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Sales Core
Sales Core
names and marks. Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
The Sales Cloud provides everything you need to manage your business. Generate the best leads, manage opportunities through the
sales pipleline, and cultivate relationships with exisiting accounts. Plus, forecast revenues, set up sales territories, and organize your reps
into selling teams.
Note: For usage restrictions that apply to this product, see this document.
Sales Cloud Basics Learn About, Implement, and Optimize Sales Cloud Features
All Expert Coaching Sessions and resources indicated with an asterisk (*) require a Premier Success Plan or higher.
Explore Capabilities & Use Cases Gauge Implementation Readiness Manage Changes
Video: Lightning Experience: Take It for a Plan Your Rollout Trailhead: Sales Cloud Rollout Strategy
Spin Video: Define Your Sales Processes Trailhead: Sales Operations Use Case and
Trailhead: Sales Cloud Basics Webinar: Guided Onboarding for Sales Best Practices
Cloud* Salesforce Blog: Build Your Admin Skills: User
Trailblazer Community: Sales Cloud Getting Management, Communication, and Change
Started Management
Sales Cloud Basics Learn About, Implement, and Optimize Sales Cloud Features
Set Up and Configure Design Reports & Dashboards Plan for Go Live
Set Up and Maintain Your Salesforce Org Reports and Dashboards Trailhead: User Management
Video: Data Visibility and Access Expert Coaching Session: Design Reports and Manage Users Passwords
Trailhead: Sales Cloud Configuration Basics Dashboards Trailhead: Salesforce Adoption Strategies
Expert Coaching Session: Admin Fast Start Trailhead: Reports & Dashboards for
Lightning Experience
Manage Accounts and Contacts on page
206 Trailhead Academy: Reporting
Expert Coaching Session: Considerations for
Accounts & Contacts
Expert Coaching Session: How to Manage
Opportunities on page 139
Expert Coaching Session: How to Set Up and
Keep Track of Opportunities
Email and Calendar Integrations
Train and Enable Users Improve and Customize Measure and Optimize System
Trailhead: User Training and Enablement Expert Coaching Session: Salesforce Maturity Performance
Trailhead: Lightning Experience for Assessment Expert Coaching Session: Health Check
Salesforce Classic Users Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Sales Forecasting
Enterprise Territory Management
Expert Coaching Session: Get the Most Out
of Enterprise Territory Management
Trailhead: Salesforce Mobile App Basics
Keep Learning
Sales Cloud Basics See an Overview of Metrics, Goals, Suggestions, Tasks, and
Activities in Seller Home
Sales Cloud Basics Organize and Find Records Easily with Personal Labels
Seller Home is the default Home page for the Sales, Sales Console, and Sales Engagement apps. It appears automatically if you haven’t
applied a custom home page to these apps or as your org-wide default. If you’ve customized these pages, you can manually enable
Seller Home on the Home page in Setup.
View the list of labels you've created on the Labels home page.
Sales Cloud Basics Organize and Find Records Easily with Personal Labels
On a label's record page, view the list of records with the label assigned.
Sales Cloud Basics Capture ROI with Campaigns
Note: Standard user profiles include access to the Label object. If you use custom profiles, to ensure users have access to both
record labels and To Do List labels, add access to the Label object.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
To customize the layout, related lists, and fields included on campaign records, an admin can access Campaign object settings in Salesforce
Setup. From Setup, find Campaigns in the Object Manager, or open a campaign and select Edit Object from the Setup menu.
Example: One way that Happy Homes LLC generates leads is by sharing white papers for
first-time home buyers and aspiring real estate investors. Its marketing manager, Kamal,
creates two campaigns: Whitepaper - First Timers and Whitepaper - New Investors, which
roll up to the parent campaign Whitepapers. When a buyer enters information in the
web-to-lead form on the Happy Homes website, the submission creates a lead record. The
lead record can be added as a campaign member with a status of Downloaded.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Over time, the two white papers get a lot of traffic. The sales team follows up on the leads while Kamal reviews which audience
segment is more engaged. Because he organizes his campaigns by the Campaign Type field, he can also investigate how white
papers stack up against emails, webinars, and other marketing efforts.
Socks Unlimited supplies socks to a variety of retailers in the United States. The company
wants to nurture prospects that they met at a recent trade show in Boston. Marketing manager
Priya wants to use Engagement Studio to automate the process.
Before Priya builds her engagement program, she creates a Salesforce campaign called Trade
Shows. She uses this campaign as a parent campaign and creates child campaigns to track
events including NE Trade Show 2021.
In Account Engagement, she builds an engagement program that sends a series of emails,
forms, and event invitations. When Engagement Studio sends an email, the prospect is added
as a campaign member to NE Trade Show 2021 with a Sent status. Other actions update the
custom campaign member status each time the prospect interacts with another asset. Another
action scores prospects as they move through the program.
When a prospect’s score is good enough to be considered marketing qualified, the prospect
is assigned to a Socks Unlimited sales rep. Then, tracking continues into the sales funnel.
When it comes time to report her progress, Priya can use Engagement Studio reporting
together with Salesforce campaign reports to identify where the trade show prospects are
responding best. The rollup metrics in the hierarchy that she created can also tell her whether
the Boston trade show yielded more engagement than other events that her team attended.
Connect Salesforce campaigns to Account Engagement with Connected Campaigns on page 68.
Connect Salesforce campaigns to Marketing Cloud with Distributed Marketing.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Example: Download the interactive PDF worksheet: Getting Started with Salesforce Campaigns.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Campaign Fields
A campaign has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order. Depending on your page layout
and field-level security settings, some fields may not be visible or editable.
Available in: Salesforce
Field Description Classic (not available in all
Active Checkbox to mark whether the campaign is orgs) and Lightning
active or not.
Available in: Salesforce
Actual Cost Amount of money spent to run the campaign.
Professional, Enterprise,
Budgeted Cost Amount of money budgeted for the campaign. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Campaign Currency The default currency for currency amount fields
in the campaign. Amounts display in the
campaign currency and are also converted to
the user’s personal currency. Available only for
organizations that use multiple currencies.
Campaign Record Type Record type for the campaign; determines the
picklist values available for the campaign.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Field Description
workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or approval processes,
but it can be referenced in custom formula fields. Updates to this
field do not trigger workflow rules.
Created By User who created the campaign including creation date and time.
(Read only)
End Date Ending date for the campaign. Responses received after this date
are still counted.
Expected Response (%) Percentage of responses you expect to receive for the campaign.
Expected Revenue Amount of money you expect to generate from the campaign.
Last Modified By User who last changed the campaign fields, including modification
date and time. This does not track changes made to any of the
related list items on the campaign. (Read only)
Opportunities in Campaign Calculated field for number of opportunities associated with the
campaign. (Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates this
amount using all associated records regardless of whether you
have read access to them. This field cannot be referenced in
formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Num Sent Number of individuals targeted by the campaign. For example, the
number of emails sent.
Won Opportunities in Campaign Calculated field for number of closed/won opportunities associated
with the campaign. (Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates
this amount using all associated records regardless of whether you
have read access to them. This field cannot be referenced in
formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Parent Campaign The campaign above the selected campaign in the campaign
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Field Description
Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total amount of money spent to run a
campaign hierarchy. (Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates
this amount using all associated records regardless of whether you
have read access to them. This field cannot be referenced in
formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total amount of money budgeted for a
campaign hierarchy. (Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates
this amount using all associated records regardless of whether you
have read access to them. This field cannot be referenced in
formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Contacts in Campaign Number of individuals on accounts that are associated with the
campaign. Salesforce automatically calculates this amount using
all associated records regardless of whether you have read access
to them. This field cannot be referenced in formulas for workflow
rules, validation rules, field updates, or approval processes, but it
can be referenced in custom formula fields. Updates to this field
do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Contacts in Hierarchy Calculated field for number of contacts associated with the
campaign hierarchy. (Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates
this amount using all associated records regardless of whether you
have read access to them. This field cannot be referenced in
formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Converted Leads in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total number of leads associated with the
campaign hierarchy that were converted into accounts, contacts,
and opportunities. Salesforce automatically calculates this amount
using all associated records regardless of whether you have read
access to them. This field cannot be referenced in formulas for
workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or approval processes,
but it can be referenced in custom formula fields. Updates to this
field do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Expected Revenue in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total amount of money you expect to
generate from a campaign hierarchy. (Read only) Salesforce
automatically calculates this amount using all associated records
regardless of whether you have read access to them. This field
cannot be referenced in formulas for workflow rules, validation
rules, field updates, or approval processes, but it can be referenced
in custom formula fields. Updates to this field do not trigger
workflow rules.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Field Description
Leads in Campaign Number of potential opportunities (leads) associated with the
campaign. Salesforce automatically calculates this amount using
all associated records regardless of whether you have read access
to them. This field cannot be referenced in formulas for workflow
rules, validation rules, field updates, or approval processes, but it
can be referenced in custom formula fields. Updates to this field
do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Leads in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total number of leads associated with the
campaign hierarchy. This number also includes converted leads.
(Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates this amount using
all associated records regardless of whether you have read access
to them. This field cannot be referenced in formulas for workflow
rules, validation rules, field updates, or approval processes, but it
can be referenced in custom formula fields. Updates to this field
do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Num Sent in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total number of individuals targeted by a
campaign hierarchy, for example, the number of emails sent. (Read
only) Salesforce automatically calculates this amount using all
associated records regardless of whether you have read access to
them. This field cannot be referenced in formulas for workflow
rules, validation rules, field updates, or approval processes, but it
can be referenced in custom formula fields. Updates to this field
do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Opportunities in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total number of opportunities associated
with the campaign hierarchy. (Read only) Salesforce automatically
calculates this amount using all associated records regardless of
whether you have read access to them. This field cannot be
referenced in formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field
updates, or approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom
formula fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Responses in Campaign Calculated field for the total number of contacts and unconverted
leads that have a Member Status equivalent to “Responded”
for the campaign. (Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates
this amount using all associated records regardless of whether you
have read access to them. This field cannot be referenced in
formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Responses in Hierarchy Calculated field for number of contacts and unconverted leads
that have a Member Status equivalent to “Responded” for
the campaign hierarchy. (Read only) Salesforce automatically
calculates this amount using all associated records regardless of
whether you have read access to them. This field cannot be
referenced in formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Field Description
updates, or approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom
formula fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Value Opportunities in Campaign Calculated field for the amount of all opportunities associated with
the campaign, including closed/won opportunities. (Read only)
Salesforce automatically calculates this amount using all associated
records regardless of whether you have read access to them.
For organizations using multiple currencies, opportunity amounts
are converted to the campaign currency. If your currency does not
match the campaign currency, the amount is converted to your
currency and displays in parentheses.
For organizations using advanced currency management,
opportunity amounts are converted to the campaign currency via
dated exchange rates. If the campaign currency does not match
your currency, the total of the opportunity amounts are converted
using standard exchange rates, not dated exchange rates, and that
amount displays in parentheses.
This field cannot be referenced in formulas for workflow rules,
validation rules, field updates, or approval processes, but it can be
referenced in custom formula fields. Updates to this field do not
trigger workflow rules.
Total Value Opportunities in Hierarchy Calculated field for total amount of all opportunities associated
with the campaign hierarchy, including closed/won opportunities.
(Read only) Salesforce automatically calculates this amount using
all associated records regardless of whether you have read access
to them.
All campaigns in a hierarchy must use the same currency.
For organizations using multiple currencies, opportunity amounts
are converted to the campaign currency. If your currency does not
match the campaign currency, the amount is converted to your
currency and displays in parentheses.
For organizations using advanced currency management,
opportunity amounts are converted to the campaign currency via
dated exchange rates. If the campaign currency does not match
your currency, the total of the opportunity amounts are converted
using standard exchange rates, not dated exchange rates, and that
amount displays in parentheses.
Value Won Opportunities in Campaign Calculated field for amount of all closed/won opportunities
associated with the campaign. (Read only) Salesforce automatically
calculates this amount using all associated records regardless of
whether you have read access to them.
For organizations using multiple currencies, opportunity amounts
are converted to the campaign currency. If your currency does not
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Field Description
match the campaign currency, the amount is converted to your
For organizations using advanced currency management,
opportunity amounts are converted to the campaign currency via
dated exchange rates. If the campaign currency does not match
your currency, the total of the opportunity amounts are converted
using standard exchange rates, not dated exchange rates, and that
amount displays in parentheses. This field cannot be referenced
in formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Value Won Opportunities in Hierarchy Calculated field for amount of all closed/won opportunities
associated with the campaign hierarchy. (Read only) Salesforce
automatically calculates this amount using all associated records
regardless of whether you have read access to them.
All campaigns in a hierarchy must use the same currency.
For organizations using multiple currencies, opportunity amounts
are converted to the campaign currency. If your currency does not
match the campaign currency, the amount is converted to your
For organizations using advanced currency management,
opportunity amounts are converted to the campaign currency via
dated exchange rates. If the campaign currency does not match
your currency, the total of the opportunity amounts are converted
using standard exchange rates, not dated exchange rates, and that
amount displays in parentheses. This field cannot be referenced
in formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field updates, or
approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom formula
fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Total Won Opportunities in Hierarchy Calculated field for the total number of won opportunities
associated with the campaign hierarchy. Salesforce automatically
calculates this amount using all associated records regardless of
whether you have read access to them. This field cannot be
referenced in formulas for workflow rules, validation rules, field
updates, or approval processes, but it can be referenced in custom
formula fields. Updates to this field do not trigger workflow rules.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Using Campaigns in Salesforce Classic and Mobile Devices Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
The Salesforce mobile app doesn’t include all the functionality that’s available in Lightning Experience
orgs) and Lightning
on desktop. Experience
• The Manage Members and Advanced Setup buttons aren’t available.
Available in: Salesforce
• Bulk actions on campaign members aren’t supported on mobile.
Essentials, Professional,
• Campaign Hierarchy is available only as a related list. Enterprise, Performance,
• The View Hierarchy option in a link on the campaign detail page isn’t available. When you view Unlimited, and Developer
a parent campaign, the Campaign Hierarchy related list shows only the child campaigns. The Editions
desktop Salesforce site displays both the parent and child campaigns.
• When viewing the Campaign Members related list, only the members’ Status appears. However,
you can tap members to see more details about them.
• The Clone function in Salesforce Classic includes campaign member statuses automatically. To include these statuses when you
clone in Lightning Experience, use Clone with Related and select the data to copy.
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
Campaigns FAQ
Find answers to frequently asked questions about campaigns.
• Can I use list email or mass email for my email campaigns?
• How can I track which opportunities resulted from campaigns? Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• How can I calculate the ROI for my campaigns?
orgs) and Lightning
• How do I add contacts and leads to campaigns? Experience
• How is Campaign influence different from ROI reports?
Available in: Salesforce
• Who has access to Campaigns? Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Can I use list email or mass email for my email campaigns?
List email and mass email are designed for small-scale sales campaigns and basic marketing
How do I add contacts and leads to campaigns?
Your company’s campaigns typically target existing customers (contacts) and prospective customers (leads). You can associate
contacts and leads with campaigns as campaign members.
How can I calculate the ROI for my campaigns?
The Campaign ROI Analysis Report is on the Reports tab in the Campaign Reports folder. It calculates your campaigns' performance
by return on investment (ROI) and average cost.
How can I track which opportunities resulted from campaigns?
One key benefit of campaigns is the ability to track how much business has been generated from each campaign. When you create
an opportunity, you can fill in the Primary Campaign Source field to indicate that the opportunity resulted from a specific campaign.
How is Campaign influence different from ROI reports?
Campaign influence tracks pipeline and revenue for multiple campaigns, and ties all campaigns of a contact role to that opportunity
for pipeline and ROI reporting. It's helpful for longer deal cycles when more than one campaign contributes to a closed deal or a
converted lead.
Who has access to Campaigns?
Depending on your sharing settings, users in your org can view campaigns, view the advanced campaign setup, or run campaign
reports. However, only designated marketing users with the appropriate user permissions can create, edit, and delete campaigns
and configure advanced campaign setup.
Send List Email in Lightning Experience
Email a Group with List Email and Mass Email
Sales Cloud Basics Get to Know Salesforce Campaigns
• To add an individual contact or lead to a campaign, click Add to Campaign on the contact or lead record, and then select a campaign.
• To add multiple contacts or leads to a campaign, use these tables to find the steps recommended for the source of contact or lead
information that you’re using.
Contact Source Steps for Adding Contacts to Maximum Number of Records You
Campaigns Can Add
A report of existing contacts Add Campaign Members from Standard and 50,000 per report
Custom Reports
A .csv file of existing contacts Add Campaign Members from Standard and 50,000 per import file
Custom Reports
A .csv file of new contacts Create Contacts and Add Them to a 50,000 per import file
Campaign with the Data Import Wizard
A list view of existing contacts Add Multiple Members to a Campaign from 250 per list page
a List View
The Contacts related list on an Account Add Members to Campaigns from Accounts 200 per list page
Lead Source Steps for Adding Leads to Maximum Number of Records You
Campaigns Can Add
A report of existing leads Add Campaign Members from Standard and 50,000 per report
Custom Reports
A .csv file of existing leads Add Existing Leads to a Campaign with the 50,000 per import file
Data Import Wizard
A .csv file of new leads Create Leads and Add Them to a Campaign 50,000 per import file
with the Data Import Wizard
A list view of existing leads Add Multiple Members to a Campaign from 250 per list page
a List View
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Campaigns in Salesforce
When you create an opportunity, you can fill in the Primary Campaign Source field to indicate that the opportunity resulted from a
specific campaign.
In addition, when you convert a lead that is linked to a campaign, that campaign is automatically inserted into the opportunity Primary
Campaign Source field.
If a lead or contact is linked to multiple campaigns, the campaign with which he or she is most recently associated is inserted into the
opportunity Primary Campaign Source field.
The Opportunities related list on a campaign shows every opportunity that is linked to that campaign. You can also run the Campaign
Revenue Report to track which opportunities are linked to your campaigns.
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Campaigns in Salesforce
You can also create dependent picklists to define subcategories of your campaigns. When you Available in: Salesforce
customize the Type picklist values, try to use 10 or fewer values. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Note: The Record type field makes certain picklist values available only to certain user groups. and Developer Editions
If you plan to manage picklist access with record types, set up the record types before your
other picklist values.
Check out Salesforce Help: Tailor Business Processes to Different Users Using Record Types
To view campaigns:
1. From Setup, open Object Manager, and in the Quick Find box, enter Campaign.
• Read on campaigns
If you’re using Salesforce Classic, open Setup, and in the Quick Find box, enter Campaign.
To customize member status
2. Select Campaign, and click Fields & Relationships. values:
• Edit on campaigns
3. Find and select Type.
4. Edit the picklist values or add a picklist value.
Marketing User
5. To create a dependent type, click New under Field Dependencies. selected in User Detail
Example: Ami’s company places ads in many places. She uses the default picklist value
Advertising and then creates a dependent picklist. The dependent picklist includes Billboards,
Transit, Print, and Digital. She’s also considering adding a second dependent picklist under
Digital to track efforts on social media versus traditional websites.
Add or Edit Picklist Values
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Campaigns in Salesforce
To view campaigns:
• Read on campaigns
To customize type values:
• Edit on campaigns
Marketing User
selected in User Detail
To view campaigns:
• Read on campaigns
To customize type values:
• Edit on campaigns
Marketing User
selected in User Detail
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Campaigns in Salesforce
Tip: To encourage consistency, document your default campaign statuses for internal users. You can also use the Clone with
Related tool to copy a campaign and its member statuses the next time you create a similar campaign.
Add or Edit Picklist Values
Field Handling for Cloning Campaigns with Related Records
Sales Cloud Basics Working with Campaigns
To create a campaign
• Create on campaigns
Marketing User
selected in User Detail
To set up campaign
• Customize Application
To add, edit, or delete
hierarchy columns:
• Modify All Data
Sales Cloud Basics Working with Campaigns
Share Campaigns
Like all Salesforce objects, campaigns are governed by your sharing model. To make sure that the right colleagues have access to
the right campaigns, a campaign owner can extend sharing for your own campaigns one by one.
Track Campaign Field History
You can track the changes made to selected fields on the campaign. Each time a user modifies a tracked field, the date, time, user,
and changes appear in the related list.
Sales Cloud Basics Working with Campaigns
Warning: In the new campaign record, some related record fields are overwritten with new
or altered data. Review Field Handling for Clone with Related on page 27 for more information.
1. Open a campaign record, and click the action menu.
2. Select Clone with Related.
3. Select the types of related records that you want to clone, and save your work.
Sales Cloud Basics Working with Campaigns
Bitly URL This field is blank Landing pages, custom redirects, files
Vanity URL This field is blank Landing pages, custom redirects, files
Other content fields URL strings are replaced with the URL of the cloned Landing pages, forms, form handlers,
records, using the primary domain used with Account custom redirects, files
Sales Cloud Basics Working with Campaigns
To view campaigns:
• Read on campaigns
To view campaign
• Read on campaigns
Read on the Parent
3. To see where in the hierarchy a campaign appears, open the campaign record and click View Campaign field on
Campaign Hierarchy. campaigns
Example: Christo wants to track his team’s email marketing efforts, so he creates the top-level To add, edit, or delete
campaign called Email Marketing. To organize his product communications, he creates several hierarchy columns:
campaigns to use as parents: Product Newsletter, All New Widgets, and Protect Your Purchase. • Modify All Data
He also creates quarterly campaigns for new products and separate campaigns to promote
service contracts. Each time he creates a new quarterly campaign, he adds the correct parent
For his campaign hierarchy, he makes Product Newsletter the parent campaign for All New
Widgets and Protect Your Purchase. When he’s done, his hierarchy looks like this.
Sales Cloud Basics Working with Campaigns
Understand Campaign Hierarchy
Share Campaigns
Like all Salesforce objects, campaigns are governed by your sharing model. To make sure that the
right colleagues have access to the right campaigns, a campaign owner can extend sharing for
your own campaigns one by one.
Available in: Salesforce
A campaign’s members and related assets are also governed by org-wide sharing settings. A Lightning Experience and
campaign owner can share a campaign with another user who can’t access certain related records. Salesforce Classic
When org-wide sharing settings are set to Public Full Access, the sharing options don't appear on Available in: Professional,
individual campaigns because they can't be shared further. Enterprise, Performance,
1. Open a campaign record and click Sharing (1). Unlimited, and Developer
To view campaigns:
• Read on campaigns
To share campaigns:
• Read on campaigns
Marketing User
selected in User Detail
Campaign Owner on the
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Set Your Internal Organization-Wide Sharing Defaults
To view campaigns:
• Read on campaigns
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Account ID The name of the account if the campaign member is based on an Available in: Salesforce
account. This field is available only if the Accounts as Campaign Professional, Enterprise,
Members setting is enabled. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Campaign The campaign that the lead or contact is related to.
Campaign Member The default currency for relevant fields on the campaign member.
Currency Amounts display in the campaign member’s currency and are also
converted to the user’s personal currency. Available only for
organizations that use multiple currencies.
Campaign Member The record type of the campaign member, which determines the
Type page layout available for the campaign member. (Read only)
Country The country for the lead or contact. Entry is selected from a picklist of
standard values or entered as text. The limit is 80 characters.
Created By The user who created the campaign member. (Read only)
Created Date The date that the campaign member was created. (Read only)
Email Opt Out Indicates whether the contact wants to receive emails.
Fax Opt Out Whether the contact wants to be included in broadcast faxes.
First Responded Date the campaign member first responded. (Read only)
Last Modified By User who last changed the campaign member record. (Read only)
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Field Description
Last Modified Date The date that the campaign member record was last modified. (Read only)
Lead The name of the lead, if the campaign member is based on a lead.
Lead Source Source of lead, for example, Advertisement, Partner, or Web. Entry is selected from a picklist of
available values, which are set by an administrator. Each picklist value can have up to 40 characters.
Related Record The lead or contact related to this campaign. If the Accounts as Campaign Members setting
enabled, the related record can be an account.
Salutation The salutation for addressing the person, for example, Mr., Ms., Dr., or Prof.
State/Province State or province portion of user’s address. Entry is selected from a picklist of standard values, or
entered as text. Up to 80 characters are allowed if the field is a text field.
Status The status of the campaign member, for example, sent or responded.
Zip/Postal Code Zip or postal code portion of the lead or contact's address.
Add Individual Leads, Contacts, or Person Accounts to Campaigns Available in: Salesforce
Hand-pick individual campaign members from contact, lead, or person account detail pages. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Add Campaign Members with Manage Members Experience
Learn how to successfully add campaign members from the Manage Members page.
Available in: Salesforce
Add Members by Account from a Campaign Page Professional, Enterprise,
Quickly add some or all of an account’s contacts to a campaign from the campaign detail page. Performance, Unlimited,
Add Campaign Members from an Account Page and Developer Editions
Choose campaign members from the Contacts related list on your accounts.
Add Multiple Contacts and Leads to Campaigns EDITIONS
Quickly add lots of contacts, leads, and person accounts as members to your campaigns at one
Add Multiple Members to a Campaign from a List View
Save time by adding up to 200 members to a campaign at once from your lead or contact list views. Or update the member status
for members already associated with the campaign.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
5. Select a status from the Add with Status drop-down list. To remove campaign
A confirmation message will display and you will see the members you added on the Existing
• Read on campaigns
Members subtab.
Note: If you are unable to add contacts, enable the Add to Campaign checkbox:
Edit on leads or contacts
1. From the object management settings for contacts, go to Search Layouts.
2. Click Edit next to Contacts List View.
3. Select Add to Campaign.
4. Click Save.
The latest Manage Members page is not available in accessibility mode. In accessibility mode, you can still add contacts or leads to a
campaign, update campaign members, and remove campaign members using the campaign member wizards.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
5. Select a member status for the added members. Available in: Salesforce
Professional, Enterprise,
6. Choose whether to apply the member status to selected leads or contacts who are already
Performance, Unlimited,
members of the campaign.
and Developer Editions
7. Click Submit.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
To add contacts to a campaign: Marketing User selected in User Detail Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
AND orgs) and Lightning
Edit on campaigns Experience
AND Available in: Salesforce
Edit on contacts Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
To add leads to a campaign: and Developer Editions
Marketing User selected in User Detail
Edit on campaigns
Edit on leads
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Edit on campaigns
Edit on contacts
Save time by adding up to 200 members to a campaign at once from your lead or contact list views. Or update the member status for
members already associated with the campaign.
1. Navigate to a contact or lead list view.
2. Select up to 200 records to add to a campaign.
3. Click Add to Campaign.
4. Enter the name of a campaign.
5. Select a member status for the new members.
6. Choose whether members already associated with the campaign keep their current status. If you want, update their status with the
one you selected for new members.
7. Add the members.
To add campaign members from a contact Marketing User selected in User Detail Available in: Salesforce
report: Classic (not available in all
AND orgs) and Lightning
Edit on campaigns Experience
AND Available in: Salesforce
Read on contacts Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Read on reports
To add campaign members from a lead Marketing User selected in User Detail
Edit on campaigns
Read on leads
Read on reports
To add campaign members from a person Marketing User selected in User Detail
account report:
Edit on campaigns
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Read on contacts
Read on reports
Adding members to a campaign is quick and easy when you add them from your lead, contact, and person account tabular, summary,
and matrix reports.
You can add campaign members from a report that returns lead, contact, or person account records. Verify that Detailed Rows is turned
on before you begin.
1. Make sure that the Detailed Rows setting is turned on.
2. Click the report’s action menu, and then select Add to Campaign. If the Add to Campaign button is disabled, modify your report
to return fewer than 50,000 records.
3. Enter or select the campaign to add these members.
4. Select a member status for the new members, or keep their current statuses.
5. Click Submit, and then check your email for a confirmation message.
6. In Salesforce Classic, use the Add to Campaign button to complete the operation. Review the confirmation screen, and then click
Be aware of these considerations when adding campaign members from a report:
• To add members to campaigns from custom reports, the report’s primary object must be a lead, contact, or person account.
• To add members to campaigns from reports in Lightning Experience, the custom report type must include the Full Name field.
• If you interrupt the add campaign members process, some members can still be added to the campaign. That’s because members
are added in batches.
• If you edit a record during the adding process, it isn’t added to the campaign.
• You can add active leads to campaigns—not converted leads. If converted leads appear on your report, don’t worry, only the active
leads are added to the campaign.
• The Add to Campaign button appears only in saved reports. The button doesn’t appear when you edit or preview a report.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
To add contacts that you own to a campaign Marketing User selected in User Detail Available in: Salesforce
via the Data Import Wizard: Classic (not available in all
AND orgs) and Lightning
Create on accounts Experience
AND Available in: Salesforce
Read on contacts Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Edit on accounts and campaigns
Import Personal Contacts
To add multiple contacts as members of a campaign, launch the Data Import Wizard from the campaign detail page.
Before you begin, make sure that your import file is in CSV format and contains values for these fields.
• Account: Salesforce ID
• Contact: Salesforce ID
Tip: To obtain Salesforce IDs or other values from your org, run reports and then export the report data.
These steps describe one recommended method of importing data. You can import data into Salesforce fields that aren’t listed here.
You can also customize your import by using other options that appear in the Data Import Wizard.
1. If you’re using Lightning Experience, from the campaign members related list, select Import Leads and Contacts. If you’re using
Salesforce Classic, from the campaign detail page, select Manage Members > Add Members - Import File.
The Data Import Wizard appears.
2. Select Accounts and Contacts, then select Update existing records.
3. Set Match Contact by to ID.
4. Set Match Account by to ID.
5. Select the CSV file that contains your import data, and click Next.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
6. Map column headers from your CSV file to the Account: Salesforce ID and Contact: Salesforce ID fields.
7. Click Next.
8. Review the import settings, and then click Start Import.
When we finish importing your data, we notify you by email. Review the results and resolve any errors that occurred. A separate email
notifies you of campaign member job results.
8. Click Next.
9. Review the import settings, and then click Start Import.
When we finish importing your data, we notify you by email. Review the results and resolve any errors that occurred.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Add Existing Person Accounts to a Campaign with the Data Import Wizard
To add multiple person accounts as members of a campaign, launch the Data Import Wizard from
the campaign detail page.
Before you begin, make sure that your import file is in CSV format and contains values for these Available in: Salesforce
fields. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• Salesforce ID of the contact associated with the person account
• Email
Available in: Salesforce
Tip: To obtain Salesforce IDs or other values from your org, run reports and then export the Professional, Enterprise,
report data. Performance, Unlimited,
These steps describe one recommended method of importing data. You can import data into and Developer Editions
Salesforce fields that aren’t listed here. You can also customize your import by using other options
that appear in the Data Import Wizard. USER PERMISSIONS
1. From the campaign detail page, select Manage Members > Add Members - Import File.
To add person accounts that
The Data Import Wizard appears.
you own to a campaign via
2. Select Person Accounts, then select Update existing records. the Data Import Wizard:
• Create on accounts
3. For Match Lead by, select ID.
4. Select Assign person accounts to campaigns.
Edit on accounts
5. Select the CSV file that contains your import data, and click Next.
6. Map column headers from your CSV file to these fields.
Import Personal
• Salesforce ID of the contact associated with the person account Contacts
• Email To add person accounts
owned by others to a
7. Click Next. campaign via the Data
8. Review the import settings, and then click Start Import. Import Wizard:
• Create on accounts
When we finish importing your data, we notify you by email. Review the results and resolve any
errors that occurred. AND
Edit on accounts and
Modify All Data
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Create Contacts and Add Them to a Campaign with the Data Import Wizard
To create contacts that you own and add Marketing User selected in User Detail Available in: Salesforce
them to a campaign via the Data Import Classic (not available in all
Wizard: AND orgs) and Lightning
Create on accounts Experience
AND Available in: Salesforce
Read on contacts Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Edit on accounts and campaigns
Import Personal Contacts
To create contacts owned by others and add Marketing User selected in User Detail
them to a campaign via the Data Import
Wizard: AND
Create on accounts
Read on contacts
Edit on accounts, contacts, and campaigns
Modify All Data
With a single import file, you can create multiple contacts at once and make them members of a campaign.
Before you begin, make sure that your import file is in CSV format and contains values for these fields.
• Account: Account Name
• Contact: Email
• Contact: Last Name
• Contact: First Name
• Campaign Member: Campaign ID
• Campaign Member: Status
Tip: To obtain values that are already in your org, run reports and then export the report data.
These steps describe one recommended method of importing data. You can import data into Salesforce fields that aren’t listed here.
You can also customize your import by using other options that appear in the Data Import Wizard.
1. From the campaign detail page, select Manage Members > Add Members - Import File.
The Data Import Wizard appears.
2. Select Accounts and Contacts, then select Add new and update existing records.
3. Set Match Contact by to Email.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
8. Click Next.
9. Review the import settings, and then click Start Import.
When we finish importing your data, we notify you by email. Review the results and resolve any errors that occurred. A separate email
notifies you of campaign member job results.
Create Leads and Add Them to a Campaign with the Data Import Wizard
To add multiple leads as members of a campaign, launch the Data Import Wizard from the campaign
detail page.
Before you begin, make sure that your import file is in CSV format and contains values for these Available in: Salesforce
fields. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• Campaign Member: Campaign ID
• Campaign Member: Status
Available in: Salesforce
• Email
Professional, Enterprise,
• Company Performance, Unlimited,
• Last Name and Developer Editions
• First Name (optional but recommended)
Tip: To obtain values that are already in your org, run reports and then export the report
data. To create leads and add
These steps describe one recommended method of importing data. You can import data into them to a campaign via the
Salesforce fields that aren’t listed here. You can also customize your import by using other options Data Import Wizard:
that appear in the Data Import Wizard. • Marketing User
selected in User Detail
1. From the campaign detail page, select Manage Members > Add Members - Import File.
The Data Import Wizard appears.
Edit on campaigns
2. Select Leads, then select Add new and update existing records.
3. Set Match Lead by to Email.
Import Leads
4. Select Assign leads to campaigns.
5. Select the CSV file that contains your import data, and click Next.
6. Map column headers from your CSV file to these fields.
• Campaign Member: Campaign ID
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
7. Click Next.
8. Review the import settings, and then click Start Import.
When we finish importing your data, we notify you by email. Review the results and resolve any errors that occurred.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Account Campaign History related list Campaigns that include the account as a
campaign member.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Standard Report Campaigns and Campaign Members report Account records with a member type of
Account. The column formerly called
Lead/Contact ID is labeled Related Record
Standard Report Campaigns with Accounts report Relationships between campaigns and
accounts. This report becomes available
after you enable Accounts as Campaign
Note: In Salesforce Classic, the bulk add action isn’t available on the Campaign Member related list.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Note: To view a campaign member, you must have permissions on the campaign and the Available in: Salesforce
lead or contact. For example, to view a campaign member created from a lead, you must be Professional, Enterprise,
able to view both the campaign and the lead. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
To edit the campaign member detail page layout, from the object management settings for
campaign members, go to Page Layouts, and then click Edit next to the page layout name.
Action Description To view, edit, or remove
Editing a Campaign To edit a campaign member, click Edit on the campaign member campaign members:
Member detail page, change the fields you want to update, then click Save. • Read on campaigns
Fields derived from the contact or lead can only be edited from the AND
lead or contact detail pages. If your administrator has enabled inline Read on leads
editing for your organization, you cannot use inline editing on the
Status drop-down list on the campaign member detail page.
Read on contacts
Instead, click Edit on the campaign detail page to edit the Status
drop-down list. AND
Marketing User
Cloning a Campaign To clone a campaign member, click Clone on the campaign member selected in User Detail
Member detail page, then select a campaign and a contact or lead. Change
the fields you want to clone for the new campaign member, then To add campaign members:
click Save. • Read on campaigns
Deleting a Campaign To delete a campaign member, click Delete on the campaign member
Member detail page. Deleting a campaign member record is permanent; the Edit on leads
record is not recoverable from the recycle bin. However, the original AND
lead or contact record is not deleted. Edit on contacts
Converting a Lead If the campaign member was created from a lead, you can click AND
Convert Lead on the campaign member detail page to convert the Marketing User
lead. When you convert a lead, the campaign member is still a part selected in User Detail
of the campaign, but its type changes from lead to contact.
Creating an Opportunity If the campaign member was created from a contact, you can click
Create Opportunity on the campaign member detail page to create
an opportunity. When you create an opportunity, the campaign
member is still a part of the campaign.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Example Uses
• Create follow-up campaigns—Search for a custom list view of contacts or leads that is restricted to an earlier campaign and a certain
member status, such as “Attended”. Then add items from the generated list to a follow-up campaign. See Add Multiple Members
to a Campaign from a List View on page 39.
• Leverage reporting functionality—Customize a standard report or build a new custom report that returns a list of contacts, person
account, or leads that you want to target. With the click of a button, you can add the entire list to a campaign. See Add Campaign
Members from Standard and Custom Reports on page 40.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Note: Before using the Manage Members page, verify that you are using a supported browser. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. Click Manage Members and choose Edit Members - Search from the drop-down button on orgs) and Lightning
a campaign detail page or the Campaign Members related list on a campaign detail page. Experience
2. On the Existing Members subtab, optionally enter filter criteria to find existing members and Available in: Salesforce
click Go!. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Note: For campaigns with campaign members created from both leads and contacts, and Developer Editions
you must have “Read” permission on leads and contacts to see all members. If you only
have “Read” on leads, you see only campaign members created from leads. If you only
have “Read” on contacts, you only see campaign members created from contacts. USER PERMISSIONS
3. Select the checkboxes next to the records you want to edit. To select all records on the current To view the Existing
page, select the checkbox in the header row. Members tab:
• Edit on campaigns
4. Optionally perform the following actions:
• To change the campaign member status, select a status from the Update Status drop-down
Read on leads or
list. contacts
• To remove a member from a campaign, click Remove. AND
• To edit the details of a campaign member, click Edit. Marketing User
• To view, edit, delete, clone, a campaign member, click the campaign member's name in selected in User Detail
the Name column.
To update and remove
The latest Manage Members page is not available in accessibility mode. In accessibility mode, you campaign members:
can still add contacts or leads to a campaign, update campaign members, and remove campaign • Edit on campaigns
members using the campaign member wizards. AND
To update large numbers of campaign members, you can use the Data Loader application to export Edit on leads and
and then reimport campaign member data. Before uploading a CSV file with Data Loader, be sure contacts
to sort the file by Campaign ID. If you have problems reimporting your data, try splitting up the CSV AND
file into a few smaller files and uploading them separately. Marketing User
selected in User Detail
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Tip: To obtain Salesforce IDs or other values from your org, run reports and then export the Available in: Salesforce
report data. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Before you begin, make sure that your import file is in CSV format and contains values for these Experience
Available in: Salesforce
• Salesforce ID of the contact or lead. For person accounts, use the contact ID associated with Professional, Enterprise,
the person account as the Salesforce ID. Performance, Unlimited,
• Status of the campaign member and Developer Editions
• Campaign ID (if you’re on a non-campaign page and want to import records)
1. From the campaign detail page: USER PERMISSIONS
• To update campaign members, select Manage Members > Update Members - Import To add or update campaign
File. members via the Data
• To update campaign members, select Campaign Members, then select Update existing Import Wizard:
records. • Marketing User
selected in your user
The Data Import Wizard appears. information
2. Select the CSV file that contains your import data, and click Next. AND
3. Map column headers from your CSV file to Salesforce ID of the campaign member, the status Read on contacts OR
of the campaign member, and the campaign ID. Import Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
To delete an individual
campaign member:
• Read on campaigns
Read on leads and
Marketing User
selected in User Detail
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Campaign Members
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
Campaign Influence
Understand how your campaigns are affecting your opportunity pipeline.
Customizable Campaign Influence and the legacy Campaign Influence 1.0 are available to Lightning
Experience customers. Campaign Influence 1.0 is supported only in Salesforce Classic. We recommend Campaign Influence 1.0
using Customizable Campaign Influence, which offers more flexibility and control.
Available in: Salesforce
To use Campaign Influence 1.0, an admin must disable Customizable Campaign Influence in Setup. Classic (not available in all
However, if you revert to version 1.0, your existing campaign influence records are deleted, which orgs)
can impact workflows and Apex rules.
Available in: Salesforce
Professional, Enterprise,
Customizable Campaign Influence Performance, Unlimited,
Campaign Influence is a tool that helps you attribute a percentage of success to influential and Developer Editions
campaigns. Two versions are available: Campaign Influence 1.0 for Salesforce Classic and
Customizable Campaign
Customizable Campaign Influence for Classic and Lightning Experience. The customizable Influence (v2)
version offers more flexibility in how you assign influence to your marketing activities.
Available in: Lightning
Campaign Influence 1.0
Campaign Influence 1.0 helps identify the return on your campaign investments. It uses the
Campaign Influence object to make connections across contacts, campaigns, and opportunities. Available in: Salesforce
Campaign Influence 1.0 isn’t supported in Lightning Experience. To track influential campaigns Professional, Enterprise,
in Lightning Experience, switch to Customizable Campaign Influence. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
Note: In Salesforce Classic, the Influenced Opportunities related list displays an opportunity only if the influence is more than 0%.
In Lightning Experience, opportunity records display regardless of influence percentage.
Note: Opportunities added by the primary source campaign field appear in Campaign Statistics only when the Primary Source
Campaign model is set as the default. If you’re using another model, the value shows opportunities added by auto-association
The number of custom models you can create varies by your edition.
• Account Engagement Plus, Advanced, and Premium Editions: 5
• Account Engagement Growth Edition: 3
• Salesforce Performance and Unlimited Edition: 5
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
Auto-Association Settings
Customizable Campaign Influence models use auto-association to create campaign influence records based on the criteria you set.
Criteria can include time frame and campaign types, and you can add other filters using standard fields. The same settings govern all
your models. You can set an auto-association time frame in Setup to limit when a member-contact relationship is considered influential.
To allow users to make their own choices about a campaign’s percentage of influence, create a custom model. Default and custom
models can use auto-association rules based on both standard and custom fields.
Create a Custom Campaign Influence Model
Add Influential Campaigns to an Opportunity
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
Locked Models
API Access
Prepare to Switch
In addition, there are differences in how the feature looks and its expected behavior.
• User Permissions—Consider whether a user needs access to edit a campaign or opportunity to create campaign influence records.
Identify users with View permissions and verify their needs.
• Report Filters—The new Customizable Campaign Influence models aren’t compatible with Campaign Influence 1.0 reports. Create
reports that use the new objects and fields.
• Related Lists—The new Customizable Campaign Influence related lists are different from the lists used with Campaign Influence
1.0. Revisit your page layouts and make sure that the correct related lists are added.
• Data Discrepancy—Previously, campaign influence records were created each time a primary campaign source or contact role was
identified, even if the same record existed. Customizable Campaign Influence enforces unique relationships in a way that CI 1.0
didn’t, so some values can differ from your previous experience.
Knowledge Article: Import records from Campaign Influence 1.0 into Customizable Campaign Influence
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
• To add additional fields to a related list, such as Lead ID, edit the related list in Page Layouts and select from the Available
Fields.Customizing Related Lists
• Some fields from Campaign Influence version 1.0 related lists aren’t available in Customizable Campaign Influence related lists.
Switching to Customizable Campaign Influence on page 59
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
5. Click Save.
Add Customizable Campaign Influence Related Lists
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
For more control, build custom reports that show relationships such as these examples.
• Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities
• Opportunities with Campaign Influence
• Contacts with Campaign Influence
• Accounts with Campaign Influence
Auto-Association Settings
With Campaign Influence 1.0, you can choose whether to enable auto-association. When it’s turned on, influential campaigns are
automatically added to an open opportunity record when a campaign’s related contact is assigned an opportunity contact role. You
can also apply rules that specify which types of campaigns are considered influential.
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
• In the Campaign Influence Eligibility Limits section, the time frame field specifies a time period during which a campaign is considered
influential. The time frame is the number of days between the date that a contact is added to a campaign and when a related
opportunity is created.
• Eligibility limits work only when a contact is related to a campaign first and then assigned an opportunity contact role. Auto-association
ignores contacts who are added to campaigns after the related opportunity is created.
Example: Admin Kim enables auto-association and enters a Campaign Influence time frame of 10 days. Customer Gerrie engages
with an email and their contact record is added to the New Services campaign on June 15. The next day, Gerrie talks to Parul in
Sales, and Parul adds them to an opportunity and assigns an opportunity contact role. The New Services campaign is automatically
added to the Campaign Influence related list.
If Parul doesn’t assign an opportunity contact role to Gerrie, the campaign isn’t added to the related list by auto-association. If
Gerrie waits until June 26 to contact Sales, the campaign isn’t considered influential, so it isn’t added to the related list.
Sales Cloud Basics Campaign Influence
Note: This information applies only to Campaign Influence 1.0 and not to Customizable Available in: Salesforce
Campaign Influence . Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Opportunities, and select Page Layouts.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Select a page layout to work with.
Professional, Enterprise,
3. Drag in the Campaign Influence related list. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
4. To turn on auto-association, enter Influence in the Quick Find box, open Auto-Association
Settings, and then select Enabled.
5. To customize auto-association, enter a time frame or other rules to limit when a campaign is USER PERMISSIONS
To set up Campaign
• Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Show Engagement History on Records
Connect Multiple Campaigns at Once
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Note: Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. We wish we could Available in: Salesforce
snap our fingers to update the name everywhere, but you can expect to see the previous Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
name in a few places until we replace it, including in the app itself.
To work with Account Engagement Campaigns in Account Engagement Lightning App, add the
Account Engagement Campaigns tab to the navigation. Available in: All Account
Engagement Editions with
1. Open the Connected Campaigns page. Salesforce Essentials,
• In Account Engagement, open Settings and click Edit. Scroll to Connected Campaigns. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• In the Lightning app, select Account Engagement Settings and then Connectors. Click
and Developer Editions
to edit the Salesforce connector, and select the Campaigns tab.
2. In the campaign record types section, deselect Master Record Type. USER PERMISSIONS
3. Create a Account Engagement record type to use for syncing Salesforce campaigns. To connect campaigns:
a. From the Campaigns tab, click and select Edit Object. • Account Engagement
Administrator role
b. Click Record Types, and then New.
c. Create and save one or more record types to use with Account Engagement campaigns.
5. From the Account Engagement Campaigns tab, map default Account Engagement campaigns.
a. For the Email Plug-In campaign, click the action menu and select Connect to CRM Campaign.
b. Select the Email Plug-In Salesforce campaign that you created in Step 4.
c. Repeat these steps for the Website Tracking and Salesforce Sync campaigns.
If you have any other existing Account Engagement campaigns, repeat steps 4 and 5 for them so that every campaign has a
counterpart. For a large number of existing campaigns, you can connect them in bulk on page 75.
