Revision Test 3
Revision Test 3
Revision Test 3
1. The Stock Exchanges and Stock Brokers decide the option premiums — True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: Stock Exchanges decide the rules and provide the platform for trading and a
Stock Broker act as authorized mediatory.
The option prices are decided by the buyers and sellers based on the spot price, time value,
volatility and many other factors.
3. Usually as the level of risk rises, the expected rate of return on that investment should
also rise - True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: Higher the risk (E.g., Equity Shares) higher is the return
Lower the risk (E.g., Bank Fixed Deposits) lower is the return.
4. The system of SEBI which enables investors to lodge and follow up their complaints and
track the status of redressal of such complaints from anywhere is called SCORES- True or
• True
• False
Explanation: SEBI’s web-based complaints redressal system is called SCORES (Sebi
COmplaints REdress System).
5. A short seller has the time of one week to deliver the stocks - True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: Selling Short means Seller does not own the stock he is supposed to deliver.
Even if a trader has stock, he has to deliver the shares in T+2 days.
6. For liquid Net-worth requirements, the total liquid assets comprise of at least 60% of the
cash component and the rest is non-cash component- True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: The total liquid assets comprise of at least 50% of the cash component and the
rest is non-cash component.
7. In the accounting system of open options as on Balance Sheet Day, the “Provision for
Loss on Equity Index/ stock Option Account" is shown as deduction from “Equity Index/
stock Option Premium” which is shown under ________
• Current Assets
• Current Liabilities
• Short term Debts
• None of the above
Explanation: In the books of the buyer/ holder, a provision should be made for the amount by
which the premium paid for the option exceeds the premium prevailing on the balance sheet
date since the buyer/ holder can reduce his loss to the extent of the premium prevailing in the
market, by squaring off the transaction.
The excess of premium prevailing in the market on the balance sheet date over the premium
paid is not recognised on the consideration of prudence.
The provision so created should be credited to "Provision for Loss on Equity Index/stock Option
Account". The provision made as above should be shown as deduction from “Equity Index/
stock Option Premium" which is shown under ‘Current Assets’.
12. As per the L.C. Gupta Committee recommendations a separate Investor Protection Fund
must be created for derivatives segment- True or False?
• True
• False
14. Option which gives buyer a right to sell the underlying asset, is called ________ option
• Call
• Put
• American
• European
Explanation: Option, which gives buyer a right to buy the underlying asset, is called Call option
and the option which gives buyer a righto sell the underlying asset, is called Put option.
15. If there is not much price movement, the OTM option will be beneficial to _________
• Buyer of Call Option
• Seller of Call Option
• Buyer of Put Option
• None of the above
Explanation: There is no Intrinsic Value in OTM (Out of the Money) option but only Time
Value. So, a buyer of an option will pay the premium and the seller will receive it.
If there is not much price movement, the seller will earn the premium received.
16. A Trading member can either clear his trades or use the services of Professional Clearing
members- True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: A Trading member cannot clear his trades. Only a Trading cum Clearing
members can clear their own trades.
17. A Broker or Dealer who is already registered with an existing stock exchange will have
to get additional registration for the Derivative Exchange - True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: In addition to their registration as brokers of existing stock exchanges,
Derivative brokers/dealers and clearing members are required to seek registration from SEBI.
18. The cash component of Liquid Securities can include Units of money market mutual
fund and Gilt funds where applicable haircut is 10%. — True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: As per the recommendations of Prof. J.R. Verma Committee, hair cut on debt
securities is 10%.
19. As per J.R. Verma Committee recommendations, Volatility should be calculated based
on _________ of logarithmic daily returns.
• Variance
• Delta
• Standard Deviation
21. In the Options segment, if you buy a CALL, you expect the market / scrip to move
• Down
• Up
• One cannot buy a call in options market
• Remain range bound
Explanation: A buyer of a CALL Option has a bullish view - so he will expect the market script
to move up to make a profit.
22. An investor who is less risk averse would like to have greater exposure to equity and
other risky investments compared to fixed income instruments - State True or False?
• False
• True
Explanation: Although Equity Markets can give good returns but they are quite risky to invest.
So only a less risk averse investor would prefer to invest in equity.
A more risk-averse investor would prefer investments that are more secure and thus would
have higher portfolio allocations to debt and fixed income instruments.
