3BDS021515-610 A en Control AC 800M PROFINET IO Configuration

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ABB Ability™ System 800xA

AC 800M
PROFINET IO Configuration

ABB Ability™ System 800xA

AC 800M
PROFINET IO Configuration

Document Number: 3BDS021515-610

Document Revision: A
Release: February 2019

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About this User Manual

Intended User ................................................................................................... 12
User Manual Conventions ................................................................................. 12
Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons ...................................... 12
Terminology ....................................................................................................... 13
Released User Manuals and Release Notes .................................................... 17

1 Introduction
1.1 How to Use this User Manual ............................................................................ 22

2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics ........................................................................................ 23
2.1.1 PROFINET IO Device Model ............................................................... 24
2.1.2 Naming Conventions ........................................................................... 29
2.1.3 Real-Time Communication .................................................................. 29
2.1.4 Data Frame .......................................................................................... 33
2.1.5 PROFINET IO Data Exchange Quality ................................................ 35
2.1.6 PROFINET IO Conformance Classes ................................................. 36
2.2 Soft Marshalling and Shared Device ................................................................. 38
2.3 Redundancy ...................................................................................................... 42
2.3.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 42
2.3.2 CI871 Redundancy .............................................................................. 43
2.3.3 PROFINET IO System Redundancy .................................................... 45
2.3.4 ABB PROFINET IO S1 Redundancy ................................................... 47
2.3.5 Presentation of Redundancy State ...................................................... 49
2.3.6 Ethernet Network Redundancy ............................................................ 50
2.4 Online Changes with PROFINET IO ................................................................. 51

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2.5 Status Handling ................................................................................................. 53

2.5.1 Status Handling for CI871 .................................................................... 53
2.5.2 Status Handling for PROFINET IO Devices ........................................ 59
2.5.3 Priority handling in UnitStatus .............................................................. 62
2.5.4 Alarms and Events ............................................................................... 62
2.6 PNIO Diagnosis ................................................................................................. 63
2.6.1 Structure of a PNIO Alarm ................................................................... 65
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE) .............................................................................. 67
2.7.1 ABB SOE Profile .................................................................................. 69
2.7.2 Examples of SOE ................................................................................. 69
2.7.3 SignalID with AlarmCond FB ............................................................... 71
2.8 Namur NE107 ................................................................................................... 74
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication ............................................................................ 75
2.9.1 Drive status and parameterization: ...................................................... 77
2.9.2 Advanced Asset Data of UMC100.3: ................................................... 77
2.9.3 Advanced Diagnosis Support: ............................................................. 78
2.9.4 Advanced Controller/Controller communication: ................................. 78
2.9.5 HART Pass Through: ........................................................................... 78
2.9.6 I&M Data: ............................................................................................. 79
2.9.7 Configuring IOCommLib Function Block .............................................. 79
2.10 Addressing in PROFINET IO ............................................................................ 84
2.11 Hot Swap ........................................................................................................... 84
2.12 Time Synchronization ........................................................................................ 84

3 Configuration
3.1 Hardware Library ............................................................................................... 85
3.2 Inserting CI871 Unit .......................................................................................... 85
3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit ...................................................................................... 86
3.3.1 Hardware Editor ................................................................................... 86
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device ..................................................................... 92
3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit ............................................................ 100
3.5.1 Configuration Options .......................................................................... 100
3.6 New Device Types ............................................................................................ 106

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3.7 Coexistence ...................................................................................................... 107

4 Download and Online Mode

4.1 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................... 109
4.2 Downloading Configuration Settings ................................................................. 109
4.2.1 Online Changes ................................................................................... 109
4.2.2 Logfile .................................................................................................. 109
4.3 Online Data ....................................................................................................... 110
4.4 Behavior of I/O and Communication ................................................................. 110
4.4.1 Insertion and Deletion of I/O Units ...................................................... 110
4.4.2 Connection Error ..................................................................................110
4.4.3 System Error ........................................................................................ 111

5 CI871 Web Server

5.1 CI871 Web Server Login Prerequisite ...............................................................113
5.2 CI871 Web Server Security ...............................................................................113
5.3 CI871 Web Server Interface ..............................................................................116
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions .................................................................. 117
5.4.1 Errormemory ........................................................................................ 118
5.4.2 Version Info .......................................................................................... 118
5.4.3 LiveList .................................................................................................119
5.4.4 Let Device blink ....................................................................................120
5.4.5 Set Station Name ................................................................................120
5.4.6 Get I&M Data ....................................................................................... 121
5.4.7 Factory Reset .......................................................................................122
5.4.8 Journal Buffer .......................................................................................123
5.4.9 CPU Load ............................................................................................ 123
5.4.10 General Status ..................................................................................... 124
5.4.11 Debug .................................................................................................. 125
5.4.12 CI845 specific Functions ......................................................................126
5.5 Service File ....................................................................................................... 127
5.6 Change Password ............................................................................................. 128
5.6.1 Reset Default Password ...................................................................... 129

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Table of Contents

6 Technical Data and Performance

7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File ............................................................................................144
7.1.1 Create a New Hardware Library .......................................................... 144
7.1.2 Start Wizard ......................................................................................... 148
7.1.3 Configure Hardware Types .................................................................. 151
7.1.4 Input Tab .............................................................................................. 157
7.1.5 Byte Swapping ..................................................................................... 160
7.1.6 Advanced ADV Settings with status .................................................... 163
7.1.7 Output Tab ........................................................................................... 174
7.1.8 Parameter Tab ..................................................................................... 175
7.1.9 Create Hardware Types ....................................................................... 178
7.1.10 Append GSD files to a Hardware Library .............................................181
7.2 Re-importing the GSD file ................................................................................. 181

8 Controller/Controller Communication
8.1 PN/PN Coupler ..................................................................................................183
8.1.1 Data Transfer ....................................................................................... 184
8.2 iDevice Functionality ......................................................................................... 186

9.1 Topology of PROFIBUS PA Connectivity .......................................................... 189
9.2 Configuration Workflow for PROFIBUS PA Subsystem .................................... 190

10 Ethernet Networks
10.1 Ethernet Topologies .......................................................................................... 193
10.2 Automatic Device Replacement ........................................................................ 195
10.2.1 Neighborhood Detection with LLDP .....................................................195

11 Cyber Security
11.1 General ............................................................................................................. 199
11.2 CI871 Specific Cyber Security Configuration .................................................... 200
11.2.1 Needed Ports, Services and Software ................................................. 200

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Table of Contents

Appendix A CI871 Error Codes

Appendix B CI871 TroubleShooting
B.1 Device Replacement ......................................................................................... 209
B.2 Exchanging Device Positions ............................................................................ 209
B.3 Exchanging IP Addresses of Devices ............................................................... 210
B.4 Set Devicename for an Active Device ............................................................... 210

Revision History ..................................................................................................... 211

Index .......................................................................................................................... 213

3BDS021515-610 A 9
3BDS021515-610 A 10
About this User Manual

About this User Manual

The System 800xA Safety AC 800M High Integrity Safety Manual (3BNP004865*)
must be read completely by users of 800xA High Integrity. The recommendations
and requirements found in the safety manual must be considered and implemented
during all phases of the life cycle.
Any security measures described in this user manual, for example, for user access,
password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, and so on, represent
possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider based on a risk
assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk assessment, as well
as the proper implementation, configuration, installation, operation, administration,
and maintenance of all relevant security related equipment, software, and procedures,
are the responsibility of the user of the system.
This manual describes the PROFINET IO configuration in the 800xA control system
using the communication interface CI871.
Some of the important topics described in this user manual are:
• PROFINET IO functionalities available with CI871.
• Hardware configuration with the Control Builder.
• Supervision and status visualization of the PROFINET IO.
• Commissioning and diagnostics.
• Redundancy solutions.
• Network topologies.
• GSD import.
This book is not the only source of instruction for PROFINET IO. ABB offers training
courses for those who use ABB control systems.

3BDS021515-610 A 11
About this User Manual
Intended User

Intended User
This manual is intended for application engineers and design engineers who are planning
the set up of a PROFINET IO system. The reader should be familiar with the hardware
and software functionality of the 800xA system products. Added to this requirement, the
user should have an adequate knowledge of PROFINET IO.

User Manual Conventions

Microsoft Windows conventions as defined in the Microsoft Manual of Style are normally
used for the standard presentation of material when entering text, key sequences,
prompts, messages, menu items, screen elements, and so on.

Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This user manual includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate to
point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to point out
useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as follows:

Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in electrical

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in personal injury.

Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept

discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard that could result in
corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.

Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to use
a certain function.

Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that operation
of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in degraded
process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, fully comply with
all Warning and Caution notices.

3BDS021515-610 A 12
About this User Manual

A complete and comprehensive list of terms is included in System 800xA Terminology
and Acronyms (3BSE089190*). The listing includes terms and definitions that apply to
the 800xA System where the usage is different from commonly accepted industry standard

Term/Acronym Description
AC 800M ABB Controller 800M series, general purpose process
controller series by ABB.
AC 800M Controller Any controller constructed from the units and units connected
to the AC 800M hardware platform.
AR Application Relationship (Sum of Communication
CBA Component Based Automation
CiR Configure in Run (Dynamic Reconfiguration)
CEX-Bus Communication Expansion Bus (for communication units).
Connector A Connector is a coupling device used to connect the wire
medium to a fieldbus device or to another wire segment.
Control Builder M The programming tool for AC 800M. Control Builder
Professional is integrated into System 800xA.
CR Communication Relation
DA-AR Device Access AR. Special AR to handle only acyclic data.
DAP Device Access Point (Communication Interface)
DCP Discovery and Configuration Protocol
DIW Device Import Wizard
DTM A DTM (Device Type Manager) is a software module
provided by the device vendor. It is used to establish
communication and data access to the device. The DTM
co-operates and exchanges data with the engineering tools
via the FDT interfaces.
Ethernet Protected trademark of Xerox (since 1975).
Failover In case of an error the primary module stops working and
the backup module gets active.

3BDS021515-610 A 13
About this User Manual

Term/Acronym Description
FDT FDT (Field Device Tool) defines a vendor-independent and
protocol-independent interface for integrating field devices
in the engineering tools of process control systems.
Fieldbus A Fieldbus is used to interconnect field devices, such as I/O
modules, smart sensors, actuators, variable speed drives,
PLCs, or small single loop devices, and to connect these
devices to the 800xA system.
GIO Generic I/O, Part of Select I/O
GSD File General Station Description device communication database
file for PROFINET IO devices.
GSDML GSDML is the XML based language to describe the
characteristics of PROFINET IO devices e.g. communication
and module parameters.
HART The HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer)
protocol is a widely-used open protocol for communication
with Smart devices.
Hot Removal Units with hot removal support can be removed online,
without any disturbance to other units connected to the
CEX-Bus. This indicates that the unit can be removed online,
if it becomes faulty.
Hot Standby Definition for the redundancy behaviour for the backup
module. The backup module is configured and ready to take
over in case of a failure of the primary module.
Hot Swap Units with hot swap (includes hot removal) support, can be
replaced online, without any disturbance to other units
connected to the CEX-Bus. In a redundant system, the
backup unit can be replaced without any disturbances to the
primary unit. This indicates that the unit can be replaced
online, if it becomes faulty.
HWD File Hardware Definition file is an ASCII readable file that
describes the hardware unit. It is used by Control Builder.
Hardware Library Library containing the hardware definition files.
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
I&M Identification & Maintenance Functions

3BDS021515-610 A 14
About this User Manual

Term/Acronym Description
IO-AR Controller AR for IO
IOCR IO communication relation. Part of AR. One AR can have
several IOCRs
IOCS Input Output Consumer Status
IOPS Input Output Provider Status
IP Internet Protocol
IRT Isochronous Real-Time
ISP Input Set as Predetermined. When the controller detects a
communication failure with an input module, the application
variables are set to predetermined values specified by ISP
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LSB Least Significant Byte
MAC Address Media Access Control Address (Ethernet Address)
MNS iS Motor Control Center
MSB Most Significant Byte
NAP Network Access Point, communication interface of PNIO
device e.g. FCI.
NAP R1 Redundant NAP, each NAP supports only 1 SR-AR.
One NAP can be accessed by only 1 controller as used in
the Siemens redundancy structure. With AC 800M and CI871
only NAP R2 is supported.
NAP R2 Redundant NAP, each NAP supports 2 SR-ARs.
Each NAP can be accessed by both primary and backup
controller as used in the ABB redundancy structure.
NAP S1 Single NAP without support for SR.
Device without redundancy.

3BDS021515-610 A 15
About this User Manual

Term/Acronym Description
NAP S2 Single NAP with support for SR.
Device with support for a redundant PNIO controller
(redundant CI871).
Node A computer that communicates with the network, for example
the Internet, Plant, Control or I/O network. Each node
typically has a unique node address with a format depending
on the network it is connected to.
OSP Output Set as Predetermined. When an I/O module locally
detects communication failure with the controller, it
automatically sets its output to the values specified by OSP
PDU Processing Data Unit. A data packet passed across a
network through telegrams.
PN/PN Coupler Transmits data between two PNIO Controllers.
manufacturer-independent fieldbus standard for applications
in manufacturing, process and building automation. The
PROFIBUS family is composed of three types of protocol,
each of which is used for different tasks. The three types of
protocols are: PROFIBUS FMS, DP, and PA.
PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS DP is the communication protocol for
Decentralized Peripherals. DP has the following versions:
DP-V0, DP-V1, and DP-V2.
PROFIBUS PA PROFIBUS for Process Automation
PROFIBUS International The international umbrella organization for PROFIBUS
(PI) founded in 1995.
PROFIBUS User The PNO is the trade body of manufacturers and users for
Organization e.V. (PNO) PROFIBUS founded in 1989.
PROFINET PROFINET is the Ethernet-based automation standard of
PROFIBUS International.
PROFINET CBA PROFINET standard for distributed automation system on
an automation component basis.

3BDS021515-610 A 16
About this User Manual
Released User Manuals and Release Notes

Term/Acronym Description
PROFINET IO PROFINET standard for simple distributed I/O and
time-critical applications.
Redundancy The existence of more than one capability of an item
(system, equipment, or component) to perform its intended
Remote I/O Input/Output units connected to a controller by a fieldbus.
RT Real Time
Safety I/O Station I/O Station having support for safety communication. Safety
and normal PA communication can be operated on the same
I/O station.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.
A TCP/IP-based communications protocol for maintenance
and monitoring of network components.
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
SR System Redundancy. Standardized PROFINET redundancy
SR-AR Special type of AR used for system redundancy
TCP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
Unit A hardware unit, with or without accommodated software.
USI User Structure Identifier
XML Extensible Markup Language

Released User Manuals and Release Notes

A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA is
provided in System 800xA Released User Documents (3BUA000263*).
System 800xA Released User Documents (3BUA000263*) is updated each time a
document is updated or a new document is released.

3BDS021515-610 A 17
About this User Manual
Released User Manuals and Release Notes

It is in pdf format and is provided in the following ways:

• Included on the documentation media provided with the system and published to
ABB Library and myABB/My Control System portal when released as part of a major
or minor release or System Revision.
• Published to ABB Library and myABB/My Control System portal when a User Manual
or Release Note is updated in between any of the release cycles listed in the first
For standards and commercially available PROFINET documentation, visit the PROFINET
Web Site (http://www.profinet.com).

3BDS021515-610 A 18
1 Introduction

1 Introduction

PROFINET is an open Fieldbus standard for applications in manufacturing and process

automation. PROFINET technology is an international standard that is part of IEC 61158
and IEC 61784.
The two perspectives of PROFINET are:
• PROFINET IO, which is used to integrate simple distributed I/O and
time-critical applications into Ethernet communication.
• PROFINET CBA, which is used to integrate distributed automation system into
Ethernet communication.
PROFINET CBA was of less importance since the beginning. In between it got
discontinued by PROFIBUS International (PI). The focus is on PROFINET IO which is
further maintained by PI. Therefore PROFINET IO is used for the integration into ABB
System 800xA.
PROFINET IO is based on IEEE 802.3. It supports a transmission speed of 100 Mbps
with auto negotiation and auto crossover in a switched Ethernet network. PROFINET IO
uses Ethernet as well as TCP, UDP, and IP as the basis for communications. It is
designed to work with other IP-based protocols on the same network.
Communication in PROFINET IO has different levels of performance:
• The transmission of non time-critical parameters and configuration data occurs in
the standard channel of PROFINET IO based on TCP/IP or UDP.
• The transmission of time-critical process data within the production facility, occurs
in the Real Time (RT) channel, also described as soft real-time.
For challenging tasks, the hardware based communication channel Isochronous
Real-Time (IRT) is defined. For example, IRT can be used in motion control
applications and high performance applications in factory automation.

The PROFINET IO implementation in System 800xA supports only RT channel. There

is no support for IRT.

3BDS021515-610 A 19
1 Introduction

When distributed I/O applications are connected for communication through

PROFINET IO, the familiar I/O view of PROFIBUS is retained. The peripheral data from
the field devices are periodically transmitted into the process model of the control system.
PROFINET IO describes a device model oriented to the PROFIBUS framework, which
consists of places of insertion (slots) and groups of I/O channels (subslots). The technical
characteristics of the field devices are described by the General Station Description
(GSD) file, which is based on XML. The PROFINET IO engineering is performed in a
way familiar to PROFIBUS. The distributed field devices are assigned to one or more
controllers during configuration.
The PROFINET IO is interfaced to the AC 800M controller (under System 800xA) using
the PROFINET IO module CI871.
Figure 1.1 shows a possible PROFINET IO installation with AC 800M controller.

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1 Introduction

Figure 1.1: PROFINET IO with AC 800M

PROFINET IO is configured using the Control Builder available under System 800xA.
The configuration includes the planning of the hardware units in the hardware tree,
specific configurations for the PROFINET IO communication interface CI871 and the
PROFINET IO devices. The device specific configuration data is described within the
GSD file provided by the device manufacturer.
To configure the PROFINET IO device within the Control Builder, the GSD file must
be imported into a hardware library and inserted to the project using the Device Import

3BDS021515-610 A 21
1 Introduction
1.1 How to Use this User Manual

1.1 How to Use this User Manual

Section 1 Introduction gives an overview of PROFINET IO and how it is integrated with
the controllers.
Section 2 Functional Description gives a detailed information on the PROFINET IO
Section 3 Configuration describes the PROFINET IO configuration in Control Builder.
Section 4 Download and Online Mode describes the download procedure and the system
behavior in case of an error.
Section 5 CI871 Web Server describes how to get a detailed diagnostic information
from the system in case of a serious PROFINET IO error and how to set the device name
for PROFINET IO devices.
Section 6 Technical Data and Performance describes the guidelines for PROFINET IO
configurations in 800xA with CI871.
Section 7 Device Import Wizard describes the procedure of parsing a General Station
Description (GSD) file using a wizard and converting them into a hardware library.
Section 8 Controller/Controller Communication describes the communication between
two controllers using PN/PN Coupler.
Appendix A describes the list of error codes used for acyclic communication.
Appendix CI871 TroubleShooting describes the workaround for PNIO devices.
For a list of documents related to the products described in this user manual, refer to
Released User Manuals and Release Notes on page 17.

3BDS021515-610 A 22
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

2 Functional Description

This section provides the functional description of the PROFINET IO integration with
System 800xA.
This section contains:
• PROFINET IO Basics on page 23
• Soft Marshalling and Shared Device on page 38
• Redundancy on page 42
• Online Changes with PROFINET IO on page 51
• Status Handling on page 53
• PNIO Diagnosis on page 63
• Sequence of Events (SOE) on page 67
• Namur NE107 on page 74
• Acyclic Data Communication on page 75
• Addressing in PROFINET IO on page 84
• Hot Swap on page 84

2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

PROFINET IO (PNIO) integrates distributed I/O and field devices into the Ethernet
Communication. The existing Fieldbus systems can be integrated into PNIO applications
using an IO-proxy.

3BDS021515-610 A 23
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

2.1.1 PROFINET IO Device Model

A PROFINET IO device model consists of:
• Device
Represents the device by its name and IP address.
• Device Access Point (DAP)
Represents the Fieldbus Communication Interface. It provides configuration options
for cyclic communication.
• I/O Modules
Carrying submodules 1...n.
• Submodules
Carrying I/O data and startup parameters.
Figure 2.1 shows the PROFINET IO device model.

Figure 2.1: PROFINET IO Device Model

Modules and Submodules

A device can have one or more modules. Each module can have one or more

3BDS021515-610 A 24
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

The modules do not carry any data like cyclic I/O data or parameter data. The submodules
carry cyclic I/O data, parameter data and alarms/events. The submodules are used to
functionally group the I/O data belonging to one module. This is useful in configuring
complex devices. For example, for MNS iS, each motor starter is handled as a separate
module. Each module can have several submodules. Each submodule provides a well
defined subset of I/O data for the motor starter. In this way, all instances of motor starters
can be configured individually.

Slots and Subslots

The address position of a module is called a slot, and the address position of a submodule
is called a subslot.
A slot is the physical place of insertion of a peripheral assembly (module) in
a device. Within a slot, the subslots form the actual interface to the process
(inputs/outputs). The data content of a subslot is always accompanied by status
information, from which the validity of the data is derived. The index specifies the data
within a slot/subslot that can be read or written acyclically through read/write services.
For example, parameters can be written to a module or module data can be read out on
the basis of an index.
The DAP is required to be placed in slot 0. Similar to the I/O modules a DAP can have
one or more submodules.
Figure 2.2 shows a representation the PROFINET IO device model in the hardware tree.

3BDS021515-610 A 25
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Figure 2.2: PROFINET IO Device Model


The PROFINET IO device model is similar to the PROFIBUS framework. The IO data
is accessed by configuring the device with its modules and submodules in the hardware
tree. In PROFIBUS, the IO data is available on module level, whereas with PROFINET IO,
the IO data is available on submodule level.
From an application level, PROFIBUS and PROFINET IO are compatible.

PROFINET Detailed View and PROFIBUS Classic View

To simplify the presentation of PROFINET IO devices in the system, the PROFIBUS
Classic View is introduced. With the PROFIBUS classic view it is possible to present a
PROFINET IO device like a PROFIBUS device without DAP and without submodules
as it is with the PROFINET Detailed View.

3BDS021515-610 A 26
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

With PROFIBUS classic view no DAP and no submodules are shown for standard
PROFINET devices. The presentation is then like with PROFIBUS devices:
• The DAP with it‘s submodule is not shown. All information is available on device
level instead. This includes parameter settings and cyclic I/O-data.
• No submodules below modules are shown. All submodule information is available
on module level instead. This includes parameter settings and cyclic I/O-data.
The PROFIBUS classic view is only supported with PROFINET Enhanced Parser when
doing a gsd-file import.
Restrictions on PROFIBUS classic view:
• The DAP is not shown in case the device has more than one submodule below the
DAP. E.g. Mlink for MNS iS has several submodules below the DAP to operate the
application redundancy. This DAP cannot be hidden.
• Only submodules below the modules can be hidden if they are of type fixed in slots
and there is exactly only one fixed below that module. This is typically the case for
Remote I/Os where each module has exact one submodule. If there are addititional
submodules below the module not of type fixed in slot, they can be manually
configured. E.g. if the AI-module of the Remote I/O has support for optional HART
DV data, then these HART submodules can be manually configured below the
Figure 2.3 shows the PNQ22 with 4 UMC100.3 in both configurations: PROFIBUS classic
view and PROFINET detailed view.

Figure 2.3: PROFIBUS Classic View vs PROFINET Detailed View

3BDS021515-610 A 27
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

In both views, PROFIBUS classic view and PROFINET detailed view, all
communication settings are available on device level when using PROFINET
Enhanced Parser.
With PROFIBUS classic view, communication settings and device settings are available
in the same setting tab on device level as shown in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: PROFIBUS Classic View

In PROFINET detailed view communication settings and device settings are split on
device and DAP level as shown in figure 2.5.