6. Return to the Salesforce Connector setup page in Account Engagement Settings, and then enter a default campaign.
a. Open the Connector Settings tab, and select Automatically create prospects in Pardot if they are created as a Lead or
Contact in Salesforce.
b. In the dropdown, select the Salesforce Sync campaign that you created in Step 4.
7. Return to Connected Campaigns settings and turn over campaign management to Salesforce.
a. From the Salesforce Connector setup page, click Campaigns.
b. In the campaign record types section, select the Account Engagement record type that you created in Step 3.
c. Select Use Salesforce to manage all campaigns.
Now you’re ready to start creating Salesforce campaigns. Each time you create a campaign in Salesforce, an equivalent campaign is
created in Account Engagement. That Account Engagement campaign generates new prospects and tracks marketing engagement,
which appears as Engagement History on your campaign records.
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
To automatically create lead records from new prospects, add an assignment completion action to your marketing forms.
To automatically add prospects as members to a campaign, create an automation.
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
– Updated By
– Updated At
• Some actions associated with Account Engagement campaigns are removed. The Add Campaign and Connect to CRM Campaign
actions no longer appear on the Account Engagement Campaigns tab, and the Account Engagement Campaigns recycling bin is
no longer available.
• You can use only active campaigns in automations and completion actions.
Note: To support Account Engagement features available within Sales Cloud, Salesforce added a user called B2BMA Integration
User to all Salesforce customers who also have Account Engagement. This new user is read-only, doesn’t affect your Salesforce
license usage, and can’t access or update data by default. If you choose to opt in to the new Account Engagement features available
in Sales Cloud, this user enables campaign and engagement data to be shared and copied between the two systems.
Account Engagement Integration User
Note: If you purchased Account Engagement after March 22, 2019, Connected Campaigns is partially enabled by default. Review
Get Started with Connected Campaigns on page 70 to find mapping and configuration instructions.
Salesforce Support Video: Enable Connected Campaigns | Account Engagement (Pardot)
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Note: Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. We wish we could Available in: Salesforce
snap our fingers to update the name everywhere, but you can expect to see the previous Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
name in a few places until we replace it, including in the app itself.
Before you enable the feature or begin connecting campaigns, we recommend that you outline
how your campaigns relate to each other. Consider the following tasks. For best results, make sure Available in: All Account
that every campaign you want to use has a counterpart. Engagement Editions with
Salesforce Essentials,
• Identify the Account Engagement campaigns that you want to keep. Do their equivalent Professional, Enterprise,
Salesforce campaigns exist? Performance, Unlimited,
• Identify the Salesforce campaigns that you want to keep. Do their equivalent Account and Developer Editions
Engagement campaigns exist?
• Identify which Account Engagement campaigns, if any, must stay in Account Engagement only. USER PERMISSIONS
• Create record types or assignments to organize your campaigns.
To connect campaigns:
When the preparation is complete, head over to Account Engagement Settings and get started • Account Engagement
with Connected Campaigns. Administrator role
• The B2BMA Integration user doesn’t need the Account Engagement Marketing User role
to enable and work with Connected Campaigns.
• Make sure that you create counterpart campaigns in Salesforce for Account Engagement
default and required campaigns, including Website Tracking and Salesforce Sync. If you
aren’t using the Email Plug-in campaign, delete it before you connect.
• A Account Engagement campaign is updated or created each time the Salesforce
campaign is edited by a person or process. To limit the number of campaigns created in
Account Engagement, identify a cut-off date for replication.
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Salesforce Support Video: Enable Connected Campaigns | Account Engagement (Pardot)
Knowledge Article: Configuring Connected Campaigns: Recommended Order of Operations
Knowledge Article: Account Engagement (Pardot) - Connected Campaigns Setting are Not Getting Enabled
Knowledge Article: 'At least one Salesforce campaign record type must be enabled for connection' error in Connected Campaigns
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Note: Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. We wish we could Available in: Salesforce
snap our fingers to update the name everywhere, but you can expect to see the previous Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
name in a few places until we replace it, including in the app itself.
1. Open the Account Engagement Campaigns page.
Available in: All Account
• In Account Engagement, select Marketing and then Campaigns. Engagement Editions with
• In the Lightning app, select Account Engagement Campaigns. This tab isn’t visible by Salesforce Essentials,
default—an admin must add it. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
2. Click Bulk Connect Pardot Campaigns to New Salesforce Campaigns. and Developer Editions
Salesforce exports the file NewConnectedCampaigns.csv, which contains a list of your
unconnected campaigns.
3. If your org has required custom fields for campaigns, add a column for each custom field name
To connect campaigns with
to the CSV file.
Salesforce Data Loader:
4. Log in to • Account Engagement
Administrator role with
your Salesforce account credentials.
5. Select Data.
6. Select Show all Salesforce objects, and select Campaign.
7. Click Browse, and open the NewConnectedCampaigns.csv file.
8. Click Next and after the object and CSV file are initialized, click OK.
9. Salesforce Data Loader prompts you to map Salesforce campaign fields to the Account Engagement campaign fields in the CSV file.
Accept the default mappings. If you added custom field columns to the CSV file, find the field on the left and select its corresponding
CSV column.
10. Click Create or Edit a Map, select Auto-Match Fields to Columns, and then click OK.
A confirmation page shows the field mappings and the number of new Salesforce campaign records to be created.
11. Click Next, choose the folder to save the campaigns in, and select Finish.
Salesforce Data Loader reports the number of campaigns created and any failures. If a campaign fails to create, the reason is listed in the
ERROR column. After a short wait, the newly connected campaigns appear in the Connected Campaigns view on the Account Engagement
Campaigns page.
When you use Salesforce Data Loader to map campaigns, the Pardot Campaign ID field is added to your records for organization purposes.
This field isn’t shown on campaigns mapped via other methods, so we recommend that you don’t use the field in reports or page layouts.
Sales Cloud Basics Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Other Considerations
• If the prospect shares an email address with another Salesforce contact, the record is synced as a contact. Otherwise, the prospect
syncs as a lead.
• When you enable Campaign Member Sync, prospects sync retroactively for campaigns that are already connected.
• Campaign Member Sync doesn’t archive or delete lead or contact records from Salesforce. Remove associated records from Salesforce
• The campaign member created date in Salesforce refers to when the prospect was synced, not the creation date in Account
• Campaign Member Sync works alongside other prospect syncing jobs.
• Expect slower sync times when a connected campaign has more than 10,000 prospects.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
• In Account Engagement, open Settings and click Edit. Scroll to Connected Campaigns.
• In the Lightning app, select Account Engagement Settings and then Connectors. Click USER PERMISSIONS
to edit the Salesforce connector, and select the Campaigns tab. To turn on Member Sync:
2. Select Enable Campaign Member Sync. • Account Engagement
Administrator role
3. Save your work.
Allow some time for campaign members to show up in Salesforce campaigns.
Track prospects apart from your contacts and opportunities with Salesforce lead records. After
you’ve qualified your lead records, convert them to contacts and create accounts for them (if you
don’t already have the accounts in Salesforce). And hopefully, create opportunities to bolster your Available in: Salesforce
pipeline. Classic (not available in all
Regardless of whether you’re working in Lightning Experience or Salesforce Classic, you work with orgs) and Lightning
a list of leads. From the list, you quickly create, locate, and work with the leads you’re focusing on Experience
at the moment. Available in: Starter,
Associate relevant events and tasks with those leads. And convert your qualified leads to contacts Essentials, Group,
that have opportunities associated to them. For any lead records that you mark Unqualified, plan Professional, Enterprise,
to revisit them later to see whether those prospects’ needs for your products and services changed. Performance, Unlimited,
Pro Suite, and Developer
Editions with Sales Cloud
Set Up Leads
Configure leads to make them work for your sales department.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Manage Leads
View, update, and convert leads as you build your pipeline.
Things to Know About Leads
Review considerations, guidelines, and tips for leads.
View and Convert Leads on an Account
Set Up Leads
Configure leads to make them work for your sales department.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
From Setup, get started using lead management. Available in: Starter,
• Turn on Lead Intelligence View (Lightning Experience only). Enter Lead Intelligence Essentials, Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
View in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Intelligence View Setup. Turn on Lead
Performance, Unlimited,
Intelligence View and add the Intelligence View button to your lead page layouts. To get the
Pro Suite, and Developer
most out of Lead Intelligence View, turn on Einstein Activity Capture and Activity Metrics.
Editions with Sales Cloud
• Go to the object management settings for leads. From the fields section, create custom lead
fields that track information specific to your company. Also, map your custom lead fields to
account, contact, and opportunity fields so that the data gets converted when users convert USER PERMISSIONS
leads. To choose the default status for new and converted leads, edit the Lead Status To set up leads:
picklist. • Modify Application
• Enter Lead Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Settings to specify
your default lead settings. Users who convert leads become the new lead owner. To prevent
the Lead Status value from changing to the new owner’s default value, turn on Preserve Lead Status.
• Enter Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Assignment Rules to set up lead assignment rules
that automatically assign leads.
• (Optional) Enter Web-to-Lead in the Quick Find box, then select Web-to-Lead to automatically capture leads from your
• (Optional) if your business uses LinkedIn Lead Gen ads, enter LinkedIn Lead Gen in the Quick Find box, then click
LinkedIn Accounts.
• To let your marketing and sales operations teams edit converted leads, assign those users the "View and Edit Converted Leads"
• To create sales queues for leads or custom objects, from Setup, enter Queues in the Quick Find box, then select Queues.
Generate Leads from Your Website for Your Sales Teams
Generate Leads from LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
4. Optionally, specify a Default Lead Creator. This user is listed as Creator when a Lead is created To set up Web-to-Lead:
• Customize Application
online. The default lead creator must have the Modify all Data and Send Email permissions and
they must both be granted via a permission set or a user profile. Don't use a combination of a To be the default lead
permission set and a user profile to grant these permissions to this user. creator for Web-to-Lead:
• Modify all Data
5. Optionally, specify a Default Response Template if you want to automate email replies to
prospects. You can set up response rules to use different email templates based on the AND
information prospects provide. If you do, the default response template is used when no Send Email
auto-response rules apply. Templates must be marked Available for Use.
6. Click Save.
7. To create a form that captures prospect details on your website, click Create Web-to-Lead Form, and then select fields you want
to include.
8. Select fields to include on your Web-to-Lead form. Use the Add and Remove arrows to move fields between the Available Fields list
and the Selected Fields list. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order of the fields on your form.
• Select the Campaign field.
• For organizations using multiple currencies, add the Lead Currency field if you add currency amount fields, otherwise all
amounts are captured in your corporate currency.
• Use a custom multi-select picklist to allow potential customers to express interest in several products.
• For organizations using lead record types, select the Lead Record Type field if you want users to select a record type for
Web-generated leads.
9. If your organization uses the Translation Workbench or has renamed tabs, select the language for the form labels displayed on your
Web-to-Lead form. The source of your Web-to-Lead form is always in your personal language.
10. Specify the complete URL to direct users to after they submit their information and then click Generate. For example, you can use
your company's home page for a thank you page.
11. If you want to add a reCAPTCHA widget to the lead submission form, select Include reCAPTCHA in HTML.
• This setting is automatically selected and is read-only when Require reCAPTCHA Verification is enabled.
Note: If Include reCAPTCHA in HTML is selected but Require reCAPTCHA Verification isn’t, existing forms without
reCAPTCHA keep working and continue to generate leads. We recommend that you enable Require reCAPTCHA
Verification and then ensure that your HTML on your website includes the reCAPTCHA validation code.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
12. Copy the generated HTML code and provide it to your company's webmaster so they can incorporate it into your website.
13. Click Finished.
To test the Web-to-Lead form:
1. Uncomment these three lines in your code by removing the <!-- and --> from the beginning and end of each line.
<!-- <input type="hidden" name="debug" value=1> -->
<!-- <input type="hidden" name="debugEmail" -->
<!-- value="<<add emailId here>>"> -->
2. Replace <<add emailId here>> with your email address. When you submit the form, an email with debugging information
is sent to that address.
Remove these three lines or recomment them before releasing the Web-to-Lead page to your website.
Leads generated from your website are initially marked with the “default status” specified by the Lead Status picklist.
For web leads generated as part of a campaign, the member status of the new leads is set to the Member Status value specified
in the form. If the Member Status field isn’t included in the form, the member status is set to the value you specify as the “default”.
If you include the Campaign ID field on your form, Salesforce automatically inserts the lead as a campaign member. If you do, don’t
create any triggers or processes that insert campaign members from the generated leads.
In addition, new leads are marked as “Unread,” and are changed to “Read” when viewed or edited by the lead owner. Users can select
the My Unread Leads list view to quickly locate their new leads.
Note: Keep the following things in mind when setting up and working with Web-to-Lead.
• The format for date and currency fields captured online is taken from your organization’s default settings - Default Locale
and Currency Locale.
• The daily limit for Web-to-Lead requests is 500. If your organization exceeds its daily Web-to-Lead limit, the Default Lead
Creator (specified in the Web-to-Lead setup page) receives an email informing them the daily limit has been exceeded.
• If a new lead can’t be generated due to errors in your Web-to-Lead setup, Customer Support is notified so we can help you
correct it. Salesforce provides the standard Web-to-Lead form but can't support specific modifications to the form.
• Before creating records submitted via Web-to-Lead, Salesforce runs field validation rules. If any field values are invalid, no lead
record is created.
• All universally required fields must have a value before a record can be created via Web-to-Lead.
• Salesforce doesn't support rich text area (RTA) fields on Web-to-Lead forms. If you use RTA fields on your forms, any information
entered in them is saved as plain text when the lead is created.
• Web-to-Lead forms don’t validate the email address field. To validate email addresses of web-generated leads, create a validation
rule for the Email field on leads.
Guidelines for Setting Up Web-to-Lead
Validation Rules
Define Validation Rules
Capture Leads in Essentials with Web to Lead
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
3. Set up default values for leads from LinkedIn. From Setup, enter LinkedIn Lead Gen in
the Quick Find box. Then click Lead Gen Fields.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
4. Under Set Lead Defaults, enter values for the Default Lead Creator, Record Type, and Lead Source for leads generated from LinkedIn.
5. Under Map Form Data, choose lead fields to receive the data from LinkedIn about the form each lead comes from.
Standard fields must use the string, picklist, text area, phone, date, email, datetime, or boolean data type. Custom fields must use
the text or text area data type.
6. Under Map Lead Fields, choose lead fields to receive the data from LinkedIn about each lead.
Standard fields must use the string, picklist, text area, phone, date, email, datetime, or boolean data type. Custom fields must use
the text or text area data type.
7. Under Map LinkedIn Questions to Custom fields, choose custom lead fields to capture data from your LinkedIn custom form questions.
LinkedIn Lead Gen forms let you ask up to 3 custom questions of your leads. For example, you can ask what their occupation is.
When LinkedIn sends leads to Salesforce, it includes the text of each question and answer. Use a lead field to store each question
and another for the answer provided by the lead. This way you can report on questions and answers by filtering leads by questions
asked, using the fields you choose for the questions.
8. Under Consent Fields, choose the custom lead fields to capture data from your LinkedIn form consent fields.
LinkedIn consent fields let you track leads’ preferences about communication and privacy. For example, you can have a consent
called “Send me email” with a checkbox. In Setup, map one field to hold the name of the consent, “Send me email”. Map another
field to hold the response provided by the lead, either yes or no.
9. Under Hidden Fields, choose the custom lead fields to capture data from your LinkedIn form hidden fields.
To capture campaign-specific data for each lead, use LinkedIn hidden fields. Salesforce sorts LinkedIn hidden fields into alphabetical
order by field name before writing the values to the mapped fields. The first field in alphabetical order is always written to the first
mapped field, and so on. Be sure to map the LinkedIn hidden fields to your Salesforce fields in alphabetical order.
Note: Don’t change the field type of fields you map for LinkedIn Lead Gen. Doing so can cause the mapping to fail.
Generate Leads from Your Website for Your Sales Teams
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
11. Assign the permission set to the user and click Save.
The locations where converted leads appear depends on the interface you are using.
Where can I see converted leads? Lightning Experience Salesforce Classic The Salesforce
Mobile App
Recent Items list
Lead reports
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
If you have more than 500 lead fields, the lead field mapping page can become unresponsive.
Manage Leads
View, update, and convert leads as you build your pipeline.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
• Engaged
• Meeting scheduled
• Meeting declined
• Disqualified
To see the Lead Intelligence View, your Salesforce administrator must turn it on in Setup and add the Intelligence View button to the
Lead List View button layout.
Recently Viewed The last ten or twenty-five leads you viewed, with the most
recently viewed lead listed first. This list is derived from your
recent items and includes records owned by you and other users.
Recently Created The last ten or twenty-five leads you created, with the most
recently created lead listed first. This list only includes records
owned by you.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
• If Quick Create has been enabled by your administrator, you can add a new lead from the Quick Create area in the sidebar on the
leads homepage. Alternatively, click New next to the Recent Leads section to create a new lead.
• Under Reports, click any report name to jump to that report.
• In the Summary section, choose values and click Run Report to view a summary list of your leads.
• To manage your leads, select any of the links under Tools.
• If leads are shared with external contacts via Salesforce to Salesforce, choose one of the list views under Leads from Connections
to view leads that your business partners have shared with you.
Note: Hover over the links at the top of a detail page to display the corresponding related list and its records. If Chatter is
enabled, hover links display below the feed. An interactive overlay allows you to quickly view and manage the related list
items. Click a hover link to jump to the content of the related list. If hover links are not enabled, contact your Salesforce
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
• Share leads: In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, share a lead with other users,
groups, or roles by clicking Sharing.
• Print leads: To open a printable display of the record details, in the top-right corner of the page, click Printable View
• To return to the last list page you viewed, click Back to list at the top of the lead detail page. If your organization has enabled
collapsible page sections, use the arrow icons next to the section headings to expand or collapse each section on the detail page.
Converting Leads
After you qualify your leads, convert them to contacts, accounts, and opportunities.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Note: Some long-time Salesforce customers are still using an older lead convert process built with PLSQL instead of Apex. If your
org uses Lightning Experience and the old lead convert process, the convert window has fewer options. To use the newest lead
conversion window, your org must have enabled Apex Lead Convert. With its increased capability, flexibility, and efficiency, the
newest lead convert window is a great reason to make the free switch to Apex Lead Convert. To enable Apex Lead Convert, see
this Knowledge article and then contact Salesforce Support.
Considerations for Converting Leads
Troubleshoot Lead Conversion
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Duplicate Account Warnings That You Can’t Dismiss Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
When converting a lead to an existing account, you can encounter a duplicate account warning
orgs) and Lightning
that you can’t dismiss. Experience
This warning occurs when all the following conditions exist.
Available in: Starter,
• Accounts has an active duplicate rule with matching rule criteria that refer to account fields Essentials, Group,
that are mapped for lead conversion. Professional, Enterprise,
• Any of the mapped fields referenced by the duplicate rule are blank on the existing account. Performance, Unlimited,
Pro Suite, and Developer
• The lead field values that populate the blank account fields match another account record.
Editions with Sales Cloud
When fields are mapped from leads to accounts for lead conversion, blank fields on the account
that you are converting to are updated with the values from the lead. However, in this situation,
you can’t ignore the duplicate warning and convert to the existing account. Salesforce asks you to
choose one of the accounts identified as a duplicate or to convert to a new account. To convert leads:
To resolve this issue and convert to your chosen existing account: • Create and Edit on
leads, accounts,
• Cancel the lead conversion, and populate the blank mapped fields on the account before contacts, and
restarting the conversion. opportunities
or AND
• Remove the values from the lead for the mapped fields that are blank on the account. Convert Leads
If you aren’t sure which fields are mapped for lead conversion, consult your admin. To avoid creating duplicate
records when converting
• Require Validation for
Convert Qualified Leads Converted Leads
Considerations for Converting Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
1. Choose a lead record. A message tells you if duplicates exist for that record. To see them, click Available in: Starter,
View Duplicates. Essentials, Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
2. Choose up to three lead records to merge. Click Next. Performance, Unlimited,
Pro Suite, and Developer
Editions with Sales Cloud
To view leads:
• Read on leads
To merge leads:
• Delete on leads
3. Choose one lead record as the master, and choose the field values that you want to keep. Click Next.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Standard Contact and Lead Matching Rule
Things to Know About Matching Rules
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
Standard Contact and Lead Matching Rule
Things to Know About Matching Rules
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
Use Third-Party Data to Update and Add Records to Salesforce
AppExchange: Lightning Data
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
To change or accept
ownership of leads from a
• Edit on leads
You can see sharing details when you click Sharing on the lead detail page. Available in: Starter,
Essentials, Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Pro Suite, and Developer
Editions with Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
If you automatically assign the new lead, the record type of the lead can change, depending Available in: Starter,
on the behavior your admin specified for assignment rules. Essentials, Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
• If your sales team uses divisions (Salesforce Classic only), the division of a new lead is Performance, Unlimited,
automatically set to your default division, unless you manually select a different one. Pro Suite, and Developer
• Your admin determines the default lead status for new leads. Editions with Sales Cloud
• The lead is marked Read and doesn’t appear in the My Unread Leads list view. In Salesforce
Classic, if you click Save & New, the lead is marked Unread.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Campaigns A lead can match an existing contact. If both records are linked to the same campaign, the campaign member status is
determined by whichever is further along in the campaign lifecycle. For example, if the lead member status is “sent” and
the contact member status is “responded”, the responded value is applied to the contact.
Related campaign information is always associated with the new contact record, regardless of the user's sharing access
to the campaign.
When more than one campaign is associated with a lead, the most recently associated campaign is applied to the Primary
Campaign Source field for the opportunity, regardless of the user's sharing access to the campaign.
Chatter When you convert a lead to an existing account, you don’t automatically follow that account. However, when you convert
the lead to a new account, you automatically follow the new account, unless you disabled feed tracking for accounts in
your Chatter settings.
Contacts to If your organization uses Contacts to Multiple Accounts, when you convert a lead to an existing contact, Salesforce creates
Multiple a relationship record that connects the contact to the lead’s account.
Accounts / If you use Premium, when you add a lead from, a corresponding D&B Company record (if one exists
D&B in is automatically created in Salesforce. The record is linked to the lead record via its D&B Company field. If
Company you later convert that lead:
• And if the account is created from the conversion, the lead’s Company D-U-N-S Number field value transfers to the
account’s D-U-N-S Number field, and the lead’s D&B Company field value transfers to the account’s D&B Company
• Its Key field value transfers to the contact’s Key field.
If you use Corporate, no D&B Company record is created, but the lead’s Key field value transfers to
the contact’s Key field.
Divisions The new account, contact, and opportunity are assigned to the same division as the lead. If you update an existing account
during lead conversion, the account’s division isn’t changed, and the new contact and opportunity inherit the account’s
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Duplicate When you convert leads to contacts or accounts, the process sometimes creates duplicate records. If so, we show you a
Management warning. Custom warnings set up by your administrator don’t appear during lead conversion. When you begin to convert
a lead, possible matches appear based on matching rules using standard fields. When you click Convert, additional
matches can appear based on matching rules using custom fields. How these duplicate records are handled depends on
how your Salesforce admin has set up Apex Lead Convert and Duplicate Management. For example, your administrator
can require that you resolve the duplicates before you finish converting. If your admin has created any cross-object
duplicate rules, they aren't triggered during lead conversion.
Enterprise Filter-based opportunity territory assignment isn’t triggered when an opportunity is created through lead conversion.
Existing When updating existing accounts or contacts during lead conversion, the values of mapped lead fields don’t overwrite
Accounts the values of the mapped account and contact fields.
and If existing accounts and contacts share the names specified on the leads, you can choose to update the existing accounts
Contacts and contacts. Salesforce adds information from the lead into empty fields on the contact and account. Salesforce doesn’t
overwrite existing account and contact data with any lead data.
For the composite address field, which is made up of several individual fields, Salesforce only adds information to empty
individual fields on the contact and account.
When the State and Country/Territory picklists are enabled, the State/Province and Country fields on the lead only transfer
to the existing contact when both the State/Province and Country fields on the contact aren't set.
Be sure to verify the resulting data on the contact and account after lead conversion.
Health The fields Specialty and Birth Date are available for use only in Health Cloud. They don’t map to any fields when you
Cloud convert a lead because they don’t have equivalents on an account, contact, or opportunity.
List Emails When a lead converts, list email activities associated with the lead become associated with the contact but aren’t associated
with the resulting opportunity.
Local Lead Company Name (Local) on the lead automatically maps to Account Name (Local), along with their associated standard
Names name fields.
New When new accounts or contacts are created during lead conversion, the values of mapped lead fields overwrite the default
Accounts values of the mapped account and contact fields.
Opportunity If there are required custom fields added to the Opportunity Contact Role object, users can't create opportunities during
Contact lead conversion. Because there's no field mapping between leads and opportunity contact roles, the required custom
Roles field can't be populated.
Person With person accounts enabled, you can convert leads to either person accounts or business accounts. In Lightning
Accounts Experience, leads that don’t have a value in the Company field are converted to person accounts. Leads that do have a
value in the Company field are converted to business accounts. In Salesforce Classic and the Salesforce mobile app, leads
without company information can still be converted to an existing business account.
To differentiate leads that convert to person accounts from leads that convert to business accounts, use different lead
record types and page layouts. Specifically, remove the Company field from the page layouts for leads that convert to
person accounts. Then, make the Company field required on the page layouts for leads that convert to business accounts.
In the Salesforce mobile app, you can't convert a lead to a person account if the person account name already exists.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Record If the lead has a record type, the default record type of the user converting the lead is assigned to records created during
Types lead conversion.
The default record type of the user converting the lead determines the lead source values available during conversion.
If the desired lead source values aren’t available, add the values to the default record type of the user converting the lead.
For accounts, users can set an overall default record type as well as subdefault record types for business accounts and
person accounts. When converting leads, the overall default record type is used. Lead conversion doesn’t use subdefault
record types.
Salesforce When you convert a lead, Salesforce to Salesforce inactivates the shared record and updates the External Sharing related
to list in your connection's lead record with an Inactive (converted) status. Due to inactivation of the shared record, changes
Salesforce to the Lead Status during conversion aren't reflected in your connection's lead record.
Search Whether a converted lead is searchable differs for Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.
Salesforce Classic: After converting a lead, it’s no longer searchable. However, the new account, contact, or opportunity
record created from the converted lead is searchable.
Lightning Experience: The converted lead record and the newly created account, contact, or opportunity record are
searchable. However, you can’t access the converted lead record from the search results page to view or edit it. As you
type the lead name in the search box, you might see search suggestions for leads that you already merged as duplicates.
A delay in removing these converted leads from the search index causes this issue.
Standard The system automatically maps standard lead fields to standard account, contact, and opportunity fields.
and For custom lead fields, your administrator can specify how they map to custom account, contact, and opportunity fields.
Lead Fields The system assigns the default picklist values for the account, contact, and opportunity when mapping standard lead
picklist fields that are blank. If your organization uses record types, blank values are replaced with the default picklist
values of the new record owner.
Converting a lead sets the Unread field to false.
The lead's ConvertedDate field contains the date the lead was converted based on the current date in Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT). This field appears in some reports and shows the GMT date not adjusted to the user's local time zone. The
value stored in the lead's CreatedDate field includes both the date and time and is converted to the user's time zone.
Apex During lead conversion, triggers fire. Universally required custom fields and validation rules are enforced.
Triggers When updating a lead, triggers that cause the lead to convert can cause a warning. The warning indicates that the lead
is no longer accessible to the user because it’s been converted to a contact. Refer to the new contact instead.
If the Require Validation for Converted Leads checkbox on the Lead Settings page is deselected, Salesforce ignores lookup
filters when converting leads.
Converting leads with many associated events and tasks can result in Apex governor limit errors, especially if there are
triggers on the Task object. For more information about these limits, see Apex Governor Limits in Salesforce Developer
Workflow You can't convert a lead that’s associated with an active approval process or has pending workflow actions.
Converting a lead to a person account doesn’t trigger workflow rules.
When a lead is converted by someone who isn't the lead owner, all workflow tasks associated with the lead that are
assigned to that user, except email alerts, are reassigned to the lead owner. Workflow tasks assigned to users other than
the lead owner and lead converter aren't changed.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
If validation and triggers for lead conversion are enabled, then converting a lead can trigger a workflow action on a lead.
For example, if an active workflow rule updates a lead field or transfers the owner of a lead, that rule can trigger when
the lead is converted. However, because of the conversion, the lead isn’t visible on the Leads tab. Allow the workflow
process to finish before updating lead fields, otherwise save or lead convert fails. A workflow rule can create a task because
of a lead conversion. In that case, Salesforce assigns the task to the new contact and relates it to the associated account
or opportunity.
When you convert a lead, files and related records attached to the lead are attached to the resulting contact, account, and opportunity
records. Items from the following related lists on leads are carried over to the new or existing contact, account, and opportunity during
lead conversion.
Activity History
Campaign History
Notes (new)
Content Deliveries
Marketing Actions
Other related records from custom objects aren’t attached to the resulting contact, account, and opportunity records.
Convert Qualified Leads
Troubleshoot Lead Conversion
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Lead Fields
A lead has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order. Depending on your page layout and
field-level security settings, some fields aren’t visible or editable.
If the lead record was added from, certain fields, as identified here, are populated with Available in: Salesforce
the or Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) value, if a value is available. Some lead fields are Classic (not available in all
available only to organizations that use a specific product. orgs) and Lightning
Field Description Accepts Available in: Starter, or Essentials, Group,
D&B Value Professional, Enterprise,
Address Street address for the lead, for example, 475 ( Performance, Unlimited,
Boardwalk Ave. Up to 255 characters are allowed in Pro Suite, and Developer
this field. Editions with Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Campaign Name of the campaign responsible for generating the lead. Displays
only when creating a lead. Data entered in this field is stored in the
Campaign History related list on the lead.
City City portion of the lead’s address, for example, San Francisco. Up to 40 (
characters are allowed in this field.
Clean Status The record’s clean status, as compared with Values are Not (
Compared, In Sync, Reviewed, Different, Not Found,
and Inactive. This field is available if you use Prospector
or Clean.
Company Name of company with which lead is affiliated. Up to 255 characters (D&B)
are allowed in this field.
Company D-U-N-S Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S) number is a unique (D&B)
Number nine-digit number assigned to every business location in the D&B
database that has a unique, separate, and distinct operation. D-U-N-S
numbers are used by industries and organizations around the world as
a global standard for business identification and tracking. This field is
available if you use Prospector or Clean.
To see the entire D-U-N-S number, either Until you add or clean the
record, its first five digits are masked with asterisks (*).
• Add the lead to Salesforce if you haven’t yet, or
• Clean the lead with if it already exists in Salesforce
Created By User who created the lead, including creation date and time. (Read only)
D&B Company A link to the corresponding D&B Company record, which displays Dun (D&B)
& Bradstreet (D&B) fields for the lead. Use the lookup if you want to
associate a different D&B Company record with the lead. This field is
only available to organizations that use Prospector or
Clean. Key The company’s ID in When Salesforce records are compared (
with records (via manual cleaning or automated clean jobs),
if finds a match, the two records are linked by this field’s
numeric value.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Email Email address of lead. Must be a valid email address in the form: (
[email protected]. Up to 80 characters are allowed in this field.
Click the email address in this field to send an email using your personal
email application. If the Gmail Buttons and Links feature is enabled, you
can click the Gmail link next to the field to send an email from your
Gmail account. See Gmail™ in Salesforce for more information.
Email Opt Out Whether the lead wants to receive email (false) or not (true). If you
use, the Email field value is hidden from search results and
on the Contact Card, and it’s blank in .csv files that are created when
you export records.
Engagement History A chart showing the lead's inbound and outbound engagements for
the last 30 days. Available with Sales Engagement.
First Name First name of the lead, as displayed on the lead edit page. Up to 40 (
characters are allowed in this field.
First Name (Local) First name of the lead translated into the local language.
Gender Identity The lead's personal and self-identified experience of their gender, which
do or don’t correspond to the lead’s designated sex at birth.
Industry Primary business of lead’s company. Entry is selected from a picklist of (
available values, which are set by an administrator. Each picklist value
can have up to 40 characters.
Last Name Last name of the lead, as displayed on the lead edit page. Up to 80 (
characters are allowed in this field.
Last Name (Local) Last name of the lead translated into the local language.
Last Transfer Date The date the lead owner was last changed.
Lead Currency The default currency for all currency amount fields in the lead. Amounts
display in the lead currency and are also converted to the user’s personal
currency. Available only for organizations that use multiple currencies.
Lead Division Division to which the lead belongs. Available only in organizations that
use divisions to segment their data.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Lead Source Source of lead, for example, Advertisement, Partner, or Web. Entry is (
selected from a picklist of available values, which are set by an
administrator. Each picklist value can have up to 40 characters.
Lead Status Status of the lead, for example, Open, Contacted, Qualified. Entry is
selected from a picklist of available values, which are set by an
administrator. Each picklist value can have up to 40 characters.
Middle Name Middle name of the lead, as displayed on the lead edit page. Up to 40
characters are allowed for this field.
To enable this field, contact Salesforce Customer Support. Next, from
Setup, enter User Interface in the Quick Find box, then
select User Interface. Then select Enable Name Suffixes
for Person Names.
Middle Name (Local) Middle name of the lead translated into the local language.
To enable this field, contact Salesforce Customer Support. Next, from
Setup, enter User Interface in the Quick Find box, then
select User Interface. Then select Enable Name Suffixes
for Person Names.
Modified By User who last changed the lead fields, including modification date and
time. Modified By doesn’t track changes made to any of the related list
items on the lead. (Read only)
Name Combined first name, middle name (beta), last name, and suffix (beta) (
of lead, as displayed on lead detail page.
Partner Account Read-only field that indicates the lead is owned by a partner user.
Phone Lead’s primary phone number. Up to 40 characters are allowed in this (
Pronouns The lead’s personal pronouns, reflecting their gender identity. The entry
is selected from a picklist of available values, which the administrator
sets. Maximum 40 characters.
Rating Indicates value or prospect of the lead, for example, Hot, Warm, Cold.
Entry is selected from a picklist of available values, which are set by an
administrator. Each picklist value can have up to 40 characters.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Salutation Title for addressing the lead, for example, Mr., Ms., Dr., or Prof. Entry is
selected from a picklist of available values, which are set by an
administrator. Each picklist value can have up to 40 characters.
Suffix Name suffix of the lead, as displayed on the lead edit page. Up to 40
characters are allowed for this field.
To enable this field, contact Salesforce Customer Support. Next, from
Setup, enter User Interface in the Quick Find box, then
select User Interface. Then select Enable Name Suffixes
for Person Names.
Title Position of lead within his or her company. Up to 128 characters are (
allowed in this field. When converting a lead to a person account, the
conversion fails if the lead Title field contains more than 80 characters.
Total Cadences The number of Sales Engagement cadences the lead is assigned to. This
field is only available in list views.
Unread Flag indicating that the lead hasn’t been viewed or edited by the lead
owner. The flag isn’t shown on lead edit or detail pages. Leads marked
as “Unread” contain a check mark in the Unread column on leads list
views. The Unread field is set to false when the lead is converted.
Custom Links Listing of custom links for leads as set up by your administrator.
ZIP ZIP code or postal code portion of the lead’s address. Up to 20 characters (
are allowed in this field.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
If the fiscal year in Salesforce is Salesforce assigns close dates for opportunities to
Standard The last day of the current fiscal quarter.
Custom The last day of the current fiscal period. If a fiscal year hasn’t been defined for the current
date, the close date is the end of the current calendar quarter.
• Each target field can have only one source field mapped to it.
• You can map auto-number fields to field types text or text area.
• You can map text and text area fields to custom field types of text, text area, long text, and picklist. If you map to a picklist field, the
picklist must be unrestricted.
• You can map custom picklist fields to custom field types of text, text area, and picklist (unrestricted), but not long text.
• When mapping between picklist and text fields, your data truncates if the source field value is longer than the target field allows.
• Custom lookup fields can be mapped to a lookup field pointing to the same object. For example, a lead custom lookup field pointing
to the Account object can be mapped to a contact custom lookup field that also points to the Account object.
• When mapping custom lead fields, the selected account, contact, or opportunity field must be of equal or greater length.
• You can’t delete lead, account, contact, or opportunity fields included in Lead Custom Field Mapping. To delete a field, first remove
its mapping.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
• You can’t change the field type of a field that’s included in Lead Custom Field Mapping. To change a field’s type, remove its mapping
• When you uninstall a package that references fields included in Lead Custom Field Mapping, those custom field mappings are
deleted automatically.
• When mapping lead custom number, currency, or percent fields, the target field must have the same length and number of decimal
• If you have more than 500 lead fields, the lead field mapping page can become unresponsive.
• Dependent picklist fields on leads can’t have a default value assigned. These fields are driven from the value selected in the controlling
picklist field. Field mappings defined between a controlling and dependent picklist are validated during lead conversion. These
mappings don’t allow any values other than the current value of the controlling picklist to be assigned to the dependent picklist.
• In Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic, custom field mapping for lead conversion is available in orgs that use APEX Lead
Convert. Custom field mapping for lead convert is not available in orgs that use the older PLSQL Lead Convert.
• In orgs that use APEX Lead Convert, contact, account, and opportunity fields with field-level security settings are populated from
mapped lead fields.
Note: Don’t map custom formula fields to other formula fields or any other type of field.
Validate email addresses for Create a validation rule for the Email field on leads.
web-generated leads USER PERMISSIONS
Automatically send prospects Create public email templates. You can set up email response To set up Web-to-Lead:
email after they’ve submitted rules to use different email templates depending on the • Customize Application
information through your information submitted. If you do, make sure to create one default
website template to send when none of your response rules apply.
Set the default status for new Use the Lead Status picklist to do so.
and converted leads
Assign leads to sales reps and • Create lead queues if you want to assign leads to queues
queues instead of individual sales reps.
• Choose a default owner of leads that fail to meet the criteria
in your assignment rule using Lead Settings.
• Determine how web-generated leads get assigned to users
or queues by creating a lead assignment rule and activating
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Generate Leads from Your Website for Your Sales Teams
Validation Rules
Define Validation Rules
Leads FAQs
Find answers to common questions about leads.
• What Is a Lead?
• What are the advantages of using leads? Available in: both Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• Can I convert existing accounts or contacts into leads?
orgs) and Lightning
• How many leads can we capture from our website? Experience
• What if my company reaches the limit for web-generated leads?
Available in: Starter,
• Can I capture leads from multiple web pages? Essentials, Group,
• Can I automatically email leads that come from my website? Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
• How can our webmaster test the Web-to-Lead page?
Pro Suite, and Developer
• Who owns new web-generated leads? Editions with Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
What Is a Lead?
Leads are people who are interested in your product and service. Converting leads to loyal customers provide success within a
business. By managing your leads in a systematic and structured way, you can increase both the numbers of leads you generate and
how many leads you convert.
What are the advantages of using leads?
Using leads allows your company to maintain two separate lists - one for prospective customers and one for existing customers.
You can store your prospects as leads, and then when a lead becomes qualified, you can convert it to an account, contact, and,
optionally, an opportunity.
Can I automatically email leads that come from my website?
Yes. You can create auto-response rules to email these prospects using templates that vary based on criteria that you set up.
Can I capture leads from multiple web pages?
Yes. Insert the generated HTML code into the web pages from which you want to capture leads. Whenever someone submits
information on any of those web pages, a lead is created.
Can I convert existing accounts or contacts into leads?
No. As an alternative, create an opportunity for the account or contact. If you prefer to use a lead, create a report containing the
accounts or contacts you want to convert into leads, export them, and then import them as leads.
How are lead fields mapped to other fields during conversion?
When you convert a lead, data in standard lead fields is transferred into standard account, contact, and opportunity fields. For custom
lead fields, the data is mapped to custom account, contact, and opportunity fields as specified by your admin.
How can I be sure that leads aren’t lost?
The daily limit for Web-to-Lead requests is 500. If your organization exceeds its daily Web-to-Lead limit, the Default Lead Creator
(specified in the Web-to-Lead setup page) receives an email containing the additional lead information.
How can I tell which of my leads are new?
When a lead is assigned to you, either manually transferred, imported, or generated from the web, the lead is marked as “Unread,”
that is, it has a check mark in the Unread column on leads list views.
How can our webmaster test the Web-to-Lead page?
Add the following line to your Web-to-Lead page code if you want to see a debugging page when you submit the form. Don't forget
to remove this line before releasing the Web-to-Lead page on your website.
How many leads can we capture from our website?
In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, you can capture up to 500 leads in a 24-hour
What happens when I convert leads?
When you convert a lead, Salesforce creates an account, contact, and optionally an opportunity, using information from the lead
you’re converting.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
What Is a Lead?
Leads are people who are interested in your product and service. Converting leads to loyal customers provide success within a business.
By managing your leads in a systematic and structured way, you can increase both the numbers of leads you generate and how many
leads you convert.
Sales Cloud Basics Leads
Sales Cloud Basics Turn Opportunities into Deals
the other records. To restore an activity to all resulting records, remove it from the recycle bin. You can assign the owners of these new
records, and schedule follow-up tasks. When you assign new owners, only the open activities are assigned to the new owner. If you have
custom lead fields, that information can be inserted into custom account, contact, or opportunity fields. Your admin can also set up your
custom lead fields to populate custom account, contact, and opportunity fields automatically. You can’t view converted leads, unless
your admin has assigned you the "View and Edit Converted Leads" permission. However, converted leads do appear in lead reports.
Salesforce updates the Last Modified Date and Last Modified By system fields on converted leads when picklist values
included on converted leads are changed.
After it’s converted, a lead record is no longer searchable, unless your admin assigned you the View and Edit Converted Leads permission.
The new account, contact, or opportunity record created from the converted lead is searchable.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Quotes in Salesforce represent the proposed prices of your company’s products and services. You create a quote from an opportunity
and its products. Each opportunity can have multiple associated quotes, and any one of them can be synced with the opportunity.
When a quote and an opportunity are synced, any change to line items in the quote syncs with products on the opportunity, and
vice versa. Get an overview of all your quotes on the Quotes tab. And if you’re using Lightning Experience, track sales activity in Path
and stages in Kanban.
A contract is a written agreement between parties. Many companies use contracts to define the terms for doing business with other
companies. Use Salesforce to establish and document the contracts that you have with your accounts and opportunities. Track the
contract through your approval process. And use workflow alerts to remind yourself of contract renewals.
Use orders to track your customers’ requests for products and services.
Set Up Products
Customize products to make them work better for your sales reps.
Manage Products
Create and update the products your company sells and their standard prices.
Product Schedules
Use product schedules to determine the payment and delivery cycles for products that are paid or delivered over time. In Lightning
Experience, customize schedules with custom fields, custom buttons, customized layout, validation rules, and Apex triggers.
Manage Price Books
Price books track the prices of products and services that your company offers to customers.
Things to Know About Products and Price Books
Review these considerations before you delete products or pricebooks. Learn more about product, price book, price book entry, and
product schedule fields.
Set Up Products
Customize products to make them work better for your sales reps.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
To auto-activate or
auto-deactivate product
• Customize Application
• Customize the Product Family picklist to include the different categories of products Available in: Professional,
you sell. Enterprise, Performance,
• For each product in your price books, edit the product and select the appropriate Product Unlimited, and Developer
Family value.
• If your organization uses forecasting, set a different quota for each product family for your users.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Manage Products
Create and update the products your company sells and their standard prices.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Products Concepts
Before you use products in Salesforce, make sure that you understand the basics.
Products are the items and services that you sell to customers. Each product can exist in multiple
price books with different prices. Products, Orders
product available in
When you view the detail page of an opportunity, quote, order, or service contract, the Products
schedules, Salesforce
related list or the Quote Line Items related list shows the associated products for that record. Use
price books, Classic
these related lists to choose a price book for the record, add or edit products, and, for opportunities,
and quotes
establish or edit product schedules. For example, on a quote detail page, click Add Line Item on available in:
the Quote Line Items related list to select a product to list on the quote. both
If products are shared with external contacts via Salesforce to Salesforce, choose one of the list Salesforce
views under Products from Connections to view products that your business partners have shared Classic and
with you. Lightning
Products, Quotes
product available in:
schedules, Performance
price books, and
and orders Developer
available in: Editions and
Professional, in
Enterprise, Professional,
Performance, Enterprise,
Unlimited, and
and Unlimited
Developer Editions
Editions with the
Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Products, Quotes
product available in:
schedules, Performance
price books, and
and orders Developer
available in: Editions and
Professional, in
Enterprise, Professional,
Performance, Enterprise,
Unlimited, and
and Unlimited
Developer Editions
Editions with the
Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
For information about fields, see Product, Price Book, Price Book Entry, and Product Schedule Fields.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Note: This consideration doesn’t affect price book entries that were created or edited by using Data Loader or the API.
• If the price book entry contains required custom fields, you can’t create price book entries in the user interface. You can create these
price book entries only by using Data Loader or the API.
• You can edit prices in either of the following locations.
– The multiline edit pages (the Edit Standard Price page and the Edit List Price page)
– The Price Book Entry Edit page
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Product Schedules
Use product schedules to determine the payment and delivery cycles for products that are paid or
delivered over time. In Lightning Experience, customize schedules with custom fields, custom
buttons, customized layout, validation rules, and Apex triggers. Available in: both Salesforce
• A quantity schedule determines when a product is delivered. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• A revenue schedule determines when a product is paid for.
• A default schedule is associated with a specific product in a specific price book. Every time the
product is added to an opportunity, the default schedule is used. You can override the default Available in: Professional,
schedules on any opportunity. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
You determine which types of schedules your reps can use and which types of schedules can be Editions
established for each individual product.
• A quantity schedule is suitable if your customers pay once but receive the product in increments,
for example, as with an annual magazine subscription for a monthly magazine. A quantity schedule defines the dates, number of
units, and number of installments for payments, shipping, or other use as determined by your company.
• A revenue schedule is suitable if your customers make regular payments but receive the product once, for example, if you sell
customized products that are charged in installments but delivered once. A revenue schedule defines the dates, revenue amounts,
and number of installments for payments, recognizing revenue, or other use.
• A revenue and quantity schedule is suitable if your customers receive their orders on a delivery schedule and pay for the products
using a payment schedule, for example, a monthly product subscription that’s paid for monthly.
• A default schedule is suitable if all your customers make product payments on the same timetable or you deliver products on a
regular schedule. If you typically customize schedules, there’s no advantage to creating default schedules.
When you enable customizable product schedules, the Salesforce Classic actions on product schedules are disabled, and Line Item
Schedule is added to the object manager. In Salesforce Classic, product schedules become read-only.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
3. In Lightning Experience, to tailor schedule layouts by using custom fields and buttons and applying validation rules and Apex triggers,
select Enable customization of product schedules.
