HighNote4 U10 Test A
HighNote4 U10 Test A
HighNote4 U10 Test A
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6 Complete the text with the correct form of I grew up dreaming of becoming an actor. Hoping
the words in brackets. I’d grow out of this phase, my parents didn’t actively
discourage me from taking part in our school plays
Music has a very 0 powerful (POWER) effect that might have been a bit cheesy in places, but
on our emotions. Not only does it make us were certainly entertaining. When I was in my final
feel good, but it also boosts the year at school, I applied for a place on a performing
1 ______________ (ENJOY) of doing
arts course, as I thought it would give me the
monotonous tasks, such as running. But why chance to learn new skills. I’ll never forget my
does it make us feel this way? father’s face when I told him. He couldn’t hide his
2 ______________ (PRESUME), listening to
surprise as he had thought I’d study accountancy or
pleasant music activates the areas in the business like my friends. He was genuinely
brain which release dopamine, a chemical concerned as he didn’t want me to get a worthless,
substance responsible for feelings of in his eyes, qualification that would lead nowhere
euphoria. Another question is why we are except to a lifetime of worrying about finances.
3 ______________ (PARTICULAR)
However, now both of my parents are proud to tell
impressed by a certain genre of music. In all all of their friends about the latest high profile show
4 ______________ (LIKELY), the roots of our
I’ve danced in!
musical preferences lie very deep in the
brain. Although research into this area is still
in its infancy, it might have important
5 ______________ (IMPLY) for the future of
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