3BDS021515-610 A 28
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Figure 2.5: PROFINET Detailed View

2.1.2 Naming Conventions

The names of the hardware-types and I/O channels are described within the GSD file
of the device. However, if the information needed by 800xA is missing in GSD file, this
must be added. This is automatically done by the Device Import Wizard during the device
Typically, the names of DAP and submodules are to be added. The following naming
conventions are used by the Device Import Wizard:
• The name of the DAP gets the name of the device with the suffix _DAP.
• The name of the submodules gets the name of the module with the suffix _SUB
(see Figure 3.8 on page 98).

2.1.3 Real-Time Communication

PROFINET IO uses optimized communication channels for real-time communication
based on Ethernet (layer 2) without TCP/UDP or IP information. The transmission of
data in the network is also optimized in PROFINET IO.
To achieve an optimal result, the packets in PROFINET IO are prioritized according to
IEEE 802.1Q through VLAN tagging. The priority for real-time data in PROFINET IO is

3BDS021515-610 A 29
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

The network components use this priority to control the data flow between the devices.
Figure 2.6 shows the PROFINET IO communication protocols in the ISO/OSI reference

Figure 2.6: PROFINET IO Communication protocols

3BDS021515-610 A 30
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

The communication between the AC 800M controller and the PROFINET IO device is
based on the following criteria:
• A logical connection needs to be established to set up an active communication for
PROFINET IO data between the PNIO controller and the PNIO device. This
connection between the PNIO controller and the PNIO device is called Application
Relation (AR). AR is set up by the Context Management through UDP/IP and RPC.
This process facilitates the establishment of Communication Relation (CR). Several
ARs containing more than one CR can also be established for the data transmission.
ARs are established and cleared depending on their corresponding CRs.
There are three different types of CRs:
– Record Data CR - These are first established between the controller and the
device. Used to setup the I/O Data CRs and Alarm CR. They define the expected
hardware configuration with its cyclic data to be transmitted and carry parameter
settings for the subslots. They are based on UDP/RPC.
– I/O Data CR - Transmits cyclically I/O Data. Device configuration holds the
number of CRs to be established. They carry sub-modules status information.
They are based on Ethernet L2.
– Alarm CR - Transmits alarms from the device to the controller and vice versa.
These are acyclic data which require acknowledgement within the stipulated
time. They are based on Ethernet L2.
• The size of record data is limited due to RPC limitations given by the PNIO Controller
and the connected PNIO Device. For complex devices this limitation might limit the
number of usable modules/submodules of a device.
• An I/O data frame contains a maximum of 1440 bytes of cyclic data handled by the
I/O Communication Relation (IOCR). Each IOCR can transmit one frame in each
direction input and output with its own interval times.
The performance levels defined for the PROFINET IO real-time communication are:
• The transmission of non time-critical parameters and configuration data occurs in
the standard channel of PROFINET IO based on UDP.
• The transmission of time-critical process data within the production facility, occurs
in the Real-Time (RT) channel based on Ethernet L2.
Figure 2.7 shows the PROFINET IO communication model.

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2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Figure 2.7: PROFINET IO Communication Model

Once the system is setup, cyclic exchange of process signals and high priority alarms
is carried out by the Real-Time Channel. I/O data are transferred cyclically between the
PNIO controller and the PNIO device. An AR must contain at least one Input CR and
one Output CR.
The limited size of 1440 bytes for the IOCR is due to the maximum size of an Ethernet
frame. In order to overcome this limitation, PROFINET IO has defined with Multiple
IOCRs the support of more than one IOCR in each direction. The number of supported
IOCRs for each direction depends on the device capability and is defined in the gsd-file.
CI871 has support for Multiple IOCRs with 1440 bytes in each direction per device.
Each IOCR causes same cyclic load on CI871 like a separate PNIO device and needs
to be counted as additional device. If more than one IOCR is supported by the device
the Control Builder will automatically instantiate additional IOCRs depending on the
device capabilities and depending on the configured amount of cyclic I/O data. All
these additional IOCRs will get same values for interval time as configured via cyclic
communication settings on device level.
For the cyclic communication of I/O data, each IOCR can have a separate interval time
configured that is different for input and output direction. Hence, cyclic communication
is updated based on the requirements of the device or application as shown in Figure
Cyclic Communication with PNIO. Here one IOCR per device is assumed. The interval
times can be configured in the range of 1 ms up to 512 ms.

3BDS021515-610 A 32
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Figure 2.8: Cyclic Communication with PNIO

For information on configuring the settings for cyclic communication, refer to

Communication Settings on page 100.

The maximum size of I/O data length for inputs and outputs and the supported interval
times depend on the device capabilities and is defined in the gsd-file.

The cyclic communication is monitored by a watchdog timer for each IOCR on both the
units – the PNIO controller and the PNIO device. The watchdog timer can be configured
on CI871. For information on configuring the watchdog timer, refer to Communication
Settings on page 100. If the timeout occurs for the watchdog timer, the system activates
fail safe state. For more information on communication errors, refer to Connection Error
on page 110.

2.1.4 Data Frame

PROFINET IO uses the Ethernet Version II Frame Format for the Real Time
Figure 2.9 describes the PROFINET IO communication using an Ethernet Frame.

3BDS021515-610 A 33
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Figure 2.9: Structure of Ethernet Frame for PROFINET IO Communication

Table 2.1 describes the components in the Ethernet data frame

Table 2.1: Description of Ethernet data frame components

Preamble Seven bytes comprising an alternating sequence of 1 or 0 for

synchronization of the receiver.
SFD Start of frame delimiter (10101011)
The double 1 at the end of the byte identifies the beginning of the
destination address of the data packet.
MAC Ethernet Source and Destination Address.
EtherType Type ID of the packet (0x8100).
VLAN Transmission of data with priority.
The PROFINET IO frame gets the highest priority among other
protocol frames.
EtherType Type identification for the network protocol following in the data
Frame ID Identification of FrameType in PNIO
Data PNIO: I/O data. The maximum size of I/O data in PROFINET IO
is 1440 Bytes and minimum is 40 as this a prerequisite for Ethernet
frame. In case the I/O of the PNIO device is less than 40 then
padding byte will be added automatically.

3BDS021515-610 A 34
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Table 2.1: Description of Ethernet data frame components

Cycle Counter The counter is incremented by the provider with each send clock.
A consumer can detect overtaking processes using the counter
Data Status Indicates whether the data is valid (Bit 1) or invalid (Bit 0). Also
defines primary/backup handling of IOCR in case of PROFINET
System Redundancy.
Transfer Status Bit 0-7: 0, only used for PROFINET IRT.
FCS 32 Bit checksum. Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for the complete
Frame Check ethernet frame.

2.1.5 PROFINET IO Data Exchange Quality

PROFINET IO is based on the producer/consumer model. The I/O data that is exchanged
between CI871 and the devices is checked for quality.
The data is produced by one component and consumed by another component:
• For input data, the PNIO device is the producer and PNIO controller (PLC) is the
• For output data, PNIO controller (PLC) is the producer and PNIO device is the
The producer or consumer definition is related to the submodule level where the PNIO
data is defined. The data contains the following two attributes (as shown in Figure 2.10):
• IOPS - IO Provider Status (status of the data provider).
• IOCS - IO Consumer Status (status of the data consumer).
A submodule is a producer or a consumer of PNIO data. The IOPS or IOCS status
indicates the quality of the PNIO data belonging to the same submodule.
IOPS and IOCS are sent with each IOCR in opposite directions. While the IOPS indicates
the status of the produced data, IOCS indicates if the consumer is in a position to operate
the data. IOPS is used by the input channels to indicate a channel error (in case the
IOPS value is BAD).

3BDS021515-610 A 35
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Figure 2.10: Attributes of PNIO Data for submodule

Figure 2.11 shows the cyclic input and output frame of a PROFINET device. The
I/O modules with its shown submodules can have input data, output data or input and
output data. Input and output frame for a device is compiled by parsing the tree starting
at DAP level down to the last submodule position. IOPS and IOCS for each submodule
is considered depending on the availability of input and output data of the related

Figure 2.11: PROFINET cyclic Data with IOPS and IOCS

2.1.6 PROFINET IO Conformance Classes

The PI organization has defined conformance classes (CC) for PROFINET IO. These
conformance classes provide a practical summary of the various minimum properties.
The certification of a device according to a CC is done to ensure that selected devices
will have the defined minimum properties with respect to functionality and interoperability.
Figure 2.12 gives an overview of defined conformance classes.

3BDS021515-610 A 36
2 Functional Description
2.1 PROFINET IO Basics

Figure 2.12: Conformance Classes defined for PROFINET IO

Figure 2.13 gives an overview of requested properties for each conformance class.

Figure 2.13: Functional Definitions for Conformance Classes

Devices to be used in Process Automation need to have redundancy support. These

devices need to be certified according to CC-B(PA) and need to have support for
PROFINET IO system redundancy. Only with these devices a proper redundant operation
of CI871 is supported. See Redundancy on page 42.

3BDS021515-610 A 37
2 Functional Description
2.2 Soft Marshalling and Shared Device

2.2 Soft Marshalling and Shared Device

With PROFINET IO it is possible to access the device with several PNIO controllers
(CI871) in parallel. Different I/O modules can be accessed by different PNIO controllers.
This functionality is named shared device.
Shared device is a device specific functionality and defined in the gsd-file if the device
has support for it. The number of PNIO controllers having parallel access to the device
is also device specific and defined in the gsd-file.
If the I/O module is already accessed by one PNIO controller and another one tries
to access the same, the second PNIO controller will get an error and the UnitStatus
Locked by other controller / supervisor will be indicated for that specific I/O module.
Shared device is also supported with Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet as part of the Soft
Marshalling functionality. Figure 2.14 shows that different SCMs of one Select I/O station
can be accessed by up to 10 AC 800M controllers, up to 10 redundant CI871.

3BDS021515-610 A 38
2 Functional Description
2.2 Soft Marshalling and Shared Device

Figure 2.14: Soft Marshalling with Select I/O

Figure 2.15 shows that different S800 modules of one S800 on Ethernet station can be
accessed by up to 10 AC 800M controllers.

3BDS021515-610 A 39
2 Functional Description
2.2 Soft Marshalling and Shared Device

Figure 2.15: Soft Marshalling with S800 on Ethernet

3BDS021515-610 A 40
2 Functional Description
2.2 Soft Marshalling and Shared Device

The device that is shared between different PNIO controllers must have an own
configuration below each PNIO controller. This configuration consists of the device with
it's communication settings as described on page 100 plus the I/O modules to be accessed.
Configured values for station name and IP address suite must be the same for all
PNIO controllers. But each PNIO controller can have it's own cyclic communication
settings. By that it is possible that one PNIO controller can access slow analog
temperature measurements with interval times of 256 ms and another PNIO controller
can access fast digital signals with interval times of 16 ms.
Using a standard PROFINET IO device in a shared device configuration, the following
rules apply:
1. The device to be shared must be configured as a separate instance below each
PNIO controller that wants to have access to one or several I/O modules of that
2. Station name and IP address suite must be configured identical for all instances of
the shared device.
3. Interval times can have different values on the instances.
4. Only one PNIO controller is allowed to access the DAP of the shared device. For
this instance the setting Download DAP has to be set to Yes on device/DAP level.
For all other instances it has to be set to No. Since the default of this setting is Yes,
it needs to be changed to No for all other instances than the first one.
5. Only the DAP instance with Download DAP set to Yes is able to write the configured
parameter settings on DAP/Device level down to the device. The device will ignore
the settings from other instances.
6. Diagnosis information for the I/O modules and for the DAP will be reported only to
the PNIO controller that is having access to these hardware units.

3BDS021515-610 A 41
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

Using Select I/O and S800 with soft marshalling, following rules apply:
1. GIO must be configured as part of each device instance where underlying SCMs
are configured. The SCM will not get operational without having the related GIO
2. Diagnosis information
• of FCI is sent to up to 10 AC 800M controllers accessing same Select I/O or
S800 on Ethernet station.
• of S800 modules is sent to exact one AC 800M controller accessing these
• of SCMs and underlying HART DV units is sent to exact one AC 800M controller
accessing these modules.
• of GIOs is sent to all CI871 accessing at least one SCM below these GIOs.
3. Parameter settings
• of S800 modules can be changed only via CI871 having access to it.
• of SCMs can be changed only via CI871 having access to it.
• of FCI and GIOs can be changed via all CI871 having access to these units.
Changing parameter settings for FCI and GIO via different CI871 requests to follow
a special configuration rule in Control Builder. A download of changed parameter
settings will only be possible if all instances have the same parameter settings
configured. This is to avoid inconsistencies in the runtime system. For more information
refer to System 800xA Control, AC 800M, Configuration (3BSE035980*) manual.
For more information of FCI specific functions, refer to System 800xA, S800 I/O &
Select I/O Fieldbus Communication Interface for Ethernet (3BSE082729*) manual.

2.3 Redundancy
2.3.1 Overview
CI871 can be operated in a redundant configuration. A switchover from primary to backup
CI871 works bumpless for devices having support for either PROFINET IO system
redundancy or ABB PROFINET IO S1 redundancy. Other devices not having support
for any of these redundancy solutions will temporarily lose communication during CI871
switchover. A switchover of CI871 can be triggered manually via commanded switchover
in Control Builder.

3BDS021515-610 A 42
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

The following levels of redundancy are defined:

• Redundancy of CI871.
• Redundancy of PROFINET IO device.
• Redundancy of Ethernet network.
All three levels of redundancy are working independently of each other. They can be
mixed in a flexible way depending on the project needs. E.g. when using a redundant
Ethernet network by use of e.g. a MRP ring topology, both the CI871 and the device can
be used non-redundant. Also when adding redundancy for CI871 the device can still be
used non-redundant.

2.3.2 CI871 Redundancy

Redundancy of CI871 works bumpless only for devices having support for one of the
following redundancy solutions:
• PROFINET IO system redundancy of type S2 or R2
• ABB PROFINET IO S1 redundancy
Devices not having support for any of these redundancy solutions will temporarily lose
communication during CI871 switchover. The consequence is a connection error as
describe on page 110.
Figure 2.16 illustriates the different PROFINET IO device options to gain bumpless
switchover of CI871.

3BDS021515-610 A 43
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

Figure 2.16: Redundancy Solutions for bumpless CI871 Switchover

An alternative to these redundancy solutions can be the application redundancy if

supported by the device. This requests the configuration of two CI871 accessing a
duplicated set of I/O-data in the device. A voter functionality within the IEC 61131-3
application and on the device decides which of the two communication paths is active.
A device having support for such kind of redundancy is MNS iS.

3BDS021515-610 A 44
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

2.3.3 PROFINET IO System Redundancy

The standardized redundancy solution with PROFINET IO is called System Redundancy
(SR) and defined in conformance class CC-B(PA). See PROFINET IO Conformance
Classes on page 36 for details. With system redundancy it is assumed that the controller
is always redundant but the device can be single or as well redundant. With system
redundancy several ARs between the controller and device are established to setup a
redundant communication. Depending on the redundancy configuration of the controller
and device it can be between two and four ARs. All ARs belonging to same PNIO
controller and device building the redundancy communication, belong to the same SR-AR
set. As part of the SR-AR set there is always only one AR being primary the other ones
are all backup. Only the primary AR is actively driving input and output values. During
redundancy switchover of the controller or device a former backup AR becomes primary
and the primary AR becomes backup. On controller and device side it is ensured that
data is only consumed from the primary AR.
Primary and backup AR of the same SR-AR set have always the same configuration.
The cyclic Ethernet frames defined as IOCRs are exactly the same and are transferred
cyclically with same configured interval times. The only difference is the redundancy
information in the APDU status.
The following figures show the typical redundancy topology with a redundant controller,
a single or redundant device and a redundant network in between. Also the combinations
of S2, R1 and R2 redundancy configurations are shown.

3BDS021515-610 A 45
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

Figure 2.17: System Redundancy Topology

Figure 2.18: S2 Redundancy Figure 2.19: R1 Redundancy Figure 2.20: R2 Redundancy

In S2 configuration a single device communicates with a redundant controller. There are

two ARs supported by the device, one AR for each PNIO controller.

3BDS021515-610 A 46
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

In R1 configuration a redundant device communicates with a redundant PNIO controller.

There is one AR supported by each device, one AR for one PNIO controller. Drawback
of this solution is the limited availability. A failure of the PNIO controller reduces also the
availability of the device.
In R2 configuration a redundant device communicates with a redundant PNIO controller.
There are two ARs supported by each device, one AR for each PNIO controller. Benefit
of this solution is the increased availability. A failure of the PNIO controller does not
decrease the availability of the device and vice versa. Drawback of this solution is the
doubled load on the network and the PNIO controller.
A redundant CI871 has support for S2 and R2 configuration. R1 is not supported with
redundant CI871.

A redundant CI871 has support for devices with S2 and R2 redundancy support.
Devices of type R1 are not supported with redundant CI871.

Using a device like Select I/O or S800 on Ethernet via CI845 below CI871 in a R2
configuration then the cyclic load on CI871 is duplicated. One R2 device has to be
counted like two S1 or S2 devices.

2.3.4 ABB PROFINET IO S1 Redundancy

ABB devices like S500 I/O via CI501/CI502 and UMC100.3 via PNQ22 can be used in
a special ABB PROFINET S1 redundancy configuration below redundant CI871. These
devices do not have support for PROFINET system redundancy. But special I/O-data
hold functionalities on CI871 and CI501/CI502/PNQ22 guarantee that the switchover of
CI871 works bumpless. Drawback compared to PROFINET IO system redundancy is
the limited performance of the switchover time.
The ABB PROFINET IO S1 redundancy solution works with only one primary AR between
primary CI871 and the device. There is no backup AR. The backup CI871 checks the
availability of the device via cyclic DCP Identify Requests. In case of redundancy
switchover from primary to backup CI871 there will be no ConnectionDown triggered.
The switchover works bumpless. CI871 holds the input values and the device the output
values until the new primary AR is established. This can take some time. Both, CI871
and the device have special settings defining the maximum hold time during switchover.

3BDS021515-610 A 47
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

Table 2.2: Configure ABB PROFINET IO S1 Redundancy

Unit Description
CI871 Define max. time to hold input values in case of CI871 redundancy
switchover as follows:
On CI871: Configure Parameter Hold inputs for S1 devices to the
desired value. The range of 1s to 10s is supported.
UMC100.3 via Define max. time to hold output values in case of loss of primary AR
PNQ22 as follows:
On PNQ22: Configure Parameter Comm. Keep Alive Time [ms] to
the desired value. The range up to 10s is supported.
S500 I/O via Define max. time to hold output values in case of loss of primary AR
CI501/CI502 as follows:
ON CI501/CI502: Configure Parameter IO-BUS Reset after
PROFINET reconnection = Off. Failsafe function is enabled per
On each output module: Configure Parameter Digital OSP Control
Channel x and Analog OSP Control channel y to the desired value.
Values of 5s and 10s are supported.

Compared to the PROFINET IO system redundancy the ABB PROFINET IO S1

redundancy has limitations in the switchover times of CI871 and the max. number of
supported devices per CI871. A max. switchover time of 5 seconds can be achieved
with max. 20 ABB PROFINET IO S1 devices configured. Each device having configured
interval times of 32ms and used in a redundant network configuration with Red. Ethernet
recovery time of 200ms configured on CI871.
Using ABB PROFINET IO S1 redundancy has negative impact on the switchover
times for PROFINET IO S2 and R2 devices following the PROFINET IO system
redundancy specification. Mixing both redundancy solutions below same CI871 and
changing the parameter setting Hold inputs of S1 devices from default deactivated
to a certain value, increases the resulting switchover time of CI871 for the non-safe
communication significantly. To get fastest possible switchover times with S2 and R2
devices, separate CI871 shall be used for ABB PROFINET IO S1 redundancy devices.

3BDS021515-610 A 48
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

2.3.5 Presentation of Redundancy State

A presentation of the redundancy state is supported for devices with support of R2 system
redundancy. In the hardware tree it is shown which NAP means which unit A or B is
acting as the primary one. Behind the position the first letter A or B defines the acting
primary unit. In brackets the acting backup unit A or B is shown.
In case Unit B is acting as primary, then Unit B acts Primary is shown in the UnitStatus.
A change of this UnitStatus bit indicates as well a redundancy switchover.
When configuring the device, Unit A is always the first configured NAP. Unit B is also
named backup in the configuration dialog.
From the physical device presentation and having a direct view on the redundant pair
of NAPs, then Unit A is normally positioned on the left hand side and Unit B on the right
hand side.
A redundancy presentation of modules and submodules is not defined in PROFINET.
But Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet follow the same definition. Figure 2.21 shows Unit B
of CI845 as primary unit at position 42 in the hardware tree. Unit B acts Primary is set
in the UnitStatus as shown in Figure 2.22 together with the information Redundant mode
enabled which is statically set during configuration when enabling redundancy. Figure
2.21 also shows unit A for GIO at position 1 as the primary one whereas unit B for GIO
at position 2 acts as the primary one.

Figure 2.21: Redundancy State Presentation of FCI and GIO

3BDS021515-610 A 49
2 Functional Description
2.3 Redundancy

Figure 2.22: Unit B acts primary in UnitStatus

2.3.6 Ethernet Network Redundancy

The Ethernet network redundancy is the ability of the network to survive a single cable
failure in its switch-to-switch links. The network survives by providing an alternate data
path when a cable fault occurs.
PROFINET IO is used to setup highly available networks through a ring topology. The
ring topology protects the network against line breaks in a system or a failure of a network
component. The structure of a PROFINET IO system is shown in Figure 1.1 on page
The PROFINET IO cyclic communication settings on device level need to be adjusted
when a ring topology for the Ethernet is used. The Watchdog factor of all the connected
devices must be adjusted, so that the cyclic PROFINET IO communication withstands
errors on the network. This is achieved by changing the Red. Ethernet recovery
time on CI871. During an application download, the Watchdog factor is increased
by a value as set for Red. Ethernet recovery time, for all connected devices. For
more information, refer to Table Configuration Settings for CI871 .

3BDS021515-610 A 50
2 Functional Description
2.4 Online Changes with PROFINET IO

2.4 Online Changes with PROFINET IO

With PROFINET IO it is possible to change the configuration online during operation
without causing a bump in the communication. As a standard functionality of
PROFINET IO it is possible to add a new device to a running PNIO controller without
interfere the communication to the other devices. This is possible because of the fact
that the communication between PNIO controller and the devices is based on a peer to
peer relation.
Also it is possible to change the configuration of a running device. These configuration
changes are named Configure in Run (CiR) or as well Dynamic Reconfiguration.
There are two aspects of a CiR operation:
• CiR-2: Changing hardware configuration
With CiR-2 It is possible to add/delete modules/submodules bumpless for a device
that is in cyclic operation. The communication will not be reset. During configuration
change the cyclic communication is set on hold for a short time. The hold time is
depending on the configured interval times of the device.
With CiR-2 it is as well possible to change the interval times for the device during
operation or even to add/delete redundancy operation.
• CiR-1: Changing parameter settings
With CiR-1 it is possible to change the parameter settings of the device (DAP) and
the operational modules/submodules bumpless. The new parameters will get active
immediately without hold of the cyclic communication.
Figure 2.23 illustrates the capabilities for online changes with PROFINET IO.

3BDS021515-610 A 51
2 Functional Description
2.4 Online Changes with PROFINET IO

Figure 2.23: Online Changes with PROFINET IO

The support for Configure in Run is device specific and defined in the gsd-file for the
device. The implementation for CiR-2 is of high complexity and only used with certain
devices in PA applications. The implementation for CiR-1 for bumpless change of
parameters is of lower complexity and desired for many device types when used in
PA applications. Therefore, PROFINET IO devices might have support for CiR-1 but not
for CiR-2.
The Control Builder performs a check during download for non-bumpless configuration
changes. In case the changes cannot be operated in a bumpless manner a download
warning will be issued as shown in Figure 2.24. In case of a CiR-2 operation a
download error might show up as well if the performance limitations of CI871 are
reached and the operation cannot be performed.

