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VOLUME 26 䡠 NUMBER 28 䡠 OCTOBER 1 2008


Chemotherapy in Addition to Supportive Care Improves

Survival in Advanced Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient
Data From 16 Randomized Controlled Trials
NSCLC Meta-Analyses Collaborative Group
From the Clinical Trials Unit, Medical
Research Council, London, United King- A B S T R A C T
dom; and the Institut Gustave-Roussy,
Villejuif, France. Purpose
Since our individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis (MA) of supportive care and chemotherapy for
Submitted April 24, 2008; accepted
May 27, 2008; published online ahead
non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), published in 1995, many trials have been completed. An
of print at www.jco.org on August 4, updated, IPD MA has been carried out to assess newer regimens and determine conclusively the
2008. effect of chemotherapy.
Supported by UK Medical Research Methods
Council. Systematic searches for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were undertaken, followed by central
Presented at 43rd Annual Meeting of collection, checking, and reanalysis of updated IPD. Results from RCTs were combined to
the American Society of Clinical Oncol- calculate individual and pooled hazard ratios (HRs).
ogy, Chicago, IL, June 1-5, 2007, and at
the World Conference on Lung Cancer,
Seoul, South Korea, September 2-6,
Data were obtained from 2,714 patients from 16 RCTs. There were 1,293 deaths among 1,399
2007. patients assigned supportive care and chemotherapy and 1,240 among 1,315 assigned supportive
Authors’ disclosures of potential con-
care alone. Results showed a significant benefit of chemotherapy (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.71 to 0.83;
flicts of interest and author contribu- P ⱕ .0001), equivalent to a relative increase in survival of 23% or an absolute improvement in
tions are found at the end of this survival of 9% at 12 months, increasing survival from 20% to 29%. There was no clear evidence
article. that this effect was influenced by the drugs used (P ⫽ .63) or whether they were used as single
Corresponding author: Sarah Burdett, agents or in combination (P ⫽ .40). Despite changes in patient demographics, the effect of
MSc, Medical Research Council Clinical chemotherapy in recent trials did not differ from those included previously (P ⫽ .77). There was
Trials Unit, 222 Euston Rd, London, no clear evidence of a difference or trend in the relative effect of chemotherapy across
NW1 2DA, United Kingdom; e-mail: patient subgroups.
© 2008 by American Society of Clinical
This MA of chemotherapy in the supportive care setting demonstrates conclusively that chemo-
therapy improves overall survival in all patients with advanced NSCLC. Therefore, all patients who
are fit enough and wish to receive chemotherapy should do so.
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2008.17.7162
J Clin Oncol 26:4617-4625. © 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

racic radiotherapy or combined chemoradiother-

apy. The remaining 50% of patients, essentially
Worldwide, approximately 1.5 million new cases of those with metastatic disease or who are medically
lung cancer are diagnosed each year.1 Approxi- unfit, are treated palliatively.
mately 85% of these tumors are of non–small-cell Our previous meta-analysis6 based on individ-
histologicaltype,2 includingadenocarcinomas,squa- ual patient data (IPD) of more than 9,000 patients
mous cell, and large cell carcinomas. Non–small-cell from more than 50 randomized trials, concluded
lung cancer (NSCLC) is the main cause of death that despite previous scepticism and controversy,
from cancer,3 and 5-year survival across all stages of platinum-based chemotherapy has a role in treating
the disease is approximately 14%.4 patients with NSCLC. In particular, there was strong
Surgery is generally regarded as the best treat- evidence that for advanced disease, chemotherapy
ment option, but only approximately 30% of tu- given in addition to supportive care could prolong
mors are suitable for potentially curative resection.5 survival. Since the publication, a considerable num-
A further 20% of patients, usually those presenting ber of new trials exploring newer drugs and new
with locally advanced disease, undergo radical tho- modes of administration have been completed. To

