Internship Sample Project 1
Internship Sample Project 1
Internship Sample Project 1
ID No RAMIT/909/11
November, 2022
First of all, I would like to thank the almighty GOD for giving me the strength to complete my
internship. And Secondly, I have a great thanks to my beloved mother, father and brothers for
all they have done for me. Again I express my special thanks to our advisor……., My
department head Mr. Atikilt and internship coordinator Mr. Amanuel for giving me their
time to cooperate with me in getting a chance to do my internship in AMWETC, Mr.
Chunche who accept my internship request and give me the opportunity and also I am
thankful to all AMWETC employee for helping me to know so many new things by showing,
responding to my question and giving necessary information that I need about the company.
Finally, I would like to thank to my friends who helped me a lot, in finishing this internship
and also in writing this internship report.
Our crisis in university stay, i.e. being confused in practical knowledge is a common
problem observed in us. Internship is one of the best options to overcome this problem.
Internship uses us to gain knowledge practically and it helps us in our job application for the
In this paper, the main function of internship is to give a chance to apply the theoretical
knowledge acquired in class in real work space. The main purpose and significant of this paper
is to acquaint what I have earned from the internship and what we have done in our internship
stay. Our internship in AMWETC includes three types of shops; - Service shop, Engine shop
and Body and Paint shop. All included in our internship should be versatile with application
by maintaining its aesthetics and ergonomics. This paper mainly focused on internship report
and project that I have done in AMWETC. The project that I have done during my internship
is the design and analysis of all wheel nut remover for automotive.
Table of content..........................................................................................................................iv
List of Figure............................................................................................................................viii
List of Table................................................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER 1................................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Company Background and Overviews..............................................................................1
1.1.1 Main function..............................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Specific responsibilities and duties.............................................................................3
1.1.3 Vision........................................................................................................................4
1.1.4 Mission.......................................................................................................................4
1.2 Organizational structure.....................................................................................................5
1.3 Staff profile........................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2................................................................................................................................8
2. WORK, RESPONSIBILITIES AND ASSIGNMENTS.........................................................8
2.1. Task one: - Service workshop task...................................................................................8
2.1.1 Type- A service...........................................................................................................9
2.1.2 Type- B service...........................................................................................................9
2.1.3 Type- C service.........................................................................................................10
2.1.4 Type- D service.........................................................................................................11
2.2. Task two: - Engine shop task..........................................................................................16
2.2.1 Major parts of engine................................................................................................17
2.2.2 Assembly of engine and its parts..............................................................................19
2.3 Task three, Body and Paint Shop.....................................................................................21
2.4 Task Four: - Electrical system tasks................................................................................22
2.4.1. Starter motor and its inspection...............................................................................23
CHAPTER 3..............................................................................................................................25
3. TECHNICAL ASPECT OF THE INTERNSHIP..................................................................25
3.1 Objective of industrial internship program......................................................................25
3.2 Methods and Procedures..................................................................................................25
3.3. Technical tasks/products.................................................................................................27
3.4 Knowledge and Acquaintances........................................................................................28
3.4.1 Technical Skills Gained............................................................................................28
3.4.2 Management Skills Gained.......................................................................................29
3.4.3. Acquaintances Acquired..........................................................................................29
3.4.4. Theoretical Knowledge............................................................................................30
3.5. Challenges and problems faced and solutions attempted...................................................30
3.5.1. Challenges....................................................................................................................30
3.6. Contribution........................................................................................................................30
CHAPTER 4..............................................................................................................................32
4. Design and Development of All Wheel Nut Remover for Automotive................................32
4.1 Abstract............................................................................................................................32
4.2 Introduction......................................................................................................................32
4.3 Problem statement...........................................................................................................33
4.4 Objectives of the project..................................................................................................34
4.4.1 General objectives....................................................................................................34
4.4.2 Specific objectives....................................................................................................34
4.5 Components of the 5 in 1 wheel nut remover..................................................................34
4.5.1 Gear and pinion.........................................................................................................34
4.5.2 Shaft..........................................................................................................................34
4.5.3 Socket.......................................................................................................................34
4.5.4 Plates.........................................................................................................................35
4.5.5 Bearings....................................................................................................................35
4.5.6 Cranked lever............................................................................................................35
4.5.7 Bolt and Nut..............................................................................................................36
4.5.8 Table.........................................................................................................................36
4.6 Literature review..............................................................................................................37
4.7 Methodology....................................................................................................................40
4.7.1 Parts of Multi Nut Remover machine.......................................................................41
4.7.2 Working principles...................................................................................................41
4.8 Limitation of this project.................................................................................................42
4.9 Product design.................................................................................................................42
4.10 Design parameters.........................................................................................................43
4.10.1 Basic parameters.....................................................................................................43
4.11 Design calculation.........................................................................................................43
4.11.1 Design of gear.........................................................................................................43
4.11.2 Design of shaft for the gear....................................................................................46
4.11.3 Design of shaft for the pinions................................................................................49
4.11.4 Design of key for the gear’s shaft...........................................................................50
4.11.5 Design of key for the pinion shaft..........................................................................51
4.11.6 Design of cranking lever.........................................................................................52
4.11.7 Design of steel plate for gear box...........................................................................56
4.11.8 Design of Bolt and Nut...........................................................................................57
4.11.9 Design of table for gear box...................................................................................58
4.11.10 Lubrication for gears.............................................................................................62
CHAPTER 5..............................................................................................................................63
5. CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................63
5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................63
5.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................................64
APPENDIX I.............................................................................................................................66
APPENDEX II...........................................................................................................................67
APPENDEX III.........................................................................................................................68
APPENDEX IV.........................................................................................................................70
APPENDEX V...........................................................................................................................71
PART DRAWING.................................................................................................................71
List of Figure
Figure 1 Service shop................................................................................................................................7
Figure 2 wrench socket, extension and others.........................................................................................10
Figure 3 Cooling system..........................................................................................................................11
Figure 4 Lubrication system....................................................................................................................11
Figure 5 Transmission system.................................................................................................................12
Figure 6 Differential system....................................................................................................................12
Figure 7 Brake system.............................................................................................................................12
Figure 8 Steering system.........................................................................................................................13
Figure 9 Suspension system....................................................................................................................14
Figure 10 Fuel tank..................................................................................................................................14
Figure 11 Engine shop.............................................................................................................................15
Figure 12 Cylinder head..........................................................................................................................16
Figure 13 Cylinder head and its inspection.............................................................................................16
Figure 14 Cylinder block and its inspection............................................................................................17
Figure 15 Engine.....................................................................................................................................18
Figure 16 Engine parts.............................................................................................................................18
Figure 17 Body and painting...................................................................................................................19
Figure 18 Problem statement...................................................................................................................27
Figure 19 Socket......................................................................................................................................29
Figure 20 Cranked lever..........................................................................................................................30
Figure 21 AutoCAD Table......................................................................................................................31
Figure 22 AutoCAD gear and pinion......................................................................................................36
Figure 23 AutoCAD designed gear and pinion.......................................................................................39
Figure 24 AutoCAD Designed Shaft for gear.........................................................................................42
Figure 25 AutoCAD Designed Shaft for pinions....................................................................................43
Figure 26 AutoCAD Designed key for gear shaft...................................................................................44
Figure 27 AutoCAD Designed key for pinions shaft..............................................................................45
Figure 28 Base plate................................................................................................................................49
List of tables
Table 1 Types-A service..........................................................................................................................60
Table 2 type-B service.............................................................................................................................62
Table 3 type- C service............................................................................................................................63
Table 4 type- D service............................................................................................................................63
In this chapter we try to discuss about Arba Minch Mekane Yesus Education and Training
Center (AMWETC) institute and their partnership motor and engineering company of Ethiopia
(MOENCO) Arba Minch sub dealer branch company background and vocational accessibility.
