SRTPV Solar Application Form
SRTPV Solar Application Form
SRTPV Solar Application Form
(Designated Officer)
1 Name of the applicant
Street Name:
2 Applicant full Address Village Name
Mandal name
District Name
Pin code
3 Phone/Mobile No
4 Email ID
5 Social Group (SC/ST/BC/Others)
Applicant has to submit self-attested
photo ID proof (Voter ID card/ Passport
6 /PAN card/Aadhar card/ Driving licence
& etc.,)
Type of ID card submitted
ID card No.
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SOR-SRTPV Regulation
Site details
Street Name:
7 Address of the site for installation Village Name
Mandal name
District Name
Pin code
8 SCNo.
9 Category
10 Contracted Load ----- KW
11 Distribution/Section
If Non-Domestic, Specify type of building
12 (Shop/ Industry/ Govt./ Educational/
others (specify ))
13 Pole No. if known
14 DTR Code/Location if known
a) Shade free area available for
15 installation for solar panel (Minimum ----------- m2
requirement is nearly 15 m2 )
b) Proposed Capacity of SRTPVs ----------KWp
16 Average monthly consumption of -------- Units
17 Applying for Net Metering/Net Billing or
Net Feed-in/Gross Metering.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my
knowledge and behalf. If false, ………..(DISCOM) has the right to reject/cancel the
application. Further, I hereby agree with the specifications, terms and conditions
stipulated by ………..(DISCOM)for the selection and installation of roof-top solar
power plant.
Place: Signature:
Date: Name:
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SOR-SRTPV Regulation
1. Copy of photo ID card (YES/NO)
2. Copy of electricity bill (YES/NO)
3. Demand Draft (YES/NO)
4. Self-addressed Rs. Stamped envelope (YES/NO)
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SOR-SRTPV Regulation
Place: Date:
S. Consumer Installation capacity Consumer Signature
No. Name share (%) Service Number for
Signature of Officer:
Your application for setting up of Grid Interactive solar rooftop system under the
APREC (The Grid Interactive Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System under Gross/Net
Metering) Regulation, 2023 and amended from time to time, has been received along
with registration fee.
Registration Number
Date of Registration
Designated Officer/DISCOM
Approval Letter for Consumer with respect to the Application for Net Metering
/Net Billing or Net Feed in/Gross Metering for Grid Connectivity of Grid
interactive Solar PV System
(To be filled by the DISCOM)
(Applicant’s name) M/s / Mr. / Mrs. _________
The required meter for the installation of SRTPVS is not available with the
DISCOM. The consumers may procure the meter which shall comply with the
CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, and subsequent
amendments thereof. All meters procured by the consumers shall be installed
after testing by the DISCOMs or on verification of a third-party testing certificate
from NABL.
7. The Discom shall follow the same procedure in respect of SRTPVS as
being followed in the release of New Services in respect of safety aspects.
8. Installed systems must comply with safety requirements as stated in
CEA/APERC Regulations and all standards referred to in those regulations.
9. Please submit the following documents after installation of the SRTPV system:
a. Work Completion report in the provided format;
b. Test Certificate of Net meter if applicable;
c. Copy of signed Net Metering/Net billing or Net feed-in/Gross Metering
Interconnection Agreement.
d. ……Any other document required as per APERC Regulation.
This approval is valid for 120 days from the date of this letter and the SRTPV
system is to be commissioned within this period, failing which the approval will be
treated as cancelled.
You may download all technical specifications, standards and other requirements of
the solar rooftop system from the website of MNRE.
Signature of Officer:
Date & Stamp:
(Consumer applicant’s name) M/S / Mr. / Mrs. __ ____________________
Ref: Your application No. _ dated _
Subject: Intimation for Non-feasibility and termination of Application
This is to inform you that we have received your above mentioned application and
on Technical scrutiny have found that:
The application is not feasible at this stage due to the following reasons:
● _
● _(others, if any)
The application hereby stands terminated. The application fee shall be refunded
within 7 days from the date of issue of this letter.