4. Save your changes.
Products Concepts
Customize Fields
Define Apex Triggers
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
• Default Quantity Schedule Only: Your medical supplies company sells a box of tongue depressors for $10 per box. You normally
have yearly contracts with hospitals to deliver boxes monthly. In this case, set a quantity schedule of Schedule Type=Repeat,
Installment Period=Monthly, and Number of Installments=12.
With this default quantity schedule, a salesperson sells 1,000 boxes on an opportunity on January 1. The quantity schedule creates
12 monthly installments of 1,000 boxes each, for a total quantity of 12,000 boxes. The total revenue from this opportunity is calculated
using the unit price and the total quantity, so $120,000 is booked on January 1.
• Default Quantity and Revenue Schedules: Your manufacturing company sells widgets for $10 each. You normally have yearly contracts
to deliver widgets weekly, but your customers pay quarterly. In this case, set a quantity schedule of Schedule Type=Repeat, Installment
Period=Weekly, and Number of Installments=52. Set a revenue schedule of Schedule Type=Divide, Installment Period=Quarterly,
and Number of Installments=4.
With these default schedules, a salesperson sells 2,000 widgets on an opportunity on January 1. The quantity schedule is applied
first, and it schedules 2,000 widgets to be delivered every week for a year, for a total quantity of 104,000. The total revenue is calculated
using the unit price and the total quantity. The total revenue of $1,040,000 is then divided into quarterly installments of $260,000.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Opportunities: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce Mobile App
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Product, Price Book, Price Book Entry, and Product Schedule Fields
Products, price books, and product schedules have the following fields. The availability of fields depends on how Salesforce is set
Considerations for Removing Products and Price Books
Review considerations before removing a product or a price book.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Product, Price Book, Price Book Entry, and Product Schedule Fields
Products, price books, and product schedules have the following fields. The availability of fields
depends on how Salesforce is set up.
Products, Orders
Product Fields product available in:
schedules, Lightning
Field Description price books, Experience
and quotes and
Active Indication that the product is ready for use in a available in: Salesforce
price book, opportunity, or quote, and whether Lightning Classic
you can see the product in views. In Salesforce Experience
Classic, if your profile allows only Read access and
to products and you’re not a Salesforce admin, Salesforce
search results don’t show inactive products. Classic
Created By The name of the user who created the product Products, Quotes
record, with the date and time of creation. product available in:
schedules, Performance
Custom Links A list of custom links for products from price books, and
Salesforce. and orders Developer
available in: Editions and
Display URL URL leading to a specific version of a record in Professional, in
the linked external data source. Enterprise, Professional,
External Data Source The related external data source. Performance, Enterprise,
Unlimited, and
External ID The unique identifier of a record in the linked and Unlimited
external data source. For example, ID #123. Developer Editions with
Editions the Sales
Last Modified By The name of the user who last saved the record, Cloud
including the date and time of the most recent
save to the record.
Product Family The category that you specify for the product.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Field Description
you can use the Product Code field to track the manufacturer’s
identifying code, and assign the product a SKU when you resell it.
Quantity Scheduling Enabled Whether the product can have a quantity schedule.
Quantity Unit Of Measure Unit of the product—for example, kilograms, liters, or cases. This
field comes with only one default value, Each. You can create your
own. The Quantity Unit of Measure field on product items inherits
this field’s values.
Revenue Scheduling Enabled Whether the product can have a revenue schedule.
Field Description
Active Whether you can add the price book to an opportunity or quote.
Created By The name of the user who created the price book, including the
date and time of creation.
Description The text that distinguishes this price book from others.
Is Standard Price Book Whether the price book is the standard price book. A read-only
Last Modified By The name of the user who last saved the record, including the date
and time when the record was most recently saved.
Field Description
Active Whether the price book entry (product and list price) is active and
can be added to an opportunity or quote.
Created By The name of the user who created the price book entry, including
the date and time of creation.
Currency This field is available only when multiple currencies are enabled.
It represents the currency to use for the price book entry (product
and list price).
Last Modified By The name of the user who last saved the price book entry record.
List Price The price of the product within the price book, including currency.
Price Book The price book that contains the price for this entry.
Sales Cloud Basics Products and Price Books
Field Description
Product Code The internal code or product number used to identify the product.
Standard Price The standard price for the product. This field is derived and doesn’t
exist on the underlying PricebookEntry standard object.
Use Standard Price Whether the price book entry inherits its price from the standard
price book.
Schedule Fields
Field Description
Schedule Type Whether the product revenue or quantity is divided into multiple
installments or repeated for each installment.
Installment Period The interval for installments; for example, Weekly or Monthly.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
– Archive the product or price book and each related price book entry. Use this option with caution. Archived products and price
books can’t be recovered because they’re not stored in the Recycle Bin. Archived products and price books still appear on any
opportunities or quotes that contained them before they were archived.
If you archive a price book, it’s still visible in the related records but not accessible or retrievable.
Track and manage your potential deals with Salesforce opportunities. Opportunities are deals in
progress. Opportunity records track details about deals, including which accounts they’re for, who
the players are, and the amount of potential sales. If your Salesforce admin has set up leads in your Available in: Lightning
Salesforce org, an opportunity is created when a lead is converted. Opportunities can also be created Experience and Salesforce
directly for accounts you’re working. Classic (not available in all
Opportunity deal change highlights help sales teams prioritize their work by calling out recent orgs)
changes in deal size and close date. For example, calling out recent changes to deals can help sales Available in: all editions for
managers with their weekly coaching sessions. In the opportunities list view and Kanban view, text orgs created before Summer
colors and arrows indicate changes in amounts and close dates over the last seven days. And users ’09
can hover over a highlighted opportunity to get more details about the changes.
Available in: Essentials,
As your deals progress toward the Proposal stage: Group, Professional,
• Add products and attach files, such as contracts or data sheets. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
• Log the calls you make.
Editions for orgs created in
• Use Notes to jot down things during customer meetings. Summer ’09 and later
• Create tasks for key activities and calendar events for client meetings.
• Send email to the opportunity contact or other key decision-makers.
During negotiation, share sales strategies with colleagues or ask your manager for targeted guidance using Chatter. As you drive your
deal from one stage to the next, update the opportunity record with the current stage. And you’re closing deals in no time.
Tip: To learn more about using opportunities and leads, complete the Leads & Opportunities Trailhead module.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
6. If you didn’t select Automatically Activate Reminders for Users with Direct Reports, select
which users can schedule opportunity update reminders. Any user with direct reports in the USER PERMISSIONS
role hierarchy can be selected.
To enable opportunity
7. Click Activate. update reminders:
8. Let the users you selected know that they can start scheduling update reminders for their direct • Customize Application
reports. OR Manage Users
To activate or deactivate
opportunity update
SEE ALSO: reminders:
Considerations for Scheduling Opportunity Update Reminders • Manage Users
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Opportunity Fields
Set Up Organization-Wide Email Addresses
About Advanced Currency Management
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
5. Select the fields to display in the Similar Opportunities related list. To enable and configure
similar opportunities:
6. Click Save.
• Customize Application
7. Make sure that the Similar Opportunities related list is included in the opportunity page layout.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Available in: Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs), and the Salesforce mobile app
Available in: All Editions for orgs activated before Summer ’09
Available in: Essentials, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions for orgs activated after
Summer ’09
Opportunity splits available in: Performance and Developer Editions and in Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
• If your admin has enabled divisions, the division of a new opportunity is automatically set to the division of the related account.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
• In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Editions, when you create an opportunity, by default the forecast
category is applied that corresponds to the opportunity stage you assigned. Your Salesforce admin correlates opportunity stages
and forecast categories when editing the Stage picklist values.
• If an opportunity is set to close in a given period, as determined by the Close Date, the opportunity is added to the forecast for that
period, unless the forecast category is set to Omitted or you forecast by schedule or product date.
Multiple Currencies
• If your admin has enabled multiple currencies, your opportunity amounts are initially shown in your personal currency. To track the
sales revenue in another currency, change the Opportunity Currency picklist.
Opportunity Splits
• When team selling and splits that total 100% are enabled, as the opportunity owner, you’re automatically added to the opportunity
team and assigned 100% of the split.
Clone action available in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs), and the Salesforce mobile app in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions
Clone with Related action available in Lightning Experience in Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Manage Opportunity-Stage-to-Forecast-Category Mappings in Collaborative Forecasts
Manage Opportunity-Stage-to-Forecast-Category Mappings in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Opportunity History
Two related lists show changes to the fields on an opportunity record: One tracks field history, and
the other tracks changes to the opportunity stage.
Available in: Lightning
User Permissions Needed Experience and Salesforce
To view opportunities: Read on opportunities Classic (not available in all
Manage Settings to Show Changed Deals
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Field Description
Last Login Date Most recent login date of the opportunity owner
# Not Updated in Last 30 Days Total number of opportunities that haven’t been updated in 30
Total Closed Amount Total closed amount for all opportunities in report.
If you use multiple currencies in your org, this amount is
converted to the user’s currency. If you use advanced currency
management in your org, the conversion is done using dated
exchange rates.
Last Update Date Most recent date the opportunity owner updated a forecast.
If you use multiple currencies in your org, this amount is
converted to the user’s currency. If you use advanced currency
management in your org, the conversion is done using dated
exchange rates.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Considerations for Scheduling Opportunity Update Reminders
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
b. In Salesforce Classic, enter keywords in the search bar. Then add filters. Click Search.
You can filter by all standard and custom fields on products and price books.
To add or edit opportunity
4. In the Quantity field, enter the number of products at this price. products:
5. Enter the sales price for the product. The sales price defaults to the list price specified in the • Edit on opportunities
price book related to the opportunity. AND
6. If the product has a discount, type the discount as a number with or without the percent sign Read on products and
(%) in the Discount field. If the Discount field isn’t available, check with your Salesforce admin. price books
Things to Know About Adding Products to Opportunities
Sync Quotes and Opportunities
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
• In the opportunity products related list, you can’t sort columns by list price.
• In the Add Products window, you can’t sort by list price after refining your list of products using the search box.
Opportunity Amount
The opportunity amount is the sum of the products added to the opportunity. You can’t edit the amount without deleting the products
from the opportunity.
Total Price
The total price is the quantity multiplied by the sales price.
Multiple Currencies
If your Salesforce admin has enabled multiple currencies, the opportunity currency dictates the currency of the associated price book
entries. You can’t edit the currency unless you delete the products from the opportunity.
Product Status
You can add to an opportunity any product with an active price book entry, since product status doesn’t determine a product’s eligibility
to be used in a deal. If a product’s status is inactive, but it has an active price book entry, you can still add the inactive product to an
Add Products to Opportunities
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Define Competitors
Create a picklist of competitors that your users can attach to opportunities.
1. From Setup, enter Competitors in the Quick Find box, then select Competitors.
Available in: Salesforce
2. Click New to add competitor names to the list.
Classic (not available in all
3. Enter the name of the competitor. orgs)
4. Optionally, check the default option to select this value on any new record when another value Available in: all editions in
is not selected. orgs activated before
5. Click Save. Summer ’09
Available in: Group,
SEE ALSO: Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Track Your Competitors
and Developer Editions in
orgs activated after Summer
To define competitors:
• Customize Application
Competitor Fields
The fields for competitors help you track your competition as you work to close deals.
A competitor has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order.
Available in: Salesforce
Field Description Classic (not available in all
Competitor Name Name of competitor. You can enter any name,
or select from the list of all competitors defined Available in: all editions in
by your administrator. orgs activated before
Summer ’09
Strengths Description of competitor’s key selling points
Available in: Group,
and advantages.
Professional, Enterprise,
Weaknesses Description of competitor’s key disadvantages. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions in
orgs activated after Summer
Track Your Competitors
Opportunity Fields
The fields for opportunities contain a range of information to help you track your pending and potential sales. Depending on your
page layout and field-level security settings, some fields aren’t visible or editable.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Opportunity Fields
The fields for opportunities contain a range of information to help you track your pending and potential sales. Depending on your page
layout and field-level security settings, some fields aren’t visible or editable.
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Field Description
Account Name Name of the account that the opportunity is linked to. You can
enter the account name or select the account using the lookup
If you change the account for an opportunity that has partners, all
partners are deleted from the Partners related list.
Close Date Date when you plan to close the opportunity. You can enter a date
or choose a date from the calendar that displays when you put
your cursor in the field.
Opportunities with a Close Date in a given period tally in the
forecast for that period, unless you assign them to the Omitted
category or you forecast by schedule or product date.
When you set an open opportunity's stage to a type of Closed/Won,
if the original date was in the future, the Close Date is set to the
current date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). At certain times
of day, UTC differs by one day from your time zone. If the close
date is in the past when the opportunity is closed, the date doesn’t
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Field Description
Contract The contract that the opportunity is linked to.
Created By The user who created the opportunity, with the creation date and
time. (Read only)
Custom Links Listing of custom links for opportunities as setup by your admin.
Available only in Salesforce Classic.
Expected Revenue Calculated revenue based on the Amount and Probability fields.
Last Amount Changed History This read-only field references the OpportunityHistory record that
contains information about when the Amount field was last
updated in Winter ’21 or later. Information includes the date and
time of the change and the user who made the change.
Last Close Date Changed History This read-only field references the OpportunityHistory record that
contains information about when the Close Date field was last
updated in Winter ’21 or later. Information includes the date and
time of the change and the user who made the change.
Last Modified By User who last changed the opportunity fields, including
modification date and time. This field doesn’t track changes made
to related list items on the opportunity. (Read only)
Opportunity Currency The default currency for all currency amount fields in the
opportunity. Amounts are displayed in the opportunity currency,
and are also converted to the user’s personal currency. Available
only when multiple currencies are enabled.
For opportunities with products, the currency is tied to the currency
of the associated price book. You can’t directly edit this field unless
you first delete the products.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Field Description
Opportunity Name Name of the opportunity, for example, - Office
Equipment Order. Up to 120 characters are allowed in this field.
Opportunity Record Type Name of the field that determines what picklist values are available
for the record. The record type is sometimes associated with a sales
process. Available in Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited,
Performance, and Developer Editions.
Partner Account Read-only field that indicates that a partner user owns the
Primary Campaign Source Name of the campaign responsible for generating the opportunity.
For opportunities created during lead conversion, this field is
automatically filled in with the campaign name from the lead. If
the lead has multiple associated campaigns, the campaign with
the most recently updated member status is inserted into the
For opportunities with multiple influential campaigns, click Edit
next to the primary campaign in the Campaign Influence related
list on the opportunity detail page and select the Primary Campaign
Source checkbox. The campaign is displayed in the Primary
Campaign Source field on the opportunity.
Private Indicates that the opportunity is private. Only the record owner,
users above that role in the hierarchy, and admins can view, edit,
or report on private opportunities. Not available in Group or
Personal Editions. Private opportunities don’t trigger Big Deal alerts
or workflow rules. Private opportunities count toward your forecasts
only if Collaborative Forecasts is enabled. Users with the View All
Forecasts permission can see private opportunities within the
Forecasts tab.
When you mark opportunities Private, opportunity teams,
opportunity splits, and sharing are removed. (The owner of a private
opportunity receives 100% of split types that total that amount.)
Quantity Total of all Quantity field values for all products in the Products
related list if the opportunity has products. General use field if the
opportunity has no products.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
Field Description
Stage Current stage of opportunity based on selections you make from
a predefined list, such as Prospect or Proposal. Entry is selected
from a picklist of up to 100 available values, which are set by an
admin. Each picklist value can have up to 40 characters.
Your admin correlates the values in this picklist with Forecast
Category values that determine how the opportunity contributes
to your forecast.
When you set an open opportunity's stage to a type of Closed/Won,
the Close Date is set to the current date in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) if the original date was in the future. At certain times
of day, UTC differs by one day from your time zone. If the close
date was in the past when the opportunity is closed, the date
doesn’t change.
Synced Quote Quote synced to the opportunity. Only one quote can sync to the
opportunity at a time.
Available in: Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic, and the Salesforce mobile app
Whether the price book entry (product and list price) is active and can be added to an opportunity or quote.
Created By
User who created the product.
Close date of a particular opportunity product.
Discount for the product as a percentage.
Last Modified By
User who last changed the opportunity product fields. Read-only.
Line Description
Text to distinguish this opportunity product from another.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunities
List Price
The price of the product within the price book, including currency. Read-only.
Name of the opportunity for this opportunity product.
Item listed in the Products related list on an opportunity.
Number of units for the opportunity product.
Sales Price
Price for the products in the opportunity product. On an opportunity product without a related schedule, the sales price is editable.
When a schedule is related to an opportunity product, the sales price becomes read-only.
Difference between standard and discounted pricing. Converted currency amounts when the opportunity's currency is different
from the user's currency. The Subtotal field on an opportunity product isn’t available in the Salesforce mobile app.
Total Price
Sum of all the product amounts for an opportunity product.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Quotes in Salesforce represent the proposed prices of your company’s products and services. You
create a quote from an opportunity and its products. Each opportunity can have multiple associated
quotes, and any one of them can be synced with the opportunity. When a quote and an opportunity Available in: Salesforce
are synced, any change to line items in the quote syncs with products on the opportunity, and vice Classic (not available in all
versa. Get an overview of all your quotes on the Quotes tab. And if you’re using Lightning Experience, orgs) and Lightning
track sales activity in Path and stages in Kanban. Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Set Up Quotes
Make it easy for your sales reps to show your customers the prices of the products and services that
your company offers.
1. From Setup, enter Quote in the Quick Find box, then select Quote Settings (Lightning Available in: Salesforce
Experience) or Quotes Settings (Salesforce Classic). Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
2. Select the option for enabling quotes.
3. Optionally, select the Create Quotes Without a Related Opportunity checkbox, and then
click Save to enable that feature. Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions
4. To display the Quotes related list on the standard opportunity page layout, select
Opportunity Layout. In Sales Cloud, also
available in: Professional,
5. To add the Quotes related list to all opportunity page layouts that users have customized, select Enterprise, and Unlimited
Append to users' personal related list customization. Editions
6. Save your changes.
Note: You can’t disable the Quotes feature if: USER PERMISSIONS
• Your records have any references to quotes, quote line items, or quote PDFs from any To enable or disable quotes:
application customizations, including formula fields, triggers, workflow rules, and approval • Customize Application
processes. Remove these references before you try to disable the feature.
• Any quote is synced with an opportunity. On each synced quote’s detail page, choose to
stop syncing before you try to disable the feature.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
• Associate your new quote to an account. This association is optional, but recommended
because an account is required to convert the quote to an order.
• A new QuoteAccount field has been added to the page layout for you to specify an account on the quote. The Account field
from the opportunity lookup isn’t filled in. Instead, the QuoteAccount field is used to see an account in the view.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Important: Save and Preview saves changes to your template, so after you preview, you can’t undo them.
Quote Template Fields
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
1. Drag a list from the palette to the template. Available in: Performance
2. Enter a title for the list. To suppress the title from appearing on the template or PDF, select Hide and Developer Editions
Title. In Sales Cloud, also
3. In the Object field, select the object whose fields you want to appear in the list. available in: Professional,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
4. Use the Add and Remove arrows to move columns from the Available Fields list to the Selected Editions
Fields list. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order of the columns.
5. Click OK.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
5. Click OK.
6. To see how the image looks in PDFs that are created from the template, click Save and Preview.
7. To suppress the title from appearing on the template or PDF, select Hide Title in Section To create quote templates:
Properties. • Customize Application
To view quote templates:
Insert an Image from a Salesforce Web Address • View Setup and
1. If you need to, upload the image to the Documents tab, or define a static resource.
2. Drag Text/Image Field into place in the header, the footer, or any section in the body.
3. To suppress the title from appearing on the template or PDF, select Hide Title.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Documents tab or the Static Resources page, open the image’s detail page, click View File, and then copy its URL.
6. In the quote template editor, click in the title bar of Text/Image Field.
7. Click the image icon, and then click the Web Address tab.
8. Paste the URL into the URL field, and then click Insert.
9. Click OK.
10. To see how the image looks in PDFs that are created from the template, click Save and Preview.
Important: If the image is removed from the Documents tab or Static Resources page where it’s stored, the template displays a
message that the image isn’t available. Restore the image, open the template, delete the error message image, and then paste
the URL again.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
The line items are added to the Quote Line Items related list. The grand total in the detail section is the sum of the related line items.
The discount is the average discount for the line items.
Considerations for Creating and Managing Quotes and Quote Line Items
Create and Email Quote PDFs
Sync Quotes and Opportunities
Troubleshooting Quote Syncing
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
How Quote Syncing Works
Troubleshooting Quote Syncing To sync quotes:
• Create on quotes
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Email Quote PDFs and Other Documents in Lightning Experience Available in: both Salesforce
Make it easy for your customers to compare. Email one or more quote PDFs and other documents Classic and Lightning
at the same time in Lightning Experience. Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
• Fields within sections have different alignment than columns within lists, so if you place a totals section below a list, its field values
won’t align directly below the right-hand list values. For example, say your template includes a list of quote line items, including a
Total Price column at the far right that shows the total for each line item. If you add a totals section beneath the list, and you include
Subtotal, Total Price, and Grand Total fields, their values will show the total of all line items, but the amounts won’t
align directly below the list’s Total Price column.
• Quote PDFs appear in both the Quote PDFs related list and the Notes & Attachments related list.
Create, Preview, and Activate Quote Templates
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Note: The space in the quote template preview doesn’t look the same as the space in the quote PDF.
• To change field alignment within a column, click , and then select left or right alignment.
• To hide field labels, click , and then select the Hide checkbox.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Quote Documents Hidden. The date when Quote PDF Created Date
the PDF was generated (Created Date)
and saved in the quote
documents object.
Create, Preview, and Activate Quote Templates
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
• Quote PDFs do not support right-to-left languages. The text aligns to the left side of the page instead of the right.
Considerations for Creating and Managing Quotes and Quote Line Items Available in: Performance
Before you create a quote or work with quote line items, review a few key points. and Developer Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Considerations for Creating and Managing Quotes and Quote Line Items
Before you create a quote or work with quote line items, review a few key points.
Note: Your user permissions determine which tasks you can perform. See your Salesforce
admin for help with any tasks that you can’t perform on your own. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• Relevant price books, products, and list prices must be active in an opportunity before you can orgs) and Lightning
create a quote for the opportunity. Experience
• Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Edition orgs can activate record
Available in: Performance
types and ask you to choose a Record Type when creating a quote. Record types determine
and Developer Editions
the picklist values and business processes that are available when you create or edit a record.
• If you use divisions (Salesforce Classic only), the division of a new quote is automatically set to In Sales Cloud, also
the division of the related opportunity. available in: Professional,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
• Quotes don’t support division filters. Editions
• You can sort up to 200 quote lines. If your quote has more than 200 line items, sorting is done
via the API.
• When you sort quote line items, the sort order updates in PDF quotes and in synced opportunities.
• When a quote is synced with an opportunity then you add a line item to the quote, the new line item is copied to the opportunity
as a product in the Products related list.
• If an opportunity is syncing with a quote, deleting the quote line item deletes the corresponding product from the opportunity’s
Products related list.
• Opportunity Name isn’t a required field on the quote record page layout.
• Custom field syncing isn’t supported. When a quote is created from the API, the quote line items aren’t created based on the
opportunity line items. New opportunity line items are created based on the quote line items.
• If a product has default schedules, the schedules aren’t created when you add a line item to a quote. If the line item is copied from
the opportunity, you can view the schedule from the opportunity. To change the schedule, edit the product record directly.
• If you have a quote line item with a discount, and the product has a default schedule on the product record or an individual schedule
on the opportunity product record, you can’t edit the Discount field of the line item.
• Creating a quote via New Quote on the Quote related list copies the opportunity products to the quote line items. Custom buttons
or quick actions don't automatically create quote line items.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Quotes Fields
If you’re troubleshooting quotes or working with custom fields, review the details about quote
These tables list the fields that make up a quote. Your page layout, field-level security settings, and Available in: Salesforce
Salesforce edition determine what fields are visible and editable. (Field-level security is available in Classic (not available in all
Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Editions.) orgs) and Lightning
Note: If the currency of a product on an opportunity differs from the user’s currency in a
multicurrency org, currency fields for quotes and quote line items appear in both currencies. Available in: Performance
The product’s currency is converted to the user’s currency, and the converted amount appears and Developer Editions
in parentheses. Fields in quote custom reports appear in the report’s currency. Currency fields In Sales Cloud, also
include Subtotal, Tax, and Grand Total. available in: Professional,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
Field Description Editions
Account Name The name of the account that the quote’s opportunity is
linked to. (Read only.)
Additional To Name The name of the person or company that’s associated with
the additional address.
Bill To The billing address for the account that’s associated with
the quote.
Bill To Name The name of the person or company that the quote is billed
Contact Name The name of the contact that’s associated with the quote.
By default, this contact is the primary contact on the
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Field Description
Created By The user who created the quote, including the creation date and time. (Read only.)
Description The description of the quote, or notes to help you differentiate between quote
Discount The weighted average of all line item discounts on the quote. Can be any positive
number up to 100. (Read only.)
Email The email address of the contact who’s associated with the quote. If available,
automatically completed when you add a contact.
Fax The fax number for the contact who’s associated with the quote. If available,
automatically completed when you add a contact.
Grand Total The total price of the quote plus shipping and taxes. (Read only.)
Last Modified By The user who most recently changed the quote, including the modify date and
time.(Read only.)
Opportunity Name The name of the opportunity that’s associated with the quote. (Read only.)
Owner The owner of this quote. Quotes can have a different owner than their parent
opportunity. (Read only.)
Phone The phone number of the contact who’s associated with the quote. If available,
automatically completed when you add a contact.
Quote Currency The currency of the quote that is taken from the currency of the associated
opportunity. Available only for organizations with the multicurrency feature enabled.
Currency fields for quotes and quote line items default to the user's currency. If the
opportunity currency differs from the user’s currency, the quote currency must
match the currency of its parent opportunity. Users can’t change the quote currency
to be different than the opportunity currency.
Quote Number A system-generated number that identifies the quote. (Read only.)
Quote To The address to send the quote to for approval, such as the address of a third-party
agency that represents a buyer. By default not displayed on the page layout.
Quote To Name The name of the entity (such as a person or business) that the quote is sent to for
Record Type The name of the field that determines what picklist values are available for the
record. The record type can be associated with a sales process. Available in
Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Editions.
Shipping and Handling The total shipping and handling costs for the quote.
Ship To The shipping address for the account that’s associated with the quote.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Field Description
Ship To Name The name of the entity (such as a person or company) that the quote line items
are shipped to.
Subtotal The total of the quote line items before discounts, taxes, and shipping are applied.
(Read only.)
Syncing Whether the quote syncs with its associated opportunity. (Read only.)
Total Price The total of the quote line items after discounts and before taxes and shipping.
(Read only.)
Field Description
Created By The user who created the line item, including creation date and time. (Read only.)
Date The service date, effective date, or other date for the product.
Discount The discount that you apply to the line item. You can enter a number with or
without the percent symbol. You can use up to two decimal places.
Last Modified By The user who most recently changed the line item, including the modify date and
time. (Read only.)
Line Item Number A system-generated number that identifies the line item. (Read only.)
List Price The price of the product within the price book, including currency. (Read only.)
Product The name of the line item product as listed in the price book. (Read only.)
Product Code The internal code or product number used to identify the product.
Sales Cloud Basics Quotes
Field Description
Quantity The number of units of this line item’s product included in the quote. The value
must be one or greater. If a quote is synced with an opportunity, this field is updated
from the quote line item to the opportunity product.
Quote Name The name of the quote that the line item is for.
Sales Price The price that you want to use for the product. Initially, the sales price for a product
on an opportunity or quote is the product’s list price from the price book, but you
can change it here. If a quote is synced with an opportunity, this field is updated
from the quote line item to the opportunity product.
Schedule Whether the line item uses schedules in the opportunity. Default schedules aren’t
carried over from the opportunity when opportunity products are copied to a
Total Price The line item’s sales price multiplied by the quantity and minus the discount.
This quote can't be synced because it has • If the list price isn’t active, edit the list price
inactive or archived list prices. and select the Active checkbox for the
list price.
• If the list price has been archived and the
opportunity isn’t closed, delete the list price.
This quote can't be synced because it has an Activate the currency from Setup by entering
inactive currency. Manage Currencies in the Quick
Find box, then selecting Manage Currencies.
Sales Cloud Basics Contracts
This quote can't be synced because another quote that’s being To unlock the other quote, finish the approval process or recall the
synced for this opportunity is locked due to a workflow approval request for approval.
process. Opportunities can only sync with one quote at a time.
The SyncedQuote field is read only within a trigger. Determine whether your Salesforce org is using an Apex trigger
that’s attempting to modify the SyncedQuote field. The
SyncedQuote field is read only and can’t be modified with a
trigger. An admin can modify the trigger.
A contract is a written agreement between parties. Many companies use contracts to define the
terms for doing business with other companies. Use Salesforce to establish and document the
contracts that you have with your accounts and opportunities. Track the contract through your Available in: both Salesforce
approval process. And use workflow alerts to remind yourself of contract renewals. Classic and Lightning
Set Up Contracts Available in: Performance
Customize Salesforce to handle your internal contract management process. and Developer Editions
Manage Your Contracts Available in: Professional,
Establish and document the contracts that you have with your accounts and opportunities. Enterprise, and Unlimited
Track the contract through your approval process. And use workflow alerts to remind yourself Editions with the Sales Cloud
of contract renewals.
Things to Know About Contracts
When you create a contract, consider the type of information that’s needed to maximize the quality of your data.
Sales Cloud Basics Contracts
Set Up Contracts
Customize Salesforce to handle your internal contract management process.
To access the Contract Settings page, from Setup, enter Contract Settings in the Quick
Find box, then select Contract Settings. Available in: both Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Enable Contract Expiration Notices Experience
Send email notifications to account and contract owners when a contract expires.
Contracts are available in:
1. Select Send Contract Expiration Notice Emails to Account and Contract Owners, and Performance and
then save your changes. Developer Editions
2. To stop sending expiration notices, deselect this option, and then save your changes. Contracts are available in:
Professional, Enterprise,
and Unlimited Editions with
Enable Auto-Calculation of Contract End Dates the Sales Cloud
To automatically calculate contract end dates, select Auto-calculate Contract End Date, and then
save your changes.
To change contract settings:
• If Salesforce automatically calculates a contract end date, it doesn’t appear on the contract’s
• Customize Application
edit page.
• If Auto-calculate Contract End Date is enabled, and Contract Start Date or Contract Term
is blank, Contract End Date is blank.
Sales Cloud Basics Contracts
6. If any profile is marked hidden, click Hidden, and then select Visible under Page Layout.
7. Save your changes. The profiles are marked editable.
To show an Opportunities or Quotes related list on contracts, use page layouts.
Set Up Orders
Find Object Management Settings
Sales Cloud Basics Contracts
Activate Contracts
Activate a contract to indicate that it’s in effect. An activated contract is read-only.
Open a contract, and then click Activate.
To activate contracts:
• Activate Contracts
Read and Edit on
Contract History
Curious about the changes made to a contract during its lifecycle? View the Contract History related
list on a contract’s detail page.
Here’s how it works. When someone modifies a standard or custom field whose history is tracked Available in: Salesforce
on a contract, an entry is added to the Contract History related list. Entries show the date, time, Classic
nature of the change, and who made the change. (Changes to the contract’s related lists aren’t
Available in: Performance
tracked here.)
and Developer Editions
The default is to track changes for contracts with a status of In Approval Process or Activated. To
Available in: Professional,
track changes for contracts with any status, ask your Salesforce admin to set up contracts.
Enterprise, and Unlimited
To report on activated contracts whose fields are tracked, choose Contract History under Contracts Editions with the Sales Cloud
and Orders in the Reports area.
If you’re using Lightning Experience, switch to Salesforce Classic to see Contract History.
Sales Cloud Basics Contracts
Delete Contracts
To keep your data up-to-date, delete contracts that are no longer valid.
You delete a contract on the contracts list view or a contract’s detail page.
Available in: both Salesforce
When you delete a contract:
Classic (not available in all
• It’s moved to the Recycle Bin. orgs) and Lightning
• All related orders, notes, attachments, events, tasks, history, and approval requests are deleted. Experience
(Associated accounts aren’t deleted.) If you restore the contract, the related items are restored.
Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions
To delete inactivated
• Delete on contracts
Read on accounts
Contract Fields
Your page layout and field-level security settings determine which fields are visible and editable.
Sales Cloud Basics Contracts
Contract Fields
Your page layout and field-level security settings determine which fields are visible and editable.
A contract has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order.
Available in: both Salesforce
Field Description Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Account Name Name of the account associated with the Experience
Available in: Performance
Activated By Name of the person who activated the contract. and Developer Editions
Activated Date Activation date of the contract. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, and Unlimited
Billing City City portion of billing address. Up to 40
Editions with the Sales Cloud
characters are allowed.
Contract End Date Last day when the contract is in effect. Your
admin can configure Salesforce to calculate the
contract end date based on the contract start
date and contract term. If this field is
auto-calculated, it doesn’t appear on the
contract edit page.
Sales Cloud Basics Contracts
Field Description
only.) Admins can modify the format and numbering for this
auto-number field.
Customer Signed Date Date when the contact signed the contract.
Customer Signed Title Title of the contact who signed the contract.
Last Modified By User who most recently changed the contract record.
Owner Expiration Notice Number of days before the contract end date when you want to
send the notification, if the contract owner and account owner
wants to be notified of an upcoming contract expiration.
Shipping Zip/Postal Code Zip or postal code portion of primary mailing or shipping address.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
Special Terms Any terms that you’ve agreed to and want to track in the contract.
Status Stage that the contract has reached in the contract business
process. Your admin can add values to this picklist within three
system-defined contract status categories: Draft, In Approval
Process, and Activated. You can use these status categories to track
contracts within your business process using reports and views.
Custom Links List of custom links for contracts set up by your admin.
Things to Know About Contracts
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Use orders to track your customers’ requests for products and services.
An order is an agreement between a company and a customer to provision services or deliver
products with a known quantity, price, and date. Your Salesforce admin determines whether you Available in: both Salesforce
add orders to contracts or accounts. Classic and Lightning
For example, an Internet service provider probably requires customers to commit to a year of service.
That company requires contracts as a reference for every order. But a company that sells clothing Available in: Professional,
probably sells products in a single transaction. That company associates each order with an account. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Set Up Orders
Customize Salesforce to handle your internal order management process.
Manage Your Orders
Share orders, add products to orders, and reduce orders as needed. To view the Orders tab:
Things to Know About Orders • Read on orders
Review considerations, guidelines, and limitations for using orders. To view orders:
• Read on orders
Reduction Orders
Sales Features: What's Different or Not Available in Lightning Experience
Sales Features: What's Different or Not Available in Lightning Experience
Set Up Orders
Customize Salesforce to handle your internal order management process.
Specify the following order settings from the Order Settings page in Setup.
Available in: both Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Enable Orders
To let your sales team track and manage customer requests for products or services, enable
orders. Available in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Enable Negative Quantities for Order Products
Unlimited, and Developer
To let your sales team add order products with quantities of less than zero, enable negative Editions
Enable Reduction Orders
To let your sales team process returns or reductions on activated orders (Salesforce Classic only),
enable reduction orders in Salesforce. To modify order settings:
Enable Zero Quantity Orders • Customize Application
To let your sales team add order products with quantities of zero, enable zero quantities.
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Enable Orders
To let your sales team track and manage customer requests for products or services, enable orders.
1. From Setup, enter Order Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Order Settings.
Available in: both Salesforce
2. Make sure that Enable Orders is selected.
Classic and Lightning
3. Save your changes. Experience
4. Select which page layouts have an Orders related list, and then save your changes. Available in: Professional,
5. Use profiles or permission sets to assign user and object permissions to the appropriate users. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
6. Create field sets (Salesforce Classic only) on orders and order products to control what fields
appear on Visualforce pages.
If you disable orders, your order-related data is hidden. To access that data, re-enable orders.
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
6. Consider adding the Reduction Order Products related list to your page layouts for order products.
Note: If Enable Reduction Orders is later disabled, the “Create Reduction Orders” permission is hidden from all profiles or permission
sets, but no data is hidden. Your sales team can’t create or activate reduction orders, but they can view and edit existing ones. If
you disable reduction orders, disable the record types and page layouts specific to reduction orders. If you aren’t using record
types, remove fields specific to reduction orders from your page layouts. These include Original Order and Reduction
Order on the Order object, Original Order Product and Available Quantity on the Order Product object,
and any custom fields.
Permission Sets Overview
Working in the Enhanced Profile User Interface Overview Page
Set Up Orders
Reduction Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
If Renewal Quoted is selected on the contract, a renewal opportunity and quote are created, but no quote lines appear.
Order Products
An order product is a product or service that’s provided to a customer according to an associated order.
Add Products to an Order
Track what you’re selling by adding products to your customers’ order records.
Reduction Orders
Use reduction orders to track requests to reduce, return, deactivate, or disable a customer’s products or services.
Reduce Orders
If your company accepts returns or reductions on activated orders, you can reduce the relevant orders to reflect those exchanges of
goods and services.
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Share Orders
Your Salesforce admin defines your company’s default sharing model. You can change this model
to extend sharing to more users than the default allows. You can’t change the sharing model to
make it more restrictive than the default. Available in: Salesforce
1. To view and manage sharing details, click Sharing on the order detail page. Classic
The Sharing Detail page lists the users, groups, roles, and territories that have sharing access to Available in: Enterprise,
the order. The Sharing button isn’t available when the organization-wide default for orders is Performance, Unlimited,
controlled by the parent. and Developer Editions
2. To grant access to the record for other users, groups, roles, or territories, click Add.
Note: You can share orders only with people who have “Read” permission on orders.
Order History
Track changes to an order, such as when the status is modified, on its detail page by using the Order
History related list.
When someone modifies a standard or custom field, an entry is added to the Order History related Available in: Salesforce
list (available in Salesforce Classic only), regardless of the order’s status. All entries include the date, Classic
the time, the nature of the change, and who made the change. Modifications to the related lists
Available in: Professional,
on the order aren’t tracked in the order history.
Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
SEE ALSO: Editions
Reduction Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Order Products
An order product is a product or service that’s provided to a customer according to an associated
All order products in an order are associated with a price book. The Order Products related list on Available in: both Salesforce
an order indicates in parentheses which price book the order is associated with. For example, if the Classic and Lightning
Government price book is associated with your order products, the related list is titled Order Products Experience
Orders are available in:
A reduction order product is a product or service to be returned, reduced, deprovisioned, or disabled Professional, Enterprise,
according to an associated reduction order. Each reduction order product is directly associated with Performance, Unlimited,
an order product. and Developer Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Editing and Deletion Limitations for Orders and Reduction Orders
Considerations for Activation Limitations
Order Products
Reduction Orders
Use reduction orders to track requests to reduce, return, deactivate, or disable a customer’s products
or services.
A reduction order is an agreement between a company and a customer to process product returns, Available in: both Salesforce
deprovision services, or reduce services that have been provisioned. For example, if a customer has Classic and Lightning
purchased 30 items through an order and then requests to cancel that order, you can create a Experience
reduction order to track the request.
Orders are available in:
You can create multiple reduction orders for a single order, but you can’t create a single reduction Professional, Enterprise,
order for multiple orders. For example, to reduce order products that were purchased through three Performance, Unlimited,
activated orders, you create three reduction orders—one for each original order—even if all those and Developer Editions
orders are for the same account. Reduction orders are
available in: Enterprise,
SEE ALSO: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Considerations for Activation Limitations
Editing and Deletion Limitations for Orders and Reduction Orders
Order Fields
Reduce Orders
If your company accepts returns or reductions on activated orders, you can reduce the relevant
orders to reflect those exchanges of goods and services.
To reduce an order:
• Create Reduction Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
4. Add products to indicate which order products on the original order need to be reduced.
Add Products to a Reduction Order
Considerations for Activation Limitations
Order Fields
Order Product Fields
For example, if the original order included 3,000 coffee sleeves, and your customer needs only
2,000, enter 1000 in the Quantity to Reduce column.
4. Save your changes.
Reduction Orders
Order Products
Editing and Deletion Limitations for Order Products
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Note: When you delete a contract, all related orders, notes, attachments, events, tasks, history, and approval requests are deleted.
Associated accounts aren’t deleted with the contract. The deleted contract is moved to the Recycle Bin. If you restore the contract,
its related items are also restored.
Reduction Orders
Guidelines for Creating Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
To activate orders:
• Activate Orders
To deactivate orders and
reduction orders:
• Edit Activated Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Order Fields
Your page layout and field-level security settings determine which fields are visible and editable.
Orders and reduction orders have the following fields.
Available in: both Salesforce
Field Description Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Account Name Name of the account associated with the order. Experience
(Read-only for reduction orders.)
Orders are available in:
Account Number Unique number automatically assigned to the Professional, Enterprise,
account associated with the order. (Read-only Performance, Unlimited,
for reduction orders.) and Developer Editions
Activated By Name of the user who activated the order. Reduction orders are
(Read-only.) available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Activated Date Date when the order was activated. and Developer Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Field Description
Billing City City portion of billing address. Up to 40 characters are allowed.
Billing Country Country portion of billing address. Entry is selected from a picklist
of standard values or entered as text. If the field is a text field, up
to 80 characters are allowed.
Billing State/Province State or province portion of billing address. Entry is selected from
a picklist of standard values or entered as text. If the field is a text
field, up to 80 characters are allowed.
Billing Street Street address used for billing. Up to 255 characters are allowed.
Billing Zip/Postal Code Zip or postal code portion of billing address. Up to 20 characters
are allowed.
Contract End Date Last day when the contract is in effect. (Read-only.)
Contract Name Title for the parent contract that distinguishes it from other
contracts. (Read-only.)
Currency Default currency for all currency amount fields in the order.
(Read-only for reduction orders.)
Customer Authorized By Contact on the order’s account who authorized the order.
Customer Authorized Date Date when the contact authorized the order.
Last Modified By User who most recently changed the order record.
Order Name Title for the order that distinguishes it from other orders.
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Field Description
Order Start Date Date when the order becomes effective.
Order Type Type of order. Entry is selected from a picklist of available values,
which a Salesforce admin sets. Each picklist value can have up to
40 characters.
Original Order For reduction orders only. Prepopulated with the ID of the parent
order when you create a reduction order by clicking Reduce
Owner Owner of the order. Can be a user or queue. Order owners have
full access to their orders regardless of their account access.
Shipping Zip/Postal Code Zip or postal code portion of primary mailing or shipping address.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
Status Indication of the stage that the order has reached in the order
business process.
You can add values to this picklist within two system-defined order
status categories: Draft and Activated. You can use these status
categories to track orders within your business process using
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Field Description
reports and views. Some user permissions apply specifically to
draft statuses. Others apply specifically to activated statuses.
Reduction Orders
Order Product Fields
Original Order Product Number that identifies the order product being
reduced. Required if the order product is
reducing another order product. (Read-only.)
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
Field Description
Product Code Internal code or product number used to identify the product.
Quote Line Item Quote line item that’s associated with the order product. The quote
line item’s quote must match the quote that’s associated with the
order product’s parent order.
Total Price Quantity of the order product multiplied by the unit price.
Order Products
Order Fields
• Packages created before Winter ’21 don't support the New Order Save Behavior release update by default. Package providers
can test and configure their packages to support the new behavior.
• If you use a package involving orders, wait for confirmation from your package provider before enabling the release update.
• Salesforce CPQ and Salesforce Billing Summer ’21 support both New Order Save Behavior and Old Order Save Behavior.
Installations of Salesforce CPQ and Salesforce Billing Summer ’21 work on subscriber orgs regardless of the subscriber org’s
order save behavior. If Salesforce CPQ and Billing is installed while the New Order Save Behavior release update is enabled,
previous versions of Salesforce CPQ and Billing sometimes don’t work correctly.
Sales Cloud Basics Orders
• Salesforce enforces New Order Save Behavior in all orgs in Spring ’24.
Example: Your order has an Apex Trigger rule that updates the custom field NeedApproval__c to True if the order amount
is greater than $10,000.
trigger OrderTrigger on Order (before update) {
for(Order ord : {
if (ord.TotalAmount > 10000) {
ord.NeedApproval__c = true;
If New Order Save Behavior is active, Salesforce runs the rule whenever you add or edit an order product on the order. If New Order
Save Behavior is inactive, Salesforce runs the rule only when you insert or update the order.
Second-Generation Managed Packaging Developer Guide: Test and Respond to the New Order Save Behavior
Knowledge Article: Order Save Behavior Update
• Packages created before Winter ’21 don't support the New Order Save Behavior release update by default. Package providers
can test and configure their packages to support the new behavior.
• If you use a package involving orders, wait for confirmation from your package provider before enabling the release update.
• Salesforce CPQ and Salesforce Billing Summer ’21 support both New Order Save Behavior and Old Order Save Behavior.
Installations of Salesforce CPQ and Salesforce Billing Summer ’21 work on subscriber orgs regardless of the subscriber org’s
order save behavior. If Salesforce CPQ and Billing is installed while the New Order Save Behavior release update is enabled,
previous versions of Salesforce CPQ and Billing sometimes don’t work correctly.
• Salesforce enforces New Order Save Behavior in all orgs in Spring ’24.
Second-Generation Managed Packaging Developer Guide: Test and Respond to the New Order Save Behavior
Knowledge Article: Order Save Behavior Update
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Accounts and Contacts
Use accounts to store information about customers or individuals you do business with. There are
two types of accounts. Business accounts store information about companies. Person accounts
store information about individual people. Business accounts available
Note: In Salesforce Help and other documentation, the word account by itself always refers in: both Salesforce Classic
and Lightning Experience
to both business accounts and person accounts. We use the terms business accounts and
person accounts when there are differences between the two types of accounts. Business accounts available
in: All Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Manage Accounts
Get the most out of accounts by merging duplicates, sharing accounts with the right people, seeing
the history of an account, and more. And, get vital account metrics using the Account Intelligence
view. Business accounts available
in: both Salesforce Classic
Account Intelligence View and Lightning Experience
To help you prioritize your records based on activity and opportunity data, the Account Business accounts available
Intelligence view adds more capabilities to the standard list view. See account activity, scan in: All Editions
vital opportunity and activity metrics, review cases, and log activities, all in one dedicated
workspace. Person accounts available
in: Both Salesforce Classic
Considerations for the Account Intelligence View
and Lightning Experience
Get the most out of the Account Intelligence view by first reviewing some important
Person accounts available
in Professional, Enterprise,
Guidelines for the Account Intelligence View Performance, Unlimited,
Streamline your workflow by keeping a few guidelines about the Account Intelligence view in and Developer Editions
Turn On the Account Intelligence View
To view account activities, see vital account metrics, and access related records in one dedicated workspace, turn on the Account
Intelligence view.
Share Accounts
Your administrator defines your organization's sharing model and your organization's default account access levels for territories.