And also mission, vision and objective of the company and its organizational structure with
their staff profile. MOENCO Arba Minch sub dealer branch found in Gamo, Zone Arba Minch
city of Southern Nations, Nationalities & People Region of Ethiopia.
As I mention earlier MOENCO started with the capital of birr 200,000 Ethiopian birr and with
financial input and encouragement of INCHAPE MOENCO now grown in terms of size and in
terms of modernization of its service shops and parts distribution centers and MOENCO
capital and reserve has now reached 36 million birr.
The present Arba Minch Mekane Yesus Technical College was established in 1971 by the
Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM) as technical vocational school of the Ethiopian
evangelical Church Of Arba Minch South Ethiopia Synod. Its main objective at the time was
to provide basic skill training for traditional hand crafts such as metal and wood works so as to
improve the livelihood of the people engaged in these activities. In 1982 the school was
upgraded to advanced level and accredited by the Ministry of Education to provide vocational
training to youth in the fields of Auto-Mechanics, General Mechanics and Wood work.
The school passed through numerous challenges including termination of its activities due to
the termination of external support. Since 2006 the school has been re-established and evolved
in to technical college and the economic base being the college own income and some support
from external sources. Since 2006 the activities in the college have shown a dramatic
expansion and the corresponding results in each department were very much impressing. The
college is pioneer in establishing the Drivers Training Institute (DTI) in Arba Minch town in
which considerable numbers of young people have got quality drivers’ training services. The
regular and evening academic training program has created a good technical training
opportunity for needy youth community in Gamo Zone and neighboring woredas and special
woredas from which hundreds of trainees owned their diplomas and certificates towards their
future career and income source development.
It is also very important to note that the college has established a business partnership with
MOENCO through being a sub-dealer for genuine spare parts supply in Arba Minch. The
Auto garage and genuine spare part supply services rendered in the college has saved the time
and money of the government and private sector in Gamo Zone and neighboring areas who
used to drive to Hawassa and Addis Ababa for minor and heavy maintenances of vehicles.
Besides to Technical College, the Seminary and Future Hope Academy have been emerged in
the same compound and flourishing well. The Seminary has upgraded to diploma level
education and Future Hope Academy has been delivering Kindergarten and primary education
programs for the last four years and High School education program was opened.
The assessment study conducted in 2014 has clearly identified the problem and their
underlining causes behind in administering the overall compound in general and that of the
college in particular. One among the possible solution recommended, discussed and agreed up
on is the re integration of the compound management. According, the three education and
training institutions found in the compound (the Technical College, Seminary and Future
Hope Mekane Yesus Academy) will come together under one administration. The name given
for overall administration arrangement is Arba Minch Wholistic Education and Training
Center (AMWETC).
The main function bodies forming the entire organ are the following:
Managed Board
Senior Management Committee, and
Program Management Team out of which managing board is the highest
decision-making body in the Wholistic education training center (WETC).
Moreover, the board will develop appropriate policies and strategies to enhance the economy
of the WETC, so that the education and training programs are adequately supported by locally
generated resources.
1.1.3 Vision
In the next 25 years since 2023, to see a University College
Selected as the first choice in the region and labeled as the center of excellence in both
technical and Academic education through intensive practical teaching and innovation
Well recognized in transforming its student ethical behavior;
Sustainably self-reliant to run its diversity programs
1.1.4 Mission
Produce ethical and competent professions in technical and vocational training and education
through demand driven quality education and training.
1.2 Organizational structure
Kinderg Hallow
arten Bloc
Finance production
Tech .t .p Drivers
Garage Residence
T.I Primar
Admin, House
1.3 Staff profile
Table 1.1 AMWETC MOENCO staff profile
Total No = 17
Service workshop is one of AMWETC workshop that auto periodic service takes place and we
start our internship program. In AMWETC there are four types of periodic services: Type A,
B, C and type D service with detail inspection and adjustment. Those services are done
depending on the mileage that the car travels and by checking the previous services status on
the job card.
Type -A service is a service that takes place in every 5000, 15000, 25,000, 35000, 45000,
55000, 65000, 75,000 km. In this service we check or adjust as necessary, inspect and correct
or replace as necessary and lubrication will done. All the Type A service explains in Table 1.1
in appendices I
First, we drain out the engine oil to replace with the new one, due to high heat generated
by the engine and also different reason Engine oil gradually lose its property so it must be
changed every 5000 km.
If the car is diesel engine we have to flush the engine first to clean by inserting the flush
oil and start the motor about 20- 30 min. During flushing takes place we inspect brake
pads and disc.
When the car is in motion the brake disc rotate with the wheels and gripped by the brake
pads to slow or stop the car at this time both discs and pads corroded so we inspect that if
replacement is needed.
We also inspect and clean back wheels brake drums with sand paper and wash the brake
shoes. After 20 -30 min we drain out the flush oil and replace the new engine oil and
replace oil filter and fuel element, inspect air cleaner, battery, steering wheel linkage and
steering gear box oil, tightening of propeller shaft bolts and nuts, front and rear
suspension and external leakage if any.
Lubricating steering system like steering knuckle, drag link, king pin, center arm and also
propeller shaft with grease and finally we inspect or check if any problem in lighting
system, horn, wiper and washer system.
Type B service is a service that takes place in every 10000, 30000, 50000, 70000 km. Most of
Type B services are similar with Type A. The only difference is because of the extra services
which are added. Inspecting brake disc run- out, drive shaft boots, tightening drive shaft boots,
ball joint and dust covers, brake pedal and parking brake, brake line pipes and hoses, brake
fluid, clutch fluid, water sedimentary and tire and inflation pressure. All the Type B service
explains in table 1.2 in appendices II:
Brake Discs Run-Out: - due to friction between the disc and the brake pad the brake disc
may run out and it must be inspected and refaced again.
Driveshaft boot may tear due to hard impact on wheel, so it must be inspected and
lubricated. And also, its bolts have to be tightened which may lose due to vibration.
Ball joints must be inspected and lubricated to decrease friction and also dust cover must
inspect and correct.
Brake fluid is a type of hydraulic fluid used in hydraulic brake application due to moisture
diffuses into the fluid through brake hoses and rubber seals because of this the water
content become high so it must be changed and also brake line pipes & hoses must be
inspected and corrected to protect the brake fluid against moisture.
