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Tunnel Base-1700

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Section ==> 1 2

Base Slab Base Slab

ULS Design (ACI318M-19) Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal
Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top
Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Units
Design Force input
Max. Factored moment, Mu 2500 3500 2500 2500 600 12000 2500 5000 kNm
Materials and Sections
Concrete compressive strength, fc' 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 MPa
Modulus of elasticity of concretel, Ec 3.0E+04 3.0E+04 3.0E+04 3.0E+04 3.0E+04 3.0E+04 3.0E+04 3.0E+04 MPa
Steel Grade, fy 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 MPa
Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 MPa
Slab thickness assumed 1200 1000 1200 1200 1000 1000 1000 1000 mm
Width of the slab considered, b 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 mm
l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Clear cover to reinforcement, cc 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 mm
Strength Reduction factor
For flexure, f 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
For shear, f 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Longitudinal Reinforcement input
Nos 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Nos
C/C Spacing 150 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 mm
1st layer Dia T32 T25 T32 T32 T32+T25 T32+T32 T32 T32+T25
2nd layer Dia 0 0 0 0 0 T32+T32 0 0
3rd layer Dia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4th layer Dia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Provided Area of tension steel 6434.0 3927.0 6434.0 6434.0 10361.0 25735.9 6434.0 10361.0 mm2
Minimum Flexural steel required
For Beam (a) 0.25√f'cbwd/fy
(b) 1.4bwd/fy
For Slab 0.0018Ag 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160
For Wall 0.0025Ag
As,min 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 mm2
Flexural Reinforcement Design:
d' 103 100 103 103 103 125 103 103 mm
d = (h-d') 1097 900.5 1097 1097 897 875.5 897 897 mm
Dist. from extreme comp. fiber to centroid mm
of extreme layer of long tension steel, dt

1097 900.5 1097 1122 918 918 918 918 mm

Assuming an rectangular concrete stress distribution block as below
b ecu 0.85fc'
c a

d' Asfy
Straint Stress
Hence, from the above stress strain diagram the following equilibrium equation holds
=> a = d-sqrt(d-2Mu/f0.85fc'b)
1 2
ULS Design (Continue...) Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal
Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Unit
b1 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.65
Neutral axis depth, c =a/b1 101.00 179.93 101.00 101.00 28.96 Err:502 125.93 316.56 mm
c/dt 0.092 0.200 0.092 0.090 0.032 Err:502 0.137 0.345
Determination tension/ compression
controlled Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension
controlled controlled controlled controlled controlled Err:502 controlled controlled
ecu (as the section is tension controlled) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
et 0.0296 0.0120 0.0296 0.0303 0.0921 Err:502 0.0189 0.0057
a 77.191 137.518 77.191 77.191 22.132 Err:502 96.244 205.761 mm
ecmax 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
esmin 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
amax=bcmax=b(ecmax/(ecmax+esmin)*d) 314.41 258.09 314.41 314.41 257.09 250.92 257.09 218.64
Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly
Section reinforced Singly reinforced reinforced reinforced reinforced Err:502 reinforced reinforced
Nominal Moment, Mn=Mu/f 2777.8 3888.9 2777.8 2777.8 666.7 13333.3 2777.8 5555.6 kNm
from the equation below we can get, Mn=Asfy(d-a/2)