Figure 2.24: Download Warning for non-bumpless configuration changes

3BDS021515-610 A 52
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

With Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet full support for CiR-2 and CiR-1 is given.

Independently from any CIR support of the device, the following configuration changes
cannot be downloaded online:
• Station Name of CI871 or PNIO device
• IP address suite of CI871 or PNIO device
• Position of PNIO device in Hardware Tree
Any of these changes will temporarily stop the PROFINET IO communication. This will
cause the PNIO device to activate OSP values and ISP values in the AC 800M controller.
A download warning will be issued as shown in Figure 2.24.

2.5 Status Handling

The error and status information for the hardware and software of CI871 and
PROFINET IO device is indicated by the corresponding unit status in the Control Builder
in Online mode. Alarms/events are also generated based on the unit status. For more
information on alarms and events, refer to Alarms and Events on page 62. Additionally,
the unit status is accessible through the IEC 61131-3 application.

2.5.1 Status Handling for CI871

Table 2.3 lists the CI871 specific unit status bits in ErrorsAndWarnings.

Table 2.3: PROFINET IO ErrorsAndWarnings for CI871

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

0 ConnectionDown Connection Error Alarm High Failure Single CI871 or in case of redundancy both
16#00000001 down units A and B pulled.

1 IoError I/O error Error Alarm Medium Failure Not used with CI871

2 ModuleMissing Module missing Error Alarm High Failure Not used with CI871

3 WrongModuleType Wrong module Error Alarm High Failure Not used with CI871
16#00000008 type

4 StatusChannelError Channel error Warning Alarm Medium Failure Not used with CI871

5 IoWarning I/O warning Warning Event Low Mainte Not used with CI871
16#00000020 nance

6 StatusUnderflow Underflow Warning Alarm Low Check Not used with CI871
16#00000040 Function

3BDS021515-610 A 53
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Table 2.3: PROFINET IO ErrorsAndWarnings for CI871

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

7 StatusOverflow Overflow Warning Alarm Low Check Not used with CI871
16#00000080 Function

8 StatusForced Forced Warning Event Low - Not used with CI871


9 WatchdogTimeout Watchdog Error Alarm High Failure CEX-Bus watchdog expired. Detected by
16#00000200 timeout PM8xx processor module. The primary CI871
performs a reset.

10 DeviceFailure Device failure Error Alarm High Failure Primary CI871 got a bus error on CEX-bus.

11 DeviceNotFound Device not Error Alarm High Failure Primary CI871 not available or not found on
16#00000800 found the CEX-bus.

12 WrongDeviceType Wrong device Error Alarm High Failure Different module type than CI871 plugged at
16#00001000 type that CEX-position.

13 IOConnectError I/O connection Error Alarm Medium Failure Not used with CI871
16#00002000 error

14 IOConfigError I/O Error Alarm Medium Failure Not used with CI871
16#00004000 configuration

15 HWConfigError Hardware Error Alarm High Failure An error is detected in the downloaded
16#00008000 configuration configuration. CI871 cannot get operational.

16 GeneralError - Error - - - -

17 GeneralWarning - Warning - - - -

18 RedWarningPrimary Warning on Warning Alarm Low Mainte Not used with CI871
16#00040000 primary unit (AutoAck) nance

19 RedWarningBackup Warning on Warning Alarm Low Mainte Warning on backup CI871. Redundancy
16#00080000 backup unit (AutoAck) nance switchover not blocked but communication
might get disturbed depending on the severity
of the issue.

20 RedErrorBackup Error on Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Error on backup CI871. Redundancy
16#00100000 backup unit nance switchover blocked.

21 WaitingToInit Waiting for None - - - Set during initial configuration of CI871 e.g.
16#00200000 hardware during first download or after hot swap of
initialization CI871.

22 DeviceSpecific10 - - - - - Reserved

23 DeviceSpecific9 Diagnosis Error Alarm High Mainte Diagnosis buffer overflow in CI871. The
16#00800000 overflow nance amount of diagnosis data including SOE
generated by the devices is too high and
cannot be operated by the controller.
Backpressure is activated means further
diagnosis data is buffered on the devices until
these buffers are also full. Diagnosis might
get lost.

3BDS021515-610 A 54
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Table 2.3: PROFINET IO ErrorsAndWarnings for CI871

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

24 DeviceSpecific8 Task overload Warning Alarm Medium Mainte A task overload on CI871 was detected. The
16#01000000 (AutoAck) nance normal operation might be affected. Check
CPU load of CI871 and reduce configuration

25 DeviceSpecific7 All devices Error Alarm High Mainte CI871 has lost cyclic communication to all
16#02000000 failed nance configured devices.

26 DeviceSpecific6 Communication Error Alarm High Mainte The CI871 is flooded with too many Ethernet
16#04000000 problems due nance frames due to DoS attack. To protect itself,
to flooding on the CI871 has disabled the receiving of data
Ethernet until the flooding has stopped. This can cause
communication interruptions on PROFINET.

27 DeviceSpecific5 CEX I/O Error Alarm High Mainte The consistency supervision for cyclic CEX
16#08000000 consistency nance communication failed. I/O address ranges
supervision between controller and CI871 do not match.
failed To avoid corrupted I/O data the primary CI871
performs a reset.

28 DeviceSpecific4 CEX watchdog Error Alarm High Mainte CEX-Bus watchdog expired. Detected by
16#10000000 1 nance CI871. The primary CI871 performs a reset.

29 DeviceSpecific3 Communication Error Alarm High Mainte CI871 has detected a blocking of the DPM
16#20000000 memory nance from PM8xx processor module. Cyclic I/O
obtained too data cannot get updated. The primary CI871
long 1 performs a reset.

30 DeviceSpecific2 Ethernet cable Error Alarm High Mainte The Ethernet connector on CI871 is
16#40000000 dropped nance unplugged. In case of redundancy the primary
CI871 performs a reset.

31 DeviceSpecific1 CEX I/O update Error Alarm High Mainte The update supervision for cyclic CEX
16#80000000 supervision nance communication failed. DPM got frozen. The
failed primary CI871 performs a reset.

1. This UnitStatus bit is reserved for later usage. It will not be actively set/reset.

Table 2.4: PROFINET IO ExtendedStatus for CI871

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

0 ExtendedStatus1 Ethernet cable Warning Alarm Medium Mainte The Ethernet connector on backup CI871 is
16#00000001 dropped on nance unplugged. A redundancy switchover is
Backup blocked.

1 ExtendedStatus2 Communication Warning Alarm Medium Mainte CI871 has detected a blocking of the DPM
16#00000002 memory nance from PM8xx processor module. Cyclic I/O
obtained too data cannot get updated. The backup CI871
long on Backup performs a reset.

2 ExtendedStatus3 CEX Watchdog Warning Alarm Medium Mainte The CEX-Bus watchdog on backup CI871
16#00000004 on Backup 1 nance expired and was not triggered by the PM8xx
processor module via CEX-Bus. The backup
CI871 performs a reset.

3BDS021515-610 A 55
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Table 2.4: PROFINET IO ExtendedStatus for CI871

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

3 ExtendedStatus4 Communication Warning Alarm Medium Mainte The backup CI871 does not receive
16#00000008 failure between nance synchronization data from primary CI871 via
Primary and Ethernet. The redundancy operation is
Backup limited. The Ethernet network needs to be

4 ExtendedStatus5 Communication Warning Alarm Medium Mainte The backup CI871 is flooded with too many
16#00000010 problems due nance Ethernet frames due to DoS attack. To protect
to flooding on itself, the backup CI871 has disabled the
Ethernet on receiving of data until the flooding has
Backup stopped. This might affect the overall Ethernet

5 ExtendedStatus6 All devices Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Backup CI871 has lost cyclic communication
16#00000020 failed on nance to all configured devices.

6 ExtendedStatus7 CEX I/O update Warning Alarm Medium Mainte The update supervision for cyclic CEX
16#00000040 supervision nance communication failed on backup CI871. DPM
failed on got frozen. The backup CI871 performs a
Backup reset.

7 ExtendedStatus8 Hardware Warning Alarm Low Mainte An error is detected in the downloaded
16#00000080 configuration nance configuration on backup CI871. Backup CI871
error on cannot get operational. A redundancy
Backup switchover is blocked.

8 ExtendedStatus9 CEX I/O Warning Alarm Medium Mainte The update supervision for cyclic CEX
16#00000100 consistency nance communication failed on backup CI871. DPM
supervision got frozen. Backup CI871 performs a reset.
failed on
Backup 1

9 ExtendedStatus10 - - - - - Reserved

10 ExtendedStatus11 - - - - - Reserved

11 ExtendedStatus12 - - - - - Reserved

12 ExtendedStatus13 - - - - - Reserved

13 ExtendedStatus14 - - - - - Reserved

14 ExtendedStatus15 - - - - - Reserved

15 ExtendedStatus16 - - - - - Reserved

16 ExtendedStatus17 - - - - - Reserved

17 ExtendedStatus18 - - - - - Reserved

3BDS021515-610 A 56
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Table 2.4: PROFINET IO ExtendedStatus for CI871

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

18 ExtendedStatus19 - - - - - Reserved

19 ExtendedStatus20 - - - - - Reserved

20 ExtendedStatus21 - - - - - Reserved

21 ExtendedStatus22 - - - - - Reserved

22 eALicensedProduct - - - - - -

23 PrimaryIncompatibleFW Version of the Error Alarm High Failure Firmware of primary CI871 incompatible with
16#00800000 running Primary firmware in controller. Primary CI871 does
is incompatible not get operational.

24 BackupIncompatibleFW Version of the Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Firmware of backup CI871 incompatible with
16#01000000 Running nance firmware in controller. Backup CI871 does
Backup is not get operational.

25 PrimaryNotPrefrdFW Version of the Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Firmware of primary CI871 is not the
16#02000000 Running nance expected one. Update requested.
Primary is not

26 BackupNotPrefrdFW Version of the Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Firmware of backup CI871 is not the expected
16#04000000 Running nance one. Update requested.
Backup is not

27 TimeoutOnBackup Watchdog Warning Alarm Low Mainte CEX-Bus watchdog expired on backup CI871.
16#08000000 timeout on nance Detected by PM8xx processor module. The
Backup backup CI871 performs a reset.

28 DeviceFailureBackup Backup device Warning Alarm Low Mainte Backup CI871 got a bus error on CEX-bus.
16#10000000 failure nance

29 SwitchoverInProgress Switchover in Warning Alarm Low Check Switchover between Unit A and B.
16#20000000 progress (AutoAck) Function

30 ConfiguredAsRedundant Redundant - - - - CI871 configured as redundant.

16#40000000 mode enabled

31 UnitBPrimary Unit B acts - - - - Configured backup CI871, named Unit B, is

16#80000000 Primary now primary.

1. This UnitStatus bit is reserved for later usage. It will not be actively set/reset.

It is also possible to get information about UnitStatus for CI871 in Control Builder. Right
click the CI871 hardware library and select Unit Specific Alarm and Events. The following
information will be shown.

3BDS021515-610 A 57
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Figure 2.25: Unit Specific Alarm and Events of CI871

3BDS021515-610 A 58
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Figure 2.26: General Alarms and Events of CI871

2.5.2 Status Handling for PROFINET IO Devices

The CI871 handles status information for the connected PROFINET IO devices. If there
is a failure on a device, an indication for the device or the specific I/O-unit appears in
the hardware tree. For example see Figure 2.27.
The error is identified by the CI871 because of missing communication or because the
device itself has reported the error through an active PROFINET IO alarm to CI871. All
errors are mapped to the specific unit status of the device, module or submodule. For
PROFINET IO devices, modules and submodules only ErrorsAndWarnings have special
definitions but not the ExtendedStatus.

3BDS021515-610 A 59
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Table 2.5: PROFINET IO ErrorsAndWarnings for PNIO Device, Modules, Submodules

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

0 ConnectionDown Connection Error Alarm High Failure No communication with the device. Same
16#00000001 down indication on all modules and submodules
below the deivce.

1 IoError I/O error Error Alarm Medium Failure Not used with PROFINET device

2 ModuleMissing Module missing Error Alarm High Failure A configured module/submodule is physically
16#00000004 missing.

3 WrongModuleType Wrong module Error Alarm High Failure The configured module/submodule is of
16#00000008 type different type than the physical one.

4 StatusChannelError Channel error Warning Alarm Medium Failure At least one channel of the
16#00000010 module/submodule is having quality bad.

5 IoWarning I/O warning Warning Event Low Mainte Not used with PROFINET device
16#00000020 nance

6 StatusUnderflow Underflow Warning Alarm Low Check At least one channel of the
16#00000040 Function module/submodule is having underflow

7 StatusOverflow Overflow Warning Alarm Low Check At least one channel of the
16#00000080 Function module/submodule is having overflow.

8 StatusForced Forced Warning Event Low - At least one channel of the

16#00000100 module/submodule is forced.

9 WatchdogTimeout Watchdog Error Alarm High Failure Not used with PROFINET device.
16#00000200 timeout

10 DeviceFailure Device failure Error Alarm High Failure Not used with PROFINET device.

11 DeviceNotFound Device not Error Alarm High Failure Not used with PROFINET device.
16#00000800 found

12 WrongDeviceType Wrong device Error Alarm High Failure Not used with PROFINET device.
16#00001000 type

13 IOConnectError I/O connection Error Alarm Medium Failure Not used with PROFINET device.
16#00002000 error

14 IOConfigError I/O Error Alarm Medium Failure Not used with PROFINET device.
16#00004000 configuration

15 HWConfigError Hardware Error Alarm High Failure An error is detected in the downloaded
16#00008000 configuration configuration. The device cannot get
error operational.

16 GeneralError - Error - - - -

17 GeneralWarning - Warning - - - -

18 RedWarningPrimary Warning on Warning Alarm Low Mainte Limited communication with primary NAP.
16#00040000 primary unit (AutoAck) nance 1oo2 ARs fails. Only in case device has
support for R2 redundancy.

3BDS021515-610 A 60
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

Table 2.5: PROFINET IO ErrorsAndWarnings for PNIO Device, Modules, Submodules

Status bit /
Bit Description Indication Generation Severity NE107 Additional information

19 RedWarningBackup Warning on Warning Alarm Low Mainte Limited communication with backup NAP.
16#00080000 backup unit (AutoAck) nance 1oo2 ARs fails. Only in case device has
support for R2 redundancy.

20 RedErrorBackup Error on Warning Alarm Medium Mainte No communication with backup NAP. Only in
16#00100000 backup unit nance case device has support for R2 or R1

21 WaitingToInit Waiting for None - - - Not used with PROFINET device.

16#00200000 hardware

22 DeviceSpecific10 - - - - - Reserved

23 DeviceSpecific9 - - - - - Reserved

24 DeviceSpecific8 PNIO Alarms Warning Alarm High Mainte The alarm handling for the device is blocked.
16#01000000 blocked nance Further alarms from the device cannot be

25 DeviceSpecific7 Network issue Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Wrong network configuration detected, e.g.
16#02000000 (AutoAck) nance device replacement not working correctly.

26 DeviceSpecific6 Parameterization Error Alarm High Failure Wrong, too less or too many parameters are
16#04000000 fault written. The HW-unit cannot get operational.

27 DeviceSpecific5 Redundancy Warning Alarm Medium Mainte No communication with NAP on backup
16#08000000 warning nance CI871 for S1 or S2 devices.

28 DeviceSpecific4 Locked by Error Alarm High Failure HW-unit is controlled by other controller or
16#10000000 other controller by supervisor station (engineering station with
/ higher priority). CI871 cannot access this
supervisor HW-unit.

29 DeviceSpecific3 Diagnosis Warning Alarm Medium Mainte HW-unit has active diagnosis.
16#20000000 active (AutoAck) nance

30 DeviceSpecific2 Maintenance Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Maintenance is demanded.

16#40000000 demanded (AutoAck) nance

31 DeviceSpecific1 Maintenance Warning Alarm Medium Mainte Maintenance is requested.

16#80000000 required (AutoAck) nance

3BDS021515-610 A 61
2 Functional Description
2.5 Status Handling

For hardware libraries created with Device Import Wizard prior 800xA 6.1 not all new
functionality of 800xA 6.1 is fully supported. E.g. some diagnostics will be indicated
with default text. Also NE107 indication is not supported. Examples:
• PNIO Alarms blocked will be indicated as DeviceSpecific8 without NE107
Maintenance indication.
• Network issue will be indicated as DeviceSpecific7 without NE107 Maintenance
• Diagnosis active, Maintenance demanded and Maintenance required will be
indicated without NE107 Maintenance indication.
• Locked by other controller/supervisor will be indicated without NE107 Failure

2.5.3 Priority handling in UnitStatus

The UnitStatus presentation with PROFINET has a defined priority handling. If a higher
priority diagnostic gets active the diagnostics of lower priority are reset. That is to indicate
only the actual status of CI871 and the devices. Examples:
1. ConnectionDown on CI871 resets all other UnitStatus bits on CI871 level and on
device level. ConnectionDown indicated on CI871 and all levels below.
2. ConnectionDown on device level resets all other UnitStatus bits on device level.
ConnectionDown indicated on device and all levels below.
3. ModuleMissing or WrongModuleType on module level resets all other UnitStatus
bits on module level. ModuleMissing or WrongModuleType indicated on module
and all levels below.

2.5.4 Alarms and Events

Alarms and Events are generated in the AC 800M controller for the PROFINET IO. For
each alarm or event, a unit status bit in ErrorsAndWarnings or ExtendedStatus is
defined within the hardware library of the device or CI871.
The source for an alarm or event is located in the device, the CI871 or the controller. In
all the three cases, the time stamp for the alarm or event is generated in the AC 800M
controller when the state of the corresponding unit status bit is changed.
The generated alarms and events are either of type system alarm or system event. The
severity is defined through an attribute to the unit status bit.

3BDS021515-610 A 62
2 Functional Description
2.6 PNIO Diagnosis

2.6 PNIO Diagnosis

PROFINET IO supports integrated diagnosis that enables efficient fault localization and
correction. For all the diagnostics sources, an indication is raised in the 800xA system
which generates either a Unit Status or an alarm/event. The diagnosis is used to get
status information from the PNIO devices and it indicates errors on process signal level
during commissioning and runtime. The diagnosis is standardized and it is device specific
as defined by the GSD files.
All standardized diagnostics in PROFINET IO system events are generated with textual
presentation like:
• Connection down.
• Module missing/Wrong module type.
• Configuration error/Parameterization fault.
• Channel error/Line break.
• Upper limit value exceeded/Lower limit value exceeded.
With PROFINET IO, the following diagnosis information is available in the 800xA system:
• Unit Status.
• System Alarms/Events.
• Process Alarms.
• Signal Status.
Figure 2.27 shows an example of Unit Status for a remote I/O module having a wrong
module type configured.

3BDS021515-610 A 63
2 Functional Description
2.6 PNIO Diagnosis

Figure 2.27: Unit Status for Wrong Module Type

Figure 2.28 shows an overview of PNIO diagnostics and its operations.

Figure 2.28: Overview of Diagnosis

3BDS021515-610 A 64
2 Functional Description
2.6 PNIO Diagnosis

The PNIO alarms can be grouped in the following ways:

• Standard/Status alarms.
• Diagnosis alarms.
• Process alarms (Process alarms can generate SOE. For more information on SOE,
refer to Process Alarms on page 66).
The alarms are sent event-driven by the device to the CI871. The CI871 interprets these
alarms and triggers the Unit Status, system events or process alarms.

2.6.1 Structure of a PNIO Alarm

The following are the various PNIO alarm notifications and their syntax:

Standard Status Alarm

An example of Status-Alarm is:
Status change (Run, Stop, Ready)[true]

Message Provides a short description of the alarm type.

[true] Status of diagnosis
true: Appears
false: Disappears.

Channel Diagnosis
An example of Channel Diagnosis is:
Fiber optic mismatch Ch8 [true] E=32775 xE=32768 V=0xC8

Message Provides a short description of the alarm type.

Ch Channel Number.
[true] Status of diagnosis.
true: Appears.
false: Disappears.
E ChannelErrorType.
xE Extended ChannelErrorType.
Only shown in case of Extended Channel Diagnosis and Qualified
Channel Diagnosis.

3BDS021515-610 A 65
2 Functional Description
2.6 PNIO Diagnosis

V ExtendedAddedValue.
Only shown in case of Extended Channel Diagnosis and Qualified
Channel Diagnosis.
Q Qualified Channel Qualifier.
Only shown in case of Qualified Channel Diagnosis.

Manufacturer Specific Diagnosis

An example of Manufacturer Specific Diagnosis is:
Manufacturer Specific Ch8 USI=12345, Data

Manufacturer Specific is used as a fixed prefix.

Ch Channel Number.
USI User Structure Identifier.
Data Raw data, number of bytes.

Process Alarms
An example of Process Alarm is:
Process Alarm USI=12345, Vendor=xyz, Data

Process Alarm is used as a fixed prefix.

USI User Structure Identifier.

Data Raw data, number of bytes.
Vendor e.g. ABB

USI and Data are device specific. Vendor information

3BDS021515-610 A 66
2 Functional Description
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

Sequence of Events (SOE) allows the issuing of an event occurring in a device with a
time stamp accuracy down to 1ms. SOE handles the appearance and disappearance of
the event both with the associated time stamp. The time stamping is done by the PNIO
device itself. Time stamped events are passed by PROFINET IO and the CI871 through
the controller and are indicated in the Alarm or Event List in 800xA. SOE is supported
using the ABB SOE profile.
The following are the definitions and functions of the ABB SOE Profile:
1. SOE events are transferred on PROFINET IO using the Process Alarm mechanism
with a vendor specific User Structure Identifier (USI). For performance reasons,
several SOE events can be packed into one Process Alarm.
2. With ABB SOE Profile 2.0 the SOE event can be mapped to the UnitStatus. This
allows the generation of a system alarm and the indication of an associated NE107
device status in the Alarm List. The time stamp of the system alarm is derived by
the SOE event.
3. If no mapping to UnitStatus is defined the SOE event is converted into an external
event which is indicated in the 800xA Event List with its corresponding source
4. As an alternative the external event can be picked up in the IEC 61131-3 application
by a Function block. The block treats the event like an alarm condition and converts
it to process alarm.
5. The device deletes the SOE event only after receiving the acknowledgement from
the controller to ensure that it is not gone lost. The controller sends the
acknowledgement after operating the alarm.
6. The time synchronization of the device is supported via CI871 using SNTP as
described in Time Synchronization on page 84.

CI871 does not have support for Reporting System as it is defined by PROFINET IO.

It is recommended to configure function blocks as Alarm condition for process signals,

only when the process values can be used as initial values in case of restart.
Otherwise, the alarm state becomes uncertain. Electrical devices typically do not offer
digital input channel for all signals triggering SOE events.
Figure 2.29 displays the workflow of ABB SOE profile.

3BDS021515-610 A 67
2 Functional Description
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

Figure 2.29: ABB SOE Profile

3BDS021515-610 A 68
2 Functional Description
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

2.7.1 ABB SOE Profile

There are two versions V1.0 and V2.0 of the ABB SOE profile supported. The differences
are the following:
• With version 2.0 the SOE event is identified by an AlarmID and the associated
message is added by the controller as defined in the hardware library. With version
1.0 the message up to 40 characters is sent by the device.
• Both versions 1.0 and 2.0 have support for a unique source address and an additional
AlarmID. The source address defines if the event is issued by the Device, Module,
Submodule or I/O channel. The AlarmID defines the specific event as it is defined
by the PNIO device.
• With version 2.0 it is supported to map the SOE event to the UnitStatus and trigger
the associated NE107 device status.
• Version 2.0 has support for additional values to indicate with the SOE trigger. E.g.
for "Trip Thermal Overload" the measured analog temperature value can be indicated.
• With version 2.0 it is possible to differentiate between a time stamped diagnosis and
a classic process SOE. The classic process SOE is related to a digital input channel
and indicates the change of the input value with the associated time stamp. For
classic process SOE there is no need to configure the AlarmID when using an Alarm
Cond FB as part of the IEC 61131-3 application. Defining the SignalID down to the
level of the I/O channel is sufficient. Classic Process SOE is supported by Select
I/O and S800 on Ethernet.
Since ABB SOE profile version 2.0 has more functionality and is more efficient than
version 1.0, it is recommended to be used.

