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Ontline Vol 12 Winter 1994

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1 Anderson's Bluegrass L
^/ h

Spotlight On Alternative B£
Concrete C
Tips On Recording Acoustic

How To Use Ettects

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original cM


Shop/ Ears offer ntore N m

Commemorative 1954
Anniversary Stratocaster
A faithful rendition of the original 1954 Stratocaster
guitar, this special limited edition model will
come complete with reprints of some of
1^ the literature of the period—a
WS38&, mimeographed owner's manual, the
letter introducing the guitar, a maga- ... -^^-S^s^^^

i|ll|||EN||iiKijan<l|11 zinc ad, and a catalog—as well as the

B|||n||sutiUiUt's||p|iis|il ss y original "shaped" case
(not shown). Only 1954

si|Bgi»j|atKle.i; y instruments will be ^g^SiSgg?'

7 produced, and will be

1 of 1954,' .Non—
"2 of 1954,'



i W5189WK®i

Just pick up
i\ trip through time. •

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he *Mi

Use This Form to OFiter!
Address -City. _State. -Zip

Item Description Size/Color Quantity Price (U.S.$/U.K.£) Total U.S.A. Address:

1 Custom Shop Hat $15.00 ea./£10-50 ea,
2 Fender Logo Hat—available in Black Corduroy or White Poplin (shown) $15.00ea./£7-75ea.
AZ residents add 6.7% sales tax
3 Fender T-Shirts—available in Black (a), Red (b), White, and Blue Large/XL $15.00ea./£8-50ea.

4 Vintage T-Shirt Large/XL $15.00ea./£11-50ea.

$ 4.00 Add $4.00 shipping & handling

TOTAL amount enclosed
Custom Shop Jacket—available in Grey (shown) or Navy Large/XL $325.00 ea./£225-00 ea.
Check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank in
6 Vintage Jacket Large/XL $300.00 ea./£200-00 ea.
U.S. funds only, payable to: BMJ Promotions
7 Fender Wool Baseball Hat $15.00ea./£11-50ea. P.O. Box 5863
Scottsdale,AZ 85261-5863
8 Fender T-Shirt, Grey $15.00ea./£8-99ea.

9 Fender Baseball Jersey—available in White (shown) or Grey Med/Large/XL $65.00 ea./£71-00 ea.
U.K. Address:
10 Blues Power T-Shirt Large/XL $15.00 ea./£12-99 ea. Sub-total in U.K. Sterling (inclusive of V.A.T.)

11 Fender Fanny Pack (Bum Bag) $10.95ea./£7-75ea.

£ 2-00 Add £2-00 postage & packing

12 Custom Shop T-Shirt Large/XL $15.00 ea./£10-50 ea. TOTAL amount enclosed
13 Tele Belt Buckle $18.00 ea./£12-99 ea.
Payment made by: Q cheque d P.O. D Visa
14 Strat Belt Buckle $18.00 ea./£12-99 ea. Visa Card No:
15 Name:.
Men's Watch—available in Gold (a) or Red (b) $39.95 ea./£25-99 ea.
Cheques/P.O.s made payable to ARBITER GROUP PLC.
16 Strat Key Chain $5.00ea./£1-99ea.
Send order to: ARBITER GROUP PLC (BMJ Promotions)
17 Fender Pin $5.00 ea./£2-75 ea. Wilberforce Road, London, NW9 6AX
P/ease allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. NOTE: We are unable to deliver to P.O. Boxes. GREAT BRITAIN
Fender's Custom Shops:
A Touch Of Class
't seems that, once again, Fend- these you can custom accessorize limit by ordering a Tone Master
,er has found itself making a your own instrument, to add a amp stack and left-handed
mountain out of a molehill. special touch. P-Bass Lyte body with a vintage
And while the aforementioned Last (but certainly not least!) Telecaster scalloped neck, or
expression often carries a nega- was the birth of Custom Shop simply dress up your old Strat by
tive connotation, in this case Amplifiers: individually hand- adding a Black Pearl pickguard,
it's quite the opposite. built amps that are tailored to what you're paying for is the
You see, we're referring specific playing styles. The first expertise, imagination, and
here to Fender's Custom two models to emerge— personal touch of the top people
Shops, which now encompass VibroKing and Tone Master— in the field.
Mike Caroff, Editor and Mark
guitars, basses, amplifiers, and have been so well received that Do Custom Shop products
Wittenberg, Artist Relations
many parts and accessories. many more are in the works! cost more? Of course they do!
But the whole shebang started Each of the Custom Shops are And partially because of that,
off when the original Custom different, because the require- they may not necessarily be for
Shop (for guitars and basses) ments and potentials of their everyone. But if you're looking
was created—a brainchild of respective product lines are for something really special, lov-
Fender's president Bill Schultz, unique. (As much as we'd like to ingly crafted by builders who are
and other visionary members of be able to build individual ampli- more "artist" than "technician,"

the Fender team. fiers to order, it's just not possi- then take a look at the Custom
Established in early '87, this ble!) Yet there is a common Shop lines.
Custom Shop builds hand-crafted thread running through all that In closing, we'd like to stress
instruments for anyone with a is the reason for the heading that while it's true that all Cus-
dream guitar in mind. It was so Custom Shop. torn Shop products are designed
popular that last year an entire We'd like to think that what to look attractive, their real value
line of Custom Shop Accessories you get when you purchase Cus- lies in their tone and playability.
was created. Pickguards, picks, torn Shop products is a touch of Just try any one out and
pickups, straps, gig bags: with class. Whether you push the you'll see what we mean...

Mail Call from the Frontline

Thanks for your mail! To write, just address your letter to Frontline Letters,
7 7999 Son Vicente Blvd., Suite 401, Los Angeles, CA 90049. If we
can, we'll print it and answer your question so everyone can
benefit. Don't forget, a free Frontline T-Shirt is yours if we print
your letter! So write us already!

TROWER OF STRENGTH the Summer '93 issue. Do you There are several
Where can we write to Robin know where we can write to them? good books on those
Trower? His great tone coloring Patty & Gaby Zargo subjects. Check the
illustrates why the Stratocaster is Delhi, CA feature article this
light years ahead of the field. Write to ]ellyfish at: ]ellyfish Army, issue, as well as
Blackie O'Blais P.O. Box 884341, San Francisco, CA the Library sec-
Lake Geneva, WI 94188-4341. tion in the
You can write to Robin via his man- Product Index
ager. Robin Trower, c/o Stardust
Why isn't the Telecaster Bass on page 30.
Mngmt., 2650 Glendower Ave., Los
shown on your full-line poster? TALKING
Angeles, CA 90027-1115. And look Steve Maryott SENSORS
for a new record in April!
South Sioux City, NE Our daugh-
NUTS FOR TRUE PITCH Fender does not currently produce a ter Cosette
How can I keep my Stratocasters Telecaster bass (though you can loves my '82
in tune after using the whammy order one through the Custom Strat—which I modified to yield
bar? (It seems one or two strings Shop), but the '51 P-Bass is quite some extra series and parallel
always go out of tune.) similar. For more info, try The Fender positions. Would Lace Sensors
Montanaro Candido Bass, a book by Klaus Blasquiz! work the same way?
Varese,Italy Ray Deza
Take a look at the Accessorizer West Covina, CA
Is there a way to find out what
article on the new LSR Nut (page 37) Custom Shop Supervisor Scott Grant
books are available for the
for a ver)/ important tip! says the Lace Sensors will work fine in
Stratocaster and Telecaster?
series and parallel configurations!
Thanks for theJeUyfish feature in Brussels, Belgium (continued on page 46)

4 Fender Frontline
"Who do you sound like?"
— Sun Records employee to local
unknown singer, 1953
"I don't sound like nobody/'
— Elvis Presley

\\^. N OF
^ 'A


Fender Frontline
IN THE BEGINNING capped tubes. But it's only against the back-
rims, and the first thing you noticed about
f I were teaching rock and roll history/ drop of mid-1950s guitar esthetics that the
his guitar was that it looked like no'mstm-1
I would begin by playing the music of genius of the Stratocaster and its creator can
ment you'd ever seen. If viewers concluded
Patti Page, maybe a little Perry Como— be grasped.
it was merely a cosmetic prop, some be'atmk
Mockin' Bird Hill, HotDiggety, DogDiggety. In 1954, Fender was just beginning to
sculptor's concoction, who could blame'
Only when students were audibly groaning expand beyond its regional base, and indus-
them? But as it turned out, all of the"
would I introduce the raw locomotion of try execs still debated the staying power of
seemingly odd features on Holly's guitar-like
Mystery Train or Good Golly Miss Molly, for solidbodies. The Telecaster, now four years
object had sprung from a dirt.simplecomrmt-
only then could they begin to fathom the old, had yet to escape its image as some sort
ment to function. Nothing more—and'
radical artistry and concussive impact of of California cowboy aberration. To most
nothing less. It may have looked like Buck
Elvis Presley or Little Richard, manufacturers and many players, a real
Rogers' ray gun, but as far as the man who
So it is with the Stratocaster. It's been guitar's prestige and quality were still matters
around for so long it's easy to forget there of spacious plush-Iined cases and arched

v a time when three-pickup solidbodies soundboards and Old World traditions. The
were unheard of, when individual saddles solidbody, defiantly New World all the way,
were revolutionary, when vibrato
were had yet to come into its own. People hadn't
handles were beefy levers heard the term "rock and roll."
instead of wispy Enter the Stratocaster. The first one I saw
little plastic- was in the hands of Buddy Holly on
December 1, 1957. He was wearing a suit
and a bow tie and hiccuping his way
through Peggy Sue on our black &
white Capehart TV. Everything
about this slender Texan was
riveting, even his bookish horn


Shown h,
conceived it was concerned, this new kind of only for the music of its day but for styles
6-string was as practical as a Swiss army knife undreamed of.
(see sidebar at right). USA Today once asked me to write about
»^*i When Holly appeared on Ed Sullivan, how the classic electrics had been designed as
Stratocasters had been around for three and a rock and roll machines. I had to explain that
half years, but in that pie-Guitar Player, pre- by the time rock dominated the charts, the
Shindig era, guitar info traveled slowly, and foremost classic solidbodies had been around
the Stratocaster (no one would call it a "Strat" for years. Sure, designers would eventually con-

for years) was still new, so new it would suit rock musicians and invent locking tremo-
take more than a decade for musicians to tap los and master volumes, but let's identify the
its full potential, so new it was suited not chicken and the egg: In rock guitar's first
decade, the music was shaped by the
gear, not vice versa. New
styles erupted &om
creative players
(Top to bottom): Hunk Murvin's smooth vibrato-driven ^ who adapted
melodies took the Shadows from u backing band for
:& Cliff Richards to the status of u legendary instrumental
group. Publicity shots like this one for the Ventures
(another famous instrumental band) show the initial
overshudowin9 of the Strut by the newer Jazzmusters and
Jaguar. Although surf music was more closely identified
with the Jaguar and Juzzmaster guitars/ the Chantays
recorded Pipeline (arguably the most recognizable
song from that genre) with u Stratocuster.

"In 1967 we had established

a point in time when we would
cease to manufacture both the
Stratocaster and the Telecaster,
because soles were declining very
seriously* But when Hendrix cut that
'Are You Experienced7 album, not only did
the Stratocuster's sales take off—
the Telecuster rode along on it's coattails!"
—Bill Carson,
who as a well-known country player helped
develop the Strut in the 50s, and has
been with Fender ever since.




8 Fender Fron
existing instmments to uses their designers posed on album covers with gleaming One can imagine a curious honky-tonk picker sizing up the newfan-
often hadn't foreseen. What happens if I flip sunburst and Du Font Duco custom-color gled Fender in a music store—the questions he might ask, the
the toggle back and forth while playing at Fenders, when beach dudes with Fiesta Red discoveries he might make. Hey, this feels good, not like a 2-by-4.
screaming volumes, or approach the vibrato Stratocasters appeared in movies surrounded There's this scoop in back, and instead of a corner on the front,
bar like I'm strangling a chicken instead of by wriggling Bambis and Sandras in bikinis, this curve supports my arm comfy-like. And look, fits me right
caressing a loved one? For such experimenta- suddenly it was Surf City. Everybody had an when I'm sittin' down, too. What's with the steer horns?
tion the sleek new Fender was the ideal guinea ocean, across the USA, and Fender's three- Oh, I can play way above the 12th fret and still get my thumb
pig, practically a whole laboratory.
You could spot an occasional Stratocaster in
pickup guitar went along for the wild ride.
(ft around the neck. Three pickups? OK, more sounds. But one of 'em
is crooked! Who designed this thing, Picasso? Oh yeah, more treble,
the 1950s. The guy with Hank Ballard and STAGE Two makes sense. Dig this teardrop jack. Looks like my old Buick, man. I
the Midnighters played one, and Buddy ^t about the time of Holly's Ed Sullivan get it—if someone trips over your cord it'll slip right out,
Merrill used one on Lawrence Welk when he performance, Fender had introduced a no accidents. Looks good, too, nice touch. These guys have thought
wasn't playing his Jazzmaster. There was new flagship guitar, the Jazzmaster, and when of everything. Look here, this wang bar sure ain't like my big ol'
Ritchie Valens, and Holly, of course. surf music hit the radio like some sort of tidal Bigsby or them coat-hanger Rickenbacken. Feels real sensitive. This
But until 1960 or so the Strat scene was calm, wave, the Stratocaster was again subordinated bridge—you can adjust each string separate, for height and
especially compared to the hurricane that to another top-gun Fender, the Jaguar. Both for length, to customize the action, and with the tuners all on one
would follow. When Dick Dale wielded a models were lusted after by hang-10 guitar side you don't have to reach around. Let's go on and plug it in!
greenish gold-sparkle left-handed Strat to blast players, but over the long run the Strat and How about that big ol' Fender Twin over there? OK, turn it up, now.
crowds at his Rendezvous Ballroom rave-ups the Tele were far and away the company's Crank it, son! Glannnggg! Uh, you boys take trade-ins?
in Balboa, when the Surfaris' Wipe Out bread and butter guitars. The rise of instru-
crashed the Top 10, when the Ventures and
Astronauts and Beach Boys and Chantays
mental rock put the Strat on the map and
kept it there through the first half of the
decade, until the British Invasion. But then,
although Hank Marvin had made the
Stratocaster popular (or at least coveted) in
England, his compatriots in the Beatles, the
Buck scoop • Front bevel • Body balanced at waist
Who, the Stones and lesser British bands
generally favored other guitars. (Sure, there
were exceptions; George Harrison used his
early-'60s Strat with the psychedelic paint job
on Nowhere Man, I Am The Walrus, and All
You Need Is Love.)
In June of 1967 I overheard a hyper hippie
who'd returned from a music festival in
Monterey, California. The stranger was raving
about some guitarist with an unfamiliar
name (Jimmy something) who had played
music beyond anything you'd ever imagined.
"Must be a jazz guy," I figured. They were
far out, experimental. Maybe someone like
Wes Montgomery. "And at the end," the
pinwheel-eyed stranger exclaimed, "he
set his guitar on fire!" I tried to picture a
dignified Wes Montgomery sitting on a stool,
taking out a Zippo lighter and holding it
under the peghead of his instrument, waiting
Seven extraordinary players who patiently for something to ignite. Needless to

have added their own trademark say, I couldn't grasp |imi Hendrix until I
heard his music for myself, and even then I

stamp to this classic instrument. had no idea what I was listening to. As it
turned out, I was listening to a Stratocaster.
As you can see in the
Monterey Pop docu-
mentary, Hendrix
had literally
^Robert Gray stunned the
|^|s^ Hard Tail raving


out the
latest version of
the Strat "bible"!

hippie stranger and the rest of his audience.

As recounted in The Rolling Stone Illustrated
History Of Rock & Roll, "He played guitar with
his teeth and behind his back. He humped it
and caressed it, and finally, to finish off his
set, he burned it." Hendrix had arrived—

Eric Clapton move over, Rover, and let Jimi take over—
and in a sense so had the Stratocaster. More
Preamp circuitry
than a decade old but now reborn, it would
grow in influence, sometimes in spurts,
ultimately dominating its field as no guitar
had ever done.


Among the residents of guitar's Mount
Olympus, the psychedelic pyro wasn't the
only Stratman. After goosing the popularity
Richie of Telecasters, gold-tops, and sunbursts,

Sambora it?
Floyd locking

Yngwie Malmsteen
iJalloped fretboard Stevie Ray Vaughan
Reverse fremolo bridge

Dick Dale (shown at right) plays

a //left-hande(T/ style guitar, but
his signature guitar is a standard
"rjght-han||dw model.

10 Fender Frontline
Michael Bloomfield took up a Strat and of a contemporary model was the story. It was
played it until his death in 1981. Eric the first time, and likely the last, a guitar had
Clapton is the most prominent virtuoso of exerted such influence.
recent decades; after historic performances Once a subversive newcomer, now an
with a host of instruments, he switched to industry standard, the Stratocaster remains a
Strats more than 20 years ago and has mighty presence and accounts for a sprawling
played them ever since (the shot of his sun- family of Fenders, from faithful recreations of
burst maple-neck on Layla is one of the vintage classics to high-tech updates that
more potent guitar portraits of the '70s). look ahead to the millennium and beyond.
jeff Beck, one of Clapton's few rivals But while the Strat has been refined over the
among British guitar royalty, is another decades, the similarities between a 1954
longtime aficionado. Both have lent their original and this year's update are much
names to Signature Strats, along with more remarkable than the differences.
Robert Gray, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Fender got it right the first time.
Yngwie Malmsteen. Newcomers like Eric The former Editor of Guitar Player and author of The
Gales and arena-rock mainstays like Richie Guitar Book and American Guitars, Tom Wheeler
Sambora (another Signature artist), Mick is currently Guitar Player's Encore columnist and a
journalism professor at the University of Oregon.
Ralphs, and Robin Trower have favored
the guitar, but to appreciate the astonishing
breadth of its appeal, let's look beyond its "Buck then, and
sales figures and onstage omnipresence and for many years, a
consider the stylistic diversity, the individu-
country player
ality of voice, of just a few of its adherents:
Adrian Belew, Buddy Guy, Eric Johnson,
would not be
Richard Thompson, Curtis Mayfleld, Ry caught dead
Cooder, Ritchie Blackmore, Robbie playing what u Top to bottom: From
Robertson, Jeff Healey, Nile Rodgers, hard rock (Janick Gers,
rock and roll
Jlmmie Vaughan, David Cilmour—from Iron Maiden) to sweet
the King of the Surf Guitar to King Sunny guy would, and country (Russ Pahl,
Ade, from the guitarist with Lawrence Welk vice versa. The Great Plains), the deepest
to the guitarist with Pink Floyd. Strcat is the blues (Buddy Guy) to the
I worked at Guitar Player in the 1980s, and sting of surf music (Dick
selected this phenomenon as the subject of a
only instru- Dale), the Strutocuster is
cover story, a feature unlike any in the maga- ment in my the voice of all genres.
zine's 20-year history. We had pictured lifetime that
instruments on the cover, but
has transcended all
only to showcase, say, an
article on vintage guitars.
forms of music."
This time, the —BSII Carson

Fender Frontline 11
Here are some amazing ways the legendary Hard Rock
Cafe has incorporated the Strat into their architecture!
^'^*^ !"'"':"w'ss:
s^'ys"^'*" NewYor((|N||||&k';
f! S K BBJ
Fencler^distini^esunbursf finish is beautifully recreatSI
„ „ n «MB|
B ort the huge guitar-shapeti bar. (The "little" Strat on the
bar was used by Hendrix to record Hectric Ladyland!)
|W ftff^l^"t^Jn»tBS V. «

,%^.—- -^ E
^3;1;'^'^TW %

^ it'
M\ W R- ''v


Miami, Florida Las Vegas, Nevada
Floating down the river on a barge is a 65-foot-long
Ground was recently
Strat headed for a new Hard Rock Cafe in Miami.
broken for this hotel,
Orlando, Florida ^ which will include a
Travelers can view the giant guitar (which 130-foot-longStrat
<- -?
serves as a freeway overpass and building smashed into the roof!
foundation) from the air!

A/ -

::P^ ^ir<

eail feAS?¥ovl
i(AS.St",J 3i

<OU'<1| w

id 1G
Newport Beach, California
This 40-ft. tail double-sided sign can be seen forjj
miles—from both sides!

12 Fender Frontline
The stories of the men, the music cmd the machinerybehind three
of the newest entries in Fender's dream brigade •By Kick etj

w^re Sd
old and the best of the new. The
bass definitely has that vintage
look, but in a modern sense it's
then a recording contract with Rela- easy to play and it's fast.
tivity Records. His latest solo release, "One of the reasons for its easy
'hat Stu Hamm, master tapper, The Urge, features guest artists playability," Stu notes, "is the short-
is a walking musical encyclope- Eric johnson, Alex Skolnick er hard rock maple neck with 24
dia is no small wonder: the child of (Testament) and Harry Cody American standard frets and a full
an eminent musicologist and opera (Shotgun Messiah). 2-octave range. What's more, it's a
singer, Stu began soaking up a host The "Urge" also happens to be the very light bass/' he adds, "There's
of musical influences as a toddler. In name of Stu's Fender signature not a lot of weight pulling down on
1983, he appeared on Steve Vai's model bass. "I tried to design a bass your shoulder as in other models."
debut solo offering, Flex-able. Session that would be uniquely different," Shi's bass is outfitted with three
work with Joe Satriani followed; Stu says. "Sort of like the best of the (continued on page 46)

bridge because I'm very heavy-handed

when I play," he explains. "FThe Strat
Plus-style system] feels like any early
and fuzz tone. Since then he has Stratocaster, but without the tuning."
continued to push the guitar to the He chose Fender-Lace Sensors
limit through experimentations in because, in his words, "they're much
^sk any rock guitarist worth his jazz, fusion and rock. more controllable. You don't get all
.salt to list some truly imagina- When Fender asked him to lend his the unwanted high-pitched screech-
tive and innovative players, and |eff hand in designing a signahire model, ing. As far as I'm concerned, they're
Beck's name is bound to surface. In he modestly accepted, creating the Jeff state of the art."
the early 1960s, as lead guitarist with Beck Signature Stratocaster. Jeff's guitar is equipped with four
the Yardbirds (Eric Clapton and Beck opted for a lot of the features gold Lace Sensors: one in the neck
jimmy Page are also alumni), Jeff found on a Strat Plus, including lock- position, one in the middle and two
helped introduce almost every signif- ing tuning keys, a roller nut and the together on the bridge. There's a
icant innovation of that period, American Standard tremolo bridge. "I push-button switch to kick in the
including feedback, modal playing prefer not to use a locking type of (continued on page 46)

production resume. "Jimmie said

that's what Stevie would have want-
ed," notes Larry Brooks, artist mas-
where he remained until an unfortu- ter builder at the Fender Custom
nate accident claimed his life in the Shop in Corona, CA.
summer of 1990. "Stevie called his old Strat 'Num-
'ithout a doubt, Stevie Ray Before his untimely death, Stevie ber One' because that was the one he
Vaughan will go down in his- began working with Fender on a Ste- always wanted ready for all his
tory as one of the all-time great vie Ray Vaughan Signature Strato- shows," Larry says. "So we built the
blues-guitar legends. His work with caster. Out of respect for Stevie and signature model to closely match
the legendary Cobras, Night- his family, Fender ceased production that guitar. He loved the old natural
crawlers and Double Trouble—and immediately following the tragedy. wood feel, so we used a Super Glue
appearance on David Bowie's Let's However Jimmie Vaughan, Stevie's finish on the back of the neck, and
Dn/ic-f album in 1983—catapulted brother and guitarist with The Fabu- then applied steel wool to give it
Stevie to the level of superstardom, lous Thunderbirds, insisted that (continued on page 46)
Fender Frontline 13
Get A Grip On Your Gear With Effects And Amp Racks!
For effects like equalizers, crossovers and signal processors,
you've got a series with recessed front and rear cover panels and
plastic stacking corners (available in 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12-space
models). The amplifier racks have front and rear rack rails/ remov-
able casters (for easy stacking), metal corners, and spring-loaded
handles (available in 8,1 2, and 16-space models). Both series
feature solid ptywood construction and are covered with durable
black carpet. ;

Get That Nylon String Sound—

The state theme Gota "Fenderv"
Without a Micpophone!
' l^ense plate?"
on Robert sencf a Picture. Avoid the inherent problems of miking
Ames Cook's ^our^ with the 21 OOcx, a nylon-stringed
to Print iv. electric/acoustic guitar which also
license plate
has a cutaway design for reaching Experience Greater
says it all! the highest frets. A solid
Highs And Lows With
Cedar top and
Small Things Can Come Ovangkol back and New String Gauges!
Due to many requests,
sides provide a rich,
In Good Packages! vibrant tone.
two sets have been
Created for Fender's Duoson- added to the line of
ic guitar, this new gig bag Dynamaxx strings: the
holds a short-scale instru- popular 9 to 46 set, and
ment. Constructed from the powerful 10 to 52.
durable black Nylon, it is Both offer flexible
padded for extra protection, strings for the top
and includes an accessory end combined with a
pouch and a carrying handle potent low
and shoulder strap end punch.