(Risk Averse person is reluctant to take risk. A more risk averse person plays very safe and
does not take any risk. A less risk averse person can take some risks)
24. You are bullish on a stock but feel that the overall market may fall. The action you
should take is:
• Buy Stock futures and sell Index futures
• Sell Index futures only
• Buy Stock Futures only
• Buy Index futures and sell stock futures
Explanation: When you are bullish on a stock, you feel it will rise and so you BUY its stock
When you feel the marker may fall, you SELL index futures like Nifty.
25. A trader sells a lower strike price CALL option and buys a higher strike price CALL option,
both of the same scrip and same expiry date. This strategy is called _____________
• Bearish Spread
• Bullish Spread
• Long term Investment
• Butterfly
Explanation: A bear call spread is a limited profit, limited risk option strategy that can be used
when the options trader is moderately bearish on the underlying security.
It is entered by buying call options of a certain strike price and selling the same number of call
options of lower strike price (in the money) on the same underlying security with the same
expiration month.
26. The Over the counter options are ___________
• calculated based on the delta
• standardised options
• customised options
• always in the money options
Explanation: Over the Counter options are made as per the needs of the trading parties - so
they are customised.
Future options are standardised as per the rules of stock exchange.
28. If you buy a PUT option at premium of Rs 20 at the Strike Price of Rs 250, lot is of 400
shares, then the maximum possible loss is _____________
• Rs 5000
• Rs 8000
• Rs 20,00,000
• Unlimited
Explanation: When you buy an option, either Call or Put - the maximum loss is the premium
you have paid.
In this case the premium paid is Rs 20 x 400 shares = Rs 8000.
29. The future contracts are custom designed and hence each contract is different as per
the terms of the contracting parties.
• False
• True
Explanation: Future contracts are standardised and forward contracts are custom designed.
32. A long position in a CALL option can be closed by taking a short position in PUT option.
• False
• True
Explanation: A long position in any option can be closed by selling that option and not in any
other way. So, a long position in a CALL option can be closed by selling that CALL option.
33. If a stock has very low volatility, then it would have a lower option premium.
• True
• False
Explanation: Lower the volatility lower the risk and so lower the premium.
The stocks which are highly volatile will have comparatively higher option premiums as there
involves a lot of risk trading in such stocks.
34. In index futures, if the near leg of the calendar spread transaction expires then the
farther leg becomes a regular open position.
• True
• False
Explanation: Calendar spread means an options or futures spread established by
simultaneously entering a long and short position on the same underlying asset but with
different delivery months.
In the above question, let’s assume a trader has gone long in index options in current month
and short in index options in third month. In case he does not close his position by the end of
current month, his current month option will expire and the third month option contract will
become an open position as there is no opposite option contract in his account.
35. In the derivatives market, all the margins are collected by ____________
• Margin House
• Clearing House
• Clearing Banks
36. A __________ is created by shorting a call and a put option of same strike and same
• Long Straddle
• Short Straddle
• Bullish spread
• None of the above
Explanation: A Short Straddle strategy carried out by holding a short position in both a call
and a put that have the same strike price and expiration date. He sells a call and a put so that
he can profit from the premiums. The maximum profit is the amount of premium collected by
writing the options.
The short straddles a risky strategy an investor uses when he or she believes that a stock's
price will not move up or down significantly. Because of its riskiness, the short straddle should
be employed only by advanced traders due to the unlimited amount of risk associated with a
very large move up or down.
37. Theta is the rate of change in option premium for a change in the price of the underlying
• True
• False
Explanation: Delta is the rate of change in option premium for a change in the price of the
underlying asset.
Theta is the change in option price given a one-day decrease in time to expiration. It is a
measure of time decay.
39. Delta is the change in option price given a one-day decrease in time to expiration - State
True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: The most important of the ‘Greeks’ is the option’s is “Delta”. This measures the
sensitivity of the option value to a given small change in the spot price of the underlying asset.
It may also be seen as the speed with which an option moves with respect to price of the
underlying asset.
41. In the Options segment, if you buy a PUT, you expect the market / scrip to move
• Up
• Down
• Range bound
• One cannot buy a PUT in options market
Explanation: A buyer of a PUT option has a negative / bearish view and so he expects the
market/ script to move down to make profit.
42. Arbitrage activities would ensure that the prices of futures contract are aligned with
the prices of the underlying assets. True or False?
• False
• True
Explanation: Arbitrage occupies a prominent position in the futures world as a mechanism
that keeps the prices of futures contracts aligned properly with prices of the underlying assets.
Whenever the prices are not aligned, the arbitrageurs will step in to use the price difference
to make profits.
