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Wood-based panels —
Sampling, cutting and
inspection —
Part 1: Sampling and cutting of test
pieces and expression of test results

The European Standard EN 326-1:1994 has the status of a

British Standard

UDC 674.03:674.815:620.113
BS EN 326-1:1994

Cooperating organizations

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN), under whose supervision

this European Standard was prepared, comprises the national standards
organizations of the following countries:

Austria Oesterreichisches Normungsinstitut

Belgium Institut belge de normalisation
Denmark Dansk Standardiseringsraad
Finland Suomen Standardisoimisliito, r.y.
France Association française de normalisation
Germany Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
Greece Hellenic Organization for Standardization
Iceland Technological Institute of Iceland
Ireland National Standards Authority of Ireland
Italy Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
Luxembourg Inspection du Travail et des Mines
Netherlands Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut
Norway Norges Standardiseringsforbund
Portugal Instituto Portuguès da Qualidade
Spain Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación
Sweden Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige
Switzerland Association suisse de normalisation
United Kingdom British Standards Institution

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Technical Sector
Board for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
15 June 1994

© BSI 08-1999 Amd. No. Date Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference B/541
Draft for comment 90/15999 DC

ISBN 0 580 21844 9

BS EN 326-1:1994


Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of EN 326-1 3
National annex NA (informative) Committees responsible Inside back cover

© BSI 08-1999 i
BS EN 326-1:1994

National foreword

This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical
Sector Board for Building and Civil Engineering and is the English language
version of EN 326-1:1993, Wood-based panels — Sampling, cutting and
inspection — Part 1: Sampling and cutting of test pieces and expression of test
It is one of three standards dealing with sampling, cutting and inspection; the
remaining two are:
EN 326-2, Wood-based panels — Sampling, cutting and inspection —
Part 2: Quality control in the factory; and
EN 326-3, Wood-based panels — Sampling, cutting and inspection —
Part 3: Inspection of a consignment of panels.
These three standards provide sampling plans and statistical procedures for
verifying compliance with all the EN specifications for wood-based panels, under
the chosen method of assessment given in the title of the separate Part standards.
These Part standards, fulfil the same function to this group of ENs as BS 6566-3
and the relevant clauses of BS 1142 and BS 5669-1 to BS 5669-4. However the
procedures are fundamentally different and cannot be used as alternatives to the
existing British Standards.
This standard, together with a number of other ENs, will form a series of BS ENs
in the field of wood-based panels, superseding BS 1142, BS 5669 and BS 6566.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN title page, pages 2 to 10, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

ii © BSI 08-1999
February 1994

UDC 674.03:674.815:620.113

Descriptors: Wooden boards, sampling, test specimens, cutting, test results

English version

Wood-based panels — Sampling, cutting and inspection —

Part 1: Sampling and cutting of test pieces and
expression of test results

Panneaux à base de bois — Echantillonnage, Holzwerkstoffe — Probenahme, Zuschnitt und

découpe et contrôle — Überwachung — Teil 1: Probenahme und
Partie 1: Echantillonnage et découpe des Zuschnitt der Prüfkörper sowie Angabe der
éprouvettes expression des résultats d’essai Prüfergebnisse

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1994-02-07. CEN members

are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1994 Copyright reserved to CEN members

Ref. No. EN 326-1:1994 E
EN 326-1:1994

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
CEN/TC 112, Woodbased panels, the secretariat of Foreword 2
which is held by DIN.
1 Scope 3
It was submitted to Formal Vote and the result was
2 Normative references 3
3 Symbols 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of
a National Standard, either by publication of an 4 Definitions 3
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by 5 Sampling 4
August 1994, and conflicting national standards 6 Test pieces 4
shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 1994.
7 Expression of test results 5
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal
8 Test report 7
Regulations, the following countries are bound to
implement this European Standard: Austria, Annex A (informative) Example for
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, a cutting plan for plywood bonding
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, quality tests 8
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Annex B (informative) Bibliography 9
Switzerland and United Kingdom. Figure 1 — Example of a cutting plan for
small test pieces for determination of
certain properties (thickness of the panel
about 20 mm) 6
Table 1 — Minimum number m of small
test pieces cut from each single panel 4
Table 2 — Single-sided t-values in
relation to the sample size n 7