In fuel filter we have to inspect and correct or drain the water in water Sedimentary in
every 10,000 km to protect the fuel system from water and reduce the engine
Clutch fluid must be inspected and corrected and also check its level because it may
reduce due to any leakage.
Power-steering fluid level must be checked in the cylinder because it may also leak
somewhere in the power-steering system.
The main causes of brake pedal failure are Air in the brake fluid, faulty master cylinder,
or low brake fluid level so we have to inspect and correct. Parking brake is used to keep
the vehicle motionless when it is parked. We have to inspect the cable, ratchet lock on the
lever and braking lining in the parking brake system.
Tire air pressure gradually becomes lower even when the tire has no particular defect only
due to weather therefore tire pressure should be checked every 10,000 Km.
Maintenance work shop is one of AMWETC working place. In this working place Type C
periodic service will takes place. Type C service is done in every 20000 and 60000 km.
Services in this work shop are similar with Type A service. The only difference is because of
the extra services which are added. Inspecting and grease wheel bearing, inspecting drive belt,
vacuum pump oil hoses, exhaust pipes and mounting, differential gear oil and check or adjust
idle speed. All Type C service is explained in table 1.3 in appendices III:
We have to inspect visually and replace if any damage in Wheel bearing and grease them.
Differential Gear oil is inspected visually with our finger by removing the fill plug. If the
oil has any change like in color or viscosity it must be changed. And if there is any
leakage around the differential gear box we have to change the gasket.
Vacuum pumps have a service life of many years. And the oil hoses must be inspected
and corrected if there is any leak around it, because running too low on oil will cause
catastrophic pump failure.
If any visual damage which is occurs in the drive belt must be replaced. The cause of the
damage is excessive heat which is caused by tension so it must be inspected and corrected
with 20,000 Km.
Idle speed is the engine revolutions per minute (rpm), while in the modern vehicles are
fitted with a built-in dashboard tachometer. We have to check and correct if the reading is
correct with exact revolution.
Exhaust pipes and mounting May corroded by moisture because these parts remain
relatively cold and hot due to the exhaust gases and have a chance to form pools of
corrosive acid inside the system. Due to this crack and holes may exist so we have to
inspect and correct.
Repair also one of AMWETC working place, in this place Type D periodic service and other
repair of the automobiles will done. Type D service is a service which is done in every 40000,
80000 km. Type D service also similar with Type A, B, and C the difference is these extra
services are added like inspecting valve clearance, manual transmission and transfer oil, fuel
tank cap, fuel lines and connection. All Type D service is explained in table 1.4 in appendices
We need to check and adjust valve clearance because too much clearance which make the
engine noisy and also will lost its performance. If the clearance is too tight, damage on
engines may occur. So, we have to inspect and adjust the valve clearance.
In Manual Transmission the transmission fluid level must be checked to prevent failure it
must be inspected and corrected and replacing transmission fluid extends transmission
life, smooth rough or hard shifting problems and revitalizes seals and O-rings to help stop
and prevent leaks.
There are other works beyond the Type D service, repair the automobile.
Different systems in the vehicles that we have seen in the service time
Cooling system -A cooling system is built in to the engine to cool it and prevent overheating.
The cooling system consists, radiator, water pump, thermostat, upper hoses, and lower hose.
Lubrication system- The lubrication system supplies lubricating oil to all moving parts in the
engine. Engine moving metal part is contact with each other. It includes crankshaft,
connecting rod and valve mechanism parts. lubricating oil prevent friction of this parts oil
minimizes friction and prevents wear and heat generation, cools engine parts, oil sealing b/n
piston and the cylinder bore prevents impurities from engine , protect parts from corrosion,
absorb shocks, reducing engine noise , extending engine life ,it consists oil pan, oil pump and
oil filter .
Figure 4 Lubrication system
Hydraulic system- A Hydraulic system is one that uses the pressure of a liquid to perform
mechanical work. Example brake system
Transmission system- Transmission system is used to transmit the power from flywheel to
the rear wheels and it consists of torque convertor and Epi-cyclic gear boxes in heavy vehicles.
Differential system- The differential equalizes power to the drive wheels for turning. There
transmit system transmit the power to differential system through universal joints, slip joints
and propeller shaft.
Steering system- Earth moving equipment has power steering (hydraulic operated). It is used
to tilt the front wheels at desired direction. It designed to prevent the wheel spring i.e. to
ensure good road holding and eliminated oscillation in the body, For example, hydraulic
steering system of dump truck, the pump is taking oil from tank through screener and paper
filter, and delivers oil to the orbital valve (DCV) through cheek valve. When two front wheels
are straight, the two piston position middle of steering cylinders. When the vehicle is taking a
right turn, the right wheel is tilted out ward and left wheel is tilt in ward. When taking left
turn, left wheel tilted out word and right wheel tilt in ward.
Suspension system- An Automotive Suspension is the system of parts that give a vehicle the
ability to maneuver. A vehicle suspension can maximize the road holding, provides steering
stability with good handling and ensures the comfort of the passengers
The Role of Suspension
Those suspension systems are: springs, dampers (shock absorber) and linkages.
Fuel tank –Fuel tank is used to reserve or store fuel in a motor vehicle. Due to long time
usage, some dusts store in the fuel tank. These dust materials affect sensors and filters in the
fuel tank. So, we have to wash fuel tank in the service time and we have to check whether the
filters and sensors are working or not.
Figure 10 Fuel tank
First, we have to clean the engine and engine compartment before beginning to remove the
engine we lift the engine from the car with mobile crane which uses hydraulic power. The
main parts that can be inspected are cylinder head inspection, camshaft inspection, valve
inspection, cylinder block inspection, piston inspection, connecting rod inspection, crankshaft
inspection, flywheel inspection and Transmission inspection. We used approved factory
manual procedures to taste the engine. This is due to that the engine runs smoothly.
The major function of a cylinder head is to seal the top of the cylinder block. Cylinder head
gaskets which avoid leakage of engine oil and it’s a seal between cylinder block and the
cylinder head, a new gasket should be used once cylinder head has been removed for
The cylinder block is an integrated structure to have cylinder bores, main bearing bore
(housing), water jacket, camshaft bearing housing (if the engine is cam shaft in block type),
other plugs & drillings for the attachment of other parts on it.
Visually we inspect for vertical scratches of cylinder walls, visible cracks of the block surface,
inspect the cylinder block for flatness and war page by placing the long straight edge along
and diagonally on the lower mating surface of the cylinder block and using the feeler gauge to
measure war page and inspect cylinder bore Using a cylinder bare gauge, outside micrometer
and telescopic gauge we measured the cylinder diameter.
A piston generally is made with characteristics of low density and high strength to make light
in weight and to conduct higher heat produced during combustion process and to have a lower
thermal expansion, high resistance to wear i.e. good anti-friction quality. And a piston ring is a
split ring that fits into a groove on outer diameter of a piston. The three main functions of
piston ring in reciprocating engines are sealing the combustion chamber so that there is no
transfer of gases from the combustion chamber to the crank, supporting heat transfer from the
piston to cylinder wall and regulating engine oil.
