Evaluating Fenestration Components and Assemblies For Resistance To Impact Energies

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Designation: E 2025 – 99

Standard Test Method for

Evaluating Fenestration Components and Assemblies for
Resistance to Impact Energies1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2025; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.1.4 glazed panel, n—glazing installed in a framing sys-

1.1 This test method is intended to evaluate the resistance of tem.
fenestration components, fenestration assemblies, and impact 3.1.5 impact energy, n—impact energy is expressed as
protection systems to specified impact energies. vertical drop height of the pendulum, times its weight, for a
1.2 Window, glazed door, and skylight assemblies covered particular impact event.
by this test method also include individual components, such as 3.1.6 impact energy (cumulative), n—the sum of impact
the glazing in-fill. energies from each of the respective impact events for the
1.3 This standard does no purport to address all of the entire applied impact sequence, derived from intentionally
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the impacting the test specimen more than once; the total impact
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- energy either applied to meet a test protocol or observed during
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- an impact sequence and associated with a particular level of
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. damage.
3.1.7 impact protection system, n—moveable (or perma-
2. Referenced Documents nent) construction that may be applied, attached or locked over
2.1 ASTM Standards: a fenestration assembly to protect the assembly from impact,
E 631 Terminology of Building Constructions2 for example, shutters.
E 1886 Test Method for Performance of Exterior Windows, 3.1.8 impact ram, n—the device that (when released) deliv-
Curtain Walls, Doors and Storm Shutters Impacted by ers the impact energy to the test specimen. The impact ram
Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic Pressure Differentials2 includes the impact nose.
F 476 Test Methods for Security of Swinging Door Assem- 3.1.9 instrumented impact testing, n—additional apparatus
blies3 attached to the impact ram to provide for the load versus
deformation responses of fenestration components and assem-
3. Terminology blies under various impact conditions.
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.1.10 plastic glazing sheet material, n—an organic plastic
3.1.1 assembly support fixture, n—the assembly or structure sheet specifically developed for glazing.
that supports the test specimen. 3.1.11 required impact energy, n—the potential energy level
3.1.2 component (fenestration), n—an individual product specified for a single impact event to be applied in the test as
that combines with other components to make up a complete required by the specifying authority.
fenestration assembly. 3.1.12 required impact sequence, n—the number of impact
3.1.3 fenestration assembly, n—a glazed aperture in a build- events and the required impact energy for each event to be
ing composed of a group of parts or components that may applied to a specimen in the test and the order in which the
include glass or plastic panels or lites, opaque panels, framing, events are to be applied as required by the specifying authority.
mullions, muntins and dividers, screens and shading devices, 3.1.13 required cumulative energy, n—the sum of the im-
for example, windows or glazed doors, or both. pact energy times the number of each such impact events for
the entire required impact sequence to be applied to a specimen
in the test as required by the specifying authority.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-06 on 3.1.14 test specimen, n—the fenestration assembly, impact
Performance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.51
protection system or glazing in-fill, which is subject to the
Current edition approved July 10, 1999. Published October 1999. impact energies delivered by the impact ram.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.11.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.07.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 2025
4. Summary of Test Method sufficient separation that, hanging unrestrained, are parallel to
4.1 This test method consists of installing a fenestration each other when viewed perpendicular to the long axis of the
component, fenestration assembly, or impact protection system impact ram.
in a wall assembly and impacting the test specimen. 6.1.4 Use a quick release mechanism that is capable of
holding the impact ram and releasing it in uniform manner
4.2 The impact is applied by an impact ram supported by a
without imparting any forward motion or acceleration. Provide
pendulum system and released from a specified height.
a means to assure that the impact ram does not unintentionally
strike the specimen after the initial impact, that is, rebound and
5. Significance and Use
strike the specimen again.
5.1 This test method is intended for determining the ability 6.1.5 The nose of the impact ram shall be of any material,