45. If you buy a PUT option at premium of Rs 37 at the Strike Price of Rs 260, then the
maximum possible loss on this position is ___________
• Unlimited
• Rs 37
• Rs 297
• Rs 223
Explanation: The maximum possible loss for a buyer of any option is the premium paid. Here
you have paid Rs 37 as premium to buy a put option, so the maximum possible loss is Rs 37.
Buying a PUT means expecting the price to fall. When the price falls, the premium rises and
you make a profit. When price rises, the premium falls so the buyer of put makes a loss. In
above case the premium can technically fall from Rs 37 to zero, so the maximum loss is Rs 37.
46. A low level of initial margin increases the possibility of defaults of a stock broker- State
True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: A broker collects the initial margins from his clients as per their positions and
pays to the exchange.
A low level of initial margin collected from clients can lead to defaults of clients in case of
major movement of stock prices. So, if client default, it also increases the chances of the
broker defaulting.
47. A calendar spread contract in index futures attracts higher margin than sum of two
independent legs of futures contract.
• False
• True
Explanation: A calendar spread contract in index futures attracts LOWER margin than sum of
two independent legs of futures contract. This because the risk is very less on calendar
48. An American Option can be exercised only on the expiry date - State True or False?
• False
• True
Explanation: European Options can be exercised only on expiry/maturity but American
Options can be exercised on or before expiry date.
49. If futures price is lower than spot price of an asset, market participants may expect the
spot price to come down in future. This situation is called ________
• Contango
• Reverse System
• Backwardation
• Impact costs
Explanation: As per the Expectancy Model of Future Pricing - If future prices are higher than
spot prices (over the normal cost of carry) we can expect the spot prices to go up in future.
This is called as Contango.
Similarly, if the future prices are lower than spot prices, we can expect the spot prices to go
down and this is called as Backwardation.
50. When the strike price decreases, the premium on call option increases.
• True
• False
Explanation: The lower strike price would have a higher call option premium because the
intrinsic value increases.
For e.g. - If the market price is Rs 200 and the Rs 180 strike price call option has a premium of
Rs 25 (Rs 20 intrinsic value and Rs 5 times value), then the 160 call option will have a premium
of appx Rs 45 (Rs 40 intrinsic value and Rs 5 time value)
51. In BID-ASK price, the bid price is the price at which _________
• the trader is willing to buy the asset
• the trader is willing to sell the asset
• the trader is willing to either buy or sell the asset
• All of the above
Explanation: Bid price is the price buyer is willing to pay and ask price is the price seller is
willing to sell.
For e.g.- If the price of State Bank of India as seen on the trading screen is Rs 200 - 201, this
means Rs 200 is the bid price and Rs 201 is the ask price.
52. The major reason for collecting high initial margin is to improve the solvency of the
clearing corporations.
• True
• False
Explanation: Higher the margins, lower the risks of client or broker defaulting. This improves
the solvency of the Clearing Corporations.
53. A Clearing member is required to provide liquid assets and these liquid assets should
be at least 75% in cash, bank FD’s etc and balance 25% in non cash assets. True or False?
• False
• True
Explanation: The total liquid assets should comprise of at least 50% (and not 75%) of the cash
component and the rest is non cash component.
54. Beta is the change in option price given a one percentage point change in the risk-free
interest rate.
• True
• False
Explanation: Rho is the change in option price given a one percentage point change in the
risk-free interest rate.
Beta a measure of systematic risk of a security that cannot be avoided through diversification.
56. An option which would give a zero cashflow to its holder if it were exercised
immediately is known as _________
• At the money option
• Out of the money option
• In the money option
• None of the above
Explanation: A situation where an option's strike price is identical to the price of the
underlying security. Both call and put options will be simultaneously "at the money." For
example, if XYZ stock is trading at 75, then the XYZ 75 call option is at the money and so is the
XYZ 75 put option.
At the money option would lead to zero cashflow if it were exercised immediately. Therefore,
for both call and put ATM options, strike price is equal to spot price.
57. When a clearing member/ broker make unnecessary transactions in his clients account
with the sole aim of making commissions, this is known as ____________
• Technical Trading
• Stop Loss Trading
• Churning
• Portfolio Planning
58. You have sold one lot of JSW Steel futures for Rs 300 (lot size 2000) expecting that this
share price will go down. But you also want to protect yourself against any loss of more
than Rs 10,000. What should you do?