Portable Powered Mixers The Ultimate In Convenience!

From the 150-watt, 4-channel SR41 SOP to the 520-watt (into 2 ohms), 8-channel SR8520P, the SR series "tote-box" mixers provide everything
you need for small to medium-sized venues—in a convenient format that lets you minimize hassle without sacrificing sound quality!

14 Fender Frontline
Unsung Heroes!
Echos From The Past:
The Tube
By Mark

Mark Wittenberg is
Fender's Artist Relations
Director. He signs new
Fender artist endorsees, and

Hardshell provides support for the current

roster. His daily contact with players
Guitar Cases Get A Makeover! of every style keeps him in the know.
Redesigned to more closely follow a
guitar's contour, the new cases take up
ometimes this Artist Relations stuff is no bed of roses. In
less room (for more efficient packing), grip
'order to be truly effective at my job, it's not enough just
the instrument tighter for better protec-
to stay abreast of the new developments in musical instru-
tion, and include an inner compartment
with a hinged lid which provides handy ment equipment—I'm continually having to learn more
storage. Rugged injection-molded about the gear of yesteryear as weU!
construction with a heavy-duty metal As a case in point, I've been getting calls lately about
valance keep your precious axe safe! Fender's old free-standing Tube Reverb unit, which hasn't
been in production since the 60s. It seems that the reissue of
the '59 Bassman amp sparked an interest in the Tube Reverb
because the two were often used together in the past. (And
the '59 Bassman reissue, true to the original, has no built-in
California Series Expanded It has been explained to me that there are several reasons
With Two New Models! the outboard unit is so desirable. First of all, when using this
These new models have the slim neck that model, you plug your guitar into the reverb unit first, then
renders California series acoustic guitars so plug the reverb unit into your amp. This allows you to use
easy to play. The AG-1 0 has a satin finish, the the amp's tone controls to shape the sound of the reverb.
AG-15 a natural gloss finish; both are dread- Reverb circuits that are built into an amp are always placed
nought style guitars with Spruce tops and
after the preamp so the tone controls have more effect on
Rosewood fingerboards.
the guitar tone and less on the reverb.
Secondly/ there is a quality to the reverb tone itself that
"Classic" Covers Accent Your Tweed Amplifierl the original "surf" guitarists were quick to discover and
Made from high-quality brown nylon with cloth binding at the corners and leatherette
exploit. This sound is achieved thanks to the three controls
binding around the handle, these covers provide a vintage look that complements your
on the reverb unit: dwell, mix, and tone. Of course, the
Tweed series amp. Available for models shown.
function of the tone control is fairly self explanatory; and
the mix control allows you to blend the straight guitar
Read These Books And Become A Better Player! sound with the effected signal. What's unique is the dwell
Contained in the Fender Ultimate Guitar Chord User's Guide are chord
control, which gives you direct control over the "boingy-
forms, positions and fingerings, as well as music theory information.
ness" of the reverb (okay, you try to explain that in technical
Included in the Fender Guitar
terms!). Songs like Walk Don't Run and Pipeline are excellent
Classics Series are three books
which feature transcriptions examples of a heavy use of this "dwell" effect, which gives
of well-known songs for the reverb a very solid "boing" when you first strike each
guitar and bass, as well as note. Backing down the dwell control smooths out the
analyses of each artist's reverb, giving the guitar a beautiful lush quality.
playing style. Choose After realizing all this, you can imagine how ecstatic I was
classic Strat, Tele or to learn that Fender is once again planning to produce the
Bass riffs! Tube Reverb! Because although the new digital reverbs make a
valiant attempt to imitate the sound of these vintage units,
this may be a case of where older is better: there is a certain
'IWJM identifiable quality to an old-fashioned spring reverb that you
just can't seem to reproduce any other way. This is something
older guitarists have known for years, while younger players,
perhaps, have yet to discover the beauty of this example of
early 60s engineering. Low tech by today's standards
maybe, but great-sounding by any standard.

Fender Frontline 15
Zen, and the Art of
Recording Acoustic Guitar
By Michael Laskow
ow much Zen is involved in getting great
During Michael Laskow's 20-year tenure as
an engineer/producer, he worked with Crosby, .sounds from an acoustic guitar in your
Stills, Nash, and Young, Eric Clapton,
Cheap Trick, and countless others. He's also home studio? Not as much as you think, but if
the founder of TAXI, an independent A&R com-
pany that links record labels with unsigned
you don't know some of the basics, it might
artists and songwriters. seem like it. If you own a 4- or 8-track
recorder, fairly small console, some basic out-
board equipment, and no $1000 microphones,
assume the lotus position and read on!

smile on your face. You can pan the two signals left and right to get a

IGINERAL Rmtis broad stereo sound, but check the sound in mono to verify there's still
some signal left! Mr. Phase can be a tricky bugger.
Z^Gondensor mic almostjahwa^s sQtin|d& better |EigN &dynamfc
^|aucfcr acoustic guitars. 3|J;^il};:@%i:i;?^^l:Y111 11:^J^IIA:$: ?
^IK^ strings sound better j|?^tecori?li^than oli< 1s S t ; I
And now ladies and gentlemen, for the
^jffifesound you get has a g3Ba't:s<iealyt©|^o with )io|ar;d5mami^s most often heard acoustic guitar sound
^^Iplayer. • ! 'i|^:lri|:'|%^?;N|-111 li%:!%ll^ ii at the 1993 Grammys . . . it's that Eric
y|]||l|down on your knees aiftjpi^|||n;;|rQur ear a?|£||t|vere|tlte Clapton classical/gut string guitar! Once
|.M|trophone while somebodg|^is||»ia57|ng the ^u;fa¥|Mcn'|j.;1' again, use a condensor mic, but place it
J5rCMa3^ear around to find "swee|is^|s"t^yo|t/ll leaniacdoriefrom about ten inches away from the guitar.
^ ^^}%<i(||1:han you wffl by reading fSs;irftffiieT||3ut doit'titr5§it i!f As a matter of fact, try sliding it about 3 to 4 inches up the neck, but
"Wrth-an electric guitar!). ;^l:l'yl:^"l;^;;l;;^l;:;S:':' ^'1:^;?'^% ^:;11 aim it at the players picking fingers. This angle will reduce boominess
by virtue of the mic's cardioid polar pattern producing a natural roll
off when it's aimed off axis, while simultaneously delivering the
USING A MICROPHONE attack of the fingers. (Try and say that three times in a row!) The
If you want a country/pop, strummed added distance will pick up some of the guitar body's resonance. A
sound similar to the Eagles Lyin' Eyes, compressor/limiter is a must for this case because of unexpected peaks.
use light gauge strings and place the A 4:1 ratio is a good place to start, but set the threshold fairly high so
microphone about 6 to 8 inches from the that the most of the guitar's natural dynamics are left intact.
guitar's sound hole, but angle the mic
toward the area where the fretboard and ACOUSTIC GUITAR PICKUPS
the sound hole meet. (Directly into the sound hole will probably be too
When acoustic guitarists play live, they
full—very boomy.) Use a compressor/limiter to knock down any peaks
usually have either a built in pick-up
(3:1 ratio); set the threshold low for a slightly "squashed" or tight
system or a hole-mounted pickup. These
sound, higher to just limit the peaks and provide a more open sound.
have improved so much in the last few
If you need to EQ out some boominess, roll off the bottom (lOOHz),
years that they have become good
or cut a couple of dB at 300Hz. To add "silk" on the top end, boost
enough to record with—not as good as a
something in the 8-10K range, but be careful: too much will add con-
great mic, but pretty darn good. (The folks at Fender sent me a hole-
siderable noise to the track. Positioning the mic so it angles toward
mounting, Bronze Lace Sensor to use for the photos for this article. I
the pick will give more attack, less sweetness.
had to plug it in and see how it sounded. I was impressed. A vast
For that ;ohn Cougar Mellencamp "woodsy" (a highly technical
improvement from those nickleplated tanks we all used in the 70's.)
term) sound, try medium gauge strings, a little more compression, and
They eliminate the background noise for the most part, and give
add a bit of EQ around the mids—lets say 700-1.2KHz. :-
you a clean enough signal that it can be EQ'd to your heart's delight.
They tend to be a bit on the mid-rangy side, so cut a few dbs around
COMBINATION TECHNIQUES 700 to 2.5KHz—probably closer to 2.5K. You won't need to roll off
"Ya, well what about Melissa Ethridge" any bottom, but some top end around 1 OK is advisable. The sparkle
you say. Try this on for size. Use a guitar from the strings won't be quite as natural as with a mic, but I think
with a built-in pick up and a microphone you'll be pleasantly surprised. After you've laid down the acoustic
to boot. You will undoubtedly get some rhythm guitar part, you can overdub the guitar with a microphone as
phase anomalies, but that's part of the recommended in the first or second scenario above. Then you'll have
sound. Experiment with moving the mic a doubled part—try panning them full left and full right for a very
closer and farther, which will affect the phase relationship of the two nice sound. (If you want to really impress your band mates, try
sound sources. Sooner or later, you'll hit on something that will put a doing the double guitar part an octave higher.)

16 Fender Frontline
A comprehensive listing of every product
made by Fender Musical Instruments!
see page 19 for guide to abbreviations 3
Standard Series Chorus


M-80 Chorus
STRINGS............... 28
MIXERS................... 17 STRATOGASTERS........ 20 PRECISION BASSES ..... 22 BASS AMPS.............. 26 ACCESSORIES ........30
Vintage Pure Nickel Wound Books
Powered U.S. Vintage M-80 and BXR
Reissue Nictelplated Steel Roundwound Video
Unpowered Reissue Fender Squler Series
Standard Stainless Steel Roundwound Amplifier Hardware
American Standard Squier
POWER AMPS ...........18 Fender Squier Series Stainless Steel Flatwound Guitar Amp Covers
U.S. Plus Deluxe Plain Gauged Singles Amplifier Tubes
Fender Squier Series KEYBOARD AMPS ....... 26
SIGNAL Contemporary Series Electronic Products
PROCESSORS ........ 18
U.S. Strat Plus Series
Custom Classic Series GUITAR SPEAKER ELECTRIC BASS Fender-Monster Cables
Contemporary Series
STRINGS............... 28
Graphic Equalizers Floyd Rose™ Classic Series Squier ENCLOSURES .........26 Cleaning and Tuning Aids
Crossovers Nickelplated Steel Roundwound Guitar Straps
Floyd Rose Standard Series Standard
JAZZ BASSES ............23 Stainless Steel Flatwound
Set Neck Series HM Strap Security Lock Systems
SPEAKERS................18 U.S. Vintage Stainless Steel Roundwound Guitar and Amp Stands
Signature Series
Stage Monitor Systems Custom Classic Series Reissue BASS SPEAKER Pure Nickel Roundwound Floyd Rose Bridges
MainSystems American Standard Nylon Sleeved
Squier ENCLOSURES .........27
Accessories Standard BXR Nylon Rlament Roundwound ORIGINAL
TELECASTERS .„....,... 21 Fender Squier Series HM ACCESSORIES ........31
uenriNG U.S.Vintage
American Standard
Custom Classic Series AMP RACK MOUNT STRINGS............... 29
80/20 Bronze Wound
Fine Tune Locking Nuts
CABINETS ............. 27
CONSOLES............. 19 Fender Squier Series
U.S. PlusSeries MB Bass Acoustic STRINGS............... 29
Fender-Lace Sensors

MANUAL CONTROL Contemporary Series Nylon Classical
CONSOtES.............19 Set Neck Series ACCESSORIES ........32
U.S. Signature Series • Pickups
INTEGRATED STAGE Custom Classic Series
PRODICY ................ 23
CALIFORNIA SERIES ....26 Pickguards
LIGHTING SYSTEMS.. 19 JP-90 BASS.............. 23
JAGUAR ..................22 SX SERIES................ 27 CELLULOID ............... 29 Straps
DIMMER PACKS „.„.... 19 Picks

AMPS Acoustic/Hectpic
JAZZMASTER ............22 COLORPIC™ ............. 29
POWER PACKS ..........IS

CASES .................... 32
MUSTANG ................ 22 PICKARF" SERIES...... 29
Acoustic Guitar
LAMPS ...,...............;19
GUITAR AMPS ........... 24 DELRINTIVL-MOLDED....29 Electric Guitar
DUOSONIC................ 22
Custom Shop .:: - Bass Guitar
AGCESSORIES ...„.„„.. 19
D'Aqulsto Tweed Series Briefcases
SX SERIES................ 27 NYLON—MOLDED ....... 29 Effects Bag.
Robben Ford :ProTobe^:, ; :
Standard Series NYLON STRING........... 27

Tape In, Forced air cooling w/2-speed fan (except SR-41 SOP), and Mon, Power amps: switchable (stereo, mono sum, ortape
Eff Out and Aux In level, Reverb; Models: monitor), Peak/CompressorLED's, Deltacomp™ compression,
071-4100 SR4150P, 4 chnl, 150w/4 ohms 2-speed fan; Other: built-in roadcase/stand. Models:
071-6300 SR6300P, 6 chnl, 300w/2 ohms 071-2208 PX 2208D, 8 chnl, 2 x 150w/4 ohm
071-8300 SR8300P, 8 chnl, 300w/2 ohms 071 -2207 PX 2208, 8 chnl, 2 x 150w/4 ohm, spring reverb
071-6521 SR6520P, 6 chnl, 520w/2 ohms 071-2212 PX 2012D, 12 chnl, 2 x 250w/4 ohm
071-8521 SR8520P, 8 chnl, 520w/2 ohms 071-2216 PX 2216D, 16 chnl, 2 x 250w/4 ohm

MIXERS (USA) The PX 2000 Series powered mixers. Channel: Trim w/ Rackmount
40dB range, Peak LED, 3-band EQ, Aux and Eff/Rev and Mon
Sends, In/Out patch jacks; Master: Tape RCA jacks, switchable
Portable Phantom Powerw/LED, Separate Eff Send and Return controls
to all mix busses, dual 10-band Graphic EQ w/ patching, LED
bar graphs for Main and Mon, Power amp Peak/Compressor
LED's; Power Amps: Deltacomp™ compression, 2-speedfan.
071-2008 PX 2008, 8 chnl, 2 x 150w/4 ohms
071-2012 PX 2012,12 chnl, 2 x 250w/4 ohms R MX 4210

PX2216D PX2208D (USA) The RMX 4210 Rackmount (ordesklop) mixer. Channel:
Trim, 3-band EQ, Main and 2 Aux Sends, Solo, Pan, In/Out
(USA) The LX Series Powered Mixers. Channel: XLR lo-z mic
patch jacks; Master: dual 4-band sweepable EQ, stereo record
ins, [Main, Mon, Eff/Rev] send levels, 2-band EQ; Output:
out buss w/multi-track routing/monitoring/mixdown, head-
[Main, Mon, Eff/Rev send, Eff/Rev return (to Main & Mon),
phone jack (main or mono sum). Models:
Tape/Aux return (to Main & Mon)] levels, RCA tape ins, front
071-4210 RMX 4210,10 channels
panel patch bay; Power Amp: 100w/4 ohms; Models:
071-1504 LX-1504,4 channels
071-1506 LX-1504, 6 channels Console
(USA) The MX 5200 Series 4-submaster/stereo/mono mixers.
(USA) The SR Series Powered Mixers. Features: Phantom Optio.nal VGA grouping, muting and automation, V.U. meter
power, 9-band Graphic EQ, 3-band EQ per chnl, Deltacomp™ bridge. Channel: Trim control wPeak LED, 3-band EQ w/mid
Compression (switchable), High and Low balanced inputs, XLR PX2212D sweep, 2 Mon and 4 Aux Sends, Solo, Mute, Pan, Assign sws,
and 1/4" TRS jacks, Mon & Eff/Rev Sends, Master Mon Send, comprehensive patching; Master: assignable parametric EQ,
Front Panel Patch Bay, Eff Out and Aux In Jacks, Phono/RCA (USA) The PX 2200 Series stereo powered mixers. Channel: 48V Phantom Power, SysFlex expansion ports, selectable [4
Trim w/Peak LED, 3-band EQ, 2Auxand 2 MonitorSends, Solo, subs, stereo main and mono sum] operation, and much more.
Pan, patch jacks, XLR and 1/4" inputs; Master: digital reverb/ Models:
effects (except PX 2208), switchable 48V Phantom Power w/ 071-5216 MX 5216,16 channels
LED, Separate Eff Send and Return controls to all mix busses, 071-5224 MX 5224, 24 channels
Dual 10-band Graphic EQw/ patching, LED bar graphs for Main 071-5232 MX 5232, 32 channels
Fender Frontline 17
Specs: 60-20kHz response ±6dB, 1 6 ohm, 95dB/1 M/1w Sens, (USA) The SPL1225, SPL1226 Speaker Systems. Features:
POWER AMPS 115dB SPL max out, 100w power handling; Models: Biampable (3rd order Butterworth x-over, 1250Hz), Biamp
071-1272 1272,12" woofer, dual horn, gray carpet defeat switch, polyimide Kapton voice coil bobbins w/castalloy
070-2832 1272,12"woofer, dual horn, black Tolex baskets, 40 x 90 degree horn, Titanium CDs, 3/4" birch ply-
071 -1292 1292,1 2" woofer, dual horn, wood veneer cabinet wood, gray carpet; Specs: 8 ohm, 100dB/1M/1w Sens; IVIod-
and brown grill cover els:
071-1275 1275,15" wooferw/. 2.5" coil, gray carpet 071-1225 SPL1225,1 5" cast frame woofer w/ 3" voice coil,
50-20kHz response ±6dB, 123dB SPL max out,
(USA) The SPL 6000 and SPL 9000 Power Amps. Features: SPL 1285 Y272
071-1226 SPL1226, two 15" cast frame woofers w/ 3" voice
Computer controlled protection, Silent delayed turn-on/off, 2-
coils, 38-20kHz response ±6dB, 126dB SPL max
speed fan, Triac "crowbar" speaker protection, high current
out, 400w power handling
design for reactive speaker loads, Soft clipping, gracious
overload; Convenience: Rear Stereo-Mono and Mono-Bridge 1275
SPL 1282
mode switches, [TRS phone; male & female XLR] inputs, High
current 5-way binding posts & phone jack outputs; Models:
071-6000 SPL 6000, 2-rack spc, selectable Deltacomp™ SPL2915
compressor w/LED's, Stereo: 300w/ 4 ohms;
Mono Bridge: 600w/8 ohms; THD < 0.01 %/8
ohms, < 0.025%/4 ohms
071 -9000 SPL9000,3-rackspc, Stereo: 330w/8 ohms, 450w/
4 ohms; Mono Bridge: 900w/8 ohms; THD < (USA) SPL1282, SPL1285 Monitors. Features: Biampable (in-
0.05%/8 ohms, < 0.059%/4 ohms ternal 3rd order Butterworth crossover at 1250 Hz) or full-
range operation, Biamp defeat sw, vented baffle, woofers have
(USA) The SPL M300 Monitor Power Amp is specifically polyimide Kapton voice coil bobbins w/cast alloy baskets, 40 x
designed to eliminate feedback. Features: 2-rack spc, 300w/2 90 degree horn, Titanium drivers w/circumferential ring phas-
ohm, input level slide controls, 3-band sweepable notch filter, ing plugs, 30/60/90 tilt; Specs: 8 ohm, 95dB/1M/1w Sens;
sweepable low and high pass filters, 2-speed fan cooling, Models:
DeltaComp™ compression, patch points between control sec- 071 -1282 SPL 1282,1 2" cast frame woofer w/2.5" coil, 60-
tion and amp (for bi-amping stage monitors); Models: 20kHz resp±3dB, 122dB SPL max out, 150w pwr
071-3000 SPLM300 Monitor Amplifier hndlng, gray carpet
071-1285 SPL 1285,15" cast frame woofer w/3" coil, 50-
20kHz response ±3dB, 123dB SPL max output,
SIGNAL PROCESSORS 200w pwr hndlng, gray carpet SPL118S
070-2835 SPL 1285, same as 071-1285,except black Tolex (USA) The SPL Tour Series professional arrayable loudspeak-
GRAPHIC EQUALIZERS covering ers are top-of-the-line speaker systems perfect for even the
(USA) SP-3200 Series Equalizers. Features: Selectable 6/12dB most demanding concert sound applications. In conjuction
cuVboost range +24dBV max out, 30Hz 18dB hi pass filter, MAIN SYSTEMS with the Fender-RigSafe rigging and flying hardware, they are
bypass sw, timed on/off delay, relay hardwire bypass, external (USA) The 1110 Speaker System. Features: vented baffle, 10" adaptable enough to be used in any situation. Models:
40V powersupply, balanced XLR & 1/4" TRS phone jack in/out; woofer, wide angle horn w/dual drivers. Specs: 60-20kHz 071-1310 SPL118S, 18" cast frame sub-woofer w/4" voice
Front Panel: -20dB Signal Present LED, +15dB Peak LED, EQ In/ response ±6dB, 16 ohm, 94dB/1 M/1w Sens, 11 4dB SPL max coil, 600w short term/SOOw long term power
Out sw w/LED, 6/12dB range switch, 30 Hz filter switch, input out, 100w pwr hndlng; Models: handling
Level (infinite to +6dB); Models: 071-1110 1110, gray carpet covering 071 -1320 SPL215S, two 15" cast frame woofers w/4" voice
071-3200 SP 3200, Sngl30-band, Va-octave, 1 rck spc 070-2810 1110, black Tolex covering coils, 1400w short term/700w long term power
071-3202 SP3202, Dual 30-band, 1/3-octave, 2 rck spc 1211 handling
071-3215 SP3215, Dual 15-band, 1 rck spc 1205 071-1330 SPL 2912,12" cast frame wooferw/3" voice coil,
CD horn, 400w shortterm/200w long term power
CROSSOVERS 071 -1340 SPL 2915, 15" cast frame wooferw/4" voice coils,
Electronic (Active) CD horn, 500w shortterm/250w long term power

(USA) RX series racks hold your rack mount equipment se-
curely and safely; Models:
071-1902 RX1902, 2-space rack
(USA) 1201, 1205 Speaker Systems. Features: woofers w/ 071-1904 RX1904,4-space rack
(USA) SPL-PCN series electronic crossovers are 24dB/octave
polyimide Kapton voice coil bobbins, wide angle horns w/dual 071-1906 RX 1 906, 6-space rack
Linkwitz/Reiley units. Features: rackmountable, front panel
drivers, Daisy-Chain ins; Specs: 60-20kHz response ±6dB, 8 071-1908 RX 1 908,8-space rack
controls, CD horn boost sw, balanced XLR in/out, security
ohm, 95dB/1 M/1w Sens; Models: 071-1912 RX1912,12-spacerack
covers; Models:
071-1201 1201,12"wooferw/2"coil,115dBSPLmaxout,
071 -5510 SPL-PCN2, Stereo 2-way/Mono 3-way
100w pwr hndlng, gray carpet (USA) The RX Rackmount Amp Cases include removable,
071-5520 SPL-PCN4, Stereo 3-way/Mono 4/5-way, phase
070-2812 1201, same as 071-1201 except black Tolex latching front and rear covers, casters, front and rear rack rails;
reverse and mute sws on all bands
covering Models:
071-1205 1205,15"wooferw/2.5" coil, 117dBSPL max out, 071 -1909 Fender/SUNN RX-1 928,8 spaces
Passive 150w pwr hndlng, gray carpet 071 -1913 Fender/SUNN RX-1926,12 spaces
(USA) The SPL-PCN PCN1 crossover is designed for use with 070-2815 1205, same as 071-1205 except black Tolex 071 -1917 Fender/SUNN RX-1928,16 spaces
subwoofers; Models: covering
071-5550 SPL-PCN1 071-1295 1295, same as 71-1205 except w/wood veneer (USA) The ST-75 tripod stand raises speakers for max disper-
cabinet and brown grill cover sion. Specs: anodized aluminum alloy tubing, 75 Ib. capacity,
79" max ht; Models:
SPEAKERS (USA) The 1211 Speaker System. Features: internal 3rd order 071-0270 ST-75 Speaker Stand
Butterworth x-over (1250z), 15" woofer w/polyimide Kapton
STAGE MONITOR SYSTEMS voice coil bobbin, 40x90 degree horn, driverw/circumferential
(USA) 1272 and 1275 Monitors. Features: sealed baffle, woof- ring phasing plug], Specs: 50-20kHz response ±3dB, 8 ohm,
ersw/polyimideKapton voice coil bobbins, wide angle horns w/ 95dB/1M/1wSens,117dBSPLmaxout,150wpowerhandling;
dual drivers, Daisy-chain inputs, level controls, 30/60/90 tilt; Models:
071-1211 1211, gray carpet covering
070-2825 1211, black Tolex cdvering
071-1291 1291, same as 71-1211 except w/wood veneer
cabinet and brown grill cover