2 © BSI 08-1999
EN 326-1:1994

1 Scope tn Single-sided 5 %-t-value of a normally

This European Standard specifies certain rules for distributed sample of n panels
the sampling and cutting of test pieces and the xij, xijkl Single test value or measurement
expression and presentation of test results, in x j, x jkl Mean value (arithmetic mean) of the m
order to obtain information on the properties of single test values (or measurements) or
wood-based panels. of a group k and/or l of test values (or
NOTE This standard does not cover the sampling and cutting of measurements), obtained from a single
test pieces for the derivation of characteristic values for panel j
structural design. These tests have to be carried out on
=, = Grand mean; mean value (arithmetic
medium-sized test pieces according to the rules given in EN 789 x x kl
using the minimum number of panels to be sampled according to mean) of all mn test values (or
EN 384.
measurements) or of a group k and/or l of
test values (or measurements), obtained
2 Normative references from a sample
This European Standard incorporates by dated or
undated reference, provisions from other 3.2 Indices
publications. These normative references are cited
at the appropriate places in the text and the i Serial test piece number within a panel
publications are listed hereafter. For dated (i = 1, 2, ..., m)
references, subsequent amendments to or revisions j Test panel identification number within a
of any of these publications apply to this European sample (j = 1, 2, ..., n)
Standard, only when incorporated in it by k, l Marks identifying the grouping of test pieces
amendment or revision. For undated references the with regard to the direction in the plane of
latest edition of the publication referred to applies. the panel and to their surfaces, respectively
EN 322, Wood-based panels — Determination of w Property within a panel
moisture content. L Lower specification limit
EN 323, Wood-based panels — Determination of U Upper specification limit
4 Definitions
3 Symbols
For the purpose of this standard, the following
3.1 Letter symbols definitions apply:
m Number of test pieces cut from each drawn at random
single panel of the sample, in each sampling of panels in such a way that each panel of
direction the inspection lot has an equal chance of being
n Number of panels taken as sample = size selected, and cutting of test pieces from a single
of the sample panel in such a way that each part of the panel has
N Number of panels in one inspection an equal chance of being selected as a test piece
lot = inspection lot size inspection lot
Lq5 %, Lower and upper 5 % quantile values of a proportion of production, which is presented at a
Uq5 % the sample, respectively given time for sampling and inspection, consisting of
s Estimate of the standard deviation panels of the same type within the same thickness
calculated from test values or range and coming from the same production line
measurements inspection lot size
s2 Estimate of the variance calculated from number of panels in one inspection lot
test values or measurements
quality characteristic
sw, j2 Estimate of the variance within a panel j
of the sample a property that is essential for the judgement of a
sx Estimate of the standard deviation product in accordance with a relevant EN
between panel means specification
sx2 Estimate of the variance between panel sample
means a collection of panels which are drawn from an
sw 2 Estimate of the mean variance within inspection lot. Unless otherwise agreed, the panels
panels of the sample are drawn at random