So, area of steel required, Astreq 6249 11132 6249 6249 1792 Err:502 7791 16657 mm2
Tension steel provided, Aspro 6434 3927 6434 6434 10361 25736 6434 10361 mm2
Moment of Resistance. Mr 2860
Capacity Ratio 1.03 0.35 1.03 1.03 5.78 Err:502 0.83 0.62
Provided Reinforcement is OK revise reinf. OK OK OK Err:502 revise reinf.revise reinf.
Max spacing, smax 178 178 178 200 200 200 200 200
Provided Spacing is OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Percentage of reinforcement 0.54 0.39 0.54 0.54 1.04 2.57 0.64 1.04 %
Design for one way Shear
Shear Force, Vu 1250 1250 1800 1800 1500 1500 1800 1800 kN
Shear Reinforcement
Dia 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 mm
Number of Legs 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Nos
Spacing along the length 250 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Spacing along the width 125 125 125 125 129 129 129 129 mm
Area of stirrups, Asv 905 905 905 905 1608 1608 1608 1608 mm2
3.62 7.24 7.24 7.24 12.87 12.87 12.87 12.87 mm2/mm
Minimum Shear Reinft Required
For Beam 0.083φλ√f'cbwd
For Slab 0.66φλsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 377 304 377 377 419 564 358 419
For Wall 0.66φλsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd
Minimum Shear Reinforcement Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required

Av,min= (a) 0.062√f'cbw/fyt 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93
(b) 0.35bw/fyt 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
Av,min 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 mm2/mm


ρw 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.012 0.029 0.007 0.012

λs 0.609 0.659 0.609 0.609 0.660 0.667 0.660 0.660
Nominal shear strength provided by concrete
(a) Vc= 0.17λ√fc'bwd 1179.47 968.19 1179.47 1179.47 964.43 941.32 964.43 964.43 kN
(b) Vc= 0.66λρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 825.79 614.11 825.79 825.79 846.39 1127.87 722.10 846.39 kN
(b) Vc= 0.66λsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 503.1 404.8 503.1 503.1 558.8 751.7 476.8 558.8 kN
Vc,max= 0.42λ√fc'bwd 2914 2392 2914 2914 2383 2326 2383 2383 kN
Check for Av >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min
Vc 1179.5 968.2 1179.5 1179.5 964.4 1127.9 964.4 964.4
Check for Concrete strength, √fc' 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 MPa
Check for √fc' <8.3 Mpa OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Check for cross sectional dimensions
φ(Vc+0.66√fc'bwd) 4319 3545 4319 4319 3532 3447 3532 3532 kN
<Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu
Shear capacity of section fVc 884.60 726.15 884.60 884.60 723.32 845.90 723.32 723.32 kN
fVc <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu
Is shear reinforcement required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Calculation of required Shear Reinforcement
Vs 1667.5 2737.6 3334.9 3334.9 4847.9 4731.7 4847.9 4847.9 kN
f(Vc+Vs) 2135 2779 3386 3386 4359 4395 4359 4359

f(Vc+Vc) >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu

ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
Provided shear Reinofrcement, Av 3.619 7.238 7.238 7.238 12.868 12.868 12.868 12.868 mm2/mm
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
Shear ratio 1.71 2.22 1.88 1.88 2.91 2.93 2.42 2.42

Design for two way Shear

Depth in Long 2200 mm
In trans 2200 mm

Concrete compressive strength, fc' = 40.0 MPa

Steel Grade, fyt 420.0 MPa
Effective depth in Long direction dL = 2025.0
Effective depth in Trans direction dT = 1985.0
Average Effective depth (dL+dT)/2 = 2005.0
Size effect = 0.5

Column Width = 1200.0 mm

Columm depth = 1500.0 mm
β = 1.3
αs = 40.0
Perimeter of critical section bo = 13420 mm
Two-way Shear strength Provided by Concrete without shear Reinofrcement v c
(a) 0.33λSλ√fc' = 0.98 MPa
Minimum of (b) (0.17+.33/β)λSλ√fc' = 1.29 MPa
(a) (0.17+0.083αsd/b0)λSλ√fc' = 1.98 MPa
vc=Minimum of ((a),(b),(c )) 0.98 MPa

Maximum column Axial Force = 44467 kN

Facored two way shear stress vu = 1.653 MPa > vc
Punching reinforcement required

Two-way Shear strength Provided by Concrete with shear Reinofrcement v c

Strngth Reduction factor,φ = 0.75
Av/s = 172.68807 mm2/mm
0.17√fc'b0/fyt = 34.4 mm2/mm