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Burdett et al

take account of the expanded evidence base and provide the most queries were resolved and the final database entries verified by the responsible
up-to-date and reliable assessment of the role of chemotherapy in trial investigator or statistician.
NSCLC, the NSCLC Collaborative Group has carried out an updated Definition of Outcomes
IPD meta-analysis that examines the role of chemotherapy in seven Overall survival was defined as the time from randomization until death
treatment comparisons.7 In the supportive care setting reported here, by any cause. Patients still alive were censored at the date of last follow-up or
we assessed the role of newer chemotherapy agents and assessed more date last known to be alive.
reliably the effect of chemotherapy in different subgroups of patients. Analysis
Analyses of outcomes, trial groups, and patient groups were (unless
otherwise stated) prespecified in the protocol and carried out on an intention
METHODS to-treat basis; that is, patients were analyzed according to their allocated treat-
ment, irrespective of whether they received that treatment. Analyses of all end
The aim was to assess the effect of supportive care and chemotherapy versus points were stratified by trial, and the log-rank expected number of deaths and
supportive care alone in advanced NSCLC. The meta-analysis followed a variance was used to calculate individual trial hazard ratios (HRs) and overall
detailed and prespecified protocol which set out the objectives, inclusion pooled HRs based on the fixed effect model.9 Thus, the times to death for
criteria for trials, data to be collected and analyses to be carried out. A copy of individual patients were used within trials to calculate the HR, representing the
the protocol is available on request (from S.B.). overall risk of an event for those patients allocated to supportive care and
chemotherapy compared with those allocated to supportive care alone. Results
Inclusion Criteria were also combined using the random effects model to assess the robustness of
To be included in the meta-analysis, trials had to be properly random- the results to the choice of meta-analysis model.
ized, have commenced accrual on or after January 1, 1965, and have completed To examine the potential impact of the treatments used, we predefined
accrual. Trials should have included patients with NSCLC who had received analyses that grouped trials by the type of the chemotherapy regimen used. For
either chemotherapy and supportive care or supportive care alone, that were these analyses, a pooled HR was calculated for each group of trials and for all
unsuitable for surgery or radical radiation therapy. Supportive care was de- trials together. As we specified that we would group those trials using
fined in the individual trials and may include palliative radiotherapy, antibiot- platinum-based chemotherapy with a vinca-alkaloid or etoposide separately
ics, corticosteroids, analgesics, antiemetics, transfusions, and psychosocial from those trials that did not use a vinca-alkaloid or etoposide, the Big Lung
support. Patients should have not received any previous chemotherapy or had Trial (BLT) trial10 was divided into two trials. BLT1 combined cisplatin with a
any prior malignancy. vinca-alkaloid and BLT2 did not use a vinca-alkaloid.
Identification of Trials The relative effects of chemotherapy in different subgroups of patients
To limit publication bias, we included all randomized trials, whether were investigated using similar stratified analyses. Analyses were performed for
published or unpublished. We carried out bibliographic searches of Medline each prespecified subgroup, for example, comparing the effect of treatment
and CancerLit using the Cochrane Collaboration optimal search strategy for and control for males and for females within each individual trial. These results
identifying randomized controlled trials.8 These were supplemented by were then combined to give overall HRs for males and for females. ␹2 tests for
searching the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the abstracts interaction or trend were used to investigate whether there were any substan-
from relevant conferences, the reference lists of identified trials, the bibliogra- tial differences in the effect of chemotherapy between groups of trials or
phies of relevant books, and review articles. The National Cancer Institute subgroups of patients.
Physicians Data Query clinical protocols, United Kingdom Coordinating Results are also presented as absolute differences at 1 year, calculated
Committee for Cancer Research trials register, and the Current Controlled using the overall HRs and the control arm event rate.11 CIs for absolute
Trials metaRegister of trials were also searched to identify unpublished and differences were calculated from the baseline event rate and the HR at the
ongoing trials. All trialists who took part in the meta-analysis were asked to 95% CI boundary values. ␹2 heterogeneity tests and the I2 statistic for
help to identify additional trials. Initially searches were completed for the inconsistency12 were used to assess statistical heterogeneity across trials. Sur-
period up to and including 2003. These were revised regularly to identify vival curves are presented as simple (nonstratified) Kaplan-Meier curves.13 All
further trials published by our final analyses in September 2007. Where there P values quoted are two sided.
was uncertainty about the eligibility of a trial or particular treatment arms Median follow-up was calculated by the reverse Kaplan-Meier method,
within a trial, this was discussed and resolved by consensus within the Project based on surviving patients and using censoring as the event.
Secretariat and International Advisory Group. We did not search for trials that
used long-term alkylating agents. These were included in the 1995 analyses,
but due to their antiquity, were not included in this update. RESULTS
Data Collection
For trials already included in the 1995 analyses, updated follow-up was A total of 19 potentially eligible trials that had used supportive care and
sought. Most of the trials previously provided mature data and we did not chemotherapy versus supportive care alone were identified. Data for
anticipate much additional information. However, some additional data were two trials14,15 were no longer available and for one trial,16 adequate
received and included in the new analyses. contact with the investigators could not be established.
For new trials, survival and baseline characteristics were sought for all Therefore, 16 trials that randomly assigned 2,714 patients were
patients randomly assigned into each trial. This included date of random- included (Table 1).10,17-29 These represent 84% of patients from all
ization, survival status, and date of last follow-up or death as well as
known randomized trials that compared supportive care and chemo-
information on date of birth, sex, performance status, tumor stage (TNM),
and histological type. therapy with supportive care alone and 65% more data than that
available in 1995. The 16 trials accrued between 32 to 447 patients.
Data Checking Characteristics of these trials are summarized in Table 1. Platinum-
A number of standard checks were applied to all new trials, including based chemotherapy was used in 12 trials (cisplatin in 11 and
checks for missing values and data validity and consistency across variables. To
assess the randomization integrity, we looked for unusual patterns in the
carboplatin in one25) and nonplatinum single agents (etoposide,
sequencing of allocation or imbalances in baseline characteristics between vinorelbine, gemcitabine, and paclitaxel) were used in four trials.
treatment arms. Follow-up of surviving patients was also assessed to ensure Patients’ characteristics for the 2,714 patients across all trials are
that it was balanced by treatment arm and as up-to-date as possible. Any presented in Table 2. Data for age and sex were provided for all trials.