First, we clean carbon deposit on the top surface and ring groove area and visually we inspect
for scoring, scuffing, burning and other visible mechanical damage and we inspected visually
the piston rings for breakage, stacking on the ring groove and also inspect the piston diameter
using micrometer.
Before assembly, check all parts whether there are damages or not.
The assembly ground should be clean.
All the disassembled parts should be cleaned and blown with compressed air.
For hollow bolts use two asbestos washers on two sides.
If any foreign object is on to the crank shaft, intake and exhaust tube remove the objects.
Before assembly, select all engine parts.
Generally, assembly step by step all engine parts as removing before.
Figure 15 Engine
Figure 16 Engine parts
Body and painting shop of AMYWETC is full service auto body shop, collision repair
specialist and glass repair facility that provides the best in customer service, frame and body
work, painting and re-finishing for Toyota models of automobiles. Body and Paint center takes
every single repair seriously, no matter how big or small the damage may be. There is quality
and integrity guiding principles to ensure what every customer is satisfied. Our Body and
Paint shop is equipped with some of the latest technology required to repair complex vehicles.
Our technicians and staff are continually trained in the latest methods required in the
automotive collision repair industry.
Figure 17 Body and painting
Combustion of air and fuel takes place inside the engine cylinder and the products of
combustion expand to produce reciprocating motion of the piston. This reciprocating motion
of the piston is in turn converted into rotary motion of the crank shaft through connecting rod
and crank. This rotary motion of the crank shaft is in turn used to drive the generators for
generating power. We also know that there are 4-cycles of operations viz.: suction;
compression; power generation and exhaust.
In case of petrol engines during suction operation, charge of air and petrol fuel will be taken
in. During compression this charge is compressed by the upward moving piston. And just
before the end of compression, the charge of air and petrol fuel will be ignited by means of the
spark produced by means of for spark plug. And the ignition system does the function of
producing the spark in case of spark ignition engines. It mainly consists of a central electrode
and metal tongue. Central electrode is covered by means of porcelain insulating material.
Through the metal screw the spark plug is fitted in the cylinder head plug. When the high
tension voltage of the order 30000 volts is applied across the spark electrodes, current jumps
from one electrode to another producing a spark.
Whereas in case of diesel (Compression Ignition-CI) engines only air is taken in during
suction operation and in compressed during compression operation and just before the end of
compression, when diesel fuel is injected, it gets ignited due to heat of compression of air.
Once the charge is ignited, combustion starts and products of combustion expand, i.e. they
force the piston to move downwards i.e. they produce power and after producing the power
the gases are exhausted during exhaust operation.
In the internal combustion engine to generate such combustion, the ignition system plays a
major role. Spark plugs supply the electrical spark that ignites the air and fuel mixture that is
fed into the combustion chamber. The ignition system needs to increase the voltage from the
battery’s 12 volts to at least 20,000 volts, which is required to ignite the compressed air and
fuel mixture in the combustion chamber to create an energy-generating explosion.
To achieve such a huge surge in voltage, the ignition systems in all cars, except diesel-
powered models, use an ignition coil consisting of two coils of wire wrapped around an iron
core, known as the primary winding and the secondary winding. The ignition coil acts as an electrical
power transformer.
The goal of the ignition coil is to create an electromagnet by running the 12 volts supplied by the
battery through the primary winding. When the vehicle’s ignition system triggering switch turns off the
power to the ignition coil, the magnetic field collapses. As it does, the secondary winding captures the
collapsing magnetic field from the primary winding and converts it into 15,000 to 25,000 volts
depending on number of turns. It then supplies this voltage to the spark plug, thereby creating
combustion in the engine’s combustion chamber, thus creating energy to start and run vehicle’s engine.
Dirty connections
Battery corrosion
Damaged or worn-out parts in the starter system
Oil leaks
Procedure we followed to troubleshoot problems
Look under the hood: inspect battery and battery cables to see whether everything’s in
working order.
Tap the starter: Try lightly tapping the starter a few times with a hard object, making sure
not to pound it. Tapping might get the electrical part back in contact with each other or
clear dirt blocking the parts.
Check the fuel gauge.
The industrial internship program is established with the purpose to expose students to the real
working environment. So that, the students are able to relate the theoretical knowledge gained
in the class with practical knowledge in the industry. The students will also develop skills in
safety practices, work ethics, communication and management apart from that, this program
will also enable students to have a closer relations ship with the host companies. Generally,
the objectives of this training program are:
To integrate theory with practice: students must be proficient in applying the official and
technical knowledge in to real working environment
To introduce students to work culture with industrial practical experience the working
culture and adapt with the industrial practices as preparation before making choices in the
careers. After completing their studies.
To give opportunity for students to work with industries practitioners. Exchange between
students and industrial practitioners work Experiences.
To expose students to potential employers
Enhances skill in engineering including technical writing and communication.
Methods and procedures, which are followed when carrying out our technical tasks, are start from
simple data collection from important bodies and passes through many complex steps to reach at
right result. Only four steps are followed. Firstly, as usual, we used two forms of data collection;
primary and secondary data collection methods. Secondly, we generate possible solutions. Thirdly,
we discussed with department foreman about our solutions. Finally, accepted solutions are applied
1. What is the reason that these much machines are out of use?
2. Is there any maintenance manual based on which you are restoring machines that are damaged?
4. Has ever danger accident been in the company? If yes what was the cases?
8. Are you searching for job in other company? If yes, which company you asked?
Observations: -everyday during intern period I had been observing how things were going on.
To search data under this method I read different written documents from the library of the
company. In addition to this I used web search related with Arba Minch textile Share Company,
about maintenance, kaizen, and 5s.
In this step I jot down all the important points that can be the possible solutions for the
problems that I faced in the company. This step is the point where I make an attempt to
generate solutions based on what I have learnt in the academic courses. I used here my
theoretical knowledge and other important information searched from different sources. The
possible solutions were, applying standardized and modernized maintaining system of
machines, implementing continuous improvement (kaizen), and 5S.
Step -3 discussing about my ideas with whom it may concern
Every day I submit my ideas about how to overcome the problems encountered in the company for
department head and we discuss on what is written. After understanding the written materials, the
department foreman accepts some solutions that would have been possible to apply at the company
As its simplicity to perform, kaizen and 5S are directly accepted. In addition, they did promise to
prepare maintenance manual based on the types of maintenance discussed above.
As much as possible, accepted solutions are applied with in short period of time. Some
photographic picture, as presented under the following sub-title, shows the results of
practically applied solutions.
Generally, when I was in AMWETC MOENCO (motor and engineering company of Ethiopia)
sub dealer I observed some application of vehicle maintenance factory, and personal
communication skills have also be improved peacefully with staff members and other work
In our four month Arba Minch Auto Garage AMWETC Branch internship program we work
three types of shops namely;
Service Shop
Engine Shop
Body and Paint Shop
The main goal of the internship program is to develop practical skill. During stay AMWETC
at the first two months I have worked in service shop and gained more practical skill, to list
Respectful and
Within the law
In this industry I have gained the most important point for my future life. Having the skills as
described above is something great for me, this indicates that the company is better place for
internship and the internship was in success.