λS = 1.0
vc =0.17λSλ√fc' = 1.1 MPa

Vu,limit=0.66φ f'c = 3.131 MPa
Section is ok

Stirrup Details
Dia 16.0 mm
Spacing parallel to column face 125.0 mm
Spacing Normal to column face 125 mm
Total Length Normal to the face from d//2 2000 mm
Av 21586 mm2/mm

Check for d (a) 150 mm

(b) 16db 256 mm
Section is ok
vs =Avfyt/b0s = 5.4 MPa

Nominal Shear strength vn=vc+vs = 1.1 + 5.4

= 6.5 Mpa
Design Shear Strength = 3.1 Mpa
Provided Reft is Ok
Section Check at outside shear reinforcment

Perimeter of critical section bo = 21420 mm

(a) 0.33λSλ√fc' = 0.98 MPa

Minimum of (b) (0.17+.33/β)λSλ√fc' = 1.29 MPa
(a) (0.17+0.083αsd/b0)λSλ√fc' = 1.43 MPa
vc=Minimum of ((a),(b),(c )) 0.98 MPa
Facored two way shear stress vu = 1.035 MPa > vc

Increase the range of Shear reinforcement


0 1 2
Calculation of maximum spacing to limit Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal
crack Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Unit
Design Force input
Max. Factored moment, Mu 1400 3000 2500 2500 350 12000 2500 2500 kNm
depth of concrete in compression,dc
267.919504 1.9E+02 267.9195 267.9195 290.7351 404.0622 238.7305 290.7351 mm

Cracked moment of inertia Icr 5.4E+09 2.3E+09 5.4E+09 5.4E+09 5.0E+09 9.0E+09 3.5E+09 5.0E+09 mm4
Stress in steel fs 215.9 252.0 252.0 252.0 42.2 252.0 252.0 252.0
Limiting crack width 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 mm
Exposure factor γe 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
dc 66.8 63.3 66.8 66 70.30394 72.62742 66 70.30394 mm
βs 1.084 1.097 1.084 1.083 1.108 1.112 1.101 1.108
Maxumum allowable spacing,
s =123000ϒe/βsfs-2dc 231.4 182.7 179.2 181.1 1686.1 159.7 176.0 165.4 mm
Provided Spacing 150 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Deflection Calculation for Tech Slab
Type 5
Section ==> 1
Technical Slab
ULS Design (ACI318M-19) Transverse Longitudinal
Bottom Top Bottom Top
Slab Slab Slab Slab
Design Force input
Max. Factored moment, Mu 4400 13000 7950 4800
Materials and Sections
Concrete compressive strength, fc' 55 55 55 55
Modulus of elasticity of concretel, Ec 3.5E+04 3.5E+04 3.5E+04 3.5E+04
Steel Grade, fy 420 420 420 420
Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05
Slab thickness assumed 1550 1550 1550 1550
Width of the slab considered, b 1000 1000 1000 1000
l 1 1 1 1
Clear cover to reinforcement, cc 50 75 50 50
Strength Reduction factor
For flexure, f 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
For shear, f 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Longitudinal Reinforcement input
Nos 8 8 8 8
C/C Spacing 125 125 125 125
1st layer Dia T32+T25 T25+T25 T32+T32 T32+T25
2nd layer Dia 0 0 T25 T25
3rd layer Dia 0 0 0 0
4th layer Dia 0 0 0 0
Provided Area of tension steel 10361.0 7854.0 16795.0 14288.0
Minimum Flexural steel required
For Beam (a) 0.25√f'cbwd/fy
(b) 1.4bwd/fy
For Slab 0.0018Ag 2790 2790 2790 2790
For Wall 0.0025Ag
As,min 2790 2790 2790 2790
Flexural Reinforcement Design:
d' 86 83 100 103
d = (h-d') 1464 1467.5 1449.854 1447.372
Dist. from extreme comp. fiber to centroid
of extreme layer of long tension steel, dt

