Thesis Concept Nivedhitha Sathish 5555159

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Your guidebook to trust

A book for an in-depth context into

building trust towards design process with clients

Dear Reader,

I’m delighted to have captured the journey of my thesis research in words by creating
this concept of a guidebook that takes a moment to highlight elements that builds trust.
The idea originated from my personal desire to establish my own design consultancy.
Furthermore, design education puts a lot of emphasis on increasing customer and non-
designer awareness about design. But they need to trust what designers are doing more
than just raising awareness. As designers, we employ an abductive way of thinking,
which is difficult for non-designers to grasp. Our procedure is disorganized, and the
likelihood of confusion is high. I therefore grabbed the chance to demonstrate how to
establish trust in order to solve this uncertainty for non-designers, specifically clients of
a design consultancy.

The guidebook incorporates a narrative-based approach that highlights actions used

to develop trust by sharing rich experiences. The goal of the book is to provide a detailed
structure for how trust can be developed throughout the consultancies’ design process.
It includes data obtained through research and interviews with knowledgeable design

This book, in my humble view, will be helpful to those who would like to start collaborating
with clients. You can be a self-starter, a freelancer, someone who wants to go from a
company focused on product to a consultancy, someone who just graduated and
wants to work in a consulting environment, or just someone who wants to develop
relationships with clients. This book is not only appropriate for junior positions; it is also
appropriate for senior responsibilities since it prompts you to consider trust rather than
just put it in the back of your mind when working with clients.


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Table of content

Trust awarenesss
Definition of trust
Importance of acknowledging trust
Trust building is a process

Trust building with client

Why design consultancies? How do they work?
Trust between which parties
Eight driving factors
Trust building journey introduction

Trust Internalization
Trusting yourself
Trust in your organization and peers
Identify your personality and working style strength

Trust Externalization
Assessing the trustor
Initiating the trustful relationship
Developing the trustful relationship
Maintaining the trustful relationship


4 5
The book is meant to be a symbol
that puts focus on a subject that is
taken with little regard. Trust

6 7
What does trust mean to you?

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so, what is trust?
Trust remains a subjective and evolving concept, varying from person to person and
evolving with life’s experiences. Defining trust precisely is challenging due to its dynamic
nature. However, literature emphasizes two core aspects: embracing vulnerability and
anticipating positive outcomes.


“intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive

expectations of the intentions or behavior of another.”
(Nikolova, Möllering, & Reihlen, 2015)

10 11
Importance of acknowledging trust It plays a major role in our lives

Trust holds immense value in all types of relationships. It serves as the foundation for
a harmonious world, fostering a sense of belongingness. Depending on the context,
trust brings various advantages to relationships. In a professional setting, trust among
colleagues creates a satisfying work environment, allowing individuals to be authentic
and accepted for their strengths and weaknesses. Trust with clients offers project
satisfaction, low levels of micromanagement and better sense of accountability.
trust between your trust in your trust between your
family friends partner

trust in between your trust in your trust in your

groupmates colleagues manager

It plays a pivotal role in various relationships, such as within families, friends, partners,
colleagues, and managers. Recognizing the significance of trust is crucial, as without
it, relationships suffer. Once trust is broken, rebuilding it becomes exceedingly difficult.
Heightened levels of suspicion, fear, and anxiety emerge, emotions that are notoriously
challenging to mend.

Considering the challenges of rebuilding trust once it’s broken, wouldn’t it be essential
to proactively address the importance of building trust and invest efforts in cultivating
more trusting relationships from the beginning?

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Trust building is a process
It’s vital to grasp that trust is a gradual process. Initially, people may not trust you upon
first meeting, but over time and with frequent interactions, trust can develop as you
understand each other better.

Trust level might start good but would break due to some circumstances. It can be
regained but with a lot of effort.

When not seeing someone for a long time, trust falls but there is a chance to build it
back again.

While we hope for smooth relationships, reality often presents challenges. You may
encounter a rough start but take actions to rebuild trust, or you might begin positively
and need extra effort to maintain it. Occasionally, distance might strain the connection.
Trust is a dynamic journey with its ups and downs, and it’s crucial to perceive it as an
evolving process.

You might start with low trust, and eventually trust more for certain situations and then
it goes back to low trust.

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Trust building with clients
Have you ever taken a moment to consider what it really means when someone tells you
„ „
to trust me” or just trust what I am doing”? This book challenges you to reflect on the
depth and value of trust. It is essential to comprehend how trust works and how it grows
between a design consultant and clients. In light of this, the book is purposefully written
to increase knowledge of trust and its importance. It offers an opportunity for you to
reflect your current ways of working from people’s experiences written as narratives
structured along the phases of building trust.

