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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 2; August, 2014 pp. 28-32
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Comparison of Compression Capacity of Cold

Formed Steel Channel Sections under Concentrated
Loading by Analytical Methods
Nikhil N. Yokar1, Pratibha M. Alandkar2
M.E.Student, (Structures), Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon (Bk), Pune, Maharashtra
Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon (Bk), Pune, Maharashtra

Abstract: The objective of this research paper is to determine the forming the material by either press braking or cold roll
capacity of cold formed steel sections under compression forming to achieve the desired shape.
subjected to concentrated loading for different lengths. Study
under this title includes comparison of mid line and Indian
standard design methods to check safe carrying capacity of C-
shaped compression members with lips. STRUCTURAL MEMBERS

Keywords: Cold formed steel, Compression member, Mid line and 2.1 The effective width concept
Indian standard design method, Effective width method, Direct
Since the thickness of individual plate elements of cold-
strength method.
formed steel (CFS) structural members are normally small
compared to their width, buckling and postbuckling strength
1. INTRODUCTION are two major concerns for strength prediction of CFS
structural members. Unlike hot rolled structural members,
Cold-formed steel members are widely used in building
CFS members normally buckle prior to section yielding.
construction, bridge construction, storage racks, highway
products, drainage facilities, grain bins, transmission towers,
car bodies, railway coaches, and various types of equipment. Further, CFS compression elements do not collapse when the
These sections are cold-formed from carbon or low alloy steel buckling stress is reached. Additional load can be carried by
sheet, strip, plate, or flat bar in cold-rolling machines or by the element after buckling, by means of stress redistribution.
press brake or bending brake operations. Members are usually This phenomenon, termed “postbuckling strength” is most
not thicker than 10 mm. The manufacturing process involves pronounced for elements with high slenderness.

Fig.2.1: An idealization of the longitudinal stress during consecutive stages of loading.

The stress is uniformly distributed at the beginning load stage. stress, then the element fails. This ignores the longitudinal
As the applied stress approaches the buckling stress, the stress variations in the stress, but captures the mean, membrane
distribution is no longer uniform and the maximum stress stress behavior.
increases over the buckling stress until it reaches the yield
Comparison of Compression Capacity of Cold
Formed Steel Channel Sections under Concentrated Loading by Analytical Methods 29

k = constant depends on support conditions

When the edges parallel to the compression stress are simply

supported, the value of k = 4. Hence for such case, the critical
stress is given by
π! E
-cr =
3(1 − μ! )(w⁄t)!



For effective width of stiffened compression elements other

than tubes without intermediate stiffener, Load determination,

Fig.2.2: fmax equals the edge stress for (w/t) upto (w/t)lim = 446/<-, b = w
= ?@A DE@
for (w/t) > (w/t)lim, = C1 − I
In the Effective Width approach, instead of considering the > <B (F/H)<B
non-uniform distribution of stress across the width of the Allowable stresses for unstiffened compression elements
element, it is assumed that the total load is carried by a for (w/t) ≤ 165/<-J ; fc = 0.6 fy
fictitious width b, which is subjected to a uniformly
distributed stress fmax. Where, fmax equals the edge stress, as for 375/<-J > (w/t) > 165<-J ; fc = fy [ 0.767- 10-3(w/t)<-J
shown in Figure 2.2 ]
for 25 > (w/t) > 375/<-J ; fc = 54200/ (w/t)2
i) angle struts : fc = 54200/(w/t)2
Axial load is very common and very important type of loading ii) other sections : fc = 134 - 1.93(w/t)
and the requirement to deal with this type of loading in cold
formed steel members vary according to type of loading, 4.1 Sample calculations by IS 801:1975
tension or compression and geometry and use of the member.
Consider 250x80x25x5
For axially loaded cold formed steel, compression member
should be designed for the following limit states:
1. Local buckling
2. Distortional buckling
3. Flexural buckling
4. Distortional-flexural buckling.
5. Yielding

In the case of light gauge members, the width to thickness

ratio (w/t) is quite large and hence failure of member occurs
invariably by buckling. For light gauge plate elements, the
buckling occurs at low stresses resulting due to compression,
or bending or shear or bearing.

