This document contains exam questions for surveying, mathematics, soil mechanics, and civil engineering subjects.
In part A, it lists 10 short answer questions in each subject assessing basic concepts. Part B contains longer form questions worth 16 marks each, testing comprehensive understanding. Sample questions address topics like chain surveying, plane table surveys, matrix algebra, differential calculus, soil properties, permeability testing, consolidation, stress distribution, and slope stability. The exams assess knowledge across key areas of engineering.
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This document contains exam questions for surveying, mathematics, soil mechanics, and civil engineering subjects.
In part A, it lists 10 short answer questions in each subject assessing basic concepts. Part B contains longer form questions worth 16 marks each, testing comprehensive understanding. Sample questions address topics like chain surveying, plane table surveys, matrix algebra, differential calculus, soil properties, permeability testing, consolidation, stress distribution, and slope stability. The exams assess knowledge across key areas of engineering.
This document contains exam questions for surveying, mathematics, soil mechanics, and civil engineering subjects.
In part A, it lists 10 short answer questions in each subject assessing basic concepts. Part B contains longer form questions worth 16 marks each, testing comprehensive understanding. Sample questions address topics like chain surveying, plane table surveys, matrix algebra, differential calculus, soil properties, permeability testing, consolidation, stress distribution, and slope stability. The exams assess knowledge across key areas of engineering.
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This document contains exam questions for surveying, mathematics, soil mechanics, and civil engineering subjects.
In part A, it lists 10 short answer questions in each subject assessing basic concepts. Part B contains longer form questions worth 16 marks each, testing comprehensive understanding. Sample questions address topics like chain surveying, plane table surveys, matrix algebra, differential calculus, soil properties, permeability testing, consolidation, stress distribution, and slope stability. The exams assess knowledge across key areas of engineering.
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Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 ? 2 20 marks) 1. What do you mean by limiting length oI oII set` in chain surveying? 2. What are the equipments used to measure right angle in the chain surveying? 3. DeIine bearing oI lines` and true meridian` in compass surveying. 4. What is orienting the table` in plane table surveys? 5. Enlist the classiIication oI levelling. 6. What are the special Ieatures oI precise system oI levelling? 7. What are the uses oI contours? 8. How do you compute the reservoir volume? 9. Explain the use oI Bowditch`s rule` in traverse computation. 10. Name the diIIerent cases oI omitted measurements` in theodolite surveying. PART B (5 ? 16 80 marks) 11. In levelling between two points A and B on opposite banks oI a river, the level was set up near A and the staII readings on A and B were 1.60 m and 2.44 m respectively. The level was then moved and set up near B, and the respective readings on A and B were 0.70 and 1.26. Find the true diIIerence oI level between A and B. 12. (a) (i) Explain the use oI Optical Square in Chain Surveying. (ii) Describe the procedure to carryout the base line survey in chain surveying. Or (b) (i) Explain proIile levelling with suitable example. (ii) Enlist and explain the types oI errors in levelling. 