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Supportive Care and Chemotherapy in NSCLC

Table 1. Characteristics of Included Trials

No. of Maximum
Stage (%) Status (%) Histology (%) Age (%)
Inclusion Patients Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Dose No. of
Trial Period Accrued Used Per Cycle (mg/m2) Cycles I, II IIIa IIIb IV 0,1 ⱖ2 Squamous Adeno Other ⬍ 70 ⱖ 70

Using platinum ⫹
RLW 835117 1982-1986 167 Cisplatin 120 P/T 0 0 100 0 73 27 37 37 26 88 12
Vindesine 3
NCIC CTG BR518 1983-1986 150 Cisplatin 120 P/T 0 0 13 85 60 40 29 43 27 98 2
Vindesine 3
Cisplatin 40
Doxorubicin 40
Cyclophosphamide 400
Southampton17 1983-1986 32 Cisplatin 120 6 0 0 100 0 81 1 50 34 15 91 9
Vinblastine 3 15
NRH19 1983-1987 87 Cisplatin 70 4 0 2 0 48 60 40 40 39 21 89 11
Etoposide 100
Ancona 1 1985-1988 128 Cisplatin 80 P/T 0 0 41 59 88 12 NK NK NK 95 5
Cyclophosphamide 500
Epirubicin 50
alternating with
Methotrexate 30
Etoposide 200
Lomustine 70 (orally)
CEP-8522 1985-1988 49 Cisplatin 120 8 0 2 0 94 67 27 47 33 14 84 16
Vindesine 3 18
UCLA23 1984-1986 63 Cisplatin 120 P/T 0 0 0 100 67 10 40 54 6 63 11
Vinblastine 6
JLCSG25 1990-1995 48 Carboplatin 300 8 0ⴱ 0ⴱ 9ⴱ 91ⴱ NK NK NK NK NK 76 23
Etoposide 120 ⫻ 2
BLT110 1995-2001 477 Cisplatin 80 3 3 20 36 38 82 25 56 24 25 76 31
Vindesine 3⫻2
Cisplatin 80 3
Vinorelbine 30 ⫻ 2
Cisplatin 50 3
Mitomycin C 6
Vinblastine 6
Using other platinum
AOI-Udine21 1984-1986 102 Cisplatin 75 6 0 0 0 100 49 51 48 35 17 98 2
Mitomycin C 10
Cyclophophamide 400
MIC224 1988-1996 359 Cisplatin 50 4 NK NK NK NK 64 28 56 27 19 84 19
Mitomycin C 6
Ifosfamide 3 (g/m2)
BLT210 1995-2001 248 Cisplatin 50 3 2 30 30 36 71 19 46 22 19 56 33
Mitomycin C 6
Ifosfamide 3 (g/m2)
Using vinca-alkaloid/
etoposide only
Gwent 226 1982-1984 186 Etoposide 600 6 24 12 10 33 87 8 100 0 0 84 13
ELVIS27 1996-1997 161 Vinorelbine 30 ⫻ 2 6 0 1 15 60 63 21 36 29 26 ⬍1 84
Using anti-metabolic
agent only
Manchester 128 1994-1996 300 Gemcitabine 1,000 ⫻ 3 6 NK NK NK 40ⴱ 94 6 NK NK NK 69 31
Using taxane only
Manchester 229 1995-1997 157 Paclitaxel 200 P/T 0 0 45 55 81 19 47 29 20 66 34

NOTE. Totals may not add up to 100% due to missing/unknown data.

Abbreviations: Adeno, adenocarcinoma; NK, not known; P/T, until progression or toxicity; NCIC CTG, National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group; NRH,
Norwegian Radium Hospital; CEP-85, Cerce d’etudes pneumologiques; UCLA, University of California—Los Angeles; JLCSG, Joint Lung Cancer Study Group; BLT,
Big Lung Trial; AOI, Associazione Oncologia Italiana; MIC2, mitomycin, ifosfamide, and cisplatin; ELVIS, Elderly Lung Cancer Vinorebine Italian Study Group.

Information from publication not from data supplied.

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Burdett et al

Table 2. Characteristics of Included Patients

Supportive Care Plus Chemotherapy Supportive Care Alone

Characteristic No. % No. %

Age, years
⬍ 60 509 36 448 34
60-64 259 19 236 18
65-69 274 20 272 21
⬎ 70 346 24 349 26
Unknown 11 ⬍1 10 ⬍1
Male 1,076 77 984 75
Female 313 22 322 24
Unknown 10 ⬍1 9 ⬍1
Adenocarcinoma 320 23 300 23
Squamous 605 43 554 42
Mixed 1 ⬍1 2 ⬍1
Large cell undifferentiated 96 7 73 5
NSC unspecified 22 1 36 3
Other 105 7 93 7
Unknown 39 3 40 3
Data not supplied 211 15 217 16
I 18 1 14 1
II 22 2 14 1
IIIa 92 7 106 8
IIIb 337 24 300 23
IV 508 36 466 35
Unknown 73 5 58 5
Data not supplied 349 25 357 27
Performance status
0 347 25 299 23
1 687 49 670 51
2 290 21 263 20
3 19 1 20 1
4 1 ⬍1 1 ⬍1
Unknown 33 2 36 2
Data not supplied 22 1 26 2

Abbreviation: NSC, non–small-cell.

Histology data were provided for 15 trials and performance status and Overall Survival
stage were supplied for 13 trials. Based on these available data, patients Survival analyses were based on 2,533 deaths and 2,714 patients
were mostly male, age between 60 and 70 years, with good perfor- from 16 trials. Figure 1 shows a highly statistically significant benefit of
mance status. Performance status was defined as good (WHO/Eastern chemotherapy on survival (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.71 to 0.83; P ⬍ .0001)
Cooperative Oncology Group 0 or 1, Karnofsky 100 to 70) or poor translating to an absolute improvement of 9% at 12 months increasing
(WHO/Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 2⫹, Karnofsky 60 survival from 20% to 29% or an absolute increase in median survival
or lower). of 1.5 months (from 4.5 months to 6 months). There was some
Of the stage data we received, 90% of patients had tumors that evidence of heterogeneity between the trials (P ⫽ .02; I2 ⫽ 47%).
were advanced (predominantly stage IIIb and IV). However, there was However, repeating the sensitivity analysis carried out in 1995,6 which
a small proportion (3%) of patients had stage I and II disease. This excluded the extreme results of CEP-8522 (49 patients) resulted in
appears to be because some trials10,26 did not restrict entry to advanced considerably lower heterogeneity (P ⫽ .275; I2 ⫽ 16%) with a similar
patients and these individuals were (presumably) randomly assigned effect of chemotherapy on overall survival (HR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.72 to
because their condition precluded or the patient declined surgery or 0.85). Also, based on all trials, results using the random effects model
radical radiation therapy. were similar (HR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.67 to 0.84; P ⬍ .0001). The survival
Most patients had squamous cell tumors (43%) or adenocarci- curve is shown in Figure 2.
nomas (23%), the proportion of these tumor types has not substan- There was no clear evidence of a difference in the effect of chem-
tially changed between 1995 and the current analysis. otherapy between chemotherapy types (Fig 1; P ⫽ .63) or between
The median follow-up for all surviving patients was 1 year 4 trials that used combination chemotherapy and those that used single
months (range, ⬍ 1 month to 9.5 years). agent chemotherapy (Table 3; P ⫽ .40).

