ISO-7046!2!1990 Cross Recessed Countersunk Flat Head Screws
ISO-7046!2!1990 Cross Recessed Countersunk Flat Head Screws
ISO-7046!2!1990 Cross Recessed Countersunk Flat Head Screws
First edition
Reference number
IS0 7046-2 : 1990 (E)
IS0 7046-2 : 1990 (El
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
0 IS0 1990
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International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Gen&ve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
IS0 7046-2 : 1990 E)
Penetration depths of cross recesses for countersunk flat head screws
The penetration depth of cross recesses for countersunk flat head screws has to satisfy
two requirements which act in opposite directions for a given head dimensi on.
First, there is the requirement for sufficient head strength to attain the proof and break-
ing loads of the respective property class. A shallow cross recess increases the head
strength. On the other hand, the wrenchability of the screw should be satisfactory;
this can only be achieved by a sufficiently deep cross recess.
IS0 7721-2 was developed in order to find a compromise which, as far as possible,
would meet both requirements.
IS0 7721-2 specifies deep cross recesses for countersunk head screws of low strength :
a good wrenchability is achieved and the head strength is still sufficient. This execution
will be used in IS0 7046-1 (see the foreword).
ISO 7046-2:1990
If, in special cases, specifications other than those listed in this IS0 3269 : 1988, Fasteners - Acceptance inspection.
International Standard are required, they shall be selected from
IS 0 3506 : 1979, Corrosion-resistant stainless steel Pasteners -
existing International Standards, for example IS0 261,
IS0 888, IS0 898-1, IS0 965-2, IS0 3506, IS0 4759-1,
IS0 8839. IS0 4042 : 1989, Threaded components - Electroplated
IS0 225 : 1983, Fasteners - Bolts, screws, studs and nuts - IS0 7721 : 1983, Countersunk head screws - Head configura-
Symbols and designations of dimensions. tion and gauging.
IS0 261 : 1973, IS0 general purpose metric screw threads - IS0 7721-2 : 1990, Countersunk flat head screws - Part 2:
General plan. Penetration depth of cross recesses.
I SO 888 : 1976, Bolts, screws and studs - Nominal lengths, IS0 8839 : 1986, Mechanical properties of fasteners - Bolts,
and thread lengths for general purpose bolts. screws,studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals.
- IS0 7046-2 : 1990 (El
3 Dimensions
The shank diameter is approximately equal to the pitch diameter or equal to the major diameter permissible.
amax=2,5 P
Figure 1 - Screw with underhead shoulder for penetration depth series 1 (deep)
Figure 2 - Screw without underhead shoulder for penetration depth series 2 (shallow)
IS0 7046-2 : 1990 (El
1 5)
4) In accordance with IS0 7721-2.
Screws with nominal lengths above the dashed thick line are threaded up to the head; 6 = ! - (k + a). I
IS0 7046-2 : 1990 (E)
See table 2.
Table 2
Material Steel Stainless steel Non-ferrous metal
Tolerance 69
International Standard IS0 261, IS0 965-2
If, in special cases, one of the two series is wanted, the number of the series should be included in the designation, for example: