Abstract— The air circuit breaker (ACB) is required to switch contact when short current appears. In order to understand
off the short current at various frequencies in the permanent the influence of frequency on the breaking characteristic of
magnet wind power generation system. The movable contact ACB, it is necessary to study the effect of frequency on arc
of ACB consists of multiple parallel contacts, and the arc will
be ignited when the short-circuit current appears. This paper motion inside the arc quenching chamber.
focuses on the effect of frequency on arc motion in multiple Both experiment and simulation are the research meth-
parallel contacts’ system. A 3-D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ods for revealing the arc motion processes of low-voltage
model of a multiple parallel contacts’ structure is built. In this circuit breaker in the previous studies. For experiment,
model, the anode consists of five parallel contacts. The difference Lindmayer et al. [3], Mutzke et al. [4], and Riß et al. [5] built
in voltage between the near-anode layer and the near-cathode
layer is considered. The nonlinear B–H curve of the splitter the test equipment to investigate the arc splitting process, and
plate is taken into account. The time-varying electromagnetic the arc splitting process by the splitter plate was analyzed. The
field induced by the current loop including electrodes and arc nonlinear voltage-current density characteristic describing the
column is calculated. The arc evolution process and effect of near-electrode voltage was proposed according to the results
frequency on arc motion in multiple parallel contacts’ system are of experiments. McBride et al. [6], Weaver et al. [7], and
analyzed by the arc voltage and the current density distribution.
This paper is expected to provide the theoretical references for McBride et al. [8] presented the optical-fiber array test system
the optimal design of arc quenching chamber of ACBs. based on the imaging system. The arc root motion process
and the phenomena of back commutation were studied by
Index Terms— Air circuit breaker (ACB), frequency, magneto-
hydrodynamic (MHD), multiple parallel contacts, optimal design. arc imaging system. Li et al. [9], Degui et al. [10], and
Li et al. [11] analyzed the influences of various factors to arc
I. I NTRODUCTION motion process by the 2-D optical-fiber measurement system.
They also studied the interaction between the arc and the
W ITH the development of wind power generation, a way
of clean energy utilization, offshore wind power gen-
eration has been receiving more concerns. The direct-driven
contact by charge-coupled device (CCD) [12]. For simulation,
the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model was widely applied.
permanent magnet synchronous generator has been widely Li et al. [13]–[15] built the 2-D MHD model to investigate the
applied to the offshore wind power generation due to its lower effect of ferromagnetic material, metallic vapor, and gassing
failure rate [1]. The air circuit breakers (ACBs) are used in material on air arc behavior. Lindmayer et al. [16]–[18]
outlets of generators to control and protect the equipment. revealed the mechanism of arc cooling by the 2-D MHD
However, the frequency of the output current of permanent method. Rümpler et al. [19] and Ch and Narayanan [20] ana-
magnet generator system may vary from 2 to 200 Hz [2]. lyzed the influence of movable contact motion on arc voltage
Therefore, the ACB is required to switch OFF the short current based on the 3-D MHD method. The eddy current effect of
at various frequencies. The breaking capacity of ACB mainly low-voltage circuit breaker was studied in [21] and [22]. Also,
depends on whether the arc can be extinguished. Normally, the influence of frequency on arc motion in single contact
in order to increase the short-time withstand current, the mov- system was studied in [1]. The MHD method is well-developed
able contact of ACB consists of multiple parallel contacts [1]. after years of research. Basically, the effect of most factors on
The arc is ignited between the arcing contact and static the arc motion process in miniature circuit breaker (MCB) and
molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) can be obtained by the
Manuscript received October 31, 2018; revised December 22, 2018, MHD simulation.
January 26, 2019, and February 23, 2019; accepted February 27, 2019. Date of
publication March 22, 2019; date of current version May 8, 2019. This work However, all of the above studies are for single contact
was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under system. In addition, the complex of the formation process
Grant 51507136. The review of this paper was arranged by Senior Editor of multiple arc roots and the interaction of multiple contacts
P. K. Chu. (Corresponding author: Xingwen Li.)
J. Yin and X. Li are with the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation make the arc simulation of multiple parallel contacts’ system
and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China a difficulty. The arc motion processes of multiple parallel
(e-mail: [email protected]). contacts’ system at various currents were analyzed in [23].
Q. Wang is with the School of Sciences, Xi’an University of Technology,
Xi’an 710048, China. However, the splitter plate is not involved, and the effect of
B. Zhang and P. Zhang are with the Institute of Measurement, China Electric frequency on the arc motion in multiple parallel contacts’
Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100192, China. system is still not fully understood.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no publi-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2019.2903851 cation for the effect of frequency on arc motion in multiple
0093-3813 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
B. Governing Equations
In this paper, the air plasma in the chamber is assumed
in a state of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), and the
flow is assumed to be laminar. The air plasma thermodynamic
properties and transport coefficients are functions of pressure
Fig. 1. Numerical geometry for fluid. (a) Side view. (b) Top view. and temperature [26].
With the above assumption, the arc motion process can be
parallel contacts’ system. Therefore, this paper focuses on the obtained by solving N–S equations by the following [16].
simulation analysis of the effect of frequency on arc motion 1) Mass Conservation Equation:
in multiple parallel contacts’ system. The interaction among
multiple parallel contacts and the nonlinear B–H curve of the ∂ρ →
+ ∇ · (ρ V ) = 0. (1)
splitter plate are considered in this paper. Meanwhile, a novel ∂t
modeling of near-electrode layer is applied to describe the
2) Momentum Conservation Equation:
voltage difference between a near-anode voltage level and a
near-cathode voltage level. The time-varying electromagnetic ∂(ρv k ) →
field is calculated. + ∇ · (ρv k V )
In this paper, a 3-D MHD model of a multiple parallel ∂p → −
− →
contacts’ structure is developed. The anode consists of five = ∇ · (η∇v k ) − + ( J × B )k . (2)
∂ xk
parallel contacts. In this model, the nonlinear voltage-current
density curve is used to describe the formation of the new arc 3) Energy Conservation Equation:
root and represent the near-electrode voltage. The normalized
∂(ρh) →
− λ
time is obtained. The effect of frequency on the air arc motion + ∇ · (ρh V ) = ∇ · ( ∇h) + Sh (3)
is analyzed by the arc voltage and current density. The research ∂t cp
work in this paper is expected to provide theoretical supports Sh = σ E 2 + qη − qrad (4)
to the optimal design of new type and high-performance ACBs.
where σ E 2 is the Joule heat, qrad is the radiation energy,
II. N UMERICAL M ODEL AND M ETHOD it is calculated by the net emission coefficient (NEC)
− →
method [27] in this paper. J × B is the Lorentz
A. Numerical Geometry and Boundary Conditions
force generated by the arc current and the self-induced
Fig. 1(a) shows the numerical geometry for the fluid. A 1/2 −
magnetic field. ρis the density, V is the velocity vector,
symmetric model is adopted. This model is a simplification v k (v x , v y , v z ) is the velocity, η is the viscosity, p is
of the ACB, and it includes the anode, cathode, splitter plate, the pressure, c p is the specific heat, σ is the electrical
and arc column domain. The material of the anode and the conductivity, E is the electrical field, qη is the viscous
cathode is copper. The splitter plate is ferromagnetic material. dissipation, λ is the thermal conductivity, and h is the
The dimensions of the model are 7×8×40 mm in the x–y–z enthalpy.
direction, and the origin of the coordinate is on the symmetry The electromagnetic field can be calculated by the Maxwell
plane (x = 0). The thickness of the anode and the cathode equations
is 1.5 mm. The geometry of anode is shown in Fig. 1(b).
→ →
− − →
The anode consists of five parallel contacts, and the solid is ∇ × H = Js + Je (5)
the conductor for connecting them. The dimensions of every →
− ∂B
contact are same with 2 ×1.5 ×23 mm in the x–y–z direction. ∇× E =− (6)
The dimensions of solid are 7 × 1.5 × 2 mm in the x–y–z →
direction, and the dimensions of cathode are 7 × 1.5 × 25 mm →
− ∂A
E =− − ∇φ (7)
in the x–y–z direction. The thickness of the splitter plate is ∂t
− →
1 mm. The distance between the anode and cathode is 5 mm. B =∇× A (8)
For the side wall and electrodes outside plane, the environ- →
− →
mental temperature of 300 K is applied to thermal conditions, where H is the magnetic field strength, Js is the source
− →
and no-slip conditions are specified for velocity [24]. For current density, Je is the eddy current density, A is the
the vent in Fig. 1(a), the total pressure is set to 1 atm, magnetic vector potential, and φ is the electrical potential.
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