Water-in-Polymer Salt Electrolyte For Long-Life
Water-in-Polymer Salt Electrolyte For Long-Life
Water-in-Polymer Salt Electrolyte For Long-Life
Zinc Batteries
1. Introduction
Zinc metal batteries (ZnBs) are poised as the next-generation energy storage
solution, complementing lithium-ion batteries, thanks to their cost- The United Nations has identified 17 goals for
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
effectiveness and safety advantages. These benefits originate from the
Among these, goal 7 aims to ensure access to
abundance of zinc and its compatibility with non-flammable aqueous affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern
electrolytes. However, the inherent instability of zinc in aqueous energy for all human beings.[1] Energy is a cor-
environments, manifested through hydrogen evolution reactions (HER) and nerstone for both developed and low-income
dendritic growth, has hindered commercialization due to poor cycling countries that can lead to a positive impact on
stability. Enter potassium polyacrylate (PAAK)-based water-in-polymer salt the society, economy, and environment.[2]
Among all myriad energy technologies, energy
electrolyte (WiPSE), a novel variant of water-in-salt electrolytes (WiSE),
storage acting as a buffer of energy has been
designed to mitigate side reactions associated with water redox processes, identified as the bottleneck to further mass
thereby enhancing the cyclic stability of ZnBs. In this study, WiPSE was implement the renewable energy sources.
employed in ZnBs featuring lignin and carbon composites as cathode Rechargeable batteries are considered in the
materials. Our research highlights the crucial function of acrylate groups strategies to provide stored energy for short
time scale at demand.[3] Lithium-ion batteries
from WiPSE in stabilizing the ionic flux on the surface of the Zn electrode.
(LiBs) are today not only mass implemented in
This stabilization promotes the parallel deposition of Zn along the (002) portable electronics and electric vehicles, but
plane, resulting in a significant reduction in dendritic growth. Notably, our also considered for buildings as a backup
sustainable Zn-lignin battery showcases remarkable cyclic stability, retaining energy solution because of their versatile
80% of its initial capacity after 8000 cycles at a high current rate (1 A g1) properties: high output voltage, high energy-
and maintaining over 75% capacity retention up to 2000 cycles at a low to-weight ratio, charge and discharge at high
currents, and low self-discharge.[4] Drawbacks
current rate (0.2 A g1). This study showcases the practical application of
are related to the safety issues due to thermal
WiPSE for the development of low-cost, dendrite-free, and scalable ZnBs. runaway and flammable liquid electrolytes as
well as the fact that lithium and atomic ele-
D. Kumar, Dr. R. Shu, Dr. J. Gladisch, Dr. V. Gueskine, Prof. R. Crispin, Dr. Z. ments such as cobalt used in electrodes have limited natural abundance.
Khan Finally, the carbon footprint of making LIBs is high as there is an emis-
Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Department of Science and Technology, sion of 75 kg CO2 in making of 1 kWh LiBs.[5] These aspects have led
Linköping University, SE-60174, Norrköping, Sweden researchers to explore the potential of rechargeable batteries based on
E-mail: [email protected]
alternative monovalent (Na, K) or multivalent (Mg, Ca, Zn, Al) ele-
E-mail: [email protected]
D. Kumar, Dr. V. Gueskine, Prof. R. Crispin, Dr. Z. Khan ments of high abundance and low cost as next-generation battery tech-
Wallenberg Wood Science Center, Department of Science and Technology nology beyond LiB technology.