However, you can extend sharing privileges for your own data on an account-by-account basis.
Merge Duplicate Accounts
Keep your records clean and free of duplicates so you can reach more customers and maintain better relationships with them.
Update Accounts with Third-Party Data
Your Salesforce admin can set up features for importing new accounts or comparing your accounts to records from Lightning Data
or Depending on the way your admin sets up these features, your accounts are updated when information changes, and
you can also review and update accounts yourself.
View and Convert Leads on an Account
Accounts show leads matched to a business account, with the best matches first. Convert leads without leaving the account.
Account History
Use the Account History related list on an account detail page to track the changes to the account.
Guidelines for Creating Accounts
Create and Update Records
Export Data
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
You can quickly filter your accounts with one click (1), see opportunity and activity metrics at a glance (2), and identify recently active
accounts in one dedicated workspace. To see detailed activity and related records for individual accounts, click the side panel icon (3)
next to the account name. Review related case and opportunity records (4), log tasks or send emails (5) right from the side panel.
Account metrics include these details.
• Total Accounts: The total number of accounts that meet your filter criteria.
• With Opportunities: The number of accounts with open opportunities.
• No Recent Activity: The number of accounts with no activities completed in the last 30 days.
• With Upcoming Activity: The number of accounts with activities scheduled in the next 30 days.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Personalize your list view by creating filters and selecting which fields to show. To ensure your filter criteria persist, set them in the filter
panel with the with the Show Filters button.
Considerations for the Account Intelligence View
Guidelines for the Account Intelligence View
Work with List Views in Lightning Experience
Last Activity
The dates in the Last Activity field in the side panel and in the Last Activity or Last Activity Date column on the main Intelligence view
depend on which features you enable.
• When both Einstein Activity Capture and Activity Metrics are enabled, dates come from Activity Metrics. The available Intelligence
view columns are Last Activity Date and Next Activity Date.
• When Einstein Activity Capture isn’t enabled, dates come from the standard Last Activity field on the Account object. The available
Intelligence view column is Last Activity. Metrics for Next Activity are not available.
• If Einstein Activity Capture is enabled but Activity Metrics is disabled, the Last Activity field in the side panel is hidden. Dates come
from the standard Last Activity field on the Account object, and the available Intelligence view column is Last Activity. Metrics for
Next Activity are not available.
• If you turn on Einstein Activity Capture with Activity Metrics after creating Account Intelligence views, update the view columns to
reflect the Einstein metrics. Manually replace the Last Activity column in the view with the Last Activity Date column, and optionally
add the Next Activity Date field to the view. Any new views you create after enabling Activity Metrics automatically have the columns
derived from Activity Metrics.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Set Up Einstein Activity Capture
Turn On Activity Metrics
Things to Know About Activities
Get Started With Activity 360 Reports
Custom Filters
• Account Intelligence views and saved filters are unique to the Account Intelligence view. They aren’t shared with the Account list
• To quickly change the list of Accounts, select a metric filter in the header row, such as With Opportunities or With Upcoming Activity.
Or, use the Activity or Owner dropdown filters to temporarily change the list view.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
• To persist your filters for a particular list in the Account Intelligence view, set them in the filter panel by selecting the Show Filters
button .
• To further refine your list view, set additional filter criteria in the filter panel.
• The Activity filter shows you accounts with completed activity within the date range that you specify. To see accounts with no
completed activity, select Never.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Example: The Acme Global account has one upcoming task. This new account doesn’t have any completed past activities. To
see this account in the list of accounts in the Account Intelligence view, select Never in the Activity filter criteria
Opportunity Metrics
• The Account Intelligence view supports standard and custom number and currency fields for summarizing opportunity metrics. The
default field is Amount.
• You can choose which opportunity field to use for metrics summaries based on the fields a Salesforce admin has configured. Set or
change the summary field in the Account Intelligence view by using the available fields in the List View Controls menu.
• When an admin changes the default opportunity summary field for the Account Intelligence view, that action changes the default
Opportunity summary field for the Pipeline Inspection view.
Set Up Einstein Activity Capture
Things to Know About Activities
Work with List Views in Lightning Experience
Edit List View Filters in Lightning Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
To set up accounts:
• Modify Application
Optionally, select the opportunity fields users can apply when customizing their Account Intelligence metrics. The default value is
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
To get the most out of the Account Intelligence View, turn on Einstein Activity Capture and Activity Metrics.
Set Up Einstein Activity Capture
Turn On Activity Metrics
Get Started With Activity 360 Reports
Share Accounts
Your administrator defines your organization's sharing model and your organization's default
account access levels for territories. However, you can extend sharing privileges for your own data
on an account-by-account basis. Available in: Salesforce
1. Click Sharing on the account detail page. Classic (not available in all
2. To share the account with users, groups, roles, or territories, click Add.
Business accounts available
in: All Editions except
• You can’t restrict access beyond your organization’s default access levels. When you
share an account, Salesforce prompts you to share any related contacts, opportunities, Person accounts available
and cases that you have access to. Users must have at least “Read” permission to in Enterprise, Performance,
access the shared records. Unlimited, and Developer
• If you’re using Enterprise Territory Management, you can select Territories or Editions
Territories and Subordinates when sharing an account.
Considerations for Account Access via Teams
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sharing Rules
In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, or Developer Edition orgs, sharing rules are applied to the merged account. Also,
manual sharing from the primary record is applied to the merged account.
Redundant Relationships
If you try to merge accounts that are indirectly related to the same contact, Salesforce displays a message suggesting that you remove
the redundant relationships. On account records, indirect relationships are managed from the Related Contacts related list.
Related Items, Chatter Feeds, and Attachments
When duplicate records are related to items such as campaigns or activities, Salesforce relates the items to the merged record, with
some exceptions. Chatter feeds are retained from the primary record only. Salesforce Files attached in the Chatter feed or Files related
list are retained in the merged record.
Mobile Device Support
You can’t use the Salesforce mobile app to merge duplicate accounts.
Hidden and Read-Only Fields
Salesforce retains any data in hidden or read-only fields, such as sharing settings, from the primary record. Hidden fields aren’t shown
while you merge. A merged record retains the Created By user and Created Date from the oldest record merged, regardless of which
record is the primary. The record shows the merge date as the Last Modified By date.
Account Hierarchy
In Lightning Experience, you can choose the parent account to retain. In Salesforce Classic, the merged account retains the account
hierarchy from the primary record.
Non-Master Accounts
The non-master accounts are moved to the Recycle Bin.
If divisions are enabled, the merged account is assigned to the division from the primary record unless you select otherwise.
Relationship Groups
Lightning Experience doesn’t support merging of accounts associated with relationship groups.
Team Members
Team Members from Non-Master Accounts
The merged account retains all the team members from non-master accounts, even if the members are from different teams.
You can only merge accounts when team members from non-master accounts have no values in unique custom fields. Before
merging, either remove the unique flag from any custom fields, or clear any values from unique custom fields on the team member
Permission to Merge on Teams
To merge accounts to which a team member has greater record level access, you must have the Modify All Data permission on
accounts. For example, suppose that you’re the account owner but an account team member has more access on one or more child
account records. To merge those accounts, you need the Modify All Data permission.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Person Accounts
Portal Support
You can’t merge person accounts that are enabled to use portal or Experience Cloud site users.
Person Accounts and Business Accounts in Salesforce Classic
In Salesforce Classic, if person accounts are enabled in your org, both business accounts and person accounts are returned when
you search for duplicates. However, you can’t merge a person account with a business account or the opposite. Person accounts
display the person account icon ( ).
Redundant Relationships
In Salesforce Classic, if you try to merge person accounts that are indirectly related to the same contact or account, Salesforce displays
a message suggesting you remove the redundant relationships. Indirect relationships with accounts and indirect relationships with
contacts are evaluated separately. If you have conflicts with both, you must resolve them separately.
Customer-Enabled Person Accounts
When merging a customer-enabled person account with a person account that isn’t customer-enabled, the customer-enabled
account must be the primary record.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
• For territory models in non-active states (Planning or Archived), rule-based associated territories don’t change on the merged
account even if the merged account field values don’t match the rules.
Merge Duplicate Accounts in Lightning Experience
Things to Know About Merging Duplicate Accounts Associated with Relationship Groups
Keep these considerations in mind when merging accounts that are members of relationship groups.
If multiple non-master records belong to a relationship group that the master record doesn’t belong To merge person accounts:
to, the master record acquires membership as follows: • Delete on accounts,
Read on contacts
• In the relationship group of the non-master account with higher priority (primary versus
• In the relationship group whose member record was most recently modified in the group
For example, suppose that the non-master records “JR Blake” and “Joe Blake” both are members of “Acme LLP” and JR Blake is primary.
The master record is transferred to JR Blake’s membership in Acme LLP. Alternatively, suppose that JR Blake and Joe Blake aren’t primary
or secondary, but JR Blake’s member record in the relationship group was modified more recently. The master record is transferred to
JR Blake’s membership in Acme LLP.
Merge Duplicate Accounts in Lightning Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
1. Choose an account record. A message tells you if duplicates exist for that record. To see them, Available in: Essentials,
click View Duplicates. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
You can merge business accounts or person accounts. Business and person accounts can’t be merged with each other.
3. Note: When accounts containing brands are merged, the brand associated with the master account will be retained. Brands
associated with non-master accounts will be moved to the Recycle Bin, even if there is no brand associated with the master
Choose one account record as the principal, and choose the field values that you want to keep. Click Next.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Standard Account Matching Rule
Things to Know About Matching Rules
Guidelines for Merging Duplicate Accounts
Things to Know About Merging Duplicate Accounts Associated with Relationship Groups
Manage Duplicate Records
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
2. To show a list of duplicate accounts, enter a search string, such as an account name or part of an account name, in the text box.
Then click Find Accounts.
3. Select up to three accounts you want to merge. Then click Next.
4. Select one account as the master record.
5. Select the fields that you want to retain from each record. Fields with conflicting values are highlighted.
6. Click Merge.
Note: When accounts containing brands are merged, the brand associated with the master account is retained. Brands associated
with accounts that aren’t master are moved to the Recycle Bin, even if no brand is associated with the remaining master account.
Standard Account Matching Rule
Things to Know About Matching Rules
Guidelines for Merging Duplicate Accounts
Use Third-Party Data to Update and Add Records to Salesforce
AppExchange: Lightning Data
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
To view leads:
• View on Leads
To edit or convert leads:
• Edit on Leads
Standard Matching Rule for Leads on Accounts
Account Engagement Pricing
Account History
Use the Account History related list on an account detail page to track the changes to the account.
Any time a user modifies any of the standard or custom fields whose history is set to be tracked on
the account, a new entry is added to the Account History related list. For person accounts, this Available in: Salesforce
addition includes any relevant contact fields that are set to be tracked. All entries include the date, Classic (not available in all
time, nature of the change, and who made the change. Modifications to the related lists on the orgs)
account are not tracked in the account history.
Business accounts available
in: All Editions except
Field History Tracking Person accounts available
in Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
Set Up Accounts Editions
Accounts are great, but when you add other account features they’re even better. Track companies
and their subsidiaries with account hierarchies and set up flexible sharing models for business
contacts so your sales reps have the right information.
To view accounts:
Display Account Hierarchies • Read on accounts
Give sales reps a bird’s-eye view of the relationships between parent accounts and their
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Account Settings and then click Account Available in: Professional,
Settings. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
2. Select Show View Hierarchy link on account pages in Salesforce Classic.
Whenever an account is related to another account via the Parent Account field, the account
detail page includes a View Hierarchy link.
SEE ALSO: To view account hierarchies:
Considerations for Using Account Hierarchy in Salesforce Classic • Read on accounts
To create account
• Edit on accounts
To add, edit or delete
hierarchy columns:
• Modify All Data
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
2. You can edit the hierarchy columns to show the information that’s most useful to your sales reps.
a. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Object Manager.
b. In Account, click Hierarchy Columns and then edit the columns.
You can include up to 15 columns.
By default, account hierarchies display the same columns as the Recently Viewed Accounts standard list view. However, the list view
columns don’t change when you customize the hierarchy columns.
Note: After you customize hierarchy columns, the item Org_Account_Hierarchy is added to the Accounts list view menu. Deleting
this item resets the columns to the defaults.
Considerations for Using Account Hierarchy in Lightning Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Allow Network Access for News, Account Logos, and Automated Account Fields
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
To disable business contact sharing, change the Contact sharing setting to Controlled by Parent.
Person Accounts
Person Accounts
Person accounts store information about individual people by combining certain account and
contact fields into a single record.
Note: In Salesforce Help and other documentation, the word account by itself always refers Business accounts available
to both business accounts and person accounts. We use the terms business accounts and in: both Salesforce Classic
and Lightning Experience
person accounts when there are differences between the two types of accounts.
Business accounts available
in: All Editions
Considerations for Using Person Accounts
Review how person accounts differ from business accounts and contacts. Person accounts available
Considerations for Using Merge Fields for Person Accounts in: Both Salesforce Classic
A merge field is a field you can put in an email, an email template, a mail merge template, a and Lightning Experience
custom link, or a formula to incorporate values from a record. You can use merge fields in the Person accounts available
subject and body of custom HTML templates. When using merge fields, it’s a good idea to in Professional, Enterprise,
understand how they work and what to expect in your merged documents and emails. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Considerations for Using Merge Fields in Validation Rules for Person Accounts
A merge field incorporates values from a record. You can add merge fields to an email template,
mail merge template, custom link, or formula. If your person account validation rules include
merge fields, here are some things to keep in mind.
Enable Person Accounts
Person accounts store information about individual people by combining certain account and contact fields into one record.
Business Contact Sharing for Orgs That Use Person Accounts
Orgs that use person accounts can modify the Organization-Wide Sharing Default for Contacts. Modifying the Organizing Sharing
Default provides flexibility in how you share business contacts, including the ability to define contact sharing rules and manually
share business contacts.
Merge Duplicate Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
For more information, see Person Account Experience Cloud Sites User Limitations.
When you lookup a Contact in Lightning Experience, Person Account records won't appear in the Instant Results list, and in Global
Search results when scoped to Contact. To receive Person Account records, scope to the Account object.
Contacts to Multiple Accounts
With Contacts to Multiple Accounts, a person account can be either a related contact on a business account or a related account on
a contact. A person account can also be related to another person account as either a related contact or related account. Person
accounts are always indirectly related to other accounts or contacts.
Custom Fields
Custom fields with the __pc suffix are Person Account custom fields on the Contact object and aren’t supported for Einstein
Custom Objects
Custom objects with relationships to either accounts or contacts can be added as related lists on person accounts.
Duplicate Management
Duplicate rules and the Potential Duplicates component support person accounts.
As with contacts, you can send individual emails and group emails to person accounts.
In Lightning Experience, you can send list emails to person accounts from Contact list views but not Account list views.
Email Integration
These Salesforce email integration features support person accounts.
• Gmail integration
• Outlook integration
• Lightning Sync
• Salesforce Inbox
• Salesforce for Outlook
• Connect Offline
When person accounts are enabled, encrypting some account fields encrypts the equivalent contact fields, and vice versa. See the
Salesforce Shield Platform Encryption Implementation Guide.
Field History
Account and contact fields that appear on person account records can be tracked using the account field history settings. Person
account field history is then captured in the Account History related list, the Account History report, and field audit trails.
Field history for accounts tracks both business accounts and person accounts. For more information, see Track Field History for
Standard Objects.
Most standard account and contact fields and all custom account and contact fields are available for person account page layouts.
Person accounts don’t support certain business account fields (such as Parent Account) and some contact fields (such as Reports
To). See Account Fields
Formula Fields
Custom formula fields from contacts can’t be referenced through person accounts. For more information, see Using custom formula
fields with person accounts.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Geocodes for addresses can’t be added to person accounts using data integration rules. You can use a third-party service, or, if you
know the geocodes for your person account records, the API can be used to add them.
In Salesforce Classic, person accounts have a person icon ( ), whereas business accounts have a folder icon ( ).
In Lightning Experience, person accounts have a person with building icon ( ), while business accounts have building icon ( ).
Lead Conversion
In Lightning Experience, leads that don’t have a value in the Company field are converted to person accounts. Leads that do have
a value in the Company field are converted to business accounts. In Salesforce Classic and the Salesforce mobile app, you can convert
leads without company information to an existing business account even if person accounts are enabled.
Lightning Pages
To display a custom Lightning page for person accounts, create a custom account record page, then assign it to the person account
record type.
Suppose that an admin creates a Lightning page for accounts and assigns it as the default for an org or an app. That page becomes
the org or app default for both business accounts and person accounts.
List Views
Person accounts appear in all but these account and contact list views.
• Recent Contacts on the Contacts home page in Salesforce Classic
• Recent Contacts on the Contacts home page in Lightning Experience
• Recently Viewed Contacts on the Contacts home page in Lightning Experience
An admin can show which records are person accounts by adding the Is Person Account field to the list of fields to display. To include
or exclude person accounts from a list view, add the Is Person Account field to the filter criteria.
Marketing Cloud
Person accounts are supported, but additional configuration is required. More information
Account news is available only for business accounts.
Opportunity Contact Roles
You can relate person accounts to opportunities using the Contact Roles related list.
You can include person account components and attributes in managed and unmanaged packages.
If you removed Middle Name, Suffix, or Informal Name from a person account object or any person object including Contact, Lead,
or User, those fields are still always available in Apex when it runs in a managed package.
Page Layouts
Person accounts have their own page layouts, which can include account and contact fields, account custom links, and account and
contact related lists.
Person accounts page layouts don’t support the Reports To or Parent Account field. See Account Fields.
In Salesforce Classic, you can use the Partners related list to relate person accounts to each other. We recommend that you rename
the Partners related list to reflect how your person accounts are connected.
Process Builder
Creating or editing a person account triggers Process Builder processes.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Quick Actions
Custom actions can be defined for Person Accounts but with some exceptions. For details, see Action Limits and Limitations.
Record Types
Admins can configure multiple record types for person accounts. You can change an account’s record type from a business account
to a business account or from a person account to a person account. However, changing an account’s record type from a business
account to a person account, or vice versa, requires using the API.
Renamed Tabs and Standard Fields
To customize the names of tabs and fields displayed on person account records, an admin must customize the account and contact
tabs and fields.
Renaming person accounts has differing effects on the entity history label between Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. In
Lightning Experience, the person account history label is fixed as “Person Account History.” In Salesforce Classic, the entity history
label is renamed to “[new entity name] History.”
Sales Dialer
Users can use Sales Dialer to make and receive calls for person accounts.
Sales Cloud Einstein
Emails and events can be automatically logged for person account using Einstein Activity Capture. Other Sales Cloud Einstein features,
such as Account Insights and Automated Contacts, are currently only available with business accounts and contacts.
Salesforce to Salesforce
Person account records can be shared using Salesforce to Salesforce. For more information, see Best Practices for Mapping Fields in
Salesforce to Salesforce.
In Lightning Experience and the Salesforce mobile app, person accounts appear in both account and contact search results. In
Salesforce Classic, person accounts appear only in account search results.
To help users differentiate person accounts from business accounts in search results, admins can add the Is Person Account field to
the appropriate search layout.
You can configure person accounts with an account configuration in Search Manager, but you can’t configure fields that are specific
to person accounts such as Email. Contact configurations don’t affect person accounts.
Self-Registering Users
When users self-register, admins can choose to save them as contacts under a business account or create a person account for each
self-registered user.
For details, see Create Person Accounts for Self-Registering Users.
Self-Service Portal
You can enable person accounts as users for a Self-Service portal.
Sharing Settings
If person accounts are enabled, the organization-wide default sharing must be set in one of these ways: Contacts are set to Controlled
by Parent, or accounts and contacts are both set to Private.
Social Accounts, Contacts, and Leads
As with contacts, you can link person accounts to social network profiles.
Person accounts count against both account and contact storage, because each person account consists of one account and one
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Workflow Rules
Creating or editing a person account triggers account workflow rules.
Person Accounts
Person Accounts Implementation Guide
Person Accounts
Considerations for Using Merge Fields in Validation Rules for Person Accounts
Account Fields
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Considerations for Using Merge Fields in Validation Rules for Person Accounts
A merge field incorporates values from a record. You can add merge fields to an email template,
mail merge template, custom link, or formula. If your person account validation rules include merge
fields, here are some things to keep in mind. Business accounts available
• The list of available merge fields depends on the type of data that you’re working with. in: both Salesforce Classic
and Lightning Experience
• To define a validation rule that applies only to person accounts, use the IsPersonAccount
merge field. For example, Account.City = “San Francisco” verifies that a business Business accounts available
or person account’s city is San Francisco, while IsPersonAccount ( Account.City in: All Editions
= “San Francisco”) verifies that a person account’s city is San Francisco.
Person accounts available
• Handle person account and business account names separately in account validation rules.
in: Both Salesforce Classic
– For business accounts, use the Name merge field. and Lightning Experience
– For person accounts, use the FirstName and LastName merge fields. Person accounts available
in Professional, Enterprise,
• Birthdate, Email, and other fields that are only supported for person accounts are available Performance, Unlimited,
as merge fields in account validation rules. When you use one of those merge fields, business and Developer Editions
account records are processed as if those fields have blank values.
Person Accounts
Considerations for Using Merge Fields in Validation Rules for Person Accounts
Account Fields
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Important: After Person Accounts is enabled, it can’t be disabled. We recommend that you Business accounts available
create a sandbox to preview how Person Accounts affect your Salesforce org. in: both Salesforce Classic
and Lightning Experience
1. From Setup, enter Person Accounts in the Quick Find box, and then select Person
Business accounts available
in: All Editions
2. Go through the steps listed on the Setup page.
3. Turn on Person Accounts. Person accounts available
in: Both Salesforce Classic
4. After Person Accounts is enabled, a person account record type is created. You can create and Lightning Experience
additional record types for person account if needed.
Person accounts available
5. Assign the person account record type to user profiles.. in Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
SEE ALSO: and Developer Editions
Person Accounts
Person Accounts Implementation Guide USER PERMISSIONS
Allow Network Access for News, Account Logos, and Automated Account Fields
To enable person accounts:
Assign Record Types • Customize Application
View All Profiles
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
To disable business contact sharing, change the Contact sharing setting to Controlled by Parent.
Person Accounts
Collaborate on Deals with Opportunity Teams
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Set Up a Default Account Team
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
1. Create a report of type Account with Account Teams. The report preview includes the Account Available in: in Enterprise,
Owner field. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer editions
2. Add the UserId field to the report preview.
3. Save and run the report. Find all the UserId values for the user you want to remove from teams.
The report includes all users with a UserId value on the Account Team Member object. Each USER PERMISSIONS
user has a UserId value for each team.
To create, edit, and delete
4. Export the report data. Configure Data Loader to update records on the basis of the UserId reports in private folders:
values you identified. • Create and Customize
To create, edit, and delete
reports in public and private
• Report Builder OR Report
Builder (Lightning
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Portal Users
High-volume portal users can’t be added to teams.
Add Teams to Your Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Warning: Account teams share roles with opportunity teams. If you remove an account Available in: Lightning
team role, that role is no longer listed as an opportunity team role. Experience and Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
1. In Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Team Roles. orgs)
2. Edit the picklist values for team roles to follow your business process.
Available in: Enterprise,
3. Save your changes. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
4. To update a changed picklist value globally, in Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Replace
Team Role.
To set up team roles:
Customize Opportunity Team Roles • Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Customize Fields
Custom Buttons and Links
Build a Report in Lightning Experience
Validation Rules
Define Apex Triggers
Workflow Rules
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Visualforce Support
Overriding Buttons with Visualforce
Account team member records don’t support overriding the behavior of standard buttons—like Edit or Delete—with Visualforce
Customize Account Team Roles
Account Team Fields
Team Role The role that a team member plays for the
account, such as account manager.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Important: You see the Delete option only if you have permission to delete an account. The Business accounts available
Delete option is available on the account’s detail page and on the account list view in Lightning in: Lightning Experience and
Salesforce Classic
Experience and Salesforce Classic. If you don’t see the Delete option, you don’t have permission
to delete the account. Ask your Salesforce admin for help. Business accounts available
Deleted accounts are moved to the Recycle Bin, along with these related items. If you restore an in: All Editions
account from the Recycle Bin, related items are also restored, except the following. Person accounts available
• Contacts in: Lightning Experience and
Salesforce Classic
• Opportunities
• Orders Person accounts available
in: Professional, Enterprise,
• Contracts (if they're not activated)
Performance, Unlimited,
• Activities and Developer Editions
• Notes
• Portal roles and groups (if all portal users in the account are disabled)
To view accounts:
• Partner relationships
• Read on accounts
• Relationship group members
To delete accounts:
• Relationship group members in certain cases • Delete on accounts
• Portal roles and groups
• Scorecard associations
If any of the following conditions apply, you can’t delete an account.
• A case is related to the account
• You don’t have the Delete permission on accounts
• You aren’t the account’s owner, above the account’s owner in the role hierarchy, or a Salesforce admin
• When a contact on the account is related to an order via the Bill to Contact lookup field
If any of the following conditions apply, you can’t delete a partner account. To delete an account with closed–won opportunities that
you own, you have to delete the closed–won opportunities along with the account. To delete an account associated with a channel
program membership, you have to delete the membership first.
• Child records, activated contracts, or related opportunities owned by other users are related to the account
• Related contacts enabled as customer or partner users are related to the account
• A channel program membership is related to the account
Deleting Records
Merge Duplicate Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Set Up Account Hierarchy in Lightning Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
• If divisions are enabled, accounts that are related via the Parent Account field don’t have to be Available in: All Editions
in the same division. except
• Person accounts aren’t supported for the Parent Account field or the View Account Hierarchy
• To list an account as a subsidiary, edit the subsidiary account and type the name of an existing
To view accounts:
account in the Parent Account field. Alternatively, you can click the lookup icon to search for
• Read on accounts
(or optionally, create) a parent account.
Set Up Account Hierarchy in Salesforce Classic
Account Fields
Accounts have business account fields and person account fields.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Evaluate this account against territory rules When checked, causes account assignment
on save rules to run when the account is edited and
saved. When customizing the page layout
for accounts, an administrator can control
whether this checkbox displays and
whether it’s checked by default.
Exclude from territory assignment rules When checked, shields the account from
being evaluated when account assignment
rules are run, preventing it from being
automatically assigned to territories. Also,
if the account is already assigned to
territories as a result of assignment rules,
checking this box removes the account
from those territories. This checkbox only
affects rule-based account assignments
and has no effect on manual account
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Account Name (Local) The name of the account translated into the
local language.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Evaluate this account against territory rules When checked, causes account assignment
on save rules to run when the account is edited and
saved. When customizing the page layout
for accounts, an administrator can control
whether this checkbox displays and whether
it’s checked by default.
Exclude from territory assignment rules When checked, shields the account from
being evaluated when account assignment
rules are run, preventing it from being
automatically assigned to territories. Also, if
the account is already assigned to territories
as a result of assignment rules, checking this
box removes the account from those
territories. This checkbox only affects
rule-based account assignments and has no
effect on manual account assignments.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Mailing Zip/Postal Code The zip or postal code in the mailing address.
Maximum 20 characters.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Other Zip/Postal Code The zip or postal code in another address for
the contact. Maximum 20 characters.
Sales Cloud Basics Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Use contacts to store information about the people you do business with. Contacts are most often associated with an account, but can
also be associated with other records such as opportunities. Contacts are even more useful when you enable Contacts to Multiple
Accounts, add hierarchy information, and customize sharing settings.
Available in: both Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs) and Lightning Experience
Manage Contacts
Understand the basics of contact records, including creating and deleting, merging duplicates, and sharing contacts with others.
Set Up Contacts
Contacts are great, but when you add basic contact features such as sharing rules and hierarchies they're even better.
Contacts to Multiple Accounts
People often work with more than one company. A business owner might own more than one company or a consultant might work
on behalf of multiple organizations. Relate a single contact to multiple accounts so you can easily track the relationships between
people and businesses without creating duplicate records.
Contact Roles
Contact roles specify the part that each contact plays in an account, case, contract, or opportunity. When you use contact roles, your
sales team always knows who to contact and when.
Opportunity Contact Roles
Opportunity contact roles specify the part that each contact plays in a deal. When you use and customize opportunity contact roles,
your sales team knows who to contact and when.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Manage Contacts
Understand the basics of contact records, including creating and deleting, merging duplicates, and
sharing contacts with others.
Available in: both Salesforce
Considerations for Creating Contacts Classic and Lightning
Before you create contacts, consider a few key points. Experience
Guidelines for Viewing and Managing Contacts Available in: All Editions
When viewing and managing your contacts, consider a few key points.
Contact Intelligence View
View contact activity and engagement metrics, see insights, take action, and update records all in one place in the Contact Intelligence
Considerations for Deleting Contacts
Most contacts can be deleted with one click. However, before you delete a contact, be aware of who can delete contacts and what
happens to records that are associated with deleted contacts.
Merge Duplicate Contacts
Keep your records clean and free of duplicates so you can reach more customers and maintain better relationships with them.
Update Contacts with Third-Party Data
Your Salesforce admin can set up features for comparing your contacts to records from Lightning Data. Depending on the way your
admin sets up these features, your contacts are updated when information changes, and you can also review and update contacts
Share Contacts
Share contacts with other users to make it easier to collaborate within your sales team.
Import Contacts from Mobile Device Contact Lists into Salesforce
Sales reps can save time and eliminate typos by using the Salesforce mobile app to import contacts from mobile device contact lists
into Salesforce. This feature is available only in Salesforce for Android and Salesforce for iOS.
Automatic Contact Creation
Create contacts automatically from your email and calendar interactions. You can also set a threshold to create or suggest contacts
after they’re mentioned in your email activity up to 3 times.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
• To create a contact that’s automatically associated with an account, create the contact from the account’s detail page.
• To track a contact’s relationship with more than one account, use the Related Accounts related list to add additional account-contact
relationships. By tracking all related accounts on a single contact record, you avoid creating duplicate contacts. Make sure your admin
has set up Contacts to Multiple Accounts.
• If your Salesforce org uses record types, you’re sometimes prompted to choose a Record Type when creating a contact. Different
record types can have different fields and picklist values.
• If your Salesforce org uses divisions, the division of a new contact is automatically set to the division of the related account.
Deleting Records
Create and Update Records
Contact Fields
• Person accounts don’t appear in the Recently Viewed list on the Contacts home page.
• If you’re using Salesforce Classic, a printable view of the contacts list is available. You can save the printable view as a PDF.
• When you select a person account from a contact list view, the corresponding person account appears on the Accounts page.
• To view a filtered list of contacts, select a predefined view from the dropdown list. Admins of Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited,
Performance, and Developer Edition orgs can grant access to contacts beyond what the sharing model allows. See Share Contacts.
If you’re using Salesforce Classic:
– To define your own custom view, click Create New View.
– To edit or delete a view that you created, select it from the View dropdown list, and then click Edit.
• To make person accounts easy to find, create a custom list view, adding the Is Person Account icon as a column.
• If you’re using Salesforce Classic, to add contacts to a campaign, select the checkbox next to one or more contacts, and then click
Add to Campaign. To select all displayed records, select the checkbox in the column header.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
• Modifications to the related lists for a contact aren’t tracked in the contact history.
Create and Update Records
Considerations for Changing the Account for Contacts
Contact Fields
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
• Idle: Contacts with past activity, but no completed activities in the last 30 days.
• No Upcoming: Contacts with recently completed activity but no future activities scheduled.
• Overdue: Contacts with activities that are overdue.
• Due Today: Contacts with activities due today.
• Upcoming: Contacts with activities due in the next 30 days.
Activity metrics include events as well as tasks.
Engagement metrics include:
• Not contacted
• Contact attempted
• Engaged
• Meeting scheduled
• Meeting declined
• Disqualified
To see the Contact Intelligence View, your Salesforce Administrator must turn it on in Setup and add the Intelligence View button to the
Contact List View button layout.
Available in: both Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs) and Lightning Experience
• You can delete a contact if you’re an administrator, the contact owner, or a user above the contact owner in the organization role
hierarchy, and if you have the Delete permission on the Contact object. If you meet these requirements, you see Delete as an option
on the contact’s detail page and on its row on the contact list page in.
• If you delete a contact, these associated records are also deleted. You don’t need the “Delete” permission on the associated records.
– Assets (without cases)
– Attachments
– Campaign history
– Events
– Notes
– Tasks
Accounts, entitlements, and opportunities that are associated with the contact aren’t deleted.
• To delete a contact related to an entitlement, delete the associated entitlement contact records or remove the roll-up summary field
from the Contact object.
• The deleted contact is moved to the Recycle Bin. If you undelete the contact, any associated records are restored, including any
inactive Self-Service usernames.
• If you delete or remove an activity’s primary contact, another contact becomes the primary contact in its place. You can edit the
activity to manually select another primary contact.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
• You can’t delete contacts that have these records associated with them.
– Assets (with cases)
– Cases
– Contracts
– Partner user
– Service contracts
– Active Self-Service users
– Active Customer Portal users
Deleting Records
Contact Fields
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Note: If duplicate contacts aren’t getting flagged, see “Standard Contact Matching Rule” in Salesforce Help to learn how Salesforce
identifies duplicate records. Work with your Salesforce admin to fine-tune your matching rules if necessary.
1. Choose a contact record. A message tells you if duplicates exist for that record. To see them, click View
2. Choose up to three contact records to merge. Click Next.
3. Choose one contact as the principal contact, and choose the field values that you want to keep. Click Next.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Note: In Lightning Experience, portal user status isn’t shown during merging.
Standard Contact and Lead Matching Rule
Things to Know About Matching Rules
Considerations for Merging Duplicate Contacts
Considerations for Merging Contacts Associated with Portal Users
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Standard Contact and Lead Matching Rule
Things to Know About Matching Rules
Considerations for Merging Duplicate Contacts
Considerations for Merging Contacts Associated with Portal Users
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
Associate the most recently updated data privacy record whenever you merge duplicate leads and contacts.
1. From Setup, enter Individual Settings in the Quick Find box, and then select Individual Settings.
2. Select Retain the most recently modified data privacy record.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Redundant Relationships
If you try to merge contacts that are indirectly related to the same account, Salesforce displays a message suggesting that you remove
the redundant relationship. On contact records, indirect relationships are managed from the Related Accounts related list.
Contact Roles
When contacts are merged, contact roles on non-master contacts lose their status as the primary contact.
Portal Users
When you use Lightning Experience to merge contacts associated with portal users, the portal user status isn’t shown during merging.
The merged record retains the portal user status of the primary record. When you use Salesforce Classic to merge contacts associated
with portal users, the portal user status is shown during merging. You choose the portal status you want to retain in the merged record.
In both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic, the primary contact must be associated with a portal user. The merged contact
retains the portal user status of the primary contact. If a non-master contact is associated with a portal user, that user is deactivated.
When duplicate contacts that are members of different campaigns are merged, Salesforce retains the Member Status Updated date for
each campaign the merged contact is a member of.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Non-Master Contacts
The non-master contacts are moved to the Recycle Bin.
Merge Duplicate Contacts
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
The customer portal is available in: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions
The partner portal is available in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions
Merge Duplicate Contacts
Retain Recently Updated Data Privacy Records for Merged Leads and Contacts
Use Third-Party Data to Update and Add Records to Salesforce
Deleting Records
AppExchange: Lightning Data
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Share Contacts
Share contacts with other users to make it easier to collaborate within your sales team.
To share contact records with other users, those users must have Read permission for Contacts.
When you share a contact record that has an associated account, the account is also shared only if Available in: Salesforce
you have permission to share account records. Classic
1. On a contact’s detail page, click Sharing. The sharing detail page lists the users, groups, roles, Available in: Professional,
and territories that have sharing access to the contact. Enterprise, Performance,
2. On the sharing detail page, do any of the following. Unlimited, and Developer
• To show a filtered list of items, select a predefined list from the View dropdown list, or
click Create New View to define your own custom views.
• To edit or delete any view you created, select it from the View dropdown list and click Edit.
• To edit or delete any view you created, select it from the View dropdown list and click Edit.Click Expand List to view all users
that have access to the record.
• To grant access to the record to other users, groups, roles, or territories, click Add.
• For manual sharing rules that you created, click Edit or Del next to an item in the list to edit or delete the access level.
Considerations for Sharing and Accessing Contacts
Share Contacts
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Note: In some situations, mappings from the local device don’t map as expected to the Salesforce contact record.
Considerations for Importing Contacts from a Mobile Device
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
• When you select emails from the mobile device, the Salesforce mobile app typically pulls the second email address location. If labels
are created on the device, the integration tries to map from the local work email address to the standard contact email address in
Import Contacts from Mobile Device Contact Lists into Salesforce
Set Up Automatic Contact Creation
See an Overview of Metrics, Goals, Suggestions, Tasks, and Activities in Seller Home
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Filtered Emails
Information from emails likely sent by bots or from unmonitored email accounts isn’t used to detect potential contacts. For example,
Automatic Contact Creation ignores emails with sender addresses containing “no-reply” or “”
Set Up Automatic Contact Creation
Set Up Contacts
Contacts are great, but when you add basic contact features such as sharing rules and hierarchies
they're even better.
Available in: both Salesforce
Turn On Contact Intelligence View Classic and Lightning
To let your users view contact activities, take action, and update records, all in one place, turn Experience
on the Contact Intelligence View. Available in: All Editions
Enable Self-Service for Contacts and Person Accounts
To provide access to your Self-Service portal, enable Self-Service for a customer’s contact or
person account record. A Self-Service user can view cases in the Self-Service portal only if they’re associated with the user’s account
Display Contact Hierarchies
Give your sales team a key tool for planning their sales strategy by showing contacts in a hierarchy or org chart.
Allow Users to Create Private Contacts
Private contacts are contacts that aren’t associated with an account. To give your users the ability to create private contacts, adjust
your contact page layouts so the Account Name field isn’t required.
Set Up Automatic Contact Creation
Turn on Automatic Contact Creation and specify criteria for when contacts are created.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
To set up contacts:
• Modify Application
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Hierarchies show who reports to whom according to the Reports To field. If the Reports To field is
empty, the associated hierarchy or org chart shows only one person, regardless of how many contacts are assigned to the account.
1. Give your sales reps access to contact hierarchies from contact pages. In Setup, in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience
Actions section of your contact page layout, add the View Contact Hierarchy action.
The Actions menu includes the View Contact Hierarchy action unless you customized the contact page layout before Summer ’17.
Sales reps can expand or collapse parts of a hierarchy as they navigate it. They can view up to 2,000 contacts from each point where
they enter a hierarchy. To view contacts in a different part of the hierarchy, a sales rep can enter the hierarchy from a different contact.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
2. You can edit the hierarchy columns to show the information that’s most useful to your sales reps.
a. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Object Manager.
b. In Contact, click Hierarchy Columns and then edit the columns.
You can include up to 15 columns.
By default, contact hierarchies display the same columns as the Recently Viewed Contacts standard list view. However, the list view
columns don’t change when you customize the hierarchy column.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Note: After you customize hierarchy columns, the item Org_Contact_Hierarchy is added to the Contact list view menu. Deleting
this item resets the columns to the defaults.
Considerations for Using Contact Hierarchy in Lightning Experience
Enter a contact in the Reports To field for every contact on an account except the one at the top of the org chart. If a contact’s Reports
To field is empty, the org chart shows only a single person, regardless of how many contacts are assigned to the account.
1. On the contact’s details page, in the Reports To field, enter the name of the contact’s manager. Save your change.
2. To view the contact within an org chart, on the contact’s details page, click View Org Chart.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Contacts that aren’t associated with an account are always private, regardless of your organization’s sharing model. Before allowing
private contacts, consider the downside: they're easy to forget because they're hidden from all users except their owner and your
Salesforce admin.
1. From the object management settings for contacts, go to Page Layouts.
2. Select the layout you want to edit.
3. Find the Account Name field on the layout and hover over it. Then, click the wrench icon to show the field properties.
4. Deselect the Required checkbox.
5. Confirm your changes.
To enable or disable
Automatic Contact Creation:
• View Setup and
Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
After a contact is created automatically, the ContactSource field on the contact record is set to Auto Create.
Considerations for Automatic Contact Creation
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Tip: We recommend turning on this feature outside of regular business hours to ease setup if your org has a large number of
Example: John Smith is president of Acme Corporations, and Acme is the account on his contact record. But John is also involved
with the nonprofit media organization Greendot Media. By adding Greendot Media as a related account on John’s contact record,
you can track this other relationship. John is considered a direct contact to Acme because Acme is the account on his contact
record. And he’s considered an indirect contact to Greendot Media and any other accounts that he becomes related to. John also
appears on the Related Contacts related list for Greendot Media and any other accounts that he’s indirectly related to.
Set Up Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Create and Edit Relationships Between Contacts and Accounts
Considerations for Relating a Contact to Multiple Accounts
Field history
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Feature or Functionality Contacts to Multiple Account Contact Roles Custom Junction Object
Validation rules
Process builder
Custom actions
API accessible
Sharing and object permissions Derived from Account and Derived from Account Configured independently
Reporting Custom report types Standard report types Custom report types
Custom report types
Set Up Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Considerations for Using Contact Roles
Create a Many-to-Many Object Relationship
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
4. When the Contacts to Multiple Accounts Settings section appears, review the default options and save your changes.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
To capture unique information about relationships – for example, the best time to call a contact – create custom fields on the Account
Contact Relationship object. Be sure to add any new fields you create to the Account Contact Relationship page layouts. To learn more
on how to create custom fields and page layouts, see Help.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Add the Related Contacts Related List to the Account Page Layouts
1. From Setup, go to the Object Manager and select the Account object.
2. Select Page Layouts.
3. Click on a layout’s row, and select Edit, or click the name of the layout.
4. From the palette at the top of the enhanced page layout editor, select Related Lists.
5. Drag the Related Contacts related list onto the Related Lists section of the page layout.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
7. Because the Related Contacts related list includes all direct contacts, you can remove the Contacts related list on your account page
layouts. To remove a related list, click the icon.
8. Save your changes.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Next, repeat these steps to add the Related Accounts related list to the contact page layouts your reps use. To easily see which account
is the contact’s primary account, add the Direct field to the Related Accounts related list. And, if you use person accounts, add the Related
Accounts related list and the Related Contacts related list to the person account page layouts your reps use.
Create Custom Fields
Customize Page Layouts with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor
Customize Related Lists
Considerations for Disabling Roll Up of Activities to a Contact’s Primary Account
Validation Rules for Account Contact Relationships
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Field Description
Contacts related list automatically includes all contacts that have
Acme in the Account Name field and marks them as direct
End Date The date a relationship between a contact and account ended.
Use with the Start Date field to keep a history of the
Roles The contact’s participating role in the account; for example, Buyer,
Decision Maker, or Evaluator. You can select multiple roles for a
contact. Customize the roles in the picklist by editing the field.
This field is separate from the Role field on Account Contact Roles.
Start Date The date a relationship between a contact and account began.
Use with the End Date field to keep a history of the relationship.
Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Set Up Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Because the Account Contact Relationship records are created behind the scenes and users can’t Available in: Contact
access the Account Contact Relationship fields when creating or editing a contact, validation rules Manager, Group,
can block the contact from being saved. Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
For example, the following Account Contact Relationship validation rule requires a value for the
and Developer Editions
Roles field.
However, a user can’t access the Roles field on the Account Contact Relationship object when creating or editing the contact. Therefore,
the criteria in the validation rule can’t be met, and the contact can’t be saved.
To bypass the validation rule when a direct Account Contact Relationship is created, add the following syntax to your Account Contact
Relationship validation rule.
(NOT (ISNEW() && IsDirect)) && (NOT ISCHANGED(IsDirect))
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Now, the Account Contact Relationship validation rule states that the Roles field is required only if the Account Contact Relationship
isn’t a direct relationship.
(NOT (ISNEW() && IsDirect)) && (NOT ISCHANGED(IsDirect))
Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Set Up Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
• When Contacts to Multiple Accounts is enabled, an Account Contact Relationship record is created for each contact with a primary
account, and for each person account.
• If you try to merge contacts that are indirectly related to the same account, an error message instructs you to remove the duplicate
relationship. The same is true when merging accounts that are indirectly related to the same contact. The error message includes
which account–contact relationships prevent the merge, regardless of whether you have access to the records. Without access to
a record, you can’t navigate to it.
• When merging person accounts, indirect relationships with accounts and indirect relationships with contacts are evaluated separately.
If you have conflicts with both, resolve the two errors separately.
Microsoft Integration
• When syncing contacts between Salesforce and Microsoft Outlook, only the primary account relationship is synced.
• If you remove the account name from a contact in Outlook, the contact can’t sync to Salesforce if the contact has relationships to
other accounts.
Admin Settings
• What happens when you attempt to delete an account that includes direct contacts related to other accounts depends on what
your admin has specified. You’re either blocked from deleting the account or allowed to delete the account. Deleting the account
also deletes the account’s direct contacts, regardless of whether they have relationships to other accounts.
• When you change a contact’s primary account, Salesforce either deletes the previous account, or saves it as an indirect relationship.
Your admin’s settings determine what happens to the previous account.
• Whether activities roll up to a contact’s parent account depends on what your admin specified in the activity settings.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
– You can’t create actions that send emails or log calls because the Account Contact Relationship object can’t have activities related
to it.
– You can’t override the default actions on the Account Contact Relationship object.
– Only custom actions that are created on the Contact object can use the Account Contact Relationship object as a target object.
– Chatter standard actions aren’t supported because the Account Contact Relationship object doesn’t have a Chatter feed.
• Custom buttons are supported, but a custom button on a list view can’t have a Visualforce page as the content source.
Contacts to Multiple Accounts
Create and Edit Relationships Between Contacts and Accounts
Require Permission to View Record Names in Lookup Fields
Create a Sharing Set
Contact Roles
Contact roles specify the part that each contact plays in an account, case, contract, or opportunity.
When you use contact roles, your sales team always knows who to contact and when.
Available in: both Salesforce
Set Up Contact Roles Classic and Lightning
When you use contact roles, your sales team always knows who to contact and when. Set up Experience
contact roles for each available object you want to use them with. You can define which roles Available in: All Editions
to use and how they appear to your sales reps.
Add and Manage Contact Roles
Specify the part that each contact or person account plays in your business process.
Contact Role Fields
Contact Roles define the role that a contact or person account plays in an account, case, contract, or opportunity. A contact role has
the following fields.
1. From Setup, enter Contact Roles in the Quick Find box, then select the contact roles you want to set up.
2. Modify the picklist values as needed. You can even create new values and add color to the values whenever they appear in charts.
3. Save your changes.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
4. Add the Contact Roles related list to the appropriate page layout.
For example, if you’re creating contact roles for opportunities, add the Contact Roles related list to the opportunity page layouts that
your sales reps use.