18 Fender Frontline
Thetruss rod replacement barisafourfootanodized aluminum

alloy tubing cross bar, drilled for fixture mounting. Models:
990-9900-360 CB-100
Lighting fixtures include gel frame and six foot cord. Models:



990-9900-350 SC-216, same as 990-9900-390 except 16 C5

PLC 3200
channel 5
Par 38
(USA) Litesys systems are compact lighting systems, com-
plete with transportable case. Models:
990-9953-330 Litesys 438, 4-chnl 300w dimmer bar, 4
Par 38 cans, 4 gel frames 990-9900-380 PAR 38
PLC 816e 990-9953-330 Litesys 438, 4-chnl 600w dimmer bar, 4 990-9900-560 PAR 56
Par 56 cans, 4 gel frames
(USA) The PLC 3200 Programmable Lighting controller incor- 990-9953-330 Litesys 438, 4-chnl 1 200w dimmer bar, 4
porates state-of-the-art hardware designs. Features: Micro- Par 64 cans, 4 gel frames,
processor memory, Programmable crossfade, Touch-sensi-
tive GO button, 4 progammable submasters, Individual flash/ Par 64
bump buttons, Full MIDI implementation, Pre-heat function for DIMMER PACKS
dimmers, AMX 192 interface, DMX 512 interface w/Standard
PS and dimmer packs are lightweight professional lighting
and Colortran baud rates, SUNNPLEX analog multiplex inter-
units. Features: 4 chnls (32 jumper select programmable
face, Internal 120 or230V power, 2 programmablefootswitehes;
chnls), Sunnplex mic cable connect system; Models:
990-9900-320 PLC 3200, Programmable Lighting Console

(USA) PLC 816e Programmable Lighting Controller offers 990-9900-640 PAR 64

latest advances in synthesizer, drum machine and computer
technology, for recreating lighting effects consistently. Dy-
namic memory, SUNNPLEX™ multiplex interface. Features: 8 GROUP PACKAGES
sliders for 16 chnls, MIDI In & Out &Thru, GO button, External The SUNN Gelpak package includes one each of four assorted
footswitch, Programmable Audio Sync. Models: gel colors. Models:
990-9900-420 PLC 816e, Programmable Lighting Console 990-9900-160 Gelpak

MANUAL CONTROL CONSOLES The SUNN Colormedia package includes one each of 20" x 24"
gels of four assorted colors. Models:
(USA) Individual sliders for channel and scene, drive over 25 990-9900-140 Colormedia
dimmer packs simultaneously, Dual sunnplex in/out connec-
tors for daisy-chaining, Phantom powered by all Sunnplex The SUNN LG-4 package includes four PAR 38 light fixtures,
dimmer packs, Audio sync with adjustable gain Flash buttons; four 150 watt bulbs, magnetic gel frames, assorted colored
Models: Tree/Truss gels, truss barw/stand adapter. Models:
080-0310 PS 310, 300w per channel 990-9900-260 LG-4
080-0610 PS 610, 600w per channel
990-9900-340 PS 1200,1200w per channel The SUNN ST-100 is a lightweight tripod lighting truss stand,
ideal for club and small auditorium applications. Specitica-
Rack mount tions: anodized aluminum alloy tubing, 100 Ib. capacity, 110"
080-0640 PSR 640, 600w per channel max height; Models:
990-9900-280 ST-100 Lighting Stand
990-9900-330 SC24-F, Continuously variable crossfade The PRO RACK ND power pack is a rack mount, programmable
rates, 2-scene initiate switches for
automatic crossfade control, Master
non-dim power module, for "On/Off" lighting or motor control.
Features: 2 rack spc, Fuse and Circuit Breaker Protection, "0
AmStd American Standard nicklpltd = nickelplated
blackout and function restore controls switch" circuitry, Programmable for 32 control signals; Specs: piece, pieces
Cb.cbnl a channel pc,pcs
1800w [15A] max load (4 chnls at 600w [5A]), 2400w (20A) chrmpltd := cbromeplated pckgrd = pickguard
increased max load, control [SUNNPLEX or Direct 0-1 OVDC], dbl-lckng » double locking pos = position
Dt^- deluxe pu = pickup
power out options @ 400mA [2 U-ground outlets per chnl + = radius
Efr; = effects rad
15VDC availableto controller], 2VDC or more chnl "On" control E-trohics = Electronics RW = Rosewood
ext': extension sc s Single Coil
voltage, 1VDC or less channel "Off"; Models:
FLS = Fehder-Lace Sensor sgl = single
080-0600 PRO RACK ND 600 fqncy s frequency spkr = speaker
frtbrd = fretboard ssw = selector switch
frtmrkrs a fretmarkers Stnlss Stl = Stainless Steel
ftswtch = footswitch swtchng = switching
hdstek = headstock trem = tremolo
goldpltd = goldplated tri-lam = triple laminated
lamps offer quality, long lasting performance for all lighting HB a humbucking USA made in the U.S.
needs. Models: hdwr = hardware vol volume
hndcf = handed w watts
990-9900-180 150,150w, Par 38 W/B/W = White/Black/White
SC28-F imp = impedance
990-9900-190 250 K, 250w, Krypton, Par 38 lcnsd = licensed Wtlt white
mpl a maple x-over crossover
990-9900-200 300 MFL, 300w, Par 56, Medium Flood
ndl-brng = needle-bearing
990-9900-390 SC28-F,8channel,Dualcrossfadecontrols, 990-9900-210 500 Q, 500w, Quartz, Par 56
Master level controls, Blackout controls, 990-9900-220 500 NSP, 500w, Par 64, Narrow Spot
Function restore controls 990-9900-230 1,000 Q, 1 OOOw, Quartz, Par 64 Fender Frontline 19
Fender Squier SeriesStratocasters are affordable, fine quality (USA) Set Neck Stratocasters offer discriminating players the
versions of Fender Standard Stratocasters. Body: Poplar, highest quality in sound and appearance. Body: Honduras
classic Stratocaster shape; Neck: 21 frets, 9.5" rad; E-tronics: Mahogany w/bkmtchd highly figured Mpl top; Neck: Ebony
3 SC pu's, 5-pos. ssw, Vol, 2 Tone; Other: vintage style frtbrd, 22 std frets, 12" rad; E-tronics: Vol, TBX, special 5-pos.
tremolo; Models: ssw; Models:
013-3602 Fender Squier Series Stratocaster, Mpl neck 010-2500 Set Neck Stratocaster, 4 Fender-Lace Sensors
013-3600 Fender Squier Series Stratocaster, RW frtbrd (Blue-neck, Gold-mid, dbl Red-bridge), Tone
013-3620 Fender Squier Series Stratocaster, same as (Neck), Strat Deluxe Tremolo system
STRATOCASTERS 013-3600, except left-hndd 110-2600 Set Neck Floyd Rose Stratocaster, DiMarzio
Custom PAF Pro HB pu (bridge), 2 Am Std SC
U.S. STRAT PLUS SERIES pu's, Vol, 2 Tone (Neck, Mid), Tone (neck), Floyd
(USA) Strat Plus guitars are designed to betteraddress today's Rose Pro dbl-lckng tremolo system
players. Body: Alder; Neck: satin finish, 22Am Std (Ig) frets, Bi-
flextruss rod; E-tronics: 3 FLS's, 5-pos. ssw, Tone-neck pu, SIGNATURE SERIES
TBX-Bridge & Mid; Other: LSR roller nut, lckng keys, Hipshot™ (USA) The Clapton model was designed underthe direction of
tremsetter; Models: guitar great Eric Clapton. Body: Alder; Neck: Special v-shape,
U.S. VINTAGE 010-7502 Strat Plus, mpl neck, 3 Gold FLS, Am Std trem satin finish, 22 vintage frets, 9.5" rad; E-tronics: 3 Gold FLS's,
(USA) Vintage Stratocasters are excellent recreations of the 010-7500 Strat Plus, RW frtbrd, 3 Gold FLS, Am Std trem active Mid boost (25dB), master TBX; Other: vintage tuners,
famous Stratocasters of the '50's and '60's. Body: Classic 110-9502 Deluxe Strat Plus, same as 010-7502, except vintage trem (blocked); Models:
shape, nitrocellulose lacquer finish; Neck: medium, 21 small Red FLS (Bridge), Silver FLS (Mid), Blue FLS 010-7602 EricClapton
frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 3 SC pu's w/lacquer coated copper (Neck), Fender/Floyd Rose locking tremolo bridge,
windings & staggered pole-pcs, cloth wrapped wire, 3-pos. Ash top and bottom body laminates, shell pckgrd (USA) The Beck model isthe culmination of Jeff Beck's ultimate
ssw (comes w/5-pos. ssw kit), 1 Tone (neck pu),1 Tone (Mid 110-9500 Deluxe Strat Plus, same as 010-7500, except guitar features. Body: Alder; Neck: Pao Ferro frtbrd, Special
pu); Other: ncklpltd hdwr, vintage trem; Models: Red FLS (Bridge), Silver FLS (Mid), Blue FLS deep '50's shape, satin finish, 22 vintage frets, 9.5" rad; E-
010-0908 '57 Stratocaster, mpl neck, Alder body, sgl-layer (Neck), Fender/Floyd Rose locking tremolo bridge, tronics: 2 Gold FLS's [neck, mid], dual Gold FLS [bridge] with
pckgrd, "skunk stripe" on back of neck, hdstck Ash top and bottom body laminates, shell pckgrd sgl/dbl sw, Tone (neck), TBX (bridge, mid); Other: locking keys,
plug roller nut; Models:
010-0909 '62 Stratocaster, RW slab frtbrd, Alder body, tri- (USA) The U.S. Strat Ultra is the ultimate version of the Strat 010-9600 Jeff Beck
lam (W/B/W) pckgrd Plus series. Body: Alder w/figured Mpl top & back; Neck:
natural satin finish, Ebonyfrtbrd, 22 jumbo frets, Bi-flextruss (USA) Yngwie Malmsteen's model incorporates all of his
REISSUE rod; E-tronics: Blue FLS (neck), Gold FLS (mid), dual Red FLS favorite features. Body: Alder; Neck: special "U" shape, scal-
Reissue Stratocasters offer quality recreations of guitars of (bridge) w/3-pos. mini toggle, special 5-pos.ssw, Tone-neck loped frtbrd, 21 vintage frets, satin finish; E-tronics: 2 Di-
those eras. Body: Basswood, classic shape; Neck: medium, 21 pu, TBX-Bridge & Mid; Other: Fender/Floyd Rose locking Marzio HS-3 pu's (Neck & Bridge), 1 Am Std SC with reverse
small frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: Volume, 2 Tone, 3 SC pu's, tremolo bridge, Chrome LSR roller nut, lckng keys, shell winding/polarity, ITBX-neck, 1 TBX-Mid & Bridge; Other:
Other: ncklpltd hdwr, vintage trem; Models: pckgrd; Models: Brass nut, Am Std trem, Vintage tuners; Models:
027-5202 72 Stratocaster, large hdstck, u-shaped Mpl 110-9800 U.S. Strat Ultra 010-7702 Yngwie Malmsteen, Mpl neck
neck, tri-lam (W/B/W) pckgrd, 5-pos. ssw 010-7700 Yngwie Malmsteen, RW frtbrd
027-9202 '68 Stratocaster, large hdstck, u-shaped Mpl CONTEMPORARY SERIES
neck, tri-lam (W/B/W) pckgrd, 3-pos. ssw (USA) The Strat XII is a recreation of the clasic 12-string The Yngwie Malmsteen Standard is similar to the 70's
027-9222 '68 Stratocaster (left-handed), same as 027- electric from the 60s. Body: Alder; Neck: RW frtbrd, 22 std Stratocaster Yngwie uses on stage. Body: Bass wood; Neck:
9202 except left-handed frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 3 SC pu's, Vol, 2 Tone (neck, mid), special "U" shape, scalloped frtbrd, 21 vintage frets, gloss
027-9102 "Paisley" Strat, large hdstck, u-shaped Mpl neck, 5-pos. ssw; Other: special 12-string bridge; Models: finish, 70's-style hdstck; E-tronics: 3 SC pu's, 5-pos ssw,
sgl-layer "Paisley" pckgrd, 5-pos. ssw 027-8900 Strat XII 1Vol, 2 Tone (Mid, Bridge); Other: Std trem; Models:
027-1000 '60's Stratocaster, u-shaped neck w/RW slab 027-2702 Yngwie Malmsteen Standard
frtbrd, tri-lam (W/B/W) pckgrd, 5-pos. ssw (USA) Strat special guitars are carefully updated versions of
027-1002 '50's Stratocaster, v-shaped Mpl neck, sgl-layer vintage model instruments. Body: Poplar w/Ash veneer; Neck: (USA) The Stevie Ray Vaughan Signature Model respectfully
pckgrd, "skunk stripe" on back of neck, hdstek oval shape, 22 Am std frets, 9.5" rad; E-tronics: HB pu w/coil reproduces Stevie's unique guitar. Body: Alder; Neck: "Oval"
plug,5-pos. ssw splittersw (bridge), 2 SC pu's, Vol, TBX, 5-pos. ssw; Other: blk shape, Pao Ferro frtbrd, 12" rad, 21 vintage frets, vintage tint
hrdwr, vintage bridge; Models: finish; E-tronics: 3 "Texas special" SCs, 5-pos ssw.Vol, 2 Tone
AMERICAN STANDARD 013-5600 Strat Special, RW frtbrd (Mid, Neck); Other: left-hndd vintage style tremolo, B/W/B
(USA) American Standard Stratocasters are upgrades of clas- 013-5602 Strat Special, Mpl neck pckgrd w/wht knobs & pu covers, "SRV" initials in pckgrd,
sic Stratocasters. Body: Alder, classic shape; Neck: satin finish, gldpltd hrdwr; Models:
22 Am Std (large) frets, 9-1/2" rad, E-tronics: 3 Am Std SC pu's, FLOYD ROSE™ CLASSIC SERIES 010-9200 Stevie Ray Vaughan
Mid pu is reverse polarity/reverse wound for quiet operation w/ (USA) The Floyd Rose Classic Series features Fender's classic
Bridge or Neck pu's, 5-pos. ssw, Tone (Neck pu), TBX (bridge, guitars updated with some of Floyd's modern innovations. (USA) [Custom Order Only] The Robert Gray Signature Model
Mid pu's); Other: Am Std trem w/Stnlss Stl saddles; Models: Body: Alder; Neck: 22 std frets, 9.5" rad; E-tronics: DiMarzio is a faithful recreation of Robert's favorite '59 Stratocaster.
010-7402 American Standard Stratocaster, Mpl neck Custom PAF Pro HB pu (bridge), 2 Am Std SC pu's, Vol, 2 Tone Body: Alder; Neck: "Oval" shape, RW frtbrd, 21 vintage frets,
010-7400 American Standard Stratocaster, RW frtbrd (Neck, Mid), special 5-pos. ssw; Other: vintage tuners, chrm vintage tint finish; E-tronics: 3 custom vintage SCs, 5-pos ssw,
010-7422 American Standard Stratocaster, same as 010- Floyd Rose Original dbl-lckng tremolo system; Models: Vol, 2 Tone (Mid, Bridge); Other: Non-trem bridge; Models:
7402, except left-hndd 110-6000 Floyd Rose Classic Stratocaster, RW frtbrd 010-9100 Robert Gray
010-7420 American Standard Stratocaster, same as 010- 110-6002 Floyd Rose Classic Stratocaster, Mpl neck
7400, except left-hndd (USA) [Custom Order Only] The Dick Dale Signature Model is
FLOYD ROSE STANDARD SERIES aloving recrationoftheSurfKing'stwangyStratocaster. Body:
STANDARD The Floyd Rose Standard Series Stratocaster is an affordable Alder; Neck: "Oval" shape, RWfrtbrd, 21 vintage frets, vintage
Standard Stratocasters are updated versions of the guitar with hot features. Body: Strat shape; Neck: 21 jumbo tint finish; E-tronics: 3 custom vintage SCs, 5-pos ssw, Vol, 2
Stratocasters. Body: Poplar (except 027-4620); Neck: "shallow frets; E-tronics: 1 HB pu (bridge), 2 SC pu's, 5-pos. ssw; Other: Tone (Mid, Bridge); Other: reverse headstock, vintage tremolo;
U" shape, satin finish, 21 standard frets, 9.5" rad; E-tronics: 3 Floyd Rose II dbl-lcking tremolo system; Models: Models:
SC pu's, 5-pos. ssw; Other: vintage trem; Models: 125-5000 Floyd Rose Standard Stratocaster (foto flame), 010-6100 Dick Dale
013-4602 Standard Stratocaster, Mpl neck Basswood body, RWfrtbrd, 12" rad, Tone (neck
013-4600 Standard Stratocaster, RW frtbrd pu), TBX (Bridge, Mid pu's) (USA) The Richie Sambora Signature Model boasts many
027-4620 Standard Stratocaster, RW frtbrd, left-hndd, 113-1100 Floyd Rose Standard Stratocaster, Poplar body, features demanded by hot rock players. Body: Alder; Neck: Mpl,
Basswood body RWfrtbrd, 9.5" rad, 2 Tone (Neck, Mid) "star" inlays, 12" rad, 22 jumbo frets, satin finish; E-tronics:
113-1102 Floyd Rose Standard Stratocaster, Poplar body, mid-range boost sw, 2 "Texas special" SC pu's (neck, mid), 1
Mpl Neck, 9.5" rad, 2 Tone (Neck, Mid) DiMarzio Pro PAF (bridge), 5-pos ssw,Vol, Tone (Neck), TBX
(Mid, Bridge); Other: Floyd Rose Original dbl-lckng tremolo
system; Models:
110-2700 Richie Sambora

20 Fender Frontline
(USA) The Richie Sambora Standard Signature Model is a very REISSUE U.S. PLUS SERIES
affordable version of his signature guitar. Body: Alder; Neck:
The 72 Telecaster Thinline is a semi-hollow body guitar with (USA) Tele Plus guitars are designed to better address today's
Mpl, 12" rad, 21 jumbo frets, satin finish; E-tronics: 2 SC pu's
the features of a full electric. Body: Japanese Ash, natural players. Body: Ash orAlder, Ash Top & Back; Neck: natural satin
(neck, mid), 1 DiMarzio Pro PAF (bridge), 5-pos ssw, Vol, Tone
finish; Neck: Mpl, 21 vintage frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 2 HB finish, 22 jumbo frets, Bi-flextruss rod; E-tronics: 1 Blue FLS
(Neck), TBX (Mid, Bridge); Other: Floyd Rose II dbl-lckng
pu's, Vol, Tone, 3-pos ssw; Other: vintage tuners, wht shell (neck) dual Red FLS's w/3-pos mini toggle (bridge), 3-pos.
tremolo system; Models:
pckgrd, non-trem Strat bridge, ncklpltd hrdwr, "bullet" truss ssw, Vol, TBX; Other: chrmpltd hrdwr; Models:
113-2700 Richie Sambora Standard rod; Models: 010-8502 Tele Plus, mpl neck
027-3202 72 Telecaster Thinline 010-8500 TelePlus,RWfrtbrd
(USA) [Custom Order Only} The 1954 Stratocaster is a recre- The '69 Telecaster Thinline is a recreation of that popular CONTEMPORARY SERIES
ation of that classic model. Body: Ash; Neck: lightly fgrd Mpl, model. Body: Mahogany, semi-holloww/Fhole; Neck: Mpl, 21 (USA) Telecaster Special guitars are designed to betteraddress
"soft V" shape, original dot spacing, 21 vintage frets, 9.5" rad;
vintage frets, 7.25" radius; E-tronics: 2 SC pu's, 3-pos ssw; today's players. Body: Poplar; Neck: Mpl, oval shape, 22 Am std
E-tronics: 3 SC Custom Shop '50's pu's w/beveled magnets,
Other: vintage tuners, sngl-ply wht pkgrd, vintage bridge w/3 frets, 9.5" rad; E-tronics: HB pu (neck), reverse-wound SC
Vol, 2 Tone; Other: center pocket red plush/Tweed case; IVIod-
saddles, ncklpltd hdwr; Models: (bridge), special 5-pos. ssw, Vol, TBX; Other: chrmpltd hrdwr,
027-7702 '69TelecasterThinline vintage bridge; Models:
010-5402 1954Stratocaster 013-5502 Telecaster Special
Custom Telecasters are versions of earlier upgraded Telecas-
(USA) [Custom Order Only] The 1960 Stratocaster is a recre- ter models. Body: Basswood, tinted finish, wht binding; Neck: SET NECK SERIES
ation of that classic model. Body: Alder; Neck: lightly fgrd Mpl Mpl, 21 vintage frets, 7.25" radius, tinted finish; E-tronics: 2 SC (USA Custom Shop) Set Net Telecasters offer discriminating
w/RWfrtbrd, "C" shape, gloss finish, 21 vintage frets, 9.5" rad;
pu's, 3-pos ssw; Other: vintage tuners, 3-ply (w/b/w) pkgrd, players the highest quality looks and tone. Body: Honduras s-3
E-tronics: 3 "Texas Special" SC pu's, Vol, 2 Tone; Other:
painted hdstek, brown shell pckgrd, gold plush/Brown Tolex
vintage bridge w/3 saddles; Models:
027-5100 '62 Custom Telecaster
Mahogany w/V4" bookmatched highly figured Mpl top and
Ivoroid binding; Neck: 22 jumbo frets, 12" rad: E-tronics: 2
case; Models:
027-5120 '62 Custom Telecaster, same as 27-5100 except custom DiMarzio HB pu's, 3-pos. ssw, Coil Cutminitoggle, Vol,
010-6000 1960 Stratocaster TBX; Models:
left handed
010-3600 Set Neck Telecaster, Pao Ferro frtbrd. Chrm
(USA) [Custom Order Only] American Classic Strats are Cus- The "Paisley" Tele is a trademark version of the classic Tele- hrdwr
torn Shop versions of the American Standard. Body: classic
caster from the 70s. Body: Basswood, Paisley finish; Neck: 010-3900 Set NeckTelecaster "CA", Honduras Mahagony
shape; Neck: satin finish, 22 Am Std (large) frets, 9-1/2" rad,E-
Mpl, 21 vintage frets, 7.25" rad, tinted finish; E-tronics: 2 SC neck w/Ebony frtbrd, Am Std Tele bridge, Am Std
tronics: 3 "Texas Special" SC pu's, Mid pu is reverse polarity/
pu's, 3-pos ssw; Other: vintage tuners, sngl-ply wht pckgrd, Tele pu (bridge)
reverse wound for quiet operation w/Bridge or Neck pu's, 5-
vintage bridge w/3 Brass barrel saddles, ncklpltd hrdwr; IVIod-
pos. ssw, Tone (Neck pu), TBX (bridge, Mid pu's); Other: Am U.S. SIGNATURE SERIES
Std trem w/Stnlss Stl saddles; Models: 027-4902 "Paisley" Tele (USA) The James BurtonTelecastermodel was designed under
010-4702 American Classic Stratocaster, Mpl neck the direction of famous picker James Burton. Body: Light Ash;
010-4700 American Classic Stratocaster, RW frtbrd Neck: Mpl, natural satin finish, special "oval" shape, 21 vintage
The Rosewood Tele is a trademark version of the classic
Telecasterfromthe70s. Body: RW; Neck: RW, 21 vintage frets, frets, 9.5" radius; E-tronics: 1 Blue FLS (neck), 1 Silver FLS
(USA) [Custom Order Only] Custom Shop versions of vintage 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 2 SC pu's, 3-pos ssw; Other: vintage (mid), 1 Red FLS (bridge), special 5-pos. ssw, Volume, Tone;
Stratocasters for left handers. Body: classic shape; Neck:
tuners, Tri-lam (B/W/B) pckgrd, vintage bridge w/3 Brass Other: Gold or Blackhrdwr (depending on body color), Schaller
medium, 21 vintage frets, original dot spacing, 9.5" rad; E- (Gold or Black) chrome tuners, Am Std bridge; Models:
barrel saddles, ncklpltd hrdwr; Models:
tronics: 3 "Texas Special" SC pu's, 5-pos. ssw, 1 Tone (neck 010-8602 James Burton Telecaster
027-4800 Rosewood Tele
pu), 1 Tone (Mid pu); Other: ncklpltd hdwr, vintage trem, center
pocket red plush/Tweed case; Models:
The'50'sTelecaster offers a quality recreation of the guitar that (USA) [Custom Order Only] The Danny Gatton Telecaster
010-5722 '57 Stratocaster (left handed), mpl neck, sgl- model is a faithful recreation of Danny's heavily modified early
started it all. Body: Basswood, Blond finish; Neck: Mpl, 21
layer pckgrd, soft "D" shaped neck '50's Telecaster. Body: Light Ash; Neck: Mpl, special finish,
vintage frets, 7.25" rad, tinted finish; E-tronics: 2 SC pu's, 3-
010-6220 '62 Stratocaster (left handed), RW slab frtbrd, Zirconian side dot markers, 22 vintage frets, 7.25" radius; E-
pos ssw; Other: vintage tuners, sngl-ply wht pckgrd, vintage
aged (W/B/W) pckgrd bridge w/3 Brass barrel saddles, ncklpltd hrdwr, round string tronics: 2 Barden custom SC pu's, 3-pos. ssw, Volume, Tone
retainer; Models: (special values); Other: modified vintage style'bridge; Models:
027-1202 '50's Telecaster 010-8700 Danny Gatton Telecaster
squiers are economically-priced guitars with some classic
Fender features. Body: classic Stratocaster shape; Neck: Mpl, AMERICAN STANDARD (USA) [Custom Order Only] The Albert Collins Telecaster
21 std frets, 10" rad; E-tronics: 5-pos. ssw, Vol, 2 Tone; Other: model is a faithful recreation of Albert's "red hot" blues axe.
(USA) American Standard Telecasters are upgrades of classic
vintage-style tremolo; IVIodels:
Telecasters. Body: Alder; Neck: 22 Am Std (large) frets, 9.5" Body: Light Ash w/bound top and back; Neck: Mpl, gloss finish,
033-6002 Contemporary Stratocaster, 1 HB (bridge), 2 SC radius, satin finish, Bi-flex truss rod; E-tronics: 2 Am Std SC 21 vintage frets, 7.25" radius; E-tronics: 1 vintage SC pu
pu's, chrome hardware
pu's, 3-pos. ssw, Vol, TBX; Other: Schaller chrome tuners, Am (bridge), 1 '50's style HB pu, 3-pos. ssw, Volume, Tone; Other:
033-6102 Standard Stratocaster, 3 SC pu 's
Std (individually adjustable, stainless steel) bridge saddles; vintage style bridge w/special cover; Models:
Models: 010-8800 Albert Collins Telecaster
010-8402 American Standard Tele, Mpl neck
TELECASTERS 010-8400 American Standard Tele, RW frtbrd (USA) [Custom Order Only] The Jerry Donahue Telecaster
model offers Jerry's unique "2 guitars in 1" design features.
STANDARD Body: Light Ash w/bookmatched birdseye Mpltop and back;
Standard Telecasters are updated versions of the Telecaster. Neck: special "V" shape, Birdseye Mpl, 21 vintage frets, 9.5"
Body: Poplar; Neck: Mpl, 21 vintage frets, 9.5" radius, skunk radius; E-tronics: Custom wound Tele pu (bridge), custom
stripe; E-tronics: 2 SC pu's, 3-pos. ssw, Vol, Tone; Other: sngl- wound Strat pu (neck), special 5-pos. ssw, Volume, Tone;
ply wht pkgrd, bridge w/individually adjustable saddles, Other: vintage style bridge w/Brass saddles, gldpltd hrdwr;
chrmpltd hrdwr; Models: Models:
U.S. VINTAGE 013-5202 Standard Telecaster 010-8902 Jerry Donahue Telecaster
(USA) The Vintage Telecaster is a faithful recreation of one of
Fender's first guitars. Body: Ash, Butterscotch Blond nitrocel- FENDER SQUIER SERIES The J. D. Telecaster model offers Jerry's unique "2 guitars in 1"
lulose lacquertinish; Neck: 21 vintage frets, 7.25" radius, tinted The Fender Squier Series Telecaster is an affordable, fine design features in an affordable format. Body: Basswood,
nitrocellulose lacquer finish; E-tronics: lacquer coated copper quality version of the Fender Standard Telecaster. Body: bound; Neck: Mpl, 21 vintage frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: Cus-
windings (pu's), cloth wrapped wire (in electronics), 3-posssw Poplar, classic Telecaster shape; Neck: Mpl, 21 frets, 9.5" rad; torn wound Tele pu (bridge), custom wound Strat pu (neck),
(bridge pu/neck pu/neck pu w/capacitor); Other: vintage tun- E-tronics: 2 SC pu's, 3-pos. ssw, Vol, Tone; Other: vintage style special 5-pos. ssw, Volume, Tone; Other: vintage style bridge
ers, sngl-ply blk bake-o-lite pckgrd, vintage bridge w/3 Brass bridge; Models: w/Brass saddles, chrmpltd hrdwr; Models:
barrel saddles, ncklpltd hdwr; Models: 013-3202 Fender SquierTelecaster 027-9702 J. D. Telecaster
010-1303 '52 Telecaster