(ITN), Linköping University, SE-60174, Norrköping, Sweden Among multivalent ion batteries, rechargeable ZnBs normally called
Dr. L. R. Franco, Dr. C. Moyses Araujo Zn ion batteries have captivated attention owing to the abundance of
Department of Engineering and Physics, Karlstad University, 65188, Karlstad,
Sweden Zn, low cost, and low toxicity. Importantly, its redox potential is
Dr. N. Abdou, Prof. A. Martinelli 0.76 V versus the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE), which makes
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of ZnBs operable in non-flammable aqueous electrolytes.[6] Moreover, the
Technology, SE-41296, Gothenburg, Sweden high theoretical specific capacity (820 mAh g1), large volumetric
Dr. C. Moyses Araujo
capacity (5846 mAh mL1), >99% recyclability of Zn metal from used
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, 75120, Uppsala,
Sweden batteries, and low CO2 emission (45.1 kg) for 1 kWh charge storage
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can capacity makes the ZnB a frontrunner among the sustainable battery
be found under https://doi.org/10.1002/eem2.12752. technologies that could compete with LiBs in some applications.[7] For
instance, these properties enable large-scale manufacturing of ZnBs
DOI: 10.1002/eem2.12752
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 1 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
which has been regarded as a safe, recyclable, cost-effective energy stor- resulting Zn-lignin battery in PAAK +0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 displayed
age technology that can fulfill the sustainability goals set by the United 75 mAh g1 of specific capacity, 80% retention in specific capacity, and
Nations. However, there are also concerns associated with ZnBs which >99% CE up to 8000 cycles.
require immediate attention. One of the major concerns is the thermo-
dynamic instability of unpolarized Zn metal in an aqueous electrolyte,
whether acidic or basic. The negatively polarized Zn metal electrode in 2. Results and Discussion
contact with aqueous electrolyte triggers the HER (2H+ → H2), which
raises the local pH around the electrode. As a result, a passivation layer 2.1. Electrolyte Characterization
of Zn(OH)2 is formed on top of Zn.[8] The interplay between dendritic
growth and HER leads to a degradation in the performance of ZnBs, 2.1.1. Electrochemical Stability Window, Ionic Conductivity, and Vis-
such as cyclic stability and coulombic efficiency (CE) of Zn plating/- cosity of WiPSE
stripping. To suppress HER and dendritic growth in ZnBs, mainly two
strategies have been employed: firstly, the surface modification of Zn In a precedent work, PAAK as WiPSE was synthesized and its transport
anode with Zn alloys, or a coating of an inorganic or organic properties were extensively characterized by our research group.[19,20]
material,[9] and, secondly, the modification of the electrolyte by using In this study, we prepared 0.1 and 0.2 m Zn2+-added PAAK as a WiPSE
additives or highly concentrated electrolytes.[10] Recently, one of the for ZnBs with the objective of reducing the concentration of fluorinated
mechanisms proposed to suppress dendritic growth is the promotion salt without compromising the advantages of WiSE. After the prepara-
of the Zn growth along its (002) plane.[11] Indeed, there seems to be a tion of the electrolyte, the electrochemical stability window (ESW) was
correlation between the (002) facets in a hexagonal close-packed Zn determined, a key parameter for assessing the electrochemical stability
crystal that has the least surface energy and prevention of dendrite of an electrolyte. On cathodic regions, Zn deposition and hydrogen
growth.[11] evolution reaction (HER) were observed beyond 1.0 V versus
In recent years, the strategy of super-concentrated electrolyte, also Ag/AgCl, whereas on the anodic side, it was observed that the oxygen
called WiSEs, was proposed to suppress HER by extending the electro- evolution reaction (OER) decreased significantly in PAAK-added
chemical stability windows of aqueous electrolytes beyond 1.2 V.[12] Zn(TFSI)2 electrolytes (Figure S1, Supporting Information).
This approach has also enabled the demonstration of aqueous electro- The ionic conductivity of PAAK added with Zn(TFSI)2, measured in
lytes for LiBs,[13] Na-ion batteries,[14] and ZnBs.[15] Additionally, a two-electrode cell by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
super-concentrated electrolytes also promote the reversibility of the (details can be found in experimental section), has been increased from
electrochemical plating/stripping for Zn electrode. For example, Wang 63.6 mS cm1 (for PAAK only) to 91.6 mS cm1 (for PAAK +0.05 m
et al. demonstrated 100% coulombic efficiency (CE) for Zn electro- Zn(TFSI)2) and then further it decreases to 73.8 mS cm1 (for PAAK
plating/stripping using 1 m Zn(TFSI)2 + 20 m LiTFSI as WISE.[16] +0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2) (Figure S2a, Supporting Information). The
However, most of the ZnBs demonstrated using WiSE use high concen- improved ionic conductivity of Zn-based electrolyte in comparison to
tration of fluorinated salts such as those based on (TFSI) or (OTf), PAAK could be attributed to the slightly reduced viscosity of the electro-
which are not only expensive but also have a negative environmental lyte [(Figure S2b, Supporting Information); detailed viscosity can be
impact. Also, for ZnBs to reach commercial application, it is essential to found in SI] and increased ionic concentrations.
