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1025R Serial Numbers

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1025R Compact Utility Tractor

1025R Compact Utility Tractor

PU06888 A.1

2013 Model (Serial No. 1LV1025R++H110001- )

(specifications and design subject to change without notice)

PC11842 (L.1) MAR-19 1/6

1025R Compact Utility Tractor

Product Identification Number, 17-Digit, Machines Built Before January 2016

An individual product identification and serial number is assigned to each machine. When writing about or filling out warranty claims, use all the
characters shown on the plate.
PX278337 A.1

1 - Tractor World Manufacturing Code 1

2 - Tractor Manufacturer LV - John Deere Augusta Works
3 - Tractor Series 1
4 - Tractor Engine HP 025
5 - Tractor Family R
6 - Year of Manufacture ++
7 - Type of Transmission H- Hydro Dual Pedal
8 - Tractor Model Year 3- 2013
9 - Platform Identifier 1 - OOS
10 - Tractor Serial Number 0001

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1025R Compact Utility Tractor

Product Identification Number, 17-Digit, Machines Built After January 2016

An individual product identification and serial number is assigned to each machine. When writing about or filling out warranty claims, use all the
characters shown on the plate.
PX278338 A.1

1 - Tractor World Manufacturing Code 1

2 - Tractor Manufacturer LV - John Deere Augusta Works
3 - Tractor Series 1
4 - Tractor Engine HP 025
5 - Tractor Family R
6 - Tractor Family +
7 - Calender Year +
8 - Tractor Model Year D
9 - Platform Identifier 1 - OOS
10 - Tractor Serial Number 00001

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1025R Compact Utility Tractor
Calender Year / Model Year
Year Code Year Code Year Code Year Code
2008 8 2018 J 2028 W 2038 8
2009 9 2019 K 2029 X 2039 9
2010 A 2020 L 2030 Y 2040 A
2011 B 2021 M 2031 1 2041 B
2012 C 2022 N 2032 2 2042 C
2013 D 2023 P 2033 3 2043 D
2014 E 2024 R 2034 4 2044 E
2015 F 2025 S 2035 5 2045 F
2016 G 2026 T 2036 6 2046 G
2017 H 2027 V 2037 7 2047 H

Product Configuration Code

The configuration "alpha" code identifies a variation of a product. Example: A machine may be manufactured as a two-wheel or four-wheel drive
unit, and be shipped with standard or wide cutting units; thus four variations of the same machine exist. It also identifies different products which
have the same model or machine designation (a tractor and an attachment tiller may have the same model numbers). If no configuration "alpha"
code is required, space is filled in with an "X".

Serial Number Listing Information

Serial number information is listed to show on which machines each part can be used; for example:
– The part can be used on all products.
000000 – The part can be used on products beginning with the serial number listed.
– 000000 The part can be used on products up to and including the serial number listed.
000000 – 000000 The part can be used on products between and including the serial number listed.
When XXXXXX's are listed in place of a serial number, a serial number change was made, but the exact serial number was not available at the
time of publication.

To The Customer
The part numbers in this Parts Catalog were correct at the time of publication. Per John Deere policy, we continuously improve our products.
Therefore, when ordering parts verify the part numbers with your dealer.

SI Units of Measure
Metric dimensions are provided as applicable throughout this parts catalog.

Bolt and Cap Screw Strength Identification

Bolts and cap screws required to have high-strength qualities equivalent to metric property class 10.9 (SAE grade 8) or higher are identified
throughout this catalog by the description 10.9, 12.9 or 14.9. All standard bolts and cap screws are metric property class 8.8 (SAE grade 5) or

Illustrations in this catalog are only intended as a reference for dealers and customers. These illustrations do not necessarily represent the exact
view of the parts.

Box-Enclosed Illustrations
Box-enclosed keyed parts in the illustration are available as a service assembly or an attachment. These parts may also include parts not avail-
able for service. The illustrations may not show all individual parts of an attachment. A box not keyed includes non-current parts.

Orientation Of Product
An arrow shown with an illustration is to indicate the direction of product forward travel. Right Hand (RH) and Left Hand (LH) sides are deter-
mined by product forward travel.

Orientation of Engine
Right Hand (RH) and Left Hand (LH) sides are determined by standing at flywheel and facing the engine.

John Deere Remanufactured Components

The REMAN parts listed in this catalog are intended for the repair or replacement of failed or worn original equipment components. John Deere
Reman components are manufactured to stringent John Deere standards and produced to original John Deere specifications that incorporates
the latest design and performance improvement updates.

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1025R Compact Utility Tractor

Remarks And Abbreviations

The following remarks and abbreviations may appear throughout this parts catalog. Refer to the following table for translations.
Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning
ALSO ORDER, ORD W/ Also Order MFWD Mechanical Front Wheel Drive
AMP Ampere MRWD Mechanical rear wheel drive
APPL, APPL ONLY This application only NA, NOT USED THIS APPL Not used in this application
AR As required NLA No longer available
ASSY Complete assembly NSEP Not available separately
CCW Counter-clockwise OD Outside diameter
COMPLETE GOODS Complete goods OR Or
CONVENIENCE ASSY, CA Convenience assembly ORD, ORDER Order
CTL, CUT TO LENGTH Cut to length OS Oversize
CONSISTS OF Consists of PKG, PACKG Package, Packet of
CUT FROM Cut from PTO Power Take Off
CW Clockwise REAR Rear
FRONT Front REPL Replaces
GAS Gasoline RH Right-hand
HP Horse Power SUB COMPONENTS Substitute components (of the
kit or assy)
HS, SAE High strength, SAE rating SUB FOR THIS APPLI- Sub for this application
HS, HEAD MARKED High strength, head marked SUB FOR Substitutes for
Remarks and Abbreviations Continued
Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning
ID Inside diameter SN Serial number
INCH Inch STD Standard
INCL, INCLUDES Includes… SUB Replaced by
INCL KEYS Includes keys… SUB THIS APPLICATION Sub this application
INCLUDES PARTS/ ITEMS Includes parts/items marked.. TEETH, Z Number of gear teeth
KIT Kit TK Thickness
L Number of links UP, UPPER Upper
LGTH Length US Undersize
LH Left-hand USE WITH Use with
LOW, LOWER Lower USE UNTIL EXHAUSTED Use until exhausted
MAKE FROM, MF Make from W/ With
MARKED Marked W/O Without
MATCHED SET Matched Set WHOLE GOODS Whole goods

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1025R Compact Utility Tractor

Remarks And Abbreviations

The following remarks and abbreviations may appear throughout this parts catalog. Refer to the following table for translations.
Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning
ALSO ORDER, ORD W/ Also Order MFWD Mechanical Front Wheel Drive
AMP Ampere MRWD Mechanical rear wheel drive
APPL, APPL ONLY This application only NA, NOT USED THIS APPL Not used in this application
AR As required NLA No longer available
ASSY Complete assembly NSEP Not available separately
CCW Counter-clockwise OD Outside diameter
COMPLETE GOODS Complete goods OR Or
CONVENIENCE ASSY, CA Convenience assembly ORD, ORDER Order
CTL, CUT TO LENGTH Cut to length OS Oversize
CONSISTS OF Consists of PKG, PACKG Package, Packet of
CUT FROM Cut from PTO Power Take Off
CW Clockwise REAR Rear
FRONT Front REPL Replaces
GAS Gasoline RH Right-hand
HP Horse Power SUB COMPONENTS Substitute components (of the
kit or assy)
HS, SAE High strength, SAE rating SUB FOR THIS APPLI- Sub for this application
HS, HEAD MARKED High strength, head marked SUB FOR Substitutes for
Remarks and Abbreviations Continued
Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning
ID Inside diameter SN Serial number
INCH Inch STD Standard
INCL, INCLUDES Includes… SUB Replaced by
INCL KEYS Includes keys… SUB THIS APPLICATION Sub this application
INCLUDES PARTS/ ITEMS Includes parts/items marked.. TEETH, Z Number of gear teeth
KIT Kit TK Thickness
L Number of links UP, UPPER Upper
LGTH Length US Undersize
LH Left-hand USE WITH Use with
LOW, LOWER Lower USE UNTIL EXHAUSTED Use until exhausted
MAKE FROM, MF Make from W/ With
MARKED Marked W/O Without
MATCHED SET Matched Set WHOLE GOODS Whole goods

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