1464 1442.5 1464 1464

Assuming an rectangular concrete stress distribution block as below
b ecu
c a

Hence, from the above stress strain diagram the following equilibrium equation holds
=> a = d-sqrt(d-2Mu/f0.85fc'b)
ULS Design (Continue...) Transverse Longitudinal
Bottom Top Bottom Top
b1 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
Neutral axis depth, c =a/b1 112.71 351.23 210.42 124.76
c/dt 0.077 0.243 0.144 0.085
Determination tension/ compression
controlled Tension Tension Tension Tension
controlled controlled controlled controlled
ecu (as the section is tension controlled) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
et 0.0360 0.0093 0.0179 0.0322
a 73.264 228.302 136.774 81.092
ecmax 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
esmin 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
amax=bcmax=b(ecmax/(ecmax+esmin)*d) 356.85 357.70 353.40 352.80

Singly Singly Singly Singly

Section reinforced reinforced reinforced reinforced
Nominal Moment, Mn=Mu/f 4888.9 14444.4 8833.3 5333.3
from the equation below we can get, Mn=Asfy(d-a/2)

So, area of steel required, Astreq 8155 25412 15224 9026

Tension steel provided, Aspro 10361 7854 16795 14288
Moment of Resistance. Mr 6211
Capacity Ratio 1.27 0.31 1.10 1.58
Provided Reinforcement is OK revise reinf. OK OK
Max spacing, smax 200 178 200 200
Provided Spacing is OK OK OK OK
Percentage of reinforcement 0.67 0.51 1.08 0.92
Design for one way Shear
Shear Force, Vu 4760 4760 3200 3200
Shear Reinforcement
Dia 20 20 20 20
Number of Legs 4 4 2 2
Spacing along the length 150 150 150 150
Spacing along the width 300 283 900 900
Area of stirrups, Asv 1257 1257 628 628
8.38 8.38 4.19 4.19
Minimum Shear Reinft Required
For Beam 0.083φλ√f'cbwd
For Slab 0.66φλsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 557 508 653 619
For Wall 0.66φλsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd

Minimum Shear Reinforcement Required Required Required Required

Av,min= (a) 0.062√f'cbw/fyt 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09

(b) 0.35bw/fyt 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
Av,min 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09

ρw 0.007 0.005 0.012 0.010

λs 0.540 0.540 0.542 0.543
Nominal shear strength provided by concrete
(a) Vc= 0.17λ√fc'bwd 1845.74 1850.16 1827.91 1824.78
(b) Vc= 0.66λρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 1375.79 1256.44 1605.71 1519.74
(b) Vc= 0.66λsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 743.1 677.9 870.9 824.8
Vc,max= 0.42λ√fc'bwd 4560 4571 4516 4508
Check for Av >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min >=Av,min
Vc 1845.7 1850.2 1827.9 1824.8
Check for Concrete strength, √fc' 7.416 7.416 7.416 7.416
Check for √fc' <8.3 Mpa OK OK OK OK
Check for cross sectional dimensions
φ(Vc+0.66√fc'bwd) 6759 6775 6693 6682
<Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu
Shear capacity of section fVc 1384.31 1387.62 1370.93 1368.58
fVc <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu
Is shear reinforcement required Yes Yes Yes Yes
Calculation of required Shear Reinforcement
Vs 5151.2 5163.5 2550.7 2546.3

f(Vc+Vs) 5248 5260 3284 3278

f(Vc+Vc) >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu

ok ok ok ok
Provided shear Reinofrcement, Av 8.378 8.378 4.189 4.189
ok ok ok ok
Shear ratio 1.10 1.11 1.03 1.02

Design for two way Shear

Depth in Long 1550 mm
In trans 1550 mm

Concrete compressive strength, fc' = 55.0

Steel Grade, fyt 420.0
Effective depth in Long direction dL = 1375.0
Effective depth in Trans direction dT = 1335.0
Average Effective depth (dL+dT)/2 = 1355.0
Size effect = 0.6