• Place a limit order to buy at Rs 305
• Place a stop loss buy order at Rs 295
• Place a stop loss buy order at Rs 305
• Place a limit sell order at Rs 305
Explanation: As you have sold a futures contract, you will make a loss when the price will
move up.
You do not want to make a loss of more than Rs 10,000. The lot size is 2000.
10,000 / 2000 = 5 - which means if the price moves up by Rs 5 (from 300 to 305), you will
make a loss of Rs 10,000.
So, you will put a STOP LOSS buy order at 305. Which means in case the prices move up, the
trade will be executed and the contract will be squared up at Rs 305, resulting in a maximum
loss of Rs 10,000.
60. You are interested in creating a perfect hedge for your portfolio. For this you need to
sell index futures and the index futures sold should be equal to ________
• Value of your portfolio + Beta of your portfolio
• Value of your portfolio / Beta of your portfolio
• Value of your portfolio * Beta of your portfolio
• Value of your portfolio - Beta of your portfolio
Explanation: To get a hedge, one has to multiply the beta of his portfolio with the value of
the portfolio and them sell that value of index futures.
64. Arbitrage is a tool used to protects one’s portfolio against any downturn by going short
in index. True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: To protect one’s portfolio against any downturn by going short in index is called
Hedging. Arbitrage is a tool to use price differences in different markets to make profit.
66. In the Option segment, if you buy a CALL at a premium of Rs35 at the Strike Price of Rs
400, lot is of 200 shares, then the maximum possible Profit is __________
• Rs 400
• Rs 7000
• Rs 43000
• Unlimited
Explanation: When you buy a CALL option, your losses are limited to the extent of premium
paid, but your profits, theoretically can be unlimited as the price of the underlying can rise to
any levels.
When the price of an underlying rises, the price of a CALL option will also rise and so you can
have unlimited profits.
67. In the Straddle Strategy both options have same strike price but in Strangle strategy,
the strike price are different and are mostly out of the money options- True or False?
• False
• True
Explanation: In the case of Straddle, the view is that the market will move substantially in
either direction, but while in straddle, both options have same strike price, in case of a
strangle, the strikes are different. Also, both the options (call and put) in this case are out-of-
the-money and hence the premium paid is low.
68. When compared to cash market, there are more chances that an investor does not
properly understand the risks involved in the derivatives market. True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: Derivatives market and mainly the options market are difficult to understand
when compared to cash markets.
69. Hedging is a tool used to protects one’s portfolio against any downturn by going short
in index. True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: Hedging basically means making an investment to reduce the risk of adverse
price movements in an asset. Normally, a hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in a
related security, such as a futures contract.
In the above question, if an investor owns 30-40 stocks and feels the market (and so his stocks)
will go down due to an upcoming event, he will short the index to minimise his losses.
Investors use this strategy when they are unsure of what the market will do.
70. The spot price of ABC share is Rs 500, the call option of Strike Price Rs 500 is —
• In the money
• Out of the money
• At the money
• None of the above
Explanation: At the Money - situation where an option's strike price is identical to the price
of the underlying security. Both call and put options will be simultaneously "at the money."
For example, if XYZ stock is trading at 100, then the XYZ 100 call option is at the money and
so is the XYZ 100 put option. An at-the-money option has no intrinsic value, but may still have
time value. Options trading activity tends to be high when options are at the money.
71. A client has bought 1 contract of ABC futures May series at Rs 3240. The closing price
of this share when the market closed on last Thursday of May was Rs 3188. What is his
Profit (+) or Loss (-)? (Market lot 100)
• -3240
• -5188
• 5600
• -5200
Explanation: Purchase Price - Rs 3240
Sale Price - Rs 3188
So, there is a loss: 3240 - 3188 = -52 x 100 = -5200
73. In a Derivatives Market, the person who takes the risk are _________
• Arbitrageurs
• Speculators
• Hedgers
• None of the Above
Explanation: Hedgers use derivatives to manage risks, Arbitrageurs use Cash market and
Derivative market to make money by using the price differences. Speculators take open
positions and take the risks.
74. The difference between the bid price and the ask price is __________
• forward premium
• bid-ask spread
• the same as the difference between futures and forwards price
• the same as the difference between call and put option prices
Explanation: The difference between the best buy and the best sell orders is called bid-ask
For e.g. If the price of a stock is Rs 100 and 100.50, then 0.50 paise is the bid-ask spread.
77. Higher the interest rate, higher will be the option premium - True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: Higher interest rates will lead to higher future price / higher option premium as
the cost of carry i.e., cost of financing increases.
78. A major recommendation of L.C. Gupta Committee was that a separate Investor
Protection Fund must be created for derivatives segment- State True or False?
• True
• False
81. The mark to mark debits for stock futures are done on a ________
• Daily basis
• Weekly basis
• Monthly basis
• Hourly basis when markets are very volatile
Explanation: In the futures market, profits and losses are settled on day-to-day basis — called
mark to market (MTM)settlement.
The exchange collects these margins (MTM margins) from the loss making participants and
pays to the gainers on day-to-day basis.
Therefore, all futures positions- for both Index and Stocks are marked to market on daily basis.
82. Derivatives market helps shift of speculative trades from unorganized market to
organized market. True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: In the unorganized markets, there is a huge risk of counter party default etc. In
the organized markets for derivatives the Clearing Corporation guarantees the clearing and
settlement of all trades even if there is a default of any participant.
83. If you have a long position in futures contract, you can square up it by _______
• Buying call option of that security
• Selling the same futures contract
• Selling the far month future contract so that you have more time and can earn more
• Buying a put option of that security
Explanation: A future contract can be squared up by selling the same contract and in no other
84. The Ask price is always greater than Bid price. True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: Bid price is the price buyer is willing to pay and ask price is the price seller is
willing to sell.
For example, the prices as seen on the screen will be — Reliance Inds 900 — 901, where 900
is the bid price and 901 is the ask price. So, the Ask price is always greater than Bid price.
85. An investor who is risk averse will invest more in Fixed Income and Debt instruments
than to equity market related investments. True or False?
• True
• False
Explanation: A risk-averse investor i.e., an investor who wants to play safe and not take risks,
will prefer investments that are more secure and thus would have higher portfolio allocations
to debt and fixed income instruments.
On the other hand, an investor who is less risk averse would like to have greater exposure to
equity and other risky investments.
86. A stock broker has two clients P and Q, P has purchased 200 contracts and Q has sold
300 contracts in May Tata Steel futures series. What is the outstanding liability (open
Position) of the member towards Clearing Corporation in number of contracts?
• 200
• 300
• 500
Explanation: While calculating the outstanding liability of a member, the total of all clients
open position is taken into account. The positions cannot be netted against two clients.
So, in the above case the total open position is 200 + 300 = 500 contracts.
88. The difference between the spot price and the futures price is called tick.
• False
• True
Explanation: The difference between the spot price and the futures price is called BASIS.
89. In the Options segment, if you sell a PUT, you expect the market scrip to move
• Either up or down as you profit in both directions
• One cannot sell a PUT in the options market
• Up
• Down
Explanation: A seller of a PUT option has a positive / bullish view and he expects the market
script to go up to make profit.
91. A person sells a put option of Strike Price 265, market lot 1000, at a premium of Rs 40,
the maximum profit he can make is _______
• Rs 25,000
• Rs 2,65,000
• Rs 40,000
• Unlimited
Explanation: The maximum profit for a seller of an option is the premium he receives. In this
case he has received Rs 40. The Lot size is 1000.
So, the maximum profit is 40 x 1000 = Rs 40,000.
92. _______ pays the initial margin when entering into a futures contract.
• The Buyer
• The Seller
• Both Buyers and Sellers
• None of the above
Explanation: In futures both buyer and seller pay the margin as both are heavily exposed to
market risks.
In options, only the seller has to pay the margin as buyers have a limited risk.
93. The Clearing Corporation has the power to charge special margin if it may think fit.
• True
• False
Explanation: The Clearing Corporation has powers to levy additional margins, special
margins, define maximum exposure limits and disable brokers from trading.
94. The right to buy an asset for a certain price on or before a specified date is the
characteristics of a _______
• American Put Option
• American Call Option
• European Put Option
• European Call Option
98. In the Option segment, if you sell a CALL at a premium of Rs 45 at the Strike Price of Rs
400, lot is of 200 shares, then the maximum possible loss is _________
• Rs 9,000
• Rs 20,000
• Rs 80,000
• Unlimited
Explanation: For a seller of a Call option - the maximum profit is the premium he receives and
the maximum loss is unlimited because the price can rise to any level.
(Seller of a call option believes that price will fall. He makes a loss if prices rise and
theoretically prices can rise to any levels)
100. The Stock Broker/ Clearing Member has full authority to close out a transaction of his
client if ___________
• the client has not paid the daily settlement amount
• the client not paid the initial margin
• Both 1 and 2
• A broker cannot close out a transaction