of a fenestration component, fenestration assembly, or impact shape, size, or surface as specified and within the weight limits
protection system to resist specified impact energies. for the impact device. Standardize the impact nose specified
5.2 The test apparatus, referenced herein, is capable of and referenced for particular tests. Impact nose substitutions
applying a variety of impacts to a specimen as the impactor shall meet the criteria of hardness, shape, and composition
head may be fabricated into a variety of shapes and from specified for the impact nose by the test protocol. Adjust the
materials having different degrees of hardness. The user is able impact ram length for the specified impact nose to comply with
to simulate a specific type of impact and the impact energy impact device system weight limits.
with this apparatus. NOTE 2—Variations in impact nose specifications or composition may
5.3 There is a need to correlate the damage to fenestration affect test results.
assemblies from the impacts in question with the impacts Unless otherwise specified, the impact nose shall be
delivered by the test apparatus in order for the test results to be 2.5 6 0.2 in. (63 mm 6 5 mm) in diameter and the radial
properly interpreted. Due to the nature of the test apparatus, tolerance shall be within 0.125 in. (3.2 mm). The nose shall be
care must be taken when interpreting the results of a specific made from cast epoxy-polyamide resin with a measured Shore
test to actual performance in the field. The impact energies A durometer hardness of 80 (6 5). No chips or surface
involved in a pendulum impact cannot be directly transferred to blemishes shall be present on the impact nose.
impact energies applied by other devices, for example, projec- 6.2 An assembly support fixture shall supply the rigidity
tiles; therefore, the performance of a specimen to the impacts normally provided to an assembly in a building by the ceiling,
applied by this test method are not directly transferable to floor, and walls. The support fixture for the specimen shall
performance in actual use. The application of impact energies consist of a vertical wall section constructed from nominal
to a specimen, as applied in this test method, however, does steel or 2 3 4-in. wood studs, 16 in. (406 mm) on center, with
provide valuable information regarding the ability of the a rough opening of sufficient size to support the test specimen.
specimen to resist damage when impacted. Install the specimen into the rough opening in accordance with
NOTE 1—Use Test Method E 1886 for determining the performance of the manufacturer specifications with clearances between the
fenestration components subjected to impacts from windborne debris in a specimen and rough opening no greater than 0.75 in. (18 mm)
windstorm environment. on all sides of the specimen. Cover both sides of the vertical
5.4 When using this test method to compare the perfor- wall section with 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) exterior grade plywood. The
mance of products the same impact nose, impact device mass assembly shall conform to the wall assembly described in Test
and impact speed must be applied to each product tested. Methods F 476. The limiting deflection of the wall shall be
L/175 (based on the anticipated loads).
6. Apparatus 6.3 Standard Test Frame—To test glazed panels, design the
standard test frame to support a rectangular specimen in a
6.1 Impact Device—A variable mass moving carriage (im- vertical plane and expose it to impact energies. Construct the
pact ram), supported by a suspension system of four cables, frame of 2-in. (50-mm) steel angles, at least 1⁄4-in. (6.4-mm)
shall be used to supply the specified level of impact energy. thick, welded at all four corners to form a rigid assembly.
6.1.1 The impact device shall be a pendulum system with an Support the assembly is with a support fixture similar to that
impact ram capable of delivering the specified horizontal described in 6.2. Line that part of the test frame that comes in
impact energy. contact with the glazed panel with hardwood stripping. The
6.1.2 The mass of the (movable) suspension system shall wood stripping in turn is to be covered with 3⁄83 3⁄4in. (9.5 3
not exceed 5 % of the mass of the impact ram, including impact 19 mm) neoprene stripping, which shall have a Shore A
ram nose, and shall not be included as part of the specified durometer hardness of 30 to 50 and a compressive strength of
impact mass. 4–10 lb/lineal in. (0.7–1.7 kN/m). The neoprene stripping shall
6.1.3 Care shall be taken to prevent impact ram wobble and be in full contact with all four edges of the specimen.
to assure that the impact ram is level and perpendicular to the
specimen at impact. No slack in the supporting cables is 7. Test Specimen
allowed when retracting the impact ram to the specified drop 7.1 Tests are conducted on fenestration assemblies, impact
height. The length of the cables in the suspension system protection systems, and glazed panels.
defines the allowable drop height for that system. To prevent 7.2 For fenestration assemblies, all parts of the test speci-
impact ram wobble, it is necessary to use two pairs of cables of men, including glazing and structural framing shall be full-size,

E 2025
using the same materials, glass type, details, and method of 10. Report
construction and fastening as proposed for actual use. The 10.1 Report the following information:
specimen shall consist of the entire assembled unit and shall 10.1.1 The date of the test, date of the report, the ambient
consist of one or more sash 36 6 2 in. (900 6 50 mm) by 30 temperature and relative humidity at the time of the test. It is
6 2 in. (750 6 50 mm) for each operation type, that is vertical helpful to have a video record of the test.
or horizontal sliding, projected, fixed. 10.1.2 A complete description of the test specimen prior to
7.3 For impact protective systems, conduct a test on a impact, including parts and components and a detailed drawing
specimen that can be attached to the specimen described in 7.1 of the test specimen.
or to the framing in accordance with manufacturer’s recom-
10.1.3 The impact energy (in accordance with 9.4) in terms
of foot-pounds (joules), including the drop height and impactor
7.4 For glazed panels, conduct a test on a specimen that can
be the glazing in-fill for the specimen described in 7.1.
10.1.4 The cumulative impact energy in foot-pounds
8. Test Specimen Mounting (joules), if applicable.
8.1 Fenestration assemblies shall be installed in a surround 10.1.5 A description of the condition of the test specimen
panel in strict accordance with manufacturers installation after completion of the test including details of gasket displace-
instructions. The surround panel shall be configured to typical ment, damage to the glass, damage to the sash or framing
residential wall construction (nominal 2 3 4 in. stud support). system, including any twisting or distortion of the corner and a
The surround panel shall be installed in the assembly support measurement of the amount of deflection and permanent
fixture (see 6.2). distortion in the framing system, damage to the impact protec-
8.2 Unless otherwise specified, mount the impact protective tive device, and damage to the assembly support structure.
systems to installed fenestration systems in accordance with 10.1.6 A description of the impact nose.
manufacturer’s installation instructions. Use attachment meth-
ods and hardware in this test the same as that used in the field. 11. Procedure
NOTE 3—Some impact protective systems are integral to specific 11.1 Impact Test:
fenestration systems and therefore shall be tested with that system. Some 11.1.1 Mount the test specimen in the assembly support
impact protective systems are stand-alone applications, and therefore, are fixture. Set up the impact device so that the impact ram has its
mounted in accordance with 8.1. axis horizontal and perpendicular to the face of the test
8.3 Mount glazed panel specimen in the standard test frame specimen.
(described in 6.3) and install in the assembly support fixture. 11.1.2 For operating fenestration assemblies, set up the
Install glass specimen with an edge bite of 1⁄2 6 1⁄16in. (12.7 6 impact device so that the nose of the impact ram, when hanging
1.6 mm). Install non-glass specimen, for example, plastic unrestrained, is within 0.25 in. (6 mm) of the front surface of
glazing sheet material, with an edge bite of 2 6 1⁄4 in. (50 6 6 the specimen at a point defined by the intersection of the
mm) to prevent disengagement when impacted, or in accor- vertical and horizontal center line of the outermost sash of the
dance with the manufacturer’s specifications. test specimen. Close and lock the specimen. For fixed (nonop-
8.4 Test Specimen Conditioning—Condition the test speci- erating) fenestration assemblies, impact protective systems and
men for at least 24 h at the temperature and humidity levels glazed panels, set up the impact device so that the nose of the
specified (see Section 9). impact ram, when hanging unrestrained, is within 0.25 in. (10
mm) of the front (outdoor) surface of the specimen at a point
9. Information Required
defined by the intersection of the vertical and horizontal center
9.1 The specifying authority shall supply the following line of the test specimen.
information: 11.1.3 Pull back the impact ram to the drop height necessary
9.1.1 The required impact energy (expressed in foot-pounds to produce the required or specified impact energy and release
or joules), including the drop height and impact ram mass. it. Following the impact, inspect the test specimen and com-
9.1.2 The allowable tolerance for the drop height and plete the test report (see Section 10).
impactor mass.
9.1.3 The required impact sequence for the specimen. NOTE 4—This test procedure provides impacts at the center of the
specimen. If other areas of the specimen are to be impacted that
9.1.4 The required cumulative impact energy to be applied,
information should be specified in Section 9.
if any.
9.1.5 The impact nose to be used for impacting the speci- 12. Precision and Bias
men (if other than specified in
9.1.6 Any other areas on the specimen to be impacted (other 12.1 Due to the lack of sufficient test data, the precision and
than the center). bias of this test method cannot be determined at this time.
9.1.7 The post-impact test procedures, if any, for each
specimen. 13. Keywords
9.1.8 The temperature and humidity conditions at which the 13.1 fenestration; glazed opening; impact; impact energy;
tests will be conducted. impact protective systems; impact ram; pendulum

