Choir Handbook 2015-16

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Greetings to the Students and Parents of the AMS Choirs!

It feels great to welcome you back to the new year. I am

glad that you are in this program and look forward to a
really exciting year. You have chosen to be a part of an
organization that can offer you many opportunities for
growth and provide experiences in music that you will
remember for a lifetime.

This handbook is designed to provide you with answers and

information about the AMS Choral Department. You’ll find
procedures and expectations for the year and a proposed
2015-2016 calendar. Please become familiar with this
information and sign the attached form on the last page.

To reach Mr. Reeves: [email protected]

We have many enriching experiences ahead of us. Let’s join

together to reinforce your previous successes and build new

Yours sincerely,

Ben Reeves,
Choir Director,


must have a folder to hold information and your music.
Each student must have his or her own folder, which I
will be providing the first one. We will have folder
checks once a six-weeks and they will count as a major
grade. With over 130 students in our department it is
mandatory that everyone take care of themselves and
their belongings. If your folder is lost or stolen you are
in charge of replacing it.

Inside of your folder you are responsible for having the

following items:
1) Your music
2) A pencil
3) Notebook paper
These things will count toward your folder check and if
you are missing them, points will be deducted from your
grade. The folder will stay in the classroom


All student performances are a mandatory element of

the curriculum!! Attendance is not optional. If you are
in choir only for a fine arts credit, please re-think your
choice. Everyone in choir WILL perform. Your grade
will reflect your participation in rehearsals and at
performances. We also expect our choirs to support
each other. Therefore, you must stay for the entire
concert. We hope that you will be there to support your
child, but if you are unable to attend please make
arrangements for them to stay the entire performance
and to have a ride when the concert is over. In the
event that your child is too ill or has some other
extreme emergency, they must bring a note explaining
the circumstances upon returning to school and
complete an alternate assignment. These situations
will be dealt with on an individual basis.

*Bc these are after school or outside of school, you must pick up
your child. Based on campus rules, if your child is not picked up
within 30 minutes after an event we must call the police to sit
with your children.


We have only one expectation for Adams Choir

Students. We expect you to give your very best effort at
all times. An outstanding choir requires teamwork, and
each individual student is of extreme importance to our
choir as a whole.

Our choir rules are simple and few:

1. Be respectful and encouraging to everyone at all
2. Stay in your seat with your folder unless
specifically instructed otherwise.
3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
4. Participate in all classroom activities and follow
all instructions the first time that they’re given.
5. Bring a good attitude to every situation.
In the event that a student makes an unwise choice
concerning his/her behavior, and a classroom warning
does not take care of it, consequences will be as
1. Warning
2. Parent phone call
3. 2 parent phone call, with before school
4. Office Referral
Any serious behaviors may require an immediate office
referral. Students who display daily behavior issues will
not be allowed to travel with the choir when we go to
contests or perform either on or off campus. If the
behavior in the classroom cannot be trusted then the
behavior outside of school cannot be trusted. An
assignment will be given to constitute a grade if a
concert is missed for these reasons.

If you should need to contact Mr. Reeves for any

reason, you may email at [email protected].


Students will have four grade sources:

1. Daily participation grade – things that will affect
the student’s grade in a positive way:
A. Be on time with all materials ready to work
B. Follow all choir rules and expectations
C. Listen and follow instructions given by the
D. Practice good singing habits such as
correct posture, eyes on director, marking
music, etc.
2. Folder/Music/supply Checks
3. Concert Attendance
4. Tests (singing and written)


It is best to communicate with me through email. My

email address is [email protected]. I will always
attempt send information home with the students about
upcoming concerts and performances, what to wear,
when and where to be. I will be able to check my school
e-mail on my phone, so if there is any type of
emergency e-mail me with a phone number and I will
call you back ASAP.


