1025R Serial Numbers
1025R Serial Numbers
1025R Serial Numbers
To The Customer
The part numbers in this Parts Catalog were correct at the time of publication. Per John Deere policy, we continuously improve our products.
Therefore, when ordering parts verify the part numbers with your dealer.
SI Units of Measure
Metric dimensions are provided as applicable throughout this parts catalog.
Illustrations in this catalog are only intended as a reference for dealers and customers. These illustrations do not necessarily represent the exact
view of the parts.
Box-Enclosed Illustrations
Box-enclosed keyed parts in the illustration are available as a service assembly or an attachment. These parts may also include parts not avail-
able for service. The illustrations may not show all individual parts of an attachment. A box not keyed includes non-current parts.
Orientation Of Product
An arrow shown with an illustration is to indicate the direction of product forward travel. Right Hand (RH) and Left Hand (LH) sides are deter-
mined by product forward travel.
Orientation of Engine
Right Hand (RH) and Left Hand (LH) sides are determined by standing at flywheel and facing the engine.