13. (a) (i) What are the precautions to be adopted in using the Compass? (ii) The bearings oI the sides oI a traverse ABCDE are as Iollows : Side Fore bearing Back bearing AB 107 15' 287 15' BC 22 0' 202 0' CD 281 30' 101 30' DE 189 15' 9 15' EA 124 45' 304 45' Compute the interior angles oI the traverse. Or (b) (i) Write brieIly the radiation method oI plane tabling. (ii) Explain the method oI traversing in a plane table survey. 14. (a) (i) The Iollowing perpendicular oIIsets were taken Irom a chain line to a hedge : Chainage in m 0 10 20 40 60 OIIset in m 6.10 7.63 4.58 5.49 8.54 Calculate the area between the chain line and the hedge using Simpson`s method. (ii) Write about the Prismoidal Correction to be applied to volume computation. Or (b) (i) How will you compute the area oI an irregular area using planimeter? (ii) Compute the volume oI a cutting in cubic meter Ior a road Irom the Iollowing data : Breadth oI Iormation 10 m side slope 1 to 1 Distance Depth oI cutting (h) in m Cross slope oI the surIace oI the ground 0 2.40 1 in 12 30 m 3.0 1 in 8 60 m 3.60 1 in 10 15. (a) (i) How will you carryout the temporary adjustment oI a theodolite? (ii) Explain any one method oI measuring horizontal and vertical angle using theodolite. Or (b) (i) State and explain omitted measurements in theodolite surveying. (ii) The interior angles oI a closed traverse ABCDEF are as Iollows : , 60 40'; , 201 38'; , 93 19'; , 69 48'; , 210 13' and , 84 22'. Compute the deIlection angles oI the traverse B.E/B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, 1an 2009 First Semester MA 2111 - MATHEMATICS -I (Regulation 2009) Time : 3 hours Maximam Marks:100 PART A (10 x 2 20 MARKS ) 1. For a given matrix A oI order 3, |A|32 and two oI its eigenvalues are 8 and. Find the sum oI the eigenvalues. 2. Check whether the matrix B is orthogonal? JustiIy? B 3.Write the equation oI tangent plane at (1,5,7) to the sphere (x-2)2 (y-3) 2 (z-4) 2 14 4. Find the equation oI the right circular cone whose vertex is at the origin and axis is the line having semi vertical angle oI 45 5. Find the envelope oI the lines ymx where m is the parameter. 6. DeIine the circle oI curvature at a point p( ) on the curve y f(x) 7. Using Euler`s theorem, given u(x,y) is a homogeneous Iunction oI degree n, prove that x2 uxx 2xy uxy y2uyy n(n-1)u 8. Using the deIinition oI total derivative, Iind the value oI given uy2-4ax Xat2, y2at. 9. Write down the double integral, to Iind the area between the circles r and r4 . 10. DeIine the circle oI curvature at a point p( ) on the curve y f(x) PART B (5 x 16 80 MARKS ) 11. a) (i) Find the characteristic equation oI the matrix A given A . Hence Iind A-1 and A4 ii) Find the eigen values and eigen vectors oI A OR b) Reduce the given quadratic Ior Q to its canonical Iorm using orthogonal transIormation Q x2 3y2 3z2 2yz.
12. a) Obtain the equation oI the sphere having the circle x2 y2z29, xyz3 as a great circle. ii) Find the equation oI the right circular cylinder whose axis is the line x2y-z and radius 4. OR b) Find the equation oI the right circular cone whose vertex is at the origin and axis is the line and which has semi vertical angle oI 30o. ii) Find the equation oI the sphere described on the line joining the points (2,-1,4) and (-2,2,-2) as diameter. Fine the area oI the circle in which this sphere is cut by the plane 2xy z 3.
13. (a) Fine the evolute oI the hyperbola 1 considering it as the envelope oI its normal. ii) Find the radius oI curvature oI the curve at OR (b) Find the equation oI circle oI curvature oI the parabola y2 12x at the point (3,6). (ii) Find the envelope oI the Iamily oI lines 1 subject to the condition
14. a) II ux2 show that uxxy uxyz. ii) II u log tan-1 (y / x) prove that uxx uyy 0. iii) Find Jacobian oI the transIormation xr sin cos, and zr cos . OR b) (i) Find the the maximum value oI subject to the condition xyza ii) Find the Taylor series expansion ex sin y at the point up to 3rd degree terms.