Considerations for Using Contact Roles
Add and Manage Contact Roles
Add and Manage Contact Roles in Lightning Experience Available in: both Salesforce
To specify the part that each contact plays in your business process, add contact roles to Classic and Lightning
opportunities or contracts. Experience
Add and Manage Contact Roles in Salesforce Classic Available in: All Editions
To specify the part that each contact plays in your business process, add contact roles to
accounts, cases, contracts, and opportunities.
Considerations for Using Contact Roles
Contact roles let you specify the part that a person plays in an account, case, contract, or opportunity. When you use contact roles,
you have more information about who to contact and when. Examples of contact roles include decision maker, business user, and
executive sponsor. There are some things to be aware of when using contact roles.
Important: In Lightning Experience, contact roles are available for opportunities and contracts. Available in: Lightning
Although they work more or less the same for both objects, they work independently. Set Experience
them up and use them separately for each object. Available in: all editions
1. In the Contact Roles related list of an opportunity or contract, click Add Contact Roles.
2. Select the contacts to add. USER PERMISSIONS
• To add contacts to an opportunity, select the checkboxes next to the contacts you want to To add or edit contact roles:
add. All contacts for the account are populated in the list. • Edit on the object the
• To add contacts to a contract, use the lookup icon to choose a contact or person account. contact roles are on,
such as opportunities or
3. Select roles for the contacts. If you don’t select a role, the contact is still added to the Contact contracts
Roles related list and can be edited later. AND
4. Save your changes. It can take up to 30 minutes before the new contact role appears in the Read on contacts
Contact Roles related list.
To view contact roles:
For example, at AW Computing, Mary Smith evaluates all proposals and then forwards them to
• Read on the object the
Tom Jones for a final decision. In the opportunity record for AW Computing, you designate Mary contact roles are on,
Smith as the Evaluator and Tom Jones as the Decision Maker. Now you know who to contact first! such as opportunities or
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Note: Keep the record’s contact roles up-to-date by editing and deleting them as needed.
Considerations for Using Contact Roles
Contact Role Fields
Set Up Contact Roles
Considerations for Cloning Opportunities
Important: In Salesforce Classic, contact roles are available for accounts, opportunities, cases, Available in: Salesforce
and contracts. In Lightning Experience, contact roles are available for opportunities, contracts, Classic
and cases. Although contact roles work more or less the same for each available object, they Available in: all editions
work independently. Therefore, you need to set them up and use them separately for each
1. In a record’s Contact Roles related list, click New.
• To add contacts to an opportunity, select a role for each contact in the list you wish to add. To add or edit contact roles:
• Edit on the object the
• To add contacts to an account, contract or case, use the lookup icon to choose a contact contact roles are on,
or person account. Select a role for the contact. such as accounts, cases,
contracts, or
2. Optionally, designate a primary contact for the record. Cases don’t have this option. opportunities
3. Save your changes. It can take up to 30 minutes before the new contact role appears in the AND
Contact Roles related list. Read on contacts
For example, at AW Computing, Mary Smith evaluates all proposals and then forwards them to
To view contact roles:
Tom Jones for a final decision. In the opportunity record for AW Computing, you designate Mary
• Read on the object the
Smith as the Evaluator and Tom Jones as the Decision Maker. Now you know who to contact first!
contact roles are on,
Note: Keep the record’s contact roles up-to-date by editing and deleting them as needed. such as accounts, cases,
contracts, or
Considerations for Using Contact Roles
Contact Role Fields
Set Up Contact Roles
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Contact Roles
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Note: This information applies to opportunity contact roles, a type of contact role. Available in: both Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Set Up and Customize Opportunity Contact Roles
Available in: All Editions
Opportunity contact roles let your sales team know who to contact and when for each deal. In
Lightning Experience, you can give your sales reps even more insight into their opportunity
contacts by customizing the opportunity contact role object.
Add and Manage Opportunity Contact Roles
To specify the part that each contact plays in a deal, add contact roles to your opportunities. For example, at AW Computing, Mary
Smith evaluates all proposals and then forwards them to Tom Jones for a final decision. In the opportunity record for AW Computing,
you designate Mary Smith as the Evaluator and Tom Jones as the Decision Maker. Now you know who to contact first!
Guidelines for Using Opportunity Contact Roles
Before you use opportunity contact roles, make sure that you’re aware of some important considerations.
Opportunity Contact Role Fields
Opportunity Contact Roles define the role that a contact or person account plays in a deal. An opportunity contact role has the
following fields. Depending on your page layout and field-level security settings, some fields may not be visible or editable.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
1. From Setup, open the Object Manager, and click Opportunity Contact Role. Go to the section USER PERMISSIONS
you want to set up or customize.
To set up and configure
2. Create custom fields, buttons and links, and compose your page layouts. You can create a opportunity contact roles:
maximum of 100 custom fields. • Customize Application
3. Determine validation rules and set up triggers.
4. Save your changes.
Note: When you make customizations in Lightning Experience, your users will not see them in the Contact Roles related list on
an opportunity in Salesforce Classic. In Salesforce Classic, the Add and Edit pages show only the contact, role and primary contact
on the opportunity.
Note: This information applies to opportunity contact roles, a type of contact roles. Available in: Lightning
Lightning Experience
Available in: All Editions
• You can create a maximum of 100 custom fields for an opportunity contact role.
• When you make customizations in Lightning Experience, your users don’t see them in the
Contact Roles related list on an opportunity in Salesforce Classic.
• Custom fields, buttons, and page layouts, along with validation rules and Apex triggers, are To set up and configure
only available in Lightning Experience. opportunity contact roles:
• Customize Application
• When you remove the Primary field from the opportunity contact role page layout, the (
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
5. Keep the record’s opportunity contact roles up-to-date by editing and deleting them as needed. To view opportunity contact
• Read on opportunities
and contacts
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Note: This information applies to opportunity contact roles, a subset of contact roles. Available in: both Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
• To add and edit opportunity contact roles, users must have read access to the Account Name Experience
field on the Contact object.
Available in: All Editions
• To view the contact records in the Opportunity Contact Role related list, you must have the
proper user permissions and sharing access to those records.
• A single contact or person account can have a different opportunity contact role on multiple
records. To add or edit opportunity
• In Salesforce Classic, if a contact has multiple opportunity contact roles on one opportunity, contact roles:
the Opportunities related list on the Contact record shows duplicates. In Lightning Experience, • Edit on opportunities
the related list doesn’t show duplicates. AND
• When contacts are merged, opportunity contact roles on non-master contacts lose their status Read on contacts
as the primary contact.
To view opportunity contact
• If you have an opportunity with the same opportunity contact roles for multiple contacts, and roles:
the contacts are merged, the opportunity contact roles aren’t merged. After the contacts merge, • Read on opportunities
the original opportunity contact role records still exist. The opportunity contact roles have the and contacts
same contact, opportunity, and role. For example, let’s say your opportunity had three Decision
Maker opportunity contact roles, but each one was a different contact. The three contacts
merged into one contact, but your opportunity still has the same three contacts with the same opportunity contact roles.
• When you delete and later undelete an opportunity or contact, the opportunity contact role is also undeleted. Opportunity contact
roles can’t be undeleted independently.
• When an opportunity or contact is undeleted, the related opportunity contact roles don’t keep their primary status.
• Inserting and updating multiple opportunity contact roles at one time works differently in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.
– In Salesforce Classic, each record is inserted or updated individually. If you use triggers that execute when you insert or delete
multiple opportunity contact roles, a separate trigger executes for each record.
– In Lightning Experience, all of the records are inserted or updated together. If your triggers execute when you insert or update
multiple contact roles, one trigger executes for all of the records in a bulk transaction.
• When you create multiple opportunity contact roles by inserting multiple opportunities with the ContactId field populated, Salesforce
creates each contact role in an individual transaction. A separate trigger executes for each contact role record.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Field Description
Opportunity The opportunity that’s associated with the opportunity contact
Role The role of the contact for the record. Your Salesforce admin can
customize the selections for this picklist.
• If the contact’s associated account is enabled for Experience Cloud sites, to change the account to an account that’s not yet enabled
for Experience Cloud sites, you must have either the Manage External Users or Manage Users permission. To change the contact’s
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
associated account to an account that’s already enabled for Experience Cloud sites, you must have either the Manage External Users,
Manage Users, or Manage Roles permission.
Share Contacts
Set Up Contact Hierarchy in Lightning Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Contact Fields
Your page layout and field-level security settings determine which contact fields are visible and editable.
Available in: both Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs) and Lightning Experience
Field Description
Account Name The account that the contact is linked to. Enter the account name,
select the account from a list, or create an account. Private contacts
don’t have an account.
Allow Customer Portal Self-Registration If you allow access to a customer portal, when selected, allows
contacts to self-register for it.
Birthdate The contact’s birthday. Click the field, and then choose a date from
the calendar.
Contact Currency The default currency for all currency amount fields in the contact.
Amounts are displayed in the contact currency and converted to
the user’s personal currency. Available when multiple currencies
are used.
Contact Division The division that the contact belongs to. This value is inherited
from the related account.
Available when divisions are used to segment data.
Contact Owner The contact’s assigned owner. Not available in Personal Edition.
Contact Record Type The name of the field that determines what picklist values are
available for the record. Available in Professional, Enterprise,
Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Editions.
Created By The user who created the contact. Includes creation date and time.
Read only.
Custom Links A list of custom links for contacts, as set up by your administrator.
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Field Description
Email The contact’s email address. A valid email address is required.
Maximum 80 characters.
Click the email address in this field to send an email using your
personal email application. This action isn’t logged as an activity
on the contact record.
If the Gmail Buttons and Links feature is enabled, click the Gmail
link next to the field to send an email from your Gmail account.
Email Opt Out Whether the contact wants to receive email (false) or not
First Name The contact’s first name, as displayed on the contact edit page.
Maximum 40 characters.
First Name (Local) The contact’s first name, translated into the local language.
Last Modified By The user who last changed the contact fields, including
modification date and time. This field doesn’t track changes that
were made to any of the related list items on the contact. Read
Last Name The contact’s last name as displayed on the contact edit page.
Maximum 80 characters.
Last Name (Local) The contact’s last name, translated into the local language.
Lead Source The record source: for example, Advertisement, Partner, or Web.
The entry is selected from a picklist of available values, which the
administrator sets. Maximum 40 characters for each picklist value.
Mailing Street The street in the mailing address. Maximum 255 characters.
Mailing Zip/Postal Code The zip or postal code in the mailing address. Maximum 20
Sales Cloud Basics Contacts
Field Description
Middle Name The contact’s middle name, as displayed on the contact edit page.
Maximum 40 characters.
To enable this field, contact Salesforce Customer Support. Next,
from Setup, enter User Interface in the Quick Find
box, then select User Interface. Then select Enable Middle
Names for Person Names.
Middle Name (Local) The contact’s middle name, translated into the local language.
To enable this field, contact Salesforce Customer Support. Next,
from Setup, enter User Interface in the Quick Find
box, then select User Interface. Then select Enable Middle
Names for Person Names.
Name The contact’s combined first name, middle name, last name, and
suffix, as displayed on the contact detail page.
Other City The city in another address for the contact. Maximum 40 characters.
Other Country The country in another address for the contact. The entry is selected
from a picklist of standard values or entered as text. If the field is a
text field, maximum 80 characters.
Other State/Province The state or province in another address for the contact. The entry
is selected from a picklist of standard values or entered as text. If
the field is a text field, maximum 80 characters.
Other Street The street address in another address for the contact. Maximum
255 characters.
Other Zip/Postal Code The zip or postal code in another address for the contact. Maximum
20 characters.
Other Phone Another phone number for the contact. Maximum 40 characters.
Reports To The name of the contact’s manager. Enter a contact name, or select
a contact from the list.
Salutation The title for addressing the contact, for example, Mr., Ms., or Dr.
The entry is selected from a picklist of available values, which the
administrator sets. Maximum 40 characters.
Sales Cloud Basics Showing Customers and Prospects on a Map
Field Description
Suffix The suffix in the contact’s name, as displayed on the contact edit
page. Maximum 40 characters.
To enable this field, contact Salesforce Customer Support. Next,
from Setup, enter User Interface in the Quick Find
box, then select User Interface. Then select Enable Middle
Names for Person Names.
Total Cadences The number of Sales Engagement cadences the contact is assigned
to. This field is only available in list views.
Considerations for Creating Contacts
Considerations for Changing the Account for Contacts
Sales Cloud Basics Before You Turn On Salesforce Maps Lite
But for your reps to plot records without latitude and longitude coordinates,
Salesforce Maps Lite generates coordinates for them. Generated coordinates
last for just that session in Salesforce Maps Lite.
Work with records It includes a list of the records that correspond with the record markers that
in bulk appear on the map. The list:
• Shows up to 50 records simultaneously.
• Provides up to 15 fields for each record based on the fields that appear
in the object’s list views.
• Lets reps locate a specific record marker on the map when they select
its corresponding record from the list.
• Indicates which records don’t appear on the map because they require
address corrections.
Perform actions on It includes functions directly in record markers on the map. When your reps
individual records select record markers:
• The same fields appear as the ones in the list of records.
• Clustered with other nearby markers relative to their zoomed view, reps
can navigate them using pagination functions or show the cluster of
records in a list.
Sales Cloud Basics Visualize Customers and Prospects on a Map
Your sales reps can then plot up to 50 accounts, contacts, or leads simultaneously on the map from the Maps Lite tab.
Sales Cloud Basics Resolve Latitude and Longitude Discrepancies
Showing Customers and Prospects on a Map
Revenue Intelligence
Revenue Intelligence is a data-driven sales solution that unites CRM Analytics dashboards and analytics with an easy-to-visualize
pipeline progress flow chart in Pipeline Inspection, and more.
Pipeline Inspection
Pipeline Inspection gives sales teams a consolidated view of pipeline metrics, opportunities, week-to-week changes, AI-driven
insights, close date predictions, and activity information. With this intelligence, sales teams can focus on the most important
opportunities and forecast revenue more accurately.
Collaborative Forecasts
Forecast sales from your opportunity pipeline.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Sales Territories
Manage and maintain your company’s sales territories. Create territory types, build a model, and then add and test your account
assignment rules. When you’re satisfied with your model, activate it, then assign accounts, leads, and users. Roll out your model to
your team, and then run reports to assess its impact and make adjustments as needed.
Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Create opportunity teams to make it easier to collaborate and track progress on deals. Use opportunity splits and opportunity product
splits to share revenue from a Closed Won opportunity among team members.
Manage Multiple Currencies
Your organization can set up the ability to use multiple currencies in opportunities, forecasts, quotes, reports, and other data.
Guide Users with Path
Boost productivity and help reps gather complete data. Create paths to guide your users through steps of a business process, such
as working an opportunity from a fresh lead to a successfully closed deal. At each step of a path, you can highlight key fields and
include customized guidance for success.
Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
WDC is a suite of tools that help reps, managers, and teams enter and endorse skills, and give thanks. These activities build a culture
of recognition.
Revenue Intelligence
Revenue Intelligence is a data-driven sales solution that unites CRM Analytics dashboards and analytics with an easy-to-visualize pipeline
progress flow chart in Pipeline Inspection, and more.
Revenue Intelligence includes Einstein Forecasting, Einstein Activity Capture, CRM Analytics, and other AI, forecasting, and customer
engagement features packed with customer data to help sales teams win deals with confidence.
Revenue Intelligence includes the following apps:
• Revenue Insights
• Einstein Account Management
Available with Sales Cloud and Government Cloud Plus for an additional cost in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Available with Sales Cloud and Government Cloud Plus for an additional cost in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: The Analytics Apps and Template functionality included as a part of CRM Analytics is Available in: Lightning
available in English only. Experience
Note: Even if you use Territory hierarchy, you must have set up a role hierarchy.
Note: *Revenue Insights supports the standard Amount field or a custom field of type Currency.
• For a role hierarchy-based forecast, go to Setup > Forecast Hierarchy and assign forecast managers to at least two layers.
• For a territory hierarchy-based forecast, go to Setup > Sales > Territories > Territory Models and assign forecast managers to at
least two layers.
• Go to Forecasts > Quota and load at least one quota value for your forecast type.
• If your forecast type is based on the Opportunity Splits object, you must have at least one Opportunity Split record.
• The measure you use in your forecast type must have historical trending enabled on the opportunity object. If you use an opportunity
split, ensure that the associated roll-up field on the opportunity object is trended.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: When you turn on CRM Analytics for your org, a default Analytics Integration User is created. This "user" accesses the data
within Salesforce when the recipe is used to bring data in as datasets to CRM Analytics. It's important that this user has the proper
level of permissions to access your data. For example, the integration user needs have object level access to all the objects from
which data you want to pull, and field level access to the fields within those objects. If you have trouble in creating your app or
can’t view data, you sometimes need to modify either object or field permissions to allow the integration user to access them.
Enable and Configure Revenue Insights
Revenue Insights Post Installation Steps
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Revenue Insights creates the following datasets.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Territory 2 Data about Salesforce All dashboards See note about security predicates None.
territory forecasts object -> for territory hierarchy.
and forecast Recipe
User Provides details Salesforce Not referenced 'Role. Roles' == "$User.UserRoleId" || None.
about all users in object -> in dashboards 'Id' == "$User.Id"
an org. Recipe
User Role Basic data about Salesforce All dashboards 'Roles. Roles' == "$User.UserRoleId" None.
user roles. object -> || 'Id' == "$User.Id"
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: If you use a territory hierarchy, the following security predicate is appended to the datasets' existing predicates:
'Territory2.Users.Level1.UserId' == "$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level2.UserId' == "$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level3.UserId' ==
"$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level4.UserId' == "$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level5.UserId' == "$User.Id" ||
'Territory2.Users.Level6.UserId' == "$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level7.UserId' == "$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level8.UserId' ==
"$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level9.UserId' == "$User.Id" || 'Territory2.Users.Level10.UserId' == "$User.Id"
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
7. Assign user permissions. For users who manage the Revenue Insights dashboards, assign the Revenue Intelligence Admin
permission set. For users who need read-only access to the dashboards, assign the Revenue Intelligence User permission set.
Controlling Access Using Hierarchies
Set Up Historical Trend Reporting
Turn On Collaborative Forecasts and Define Forecasts Settings
Get Started Using CRM Analytics
Select Who Can Use Revenue Intelligence
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
1. From the Sales Performance dashboard, select Edit in the upper right-hand corner.
2. Click in the panel that displays the five global filters.
3. On the panel on the right, select Manage Global Filters.
4. Click Add a Global Filter.
5. From the menu, select the Opportunity RevInsights dataset.
6. Select the field you want to add. For example, you can select Industry.
7. Choose the field you want like to add and click Create.
8. By default, the filter panel shows five filters in one row. Edit the number of filters displayed to view your new filter in the row of
default filters.
9. Click in the filters panel again to open the right side panel. You can see that the Filters per Row field is set to 5.
10. On the side panel change the Filters Per Row to 6.
11. To view the changes, click Preview.
12. Click Save if you’re satisfied with the changes.
To add another option to the Compare by filter of the Sales Performance dashboard:
1. From the Sales Performance dashboard, select Edit in the upper right-hand corner.
2. Click in the Compare by field.
3. On the panel on the right, select Advanced Editor. The widget JSON code displays.
4. To show the query code, select Query.
5. Copy and paste the last code snippet that looks like the following:
"Display": "Opportunity Owner",
"Field": "'User.UniqueUserName'",
"projection": ", closed['User.UniqueUserName'] as 'User.UniqueUserName'",
"saqlField": ", 'User.UniqueUserName'"
6. To use the compare by field you want to add, edit the code snippet. For example
"Display": "Industry",
"Field": "'Account.Industry'",
"projection": ", closed['Account.Industry'] as 'Account.Industry'",
"saqlField": ", 'Account.Industry'"
Note: Only fields from the Opportunity RevInsights dataset can be added as options.
Note: The Overview page combines multiple datasets and live queries. The challenge of adding a filter here means that the
field-selected needs to apply to all of the data sources. For example, you want to add a Region filter, such as Billing Country, to the
dashboard. This field is in the Opportunity RevInsights dataset so most of the widgets on Overview will facet automatically by
default. However, the SOQL queries look at the ForecastingItem object. This object doesn’t have a way to filter by country because
the forecast is done at the individual person level.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
2. Select the dataset that includes your field. Salesforce recommends you use the Opportunity RevInsights dataset because most queries
on the dashboard use this dataset.
3. Select a field and configure the design.
4. Open up the dataset connections and add a connection for your field, if applicable. Most queries on Overview, Team Performance,
and Sales Performance tabs can facet based on these steps. The top section on the Overview dashboard, including the Team Quota
Attainment, KPIs, as well as the forecasting chart may not facet. The faceting doesn’t happen because there are live queries based
on Forecasting Item. The dashboard uses the following datasets:
• Opportunity RevInsights
• UserRole
• OpptyProduct
• Activity
• OpportunityHistory
• Forecasting Quota
5. Modify queries beginning with soql_. If there’s a field that can be found in the ForecastingItem object and is pulled in for the
Revenue Insights app, in addition to adding dataset connections, the soql queries require an additional binding. The following shows
the default query for soql_user_closed_won:
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: While you can create as many Revenue Insights versions as you like, recipe and data sync limits apply.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
2. Click the Revenue Intelligence Admin or Revenue Intelligence User permission set.
3. Click Manage Assignments, and then Add Assignments. Then assign the permission set to
users. To assign permission sets:
4. Click Done. • Assign Permission Sets
To assign Revenue
Intelligence User permission
Enable and Configure Revenue Insights • Revenue Intelligence
Revenue Insights Admin permission set
Custom calculated columns in Adds custom columns based Requires admins to create the
Collaborative Forecasts on formulas to the forecasts columns in Forecasts Settings.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Pipeline Inspection Flow Chart
Pipeline Inspection
Build a Smarter Pipeline with Einstein Forecasting
Collaborative Forecasts
Revenue Insights
Use Revenue Insights to help sales teams gain performance insights to build stronger pipelines, improve forecast accuracy, and generate
more revenue.
Understand the trends and the details using four tabs: Overview, Team Performance, Sales Performance, and Historic Trends.
Revenue Insights includes the following dashboards:
• Revenue Insights
• Revenue Insights by Territory
• Sales Perf Card (Sales Performance)
• Sales Rep Command Center
• Sales Stage Analysis
• Forecast Insights
• Commit Calculator
• Product Insights
Available with Sales Cloud and Government Cloud Plus for an additional cost in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
In Team Quota Attainment, you can see, at-a-glance how close your team members are to reaching their quotas (1). In the On Track/Off
Track chart, you can easily understand your gap to meeting your quota goals (2). In the What should I focus on? section, you can easily
determine the next steps to take to meet your quotas. You can see what opportunities need attention, what changes have occurred in
your opportunities, and details about your top open opportunities, including what stage they are in (3). Lastly, follow your bottom line
in the How is my sales performance trending? section (4).
The quota attainment metric represents the percentage of closed won to quota.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: Percent changed reflects changes in the last seven days for each metric.
• No Activity: This metric can be one of two measures. No recent activity (Open opportunities with no activity in the last fourteen
days), or No upcoming activity (Open opportunities with no activities scheduled in the future from today) (1).
• No Next Step: Open Opportunities where the Next Step field is blank (2).
• Stuck in Stage: Opportunities that have been in the same stage for more than fourteen days longer than the average days in the
stage (3).
All of the charts in the What should I focus on? sections show the top fifty Opportunities by amount for the top area columns. Totals are
calculated by using all Opportunities that meet the criteria.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: Click the pop-out button to see more details of the opportunities needing your attention.
• Close Date: Open Opportunities where the Close Date field has changes in the last seven days.
– Row level: The old Close Date and new Close Date display.
– Aggregate level: Shows the total number of opportunities whose date moved in or moved out in the last seven days.
• Forecast Category: Open Opportunities where the Forecast Category field has changes in the last seven days.
– Row level: The old Forecast Category and new Forecast Category display.
– Aggregate level: The total number of opportunities with forecast category changes.
• New: Open Opportunities that have been created in the last seven days.
• Lost: Closed Lost Opportunities in the last seven days.
All of the charts in the What should I focus on? section shows the top fifty Opportunities by amount for the top area columns. Totals
calculated by using all Opportunities that meet the criteria.
Note: Click the pop-out button to see more details of the opportunity changes.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: Click the pop-out button to see more details of your top open opportunities.
Revenue Insights Sales Performance Tab
Revenue Insights Team Tab
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
KPI Calculations
• Closed Won Sales: The total Amount of all Closed Won Opportunities.
• Quota: The quota for a given sales representative.
• Quota Attainment %: The percentage of Closed Won Sales to Quota.
• Gap to Quota: Quota minus Closed Won.
• Commit: The total amount of all Open Opportunities where the Forecast Category is equal to Commit.
• Open Pipeline: The total amount of all Open Opportunities where the Forecast Category is equal to Pipeline, Best Case, Most Likely,
or Commit.
• Pipeline Coverage: Open Pipeline divided by Gap to Quota.
• Average Sales Size: The sum of all Closed Won Opportunities divided by the total number of Closed Won Opportunities.
• Average Days to Close: The sum of CloseDate minus CreatedDate for all Closed Won Opportunities divided by the total number
of Closed Won Opportunities.
• Win Rate %: The percentage of Closed Won Opportunities to Closed Opportunities (won and lost).
• Closed Opportunities: The total number of Opportunities (won and lost).
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
• Activities Completed: The total number of Activities (Tasks and Events) where the Status is equal to Complete.
• Open Activities: The total number of Activities (Task and Events) where Status is not equal to Complete.
• Overdue Activities: The total number of Activities (Task and Events) where today is greater than the Due Date and Status is not
equal to Complete.
Revenue Insights Dashboard
Revenue Insights Sales Performance Tab
KPI Calculations
• Closed Won Sales: The total amount of all Closed Won Opportunities.
• Closed Opportunities: The total number of Opportunities (won and lost).
• Won Opportunities: The total number of Closed Won Opportunities.
• Average Sales Size: The total amount of all Closed Won Opportunities divided by the total number of Closed Won Opportunities.
• Average Days to Close: The sum of CloseDate minus CreatedDate for all Closed Won Opportunities divided by the total number
of Closed Won Opportunities.
• Win Rate %: The percentage of Closed Won Opportunities to Closed Opportunities (including both won and lost).
ED Models
Get predictive insights directly from your Revenue Insights dashboard using embedded Einstein Discovery models. Einstein Discovery
uses your data to create customized predictive models in a simple visual way. The models help you to understand what activities promote
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
good outcomes and which activities negatively affect your outcomes for the following three areas: Deal Size, Win Rate, and Time to
Click the Einstein Discovery icon (1) to open the insights. Einstein Discovery shows positive factors with green arrows pointing upwards
(2). Einstein Discovery shows detrimental factors with red arrows pointing downwards (3).
Revenue Insights Dashboard
Revenue Insights Team Tab
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Click the Historical Trend tab to open the page (1) Click the columns to populate the opportunities table (2). If there’s no historical
trending for opportunities, the table doesn’t populate.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
• Close Date: Open Opportunities where the Close Date field has changes in the last seven days.
• Forecast Category: Open Opportunities where the Forecast Category field has changes in the last seven days.
• New: Open Opportunities that have been created in the last seven days.
• Lost: Closed Lost Opportunities in the last seven days.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
In the Sales Stage Analysis dashboard, view how long a deal was at each stage and the number of won and lost deals (1). Track opportunity
movement (2) and neglected opportunities (3). You can also see which deals have been in the same stage for more than 30 days (4)
and pushed opportunities (5). Lastly, take a deep dive into the different deals (6).
The Sales Stage Analysis dashboard compares how long current opportunities take in each stage of your pipeline with data on historic
deals. The main chart shows the historic and current average number of days deals spend in that stage. By comparing current with
historical data, the dashboard determines which deals are at risk and displays them in neglected, stalled, and pushed opportunities
charts at the bottom of the dashboard.
From the top of the dashboard, select from the filters to get the details you want to see:
• Account: Account names related to opportunities in the dashboard
• Owner Name: Names of opportunity owners. It can include inactive users or users who don’t own any deals in the selected period
• Owner Role: Role name of opportunity owners.
• Stage Name: Names in the standard StageName field in the Opportunities object.
• Record Type: Opportunity record type names defined in your org.
• Close Date: Opportunity closed date based on Salesforce fiscal year settings.
• Historical Time Frame: Period used to calculate the average time in stage.
Historical Average Number of days each opportunity stay in each stage. Average days
in stage for all opportunities in the OpportunityHistory object,
based on the period set in the Historical Time Frame filter.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Open Opportunities Number of days current open opportunities stay in each stage.
Average days in stage to date for all open opportunities with close
dates within the period selected in the Close Date filter.
Opportunity Days in Each Stage Shows the number of opportunities moved from the stage selected
in the main chart to other stages based on period set in the
Historical Time Frame filter.
Probability to close Total closed won/Total opportunities based on the selected stage
during the period set in the Historical Time Frame filter. If no stage
is selected, it shows the win rate.
Won Deals Total amount won during the period set in the Historical Time
Frame filter.
Lost Deals Total amount won during the period set in the Historical Time
Frame filter.
Neglected Opportunities Top open opportunities by amount that haven’t been touched in
60 days that are set to close in the selected period.
Stalled Opportunities Top open opportunities by amount that have stayed in current
stage at least one day longer than historical average for all
opportunities. Based on the close date in the selected period.
Pushed Opportunities Top open opportunities by push count based on the close date in
the selected period.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
In the Sales Stage Analysis dashboard, view the details of the progression of opportunities from Discovery to Closed Won or Closed Lost
(1). See how opportunities represent different industries (2) and State and Billing provinces (3). You can also see opportunity details (4)
and sort by current opportunities or historical opportunities (5).
From the top of the dashboard, select from the filters to narrow the scope of the analysis:
• Account Name. Account names related to opportunities in the dashboard
• Stage. Names in the standard StageName field in the Opportunities object.
• Owner. Names of opportunity owners. It can include inactive users or users who don’t own any deals in the selected period
• State/Province. Area of the billing grouped by state or Province.
• Country. Area of the opportunity sorted by country.
• Industry. Opportunities sorted by industry.
Opportunity Stage Movement The average conversion rate for open opportunities for the selected
Opportunity by Industry Opportunities within the given time frame sorted by industry.
Opportunity by Billing State/Province Opportunities within the given time frame sorted by billing state
or province.
Opportunity Details Total closed won/Total opportunities based on the selected stage
during the period set in the Historical Time Frame filter. If no stage
is selected, it shows the win rate.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
In the Forecast Insights dashboard, select the timeframe and team you want to analyze (1). You can see details for the managers and
sellers that report to you. Click Show Analysis (2) to see how your metrics are trending over time. Looking across your sales, click Commit,
Best Case, Most Likely or Pipeline (3) to remove that category from the pipeline and understand its overall impact. Set the benchmark
values so that the high and low benchmarks display on the table (4). See the key details for your largest opportunities (5).
Attainment % of target = (Closed Won Amt./Target quota) * 100.
Closed Won (Current) Total amount of closed won opportunities for the current selected
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Commit Commit for the user's role. Shows adjustment if one is entered.
Commit (Manager) Sum of commit for lowest forecast manager in the hierarchy.
Commit (Seller) Sum of commit for the lowest layer in the role hierarchy.
Pipeline Coverage (Mature) Best case and commit amount or custom amount/ (Commit
Year over year (Commit) (Commit forecast Amount at the same time last year- Current
Commit Forecast Amount)/(Commit forecast Amount at the same
time last year) * 100.
Year over year (Closed won) (Closed Won Amount at the same time last year- Current Closed
Won Amount)/(Closed Won Amount at the same time last year) *
Year over year (Open Pipeline) (Open pipe amount at the same time last year- Current open pipe
amount)/(Open pipe amount at the same time last year) * 100.
Year over year (Quota) (Last year's quota - Current year's quota)/(Last year's quota) * 100.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
In the Commit Calculator, test scenarios to see their impact on your sales. Remove commits from your pipeline (1) or add deals to your
pipeline (2). Test scenarios for remaining deals (3) and add the predicted amount for these deals not yet accounted for in the pipeline
(4). Estimate deals created and closed (not accounted for in the pipeline) (5).
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
In the Product Insights dashboard, understand your sales cycles with a laser focus on products. Click Product Heat Map (1) to see how
your product families are performing, and click Products & Opportunities (2) to see your opportunity pipeline sorted by product family.
Click on a product family to zoom in on just that product group. Select Won or Lost (3) to sort by won or lost sales. Click a product family
(4) to populate the charts with details about the selected product. See the Opportunity Funnel (5) to understand how your products are
distributed across your pipeline.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Note: When you turn on CRM Analytics for your org, a default Analytics Integration User is created. This "user" accesses the data
within Salesforce when the recipe is used to bring data in as datasets to CRM Analytics. It's important that this user has the proper
level of permissions to access your data. For example, the integration user needs have object level access to all the objects from
which data you want to pull, and field level access to the fields within those objects. If you have trouble in creating your app or
can’t view data, you sometimes must modify either object or field permissions to allow the integration user to access them.
To set up Einstein Account Management, use the following steps. Available with Sales Cloud
and Government Cloud Plus
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Einstein Account Management, and then select
for an additional cost in:
Einstein Account Management Setup. Enterprise, Performance,
2. Verify that the Revenue Intelligence Admin permission set is assigned to you. and Unlimited Editions
3. To make Einstein Account Management dashboards and analytics available, enable CRM
Analytics. Enabling CRM Analytics automatically installs the Customer Insights app. USER PERMISSIONS
4. Customer Insights version 1.5 or higher is required to run Einstein Account Management. If
To turn on Einstein Account
multiple versions of Customer Insights have been created, Einstein Account Management uses Management:
the most recently installed compatible version. • Revenue Intelligence
If you need to modify Customer Insights, go to the Auto-Installed Apps page in Setup. Otherwise, Admin permission set
manage Customer Insights directly in Analytics Studio. To use Einstein Account
5. Turn on Einstein Account Management. The app installation process can take up to 24 hours.
• Assign Revenue
The installation status shows on the Einstein Account Management Setup page.
Intelligence User
Permission Sets
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
You must have 400 rows on your account objects to create the Einstein Discovery models. If you don’t yet have enough data, the
Einstein Discovery models can’t be created initially. If you have enough data later, you can go back later and recreate the app.
6. Assign user permissions. For users who manage the Revenue Insights dashboards, assign the Revenue Intelligence Admin permission
set. For users who need read-only access to the dashboards, assign the Revenue Intelligence User permission set.
7. Schedule the Einstein Account Management Accounts recipe.
a. In CRM Analytics Studio, click the wheel icon at upper right and select Data Manager. Or, click the Data Manager link in the
left-hand column.
b. Select the Recipes tab on the left.
c. Select the Einstein Account Management Accounts recipe, and click the triangle to the far right.
d. Select Schedule, then select an event-based or time-based schedule. Salesforce recommends that you schedule the recipe to
run on a regular cadence that is scheduled within 24 hours of your Customer Insights recipes.
e. Save your settings.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Avg Deal Size Average sum of amount for closed won opportunities.
Upside Einstein Discovery Account Upside. See the inspector view for top
Click Accounts with Upside to see Accounts with upside potential, and click Show Inspector to see the predictions based on the ED
When you open the Account Inspector, you can see predictions for individual accounts, including scores and the types of events that
impacted that score. Click each of the tabs to see more details for Overview, Engagement, Service, and Einstein.
Avg Deal Size Average sum of amount for closed won opportunities.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Upside Einstein Discovery Account Upside model. See the inspector view
for top predictors. For a description of how the model is created,
see the section, “Understand the Einstein Discovery Account Upside
Overdue Activities Number of activities where ActivityDate is in the past and is still
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Sales vs. Previous Year Closed won opportunities YTD compared to previous years -
(CurrentYearWon - PreviousYearWon) / CurrentYearWon.
Sales Cloud Basics Revenue Intelligence
Sum of total price Sum of total price from the Opportunity Line Items.
Count of product Count of products sold, sorted by account from the Opportunity
Line Items.
Sum of quantity Sum of products sold, sorted by account from the Opportunity
Line Items.
Note: The time periods described are the default values. However, you may have different requirements in your organization.
You can modify the time periods in the recipe to match your company’s needs.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Note: The time periods described are the default values. However, you may have different requirements in your organization.
You can modify the time periods in the recipe to match your company’s needs.
Pipeline Inspection
Pipeline Inspection gives sales teams a consolidated view of pipeline metrics, opportunities,
week-to-week changes, AI-driven insights, close date predictions, and activity information. With
this intelligence, sales teams can focus on the most important opportunities and forecast revenue Available in: Lightning
more accurately. Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Pipeline Inspection
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
• Users can filter by opportunity owner, opportunity teams, or territories.
• Managers can see deals for users who have subordinate roles in the role hierarchy, where the user is either the opportunity owner
or on the opportunity team.
• Users with View All permission on opportunities can search for any user and see opportunities owned by that user and other users
with subordinate roles in the role hierarchy.
• To see deals where reports are on the opportunity team, users must be in the same branch of the role hierarchy.
Flow Chart
• To enable the Pipeline Inspection flow chart, you must have the Revenue Intelligence add-on license.
• To access the Pipeline Inspection flow chart, users must be assigned a Revenue Intelligence permission set.
• The flow chart is the corresponding chart where you view the forecast category metrics. If you turn on the flow chart but don't enable
the forecast category metrics, your users don’t see the flow chart.
• To get data in the flow chart, make sure historical trending is enabled for opportunities.
Waterfall Chart
• When pipeline changes metrics are enabled, a waterfall chart is shown to users on the Chart tab.
• To get data in the waterfall chart, make sure historical trending is enabled for opportunities.
Historical Trending
• When you turn on Pipeline Inspection, historical trending is enabled for opportunities if it’s not already enabled. Five fields are set
up for tracking by default: Amount, Close Date, Forecast Category, Probability, and Stage. You can enable 3 more fields for a total of
8 fields.
• The Next Step field is automatically set up in historical trending when you enable Pipeline Inspection and uses one of the allocated
opportunity fields.
• Historical trending must be enabled to:
– View opportunity changes and insights when you hover over the Amount, Change, Close Date, Forecast Category, and Stage
fields and your custom currency and number fields. Changes are indicated for open and in progress deals only.
– Show the New, Won, Increased, Moved In, Moved Out, Decreased, and Lost metrics in the pipeline changes metrics grouping,
and the corresponding lists of opportunities.
– Show the Change field on opportunities when filtering the list by the Increased or Decreased metrics in the pipeline changes
metrics grouping.
– Get details of the last update when the Next Step field hasn’t been updated in 7 days or more.
– View data in the flow or waterfall charts.
• Although you can use the Expected Revenue and Quantity fields as summary fields, they aren’t available in historical trending. If you
use these fields as summary fields, some metrics or charts don’t show data.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
• After the Next Step field is enabled in historical trending, it takes at least 7 days to collect historical data before you see the last
update details.
• If you make configuration changes in historical trending, such as adding filters, some records don’t show opportunity changes and
insights. The opportunity amounts can also be excluded from metric calculations and charts.
• If historical trending was enabled for opportunities before you enable Pipeline Inspection, your historical trending configuration
doesn’t change.
• When you enable Historical Trending in Pipeline Inspection, 3 months of historical data plus the current month is copied to the
historical trending table, and the data is stored for 12 months. If you've used opportunities more than 3 months before the month
you enable historical trending, your pipeline inspection metrics show data only for the past 3 months and the current month.
• Field history for custom number or currency fields is tracked starting on the day that you enable them in Historical Trending.
Pipeline Metrics
• Pipeline Inspection supports number and currency fields, both standard and custom, for summarizing pipeline metrics. Amount is
the default field. Based on the fields that an admin configured, users can set or change the summary field in their pipeline views
using the available fields in the List View Controls menu.
• Formula fields can’t be used as summary fields.
• You can rename the forecast category metrics that display in the Pipeline Inspection view. All the links to rename forecast category
metrics are accessible from the Pipeline Inspection Setup page. If single category rollups is selected, rename forecast categories
in Object Manager. If cumulative forecast rollups is selected, rename forecast categories directly on the Setup page. To edit what
appears in other languages for both settings, go to the Pipeline Inspection Metric Configuration page in Translation Workbench.
• The Pipeline Changes metrics show a Change field in the opportunity list when users filter the view by the Increased and Decreased
metrics. The Change field is excluded from the limit of 15 fields users can display in the Pipeline view.
• You can’t rename the pipeline changes metrics.
Turn On Pipeline Inspection
Set Up Historical Trend Reporting
Configure Deal Insights in Pipeline Inspection
Show Opportunity Scores in Pipeline Inspection
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Note: To show opportunity changes, insights and charts in Pipeline Inspection, make sure historical trending is enabled for
opportunities. If you use a custom field to summarize your metrics, the field must also be set up in historical trending.
Considerations for Setting Up Pipeline Inspection
Select Who Can Use Pipeline Inspection
Set Up Historical Trend Reporting
Configure Deal Insights in Pipeline Inspection
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
You can also grant access with the Revenue Intelligence Admin or Revenue Intelligence User permission sets. You can assign users a
Pipeline Inspection permission set or a Revenue Intelligence permission set, but assigning the same user more than one permission set
consumes multiple license seats.
Turn On Pipeline Inspection
Standard Profiles
Turn On Pipeline Inspection
Considerations for Setting Up Pipeline Inspection
Manage Pipeline Inspection Metrics
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Note: If you select Pipeline Changes metrics, users see a waterfall chart on the Chart tab when viewing the metrics.
3. Make sure to enable the custom currency and number fields that you use for summarizing metrics in Historical Trending. The Amount
field is enabled in Historical Trending by default. To show data for pipeline changes metrics, and in the waterfall chart, this step is
With cumulative rollups, the metrics show cumulative amounts from the opportunities in the named
forecast category and subsequent categories in your sales pipeline. This view makes it easy for sales team members to see the total
numbers that they’re likely to bring in without combining the category totals themselves.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Pipeline Inspection, and then select Pipeline Inspection Setup.
2. In the Define How Metrics Are Grouped section, select how to organize forecast categories in rollups.
• Single category rollups - Show one forecast category per metric.
• Cumulative forecast rollups - Show multiple related forecast categories per metric.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Note: The forecast rollup method you select in Pipeline Inspection is separate from the forecast rollup setting in Collaborative
Turn On Pipeline Inspection
Manage Pipeline Inspection Metrics
Considerations for Setting Up Pipeline Inspection
Call Recordings Trends surfaced from voice and video calls. If Einstein Conversation
Insights is enabled, this checkbox is selected.
Close Date Predictions Predictions about opportunities with close dates in the current month. To use Close Date
Predictions, first enable Einstein Opportunity Scoring.
Service Cases Insights from service cases related to opportunities. To get insights about service cases,
use cases.
Enable Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Enable Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Set Up Einstein Activity Capture
Turn On Einstein Email Insights
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
1. To show users opportunity scores and related insights in Pipeline Inspection set up Einstein Opportunity Scoring .
2. To view opportunity score tiers, ask your users to add the Opportunity Score field to their Pipeline Inspection views.
Enable Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Configure Deal Insights in Pipeline Inspection
Note: When summary fields other than Amount are configured in Pipeline Inspection Setup, you must enable the fields for
tracking in historical trending to see data for the pipeline metrics in the flow chart. Fields include: Quantity, Expected Revenue, or
any custom currency or number field on the opportunity object.
Turn On Pipeline Inspection
Considerations for Setting Up Pipeline Inspection
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Activity Metrics with Einstein Show users activities on Requires admin to set up and
Activity Capture the Overview tab on the configure. See Turn On Activity
insights panel. Metrics
If both Activity 360 and Activity
Metrics are enabled, activity data
comes from Activity 360.
Einstein Activity Capture Capture activity data for Requires admin to set up. See Admin
engagement metrics and Setup for Einstein Activity Capture
details, and to generate Requires user to configure. See
insights. End-User Setup for Einstein Activity
Einstein Conversation Insights Show users insights Requires admin to set up and
about calls on the configure in. See Set Up Einstein
Overview tab on the Conversation Insights
insights panel.
Einstein Deal Insights Show insights and Requires admin to set up. See
predictions to sales Configure Deal Insights in Pipeline
teams about deal health, Inspection
and recommended
actions they can take to
move deals forward.
Einstein Email Insights Show users email insights Requires admin to set up. See Turn
on the Overview tab on On Einstein Email Insights
the insights panel.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Turn On Pipeline Inspection
Revenue Intelligence
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Access Pipeline Inspection from the Opportunities tab. Available with Sales Cloud
in: Enterprise, Performance,
and Unlimited Editions
Use the quick filters to narrow the view by time period, sales rep, team, or territory (1). Click any of the pipeline metrics, such as Overdue
(2) in the pipeline changes metrics group, to see a list of matching opportunities. To create custom filters and saved views (3), use the
List View Controls menu under the gear icon (4). You can create, clone, rename, or delete pipeline views. Add filters to view the
opportunities that meet your filter criteria. Using the filter panel, add more criteria such as accounts, amounts, and stages (5), and add
filter logic to get an even narrower view of your pipeline (6).
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
To help you track your priority deals, use the icon next to the opportunity name in the list to mark the opportunity as important (7). To
view all the opportunities that you marked as Important, use the My Important Opportunities view in the pipeline views dropdown (8).
You can also view just the important opportunities for any other saved view by applying the important opportunities filter (9).
To help you identify deals that need more attention, changes that occurred in the last 7 days are highlighted in the opportunity list.
Changes to amounts, close dates, forecast categories, and stages are highlighted with red and green text and arrows. To get more
insights, such as what changed, when, and who made the change, hover over the field with a change.
Opportunities with no updates to the Next Steps field in 7 days or more are also called out with a red clock icon.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
You also get a snapshot of opportunity metrics (10), essential insights that indicate a deal’s likelihood of closing (11), and informational
insights about the opportunity or its account (12).
Activity details and aggregate activity counts are shown on the Activity tab, letting sales teams see recent and upcoming activities. And
aggregate activity counts help sales managers understand deal activity.
When your admin enables Activity 360 Reporting in Einstein Activity Capture, the Activity tab (13) shows valuable information. There’s
a summary (14) of how many internal and external people have been involved in an activity during the selected time period. The total
number of activities and the activities broken down by type (15) are also shown. You see upcoming activities (16), the next step (17),
and past activity along with relevant insights (18). And you can take immediate action, such as sending an email (19).
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
In Pipeline Inspection, opportunity scores are grouped into tiers. The tiers and score ranges are High (67–99), Medium (34–66), and Low
(1–33). To see the opportunity score, key factors, and score changes, click the tier. When an opportunity score moves up or down a tier
within the last 7 days, an arrow shows in the field.
Inline Editing
Sales teams can keep their opportunities accurate by editing fields inline while they’re reviewing their pipelines. The Amount field is
editable inline on opportunities without products in pipeline views. You can edit opportunities of multiple record types inline in the
same list view.