develop WiSE with low or no fluorinated salts. Previously, our group
provided the first indication of a new strategy to decrease the fluori-
nated salt in the electrolyte which can transport cations.[17] Indeed, low 2.1.2. Investigation of Zn2+ Solvation Structure by Molecular Dynam-
concentration (0.2 m) Zn(TFSI)2 added to PAAK as a WiPSE could be ics Simulations
utilized for Zn deposition.[17] This means that the WiPSE’s ability to
increase the stability windows does not come from the Zn(TFSI)2 salt The introduction of different concentrations of Zn(TFSI)2 to PAAK is
but from the non-fluorinated PAAK salt, while only a small amount of expected to affect the solvation of ions as well as the dynamics of water
Zn(TFSI)2 is added for the charge storage.[17] It is worth underlining and the polymer chains. Figure 1 shows the Radial Distribution Func-
that in our first study, Zn plating/stripping was not investigated sys- tions (RDF) between selected atomic sites of the systems obtained by
tematically and no Zn-lignin battery was fabricated. This previous study molecular dynamics simulations. Table S1, Supporting Information,
investigated the electroactivity of lignin with various salts, including Li, gathers the specific distances of the RDFs and their respective coordina-
Ca, Mg, and Zn in half-cell configuration; however, Zn(TFSI)2-added tion numbers. Zinc ions interact with the oxygen atoms of the polymer
PAAK was selected strategically to fabricate Zn-lignin battery as Zn can (Op), which is related to two phenomena: electrostatic interaction
be electroplated contrary to other salts (Li, Ca and Mg) using PAAK. found in diluted solution, known as cation condensation along a polya-
In this work, we prepared PAAK + x m Zn(TFSI)2 (x = 0.1 and 0.2) nion, and the affinity of the oxygen electronic lone pairs to interact
as WiPSE and systematically studied the Zn plating/stripping phenom- with metallic cations. In our case, Op belongs to the solvation shell of
ena. The best performing electrolyte was found to be PAAK +0.2 m Zn2+ ions because polyanion behaves as a solvent to solvate the
Zn(TFSI)2 and has been integrated into a Zn-organic battery. This new ions which was evidenced by short distance between Zn and Op
strategy provides a stable Zn battery with significantly reduced electro- (Figure 1c). The solvation shell begins at 1.64 Å, reaches a peak at
lyte cost and a noteworthy cut in environmental impact by usage of 1.82 Å, and has a minimum at 2.79 Å (at 0.1 m Zn(TFSI)2) or 2.63 Å
low concentration of fluorinated salt. Moreover, it was observed that (at 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2), comprising a number of 0.3 and 0.4 Zn ions at
WiPSE facilitates Zn deposition via (002) plane which enables the concentrations of 0.1 and 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2, respectively. Such prox-
dendrite-free ZnB. The organic electrode chosen is the biopolymer lig- imity of Zn2+ cations to the polymer chains leads to local dehydration
nin, which can be electrochemically active when combined with con- of the polymer chains, resulting in the loss of approximately 0.6 water
ductive carbon as demonstrated previously by Ail et al.[18] The molecules per monomer at a concentration of 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2. The
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 2 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
Figure 1. Radial distribution functions (RDF) and coordination numbers (CN) of the PAAK simulations at 0.0, 0.1 m and 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 concentrations. a–c)
Polymer oxygen (Op) interacting with potassium ion (K+), water oxygen (Ow), and zinc ion (Zn2+). d–f) Zn2+ interacting with Op, oxygen of TFSI (OTFSI)
and Ow. g) K+ interacting with Ow. h, i) OTFSI interacting with K+ and Ow. j, k) presents schematic illustration of solvation structure of hybrid electrolyte.