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Supportive Care and Chemotherapy in NSCLC

SC + CT SC alone
Trial Id. (no. events/no. entered) Hazard Ratio (fixed) 95% CI P value

Platinum + vinca alkaloid / etoposide

RLW 835117 84/86 80/81
NCIC CTG BR518 94/97 51/53
Southampton17 17/17 15/15
NRH19 44/44 40/43
Ancona 120 63/63 65/65
CEP-8522 23/25 21/24
UCLA23 31/32 30/31
BLT 110 222/237 233/240
JLCSG25 18/22 25/26
Subtotal 596/623 560/578 0.77 0.68 to 0.86 < .0001
Other platinum regimens
AOI-Udine21 52/52 50/50
MIC 224 177/179 179/180
BLT 210 123/127 119/121
Subtotal 352/358 348/351 0.73 0.63 to 0.85 < .0001
Vinca-alkaloid / etoposide only
Gwent226 96/111 67/75
ELVIS27 69/80 75/81
Subtotal 165/191 142/156 0.80 0.64 to 1.01 .057
Anti-metabolic agent only
Manchester 128 116/148 119/152
Subtotal 116/148 119/152 0.91 0.70 to 1.17 .466
Taxane only
Manchester 229 64/79 71/78
Subtotal 64/79 71/78 0.69 0.49 to 0.97 .032

Total 1,293/1,399 1,240/1,315 0.77 0.71 to 0.83 < .0001

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

SC + CT better SC alone better
Heterogeneity P = .02; I2 = 47; interaction P = .63
(Sensitivity analysis excluding CEP-85 heterogeneity P = .28; I2 = 16; interaction P = .62)

Fig 1. Hazard ratio plot of effect of chemotherapy on survival. Each trial is represented by a blue square, the center of which denotes the hazard ratio for that trial
with the horizontal lines showing the 99% and 95% CIs. The size of the square is directly proportional to amount of information in the trial. The red diamond gives the
overall hazard ratio for combined results of all trials; the center denotes the hazard ratio and the extremities the 95% CI. The yellow diamonds represent hazard ratios
for the trial groups; the center denotes the hazard ratio and the extremities the 95% CI. SC, supportive care; CT, chemotherapy; NCIC CTG, National Cancer Institute
of Canada Clinical Trials Group; NRH, Norwegian Radium Hospital; CEP-85, Cerce d’etudes pneumologiques; UCLA, University of California—Los Angeles; JLCSG, Joint
Lung Cancer Study Group; BLT, Big Lung Trial; AOI, Associazione Oncologia Italiana; MIC2, mitomycin, ifosfamide, and cisplatin; ELVIS, Elderly Lung Cancer Vinorebine
Italian Study Group.

