Essay Past Papers
Essay Past Papers
Essay Past Papers
Global Warming (CSS 2006)
The future of mankind in a global warming perspective. (CSS 2007)
Global Warming, fact or fiction? (CSS 2008)
Government should eliminate subsidies and incentives for manufacturers
and consumers of electric cars as they are costly and do not do enough to
protect the environment. (CSS 2015)
The threat of Global Warming and the ways to counter it. (CSS 2018)
Of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be readable. (CSS
The pleasures of reading. (CSS 2011)
Morality/ Principles
Art and Morality. (CSS 2002)
There comes a time to put aside principles and do what is right. (CSS
Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty. (CSS 2008)
Globalization and electronic media. (CSS 2007)
Power of Media in the Modern World. (CSS 2009)
Modern day communication via social networks puts an end to true and
sincere relationships. (CSS 2013)
The emerging power of Social Media: Prospects and Problems. (CSS
Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to
govern, but impossible to enslave. (CSS 2000)
Economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of
literacy in it. (CSS 2001)
Higher Science Education in the developing countries. (CSS 2002)
Education has for its object the formation of character. (CSS 2002)
Need for serious planning in technical education in Pakistan. (CSS 2002)
Reforms in Examination systems. (CSS 2005)
The present system of Education must assume some of the responsibilities
of our failure. (CSS 2007)
Higher Education as an agent of change. (CSS 2008)
Co-education; Merits and Demerits. (CSS 2009)
English as the medium of Education in Pakistan. (CSS 2009)
A critical analysis of Education system in Pakistan. (CSS 2012)
There should be colleges and schools just for men/boys and some just for
women/girls. (CSS 2013)
Meaning and purpose of education. (CSS 2013)
Privatizing higher education-generating knowledge or making more
money for the opulent. (CSS 2014)
Higher Education in Pakistan: Ills and Remedies. (CSS 2018)
Democracy and illiteracy do not move together. (CSS 2019)
Classrooms decide the future of the nation. (CSS 2019)
Women universities as agents of change. (CSS 2020)
Meaning purposive education. (CSS 2021)
National Integration
The barbarity of ethnic cleansing. (CSS 2000)
National Integration. (CSS 2001)
Water crisis and national unity. (CSS 2016)
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (CSS 2000)
Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan. (CSS 2003)
Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream. (CSS 2021)
Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan. (CSS 2003)
Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences. (CSS 2012)
Public office is a public trust. (CSS 2001)
Bureaucracy doldrums. (CSS 2021)
Poverty/ Progress
Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan – an overview. (CSS 2000)
Strategies for the alleviation of poverty. (CSS 2005)
Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty. (CSS 2008)
Look to the east for holistic progress. (CSS 2014)
Does foreign aid help to achieve economic stability? (CSS 2016)
Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to prosperity of a
country. (CSS 2000)
Economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of
literacy in it. (CSS 2001)
Austerity as a solution to all our economic problems. (CSS 2002)
Economic problems in Pakistan and how to meet them. (CSS 2002)
Socio-Economic Challenges faced by Pakistan. (CSS 2005)
Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan. (CSS 2006)
Promotion of tax culture in Pakistan: Perspective, prospects and
challenges. (CSS 2016)
Does foreign aid help to achieve economic stability? (CSS 2016)
Real development should transform people’s lives, not just economic
statistics. (CSS 2018)
New war fronts lie in economic zones. (CSS 2019)
Pakistan’s informal economy: the way forward. (CSS 2020)
IMF bailouts: roads to stability or recipes for disaster. (CSS 2020)
Is there such a thing as ethical consumerism? (CSS 2022)
A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in
philosophy bringeth man’s minds about religion. (CSS 2002)
Pluralistic vision of Islam. (CSS 2004)
Islam versus the West. (CSS 2005)
The image of Islam in the western world and responsibilities of the
Muslim Ummah. (CSS 2007)
Peace; the essential message of our religion. (CSS 2008)
Materialism is the death of spirituality. (CSS 2008)
Fair play and life, as it is lived, in the land of the pure. (CSS 2011)
Let there be more light in the corridors of worship places. (CSS 2019)
United Nations
The future of UNO: Hopes and Hurdles. (CSS 2009)
The UNO has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter. (CSS
The United Nations in the 21st Century: Obligations and Limitations.
(CSS 2012)
More and more international military engagements by the United Nations;
is the world moving towards peace? (CSS 2017)
Women/ Gender
Persecuted poor woman. (CSS 2005)
The state of women rights in Pakistan. (CSS 2007)
Status of Women in Islam. (CSS 2009)
Why is there no status of the third gender in Pakistan? (CSS 2010)
Can women be equal to men in Pakistan? (CSS 2010)
Does Pakistan society regard women as the angel in the house or source
of all evils? (CSS 2011)
Social and Economic Securities for Women in Islam. (CSS 2012)
Gender equality is a myth. (CSS 2013)
Women sports persons are new ambassadors of the soft image of
Pakistan. (CSS 2014)
Gender equality is a myth! (CSS 2016)
Frailty, thy name is woman. (CSS 2016)
Feminism is not really a Third World issue. (CSS 2017)
New Waves of feminism and our culture. (CSS 2019)
Women universities as agents of change. (CSS 2020)
Gender equality: a popular slogan. (CSS 2021)
The controversial issues of feminism in contemporary women’s rights
movements. (CSS 2022)
Accountability/ Corruption
Without independent truth-finding commission , accountability is
unachievable. (CSS 2010)
Religion has done more harm than help to human relations in the world.
(CSS 2010)
Nationalism/ Minorities
Being a minority is a fate no one wants. Can nationalism be really
inclusive? (CSS 2017)
The purification of politics is an iridescent dream. (CSS 2000)
Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought
necessary. (CSS 2002)
Personalization Of Pakistani Politics (CSS 2006)
Politics is the art of the possible. (CSS 2007)
Insanity in individuals is something rare but in groups, parties and nations
it is the rule. (CSS 2011)
The emerging power of Public Opinion. (CSS 2012)
Not the economy but politics is the key to success. (CSS 2013)
The creation of new provinces in Pakistan: Implications for an integrated
country. (CSS 2016)
Polarized politics: the issues and challenges of democracy in Pakistan.
(CSS 2020)
Nuclear Politics
Nuclear weapons are ‘not only a great peril, but a great hope. (CSS 2006)
The more developed a country, the more leathly it is armed. (CSS 2007)
International crisis of Terrorism. (CSS 2002)
Terrorism as a new threat to the contemporary world. (CSS 2007)
Pakistan’s War on terror and its impact on our psyche and politic socio-
economic fronts. (CSS 2009)
The War on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights.
(CSS 2015)
How is terrorism and its perception shaped by the Mass Media? (CSS
Literary/ Philosophy
It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds. (CSS 2001)
Existentialism. (CSS 2003)
Liberalism (CSS 2006)
Brain, like hearts, go where they are appreciated. (CSS 2006, 2012)
There is no great genius without a mixture of madness. (CSS 2009)
The time we live in is the winter of the world. (CSS 2011)
Beggars can’t be choosers. (CSS 2012)
If gold rusts what shall the iron do. (CSS 2013)
Anticipation is often greater than realization. (CSS 2015)
Sometimes we do not see what we see. (CSS 2019)
I fall upon the thorns of life I bleed. (CSS 2021)
Imagination is more important than knowledge. (CSS 2022)
Diversity/ Freedom
Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism. (CSS 2010)
Free speech should have limitations. (CSS 2013)
I disapprove of what you say, but I defend to death your right to say.
(CSS 2015)
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your
right to say it. (CSS 2020)