15. a) Find the area inside the circle ra but lying outside the cardioid r a (1-cos ) OR b) Change to spherical polar co-ordinate and hence evaluate where V is the volume oI the sphere ii) Change the order oI integration and hence evaluate x2 dy dx
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, Fourth Semester Civil Engineering CE 240 SOIL MECHANICS Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 ? 2 20 marks) 1. The shrinkage limit oI a soil is 12. The soil is dried Irom its initial water content oI 8 to the dry state. Calculate the percentage oI volume change in this process. 2. ClassiIy the soil having the Iollowing properties as per BIS : Fraction passing 75 micron sieve : 60 Liquid limit : 19 Plastic limit : 14 3. Why is Ialling head permeability test preIerred to constant head method Ior Iinding coeIIicient oI permeability oI Iine grained soils? 4. The void ratio oI a soil is 1.0 and the superIicial velocity through the soil is 1 ? 105 cm/s. Find the seepage velocity. 5. State the assumptions made in Boussinesq stress distribution theory. 6. A soil sample consolidating in a ring oI diameter 60 mm has a thickness oI 18.9 mm at a particular stage. Find the void ratio at this stage iI the mass oI dry soil is 78 g and speciIic gravity oI solids is 2.65. 7. Can saturated sand exhibit ? II so, under what circumstances? 8. Draw the Mohr circle at Iailure and strength envelope corresponding to unconIined compression test. 9. Find the Iactor oI saIety oI an inIinite slope oI Cohesionless soil oI angle oI internal Iriction 36?, iI the slope angle is 30?. 10. State any two ways by which a Iinite slope may Iail. PART B (5 ? 16 80 marks) 11. (i) A saturated specimen oI undisturbed clay has a volume oI 22.5 cm3 and mass oI 35 g. AIter oven drying, the mass reduces to 20 g. Find its moisture content, speciIic gravity oI solids, void ratio and dry density. (10) (ii) Explain how moisture content and compactive energy inIluence the compaction oI soils. (6) 12. (a) (i) In a Ialling head permeameter, the sample was 18 cm long and having a cross sectional area oI 22 cm2. Calculate the time required Ior the drop oI head Irom 25 cm to 10 cm, iI the cross sectional area oI the stand pipe was 2 cm2. The sample oI soil was heterogeneous having coeIIicient oI permeability oI 3 ? 104 cm/s Ior the Iirst 6 cm, 4 ? 104 cm/s Ior the second 6 cm and 6 ? 104 cm/s Ior the last 6 cm thickness. Assume the Ilow taking place perpendicular to the bedding planes. (8) (ii) State the properties oI Ilownet. (8) Or (b) (i) For a Iield pumping test, a well was sunk through a horizontal stratum oI sand 14.5 m thick and underlain by a clay stratum. Two observation wells were sunk at horizontal distances oI 16 m and 34 m respectively Irom the pumping well. The initial position oI water table was 2.2 m below ground level. At a steady pumping rate oI 1 m3/min., the drawdowns in the observation wells were Iound to be 2.45 m and 1.2 m respectively. Calculate the coeIIicient oI permeability oI the sand. Derive the equation used, iI any. (12) (ii) What are the conditions under which quick sand phenomenon occurs? (4) 13. (a) (i) A sandy soil oI average void ratio oI 0.7 and speciIic gravity oI solids 2.7 extends Ior a large depth Irom the ground level. Find the eIIective stress at a depth oI 5 m when the soil is (1) Saturated (2) Submerged. (6) (ii) A saturated soil has a compression index oI 0.25 and coeIIicient oI permeability oI 3.4 ? 