Of the three trials that we could not include in these analyses, we noma or squamous cell histology. Despite these differences, there
could estimate a HR for survival30 for one trial16 of 207 patients. This was no evidence of a difference in effect of chemotherapy between
trial used single-agent docetaxel, had a reported P ⫽ .03 and gave a trials in the 1995 analysis and the recent trials (interaction P ⫽ .77)
very similar result (HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.95) to the included or between previous platinum-based trials and recent platinum-
trial29 that used a single-agent taxane (HR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.49 to 0.97). based trials (interaction P ⫽ .64) (Table 3).
Since the 1995 meta-analysis, the patient demographic may
have changed, and so the effect of chemotherapy may also have Patient Subgroups
changed. Certainly, there was a higher proportion of patients older There was no clear evidence of a difference or trend in the relative
than 70 in the more recent trials, probably due to aging populations effect of chemotherapy in patient subgroups defined by age (P ⫽ .64),
and widening eligibility criteria, although all trials included pa- sex (P ⫽ .77), stage (P ⫽ .35), histology (P ⫽ .75), or performance
tients older than 70 years (Table 1). The median age of patients in status (P ⫽ .54; Fig 3). Furthermore, despite the difference in under-
the trials included since the 1995 analysis was higher (66 years old, lying survival by performance status, the absolute effect at 12 months
previously 61 years old), there were more women (28%, previously was fairly similar; 8% for performance status 0/Karnofsky 100 to 90
19%), and far more stage IIIa patients (16%, previously 3%). There (from 26% to 34%), 8% for 1/Karnofsky 80 to 70 (from 18% to 26%),
was no real change in the proportion of patients with adenocarci- and 6% for 2⫹/Karnofsky 60 or lower (from 8% to 14%).

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Burdett et al

otherapy (P ⫽ .03) and another using vinorelbine27 is of borderline

1.0 Events Total significance (P ⫽ .06). The trial of single-agent docetaxel,16 that we
0.9 SC alone 1,240 1,315
0.8 SC + CT 1,293 1,399 could not include was also significantly in favor of chemotherapy
0.7 (P ⫽ .03).

0.6 In 1998, a meta-analysis that compared single agent and com-

0.5 bination chemotherapy in advanced NSCLC31 found that while the
0.4 response rate for patients receiving combination chemotherapy
was improved, overall survival was not significantly better. There
0.1 was also increased toxicity associated with combination chemo-
therapy. Similarly, this meta-analysis suggests no difference in
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 effect between trials using single-agent and combination chemo-
Time (months) therapy, however, our observation is an indirect comparison. Two
Patients at risk more recent literature-based meta-analyses32,33 both reported that
SC alone 1,315 884 552 363 231 161 107 77 55
SC + CT 1,399 1,052 779 519 349 233 165 115 91 two agents were more beneficial than one, but that three agents
were no more beneficial than two.33 It is important to remember
Fig 2. Simple (nonstratified) Kaplan-Meier curve for survival by treatment. SC,
supportive care; CT, chemotherapy. however, that these observations are based on indirect compari-
sons and the power to detect any differences is limited. Thus, this
conclusion should be interpreted with caution.
A number of trials have been completed or are still ongoing
DISCUSSION which compare newer agents, such as docetaxel and gemcitabine, in
combination or as single agents. One completed trial34 of carboplatin
Based on 16 trials and 2,714 patients, this systematic review and and paclitaxel versus paclitaxel alone suggested that although there
meta-analysis includes 65% more data than that available in 1995 was no evidence of a difference in effect between the treatments,
and represents the most comprehensive and reliable review of combination chemotherapy could be an option for those able to
chemotherapy in the supportive care setting. Results demonstrate a tolerate a more aggressive treatment.
substantial benefit of chemotherapy for advanced NSCLC, im- In the 1995 analysis, the platinum-based trials showed a 27%
proving survival by 9% at 12 months and median survival by 1.5
reduction in the risk of death equivalent to an increase in median
months. The benefit seen in new trials is consistent with that seen
survival of 1.5 months. This led to discussion about the impact on
previously, despite changes in the lung cancer population and drug
quality of life and whether the adverse effects of chemotherapy
regimens used over time.
were worthwhile for this relatively small increase in survival. At
We now have substantially more power to look at the effect of
chemotherapy in different groups of patients and can be more confi- that time, only two22,23 of the included trials had tried to measure
dent on these results than in 1995. Both the relative and absolute quality of life and both had failed to do so successfully. Although we
benefits of chemotherapy are remarkably consistent across patient did not collect quality of life data, three trials using platinum-based
subgroups, notably with benefits irrespective of age and perfor- chemotherapy10,24,25one using vinorelbine,27 one using gemcitab-
mance status. ine,28 and one using paclitaxel,29 which have been included since
In our meta-analysis, the effectiveness of newer drugs such as 1995, assessed quality of life. Of the trials we could not include, one
vinorelbine, paclitaxel, and gemcitabine, used as single agents ap- trial of docetaxel16 and one of platinum-based chemotherapy14
pears to be similar to that of platinum-based chemotherapy com- also assessed quality of life. All reported that quality of life was
bined with older agents, such as vindesine and mitomycin C, either no worse or improved for those patients receiving chemo-
potentially offering a greater range of treatment options and can- therapy. This suggests that platinum-based regimens and newer
didates for future trials. However, individually only one trial using agents could offer both improved survival and possibly better
single-agent paclitaxel29 is statistically significant in favor of chem- quality of life.