Respecting of working ethics is one of the good ways for the development of my works. One
of the working ethics is wise use of time, using the materials wisely, and peaceful relationship
should be create with the workers and staff members.
3.4.2 Management Skills Gained
In the beginning we applied to hosting company from different universities and they make us
work in team. I and my team mates were working so bravely in the entire time of the
internship program. For me this internship has gave the knowledge of working in team spirit.
The whole things we were up to needed a great collaboration. Nobody had any burden on him
because everybody worked wisely. Everybody on the team knows working in peace and
collaboration will have a great influence on the work. So, in general we worked hard in team
to produce great deal of work which is helpful and problem solving for the society. And also, I
have developed how to play this role during team work. In the company I have seen group
works and how the work is scheduled and how tasks are shared among members of the team
for better result and efficiency. And also giving hand for those who need my help. Some
essential skill for team working are listening, questioning, respecting, sharing and
participating. These are used during the research cycle to observe how well a team is working
In this industry every day morning there is briefing time in which plan for the day is presented
and every worker are introduced to their responsibility on achieving of the plan. Therefore,
taking part in this activity helped us to develop interpersonal communication skill. And also
on this internship program I get to meet people who offer me knowledge to share and so as
this knowledge will help me on my carrier. And I think I have been creating my business link
with this company so that I can go back and work with them after I graduated. Internship is a
great way to meet people in our field of study. An internship allows us to meet people who
might help us to land a job later on and give us the contacts in the industry we are trying to
break in to. Plus, references from people in the industry will really add weight to our
3.4.4. Theoretical Knowledge
During our stay in the university we learned much of the theoretical knowledge rather than
practical knowledge but through this internship duration we develop practical knowledge and
also upgrade our theoretical knowledge in addition to what we have learned in the university.
IC engine
Motor vehicle
Fluid power
Maintenance and machinery
Machine design
Strength of material
Material science and
Manufacturing are some fields in detail in which we have gained more theoretical
3.6. Contribution
During my stay in AMWETC I have been working in different working areas so that I was
contributing to them by being additional Man power in both service and engine shop.
4.2 Introduction
Cars in our company have now become need and it is no more the symbol of luxury. But
replacing a punctured tire has always been a difficult task. Our company provides only L
wrench or 4 way leg wrench. But removal of tire using this tool requires more power
consumes time. Using the L wrench it is possible to remove one nut at a time. The problems
faced are longer time consumption and increased labor work. Therefore it is crucial to have a
tool that can remove all nuts in a single attempt.
While designing it is taken into consideration that the tool is economical. The tool is expected
to remove five nuts at a time with less torque and improved efficiency as compared to the
previous nut removers found in our company. The purpose of the design is to develop a tool
which facilitates easy removal, easy performance with minimum time consumption. The
objective of the project is to create a 5 in 1 nut remover with Pitch circle Diameter (PCD)
114.3mm with assistance of CAD. It will help the car owner to overcome the difficulty of tire
replacement. All the cars having PCD 114.3 mm can use this tool. Torque required to remove
single nut is around 85-95 Nm. Therefore torque required to remove 5 nuts is 475Nm.
4.3 Problem statement
The problem I saw and tried to solve is when in the service time or sometimes the tire was
punctured; the workers in our company cannot able to remove the tire in a short time and they
spend there much time in removing all nuts one by one. The workers in our company uses
existing wheel nuts remover which is a normal L wrench that is really inconvenient and
difficult to use. It can remove only a single nut at a time and it requires man power for
removing and tightening of the nuts. Thus for old and weak peoples, the replacement of the
tire by this normal method is really inconvenient and difficult process. Therefore, to overcome
these problems I designed vehicles multi wheel nuts remover and tightener. This tool can be
operated by anyone easily and it removes all the five nuts in a single process. Thus my
projects saves time and man power and help everyone in the car’s service time.
The purpose of this project is to design 5 in 1 nut remover in terms of its functionality and also
human factors considerations. General idea of the project is to minimize the human effort
while operating the nut remover.
4.4 Objectives of the project
- To save the time by removing five nuts once that is lose by removing all nuts one by one.
- To save man power or energy that is lose by applying high force with L-shaped wrench.
4.5.2 Shaft
A solid shaft for transferring torque is used to transfer the torque from the pinion gear
manually to the box spanner to remove the nuts. Five shafts are connected to the five pinion
gears individually and at the end of each shaft box spanners are attached to it.
4.5.3 Socket
A socket is a cylindrical type female hexagonal fit which is fitted over the common male
hexagonal head of the nut. In this case the size of the socket is taken as 17 mm. The head of
the socket wrench that is completely the same as the nut / bolt head cover and the sense of the
handle are not fixed. The socket is a hexagonal shape or size estimate which itself is either a
square. This estimate, which fits into the appropriate size of the cavity or on handle, can be
used to apply force.
Figure 19 Socket
4.5.4 Plates
In order to keep the forces and means of the gear, base plate is used to withstand the gears and
the shaft extension. To remove the weight and increases the stability of the device. The cover
plates are used to cover the gears. These are plate made of steel.
4.5.5 Bearings
A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element bearing that uses balls to maintain the separation
between the bearing races. The purpose of a ball bearing is to reduce rotational friction and
support radial and axial loads. It achieves this by using at least three races to contain the balls
and transmit the loads through the balls. In most applications, one race is stationary and the
other is attached to the rotating assembly (e.g., a hub or shaft). As one of the bearing races
rotates it causes the balls to rotate as well. Because the balls are rolling they have a much
lower coefficient of friction than if two flat surfaces were sliding against each other. Ball
bearings tend to have lower load capacity for their size than other kinds of rolling-element
bearings due to the smaller contact area between the balls and races. However, they can
tolerate some misalignment of the inner and outer races.
Nut is an internal thread (female) fastener with a threaded hole. Nuts are almost always used
in conjunction with a mating bolt to fasten multiple parts together. Nuts are graded with
strength ratings compatible with their respective bolts. The most common shape today is
hexagonal, for similar reasons as the bolt head. Six sides give a good granularity of angles for
a tool to approach from (good in tight spots), but more corners would be vulnerable to being
rounded off. It takes only one sixth of a rotation to obtain the next side of the hexagon and grip
is optimal. However, polygons with more than six sides do not give the requisite grip and
polygons with fewer than six sides take more time to be given a complete rotation. In our
project we use it to tight the legs with a table frame.
4.5.8 Table
The table should be from welded steel and has a maximum strength to carry the gear box. It
has a capacity of carrying light weight vehicle leaf spring.
4.6 Literature review
Wrenches have existed for many centuries, but saw a great blossoming of development
starting in the 19th century. The first patent for a wrench was granted in 1835 to Solymon
Merrick. Meanwhile this long period, different varieties of wrenches came into existence.
Some of their description is shown in the table below;
Name of
No. wrench Purpose and application Figure
1 Box end This is a one-piece wrench with an enclosed
wrench opening that grips the faces of the bolt or nut.
The recess is generally a six-point or twelve-
point opening for use with nuts or bolt heads
with a hexagonal shape. The twelve-point fits
onto the fastening at twice as many angles, an
advantage where swing is limited. Eight point
wrenches are also made for square-shaped nuts
and bolt heads. Ring spanners are often double-
ended and usually with offset [10].