2.7.2 Examples of SOE

The message indicated for an ExternalEvent differs if it is related to a hardware unit or
an I/O channel. If it is related to an I/O channel then the associated I/O channel number
is indicated in addition. As an example the SOE event for "Overvoltage" is shown as
Overvoltage (12) Ch10 [true]
where 12 is the AlarmID and 10 is the Channel Number.
If the external event is for a hardware unit, then the message is shown as:
WARNING Thermal Overload (14) [true]
where 14 is the AlarmID.
[true] indicates the appearance and [false] the disappearance of the SOE event.

3BDS021515-610 A 69
2 Functional Description
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

Devices supporting ABB SOE Profile version 1.0 are MNS iS via MLink and UMC100.3
via PNQ22. For both, the SOE events are typically indicated on Motor Starter level, which
is the module level in PROFINET IO.
MNS iS via MLink
The following are the examples of SOE along with their AlarmID for MNS iS at the Motor
Starter level:
• Warning Main Switch Supervision (1006)
• Trip Main Switch Supervision (2019)
• Warning Thermal Overload (1006)
• Trip Thermal Overload (2006)
• Motor Not Running (2025)
The following are the examples of SOE along with their AlarmID for UMC100.3 at the
Motor Starter level:
UMC100.3 via PNQ22
• Thermal Overload Trip (0)
• PTC Temperature High (5)
• Num Starts Overrun (43)
• Cooling Time Running (45)
PNQ22 can be configured to support either PROFINET standard diagnosis or ABB
SOE profile. Switch to ABB SOE profile by changing setting Diagnosis Model from
Standard to SoE.
Figure 2.30 shows a list of events for MNS iS and UMC100.3 displayed in the EventList.

3BDS021515-610 A 70
2 Functional Description
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

Figure 2.30: An Example of EventList for MNS iS and UMC100.3

Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet

Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet make use of ABB SOE profile version 2.0. The SOE
events are mapped to the UnitStatus and the messages are defined in the hardware
libraries. The presentation in the alarm and event list is like other hardware units but with
the difference that it is time stamped in the device.

2.7.3 SignalID with AlarmCond FB

The AlarmIDs are used to differentiate the various alarms generated at the same hardware
level. The AlarmID is also used as part of SignalID because it is mandatory to have an
additional address level for the alarms, irrespective of whether the alarm is related to
the module level or channel level.
External events require a unique address to be mapped to the function blocks in the
IEC 61131-3 application. The SignalID is one of the parameters used to configure the
function blocks.

3BDS021515-610 A 71
2 Functional Description
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

The SignalID consists of the hardware address, channel number and the AlarmID. The
definition is as follows

SignalID = <UnitPath>.<Channel>.<AlarmID>

where Channel and AlarmID are optional parameter depending on the use case.
The following is the concrete syntax for SignalID:

SignalID = cc.ddd.mmmmm.sssss.ccccc.aaaaa
c = CI module number (max 12)
d = device address
m = module address (slot)
s = submodule address (subslot)
c = channel number
a = alarm identifier (AlarmID)

Figure 2.31 displays the configuration of SignalID in a Function block to pick up an SOE
event "Motor Not Running" with AlarmID=2025 on motor starter level (module level).

Figure 2.31: Example of an SOE with module related trigger

The value of the parameter SignalID is where

3BDS021515-610 A 72
2 Functional Description
2.7 Sequence of Events (SOE)

3 = CI module number
1 = device address
1 = module address
2025 = alarm identifier

Assuming the device has an external event "Short Circuit" on channel level, then the
value of the parameter SignalID is where

2 = CI module number
15 = device address
4 = module address
3 = submodule address
2 = channel number
2044 = alarm identifier

No submoudle address needed in case of PROFIBUS classic view presentation

enabled for the device.

When configuring a SignalID for Select I/O to convert the SOE event of a digital input
channel coming from e.g. DIS810 then the SignalID might look like where

2 = CI module number (CI871)

15 = device address (FCI)
4 = module address (GIO)
8 = submodule address (SCM)
1 = channel number = 1

No AlarmID needed since classic process SOE is used in this case.

When configuring a SignalID for S800 on Ethernet to convert the SOE event of a digital
input channel coming from e.g. DI830 then the SignalID might look like where

2 = CI module number (CI871)

15 = device address (FCI)
4 = module address (S800)
7 = channel number

3BDS021515-610 A 73
2 Functional Description
2.8 Namur NE107

No submodule address needed since classic PROFIBUS view is used. Also no AlarmID
needed since classic process SOE is used in this case.

2.8 Namur NE107

The PROFINET IO integration into AC 800M using CI871 has support for Namur NE107.
In case the device has an issue and is reporting a diagnosis on PROFINET IO, a
corresponding NE107 trigger is indicated in the system.
Depending on the depths of integration for the specific PNIO device, the NE107 state
available in the device is as well indicated in the system.
For standard devices integrated via gsd-import using Device Import Wizard only
maintenance is indicated in case the device has an active diagnosis.
Using Select I/O or S800 on Ethernet, then a smart support for NE107 is given. Figure
2.32 shows that NE107 states from connected HART devices of a Select I/O station are
indicated in the process graphics in 800xA.

Figure 2.32: NE107 Support using PROFINET IO

3BDS021515-610 A 74
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

The following NE107 states are defined with it's symbols.

Symbol Status Signal Examples of detailed information

Maintenance Maintenance needed short-term or mid-term.

Out of Specification Device being operated out of specification. Uncertain

value due to process and environment influence.

Function Check Change of configuration. Local operation. Substitute

value entered.

Failure Cause of failure device-internal.

Cause of failure process-related.

2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

In addition to the normal cyclic communication, the AC 800M with CI871 supports acyclic
communication with the connected PROFINET IO devices as well. Two options for acyclic
communication are supported:
• Toolrouting using FDT/DTM technology
Used to access field devices via acyclic communication through the entire system
by a tool running on a 800xA node.
• Acyclic communication using IOCommLib in IEC 61131 application
Used to provide data from the device to the IEC 61131 application in the AC 800M
controller that is not available via cyclic data
The toolrouting functionality does not request any configuration activities from the user.
Therefore it is not further described. This section describes only the acyclic communication
using IOCommLib.
With acyclic communication it is possible to Read/Write data on demand via IEC 61131-3
application. Typically wise with acyclic communication it is possible to have access to
data that is normally not available via cyclic communication.

3BDS021515-610 A 75
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

To get acyclic access with a PNIO device first the cyclic communication must be
configured and up and running. Then the acyclic data is available via the function blocks
IOConnect, IORead and IOWrite as part of the library IOCommLib. Data records with up
to 4 KBytes are supported.
The read or write data on PROFINET IO is transferred in one frame. A single frame can
have a length of up to 4 KBytes. In IEC 61131-3 application, the frame is split into several
parameters. These parameters are of type extensible at the read or write function block.
That is, the number of parameters must be defined as a property of the read and write
function block. Up to 32 parameters SD[1..32], RD[1..32] are supported for each function
block. Depending on the number and data types of the configured parameters, the
PROFINET IO read or write frame is configured.
With standard datatypes, it is possible to get a PROFINET IO frame of 128 bytes
(32x4bytes). To get more data transferred, use structured instead of standard datatypes
for the parameters SD[1..32], RD[1..32].
For CI871 device performance with acyclic communication, refer Section 6 Technical
Data and Performance.
Typical use cases for usage of acyclic communication:
• Drive status and parameterization
• Advanced Asset data of UMC100.3
• Advanced diagnosis support
• Advanced Controller/Controller communication
• HART Pass Through
• I&M data
Figure 2.33 shows an example of data access using acyclic communication in IEC
61131-3 Application.

3BDS021515-610 A 76
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

Figure 2.33: Data access using Acyclic Data Communication

2.9.1 Drive status and parameterization:

Depending on the application needs drive parameters can be read or written. Examples
are window control limits, torque reference limits or start mode. Figure 2.35 shows an
example of acyclic communication with ABB Drives ACS880 via FENA-11.

2.9.2 Advanced Asset Data of UMC100.3:

UMC100 offers acyclic access to monitoring data like:
• Number of starts
• Number of trips
• Number of therm. Overload trips
• Operating hours
• Max. Current at Startup

3BDS021515-610 A 77
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

2.9.3 Advanced Diagnosis Support:

If needed the diagnosis data of a PNIO device can be read on demand and made available
to the IEC 61131 application. E.g. the complete diagnosis frame of UMC100.3 can be
accessed and operated by IEC 61131 application.

2.9.4 Advanced Controller/Controller communication:

In addition to the standard cyclic communication with the 3rd party PLC via PN/PN-coupler
or i-Device functionality, the acyclic communication can be used to save cost. The benefit
is that the number of acyclic frames and the size of each frame is bigger than available
with the cyclic communication. This reduces e.g. the number of PN/PN-couplers in a
large configuration.

2.9.5 HART Pass Through:

If a PNIO device has support for HART Pass Through functionality then it is possible to
access the connected HART device via read/write services to e.g. upload the secondary
HART variables into the AC 800M controller.
Figure 2.34 shows an example of HART data access using acyclic communication in
IEC 61131-3 Application.

Figure 2.34: HART Data access using Acyclic Data Communication

3BDS021515-610 A 78
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

2.9.6 I&M Data:

The Identification & Maintenance data is mandatory with PROFINET IO. For e.g.
maintenance purpose it is possible to read the I&M data for each connected device to
get following information:
• Hardware Revision
• Software Revision
• Serial Number
• Order Number

2.9.7 Configuring IOCommLib Function Block

For each PNIO device, IOConnect function block is first configured to setup the
communication relation between CI871 and the PNIO device. The CI871 is defined by
the CEX-position, which is the Channel parameter on the IOConnect function block.
The Partner parameter on the IOConnect defines the device position number in the
hardware tree below the related CI871.
The Id output parameter of the IOConnect is connected to all related IORead and IOWrite
function blocks that is handled through the same communication relation.
The address must be configured on the IORead and IOWrite function blocks where the
data on the device is read or written. The address is defined by the VarName.

The VarName parameter gets operated by the IORead and IOWrite only by a positive
edge of the En_C parameter on the related IOConnect.

For PROFINET the VarName parameter is in the following format:

For example: 1.1:B02F.14848
Module = 1
Submodule = 1
Index = B02F
API = 14848 (PROFIdrive Profile)

3BDS021515-610 A 79
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

• HwTrPosM: This is the Hardware Tree position of the module below the device.
The value ranges from 0 to 65535.
• HwTrPosSuM: This is the Hardware Tree position of the sub-module below the
module. The value ranges from 0 to 65535.
• Index: Index is a number for the address information of the data to be read/written
on the submodule. The index is either defined by PROFINET for common data like
I&M data or is device specific and described in the manual of the device.
Definition is in hexadecimal and the range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFF (supports upper
or lower case).
• API: API is an optional information and in most cases the default value 0 is used.
API defines the used Application Process Identifier. For example, API for PROFIdrive
is defined by 14848 or 0x3A00
– For example: 1.2:0xAFF0
0xAFF0 is the index of the connected device on the module 1 and sub-module
2. API value is zero, as the API value is not appended on the device.
– For example: 1.0:13Fa.14848
13Fa is the index of the connected device on module 1 and sub-module 0. The
API value is 14848.
Table 2.6, Table 2.7 and Table 2.8 explains the IOConnect, IORead, and IOWrite function
block parameters used for acyclic communication:

Table 2.6: IOConnect Parameters

Parameter Data type Direction Description
En_C bool in Enables the execution while
Channel string[16] in The local communication channel to be used for
Partner string[16] in The remote communication
Valid bool out True when output values are valid.
Error bool out Indicates an error with True during one scan.
Status parameter <0.

3BDS021515-610 A 80
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

Table 2.6: IOConnect Parameters

Parameter Data type Direction Description
Status dint out Status code of last execution
• Operation successful 1
• pending 0
• errors <0
• warnings <0
Id Comm_Channel out Communication channel, has to be connected to
a FB of the type Read/Write.

Table 2.7: IORead Parameters

Parameter Data type Direction Description
Id Comm_Channel out Communication channel, has to be connected to
the Id- par. of the Connect- FB.
Req bool in Requests one operation on positive edge, True.
VarName string[40] in The name of the “variable n” in remote system,
read after first invocation.
Ndr bool out True when New Data has been received on each
FB call after successful operation.
Error bool out Indicates an error with True during one scan.
Status parameter <0.
Status dint out Status code of last execution
• Operation successful 1
• pending 0
• errors <0
• warnings <0
RD[1] AnyType out Read value of the variable “VarName”
RD[2] AnyType out Read value of the variable “VarName”
RD[3] AnyType out Read value of the variable “VarName”
RD[4] AnyType out Read value of the variable “VarName”

3BDS021515-610 A 81
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

Table 2.8: IOWrite Parameters

Parameter Data type Direction Description
Id Comm_Channel out Communication channel, has to be connected to
the Id- par. of the Connect- FB.
Req bool Requests one operation on positive edge, True.
VarName string[40] in The name of the “variable n” in remote system,
read after first invocation.
Done bool out True when requested operation is done successful.
Error bool out Indicates an error with True, Status parameter <0.
Status dint out Status code of last execution
• Operation successful 1
• pending 0
• errors <0
• warnings <0
SD[1] AnyType in In variable_to be transferred.
SD[2] AnyType in In variable_to be transferred.
SD[3] AnyType in In variable_to be transferred.
SD[4] AnyType in In variable_to be transferred.

For acyclic communication, the parameter Status at the function blocks IOConnect,
IORead and IOWrite provides PROFINET specific error codes. The definition of the error
codes is derived from the PROFINET standard. Errors are indicated by CI871 or the
PNIO device.
The PROFINET specific error codes are mapped to the lowest byte of the protocol specific
Status in the range of -7424 0xFFFFE300 to -7169 0xFFFFE3FF.
The range of -7148 to -7165 is used by CI871 specific error codes.
For the list of possible error codes, refer to, Appendix A.

3BDS021515-610 A 82
2 Functional Description
2.9 Acyclic Data Communication

Figure 2.35: Example of an Acyclic Communication in IEC 61131-3 Application with ABB
Drives ACS880 via FENA-11

Sl. No. Description

1 Connect FENA-11, setup communication relation
2 Write Read-Request for DC Voltage to FENA-11
3 Read DC Voltage from FENA-11
4 Write Limits:Minimum Speed to FENA-11

• To read data from an ABB Drive, a command IOWrite function block (Drive_Write)
is written to the drive that defines which data to be read. In a second step the
requested data can be read using IORead function block (Drive_Read).
• The second IOWrite function block (Drive_WritePara) is used to write a new value
for the Minimum Speed to the drive by use of the ABB Drive specific command

3BDS021515-610 A 83
2 Functional Description
2.10 Addressing in PROFINET IO

2.10 Addressing in PROFINET IO

The following are the sequence of steps for addressing PNIO devices in 800xA:
• The devices need a symbolic name to establish a connection and communicate with
the 800xA System.
• The Discovery Control Protocol (DCP) is used to assign a symbolic name to each
PROFINET IO device in 800xA by use of the web server functionality of AC 800M.
The IP address for the PNIO device is assigned in the Control Builder. For more
information on how to assign symbolic name to the PNIO devices refer to Set Station
Name on page 120.
• Configure the PNIO Device in Control Builder, using the steps described in Inserting
a PROFINET IO Device on page 92.
After the system is configured, the Control Builder loads all information required for data
exchange to the CI871, including the IP addresses of the connected PNIO devices. After
address resolution, the configuration and parameters are transmitted to the PNIO devices.

A symbolic name should be assigned to the PNIO devices only once as it is stored
in their nonvolatile memory.

2.11 Hot Swap

CI871 supports hot swap without any configuration changes. Faulty units can be replaced
online, without disturbing other units connected to the CEX-Bus. After hot removal and
the subsequent insertion, the new CI871 gets configured automatically.
During operation, if the non redundant CI871 is hot removed then all connected I/Os are
set to bad, and Input Set as Predetermined (ISP) and Output Set as Predetermined
(OSP) are activated.

2.12 Time Synchronization

The time synchronization of the device is supported via CI871 using SNTP. CI871 is
supporting a SNTP server which is synchronized to the time on the AC 800M PM8xx
controller module. The device can subscribe as SNTP client to it. The accuracy of the
time synchronization via SNTP is in the responsibility of the device and is depending on
the synchronization interval times. An accuracy down to 1 ms is possible to achieve.
Alternatively it is possible to synchronize the device via the centralized time master in
the system. It is in the responsibility of the device to define which information to be time

3BDS021515-610 A 84
3 Configuration
3.1 Hardware Library

3 Configuration

3.1 Hardware Library

The hardware libraries are used to configure the CI871 and the hardware types of
PROFINET IO devices. For more information about handling hardware libraries, refer to
System 800xA Control AC 800M Configuration (3BSE035980*) Manual.

3.2 Inserting CI871 Unit

To insert a new CI871 PROFINET IO controller unit under an AC 800M controller:
1. Right-click the AC 800M controller and select Insert Unit. The Insert Unit dialog
appears as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Dialog to Insert CI871

2. Expand the library for CI871 under Connected Libraries and select the CI871
hardware type.

3BDS021515-610 A 85
3 Configuration
3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit

3. Select a position for the hardware unit in the Position drop-down list. The first
available position is chosen by default.
4. Enable redundant mode if required and select the Position for the backup unit.
5. Enter a Name if required.
6. Click Insert to apply the current changes.
7. Click Close to close the dialog or proceed with inserting additional units.
The hardware unit is now included in the hardware tree, see Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: CI871 in Hardware Tree

3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit

3.3.1 Hardware Editor
Double-click on the CI871, or right-click and select Editor from the context menu to open
the Hardware Editor. The Hardware Editor contains Settings, Connections and Unit
Status tabs.

3BDS021515-610 A 86
3 Configuration
3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit

Settings Tab

Figure 3.3: Settings for CI871

Table 3.1 describes the parameters available in the Settings tab of a CI871:

Table 3.1: Configuration Settings for CI871

Parameter Description
Station name Station name is the symbolic name for the CI871. The Station name
must be unique for PROFINET IO. The same syntax applies for
PROFINET IO devices. For more information, refer to Table 3.2.
In case of redundancy, the station name for the
backup unit is defined automatically via the
configured station name plus the extension "b".
The PROFINET IO communication cannot be
established if the station name has any capital
IP address IP address identifies the CI871 on the PROFINET IO. An IP address
consists of four groups of numbers (0-255), separated by dots.

Only IPv4 is supported, no IPv6.

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3 Configuration
3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit

Table 3.1: Configuration Settings for CI871

Parameter Description
Backup IP address of backup unit.
IP address
Subnet mask Subnet mask along with the IP address identifies the network to which
the system is connected. An IP subnet mask consists of four groups
of numbers (0-255), separated by periods.
Default gateway IP address of the station connected to the PROFINET IO that acts as
a router to other networks.
Port mode Defines the mode of the 10/100 Mbps port Ch1 for CI871.
Possible values: Auto negotiation, 100Mbps/FD.
With Auto negotiation the port sets up the speed and duplex mode in
sync with the connected switch.
Default: Auto negotiation
It is strongly recommended to keep Auto
negotiation enabled. The switch CI871 is connected
to, shall have support for Auto negotiation and
100Mbps/FD as well. If one, CI871 or the switch, is
set to fixed 100Mbps/FD and the other to Auto
negotiation, this might end up in a duplex mismatch
situation. HD might get active causing collisions of
telegrams and communication might get interrupted.
Red. Ethernet Recovery time for a redundant Ethernet network that it takes to switch
recovery time the communication from the disturbed previous path A to the
alternative path B. The Red. Ethernet recovery time is used to
configure the watchdog time between CI871 and the device so that
the cyclic PROFINET IO communication withstands against errors on
the network. With PROFINET the default network topology is a
MRP-ring with 200 ms recovery time.
Default: 200 ms
For more information, refer to Ethernet Network Redundancy on page

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3 Configuration
3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit

Table 3.1: Configuration Settings for CI871

Parameter Description
Diagnosis Can be used to disable the operation of all alarm types from
PROFINET IO including module diff block but except process alarms.
Typically used during commissioning.
Default: enabled
If disabled, the UnitStatus will not show the current
status of the devices.

Process alarms Can be used to disable the operation of process alarms from
(SOE) PROFINET IO. Only needed in case certain devices send frequently
annoying process alarms which shall be suppressed.
Default: enabled
Because SOE is also transferred via process alarms
on PROFINET, this flag disables the SOE
functionality as well. Do not disable when using
Select I/O or S800 on Ethernet.

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3 Configuration
3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit

Table 3.1: Configuration Settings for CI871

Parameter Description
Phase value This flag controls the phase calculation, a calculated schedule of
calculation IOCRs (meaning Ethernet Frames) in input and output direction
between CI871 and the connected devices. Each frame (each device
can have one or several input and output frames) is assigned with a
fixed phase that is kept for all configuration changes when Based on
old values is configured. With Recalculate all the complete phase
calculation gets initialized and all frames will get a new phase
assigned. During assignment the communication to all the devices
gets interrupted. With Recalculate all no CiR-2 operation is performed.
All changes will be download with bump.
Select Recalculate all only if really needed. The
communication to all devices get's interrupted. A
download warning appears.
After download the setting must be changed back
to Based on old values to avoid a Recalculate all
for succeeding downloads.
Select Recalculate all if during download an error indicates, that the
phases are overloaded and a new phase calculation takes load from
Default: Based on old values
Hold inputs for Time to hold the input values during redundancy switchover of CI871.
S1 devices Only needed if devices with support of ABB S1 redundancy are used.
The time can be configured in the range of 1 s to 10 s.
Default: deactivated
Global Used for compatibility reasons. Only used for devices with hardware
watchdog factor libraries created with former versions than 6.1. Since 6.1 the watchdog
(if not defined settings are available on device level to configure the timings
with the device) individually. Before the calculated watchdog times have been derived
from the setting on CI871.
Default: 9
The value must be divisible by 3. If the entered value
is not divisible by 3, Control Builder will automatically
recalculate it and use the next possible greater
value, that is divisible by 3.

3BDS021515-610 A 90
3 Configuration
3.3 Configuring CI871 Unit

Table 3.1: Configuration Settings for CI871

Parameter Description
Additional Reserves additional number of acyclic transactions per second if more
acyclic than 10 are needed. The additional CPU-load consumption will be
transactions considered during download to not overload CI871. Configure here
[reserved cycle the expected number of transactions per second caused by usage of
time] IORead and IOWrite.
Default: 10
PS Unique This is the source identifier for the host for the safety communication.
Source Not used by PROFINET IO. For further information, refer to AC 800M
Communication Protocols (3BSE035982*) manual.
Default: 0

Control Builder calculates the resulting watchdog times, defined by configured interval
times, the global watchdog factor on CI871 and watchdog intervals on device level,
during download. This time defines the max. hold time for inputs on CI871 and outputs
on device side in case of communication issues before the connection is identified as
failed and ISP/OSP get active.
This watchdog time includes redundancy switchover time of CI871 and the device in
case of redundancy and the Ethernet network as defined via configured Red. Ethernet
Recovery time.
The resulting watchdog time is calculated on a basis so that the resulting value withstands
also tolerances on CI871 and the connected devices.
A resulting Watchdog factor must always be divisible by 3.
The calculated and downloaded watchdog factor can only be seen in the message
pane of Control Builder and the logfile PROFINET_Configuration.txt. PROFINET IO
defines the maximum watchdog timeout as 1920 ms. Control Builder ensures that
this limit is not exceeded.