There are times throughout the year that we will use

DVD’s as a teaching tool during teacher absences. I try
to find DVD’s that teach a musical experience, a team-
building concept, or self-esteem themes. These DVD’s
are rated G or PG. Some of the musicals are not rated. If
it is NOT acceptable for your child to view these DVD’s
please check the appropriate box on the agreement


I will be sending home a choir calendar sometime in the

first few weeks after everything has been set. When
you receive this, please mark these dates on your
family calendar and/or place the calendar on the
refrigerator to use as a reference for required
performances. Some dates will be subject to change
and I will notify you as soon as I know if anything
Here are the dates that are known (note that these
could change, please be flexible):
November 5th-Solo/Ensemble (Greiner Middle School)
December 1st- Christmas tree lighting*
January 13-14th- All Region Try-outs*
January 24th- All Region Concert*
January 28th- All Region Concert*
February 28-March 1st or March 2-3- UIL (Greiner Middle


All choir students will need an AMS choir shirt (we will
wear black pants or blue jeans with our polo’s
depending on the performance – no shorts or capris
please). All the uniforms will be ordered from our
uniform companies so they will all be the same. Our
goal is to look as uniform and organized as possible.
Select Choirs will also need a formal uniform. Listed
below are the uniforms and their cost:

AMS Choir shirt ($20
The following things are also necessary parts of the
formal uniform, or important things to remember:

You must have black SHOES
No jeans or other pants can be worn under your dress.
We want the choir to look professional in our
performances and other clothing items worn
underneath disrupt the line of the dress and can be
seen as you enter the risers.
You MAY NOT wear large earrings or necklaces for our
concerts. (Again, think UNIFORM)

********You never get a second chance to

make a first impression. People see you
before they ever hear your performance so
we need to look great from the start!


We have one upright piano in our choir room. Since
we only have one, it is very important that we take very
good care of it. NEVER set your personal belongings on
this instrument. Students may play the piano before or
after school, when appropriate and only with the
director’s permission.

The phone is for school related purposes only. You
may use the phone in emergencies and only with the
director’s permission.

1) Come to each rehearsal with a positive attitude
about working. You are expected to arrive in class on
time wanting to sing and eager to tackle the task at
2) Come to school. You cannot be a good student or
choir member if you are not here. Excellent attendance
is an expectation in all choirs.
3) Turn in items on time! Develop this life skill now so
that you will be a productive, responsible adult. Being
responsible is one of the expectations of being in extra-
curricular activities.
4) Keep yourself informed of all dates, concerts, trips,
and events. When you know in advance of an upcoming
problem/conflict, COMMUNICATE with your director AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is another life skill you will
need to have as a responsible adult.
5) Learn when to communicate. Immediately before a
rehearsal is NOT always a good time. A good time is
before or after school. I am always happy to talk to
you/get to know you, but my focus before rehearsal is
the rehearsal.
6) Do not brush hair, spray perfume or hairspray, apply
scented lotions, or put on make-up in the choir room.
Use the restroom for personal grooming on your own
7) If a electronic device is seen in class, I will take it up
and it will be given back at the end of class. If it is a
reoccurring event, it will be sent to the office and a
parent will have to pick it up. The first time is free, and
after that the parent must pay to pick up the phone.
2011-2012 Reagan Middle School Choir
Handbook Student & Parent Agreement

I have read the information regarding membership in

the AMS Choir Department. I understand what is
expected of me as a choir student and agree to follow
these guidelines. I understand failure to follow these
guidelines will affect my grade in choir and could
possibly result in dismissal from the organization.

Student signature

I have read the information regarding membership in

the RMS Choir Department. I understand what is
expected of my son/daughter and will help him/her
follow the guidelines as outlined in this handbook. I
understand that successful organizations require
teamwork between the teacher, student, and parent.

Parent signature

I do not give permission for my child to watch DVD’s

rated PG






Handbook & Calendar Acknowledgment Form

I/we have read, understand, and will adhere to all the

rules and guidelines pertaining to membership in the
Adams Middle School Choir program for the 2016-2017
school year. I also understand the dates and times for
rehearsals, concerts, and special activities and will be
present at all those pertaining to my choir.

Student Signature_______________________

Parent Signature________________________

Adams Choir Parent Volunteer

I would be available to be a Adams Choir Parent

Volunteer: YES/NO



Please feel free to contact me at any time with any

questions or concerns.


David Reeves
[email protected]

***Please sign and return this form***

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