© BSI 08-1999 3
EN 326-1:1994

measurement For the determination of those properties which

the value of a specific quality characteristic differ in the two principal directions of the plane of
obtained either from a test piece or from a direct the panel, two groups of m test pieces shall be cut
measurement from each panel. One group shall have its
longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of the
test piece production (or the length of the panel), the other
a piece of panel cut to the size required for testing a shall have its longitudinal axis perpendicular to this
specific property direction.
test value In testing the bonding quality of plywood, m relates
to a pair of glue lines and to each pretreatment
the value of a specific quality characteristic
(see Annex A).
obtained from a test piece
variable 6 Test pieces
a test value or measurement which can be measured 6.1 The test pieces shall be cut from the individual
on a continuous scale panels to the dimensions specified in the relevant
standards of test methods, using a suitable method
5 Sampling to ensure unbiased selection. At least one test piece
5.1 Sampling of panels of each group of test pieces shall be cut from the edge
of the trimmed panel after any edge profiling and/or
The size of the sample n depends on the purpose of
protective treatment has been removed.
the determination of panel properties. Detailed
information on the size of the sample for quality 6.2 An example of a cutting plan for small is test
control in the factory is given in EN 326-2, and for pieces given in Figure 1. Except for plywood bonding
the inspection of the performance of a consignment quality tests, for which a cutting plan is given in
of panels in EN 326-3. Alternatively, the sample Annex A, the minimum distance between two test
size may be specified in the relevant EN pieces for the same test shall be 100 mm. This
specification. requirement may be waived if replacement test
pieces are required.
5.2 Sampling of test pieces
6.3 All test pieces cut from a panel shall be marked
Due to the variability both within and between on the same surface with:
panels, it is necessary to test a certain number of
— the test panel identification number;
panels n as well as a certain number of test
pieces m, cut from a single panel, in order to obtain — the test piece serial number;
reliable results. — and if possible, the original length direction
Examples of the minimum number of test pieces m and the original upper or lower surface of the
are given in Table 1, for other panel properties m panel.
shall be as laid down in the relevant EN for the 6.4 For panels which are asymmetric about the
respective test method. centre of their thickness, so that the test result is
Table 1 — Minimum number m of small test influenced by which surface is uppermost when
pieces cut from each single panel tested (e.g bending strength), half of the total
number of test pieces m (i.e. m/2) shall be tested in
Panel property EN standard m
each surface orientation.
Moisture content EN 322 4
In all other cases where the orientation of the
Dimensional movement EN 318 surface of the panel is of minor influence on the
Density EN 323 6 property tested, the position of the upper or lower
Modulus of elasticity in bending EN 310 surface during the test shall be chosen at random.
and bending strength 6.5 Cutting of test pieces shall be carried out in such
Internal bond EN 319 8 a way that their edges are clean, without burns, and
Swelling in thickness after EN 317 perpendicular to the plane of the panel.
immersion in water
Surface soundness EN 311
Plywood bonding quality EN 314-2 10

4 © BSI 08-1999
EN 326-1:1994

7 Expression of test results 7.3.4 Variance between panel means

7.1 Each specific property of each panel of the Calculate the variance s x 2 between panel means
sample shall be determined as specified in the according to:
relevant EN using either test pieces or
measurements taken from whole panels. (4)
7.2 The test results of each individual test piece,
from each panel of the sample, shall be reported.
7.3.5 Mean variance of the test values within
7.3 With the exception of testing the bonding quality
of plywood1), further evaluation of the test results of
the sample (either for inspection procedures or for Calculate the mean variance sw 2 of the test values
internal as well as external production control) shall within panels according to:
be made using the following calculations:
7.3.1 Mean value of each individual panel (5)
(panel mean)
For each group of test pieces (or measurements, 7.3.6 5 %-quantile of a normally distributed
respectively) calculate the mean value x j of each panel property
individual panel according to:
Calculate the lower 5 %-quantile Lq5 % of a panel
property according to:

7.3.2 Variance within each panel

and the upper 5 %-quantile Uq5 %, respectively:
For each group of test pieces (or measurements,
respectively) calculate the variance sw, j2 within
each panel according to:


7.3.3 Grand mean (mean of panel means)

Calculate the grand mean =
x of all test values, or of
a group of test values, from the sample according to:


For testing the shear strength of glue lines in plywood the mean value of each pair of glue lines for each panel has to be
calculated according to 7.3.1.