To edit an opportunity field, hover over the field. Similar to other list views, if the field is editable, a pencil appears.
Pipeline Metrics
Use forecast category or pipeline changes metrics groups (20), based on which groups are enabled, to view and filter your pipeline from
different perspectives. Change your metrics view using the dropdown menu. To summarize pipeline metrics, select from Amount,
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Quantity, Expected Revenue, or any custom currency or number field, based on what your Salesforce admin configured. The default field
shown in the My Pipeline view is Amount. Set or change the view in the Pipeline Settings menu when you’re creating a view (21).
Guidelines and Limits for Pipeline Inspection
Einstein Features in Pipeline Inspection
Pipeline Inspection Metrics and Fields
Guidelines and Limits for Pipeline Inspection
Managing Pipelines with Pipeline Inspection
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Flow Chart
The flow chart shows the change in opportunity forecast categories according to your filter criteria. To specify the opportunities that
you want to focus on, use the filters for close date and user. Also, specify the time period that you want to show in the chart.
The chart shows pipeline changes starting from the date that you choose to the present day. To highlight the changes related to that
forecast category, click a band in the chart. The list below the chart also updates to show opportunities related to your selection.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
The data shown in the chart is for individual forecast categories. You can select from amount, currency, or number fields to summarize
metrics in Pipeline Inspection and the flow chart, based on what your Salesforce admin configured. For example, use a currency field to
see data for annual recurring revenue, or use a number field to view product quantities.
The forecast categories are defined by Salesforce, and sometimes they don’t correspond precisely to the labels of the forecast categories
that you use. Your admin can customize the labels.
Waterfall Chart
The waterfall chart shows changes in pipeline categories such as opportunities created, increases and decreases in your pipeline, and
won and lost amounts. It also shows amounts for opportunities moved in and out of the period. You specify the opportunities to view
using the quick filters for close date and user and then the time period to show.
The chart data shows the net change to the pipeline over the selected period. The fields used to summarize your data are the same as
the fields used for the flow chart and are based on the fields your admin configured.
The metrics names, such as New, Increased, and Won, in the pipeline changes metrics group shown in the waterfall chart are specified
by Salesforce and can’t be changed.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Note: The charts don’t support Expected Revenue and Quantity as summary fields.
Revenue Intelligence
Revenue Insights
Set or Change the Summary Field for Pipeline Inspection Metrics
Predict which opportunities with close dates in the current month are unlikely to be won within Available with Sales Cloud
the same month. Close date predictions were originally referred to as Einstein Deal Insights. in: Enterprise, Performance,
and Unlimited Editions
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
The Model
Einstein analyzes patterns in your data to build a data model. The criteria include:
• Standard opportunity fields, opportunity record history, tasks, and activities.
• Automatically synced email and calendar data (if Einstein Activity Capture is enabled).
Note: These insights related to Einstein Opportunity Scoring are separate from the Einstein Opportunity Insights feature of Sales
Cloud Einstein.
Insights appear in Pipeline Inspection if the Einstein Opportunity Scoring model determines that they’re influential in the deal’s likelihood
to close. The insights can be positive or negative factors.
Einstein analyzes the opportunity data weekly and refreshes the model. Then, the model is used multiple times daily to generate new
The Model
When the Pipeline Inspection side panel is opened, Salesforce checks for cases related to the opportunity. If service cases are found,
insights are shown. Insight criteria include:
• Cases for opportunity contacts, products, and the opportunity’s account.
• Related cases within the last 30 days.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Tiered Einstein Opportunity Scores
Understand How Einstein Scores Your Opportunities
Managing Pipelines with Pipeline Inspection
Understand How Einstein Scores Your Opportunities
Einstein Deal Insights
Managing Pipelines with Pipeline Inspection
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Opportunity Changes
• The Amount field highlights changes only when the currency is the same for the before and changed-to values.
• The value in the Recent Activity field is the difference, in days, between the current day and a past activity. The value in this field can
also represent the number of days between the current day and an upcoming activity.
• New tasks created on opportunities don’t appear in the Recent Activity field in Pipeline Inspection until they’re completed. New calls
and events show at the time they’re created, regardless of their status.
• The Stage and Forecast Category changes shown in red and green text with arrows indicate stages or categories that are advancing
or reverting. The progression of stages follows the order set by your Salesforce admin when they selected the picklist values for
opportunity stages and mapped them to forecast categories.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Inline Editing
• Not all fields in the list view can be inline edited. Editable fields have a pencil when you hover over the field. Non-editable cells
have a lock . When making inline edits, required fields can’t be left blank.
• You can edit the following field types inline in Pipeline Inspection: Checkbox, Currency, Date, Email, External Lookup, Lookup, Number,
Percent, Picklist, Multi-Select Picklist, Phone, Text, and URL.
• These opportunity fields are also editable inline: Amount (on opportunities without products), Close Date, Quantity, and Stage. Stage
is editable inline only when no other validations or dependent fields have been added.
• You can’t edit the Forecast Category and Probability fields, because these fields are updated when the Stage field is edited.
• Although you can edit dependent picklist fields in Opportunity list views, they aren’t editable inline in Pipeline Inspection.
• You can edit opportunities of multiple record types inline in the same list view.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
• The Push Count field tracks the number of times a close date is pushed out past a calendar month only. It doesn’t track close dates
pushed out within the same calendar month.
• The total number of pushes doesn’t decrease when an opportunity’s close date is pulled in by a calendar month.
• The Push Count field isn’t shown in the list of opportunities in Pipeline Inspection by default. To show this field, click the gear icon
and select the Select Fields to Display option.
• The available fields for summarizing pipeline metrics are Amount, Quantity, Expected Revenue, and custom currency and number
fields. Formula fields can’t be used as summary fields. When you use Quantity or Expected Revenue as summary fields, some data
doesn’t show in the pipeline metrics group and charts.
• If the summary values are negative or zero, the charts don't show data.
• If a search returns 2,000 or more opportunity records, the charts don't show data.
Managing Pipelines with Pipeline Inspection
Pipeline Inspection Metrics and Fields
Einstein Features in Pipeline Inspection
Note: When multiple category rollups are enabled and the Most Likely category is set up, Most Likely is included in Best Case,
Most Likely, Open Pipeline, and Total.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Most Likely With forecast categories of Closed, Commit, and Most Likely
Open Pipeline With forecast categories of Best Case, Commit, Most Likely
(optional), or Pipeline.
Total With forecast categories of Closed, Commit, Best Case, Most Likely
(optional), or Pipeline.
Example: On the first day of the quarter, Bill has a $100,000 deal with Acme Co. with a close date in next quarter. As of today,
the close date on the Acme deal is in this quarter and the deal is Closed Won. In the Pipeline Changes view, the metrics show
$100,000 in Moved In and $100,000 in Won.
New Created or reopened within the change date filter range, and that
have a close date currently within the close date filter range.
Won Won within the change date filter range and that have a close date
currently within the close date filter range.
Increased With an amount in the summary field that’s higher than at the
beginning of the change date filter range. Opportunities in
Increased are open opportunities that, when the time period in
the change date filter started, had close dates in the period and
are currently closing within the period.
Sales Cloud Basics Pipeline Inspection
Moved Out Moved out of the close date filter range. The opportunities in
Moved Out are those opportunities that, when the time period in
the change date filter started, had close dates after the end of the
close date period.
Decreased With an amount in the summary field that’s lower than at the
beginning of the change date filter range. Opportunities in
Decreased are open opportunities that, when the change date
filter period started, had close dates in the period and that are
currently closing within the period.
Lost Lost within the change date filter range, and that have a close date
currently within the close date filter range.
Overdue With close dates within the last 90 days and that are still open.
Days In Stage The number of days the opportunity has spent in this stage since
the last change to the Stage field. This field doesn’t represent the
aggregate number of days spent in this stage.
Opportunity Score The Einstein Opportunity Score, shown in tiers. The opportunity
score tiers are High (67-99), Medium (34-66), and Low (1-33). Tiered
opportunity scores are available in Pipeline Inspection only.
Push Count The number of times an opportunity’s close date was pushed out
by a calendar month. The Push Count field isn’t shown in list views
by default.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Guidelines and Limits for Pipeline Inspection
Manage Pipeline Inspection Metrics
Opportunity Fields
Collaborative Forecasts
Forecast sales from your opportunity pipeline.
Watch a series of videos about using Salesforce to forecast and predict sales. Forecast with
Confidence Using Salesforce Available in: both Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Forecast sales from your opportunity pipeline, and incorporate product families, product
schedules, territories, opportunity splits, and custom measures as needed. Available in: Professional,
Performance, and
Implement Collaborative Forecasts Developer Editions and in
Set up the required features to start forecasting using Salesforce and enable additional features Enterprise and Unlimited
as you’re ready. Give forecast managers, reps, and others who need it access to the forecasts Editions with the Sales Cloud
page and the features that they need.
Project Sales with Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts makes it easy for teams to forecast sales.
Report on Sales Projections
Unlock details about forecasts and forecasts trends when you create custom report types for Collaborative Forecasts. For example,
help managers and other stakeholders see the accuracy of planned forecasts versus adjusted and closed forecasts.
Collaborative Forecasts: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce Mobile App
Not every Lightning Experience feature is in the Salesforce mobile app. Find out what’s different.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• If territory forecasts are enabled, type three or more letters in the search field to get both user and territory names in your results.
• See forecasts based on a custom number field such as Megawatts.
• See a Most Likely forecast category.
• Add the forecasts page to the bookmarks or favorites in your browser.
• See customized forecast category cumulative rollup names.
• Customize forecasts pages using Lightning App Builder.
• Use built-in charts to see changes to the current forecast period and review trends across past forecast periods.
• And more!
Turn On Collaborative Forecasts and Define Forecasts Settings Available in: both Salesforce
Starting in Winter ‘24, Collaborative Forecasts is automatically enabled with default settings Classic (not available in all
configured for you. In orgs created before Winter ‘24, you can manually enable Collaborative orgs) and Lightning
Forecasts and take advantage of the same default settings. To update the configuration to meet Experience
your business processes, visit the Forecasts Settings page in Salesforce Setup. Available in: Professional,
Defining Forecast Types in Collaborative Forecasts Performance, and
Use forecast types to specify how Salesforce calculates forecasts. Each forecast type presents Developer Editions and in
Enterprise and Unlimited
projected sales from a different perspective.
Editions with the Sales Cloud
Choosing How Opportunities Rollup to Forecasts
Specify how your sales team rolls up opportunities into forecasts.
Collaborative Forecasts Implementation Guide
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
3. To complete your forecast setup, give access to the users who forecast on page 389 and add them to the forecast hierarchy on page
To get the most out of forecasts in Salesforce, set up forecast quotas, and review the other customizable options to fit your business. We
also recommend turning on historical trending on page 410 for the ForecastingItem, and setting the retention period to 13 months.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Historical data gives sales leaders the data required to populate forecast charts and reports, and to show highlights about changes in
forecast values in the last 7 days.
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Forecast Hierarchy in Collaborative Forecasts
Forecast Hierarchy in Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Implementation Guide
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Opportunity Product • Total price (revenue) • Custom picklist • Close date • Territory*
(Used for product family grouping • Quantity • Product family • Custom date • User role
and required for product date
• Custom currency • Product date*
(revenue) or number
Opportunity Split • Amount (used with N/A • Close date • User role
(Required for opportunity splits revenue, overlay, and • Custom date
forecasts) custom currency split
• Custom currency
Opportunity Product Split** • Amount (used with Product Family • Close date • User role
(Required for opportunity product revenue, overlay, and • Custom date
splits forecasts) custom currency split
• Custom currency
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
*When forecasting by Opportunity Product (total price or quantity) for territory hierarchy, the Opportunity Product Date isn’t supported.
Opportunity Close Date is supported.
**Supported by product family only.
Product Families
If your company groups its products and services into families and wants to forecast based on those families, keep these considerations
in mind.
• If you’re using Lightning Experience, you choose the product families to forecast on. The more product families you choose, the
more rows appear in the forecasts grid. The forecasts grid shows up to 2,000 rows.
• The Forecasted Amount column in the opportunity list on the forecasts page shows the product family totals, not the overall
opportunity totals that roll up into the forecast amounts. We recommend that you add this column to the opportunity list.
• Forecast users can view individual product family forecasts for users they have access to view.
• We recommend completing the Product Family field on each product record. Forecasts for products without a Product Family value
appear in a forecast row titled Products Not Categorized. If an opportunity lacks products, the opportunity amount or quantity also
appears in this row.
• Product family forecast totals aren’t available in Salesforce Classic. If users adjust their product family forecasts in Lightning Experience,
not every total in the Salesforce Classic forecasts grid reflects the adjustments.
• In Salesforce Classic, a manager’s own product family forecasts aren’t available, so they can’t be adjusted.
• You can set separate product family quotas for each sales rep but not a single quota for each sales rep.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Overlay Splits
Use overlay splits to track revenue from sales team members who help close opportunities but aren’t directly responsible for them.
• You must have team selling, opportunity splits, and the overlay split type enabled.
• The overlay splits on a specific opportunity aren’t required to total 100%.
Custom Measures
If you have custom currency or number fields on the Opportunity, Opportunity Product, Opportunity Split, or Line Item Schedule object,
you can forecast on the values in those fields.
• To forecast on revenue, use a custom currency field.
• To forecast on quantity, use a custom number field.
Custom Dates
If you have custom fields based on the Date type on the Opportunity object, you can forecast using those dates for forecasts based on
the Opportunity, Opportunity Product, and Opportunity Splits objects.
Expected Revenue
If the value of the Amount field and the actual revenue brought in by the opportunity often differ, the Expected Revenue field on
opportunities is useful. If your sales team anticipates this difference, consider using the Expected Revenue field and forecasting on it.
• You can forecast on revenue but not quantity.
• You can forecast on the Expected Revenue field regardless of whether you use opportunity splits with it.
• Regardless of whether you use splits with the Expected Revenue field, you must enable team selling, opportunity splits, and a custom
split type for it.
If you use Sales Territories, you can forecast based on the territory hierarchy. Territory forecasts are available in Lightning Experience and
the Salesforce mobile app for your active territory model only. When territory forecasts are enabled, the forecasts page shows the
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Organize Products with Product Families
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
5. To see the group selection for each opportunity, add the picklist field as a column in the
opportunity list for the forecast type.
6. Save your changes, and then activate the forecast type.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Organize Products with Product Families
Create a Custom Picklist Field
Create and Activate Forecast Types in Collaborative Forecasts
4. To make the new forecast type available on the forecasts page, return to the Forecasts Settings page and select Activate from the
quick actions for the forecasts type.
You can have up to four active forecast types at one time. If you require more active forecast types, contact Salesforce Customer
Support. To edit an active forecast, such as changing the custom columns, or choosing the columns to display, select the action you
need from the quick actions list for the active forecast. Filter definitions aren’t editable after activating or reactivating a forecast type.
If you select to group by product family, return to Forecasts Settings and select the families to use in the Manage Product Family Groupings
Warning: Deactivating a forecast type deletes the related forecasting data If the forecast type is reactivated, the filter definitions
aren’t editable.
Forecast Types in Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Example: A $10,000 opportunity has a close date of June 30, 2018 and two products: laptops for $4,000 and desktops for $6,000.
The $4,000 product date is June 30, 2018. The $6,000 product date is May 31, 2018.
• If you forecast by close date, forecasts for the month of May don’t include an amount for this opportunity. Forecasts for the
month of June include $10,000 for this opportunity.
• If you forecast by product date, forecasts for the month of May include $6,000 for this opportunity. Forecasts for the month of
June include $4,000 for this opportunity.
Forecasting Reports
When you forecast by schedule or product date, custom report types with Forecasting Items as the primary object show the schedule-date
and product-date forecast values.
Territory Forecasts
If your sales team uses Sales Territories, Collaborative Forecasts, and Lightning Experience, they can
forecast by territory. Territory forecasts give your team a snapshot of how expected sales compare
between territories. Want to know which territory has the most closed deals this month? Or which Available in: Lightning
territory is lagging in software deals? Use territory forecasts to find out. Experience
When territory forecasts are enabled, the forecasts page shows the user the following.
Available in: Developer and
• Forecast rollups based on the territories assigned to each opportunity Performance Editions and
• Forecasts for the territories that the user is assigned to in Enterprise and Unlimited
• Territory forecasts shared to the user Editions with the Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• The opportunities included in territory forecasts, regardless of whether the opportunity owner is assigned to the territory
Users can also drill down to:
• Child territories’ forecasts.
• An individual rep’s forecasts for a territory if the territory doesn’t have a forecast manager.
Territory forecasts are based on your territory hierarchy, not your user role hierarchy, as other forecast types are. Users switch from
role-based forecasts to territory-based forecasts by selecting a territory forecast type as a tab on the forecasts page.
In territory forecasts, an opportunity is rolled up into one territory forecast only. If you use opportunity splits in a team selling scenario,
each split on the opportunity only rolls up to one territory.
Warning: Deleting or archiving a territory model deletes the related forecast data. We recommend running the opportunity
territory assignment filter and taking screenshots of the forecasts page. You can also export forecasting data, or create a snapshot
before deleting or archiving a territory model. When you activate another territory model, you must add a territory forecast type
for it.
– Mexico (Kim)
– US (Dan)
• CA (Amy)
– LA (Kim)
– SAC (Amy)
– SF (Dan)
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Territories Concepts
Considerations for Managing Territory Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Rollup Method Column Name on the Forecasts Page Opportunities That Roll Up to It
Single Category Pipeline Pipeline
Commit* Commit
Closed Closed
* If forecasts adjustments are enabled and configured to show in columns, these column names are My Best Case and My Commit,
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
With cumulative rollups, the forecast columns show cumulative amounts from the opportunities in the named forecast category and
subsequent categories in your sales pipeline. This view makes it easy for sales team members to see the total numbers that they’re likely
to bring in without combining the category totals themselves.
For example, this table shows the cumulative forecast rollup amounts when there are four Pipeline, three Best Case, two Commit, and
one Closed opportunity, each worth $50.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Warning: Switching from one rollup method to another deletes adjustments for all active Available in: Lightning
forecast types. Experience
Before you start, make sure that you’re working in Lightning Experience and that Collaborative Available in: Professional,
Forecasts is turned on. Performance, and
Developer Editions and in
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Forecasts Settings, and then select Forecasts Enterprise and Unlimited
Settings. Editions with the Sales Cloud
2. In the Manage Forecast Rollups section, click Edit, and select how to organize forecast categories
in rollups.
3. Save your changes.
To view the Forecasts
Settings page:
Setting Up Users for Collaborative Forecasts • View Setup and
Sales reps, sales managers, and sales executives need permission to use Collaborative Forecasts
and access to the Forecasts tab. They must also be part of the forecast hierarchy. AND
View All Forecasts OR
Available in: both Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs) and Lightning Experience Allow Forecasting OR
delegated forecast
Available in: Professional, Performance, and Developer Editions and in Enterprise and manager
Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
To edit the Forecasts Settings
• Customize Application
Give Users Access to Collaborative Forecasts
Give all users who review and interact with sales forecasts user permission to access the forecast
features and access to the Forecasts tab.
Define Forecast Managers and Their Subordinates
The forecasts hierarchy is a nested, expandable list of forecast managers and subordinates that determines how forecasts roll up
within your company and who can view and adjust them. The forecast hierarchy is based on the user role hierarchy, or the territory
hierarchy if territory forecasts are enabled. To ensure that everyone has access to the forecasts they need, keep your forecast hierarchy
up to date.
Enable Partner Portal Users to Add Opportunities in Collaborative Forecasts
If your sales team works with partners, you can include the forecasts from partner user opportunities and add partner portal users
to your team’s role-based forecast hierarchy. Your partner portal users can’t access the Forecasts page or its functionality.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
You can also add the Forecasts tab by setting it to Default On in each user profile.
Tab Settings
View and Edit Tab Settings in Permission Sets and Profiles
Forecast Hierarchy in Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Enable Adjustments
Assign the Allow Forecasting Permission to Forecast Users
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Build Custom Forecasts Pages That Work for Your Business Available in: both Salesforce
Using Lightning App Builder, create custom forecasts pages that include all the information Classic (not available in all
your sales leaders require to drive accurate forecasts that support your unique business needs. orgs) and Lightning
Build pages that contain standard and custom components that fit your unique sales process. Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
3. Add the Forecasts Header component, which viewers of the page use to select what data shows USER PERMISSIONS
in other forecast-related parts of the page. We recommend that each forecasts page contains
a header. To use Collaborative
4. Add the standard and custom components that you want to include on the page.
• View All Forecasts OR
For the best experience, we recommend adding the Forecast Summary component to show Allow Forecasting OR
the actual forecast data for each period and the Forecast Opportunity List component to show Delegated forecast
the opportunities that contribute to the forecast. If Einstein Forecasting is enabled, Einstein manager status
predictions show in a slide-out panel when users select a cell in the Einstein Prediction column To create pages in Lightning
on the forecasts page. No additional components are necessary to show Einstein Forecasts App Builder:
predictions. • Customize Application
5. For each component you add to the page, select the component and configure its individual To view pages in Lightning
App Builder:
• View Setup and
6. To view and edit the page properties and to add a page description, click the empty area of Configuration
the canvas and enter the information about your page.
7. Save the page.
8. Activate the page for the org, user profile, or an app.
Activate and Assign Custom Forecasts Pages
Considerations and Guidelines for Custom Forecasts Pages
Lightning App Builder
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
To use Collaborative
SEE ALSO: Forecasts:
Considerations and Guidelines for Custom Forecasts Pages • View All Forecasts OR
Lightning App Builder Allow Forecasting OR
Delegated forecast
manager status
To create pages in Lightning
App Builder:
• Customize Application
To view pages in Lightning
App Builder:
• View Setup and
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• Custom components added to a forecast page can respond to data published from the Forecasts Header, Forecasts Summary, and
Forecasts Opportunity List components. However, the forecasts components themselves aren’t able to respond to data published
from a custom component.
Build Custom Forecasts Pages That Work for Your Business
Developer Guide: Create a Custom Lightning Page Template Component
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Change Your Forecast Date Range in Collaborative Forecasts
Monthly and Quarterly Forecasts in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Note: Once you add the Most Likely category, you can't delete or deactive it.
1. From Setup, open the Object Manager and access the Opportunity object.
2. Go to Fields & Relationships and select Forecast Category.
3. In the Forecast Category Picklist Values section, click New.
4. Add the label, API name, and select Most Likely as the Status Category.
Most Likely is now included as a Forecast Category picklist value on opportunities. After you map Most Likely to one or more opportunity
stages, it appears as a column between Best Case and Commit on the forecasts page.
Manage Opportunity-Stage-to-Forecast-Category Mappings in Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Find Object Management Settings
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• To let forecast managers adjust the forecasts of their immediate subordinates and child View All Forecasts OR
Allow Forecasting OR
territories, select Manager adjustments. This setting is on by default.
delegated forecast
• To let all forecast users adjust their own forecasts, including the territory forecasts that they manager
own, select Owner adjustments.
To edit the Forecasts Settings
3. Select to show adjustments when you’re hovering over adjustable forecast category cells in page:
the forecast summary or show as separate columns for each adjustable forecast category. • Customize Application
Selecting to show adjustments as columns adds columns for each adjustable forecast category To enable forecasts users for
on the forecasts page. For each adjustable forecast category, up to three columns are shown. adjustments and judgments:
• Manage Users
• A column with the original forecast value before any adjustments
• If owner adjustments are enabled, a column with the forecast user’s direct reports’
adjustments Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
3. After the adjustment settings are saved, see the table and update the column names for each adjustable category.
Whether you selected Manager Adjustments or Owner Adjustments determines which columns are available to rename. Ensure
that the column names you add match the category and the behavior described. If the browser window is resized, column names
are truncated. We recommend using short names.
Important: The changes you make in the table update adjustment column names only. For instructions about for changing
category names, see Customize Forecast Categories in Collaborative Forecasts on page 397.
6. Ensure that each forecast manager has the Override Forecasts user permission in their profile. This permission is available in the
standard profile by default.
Warning: Disabling forecast adjustments removes existing adjustments for all forecast types. Before disabling these features, see
Manager Judgment and Forecast Adjustment Deletions in Collaborative Forecasts.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Forecasts Settings, and then select Forecasts Settings.
2. Edit the Enable Adjustments and Judgments section.
3. Deselect the options you no longer want to allow.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Implementation Guide
Manage Opportunity-Stage-to-Forecast-Category Mappings in Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Implementation Guide
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• Forecast Type ID
• Quota Amount or Quota Quantity (depending on how you forecast)
• Currency Code
• Period Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ; for example, 2012–03–01T08:00:00.00Z)
If you use territory forecasts, include a Territory ID column. If you use product family forecasts, include a column for product family.
To help organize the .csv file, you can also include columns for Forecast Owner Name and Forecast Type Name, but those columns aren’t
required. Here’s an example .csv file setup using Quota Amount and the additional columns added for organization purposes.
User Name User ID Forecast Type Forecast Type ID Quota Currency Start Date
Name Amount Code
Kevin Bailey 00599000000Hofh OpportunityRevenue 0DbD00000001eQBKAY 250000 USD 2012–03–01
Data Mapping
When you complete the import, map the columns in your .csv file to the ForecastingQuota object as shown in this table.
Product Family (needed only when the forecast data source is ProductFamily
Product Families)
Territory ID Territory2ID
Manage Quota Data for Collaborative Forecasts in Setup
Why do date fields import incorrectly when I use the Data Loader?
Show Quota Information in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Considerations for Enabling Multiple Currencies
Adjustments in Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Elements
View Sales Forecasts from Different Perspectives
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Add Custom Columns That Include External Data to the Forecasts Page
Make forecast decisions with all the data that matters to your business, even if that data isn’t maintained in Salesforce. Add external
data, such as stretch quotas or internal booking target, and show it in a custom column on the forecasts page. Having all the
information used to create forecasts in one place helps you create generate more precise forecasts without having to turn to other
Considerations for Using Custom Calculated Columns
Show, Hide, and Reorder Forecast Columns
Formula Field Limits and Restrictions
Common Formula Errors
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Add Custom Calculated Columns to Forecasts
Data Preparation
Import data to the custom fields in the Forecasting Custom Data object using Data Loader. If you need more flexibility than what Data
Loader provides, use Enterprise API. To use either method, ensure that API access is enabled and prepare a .csv file that contains these
• User ID
• Forecast Type ID
• Period Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ; for example, 2012–03–01T08:00:00.00Z)
• A column each for the data you want to load
If you use territory forecasts, include a Territory ID column. If you use product family forecasts, include a Product Family column.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
To help organize the .csv file, you can also include columns for Forecast Owner Name and Forecast Type Name, but those columns aren’t
required. Here’s an example .csv file setup, with Stretch Quota as the reference data to load.
Forecast Forecast Owner Forecast Type Name Forecast Type ID Product Stretch Period Start
User Name User ID Family Quota Date
Kevin Bailey 00599000000Hofh OpportunityLineItemRevenue 0DbD00000001eQ9KAI Hardware 20,000 2023–03–01
Data Mapping
When you complete the import, map the columns in your .csv file to the ForecastingCustomData object as shown in this table.
Product Family (needed only when the forecast data source is ProductFamily
Product Families)
Reference data columns The name of your custom number or currency field in the
Forecasting Custom Data object
Create Custom Columns
Data Loader
SOAP API Developer Guide: Data Loading and Integration
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Add Custom Columns That Include External Data to the Forecasts Page
Make forecast decisions with all the data that matters to your business, even if that data isn’t
maintained in Salesforce. Add external data, such as stretch quotas or internal booking target, and
show it in a custom column on the forecasts page. Having all the information used to create forecasts Available in: Lightning
in one place helps you create generate more precise forecasts without having to turn to other Experience
Available in: Enterprise,
Add up to 5 custom columns to a forecasts page that includes any combination of columns that
Performance, and
show custom calculations or reference data. Unlimited Editions with the
Before adding the custom column to a forecast type, ensure that custom number or currency fields Sales Cloud
are available in the Forecasting Custom Data object.
1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Forecasts Settings, and then select Forecasts USER PERMISSIONS
To manage fields that store
2. Under Available Forecast Types, select Manage Custom Columns from the quick actions for the forecast data to
the forecast type you want to add your own data to. reference:
3. Click Add Custom Column. • Manage Forecasting
Custom Data
4. Select Reference Data as the column type.
To view the Forecasts
5. Select the custom field that has the data you want to show. Only custom currency and custom Settings page:
number fields in the Forecasting Custom Data object are available to select. • View Setup and
Ensure that the column name helps to identify the data available in the column and that the Configuration
data type matches the type of data available in the field. AND
6. Save the custom column and click Done to return to the Forecast Settings page. View All Forecasts OR
Allow Forecasting OR
7. To position the column in the correct order in the forecast summary, choose Select Columns delegated forecast
to Display from the quick actions menu for the forecast type. manager
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Note: Users can edit the Forecast Category field on opportunities that they own, overriding the default stage-to-category mapping.
In Salesforce Classic, the stage determines the available forecast categories. In Lightning Experience, all forecast categories are
available for all stages.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Adjustments Adjustments
The monthly period setting to use quarterly periods Quotas and adjustments
The quarterly period setting to use monthly periods
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Turn On Collaborative Forecasts and Define Forecasts Settings
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Trailhead: Forecast with Precision
• Amount Without Adjustments (Report Element)—The sum of a person’s owned revenue opportunities and the person’s subordinates’
opportunities without adjustments. Subordinates include everyone reporting up to a person in the forecast hierarchy.
• Amount Without Manager Adjustments (Report Element)—The forecast number as seen by the forecast owner. This amount is the
sum of the owner’s revenue opportunities and the owner’s subordinates’ opportunities. The amount includes adjustments made
by the forecast owner on the owner’s or subordinates’ forecasts. The amount doesn’t include adjustments made by forecast managers
above the owner in the forecast hierarchy.
• Corporate Currency—The currency in which your corporate headquarters reports revenue and the basis for all currency conversions.
• Custom Calculated Column—A forecast column that has a value based on a formula that your Salesforce admin creates.
• Custom Filter—A rule that defines the conditions for filtering opportunity forecast data. With custom filters, you can include or
exclude different types of data in your forecasts. An admin applies custom filters when creating a forecast type.
• Forecast—An expression of expected sales based on the gross rollup of a set of opportunities. The forecasts on the forecasts page
are totals and subtotals of the opportunities in the four standard forecast categories: Pipeline, Best Case, Commit, and Closed.
Salesforce admins can show a Most Likely category in Lightning Experience, rename single category rollups, and rename cumulative
category rollups. Depending on how Salesforce is set up, these forecasts can reflect opportunities from one or multiple forecast
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
In the forecasts grid, forecasts are organized by forecast rollup, time period, and optionally by product family and territory. Forecasts
can include adjustments made by forecast managers to their immediate subordinates’ forecasts and adjustments made by users to
their own forecasts.
Users can view forecasts and related opportunities by forecast category for everyone below them in the forecast hierarchy or for just
one person. For example, view the July Best Case forecast for sales managers reporting to you, all the sales reps who report to any
one of your managers, or just one individual.
• Forecast Amount (Report Element)—The revenue forecast from the forecast manager’s perspective and the sum of the owners’ and
subordinates’ opportunities, including all forecast adjustments.
• Forecast Category—The category within the sales cycle to which an opportunity is assigned based on its opportunity stage. The
standard forecast categories are Pipeline, Best Case, Commit, Omitted (not included in forecasts), and Closed. Salesforce admins can
show a Most Likely category in Lightning Experience, rename single category rollups, and rename cumulative category rollups.
• Forecast Currency—A company’s corporate currency or each forecast owner’s personal currency.
• Forecast Date Range—The date range that a user shows in their forecasts. Depending on the settings the Salesforce admin selects,
the range can include months or quarters.
• Forecast Date Type—The type of date that forecasts are based on: close date, product date, or schedule date.
• Forecast Display Currency—The currency that a user selects in which to show forecasts. Users make the section directly from the
forecasts page. The selection must be one of your company’s enabled currencies.
• Forecast Hierarchy—A nested, expandable list of forecast users or territories that determine how forecasts roll up within a company
and who can view and adjust them. The role-based forecast hierarchy is based on the user role hierarchy and specifies which users
are forecast managers. The territory-based forecast hierarchy is based on the territory hierarchy and shows which territories have
forecast managers assigned. When Collaborative Forecasts is enabled, a forecast hierarchy is generated based on the role hierarchy,
but Salesforce admins can add or remove managers, sales reps, or other users. To make territory forecasts available to users, admins
assign forecast managers to territories in the territory hierarchy.
• Forecast Owner—A forecast user who owns opportunities or is a forecast manager in the forecast hierarchy. Forecast managers can
have their own opportunities.
• Forecast Quantity (Report Element)—The quantity forecast from the forecast manager’s perspective and the sum of the owner’s
and subordinates’ opportunities, including all forecast adjustments.
• Forecast Sharing—Forecast managers can share their forecasts page with any Salesforce user at their company. When sharing,
managers specify whether coworkers can adjust their forecasts or only view them.
• Forecast Type—Forecasts are configured to use specific types of data from standard opportunity fields, opportunity products,
opportunity splits, overlay splits, territories, product schedules, or custom currency, number, and date fields. Quantity measure isn’t
available for splits forecast types. Up to four forecast types can be active at a time. For details about what data each forecast type is
based on, see Forecast Types in Collaborative Forecasts.
• Forecasted Amount—The Forecasted Amount column in the opportunity list shows the actual values that contribute to the forecast
amounts, not the overall opportunity totals. The Forecasted Amount applies to splits and product family forecast types, and for
product and schedule date forecasts,
• Forecasts Grid—The top portion of the forecasts page. The opportunities list at the bottom of the forecasts page corresponds
dynamically with selections on the forecasts grid.
• Gross Rollup—An expression of expected sales based on the gross value of a set of opportunities. A forecast always includes a gross
rollup and can also include adjustments.
• Manager Judgment —An indication at the opportunity level about whether an opportunity is in or out of the forecast.
• Opportunities—The sales and pending deals that a sales team wants to track.
• Opportunity Product—A line item in an opportunity’s Products related list. Product date forecasts are based on the product’s Date
field and its Total Price, Quantity, or custom measure field.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• Opportunity Splits—Sharing credit across an opportunity team. If your company forecasts on opportunity splits, users can see the
split information on the forecasts page.
• Opportunity Stage—The current stage of an opportunity, such as Prospect or Proposal. Opportunity stage values correlate with
forecast category values to determine how the opportunity contributes to a forecast.
• Owner Only Amount (Report Element)—The sum of a person’s revenue opportunities without adjustments.
• Owner Only Quantity (Report Element)—The sum of a person’s quantity opportunities without adjustments.
• Personal Currency—A user’s own display currency that’s different from the corporate currency. This currency must be an active
currency in Salesforce.
• Product Family—A way to categorize your company’s products. For example, if a company sells hardware and software, the Salesforce
admin creates two product families: Hardware and Software.
• Product Schedule—The payment and delivery cycles for products that are paid for or delivered over time. Schedule date forecasts
are based on a schedule’s Date field and its Revenue, Quantity, or custom measure field.
• Quantity Without Adjustments (Report Element)—The sum of a person’s owned quantity opportunities and the person’s subordinates’
opportunities without adjustments. Subordinates include everyone reporting up to a person in the forecast hierarchy.
• Quantity Without Manager Adjustments (Report Element)—The forecast number as seen by the forecast owner. This number is the
sum of the owner’s quantity opportunities and subordinates’ opportunities, including adjustments made on the subordinates’
forecasts. It doesn’t include adjustments made by forecast managers above the owner in the forecast hierarchy.
• Quota—The monthly or quarterly sales goal that’s assigned to a user or territory. A manager’s quota equals the sales that the manager
and team are expected to generate together. The quota rollup is done manually by users and managers. Quotas can use revenue,
quantity, or custom measure data. If multiple forecast types are active, each type maintains separate quota information. Each territory
quota is associated with a territory and a user.
• Revenue—The total expected revenue from the opportunities in a given category.
• Subordinate—A forecast user or territory below another forecast user or territory in the forecast hierarchy. Users can view all their
subordinates’ forecasts. If adjustments are enabled, users can view all their subordinates’ adjustment information and adjust the
forecasts of subordinates one level below them in the hierarchy. Forecasts and adjustments roll up into the forecasts on the forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• Because opportunities can change frequently, revisit forecast adjustments weekly to avoid out-of-date adjustments.
• To ensure that everyone can access the forecasts they need, designate each sales manager with subordinates as a forecast manager
in your role-based forecast hierarchy. Also assign a territory manager to each territory for which you want rolled-up forecasts.
• Customize your forecast category names so they match your business process and terminology.
If you’re a forecast manager, share opportunity and forecast information with your team and bring attention to important details.
• In Salesforce Classic, if Chatter is enabled, hover over a subordinate’s name, and click Chat Now to display Chatter options, such as
Follow or Send a message.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
• In Lightning Experience, share your forecasts page with any Salesforce user at your company. Your coworker sees the same view
that you see. When you share, specify whether the coworker can adjust forecasts or only view them.
Share Forecasts with Stakeholders
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Guidelines for Using Collaborative Forecasts Reports
View Sales Forecasts from Different Perspectives
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Guidelines for Using Multiple Currencies in Collaborative Forecasts
Adjustments in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Important: The information in this topic applies to custom measures in Lightning Experience Available in: Lightning
in Performance, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions. For Salesforce Classic, see Experience in Performance,
Professional, Enterprise,
the Notes About Salesforce Classic section in this topic.
and Unlimited Editions with
A measure is used to calculate forecasts. Measures are based on number (quantity) or currency the Sales Cloud
(revenue) fields from the object being that information is gathered from for a forecast. By default,
and depending on the object you use, you can calculate forecasts based on revenue using the
standard Amount, Revenue, or Total Price fields or by quantity using the Quantity field. Depending on the object you select for a forecast
type, one or more of these fields are available to select as the measure for that type.
If you have a specific business model that requires the forecast calculations to happen using values from a custom currency or number
field that you use to capture revenue or quantity. Depending on the object used for forecasts, this custom field is then available and
selected as the measure in a forecast type.
Use these field types to define a custom field that is available as a custom measure in a forecast type.
• Currency: Use a custom currency field to forecast on revenue. For example, create a custom currency field to capture Monthly
Recurring Revenue or Annual Contract Value to create forecasts on those values. A custom currency field as a custom measure is
available if you base forecasts on Opportunity, Opportunity Product, Opportunity Split, or Line Item Schedule objects.
• Number: Use a custom number field to forecast on quantity. For example, create a custom number field to capture the number of
Net New Subscriptions to create forecasts on those values. A custom number field as a custom measure is available if you base
forecasts on the Opportunity, Opportunity Product, or Line Item Schedule objects.
When using a custom measure, be sure to select the field that you’re using as a measure as one of the fields available as a column in the
opportunity list on the forecast page. If users don’t have access to the custom field used for the measure, they can still see the forecasts
based on the measure. They can’t see the values for the custom field in the opportunity list.
Create Custom Fields
Forecast Types in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Let’s say a sales rep, Allison, has an opportunity that includes an overlay split of 50% for sales engineer
Owen, who’s working with Allison on the deal. For Allison, the opportunity Amount field rolls up
into her opportunity revenue forecast.
Allison’s manager Bryce can view the overlay forecast along with all the other opportunities that his sales engineer team is working on.
Bryce can see that Allison is receiving a 100% credit for her deal, which contributes to Allison’s open pipeline total and Bryce’s open
pipeline total. If Bryce thinks the deal could close for a higher amount, he can adjust the commit or best case forecast amount.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Note: This information applies to Sales Territories and not to previous versions of Territory Available in: Lightning
Management. Experience
Remove a user from a territory, and the user is • The territory’s quotas
the territory’s forecast manager
• Manager judgments made by the forecast
manager on opportunities in the child
• Manager judgments made on the
deactivated user’s opportunities in the
territory where the forecast manager was
• Owner adjustments to the territory’s
• Adjustments made by another manager to
the forecast manager’s forecasts for the
• Adjustments made by the forecast manager
to subordinates’ forecasts
The user is no longer the territory’s forecast
manager. Forecasts for the territory are available,
but their values change. Quotas in territories
without a forecast manager can be reassigned
to another member of the territory.
Remove a forecast-enabled user from a territory • The user’s quotas for the territory
that has no forecast manager assigned
• Owner adjustments to the territory’s
forecasts, where the user is the owner
• Manager adjustments to the user’s forecasts
for the territory
Quotas in territories without a forecast manager
can be reassigned to another member of the
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Reassign a child territory to a different parent territory • Manager adjustments to the territory’s forecasts
• Manager judgments on the opportunities in the territory’s
• Owner adjustments to the territory’s forecasts
Assign a forecast manager to a territory that hasn’t previously had • The territory’s quotas
one assigned
• Owner adjustments to the territory’s forecasts
• Manager adjustments to the territory’s forecasts
Quotas assigned to users in the territory can be reassigned to the
forecast manager.
Deactivate a user, or change the user’s license to one of the Chatter • The territory’s quotas
user licenses, and the user is a territory’s forecast manager
• Manager judgments made by the territory manager
• Manager judgments on opportunities owned by deactivated
forecast users
• Owner adjustments to the territory’s forecasts
• Adjustments made by another manager to the forecast
manager’s forecasts for the territory
• Adjustments made by the forecast manager to subordinates’
The user is no longer the territory’s forecast manager. Forecasts for
the territory are available, but their values change.
Archive a territory model Forecasts, quotas, and adjustments for all territories in the model
Disable Sales Territories Forecasts, quotas, and adjustments for all territories
Performance Impact
• The number of territories assigned to a user or forecast manager can impact performance. We recommend that you test thoroughly
for performance issues, and if you observe any, reduce the number of territories per user or forecast manager.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Watch a video
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Considerations for Using Quotas in Collaborative Forecasts
Show Quota Information in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Show and Hide Quota Information in Collaborative Forecasts
Show Quota Information in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Note: If a role in the forecast hierarchy has no forecast manager, that role and all its Available in: Professional,
subordinate roles aren’t included in your forecasts. Performance, and
Developer Editions and in
People designated as forecast managers can view the forecasts and opportunities of users, including Enterprise and Unlimited
partner portal users, below them in the forecast hierarchy. Forecast managers can also adjust the Editions with the Sales Cloud
forecasts of direct reports and child territories. Only managers who adjust and people above them
in the hierarchy can view the adjustment.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Not everyone can view the charts that display your team’s forecast hierarchy. If you have questions about your forecast hierarchy, see
your Salesforce admin or forecast manager.
Adjustments in Collaborative Forecasts
Guidelines for Using Collaborative Forecasts
Tip: For forecasts that are grouped using product families or a custom pick list, use the
Grouped By field in the forecast header to select to show forecast rollups by team or other
value first.
The Salesforce mobile app shows only the forecasts you select to show as tabs and shows only types that don't contain a forecast group.
To change which forecast is shown in Salesforce Classic, click next to the forecast type name.
Collaborative Forecasts Elements
Revenue and Quantity Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Guidelines for Using Multiple Currencies in Collaborative Forecasts
Adjustments in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
3. To see the details about what’s changed, hover over the forecast value. OR
Delegated forecast
manager status
To access role-based
forecasts in Lightning
• View Roles and Role
To adjust forecasts:
• Override Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
You have access to charts for your forecasts across all forecast types and any of your subordinates. Here’s a Forecast Changes chart
example where quota and cumulative category rollups are enabled. Depending on your system setup, your chart can look different.
Metrics indicate key information as of today. Each metric also includes the percent change from the same time last week.
Metric Description
Target Commit compared to quota. If the commit value is greater than quota, the user is on target to
meet or exceed their quota for the period.
Commit Total commit value. In cumulative category rollups, this value includes opportunities in the
Commit and Closed forecast categories.
Gap to Quota Quota minus Closed Won, which indicates how much is needed to meet quota.
Closed Won Total value of opportunities that have been won and are now closed.
If quota data isn’t available, the metrics that require quota aren’t shown. If Einstein Forecasting is enabled and its data requirements are
met, additional AI-generated metrics about forecast predictions are shown.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
The details are grouped to show the date the metrics were gathered and the category (1), changes to the forecast including adjustments
(2), and changes to the forecast without adjustments (3). Values are calculated as follows.
Metric Description
Forecast Amount The total forecast for the category including any adjustments made. The weekly and monthly
changes including adjustments are included below the value.
Amount Without Adjustments The total forecast for the category without adjustments. The weekly and monthly changes
without adjustments are indicated below this value.
Weekly Change and Weekly Percent The percentage difference compared to the same time last week. For example, if you’re viewing
changes 2 days from the end of the week, the comparison is made to when there were 2 days
from the end of last week.
Monthly Change and Monthly Change The percentage difference compared to the same time last month, based on time remaining
Percent in the month. For example, if there are currently 20 days remaining in the current month, the
comparison is made to the day when there were 20 days remaining in the previous month. For
example, July has 31 days, while June has 30. Therefore, July 11 is compared to June 10.
If Einstein Forecasting is enabled and its data requirements are met, the chart includes AI-driven predicted values for future weeks
through the end of the period.
Summary Table
To review the forecast changes side by side, see the table that shows when viewing the chart. The table includes the data for each
category by time segment and includes the weekly or monthly change percentage of today’s forecast compared to the same time last
week or month. To jump to the corresponding data in the table, click the bar segment in the chart.
Finding Trends Across Forecast Periods
Build a Smarter Pipeline with Einstein Forecasting
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
You have access to charts for your forecasts across all forecast types and any of your subordinates. Here’s a Historical Trends chart example
where quota and cumulative category rollups are enabled. Depending on your system setup, your chart can look different.
Metrics are shown to provide key information as of today. Where applicable, metrics also show the comparison to the last period and
the same time last year.
Metric Description
Quota Attainment Closed Won divided by quota.
Closed Won Total value of opportunities that have been won and are now closed.
Comparison Point The number of days remaining in the current period. This number is the point in the period
that is used to compare the current period to the previous periods.
If quota data isn’t available, the metrics that require quota aren’t shown.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Metric Description
Forecast Amount The total forecast for the category, including adjustments.
Amount Without Adjustments The total forecast for the category without adjustments.
vs Today The difference in value between the forecast value for the period and the value today.
Hover over each segment in the Today bar for details about how today’s forecast compares to the same time last period and last year.
Metric Description
Forecast Amount The total forecast for the category, including adjustments.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Metric Description
Amount Without Adjustments The total forecast for the category without adjustments.
vs STLP The percentage difference from the same time last period, based on time remaining in the
period. For example, if there are 20 days remaining in the current period, the comparison is
made to the day when there were 20 days remaining in the previous period. If the current
period has more days than the last period, the same time last period is the first day of the
previous period. For example, 85 days are left in Q4, which has 90 days. But Q3 had 80 days. In
this case, the same time last period is calculated using the first day of Q3.
vs STLY The percentage difference from the same time last year, based on the number of days remaining
in the period. For example, if 85 days are left in Q3 2023, the comparison is made to the day
when 85 days were left in Q3 2022.