Signature of Officer:
Signature of Officer:
The Concerned Engineer of DISCOM
_ (Distribution Licensee Name)
_ ______(Name of the Division)
___________________(Name / Address of office)
Subject: Willingness to bear the costs for removal of deficiencies or
augmentation of the system.
I accept the connectivity by paying the costs ……as intimated by you for removal
of deficiencies/ augmentation of the system and request the DISCOM to process
the application for technical feasibility;
(Consumer applicant’s name) M/S / Mr. / Mrs. ___________
Ref: Your application No.________ dated _____
Subject: Intimation for Removal of Deficiency in consumer installation
With reference to your application dated ………. For the installation of ______kWp
system, inspected your installation and we have found the following deficiencies in
the the installation:
a) ……
b) …..
c) ….etc
We request you to attend to the above deficiencies within 15 working days and
submit a request for inspection to issue technical feasibility certificate.
Signature of Officer:
1. Eligibility
1.1 All consumers of AP Discom(s) are eligible for setting up of the Grid-Interactive
SRTPVS with/ without Battery Energy Storage System with their investment
or through third party investment.
1.2 The Consumer(s) are free to choose Net metering or Gross Metering or Net
Billing/Net Feed-in option for the sale of power to DISCOM.
2. Capacity of the Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System and Maximum Contracted
Load of the Premises
The consumer is proposing to install a rooftop solar power plant of _____kWp
capacity under Solar _________Net metering/Net billing or Net Feed-in/ Gross
metering facility at D.No. ____,Street____, ___(V), ____(M),_____(Dist) having
electrical service Connection No.____,Category_______,Distribution______ for a
contracted load of ____kW/HP/KVA.
3. Governing Provisions
The consumer hereby undertakes to comply with all the requirements of the
Electricity Act, 2003, the Rules and Regulations framed under, provisions of the
tariffs, applicable Charges and General Terms and Conditions of Supply
prescribed by the Discom with the approval of the Andhra Pradesh Electricity
Regulatory Commission hereinafter called as “Commission” from time to time and
agree not to dispute the same.
4. Technical and Interconnection Requirements
4.1The consumer hereby agrees to comply with CEA (Technical Standard for
Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013, the CEA
(Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply), Regulations, 2010, CEA (Grid
Standards) Regulations, 2010 and Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Regulatory
Commission State Electricity Grid Code Regulation or any other relevant
regulation, and amendments issued to all these regulations from time to time.
5. The consumer hereby inter alia agrees that Metering and synchronization of Solar
Rooftop Photovoltaic System, feed-in tariff, Energy Settlement and Billing as per
the APERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System Regulations, 2023
and its amendments thereof.
6. Liabilities
6.1 The consumer and Discom will indemnify each other for damages or adverse
effects from either party’s negligence or intentional misconduct in the
connection and operation of the photovoltaic system or Discom’s distribution
6.2 Discom and the consumer will not be liable to each other for any loss of
profits or revenues, business interruption losses, loss of contract or loss of
goodwill, or for indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages,
including, but not limited to, punitive or exemplary damages, whether any of
the said liability, loss or damages arise in contract, or otherwise.
6.3 Discom shall not be liable for delivery or realization by the consumer for any
fiscal or other incentive provided by the central /State government.
7. Duration of the Agreement
The agreement shall be in force for 25 years or up to the life of the project
whichever is earlier, from the date of commencement of the agreement for all
categories of consumers.
Provided that If the agreement of Consumer for supply with Discom is
terminated, then the agreement of Consumer for SRTPVS is deemed to have been
terminated. For the bill stopped service with SRTPVS to be restored, the consumer
shall enter a new agreement with DISCOM for the balance agreement period from
the date of the first commissioning of the project.
8. Dispute Resolution
Any disputes arising under/ out of this agreement entered into in accordance with
APERC (Grid Interactive Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System Gross/Net Metering)
Regulation, 2023 shall be resolved promptly in good faith and in an equitable
manner by both the parties. Failing resolution of the dispute, the party may
approach the Commission under Section 86 (1) (f) of EA 2003.
9. Termination
9.1 Discom has the right to terminate the Agreement on 30 days prior written
notice, if the consumer breaches a term of this Agreement and does not
remedy the breach within 30 days of receiving written notice from Discom of
the breach.