E 2025


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Instrumented Impact Testing of Fenestration X1.1.2.5 peak force, n—the maximum force measured by
Components and Assemblies the force transducer during the entire impact event.
X1.1.1 Scope—This test method describes the four-wire X1.1.2.6 returned energy, n—the amount of energy returned
pendulum impact testing of fenestration components and to the pendulum system as a result of a rebound event.
assemblies using an instrumented dynamic force measuring X1.1.2.7 total energy, n—the energy absorbed by the test
apparatus. This test method simulates impact conditions by specimen at the conclusion of the test event.
attaching various shaped striking tups (to simulate various X1.1.3 Significance and Use:
missile shapes) and recording impact energies. X1.1.3.1 This test method is designed to provide the load
X1.1.1.1 The specimen is loaded dynamically using a suit- versus deformation response of fenestration components and
able method to achieve and maintain the required impact assemblies under various impact conditions.
velocity. X1.1.3.2 The dynamic response of a test specimen plays an
X1.1.1.2 This test method covers the determination of peak integral role in causing the type of fracture seen in that
force, fracture initiation energy, fracture propagation energy, specimen. A fixed velocity pass/fail type of test will not
energy returned to pendulum (rebound case), impact velocity, determine whether or not a certain specimen design/material
and impact energy. exhibits a sensitivity to impact velocity rate changes.
X1.1.2 Terminology: X1.1.3.3 This test method may be used to establish classes
X1.1.2.1 fracture initiation energy, n—the energy absorbed of impact conditions for ranking component/assembly designs
by the test specimen up to the time of the beginning of the and materials.
fracture event. X1.1.4 Summary of Test Method:
X1.1.2.2 fracture propagation energy, n—the energy ab- X1.1.4.1 This test method involves impacting a test speci-
sorbed by the test specimen between fracture initiation point men, mounted to simulate actual usage configurations, under a
and completion of deformation, or fracture event, or both. number of impact conditions by attaching various striking tups
X1.1.2.3 impact energy, n—a calculated value based on to a moving variable mass. The impact location shall be varied
pendulum mass and impact velocity. Used to verify conform- until the point of poorest response is determined.
ance with classes of airborne debris. X1.1.4.2 Manufacture specimens as they would for actual
X1.1.2.4 impact velocity, n—the measured velocity of the installation and end use. Specimen dimensions should conform
pendulum immediately prior to impact with specimen. to standard component sizes.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).

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