Column Width = 1500.0

Columm depth = 2000.0
β = 1.3
αs = 40.0
Perimeter of critical section bo = 12420
Two-way Shear strength Provided by Concrete without shear Reinofrcement v c
(a) 0.33λSλ√fc' = 1.37
Minimum of (b) (0.17+.33/β)λSλ√fc' = 1.73
(a) (0.17+0.083αsd/b0)λSλ√fc' = 2.20
vc=Minimum of ((a),(b),(c )) 1.37

Maximum column Axial Force = 55372

Facored two way shear stress vu = 3.290
Punching reinforcement required

Two-way Shear strength Provided by Concrete with shear Reinofrcement v c

Strngth Reduction factor,φ = 0.75
Av/s = 46.4507 mm /mm2

0.17√fc'b0/fyt = 37.3 mm2/mm

λS = 1.0
vc =0.17λSλ√fc' = 1.3

Vu,limit=0.66φ f'c = 3.67

Stirrup Details
Dia 10.0
Spacing parallel to column face 150.0
Spacing Normal to column face 140
Total Length Normal to the face from d//2 2000
Av 6503.097

Check for d (a)

(b) 16db

vs =Avfyt/b0s = 1.6

Nominal Shear strength vn=vc+vs

Design Shear Strength
Section Check at outside shear reinforcment

Perimeter of critical section bo =

(a) 0.33λSλ√fc' = 1.37

Minimum of (b) (0.17+.33/β)λSλ√fc' = 1.73
(a) (0.17+0.083αsd/b0)λSλ√fc' = 1.62
vc=Minimum of ((a),(b),(c )) 1.37
Facored two way shear stress vu = 2.001

Increase the range of Shear reinforcement


0 1
Calculation of maximum spacing to limit Transverse Longitudinal
crack Bottom Top Bottom Top
Design Force input
Max. Factored moment, Mu 3100 9200 2600 962
depth of concrete in compression,dc
361.9806 3.2E+02 440.9628 412.021

Cracked moment of inertia Icr 1.5E+10 1.2E+10 2.2E+10 1.9E+10

Stress in steel fs 222.7 252.0 118.8 51.4
Limiting crack width 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Exposure factor γe 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
dc 70.30394 68.47767 72.62742 70.30394
βs 1.068 1.066 1.070 1.068
Maxumum allowable spacing,
s =123000ϒe/βsfs-2dc 218.7 181.2 526.8 1416.4
Provided Spacing 125 125 125 125
Deflection Calculation for Tech Slab
Deflection due DL+SIDL

Deflection due Live Load

Shorter span =
Longer Span =
Effective Span Length =
Immediate delection due to sustained load (DL+SIDL) =
Immediate delection due to live load (LL) =
Time dependent factor ξ =
Ratio of A's/bd ρ' =
Additional time dependent deflection λD=ξ/(1+50ρ')
Deflection Limit (l/240) =
Deflection to be considerd =

Deflection Calculation for Concourse slab

Deflection due DL+SIDL

Deflection due Live Load

Shorter span =
Longer Span =
Effective Span Length =

Immediate delection due to sustained load (DL+SIDL) =

Immediate delection due to live load (LL) =
Time dependent factor ξ =
Ratio of A's/bd ρ' =
Additional time dependent deflection λD=ξ/(1+50ρ')
Deflection Limit (l/240) =
Deflection to be considerd =