Summary Table
To review the forecast trends side by side, see the table that shows when viewing the chart. The table shows the data for each category
by time segment and includes the percentage change of today’s forecast compared to the same time last period and the same time
last year. To jump to the corresponding data in the table, click the bar segment in the chart.
Reviewing Week-to-Week Forecast Changes
Change Your Forecast Date Range in Collaborative Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts
Define Your Company’s Forecast Date Range
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
To use Collaborative
Monthly and Quarterly Forecasts in Collaborative Forecasts • View All Forecasts
Collaborative Forecasts Concepts OR
Allow Forecasting
Delegated forecast
manager status
To access role-based
forecasts in Lightning
• View Roles and Role
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Guidelines for Viewing Opportunity Details in Collaborative Forecasts
Create a Partner Portal
• If you also use Pipeline Inspection, select the details in the opportunity row to see opportunity metrics, insights about a deal’s
likelihood to close, and insights about the opportunity or its account. You also see any changes to the Amount, Close Date, Forecast
Category, Probability, and Stage for individual open and in progress opportunities. Closed opportunities don’t include any visual
indication of changes.
• If you have Einstein Forecasting, select a value in the Einstein Prediction column to see more details about what’s contributing to
the predicted value.
• In Salesforce Classic only:
– An opportunity that contains only a single 100% revenue split shows “--” for the split percentage in the opportunity list.
– To view the split details for an opportunity, hover over the split percentage for the opportunity and click . The Opportunity
Splits details appear, showing splits that roll up to the selected forecast cell in bold. Splits on the opportunity that don’t roll up
to the selected forecast cell appear in gray. Opportunities that contain only a single 100% split for the opportunity owner don’t
display split details.
Partner Portal User Opportunities in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Adjustments in Collaborative Forecasts
Manager Judgment and Forecast Adjustment Deletions in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Who Can Apply Manager Judgments and Adjust Forecasts
Apply Manager Judgments to Opportunities Included in Your Sales Forecast
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
2. In the Manager Judgment field, indicate whether the opportunity is included or excluded from
To access role-based
forecasts in Lightning
• View Roles and Role
To apply judgments and
adjust forecasts:
• Override Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
If Salesforce is configured to show adjustment details in columns, hover over the My Commit forecast to see the manager’s judgment
Total IN value.
Who Can Apply Manager Judgments and Adjust Forecasts
Note: While you’re viewing a forecasts page, your subordinates can be adjusting their own forecasts or editing related opportunities.
Or you can adjust one of your subordinates’ forecasts from your own page. All these events change forecasts. To view the most
recent forecasts, click Refresh. In Lightning Experience, a timestamp shows the date and time when the forecasts page was
refreshed. In-progress data updates aren’t indicated.
Adjustment Details
Your Salesforce admin can configure adjustments to show only in a window when you hover over a forecast cell, or to break out
adjustment amounts into separate columns.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
If Salesforce is configured to show adjustments when hovering over the cell, you see one forecast value per row for each category shown
in the forecast summary. That value represents the last adjusted value for that category. If the cell includes a icon, the forecast value
includes an adjustment. Hover over the cell to review these details.
• The original forecast value before any adjustments were made.
• The adjusted value from your team (seen by forecast managers only).
• Your total Closed + IN judgments, if manager judgments are enabled (seen by forecast managers only)
• Any notes that you entered about adjustments that you made.
If Salesforce is configured to break out adjustments into separate columns, expand an adjustable forecast category to see the following
forecast values.
• The original forecast value before any adjustments were made.
• Your team’s adjustments (if owner adjustments are enabled and you’re a forecast manager).
If a value in any column includes an adjustment, the cell includes a icon. Your adjustments are shown in the My <category> column,
for example, My Commit. To see these details, hover over the cell.
• Your total Closed + IN judgments, if manager judgments are enabled (seen by forecast managers only)
• Any notes that you entered about adjustments that you made.
To see the details about team adjustments, go to your direct report’s forecast view.
Note: If there are changes in the last 7 days, you can also see the details about those changes when hovering over the cell.
However, the icon doesn’t indicate those types of changes.
Adjust Forecast Values in Collaborative Forecasts
Manager Judgment and Forecast Adjustment Deletions in Collaborative Forecasts
Apply Manager Judgments to Opportunities Included in Your Sales Forecast
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
To remove an adjustment you made (desktop site only), click , and then click Remove.
In Salesforce Classic, adjustments are indicated with the following icons:
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
You and one or more subordinates adjusted the forecast. You see this indicator only on your forecasts
page, because when you drill down to a subordinate’s page, you see the page as that user sees it.
Undo your adjustment, and restore the previous value of the forecast. Hover over the button to see a
tooltip that tells you if the previous value includes an adjustment.
remove Remove your adjustment, and restore the previous value, which can include someone else’s adjustment.
Adjustments in Collaborative Forecasts
Manager Judgment and Forecast Adjustment Deletions in Collaborative Forecasts
View Sales Forecasts from Different Perspectives
Your manager Yes Yes Yes. Managers adjust forecasts from their
own forecasts pages.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
User Can they Can they view and apply Can they adjust your role-based forecasts?
view your judgment to opportunities
forecasts? in your forecast
Your subordinate in the No No No
role-based hierarchy
Anyone you shared your Yes Yes, if you selected View and Yes, if you selected View and Edit as the access level.
forecasts with Edit as the access level when
you shared the forecast. If you
granted view-only access, then
the shared user can only view
Review whose forecasts you can view, view and apply judgments to, and adjust. The details in this table apply to role-based forecasts
User Can you Can you view and apply Can you adjust role-based forecasts
view judgment in the forecast?
Your manager’s No No No
Your manager No No No
Your subordinate in the Yes. However, Yes Yes. You can adjust these forecasts from your own forecasts
role-based hierarchy if you select a page.
forecast, you
see the same
view as that
so your
aren’t visible.
The subordinate of your Yes. You see View only No. Your direct reports can adjust their own direct reports’
subordinate in the the same view forecasts.
role-based hierarchy that the
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
User Can you Can you view and apply Can you adjust role-based forecasts
view judgment in the forecast?
Anyone who has shared Yes. You see Yes, if they selected View and Yes, if they selected View and Edit as the access level.
their forecasts with you the same view Edit as the access level when
that the sharer they shared the forecast. If they
sees. granted view-only access, then
you can only view judgments.
Territory Forecasts
Review who can view your territory forecast, view and apply judgments to opportunities in your territory, and adjust the territory’s
forecast total. The details in this table apply for territory forecasts only.
User Can they view the Can they view and apply Can they adjust the
territory’s forecasts? judgment in the territory’s territory’s forecasts?
Parent Territory’s forecast Yes Yes Yes
Another territory’s forecast Yes, if the territory is above the View only, if the user is the Yes, if the user is the forecast
manager territory in the hierarchy forecast manager and the manager for the territory.
territory is above your territory
in the hierarchy.
Anyone you shared your Yes, the user sees the same view Yes, if you selected View and Yes, if you selected View and
forecasts with that the sharer sees Edit as the access level when Edit as the access level when
you shared the forecast and the you shared the forecast.
shared user is a forecast
manager. If you granted
view-only access, then the
shared user can only view
Review whose forecasts you can view, view and apply judgments to, and adjust. The details in this table apply to territory forecasts only.
Are you assigned as the Can you view the territory’s Can you view and apply Can you adjust the
territory’s forecast forecasts? judgment to opportunities territory’s forecasts?
manager? in the territory’s forecast?
Yes Yes Yes, if the opportunity owner is Yes, if owner adjustments are
part of the immediate child enabled.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Are you assigned as the Can you view the territory’s Can you view and apply Can you adjust the
territory’s forecast forecasts? judgment to opportunities territory’s forecasts?
manager? in the territory’s forecast?
No, but I’m assigned as another Yes, if the territory you’re Yes, if the assigned territory is Yes, if:
territory’s forecast manager. assigned to as forecast manager the parent territory • The territory you’re assigned
is above this territory in the to as forecast manager is
hierarchy. above this territory in the
• Manager adjustments are
Shared forecast from another Yes, the user sees the same view Yes, if the user selected View Yes, if they selected View and
Territory forecast manager that the sharer sees and Edit as the access level Edit as the access level when
when they shared the forecast, you shared the forecast.
and the shared user is a forecast
manager. If they granted
view-only access, then the
shared user can only view
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
For information about how territory-based forecasts are affected, see Considerations for Managing Territory Forecasts on page 420.
Forecast Adjustments
Changing some forecasting and custom fiscal year settings can delete forecast adjustments, but underlying data isn’t affected. Adjustments
are deleted when your admin does any of the following.
• Disables Collaborative Forecasts.
• Disables manager adjustments. Only adjustments made by forecast managers to their subordinates’ and child territory forecasts are
• Disables owner adjustments. Only adjustments made by forecast users to their own forecasts, including territory forecasts they own,
are deleted.
• Changes your forecast period setting from quarterly to monthly or from monthly to quarterly.
• Disables a forecast type. Only adjustments for that forecast type are deleted.
• Changes the start month of your fiscal year when the forecast period is set to quarterly. Quotas and adjustments are deleted.
• Deletes a product family. Quotas and adjustments are deleted for the product family.
• Switches from cumulative forecast rollups to individual forecast category rollups or from individual to cumulative rollups.
• Creates a custom fiscal year for the first time. All adjustments and quotas for the corresponding and following standard fiscal years
are deleted.
• Deletes a custom fiscal period or quarter. Forecast adjustments and quotas for that period or quarter are also deleted.
For role-based forecast types, adjustments are also deleted when:
• You’re no longer a forecast manager. Only adjustments that you made to subordinates’ forecasts are deleted.
• You’re removed from a role that’s set as a forecast manager in the forecast hierarchy. Only adjustments that you made to subordinates’
forecasts are deleted.
• You’re deactivated as a user.
Adjustments in Collaborative Forecasts
Considerations for Managing Territory Forecasts
Adjust Forecast Values in Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Forecasting Custom Viewing the forecast compared to external data that’s available in a custom
Data with Forecasting forecast column. For example, create a report that shows how your sales
Items as a related team is performing versus last year’s performance. Create a custom field
object that contains data about last year’s total revenue, and select that field in
a custom column for your active forecast type. Create the custom report
type that uses Forecasting Custom Data as the primary object and uses
Forecasting Items as a related object. When you create the report, include
the forecast owner, the team’s commit value, closed value, and the custom
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Forecasting Items with Viewing opportunity revenue or quantity forecasts. View opportunity information for specific forecasting
Opportunities as a related line items. For example, you can create a summary report for each of your subordinates that includes
object the opportunity names and last activity dates for their forecasting items and final forecasts. To include
forecast adjustments, either use the Forecasting Items report type, or use the Forecasting Item with
or without opportunities option.
For opportunities with no opportunity products specified, this report type includes two forecasting
items: one for the opportunity revenue forecast type and one with product family grouping. These
product family forecasting items roll up into the Products Not Specified row of the product family
Forecasting Items with Viewing opportunity splits or custom split field forecasts. View opportunity split or custom split field
Opportunity Splits as a related information for specific forecasting line items. For example, you can create a summary report for each
object of your subordinates that includes the opportunity split amounts and percentages for their forecasting
items, with adjustment information and final forecast amounts.
Forecasting Items with Viewing product family forecasts. View product family information for specific forecasting line items.
Opportunity Product as a For example, you can create a summary report for each of your subordinates that includes the product
related object
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Forecasting Items with Viewing opportunity product split forecasts that contain items that aren’t split. For example, create a
Product Splits: Items with summary report for each of your subordinates that shows the opportunities included in a forecast that
Products No Split and don’t include split amounts or percentages.
Opportunity Product Splits as To see the entire product splits forecasts, create a joined report that includes this report type and these
related objects report types.
• Forecasting Items as the primary object with Product Splits: Items without Products as a related
• Forecasting Items as the primary object with Product Splits: Items with Product Splits and
Opportunity Product Splits as related objects
Forecasting Items with Viewing opportunity product splits forecasts that contain items that are split. For example, create a
Product Splits: Items with summary report for each of your subordinates that includes the opportunity product split amounts
Product Splits and and percentages for their forecasting items, with adjustment information and final forecast amounts.
Opportunity Product Splits as To see the entire opportunity product splits forecasts, we recommend creating a joined report that
related objects includes this report type and these report types.
• Forecasting Items as the primary object with Product Splits: Items with Products No Splits and
Opportunity Product Splits as a related object
• Forecasting Items as the primary object with Product Splits: Items without Products as a related
Forecasting Items with Viewing opportunity product split forecasts that contain items that don’t include a product designation.
Product Splits: Items without For example, create a summary report for each of your subordinates that shows the opportunities
Products as a related object included in a forecast that aren’t grouped with a product.
To see the entire product splits forecasts, create a joined report that includes this report type and these
report types.
• Forecasting Items as the primary object with Product Splits: Items with Products No Splits and
Opportunity Product Splits as related objects
• Forecasting Items as the primary objects with Product Splits: Items with Product Splits and
Opportunity Product Splits as a related object
Forecasting Quotas Viewing data about individual or team quotas. We recommend including all the default fields in the
report type. For example, you can include lookup fields, such as the full name of the owner. When
running the report, you can filter by your name to see quotas that you created and their related accounts
and owners.
Forecasting Quotas with Viewing quota attainment. For example, you can use Forecasting Quotas and Forecasting Items to
Forecasting Items as a related create the custom report type. Then, when you create the report, include a team’s quotas and forecast
object revenue for closed forecasts, and create a formula field to show the attained quota percentage.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
Note: If you delete a forecast type, reports that use that forecast type don’t run.
• The data available to you in a report depends on what you have access to and can view in
Collaborative Forecasts. For example, forecast managers can view adjustments, but someone USER PERMISSIONS
who’s not a forecast manager running a similar report doesn’t see the adjusted forecasts in
To use Collaborative
reports. A forecast can consist of a rollup of many users’ forecasts, so examine report results
closely when using summary fields.
• View All Forecasts
The sum of a person’s revenue opportunities, Include Owner Only Amount in your Forecasting
without adjustments. Item report. For example, if you own two
opportunities, each worth $10,000, the Owner
Only Amount is $20,000. To view the same
information for quantity (for role-based forecasts
only), add Owner Only Quantity to the report.
Sales Cloud Basics Collaborative Forecasts
The forecast number as seen by the forecast owner. This number Include Amount Without Manager Adjustments in your Forecasting
is the sum of the owner’s revenue opportunities and the owner’s Item report. For example, Anne has an Amount Without
subordinates’ opportunities, including adjustments made by the Adjustments of $75,000, made up of $20,000 of her own
forecast owner on the owner’s or subordinates’ forecasts. It doesn’t opportunities and $55,000 of opportunities owned by Ben, her
include adjustments made by forecast managers above the owner subordinate. She adjusts Ben’s amount to $65,000 for a total of
in the forecast hierarchy. $85,000. If you adjust Anne’s number from $85,000 to $100,000,
you see $85,000 in Amount Without Manager Adjustments because
that’s the amount Anne sees. Anne can’t see your adjustments
because you’re her manager. To see the amount that includes your
adjustment to $100,000, look at Forecast Amount. To view the same
information for quantity (for role-based forecasts only), add Quantity
Without Manager Adjustments to the report.
The revenue forecast from the forecast manager’s perspective and Include Forecast Amount in your Forecasting Item report. For
the sum of the owner’s and subordinates’ opportunities, including example, you’re a forecast manager and have another forecast
all forecast adjustments. manager reporting to you who has an Amount Without Manager
Adjustment totaling $85,000. If you adjust the forecast to $100,000,
the Forecast Amount is $100,000. To view the same information
for quantity (for role-based forecasts only), add Forecast Quantity
to the report.
Whose forecasts have adjustments made to them. Include Has Adjustment in your Forecasting Item report. For
example, if you make a manager adjustment to one of your
subordinate’s forecasts, this checkbox is selected. If your subordinate
adjusts one of their subordinate’s forecasts, this checkbox is selected.
However, unless you have the View All Data permission, if your
forecast manager adjusts your forecast, this checkbox remains
deselected. You don’t have access to your forecast manager’s
adjustment information. Also add Has Owner Adjustment. If forecast
users adjust their own forecasts, this checkbox is selected.
Quota detail for your forecasts. Create a Forecasting Quotas report. For example, depending on
how your Salesforce admin set up the report type, you can include
fields, such as the full name of the quota owner and territory. Then
you can filter by your own name to see quotas that you created
and their related accounts, owners, and territories.
How forecasts today compare with earlier forecasts. Create a Forecast with Historical Trending report, and then compare
the value of the Forecast Amount field at the beginning of the
month with its value at the end of the month, sorted by owner. To
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Results for your direct reports only. When creating a forecasting report, choose My Direct Reports’
<item name> from the Show Me (Lightning Experience) or
Show (Salesforce Classic) menu. The report shows results only for
role-based forecast types.
Which type of forecast the results are from. Refer to the Forecasting Type: API Name field in the report results.
This field is included in the default page layout for Forecasting Item
and Forecasting Quota reports.
Creating a Forecasting Custom Report Type
Sales Territories
Manage and maintain your company’s sales territories. Create territory types, build a model, and
then add and test your account assignment rules. When you’re satisfied with your model, activate
it, then assign accounts, leads, and users. Roll out your model to your team, and then run reports Available in: Salesforce
to assess its impact and make adjustments as needed. Classic for some features
and Lightning Experience for
Sales Territories Concepts all features
Determine whether planning and managing territories in Salesforce can help your teams Available in: Performance
optimize account coverage and align with leadership goals. and Developer Editions and
Enable Features for Sales Territories in Enterprise and Unlimited
Editions with the Sales Cloud
Prepare your sales teams to access the records assigned to their territories and communicate
among teammates.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Trailhead: Increase Sales Efficiency with Territory Management
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Territory Model
A territory model represents a complete territory management system for your company. Modeling lets you create and preview
multiple territory structures and different account, lead, and user assignments before you activate the model that works best.
Territory Hierarchy
The territory hierarchy shows a model’s territory structure and serves as its main interaction point. Start from the hierarchy to create,
edit, and delete territories; run assignment rules for territories, and navigate to territory detail pages for more information. From the
hierarchy, you can also assign territories to opportunities, run assignment rules at the model level, and activate or archive the model.
The forecasts hierarchy for territory forecasts is based on your territory hierarchy in the active territory model.
Territory Model State
Territory model state indicates whether a territory is in the planning stage, in active use, or archived. You can have only one active
territory model at a time. But you can create and maintain multiple models in planning or archived state to use for extra modeling
or reference. Some states reflect a territory model’s lifecycle and others indicate errors in processing when states are changed.
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Anticipate how permissions for Sales Territories affect administration and provide access to records and data.
Territory Management 2.0 Data Model
Learn about the objects and relationships that represent Sales Territories.
Trailhead: Increase Sales Efficiency with Territory Management
Enterprise Territory Management Implementation Guide
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Assign Work to Your Team Activate Your Territory Model Fine-Tune Territories
Create Rules to Assign Accounts to Video: Publish from Territory Planning to Manage Territories with Sales Territories
Territories Enterprise Territory Management Keeping Territories Running Smoothly
Add Assignment Rules to Territories Publish Alignments to Enterprise Territory
Trailhead: Assign Accounts, Rules, and Users Management
to Territories Preview Territory Assignments for Accounts
Assigning Units Based on Rules and Criteria Activate a Territory Model
Video: Leverage Assignment Rules
Video: Optimize Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Import data from Create models that include accounts, leads, and opportunities from Salesforce based on your datasets from
Salesforce Territory Planning. Reports and queries gather the Salesforce data that you specify for your planning efforts.
Import supplemental data from other sources using CSV files that contain metrics, product details, or other
relevant business data that helps you plan with intention.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Publish models to Sales Apply your model throughout your sales hierarchy. That way, you:
Territories • Ensure that each rep accesses and focuses on only their individual areas of responsibility
• Fine-tune assignments using rules that you run periodically
• Align your sales teams with your company’s leadership goals
Managing Territories
Keep sales reps focused on their individual areas of responsibility using territory models that you
design in Territory Planning and then publish to Sales Territories. The model that you activate limits
your reps’ access to only their assigned accounts, leads, and opportunities. Available in: both Salesforce
Get an idea of what’s involved in planning and managing territories when you pair Territory Planning, Classic (not available in all
an add-on product, with Sales Territories. After you design and publish your territory model to Sales orgs) and Lightning
Territories, run assignment rules, review assignments, and then activate your territory model. Here’s Experience
how. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Review assignments Verify that your account, lead, opportunity, and user assignments appear the way you expect. Then fine-tune
any assignments that require your attention.
Activate your territory Apply your assignments throughout your territory hierarchy. Activating your model:
model • Enforces the principle of least privilege and restricts your reps’ access to only their assigned accounts,
leads, and opportunities
• Gives anyone above your reps in the territory hierarchy access to those records
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Optimize territory Reflect changes that affect your sales teams in your updated model.
models in Territory
Publish the optimized Run assignment rules, review your updated assignments, and make any adjustments before you activate your
model to Sales optimized territory model.
Activate your territory Apply the changes from your updated territory model.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Territory Type
Territory types help you organize your territories by key characteristics important to your company.
Every territory you create has a territory type. Territory types are used for organizing and creating
territories only. They don’t appear on territory model hierarchies. Available in: Salesforce
For example, you can create a territory type called Universal Telco Named Accounts, Classic for some features
then from that type, create territories that include named accounts. Or you can create a territory and Lightning Experience for
type called US Geographic, and from that type create territories based on states or regions. all features
When you create a territory type, make sure that the label and description clearly indicate what Available in: Performance
kinds of territories belong to that type. and Developer Editions and
in Enterprise and Unlimited
Editions with the Sales Cloud
Territory Type Priority
Example: Your organization uses territory type priority to reflect your sales strategy for the Available in: Performance
year. Your organization expects more opportunities within the US east coast than the US west and Developer Editions and
in Enterprise and Unlimited
coast in the coming year, so the East Coast territory type is assigned priority 001 and the
Editions with the Sales Cloud
West Coast territory type is assigned 005. These priority assignments help those creating
territory records make the right territory type choice. At mid-year, you project unexpected
growth opportunities in the Great Lakes region, so you create a territory type called Great
Lakes and assign it priority 003 to reflect the change in your sales strategy.
Territory Type
Territories organize groups of accounts, leads, and the Salesforce users who work with them.
Territories are created based on territory types.
The territory record shows assigned users, manually assigned records, the forecast manager, and Available in: Salesforce
rules that assign accounts automatically. A territory can have both parent and child territories. Classic for some features
Depending on how your organization assigns records, a record can be assigned to more than one and Lightning Experience for
territory. all features
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Territory Model
A territory model represents a complete territory management system for your company. Modeling
lets you create and preview multiple territory structures and different account, lead, and user
assignments before you activate the model that works best. Available in: Salesforce
Each territory model features a graphical hierarchy. The hierarchy shows your model’s territory Classic for some features
structure (including parent and child territories) and lets you create, edit, and delete territories and and Lightning Experience for
view their detail pages. Your Salesforce edition determines the number of territory models that you all features
can create and modify at a time. Only one model can be active at any time. Activate the model you Available in: Performance
want to use to finalize its account, lead, and user assignments. and Developer Editions and
in Enterprise and Unlimited
Editions with the Sales Cloud
Territory Hierarchy
The territory hierarchy shows a model’s territory structure and serves as its main interaction point.
Start from the hierarchy to create, edit, and delete territories; run assignment rules for territories,
and navigate to territory detail pages for more information. From the hierarchy, you can also assign Available in: Salesforce
territories to opportunities, run assignment rules at the model level, and activate or archive the Classic for some features
model. The forecasts hierarchy for territory forecasts is based on your territory hierarchy in the active and Lightning Experience for
territory model. all features
The name and state of the territory model appear at the top node of the hierarchy (1). Parent and child territories are nested beneath
the model name. If a territory has a forecast manager assigned, the manager’s name appears here (2). Create or edit child territories, or
run their assignment rules (3).
Run the filter that assigns territories to opportunities (4). Run assignment rules for all territories in the model (5). Hover to learn when
rules were last run (6). Set the model’s state to Active or Archive (7). Toggle to a sorted list view and back to tree view (8).
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Active The state of a territory model after you activate it and all processing is complete.
Only one model in your Salesforce organization can be active at a time.
A model in Active state lets users view model details, including hierarchies,
territories, and all assigned accounts and users. Users assigned to territories
within an active model can access and modify accounts and leads that they’re
assigned to within that model. And territory forecasts are based on your active
territory model.
Archived The state of a territory model after you archive it and all processing is complete.
An archived model lets admins view hierarchy and rule assignments as they
were configured when the model was active. Only the active model can be
archived, and archived models can’t be reactivated.
When you archive a territory model or delete a territory on an active model,
the Territory field is reset to a blank value on opportunity records with those
territories assigned.
And when you archive a territory model, Salesforce deletes your territory
forecasts, forecast types, quotas, and adjustments. Before you archive a territory
model, consider running the opportunity territory assignment filter and then
taking screenshots of the forecasts page. You can also create a snapshot.
Archiving Failed An error occurred during activation. Check your email for more information from Salesforce.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Note: Sales Territories operations that require Manage Territories also require View Setup Available in: Performance
and Configuration for accessing Setup. View Setup and Configuration isn’t required for and Developer Editions and
performing those operations via API. in Enterprise and Unlimited
Editions with the Sales Cloud
Users who: Require these permissions,
roles, or ownership:
• Create territory models and all related records (such as Manage Territories
territory types)
• View and manage territory models in all states:
Planning, Active, and Archived
• Activate, archive, delete, or clone territory models
• View territory information on territory-assigned accounts
and leads for territories in models in all states (Planning,
Active, and Archived)
• View the Salesforce Setup tree, including territories settings View Setup and Configuration
• View the territory model in Active state, including its
related records (such as territory types and assignment
rules) and other elements (such as the territory hierarchy)
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
View data for models in Planning and Archived states on reports that include Manage Territories
territories, assigned records, or rules
View the Territory Management 2.0 data model on the Salesforce Architect page.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Trailhead: Increase Sales Efficiency with Territory Management
Sales Territories Concepts
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
To enable filter-based
opportunity territory
Developer Guide: OpportunityTerritory2AssignmentFilter Global Interface assignment:
• Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
1. Make sure that Chatter has been enabled. Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions and
2. From Setup, enter Feed Tracking in the Quick Find box, then select Feed Tracking.
in Enterprise and Unlimited
3. Select the Territory Model object. Enable Feed Tracking, then select the territory model fields Editions with the Sales Cloud
you want to track.
The Chatter feed appears at the top of your organization’s territory model records.
5. Make sure to tell others who maintain territory models that they can now use Chatter to follow To enable Chatter Field
and collaborate on territory models directly from model records.
• Customize Application
To share a Chatter post on
SEE ALSO: a territory model record:
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access? • View Setup and
Customize Chatter Feed Tracking Configuration
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Trailhead: Increase Sales Efficiency with Territory Management
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Performance 4 4
Unlimited 4 4
To create a territory model
1. From Setup, enter Territory Models in the Quick Find box, then select Territory • View Setup and
Models. Configuration
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Allocations and Considerations for Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Create Territories
Build your company’s territory model when you create territories that appear on the model’s
hierarchy in Sales Territories.
1. On the Territory Models page in Setup, click View Hierarchy next to the territory model where Available in: Salesforce
you want to create the territory. Classic for some features
and Lightning Experience for
2. To show the model’s territory hierarchy, including any territories, select Tree View.
all features
3. To create a top-level territory, hover over the territory model name and click Create Territory.
To create a child territory from an existing territory, hover over the territory name and click Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions and
Create Territory.
in Enterprise and Unlimited
4. On the New Territory page, define the territory: give it a meaningful label, and choose its territory Editions with the Sales Cloud
type. If the territory requires different user access for accounts, leads, and opportunities than
the default user access for those records, define the territory’s user access levels.
Access levels depend on a territory’s parent in the territory hierarchy. For example, San Francisco
(view opportunities) is a child territory of California (view and edit opportunities). A team member To create territories:
assigned to California gets view access to San Francisco opportunities, but not view and edit. • View Setup and
5. Save your changes.
Manage Territories
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Note: The number of territories assigned to a forecast manager can impact performance. We recommend that you test thoroughly
for performance issues, and if you observe any, reduce the number of territories per forecast manager.
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Trailhead: Increase Sales Efficiency with Territory Management
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
1. From the territory model hierarchy, open the territory where you want to assign users. Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions and
2. On the territory’s detail page, in the Assigned Users related list, click Manage Users.
in Enterprise and Unlimited
3. On the Assign Users page, select or search for the user you want to add. Editions with the Sales Cloud
4. Click Save.
To assign users to territories:
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access? • Manage Territories
To define picklists:
• Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access? USER PERMISSIONS
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
To view users in territories
from Active, Planning,
or Archived territory
models that are assigned to
an account:
• View Setup and
Manage Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
To create territories:
• View Setup and
Manage Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
2. Create a custom report type using the primary object Territory Models. Add object relationships for Territories and User Territory
Association Logs.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Using the custom report type, sales managers can run a report that includes columns such as Territory Label, Full Name, Start Date,
and End Date.
Create a Custom Report Type
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
6. Click Save to save the rule and return to the territory detail page.
Example: Rules can work together within territories and child territories. For example, you create a territory called Western States,
with child territories Washington, Oregon, and California. From the Western States territory record, you create a rule that assigns
accounts in Washington, Oregon, and California to that territory. You apply that rule to child territories and then, from the California
territory record, you create a rule that assigns accounts in California to the California territory.
For any child territories for the California territory, you don’t have to specify the state in the criteria if you mark the California territory
rule as inheritable to child territories. Instead, you can use more specific criteria, such as ZIP code or industry.
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Run Assignment Rules for a Territory
How Account Assignment Rules Work
Activating Assignment Rules and Applying Them to Descendant Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access? To assign accounts
manually within your
• View Setup and
Manage Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
To assign territories
manually within accounts
and leads:
• View Setup and
Manage Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Salesforce Classic users Stakeholders can assign opportunities to any territory in the active model, even without full access to
To assign opportunities to
any territory in the active
model in Lightning
• Full access to the
opportunities’ parent
To assign opportunities to
any territory in the active
model in Salesforce Classic:
• View access or higher to
the opportunities’ parent
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Keep in mind that cloned models don’t include leads. Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions and
1. Open the territory model you want to clone.
in Enterprise and Unlimited
2. Click Clone. Editions with the Sales Cloud
3. Define the label and description fields.
The model state changes to Cloning while Salesforce processes your request. Cloning can
take some time, depending on the size and complexity of your model. To clone a territory model:
• View Setup and
During the process, triggers defined against the Territory2Model, Territory2, or Configuration
UserTerritory2Association objects do not fire. AND
When the process is complete, we send you an email to let you know. Manage Territories
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Allocations and Considerations for Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Configure Territory Permissions and Access for Salesforce Admins and Users
Ensure that the right users can access the right territory model elements, records, and record
elements in Sales Territories.
1. Make sure that you understand how permissions affect territory model and record access in Available in: Salesforce
Sales Territories. Classic for some features
and Lightning Experience for
2. Assign user permissions as needed.
all features
3. Add the Assigned Territories related list to your account and lead page layouts. This list lets
Salesforce admins manually assign accounts and leads to territories, and it lets users identify Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions and
which territories are assigned to their accounts. Make sure that the related list includes the
in Enterprise and Unlimited
standard and custom fields (if any) that admins and users need.
Editions with the Sales Cloud
4. Add the Users in Assigned Territories related list to your account and lead page layouts. This
list lets administrators and users see all users assigned to the territories that are assigned to an
account or lead, according to their permissions. Make sure that the related list includes any USER PERMISSIONS
standard and custom fields that administrators and users need. To assign user permissions:
5. Add the Territory field to your Opportunity page layouts. This field lets administrators • Manage Users
and sales managers manually assign a territory to an opportunity from a list of the territories To create, edit, and delete
assigned to the opportunity’s account. Add the Territory Name and Territory page layouts:
Description fields to Opportunity list views and reports so that users can identify assigned • Customize Application
territories there.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
6. Add any custom buttons, links, or actions you’ve created to territory page layouts.
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
User Profiles Overview
Permission Sets Overview
Enhanced Page Layout Editor User Interface Elements
Assign Forecast Managers to Territories
When rules are finished running, we send an email to let you know.
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Find Out Which Territories an Assignment Rule Applies To
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Territories without Territory Models Territories Object Territory Object Territory Assignment Rule Items
assignment rules Assignment Rules Select “B” records may or may not have
related “C” records.
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
For Accounts
For Users
Create a Custom Report Type
Guidelines for Using Collaborative Forecasts Reports
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Considerations for Managing Territory Forecasts
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
When you archive a territory model, Salesforce also deletes data related to sharing and group To archive a territory model:
associations by territory. To retain this data, export the related records before you archive the • Manage Territories AND
territory model. View Setup and
If you’ve enabled deferred group membership calculation, we recommend suspending it to avoid
issues with group membership cleanup during territory model archival. You can re-enable deferred
group membership calculation after archival is completed.
1. From Setup, enter Territory Models in the Quick Find box, then select Territory Models.
2. Open your active territory model.
3. Click Archive, and then click Archive Territory Model to confirm.
The model state changes to Archiving while Salesforce processes your request. When processing is complete, the model state
changes to Archived, and you receive a confirmation via email. This process can take some time, depending on the size and
complexity of your organization.
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access?
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Important: If you disable Sales Territories, your users lose record access that’s based on Available in: Salesforce
territory assignments, and your organization no longer has access to territory management Classic for some features
and Lightning Experience for
data, including territory forecasts. If you re-enable Sales Territories, you can lose data that had
all features
previously been available through the feature.
1. If you haven’t already, archive your active territory model before disabling Sales Territories. Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions and
2. From Setup, enter Territories in the Quick Find box, and then select the territory settings. in Enterprise and Unlimited
3. Click Disable Sales Territories. Editions with the Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
2. From the list view, click the model’s View Hierarchy link. Available in: Performance
and Developer Editions and
3. Click Tree View to expand and explore the hierarchy tree.
in Enterprise and Unlimited
4. Within the hierarchy, click a territory label to view its detail page, where you can identify its Editions with the Sales Cloud
territory type, assigned users and their access levels, assignment rules, and forecast manager.
5. From the top of the page, navigate back to the model’s territory hierarchy and check out its USER PERMISSIONS
other territories.
To view an active territory
• View Setup and
How Do Permissions for Territories Affect Feature and Data Access? Configuration
Territory Hierarchy
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
To identify an account’s
sales territory:
• Read on accounts
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
To run reports:
• Run Reports
To schedule reports:
• Schedule Reports
To create, edit, and delete
• Create and Customize
Report Builder
Sales Cloud Basics Sales Territories
Developer 4 1,000
Enterprise 2
Performance 4 99,999
Unlimited 4
Requests for more than 20,000 territories per model are subject to approval.
Performance Considerations
To avoid performance problems, consider managing these conditions.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Defer Group Membership Calculations
Sales Territories: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce Mobile App
Not every Lightning Experience feature is in the Salesforce mobile app. Find out what’s different.
• The Assigned Territories related list on accounts and leads is read only, even for users with the Manage Territories permission.
• Territory A has four rules marked “Apply to child territories“ and is a parent of territory B.
– Territory B has three rules not marked “Apply to child territories” and is a parent of territory C.
• Territory C has two rules.
If you assign an account that matches all of territory A’s and territory C’s rules but only one of territory B’s rules, the account is
assigned to territory C. However, if territory B’s rules are marked ‘Apply to child territories,” the account is assigned only to territory
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
To see each team member’s access, click the Team Member Access action. A member’s To add, edit, or remove
access level can be read and write or read-only, but it’s at least equal to the default opportunity team members:
opportunity sharing access. The Team Member Access action isn’t available in the Salesforce • Read on users
mobile app. For example, a member can be the account manager or an executive sponsor. AND
To edit information about a team member, go to the user’s detail page. If the user is inactive, Edit on opportunities
you can edit split-related fields. AND
2. Add your default opportunity team—users you normally work with on opportunities.
Add your default team to all your opportunities automatically or to one opportunity at a time.
3. Instead of an opportunity team, add the account team for the related account.
Account teams and opportunity teams share available team member roles.
Set Up a Default Opportunity Team
Share Revenue by Using Opportunity Splits and Opportunity Product Splits
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
2. Add coworkers, selecting each user’s access to the opportunity and role on the team.
3. If you want, select options for adding the team to open opportunities automatically.
To add your default team to opportunities from now on, select Automatically add my default opportunity team to opportunities
that I create or open opportunities that are transferred to me.
To add your default team to all your open opportunities immediately, select Update open opportunity teams with these members.
If you don’t add your default team to opportunities automatically, you can add it individually by clicking Add Default Team on the
Opportunity Team related list. Add Default Team adds the default team of the opportunity owner, not of the user who clicks the
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
4. Click Save.
Administer Opportunity Teams
Add Teams to Your Opportunities
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Ownership Changes
When an opportunity is closed and the owner of the opportunity’s parent account changes, opportunity team shares are deleted unless
opportunity splits are enabled.
Portal Users
High-volume portal users can’t be added to teams.
Administer Opportunity Teams
Add Teams to Your Opportunities
Opportunity Splits are available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
You can add opportunity splits on the Opportunity Splits related list. Or, you can add both opportunity splits and product splits on the
Opportunity Splits tab on an opportunity record.
Important: If you don’t see the Opportunity Splits related list, ask your Salesforce admin to enable opportunity splits. If you don’t
see the Opportunity Splits tab on the opportunity record, ask your admin to add the Opportunity Splits component to the opportunity
record page.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Add Opportunity Splits and Opportunity Product Splits in the Opportunity Splits Tab
Credit supporting team members using opportunity product splits. Product splits can total any percentage of the product amount,
including percentages over 100% if defined by your Salesforce admin.
1. In the Opportunity Splits tab on an opportunity, click Edit Opportunity Splits or Edit Product Splits.
2. Complete the fields.
3. Save your changes.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Important: If you can’t add team members while editing splits, add them in the Opportunity Team related list on the opportunity.
To request the option to add members while editing splits, ask your admin.
Guidelines and Considerations for Using Opportunity Splits and Opportunity Product Splits
Use opportunity product splits to coordinate multiple products’ and team members’ contributions to a deal without leaving your
opportunity record. Learn about key guidelines and considerations when working with splits.
Guidelines and Considerations for Using Opportunity Splits and Opportunity Product Splits
Use opportunity product splits to coordinate multiple products’ and team members’ contributions to a deal without leaving your
opportunity record. Learn about key guidelines and considerations when working with splits.
Opportunity Splits are available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Opportunity Splits
• Your admin can create custom fields on opportunity splits to help you track splits that you create for team members.
• The split on the Opportunity Amount field includes one revenue split and one overlay split type. If you want more split types, ask
your admin to create them. Your admin specifies which types of splits always total 100%. Look for “must total 100%” in the description
of the split.
• If you don’t see splits on a field, ask your admin to check your field-level security limits.
• To remove a team member from a split, click Del next to the team member’s name.
• To edit rich text fields or multiselect picklists, go to each team member’s opportunity split detail page. Your admin can’t include
those kinds of fields in the Edit All Opportunity Splits window.
• When you enter a monetary amount that requires a split percentage with more than two decimal places, the amount is automatically
rounded to two places.
• When an opportunity has overlay splits, changing the opportunity owner without keeping the opportunity team gives the new
owner the sum of the previous owner’s split percentage. The new owner also gets the previous owner’s split percentage for the
overlay split.
• You can’t insert or edit certain fields on opportunity splits of a certain opportunity split type, if product split records are set up on
the opportunity for that split type. You also can’t delete any opportunity splits belonging to a split type that has product splits
included on the opportunity.
• Opportunity splits don’t roll up to sales territories.
• In the Salesforce mobile app, the Split Amount field isn’t available, and other opportunity splits fields are read-only.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
• When product splits are rolled up to the opportunity splits level, the amounts are limited to two decimal places. While the totals can
be more precise with more decimal places, the values sometimes don’t add up to the exact value. For example, an opportunity with
two products shows slightly different amounts based on the product split percentages.
• When you use product splits on revenue split types, you can’t have more than 200 products on an opportunity.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Add Teams to Your Opportunities
Set Up a Default Opportunity Team
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Facilitate Team Selling by Enabling Opportunity Teams
Maintain Your Users’ Opportunity Teams
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
If a team member you want to remove has a split greater than 0%, first reassign the split.
1. In Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Mass Reassign Opportunity Teams.
2. Specify your changes by following the steps.
a. Select the appropriate account access for new or changed team members. Then complete any custom fields included in the
opportunity team page layout.
b. To remove an opportunity’s owner from splits calculations, assign a split of 0%, or transfer the opportunity to another user.
Suppose that you remove a team member assigned to a revenue split or other opportunity split that must total 100%. The member’s
percentage is transferred to the opportunity owner.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Add Teams to Your Opportunities
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Warning: Disabling opportunity teams is an irreversible process, permanently removing all teams from opportunities, deleting
all default opportunity teams, and removing the Opportunity Team related list from all page layouts.
1. In Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Opportunity Team Settings.
2. Select Disable Team Selling.
Disable Opportunity Splits
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Customize Opportunity Team Roles
Maintain Your Users’ Opportunity Teams
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Administer Opportunity Teams
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Add Opportunity Product Splits
Set Up Audit History for Splits and Opportunity Teams
Deactivate or Delete Opportunity Split Types
Disable Opportunity Splits
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
1. Check for mass operations in progress, and make sure that all mass operations are finished. While splits are being enabled, a script
temporarily disables validation rules, Apex triggers, and workflows for opportunity team records; mass reassignment of opportunity
team members; and mass transfer of accounts and opportunities.
If you enable opportunity splits while you’re running a mass operation, such as Mass Transfer or Mass Reassign Team Member,
enablement of splits can fail.
2. Resolve inactive currencies. If inactive currencies were active in the past, those currencies are probably still used on some opportunity
records. When inactive currency is used on opportunities, the splits enablement process fails. To prevent failure, do one of the
While splits enablement is in progress, temporarily make inactive currencies active. Delete the opportunities with the inactive
currency. This solution works best when you have only a few opportunities with an inactive currency that you don’t need for reporting
or historical purposes.
3. Handle automated process users related to opportunities. Opportunities owned by users created during automatic processes such
as Apex triggers, workflows, and Marketing Cloud Account Engagement integration block opportunity splits enablement.
To prevent the process from failing, transfer ownership of their opportunities to active users. Also, if you have few process users and
you don’t need their opportunities for reporting or historical purposes, delete all of their opportunities.
4. Consider enabling opportunity splits at the end of the workday so that the process runs overnight.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
The process sets up a split on every opportunity, and, depending on the number of opportunity records, it can take several hours.
You can still work with Salesforce while the process is ongoing.
Facilitate Team Selling by Enabling Opportunity Teams
User Interface Settings
Permission Sets
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
Before enabling opportunity splits, make sure to follow the steps in Get Ready to Enable Opportunity Splits.
1. In Setup, go to Opportunity Team Settings and enable Team Selling.
2. Next, use the Quick Find box to locate Opportunity Splits Settings.
3. To tailor opportunity splits to your business process, you can make these customizations.
• Rename or deactivate the default revenue and overlay splits, which are based on the Opportunity Amount field.
• Define another currency field for splits, and specify whether splits on that field must total 100%. To do so, click + Add a new
split type.
4. Click Save.
5. Help users create splits faster by selecting Let users add members to opportunity teams while editing splits. Otherwise, owners
must add coworkers to an opportunity team before adding them to a split.
6. Select the opportunity page layouts where you want to include the Opportunity Splits related list. You can also include the related
list in page layouts that users have personalized.
7. To start splits enablement, click Save.
We send an email with the status throughout the process, and notify you when splits are enabled.
8. After you enable splits, set up the Opportunity Splits component on your opportunity record page so your sales teams can view and
work with opportunity splits and opportunity product splits. See Create and Configure Lightning Experience Record Pages in Salesforce
The opportunity owner records added during splits enablement use more data storage.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
If the opportunity owner isn’t on the opportunity team, the opportunity owner is added to the team during the splits enablement. The
owner is assigned 100% of the split amount. Users can adjust the amount on splits that they create.
Monitor Data and Storage Resources
Add Opportunity Product Splits
Set Up Audit History for Splits and Opportunity Teams
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
1. In the Object Manager, use the Quick Find box to find Opportunity Split or Opportunity Product Split. Complete these steps for
each object.
2. Click Page Layouts, and then select a layout to edit.
3. Open the Multi-Line Layout editor.
4. In the editor, select fields for sales reps to use when managing splits.
Important: The multi-line layout for Opportunity Split and Opportunity Product Split doesn’t support rich text fields, multi-select
picklists, time, or formula fields. Users can edit those fields on each team member’s splits pages.
In Lightning Experience, considerations for editing inline in a list view also apply to editing splits in the multi-line view.
Considerations for Inline Editing in a List View in Lightning Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
Split on Opportunity Amount is the default currency field. You can create opportunity splits for any other standard currency field, roll-up
summary fields, or custom currency fields, but not formula currency fields.
1. In Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Opportunity Splits Settings.
2. Click Edit Split Types.
3. Click + Add a new split type and define the settings.
4. Save your changes.
Custom opportunity split types are enabled through a background process. You’re notified by email when the process is finished. We
recommend asking your users not to edit opportunity splits in the meantime.
Administer Opportunity Splits and Opportunity Product Splits
Add Opportunity Product Splits
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Before adding opportunity product splits, make sure to enable opportunity splits on page 520.
1. In Setup, on the Opportunity Splits page, under Split Types Setup, click Edit Split Types.
2. In the opportunity split type to which you want to enable product splits, select Include Product Split and then Save.
Important: Opportunity product splits must be based on one of the following field combinations. Make sure field-level
security is off for the fields you choose.
• The Total Price field on Opportunity Line Item that rolls up to the Opportunity Amount field
• A custom currency field on Opportunity Line Item that rolls up to a custom rollup summary field on Opportunity
Note: When you launch the Edit Product Splits page, a 100% split is created for each product on the opportunity for all 100%
validated split types.
Get Ready to Enable Opportunity Splits
Administer Opportunity Splits and Opportunity Product Splits
Create and Configure Lightning Experience Record Pages
Set Up Audit History for Splits and Opportunity Teams
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
1. In Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Opportunity Splits Settings. Click Edit Split Types.
2. To deactivate a split type, deselect the split type you want to deactivate and then save.
3. To delete a split type, click and then save.
You can’t delete the default split types.
If your Salesforce org contains many opportunities, deleting a split type can take several hours.
Disable Opportunity Splits
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
Available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs)
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
Warning: Disabling opportunity splits is an irreversible process, resulting in the following changes.
• Opportunity splits and opportunity product splits on all opportunities are permanently deleted.
• Opportunity and product split reports are permanently deleted.
• Custom reports that were built using opportunity split and opportunity product split report templates still appear on the
Reports tab, but you can’t access these reports.
• Opportunity split and opportunity product split forecast types and their related forecasting data is deleted.
1. From Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Opportunity Splits Settings.
2. Disable opportunity splits, confirming that you want to delete all splits data.
Deactivate or Delete Opportunity Split Types
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
Before you set up Audit History, make sure opportunity splits and opportunity teams are enabled. Field History Tracking provides the
logs for records created and deleted, and is enabled by default.
1. To include updates to splits and team members, select the fields you want to track in Field History Tracking. In Object Manager, go
to Fields & Relationships in Opportunity Team, Opportunity Split, and Opportunity Product Split and select Set History Tracking.
Select your fields and save.
2. To show Audit History on your opportunity record page so that your sales team can view changes, create an Audit History tab in
Lightning App Builder.
Sales Cloud Basics Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits
3. Then add the Audit History component to your Audit History tab.
Add and Customize Tabs on Lightning Pages Using the Lightning App Builder
Create and Configure Lightning Experience Record Pages
Enable Opportunity Splits
Facilitate Team Selling by Enabling Opportunity Teams
Available in: Performance and Developer Editions and Enterprise and Unlimited Editions with the Sales Cloud
• When you directly delete opportunity split, opportunity product split, and opportunity team member records, the records are logged
in the OpportunityRelatedDeleteLog object.
• When you delete split records or opportunity team member records, the records in the object history are also deleted.
• When you delete a split type, the related split records are deleted and the deleted records aren’t logged.
• Deactivated split types still show history data.
Set Up Audit History for Splits and Opportunity Teams
Developer Guide: OpportunityRelatedDeleteLog Object Reference
Developer Guide: EntityHistory Object Reference
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Multiple Currencies
Each user has a personal currency, which is used as the default currency in quotas, opportunities,
quotes, and reports. Users can also create opportunities and enter amounts using other active currencies.
All standard and custom object records with currency fields have a field that specifies the currency to use for all amount fields in that
record. (Click Edit to display this editable Currency field on a record.) For example, you can set the Account Currency to
“USD-U.S. Dollars” so that the Annual Revenue shows in dollars for one of your American accounts. All currency amounts are
displayed in the default currency of the record. Administrators can choose whether to also display, in parentheses, the user’s personal
currency if it is different from the currency of the record. When you change the default currency of a record, currency amounts are not
converted. They display the new currency code.
Note: If your organization uses advanced currency management, the opportunity close date determines which conversion rate
to use when displaying currency amounts.
Amounts in reports are shown in their original currencies, but can be displayed in any active currency. You can change the currency
used for report totals by selecting a currency from Show > Currencies. The default value is your personal currency. For any amount,
you can choose to display the Converted column—for example, Annual Revenue Converted—which shows amounts in the
currency you select.
Custom formula fields are not tied to any particular currency. If the result of a formula field is a currency amount, it displays in the currency
of the associated record. This rule is also true for cross-object formulas that reference merge fields with different currencies, and formulas
in workflow rules and approval processes. However, workflow rules and approval processes that use filters instead of formulas convert
all currency values to the corporate currency.
If currency fields are referenced in Apex, you can’t disable multiple currencies for your organization. For example, if Apex code references
the Account Currency field (represented as CurrencyIsoCode in the code), you can’t disable multiple currencies.
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Multiple Currencies
Administrator setup guide: Using Multiple Currencies
Enable Multiple Currencies
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Multiple Currencies
• When you create and test a package, the temporary build org has only USD configured. Using a currency code other than USD for
testing results in an error
• After enablement, the number of decimal places defined in a custom currency field is ignored. Instead set decimal places per currency
through Manage Currencies in Setup.
• After enablement, the primary currency displays as usual and, optionally, a secondary currency amount appears in parentheses. The
primary currency is typically the default corporate currency, unless it’s overridden at the record level. The amount shown in parentheses
is the user’s personal default currency, calculated based on the conversion rate settings defined in your organization. To control
whether the converted currency amount appears, enable or disable parenthetical currency conversion from the Manage Currencies
• In reports, the primary currency reflects either the default corporate currency or the currency selected for the record. The secondary
currency reflects the personal default currency of the user running the report, or the currency specified in the report criteria.
• Users can specify a personal default currency on their personal information page. If parenthetical currency conversion is enabled,
the personal default currency displays as the secondary currency amount (converted amount). Changing the personal default currency
updates the converted amount in real time.
• After a currency is added to an organization’s list of supported currencies, it can’t be deleted from the administrator’s list of currencies,
even when it’s deactivated. The presence of inactive currencies in the administrator’s list is a cosmetic issue that doesn’t affect end
users. A deactivated currency isn’t visible to end users, but remains visible to administrators. Salesforce recommends that you keep
this issue in mind during testing and use only those currencies that you eventually plan to use in your organization.
• After enablement, all currency fields display the ISO code of the currency before the amount. For example, $100 displays as USD
Note: If you have only one currency in your multi-currency organization, you can set a preference to display currency symbols
instead of ISO codes. To display currency symbols, search Setup for User Interface, and then select Show currency
symbols instead of ISO codes in the Currency Display Settings section of the User Interface settings page. If you later enable
more currencies in your organization, ISO codes display, and this preference is no longer available. This preference applies only
in the standard Salesforce user interface.
• By default, all converted amounts in your organization rely on the current conversion rates defined for your organization. Conversion
rates must be set and updated manually. Changing the exchange rate automatically updates converted amounts on all records,
including on closed opportunities.
You can opt to use dated exchange rates by using advanced currency management to track historical exchange rates. Advanced
currency management allows you to maintain a list of exchange rates by date range. Converted currency amounts on opportunities
display based on the specified Close Date, regardless of the opportunity stage. If the Close Date changes to a different exchange
rate period, changing the Close Date impacts converted amounts.
Note: Dated exchange rates aren’t used in forecasting, currency fields in other objects, or currency fields in other types of
Administrator setup guide: Using Multiple Currencies
Enable Multiple Currencies
Manage Multiple Currencies
About Advanced Currency Management
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Multiple Currencies
Note: Deactivating a currency that is set as a user’s personal currency automatically resets the user’s currency to the corporate
Managing Multiple Currencies
Editing Conversion Rates
About Advanced Currency Management
Administrator setup guide: Using Multiple Currencies
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Multiple Currencies
Dated exchange rates are defined using a start date and a conversion rate. Each rate is in effect until Available in: Group,
either the end of time or the day before the next start date for that currency. The time between Professional, Enterprise,
one start date and the next start date is called the exchange rate date range. These ranges can be Performance, Unlimited,
as small as a day and as large as all time. and Developer Editions
To enable or disable advanced currency management, see Enabling or Disabling Advanced Currency
Management on page 531. USER PERMISSIONS
When advanced currency management is first enabled, your existing exchange rates automatically To enable advanced
become the first set of dated exchange rates. These rates are valid for all time, until you define currency management:
another set of exchange rates. • Customize Application
If you disable advanced currency management, all currency conversions use the static conversion To view currencies:
rate. See Edit Conversion Rates. • View Setup and
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Multiple Currencies
Manage Multiple Currencies
Activate and Deactivate Currencies
Administrator setup guide: Using Multiple Currencies
About Advanced Currency Management
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Multiple Currencies
To view existing dated exchange rates, select the date range you want to view either by entering To view currencies:
the date and clicking Go!, or by selecting Previous Range or Next Range. • View Setup and
To delete a dated exchange rate for a particular currency, click the name of the currency you want
to edit, then click Del for the date range you want to delete. If the date range you want is not To change currencies:
displayed, enter it in the Show all rates with start dates between fields and • Customize Application
click Go!.
To edit your dated exchange rates for a particular currency, click Edit for the date range you want to edit. If the date range you want is
not displayed, enter it in the Show all rates with start dates between fields and click Go!. Edit the exchange rate,
setting it to the new value for the date range, and click Save.
About Advanced Currency Management
Manage Multiple Currencies
Activate and Deactivate Currencies
Administrator setup guide: Using Multiple Currencies
Sales Cloud Basics Guide Users with Path
1. Enable Path
To start creating paths, first enable Path in Setup.
2. Create a Path
Create one path for each available combination of object, picklist, and record type for supported objects. And help your teams
celebrate their successes by tossing virtual confetti when reps reach designated path steps.
3. Configure the Last Path Step
The order of path steps is based on the order of the values in the picklist that the path is based on. For most objects, the last step
represents a closed stage or status. On certain objects and fields, you can change the picklist value or values applied to records when
they’re moved to the last step.
4. Considerations and Guidelines for Creating Paths
Before creating paths for your users, review considerations and guidelines for paths in combination with various objects and features.
Enable Path
Sales Cloud Basics Guide Users with Path
Enable Path
To start creating paths, first enable Path in Setup.
1. In Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Path Settings.
Available in: Lightning
2. Click Enable.
3. To let users decide whether the path remembers its previous state, select Remember User's
Path Preferences. If this option isn’t selected, the path’s details are hidden whenever the page Available in: Essentials,
that the path is on loads. Group, Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
SEE ALSO: Editions
Create a Path
To enable Path:
• Modify All Data
Customize Application
Create a Path
Create one path for each available combination of object, picklist, and record type for supported
objects. And help your teams celebrate their successes by tossing virtual confetti when reps reach
designated path steps. Available in: Lightning
To create a path:
• Modify All Data
Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Guide Users with Path
Steps for each path (1) are based on picklist values that you select when you create the path. At each step, show up to five key fields to
help users focus on the most important information (2). And help users succeed with guidance such as tips, links, and company policy
information (3).
Help users celebrate their successes by tossing virtual confetti when reps reach path steps such as Closed - Won.
1. In Setup, use the Quick Find box to find Path Settings.
2. In step 1 of creating a path, enter basic information about the path: a unique path name, the object to base the path on, the record
type, and the picklist to base the path on.
Note: Paths are supported for many standard picklists and for custom picklists.
If paths exist for all available record types for the object, create another record type, and then return to Path Settings to create
a path.
3. Click Next.
4. In step 2 of creating a path, select key fields and enter success guidance, and then click Next.
a. For each step on the path, select up to five key fields.
b. For each step on the path, enter up to 1,000 characters of guidance.
5. In step 3 of creating a path, activate the path and enable confetti celebration animations.
Sales Cloud Basics Guide Users with Path
a. Decide whether to activate the path immediately. To activate the path later, return to Path Settings.
b. Select picklist values and a frequency for triggering the celebration animation.
For frequency, if average users reach celebration values more often, set celebrations to occur less often. For example, for a New
Business path where opportunities are hard won, select a frequency of Always. Or let’s say you have a Renewal Business path
where reps can close a lot of opportunities every day. Trigger the animation on random closed opportunities by selecting Often
or Sometimes.
a. Click Finish.
For most objects, the order of path steps is based on the order of the values in the picklist that the path is based on. The last step represents
a closed stage or status. For example, in the last step of an opportunity path based on the Stage field, by default users select Closed Won
or Closed Lost.
On some objects and fields, you can customize the field value represented by the last step of the path.
Configure the Last Path Step
Considerations and Guidelines for Creating Paths
Sales Cloud Basics Guide Users with Path
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
stays there for 3 days. Although the opportunity moves back to the Proposal stage, the stage duration in reports only shows the
stage duration between the first two stages, which is 2 days. In paths, the stage duration is the total number of days that the
opportunity spends in a stage. For example, in the same scenario, both times that the opportunity is in the Proposal stage are
totaled, for a stage duration of 5 days.
• Opportunity stage durations aren’t shown in paths in Experience Cloud sites.
Business Accounts Versus Person Accounts
If person accounts are enabled, the account record type selected determines whether a path is for business accounts or person
Create a Path
Considerations for Using Kanban Views
Considerations and Guidelines for Administering Kanban
Metadata Available for Translation
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
WDC is available for existing
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC customers in
created previously will no longer be accessible.
Professional Edition,
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Enterprise Edition,
Performance Edition,
Unlimited Edition, and
Set Up WDC Developer Edition.
Set up WDC and its features.
Configure WDC
Configure WDC to meet the needs of your business.
Manage WDC
Use these WDC features to thank coworkers.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Set Up WDC
Set up WDC and its features.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Available in: Salesforce
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback, Classic
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
WDC has various features to help your sales and service teams. These features include recognizing Professional Edition,
skills and giving thanks. Enterprise Edition,
After you receive your WDC licenses, set up WDC. Performance Edition,
Unlimited Edition, and
Developer Edition.
1. Considerations for Setting Up WDC
Plan out your implementation before enabling WDC in your organization.
2. Assign a WDC Administrator
Before enabling WDC in your organization, you must assign a WDC user feature license to the person who will be the system
administrator and responsible for setting up WDC for your organization.
3. Enable WDC Features
Administrators can enable preferences for WDC features on the WDC Settings page.
4. Assign WDC Licenses
After granting access to WDC features with permission sets or profiles, assign users a WDC license.
5. Configure WDC Features
Configure the Recognition and Skills features.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Note: We recommend that you enable Chatter regardless of the edition your org is using.
Many WDC features use the Chatter feed to notify and interact with users. To confirm that
Chatter is enabled, from Setup, enter Chatter Settings in the Quick Find box, To enable WDC features:
then select Chatter Settings, and verify that Chatter Settings is enabled. • Customize Application
When using WDC features in the mobile app, you can’t create custom badges. To assign permission sets:
• Assign Permission Sets
SEE ALSO: To assign profiles:
Assign a WDC Administrator • Manage Users
To set field-level security:
• Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
Customize Application
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic (not available in all
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
If you’re the administrator setting up WDC, assign the license to yourself. Performance Edition,
Unlimited Edition, and
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
Developer Edition.
2. Find the name of the person who will be the system administrator and click Edit next to their
3. In the right-hand column, select the WDC User checkbox. USER PERMISSIONS
4. Click Save.
To assign a WDC
We strongly recommend that you create a separate WDC Administrator profile with limited access administrator:
because the standard Salesforce System Administrator profile is so powerful. • Customize Application
Enable WDC Features
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Restrict Skill and Endorsement Skills Settings Disables inline editing of skills and endorsements on Chatter profiles,
Editing to Record Detail Pages and restricts editing to record detail pages. Recommended if you
have customized these objects with custom required fields.
Enable Automatic Skill Feed Skills Settings Enable to automatically create Chatter feed posts when a user adds
Posts a new skill.
Enable Suggested Skills Skills Settings Enable Suggested Skills to have the skills widget suggest skills for
users to add based on their Chatter Topics activity.
3. Click Save.
Assign WDC Permission Sets
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Note: Some permissions require users to have a permission set license before you can grant the permissions. For example,
if you add the Use Identity Connect user permission to the Identity permission set, you can assign only users with the Identity
Connect permission set license to the permission set.
5. Click Save.
Recommended WDC Permission Sets
Recommended WDC Profiles
Assign WDC Profiles
Assign WDC Licenses
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Standard User
The Standard User permission set gives a user all the basic WDC functionality.
Skills Available
Skill Users
Edit Events
Edit Tasks
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
WDC Administrator
The WDC Administrator permission set gives a user full administrative access to WDC objects and features. This permission set should
be assigned instead of the Standard User permission set.
Skills Available
Skill Users
Edit Events
Edit Tasks
Moderate Chatter
Assign WDC Permission Sets
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
To assign profiles:
Recommended WDC Profiles • Manage Users
Create different profiles for different types of WDC users.
Standard User
The Standard User profile gives a user all the basic WDC functionality.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Skills Default On
Skill Users
Edit Events
Edit Tasks
WDC Administrator
The WDC Administrator profile gives a user full administrative access to WDC objects and features.
Skills Default On
Skill Users
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Edit Events
Edit Tasks
Moderate Chatter
Assign WDC Profiles
Assign WDC Permission Sets
• WDC User Feature licenses are for users who also have a Salesforce license.
You may want to configure WDC features before assigning licenses to all users. For example, you may want to initially limit licenses to
WDC administrators to avoid exposing certain features prior to your launch date.
Configure WDC Features
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Set Up WDC
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic (not available in all
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
Make sure you’ve enabled the desired Thanks and Recognition features prior to configuring them. Performance Edition,
From Setup, enter “WDC Settings” in the Quick Find box, then select WDC Settings and Unlimited Edition, and
enable the relevant settings. Developer Edition.
Configure Thanks in the Chatter Publisher and Salesforce Mobile App Action Bar
You can change the position of the Thanks action in the Chatter publisher and the Salesforce mobile app action bar, or even hide
Thanks for specific profiles.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Configure WDC Features
Configure Thanks in the Chatter Publisher and Salesforce Mobile App Action Bar
You can change the position of the Thanks action in the Chatter publisher and the Salesforce mobile
app action bar, or even hide Thanks for specific profiles.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic (not available in all
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
To modify the Chatter publisher, actions in the publisher must be enabled. Performance Edition,
Unlimited Edition, and
1. From Setup, enter Chatter Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Chatter
Developer Edition.
2. Confirm that Enable Actions in the Publisher is selected in the Actions in the
Publisher section. If it isn’t enabled, click Edit, select Enable Actions in the
Publisher, and click Save.
3. From Setup, enter Publisher Layouts in the Quick Find box, then select Publisher To set up actions:
Layouts. • Customize Application
Thanks and Skills Features
Assign Publisher Layout to Profiles
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic (not available in all
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
If not everyone in your organization should have this feature, create another layout without Thanks Performance Edition,
and assign it to a profile. People with that profile won’t see Thanks in their publisher. Unlimited Edition, and
Developer Edition.
1. From Setup, enter Publisher Layouts in the Quick Find box, then select Publisher
2. Click Publisher Layout Assignment.
3. Click Edit Assignment.
To set up quick actions:
4. Select a user profile by clicking anywhere on its row in the table.
• Customize Application
5. From the Publisher Layout, select the global publisher layout that you want to assign to the
highlighted profile.
6. Save the layout.
Thanks and Skills Features
Configure Thanks in the Chatter Publisher and Salesforce Mobile App Action Bar
Configure WDC
Configure WDC to meet the needs of your business.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Available in: Salesforce
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback, Classic
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available as an
created previously will no longer be accessible.
add-on license for
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
Unlimited Edition, or
WDC Editions and Permissions Developer Edition, and is
Skills and Thanks functionality are freely available to Sales Cloud users. The permissions and included in Performance
preferences necessary for different tasks are broken up by feature area. Edition.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Skills Customization
You can change object permissions for the skill and endorsement objects to suit the needs of your organization.
Skills Limitations
Skills and endorsements have special behaviors and limitations.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
WDC is available as an
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
add-on license for
created previously will no longer be accessible.
Professional Edition,
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Enterprise Edition,
Unlimited Edition, or
Developer Edition, and is
General WDC Administrator Tasks included in Performance
This includes tasks for administering and implementing WDC.
Thanks Tasks
This includes tasks for WDC end users, such as viewing and creating thanks badges.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Skills Tasks
This includes tasks for WDC end users using skills.
Enable or Disable WDC Settings
Set Up WDC
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback, Available in: Professional,
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records Enterprise, Performance,
created previously will no longer be accessible. Unlimited, and Developer
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC.
1. From Setup, enter “WDC Settings” in the Quick Find box, then select WDC Settings.
2. Select the WDC feature you want to enable or deselect the feature you want to disable.
To edit WDC settings:
Feature Section Description • Customize Application
Enable Thanks Thanks Settings Enable Thanks to allow users to recognize others
with thanks badges on the Chatter feed.
If you disable this setting, users no longer see
the Thanks action in the Chatter publisher.
However, they can still see previously created
Thanks posts.
Enable Skills Skills Settings Enable Skills to allow users to add skills to their
profiles and endorse the skills of other users.
Enabling this setting replaces the
Knowledgeable About widget on Chatter
Restrict Skill and Skills Settings Disables inline editing of skills and
Endorsement Editing endorsements on Chatter profiles, and restricts
to Record Detail editing to record detail pages. Recommended
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Enable Automatic Skill Feed Skills Settings Enable to automatically create Chatter feed posts when a user adds
Posts a new skill.
Enable Suggested Skills Skills Settings Enable Suggested Skills to have the skills widget suggest skills for
users to add based on their Chatter Topics activity.
3. Click Save.
Set Up WDC
WDC Editions and Permissions
Skills Customization
Skills Customization
You can change object permissions for the skill and endorsement objects to suit the needs of your
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
WDC is available for existing
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC customers in
created previously will no longer be accessible.
Professional Edition,
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Enterprise Edition,
Performance Edition,
Customize the skill and endorsement objects in the same way you edit other objects. This includes Unlimited Edition, and
adding custom fields, modifying page layouts, and adding triggers, workflow, and validation rules. Developer Edition.
You can also customize the hovers that appear on skills, so that you expose specific standard and
custom fields.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Administrators can change object permissions for the skill and endorsement objects to suit the needs of their organization. For example,
you can configure object settings so users can’t create skills, and only skills created by an administrator can be assigned to others. By
default, supported user profiles have the ability to see, create, edit, and remove skills, and administrators have “Modify All Data” and
“View All Data” permissions.
Additionally, administrators can change some skills settings on the WDC Settings page. From Setup, enter WDC Settings in the
Quick Find box, then select WDC Settings.
Generate feed posts when users add a new skill Automatically creates a Chatter feed post when a user adds a new
skill to a profile.
Enable Suggested Skills Automatically suggests skills based on users’ Chatter topics.
You can also install a package with additional reports and dashboards for thanks and skills features:
• Thanks and Skills Reports and Dashboards (Production Package)
• Thanks and Skills Reports and Dashboards (Sandbox Package)
Skills Overview
Skills Limitations
Object Permissions
Viewing and Editing Object Permissions in Permission Sets and Profiles
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Skills Limitations
Skills and endorsements have special behaviors and limitations.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Available in: Salesforce
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback, Classic
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
Note: In the Spring ’21 release, Community Cloud was renamed to Experience Cloud. As Performance Edition,
part of this rebranding effort, you can expect changes for both tools and terminology. For Unlimited Edition, and
more information, see Enable Digital Experiences. Developer Edition.
• Users can’t see the skills widget on a Chatter profile page unless Chatter is enabled.
Skills Overview
Skills Customization
Enable or Disable WDC Settings
Manage WDC
Use these WDC features to thank coworkers.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Available in: Salesforce
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback, Classic
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
Performance Edition,
Thank Coworkers Unlimited Edition, and
Thank your coworkers by posting badges to their Chatter feed. Developer Edition.
Skills Overview
Skills allow users to share information about their professional expertise. With skills, users can
discover, collaborate with, and endorse others based on their knowledge.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Thank Coworkers
Thank your coworkers by posting badges to their Chatter feed.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Available in: Salesforce
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback, Classic
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
WDC Recognition includes Thanks with unlimited custom badges. Managers can create reports Performance Edition,
and dashboards to view data on Recognition leaders. In addition to the required user permissions, Unlimited Edition, and
your administrator must enable Thanks for your organization. Depending on how your administrator Developer Edition.
configured WDC, the Recognition tab and Badges tab may appear as top-level tabs. Additionally,
the Recognition tab may appear as a subtab on your Chatter profile.
Note: Users can create, edit, share, and give thanks badges without a WDC license. For more information about obtaining WDC,
contact Salesforce.
Access the library of available badges from the Badges tab. Click New to create a badge, or click a badge to see or edit badge details.
You can only view the badges you have permission to give, and your ability to create or edit badges may be limited depending on how
your feature is configured.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Give thanks badges from the Chatter publisher. Users are currently limited to giving badges to one user at a time. For more information,
see Give Thanks to Coworkers.
View the badges a user has received on the Recognition tab of their Chatter profile.
Create a Badge
Create custom badges to recognize and thank your coworkers.
Configure Access to Thanks Badges
Configure access to a thanks badge using its Access related list.
Create a Badge
Configure Access to Thanks Badges
Enable or Disable WDC Settings
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Create a Badge
Create custom badges to recognize and thank your coworkers.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Available in: Salesforce
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback, Classic
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC is available for existing
created previously will no longer be accessible.
WDC customers in
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition,
1. Click the Badges tab. Performance Edition,
If the Badges tab isn’t displayed, click to the right of your current tabs and select it from the Unlimited Edition, and
All Tabs page. Developer Edition.
2. Click New.
3. Enter a name and description for the badge, add a badge image, and optionally assign badge USER PERMISSIONS
To view the Badges tab:
Note: • No additional user
• Badges can’t be transferred from a sandbox organization to a production organization. permission needed
• You can limit access to badge records with the Access related list, but badge images To build a badge:
are externally available. • Create on Documents
• The Restrict Custom
Badge Creator setting is
Badge Field Description
disabled by default. If
Badge Name The name of the badge. the setting is enabled,
users need the Create
Active Indicates that the badge is active and available Custom Badge
to give. This setting is enabled by default. Definitions permission.
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Limit Type Select Per User to have Limit Number apply to each user. Select
Per Company to have Limit Number apply to the entire
4. Click Save.
Access for custom badges is set to all internal users by default. To change the access to a custom badge, go to the badge detail page
and click Edit List on the Access related list.
Thank Coworkers
Configure Access to Thanks Badges
4. Click Save.
Thank Coworkers
Create a Badge
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Skills Overview
Skills allow users to share information about their professional expertise. With skills, users can
discover, collaborate with, and endorse others based on their knowledge.
Important: Starting in Spring ’22, WDC isn’t available to new Salesforce customers. For Available in: Salesforce
existing customers, WDC features and records from Badges, Skills, and Thanks aren’t affected Classic
and will remain available in the application beyond Spring ’22. WDC Goals, Coaching, Feedback,
WDC is available for existing
Performance, and Rewards features won’t appear in the application anymore, and records
WDC customers in
created previously will no longer be accessible.
Professional Edition,
Note: On May 1, 2020, we rebranded this suite. It's now called WDC. Enterprise Edition,
Performance Edition,
The Skills feature makes it easier to identify experts in different areas. Users can add or remove skills Unlimited Edition, and
on their Chatter profile page or on record detail pages, and other users can endorse those skills. Developer Edition.
Use the global search bar to search for experts with specific skills.
Enable or Disable WDC Settings
Skills Customization
Skills Limitations
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Skills Overview
Remove a Skill Via Record Detail Pages
Endorse a Skill Via Record Detail Pages
Personalize Your Salesforce Experience
Sales Cloud Basics Build a Culture of Recognition with WDC
Sales Cloud Basics Artificial Intelligence and Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Einstein Features in Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud Basics Einstein Features in Sales Cloud
Einstein Email Insights • Lightning Experience Included with Einstein Activity Capture
• Inbox mobile
Einstein Recommended Connections • Lightning Experience Included with Einstein Activity Capture
• Inbox mobile
Einstein Send Time Optimization Lightning Experience Account Engagement Advanced and
Premium Editions
Einstein for Sales: Sales and Emails Lightning Experience, Salesforce email Einstein for Sales add-on
integrations for Outlook and Gmail
Einstein for Sales: Call Summaries Lightning Experience, Einstein Conversation Einstein Conversation Insights (included in
Insights Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited
editions and available as an add-on in
Enterprise Edition for more than 10 users)
with the Einstein for Sales add-on
Einstein for Sales: Call Explorer Lightning Experience, Einstein Conversation Einstein Conversation Insights (included in
Insights Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited
editions and available as an add-on in
Enterprise Edition for more than 10 users)
with the Einstein for Sales add-on
Einstein for Sales: Sales Signals Lightning Experience, Einstein Conversation Einstein Conversation Insights (included in
Insights Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited
editions and available as an add-on in
Enterprise Edition for more than 10 users)
with Data Cloud and the Einstein for Sales
Einstein for Sales: Generative Conversation Lightning Experience, Einstein Conversation Einstein Conversation Insights (included in
Insights Insights Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited
editions and available as an add-on in
Sales Cloud Basics Einstein and Data Usage in Sales Cloud
Einstein for Sales: Sales Summaries • Lightning Experience Einstein for Sales add-on
• Salesforce App
Einstein for Sales: Create Close Plan • Lightning Experience Einstein for Sales add-on
• Mobile
Einstein for Sales: Find Similar Deals • Lightning Experience Einstein for Sales add-on
• Salesforce App
Customer Data and Salesforce Objects Model
Product Feature Used Usage Data Used Used
Einstein Conversation Einstein Account, Contact, Opportunity, NA Yes
Insights Conversation OpportunityHistory, OpportunityStage, User,
Insights VoiceCall, VideoCall, VideoCallRecording,
VoiceCallRecording, VideoCallParticipant,
meeting data
Sales Emails Account, Contact, Lead, Product, and User Email, Engagement data No
based on send clicks
Sales Cloud Basics Einstein and Data Usage in Sales Cloud
Customer Data and Salesforce Objects Model
Product Feature Used Usage Data Used Used
Generative Video Call, Voice Call Engagement data based on No
Conversation calls processed for insights
Sales Cloud Einstein Einstein Account External News, RecordRecommendation, Account insights user No
Insights AccountInsightNewsArticle, OpportunityInsight, interaction feedback such
AccountInsight, PredictionDefinition, Task, as account insights
EventRelation, Event, Contact, Lead, rendered, dismiss, undo
AccountTeamMember, EntitySubscription, dismiss, email, expand,
Account, Opportunity, OpportunityHistory, collapse, open dropdown
OpportunityContactRole, OpportunityStage, menu on Lightning
OpportunityTeamMember Organization, Platform and Record Home
PermissionSet, PermissionSetAssignment,
PermissionSetLicenseAssign, User, UserRole,
Profile, OrgWideEmailAddress, RecordType,
Sales Cloud Basics Einstein and Data Usage in Sales Cloud
Customer Data and Salesforce Objects Model
Product Feature Used Usage Data Used Used
CurrencyType. If Einstein Activity Capture is
enabled: User email and meetings.
Einstein Same as Einstein Opportunity Scoring with the Forecasting prediction user No
Forecasting following additional entities: Individual, Period, interaction feedback such
ForecastingPrediction, as forecasting prediction
ForecastingPredictionElement, rendered, hover, and click
ForecastingPredictionReason, prediction cell.
ForecastingPredictionTrend, ForecastingType,
OpportunitySplit, OpportunitySplitType,
ForecastingTunerConfig, PeriodType,
ForecastingQuota, ForecastingSourceDefinition,
ForecastingTypeSource, ForecastingFilter,
Lead Scoring Lead, LeadHistory, Task, Event, Account, Contact, Lead score user interaction Yes
RecordType, Organization, LeadIQConfiguration, feedback such as
AIApplication, AIModelDefinition, opportunity score
MLPredictionDefinition, MLDataDefinition rendered, hover on list
view, and record home
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Sales Cloud Users
Customer Data and Salesforce Objects Model
Product Feature Used Usage Data Used Used
Signature Parser,
Sales Engagement Einstein Activity See Einstein Features See Einstein Features See
Capture – Email Einstein
Insights, Einstein Features
Activity Capture
Einstein Actitivy
Capture –
Signature Parser
Lead Scoring See Sales Cloud Einstein See Sales Cloud Einstein See Sales
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Sales Cloud Users
Tip: If you don’t see scores a few days after turning on Einstein, review information about how Einstein scores your opportunities.
If you still need help, contact Salesforce Customer Support for assistance.
4. To customize the scoring model, go to the Einstein Opportunity Scoring setup page and click Review Settings.
a. Read the introduction, and then click Next.
b. Choose whether to have Einstein consider all opportunity records or only a subset when building the scoring model. Then, click
Next. If needed, define the conditions, and click Next.
c. Choose whether to have Einstein consider all opportunity custom fields when building the scoring model. Then, click Next. If
needed, deselect the fields you want Einstein to ignore, and click Next.
d. Review your settings. Then, click Start to begin the scoring process.
It can take up to 48 hours to analyze your data, build a new scoring model, and update scores. To check the status, return to the
Einstein Opportunity Scoring setup page.
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Manage Sales Cloud Users’ Access to Einstein Features
Understand How Einstein Scores Your Opportunities
Implementation Guide: Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Everyone
Sales Cloud Basics Manage Sales Cloud Users’ Access to Einstein Features
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find. Then, select Permission Sets.
2. Click the Sales Cloud Einstein For Everyone permission set.
3. Click Manage Assignments. Add and remove assignments, as needed.
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Set Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Sales Cloud Users
Implementation Guide: Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Everyone
Available in: Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions with the Einstein for Sales add-on
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Create Close Plan in Einstein Copilot
Note: To customize the standard Sales Summaries prompt templates, go to Prompt Builder in Setup and clone and edit the
templates. To customize the Sales Summaries flows, go to Flows in Setup and select the flow that you want to update.
Set Up Einstein Copilot
Copilot Action: Summarize Record
Standard Prompt Templates
Flow: Add and Edit Elements
Before you enable Create Close Plan, these features must be enabled:
• Einstein Generative AI: Enable this feature in Setup from the Einstein Generative AI Setup page.
• Einstein Copilot: Enable and configure this feature in Setup from the Einstein Copilots page.
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, and then select Permission Sets.
2. Click Assign Permission Sets.
3. Select the Close Plan user permission set.
Sales Cloud Basics Set Up Meeting Follow-Up Email in Einstein Copilot
4. Click Manage Assignments and then Add Assignments. Assign the permission set to users and click Assign.
Set Up Einstein Copilot
Enable Einstein Generative AI
Copilot Action: Create Close Plan
Before you enable Meeting Follow-Up Email, these features must be enabled.
• Einstein Generative AI: Enable this feature in Setup from the Einstein Generative AI Setup page.
• Einstein Copilot: Enable and configure this feature in Setup from the Einstein Copilots page.
• Einstein Conversation Insights (ECI): Enable this feature in Setup from the General Settings page.
A call summary and call transcript are required to generate a meeting follow-up email.
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, and then select Permission Sets.
2. Click Assign Permission Sets.
3. Select the Sales Meeting Follow-Up Email user permission set.
4. Click Manage Assignments and then Add Assignments. Assign the permission set to users and click Assign.
Set Up Einstein Copilot
Enable Einstein Generative AI
Copilot Action: Draft or Revise Email
Sales Cloud Basics Digital Engagement for Sales Cloud
Web chat • When prospects visit your website, • Create a Basic Chat Implementation
reach out to them with timely • Set Up Your Embedded Chat Window
information and keep them on your site.
Note: Make sure that users have
• Increase sales rep productivity by
visibility to all required fields.
allowing them to engage with multiple
prospects at the same time.
Sales Cloud Basics Contact and Lead Imports
Note: Unused conversations and triggered and bulk messages are forfeited at the subscription’s end date. To purchase additional
conversations or triggered and bulk messages, contact your Salesforce representative.
Lightning Sales Console
Sales Engagement
Important: When completing the import, the Import from File option supports UTF-8
character encoding only. If you require a different character encoding format, select Import,
Update, or Export to complete your import using the Data Import Wizard, which allows you
to select a character code standard.
The CSV file import uses the same data matching and import rules as the Data Import Wizard and offers these key features.
• Easy to follow, guided experience.
• A sample CSV file to ensure your data is in the right format.
• Automated matching to data already in your system to identify duplicate records.
• Easy to select options to map fields in your file to fields in Salesforce.
• Previews of mapped fields.
The Basic Data Import is for importing new contacts or leads only.
Sales Cloud Basics More Sales Features
Salesforce recommends that you test a small file first to make sure that you’ve prepared your source data correctly. Any duplicate leads
are identified by matches in Name only.
For large or complex import jobs, to import data for other objects, to import updates to existing contacts and leads, or for support for
other Salesforce editions, use the Data Import Wizard or the Data Loader import options.
Choosing a Method for Importing Data
What is Imported for Business Accounts and Contacts?
What is Imported for Leads?
Sales Cloud Basics Drive Sales with Partners
Partner Fields
A partner has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order.
Deleting Partners
Removing a partner from an opportunity or account removes the partner's relationship with the opportunity or account, but does
not delete the account.
Create a Partner Portal
Starting in Summer ’13, the partner portal is no longer available for orgs that aren’t currently using it. Existing orgs continue to have
full access. If you don’t have a partner portal, but want to easily share records and information with your partners, try Experience
Cloud sites.
To view account information for a specific partner, click the partner’s name in the Partners related AND
list. If you don’t have permission to view a partner account, the account name still appears in the Edit on opportunities
related list on the account or opportunity. However, you don’t have access to other information
about that account.
1. In the Partners related list, click New.
2. On opportunities, you can choose a primary partner by selecting Primary. Partners marked as primary appear in opportunity reports.
Sales Cloud Basics Drive Sales with Partners
3. In the Partner column, enter the name of an account. In Lightning Experience, you can add multiple partners at a time. In Salesforce
Classic, you can also create an account by opening the lookup dialog and clicking New.
4. In the Role column, choose the role that the partner account plays in the account or opportunity.
Remove a partner relationship by clicking Delete (Lightning Experience) or Del (Salesforce Classic) next to the partner. You can’t
open partner records from the Partners related list in the new Salesforce mobile app.
Note: If you change the account for an opportunity that has partners, all partners are deleted from the Partners related list.
Selecting a partner on an account or opportunity automatically creates a reverse partner relationship so that each account lists
the other as a partner. The role you select is applied to the partner account; in the current account, the reverse role is applied.
Your Salesforce admin sets the available roles and the corresponding reverse roles.
Your admin can customize the columns displayed in the related list.
Partner Fields
A partner has the following fields, listed in alphabetical order.
Field Description Available in: Salesforce
Partner Name Name of partner. You can enter an existing Classic (not available in all
account, or use the lookup icon to search for (or orgs)
optionally, create) a new account. Available in: all editions in
orgs activated before
Primary Option that specifies the primary partner for the
Summer ’09
Available in: Group,
Role Role of partner for a specific opportunity or Professional, Enterprise,
account. The role is correlated to the reverse Performance, Unlimited,
role, applied to the reverse partner relationship. and Developer Editions in
Select from a picklist of available roles, which orgs activated after Summer
are set by an administrator. ’09
Sales Cloud Basics Drive Sales with Partners
Deleting Partners
Removing a partner from an opportunity or account removes the partner's relationship with the
opportunity or account, but does not delete the account.
Note: If you change the account for an opportunity that has partners, all partners are deleted Available in: Salesforce
from the Partners related list. Classic (not available in all
1. To remove a partner relationship from an opportunity or account, click Del next to the partner’s
name. Available in: all editions in
Removing a partner affects and opportunity or account in the following ways. orgs activated before
Summer ’09
Deleting a Partner From Does This Available in: Group,
Professional, Enterprise,
An account Removes the partner from the account and Performance, Unlimited,
from all opportunities for that account with and Developer Editions in
which the partner was associated. orgs activated after Summer
An opportunity If the partner is associated with only one
opportunity for an account, the partner is
removed from both the opportunity and the
If the partner is associated with multiple To delete partners from an
opportunities for an account, the partner is account:
removed from that opportunity only. The • Edit on accounts
partner remains associated with other To delete partners from an
opportunities and with the account. opportunity:
• Edit on accounts
Edit on opportunities
For detailed information about creating a partner portal, see the Create and Manage Partner Portals guide. Generic information about
user management, sharing, and CRM data remains available from the Salesforce help.
Sales Cloud Basics Add LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Sales Cloud
Note: On lead, contact, opportunity, and account record pages, sales users use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator component to match
the record with its LinkedIn profile. You can’t unmatch a record and a profile, except by associating the record with a different
Sales Cloud Basics Add LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Sales Cloud
This article is about the native LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration in Salesforce. For information about the AppExchange version of
Sales Navigator from LinkedIn, see Sales Navigator Help at LinkedIn.
To turn on the LinkedIn Sales Navigator native integration:
1. In Setup, enter LinkedIn Sales Navigator in the search box. Then click LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
2. In the LinkedIn Sales Navigator Integration tab, turn on the Sales Navigator Integration.
When you turn on the LinkedIn Sales Navigator native integration, InMail and connection request actions appear automatically in
the Actions menu on default page layouts.
3. Optionally enable LinkedIn's CRM Sync feature to allow Salesforce and LinkedIn to sync certain lead and contact data and save
Linkedin activities as tasks in Salesforce. To enable LinkedInCRM Sync, click Go to LinkedIn Settings.
Next, add Sales Navigator components and actions to page layouts.
Add LinkedIn Sales Navigator Components to Lead, Contact, and Account Page Layouts
To let sales users see LinkedIn profiles on lead, contact, opportunity, and account pages, add the LinkedIn Sales Navigator components
to Lightning pages.
Add LinkedIn Sales Navigator Lightning Actions to Lead, Contact, and Account Page Layouts
When you turn on the native integration of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Salesforce adds InMail and connection request actions to default
page layouts. If you have any customized page layouts, manually add InMail and connection request actions to those layouts.
Add LinkedIn Sales Navigator Components to Lead, Contact, and Account Page Layouts
To let sales users see LinkedIn profiles on lead, contact, opportunity, and account pages, add the
LinkedIn Sales Navigator components to Lightning pages.
This feature is available to users with a Sales Navigator Team or Enterprise license from LinkedIn. Available in: Enterprise,
Professional, and Unlimited
This article is about the native LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration in Salesforce. For information
about the AppExchange version of Sales Navigator from LinkedIn, see Sales Navigator Help at
1. In Setup, enter Lightning App Builder in the search box, and then click Lightning USER PERMISSIONS
App Builder.
To edit and save Lightning
2. Find the Lightning page you want to update and click Edit. pages in the Lightning App
3. Drag the appropriate Sales Navigator component onto the page layout. Builder:
• Customize Application
• For lead, contact, opportunity, and person account pages, you can add the Sales Navigator:
Member Profile (Native) component to the page layout. •
• For opportunity and business account pages, you can add the Sales Navigator: Company
Profile (Native) component to the page layout.
4. Save your changes. Repeat the process for each Lightning page you want to customize.
Sales Cloud Basics Resources for the Sales Professional
Add LinkedIn Sales Navigator Lightning Actions to Lead, Contact, and Account Page Layouts
When you turn on the native integration of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Salesforce adds InMail and
connection request actions to default page layouts. If you have any customized page layouts,
manually add InMail and connection request actions to those layouts. Available in: Enterprise,
This feature is available to users with a Sales Navigator Team or Enterprise license from LinkedIn. Professional, and Unlimited
This article is about the native LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration in Salesforce. For information
about the AppExchange version of Sales Navigator from LinkedIn, see Sales Navigator Help at
1. In Setup, click Object Manager.
2. Click the name of the object you want to edit, such as Lead, and click Page Layouts.
3. Click the name of the page layout you want to edit.
4. In the Lead Layout section, click Buttons.
5. From the button list, drag the Send Sales Navigator InMail and the Send Sales Navigator Connection Request buttons to the Standard
Buttons section of the Lead Detail section.
6. Save your changes.
Campaigns (continued)
A members, adding from accounts 38
Account hierarchy 223–224
members, deleting individual 55
Account history 222
overview 25
Account teams
ROI reports 21
adding members 235
setting campaign types 23
overview 239
viewing hierarchy 29
Account Teams
reports 238
overview 152
Con tact hierarchy 274
account history 222
adding team members 235
See Person accounts 227
deleting 245
Contact hierarchy 275
hierarchy, understanding 246
Contact Roles 292, 296
merging 214, 218
overview 206
contact roles 292
parent 246
deleting 263
Person accounts 227
merge 264, 268
site 246
leads 93, 99
leads 97
leads, guidelines for 98
B opportunities 144
Business contact sharing Custom fields
B2C orgs share contacts 226, 234 mapping lead fields 87
C considerations for opportunity teams 516
Campaign hierarchy
viewing campaigns 29 D
Campaign member Data Integration 96, 221, 269
adding 36
individuals, deleting 55 Clean 96, 221, 269
related list 52 Prospector 96, 221, 269
Campaign Members Deleting
overview 31, 33, 49 accounts 245
Campaigns contacts 263
adding members 36 opportunities 148
adding members from list views 39 quotes 175
adding members from reports 40 Duplicate
advanced setup 23 accounts 214, 218
campaign influence contacts 264, 268
21, 64
add campaign to opportunity 64 E
Campaign Members related list 52
Enterprise Territory Management 117
Customizable Campaign Influence setup 60
mass removing members 56
F accounts 214, 218
assigning status to web-generated leads 117 O
automatically email leads 115
campaign influence 21
add products 151
campaigns 21
bookmarking similar 150
convert existing accounts or contacts 115
creating 144
leads 115–117
deleting 148
lost leads 116
field history
mapping lead fields while converting 115
ROI reports 21
stage history 148
web-generated leads limit 117
finding similar 150
what is a Lead 115
Opportunity Stage 146
sharing 146
custom lead fields for lead conversion, mapping 87
sync with quotes 168
Opportunity Contact Roles 296
similar opportunities 150
Opportunity field history
Forecasting 117
stage history 148
Opportunity Splits
L enabling 518
Opportunity teams
assigning 97
considerations for customizing 516
assigning status to web-generated leads 117
Opportunity Splits 518
automatically email leads 115
Opportunity Teams
conversion, mapping custom fields 87
reports 508
Convert 91
convert existing accounts or contacts 115
creating 196
converting 99
deleting 197
guidelines for creating 98
editing 197
limits 116
lost leads 116
competitors 152
Manage 87
leads 78
mapping lead fields while converting 115
overview 78 P
Set Up 79
Parent accounts
sharing 97
viewing 246
Social Accounts and Contacts 78
Path 533–534
Things to know 97
troubleshooting conversion problems 93
quote templates 161
web-generated leads limit 117
Person accounts
what is a Lead 115
overview 227
M visibility into your pipeline, sharing 146
custom lead fields 87
add to opportunities 151
list prices 123, 126
contacts 264, 268
overview 120–121
portal users 264, 268
sale prices 126
Products (continued)
set and edit prices 123
Reduction orders
set prices 126
deleting 197
standard prices 123, 126
editing 197
Q Reports
adding results to campaigns 40
PDF 169
templates 173
leads 97
Quote templates
opportunities 146
add lists 163
add rich text 163
history 148
add signature block 165
create 171
quotes with opportunities 167
custom 168, 176
troubleshooting for quotes 179
field names 173
signature block 173
standard 168, 176
tips 173 Team selling
totals section 173 Opportunity Splits 518
upgrading 173 Templates
Quotes quote PDFs 161
add lists to templates 163 Territory Management 2.0
add rich text to templates 163 concepts 459
add signature block to templates 165 Territory Type 459
considerations for creating PDFs 176
considerations for creating templates 171
create PDFs 168 Viewing
delete 175 parent account hierarchies 246
PDF templates 161
sync with opportunities 168
syncing with opportunities 167 Web-to-Lead
troubleshooting syncing 179 limits 116