9.2 The consumer can terminate the agreement at any time by providing Discom
with 90 days prior notice.
9.3 The consumer agrees that upon termination of this Agreement, he must
disconnect the photovoltaic system from Discom’s distribution system in a
timely manner and to Discom’s satisfaction. However, he is not prevented
from connecting his system under any other applicable provisions of the
Electricity Act, 2003.
10. Re-Sale of Electric Power
The consumer shall not sell electricity generated from his solar rooftop
plant under this agreement to any party without the sanction in writing
obtained from the DISCOM.
Date: Date:
Witness 1: Witness 2:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
1. Eligibility
1.1All consumers of AP Discom(s) are eligible for setting up of the
Grid-Interactive SRTPVS with/ without Battery Energy Storage System with
their investment or through third party investment.
1.2The Consumer(s) are free to choose Net metering or Gross Metering or Net
Billing/Net Feed-in option for the sale of power to DISCOM.
2. Capacity of the SPV Plant and Maximum Contracted Load of the
2.1 The Group of persons/society is proposing to install a rooftop solar
power plant of _____kWp capacity under Solar _________Net metering/Net
billing or Net Feed-in/ Gross metering facility at D.No. ____,Street____, ___V,
____(M)_____(Dist) against Common Service Connection
No_______,Category_____,Distribution______ and having individual electrical
service connections details furnished in the table below for a total
contracted load of ____kW/HP/KVA and individual installed capacity share.
2.2 The installed capacity shares of members of the Group of
persons/societies are as follows:
Sl.No. Consumer Name Installed Capacity share Consumer Service number
APERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System Regulations, 2023 and
its amendments thereof.
6. Liabilities
6.1 The consumer and Discom will indemnify each other for damages or adverse
effects from either party’s negligence or intentional misconduct in the
connection and operation of the photovoltaic system or Discom’s distribution
6.2 Discom and the consumer will not be liable to each other for any loss of
profits or revenues, business interruption losses, loss of contract or loss of
goodwill, or for indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages,
including, but not limited to, punitive or exemplary damages, whether any of
the said liability, loss or damages arise in contract, or otherwise.
6.3 Discom shall not be liable for delivery or realization by the consumer for any
fiscal or other incentive provided by the central /State government.
7. Duration of the Agreement
The agreement shall be in force for 25 years or up to the life of the project
whichever is earlier, from the date of commencement of the agreement for all
categories of consumers.
Provided that If the agreement of Consumer for supply with Discom is
terminated, then the agreement of Consumer for SRTPVS is deemed to have been
terminated. For the bill stopped service with SRTPVS to be restored, the consumer
shall enter a new agreement with DISCOM for the balance agreement period from
the date of the first commissioning of the project.
8. Dispute Resolution
Any disputes arising under/ out of this agreement entered into in accordance with
APERC (Grid Interactive Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System Gross/Net Metering)
Regulation, 2023 shall be resolved promptly in good faith and in an equitable
manner by both the parties. Failing resolution of the dispute, the party may
approach the commission under Section 86 (1) (f) of EA 2003.
9. Termination
9.1 Discom has the right to terminate the Agreement on 30 days prior written
notice, if the consumer breaches a term of this Agreement and does not
remedy the breach within 30 days of receiving written notice from Discom of
the breach.
9.2 The consumer can terminate the agreement at any time by providing Discom
with 90 days prior notice.
9.3 The consumer agrees that upon termination of this Agreement, he must
disconnect the photovoltaic system from Discom’s distribution system in a
timely manner and to Discom’s satisfaction. However, he is not prevented
from connecting his system under any other applicable provisions of the
Electricity Act, 2003.
10. Re-Sale of Electric Power
The consumer shall not sell electricity generated from his solar rooftop
plant under this agreement to any party without the sanction in writing
obtained from the DISCOM.
11. Obligation of Consumer to pay all charges levied by DISCOM
The Consumer shall abide by the rules and shall pay the Maximum
Demand Charges, energy charges, surcharges and other charges, if any, to
the DISCOM in accordance with the notified Tariff besides the applicability
of the General Terms and Conditions of Supply prescribed by the APERC
from time to time.’