Part of
Dwg. Ref. Calculations by Checked By Approved by
Office of
File Path

Transverse Beam Design Forces Logitudinal Beam Design Forces

Shear Shear
Force for Force for
Positive Moment for shear Positive Moment for shear
Bottom Negative Moment for Reinforce Bottom Negative Moment for Reinforce
Reinforcement Top Reinforcement ment Reinforcement Top Reinforcement ment
(KNm/m) (KNm/m) (KN/m) (KNm/m) (KNm/m) (KN/m)
Span 1 521 761 821 1264 746 Span 1 260 383 321 474 455
Span 2 415 605 415 607 562 Span 2 254 376 314 467 444
Zone C 1 1 1 1 1 Zone C 1 1 1 1 1
ZoneD 1 1 1 1 1 ZoneD 1 1 1 1 1

Part 1 Span 1 Span 2

ULS Design (ACI318M-19) Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Units
Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top
Select Section Type Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam
Design Force input
Max. Factored moment, Mu 11154 1264 383 474 605 607 376 467 kNm

Materials and Sections

Concrete compressive strength, fc' 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 MPa
Modulus of elasticity of concretel, Ec 2.97E+04 2.97E+04 2.97E+04 2.97E+04 2.97E+04 2.97E+04 2.97E+04 2.97E+04 MPa
Steel Grade, fy 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 MPa
Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 MPa
Slab thickness assumed 2000 2000 750 750 750 750 750 750 mm
Width of the slab considered, b 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 mm
l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Clear cover to reinforcement, cc 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 mm
Strength Reduction factor
For flexure, f 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
For shear, f 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Longitudinal Reinforcement input
Nos 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Nos
C/C Spacing 108 123 119 123 118 123 119 123 mm
1st layer Dia T40+T40 T40 T40 T40 T40 T40 T40 T40
2nd layer Dia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd layer Dia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 layer
Dia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Provided Area of tension steel 20106.2 10053.1 10053.1 10053.1 10053.1 10053.1 10053.1 10053.1 mm2
Minimum Flexural steel required
For Beam (a) 0.25√f'cbwd/fy 7096 7096 2391 2391 2391 2391 2391 2391
(b) 1.4bwd/fy 6283 6283 2117 2117 2117 2117 2117 2117
For Slab 0.0018Ag
For Wall 0.0025Ag
As,min 7096 7096 2391 2391 2391 2391 2391 2391 mm2
Flexural Reinforcement Design:

Part of
Dwg. Ref. Calculations by Checked By Approved by
Office of
File Path
d' 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 mm
d = (h-d') 1885 1885 635 635 635 635 635 635 mm
Dist. from extreme comp. fiber to centroid mm
of extreme layer of long tension steel, dt

1885 1930 668 680 664 680 668 680 mm

Assuming an rectangular concrete stress distribution block as below
b ecu 0.85fc'
c a

d' Asfy
Straint Stress
Hence, from the above stress strain diagram the following equilibrium equation holds
=> a = d-sqrt(d-2Mu/f0.85fc'b)
Part 1 Span 1 Span 2
ULS Design (Continue...) Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal
Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Unit
b1 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.65
Neutral axis depth, c =a/b1 267.52 28.84 26.20 32.56 41.79 41.93 25.72 37.70 mm
c/dt 0.142 0.015 0.039 0.048 0.063 0.062 0.038 0.055
Determination tension/ compression
controlled Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension
controlled controlled controlled controlled controlled controlled controlled controlled
ecu (as the section is tension controlled) 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
et 0.02 0.20 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.05
a 204.463 22.043 20.027 24.881 31.939 32.047 19.655 24.507 mm
ecmax 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
esmin 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
amax=bcmax=b(ecmax/(ecmax+esmin)*d) 540.25 540.25 182.00 182.00 182.00 182.00 182.00 154.78

Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly

Section reinforced reinforced reinforced reinforced reinforced reinforced reinforced reinforced
Nominal Moment, Mn=Mu/f 12393.3 1404.4 425.6 526.7 672.2 674.4 417.8 518.9 kNm
from the equation below we can get, Mn=Asfy(d-a/2)