Fender Frontline 21
(USA) [Custom Order Only] The Clarence White Telecaster
model is a deluxe version of a classic country guitar. Body:
Lightweight Ash; Neck: lightly-figured Mpl, 21 vintage frets,
7.25" rad; E-tronics: "Texas Special" Tele pu (bridge), custom
50s Strat pu (neck), special 5-pos. ssw, Volume, Tone; Other:
vintage style bridge w/Brass saddles, Parsons/White B-Bender,
Scruggs tuners on both "E" strings; Models:
010-5602 Clarence White Telecaster

CUSTOM CLASSIC SERIES The Mustang is a reissue of Fender's deluxe short-scale guitar PRECISION BASSES
(USA) [Custom Order Only] The Sparkle Telecaster is a stun- from the 60s. Body: Basswood; Neck: RWfrtbrd, 22 frets, 7.25"
ning version of a vintage Telecaster. Body: light Poplar, sparkle rad; E-tronics: 2 sgl-coil pu's, on-off slide sw for each pu, Vol,
finish; Neck: lightly fgrd Mpl, "C" shape, 21 vintage frets, 7.25" Tone; Other: Mustang Dynamic vibrato; Models:
radius, tinted nitrocellulose lacquer finish; E-tronics: "Texas 027-7700 Mustang
Special" Tele pu's, cloth wrapped wire (in electronics), 3-pos
ssw (bridge pu/neck pu/neck pu w/capacitor); Other: vintage
tuners, sngl-ply blk bake-o-lite pckgrd, vintage bridge w/3 DUOSONIC
Brass barrel saddles, ncklpltd hdwr, Black plush Tolex case; VINTAGE
(USA) Vintage Precision Basses are excellent recreations of the
010-6802 Sparkle Telecaster, Mpl neck
famous P-Basses of the '50's and '60's. Body: Alder, nitrocel-
010-6800 Sparkle Telecaster, RW frtbrd
lulose lacquer finish; Neck: 20 vintage frets, 7.25" radius, soft
"D" shape, tinted nitrocellulose lacquer finish; E-tronics: 1 P-
(USA) [Custom Order Only] The Bajo Sexto Telecaster is a
Bass (split single-coil) pu, lacquer coated copper windings
unique "baritone" guitar. Body: Ash, tinted nitrocellulose lac-
(pu's), cloth wrapped wire (in electronics), Volume, Tone;
quer finish; Neck: Mpl, "C" shape, 30,2" baritone scale, 24 The Duosonic revisits Fender's original short-scale electric Other: vintageKluson (reverse direction) tuners, vintage bridge,
vintage frets, 7.25" radius, tinted nitrocellulose lacquer finish; guitarfrom the 50s. Body: Poplar; Neck: Mpl, 20 frets, 9.5" rad; nickelplated hdwr; Models:
E-tronics: "Texas Special" Tele pu's, cloth wrapped wire (in E-tronics: 2 sgl-coil pu's, 3-pos toggle, Vol, Tone; Other: ; 019-0115 '57 Precision Bass, mpl neck, sgl-layer Gold
electronics), 3-pos ssw (bridge pu/neck pu/neck pu w/capaci- Models: anodized Aluminum pckgrd, "skunk stripe" on
tor); Other: vintage tuners, sngl-ply blk bake-o-lite pckgrd, 013-3700 Duosonic back of neck, hdstck plug
vintage bridge w/3 Brass barrel saddles, ncklpltd hdwr, Black
019-0116 '62 Precision Bass, RWslabfrtbrd, 3-ply (W/B/
plush Tolex case; Models:
W) or4-ply (W/B/W/Tortoiseshell) pckgrd
010-4002 Bajo Sexto Telecaster DESIGNER/SIGNATURE
(USA) Custom shop version of the classic Telecaster for left D'AQUISTO Reissue Precision Basses offer quality recreations of P-Basses
handers. Body: Ash, Butterscotch Blond nitrocellulose lacquer
of those eras. Body: Basswood, classic shape, polyester finish;
finish; Neck: lightly fgrd Mpl, "soft V" shape, 21 vintage frets,
Neck: 21 std frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: P-Bass (split single coil)
7.25" radius, tinted nitrocellulose lacquer finish; E-tronics:
pu, Volume, Tone; Other: ncklpltd hdwr, vintage bridge; IVIod-
"Texas Special" Tele pu's, cloth wrapped wire (in electronics),
3-pos ssw (bridge pu/neck pu/neck pu w/capacitor); Other:
027-1302 '50's Precision Bass, mpl neck, sgl-layer wht
vintage tuners, sngl-ply blk bake-o-lite pckgrd, vintage bridge
pckgrd, "skunk stripe" on back of neck, hdstck
w/3 Brass barrel saddles, ncklpltd hdwr, Red plush Tweed
case; Models:
027-1300 '60's Precision Bass, RW slab frtbrd, tri-lam (W/
010-5222 '52 Telecaster (left-hndd) (USA) [Custom Order Only} The D'Aquisto model is painstak- B/W or W/B/W/Tortoiseshell) pckgrd
ingly Grafted to the exacting designs of master luthier James L.
D'Aquisto. Body: sgl cutaway arched top style, multibound
JAGUAR carved Spruce top, carved figured Mpl back, figured Mpl sides;
The '51 Precision Bass is a faithful rendition of one of the first
solidbody basses. Body: Ash, "Tele Bass" shape, polyester
Neck: bound Ebony frtbrd, Mother-of-Pearl frtmrkrs, 22 vin- finish; Neck: Mpl, 20 std frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: original P-
tagefrets, 25" radius, 24.75" scale; E-tronics: SC pu suspended
Bass SC pu, Vol, Tone; Other: ncklpltd hdwr, vintage 2-saddle
from pckgrd, Vol; Other: separate bridge and tailpiece, Ebony bridge; Models:
tailpiece and pckgrd, bound "F" holes; Models: 027-1902 '51 Precision Bass
010-2030 D'Aquisto Ultra, full 17" body, split blockfrtmrkrs
010-2020 D'Aquisto Elite, 1 61/4" body, solid block frtmrkrs STANDARD
BP The Standard Precision Bass is an updated versions of a classic
The Jaguar is a recreation of Fender's premier guitar from the P-Bass. Body: Poplar; Neck: RW slab frtbrd, 20 std frets, 7.25"
60s. Body: Basswood; Neck: RWfrtbrd, 22 frets, 7.25" rad; E- radius; E-tronics: P-Bass (split single-coil) pu, Volume, Tone;
tronics: 2 sgl-coil pu's, on-off slide sw for each pu, "Lead" Other: 3-ply (W/B/W) pckgrd, Chromeplated hdwr; Models:
circuit [Vol, Tone, Tone sw], "Rhythm" circuit [Vol, Tone], 013-6000 Standard Precision Bass
circuit ssw; Other: Floating bridge tremolo; Models:
027-7700 Jaguar
The Fender Squier Series Precision Bass is an affordable, fine
quality version of the Fender P-Bass. Body: classic P-Bass
JAZZMASTER (USA) [Custom Order Only} Designed under the direction of shape; Neck: RWfrtbrd, 20std frets, 9.5" rad; E-tronics: P-bass
modern blues and jazz great Robben Ford. Body: dbl cutaway pu, Vol, Tone; Other: chrome hrdwr; Models:
style, multibound Carved figured Mpl top, solid Mahogany 013-3400 Fender Squier Series Precision Bass
back and sides w/tone chambers; Neck: Mahogany w/bound
Ebony frtbrd, Mother-of-Pearl frtmrkrs, 22 jumbo frets, 12" U.S. PLUS DELUXE
radius; 24.75" scale; E-tronics: 2 HB pu's, 3-pos. ssw, coil tap (USA) Precision Bass Plus Deluxe models are designed today's
sw, 2 Vol, 2 TBX; Other: gold hrdwr, lock-strap system, discriminating players. Body: downsized P-Bass shape, Alder;
Schaller tuners w/Ebony buttons; Models: Neck: 22 Am Std frets, 9.5" rad, satin finish, Bi-Flextruss rod;
010-3030 Robben Ford Model Ultra, blockfrtmrkrs, Carved E-tronics:1 Silver P-BassFLS,1 Silver J-BassFLS.Vol, Treble
The Jazzmaster is a remake of the guitar that was at the heart Spruce top w/solid Alder backand sides available boosVcut, Bass boost/cut, Pan; Other: dlx fine tuning bridge,
of surf and other 60s instrumental music. Body: Basswood; on special order adjustable tension dlx tuning keys, tri-lam (W/B/W) pckgrd,
Neck: RWfrtbrd, 21 frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 2 sgl-coil pu's, 010-3020 Robben Ford Model Elite, thinline solid body Chromeplated hdwr; Models:
"Lead" circuit [Vol, Tone, 3-postoggle], "Rhythm" circuit [Vol, version of 010-3030 except dot inlays and chrm 019-7602 Precision Bass Plus Deluxe, mplneck
Tone], circuit ssw; Other: Floating bridge tremolo; Models: hrdwr 019-7600 Precision Bass Plus Deluxe, RW frtbrd
027-7800 Jazzmaster

Fender Frontline

The P-Bass Acoustic/Electric models are acoustic versions of

the first electric bass. Body: P-Bass shape w/"F" hole, Bass- U.S. VINTAGE Sleek looking basses with features forthe modern player. Body:
wood w/bound Solid Spruce top; Neck: RWfngrbrd, 12" rad; E-
(USA) Vintage Jazz Basses are excellent recreations of the Dbl cutaway shape; Neck: RWfrtbrd, 1 2" rad, 34" scale, 22 frets;
tronics: 1 Silver FLS (neck), 1 piezo acoustic system (bridge),
famous J-Basses of the '60's. Body: Alder, nitrocellulose E-tronics: 1 P-Bass style pu (split SC), 1 j-Bass style pu (SC),
Pan, Vol, Full-range Boost; Other: chrome hrdwr, no pckgrd, lacquer finish, original "offset waist" shape; Neck: 20 vintage Pan, Vol; Other: "Saturn knobs", Graphite nut; Models:
back-loading bridge; Models:
frets, RW frtbrd, 7.25" rad, nitrocellulose lacquer finish; E- 025-7100 Prophecy I, Basswood body, Chrmpltd hrdwr,
027-9600 P-Bass Acoustic/Electric, 20 frets TBX
tronics: 2 J-Basspu's (out of phase), lacquer coated copper pu
027-9608 P-BassAcoustic/Electric, Fretless,sameas027-
windings, cloth wrapped wire, concentric knobs (Vol/Tone); 025-7200 Prophecy II, Ash body, Active electronics, Gldpltd
9600, except fretless
Other: Kluson (reverse direction) tuners, vintage bridge, ncklpltd hrdwr, Bass boost/cut, Treble boost/cut
hrdwr, 3-ply (W/B/W or W/B/Tortoise shell) pckgrd; IVIodels: 025-7300 Prophecy III, Multi-lam hardwood body, "neck
019-0209 '62 Jazz Bass through" design, Multi-lam Mpl neck, Active ^3
electronics, Gldpltd hrdwr, Bass boosVcut, Treble u SS
REISSUE boosVcut 5 ^
U tma
The Reissue Jazz Bass offers a quality recreation of J-Basses
of the '60's. Body: Basswood; Neck: RWfrtbrd, medium, 20 es
The Precision Bass "Lyte" is a smaller, lighter, updated version small frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 2 vintage J-Bass pu's, 2 Vol, MB BASS
of a classic P-Bass. Body: Basswood, "downsized" modern Tone; Other: ncklpltd hdwr, vintage bridge; Models: Fender MB Basses bring hot, modern styling to the Fender
contour shape (very lightweight); Neck: 22 Am Std frets, 7.25" 027-1400 '60's Jazz Bass
bass.. Body: Basswood or Poplar, downspzed contemporary
radius, "slim" shape; E-tronics: 1 P-Bass (split coil) pu, 1 J-
Bass pu, Master Vol, Pan, active Bass boost/cut, active Treble The 75 Jazz Basses offer a quality recreation ofJ-Basses of the
shape; Neck: RWfrtbrd, 22jumbo frets, 9.5" radius: E-tronics:
1 P-Bass (split single-coil) pu, 1 J-Bass pu, Vol, TBX; Other:
.2 I.M
mid 70's. Body: Ash, classic shape; Neck: medium, 20 small •s (/j
boosVcut; Other: Graphite nut, special design bridge, Gotoh Gotoh tuners, no pckgrd; Models:
"mini" tuning keys, no pckgrd, Goldplated hdwr; Models: frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 2 vintage J-Bass pu's, 2 Vol, Tone; 025-4700 Fender MB 4 Bass
Other: ncklpltd hdwr, vintage bridge; Models: ca
027-9500 Precision Bass "Lyte" 025-4700 Fender MB 5 Bass, 5-string
027-3500 75 Jazz Bass, RW frtbrd
The P-Bass Special is a modernized version of a classic P-Bass. 027-3502 75 Jazz Bass, Mpl neck
Body: Poplar, downsized P-Bass shape; Neck:oval shape, RW SIGNATURE BASSES
frtbrd, 22 Am Std frets, 9.5" radius; E-tronics: 1 P-Bass (split
coil) pu, 1 J-Bass pu, Master Vol, Pan, active Bass boost/cut, (USA) The American Standard Jazz Bass is an upgrade of
active Treble boosVcut; Other: vintage bridge; Models: classic J-Basses. Body: Alder, modern "offset" contourshape;
013-5400 Precision Bass Special Neck: RW frtbrd, 22 Am Std frets, 9.5" radius, satin finish, Bi-
Flex truss rod; E-tronics: 2 J-Bass pu, 2 Vol, Tone; Other:
CUSTOM CLASSIC SERIES Chrome plated hdwr, 3-ply W/B/W pckgrd; Models:
(USA) [Custom Order Only] The Vintage Precision Custom 019-2300 American Standard Jazz Bass
Basses is a special Custom shop version of the Fender classic. Sleeklooking basses with features forthe modern player. Body:
Body: Swamp Ash, contoured slab shape, nitrocellulose lac-
STANDARD Alder, special down-sized shape; Neck: Pao Ferro frtbrd, 24
querfinish; Neck: 20 vintage frets, 7.25" radius, soft "U" shape, Standard Jazz Basses are updated versions ofJ-Basses. Body: frets, 9.5" rad, 32" scale; E-tronics: 2 custom vintage J-bass
tinted nitrocellulose lacquer finish; E-tronics: 1 P-Bass (split "offset" waist shape; Neck: RW slab frtbrd, 20 std frets, 7.25" pu's (neck, bridge), 1 custom vintage P-bass pu (mid), Pan,
single-coil) pu, lacquer coated copper windings (pu's), cloth rad, polyesterfinish; E-tronics: 2J-Bass pu, 2Vol, Tone; Other: Vol, active Treble, active Bass, 4-pos rotary sw,.3-pos mini sw;
wrapped wire (in electronics), 2 Vol, 2 Tone; Other: Tele bass tri-lam (W/B/W) pckgrd, Chromeplated hdwr; Models: Models:
peghead, vintage Kluson (reverse direction) tuners, vintage 013-6500 Standard Jazz Bass, Poplar body 025-6000 Stuart Hamm "Urge" Bass
bridge, nickelplated hdwr; Models: 027-6720 Standard Jazz Bass, same as 27-6500 except
019-5602 Vintage Precision Custom Bass left-hndd and Basswood body Sleeklookingbasseswithfeatu res forthe modern player. Body:
027-6508 Standard Jazz Bass, same as 27-6500 except Poplar, special down-sized shape; Neck: RW frtbrd, 24 frets,
(USA) [Custom Order Only] Custom shop version of the fretless and Basswood body 9.5" rad, 32" scale; E-tronics: 2 J-bass pu's (neck, bridge), Pan,
Vintage Precision Basses for left handers. Body: Alder, nitro- Vol, active Treble, active Bass; Models:
FENDER SQUIER SERIES 013-1400 Stuart Hamm "Urge" Standard Bass
cellulose lacquer finish; Neck: lightly fgrd Mpl, "C" shape, 20
The Fender Squier Series Jazz Bass is an affordable, fine quality
vintage frets, 7.25" radius, soft "U" shape, tinted nitrocellulose
version of the Fender J-Bass. Body: classic J-Bass shape;
lacquertinish; E-tronics: 1 P-Bass (splitsingle-coil) pu, lacquer
coated copper windings (pu's), cloth wrapped wire (in elec-
Neck: RW frtbrd, 20 std frets, 12" rad; E-tronics: 2 J-bass pu, PRODIGY
2 Vol, Tone; Other: chrome hrdwr; Models:
tronics), Volume, Tone; Other: vintage Kluson (reverse direc-
033-7500 Fender Squier Series Jazz Bass
tion) tuners, vintage bridge, nickelplated hdwr, Red plush Twee
case; Models:
019-5722 '57 Precision Bass (left-hndd)
(USA) Jazz Bass Plus models are designed to better address
SQUIER today's players. Body: Alder (Ash avail, for extra chrg), "mini"
J-Bass; Neck: 22 Std frets, 9.5" rad, satin finish, Bi-Flextruss
Economically-priced basses with some classic Fender fea-
rod; E-tronics: 2 Silver J-Bass FLS's, Master Volume, Pan,
tures. Body: classic P-Bass shape; Neck: 20 std frets, 10" rad; (USA) An affordable, modern bass. Body: Poplar; Neck: RW
rotary circuit selector, active Bass boosVcut, active Treble frtbrd, 20 frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 1 P-Bass (split coil) pu, 1
E-tronics: 1 P-bass pu, Vol, Tone; Other: chrome hrdwr;
boost/cut; Other: no pckgrd, Chromeplated hdwr; Models:
Models: J-Bass pu, Vol, Pan, Bass boost/cut, Treble boost/cut; Models:
019-8500 Jazz Bass Plus V, 5 strings, RW frtbrd, Gotoh
033-6202 Precision Bass 014-4200 Prodigy Active Bass
"mini" tuners (tuning keys)
019-8402 Jazz Bass Plus, mpl neck, Fender/Schallertuners
019-8400 Jazz Bass Plus, RWfrtbrd, Fender/Schallertuners JP-90 BASS
CUSTOM CLASSIC SERIES (USA) The JP-90 Bass is a new bass born from Fender's classic
designs. Body: Poplar, Offset shape; Neck: RW slab frtbrd, 20
(USA) [Custom Order Only] Custom shop version of classic J-
std frets, 7.25" rad, J-Bass style; E-tronics: 1 P-Bass (split
Basses for left handers. Body: classic shape; Neck: "C" shape,
single-coil) pu, 1 J-Bass pu, mini 3-pos. ssw, Vol, Tone; Other:
Mpl, RWMbrd, 20 vintage frets, 7.25" rad; E-tronics: 2 J-Bass
"mini" J-Bass clear satin finished headstock, Black non-bev-
pu's, lacquer coated copper pu windings, cloth wrapped wire,
eled pckgrd, vintage bridge, chrome hdwr; Models:
2 concentric (Vol/Tone) knobs; Other: vintage tuners, vintage
014-4100 JP-90Bass
bridge, ncklpltd hrdwr, red plush/Tweed case; Models:
019-0209 -62 Jazz Bass (left-hndd)