Connection Tab
A connection to the UnitStatus on the CI871 can be made. For more information on
connecting variables to I/O channels, refer to System 800xA Control AC 800M
Configuration (3BSE035980*) Manual.

3BDS021515-610 A 91
3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

Unit Status Tab

For more information on the Unit Status tab, refer to System 800xA Control AC 800M
Configuration (3BSE035980*) Manual.

3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

To insert a PROFINET IO device under a PROFINET IO controller (CI871):
1. Right-click the CI871 and select Insert Unit. The Insert Unit dialog appears as shown
in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4: Dialog to Insert FCI of the Select I/O Station

2. Under Connected Libraries, expand the library for the PROFINET IO device (for
example, expand the FCI library as shown in Figure 3.4). The library can contain
several devices of a device family. For example, for ABB drives the FENA-adapter
library contains the different adapter types FENA-01 FENA-11 and FENA-21.
3. Select the required hardware type to be inserted as shown in Figure 3.4. Select a
position for the hardware unit from the Position drop-down list. The first available
position is chosen by default. If another position is needed, click the Position
drop-down list to display the available positions and select the required position.

The position configured using Control Builder is the position in the hardware tree.
Communication relations are configured through the Settings tab of each device.

3BDS021515-610 A 92
3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

4. Enable redundant mode for the device if required. The position for the backup unit
is fixed defined with the offset 63 to the primary unit and cannot be changed. Although
both units are called primary and backup unit in the configuration sequence, this
does not belong to the primary/backup role during operation. Both units can act as
primary or backup.
A redundancy configuration option is only offered for devices having support for
PROFINET R2 system redundancy. Only these devices have a redundant NAP and
by that a backup unit. When starting with a single configuration and planning to add
redundancy later, it has to be considered that the backup positions with offset 63 are
kept reserved.
5. Enter a Name if required.
When configuring a Select I/O or S800 on Ethernet station, a name has to be
configured for the FCI. This instance name is used to uniquely identify the FCI when
used in a soft marshalling configuration.

3BDS021515-610 A 93
3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

6. Click Insert to apply the current changes.

7. Click Close to close the dialog or proceed inserting further units.
The hardware unit is now included in the hardware tree as shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5: FCI in Hardware Tree

For devices with support of R2 system redundancy both units (NAPs) A and B are
shown in the hardware tree behind the position to indicate the redundancy state as
described on page 49.
By default, the Device Access Point (DAP) module is configured at position 0. This
module is required to setup the PROFINET IO communication. For devices with
PROFIBUS classic view, the DAP is not shown in the hardware tree. For other devices,
the DAP is shown. The name of the DAP module is identical with the name of the
device itself plus the extension _DAP.

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3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

If the PROFINET IO device is a compact device then all related modules and submodules
are inserted automatically as defined via GSD-file. If the device is a modular device like
the Select I/O Station, then add the modules (GIOs) and additional submodules (SCMs)
for the required functionality.

3BDS021515-610 A 95
3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

1. Right-click the device for which the modules are to be inserted and select Insert Unit.
The Insert Unit dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.6. Configure the Position and
Enable redundant mode if supported by the device.

Figure 3.6: Insert GIOs for Select I/O

Position defines the slot where the module is allowed to be configured. It is device
specific and defined via GSD-file. The redundancy configuration of modules is as
well device specific and not standardized in PROFINET. For other devices than Select
I/O and S800 on Ethernet a redundancy configuration is only supported via the device
specific parameter settings.

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3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

Figure 3.7: Select I/O Station with 3 modules (GIOs) in Hardware Tree

2. When the module is inserted, the submodules of that module are automatically
inserted as default, if defined in the GSD file. This feature is device specific and
depends on the functionality of the specific modules. If the device supports the
configuration of several submodules below an module, then the user can configure
this depending on the functional needs.

For devices with PROFIBUS classic view, the hidden submodule is not shown in the
hardware tree.

3BDS021515-610 A 97
3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

3. To configure additional submodules, right-click the module under which the

submodules are to be inserted and select Insert Unit. Figure 3.8 shows an example
of Select I/O with modules (GIOs) and submodules (SCMs) inserted in the hardware

Figure 3.8: PROFINET IO Device with I/O Modules and Submodules in Hardware

3BDS021515-610 A 98
3 Configuration
3.4 Inserting a PROFINET IO Device

4. For Select I/O a special feature is given to configure HART submodules below the
SCMs. This gives access to HART Device Variables (DV) of the connected HART
devices via PROFINET cyclic communication. To configure, right-click the SCM
under which the submodule is to be inserted and select Insert Unit. Figure 3.9
shows the inserted HART DV units.

Figure 3.9: HART DV Units

Modules/Submodules having the attribute UsedInSlots or FixedInSlots (as defined

in the GSD file) are inserted automatically (For example in MNS iS). UsedInSlots is
a default configuration but the Modules/Submodules can be deleted, for
Modules/Submodules having the attribute FixedInSlots the configuration cannot be

3BDS021515-610 A 99
3 Configuration
3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit

3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit

3.5.1 Configuration Options
The hardware topology is configured by inserting the PROFINET IO device, the modules
and the submodules in the hardware tree. The inserted PROFINET IO device needs to
be further configured.
The available configuration options are:
• Communication settings
• Startup parameters
• I/O data

Communication Settings
To allow the CI871 as the PROFINET IO controller to setup a communication to the
assigned PROFINET IO device, the communication settings have to be configured.
These are defined via
• Station Name
• IP address suite
• Cyclic communication settings
Station Name
PROFINET IO devices require an unique station name to allow PROFINET IO
communication. The station name is stored nonvolatile in the device and must be identical
with the station name configured for the device in Control Builder. To configure the station
name on the device, refer to Set Station Name on page 120.
For a device with support of R2 system redundancy both NAPs unit A and B need to
have an own station name. In case of redundancy, the station name for the backup unit
is defined automatically in Control Builder via the configured station name plus the
extension "b". E.g. Unit A has a configured station name devicename then the station
name of Unit B is defined as devicenameb. This name cannot be changed. When
assigning the nonvolatile station name on the device, this naming rule has to be followed.
IP Address Suite
To start up communication and to perform acyclic communication PROFINET makes
use of UDP communication. Each device needs ot have a valid IP configuration. This
includes the IP address, the Subnet mask and the Default gateway.

3BDS021515-610 A 100
3 Configuration
3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit

For a device with support of R2 system redundancy both NAPs unit A and B need to
have an own IP address. For Unit B the configuration applies via the setting Backup
IP address. Subnet mask and Default gateway is the same as with Unit A.
Cyclic Communication Settings
The cyclic communication will start with default settings. The default interval times for
updating input and output data is set to 32 ms. But it can be changed to the application
needs also reflecting performance limitations of CI871. Also a default setting is defined
to handle the watchdog timeout calculation. The watchdog time can be adjusted to
shorten or prolong the time identifying a communication loss and react on this.
Communication Settings in Hardware Editor
To define the communication settings, double-click the device (or right-click the device
and select Editor). The Hardware Editor dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.10. Select
the Settings tab and enter the parameters as required.

Figure 3.10: Communication Settings for PNIO Device

3BDS021515-610 A 101
3 Configuration
3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit

Table 3.2: Communication Settings for PNIO Device

Parameter Description
Station name The station name configured in Control Builder must be unique and identical
to the station name stored nonvolatile in the device. This includes all
PROFINET IO controller units (CI871) and PROFINET IO device units sharing
the same switched Ethernet. The following syntax applies:
• String with 1-239 octets
• 1-4 Labels, separated by [.].
• Limitations on Labels:
– Label length is 1 to 63 octets.
– Label consists of [a...z] and [0...9] and [-].
– Label does not start with [-].
– Label does not end with [-].
– First label does not start with [0...9].
– First label does not start with port-xyz or port-xyz-abcde with
a,b,c,d,e, x, y, z = 0...9.
• Station name does not have the form n.n.n.n with n = 0...999.
Example: plant-1.area-51.heater-2.pump-17
The PROFINET IO communication cannot be established if
the station name has any capital letters.
When configuring a Select I/O or S800 on Ethernet station,
the Station Name for the FCI applies to a specific rule and
cannot be freely configured. It is generated based on the FCI
MTU. The given Station Name must be entered here. The
defined Station Name can be identified e.g. by use of the
LiveList via web server..
IP address The IP address is required to setup the CI871 communication with the
PROFINET IO device. An IP address consists of four groups of numbers (0-255),
separated by periods.
The IP address is downloaded during the startup of the device.
Only IPv4 is supported, no IPv6.
Communication with the I/O device is not possible, until the IP address is
downloaded to the device and the PROFINET IO Communication with the
CI871 is established. For example, if the device supports a Web server, then
it can be used only after startup of the PROFINET IO communication.
Backup IP address IP address of Unit B in case device has support for R2 system redundancy.

3BDS021515-610 A 102
3 Configuration
3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit

Table 3.2: Communication Settings for PNIO Device

Parameter Description
Subnet mask The Subnet mask along with the IP address identifies the network to which the
system is connected. An IP Subnet mask consists of four groups of numbers
(0-255), separated by periods.
Default gateway IP address of the station connected to the PROFINET IO that acts as a router
to other networks.
Interval Time Inputs Defines the interval time for the device to send updated input data. The
permitted possible values are device specific and defined in the GSD-file.
The value range defined by PROFINET IO is 1-512 ms. Specific values are:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 ms.
Default: 32 ms as defined in Device Import Wizard
Input-Watchdog Defines the requested timeout to monitor the receiving of input data on side of
Intervals requested CI871 before the connection is identified as interrupted.
Default: 9
Input-Watchdog Defines the calculated Watchdog time after download. The calculated value
Intervals calculated cannot be changed.
Default: 9
The max. calculated watchdog time value is 1920 ms.
For details on the calculation see Configuration Settings for CI871 on page
Interval Time Outputs Defines the interval time for the CI871 to send updated output data. The
permitted possible values are device specific and defined in the GSD-file.
The value range defined by PROFINET IO is 1-512 ms. Specific values are:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 ms.
Default: 32 ms as defined in Device Import Wizard

3BDS021515-610 A 103
3 Configuration
3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit

Table 3.2: Communication Settings for PNIO Device

Parameter Description
Output-Watchdog Defines the requested timeout to monitor the receiving of output data on side
Intervals requested of the device before the connection is identified as interrupted.
Default: 9
Output-Watchdog Defines the calculated Watchdog time after download. The calculated value
Intervals calculated cannot be changed.
Default: 9
The max. calculated watchdog time value is 1920 ms.
For details on the calculation see Configuration Settings for CI871 on page

Control Builder generates a compilation error if it detects duplicate Station names

and/or IP addresses that are only configured below CI871. That is, if there are several
CI871 connected to one and/or several controller(s) all connecting to the same
Ethernet network, then the complete configuration cannot be checked. For such kind
of configurations, user must ensure that Station names and IP addresses are unique.
Since version 6.1 all communication settings are available on device level. Before
they have been split on device (Basic Communication Settings) and DAP (Cyclic
Communication Settings) level. This applies for devices the hardware libraries were
created with version 6.1 using the enhanced PROFINET Parser of Device Import
Wizard. For devices the hardware libraries have been created with version 5.x or 6.x
still the old presentation is supported.

Startup Parameters
The startup parameters are device specific and are used to configure the behavior of
the device at startup. Startup parameters are defined with PROFINET on submodule
level only. But with PROFINET in AC 800M they can also be available on module and
device level in case PROFIBUS classic view is enabled for the device. The startup
parameters are configured in the Settings tab through the Hardware Editor of Control
Builder. Double-click the hardware unit (device, module or submodule) that has to be
configured (or right-click the hardware unit and select Editor). The Hardware Editor
dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.11. Select the Settings tab and enter the parameters
as required.
Figure 3.11 shows the settings for AI801 module of S800 on Ethernet. Since S800 on
Ethernet has support for PROFIBUS classic view, the settings are available on module

3BDS021515-610 A 104
3 Configuration
3.5 Configuring PROFINET IO Device Unit

Figure 3.11: Startup Parameters AI801 of S800 on Ethernet

I/O Data
I/O data is read or written using different data types depending on the device functionality.
Hardware units expose I/O channels that can be connected to IEC 61131-3 applications.
I/O data is defined with PROFINET on submodule level only. But with PROFINET in
AC 800M it can also be available on module and device level in case PROFIBUS classic
view is enabled for the device. Double-click the hardware unit (device, module or
submodule) to connect variables to (or right-click the hardware unit and select Editor).
The Hardware Editor dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.12. Select the Connections
tab to set the channel assignments.

3BDS021515-610 A 105
3 Configuration
3.6 New Device Types

Figure 3.12 shows the channel assignments for AI801 module of S800 on Ethernet.
Since S800 on Ethernet has support for PROFIBUS classic view, the settings are available
on module level.

Figure 3.12: Channel Assignment AI801

3.6 New Device Types

The Device Import Wizard helps to integrate new device types, that is not provided with
the delivered hardware libraries. The wizard parses the provided GSD files and converts
them into hardware types which can be integrated into the Control Builder. For further
information on importing GSD files, refer to Section 7 Device Import Wizard.

3BDS021515-610 A 106
3 Configuration
3.7 Coexistence

3.7 Coexistence
Compatibility has to be considered using PROFINET IO with CI871 in 800xA 6.1 when
it comes to coexistence. Due to many functional enhancements in 6.1 new internal data
structures have been introduced which leads to a new major Hardware Library version
V2.x of CI871 which is incompatible to previous versions V1.x. Also enhancements are
defined to device hardware definition files when a new import of gsd-file is done using
PROFINET Enhanced parser.
Based on these facts, the following consequences apply:
1. CI871 hardware library version 2.x can only be used operating the AC 800M controller
and CI871 with a firmware version from SV 6.1 or later.
2. Operating the AC 800M controller and by that CI871 with a firmware version pre SV
6.1 in coexistence-mode, then hardware-Lib version 1.x has to be used for related
CI871. Using hardware-Lib V2.x for CI871 will end up in a download error.
3. Hardware libraries of PROFINET IO devices created with PROFINET Enhanced
parser, can only be used with CI871 hardware-Lib V2.x. Using these device hardware
libraries V3 with CI871 hardware-Lib V1.x will end up in a download error.

Do not replace CI871 hardware library version 1.x with version 2.x during upgrade
when AC 800M controller shall operate in coexistence mode.

Figure 3.13 illustrates the supported and not supported combinations of CI871 hardware
library versions, firmware versions of AC 800M controller and CI871 and the device
hardware library versions. Not supported combinations are cross marked.

3BDS021515-610 A 107
3 Configuration
3.7 Coexistence

Figure 3.13: Compatibility Overview

3BDS021515-610 A 108
4 Download and Online Mode
4.1 Prerequisites

4 Download and Online Mode

This section describes the procedure how to download an application and process online

4.1 Prerequisites
Check the hardware configuration of the PROFINET IO devices and the PROFINET IO
Ethernet installation. Ensure that no duplicate addresses are configured and switches
support Full Duplex mode.
Before downloading to the AC 800M controller, ensure that the processor module and
CI871 have the correct firmware loaded. For more information, refer to System 800xA
Control AC 800M Configuration (3BSE035980*) manual Control Builder online help.

4.2 Downloading Configuration Settings

In the Control Builder, click Download and Go Online to download all the configuration
settings to the system. This includes the settings for the controller, the CI871, and the
PROFINET IO devices.

4.2.1 Online Changes

With PROFINET IO in 800xA it is possible to do configuration changes bumpless without
interrupting the active communication. For details which changes can be performed
bumpless, see Online Changes with PROFINET IO on page 51.

4.2.2 Logfile
The Control Builder creates a logfile PROFINET_Configuration.txt during download.
The logfile is placed in the subfolder PH below the logfile directory, called LogFiles, of
Control Builder. The logfile contains the result of the downloaded compilation for the
current and previous configurations up to a size of 10 Mb. The result of the current
compilation is located at the end of the file.

3BDS021515-610 A 109
4 Download and Online Mode
4.3 Online Data

If the file has exceeded the maximum size, then the PROFINET_Configuration.txt will
be saved as PROFINET_Configuration1.txt and a new PROFINET_Configuration.txt
will be created. Up to nine old files will be saved before the oldest one will be overwritten.
The logfile also contains internally calculated data which is not available in Control Builder.
This logfile is required only for maintenance operations.

4.3 Online Data

When going online the hardware tree shows the current status for all hardware units in
the form of an error or warning indication. For detailed information, double-click the
specific hardware unit to open the Editor and select the Unit Status tab to access the
online information. See Figure 2.27 as an example for a Remote I/O having a wrong
module type configured.

4.4 Behavior of I/O and Communication

4.4.1 Insertion and Deletion of I/O Units
When the I/O units are inserted or deleted, the corresponding outputs are set to zero
and IOPS is set to BAD. With first calculated values from the PM8xx controller the values
are updated and IOPS is set to GOOD. In input direction the values are initialized with
zero and IOPS is set to BAD. With first received telegrams form the device the values
and IOPS are updated with the received information.

4.4.2 Connection Error

The PROFINET IO communication between CI871 and PNIO device is monitored by
both units. When an error is detected, particular operations of the CI871 and the
PROFINET IO device are activated.
If the CI871 detects loss of communication with the PROFINET IO device, then the error
Connection down is indicated for the specific device. Input data is frozen and IOPS is
set to BAD for all submodules. The AC 800M controller then stops copying all input data
and activates Input Set as Predetermined (ISP) control for the related variables if
supported for the device. With activating Connection down, other active UnitStatus bits
for that device are reset as described in Priority handling in UnitStatus on page o62. If
the connection is re-established, then the UnitStatus is updated with the actual diagnosis
information received from the device.
If the PROFINET IO device detects a loss of communication with the CI871, it activates
Output Set as Predetermined (OSP) if supported.

3BDS021515-610 A 110
4 Download and Online Mode
4.4 Behavior of I/O and Communication

Reconfiguration for devices without support for Configure in Run as described in Online
Changes with PROFINET IO on page 51 or a temporary error such as cable error can
cause a connection error. If the error is corrected, then the connection is re-established

4.4.3 System Error

The communication between the PM8xx and the CI871 through the CEX-Bus is monitored
by a Watchdog. If the CI871 Watchdog expires due to a communication error, then the
corresponding CI871 switches into a safe state mode and disables all communication
with PROFINET IO. In case of redundancy the former backup CI871 will get primary and
continue the communication with the devices. For devices having support for redundancy,
the switchover will be bumpless. Other devices will get a reset on the PROFINET IO
communication. In case of single CI871, the communication with all interrelated
PROFINET IO devices get interrupted. To get back the CI871 to the normal operating
mode, either reset the controller or perform a hot swap of the CI871.

3BDS021515-610 A 111
3BDS021515-610 A 112
5 CI871 Web Server
5.1 CI871 Web Server Login Prerequisite

5 CI871 Web Server

The CI871 PROFINET IO web server interface provides additional feature through a
web browser interface. These features are used during commissioning or maintenance.

5.1 CI871 Web Server Login Prerequisite

The web server interface can be accessed through a standard web browser. For proper
operation verify the following settings.
Ensure that correct browser settings for the connection (for example, no proxy server
for the controller address) are set, and the controller must be accessible from the

Ensure that TCP/IP forwarding is enabled on Connectivity Servers. For more

information, refer to System 800xA Network Configuration (3BSE034463*).

Using the web browser a message might show up "Javascript is currently disabled,
but it's required for this site". Enable Javasript for proper operation.

5.2 CI871 Web Server Security

The web server is disabled by default. It can be enabled on request using the Enable
Web Server option available in Control Builder. This option is visible only when the
Control Builder is online and at least one of the modules CI854, CI860 and CI871 is
For more information on accessing the enable web server option in Control Builder and
general handling of web server in controller, refer to the System 800xA Control AC 800M
Configuration (3BSE035980*) Manual
The login screen for authentication is displayed as shown in Figure 5.1. Enter the user
name and password to login and access the home page of the web server. The default
user name is service and the password is ABB800xA. To change the default password,
refer to Change Password on page 128.

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5 CI871 Web Server
5.2 CI871 Web Server Security

Figure 5.1: CI871 Webserver Login Authentication

The default password is ABB800xA. Replace this with a password that conforms
with your organization's security policy at the first possible opportunity. Failure to
replace the default password makes the system susceptible to unauthorized access.
Refer to the Password Security topic in System 800xA Administration and Security
(3BSE037410*) for recommendations on establishing a password security scheme.
After firmware upgrade from system version 5.x to 6.1, the PM8xx controller password
must be configured again, as the previously configured password is cleared and
replaced with the new default password.

If three unsuccessful login attempts occur in a minute, the webserver is locked and
can be logged in only after ten minutes.

After launching the web server, select the required CI871 from the Cex slot
drop-down list as shown in Figure 5.2.

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5 CI871 Web Server
5.2 CI871 Web Server Security

Figure 5.2: Web Server Interface for CI871 Service Diagnosis

The web server page is active only for 4 hours from the first login. A timer is set for 4
hours and during this limited session time, an information on the remaining time before
the web server disables is shown in the browser.
When the limited activation time has expired and if the web server page is still open, a
message The web server is disabled, it can only be reenabled externally is shown. To
continue using the web server, enable it through Control Builder.

Figure 5.3: Web server Disabled

Table 5.1 lists the Alarms, Events and Warnings recorded in web server. These are
displayed in Plant Explorer and Hardware Status of Control Builder.

Table 5.1: Web server Alarms and Events

Message Type Severity
The web server is enabled, but the password has not been changed Alarm Medium
from default.
The web server has been enabled. Event Low
The web server has been disabled. Event Low

3BDS021515-610 A 115
5 CI871 Web Server
5.3 CI871 Web Server Interface

Table 5.1: Web server Alarms and Events

Message Type Severity
The web server timer has been reset. Event Low
The controller password has been changed from. Event Low
Successful login to the controller from <IP>. Event Low
Unsuccessful login attempt to the controller from <IP>. Event Medium
Unsuccessful attempt for controller password change from <IP>. Event Medium
The web server has been enabled. Audit Trail N/A

5.3 CI871 Web Server Interface

The web server interface can be accessed through a web browser. To open the web
server interface, enter the IP address of the controller in the address bar of the browser
and press <Enter>.
The browser window has two frames. The left frame displays the menu items. Select the
menu item on the left to display the respective contents in the content frame on the right.
The view of the menu is function specific. For certain menu items, only a simple view of
the available data is displayed. Some menu items need an additional input before the
corresponding data is displayed. An input dialog appears on the top of the content frame
for these menu items.

3BDS021515-610 A 116
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

Figure 5.4: Functional overview of the Service Diagnosis

Legend Description
1 Service File
2 Change Password
3 Function List
4 Input Dialog
5 Content Frame

5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

CI871 web server interface displays the following menu items:
• Errormemory
• Version Info
• LiveList
• Journal Buffer
• CPU Load
• Current Time
• General Status
• Debug...

3BDS021515-610 A 117
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

In addition, device specific functions are available via context menu in the LiveList. The
following chapters explain the important functions of the CI871 web server:

5.4.1 Errormemory
This information is relevant only for an ABB service engineer in case of an error. Figure
5.5 shows an example of Error Memory details.

Figure 5.5: Error Memory of CI871

5.4.2 Version Info

Select Version Info to display the version information of the firmware and the
communication interface CI871 as shown in Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6: Version Information Dialog

3BDS021515-610 A 118
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

5.4.3 LiveList
Select LiveList to list all PNIO devices and PNIO controller (CI871) that are connected
to the same switched Ethernet network where CI871 is connected to. The listed units
can be from different IP networks. For each unit the Station Name, MAC address,
IP address, vendor information and device information is shown. There are filter
mechanism available to search for desired units. Also a sorting by name, vendor etc. is
Figure 5.7 shows the found devices filtered to the subnet 103.75.73.x. It is possible to
save the LiveList as csv-file and perform a refresh.

