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1. Monthly scholarship of Rs. 38,750/- for first two years and Rs. 43,750/- for rest 3 years (support up to 5 years).
2. Rent reimbursement up to 8% of scholarship amount paid.
3. Research Contingency Grant 1,20,000/- per year.
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for admission into the PhD Program for the odd semester 2023-24, under the above
scheme at NIT Meghalaya. 1/5
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Above eligibility is minimum requirement only. A good academic career and higher qualification will be preferred and mere eligibility shall
not ensure a call for admission test and/or viva voce.
Total numbers of seats in this scheme are 02 (Two), the distribution of seats will be based on qualification, expertise, performance in
admission test/viva and suitability of the applicants.
Under the “Visvesvaraya PhD scheme for Electronics and IT: Phase-II” it is essential to work on research problems having relevance to
Industry. The admission calendar, fee structure, academic regulations will be as per regular PhD admission process of the institute. For
details of PhD regulation of NIT Meghalaya visit (
Applicants seeking admission under this scheme are required to apply through filling in the Google form.
i. Relaxation for SC/ST/PWD Candidates for Full Time candidate as per applicable norms.
ii. The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect shall be considered as on the closing date, i.e., the last date of the
submission of online application form.
iii. Depending upon the number of applications received, the Institute reserves the right to fix higher eligibility criteria for shortlisting
of the candidates for the selection process.
iv. Eligible candidates are required to appear for a written test and/or interview in respect of his/ her discipline to be conducted by the
concerned Department. No TA/DA will be paid for attending test / interview.
v. General/OBC candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) and for
SC/ST candidates, a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only). PwD candidates are completely
exempted from paying the application fee. The application fee is not refundable under any circumstances. Check step 1 for
payment process.
vi. Candidates shall be governed as per PhD Regulations of NIT Meghalaya (refer below
vii. Fee structure will be updated under (
viii. The status regarding the selection of candidates for admission to the Ph.D. Programme will be available at institute website
( Selected candidates will be informed through email in respect of admission guidelines.
How to Apply
STEP-I: Candidates are advised to make the application fee payment as per category (Rs. 1000/ for Gen/OBC, Rs. 500/- for SC/ST and no
fee for PWD & Women candidates).
STEP-II: Fill the online application form. After submission, print out of the online application form must be sent by email along with all
supporting documents.
STEP I- : Instructions for Payment Process using State Bank Collect (SBI Collect):
2. A DISCLAIMER CLAUSE page will open. Check the box for I have read and accepted the terms and conditions stated above and click
on the PROCEED button.
3. From the menu, type in the search bar ‘NIT MEGHALAYA FEE COLLECTION’ and click on it.
4. From the drop-down menu, choose the payment category ‘APPLICATION FEES’.
5. Fill the payment details carefully, tick on the T&C and click next.
6. A page to verify details and confirm this transaction will appear. Click on the CONFIRM button if your details are correct.
7. You will be directed to payment page.
8. Complete the payment process by selecting the preferred mode of payment.
9. Save the soft copy of the fee receipt, it will be required to upload in the form. 2/5
5/27/24, 12:30 PM PhD Admissions under “Visvesvaraya PhD scheme for Electronics and IT: Phase-II” Sponsored by Digital India Corporation, …
1. Click on the online application form link, Link of Google form:
2. If a candidate is applying for more than one department, the candidate must pay application fees separately and choose the
desired departments in the online application form.
3. Candidates are advised to check the application in all aspects before pressing the submit button. Once the application is submitted,
it cannot be modified.
4. Incomplete application, application received without Payment Receipt or without the academic documents as stated below shall be
summarily rejected without any explanation.
5. The application form along with soft copy of the documents mentioned at pt 6 should be emailed to,
subject of the mail should be “PhD application form of (Your Name) and Department.
6. Please email your documents only from the email entered in the form. The document should be scanned (not a photo), properly
oriented and arranged in the order given below:
a. A recent photograph of the candidate is to be fixed on the application.
b. Application fee receipt
c. Proof of date of birth
d. Educational qualifications, mark sheets and certificates in line with the filled online application form.
e. Caste certificate (SC/ST/OBC) in standard format issued by the Competent Authority. OBC certificate should be latest.
f. Self attested copy (1st page) of all research publications in Journals and Conferences (if any).
g. Disability certificate in standard format (in case of PWD candidates) issued by the Competent Authority.
Important Dates:
May 24, 2024 May 29, 2023 June 7, 2024 June 14,2023 24th to 28th June,
by 5:00 P.M. Reporting Time:
10:00 A.M. (online)
No admit card will be sent and all information related to admission shall be communicated through the website. Visit
regularly for announcements related to PhD admission. The admission committee is fully responsible for the selection and their decision
is final in the admission process.
Contact: 9485177005
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