107 mm/s. II its void ratio at an eIIective pressure oI 100 kPa is 2.02, Iind the void ratio when the pressure is increased to 190 kPa. Also, Iind the settlement oI the stratum, iI it is 5 m thick and coeIIicient oI consolidation Ior this pressure range. (10) Or (b) (i) An elevated structure is supported on a tower with Iour legs. The legs rest on piers located at the corners oI a square oI side 7 m. II the value oI vertical stress increment due to this loading (considering 4 equal concentrated loads) is 25 kPa at a point 8 m beneath the centre oI the structure, what will be the stress increment at 10 m below one oI the legs? (10) (ii) DeIine or give concise description : (1) Normally consolidated soil (2) Over consolidated soil (3) Compression index. (6) 14. (a) (i) What are the limitations oI direct shear test? (6) (ii) A sample oI cohesionless soil was subjected to a drained shear test under a cell pressure oI 100 kPa. When an additional vertical load oI 220 N was applied, the sample Iailed. Find the angle oI internal Iriction oI the soil, iI the total quantity oI water collected in the burette was 9 cm3. The initial length and diameter oI the sample were 80 mm and 38 mm respectively. A change in length oI 5 mm was observed in the sample. (10) Or (b) (i) Using Mohr's diagram, prove that the angle made by Iailure plane with the major principal plane is (45 ??2)??where ? is the angle oI internal Iriction. (5) (ii) In a direct shear test conducted on a cohesionless soil, the sample Iailed when a shear stress oI 600 kPa was applied under a normal stress oI 800 kPa. Locate the principal planes and Iind the principal stresses. (11) 15. (a) A 10 m high embankment oI inIinite slope is made oI a soil having cohesion, angle oI internal Iriction and unit weight oI 30 kN/m2, 20? and 17 kN/m3 respectively. Find the Iactor oI saIety with respect to height iI the slope angle is 30?. Derive Irom the Iirst principles the equation used, iI any. (16) Or (b) (i) By slip circle method, derive the expression Ior Iactor oI saIety oI a Iinite slope oI a pure cohesive soil Ior a trial slip circle oI radius R`. (8) (ii) A 15 m high embankment is inclined at 30? to the horizontal. II the cohesion, angle oI internal Iriction and unit weight oI the soil are 15 kPa, 15? and 17.5 kN/m3 respectively. Find the Iactor oI saIety with respect to cohesion. Take Taylor's stability number as 0.05. (3) (iii) Say True or False : The side slopes oI a canal are more critical when there is a sudden drawdown rather than when the canal is running Iull. JustiIy your answer. (5
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, Fourth Semester Civil Engineering CE 239 SURVEYING II Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL the questions. PART A (10 ? 2 20 marks) 1. DeIine Tacheometric survey? 2. What do you mean by Anallactic lense? 3. Write short note on classiIication oI triangulation system. 4. Write brieIly about Trigonometrical leveling? 5. Distinguish between true value and most probable value oI a quantity. 6. Write short note on Iigure adjustment in Triangulation. 7. What are the properties oI spherical triangle? 8. Name the diIIerent instrumental corrections to be applied when observing the altitude oI a celestial body. 9. Explain the use oI sextants. 10. Write short note on legal values oI cadastral. PART B (5 ? 16 80 marks) 11. (i) How do you calculate the horizontal and vertical distances between a instrument station and a staII station when the line oI collimation is inclined to the horizontal and the staII is held vertically? (6) (ii) The Iollowing notes reIer to a line leveled tacheometrically with an anallactic tacheometer, the multiplying constant being 100 : (10)
Inst. Station Height oI axis StaII Station Vertical Angle Hair Readings Remarks P 1.50 B.M. 12' 0.963, 1.515, 2.067 R.L. oI B.M. 460.650 StaII being held vertically. P 1.50 Q 5' 0.819, 1.341, 1.863 Q 1.60 R 27' 1.860, 2.445, 3.030 Compute the reduced levels oI P, Q and R. 12. (a) (i) Derive the Iormula used Ior reducing the angles measured at satellite stations which is located at west oI true station. (8) (ii) From an eccentric station E, 24.24 m Irom C, the Iollowing angles were measured to three triangulation stations A, B and C, the stations B and E being on opposite sides oI AC : 32'40'' 24'30'' The approximate lengths oI AC and BC were 4705.5 m and 5695.8 m respectively. Find the angle ACB. (8) Or (b) (i) How do you calculate the curvature and reIraction corrections in Trigonometrical leveling? (8) (ii) Two stations A and B are 3791.712 m apart. The Iollowing observations were recorded : (8) Height oI instrument at A 1.463 m Height oI signal at A 5.09 m Height oI instrument at B 1.494 m Height oI signal at B 4.511 m Vertical angle Irom A to B 54'30''
