HighNote4 U10 Test A

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Unit Test 10 | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

LISTENING 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 [track 11] You are going to hear people words. The first letters are given.
talking in five different situations. For
0 The upbeat music made us all get up and
questions 1–5, listen and choose the correct
answer, a, b or c.
1 I didn’t get into an argument with my brother for
the s______________ of keeping the peace.
1 The speakers agree that
2 That is, without a d______________ the
a they have never found such an interesting
strangest story I’ve ever heard. It’s really weird!
artefact before.
3 In c______________ to expectations, the
b the artefact could have been a household
council announced spending on cultural events
would be increased. Most people were very
c the area near the river is a good place to
look for artefacts.
4 In that period, i______________ was a popular
2 Why is the girl calling?
material for making ornaments. However, it isn’t
a to apologise for choosing a bad film to
fashionable anymore as attitudes to hunting
elephants have changed.
b to inform a friend about a cancelled event
5 The theme tune was very c______________.
c to make an invitation to an informal get-
I couldn’t stop singing it all week!
2 What does the woman least enjoy about her ___ / 5
a negative online posts GRAMMAR
b the audience being rude 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
c getting stopped by people she doesn’t know form of the verbs from the box.
3 The man thinks
can't/make could/make may/be
a the TV series is a must-watch.
might/know must/be must/know
b the leading actor could have been better.
c the humour was cheesy.
0 The police think it must have been the
4 The man is complaining about
archaeologist who stole the sculpture. As far as
a their accommodation.
they’re concerned, the case is closed.
b a particular event.
1 The thief _____________________ there were
c the hotel’s location.
security cameras in the building. Otherwise he
___ / 5
wouldn’t have covered his face.
2 A dog _____________________ such a mess
in the garden. I’m sure it was a wild animal.
2 Choose the correct option to complete the
3 People at that time _____________________
more than we think about construction. It’s very
0 The candle holder broke when she dropped it possible.
as the beige / cream / bone it was made from 4 It _____________________ the burglar who
was very fragile. broke the window, but we’re not sure yet.
1 I know you think she took your phone in / on / for 5 I’m not completely sure, but a factory near
purpose, but I know she didn’t mean to. She just Paris _____________________ this vase. It’s
wasn’t concentrating. very similar to others they produced.
2 A: I’m sorry, but I can only get to the restaurant
___ / 5
at 8:30.
B: In that case / On your part / At least,
I’ll change the booking. Don’t worry.
3 The music was so exhilarating / soulful / mellow
that we all left the concert laughing and smiling.
4 I can’t believe how boring this action film is.
By / On / In fact, it’s the most boring film I’ve
ever seen.
5 I found a very interesting enormous / miniature /
curved model toy car in a drawer in the attic.
I’d never seen such as small one.

___ / 5

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5 Rewrite the sentences, using a participle 7 Complete the sentences with the correct
clause. form of the words in brackets. Add extra
words were necessary. You must use no
0 We had explored the idea in depth and knew
more than six words.
what we were talking about.
Having explored the idea in depth, we knew 0 One of the great strengths of the series
what we were talking about. (great / strength / series) is the music.
1 As he looked up, he noticed a stranger in the 1 We were both given the same seat. It
room. ____________________________ (must / be /
______________________________________ coincidence).
______________________________________ 2 I would give her a chance. She
2 Because she had worked as a nurse for five ____________________________ (might / try /
years, she knew how to deal with medical
get) to know you better by asking you so many
silly questions.
3 ____________________________ (play / lead)
3 A big container fell off a lorry, which injured before, she doesn’t need to prove how talented
three people. an actress she is.
______________________________________ 4 The series ____________________________
______________________________________ (tell / story / man) who suffers from memory
4 As she looked the treasure hunter in the eye, loss.
she asked him to hand over the ancient sword. 5 I promise you ___________________________
______________________________________ (be / suspense) right through the film.
5 After he had grabbed everyone’s attention, he ___ / 5
proceeded to tell them his political views.
______________________________________ READING
______________________________________ 8 Read the texts. For questions 1–5, choose
from texts A–D. You may choose the texts
___ / 5 more than once.