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 3 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
Table 1. Self-diffusion coefficients (D) computed for the species included in diffusion coefficients (D) calculated from the slope of the atomic mean
the MD simulations of PAAK-based electrolytes with Zn(TFSI)2 concentra- squared displacements (MSD). For comparison, D values were also
tions equal to 0.0, 0.1, and 0.2 m.
computed for K+ (201.9 5.0), Zn2+ (76.5 2.5), TFSI (79.6
5.9), and water (258.3 0.9) in a water solution (at T = 298 K and
Probed species D (1011 m2 s1)
p = 1 bar), expressed in units of 1011 m2 s1. In the presence of
0.0 m Zn(TFSI)2 0.1 m Zn(TFSI)2 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2
PAAK in the water and with 0.2 m of Zn(TFSI)2, water diffusion and
K+ 41.3 0.1 23.2 1.6 9.5 1.7 polymer diffusion exhibit values of 26.4 2.6 and 0.3 0.1
— 1.5 0.4 0.5 0.2 (1011 m2 s1), respectively, while K+, Zn2+, and TFSI diffusion
TFSI — 6.9 1.5 2.0 0.7
exhibit values of 9.5 1.7, 0.5 0.2, and 2.0 0.7 (1011 m2 s1).
Therefore, we observe that both Zn2+ ions and PAA polyanions
PAA 2.3 1.2 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.1
exhibit similar diffusion rates, suggesting a robust mutual interaction
H2O 93.9 2.5 52.8 2.7 26.4 2.6 between them. Compared to the dynamics of PAAK electrolyte, the
introduction of Zn(TFSI)2 leads to a reduction in the diffusion coeffi-
The self-diffusion coefficients were obtained from the slope of the MSD calculated cient of all species but mostly for the PAA. Indeed, D decreases by a
from the MD simulations.
factor of 7.7 for this polymer, 4.3 for K+, and 3.6 for water. As each
Zn2+ ion attracts 3 water molecules from the solution, we can consider
number of hydrogen bonds (NHB) per monomer, formed between the the existence of two very distinct micro-environments for water mole-
polymer chain and water molecules, is 5.8 for a PAAK 1:2 solution cules; one primarily consisting of free water molecules, and another
without Zn(TFSI)2, while it decreases to 4.6 at 0.1 m Zn(TFSI)2 and characterized by interactions with Zn2+ ions. In summary, our observa-
3.8 at 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2. This represents a reduction by 2 hydrogen tions indicate a modification in the solvation structure of Zn2+, with its
bonds per monomer at the 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 concentration. Figure S5, solvation sheath now comprising PAA, TFSI, and water.
Supporting Information, shows the time evolution of key parameters
characterizing the hydrogen bonds, that is, NHB, donor-acceptor dis-
tance, and H-donor-acceptor angle distribution. 2.1.3. Raman Spectroscopy of Zn(TFSI)2-added PAAK
The local polymer chain dehydration by the addition of Zn salt is
due to the interaction between Zn2+ ions and the negatively charged The nature of the interactions between the different ionic species in
monomer. Now, we can observe the solvation shell around the Zn2+ both PAAK- and H2O-based solutions was investigated by Raman spec-
cations. When Zn2+ ions are diluted in water, they can coordinate to troscopy. The interactions established between cations (Zn2+, K+) and
six oxygen of water molecules[21] (Ow). In presence of PAAK and anion (TFSI) are typically analyzed in the spectral range of the
water, Zn2+ cations possess multiple oxygen types in their solvation expansion-contraction mode of the TFSI anion (νs S-N-S, νs CF3 of
shell either coming from acrylate or water. In a PAAK + x m Zn(TFSI)2 the TFSI), which typically appears as an intense peak in the 741–
(where x = 0.1, 0.2) electrolytes system, such oxygen coordination 744 cm1 frequency range in the case of weakly coordinated
number keeps equal to 6 but these oxygen atoms come from different TFSI-based complexes.[22–24] We therefore collected the Raman spectra
sources (Figure 1d–f). At a concentration of 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2, Zn2+ of different PAAK- and H2O-based solutions containing various
ions coordinate on average with 3.2 [3.3] oxygens of water molecules amounts of the Zn(TFSI)2 salt (see Figure 2a for Raman spectra of the
(Ow), 0.6 [1.0] oxygens of TFSI (OTFSI), and 2.2 [1.7] polymer PAAK-Zn(TFSI)2 series). A thorough peak fitting analysis of the col-
oxygens (Op) (values in “[]” coordination number for 0.1 m lected Raman spectra reveals that the position of the main component
Zn(TFSI)2). In conclusion, Zn2+ ions preferentially interact with PAA changes marginally keeping values close to 746.7 cm1 upon adding
rather than with TFSI. However, the interaction between Zn2+ and Zn(TFSI)2 to the PAAK electrolyte (Figure 2b). The trend shows a weak