Figure 5.7: LiveList

LiveList displays only the PNIO devices and controllers (CI871) which are connected
to the same switched Ethernet network and which support for DCP protocol. These
units are independent of configuration and cyclic communication status. In case of
support for redundancy, both units A and B are shown.
The color scheme highlights following units:

Green: CI871 operating the LiveList

Blue: other CI871
Beige: FCI
None: all other devices

3BDS021515-610 A 119
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

The LiveList offers device specific functions via context menu. Right-click the desired
hardware unit and select the function to be operated. Following functions are supported
as shown in figure 5.8:
• Let Device Blink
• Set Station Name
• Get I&M data
• Factory Reset

Figure 5.8: LiveList Context Menu

5.4.4 Let Device blink

Let Device blink is called via context menu in the LiveList. It is used to identify a PNIO
Device in the network. To enable the PNIO Device to blink, select Let Device blink from
the context menu. The selected device will blink for a few seconds (4-5 seconds). A
message shows up that the related DCP service is sent to the device.

5.4.5 Set Station Name

Set Station Name is called via context menu in the LiveList. It is used to set the symbolic
name for the PROFINET IO device to be stored non-volatile. A dialog shows up to enter
the desired Station Name for the selected device as shown in figure 5.9.

3BDS021515-610 A 120
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

Figure 5.9: Set Station Name

To set a unique station name for the PNIO device in the Control Builder, refer to
Communication Settings on page 100.

Check the LiveList to verify that the device is available with the correct assigned

Do not operate Set Station Name for a device that is in cyclic communication. The
device will accept the new name and perform a reset of the communication.

5.4.6 Get I&M Data

Get I&M data is called via context menu in the LiveList. Use the Identification and
Maintenance (I&M) data to get more information for a specific PROFINET IO device. For
example, important information such as the software and hardware revision of the device
are displayed provided via I&M0 which is mandatory for all PROFINET devices.

3BDS021515-610 A 121
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

Figure 5.10: I&M0 Data for FENA-11 Adapter

5.4.7 Factory Reset

Factory Reset is called via context menu in the LiveList. It is used to perform a reset of
the selected device and activate factory defaults. E.g. the stored Station Name will be
reset as well. A dialog opens to confirm proceeding the operation.

Figure 5.11: Factory Reset

3BDS021515-610 A 122
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

Do not operate Factory Reset for a device that is in cyclic communication. The device
will accept this command and perform a reset of the communication.

5.4.8 Journal Buffer

Select Journal Buffer, to access the Journal Buffer. This information is relevant only
for an ABB service engineer in case of an error. The Journal Buffer provides useful
information in addition to the Error memory.

Figure 5.12: Journal Buffer of CI871

5.4.9 CPU Load

Select CPU Load, to display the current value of the CI871 CPU load. The value is
displayed in percentage. Figure 5.13 shows an example value of 27% for the CPU load.

3BDS021515-610 A 123
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

Figure 5.13: CPU Load of CI871

5.4.10 General Status

Select General Status, to display the current status of all the PNIO devices connected
to the CI871 along with their IP address, Vendor ID, and Update time for inputs and
outputs, In and Out data lengths, communication state and redundancy type and state.

Figure 5.14: General Status of CI871

3BDS021515-610 A 124
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

5.4.11 Debug

The Debug menu is to be used by ABB service engineer only!

Via Debug, internal data of CI871 can be read in case of support activity. One example
is the cyclic Ethernet frame as shown in figure 5.15.

Figure 5.15: Reading I/O-Data via Web Server

3BDS021515-610 A 125
5 CI871 Web Server
5.4 CI871 Web Server Menu Functions

5.4.12 CI845 specific Functions

The context menu of the LiveList offers specific functions for CI845 as shown in figure

Figure 5.16: FCI Context Menu

Via Get LiveList all connected hardware units of the FCI-Station are shown including
connected HART devices as well. The LiveList can be saved as csv-file.

The FCI LiveList can only be read from the current primary FCI.

3BDS021515-610 A 126
5 CI871 Web Server
5.5 Service File

Figure 5.17: LiveList of Select I/O Station

For more information of FCI specific functions refer to System 800xA, S800 I/O & Select
I/O Fieldbus Communication Interface for Ethernet (3BSE082729*) manual.

5.5 Service File

Select Create service file, to create a service file for maintenance action. The web
server interface automatically compiles all the required information into a service file, in
case of a support action. This file contains all the information that is accessible through
the function list instead of device specific data.
Select the required CI871 modules for displaying the corresponding data. Select all the
modules, to display the information relevant to all the modules.

Figure 5.18: CI Module Selection for Service File

3BDS021515-610 A 127
5 CI871 Web Server
5.6 Change Password

Click Create. A File Download window appears with the options to Open or Save the
file to the hard disk.

If the user has cleared the check box Always ask before opening this type of file
during the previous file download then the service file is opened in Notepad.

Select Create service file to generate the Error Memory information as a text file.

5.6 Change Password

The controller password should not be changed when several users are using the
web server at the same time. If several web browser pages are connected to the web
server, close all except for one before changing the password.
The Change Password page is used for changing the default password of the web
server. The web server page displays a caution to change the default password, when
a user login for the first time as shown in the Figure 5.19. The caution is displayed for
every login, until the default password is changed to a new password.

After the controller password has been changed through web server page, a login
window appears, you need to login again with the new password.

To change the password from default, select the Change password option available at
the top left corner of the browser window. Enter the current and the new password and
confirm the new password.

3BDS021515-610 A 128
5 CI871 Web Server
5.6 Change Password

Figure 5.19: Web Server Change Password

A successful operation is confirmed with a message Change password succeeded. The

new password is active immediately and stored nonvolatile in the AC 800M controller.

5.6.1 Reset Default Password

Use the IP Config Tool to reset the controller password to default password. Perform
the following to reset the default password:
Ensure that the COM port of the PM8xx controller is connected to a COM port of the
computer through a serial cable (If it is a PM86x controller, the port of the controller
to be connected is the marked COM4.). In the IP Config tool select the COM port of
the computer that is connected to the controller.

3BDS021515-610 A 129
5 CI871 Web Server
5.6 Change Password

1. Open IP Config and select Settings menu.

From the Com Port context menu, select the corresponding Com port of the
computer. In this example, Com1 is selected as shown in Figure 5.20. After selecting
the COM port, click Connect.

Figure 5.20: IP Config Tool - COM Port Settings

IP Config tool can be started only after a long reset of the controller. Later a fresh
download is performed, as the configuration is erased during reset.

3BDS021515-610 A 130
5 CI871 Web Server
5.6 Change Password

2. In the Misc menu, click Reset Controller Password.

Figure 5.21: IP Config Tool - Reset Controller Password

3BDS021515-610 A 131
5 CI871 Web Server
5.6 Change Password

3. A confirmation window, The Controller password has been reset appears.

Figure 5.22: Reset Password - Confirmation Window

3BDS021515-610 A 132
6 Technical Data and Performance

6 Technical Data and Performance

For PROFINET IO configurations in 800xA with CI871 the following dimensioning

guidelines need to be taken into account:
• Up to 12 single and 6 redundant CI871 per AC 800M controller and up to 10 single
and 5 redundant CI871 per AC 800M HI controller.
• Up to 126 single PNIO devices of type S1 or S2 and up to 63 redundant PNIO
devices of type R2 per CI871.
• Up to 512 modules/submodules per PNIO device.
• Up to 10 IOCR (PROFINET Frame for I/O-Data) for each direction (Input and Output)
per PNIO device. Each IOCR can have up to 1440 bytes of I/O data. The number
of IOCRs is derived by the configured amount of I/O-data for the specific device.
• Up to 128 Kbytes of I/O data in total for input and output direction per CI871.
• Interval times in the range of 1 ms to 512 ms configurable on device level.
• Fast interval times of 1 ms for single devices of type S1 or S2 only and 2 ms for
redundant devices of type R2. In both configurations, single or redundant, only one
device below CI871 is allowed to be configured.
• For CPU-load calculation of CI871 the Ethernet frames for inputs and outputs need
to be calculated. CI871 can handle in total a maximum of 1000 PROFINET frames
per second in each direction. This gives the maximum of one PROFINET frame per
ms in each direction. The maximum number of devices depends on the accumulated
number of PROFINET frames over all configured devices below the same CI871.
It shall not exceed 1000 PROFINET frames per second and direction. Otherwise
the download gets blocked. The number of frames per device and second depend
on the configured Interval Times on the device and the number of IOCRs.
Redundant R2-devices cost double the load than single devices because of
duplicated number or Application Relations (ARs).

3BDS021515-610 A 133
6 Technical Data and Performance

• Example configurations:
– Interval times for all devices configured to 64 ms:
→ up to 64 single devices of type S1 or S2
→ up to 32 redundant devices of type R2
– Interval times for all devices configured to 32 ms (default):
→ up to 32 single devices of type S1 or S2
→ up to 16 redundant devices of type R2
– Interval times for all devices configured to 8 ms:
→ up to 8 single devices of type S1 or S2
→ up to 4 redundant devices of type R2
• Network storm protection:
The rate limiter of CI871 is defined by 160 Ethernet frames per 100 ms. Receiving
more packets the CI871 will discard these packets to protect itself. This might cause
a loss of cyclic communication and the UnitStatus Communication problems due
to flooding on Ethernet will be indicated accordingly.
In a huge switched network the PROFINET Livelist must be used with care to not
initiate a storm protection on CI871. All available PROFINET devices will respond to
the Livelist broadcast request within 4 seconds. Either consider such additional bursts
when calculating the max. cyclic load of CI871 or run the Livelist functionality only
via a dedicated CI871 without any cyclic communication. Or make use of port based
VLAN configurations in the network to limit the broadcast domains.
• Redundancy switchover times:
The switchover from primary to backup CI871 works bumpless only for devices
having support for PROFINET IO system redundancy of type S2 or R2 like FCI or
devices having support for ABB PROFINET IO S1 redundancy. The recovery time
– up to 300 ms in a safety communication for S2 and R2 devices for a maximum
configuration of 20 S2 or 10 R2 devices.
– up to 1000 ms in a PA communication for S2 and R2 devices for a maximum
configuration of 20 S2 or 10 R2 devices.
– up to 5 seconds for a maximum configuration of 20 devices with ABB
PROFINET IO S1 redundancy.
Delays for sending and receiving updated I/O-data given by the configured interval
times on PROFINET IO have to be considered in addition.

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6 Technical Data and Performance

• Limitations for acyclic communication:

CI871 can handle up to 50 transactions/second for a payload of 60 bytes per
read/write operation causing a CPU load of about 0,5 % on CI871 and 0,3 % on
PM866 for each transaction.
The maximum frame length is defined by 4 KBytes for each service. Longer frames
than 60 bytes cause a slightly increased CPU load.
• Limitations for memory consumption:
CI871 has limitations for the memory consumption for a specific device and for all
devices in total. An overload leads to a download error.
Memory limitations will not show up for normal devices like motor starters, drives or
normal remote I/Os. They will only show up for complex devices with a huge set of
parameter data like Select I/O or certain proxies depending on the configuration.
The limitation is given by about 64 Kbytes per device and 4 Mbytes in total over all

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6 Technical Data and Performance

• Limitations for Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet:

Due to the memory limitations of CI871 the number of FCIs that can be configured
is limited. The limitation is depending on the configuration of the I/O-Station. It needs
to be differentiated between a Process I/O-Station and a Safety I/O-Station. The
Safety I/O-Station is more complex than the Process I/O-Station and by that gives
a higher footprint for configuration and cyclic data. The next tables show the impact
of the I/O-Station configuration on the CI871 load. Also it includes the load on
Ethernet for the cyclic communication.

Table 6.1: Process I/O-Station load on CI871 and Ethernet

Max No Max No Configuration Load per FCI in Load per FCI in

No of No of FCI of FCIs of SCM Load Input-Direction: Output-Direction:
GIO SCM single/red per per on CI871 Bytes / Frames / Bytes / Frames /
CI871 CI871 per FCI Network Load
1 Network Load1

1 16 single 53 848 1,9 % 98 / 1 / 0,025 % 61 / 1 / 0,02 %

redundant 27 432 3,7 % 196/ 2 / 0,05 % 102 / 2 / 0,03 %

3 48 single 44 2112 2,3 % 212 / 1 / 0,05 % 109 / 1 / 0,03 %

redundant 24 1152 4,1 % 424 / 2 / 0,11 % 218 / 2 / 0,06 %

5 80 single 38 3040 2,6 % 326 / 1 / 0,08 % 157 / 1 / 0,04 %

redundant 21 1680 4,8 % 652/ 2 / 0,17 % 314 / 2 / 0,08 %

6 96 single 35 3360 2,9 % 383 / 1 / 0,1 % 181 / 1 / 0,05 %

redundant 20 1920 5,0 % 766 / 2 / 0,2 % 362 / 2 / 0,1 %

7 112 single 33 3696 3,0 % 440 / 1 / 0,11 % 205 / 1 / 0,05 %

redundant 19 2128 5,3 % 880 / 2 / 0,22 % 410 / 2 / 0,1 %

12 192 single 25 4800 4,0 % 725 / 1 / 0,19 % 325 / 1 / 0,08 %

redundant 15 2880 6,7 % 1440 / 2 / 0,37 % 574 / 2 / 0,17 %

1. Network Load calculated for complete Ethernet Frame in a 100 Mbit/s FD network
with default Interval Times of 32 ms. Redundancy of CI871 increases the load by
factor 2.

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6 Technical Data and Performance

Table 6.2: Safety I/O-Station load on CI871 and Ethernet

Max No Max No Configuration Load per FCI in Load per FCI in

No of No of FCI of FCIs of SCM Load Input-Direction: Output-Direction:
GIO SCM single/red per per on CI871 Bytes / Frames / Bytes / Frames /
CI871 CI871 per FCI Network Load
1 Network Load1

1 16 single 50 800 2,0 % 191 / 1 / 0,05% 154 / 1 / 0,04 %

redundant 26 416 3,9 % 382 / 2 / 0,1 % 308 / 2 / 0,08 %

3 48 single 39 1872 2,6 % 491 / 1 / 0,13 % 388 / 1 / 0,1 %

redundant 21 1008 4,8 % 982 / 2 / 0,25 % 776 / 2 / 0,2 %

5 80 single 32 2560 3,1 % 791 / 1 / 0,2 % 622 / 1 / 0,16 %

redundant 18 1440 5,6 % 1582 / 2 / 0,4 % 1244 / 2 / 0,32 %

6 96 single 29 2784 3,4 % 941 / 1 / 0,24 % 739 / 1 / 0,2 %

redundant 17 1632 5,9 % 1882 / 2 / 0,48 % 1478 / 2 / 0,4 %

7 112 single 27 3024 3,7 % 1091 / 1 / 0,28 % 856 / 1 / 0,22 %

redundant 16 1792 6,2 % 2182 / 2 / 0,56 % 1712 / 2 / 0,44 %

12 192 single 19 3648 5,3 % 1877 / 2 / 0,48 % 1441 / 1 / 0,37 %

redundant 12 2304 8,3 % 3754 / 4 / 0,96 % 2882 / 2 / 0,74 %

1. Network Load calculated for complete Ethernet Frame in a 100 Mbit/s FD network
with default Interval Times of 32 ms. Redundancy of CI871 increases the load by
factor 2.

The tables do not consider soft marshalling. If the I/O-Station is used in a shared
device configuration and accessed by several controller/CI871 then only the number
of SCMs has to be taken into account that is accessed by the related CI871. E.g. the
I/O-Station is redundant and has 96 SCMs, 48 SCMs are accessed by CI871_A and
the other 48 SCMs are accessed by CI871_B, then for both CI871_A and CI871_B
the calculated load is 48 SCMs resulting in a configuration load of 4,1 % for the
Process I/O-Station and 4,8 % for the Safety I/O-Station.

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To be considered:
– The listed values are not guaranteed. The exact values can be slightly different.
That is because configuration and cyclic data load depend on the specific types
of used I/O-channels.
– A mixture of different SCM types is used for load calculation as follows:
AI/AO/DI/DO = 44/6/38/12 %.
– In case of redundancy of FCI the cyclic and configuration load on CI871 is
duplicated. That is because each CI871 communicates with both primary and
backup FCI.
– The max. payload for cyclic data is 1440 bytes in one PROFINET frame (one
IOCR). If the limit of one frame is reached a second one (second IOCR) is
opened automatically by the engineering system.
– Using HART DV communication gives additional load on CI871 and on Ethernet.
In a mixed configuration of analog and digital modules as listed above all analog
modules can have assigned a HART DV object. But if all SCM are of type
analog, then there is a limitation in the Safety I/O-Station. Here only 160 SCM
can get a HART DV object assigned. With each HART DV object carrying two
HART DV signals the payload on Ethernet gets increased by 12 bytes in input
direction and 1 byte in output direction.
– For S800 on Ethernet the limitation is given by 50 single and 27 redundant FCIs
per CI871 both with a fully equipped I/O-Station of 12 redundant S800 I/O
During download the engineering system checks all available data to avoid an overload
of CI871. If the system detects that there is an overload, then it is indicated in the
Compilation Summary window and the download is blocked. These checks work
proper for the memory consumption of CI871 but not for the CPU load. An overload
might appear if up to 1000 PROFINET frames per second in each direction are
configured. The resulting CPU load is very much depending on the configured I/O data
size of the devices. The user can check the CPU load before and after download by
use of the web server interface. Refer to CPU Load for information on how to read
it. The limit for the CPU load is 100%. Reaching the 100 % CPU limit might cause
the CI871 to stop working. It is recommended to not exceed the CPU load of 80%.

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6 Technical Data and Performance

In a huge network configuration where more than 100 devices and CI871 are
connected to the same switched Ethernet network, it is strongly recommended to
increase the spare for CPU load for additional broadcast communication of PROFINET
using DCP-services. These broadcasts are operated using PROFINET Livelist
functionality in the Webserver or during startup trying to communicate with the
configured devices. Therefore it is recommended to lower the limit of the CI871
CPU load from 80 to 70 %. Using port based VLAN configurations in the network is
an appropriate way to limit the number of these broadcast services received by each
CI871 in the network.
The CPU load for acyclic communication cannot be automatically checked by the
system during download. CI871 is able to handle up to 10 acyclic transactions/second
and also stable in a high load scenario. In case a higher acyclic communication load
is required because of extensive usage of IOCommLib or Toolrouting the user needs
to take care that the resulting CPU load is in a safe area e.g. below 70%.
Configure in Run (CiR) requests one additional AR temporarily during reconfiguration.
This is considered by the system for the load calculation. For devices having support
for CiR and being in S2 configuration two ARs instead of one per CI871 is calculated.
This might increase the fastest possible interval time from 1 ms to 2 ms.

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6 Technical Data and Performance

• Network load considerations:

The network load with PROFINET is mainly driven by the cyclic communication. But
there must be some spare calculated as well to allow acylic communication. Acyclic
communication is used for several reasons. It is used during startup of cyclic
communication or when operating IORead or IOWrite functions or when using the
Webserver for commissioning and maintenance or to report diagnosis and SOE
from the device or when operating Toolrouting through CI871. Especially during
startup quite many and large Ethernet frames are operated to handle the
There is no engineering support to calculate the network load. This is in the
responsibility of the user. Depending on the network topology, the load must be
verified on each segment in the network. Because of full duplex communication in
both directions input and output direction must be verified separately. Normally the
input direction from the device to CI871 is causing the major load.
The calculated network load during operation shall be less than 50 %. This implies
PROFINET cyclic communication and other communications as well in case
PROFINET shares same network with other protocols. The spare of 50 % is used to
operate acyclic services and shall avoid delays in the communication due to high
load in the network components.
The cyclic load is defined by the configured device depending on the amount of
input and output data, the configured interval times and used redundancy
configuration. The following rules and examples apply:
– The cyclic load is always defined by the number and types of
modules/submodules configured in the engineering system for the device below
CI871. Only the configured modules/submodules are used for cyclic
communication independently if there are more modules/submodules plugged
in the device. For a device running in a shard device configuration (soft
marshalling) with two or more CI871 having access to it, several instances of
devices have to be calculated, one instance for each CI871. The calculation
has to be performed from CI871 perspective.
– Increasing the update rate by changing the default interval time of 32 ms to e.g.
16 ms increases the network load by factor 2.
– Using the device in an S2 configuration (CI871 redundant, device single)
increases the network load by factor 2 compared to S1 configuration.
Using the device in an R2 configuration (CI871 and device redundant) increases
the network load by factor 4 compared to S1 configuration.
– The Ethernet frame is defined by PROFINET I/O data and Ethernet/PROFINET
protocol data. The protocol data cost always 36 Bytes which needs to be added
for each direction. I/O data data is in the range of 40...1440 Bytes. Smaller

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6 Technical Data and Performance

I/O data frames will be filled with padding bytes. This is because of the smallest
allowed Ethernet frame of 64 Bytes.
– Calculating Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet Station:
See Limitations for Select I/O and S800 on Ethernet on page 136 to find several
examples how to calculate the network load as well in a 100 Mbit/s FD network
with default interval time = 32 ms.
– Calculating Remote I/O:
The number of modules/submodules with its numbers of input and output bytes
need to be added. Protocol data needs to be added on top plus one additional
byte for each HW-Unit in each direction to handle IOXS. Typically analog
channels take 2 bytes and boolean channels 1 bit plus a status information if
supported. But this can differ between vendors and Remote I/O types.
Example: Single S800 on Ethernet station with 12 AI895 modules in 100 Mbit/s
FD network, interval time = 32 ms → 0,07 % network load.
– Calculating Electrical Devices:
Electrical devices are motor starters like PNQ22/UMC100.3 or Simocode ProV
or VSD drives like FENA-21/ACS880. The amount of cyclic I/O-data bytes is
quite small. It fit's into the smallest possible Ethernet frame of 64 Bytes to be
covered in both directions. This covers also having 2 UMC100.3 below PNQ22.
Having 3 or 4 UMC100.3 configured then 100 Bytes need to be covered in each
direction including management data.
Example: PNQ22 with 4 UMC100.3 in 100 Mbit/s FD network, interval time =
32 ms → 0,03 % network load.
– Calculating Proxies:
The Proxy is a gateway to connect other devices like PROFIBUS PA devices
to PROFINET. The amount of cyclic I/O-data is given by the sum of cyclic
I/O-data given by each connected device like PA-device. Protocol data needs
to be added on top plus one additional byte for each HW-Unit in each direction
to handle IOXS.
– Calculating PN/PN Coupler:
The task of a PN/PN coupler is to copy a number of cyclic I/O-data bytes from
one side to the other. For that the coupler offers several different module types
to be configured, each having support for a different number of I/O-data bytes.
The total amount is given by the sum of configured I/O-modules. Protocol data
needs to be added on top plus one additional byte for each HW-Unit in each
direction to handle IOXS.
Example: Configuration with 1440 bytes application data in 100 Mbit/s FD
network, interval time = 32 ms → 0,4 % network load.

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7 Device Import Wizard

7 Device Import Wizard

The functionality of a PROFINET IO Device is described in a General Station Description

(GSD) file. The GSD file contains all the data that are relevant for engineering and data
exchange with the PNIO Device.
This section describes the Device Import Wizard, which is used to parse the PROFINET
IO GSD files and converts it into hardware library. The hardware library is integrated in
Control Builder, which is required to configure the PNIO device in 800xA.
The Wizard supports the following capabilities along with the conversion of a GSD file
to a hardware library:
1. Select DAPs, modules, and submodules to be included in the hardware library.
2. Select Device and their corresponding version.
3. Define presentation: PROFIBUS classic view or PROFINET detailed view
4. Modify properties of I/O Devices (Names, Channels, Datatypes, Icons).
5. Define default icons for selected hardware units
6. Modifying parameters.
7. Converting an Integer datatype to a RealIO (Also called ADV Format. For more
details, refer to Advanced ADV Settings with status on page 163).
If it is not required to modify any settings other than those provided in the GSD file
then select the required hardware types and click the Next button available at the
bottom of each window of the Device Import Wizard to complete it and insert the
hardware library.