On the basis of above survey there is a gap between the design of wrenches and modern
automobiles. Some of bolts are more complicated to open and some are very time taking
process. Here in this paper a new proposed design of multi jaw wrench is introduced for the
opening of 5 bolts of any car having pitch diameter of 114.5mm simultaneously. Today,
generally we are using box end wrench that is L-shaped for fastening and unfastening the nuts
of a car wheel. But the main problem with such combinations is that there is a requirement of
large amount of force for unfastening the nuts. Multi jaw wrench provides a better option for
fastening and unfastening the nuts by reducing the force applied along with the time involved.
4.7 Methodology
Problem identification
From my view, I have selected the title of my project. The title of the project is Design of
Multi wheel nut remover for automobiles. Then preparing reasonable questions for which it
concern were my habitual characteristic. This is in order to gather important information about
over all of the company. Every day, (during intern period) I had been observing how things
were going on.
To search data under this method I read different written documents from the library of the
company. This step is the point where I make an attempt to generate solutions based on what I
have learnt in the academic courses. I used here my theoretical knowledge and other important
information searched from different sources. Every day I submit my ideas about how to
overcome the problems encountered in the company for department head and we discuss on
what is written. After understanding the written materials, the department foreman accepts
some solutions that would have been possible to apply at the company level.
As much as possible, accepted solutions are applied with in short period of time. Some
photographic picture, as presented under the following sub-title, shows the results of
practically applied solutions.
4.7.1 Working principles
The working of the vehicles multi wheel nuts remover and tightener is simple and can be
performed by anyone. It does not require any skills or anything, just basic knowledge about
the setup is required for operation. This works under the principle of removing all the wheel
nuts at the same time by applying torque with cranked lever. It consist of a cranked lever , five
gears (pinions), central gear, five shafts which has been connected to the five pinion gears, and
box spanners at each end of the five shafts, the cranked lever is turned by single man.
First the machine setup is placed with correct fitting of the box socket to the nuts of the
Then the cranking lever is connected to the shaft of central gear. The lever drives the
central gear which drives the meshed pinion gears.
Each pinion gear is connected with the shafts with the box spanners at the end of the each
As the shaft rotates the spanners also turns and the nuts in the wheels are thus removed or
tightened by the rotation of the spanners.
The tightening and removing process can be changed by changing the rotation of the
lever. Thus all the wheel nuts can be tightened and removed by this process. It is found to
be a simple process and very much convenient for every one for the tire removal and
tightening process. Thus with this simple process I succeeded in making a convenient
process in the tire replacement technique for our company. By this setup the tire could be
easily removed and tightened more efficiently with less wastage of time and energy used.
The project started with product design, for the design Auto CAD was used. Parametric
modeling of spur gears was done in Auto CAD. The parameters used for design of spur gear
were number of teeth and module.
The type of gear selected was spur gear because they are easy to design and manufacture and
which connect two parallel and co-planar shafts. These gears have the teeth parallel to the axis
of the wheel. A part from this the velocity ratio in spur gear is constant. Keeping the above
factors in mind and selecting 080M40 for the Gear.
The product was to be designed for 114.3mm PCD, so the center distance between gears
had to be 57.15 mm.
Yield strength and Ultimate tensile strength for gear material (080M40 mild steel) is
280N per mm 2 and 550N per mm 2 respectively.
Addendum a = 1×(module),
Dedendum b = 1.25×(module),
DG DP G× D P D P D ×(G+1)
L= + →L= + → L= P
2 2 2 2 2
DG T G 34
G= = = =2 where; - L is distance b/n the center of gear and the center of
DP T P 17
pinion (mm)
- DG is PCD of gear in mm
- D P is PCD of pinions in mm
2× L 2× 57.15 114.3
DP = = = = 38.1mm
(G+1) (2+1) 3
DG = G× D P = 2×38.1 = 76.2mm
Module (m)
DP 38
D P = m×Tp → m = = = 2.25
T P 17
m = 2.25
B = 22.5 mm
T 90000 Nmm
W T = D P = 38 mm
2 2
WT = 4736.84N
WT 4736.84 4736.84
WN = = =
cos ∅ cos 20 ° 0.93969
WN = 5040.8N
WN 5040.84
p= =
b 22.5
P = 224 N /mm
σ bg ×Y P = 183.3×0.3707 = 67.95
So, f b = m×b× σ b ×Y
= 2.25×22.5×55.3
f b = 2800N
Figure 21 Auto CAD designed gear and pinion
For shaft purchased under definite physical specification, the permissible tensile stress (σ t)
may be taken as 60 percent of the elastic limit in tension ( σ el), but not more than 36 percent of
the ultimate tensile strength (σ u). In other words, the permissible tensile stress,
σ t = 0.6σ el or 0.36 σ u
For shafts purchased under definite physical specifications, the permissible shear stress ( τ )
may be taken as 30 per cent of the elastic limit in tension ( σ el) but not more than 18 per cent of
the ultimate tensile strength (σ u). In other words, the permissible shear stress,
τ = 0.3σ el or 0.18σ u
Approximately τ = 101Mpa
We have got the normal and tangential load in the previous calculation and also we know the
pressure angle (∅ )
w G = 0.00118×T G ×b× m2
= 0.00118×34×22.5×2 , 252
w G = 4.56992N
Resultant load acting on the gear
w R = √ W N 2 +W G2 +2 ×W N ×W G ×cos ∅
WR = 5045.135N
→ L/2 ← → L/2 ←
W R /2 W R /2
Therefore; the maximum bending moment at the center of the gear is:-
wR L wR × L
M= × = where; L is overhanging distance
2 2 4
5045.135× 60
M= = 75,677Nmm
T = wt ×
T = 4736.84 × = 179,999.9Nmm ≈ 180,000Nmm
π 3 π 3
Te = × τ ×d G = ×101 × d G = 19.83d G3 where, d G3 is diameter of gear shaft
16 16
195,261.4 = 19.83d G3
d G = 9,846.768 d G = 21.434mm ≈ 22mm
The shaft length is over hanging distance plus the length of shaft used for meshing with the
lever. I have taken 36mm for meshing distance. So, total distance is 60+36 = 96mm
W P = 2.3N
W R = √ W N 2 +W P2+ 2× W N × W P × cos ∅
W R = 5,043N
The pinion is mounted at the middle of the shaft.
Therefore; the maximum bending moment at the center of the pinion is,
wR × L
M= where; L is overhanging distance which is equal to that of gear’s shaft (60mm)
5,040.84 ×60
M= = 75,645Nmm
DP 38
T = wt × = 476.84 × = 90,000Nmm
2 2
We know that
π 3
Te = × τ ×d P where; d P is the diameter of pinion’s shaft
π 3
Te = ×101 × d P = 19.83d P3
117,567.71 = 19.83d P3
d P = 5,928.78 d P = 18.1mm
By using the values of shaft diameter (d G = 22mm) from the proportion of standard parallel,
tapered and bighead keys table, I have selected the width and the thickness of the key
Length of key
By considering the shearing of key, the tangential shearing force acting at the circumference
of the shaft,
dG d
T = F× =l×w × τ× G where; d G is the diameter of gear shaft
2 2
= l × 8 × 160 × = 140l
We know that
π 3 π 3
T= × τ ×d G = ×160 × 22 = 334,516.8
16 16
t d π 3
T = l × × σc × G = × τ ×d G
2 2 16
7 22 π 3
= l × ×320 × = ×160 × 22
2 2 16
We have to take the largest, so the length of key for the gear shaft (l) is 27mm
By using the shaft diameter (d P=17 mm ) value from the proportion of standard table,
Width (w) = 6mm and Thickness (t) = 6mm which is square key
T=l×w × τ× where; d P is the diameter of pinion shaft
We know that
π 3
T= × τ ×d P
dP π 3
T = l ×w×τ× = × τ ×d P
2 16
17 π 3
l ×6 × 160 × = ×160 × 17
2 16
l = 18.9mm ≈ 19mm
t d π 3
T = l × × σc × P = × τ ×d P
2 2 16
6 17 π 3
= l × ×320 × = ×160 × 17
2 2 16
l = 18.9mm ≈ 19mm
The length of the key for the crushing and shearing are equal so we take either of them
l = 19mm
For design project we select deep groove bearing because load capacity by the number of balls
and primarily designed to support radial loads the thrust load capacity is about 70% of the
radial load.
Bearing life
Life: number of revolution or hours operating at constant speed required the failure criterion
Rating life: design the number of revolution or hours of operation at constant speed in such a
way that 90% the bearing tested (from the same group) will computer exceed before the first
evidence of failure develops.
Basic dynamic load: contact radial load that a group of bearing can carry for l0 life.
C a
L0 = ( ¿ Where a is constant (a = 3) for ball bearing and a = 10/3 for roller bearing
The lever can be operated either by a single person or by two persons. The maximum force in
order to operate the lever for single person may be taken as 400 N and the length of handle (l)
as 300 mm. In case the lever is operated by two persons, the maximum force of operation will
be doubled and length of handle may be taken as 500 mm. The handle is covered in a pipe to
prevent hand scoring. The end of the shaft is usually squared so that the lever may be easily
fixed and removed. The length (L) is usually from 400 to 450 mm and the height of the shaft
center line from the ground is usually one meter.
The diameter of the handle (d) is obtained from bending considerations. It is assumed that the
effort (P) applied on the handle acts at of its length (l).
The lever is designed for a single person, so maximum force (P) = 400N and length of handle l
= 300mm.
Diameter of handle
Since the force applied acts at a distance of 2/3 length of the handle from its free end,
therefore maximum bending moment,
2 2
M = P× L = 400× (450) = 120,000Nmm
3 3
π 3
Section module; Z= d
M = σ b ×Z therefore;
π 3
120,000 = 72× d
The cross-section of the lever arm is usually rectangular having uniform thickness throughout.
The width of the lever arm is tapered from the boss to the handle. The arm is subjected to
constant twisting moment,
T= ×P×l
And a varying bending moment which is maximum near the boss. It is assumed that the arm
of the lever extends up to the center of shaft, which results in a slightly stronger lever.
The lever arm should be designed for 25% more bending moment.
Section module Z= ×t× B2
Using the relation σ b = the following calculation is done
225,000 225,000
72 = 1 3 = 1 2 = 3
×t × B ×t ×(2 t) t
6 6
3 337,500
t = = 4,687.5 t = 16.736mm say 17mm
1 1
Section module Z= ×t× B2 = ×17×34 2 = 3,275.33mm3
6 6
M 180,000
Induced bending stress (σ b) = =
Z 3,275.33
σ b = 54.956MPa this value is less than the permissible bending stress of the material.
2 2
T= ×P×l = ×400×300 = 80,000Nmm where, l is length of the handle.
3 3
2 2
T= ×B×t 2 × τ = ×34×17 2 × τ = 80,000
9 9
τ= = 36.637MPa which is less than shear stress for the material of shaft (101MPa)
Let us know check the cross section of lever arm for maximum principal or shear stress
1 1
σ b(Max) = (σ b+√ σ b2 + 4 τ 2 ) = (54.956+√ 54.9562 +4 (36.637)2 )
2 2
σ b(Max) = 73.3MPa
1 1
√ σ b + 4 τ = × √ 54.956 + 4(36.637 ¿¿ 2) ¿ = 45.8MPa
2 2 2
τ (Max) =
2 2
The maximum principal and shear stress are also in safe limit.
Diameter of the journal (D)
Since the journal of the shaft is subjected to twisting moment and bending moment, therefore
its diameter is obtained from equivalent twisting moment.
T e = P× ( 2 ×l + x) + L2 where, x is distance from the end of boss to the center of journal.
= 400× ( 2 ×300 +100) +4502 = 216,333Nmm
π 3 π 3
216,333 = ×τ ×D = ×101 × D = 19.83 D3
16 16
3 216,333
D = = 10,908.66
The steel material has good corrosion resistance, good oxidization resistance in intermediate
service, higher machinability, low cost and better resistance in high temperature.
Base plate
Length and Width of the plate depends up on the pitch circle diameter of gear and pinion and
the values of addendum.
Dp 38
L = W = 2×(L+ +Addendum) = 2×(57.17+ +2.25) = 2×78.42 = 156.84mm
2 2
Here the figure below shows the base plate is square with five pinion shaft bores, four bolt
bores and one gear shaft bore.
The bore diameter of the plate (D) is designed below in the nut and bolt design = 6.843mm.
The bolt spacing is 72° . The number of bolts is 4.
The width of the plate depends up on the overhanging distance of shaft. I have taken the
overhanging distance 60mm
The length and width are proportional to that of base plate but I have taken the thickness (t) =
4mm. All the gear box plates are made from the same material.
Here the table below shows Metric Mechanical properties with grade making per ISO898-1
FOR carbon steel externally threaded fasteners.
π 2 π
× D = ×( Do2- Dc2 )
4 4
Do is outer diameter
Dc is core diameter
Although stress area is found from the table, there is formula to find it.
π dp+ dc 2
Stress Area = ( ) where, dp is pitch diameter and dc is core diameter
4 2
The bolt is subjected to an axial load and the weakest section will be at root of the thread.
π 2
P= ×dc ×σ t
π 2
= ×9.858 × 800 = 61060N
This is also the tensile load.
Stress set up in the bolt (σ t)
P = 2840×12 = 34080N
All horizontal frames, supports and legs of a table are 40mm by 40mm square hallow mild
steel having a thickness of 1.5mm.
When the gear box is loaded on the table, there is a reaction forces on the leg of the table
which acts in the upward direction as shown in the figure below.
2F 2F
Reaction forces
W T Is the total weight of gear box neglecting the weight of shaft, key and lever and F
is the reaction force on each leg of a table.
F y =0 … … … … … … … … … … … … (4.19)
W −4 F=0
4 F=W
The gear box weight includes the weight of gears, pinions, and the gear box plate.
For the base plate, mass (m) is equal to the density of the material ( ρ ) times the volume of the
plate (V).