TFSI increases with the TFSI concentration. Moreover, it was redshift of the frequency upon increased Zn(TFSI)2 content, which is
observed that an average of 1 OTFSI in the first solvation shell of each in qualitative agreement with the observed decreased viscosity
Zn2+ ion indicates a tendency of Zn2+ and TFSI to stabilize as a par- (Figure S2b, Supporting Information). We also observe a systematic
tially neutralized ion-pair in the PAAK electrolyte (Figure 1j,k). increase of this peak intensity with the concentration of Zn(TFSI)2,
The presence of Zn(TFSI)2 salt also modifies the solvation of the K+ which directly correlates to the increased amount of TFSI anions in
ions, which suffer from a slight dehydration (see K+ RDFs in the detected sample volume (inset of Figure 2b).
Figure 1a,g). On average, the first solvation shell of K+ in PAAK For a better understanding of this finding, as well as for rationalizing
+0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 electrolyte has 1.4 less water molecules than in the role of PAAK, Raman spectra were also recorded for neat (no PAAK)
PAAK without the Zn salt. The number of K+ ions coordinating to Op H2O-based solutions with different Zn(TFSI)2 salt concentrations (blue
is slightly reduced by around 0.1 within the first solvation shell of Op symbols in Figure 2b). We find that the Raman shift of the investigated
because some K+ ions interact instead with the TFSI molecules vibrational mode increases slightly with composition but remains close
(Figure 1h). Around 0.3 K+ ions are found in the immediate vicinity to 746 cm1, keeping values just below those of the PAAK-based elec-
of the OTFSI and NTFSI. Finally, we analyzed the interaction between trolytes (yellow symbols in Figure 2b). Based on the available literature
the oxygen and nitrogen atoms of TFSI with water (Figure 1i). OTFSI on the correlation between Raman shift and inter-ionic
exhibits a higher hydration level with a coordination number of 1.6 interactions[16,25] the latter indicates that the TFSI anion experiences,
compared to NTFSI with a coordination number of 0.9. on average, stronger interactions in the PAAK-based electrolytes than in
Regarding the dynamics of the cations, anions and polymer chains, the neat H2O-based electrolytes. This aspect corroborates with the result
a significant and monotonic decrease in mass mobility is observed for from MD simulations that TFSI and Zn2+ are in closest proximity in
all ions upon addition of Zn(TFSI)2. In particular, K+ ions and water the PAAK-based electrolyte (see e.g., Figure 1e); their interaction is pos-
molecules are most strongly slowed down. Table 1 presents the self- sibly strengthened since water can screen less in the co-presence of K+
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 4 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
2.2. Zn Deposition and Morphological
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 5 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
intensity of the (002) peak in comparison to
the (100) peak as estimated by the ratio of
I(002)/I(100) for Zn plating, which increases
with cycles. For bare Zn, the I(002)/I(100) ratio
is 0.49, increasing to 0.69 after 10 cycles, and
further to 1.02 after 100 cycles. This implies
that Zn2+ ions deposit along (002) plane. The
growth of Zn deposit along (002) plane is
advantageous for the formation of dendrite-free
Zn structure compared to (101) plane.[32–34]
Contrary to the (002) plane, the (101) plane is
vertically aligned to the Zn surface, hence pro-
moting dendritic growth. Also, the (002) crys-
tal plane retains a high activation energy for Zn
dissolution, thus suppressing the side reactions
during cycling and hampering the growth of
The Zn plating/stripping reversibility was
further investigated in PAAK +0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2
using an asymmetric Ti||Zn as half-cell. The
coulombic efficiency (CE) was calculated by
ratio of Zn stripped from Ti to the Zn deposited
Figure 3. a) CV in PAAK +0.1 m Zn(TFSI)2 and PAAK +0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 in the potential range of 0.4 during the same cycle. It can be deduced
to 0.5 V at 2 mV s1. b) Comparison of voltage profiles and cyclic stability of a Zn‖Zn symmetric cell from the results that the CE gradually increases
at 0.1 mA cm2, in a coin cell configuration in PAAK +0.1 m Zn(TFSI)2 and PAAK +0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 with cycles and reaches >95% up to 200 cycles
(color coding is same as in 2a). Cross-sectional SEM images of Zn electrodes after 750 cycles in PAAK+ (Figure 4f). Importantly, this result indicates
0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 at c) 2 μm and d) 200 nm magnification scales.
that most of the deposited Zn on Ti substrate
could be retrieved during the successive strip-
ping processes. Ex-situ XRD was performed on
the Ti used to deposit Zn at different cycles (10
and 100 cycles). The peak intensity of the
(002) plane increased steadily after 10 cycles
and continued to increase even more after
100 cycles (Figure 4g). This was also con-
firmed by estimate the peak intensity ratio of
(002) plane to (101) plane which increases
from 0.49 to 0.98 with cycling. This is remi-
niscent of a uniform and parallel deposition of
Zn on the Ti surface. The other distinctive
peaks in the diffractogram at 43.2° and 54.3°
corroborate the pure Zn deposition (marked
with light yellow strip).
Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance
(EQCM) is the technique we used to quantify
the amount of deposited Zn from PAAK
+0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2. The quartz crystal is coated
by a gold layer acting as the working electrode
and its resonance frequency is followed versus
the applied potential controlling the deposi-
tion/stripping. A CV comprising 15 cycles was
carried out, with the potential swept between
0.3 and 1.6 V at a scan rate of 1 mV s1.
Figure 4. a) SEM images of Zn electrodes after a) and b) 10 cycles; c) top and d) cross-section after During the first sweep, as the potential reached
100 cycles in PAAK+ 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2. The inset of c shows formation of hexagonal pattern Zn (scale approximately 1.2 V, a substantial amount of
bar is 200 nm). e) XRD of pristine Zn and Zn after 10 and 100 cycles of deposition/stripping using two Zn (50 μg cm2) was deposited (Figure S15,
different symmetric Zn||Zn cells showing deposition of pure Zn as no impurity peaks were observed. f)
Coulombic efficiency related with Zn deposition on Ti in a Ti||Zn-based symmetric cell in PAAK+ 0.2 m
Supporting Information) which increases fur-
Zn(TFSI)2 to observe reversibility of Zn deposition. g) the XRD of Ti subjected to charge–discharge for ther on the reversal of potential before reduc-
10 and 100 cycles at 0.1 mA cm2 current rate. Zn deposition via (002) plane can be clearly seen on Ti tion in mass starts. This kind of behavior is
surface without any impurity. similar to the previously reported WiSE
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 6 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
systems.[36] In the potential range of 0.3 to 1.6 V, the initial Zn carbon.[18] The electrochemical analysis of Zn in the hybrid electrolyte
deposition was not completely stripped; however, in subsequent cycles, was presented comprehensively in the previous section, while the half-
a mass increase and decrease were observed above the initial deposition cell study of L-C electrode was performed in one of our previous
level, indicating reversible exchange of Zn in the electrolyte and Au on studies.[17] We now demonstrate a low-cost, sustainable Zn-lignin bat-
the surface. As the number of cycles increased, the overall deposited tery, where two abundant materials, Zn and L-C, are chosen as elec-
mass also increased. In contrast to the observations in the electrolyte trodes, by fabricating a 2032 type coin cell (Figure 5a). The specific
PAAK without Zn(TFSI)2, a loss of mass was noticed, suggesting that capacity, specific energy, and self-discharge of the cell were thereby
Au from the quartz surface was leaving the surface. estimated. In Zn-lignin battery, lignin undergoes oxidation–reduction
reaction, whereas Zn plates/strips at the Zn anode. Thus, the reversibil-
ity of Zn stripping/plating is coupled to the reversibility of redox reac-
2.3. Zn-Lignin Battery Characterization in PAAK +0.2 m tion at the lignin electrode. The CV of Zn and L-C shows that the
Zn(TFSI)2 position of redox peak potentials of Zn and L-C lies in from 0.4 to
1.7 V versus Zn, thus L-C and Zn can be used as positive and negative
In the Zn-lignin battery, the lignin electrode is a composite made of the electrode, respectively, in the assembled battery (Figure 5b). Based on