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7.1 Importing GSD File

The hardware library is required to integrate and configure the PNIO Devices in the
Control Builder. The wizard contains the functionality to parse the PROFINET GSD file
and convert the selected content into a hardware library. The wizard supports a re-import,
in cases where the existing hardware library needs to be modified, so that the user can
continue the import with the previous configured settings.
With 800xA 6.1 two parsers are available for importing PROFINET gsd-files.
PROFINET Enhanced parser with support for new functionality introduced in 800xA
6.1 and PROFINET parser for coexistence reasons. For devices to be newly imported
with 800xA 6.1 the PROFINET Enhanced parser shall be used. The PROFINET
parser shall only be used in case some AC 800M controller are operating in
coexistence mode and new PROFINET device types shall be inserted to CI871
connected to that AC 800M controllers.
Only the PROFINET Enhanced parser has support for the new functionalities like
redundancy, Configure in Run etc. as shown in figure 7.7 on page 150. It is not possible
to change the parser with a re-import.
In case of performing a re-import, the parser selected for first import is automatically
used with re-import. Doing a re-import for devices being imported first with 800xA 5.x
or 6.x, then automatically the PROFINET parser is used.

7.1 Importing GSD File

The following are the sequence of steps to be followed to convert a GSD file to hardware
1. Create a new hardware library.
2. Start the wizard.
3. Configure the hardware types.

7.1.1 Create a New Hardware Library

1. Open the Control Builder.
2. Select Libraries > Hardware.

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7.1 Importing GSD File

3. Right-click Hardware and select New Library. The New Library pop-up window is

Figure 7.1: New Library Window

Enter a library name in the Name field and click OK. The user defined library is
created under the hardware tree as shown in Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2: Created Hardware Library

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7.1 Importing GSD File

4. Expand the newly created library. Right-click on Hardware types and select
Insert/Replace Hardware Types.

Figure 7.3: Insert/Replace Hardware Types

The Insert Hardware Definitions window appears as shown in Figure 7.4. Set the
file type as PROFINET (GSDML*.xml) and select the GSD file to be converted and
click Open.

Figure 7.4: GSD File Selection Dialog

Select PROFINET Enhanced (GSDML*.xml) to start the PROFINET Enhanced


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7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.5: Select Parser

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7.1 Importing GSD File

7.1.2 Start Wizard

1. The Wizard welcome dialog is displayed as shown in Figure 7.6. This dialog displays
the details of the GSD file and the device type which is imported.

Figure 7.6: Device Import Wizard Welcome Dialog

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7.1 Importing GSD File

2. Click Next. The PROFINET GSD file import - Device Information dialog is
displayed. This dialog reads the information from the GSD file and displays the basic
information about the device like IDs and schema version of the GSDML. Also it
displays if support for advanced PROFINET functionality is given like Redundancy,
CiR or Shared Device. The Start value for I/O channels helps the user to specify
whether the channel numbering in Control Builder should begin with the number 1
or 0.
The value selected in the Start value for I/O channels is displayed in the Control
Builder hardware tree along with the name of the first channel. The consecutive
numbers are displayed along with the names of the subsequent channels.
The number selected in the drop down should be identical to the channel number of
the I/O module. To avoid any discrepancies between the I/O channel numbering and
the number displayed in Control Builder, user has to check for the device manual (in
case of a remote I/O it is the front cover) to select a 1 or 0 from the drop down.
When doing a first import the PROFIBUS classic view is enabled as default. This is
done by having enabled Hide single submodules in HW tree and Hide DAPs in
HW tree. It is recommended not to change these settings and go for PROFIBUS
classic view. Both settings can only be changed with first import. They cannot be
changed with re-import.

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7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.7: Device Information Dialog

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7.1 Importing GSD File

3. Click Next. The PROFINET GSD file import - hardware types selection dialog is

Figure 7.8: Device Import Wizard Hardware Type Selection

The hardware types selection dialog displays all the module information for the PROFINET
IO device which is collected from the GSD file. This is the main window of the Wizard
where all the configuration is done.

7.1.3 Configure Hardware Types

Hardware Tree Context Menu

Figure 7.9 shows an item selected in the tree view along with a context menu.

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Figure 7.9: Navigating Hardware Tree using Context Menu

Table 7.1 describes the list of options available in the context menu for the selected
device object.

Table 7.1: Hardware Tree Context Menu

Menu Item Description
Select All Helps to select the modules and submodules within the module.
Deselect All Helps to deselect all the modules and submodules within the module.
Expand or Based on the current state of the module, the context menu displays.
Collapse • Expand
Helps to display the expanded view of all the submodule within the module.
• Collapse
Makes all the submodules to be hidden within the module.
Go to next Helps to navigate between the selected DAP/module/submodule within the tree view.
selected HW
Go to previous
selected HW
GSDML view Displays the XML view of the GSDML file of the selected modules or sub modules
as shown in Figure 7.10
Show selected Displays the tree view of only the selected modules and sub modules in a Selected
items modules window. The Show selected items option can be used for large gsd files
with a lot of hardware types. The Selected modules navigation window makes the
navigation very easy and also user does not have to scroll (search) in a long list.

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7.1 Importing GSD File

Click Parent XML node to select the parent XML node of the selected module.
The XML structure of the entire GSDML file is shown step by step, by clicking on
Parent XML node.

Figure 7.10: GSDML View

The Selected modules window shows a tree view of already selected modules and
submodules. It can only be used for navigation purposes (to select a module or
submodule). Each module or submodule which is selected in the right window is
also selected in the left tree view and vice versa. When a module or submodule is
deselected in the left tree view it disappears in the right window and when selected,
it also appears in the right window.

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Figure 7.11: Selected Modules

Hardware Types Selection

The HW type selection window contains a tree view on the left which lists the devices
and their corresponding modules, and submodules. The right pane of the window contains
the Input, Output, and Parameter tab. The display of contents in these tabs depends on
the selection made in the tree view.
The highest level of Hardware tree are the devices. Each device contains a set of
applicable modules. Each module contains a set of applicable submodules. The GSD
file can contain several devices and multiple versions of a device as shown in Figure

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7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.12: GSD with multiple devices and versions

The hardware view is also used to navigate between the devices, modules, submodules.
Selecting the check box (create a check mark) makes the device to be included in the
hardware library. It is possible to modify the name and description for the device, module
and submodule if the GSD file does not follow a proper naming convention or if the user
wants to customize the names to make it user friendly. To modify the name or description,
select the respective module or submodule and edit the text field for Name, Description
in the HW type information pane as shown in Figure 7.13. To select the icon to be used
for a particular submodule, use the Icon drop-down menu. The icon selected in this
window is displayed in the Control Builder for each module.

Figure 7.13: Modify Name and Description

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7.1 Importing GSD File

Modules or Hardware types which are selected are indicated by a check mark and only
these are included in the hardware library. The selections are indicated in various ways
in the HW types selection navigation pane.

• Indicates that some of the underlying modules are selected.

• Indicates that all the underlying modules are selected.

• Indicates that none of the underlying modules are selected.

Some DAPs/modules are grayed out in the navigation pane and cannot be deselected.
These are the modules which are defined as FixedInSlots in GSD file.
Click the + sign in the hardware tree to expand the modules as shown in Figure 7.14. If
the sign changes to − it means the module cannot be further expanded.

Figure 7.14: Device with Modules and Submodules Dialog

There are various buttons in the window which helps to select the modules.
Click Select All to select all the modules in the GSD file.
Click Select none to clear all the selected modules. This prompts for a confirmation as
shown in Figure 7.15.

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7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.15: Select None Confirmation Dialog

7.1.4 Input Tab

The Input and Output Tab (shown in Figure 7.16) displays the details of the default
configuration available in the GSD file for the particular submodule selected in the
hardware tree view. The input channels are created in the hardware library based on
the configuration displayed in the Input tab.
If the user does not want to modify the default settings then select the required
hardware types and click the Next button available at the bottom of the window (Figure
7.16) to proceed.
Channel numbers in the Control Builder depend on the order in which the I/O channels
are displayed in the Input tab. If the user wants to change the numbering order then it
is done by moving the I/O channels using a drag and drop option with the help of the
The PROFINET IO frame is displayed on the left of the tab. The Channel related details
are available on the right of the tab. Figure 7.16 displays the Input tab for a particular

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7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.16: Input Area

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7.1 Importing GSD File

The table on the right shows the textual description of the defined I/O channels. These
details include:
• Byte, bit - displays the starting bit of the I/O channel. The allocation of Byte and bit
can be modified with the help of the graphical display of the PNIO frame provided
on the right pane of the input tab. The number of rows available in the graphical
display depends on the maximum number of bytes for the particular submodule.
For example, if the submodule can hold a maximum 4 bytes of data then the Input
Tab is displayed as shown in Figure 7.17. Each bit in PNIO is configured twice for
the IO channels. For more information on assigning the bits twice to the I/O channel,
refer to Creating I/O Channels on page 171.

Figure 7.17: Graphical display of Bytes, bits in PNIO frame

If a particular channel is selected in the Input tab then the corresponding bits are
highlighted in the PNIO graphical display frame (Figure 7.17) with the datatype
specific color as shown in Figure 7.18.

Figure 7.18: Datatype specific color highlighted in the graphical display.

• Length - displays the number of bits allocated for each I/O channel.
• Name - displays the name of each I/O channel. The Input channels are created in
the hardware library with the names displayed on this tab.

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7.1 Importing GSD File

• Data type conversion - displays the copy function which is generated in the
hardware library file for each I/O channel.
• Features - displays the specific features or properties of the I/O channel like byte
swapping, ADV conversion. The availability of a specific feature is indicated by an
icon and different datatypes have different features.

The byte swapping feature is available only for specific copy functions.

7.1.5 Byte Swapping

The Byte Swapping feature is used for swapping bytes for specific I/O channels. Channels
which support byte swapping are displayed with an icon in the features column of the
Input tab. By default, the frame format used in PNIO is Big endian where the MSB is
read first and followed by the LSB. There are some PNIO devices which deliver data
where LSB is preceded by MSB, these are devices which follow the Little endian format.
In such cases, use the Bytes swapping feature to swap the bytes which facilitates the
Device Import Wizard to read the bytes in the correct order. For example, Figure 7.19
displays that the channel 2,7 supports byte swapping.

Figure 7.19: Byte Swapping Feature

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To swap the bytes:

1. Double-click . The Frame format dialog is displayed.

Figure 7.20: Frame Format

2. Select the frame format to be applied. By default, Big endian is selected.

3. When Big endian is selected, the bytes are not swapped.
4. When Little endian is selected, the bytes are swapped.
5. Select OK. The feature icon changes to green, that is the byte swapping feature is
applied to the I/O channel as shown in Figure 7.21.

Figure 7.21: I/O Channel with Byte Swapping applied

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.22 displays how the frame structure is handled after Byte Swapping in case of
I/O channel having Two Bytes.

Figure 7.22: Example of Byte Swapping in Two Bytes Frame

Figure 7.23 displays how the frame structure is handled after Byte Swapping in case of
I/O channel having Four Bytes.

Figure 7.23: Example of Byte Swapping in Four Bytes Frame

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

7.1.6 Advanced ADV Settings with status

In PNIO, Integer value can be mapped to RealIO. The Advanced settings can be
configured for channels having a data type value as Int16+IOPS=>Real.
The ADV feature dialog offers the various possibilities like
• Assigning scaling parameters so that no scaling is required in the IEC 61131-3
• To modify the range, for example changing 0..20mA to 4..20mA which does not
affect the IEC 61131-3 application.
• Byte swapping.
A sequence of steps is required to be followed to map the Integer value to a RealIO
Figure 7.24 shows the default configuration available in the Wizard.

Figure 7.24: I/O channel with Integer Datatype

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

• Delete the channels present in the input tab displayed in Figure 7.24.
For further information on deleting I/O channels, refer to Deleting I/O Channel on
page 171.
• Create new channels with 16 bits with the datatype Int16+IOPS=>Real.
For more information on creating channels, refer to Creating I/O Channels on page

Figure 7.25: I/O channel with Int16+IOPS=>Real

• Right-click on the channel in the input tab and select Advanced Edit. A dialog
containing the following tabs is displayed as shown in Figure 7.26:
– Range Parameter.
– Frame format.

Range Parameter
The Range Parameter tab contains all the parameters the device supports with the
their scaling parameters like datatype, Byte Offset, Value, and Description. Select
the range parameter related to that configured channel and configure the connection
inside HWD between the I/O Channel and the settings. By that the EnumRange
datatype is created for the settings parameter (previously it was Enum datatype).

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.26: Advanced ADV Settings with status - Range Parameter

The Figure 7.26 displays some default configurations. For each EnumValue the
user has to configure the digital value of the A/D-converter with minimum and
maximum value. Typically these values are available in the user manual provided
along with the device.
Figure 7.27 displays the Voltage measuring ranges ± 5V and ±10V for an analog
input module of Siemens ET 200S.

Figure 7.27: Voltage measuring ranges: ± 5 to ± 10

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.28 displays the settings entered for minimum and maximum values as per
the Siemens ET200S device.

Figure 7.28: Min, max, overflow, and underflow applied

Channel Status
The channel status can be derived from different information. It can be either given by
the IOPS status on module level, or it can be defined via a structured data type like
Real+Status or it can be freely configured as well. It is supported to manually assign the
channel status via cyclic input data or via diagnosis information made available via
UnitStatus information. Figure 7.29 shows how to create the channel status via cyclic
input data, Figure 7.30 shows how to derive the channel status from a UnitStatus bit.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.29: ADV Settings via Cyclic Input Data

Figure 7.30: ADV Settings via UnitStatus Bits

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

The advanced setting for channel status via cyclic input data or diagnosis is only
supported by Device Import Wizard with copy functions not having support for IOPS.

Frame format
Frame Format tab supports swapping of bytes. For more information on Byte
Swapping, refer to Byte Swapping on page 160.

Figure 7.31: Advanced ADV Settings with status - Frame Format

To Modify I/O Channels

The I/O channel Name can be modified within the I/O area.
To rename a channel name, double-click the required row and modify the details.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

To rename multiple I/O channel rows hold down the CTRL key or SHIFT key and select
the required I/O channels as shown in Figure 7.32.
1. Right-click on the selected I/O channel rows and select Rename (Batch job) which
displays a dialog as shown in Figure 7.33.

Figure 7.32: Selected I/O channels for modification

Figure 7.33: I/O Channel Renaming dialog

2. Enter the channel name in Prefix.

3. Specify the number to be added with the channel name in Start with and click OK.
If there is a duplication in I/O channel naming, then a pop-up message is displayed as
shown in Figure 7.34.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.34: Collision Error Message

To modify the name of an I/O channel, double-click the specific row and edit the

Figure 7.35: I/O channels after modification

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Deleting I/O Channel

To delete an I/O channel:
1. Right-click the required I/O channel row. This displays the context menu as shown
in Figure 7.36.

Figure 7.36: I/O channel selected for Deletion

2. Select Delete from the context menu. The I/O channel slots become empty as
displayed in Figure 7.37.

Figure 7.37: Deleted I/O Channels

To delete a set of I/O channels, press CTRL key or SHIFT key and select the required
number of rows on the right. Right-click the selected rows and select Delete.

Creating I/O Channels

I/O channels can be created for the unused channels and within the I/O area.

3BDS021515-610 A 171
7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

To create I/O channels:

1. Select the empty bits or select the blue triangle to select the entire unused byte. A
context menu with the permissible data types for the selected I/O channel is displayed
as shown in Figure 7.38.

Figure 7.38: I/O Channel Creation

PROFINET IO contains different types of copy functions. A set with IOPS and a set
without IOPS. By default IOPS is used, which helps to indicate the channel errors.
For more details on IOPS, refer to PROFINET IO Data Exchange Quality on page
The following are the datatypes supported by AC 800M:
• RealIO.
• DintIO.

3BDS021515-610 A 172
7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

2. Select the required data type conversion from the context menu. The created
channels are displayed at the bottom of the channel details table on the right.

Figure 7.39: I/O Channels created

The I/O area positions are used exactly for one channel. Each byte/bit in the PNIO frame
can be accessed only through one copy function. But, there is one exception to this rule.
The I/O channels created using the data type Bit Boolean can be assigned with another
data type also.
Each bit can be assigned twice to the I/O channels in the following ways:
• A bit can act as single entity and can be assigned as 1 Bit =>Bool.
• The same bit can be grouped along with other bits to form a datatype which can be
used for some other copy function.
Figure 7.40 shows an example of an 8 bit input channel where each bit is assigned with
an input channel 1 Bit =>Bool and the same 8 bits are grouped together and assigned
to an input channel with a different datatype. A grouped channel gives a better
performance than the single boolean channels. There is also a disadvantage from
engineering perspective as different boolean I/O channels do not get a unique name.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.40: 8 bit input submodule

User can access the cyclic data on PNIO level only once as a separate boolean
channel or as a grouped channel. For example, in the Figure 7.40 user has the option
to access the data either through a 8 single boolean channel or through a DINT
User is not provided with any error or warning if both channels are accessed or
configured in the Control Builder. An error is prompted to the user only during download
in the compilation summary window.
The support to access three channels through single boolean channel and the other
five through DINT is not available in PNIO.

7.1.7 Output Tab

The Output tab provides the details of the output channels for the selected submodule.
The bit and byte details are available on the left. The Channel details are available on
the right. Figure 7.41 displays the Output tab for a particular submodule.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Figure 7.41: Output Area

The details available in the Output tab are identical to the details available in the Input

IOPS, Real+Status, and ADV Format are handled for Input channels only and excluded
for Output channels.

For additional information on the I/O channel details and other functionalities, refer to
Input Tab on page 157.

7.1.8 Parameter Tab

The Parameter tab displays the parameters available for a PROFINET IO device. These
parameters are defined in the GSD file and are used for configuring the PROFINET IO

Under normal circumstances it is not necessary to modify default parameter settings.

If the GSD file is not correct then some modifications may be required.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

Modifying Default Parameters

Execute the following steps to modify the PROFINET IO device parameters:
1. Select the Parameter tab. The parameters described in the GSD file are displayed
in a tree view. Select the required parameter. The settings for this parameter are
displayed on the right as shown in Figure 7.42.

Figure 7.42: Parameter Tab

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

2. Modify the parameter settings as required. Parameters can be

• Changed.
• Deleted.
• Added.
To configure Parameters, right-click on the parameter tree to show the context
menu and display the options available at each level as shown in Figure 7.43.

Figure 7.43: Parameter - Context Menu

User can configure the parameter using the options available in the context menu.
However, depending on the type of parameter selected some of the user control fields
are disabled for editing.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

7.1.9 Create Hardware Types

1. Click Next when necessary configurations are done. The comments dialog is
displayed as shown in Figure 7.44.

Figure 7.44: Comments Dialog

By default the comments dialog contains the timestamp of the last modified date. If
required, additional notes can also be added which is used as logbook for future

3BDS021515-610 A 178
7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

2. Click Next. The Conversion results are displayed. The dialog provides a summary
of all the errors and warnings encountered during the conversion process.

Figure 7.45: Conversion Results Dialog

One can continue Wizard even if the conversion results displays any warnings, but
in case of any errors the device might not work properly.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.1 Importing GSD File

3. Select View/Print HWD to view the content of HWD file.

Figure 7.46: View/Print HWD dialog

4. Click Finish. The configured HWD file as added to the hardware library.
The configured hardware library is displayed in the Control Builder as shown in Figure

Figure 7.47: Configured Hardware Library

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.2 Re-importing the GSD file

7.1.10 Append GSD files to a Hardware Library

User can import multiple GSD files into a hardware library. To insert additional GSD files
into a hardware library:
1. Right-click on Hardware types and select Insert/Replace Hardware Types as
described in Step 4. in Create a New Hardware Library on page 144.
2. User will be prompted with a dialog as shown in Figure 7.48.

Figure 7.48: Importing multiple GSD files into a hardware library

3. Select Yes to proceed and append the GSD into the hardware library.

User can select only one GSD file for import. Multiple selection of GSD files is not

7.2 Re-importing the GSD file

After successful creation of the hardware library it might be required to add additional
modules or modify/append a few parameters or settings to the existing configuration.
When a parsed GSD file is imported into the Wizard it retains all the configuration that
were set during the last conversion process.
To re-import the GSD file right-click on the hardware library and select Properties>Files
to display the dialog as shown in Figure 7.49.
Select the GSD file for which re-import needs to be done and click on the Wizard button.
Click the Re-import button to display the Device Import Wizard. These are the same
navigation windows as described in Start Wizard on page 148. User can add additional
modules or configure settings if required during this process.
In case the user deselects the modules/submodules that were already imported, then
the modules/submodules will be deleted from the hardware library if they are not
configured as any instances.

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7 Device Import Wizard
7.2 Re-importing the GSD file

Figure 7.49: Hardware library showing multiple GSD files and option for reimport

3BDS021515-610 A 182
8 Controller/Controller Communication
8.1 PN/PN Coupler

8 Controller/Controller Communication

This section describes the process of data transmission between two Controllers. This
allows the PROFINET communication of cyclic and acyclic data between two AC 800M
controllers or between AC 800M controller and a 3rd party PLC.

8.1 PN/PN Coupler

The PN/PN Coupler enables fast, simple, deterministic I/O data coupling between two
controllers. It can be used for fast peer to peer communication between two
PNIO controllers irrespective of their PNIO device functionality. The data can be
transferred between PNIO networks (see Figure 8.1) which are configured with different
controllers like AC 800M and e.g. Siemens S7 1500. The maximum size of the cyclic
data which can be transferred is 1440 bytes input data and 1440 bytes output data with
an update time down to 1 ms. If the transfer of cyclic data exceeds the limit of 1440 bytes
then the user has to configure more than one PN/PN coupler.
For acyclic communication, the PN/PN coupler supports up to 64 KBytes of data transfer,
since it supports up to 16 slots each with 4 KBytes. This acyclic data record transfer
exceeds the cyclic I/O data transfer of 1440 Bytes input and output data. So it is a
preferred solution to exchange a large amount of data on a slow update rate.

Using the PN/PN coupler for cyclic or acyclic communication, the performance
limitations of CI871 have to be considered.

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8 Controller/Controller Communication
8.1 PN/PN Coupler

Figure 8.1: PN/PN Coupler between different Controllers

The GSD file for the PN/PN Coupler can be used to integrate the PN/PN Coupler using
the Device Import Wizard.

8.1.1 Data Transfer

The PN/PN coupler works as a device between the PNIO networks. Transfer of data
from one PNIO network to the other PNIO network is done through the PN/PN Coupler.
Figure 8.2 shows process of data transfer internally between the I/O modules having 4
bytes and 2 bytes by a PN/PN Coupler.

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8 Controller/Controller Communication
8.1 PN/PN Coupler

Figure 8.2: Internal structure of PN/PN coupler for Data Transfer

PNIO Controller 1 has to have a module with 2 bytes to hold the data transferred by the
module of PNIO controller 2. Similarly PNIO controller 2 has to have a module with
4 bytes to hold the data transferred by PNIO controller 1 as shown in Figure 8.3.

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8 Controller/Controller Communication
8.2 iDevice Functionality

Figure 8.3: Module specification for data transfer

8.2 iDevice Functionality

Some PLC offer the iDevice functionality. iDevice stands for integrated device functionality.
In addition to the PNIO controller functionality the PNIO device functionality is offered
on the same Ethernet interface. The AC 800M controller can communicate to these PLCs
without the need of an additional PN/PN coupler.
The iDevice functionality is available via the PLCs engineering system. Data to be
communicated is provided by a project specific gsd-file.