Vertical angle Irom B to A 50'25''
Reduced level oI A 1275.60 m Find the reduced level oI B. 13. (a) (i) Explain the diIIerent methods oI estimating the most probable values oI quantity. (8) (ii) Find the most probable values oI the angles A, B, and C Irom the Iollowing observations at a station P. (8) 22'25''.6 weight 1 6'45''.4 weight 1 20'7''.7 weight 1 44'29''.1 weight 2 42'32''.5 weight 2 Or (b) (i) Write the various rules that are adopted Ior corrections to the observed angle oI triangle in Figure adjustment. (8) (ii) In running a closed line oI levels, the Iollowing results were obtained :
B.M. DiIIerence oI level in m. Distance in Km. Remarks A to B 5.372 9 Elevation oI A 825.654 B to C 6.465 12 C to D 7.216 18 D to E 4.138 15 E to A 1.727 6 Calculate the most probable elevations oI the bench marks. (8) 14. (a) (i) Write short note on : (1) Celestial sphere and (2) Circumpolar stars with neat sketches. (6) (ii) Calculate the sun`s azimuth and hour angle at sunset at a place in latitude N. When its declination is (1) N and (2) S. (10) Or (b) (i) What are the diIIerent observational corrections to be applied to the observed altitude oI celestial body? (6) (ii) An observation was made on a star lying west oI the meridian at a place in latitude 20'36'' N to determine the azimuth oI the survey line AB. The mean observed altitude was 10'24'' and the clockwise horizontal angle Irom AB to the star was 18'48''. The declination oI the star was 54'35'' N. Find the azimuth oI the survey line AB. (10) 15. (a) (i) What is meant by EDM? Explain the use and principle oI EDM. (6) (ii) How will you locate the position oI boat in the hydrographic survey? Explain the procedure. (10) Or (b) (i) Explain the use oI photogrammetry in large scale mapping. (8) (ii) DeIine cartography and explain the concept oI map making. (8) B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, Fourth Semester Civil Engineering CE 238 APPLIED HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 * 2 20 marks) 1. Find the relationship between Chezy's C` and Manning's n`. 2. Sketch the velocity distribution in rectangular and triangular channels. 3. Find the critical depth oI a rectangular channel carrying a discharge oI 2.4 m3/s/m. 4. DeIine control section and how it aIIects the Ilow depth. 5. What are practical application oI hydraulic jump? 6. What are the energy conversions in the reaction turbines? 7. DeIine speciIic speed oI centriIugal pump. 8. A reciprocating pump designed to discharge 28 lps is supplying 29 lps. Find the percentage oI slip. 9. What are the Iunction oI Ioot valve in a centriIugal pump? 10. How cavitation occurs in hydraulic machines. PART B (5 * 16 80 marks) 11. (i) Describe various types oI Ilow in an open channel. (9) (ii) A rectangular channel with a base width oI 0.60 m carries a discharge oI 100 lps. The Chezy's C is 60. II the depth oI Ilow is 0.25 m, determine the bed slope oI the channel. (7) 12. (a) (i) DeIine speciIic energy oI Ilow at a channel section. Draw the speciIic energy curve and explain. (10) (ii) List the various characteristics oI critical state oI Ilow through channels. (6) Or (b) A trapezoidal channel having a bottom width oI 5.0 m and side slope 2 : 1 is laid with a bottom slope oI 1/750. II it carries a uniIorm Ilow oI 8 m3/s compute the normal depth. Assume Manning's n 0.025. 13. (a) (i) What are the assumptions made to derive the gradually varied Ilow Irom the basic energy equation and derive an expression Ior water surIace slope? (9) (ii) How dynamic equation oI gradually varied Ilow is simpliIied in wide rectangular channel? (7) Or (b) How surIace proIiles oI Gradually Varied Flow are classiIied and explain them with sketches. 