The critical stress of a plate in compression is given by

π! E 1. Sectional properties
-cr = . h = 250 mm
12(1 − μ! )(4 ⁄5)! b = 80 mm
l = 25 mm
Where, fcr = critical stress r = 7.5 mm
E = modulus of elasticity t = 5 mm
µ = Poisson’s ratio A = 2080 mm2
w = width of the plate Ixx = 1840x104 mm4
t = thickness of the plate Iyy = 156x104 mm4

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 2; August, 2014
30 Nikhil N. Yokar, Pratibha M. Alandkar

ryy = 27.39 mm b = 75 mm
2. Material Properties l = 22.5 mm
fy = 240 Mpa t = 5 mm
E = 2x105 Mpa A = [245+75*2+22.5*2]*5
= 2200 mm2
3. Computation of effective widths Ixx = 2017.65x104 mm4
Radius of curve = 7.5+5 = 12.5 mm Iyy = 175.14x104 mm4
i) For unstiffened element (lips) ryy = 28.22 mm
(w/t) = (25-12.5)/5 = 2.5 < 12
Therefore, fc = 0.6 fy = 144 Mpa

ii) For stiffened flanges

= ?@A DE@
= C1 − I = 11
> <B (F/H)<B
Hence b = 55mm

iii) For web, b = 200.55 mm

4. Determination of form factor Q

Aeff = 2080-(24.45*5) = 1957.75 mm2
Q= K . = 0.94
B &

5. Determination of Cc and (l/r)lim

Cc = N = 128.31 2. Material Properties
fy = 240 Mpa
(l/r)lim = 132.25
E = 2x105 Mpa
6. Determination of safe load for 1m
3. Computation of effective widths
(l/r) = (1000⁄27.39) = 36.51 < (l/r)lim
! i) For unstiffened element (lips)
D! V X.BQ.(Y/Z)
fa = .Q.fy - .W [ = 113.37 Mpa (w/t) = 22.5/5
!V !V. O
= 4.5 < 12
Permissible load = fa. Aeff = 235.08 kN. Therefore, fc = 0.6 fy = 144 Mpa

For different lengths capacity of lipped channel section ii) For stiffened flanges
= ?@A DE@
250x80x25x5 according to the guidelines of mid line = C1 − I = 15
> <B (F/H)<B
dimensions and IS 801:1975 are as followed.
Hence b = 75 mm
Table 4.1.1: Theoretically obtained capacity values as per IS
801:1975 iii) For web, b = 206.56 mm

4. Determination of form factor Q

As per IS Aeff = 2200-(38.44*5) = 2007.8 mm2
Section Effective Length
801:1975 B &LMM
Q= K . = 0.91
1m 235.80 kN B &

3m 161.05 kN 5. Determination of Cc and (l/r)lim

64.32 kN !OP 
5m Cc = N = 128.31
10m 16.08 kN
(l/r)lim = 134.31

4.2 Sample calculations by Mid Line Dimensions 6. Determination of safe load for 1m
(l/r) = (1000⁄28.22) = 35.44 < (l/r)lim
Consider Section 250x80x25x5 D! V X.BQ.(Y/Z) !
1. Sectional properties fa = .Q.fy - .W [ = 110.3 Mpa
!V !V. O
h = 245 mm Permissible load = fa. Aeff = 242.66 kN

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 2; August, 2014
Comparison of Compression Capacity of Cold
Formed Steel Channel Sections under Concentrated Loading by Analytical Methods 31

Table 4.2.1: Theoretically obtained capacity values as per Mid 4. Comparing capacity values through two different
Line Dimensions methods it is observed that methodology adopted in IS
801:1975 is more reliable to calculations by considering
As per mid line dimensions. IS 801:1975 is nothing but
Section Effective Length Mid Line effective width method which is more tedious than direct
Dimensions strength method but since it depends on Q value that is
ratio of effective area by c/s area of sections found to be
1m 242.66 kN
equal to one for the sections 180x80x25x5 and less than
3m 172.63 kN onwards.
5m 72.21 kN
5. Channel sections are considered with length variation of
10m 18.05 kN 1m, 3m, 5m, and 10m. Therefore, capacity of short
columns can be compared to long columns under
Compression capacity of section without lips calculated by concentrated loading conditions. It is observed that with
both analytical methods is as follows. increase in length capacity of columns observed to
reduce by more than 50% in the range of 3m to 5m and
Table 4.2.2: Theoretically obtained capacity values for section 5m to 10m. Therefore, in case of cold formed structures
without lips use of built up columns shall be preferred for longer
As per As per
Section IS Mid Line 6. The value of form factor Q, which is a ratio of effective
801:1975 Dimensions area under compression to overall area. Choice of
1m 216.08 kN 211.22 kN section with lips or without lips doesn’t affect the value
of Q up to a considerable difference. Not even with the
3m 123.86 kN 115.07 kN change in its effective length.
5m 44.94 kN 41.46 kN
7. For channel section with lips, lips are observed to add to
the overall stiffness of the section and not to the capacity
10m 11.23 kN 10.37 kN as much. Change in lip length does not cause any
250x80x5 considerable change in compression capacity of the
section. Hence, compression capacity obtained by mid
line dimension are upper bounded values as compared to
5. CONCLUDING REMARKS those obtained by IS 801:1975.

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 2; August, 2014

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