The consumer shall also abide by any other charges applicable with respect
to the Connection of the Solar Rooftop Power Plant to the grid as per APERC
12. Theft of electricity or unauthorized use of electricity
The consumer found indulging in theft of electricity or unauthorized use of
electricity shall pay the penal/additional charges as may be levied by the
DISCOM besides disconnection of supply as per the provisions of IE Act
2003 and General Terms and Conditions of supply.
13. Knowledge of facts and rules
Knowledge of Facts and Rules The consumer shall be deemed to have full
knowledge of the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 the A.P. Electricity
Reform Act, 1998, and all regulations and notifications made thereunder, as
also all laws relating to the supply of electricity
Date: Date:
Witness 1: Witness 2:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
(Concerned Authority)
(Name of the DISCOM)
Ref: Application No. dated _
Dear Sir,
With reference to above- mentioned my Application number and receiving
the Letter of the technical feasibility, I/we intend to install
KWp of RTSPV system. In this
regard, I/we request DISCOM to provide a meter/metering equpement
for SRTPV installation. The meter
shall be as per the Net metering/Net Billing or Net Feed-in/ Gross metering
clause in Solar Rooftop Regulations of the APERC.
I/We agree to pay fee of INR - as mentioned in DISCOM website via
online mode/ DD / cheque .
Name of Consumer/Sign
Intimation to the DISCOM for readiness of the system for System Check
Synchronisation with the DISCOM grid and Installation of Meters.
(To be submitted by the Applicant)
The Executive Engineer
—------------------(Name of the Division)
—-----------------(Name of the DISCOM)
—------------------(Address of the Division Office)
1. System Checks;
2. Synchronisation with the DISCOM Grid;
3. Installation of Meter(s);
Ref: Our Application No.:____________
With reference to the above, I hereby confirm to you that the Solar Rooftop
Photovoltaic System has been installed as per the technical and safety standards
laid out by CEA/ APERC/ DISCOM.
The system is ready for synchronisation with the DISCOMs grid and installation of
1. NOC from CEI/EI, if applicable
2. A copy of the Work Completion Report along with the details of all components
3. Manufacturer’s test certificate of all the components used in the installation of
the Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System.
Sub: Submission of work completion report (to be submitted by the
applicant) for system documentation requirements.
Ref: Our Application No.: dated:
With reference to the above, I hereby confirm to you that we have completed
the work of installation of the renewable energy system and submit the
following basic information for your perusal and request you to arrange to
Inspect and Commission the system at the earliest:
A. Details of the Solar PV module
1 Model No.
2 Name and address of manufacturer
3 Capacity of each Module (Wp)
4 No. of Modules
5 Total Capacity (kWp)
6 Date of Installation
7 Applicable Standard (BIS/IEC)
B. Details of the Inverter
1 Name and address of the inverter
. manufacturer
2 Brand Name of the inverter
3 Model No.
1. Test report of net/gross meter tested at the laboratory of the DISCOM.
2. Copy of the IEC/IS Test certificates of PV modules, Inverter, Cable etc.
3. Data sheets/Drawing for the array mounting System.
4. Staad Pro report – Module mounting structure. (If required)
5. Actual Single line wiring diagram (SLD) of the Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic
System and estimated energy generation report.
6. Copy of Maintenance & Operation information manual provided by the
System Installer
7. Copy of commercial agreement with the third party if any.
8. Certificate from CEI / EI, if applicable.
Intimation for Removal of Deficiency in the system installed
(To be filled by the DISCOM)
(Consumer applicant’s name) M/S / Mr. / Mrs. ___________
Ref: Your application No.________ dated _____
Subject: Intimation for Removal of Deficiency found during inspection
As requested by you in the letter dated ………. to carry out inspection &
We request you to attend the above deficiencies within 15 working days and submit
a re-request for inspection.
Signature of Officer:
(Applicant’s name) M/s / Mr. / Mrs. __
(Consumer No.)_
Ref: Your application No. _ dated _
1. Synchronization with the DISCOM Grid;
2. Installation of Meter(s);
3. Commercial Operation Date.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Officer: