same grid system for all of our written language due to one simple fact: it works. Don’t
try to fix or improve on something that isn’t broken. The grid system is familiar and
comfortable and there is no need to rearrange the layout of text on a page. Save your
creative efforts for the other onscreen elements.
4. The F Pattern
The last principle is often overlooked by beginning website developers. Research has
shown that we read a piece of content in an F pattern. This simply means that we read
left-to-right and from the top down (in most cultures anyway).
In the modern world, where we are consistently bombarded with new content, readers
use a quickened version of the F pattern to scan titles, headlines and images to
determine if it’s worth their time to read the whole piece. If you want to stand out
amongst the ocean of articles and blog posts produced every day on the internet, you
need to ensure that the layout of your sites content pays attention to the F pattern.
Linear structure – this structure is designed to present the web site one at a time
especially useful for tutorial sites as well as historical information that presents
information in chronological order.
Hierarchical structure – this structure uses a tree like presentation where in several
categories are connected to the home page and under each category may contain
other subcategories.
Random structure – this structure presents its resources and information in any
order. The audience may go to any web page as they please. An example of a
web site that could employ this structure could be, places to go in a province, food
selection in a restaurant, and so on. This kind of structure is usually employed by
small web sites or sites containing few web pages because designing big web sites
like could be cumbersome and confusing for visitors.
Web designers use a wide range of tools to design, build, and maintain websites.
Interface design apps and prototyping tools help designers envision and communicate how
websites will look and behave before they’re launched. Photo-editing and graphic design tools
allow designers to manipulate images and create graphics. Code libraries, development
environments, and hosting services allow developers to launch their websites and share them
with the world.
Some popular web design software are WordPress, Bootstrap, Wix, Dreamweaver, Squarespace,
Figma, Sketch 3 and AdobeXD.
Importance of Website
Today, many people from different fields (family, friends and businessmen) exchanges different
data on the net. The Internet and Web have significantly impacted the way the world
communicates, educates, entertains and conduct businesses. These changes in human
interaction an implication for designing web pages and web sites and will be discussed in this
Communication – Businesses and individuals rely heavily on email messages; web pages
can communicate positively or negatively. If your website communicates trustworthiness,
currency and value, visitors will bookmark it for future references.
Entertainment – Millions of people turn to the web daily for entertainment purposes
because of its unique capability of offering an interactive and multimedia experience. Popular
entertainment websites offer music, videos, sports, games, ongoing web episodes, chats and
Education – The web offers and exciting and challenging new avenues for formal and
informal teaching and learning. It will also enhance traditional teaching methods.