The Zeolite Stone Benefits
The Zeolite Stone Benefits
The Zeolite Stone Benefits
Farming with natural rocks and minerals is an age- M2nO . Al2O3 . xSiO2 . yH2O
old practice for food production since stone ages.The
intensive production practices concomitant with imbalanced
fertilizer management practices has led to declining quality
and/or quantity of the soil resource base and climate change.
To feed the growing population, soil degradation is the key
issue which needs urgent attention. World soils are less fertile
which is evident from Royal Commission of Agriculture
Tetrahedral AlO4-5 and SiO4-4 bound by oxygen
(1928) reports. In this context farming with natural zeolites atoms to form tectosilicates called Zeolites and
have assumed great significance. Vertisoils contain lot of used for catalysts
Zeolites 77.2–81.0 mg per kg (Pal, 2003) Japanese farmers
M represents any alkali or alkaline earth cation, n the valence
have used zeolite rock for years to control the moisture
of the cation, x varies between 2 and 10, and y varies between
content and offensive odour of animal wastes and to increase
2 and 7 , with structural cations comprising Si, Al and Fe3+,
the pH of acidic volcanic soils (Bernardi et al., 2014.)
and exchangeable cations K, Na and Ca (Sheppard and
Structure of Zeolite: Zeolites are composed of pores and Mumpton,1981); (Hemingway and Robie,1984).
corner sharing aluminosilicate (AlO4 and SiO4) tetrahedrons, Origin, nature and properties: Identification of zeolites
joined into three dimensional frameworks. The pore structure as a mineral goes back to 1756, when a Swedish mineralogist,
is characterized by cages approximately 12Å in diameter, Alex Fredrik Cronstedt, collected some crystals from a
which are interlinked through channels about 8Å in diameter, copper mine in Sweden. Zeolites mean ‘boiling stones’ in
composed of rings of 12 linked tetrahedrons (Kaduk and Greek, because of their ability to froth when heated to about
Faber, 1995). The pores are interconnected and form long 200°C. Thereafter, zeolites were considered as a mineral
wide channels of varying sizes depending on the mineral. found in volcanic rocks for a period of 200 years. Their
These channels allow the easy movement of the resident ions commercial production and use started in the 1960s (Polat
and molecules into and out of the structure. Zeolites have et al., 2004).Different combinations of SiO44 – and Al(OH)36
large vacant spaces or cages within and resemble honeycomb –
tetrahedral lead to the formation of a three-dimensional
or cage like structures. The presence of aluminium results in framework with pores and voids of molecular dimension.
a negative charge, which is balanced by positively charged Shape, dimensions and linkage of zeolite pores and voids
cations. The general empirical formula, which represents a are the key characteristics of zeolite materials. The pores
zeolite chemical structure, is shown below: and interconnected voids are occupied by cations and water
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]. 1Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture, Sakthinagar, Erode –638 315 Tamilnadu.
molecules. The structure of each zeolite mineral is complex, on New Minerals and Mineral Names had recommended
but they all have large open ‘channels’ in the crystal structure nomenclature for zeolite minerals (Coombs et al., 1997).
that provide a large void space for the adsorption and The report suggested that zeolite species are not to be
exchange of cations. The internal surface area of these distinguished solely on the Si : Al ratio, except for heulandite
channels is reported to reach as much as several hundred (Si : Al < 4.0) and clinoptilolite (Si : Al e” 4.0). Dehydration,
square metres per gram of zeolite, making zeolite an partial hydration and over hydration are not sufficient
extremely effective ion exchanger. Cations can be changed grounds for the recognition of separate species of
by ion exchange and water can be removed reversibly by zeolites.Later, Flanigen (2001) has classified zeolites based
application of heat. The mineral has a three-dimensional on pore diameter. (i) Small-pore zeolites (8 rings) with free
crystal lattice, with loosely bound cations, capable of pore diameter 0.3–0.45 nm. (ii) Medium-pore zeolites (10
hydrating and dehydrating without altering the crystal rings) with free pore diameter 0.45–0.6 nm. (iii) Large-pore
structure. Other useful chemical and physical properties zeolites (12 rings) with free pore diameter 0.6–0.8 nm. (iv)
include: high void volume (~ 50%), low density (2.1–2.2 g/ Extra largepore zeolites (14 rings) with free pore diameter
cm3), excellent molecular sieve properties and high cation 0.8–1.0 nm.