W = m×g
Volume of the base plate = Total volume of base plate – volume of the bore
V bo (bolt ) = π r 2 ×t where, r is radius of the bore and t is the thickness of the bore.
V bo (bolt ) = 2.942205×10−7 m3
= 3.14159 ׿0.008
V bo ( pinion) = 1.81584×10−6 m3
V bo (gear ) = π r 2 ×t where, r is radius of gear shaft bore.
= 3.14159׿ 0.008
V bo (gear ) = 3.041×10−6 m3
V bo = 1.32971×10−5 m3
V cp = V Tc - V bo where, V Tc is total volume of cover plate and V bo is the total bore volume
V bo = 8.169×10−6 m3
= 0.157×0.157×0.004 = 9.8596×10−5 m3
V T = 4.84395×10−4 m3
The total weight includes the weight of gear, pinion, and the box plate.
Reaction forces
4F = W T
W T 45
F= = = 11.25N
4 4
Adhesive greases of NLGI 0, 1 or 2 consistency are sometimes used on open gears where high
temperature conditions prevail or where leakage of a thinner lubricant might contaminate
materials being processed. EP or non-EP greases can be used and application is made by
brush, paddle or pressure gun. Greases softer than NLGI No. 0 consistency are being used in
enclosed gear sets, particularly in coal mining machinery, where high operating temperature
and leakage are factors. Application is usually made by pressure gun.
This internship practice had been conducted in order to the fulfillment of partial requirements
to receive degree of bachelor science in mechanical engineering at Arba Minch University and
the report has been written just as to explain what things have been done in the company
during the four months of practice.
During and after accomplishment of excellent internship periods, I reach to the end that;
Gaining knowledge from practical work is easier than from theoretical learning process. It is
not to mean that only practical work is enough to be well professional but for students related
with technological field of study, standard and well-equipped laboratory is essential together
with class learning.
Internship period is used to develop students’ knowledge; to create new invention, to develop
practical knowledge, to identify problems, to analysis and solving problems that faces the
societies and also helps students to test their own future life.
I had seen behavioral changes on workers of company and maintenance foreman assure to
prepare maintenance manual so that they will continue to work based on it.
5.2 Recommendation
For Arba Minch University I suggest that the internship program is very necessary thing for
mechanical engineering department so it must be continuous. Also, I suggest that it must be
more than one semester.
And for AMWETC Company I suggest to prepare transportation service for student and to
finish and give the evaluation paper and attendance in proper time because they took many
days to give that.
AMWETC lasts long since its establishment in 1991. Due to this case most of the machines
are old and they need standardized maintenance. Therefore, the management department
should take the case in to consideration and maintenance should take place as soon as possible.
Maintenance must be in schedule so that the wastage of materials should be minimized and the
company would be profitable and effective production should be attained. AMWETC
Company should give more opportunity for students in practice. This may help them to use
full knowledge of students at low cost.
Finally, health centres should give qualified services for workers so that no one would be
absent from work place due to health problems. I tried to recommend this depending on the
information I got from some workers.
5. Innovative Design of Multi Jaw Wrench and its Analysis Dheeraj Singh1, Ashish
Srivastava2, Gaurav Verma3, Manasi Chauhan4, Amit Gupta5
10. 30C8 Carbon Steel, Carbon Steel _ Mannurpet, Padi, Chennai _ Saaj Steel
Corporation _ ID_ 11134258391
11. V. B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing House
Ltd., Second Edition.
12. Dr. N. C. Pandya, Dr. C. S. Shah, Machine Design, Charotar Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., Seventh Edition.
Auto-Service Department Maintenance Schedule for Periodic Service
5/15/25/35/45/55/65/75,000 km service
1 Brake pads disc I
2 Steering knuckle drag link king pin, R
center arm and steering linkage grease
3 Engine oil with filter R
4 Fuel element R
5 Air cleaner I
6 Battery I
7 Steering wheel linkage & gear box oil I
8 Propeller shaft grease L
9 Tithing propeller shafts bolts & nuts I
10 Front and rear suspension I
11 External leakage if any I
L= lubricate
1 Brake pads, discs & drums I
2 Steering knuckle, drag link, king pin, center arm & steering R
linkage grease
3 Brake disc run-out I
4 Drive shaft boots I
5 Tightening drive shaft bolts I
6 Ball joint & dust covers I
7 Brake pedal & parking brake I
8 Brake line pipes & hoses I
9 Brake fluid I
10 Clutch fluid I
11 Power steering fluid I
12 Steering wheel linkage & steering gear box oil I
13 Engine oil with filter R
14 Fuel filter and fuel element R
15 Air cleaner I
16 Water sedimentary I
17 Battery I
18 All light, horns, wipers & washers I
19 Propeller shafts L
20 Tightening propeller shaft bolt and nuts I
21 Bolts & nuts on chassis & body I
22 Front and rear suspensions I
23 Tire & inflation pressure I
24 External leakage if any I
Table 3 Type- C service, (20,000km & 60,000km service)
` I
1 Brake pads, discs & drums
2 Steering knuckle, drag link, king pin, center arm & steering linkage R
3 Brake disc run-out I
4 Drive shaft boots I
5 Tightening drive shaft bolts I
6 Ball joint & dust covers I
7 Brake pedal & parking brake I
8 Brake line pipes & hoses I
9 Brake fluid I
10 Clutch fluid I
11 Power steering fluid I
12 Steering wheel linkage & steering gear box oil I
13 Wheel bearing grease R
14 Engine oil with filter R
15 Fuel filter and fuel element R
16 Air cleaner I
17 Water sedimentary I
18 Drive belt I
19 Vacuum pump oil hoses I
20 Idle speed A
21 Battery I
22 All light, horns, wipers & washers I
23 Propeller shafts L
24 Tightening propeller shaft bolt and nuts I
25 Bolts & nuts on chassis & body I
26 Front and rear suspensions I
27 Exhaust pipes & mounting I
28 Differential gear oil I
29 External leakage if any I
30 Air conditioning/cooler refrigerant I
31 Tire & inflation pressure I
1 Brake pads, discs & drums I
2 Steering knuckle, drag link, king pin, center arm & steering linkage R
3 Brake disc run-out I
4 Drive shaft boots I
5 Tightening drive shaft bolts I
6 Ball joint & dust covers I
7 Brake pedal & parking brake I
8 Brake line pipes & hoses I
9 Brake fluid I
10 Clutch fluid I
11 Power steering fluid I
12 Steering wheel linkage & steering gear box oil I
13 Wheel bearing grease R
14 Engine oil with filter R
15 Fuel filter and fuel element R
16 Air cleaner I
17 Water sedimentary I
18 Drive belt I
19 Vacuum pump oil hoses I
20 Idle speed A
21 Battery I
22 All light, horns, wipers & washers I
23 Propeller shafts L
24 Tightening propeller shaft bolt and nuts I
25 Bolts & nuts on chassis & body I
26 Front and rear suspensions I
27 Exhaust pipes & mounting I
28 Differential gear oil I
29 External leakage if any I
30 Air conditioning/cooler refrigerant I
Central gear