Fender Frontline 23
(USA) The '65 Twin Reverb is an authentic reproduction of the PRO TUBE
original Twin Reverb, considered by many players the ultimate
Combining popular vintage sound and styling with sensible
"clean" amp. Specs: 85w, 2-12" spkrs; Features: 2 chnls, all modern features, the Pro-Tube amplifiers offerfeatures like all-
tube circuitry, tube generated vibrato, spring reverb, tilt-back tube circuitry and spring reverb as well as multiple gain
legs, "Black Face" cosmetics, 2-button ftswtch; Models: switchinn and fiffficts Innn nn+inns.
21-7300 '65 Twin Reverb


Created as the ultimate "plug in and play" amplifiers, Custom
Shop models make getting a great tone as easy as flipping a
switch. Completely hand-built, they even feature point-to-point
hand wiring. They include all-tube circuitry, designed to reflect
(USA. . . . with
the best sounds of famous Fender vintage amps. Components
the same names. Features: chnl swtchng, Normal chnl [3-band
like Birch ply-wood, Blonde tolex covering, Oxblood grill cloth,
(USA) The '65 Deluxe Reverb is an authentic reproduction of EQ w/pull/cut], Drive chnl [dual selectable Gain, 3-band EQ],
Ivory radio knobs, and jeweled pilot lights complete the picture.
the original "black face" Deluxe Reverb. Specs: 22w, 12"spkr; Reverb, adjustable Eff loop w/Mix control, line output, ext. spkr
Tone-Master Features: 2 chnls (normal and vibrato), all tube circuitry, tube out, 3-button ftswtch; Models:
Vibro-King generated vibrato, tube reverb, "Black Face" cosmetics, 2- 021 -4802 Concert, 60w RMS, 1 -12"spkr
button ftswtch (reverb, vibrato); IVIodels: 021 -4806 Super, 60w RMS, 4-10" spkrs
21-7400 '65 Deluxe Reverb
(USA) The Twin is the top-of-the-line Pro Tube amp, with state-
TWEED SERIES of-the-art features and performance. Specs: 100w/25w, 2-12"
The Tweed series amps offer classic Fender looks and sound spkrs, selectable 4/8/16 ohm imp; Features: chnl swtchng, Ch
plus some handy modern features. They boast "retro" styling 1 [3-band EQ w/Treble boost and Mid cut], Ch 2 [Gain 3-band
such as genuine Tweed covering, rear-loaded chrome chassis EQ w/Treble boost and Mid boost and Bass boost, Presence/
and "chicken head" knobs. Notch filter], Reverb, adjustable Eff loop, line output, 2-button
6/ues DeVille ftswtch; Models:
021-6200 The Twin
(USA) The Vibro-King is a small but powerful combo amp.
B/ues Deluxe
Specs: 60w RMS, 3-10" "vintage blue" spkrs; Features: Tube PERFORMER
Reverb [controls: Dwell, Mix, Tone], "Fat" switch, Tremolo Powerful new "hybrid" amps designed for today's aggressive
[controls: Speed, Intensity], Effects loop, Vol, Treble, Bass, playing styles, the Performer models boast a complex, expres-
Mid, Ftswtch fortremolo; Models: sive distortion that rivals popular "hot-rodded" amps.
081-1000 Vibro-King
Performer 650
(USA) The Tone-Master is a potent amp with great tone and Combo
power to spare. Specs: 100w RMS; Features: Two chnls
("Vintage", "Drive") each with [Vol, Treble, Bass, Mid, "Fat"
switch], 2 Eff loops (1 perchnnl), chrmpltd slides for mounting Bronco
to enclosures, ftswtch; Models:
081-1000 Tone-Master

(USA) The Tone-Master enclosures feature Celestion spkrs,

(USA) The Bronco is a small amp with the classic Fender clean
Birch ply-wood closed back cabinets, Blonde tolex covering,
sound as well as some pretty screaming distortion. Specs:
Oxblood grill cloth; Models:
15w, 8" spkr; Features: dual selectable channels (normal, (USA) The Performer 650 model is a smaller version of the
081 -3000 Tone-Master 212 Enclosure, 2-12"spkrs
drive) w/separate volume controls, 3-band EQ, ext. spkrjack, 1000 models. Specs: 70w RMS, 12" spkr. Features: chnl
081 -3001 Tone-Master 412 Enclosure, 4-12" spkrs
headphone jack; Models: swtchng, Normal chnl [Treble, Mid, Bass], Drive chnl [Tube
022-3104 Bronco
VINTAGE preamp, Treble, Mid, Bass], Reverb, adjustable Eff loop, line
The Vintage series consists of exact replicas of popular Fender output, 2-button ftswtch; Models:
(USA) The Pro Junior is a small amp in the classic Fender 022-6800 Performer 650
amps from the past. Details on both the inside and outside have
tradition. Specs: 15w, 10" spkr; Features: all-tube circuitry,
been recreated with meticulous care.
'59 Bassman unique "clean" to "drive" volume control, tone; Models:
(USA) The Performer 1000 models offeran explosive distortion
021-3103 Pro Junior and plenty of headroom. Specs: 100w RMS. Features: chnl

'63 Vibroverb swtchng, Normal chnl [Treble, Mid, Bass], Drive chnl [Tube
(USA) The Blues Deluxe is a potent amp with a range of sounds preamp, dual selectable Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass], Reverb,
from clean to milky smooth overdrive. Specs: 40w, 12" spkr; adjustable Eff loop w/Mix control, line output, ext. spkr out, 3-
Features: all-tube preamp/power amp, dual selectable chan- button ftswtch; Models:
nels (normal, drive) w/separate gain and master controls, 3- 022-6800 Performer 1000,1 -12"spkr
band EQ, reverb, presence, bright sw, effects loop, ext. spkr 022-6801 Performer 1000 Head
jack, ftswtch for drive select; Models:
021-3102 Blues Deluxe CHAMP
The Champ models are an update of the "Champ" concept, with
(USA) T+ie Blues DeVille is a powerful amp with both vintage innovative new "hybrid" circuitry.
clean and smooth distortion tones. Specs: 60w, 4-10" spkrs;
(USA) The '59 Bassman is a reissue of the legendary Bassman Features: all-tube preamp/power amp, dual selectable chan-
amp of the late '50's. Specs: 45w, 4-10" spkrs w/Alnico mag- nels (normal, drive) w/separate gain and master controls, 3-
nets; Features: original all-tube circuitry w/controls that go to band EQ, reverb, presence, bright sw, effects loop, ext. spkr
"12", Tweed covering w/"0x Blood" grill cloth; Models: jack, 2-button ftswtch for drive select and reverb on/off;
021-7100 '59Bassman Models:
021-3101 Blues DeVille
25 SE
(USA) The '63 Vibroverb is a replica of the original 1 963 Fender
Vibroverb. Specs: 40w, 2-10"spkrs; Features: Alltube circuitry,
tube generated vibrate, spring reverb, tilt-back legs, Brown
Tolex covering, 2-button ftswtch; Models:
021-7200 '63Vibroverb (USA) Specs: 25w RMS, 12" spkr; Features: Normal chnl [Vol,
Treble, Mid, Bass, Mid shift switch], Drive chnl [Vol, Gain,

24 Fender Frontline
Treble, Bass, Contour], Master Vol, spring reverb, Eff Loop, all STANDARD SERIES CHORUS M-80 CHORUS
tube output section, Line Out, Standby switch; Models: True stereo chorus give the Standard Chorus amplifiers a rich, In addition to the super-saturated distortion that all M-80 amps
21 -6600 Champ 25 S/E, Headphone jack, 2-button ftswtch transparent sound that works well both in the clean and the deliver, true stereo chorus gives the M-80 Chorus amps a rich,
(chnl select, reverb on/off) overdrive mode. And the innovative solid-state circuitry pro- transparent tone that works well in clean and overdrive modes.
21-6601 Champ 25 vides the warm sound of tubes without the expense.
From the sparkling signature Fender clean sound to screaming
overdrive, Standard Series amplifiers provide a range of tones
that covers every base. And via some innovative solid-state
circuitry, they give you the classic warm sounds of tubes
without the expense.

Princeton 022-5905 M-80 Chorus, 2 x 65w RMS, 2-12" Eminence
112 spkrs, stereo chorus [rate, depth], 2-button
022-5907 M-80 Chorus Head, 2 x 65w RMS. stereo and
(USA) The Princeton Chorus is a compact, highly efficient mono effects loops, stereo chorus [rate, depth],
chorus amp with rich tones and smooth distortion. Specs: 2 x 2-button ftswtch
25w RMS, 2-10" spkr; Features: chnl swtchng, Ch 2 [Gain, Mid pu's, chrome hardware
boost, Limiter, Presence], 3-band EQ, Master Vol, stereo 033-6102 Standard Stratocaster, 3 SC pu's
chorus, Reverb, mono/stereo Eff loop, 2-button ftswtch; IVIod-
022-5700 Princeton Stereo Chorus
The Squier 15 is a small, portable amp with professional
features. Specs: 15w RMS, 8" spkr, closed back cabinet;
(USA) The Ultra Chorus is our most sophisticated chorus amp,
Features: 3-band EQ, Vol, Gain, Master, headphone jack; IVIod-
designed for lush chorus tones. Specs: 2 x 65w RMS, 2-12"
spkr; Features: chnl swtchng, Ch 1 [Vol, 3-band EQ, Reverb],
023-0500 Squier15
Ch 2 [Vol, Gain, 3-band EQ w/Mid boost, Presence, Reverb],
Chorus rate and depth, mono and stereo Eff loops, 2-button

Bullet (left) ftswtch [Chorus, Ghnl select]; Models: BASS AMPS

022-5800 Ultra Chorus
Bullet Reverb
Fender bass amplifiers provide the modern bass player with a
(right) M-80 clean powerful sound.
Modern in both looks and sound, the M-80 series amplifiers
deliver the super-saturated distortion that many of today's
The Fender Bullets are affordable amps with great sound.
playing styles require.
Specs: 15w, 8" spkr; Features: tube emulation power amp, dual
selectable chnnls (normal, drive), 3-band EQ, Vol, Gain, Drive, R.A.D.

headphone jack, ext. spkr jack; Models:

022-6705 Bullet
022-6706 Bullet Reverb, internal spring reverb

(USA) The Champion 110 is an affordable amp with a big sound

and expansion capability. Specs: 25w RMS, 10" spkr; Features:
dual selectable chnls, Reverb, ext spkr jack, headphone jack;
(USA) The R.A.D. Bass Amp is a bass version of the contempo-
022-6703 Champion 110 rary R.A.D. Guitar Amp. Specs: 25w RMS, 10" spkr; Features:
3-band EQ, Hi/Lo inputs, Tape inputs, Eff loop, Headphone jack,
(USA) The Princeton 112 is a mid-sized amp with a great carpet covering; Models:
sound. Specs: 35w RMS, 12" spkr; Features: dual selectable (USA) The R.A.D., H.O.T. and JAM. represent the ultimate in 022-4300 R.A.D. Bass
chnlsw/independenttone controls, Reverb, Effects loop, head- playerconvenience. Features: 4 preprogrammed sounds [bright
phone jack; Models: (super clean), full (warm clean), crunch (medium overdrive),
022-6704 Princeton 112 lead (super overdrive)], Eft loop, headphone jack, carpet
covering; Models:
(USA) The Deluxe 112 is a mid sized amp designed to produce 022-6000 R.A.D, 20w, 8" spkr
a variety of great sounds. Specs: 65wRMS, 12"spkr; Features: 022-6100 H.O.T, 25w, 1 0"spkr, Reverb
dual selectable chnls w/independent tone controls, Reverb, 022-6100 J.A.M, 25w, 1 2" spkr, Reverb, Chorus BXR 100
Effects loop, headphone jack, 2-button ftswtch; Models:
022-6702 Deluxe 112

(USA) The Stage 11 2 SE's "tube emulation" power amp offers

very warm tones. Specs: 160w RMS, 12" spkr; Features: chnl
swtchng, Ch 1 [3-band EQ w/Mid Shift, Vol], Ch 2 [3-band EQ, Specs: 10Ow RMS, 1 5" spkr; Features: 7-band EQ, high and low
Gain, Vol, Contour], Reverb, Eff loop, Line Out, 2-button shelving, high and low boost, mid cut, limiter, Headphone jack,
ftswtch; Models: Eff loop; Models:
022-6700 Stage 112 SE 022-4401 BXR100

(USA) The Pro 185 is a powerful, versatile amplifier with the (USA) The M-80 Bass Series are bass versions of the contem-
"warm" sound of tubes and the reliability of solid state design. (USA) The M-80 Series are contemporary amps with a killer porary M-80 Guitar Amps. Specs: 160w RMS into 4 ohms;
Specs: 160w RMS/185W CIP, 2-12" spkrs, 4 or 8 ohm imp; distortion and a sweet clean sound. Features: chnl swtchng, Ch Features: 3-band EQ, mono chorus, Eff loop, carpet covering;
Features: chnl swtchng, Gh 1 [3-band EQw/Mid cut], Ch 2 [3- 1 [3-band EQ, Vol], Ch 2 [Gain, Contour, Presence, Vol], Models:
band EQ w/Mid boost, switchable Gain, switchable Gain boost, Reverb, Eff loop, headphone jack, carpet covering (also avail- 022-4200 M-80 Bass, combo, 1 5"spkr
Prescence, Contourw/Tilt button], Reverb, adjustable Eff loop, able w/Tolex covering); IVIodels: 022-4207 IVI-80 Bass Head
3-button ftswtch; Models: 022-5900 M-80, combo, 90w RMS, 12" spkr, 1-button
022-5600 Pro 185 ftswteh
022-5907 M-80 Head, 90w RMS, 2 spkr jacks, 1-button
Fender Frontline 25
(USA) Closed back cabinets, designed for use with Performer HM
series amps. Covered in black tolex. 8 ohms, Models: (USA) Perfect for the modern player, the HM Bass speaker
021-1660 GE-112,1-12"spkrs
enclosures are capable of handling lots of powerwhile produc-
021-1662 GE-412, 4-12" spkrs, straight front w/"hidden"
ing clean sound.
slant baffle

BXR 300H Head

Specs: 300w RMS; Features: 3-band EQ w/sweepable mid,
high fqncy boosVcut, lowfqncy boost/cut, high fqncy enhance,
lowfqncy enhance, Vol, switchable Delta Comp™compressor,
Eff loop, fan cooling; Models:
022-4100 BXR 300C, 1 5" Eminence spkr, ext spkr jack
022-4107 BXR300R Head, 2 rack spc, 2 spkr jacks

Specs: 2 x 200w RMS; Features: 11-band graphic EQ, high

fqncy boost, low fqncy boost, Vol, Delta Comp™ compressor,
(USA) The HIVI enclosures are wired for stereo or mono
bi-amp capability, x-over fqncy controls, adjustable Eff loop,
operation. Covered in black carpet. 16 ohms stereo, 8 ohms Specs: 400w RMS capacity, 2-1 5" Eminence spkrs, 4 ohm imp;
high and balanced low outputs; Models:
mono. Models: Features: black carpet covering w/reinforced corners, handles,
022-4000 BXR Dual Bass 400 Head, Rack Mount
021-1609 HIV11-12,12" Eminence spkr, mono only casters; Models:
021-1618 HM 4-12A Slant Front, 4-12" Eminence spkrs, 021-1647 HIVI 2-15B Bass Enclosure
closed back cabinet
Fender Squier Series amplifiers are designed to provide the
021 -1619 HIVI 4-12B Straight Front, same as 21 -1618 except Specs: 300w RMS capacity, 4-1 0" Eminence spkrs, 8 ohm imp;
sound and features of Fender amplifiers very affordably.
straight front Features: black carpet covering w/reinforced comers, handles,
casters; IVIodels:
Specs: 60w RMS, 15" spkr; Features: 3-band EQ, Limiter,
021-1650 HM 4-10B Bass Enclosure
Preamp Gain, Eff loop, Headphone jack; Models:
023-2400 Fender Bassman 60

(USA) BXR (Bass Extended Range) components are made to (USA) Fender Amplifier Cabinets are made out of sturdy ply-
The Squier SK 15B is a small, portable bass amp with profes- work together in any combination as an integrated system.
wood covered with vinyl that protects your amp from wear and
sional features. Specs: 15w RMS, 8" spkr, closed back cabinet; They offer the cleanest, fullest bass reproduction in their price
tear. Models:
Features: 3-band EQ, Vol, limiter; IVIodels: ranges.
024-2700 Squier SK 15B 002-7900 Cabinet, BXR Dual Bass 400 Top, Black

The Sidekick Keyboard amplifier provides keyboard players
with extremely clean sound, as well as provisions for multiple
instrument inputs. Specs: 30w RMS, 10" spkr; Features: 2
separate channels w/individual Vol, 3-band EQ, Eff loop, Head-
phone jack; Models:
023-2100 Sidekick Keyboard


'^jyi'^ywwffbTs^ii^, 10 atitiz-iu yiJ^y, 4 bhtti iftiiu,
400 Hzx-overfqncy; Features: passive x-over network, mono All California Series acoustic guitars feature the Fender head-
STANDARD or bi-amp capability, Tolex covering w/reinforced corners, stockthat sets them apart from other acoustics. They also have
Created for a variety of applications, the Standard speaker handles; Models: a slim, "vintage electric-like" neck which renders them ex-
enclosures are rugged units which sound great and hold up 021-1602 BXR Spectrum tremely easy and comfortable to play.
under even the most rigorous conditions
Delivers the "10" sound initiated bythe original 1950's Bassman
amps. Specs: 300w RMS capacity, 4-10" spkrs, 8 ohm imp;
Features: Tolex covering w/reinforced corners, handles; IVIod-
021-1601 BXR410

Specs: 250w RMS capacity, 15" spkr, 8 ohm imp; Features: Body: Folk style, Spruce top, Nato back and sides; Neck:
Tolex covering w/reinforced corners, handles; Models: Mahogany, Bubingafrtbrd; Models:
021-1600 BXR115 094-5801 Avalon

Specs: 400w RMS capacity, 2-15" spkrs, 4 ohm imp; Features:

Tolex covering w/reinforced corners, handles; Models:
021-1638 BXR215
021-1639 BXR 215 W/EV15L speakers
(USA) These enclosures are wired for stereo or mono opera-
tion, and offer excellent sound dispersion and coverage. Cov-
ered in Tolex. 16 ohms stereo, 8 ohms mono. Models: Body: Dreadnought style, Mahogany back and sides (except
021-1620 Slant 4-12S, 4-12" Eminence spkrs, closed back AG-20); Neck: Mahogany; Models:
cabinet, casters 094-3910 AG-10, satin finish, Spruce top, RWfrtbrd
021-1621 Straight 4-12S, 4-12" Eminence spkrs, closed 094-3915 AG-15, natural glossfinish,Sprucetop,RWfrtbrd
back cabinet, casters 094-3920 AG-20, natural gloss finish, Spruce top, RW back
and sides, RWfrtbrd
094-4600 Concord, Spruce top, Bubinga frtbrd
094-5001 Newporter, Mahogany top, RW frtbrd

Fender Frontline
094-5101 Redondo, Spruce top, RW frtbrd
094-5201 Catalina, Black, Spruce top, RWfrtbrd

Body: Dreadnought style w/"soft" cutaway (rounded horn),

Spruce top, Mahogany back and sides; Neck: Mahogany, RW
frtbrd; Models:
094-5105 SanMiguel
094-5106 San Miguel, left-handed

Body: Jumbo shape, solid Spruce top; Neck: African Ma-

Body: Dreadnought style, solid Spruce top, Mahogany back/ hogany, Indian RWfngrbrd, Mother of Pearl block frtmrkrs; The SX 1105sxe acoustic/electric features the same high
sides; Neck: Mahogany, RW frtbrd; Other: Chrmpltd tuners; Other: Indian RW headstockand bridge, Gold diecast tuners; quality construction as the SX series acoustics. Body: solid
Models: Models: Spruce top, laminated Indian RW back & sides; Neck: African
094-5110 SanlVIarino 095-1500 1500sx, laminated Indian RW back and sides Mahogany, Mother of Pearl frtmrkrs; E-tronics: mono 2-way
095-1505 1505sx, Sunbursttoptinish, laminated Sycamore piezo pickup system, Mix, Vol, Tone, Bass; Other: Indian RW
Body: Dreadnought style, Dark Violin Sunburst, Sycamore top back and sides headstock, Gold diecast tuners; Models:
and back and sides; Neck: Mahogany, RW frtbrd; Other: die-
095-1105 HOOsxe, Dreadnought shape, Ebonyfngrbrd &
cast tuners; Models: bridge, dot frtmrkrs
094-5301 Malibu 095-1600 1600sxe, Jumbo shape, Indian RW fngrbrd &
bridge, block frtmrkrs
Body: Dreadnought style, solid Spruce top, RW back and sides;
Neck: Mahogany, RW frtbrd; Other: Chrome die-cast tuners,
special "snowflake" frtmrkrs; Models: TELECOUSTIC SERIES
094-5410 SanLuisRey

All California Series acoustic/electric guitars feature the Fender
headstockthatsets them apartfromotheracoustics.They also
The Telecoustic models offer the optimum combination of
Body: Dreadnought style, Mahogany back and sides; Neck: have a slim, "vintage electric-like" neck which renders them
electric and acoustic guitar features. Body: Telecaster style w/
Mahogany; Models: extremely easy and comfortable to play.
"soft" cutaway (rounded horn), bound; Neck: "set neck" de-
094-4400 Santa Maria, 12-string, Spruce top, RW frtbrd
sign, 12" rad, 22 frets, 25.5" scale; E-tronics: Piezo bridge pu;
SX SERIES 095-7000 Telecoustic Standard, 2-pc Spruce top, Am
The SX series acoustic guitars are high quality instruments
constructed from the some of the finest woods available.
Basswood back, Mpl neck, cream tuners, RW
frtbrd, slide controls [Vol, Bass, Treble], RW
095-8000 Telecoustic Deluxe, 2-pc Spruce top, Mahogany
Body: Dreadnought style w/"soft" cutaway (rounded horn), backand neck, pearl buttontuners, RWfretboard,
Mahogany back and sides; Neck: Mahogany, RW frtbrd; E- slide controls [Vol, Bass, Treble], RWtop/Ebony
tronics: Vol, Tone; Models: back bridge
094-3925 AG-25, satin finish Spruce top
095-9000 Telecoustic Custom, solid Spruce top, Honduras
094-4706 La Brea, Black, Spruce top Mahogany back/sides neck, no face dots, Fender/

Body: Dreadnought shape, Spruce top; Neck: African Ma-

094-4721 La Brea, Natural, Spruce top
094-4732 La Brea, Sunburst, Spruce top
Schallertunersw/Pearl buttons, active electronics
[Vol, Bass boost/cut, Treble boost/cut], Pao Ferro/ sg
hogany, Mother of Pearl dotfrtmrkrs; Other: Indian RW head- Ebony laminated bridge
stock; Models: Body: Dreadnought style w/"soft" cutaway (rounded horn),
095-0600 600sx, laminated Honduras Mahogany back and flame Maple backand sides; Neck: Maple, RWfrtbrd; E-tronics:
sides, Indian RW fngrbrd and bridge, Chrome Vol, Tone; RW bridge; Models:

diecast tuners 094-4742 La Brea, Flame Maple top
095-0800 800sx, laminated Honduras Mahogany back and
sides, Indian RW fngrbrd and bridge, Chrome i3
diecast tuners 15
Body: Dreadnought shape, solid Spruce top; Neck: African
Mahogany, Mother of Pearl dot frtmrkrs; Other: Indian RW
headstock; Models:
095-1000 10OOsx, laminated Honduras Mahogany backand The 2100cx is an acoustic/electric nylon string guitar with a
sides, Indian RW fngrbrd and bridge, Chrome great feel and sound, both acoustically and electrically. Body:
Body: Cutaway Dreadnought style w/special convex back de-
cutaway, solid Cedartop, Ovangkol backand sides; Neck: Nato,
diecast tuners sign and oval sound hole, Mahogany back and sides; Neck:
095-1100 HOOsx, laminated Indian RW back and sides, Mahogany, RW frtbrd; E-tronics: Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble; RW fingrbrd; E-tronics: Vol, Tone; Models:
Ebonyfngrbrd and bridge, Gold diecast tuners Other: die-cast tuners w/Pearl buttons; IVlodels: 095-2100 2100cx
094-5706 Montara, Black, Spruce top
Body: Dreadnought shape, solid Spruce top; Neck: African 094-5721 Montara, Natural, Spruce top
Mahogany, Mother of Pearl frtmrkrs; Other: Indian RW head- 094-5732 Montara, Sunburst, Spruce top
stock; Models:
095-1200 1200sx, laminated Honduras Mahogany back & Body: Cutaway Dreadnought style w/special convex back de-
sides, Indian RWfngrbrd & bridge, dotfrtmrkrs, sign and oval sound hole, flame Maple back and sides; Neck:
Chrome diecast tuners Maple, RWfrtbrd; E-tronics: Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble; Other:
095-1300 1300sx, laminated Indian RW back and sides, die-cast tuners w/Pearl buttons, RW bridge; Models:
Ebony fngrbrd and bridge, "snowflake" frtmrkrs, 094-5742 Montara, Flame Maple top
Gold diecast tuners