Table 3. Exploratory Analysis of the Effect of Chemotherapy on Survival

Trial Group No. of Trials No. of Patients Hazard Ratio 95% CI P P for Interaction
Period of trials (all trials) .77
All trials included in 1995 9 964 0.76 0.66 to 0.87 .0006
All trials included since 1995 6 1,750 0.77 0.70 to 0.86 ⬍ .0001
Period of trials (platinum-based trials) .64
Platinum-based trials included in 1995 8 778 0.73 0.63 to 0.85 ⬍ .0001
Platinum-based trials included since 1995 3 1,132 0.77 0.68 to 0.86 ⬍ .0001
Chemotherapy type (all trials) .40
Combination chemotherapy 11 1,910 0.75 0.68 to 0.83 ⬍ .0001
Single-agent chemotherapy 4 804 0.81 0.70 to 0.95 .008

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Supportive Care and Chemotherapy in NSCLC

SC+CT SC alone
(no. events/no. entered) Hazard Ratio (fixed)
< 60 429/456 368/382
60-64 275/299 267/289
Trend P = .64
65-69 243/268 253/267
≥ 70 336/365 344/367


Male 997/1,076 933/984

Female 287/313 301/322 Interaction P = .77


I & II 37/40 27/28

IIIa 86/92 101/106

IIIb 313/337 289/300 Trend P = .35

IV 477/508 451/466
Fig 3. Effect of chemotherapy on sur-
vival by age, sex, stage, histology, and
performance status.
Adenocarcinoma 302/320 295/300

Squamous cell 567/605 532/554

Interaction P = .75
Other 214/224 194/204

Performance Status

Good 946/1034 904/969

Interaction P = .54
Poor 298/310 279/284

Exploratory Analysis
Performance Status (WHO or Karnofsky)

0 or 100-90 310/347 273/299

1 or 80-70 636/687 631/670

Trend P = .76

2+ or ≤ 60 298/310 279/284

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

SC + CT better SC alone better

The current meta-analysis suggests that we do not need another quality of life. Therefore, all patients who are fit enough and wish to
trial of supportive care alone versus supportive care and chemother- receive chemotherapy, should do so.
apy. What we do need are more trials comparing third generation
chemotherapy combinations, doses, and duration, and also further
research on toxicity and adverse effects. Recent trials have shown the OF INTEREST
efficacy of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors
in patients with advanced cancer35 who have relapsed after first-line Although all authors completed the disclosure declaration, the following
chemotherapy and so future trials may also exploit these encourag- author(s) indicated a financial or other interest that is relevant to the subject
ing developments. matter under consideration in this article. Certain relationships marked
This meta-analysis demonstrates conclusively that chemothera- with a “U” are those for which no compensation was received; those
relationships marked with a “C” were compensated. For a detailed
py increases overall survival for all types of patients with advanced
description of the disclosure categories, or for more information about
NSCLC and that there should be no change in the treatment para- ASCO’s conflict of interest policy, please refer to the Author Disclosure
digm. Evidence from trials that collected quality of life data also sug- Declaration and the Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest section in
gests that this approach is unlikely to be detrimental to the patients’ Information for Contributors.