So, area of steel required, Astreq 16552 1784 1621 2014 2586 2594 1591 1984 mm2
Tension steel provided, Aspro 20106 10053 10053 10053 10053 10053 10053 10053 mm2
Moment of Resistance. Mr 15055
Capacity Ratio 1.21 5.63 6.20 4.99 3.89 3.88 6.32 5.07
Provided Reinforcement is OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Max spacing, smax 178 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Provided Spacing is OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Percentage of reinforcement 1.01 0.50 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 %
Design for one way Shear
Shear Force, Vu 3653 455 562 444 kN
Shear Reinforcement
Dia 20 0 12 0 16 0 12 0 mm
Number of Legs 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Nos
Spacing along the length 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Spacing along the width 850 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 mm
Area of stirrups, Asv 628 0 226 0 402 0 226 0 mm2
Minimum Shear Reinft Required
For Beam 0.083φλ√f'cbwd 990 990 333 333 333 333 333 333
For Slab 0.66φλsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd

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Dwg. Ref. Calculations by Checked By Approved by
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For Wall 0.66φλsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd

Not Not Not Not

Minimum Shear Reft Required required Required required Required required Required required
Av,min= (a) 0.062√f'cbw/fyt 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93
(b) 0.35bw/fyt 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
Av,min 0.93 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.93 0.00 mm2/mm

ρw 0.011 0.005 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016

λs 0.484 0.484 0.752 0.752 0.752 0.752 0.752 0.752
Nominal shear strength provided by concrete
(a) Vc= 0.17λ√fc'bwd 2026.70 2026.70 682.74 682.74 682.74 682.74 682.74 682.74 kN
(b) Vc= 0.66λρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 1732.04 1374.72 665.56 665.56 665.56 665.56 665.56 665.56 kN
(b) Vc= 0.66λsλρw(1/3)√fc'bwd 838.2 665.3 500.3 500.3 500.3 500.3 500.3 500.3 kN
Vc,max= 0.42λ√fc'bwd 5007 5007 1687 1687 1687 1687 1687 1687 kN
Check for Av >=Av,min <Av,min >=Av,min <Av,min >=Av,min <Av,min >=Av,min <Av,min
Vc 2026.7 2026.7 682.7 682.7 682.7 682.7 682.7 682.7
Check for Concrete strength, √fc' 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 6.325 MPa
Check for √fc' <8.3 Mpa OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Check for cross sectional dimensions
φ(Vc+0.66√fc'bwd) 7421 7421 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 kN
<Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu <Vu
Shear capacity of section f Vc 1520.03 1520.03 512.05 512.05 512.05 512.05 512.05 512.05 kN
f Vc <Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu <Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu
Is shear reinforcement required Yes No No No Yes No No No
Calculation of required Shear Reinforcement
Vs 3316.3 0.0 402.2 0.0 715.0 0.0 402.2 0.0 kN
f(Vc+Vs) 4007 1520 814 512 1048 512 814 512

f(Vc+Vc) >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu >Vu

ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
Provided shear Reinofrcement, Av 4.189 0.000 1.508 0.000 2.681 0.000 1.508 0.000 mm2/mm

Maximum spacing
0.33√fc'bwd 3934 3934 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 kN
<=Vs <=Vs <=Vs <=Vs <=Vs <=Vs <=Vs <=Vs
Along the length 943 0 0 0 318 0 0 0
Along the width 1885 0 0 0 635 0 0 0
Reduce spacing OK OK OK Reduce spacing OK OK OK

Design for two way Shear

Depth in Long 2000 mm

In trans 2000 mm

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Dwg. Ref. Calculations by Checked By Approved by
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File Path

Concrete compressive strength, fc' = 40.0 MPa

Steel Grade, fyt 420.0 MPa
Effective depth in Long direction dL = 1825.0
Effective depth in Trans direction dT = 1785.0
Average Effective depth (dL+dT)/2 = 1805.0
Size effect = 0.5