insulating lignin and the conducting carbon nanoparticles with a 1:1 the redox potential of those two electroactive materials a cell with 1.3 V
weight ratio. Those materials were mixed using ball milling method to potential can be achieved. The voltammogram at 5 mV s1 of the Zn-
obtain electronically conductive and electrochemically active lignin cell (Figure 5c) shows one broad oxidation and one broad
lignin-carbon (L-C) nanocomposite. It is worth mentioning that ball reduction peak, where the former one is attributed to the oxidation of
milling helps to achieve an intimate interface between lignin and C═C–O to C–C═CO in the L-C (shown in inset of Figure 5b). The
peak currents increase with scan rates (from 10
to 50 mV s1), which suggests that the ionic
and electronic charge transport, along with the
interfacial redox processes, are fast.
To understand the charge storage better and
to assess whether it is diffusion controlled
(which is usually ascribed to faradaic processes)
or capacitive, the relationship between current
and scan rate was evaluated (i = aνb), where i
and ν are defined as peak current and scan rate
(1–5 mV s1), respectively (Figure S16a, Sup-
porting Information). In this relation, a and b
are the constants which can be estimated by the
intercept and slope of log(i) vs log(ν) plot. If
the estimated value of b is close to 0.5, then the
charge storage process occurs via diffusion-
controlled process, whereas if it reaches close to
1, then mechanism is dictated by non-faradaic
process. Herein, the slope was found to be 0.84
(Figure S16b, Supporting Information) which
indicates that energy storage process is domi-
nated by diffusion-controlled process originating
from the Faradic redox processes of Zn and lig-
nin in hybrid electrolyte. Further, the diffusion
and capacitive contribution to total capacity was
estimated by CV using the following equation,
ⅈ ¼ k1 ν þ k2 ν05 (1)
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 7 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
specific capacity supporting our claim of low
parasitic side reactions and no dissolution of
active material during the rest period.
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 8 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.
than that of employing higher concentrations of fluorinated salt, such 5.4. Electrode and Electrolyte Characterization
as 1 m Zn(TFSI)2 + 20 m LiTFSI (see Table S3, Supporting Informa-
tion). Additionally, this study yields compelling evidence that the inclu- Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR)
sion of just 0.2 m Zn(TFSI)2 into PAAK yields reversible Zn deposition (VERTEX FTIR spectrometer, MA, USA) spectra were recorded for PAAK, and
and dissolution along the (002) plane. After the successful Zn plating/- PAAK added different concentration of Zn(TFSI)2 from 400 to 4000 cm1 at
4 cm1 resolution. Rheological studies of the electrolytes were measured using
stripping study in half-cell and solvation structure study, a sustainable
Anton-Paar Rheometer (model MCR 102) at room temperature with a cone
Zn-lignin battery was constructed, demonstrating remarkable perfor- plate CP-50-1 using rotational method. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was
mance with an outstanding 80% capacity retention after 8000 cycles at measured using TA instruments TGA-5500, for the materials thermal stability
a high current rate of 1 A g1. It achieved a maximum energy output and plotted rate of weight change as a function of temperature, time. Elec-
of 23 Wh kg1 and a peak power delivery of 610 W kg1. This trochemical QCM experiments were performed with Au quartz sensors
achievement is particularly noteworthy as both lignin and Zn stand as (QSense QSX301) in a QSense Analyzer instrument. In the QCM chamber,
among the most economical, reversible electroactive materials globally. the Au quartz sensor served as a working electrode in a 3-electrode setup
with a Pt counter and a reference electrode of type WPI Dri-Ref (Ag/AgCl).