Fender Frontline 27
Ball End Gauged Bullet End Gauged Gauged Singles
Singles (250's) Singles (3250's) 072-1765 (030) 072-1753 (075)
072-1710 (018W) 077-2410 (018W) 072-1751 (040) 072-1763 (080)
072-1712 (020W) 077-2412 (020W) 072-1761 (045) 072-1773 (085)
072-1714 (022) 077-2414 (022) 072-1771 (050) 072-1754 (095)
072-1716 (024) 077-2416 (024) 072-1752 (060) 072-1764 (100)
072-1718 (026) 077-2418 (026) 072-1762 (065) 072-1774 (105)
072-1720 (028) 077-2420 (028) 072-1772 (070) 072-1766 (128)
072-1722 (030) 077-2422 (030)
072-1726 (034) 077-2426 (034) Stainless Steel Flatwound strings have flat winding for less
PURE NICKEL WOUND 072-1728 (036) 077-2428 (036) finger noise, smooth feel. Sets:
150's are thetraditional electric guitar string, with a pure Nickel 072-1730 (038) 077-2430 (038) Sets
cover wrap—lightly rolled to reduce finger noise. Available in 072-1732 (040) 077-2432 (040) 073-1500 80, 050/064/080/095
standard ball or Fender's exclusive Bullet end. Sets, singles: 072-1734 (042) 077-2434 (042) 073-4100 850, 055/071/088/104
Ball End Sets 072-1736 (044) 077-2436 (044) 073-4400 950, 053/061/075/094
073-6500 150SL, 008/011/014/022/030/038 072-1738 (046) 077-2438 (046) 073-1660 980L, 045/060/075/090
073-7100 150LH, 009/011/016/026/036/046 072-1740 (048) 077-2440 (048) 073-1670 980IVI, 050/065/080/095
073-6300 150XL, 009/011/015/024/032/040 072-1742 (050) 077-2442 (050)
073-6400 150SXL, 009/011/016/024/032/042 072-1744 (052) 077-2444 (052)
Gauged Singles
073-2300 150, 010/013/015/026/032/038 072-1746 (054) 077-2446 (054)
072-1661 (045) 072-0653 (071)
073-2400 150PRO. 010/013/017/026/036/046
STAINLESS STEEL ROUNDWOUND 072-0622 (050) 072-0643 (075)
073-5600 1550, 011/015/022/032/040/048
Brilliant tone, longer string life. Stainless steel wrap stands up
072-0641 (053) 072-0624 (080)
to vigorous playing; resists humidity, perspiration, skin oils,
072-0652 (055) 072-0654 (088)
Bullet End Sets
acids without losing punch or superior magnetic qualities. Sets:
072-1662 (060) 072-1664 (090)
077-9322 3150SL, 008/011/014/022/030/038 072-0642 (061) 072-0644 (094)
Ball End Sets
077-9122 3150LH, 009/011/016/026/036/046 072-0623 (064) 072-0625 (095)
077-9222 3150XL, 073-0210 350XL, 008/011/014/022/030/038
009/011/015/024/032/040 072-1672 (065) 072-0655 (104)
077-9422 3150SXL, 009/011/016/024/032/042 073-0220 350L, 009/011/016/024/032/042
077-9022 3150R, 010/013/015/026/032/038 073-0230 350R, 010/013/017/026/036/046 STAINLESS STEEL ROUNDWOUND
077-9722 3150 PRO, 010/013/017/026/036/046 Stainless Steel Roundwound strings provide great punch and
high output. Sets, singles:
The choice of many jazz greats and studio musicians. Flat
Ball End Gauged Bullet End Gauged Sets
winding reduces finger noise, gives a silky smooth feel. Sets:
Singles (150's) Singles (3150's) 073-2620 970L, 045/065/080/095
Ball End Sets
072-0310 (018) 073-2630 9701VI, 050/070/085/100
073-3300 505, 012/016/024/032/042/052
072-0312 (020) 073-5000 1000, 045/065/080/105
072-0314 (022) 077-2214 (022) 073-0900 50, 013/017/026/034/044/054
Gauged Singles
072-0316 (024) 077-2216 (024) 072-2621 (045) 072-2633 (085)
072-0318 (026) 077-2218 (026) 072-2631 (050) 072-2624 (095)
Unwound 1st, 2nd and 3rd strings for acoustic and electric
072-0320 (028) 072-2622 (065) 072-2634 (100)
guitars. Available in either the standard ball end or Fender's
072-0322 (030) 077-2222 (030) 072-2632 (070) 072-5105 (105)
exclusive Bullet end. Singles:
072-0324 (032) 077-2224 (032) 072-2623 (080)
072-0326 (034) 077-2226 (034) Ball End Gauged Bullet End Gauged
072-0328 (036) 077-2228 (036) Singles Singles
072-0330 (038) 077-2230 (038) 072-0200 (008) 077-1100 (008) Pure Nickel Roundwound strings offer excellent tone and long
072-0332 (040) 077-2232 (040) 072-0201 (009) 077-1101 (009) sustain. Sets:
072-0334 (042) 077-2234 (042) 072-0202 (010) 077-1102 (010) 073-1700 90, 050/066/083/101
072-0336 (044) 077-2236 (044) 072-0203 (011) 077-1103 (011) 073-1620 990L, 045/060/075/090
072-0338 (046) 077-2238 (046) 072-0204 (012) 077-1104 (012) 073-1630 9901VI, 050/065/080/095
072-0340 (048) 077-2240 (048) 072-0205 (013) 077-1105 (013)
072-0342 (050) 072-0206 (014) 077-1106 (014) NYLON TAPE WOUND
072-0344 (052) 072-0207 (015) 077-1107 (015) Unique pure Nickel roundwound string with nylon tape cover
072-0346 (054) 072-0208 (016) 077-1108 (016) for warmer tone, more sustain. Sets:
072-0348 (056) 072-0209 (017) 077-1109 (017) 073-6000 2200, 058/072/092/115
072-0210 (018P) 077-1110 (018P)
DYNAMAXX® A Black roundwound string designed specifically for Fender's
Acoustic/Electric bass. Sets:
Dynamaxx® strings make any guitar come alive! The nickel
ELECTRIC BASS STRINGS 073-6100 Acoustic/Electric, 070/080/090/100
plating is carefully applied to the steel cover wrap allowing
greater volume and superior high-end response. Sets, singles:
Ball End Sets
073-1010 250XL, 008/011/014/022/030/038
Nickelplated Steel Roundwound bass strings increase maxi-
073-1020 250L, 009/011/016/024/032/042
mum volume and give effortless, even response for all playing 80/20 BRONZE WOUND
073-1025 250LR, 009/011/016/026/036/046
styles. Sets, singles: Special hexagonal steel core for brighter, more consistent,
073-1030 250R, 010/013/017/026/036/046
Sets longer lasting, lush overtones. Sets, singles:
073-1035 250RH, 010/013/017/032/042/052
073-1040 250M, 011/014/018P/028/038/048 073-1750 1200XL, 040/060/075/095 Ball End Sets
073-1760 1200L, 045/065/080/100 073-1300 70XL, 010/014/024/030/040/048
073-1770 1200IVI, 050/070/085/105 073-1100 70L, 012/016/026/032/042/052
Bullet End Sets
073-3900 70R, 013/017/026/036/046/056
077-9725 3250XL, 008/011/014/022/030/038
077-9724 3250L, 009/011/016/024/032/042 Sets, 5-string
077-9723 3250R, 010/013/017/026/036/046 Available with "high C" string (H), or "low B" string (L). Bullet End Sets
077-9721 3250M, 011/014/018P/028/038/048 073-1767 1205H, 030/045/065/080/100 077-9623 3170XL, 010/013/022/032/040/048
073-1765 1205L, 045/065/080/100/128 077-9523 3170L, 011/014/022/034/044/054
077-9423 3170R, 013/017/026/036/046/056
For "Floyd Rose" Tremolo Sets
073-2010 4250XL, 008/011/014/022/030/038 Sets, 6-string
073-2020 4250L, 009/011/016/024/032/042 Includes both "high C" and "low B" strings. Ball End Sets, 12 String
073-2030 4250R, 010/013/017/026/036/046 073-1766 1206, 030/045/065/080/100/128 073-5100 1400, 010/014/024/028/038/048
28 Fender Frontline
3SS Shape
^E S£m
072-2522 Qctual
072-2524 3S8 Shape s/zes

072-2526 077.2324 £;29's^,n
077-2326 she", Medium

098-1731 351 Shaoe..*

077-2328 sheff, Heavy' 198-^4'ap^ophosphorescent C'G

098-1929 098-3006 GU,Ln" •50^~"\T{^

as j§5
.v?'te, Thin
098-1930 0%-S 6&Lo° ^' ^
^fte, Medium
white, Heavy
?-S GUO° ;'^ Sl
1-14m(rl Ky,

072-2542 ^OLORP/CT Dfuwr

072-2546 077-2344
W2-s s 077-2346
077-s g 35<'Sh'apuec's: ~^w' '^afso ^
098-H9Q "^.
pink, Thm
098-1-130 098.6104 ' ^
098.H31 pi^, Medium
098-6^05 o'raunn. •50^
p'nk, Heavy Ohin)
098-12% »°s 3e .'s

A'yfon^ar8NytoNCLASS<CA7 Yellow, Thin ^in/Medfi.
098-1230 098-6107
Green Wediu^
098-1231 Ye^w, Medium •88mm )'^wlu^
Ye"ow, Heavy'
w;°w s, 1US ^iu^
Red, Thin 346Shape
^z) &}'
098-7330 (Extra Heavy)
^,032/040/029/035/043 Red. Medium 098-6204 ' Red

Red, Heavy •50mm

098-1429 (Thin)
098-1430 TTransparentB^,Th,n ^'n/Mediumj
°28/032/040/029/o35/o43 •73mm
098-U31 Wedium)
098-6208 eZ" •88mm
Ba» End Sets. Wediu
073-80QO" ^s'clear^ 098-1529 °98:5^ ^ ^ 00mm
098-7530 ^BIue,Thin 1-Umm
347 Shape
028/032/040/029/035/043 098-1531 £Te;Me^ 098-6304 ' Red
^ra Heavy)


ftCABp SER/ES (Th'"/'Medfu^

^ 1—.— ss1^
°?!:6^ P^e ^ 00mm
3S1 Shape (Extra Heavy)

098-1017-009 weml Medium •50mm
Totem, Heavy'
09S-W7-013 mn/Mediu

CELLUl.O? °98-W17-014 ^d'Gras, Medium

MwiGras,Hea^ yedium/He,
351shaPe 1- OOrnm
098-^7-001' (Heavy)
355 shape 1-f4mm
°98-1017-002 ^GLO,Th;n (E)(tra Heavy)

_346 Shape "" ^^^J^o very SOOGLO:^ 098-6504
Ta«"oGLO;HeauvyuI •50mm
oS'^".? °98-1017-Q04
ST? as^
°98-W 7-005 M^Metal,Thin (ml/A/!edfufrt)
w"S' 2^ 098-1017-006 Myth^l;^ium 098-6508 eZe"

ii 5?"'
^ Metal; Suvyum Wedium/He
Ju"9'e, Heavy
^W P°^ 1- 00mm

3S8 Shape 1-14mm
098-1017.017 (^xtra Heavy)
°98-1017.018 S'Gras-Med'"m Red
A/'Wras;Hea"vy" •50mm
3S5 Shape Orange (Thin)
s,:h?se^ °98-1017-01Q
Totem, Medium W8?w s°:
°98-1017-Q^ (Mecfium)
s? '^.?" Totem, Heavy 098-6608 eT .•88mm
0^'OU37 ^S-,^^
°98-1017-016 Mard'Gras, Medium' s6609 ^ f-OQmm
390 Shape 1-14mm
°^2 Se5Heavy" M3rd'G^:Heavuy (Extra Heavy)
3S8 Shape 098-6704 ' ^

?-^ .c:."""i&"aHe^ 098-1017-007 •50mm
sheM, Thin
^etaf, Extra^vy (Thin)
Kl,° ?,s"" •60mm
w;?' 5^ OEtRWTM 098-6708 Sr

o^T ^!:^Heavy °98-6^ P^e ''.00mm
098~-1°^ white'T^ 1-l4mm
oS° S^m
098-1°8^ w!]fte-^"
(Extra Heavy)
^'S^:hl?E;;^ ^apSEONPIC~_'u''e.n.., ~"~"u'pl MOIDED

SS 2^
098-1005 •50mm
Orange (Thin)
098-1006 •60mm
osS £te-Med'^ Yellow ?n/Mediu
098.1007 •73mm
Lime Medium)
°^2 ^Se-Heavy" 098-1QQ8 •88mm '
whi^ Extra Heavy 098-1009
1- 00mm we^WHeavy) 0^4005 ^ ^mm ^)
(Heavy) £°06 Red :75^m f^Med,^
(E^ra Heavy) nT4007 ^d 'JJmf" ^'"'mT'
098-4008 R;; -88mm ^J,,;
Corners include mounting screws. Amp model for amp and
PICKPACKS speaker cabinets with 3/4" cabinet walls. Universal model for
A handy re-sealable pack of 12 celluloid pics featuring a new closed cabinet backs and other 3-screw applications. Models:
Fender logo. Models: 099-1348 Amp Corners, Set of 4 w/Hardware

351 Shape 099-1350 Univ. Corners, Set of 4 w/Hardware

098-1029-049 Confetti, Thin

Glides include rubber inserts and screws. Models:
098-1030-049 Confetti, Medium
098-1031-049 099-3900 Sphinx Glides, Set of 4
Confetti, Heavy
098-1032-049 Confetti, Extra Heavy
Casters make moving heavy amps easy. Models: ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS
098-1629-049 Shell, Thin 099-4000 Casters, Set of 4 w/Hardware Attractive and functional mini products that feature "big"
098-1630-049 Shell, Medium
performance quality. Models:
098-1631-049 Shell, Heavy Amp Legs are replacement "tilt back" legs for vintage and 023-9999 Mini Amp, MA-10, Available in Black
098-1632-049 Shell, Extra Heavy vintage reissue amplifiers. Models: 023-9980 '59 Bassman IVlini Amp, MA-59, small version of
098-1829-049 White, Thin 099-0712 Amp Legs, 1 6", w/Hardware original, in Vintage Yellow
098-1830-049 White, Medium 023-9992 Mini Practicer, Black, includes headphones and
098-1831-049 White, Heavy GUITAR AMP COVERS microphone
098-1832-049 White, Extra Heavy Fender amplifier covers are made of treated Nylon that protects 023-9993 Mycro Headphone Amplifier, Black, w/3 settings,
amps from wear and tear. Black except where noted. Models: includes headphones
002-9880 Cover, Champ 12 023-9998 Bass IVIycro Headphone Amplifier, Black, w/3
ii§SS§88SX8illlllll 002-9881 Cover, Deluxe 11 2, Performer 650, Deluxe 85 tone settings, includes headphones
002-9883 Cover, Princeton 11 2, Eighty-Five
002-9885 Cover,'65Twin,UltraChorus,TheTwin,Pro185, Stereo Paks are self-contained units with special "jam to-
Power Chorus gether" stereo jacks for connection to other Stereo Paks.
002-9886 Cover, Dual Showman Top Features: 4 preset sounds, stereo chorus, echo, flanger, spkr
002-9887 Cover, all 4-12 Enclosures simulator, Eff loop, Aux in/out jack; Models:
002-9888 Cover, Performer 1000, Stage 112SE, Stage 185, 023-9000 Guitar Stereo Pak
Princeton Chorus 023-9005 Bass Stereo Pak
002-9891 Cover, Super 60 (1 -12" version)
003-7961 Cover, Super 112/210 The MS-8 MIDI Switeher can be programmed to turn effects
003-7962 Cover, M-80 Combo on/off, control amp footswitch functions, and more. Features:
003-7963 Cover, M-80 Head 8 programmable switches, 128 user programs, MIDI in/ouV
003-7964 Cover, M-80 Chorus thru, transmits on 5 assignable MIDI channels, MIDI mapping;
003-7965 Cover, '59 Bassman, Blues DeVille (Brown) Models:
003-7966 Cover, '63 Vibroverb (Brown) 023-9100 IVIS-8 MIDI Switcher
003-7967 Cover, BXR 300C
004-0155 Cover, Champ 25SE FENDER-MONSTER CABLES
004-0155 Cover, Champ 25 Fender-Player and Pro 200 series are premium, low noise
004-1529 Cover, Champion 1 10 cables. Models:
BOOKS 004-1531 Cover, Performer 1 000 Head Instrument
004-1532 Cover, Concert
For every musician's library. Models: 099-5070 Player 200,10 ft.
004-1533 Cover, Super
099-5000 Fender Stratocaster, 40th Anniversary Edition 099-5071 Player 200, 20 ft.
004-1534 Cover, GE 4-12 Enclosure
099-5001 Guitar Identification
099-5002 Fender Chord Finder 004-1539 Cover, BXR 100
004-1598 Cover, M-80 Bass Loudspeaker (16 gauge)
099-5003 Guitar Method, Fender Edition
004-7483 Cover, '65 Deluxe Reverb 099-5072 Pro 200, 6 ft.
099-5004 The Fender Bass
004-7484 Cover, Pro Junior (Brown) 099-5073 Pro 200, 25 ft.
099-5005 The Fender Telecaster
004-7485 Cover, Blues Deluxe (Brown)
099-5006 The Fender Book, Complete History
099-5007 Guitar Classics, Strat, Volume I Microphone
Premium amplifier covers made of Fleece-backed Boltaflex™ 099-5075 Pro 200, 30 ft.
099-5008 Guitar Classics, Tele, Volume I
material coated with PreFixx™ protective finish. Models:
099-5009 Guitar Classics, Bass, Volume I
004-1535 Cover, Vibro-King Fender-Monster Player 400 series are low noise, ultra high
099-5010 Ultimate Chord User's Guide
004-1536 Cover, Tone-Master Head clarity instrument cables. Models:
VIDEO 004-1537 Cover, Tone-Master 2-1 2 Enclosure 099-5077 Player 400,12 ft. Instrument
004-1538 Cover, Tone-Master 4-1 2 Enclosure 099-5078 Player 400,25 ft. Instrument
How to string, tune, clean and adjust to factory specs for
maximum playability. Models:
099-5020-000 Video—Caring For Your Guitar, VHS
099-5020-040 Video—Caring For Your Guitar, PAL


AMPLIFIER TUBES Fender's famous treated soft cloth. Models:
AMPLIFIER HARDWARE The finest quality available, consistently producing the best 099-0400 Polish Cloth
099-0930 Amp Knobs, 1 -1 0, Pkg of 6 sound. Models:
099-0931 Amp Knobs, Red Pointer, Pkg of 6 099-5090 5881/6L6WGC, Matched Pair Polish, safe for use on all instruments. Models:
099-0932 Amp Knobs, Black Pointer, Pkg of 6 099-5091 7025/12AX7A 099-0500 Polish Can, 5 oz. aerosol(non-CFC)
099-5092 12AT7
Amp Handles include handle caps, screws, steel insert and 099-5093 6V6 GT, Pair
vinyl handle. Models: 099-5094 5U4GB
099-0948 Amp Handle, w/Hardware 099-5095 6550A, G.E., Matched Pair
099-5096 6CA7/EL-34, G.E., Matched Pair
Fender Frontline
Tuning Forks include vinyl pouch. Models: Same as Nut #4, but flatter radius. Width: 111/,6"; Height: .225";
099-0955 Tuning Fork, A 440.0 Hz. Spacing: 1.43; Radius: 15". Models:
099-0956 Tuning Fork, E 329.6 Hz. 199-6818 FR #8 nut assembly, available in Chrome (110),
Gold (210) and Black (310)
Quickly, safely stretches new strings. Models:
099-0957 String Stretcher, Nylon String
099-0958 String Stretcher, Steel String ORIGINAL ACCESSORIES
For electrics or acoustics. Include sharp/flat/in-tune LEDs, in/
out jacks and microphone. Models:
023-9996 AX-5000 Chromatic Automatic Tuner, variable
"A" reference (435-446Hz), chromatic pitch
I i
023-9997 TX-1000 Automatic Guitar/Bass Tuner, 6 pitch eee

All Floyd Rose® parts are available in chrome (100), gold (200)
GUITAR STRAPS and black (300). (Note: PRO Nut Assemblies mustbe used with
PRO Bridge Assemblies, and have different color numbers.) HARDWARE
Monogrammed straps shipped with Fender's American-made
guitars; also in neon colors. Vintage leather strap: longer Each kitcomplete with all mounting hardware and instructions. Vintage
version of '50's and '60's straps. 21/2" Poly Logo designed for Order nut to match your specific guitar; IVIodels: The parts used on instruments in the '50's and '60's and
comfort, like 3" Tweed (Fender's guitar case/amp cover mate- Bridge Assemblies reissues of those classics. Models:
rial). Woven strap has "running" Fender logo. Models: Floyd Rose PRO tremolo bridges offer Floyd's most recent 099-2010 String Guide, Vintage Stratocaster
099-0670 Bronco Cowhide Strap, 3" super comfort innovations, like low profile construction for playing comfort. 099-2011 String Guide, Vintage Telecaster
099-0671 Woven Strap, Black/Gray Models: 099-201.2 String Guide, Vintage P-Bass & J-Bass
099-0678 Monogrammed Strap, Gray Neon 199-6010 FR PRO bridge assembly 099-2013 Strap Button, Vintage Gtr & Bass
099-0679 Monogrammed Strap, Orange Neon 099-2014 Fret Wire, Vintage Guitar
099-0680 Monogrammed Strap, Black Neon Floyd Rose "Original" tremolo bridges—the incredible units 099-2015 Fret Wire, Vintage Bass
099-0681 Monogrammed Strap, Black that started it all. Models: 099-2016 Pckgrd Screws, Vintage Gtr & Bass
099-0682 Monogrammed Strap, Red 199-6210 FR "Original" bridge assembly 099-2034 Pickup Cover, Vintage Stratocaster
099-0683 Monogrammed Strap, White 099-2035 Tone/Vol Knobs, Vintage Stratocaster
099-0684 Vintage Strap, Slim, Black Floyd Rose II tremolo bridges: same look and feel as the 099-1362 Stratocaster White Accessory Kit
099-0685 21/2" Poly Fender Logo Strap originals, but with a mellower tone. Models: 099-1363 Stratocaster Black Accessory Kit
099-0686 21/2" Poly Strat Logo Strap 199-6410 FR II, bridge assembly 099-1364 Pickup Covers, Black, Strat, Pkg of 3
099-0688 Tweed Strap, 3" super comfort 099-1365 Tone/Vol. Knobs, Black, Strat
099-1366 Chrome Knobs, Tele & P-Bass
Nut Assemblies—"Original" and II
STRAP SECURITY LOCK SYSTEMS 099-1368 Stratocaster Aged White Accessory Kit
Narrow nut. Width: 19/i6"; Height: .225"; Spacing: 1.30; Radius: 099-2036 Thumfarest, Precision & Jazz Bass
Provides a secure connection between strap and guitar, but
10". Models: 099-2037 Pickup Covers, Vintage Precision Bass
snaps on and off easily at the touch of a button. Chrome
199-6811 FR #1 nut assembly 099-2038 Pickup Covers, Vintage Jazz Bass
covered. Models:
099-0690 Locks 099-2039 Tremolo Arm, Vintage Stratocaster
Average Vintage Stratocasterwidth. Width: 15/a"; Height: .225"; 099-2040 IVIachine Heads, Vintage Strat/Tele
099-0691 Buttons
Spacing: 1.37; Radius: 10". Models: 099-2041 3-Way Switch, Vintage Stratocaster/Tele
199-6812 FR #2 nut assembly 099-2042 Bone Nut, Vintage Stratocaster & Telecaster
099-2049 Tremolo Bridge, Vintage Stratocaster
Wide nut, narrow spacing for binding. Width: 111/i6"; Height: 099-2051 Bridge Sections, Vintage Stratocaster
.275"; Spacing: 1.40; Radius: 10". Models: 099-2055 Control Plate, Chrome, Jazz Bass
199-6813 FR #3 nut assembly 099-2056 Dome Knobs, Vintage Tele
099-2058 Control Plate, Vintage Telecaster
Wide width, wide space. Width: 111/i6"; Height: .275"; Spacing:
1.43; Radius: 10". Models: The Tele Bridge Kit converts a 3-section Telecaster bridge to a
199-6814 FR #4 nut assembly 6-section bridge. Models:
099-0810 Tele Bridge Kit
Extremely wide. Width: 1W; Height: .275"; Spacing: 1.50;
Radius: 10". Models:
199-6815 FR #5 nut assembly
Guitar Stand features sturdy construction for safety. Black w/ 099-1367 5-Way Selector Switch, Strat
padded supports. Models: Same as Nut #2, but with bullet nut relief. Width: 19/i6"; Height: 099-2050 Tremolo Bridge, American Std.
099-1800 Electric Guitar Stand .225"; Spacing: 1.30; Radius: 10". Models: 099-2052 TBX Tone Control Kit
099-1810 Acoustic Guitar Stand 199-6816 FR #6 nut assembly 099-2053 Guitar Cable, American Std., 10 ft.
099-2054 Tremolo Arm, American Standard
Amp/Guitar Stand features sturdy construction for safety. Same as Nut #2, but with bullet nut relief. Width: 1W; Height:
Black w/padded supports. Models: .225"; Spacing: 1.37; Radius: 10". Models: The Hipshot® Trem-Setter adds return to pitch and string
099-1820 5-piece Electric Guitar Stand 199-6817 FR #7 nut assembly stability to tremolo systems. Models:
099-1821 5-piece Acoustic Guitar Stand 099-0811 Hipshot Trem-Setter Kit
Same as Nut #4, but flatter radius. Width: 111/i6"; Height: .225";
Amp/Guitar Stand raises amp at any angle, holds 1 or 2 guitars, Spacing: 1.43; Radius: 15". Models: Roller nuts let strings slide easier, reducing tremolo intonation
folds up for portability. Models: 199-6818 FR #8 nut assembly problems. Models:

099-1825 Amp/Guitar Stand, small, amps to 22.5" 099-0815 Wilkinson Nut, 9 to 42 string guage
099-1826 Amp/Guitar Stand, large, amps to 27.45" 099-0812 LSR Nut, universal, 9 to 52 string guage
Nut Assemblies—PRO
099-1827 Additional Electric Guitar Holder
099-1828 Additional Acoustic Guitar Holder Average VintageStratocasterwidth. Width: 15/8"; Height: .225"; a;
Spacing: 1.37; Radius: 10". Models:
"Swivel" design safely holds instruments with any headstock, 199-6812 FR #2 nut assembly, available in Chrome (110),
surgical tubing protects finish. Models: Gold (210) and Black (310)
099-1850 Guitar Hanger, slatwall a
099-1860 Guitar Hanger, screw plate mount Wide width, wide space. Width: 111/i6"; Height: .275"; Spacing: tt
1.43; Radius: 10". Models: 0
199-6814 FR #4 nut assembly, available in Chrome (110), s

Gold (210) and Black (310)

Fender Frontline 31
The pickguards used on instruments in the '50's and '60's and
Texas Special pickups provide the classic "Fat Strat" or "Beefy Hardshell and molded cases protect guitar from almost any-
reissues of those classics. Models:
Tele" sound. Models: thing, with locking latch and metal hinges. Models:
099-2017 Pickguard, '57 Stratocaster, 1-ply, white
099-2111 Texas Special Strat 091-9461 Hardshell Case, fits: Newporter, Redondo,
099-2018 Pickguard, '62 Stratocaster, 3-ply, white
099-2121 Texas Special Tele Catalina, Malibu, Del Mar, La Brea, Santa Maria,
099-2019 Pickguard, '52 Telecaster, 1 -ply, black
099-2020 Pickguard, '57 Precision Bass, gold
American '50's pickups capture the bright, sparkly tone of 091 -9462 Hardshell Case, fits: Montara
099-2021 Pickguard, '62 Precision Bass, 4-ply, shell
vintage guitars from late '54 to '59. Models: 091-9463 Molded Case, fits: 1000sx, HOOsx, 1105sxe,
099-1361 Pickguard, Precision Bass, 3-ply, white
099-2112 American '50's Strat 1200sx,1300sx
099-2022 Pickguard, '62 Jazz Bass, 4-ply, shell
091 -9464 Molded Case, fits: 1500sx, 1505sxe, 1 600sx
PlCKGUARDS 091-9466 Rectangular Wood Case, fits: Telecoustics
American Standard Fancy pickguards add spice to your axe. IVIodels:
099-1359 Pickguard, Black, Stratocaster 099-2140 Strat, White Pearl Economy cases are lightweight and convenient for carrying
099-2141 Strat, Black Pearl guitar anywhere. Models:
FINE TUNE LOCKING NUTS 099-2142 Strat, Gold Anodized 091 -9475 Economy Case, fits: La Brea, Del Mar, Redondo,
099-0620 Fine Tune Locking Nut Kit, Chrome 099-2143 Strat, Tortoise Catalina, Malibu, Santa Maria, Concord, Newporter
099-2144 Strat, IVIint Green 091 -9465 Economy Case, fits Avalon
PICKUPS 099-2150 Tele, White Pearl
The pickups that started it all. Models: 099-2151 Tele, Black Pearl ELECTRIC GUITAR
099-2043 Pickup, '57 and '62 Stratocaster 099-2154 Tele, IVIint Green Hardshell and molded cases protect guitar from almost any-
099-2044 Pickup, Neck, Vintage Telecaster 099-2160 P-Bass, White Pearl thing, with locking latch and metal hinges. Models:
099-2045 Pickup, Bridge, Vintage Telecaster 099-2161 P-Bass, Black Pearl Ultra
099-2046 Pickup, Precision Bass 099-2170 J-Bass, White Pearl 004-7299 Ultra Molded Shaped Case, darkoxblood outside,
099-2047 Pickup, Neck, Vintage Jazz Bass 099-2171 J-Bass, Black Pearl blond plush inside, goldpltd hrdwr, fits: Strats
099-2048 Pickup, Bridge, Vintage Jazz Bass
and Teles (Rt Hnd only)
Superiorgig bags with leather piping and handles, saddle bags,
plush interior. IVIodels:
002-3637 Tweed Case, Strat, Tele (Rt hnd only)
099-2190 Gig Bag, Black Leather w/Fringe
004-0901 Deluxe Molded Shaped Case, heavy duty hrdwr,
099-2195 Gig Bag, Vintage Tweed
fits: all Strats and Teles
099-2196 Gig Bag, Green Khaki
003-6555 Hardshell Case, gray texturedTolexoutside, fits:
Strats and Teles
003-8977 Hardshell Case, black Tolex outside, fits: Strats
Genuine leather straps of varius custom designs. Models:
and Teles
099-0651 Strap, black leather, snake overlays, metal
002-5917 Hardshell Case, black Tolex outside, fits:
Jazzmaster and Jaguar
099-0652 Strap, black leather, snake overlays, metal buckle
004-0158 Hardshell Case, blackTolex outside, fits: Mustang
099-0653 Strap, black alligator leather, red fringe, metal
002-8586 Hardshell Case, black Tolex outside, fits:
FENDER-LACE SENSORS conchos, metal buckle
099-0654 Strap, black alligator leather, gray fringe, metal
The innovative low noise, high output units with incredible
conchos, metal buckle
response and sustain. Available to retrofit most Fender style
099-0655 Strap, brown leather, brown braid, metal conchos Standard
guitars. Black (506), Chrome (100) or White (000) covers as
099-0656 Strap, black leather, brown braid, metal conchos 004-0900 Molded Shaped Case, tits: all Strats and Teles
indicated. Models:
099-0657 Strap, cognac alligator leather, large metal buckle
Stratocaster BASS GUITAR
099-0658 Strap, black alligator leather, large metal buckle
099-2000 Gold Strat™, Blk, Wht
099-0659 Strap, dark brown tooled leather, edge lacing Hardshell and molded cases protect bass from almost any-
099-2001 BlueStrat™,Blk,Wht
099-0660 Strap, tan tooled leather, brown edge lacing thing, with locking latch and metal hinges. Models:
099-2002 Red Strat™, Blk, Wht
099-2003 Silver Strat™, Blk, Wht PICKS 002-3640 Tweed Case, J-Bass (Rt Hand only)
Fine picks in 4 different shapes. Models: 002-3639 Tweed Case, P-Bass (Rt Hand only)
Telecaster 098-7004 Abalone 351 Thin 002-5781 Hardshell Case,J-Bass, P-Bass (Lft Hnd only)
099-2065 Blue Tele Bridge, Blk 098-7006 Abalone 351 Medium 002-5001 Hardshell Case, fits 32" Precision Bass
099-2066 Red Tele Bridge, Blk 098-7008 Abalone 351 Heavy 002-5873 Hardshell Case, fits 32" P-Bass (Lft Hnd only)
099-2067 Silver Tele Neck, Chrome 098-7014 White Snake Pearl 351 Thin
099-2068 Blue Tele Neck, Chrome 098-7016 White Snake Pearl 351 Medium
098-7018 White Snake Pearl 351 Heavy
004-1592 Standard Molded Shaped Case, fits: Jazz Basses
098-7024 Black 351 Thin
Bass and Precision Basses (Rt Hnd only)
098-7026 Black 351 Medium
099-2006 Silver J-Bass™ [Neck], Blk
098-7028 Black 351 Heavy
099-2007 Silver J-Bass™ [Bridge], Blk GIG BAGS
098-7204 Abalone 346 Thin
099-2008 Silver P-Bass™, Blk Durable Nylon soft case with waterproof backing, W soft
098-7206 Abalone 346 Medium
padding, Nylon zippers and clasp fasteners, 3-way carrying
098-7208 Abalone 346 Heavy
straps, full-roll binding. Models:
Dually's 098-7304 Abalone 347 Thin
099-1510 Gig Bag, Fender, Guitar
Drop-in replacements for traditional humbucking mounting. 098-730,6 Abalone 347 Medium
099-1520 Gig Bag, Fender, Bass
099-2060 Red-Blue Dually, Blk 098-7308 Abalone 347 Heavy
099-1530 Gig Bag, Fender, Acoustic
099-2061 Red-Silver Dually, Blk 098-7604 Abalone 358 Thin
099-1540 Gig Bag, Fender, Small body guitar
099-2062 Blue-Gold Dually, Blk 098-7606 Abalone 358 Medium
099-1570 Gig Bag, Squier, Bass
099-2063 Red-Red Dually, Blk 098-7608 Abalone 358 Heavy
099-1580 Gig Bag, Squier, Guitar

Easy mount, drop-in units for acoustic guitars. Briefcases with internal organizer. Ideal for picks, strings,
099-2080 Bronze Acoustic, Blk accessories, or paperwork. Models:
099-1000 Briefcase, Vintage
099-1100 Briefcase, Snakeskin

Black Nylon, with padded compartments for effects, tickets,
magazines, etc. Models:
Fender Frontline 099-1550 Musician's Effects Bag
Super and Concert
Fender Takes Thrir Classic Amplifiers Into the 90sf
'nnovative amplifiers that augment the traditional Fender sound with some
•sensible technological updates, the Super and Concert allow players to compete
in today's sophisticated music world.
Both amps boast all-tube circuitry, including a tube-driven reverb with full
size pan. And at 60 watts RMS, the Super (with 12" custom-design speaker)
and Concert (four 10" "blue" Alnico speakers) pack a powerful punch.
Two channels, and a switchable dual gain setup in the Drive channel give
the models a sonic range from lush clean tones to smooth distortion. And
you'll appreciate the variable effects loop with mix control, and line out jack and
external speaker jacks for the convenience and versatility they offer. A 3-button
footswitch is included (channel select, drive select, and reverb on/off).


BANDS: Radney Foster; Mary-Chapin
Carpenter; Steve Earle
INSTRUMENT USED: Vintage Strat with with vintage
single-coil pickups
SOUND: Mike is adept at controlling the sound
from his guitar, so he often has his amp
set for distortion, then uses his techique to bring
it out as needed. And of course as a country player, his clean sound must be brilliant.


BANDS: Lee Roy Parnell; Delbert McClinton; recorded s^s
with Freddie Fender, jimmie Dale Gilmore , and others Semi-clean Crunch (bridge pickup)
INSTRUMENT USED: '57 Stratocaster with vintage single-coil
SOUND: Because of his background in
blues (he grew up in Texas,
iunflcuenTed6b7s^hplayTr:'as Albert Collins and lead CPURCh (bpld8e P'ck"p)
Albert and Freddie King!), James likes his sounds to be right on the edge,
ready to break up if he digs in on the guitar.



BANDS: B.B. and the Screaming Buddha Heads
INSTRUMENT USED: Vintage Stratocaster with vintage single-
coil pickups
SOUND: Alan's experience in rock bands combined with his
love for the traditional blues genre has given him a
hybrid playing style which calls on both. His tone
has to have a good bite, while retaining the
woody sound of a vintage Stratocaster.


BANDS: Solo artist; Alice Cooper
INSTRUMENT USED: Fender Talon with two single-coil pickups
(neck, mid) and a Dimarzio humbucker (bridge).

SOUND: With an extended musical vocabulary that encompasses

everything from gutsy blues riffs to lightning-fast mns,
Vinnie's sound must be beefy, but have enough clarity
to let individual notes come through.
Fender Frontline 33
Aim Hiqh!
the air" by using tripod stands. With the speakers elevated, the sound
travels farther because it's not absorbed by the audience members in
the front. And, since the sound is coming from overhead, the people
in front are not forced to endure severely high sound levels.
With the increased efficiency, your system does not have to be
pushed as hard to achieve the same volume, which results in more

By Mark Duncan clarity overall.

Now o field product rou've finally landed a great gig at

specialist for Fender,
a place you always wanted to
When (And When Not) To Use Stands
Mark Duncan has worked
play. After the gear is set up, you stand "f you have the room, good solid stands, and a firm, level surface
in sound reinforcement for
back to admire your work. All of a sudden
almost 20 years. He's also .on which to place them, you should elevate your speakers whenver
a fine blues-rock it hits you: unless a midget convention
possible (and practical!). Some loudspeakers, however, can not (or
guitar player. shows up that night, most of the highs
should not) be used on speaker stands.
from the P.A. system are going to get
Speaker enclosures with two or more low frequency drivers should
eaten up by the bodies in the front row;
be placed on the floor, because the extended low frequency vibra-
leaving the rest of the audience to wonder
tions could cause the speaker stand to shift and/or fall over. Plus,
why you've apparently chosen to place with the heavy drivers, the
humongous wads of cotton in front of
enclosure would probably
your speaker enclosures.
exceed the weight limit of
Should you curl up into the
the stands.
fetal position and bemoan your
Generally, speakers that
fate? Of course not! Just read the
are meant to be placed on
following article, which describes...
stands will have a socket
which allows them to be
pole-mounted; if they
don't, check the owners
manual, or ask a qualified
'f you've attended concerts in service person to see if the
.the last few years, you've sockets should be added.
probably noticed that most large
venues now feature "flying"
loudspeaker systems.
Splitting Your System
These not only solve the afore-
mentioned problem of high 'n some cases, such as if you are
frequency loss, but they also •using subwoofers, you may want
afford the listeners an unblocked some of your speaker enclosures on
view of the musicians on stage. the floor, and some of them elevated.
However, "flying" systems are not Some systems are adapted to this
always feasible in small clubs and purpose, and allow you to pole-
other halls where bands play. mount the full-range enclosures
To achieve the same benefits, directly onto the subwoofer cabinets,
loudspeakers can be placed "in thus saving space.

How High Should Your Speakers Be?




34 Fender Frontline
Send In The Loops!
By Bruce Zinky
^nce upon a time, there were electric guitars and amplifiers. Loud and beautiful. Then some
'wise guy comes up with special effects boxes that you'd place between your guitar and
amp. These effects added new and different sounds to the guitar. Trouble was, these effects
often added hisses, pops and buzzes to your sound as well. No way to run a musical operation!
Luckily (for you!) there are now Effects Loops. Effects Loops let you put effects into the signal
after most of the amplifying has already been done. This way, the noises, etc., in the effects
don't come through the speakers as loud.
Want further instruction? Then read on!
The designer responsible for Fender's
Custom Amp Shop amplifiers, Bruce
Zinky has done work for Santana, Huey |Iype||||H0Hlable;;.
Lewis and the News, the Arc Angels, and
Chris Isaak, to name a few. SERIES
A series effects loop is the most common ui'^^i;:^''®ipp?ii|i:'::': ;I^ISTANDBY TOWER
type. It will probably be labeled Preamp '^::'';.l'iN
|ji|||||||||||i||ii|ili||||| Return, and may have a level switch
which varies the signal level out of the
Place your effects in different orders to
effects send (what goes into the effects) and adjusts the effects return level to complement
vary your tone. For instance, with an
the effects send level. The three most popular levels are listed below (if unsure what you
overdrive sound a reverb run in the
have, check the manual or ask a qualified technician):
effects loop will add lushness (the same
reverb placed before the amp's overdrive will
sound like slop).
-20db Basic stomp-box effect level. Equivalent to the output from a
vintage Strat or Tele.

Some Effects
Sends can be
-10(11) Equivalent to the level from many high-output active pickups or
electronic keyboards. Most rack type effects work best at this level.

used as out- Very high level—around 2 volts. Line level, professional PA and studio level.
puts to go to High end rack mount processors are about the only units that work well here.
other amps. So,
for instance, an PARALLEL
amplifier with Parallel effects loops invariably have a knob
built-in reverb called "mix" or "effects mix." This type of
could go into loop has many of the features of the series
the input of loop with one big advantage: the signal that
another with- ^esupw»firtl passes through the amp can be mixed with
out it, allowing andPWtorm?, the signal going through the effects. You
you to play through two amps and have the
^ttnttnwrileteaft thus have control of amp/effect balance from
first amp's reverb coming out of both! the front panel of the amplifier, allowing
ItoMepa^W8 you to "mix" betwe'en effected sound and
With a stereo loop, you could put l'M;?nuKCttn?ttte.
effects on one channel only, or differ- straight guitar tone quickly and easily.
ent effects on both channels.

Etc.—Many low level sends can be used
If you want to run a true stereo effect through
in similar ways. Don't be afraid to try
one amplifier, you'll need a stereo effects loop,
different sehjps to get your best sound.
which has two sends and returns. (Amplifiers like
this have two separate power amps built in).

IMPORTANT TIP: save yourself lots of grief and buy good quality
shielded cables. I can't tell you how many times I've seen
players—from garage bands to arena rockers— "iissuchasffi®
hampered by faulty patch cords. Either they ^tocew»?wus
fail altogether or sound bad, fail andtt?a?WUS
intermittently then
ttewe seriessW
fail altogether.
Fender Frontline 35
Brace Yourself! ~tT—FT—Q~
~c 12
9^102 -45-

By Pete Andersen
lefi 341431413414214
Jthough my roots are in blues and R&B music, I
n9ht, 2 V 2 22 2 v 2 2
always found country much more lucrative— hand
and a heck of a lot of fun! Especially bluegrass, with
its fast and furious pace and allowance for so many
pattern r r r r r r rr etc.
"outside" note choices.
However, bluegrass music is
p p
built around a lot of pull-offs to and hh 10 9
Q'^16 '12 -45- 12 12 " 12^10^9
hammer-ons from open strings, which pretty -42-
well ties it to a few convenient keys like "D" and "G".
That is why I developed the technique shown here, where-
in you utilize your first finger as a "brace/' so that you liter- left 1 24142142 1424214
ally move the open position anywhere on the fretboard.
[i9ht 2 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 v v
This particular riff is built on the "G" chord form, but hand

moved up 9 frets, so it is actually in the key of "E".

(You could get the same pattern

effect with a capo, but again

that limits your ability to s ^-

42- ^ 9 h h-
move around the fretboard.) _I_
A. _Q_ I^IO

Notice the extra chord tones (like the dominant seven, _B_

Pete Anderson not only which is greatly emphasized) and the "outside" notes left
2 1 4 1 4 4 1 1 1134 1
plays guitar for Dwight (like the minor 3rd), both of which add to the distinctive
Yoakam, he also pro-
bluegrass sound. ri9ht 2 v 2 v v 2 v 2
duces the albums as well. hand
Another useful technique is the hybrid picking fea-
In addition, he boasts
production credits for tured in this lick: using a standard flatpick in conjuction rhythm
Rosy Flares, Michelle with the fingers of the right hand. Adopted years ago by
Shocked, the Meat
players like Danny Gatton and Albert Lee, this style
Puppets, and Blue Left Hand: s = slide p = pull-off h = hammer-on
Rodeo, to name a few.
allows you to switch between standard strumming
Right Hand: v = down pick 2 = second finger
and a fingerpicking feel instantaneously. Good luck!

Hot Setup:
3 Sounds From 1 Dually!
By Alan Hamel
[ere^s a hot setup for those of you

HIS Ifrtiwe tajup^uddng pickups
•fi^'tvSt'^ f',L' •>^i^ .;.iF?.<s- ^j. '.

•sS'i'SI^I r^that "wish (more

^Hyliiis DPDT On-On-On
3-Way Switch


Mcistw 'Wider Alfin

on gwtars for over 20
years, and has played'
bass for even longer.
The Nut Case By Her Ganz

^s I looked happily at the new LSR Nut for a new

package in my office, I thought about nut—one that
the past year. Sure things were great now, will keep a guitar in
but they hadn't started off that way. tune even more effec-
Let me explain. The name's Ganz. Her tively during whammy
Ganz. My game is investigation. When peo- bar operation."
pie need to know about strings, picks and "So whats your beef,"
accessories, they call me. A few months I replied, in no mood
ago, I'd been hired by two clients, both to listen to this peacock. "Sounds like you
with similar aims. just buy a guitar with this new nut." At
David was a down and out guitarist in that his face fell, and his manner
a band that was going nowhere fast. changed from proud to pitiful. "I
Seems he couldn't get used to a double- can't," he mumbled. "I've looked every-
locking system, but his radical tremolo where, and haven't been able to find what I
technique put his axe badly out of tune want. That's why I'm here."
every song—and the audience wasn't buying My investigations in this case, along with others at Fender, led to the
it. He was looking for a miracle. He was count- fortuitous union between Fender and the inventor of the new LSR nut.
ing on me. And I hadn't a clue where to start. This unit has hardened chrome steel balls under each string that allow

Her Canz is Fender's

Until, that is, Steve dropped into my office nearly friction-free movement—essential when using a tremolo system.

String, Picks and one hazy afternoon. I could tell right away this Luckily for Dave and Steve, it's now offered exclusively by Fender:
Accessories expert. If he guy was smooth, and he knew it, too. "I've got complete with everything needed to retrofit earlier Strat Plusses, or
can't tell you everything all the latest gear," he began without preamble. replace almost any standard bone nut. And installation is fairly
about it, it probably
"Rack effects, wireless system, you name it. My simple. Dave took care of it himself. Steve had the Fender authorized
hasn't been invented!
guitar is a Strat Plus. Locking keys, American service tech do it. Both of their careers are currently flourishing.
Standard tremolo, the works. But I'm looking And I can finally get a good night's rest...

on/on/on mini 3-way switch and a Fender-Lace Sensor Dually's (see the
Fender-Lace Sensor Dually you've got fall '93 issue of Frontline) each with a
better than the best of both worlds. distinctive sound of its own. As you
A brief description of the Dually is in can imagine, when combined with
order to help you understand why this other pickups, or another Dually, the
pickup is so unique. First off, each coil tonal variations are limitless.
is a discreet, completely shielded noise- The wiring diagram I have included
free single-coil-sounding pickup for you do-it-yourselfers gives you the
designed to be used by itself for that most versatile tone from your Dually.
classic Fender sound, or wired in series For those of you unsure of your skills
for a fatter humbucking tone. with a soldering iron, please consult
There are 4 different models of an authorized Fender service center.

'• •'

•I r
• •.
Bottom Sensor

^ *-^' ^
You C;
that s'tarteci it yi, ttiis; (Sitsf^m
u ^ ;
This. :€eNbrafes|::^t-;:y'e^::|fii?st::'il::t^^

WetoofcitfbsorneBdtahle HOW
StrafQcaster players, and /<® <"t
had them further iminor- ^ CAN
signatures. Jusf by filling
out and sending ill the entry J"^
blank at the right of this Answer the 10 questions
page, ypii could winffls in this survey.

Autograi itpatti! ori^of-a-kindinstiuliient.