Column Width = 500.0 mm

Columm depth = 1000.0 mm
β = 2.0
αs = 40.0
Perimeter of critical section bo = 10220 mm
Two-way Shear strength Provided by Concrete without shear Reinofrcement v c
(a) 0.33λSλ√fc' = 1.03 MPa
Minimum of (b) (0.17+.33/β)λSλ√fc' = 1.05 MPa
(a) (0.17+0.083αsd/b0)λSλ√fc' = 2.36 MPa
vc=Minimum of ((a),(b),(c )) 1.03 MPa

Maximum column Axial Force = 150220 kN

Facored two way shear stress vu = 8.143 MPa > vc
Punching reinforcement required

Two-way Shear strength Provided by Concrete with shear Reinofrcement v c

Strngth Reduction factor,φ = 0.75
Av/s = 35.6745 mm /mm

0.17√fc'b0/fyt = 26.2 mm2/mm

λS = 1.0
vc =0.17λSλ√fc' = 1.1 MPa

Vu,limit=0.5φ f'c = 2.4 MPa
Revise Section

Stirrup Details
Dia 10.0 mm
Spacing parallel to column face 150.0 mm
Spacing Normal to column face 150 mm
Total Length Normal to the face from d//2 2000 mm
Av 5351.179 mm2/mm

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Dwg. Ref. Calculations by Checked By Approved by
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File Path

Check for d (a) 150 mm

(b) 16db 160 mm
Section is ok
vs =Avfyt/b0s = 1.5 MPa

Nominal Shear strength vn=vc+vs = 1.1 + 1.5

= 2.5 Mpa
Design Shear Strength = 2.4 Mpa
Increase Reft

Section Check at outside shear reinforcment

Perimeter of critical section bo = 18220 mm

(a) 0.33λSλ√fc' = 1.03 MPa

Minimum of (b) (0.17+.33/β)λSλ√fc' = 1.05 MPa
(a) (0.17+0.083αsd/b0)λSλ√fc' = 1.56 MPa
vc=Minimum of ((a),(b),(c )) 1.03 MPa
Facored two way shear stress vu = 4.568 MPa > vc

Increase the range of Shear reinforcement


Part 1 Span 1 Span 2
Calculation of maximum spacing to limit Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal
crack Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Unit
Design Force input
Max. Factored moment, Mu 521 821 260 321 415 415 254 314 kNm
depth of concrete in compression,dc
591.5659 441.8472 233.1552 233.1552 233.1552 233.1552 233.1552 233.1552 mm

Cracked moment of inertia Icr 4.39E+10 2.52E+10 2.25E+09 2.25E+09 2.25E+09 2.25E+09 2.25E+09 2.25E+09 mm4
Stress in steel fs 15.4 47.0 46.4 57.3 74.1 74.1 45.3 56.0
Limiting crack width 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 mm
Exposure factor γe 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
dc 79.08427 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 mm
βs 1.059 1.052 1.147 1.147 1.147 1.147 1.147 1.147
Maxumum allowable spacing,
s =123000ϒe/βsfs-2dc 5098.9 1588.8 1465.3 1160.3 865.7 865.7 1503.2 1189.2 mm
Provided Spacing 108 123 119 123 118 123 119 123

Deflection due DL+SIDL


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Deflection due DL+SIDL+LL

Deflection Calculation
Shorter span = 7.500 m
Longer Span = 10.000 m
Effective Span Length = 10.00 m
Immediate delection due to sustained load (DL+SIDL) = 10.20 mm
Immediate delection due to live load (LL) = 3.4 mm
Time dependent factor ξ = 2.00
Ratio of A's/bd ρ' = 0.000
Additional time dependent deflection λD=ξ/(1+50ρ') 20.4 mm
Deflection Limit (l/240) = 41.67 mm
Deflection to be considerd = 23.8 mm
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Sec 6.1.3

Table 21.2.1
Table 11.6.1
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Cl. 11.1.2

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Table 21.2.1


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Sec 6.1.3
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T 24.2.2
T 24.2.2

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