4392 Example
4392 Example
4392 Example
• Every student has the option to have an MTL check their AF Form 4392 prior to the
Flight Chief reviewing it.
• Students must be back to the dormitory NLT 1900 on the last non-duty day of the
• Students are not authorized to fly anywhere for normal or long weekends (not
applicable to graduates who are departing or students on emergency leave).
• The local area for non-duty days falls between Santa Barbra County and San Luis Obispo
County. If you do not have an approved AF Form 4392, you should not be outside the
local area during the weekends or holidays.
• Phase III students are permitted to travel up to 150 miles with an approved AF 4392.
• If you have worked 4 or more hours that day, travel outside of the duty day local area is
not authorized. You will need to wait until the next morning to start your travel if your
destination is outside of Lompoc or Santa Maria.
• Examples of “Reason for travel and/or overnight stay” include leisure, visiting family,
camping, sightseeing, etc. Please do not simply put “weekend” as a reason.
• Do not complete your form in pencil and ensure your handwriting is legible.
• If your approved weekend travel plans that are listed on your AF 4392 change, you are
to report back to the dormitory and follow the dormitory rules upon arrival. From that
point on, you will ensure you are back in your living quarters by your applicable curfew
each night. You are not allowed to make adjustments that have NOT been approved by
an MTL. Having an approved AF 4392s is not an excuse to break curfew all weekend.
• If you turn in an AF 4392 for an upcoming week, it will only be reviewed for accuracy
and initialed at the top by an MTL. The final approval will not happen until the week of
so that your record can be reviewed to ensure you have not received any corrective
actions over verbal counseling.
• AF Form 4392 denial reasons include, but are not limited to the following:
o You received any type of remedial training or disciplinary paperwork that week
o You completed the form incorrectly
o You turned your request in after the deadline
o Implementation of travel restrictions
• Always refer to your Student Training Guide for information or an MTL for clarification.
YOUR PHONE NUMBER___________________ 098-765-4321
REASON FOR TRAVEL AND/OR OVERNIGHT STAY:__________________________