14. (a) (i) What are the Iunctions oI draIt tubes? Sketch the diIIerent types oI draIt tubes and explain the merits and demerits. (8) (ii) An inward Ilow reaction turbine works under a head oI 22.5 m. The external and internal diameter oI the runner are 1.35 m and 1.0 m respectively. The angle oI guide vane is 15? and the moving vane are radial at inlet. Radial velocity oI Ilow through runner is constant and equal to 0.2 There is no velocity oI whirl at outlet. Determine the speed oI the runner and the angle oI vanes at outlet. (8) Or (b) (i) Explain various losses occurring in a centriIugal pump. (6) (ii) A centriIugal pump has an impeller oI 0.50 m outer diameter. It runs at 750 rpm and discharges 140 lps against a head oI 10 m. The water enters the impeller without whirl and shock. The inner diameter is 0.25 m. The vanes are set an angle oI 45? at the outlet. The area oI Ilow is constant Irom inlet to outlet oI the impeller and equals to 0.06 m2. Determine (1) Manometric eIIiciency oI the pump (2) Vane angles at inlet. (10) 15. (a) (i) Explain with sketch how multi cylinder pump supplies more uniIorm Ilow as compared to single cylinder pump without any air vessel. (8) (ii) Explain the principle oI gear pump and rotating cylinder pump. (8) Or (b) (i) DeIine hydraulic jump and explain with sketches how they are classiIied. (9) (ii) A rectangular horizontal channel oI 3.0 m wide carries a discharge oI 10 m3/s. Determine whether hydraulic jump may occur at an initial depth oI 0.50 m or not. II jump occurs determine the sequent depth. (7)
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, Fourth Semester Civil Engineering CE 236 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 ? 2 20 marks) 1. State the principle oI virtual work. 2. State the Maxwell reciprocal theorem. 3. DeIine degree oI static indeterminacy oI a structure. 4. Write the three moment equation, stating all the variables used. 5. What is the middle third rule? 6. What are the assumptions in Euler's theory oI columns? 7. DiIIerentiate between spherical and deviatoric components oI stress tensor. 8. What is meant by volumetric strain? 9. DeIine shear centre. 10. What is meant by Iatigue Iailure? PART B (5 ? 16 80 marks) 11. Using the theorem oI three moments draw the shear Iorce and bending moment diagrams Ior the Iollowing continuous beam.
12. (a) Using unit load method, Iind the vertical deIlection oI joint F and horizontal deIlection oI joint D oI the Iollowing truss. Axial rigidity AE is constant Ior all members.
Or (b) (i) A simply supported beam oI length 10 m is subjected to a udl. 10 kN/m over the leIt halI oI the span and a concentrated load 4 kN, 2.5 m Irom the right support. Find bending strain energy. Flexural rigidity is uniIorm and equal to EI. (ii) State the Engesser's theorem and Castigliano's theorem. 13. (a) Using Euler's theory, Iind the buckling load Ior the columns with Iollowing boundary conditions : (i) Fixed-Iree (ii) Fixed-hinged. Or (b) A column with one end hinged and the other end Iixed has a length oI 5 m and a hollow circular cross section oI outer diameter 100 mm and wall thickness 10 mm. II 1.60 ? 105 N/mm2 and crushing strength N/mm2, Iind the load that the column may carry with a Iactor oI saIety oI 2.5 according to Euler theory and Rankine-Gordon theory. II the column is hinged on both ends, Iind the saIe load according to the two theories. 14. (a) Determine the principal stresses and principal directions Ior the Iollowing 3D-stress Iield. MPa. Or (b) Discuss the Iollowing theories oI Iailure Ior metals with suitable derivations : (i) Maximum shear stress theory oI Iailure (ii) Maximum distortion energy theory oI Iailure. 15. (a) A semicircular bar oI circular cross section with radius 20 mm is Iixed at one end and loaded at the other end as shown in the Iigure. Find the stresses at points A and B.
Or (b) A cylinder oI outer diameter 280 mm and inner diameter 240 mm shrunk over another cylinder oI outer diameter slightly more than 240 mm and inner diameter 200 mm to Iorm a compound cylinder. The shrink Iit pressure is 10 N/mm2. II an internal pressure oI 50 N/mm2 is applied to the compound cylinder, Iind the Iinal stresses across the thickness. Draw sketches showing their variations.