© BSI 08-1999 5
EN 326-1:1994

NOTE For properties which are independent from Test Test piece number
orientation (e.g. D, I and Q) one test piece shall be taken
from an outer edge of a trimmed panel where this can be Density D1 to D6
identified. Bending B1 to B12
Thickness swelling Q1 to Q8
Internal bond I1 to I8

Figure 1 — Example of a cutting plan for small test pieces for determination of certain
properties (thickness of the panel about 20 mm)

6 © BSI 08-1999
EN 326-1:1994

Table 2 — Single-sided t-values in relation to the sample size n

Sample size n 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 60 100
tn 1,89 1,83 1,76 1,72 1,71 1,70 1,69 1,68 1,67 1,66

8 Test report A copy of the cutting plan used

8.1 Mandatory information 8.1.4 Expression of the test results of each property
investigated in accordance with the relevant EN
Each report on sampling and cutting of test pieces
and expression of test results shall contain: Mean value of each panel x j
8.1.1 Name of the testing institute Grand mean x
8.1.2 Description of the inspection lot Mean standard deviation within panels s w Name of the supplier (or his representative) Standard deviation between panel means s x Place and date of sampling and persons 8.1.5 Any deviation from this EN and from relevant
present at sampling EN test methods as well as any information which
may be of importance with regard to testing. General condition of the inspection lot
8.2 Additional, non-mandatory information Type, kind, and characteristics of the panels
as specified in the relevant EN In addition the test report may contain the following
non-mandatory information: Density according to EN 323
8.2.1 Additional description of the inspection lot, Moisture content at the time of testing
time of manufacture of the panels, if known
according to EN 322
8.2.2 Additional description of the sample, Nominal dimensions of the panels
description of any identification mark according Inspection lot size to 6.4
8.1.3 Description of the sample 8.2.3 Additional information on test results Sample size All single test results xij
— number of panels n The lower or upper 5 %-quantile (Lq5 %
— number of test pieces taken from each panel for or U q5 %, respectively)
each group of test pieces m 8.2.4 Any further relevant information

© BSI 08-1999 7
EN 326-1:1994

Annex A (informative)
Example of a cutting plan for the plywood bonding quality test

8 © BSI 08-1999
EN 326-1:1994

Annex B (informative)
EN 310, Wood-based panels — Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength.
EN 311, Particleboards — Surface soundness of particleboards — Test method.
EN 314-2, Plywood — Bonding quality — Part 2: Requirements.
EN 317, Particleboards and fibreboards — Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water.
EN 318, Fibreboards — Determination of dimensional changes associated with changes in relative
EN 319, Particleboards and fibreboards — Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of
the board.
EN 324-1, Wood-based panels — Determination of dimensions of boards — Part 1: Determination of
thickness, width and length.
EN 324-2, Wood-based panels — Determination of dimensions of boards — Part 2: Determination of
squareness and edge straightness.
EN 326-2, Wood-based panels — Sampling, cutting and inspection — Part 2: Quality control in the factory2).
EN 326-3, Wood-based panels — Sampling, cutting and inspection — Part 3: Inspection of a consignment
of panels2).
EN 789, Timber structures — Testing methods for the determination of mechanical properties for structural
EN 384, Wood-based panels — Determination of characteristic values of mechanical properties and

2) At present at the draft stage.

© BSI 08-1999 9
10 blank
BS EN 326-1:1994

National annex NA (informative)

Committees responsible
The United Kingdom participation in the preparation of this European Standard was entrusted by the
Technical Sector Board for Building and Civil Engineering (B/-) to Technical Committee B/541, upon which
the following bodies were represented:

American Plywood Association

Association of British Plywood and Veneer Manufacturers
British Woodworking Federation
Chartered Institute of Building
Co-ordinator for Timber and Timber Products
Council of the Forest Industries of British Columbia
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Finnish Plywood International
Flat Roofing Contractors’ Advisory Board
Forestry Commission
Furniture Industry Research Association
Institution of Structural Engineers
Local Authority Organizations
Municipal Mutual
National Federation of Roofing Contractors
National House-building Council
National Panel Products Association
Royal Institute of British Architects
Structural Board Association
Timber Research and Development Association
Timber Trade Federation
Wood Panel Products Federation

© BSI 08-1999
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