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Burdett et al

Employment or Leadership Position: Thierry Le Chevalier, Collection and assembly of data: S. Burdett, L. Stewart
GlaxoSmithKline (U) Consultant or Advisory Role: None Stock Data analysis and interpretation: R. Arriagada, A. Auperin, D. Bell,
Ownership: None Honoraria: Richard Stephens, Pierre Fabre Oncology S. Burdett, G. Cartei, Y. Cormier, M. Cullen, P. Ganz, C. Gridelli,
Research Funding: Max Parmar, UK Medical Research Council; J. Higgins, D. Johnson, S. Kaasa, T. Le Chevalier, C. Le Pechoux,
Jean-Pierre Pignon, Sanofi-aventis; Richard Stephens, UK Medical M. Parmar, J.P. Pignon, E. Quoix, E. Rapp, L. Seymour, R. Souhami,
Research Council Expert Testimony: None Other Remuneration: None S. Spiro, R. Stephens, L. Stewart, N. Thatcher, J. Tierney, D.
Tummarello, J. van Meerbeeck, C. Williams, I. Williamson
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Manuscript writing: R. Arriagada, A. Auperin, S. Burdett, J. Higgins,
D. Johnson, T. Le Chevalier, C. Le Pechoux, M. Parmar, J.P. Pignon,
Conception and design: R. Arriagada, A. Auperin, S. Burdett, J. Higgins, R. Souhami, R. Stephens, L. Stewart, J. Tierney, J. van Meerbeeck
D. Johnson, T. Le Chevalier, C. Le Pechoux, M. Parmar, J.P. Pignon, Final approval of manuscript: R. Arriagada, A. Auperin, D. Bell,
R. Souhami, R. Stephens, L. Stewart, J. Tierney, J.P. van Meerbeeck S. Burdett, G. Cartei, Y. Cormier, M. Cullen, P. Ganz, C. Gridelli,
Administrative support: S. Burdett J. Higgins, D. Johnson, S. Kaasa, T. Le Chevalier, C. Le Pechoux,
Provision of study materials or patients: D. Bell, G. Cartei, Y. Cormier, M. Parmar, J.P. Pignon, E. Quoix, E. Rapp, L. Seymour, R. Souhami,
M. Cullen, P. Ganz, C. Gridelli, S. Kaasa, E. Quoix, E. Rapp, L. Seymour, S. Spiro, S. Spiro, R. Stephens, L. Stewart, N. Thatcher, J. Tierney, D.
R. Stephens, N. Thatcher, D. Tummarello, C. Williams, I. Williamson Tummarello, J. van Meerbeeck, C. Williams, I. Williamson

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Supportive Care and Chemotherapy in NSCLC

The NSCLC Meta-Analyses Collaborative Group (composition below) thanks all patients who took part in the trials and contributed to this
research. The meta-analysis would not have been possible without their participation or without the collaborating institutions that provided their
trial data.
The meta-analysis was funded by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council.
NSCLC Meta-Analyses Collaborative Group
Project Management Group
Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit, London, United Kingdom
S. Burdett, R. Stephens, L. Stewart, J. Tierney
Institut Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France
A. Auperin, T. Le Chevalier, C. Le Pechoux, J.P. Pignon
International Advisory Group
R. Arriagada, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden and Institut Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France
J. Higgins, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom
D. Johnson, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN
J. van Meerbeeck, University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
M. Parmar, MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, United Kingdom
R. Souhami, Cancer Research United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom
Collaborators who supplied individual patient data
D. Bell, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, New South Wales, Australia
G. Cartei, International Academy of Environmental Sciences, Venice, Italy
Y. Cormier, Hospital Laval, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada
M. Cullen, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom
P. Ganz, Schools of Medicine and Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
C. Gridelli, SG Moscati Hospital, Avellino, Italy
S. Kaasa, University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
E. Quoix, Service de Pneumologie, Strasbourg, France
E. Rapp (Retired), University of California-Los Angeles, Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
L. Seymour, National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
S. Spiro, University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom
N. Thatcher, Christie Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom
D. Tummarello, Universita Delgi Studi de Ancona, Ancona, Italy
C. Williams, Bristol Hematology and Oncology Centre, Bristol, United Kingdom
I. Williamson, Newport Chest Clinic, Newport, United Kingdom

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