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8 Controller/Controller Communication
8.2 iDevice Functionality

Figure 8.4: iDevice Functionality

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9.1 Topology of PROFIBUS PA Connectivity


PROFIBUS PA systems can be connected to PROFINET IO by use of a PROFIBUS PA


9.1 Topology of PROFIBUS PA Connectivity

Figure 9.1 shows the connectivity of a PROFIBUS PA subsystem to a PROFINET IO
system. One or more PROFIBUS PA segments are connected via the PROFIBUS PA
proxy to PROFINET IO. The proxy can have support for redundancy on PROFINET IO
and on PROFIBUS PA as well.

Figure 9.1: Topology of PROFIBUS PA Connectivity

3BDS021515-610 A 189
9.2 Configuration Workflow for PROFIBUS PA Subsystem

9.2 Configuration Workflow for PROFIBUS PA

As a difference to the segment couplers in PROFIBUS DP, the PROFIBUS PA proxy in
PROFINET IO is not transparent in the engineering system, it is a gateway. The
PROFIBUS PA devices are not seen as separate devices in PROFINET IO. They are
seen as part of the PROFIBUS PA proxy which is the device in PROFINET IO.
The PROFIBUS PA device is seen as a module on PROFINET IO below the
PROFIBUS PA proxy. The module of the PROFIBUS PA device is seen as a submodule
To handle this kind of configuration, the PROFIBUS PA devices are available as part of
the proxy‘s PROFINET IO gsd-file. This is done via the PROFIBUS PA proxy specific
configuration tool. The tool compiles the different PROFIBUS PA gsd-files into one
common PROFINET IO gsd-file. The compiled PROFINET IO gsd-file is then imported
like any other PROFINET IO gsd-file into the system by use of the Device Import Wizard
Figure 9.2 illustriates the engineering workflow for a PROFIBUS PA subsystem using a

3BDS021515-610 A 190
9.2 Configuration Workflow for PROFIBUS PA Subsystem

Figure 9.2: Configuration Workflow for PROFIBUS PA Subsystem

To support several PA-segments below same proxy, the proxy might have specific rules
how to handle the addresses of the PROFIBUS PA devices in the engineering system.
Typically wise, the PROFIBUS node addresses are handled with an offset e.g. 50 or 100
in the engineering system.
Adding a new PROFIBUS PA device type to the configuration of the PROFIBUS PA
proxy requests a new generation of the compiled PROFINET IO gsd-file and a reimport
using Device Import Wizard.

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10 Ethernet Networks
10.1 Ethernet Topologies

10 Ethernet Networks

In this section Ethernet topologies supported with PROFINET IO using AC 800M and
CI871 are described. Additional information regarding benefits of a managed Ethernet
topology is given as well when it comes to smart functions like automatic device

10.1 Ethernet Topologies

Figure 10.1 illustrates possible topologies of an Ethernet network. Each topology has
pros and cons when it comes to requirements related to availability, costs, performance,
configuration effort etc.. The used topology depends on the project needs.

Daisy Chain Star Single Ring Dual Rings


Connected Rings Ring of Stars Independent Parallel

Combined Topologies Networks

Figure 10.1: Overview Ethernet Topologies

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10 Ethernet Networks
10.1 Ethernet Topologies

For certain topologies like connected rings or dual rings special network components
need to be used having support for these topologies. For more details on topologies and
other Ethernet key aspects, refer to System 800xA S800 I/O and Select I/O Network
Application Guide for Industrial Ethernet (3BSE082733*).
PROFINET IO with AC 800M and CI871 requests an Ethernet topology that is built on
a single switched Ethernet network. Since PROFINET IO is based on Ethernet L2
communication services, no routing functionality is supported and by that no topology
making use of routers. In addition the redundancy mechanism between redundant CI871
and the connected devices request as well an Ethernet L2 communication path. It is not
possible to connect Unit A and Unit B of a redundant CI871 and the redundant device
like FCI with Select I/O to different networks A and B. Both Units A and B must be
connected to the same switched Ethernet network to support an Ethernet L2
communication between all communication partners. Otherwise, no redundancy operation
is supported.
Figure 10.2 shows the correct usage of a switched Ethernet topology.

Figure 10.2: Single switched Ethernet Network using PROFINET IO

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10 Ethernet Networks
10.2 Automatic Device Replacement

10.2 Automatic Device Replacement

If a PNIO device is to be replaced by another one with a Station Name stored in
non-volatile memory, ambiguous Station Names may result.
Do not connect a PNIO device that was already assigned a Station Name. Instead,
perform a factory reset of the PNIO device by means of the web server as described
Factory Reset on page 122. This clears the old Station Name.
During normal operation, PNIO devices in the network are addressed by their Station
Name (or in PROFINET terms: NameOfStation) that was assigned during the
commissioning phase. If a PNIO device is replaced by a new one, e.g. after a fault has
occurred, the new PNIO device usually does not have the correct Station Name assigned
and can thus not be addressed this way.
Nevertheless, PROFINET IO Conformance Class B (CC-B) allows for the easy
replacement of failed PNIO devices without the use of an engineering tool. To achieve
this, both the PNIO devices and the switches in the network must support LLDP (Link
Layer Discovery Protocol).
LLDP ensures that each PNIO device is assigned a unique Alias Name that is derived
from the PNIO device‘s neighbors in the network. If a new PNIO device of the same type
is connected to the position in the Ethernet topology where the failed one was connected
before, the newly connected device can be addressed by this Alias Name. Therefore
the controller can configure the device correctly, including the assignment of the correct
Station Name so that subsequently communication can continue based on the Station

10.2.1 Neighborhood Detection with LLDP

If a switch does not support LLDP (such as an unmanged switch), it may just pass
through the LLDP services from the connected devices. This will lead to ambiguous
or double Alias Names, i.e. a wrong device may be addressed instead of the correct
1. Make sure that LLDP is available and enabled in the PNIO devices.
2. Do not use unmanaged switches, which do not support LLDP, with Industrial
PROFINET IO networks.

Generation of Alias Names with LLDP

The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) according to IEE 802.1AB provides unique
Alias Names to the ports of all nodes in the PROFINET IO network.

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10 Ethernet Networks
10.2 Automatic Device Replacement

LLDP compliant devices cyclically exchange LLDP frames every 5 to 10 seconds with
the connected switch ports. This is regardless if it is an integrated switch of another
PNIO device or a dedicated external multi-port switch. On this query, the following data
is obtained about the neighbor‘s port:
1. Peer Port ID
Port number of the sending port of the LLDP service. Two forms exist: a short form
and a long form:
• In the short form, the port is defined by the port- prefix and the related port
number as suffix. E.g. port-002 identifies port number 2.
• In the long form the connected port is defined by the port- prefix, the related
port number as suffix and an additional slot number in the case that the switch
supports multiple slots. E.g port-002-03 identifies port number 2 on slot 3.
2. Peer Chassis ID
This is the term used in IEEE 802.1AB. In 800xA, the Peer Chassis ID is the Station
Name assigned in the configuration, which corresponds to NameOfStation in
PROFINET IO. External multi-port switches not configured as PROFINET IO devices
may instead use a combination of product name and serial number to generate a
unique Peer Chassis ID.
3. Source MAC address
If no Station Name is available, the MAC address of the sending port of the LLDP
service is sent instead.
The Alias Name is formed out of the Peer Port ID, the Peer Chassis ID, and a dot between
AliasName = Peer Port ID + "." + Peer Chassis ID
or in PROFINET terms:
AliasName = NameOfPort + "." + NameOfStation
Because the Peer Chassis ID is defined to be unique, consequently the resulting Alias
Name is unique as well.
Note that a device may have several Alias Names. However, each port has an Alias
Name of its own. The CI871 as the PNIO controller has to manage several Alias
Names per device.
Figure 10.3 shows how alias names are defined in the PNIO devices and how they are
mapped in the PNIO controller to the configured station names.

3BDS021515-610 A 196
10 Ethernet Networks
10.2 Automatic Device Replacement

Figure 10.3: Alias Names vs. Station Names

Using a Select I/O or S800 one Ethernet station, then the station name of the FCI is
handled in a different way. It is fixed defined via the serial number of the FCI MTU.
A replaced FCI will automatically get the same station name as the exchanged one.
The newly inserted FCI will get it's station name without the use of an engineering
tool or without usage of LLDP. But the FCI has support for LLDP and other PNIO
devices as it's neighbors will derive their alias names from FCI.

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11 Cyber Security
11.1 General

11 Cyber Security

11.1 General
As any network connected ABB product, CI871 has undergone strict security testing at
ABB’s Device Security Assessment Center DSAC, including test for known vulnerabilities
(Nessus), fuzz testing (Achilles Level 2), and network flooding.
CI871 has been internally assessed against IEC 62443-4-2 and found to comply with
Security Level 1 (SL1)
A Defense in Depth strategy must be followed to ensure security. A Defense in Depth
strategy covers a broad spectrum of vulnerabilities including personnel, procedures,
system configurations, and physical security.
While the information below is a recommendation by ABB, which is characterized as a
“secure deployment”, it must be noted that 100% security is not possible to achieve.
Furthermore, there is no single solution, technology, or configuration for cyber security
that fits the needs of all organizations and applications.
Following the recommendation is not a substitute for a proper and effectively managed
security program which addresses aspects beyond the scope of this document, such
as physical, personnel, and appropriate access control at interconnections.
• With respect to 800xA system refer to “System 800xA Secure Deployment Guide”
for more details on recommended settings.
• With respect to the CI871 specific operation, the following measures have to be
taken into account.

3BDS021515-610 A 199
11 Cyber Security
11.2 CI871 Specific Cyber Security Configuration

11.2 CI871 Specific Cyber Security Configuration

11.2.1 Needed Ports, Services and Software
The CI871 requires following ports to be accessible in case of external firewalls being
• 123/udp (NTP)
• 1024/udp up to 1200/udp
• 34964/udp

3BDS021515-610 A 200
A CI871 Error Codes

Appendix A CI871 Error Codes

The error codes in Table A.1 and Table A.2 are used for acyclic communication:

Table A.1: Error Codes related to CI871

Error Code Description
1 Success
-6806 Max number of 100 parallel acyclic connections per CI871 exceeded
-6900 Heap problem or invalid requested data length (0 or more than 4096 bytes)
-6901 Protocol data access problem (type mismatch)
-6902 Protocol data access problem (size mismatch) e.g. device address not in range
1...126 or more than 4096 bytes
-6903 Access data invalid (Read/Write req.)
-6904 Protocol data invalid e.g. no or invalid string
-6908 Access Data index 0 invalid
-6913 Driver error e.g. CI871 not available
-7148 Timeout occured after packet was sent on PROFINET, no response from device
-7149 Timeout occured before packet was sent on PROFINET
-7150 Incorrect PNIOStatus received from device (ErrorDecode unequeal 0x80 means
-7151 Number of received bytes from device is less than indicated in the data length field
-7152 Message received from the controller via the transceiver interface is malformed
(too short)
-7153 Message type received from controller is not ReadReq or WriteReq
-7154 Message can't be queued, allocation or locking error
-7155 Message can't be queued, total amount of messages over all devices reached on

3BDS021515-610 A 201
A CI871 Error Codes

Table A.1: Error Codes related to CI871

Error Code Description
-7156 Message can't be queued, total amount of messages for the device reached on
-7157 Device number (position of device below CI871 in hardware tree) is not in the range
of 1..126
-7158 PROFINET stack on CI871 does not accept the write request
-7159 PROFINET stack on CI871 does not accept the read request
-7160 Data frame too long, more than 4096 bytes used
-7161 PROFINET stack cannot process the read or write request or CI871 received invalid
message type in the request from the controller
-7162 Timeout occurred on controller while waiting for a response from CI871
-7163 Invalid response from CI871, wrong transactionID, index or response type
-7164 Response from CI871 contains an implausible internal error code
-7165 Communication overload, too many transactions active

The error codes explained in the following table are defined by PROFINET standard and
belong to the PNIO device. For acyclic communication the ErrorDecode value 0x80
meaning PNIORW (PROFINET IO Read/Write) is defined in PROFINET. The PROFINET
ErrorCode1 is mapped to the error code in the function blocks as follows:

The term User specific mentioned in the table is device related and is documented
in the device specific manual.

Table A.2: Error Codes from PNIO Device

Error Code Description
-7424 0 No PROFINET specific error code
-7264 0xA0 Read error
-7263 0xA1 Write error
-7262 0xA2 Module failure
-7261 0xA3 Not specified

3BDS021515-610 A 202
A CI871 Error Codes

Table A.2: Error Codes from PNIO Device

Error Code Description
-7260 0xA4 Not specified
-7259 0xA5 Not specified
-7258 0xA6 Not specified
-7257 0xA7 Busy
-7256 0xA8 Version conflict
-7255 0xA9 Feature not supported
-7254 0xAA User specific 1
-7253 0xAB User specific 2
-7252 0xAC User specific 3
-7251 0xAD User specific 4
-7250 0xAE User specific 5
-7249 0xAF User specific 6
-7248 0xB0 Invalid index
-7247 0xB1 Write length error
-7246 0xB2 Invalid slot / subslot
-7245 0xB3 Type conflict
-7244 0xB4 Invalid area / API
-7243 0xB5 State conflict
-7242 0xB6 Access denied
-7241 0xB7 Invalid range
-7240 0xB8 Invalid parameter
-7239 0xB9 Invalid type
-7238 0xBA Backup
-7237 0xBB User specific 7
-7236 0xBC User specific 8

3BDS021515-610 A 203
A CI871 Error Codes

Table A.2: Error Codes from PNIO Device

Error Code Description
-7235 0xBD User specific 9
-7234 0xBE User specific 10
-7233 0xBF User specific 11
-7232 0xC0 Read constrain conflict
-7231 0xC1 Write constrain conflict
-7230 0xC2 Resource busy
-7229 0xC3 Resource unavailable
-7228 0xC4 Not specified
-7227 0xC5 Not specified
-7226 0xC6 Not specified
-7225 0xC7 Not specified
-7224 0xC8 User specific 12
-7223 0xC9 User specific 13
-7222 0xCA User specific 14
-7221 0xCB User specific 15
-7220 0xCC User specific 16
-7219 0xCD User specific 17
-7218 0xCE User specific 18
-7217 0xCF User specific 19
-7216...-7169 0xD0...0xFF User specific

CI871 has support for PROFINET Channel Error Types which are presented with a
message as defined by PROFINET IO

3BDS021515-610 A 204
A CI871 Error Codes

Table A.3: PROFINET Channel Error Types supported by CI871

Channel Error Type Message

0x0000 Reserved
0x0001 Short circuit
0x0002 Undervoltage
0x0003 Overvoltage
0x0004 Overload
0x0005 Overtemperature
0x0006 Line break
0x0007 Upper limit value exceeded
0x0008 Lower limit value exceeded
0x0009 Error
0x000A Simulation active
0x000B Reserved
0x000F No or too less parameters are written
0x0010 Wrong or too many parameters are written
0x0011 Power supply fault
0x0012 Fuse blown/open
0x0013 Communication fault
0x0014 Ground fault
0x0015 Reference point lost
0x0016 Process event lost/sampling error
0x0017 Threshold warning
0x0018 Output disabled
0x0019 Functional Safety event
0x001A External fault
0x001B Manufacturer specific
0x001F Temporary fault

3BDS021515-610 A 205
A CI871 Error Codes

Table A.3: PROFINET Channel Error Types supported by CI871

Channel Error Type Message
0x0020 Profile specific
0x0040 Mismatch of safety destination address
0x0041 Safety destination address not valid
0x0042 Safety source address not valid or mismatch
0x0043 Safety watchdog time value is 0 ms
0x0044 Parameter F_SIL exceeds SIL from specific application
0x0045 Parameter F_CRC_Length does not match generated value
0x0046 Version of F-Parameter set incorrect
0x0047 Data inconsistent in received F-Parameter block
0x0048 Device specific or unspecified Functional Safety info
0x0049 Save iParameter watchdog time exceeded
0x004A Restore iParameter watchdog time exceeded
0x004B Inconsistent iParameters (iParCRC error)
0x004C F_Block_ID not supported
0x004D Transmission error: timeout (F_WD_Time_x elapsed"
0x004E Transmission error: timeout (F_WD_Time_x elapsed
0x004F Functional Safety 15: reserved
0x0100 Manufacturer specific
0x8000 Data transmission impossible
0x8001 Remote mismatch
0x8002 Media redundancy mismatch
0x8003 Sync mismatch
0x8004 IsochronousMode mismatch
0x8005 Multicast CR mismatch
0x8006 Reserved

3BDS021515-610 A 206
A CI871 Error Codes

Table A.3: PROFINET Channel Error Types supported by CI871

Channel Error Type Message
0x8007 Fiber optic mismatch
0x8008 Network component function mismatch
0x8009 Time master not existent or precision problems
0x800A Dynamic frame packing function mismatch
0x800B Media redundancy with planned duplication mismatch
0x800C Reserved
0x800D Multiple interface mismatch
0x800E Nested diagnosis indication
0x800F Unknown error
0x9000 Profile specific
0xA000 Unknown error
0xFFFF Unknown error

Also support for following AlarmTypes are supported by CI871 with the defined message:

Table A.4: Supported Alarm Types by CI871

Reason Message AlarmType

Status Status change Run, Stop 0x0005
Update Parameter change without 0x0006
Redundancy Redundancy switchover 0x0007
Multicast Communication Multicast D2D 0x000D
communication problems
Port data exchange Port configuration data 0x000E
notification changed
Sync data changed Clock synchronization 0x000F
notification changed

3BDS021515-610 A 207
A CI871 Error Codes

Table A.4: Supported Alarm Types by CI871

Reason Message AlarmType
Isochronous mode problem Isochronous mode problem 0x0010
Network component Network component 0x0011
problem notification problem
Time data changed Time data changed 0x0012
Dynamic Frame Packing MRPD problem 0x0013
problem notification
MRPD problem notification Multiple interface mismatch 0x0016
Multiple interface mismatch Upload and retrieval 0x001E
notification problem

3BDS021515-610 A 208
B CI871 TroubleShooting
B.1 Device Replacement

Appendix B CI871 TroubleShooting

B.1 Device Replacement

If a device is showing an error and must be exchanged, following information is taken
into account:
1. Exchange the device with another one of same device type with same or compatible
Software and Hardware revision. All this information can be accessed by I&M
2. If the device is used in an Ethernet network that does not have support for LLDP,
then the newly inserted device must get the station name configured owned by the
exchanged one. To configure the station name on the device, refer to Set Station
Name on page 120. After having configured the station name the device get's
automatically configured by CI871 and communication starts up.
3. If the device is used in an Ethernet network that has support for LLDP, then the
newly inserted device gets automatically the alias name configured by the adjacent
switches. Subsequently the device is automatically configured by CI871 and
communication starts up. Manual configuration is not required.
Network with LLDP support means that the switch(es) the device is connected to
must have support for LLDP. Additionally the device itself must have support for LLDP
as well.

B.2 Exchanging Device Positions

Exchanging the positions in the hardware tree of two PROFINET devices does not work.
The communication for the device with the lower tree address does not start. A reset of
CI871 must be done to overcome this situation.
Workaround: Exchange the positions in two steps.

3BDS021515-610 A 209
B CI871 TroubleShooting
B.3 Exchanging IP Addresses of Devices

B.3 Exchanging IP Addresses of Devices

Exchanging the IP addresses of PNIO devices causes a configuration conflict since the
IP addresses are temporarily used twice in the system. The devices do not start cyclic
Workaround: Exchange the IP addresses in two steps.

B.4 Set Devicename for an Active Device

Set Devicename shall only be done for devices not being in active cyclic communication.
Otherwise it might occur that the device gets a communication interruption with a
succeeding Connection Down indication.

3BDS021515-610 A 210
Revision History
Revision History

Revision History

This section provides information on the revision history of this User Manual.

The revision index of this User Manual is not related to the 800xA 6.1 System Revision.

Revision History
The following table lists the revision history of this User Manual.

Description Date
A Published for 800xA 6.1 February 2019

3BDS021515-610 A 211
3BDS021515-610 A 212

A Configuring
ABB SOE profile, 67 CI, 86
ACS, 77 Online Changes, 109
Acyclic Data Communication, 75 PNIO Device, 100
CI871 device performance, 76 Conformance Classes, 36
IOCommLib Function Block Connect, 76, 79
API, 80 Connection Error, 110
HwTrPosM, 80 Connection Tab, 91
HwTrPosSuM, 80 Controller/Controller Communication, 183
Index, 80 iDevice, 186
Advanced Asset Data of UMC, 77 PN/PN Coupler, 183
Advanced Controller/Controller controller password, 128
communication, 78 Cyclic Communication, 101
Advanced Diagnosis Support, 78
AlarmID, 69 D
Alarms and Events, 62 DAP, 24
Alias Name, 195 Data Frame, 33
Automatic Device Replacement, 195 Default Gateway, 88, 103
Device, 24
B Device Access Point, 24
Big endian, 161 Device Import Wizard, 143
Byte Swapping, 160 Device Model, 24
Devicename, 120
C Device Naming Convention, 29
Channel Diagnosis, 65 Device Replacement, 195, 209
CI871 Web Server Device Types, 106
Alarms, Events and Warnings, 115 Diagnosis, 63
CI871 firmware update, 114 Download, 109
default password, 114 Drive, 83
Limited Session time, 115 Drive status and parameterization, 77
Login Prerequisite, 113 Dynamic Reconfiguration, 51
CiR, 51
Coexistence, 107 E
CommLib, 76 Enable Web server, 113
Compatibility, 107 Error codes, 201
Configuration Options, 100 Errormemory, 118
Configure in Run, 51 ErrorsAndWarnings, 53, 60–62

3BDS021515-610 A 213

ExtendedStatus, 53, 62 Login, 113

General Status, 124 Manufacturer Specific Diagnosis, 66
GSD, 144 MNS iS, 70
GSD File, 21 modifying Default Parameters, 176
Module, 24
Hardware Editor, 86 N
Hardware Library, 85 NameOfStation, 195
Hardware Status, 53 Names, 29
HART Pass Through, 78 NE107, 74
Hot Swap, 84
I Online Changes, 51, 109
I/I Channel Online Data, 110
Creation, 171 OSP, 110
I/O Channel Output Tab, 174
Deletion, 171
Renaming, 168 P
I/O-Data, 105 Parameter Tab, 175
I&M Data, 79, 121 Password, 128
iDevice, 186 Peer Chassis ID, 196
IEC, 19 PN/PN Coupler, 183
Input Tab, 157 Data Transfer, 184
Inserting PNQ22, 70
CI, 85 Process Alarms, 66
PNIO Device, 92 PROFIBUS, 20
Instance Name, 93 PROFIBUS Classic View, 26
IP, 19 PROFIBUS PA Proxy, 189
IP Address, 87, 100, 102 PROFINET, 19
Isochronous Real-Time, 19 PROFINET Detailed View, 26
ISP, 84, 110 PROFINET IO, 19
Proxy, 189
Journal Buffer, 123 R
Read, 76, 79
L Real-Time, 19
Little endian, 161 Real-Time Communication, 29
LLDP, 195 Red. Ethernet Recovery Time, 88
Logfile, 109 Redundancy, 42, 45

3BDS021515-610 A 214

ABB PROFINET IO S1 Redundancy, 47 Subnet mask, 103

Ethernet, 50 Subnet Mask, 88
PROFINET IO System Redundancy, 45 System Event, 65
Reimporting, 181 System Redundancy, 45
Reporting System,
Reset Default Password, 129 T
RT, 19, 31 TCP/IP, 19, 31

Sequence of Events, 67 UDP, 31
Settings CI, 87 UDP/IP, 19
Settings Tab CI, 87 UMC, 70
SignalID, 71 Unit Status, 53, 92
Soft Marshalling Update Time, 32
Shared Device, 38 USI, 66
Startup Parameters, 104
Station Name, 87, 100, 102, 195 W
Status Handling, 53 Watchdog, 33
CI, 53 Web Interface, 113
PROFINET IO Devices, 59 Write, 76, 79
Submodule, 24

3BDS021515-610 A 215
3BDS021515-610 A 216
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