exchange capacity (CEC) of 150–250 cmol/kg (Bhattachayya Why we use zeolite in agriculture : Utilization of zeolites
et al., 2015), cation selectivity, specifically for cations like in agriculture is possible because of their special cation
ammonium, potassium, cesium, etc. (Auerback et al., 2003) exchange properties, molecular sieving and dsorption (Glisic
The kinetics of ion-exchange process in zeolites and Milosevic, 2008; Hecl and Toth, 2009). It is believed
has been extensively studied. Two processes have been that because zeolites have the ability to lose and gain water
identified, viz. particle diffusion and film diffusion. Diffusion reversibly, without the change of crystal structure, they could
within the zeolite (particle diffusion) and diffusion transport be used as fertilizers, stabilizers and chelators. As an
through the liquid film surrounding the particle (film example, a study has shown that zeolites enable both
diffusion) have been assumed to be the most important steps inorganic and organic fertilizers to slowly release their
in the ion-exchange process. The preference of a zeolite for nutrients (Perez-Caballero et al., 2008). However, there is
a particular cation in a multicomponent system depends on dearth of information on the right amount of zeolites to be
various factors, viz. Si/Al ratio of the zeolite, the used with for instance inorganic and organic fertilizers.
exchangeable cation of the starting zeolite (co-ions), the
Uses: Zeolites are useful in agriculture because of their large
hydration ratio of the co-ion and the in-going ions as well as
the temperature and three-dimensional framework of zeolite. porosity, their high cation exchange capacity and their
Therefore, these features should be analysed for a better selectivity for ammonium and potassium cations. They can
understanding of the multi-component ion exchange be used both as carriers of nutrients and as a medium to free
mechanism. nutrients. The main use of zeolites in agriculture is, however,
for nitrogen capture, storage and slow release. It has been
Classification: More than 50 different species of this shown that zeolites, with their specific selectivity for
mineral group have been identified (Tsitsishvili et al., 1992).
ammonium (NH4+), can take up this specific cation from
Zeolites have been classified on the basis of their
either farmyard manure, composts or ammonium-bearing
morphological characteristics, crystal structure, chemical
fertilizers, thereby reducing losses of nitrogen to the
composition, effective pore diameter and natural occurrence.
environment (Kocakusak et al., 2001).
Zeolites are classified on the basis of silica : alumina ratio
as follows: (i) Low Si : Al ratio, between 1 and 1.5 – zeolite Ammonium-charged zeolites have also been tested
A; (ii) Intermediate Si : Al ratio, between 2 and 5 – zeolite successfully for their ability to increase the solubilization of
Y; (iii) High Si : Al ratio from 10 to several thousands – phosphate minerals (Lai and Eberl 1986; Chesworth et al.,
erionite, mordenite. In 1997, the Subcommittee on zeolites 1987), leading to improved phosphorus uptake and yields
of the International Mineralogical Association, Commission for sudangrass (Barbarick et al., 1990). Eberl and Lai (1992)
TABLE 1: Physical characteristics of some naturally occurring zeolites (Dogan, 2003)
Zeolite Porosity(%) Heat stability Ion exchange capacity Specific gravity Bulk density
(meq/g) (g/cm3) (g/cm3)
Analcine 18 High 4.54 2.24-2.29 1.85
Chabezite 47 High 3.84 2.05-2.10 1.45
Clinoptilolite 34 High 2.16 2.15-2.25 1.15
Erionite 35 High 3.12 2.02-2.08 1.51
Heulandite 39 Low 2.91 2.18-2.20 1.69
Mordenite 28 High 4.29 2.12-2.15 1.70
Philipsite 31 moderate 3.31 2.15-2.20 1.58
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