Moreover, they possess the advantages of being non-toxic and readily The electrochemistry was controlled with a Metrohm μAutolab Type III and
recyclable. The Zn-lignin battery’s appeal lies in the fact that both zinc NOVA 2 software. The frequency changes were transformed into mass
(at a cost of 0.4 USD Ah1) and lignin (ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 changes with the Sauerbrey equation for the third overtone (QSense Dfind
USD Ah1) exhibit a favorable low-cost to capacity ratio. This economic software toolbox). Impedance measurements were carried out using an imped-
advantage positions Zn-lignin batteries as an appealing option in the ance spectrometer (an Alpha high resolution dielectric analyzer, Novocontrol
emerging market of sustainable, large-scale stationary batteries. Technologies GmbH) using a two-point probe method. An AC voltage of
5 mV is applied while sweeping the frequency from 105 to 10 Hz, and the
measurements were carried out at room temperature. Electrolyte was filled in
the Teflon cylindrical cavity of 11.2 mm diameter and length 3.05, and Pt was
5. Experimental Section used as the electrode on either side of the cavity. The final value of the resis-
tance used for the calculation of the ionic conductivity was considered from
the linear fitted data. The bulk ionic conductivity was calculated as
σ = d/(R × A), where d, A, and R are the distance between the electrodes, area
of cross section, and resistance, respectively. Scanning Electron Microscope
5.1. Materials and Chemicals (SEM) (Zeiss Sigma 500 Gemini) along with the energy dispersive X-ray spec-
troscopic analysis (EDX) was used to analyze microstructure or morphology of
Softwood kraft lignin was obtained from Bäckhammar. Potassium hydroxide deposited Zn. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were performed for these
(>85% purity) was purchased from Merck. Zinc bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) samples before and after 10 and 100 cycles using a diffractometer (PANalyti-
imide (Zn(TFSI)2) with a purity of 99.5%, potassium acetate (CH3COOK), and cal X’Pert) with a Cu Kα radiation and a nickel filter in a Bragg–Brentano
polyacrylic acid (average Mw ≈ 250 000, 35 wt% in H2O) were all purchased from geometry.
Sigma Aldrich and used as received. The purchased materials for the project also
include conductive carbon (ENSACO 360 G from IMERYS Graphite and Carbon,
with a BET surface area of 780 m2 g1), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), and 5.5. Cell Fabrication and Electrochemical Characterization
styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) from TOB New Energy Technology, Xiamen,
China, as well as graphite foil (SIGRAFLEX® from SGL Carbon). Electrochemical measurements of the full cells were performed by assembling
CR2032- type coin cells at ambient condition. The L-C electrodes were used as
cathode and had a mass loading of 3.5 mg cm2 whereas Zn was used as anode.
5.2. Electrolyte Preparation A glass fiber type A soaked with PAAK added Zn(TFSI)2 was used as separator.
For the device measurement, the cell was charged at different current 0.1–1 A g1
Potassium polyacrylate (PAAK) as “water-in-polymer salt electrolyte” was pre- in the potential range of 0.4 and 1.7 V. Galvanostatic Cycling with Potential Limi-
pared by deprotonating 25 mL polyacrylic acid using aqueous solution of potas- tation (GCPL) technique was used as a testing method for galvanostatic charge
sium hydroxide until pH become neutral. Thereafter, the obtained solution discharge (GCD) and sate of charge (SOC) determination. Specific energy (E ) and
stirred for 24 h followed by the removal of water by heating this solution at specific power (P ) were calculated using the equations below where m is total
80 °C. The obtained dry product was dissolved in water in 1:2 wt-ratio (PAAK: mass, t is discharging time, i is discharge current, and V is the potential.
water) thereby resulting in the WiPSE.[19] PAAK-Zn(TFSI)2 with 0.1 and 0.2 m con- Z t
centration was prepared by adding subsequent amount of 0.1 and 0.2 m of 1
E¼ iVdt (2)
Zn(TFSI)2 salt in PAAK (in estimated water content) and stirred at room m 0
5.3. Lignin-Carbon (L-C) Electrode Preparation P¼ (3)
Energy Environ. Mater. 2024, 0, e12752 9 of 10 © 2024 The Authors. Energy & Environmental Materials published by
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John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Zhengzhou University.