Mail us this questionnaire,
or a copy, by May 1.
If we pull your name, you win!
NOTE: You must complete all

1. What are the gauge ranges of the two new

sets of Dynamaxx guitar strings?
IWBSWG, ^:'' 2. Name at least 4 of the 6 artists that have
signature series Stratocasters:

3. Which amp did Boy Howdy guitarist Gary

Parks use on the Crook and Chase show?

4. Name at least two Fender amplifiers that

have stereo effects loops:

5. What color are the Lace Sensors on

Jeff Beck's signature Stratocaster?

6. List at least three innovations introduced

by the Stratocaster (in 1954):

iun.nmwa® 7. How many different sounds can you get

from one Lace Sensor Dually?

HMUWCO^ 8. What special feature does Marty Stuart's

new Telecaster have?

^ 9. Name at least three Custom Shop

Tf 10. What is the name/number of Fender's new
acoustic/electric classical guitar?
v •58BIE«WB(ISBN' a Send to: FRONTLINE 1954 Strat
<c f:l I1:: 11999 San Vicente, Suite 401
Los Angeles, CA 90049



State. -Zip.

x ./': Phone;?
Entries must be separately postmarked no later
38 Fender Prontline
UEBOTWWS& than MAY 1,1994. Void where prohibited.
Friends In Low Places "and these are
the guys in my
band. You are
By Jack Schwurz 14 feet were the friendliest part of his Jack Schwarz,
appearance—it just went downhill aren't you?" I nod-
jack Schwarz is Fender's
from there. ded my head yes,
Master Guitar Tech. He spends
most of his time visiting As he headed toward me my blood not trusting myself
Fender dealers and tweaking ran cold, my knees turned to jelly, to speak. "What
customers' guitars. Really! and my teeth attemped a pretty good kind of strings would
imitation of a very active set of you recommend
brazilian castanets. "There's some- '! putting on this?" he
thing I'm looking for/' the stranger rasped, asked, finally pulling
"and I think you can help me." into the subdued light
"Me?" I gulped; trying to swallow past my what he had been hiding under his jacket the
't was a crazy week- heart, which seemed to have lodged itself whole time: a beautiful vintage P-Bass.
•end. The weather firmly in my esophagus. "Fender Dynamaxx 1200s," I said without
couldn't make up its mind to rain or "Yeah," he replied, reaching for an object hesitation, now that I was back on familiar
not, leaving the sky that mottled black and hidden under his coat. "I want a killer ..." ground. "They're made of the same nickelplat-
gray color that seems to breed gloom like "Whoa! You got the wrong guy! I mean, ed steel as the Dynamaxx guitar strings, which
some manic-depressive meteorological rabbit. I'm not... I didn't..." and with that, I is why they provide that bright, punchy sound
To top it all off, I had gotten lost on my way fainted dead away. on the basses as well. In fact, Fender puts the
to the music store where I was supposed to be "Bass sound," he finished, reaching out a Dynamaxx 1200s on all of their U.S.-made
working that day, ending up in an alley that hand to catch me as I fell. As I came to, I basses—right at the factory."
was even darker than the surrounding streets. noticed a number of tatoos riding up the Frank and his crew guided me to the store at
Suddenly, three guys appeared in the alley burly thews of his massive arm, the most which the clinic was to take place, where I
in front of me, and the belligerent tone to prominent of which was a heart—with a P- outfitted his bass with a set of the 1200s, then
their stance warned me that it was time to Bass running through it! re-adjusted the instrument for optimum playa-
backtrack. Fast. But as I swung around to "Wait a minute!" I cried. "Did you say 'bass bility. By the end of the day I realized what a
retrace my steps, a dude stepped out of the sound'?" He looked at me quizzically. "That's nice guy he was, and vowed never
shadows and blocked my exit. right," he affirmed. And with that I saw his to judge a book by its cover again. He
How tough was this guy? Let's just say that three pals approach on either side of me. vowed never to use any strings but
the hobnailed combat boots adorning his size "My name is Francis," said the tatooed man, Dynamaxx 1200s!

Picks feature a new logo,

and are available in 4
gauges (thin, medium,
heavy, extra-heavy).

Sold with set of a dozen

picks—zip-lock pouch
neatly stores them in
Case or Gig Bag!
Fender Frontline 39
sJ-: '.^•^^ .•lu';> .f""1 "•SFJ - ^ ^1<^W''"'. ^K.: ^••y. •
•WKff ^

^y-f ^'^>^IIA;.'£/1^::1'1^:'1^ ,,rf'': J. \^^

[SCr ii^y^^^^^'J:y'^fSv::'^
"^'^ '«f>€.Z^^^A^/'•:^'^'...>^-^.t

'-•^ •1 •.,'a,ie?:;«.««»-<-,,-,rf<-''f.1. s^...'^' !^:' ,*?**'• -^^ .' .n ^^" ^,«»-,,. .

t^5^A*^^^^;^^^[:^ ^^

RUSS PARBI ^,:'^^^i!^ y'^ 1#'^ ^" ^^^•^^1^ '^ ^•^ ^ .: ,^ii ^w^ ^


^^••\^ K'l1

'^ ^vl
te^ k^r-j

"And ^<1

Concrete Convention Elsewhere

,',,yfi.-i:a'i^»f :,

'yevf^.i f1>,
Once again, the Concrete crowd rocked Los
yys. It's hard to decide what is more
Angeles as artists, record execs, managers and
%S^A?' impressive about country crooners
other industry types McBrlde And The Ride's live
descended on the city for ^y^.^ show: cleverly crafted songs,
the world's biggest hard rock
<^^^;1 faultless 3-part harmonies,
'•'A' ^^••••' i«:

F convention. "'^^.-^sri* ^ or the combination of T^f

e.^s18*' ^
Ex-War And Peace guitarist Russ Terry McBride's P-Bass
vsss*£±f and Ray Herndon's
JOEY VERA Parrish, singer Rob Halford, and their l^i':
Fight bandmates were there for a long ^%^^s American Standard
awaited autograph session, following «£y^C^ Stratocaster. Don't miss •w.i

their debut release. War Of Words.

"'^^'y l"««s1
a chance to see these >ii

Check out the album to catch the "-'"'^.-•-'Aa''..::!!

guys or check out their
sizzling sound of Russ's Talon, as »'.***"*• * i-I"##
current release, Hurry
well as l!^^^f, Sundown.

bassist jay jay's aggressive As you can tell by his

Prophecy Bass licks. reaction, picker Marty
joey Vera (formerly of Stuart is extremely
Armored Saint) show- happy about his
cased his new band to a new guitar, a
host of interested listeners. Custom Shop
Another hot new band, I Telecaster M
Mother Earth, illustrated that is a
the reason there is such a recreation of
big buzz around town on
them. And legendary
German band Accept
(featuring the inimitable
vocal style of Udo

Dirkschneider), newly
reformed, brought the ^''.-"*€'

house down. ^£y-?t



K^vi ??u^


" .;««»»y_^ .^i.ity" "iy",t'/ f -4

,tf>*»*. ^,-V- ,..^**;?>^:1^.^^^^^

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^,£siy:iisL ^l':^l"';'''-'*?"»x."!*a'77:t"^-<'

rf,l*y,<51 rs^,^^^i^-y^^,f
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^o.'w~; »-^.«" ^«* ii'"^j^ ."^^lr7 •~. ,:-v., f,- ii:i^^i: .^•S'""'i r,l!*"' -f"

* ^'f^^^l^' ''^l-''.^- 1»I?8?:>
L^" ^•^•'••'^Irf^^^
^'^•W* .^"\,/,..w° ,''rflt ^:;"" ^'lw^"rfl;:'aw~,«, ' •^"^I.,
,fii^'?^' S"'1 ;iwil<»*1-'' »^^y^ •s'-.s* ^.u- «»«<'»;•.1/ »l^..i* » •"'.i?
".-^ »['
'~.ffi-r *

1. «" _ -y ^ v#f ^ ' -rt-^;,'ru;^ ^ "y :£/^-sy





Clarence White's famous model, with
a slightly more modern version of the
Parsons/White B-Bender.
Considering his successes with two of
his previous bands, The Firm and Blue Murder, it's probably a
good idea to keep an eye out for Tony Franklin's newest project:
licks and
Cry Freedom. Shown here sitting in with the Riverdogs, Tony is
scorching vocal s were
currently on tour with ex-Bad Company
well accompanied by drummer Chris
vocalist Paul Rodgers. That Fretless
Layton and
and bassist
bassist Tommy Shanm
Shannon, alumni of both
P/I-Bass gets no rest! FRANKLIN /: Stevie's Double Trouble
rouble and
and the
the Arc
Arc Angels.
Last August; Debbie Davies was one
With his new video, Teachin' The Blues, you'll
of the guest stars at a Stevie Ray Vaugh-
get a look into the world of Buddy Guy,
an tribute show held by House Of Blues
and find out why so many players cite
in Cambridge to benefit the Massuchetts
him as a major inspiration. There's also
Children's Hospital. Her trademark Vin-
some exciting jamming at Buddy's dub
tage Stratocaster blues
Legends in Chicago, featuring Buddy on his
Custom Shop Stratocaster, and Junior Wells.




-.--.:"-.-:-;.,.. . . -~"°~^K^MSUSP°^TOice.

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.2i>^;». ,-<•?"'...>•''*./'»•'"<!

When Boy
Howdy appeared
on the Crook And

Chase program in
Nashville, viewers
were treated to
the beautiful
,t^ sound of guitarist
Gary Park's new Vibro
King aniplifiei.Tfa^ ban terrific, as
^•?^s;ss&> ii^at^ but Gary's g^

^ st) ^.sy
:iys:: "£^;'^y^^S^n?£^?^.^:^?',' ~^.
:5S":^ .^^^"7°>! »"S'\I"T/'";%: ^'..^'f'i'.*_;'"-•';'-j"'.'r. .'^
/;^;i^r^"-T-^?-i:r -„.. .^'^,'^'-°' ^•"^Ai*u"f,^°'

Events Overseas
Bauer Sound in Austria recently
ran a contest wherein the
entrants had to send in a demo
tape of themselves singing and
playing the guitar for a Bon
^Si" Jovi song. Richie Sambora and
^> the other members of Bon jovi
signed a guitar that was award-
ed to contest winner Chris
Kremser. Richie was on hand

to present the guitar, as well

^".y as Austrian distributor
Willy Bauer.
A hard-working act out of
Argentina led by guitarist
Walter Giardino on his '68 Stratocaster, Rata
Blanca is probably the number one spanish-speaking
heavy metal band in the world. With three double-plat- ^'•^w/'1 y 4

wjlW inum-plus albums to their credit, as weU as an interna-

tional tour (on
which they
appeared with
L.A. Guns, Jtf^^'f

j;rf- '.-^
David Gilmour
and others), the
white rats (literal
translation of
"Rata Blanca"!)
are out to con-
quer the world
market. Their
^aa^^ first U.S. release,
El Libro Oculto,
should be


*"?"*»':?;i^i!i ,1:1

yffif^. •4,«»«"-*,

And Eric in

Elegance k\
^ y the 90s

Eric Clapton
By Tom Nolun
'ow do you write a piece about Eric Clapton's life in
•music? The fact is that in a business where, to paraphrase
Frank Zappa*, anyone, no matter how good, bad or indiffer-
ent, is automatically described as an "artist," a very small
handful of people transcend all such considerations. Chief
among this tiny elite is Eric Clapton.
Eric was born in Ripley, a small town to the south of Lon-
don in the county of Surrey, on March 30th 1945. Brought up
by his grandparents Jack and Rose, the young Eric displayed
an early interest in art, and like many of his contemporaries,
attended art school at Kingston College of Art. He had per-
suaded his grandparents to buy him a guitar when he was
about 13, and became interested in the country blues of
Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee and Big Bill
Broonzy. He was intrigued by Broonzy's note-bending Wi
techniques, and idolized him for a long time, learn-
ing many of his songs and becoming interested in
other country bluesmen, finally arriving at Robert
johnson. By now he had developed the blues purism
which was to shape his career.
His first band proper was The Roosters, which
included his great friend Ben Palmer on piano, and
Tom McGuinness, later to star with Manfred Mann
and currently in the UK-based Blues Band with ex-
Manfred singer Paul Jones. Tom and Eric went on to join
the short-lived Casey Jones and the Engineers, before
Eric was invited to join the fledgling Yardbirds. In the wake of
the early Rolling Stones, the Yardbirds speedily established a rep-
utation as the most happening group in London and by early
1964, Eric was fast becoming the most talked-about guitarist in "\^
the country.
Disenchanted with the increasingly 'pop' direction of the Yard-
birds, Eric made the momentous decision to leave the band in
order to concentrate on the blues. Within a month, just as the
Yardbirds first hit was breaking, Eric was invited by John Mayall
to join his hard-working club act John Mayall's Bluesbreakers.
Now began Eric's introduction into the heady world of popular acclaim, as
he quickly became the idol of London's club-goers, who were entranced by
his powerful playing and enigmatic romantic image. At this time Eric's play -
ing, echoing his favorites like Buddy Guy and Freddie King, achieved an
intensity which marked him out as a
master of his chosen style. As the graffiti legend "Clapton Is God"
(continued on page 44) Recording with his
hero Howlin' Wolf
* After this article was written the music world suffered a great loss
with the passing of Frank Zappa.
Fender Frontline 43
by early 1970 he had left Blind Faith and
moved on again.
Subsequent adventures with Delaney and
Bonnle led to his first solo album, and Eric's
(continued from page 43)
inexorable progress towards his career as a
band leader and solo artist in his own right.
began to appear all over London it became His 1970 album under the pseudonym
clear that a new guitar hero had been born. Derek and the Dominoes entitled Layla
Eric Clapton had arrived. and Other Assorted Love Songs was a master
Eric's fiery playing attracted other great piece, and contains some of his finest
innovators like a magnet, and during the work. By this time Eric had chosen the
many jam sessions which took place at the Fender Stratocaster as his main instru-
time, he established a rapport with two ment, and he has stayed with it ever
other virtuosos, bassist jack Bruce and since. His trademark Strat, nicknamed
drummer Ginger Baker. The three eventual- "Blackie," was actually a composite guitar
ly rehearsed together and decided, to ecstatic which Eric put together himself with lov-
press and public reaction, to form a new ing care, choosing the best components
group, to be called Cream. from three Strats he had bought during
Cream was an instant success, and an American tour at this time.
between late '66 and the band's last concert Eric's personal problems with dmgs
in November '68 at London's Royal Albert and alcohol have been described else-
Hall, Eric established himself as a formidable where. Suffice it to say that thankfully he
force in the music world. When the group emerged from this dark period, and his
disbanded he was, at the age of 23, one of guitar playing and song-writing skills
the most famous guitarists in the world. have gone from strength to strength.
There followed a brief "supergroup," fea- Eric's great dignity and depth of feeling
turing Eric with his great friend, the are self-evident in his recent work, and
immensely talented Stevie Winwood, along his constant schedule of recording and
with Ginger Baker and Rick Gretch, but Eric touring finds him still at the peak of During the
was already disenchanted with the superstar- his form. The man who started on the long Derek and the Dominoes years
dom which had been thrust upon him, and road to superstardom in the early sixties has
fulfilled his dream of playing the blues, and
brought to the music his own personal style shape his life, recalling singing jesse Fuller's
Filming the video for and eloquence. San Francisco Bay Blues outside a pub in
Pretending An old friend of Eric's, Roger Pierce, Kingston and trying to emulate the lifestyle
recalls an incident during their youth which of his idols. "I think it was probably Muddy
perhaps captures the early roots which were [Waters], listening to Muddy and the Best
to shape Eric's subsequent development: Of Muddy Waters album, that prompted me
"Keith Relf (soon to be Yardbirds' singer) to get the electric guitar. And also that Jimmy
and myself were hitching up to London Reed At The Carnegie Hall album—that really
from Richmond one night. We'd got as far had a profound effect on everyone that
as Chiswick when we spied a lone figure heard it I think. And it wasn't long after that
sitting on a roadside seat with a guitar. As really that I did a little show in Richmond,
we got nearer, we recognized Eric. He with just me and someone else—I can't
beckoned to us to join him, and we lis- remember who the drummer was now. In
tened to him playing a Furry Lewis those days I practiced with records. Chuck
song—fudge Boushay Blues I think it was, Berry and jimmy Reed really. Those two,
or perhaps I Will Turn Your Money Green, and a bit of Bo Diddley.-.and then later
from the Folkways record. It was the some Freddie King.")
first time I'd seen or heard the bottle- Today Eric keeps moving forward, con-
neck style, and I was enthralled as Eric stantly touring and recording, and working
sat there practicing." at the music he loves. His trademark guitar is
These early influences, along with still the Fender Stratocaster, and of course we
his country blues roots, are still evident now have the Fender Signature Eric Clapton
in Eric's music today, and indeed Stratocaster which is Eric's chosen model,
things have come full circle with his being similar in feel to his old favorite
Unplugged release, which features jesse "Blackie," but with additional active elec-
Fuller's San Francisco Bay Blues, a song tronics to give him the variety of sounds he
which Eric remembers playing outside looks for. In this the 40th anniversary year
the Crown public-house in those for- of the Strat, it is nice to think that Eric is out
mative days of his youth. (In 1988 there, playing with all his great inner power
Roger Pierce had a fascinating inter- and elegance, keeping Fender at the fore-
view with his old friend, during front of musical achievement. For that, and
which Eric described his early influ- for his outstanding contribution to the
ences and the events which were to guitar music we all love, we thank him.

44 Fender Frontline

...on the
Alternative Players!
»efore assuming 4-stdng duties for the Melvins, Mark /Td write pieces
'Deutrom had done just about everything but play
for chamber
bass—including produce bands, score movies, own an

?K 'iiil- independent record company and study classical guitar! orchestra and
3«& ..^••%t'
He took guitar lessons at the instigation of his par- electric guitar../'
ents, who promised an electric in return for a
demonstration of proficiency in the classical vein. However, he grew to like it so
much that he kept it up for five or six years! "I finally quit classical guitar
when I realized that in order to be successful, you had to be devoted to just
that," recalls Deutrom.
Throughout high school he played in cover bands: "We did ZZ Top, Zeppelin—
(continued on page 46)

Fow such a devoted student of the instrument that he
plays not only before but also after almost every show,
I Gin Blossoms axeman jesse Valenzuela didn't pick up the
I guitar until the end of high school—then gave it up when he
went to college!
At 17, Valenzuela began to jam
with friends."! took lessons for about 2
months," relates Jesse, "then quit and went back to hacking
'it out on my own." Opting to explore Tom Petty rather than
the currently popular metal riffs, //, ,^,^. ^
he absorbed the basics—but took a
2-year hiatus after entering the OMt
University of Arizona as an English 1'OCk bfllld. • • //

Ima]or , . , , —Scott fohnson

JesseValenzuela "It was hard not playing, and
watching all my friends get better," he recalls. Returning home,
he ran the gamut of bar bands, then ran into a group of friends—also dispirited musicians.
On a whim, they formed the Gin Blossoms,
with one goal: "to be the 'cool' band!" he
laughs. "No one thought it'd last."
But last it did: after releasing Dusted on indie
label San Jacinto (owned by Sand Rubies gui-
tarist Rich Hoskins), the band was signed by ^^^^^^^BI^-A^
Scott Johnson A&M records. An EP, Up And Crumbling, was
(continued on page 46)


ie fact that he was going to have a career in music didn't hit Toad The Wet Sprocket gui-
tarist/vocalist Glen Phillips until he was in the middle of his first successful tour. And that
was after releasing two albums and being signed by Columbia records!
Always a bit ahead of his time, Glen formed a band with a group of high school seniors when he
was still a freshman. "We were all in theater together," he explains,
//J always learned
"and we decided to become a band because it would be fun!"
the best when I was Phillips had picked up the guitar when he was 12, and
writing songs..// drifted through a series of teachers. "I was a terrible student," he
recalls. "I always learned the best when I was writing songs."
And, in fact, songwriting became the cornerstone of the band's initial outings. "Since we had no
rehearsal space, we used to play two or three nights a week at a club called The Shack [in Santa
Barbara, CA]. They didn't allow covers in this club, so we were forced to play originals."
(continued on page 46)
Fender Frontline 45
Losing their second guitarist during the
recording sessions, the band hired Scott SIGNATURE SERIES
johnson, a player as different from Jesse as
(continued from page 13)
(continued from page 45) night is to day. Johnson grew up with a musi-
cal family, started guitar at 12, and "gravitat-
ed toward jazz," he explains, "in fact I was
pickups: a custom vintage J-Bass in the neck, a
MELVINS^ kicked out of my first rock band!"
custom P-Bass '62 vintage pickup with flat mag-
In college he studied classical guitar, then
whatever was popular." But when he entered nets in the middle and a custom vintage J-Bass
rediscovered rock. "At home [Scottsdale, AZ], I
the California Institute of the Arts to study overwound pickup in the bridge. "We overwound
was in the Feedbags, the number two band—
composition, his direction changed. "In Los and underwound all the pickups so you can get
Gin Blossoms were number one." he explains.
Angeles I was in bands playing pretty cerebral your basic jazz tones as well as brighter, killer rock
Now having been in the band (and on the
music," he laughs. His schoolwork reflected sounds," Stu enthuses. "I'm really happy with the
road!) for two years, Scott has been working
the new emphasis ("I'd write pieces for cham- way it came out."
with Jesse to write songs for the next album.
ber orchestra and electric guitar!").
Mark also broadened his horizons, scoring IEFF BECK
short films and animation works, and trying second bridge unit, which provides "a thicker
his hand at production. "It started when I TOAD THE WET SPROCKET sound—but the volume is in proportion with the
was doing a couple of demos in a 24-track other two sensors."
studio," he explains. "I began to offer to pro- Taking their name from a Monty Python Lastly, the Jeff Beck model features a large neck
duce for some of my friends." skit, the band, in Glen's words, "sucked" at that closely resembles the early 50s Strats Jeff
Several years later he moved to San Francis- first. But as their sound became more loved so much. The thicker, more rigid structure
co and formed an independent record com- focused, interested listeners started showing provides a warmer, richer sound and more sus-
pany called Alchemy. One of their first sign- up at their gig/practice sessions. The lead tain—trademarks of Jeff's unique style of playing.
ings was the Melvins; Mark produced their singer of a local band with the auspicious
debut album, Gluey Porch Treatment. He title Brad Is Sex offered to pay for the guys STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN
stayed in contact with the band, doing live in Toad to record two songs—as long as they that 'woody' feel. And he preferred the feel and
sound engineering occasionally, and then served as backing musicians on two of his sound of rosewood: he felt maple was too crisp
producing their second album, Ozma. own tunes. and ebony too 'bitey.'"
By the Melvins' latest album, Houdini, the Parlaying the two songs into an album by The guitar features three "Texas Special" pick-
band had been through a number of bassists. chipping in $650, the Sprocket lads released ups. "Stevie wanted a little more bottom, so we
"[Guitarist] Buzz [Osbourne] asked me to Bread And Circus, followed later by a second put 600 winds on each pickup," Larry points out.
play bass, and I accepted," enthuses Mark. "I album: Pale. Both were on an indie label, "The controls are the same as on a vintage Strat."
couldn't ask for a better gig!" distributed locally. "By that time we were in Another unique feature of the Stevie Ray
college," reports Phillips. "I was planning to Vaughan model is the tremolo bar installed on the
leave the following year for San Francisco." bass side of the bridge. While performing, Stevie
GIN BLOSSOMS Before that happened, Columbia records loved to switch on the middle pickup, turn the
signed the band—and not only put out a new tone knob down, grab the tremolo bar and then
followed by a short, unsuccessful tour, then a album (Fear), but rereleased the first two shake the guitar on the floor—coaxing a
full-length album: New Miserable Experience. as well! threatening rumble out of the instrument.


Our 3-year-old son Spencer rocks Do you offer tweed covering to
out on my customized '92 Ameri- those of use who want to restore
(continued from page 4) can Standard Strat. (My wife, a some of our old Fender treasures?
classical violinist, is now buying Laura Ostermeyer
earplugs by the case!) Los Angeles, CA
Your magazine said Fender carries
Michael Stewart Any Fender authorized Fender dealer
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Laredo, TX I'm shown here with my dream
,j0t right idea!
Part numbers for instruments: red Strat and Pro
(just tell mom
those covers can be 185 amp. Please tell me how I
how much
found in the Product should pay for the clothing
rock stars can
Index on page 31. from BMJ.
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if they're not the U.S. address, you must pay U.K. address, you can use a
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46 Fender Fro!
I,-! <



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