6 Complete the text with the correct form of I grew up dreaming of becoming an actor. Hoping
the words in brackets. I’d grow out of this phase, my parents didn’t actively
discourage me from taking part in our school plays
Music has a very 0 powerful (POWER) effect that might have been a bit cheesy in places, but
on our emotions. Not only does it make us were certainly entertaining. When I was in my final
feel good, but it also boosts the year at school, I applied for a place on a performing
1 ______________ (ENJOY) of doing
arts course, as I thought it would give me the
monotonous tasks, such as running. But why chance to learn new skills. I’ll never forget my
does it make us feel this way? father’s face when I told him. He couldn’t hide his
2 ______________ (PRESUME), listening to
surprise as he had thought I’d study accountancy or
pleasant music activates the areas in the business like my friends. He was genuinely
brain which release dopamine, a chemical concerned as he didn’t want me to get a worthless,
substance responsible for feelings of in his eyes, qualification that would lead nowhere
euphoria. Another question is why we are except to a lifetime of worrying about finances.
3 ______________ (PARTICULAR)
However, now both of my parents are proud to tell
impressed by a certain genre of music. In all all of their friends about the latest high profile show
4 ______________ (LIKELY), the roots of our
I’ve danced in!
musical preferences lie very deep in the
brain. Although research into this area is still
in its infancy, it might have important
5 ______________ (IMPLY) for the future of

the music industry.

___ / 5

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B Which writer A–D …
When I applied to drama school, I was well aware 1 considered giving up their studies? ___
that competition was intense for creative courses 2 mentions a potential downside to
like design, art and media studies. Although the a career? ___
popularity of arts and humanities subjects in general 3 refers to failure? ___
is decreasing around the world, there are still many 4 was influenced by a family member? ___
more applicants than places, especially for drama 5 came first in an important event? ___
school. This didn’t stop me, as I knew acting was
my vocation. Mum and Dad were happy to go along ___ / 5
with my decisions as they knew I was responsible
and believed in me. Once I knew I wanted to follow WRITING
a course that would enable me to get an agent, I did 9 Do the exam task.
my best to get as much practical acting experience
Niedawno przeczytałeś/przeczytałaś artykuł,
as I could because I knew this would help my
którego autor twierdzi, że młodzież nie czyta dla
applications. Doing auditions along with constant
przyjemności, ponieważ zbyt mało książek porusza
rejections became part of my daily life until one day
bliską im problematykę. Napisz artykuł do redakcji
I got a phone call confirming a place at my preferred
czasopisma młodzieżowego, w którym przedstawisz
drama school. What a magic moment!
swoje zdanie na ten temat i zrecenzujesz powieść,
która jest adresowana do młodego czytelnika.
When I was seventeen, I was already an
accomplished piano player and classical music
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów
singer, so the logical step after school was to follow
i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy
a career in performance. Not only did the head
wskazanej w poleceniu.
teacher at my school consider music to be
a worthwhile career, but she also recognised that
I already had a lot of invaluable performance
experience at a high level and had won a national
music competition, so she supported me all the way.
I think Mum and Dad would have preferred me to go
to a classical music school and concentrate on the
piano. It must have been hard for them not to voice
their opinion when I announced that I’d been
accepted on a university course called Theatre and
Performance. In my view, it would keep many doors
open, focussing on encouraging students to become
independent, creative leaders while simultaneously
training us to be professional performers. I’m now
working in industry as a marketer!
My passion at school was painting. Having talked
over my career ideas for months with my family,
I finally decided to study Fine Arts at university.
I have to admit that it could partly have been
because of my grandma. Gran, an accomplished
artist, was very keen for me to use my natural skills
and actively encouraged me to study a degree
subject which would develop them. I enjoyed the
first year of my course, but then I started to worry
about the reality of working in the arts industry and,
more importantly, if I’d be able to earn a living and
pay off my student debt! I wished I’d thought this
through better before I applied. One day, I went
along to the careers advisory service, where I was
persuaded not to drop out and told I could consider
studying something else afterwards to complement
it. When I graduated, I studied to be a programmer
and am now a multimedia designer!

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___ / 10
TOTAL ___ / 50

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