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Design consultancies play a crucial role in guiding clients through the process of This book focuses on trust formation at the interpersonal level, influenced by eight
strategizing and developing new products and services, which can often be complex driving factors. These factors are defined in the accompanying image, and their
and abstract to comprehend. Therefore, building trust becomes paramount to foster impact on relationships varies depending on the entities involved and the specific
mutual understanding and collaboration throughout the design process. situations. Actions are the visible manifestations of these driving factors, shaping
clients’ perception of the consultant. These actions can be tied to individual factors or
Speaking of the design process, it is inherently complex and can many times appear a combination thereof, all of which will be explored further in this guidebook.
disorganized. To unlock maximum creativity and innovation, it is crucial to cultivate
trust in the process itself. While building awareness of the process is important, gaining
that awareness necessitates trusting the process in the first place. Essentially, we are
aiming to build trust with clients towards the design process.

Design consultancies operate on three levels: individual, team, and institution.

Trust formation is influenced by various aspects at each level. From an institutional
perspective, factors like brand name, credibility, third-party opinions, and internal
practices impact trust. At the team level, the team’s experience, approachability, and
work ethics contribute to trust-building. Although this guidebook will primarily focus on
the individual level, exploring what influences trust from a consultant’s perspective and
providing actionable insights to cultivate trust throughout the design process.

(Zucker, 1986), (Arifin, 2021), (Sucher & Gupta, 2021), (Mayer, 1995), (McKnight, Cummings,
18 & Chervany, 1998), (Bachmann & Inkpen, 2011), 19
Trust building process
The trust building process with client or external parties begins with having trustful Trust externalization initiates with taking some time to assess the person you want to
relationships internally, that is, to trust yourself, your context and identifying a strength work with. The formation of a trustful relationship does not essentially happen step-
that can be capitalized for building trustful relationships externally. wise, but more organically. Although in this book, it is shown as a step-wise process to
give clarity on how it works.

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Trust Internalization Trusting yourself
The foundation of building trust with others lies in self-trust.
When you have faith in your own decisions, extending trust
to others becomes more natural. This becomes especially
crucial in client and design consultancy relationships, where
The trust internalization process is a 3-step journey.
being a reliable and guiding partner is vital.

As famously said,
”Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.”
- Lao Tzu Trust in your organization and peers
Being in an environment where you feel comfortable and
A solid foundation for developing meaningful connections with others lies in cultivating
supported enables you to bring your best self to the table and
self-trust and understanding your surroundings. By acknowledging your strengths and
enhances your overall engagement with clients. Moreover,
leveraging them to your advantage, you can foster trust in yourself and subsequently
trusting the company you work for instils a sense of alignment
establish trust with those around you.
with its values and mission, allowing you to fully invest in your
role and contribute to the organization’s success.

Identify your personality and working style

It is important to acknowledge that not everyone works the
same way when building client relationships. Each person
possesses a unique combination of personal working
strengths and personalities. For instance, some individuals
may be highly analytical and detail-oriented, preferring
introversion in their approach. Clients might not immediately
connect with them unless they witness their work and
become impressed. On the other hand, some people exude
a natural friendly nature and enjoy interacting with others.
They form relationships more quickly and communicate
Although this has a huge importance before building trust with someone externally, this more openly in their work style. Neither approach is right or
will not be covered deeply in this guidebook. The focus will primarily be for building trust wrong; it’s about recognizing how you work and leveraging
with external parties. that understanding to communicate honestly and effectively
with clients.

(Wilding, 2021), (Cirino, 2018), (Enciso, 2011)

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Once you have a comprehensive understanding of your strengths, you are better
equipped to embark on the journey of trust externalization.

The four-step process of externalizing trust may vary in intensity and may involve fewer
or more steps depending on the situation. The four steps of the journey is below. The
steps are further illustrated with narratives in the rest of the book.


Establishing a solid and mutually beneficial connection is the key to gaining the trust of
an external party, such as a client who needs your help.

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Assessing the Trustor (Client)
Trust in any relationship is a two-way process, requiring mutual confidence and
reliance. As a consultant, it is essential to carefully assess the client with whom you
will be working. This evaluation forms a solid foundation, enabling you to identify their
strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, it empowers you to select clients who align
not only with the organization’s values but also with your desire for a positive working
relationship and personal well-being throughout the project.

Taking this step allows you to be assertive and discerning about your choice of clients,
ensuring that you work with individuals who share common goals and working styles.

This proactive approach also provides insight into how you may collaborate effectively
with them.
At our organization, we are meticulous in selecting projects that align with
our core principles. Recently, an energy accelerator start-up approached
us seeking help with a specific part of their value chain. Initially, the project
seemed promising, but upon closer examination, we realized it didn’t fully
align with our human-centered research approach, which is integral to our
design consultancy. After thoughtful consideration and team discussions,
we made the decision to decline the offer. While other agencies might
have taken it on, we value our integrity, expertise, and intent above all else.
This choice reaffirmed our commitment to meaningful work, showcasing
our dedication to maintaining credibility and upholding our reputation for

Additionally, assessing the client’s propensity to trust is a crucial step in understanding
the level of effort required to build a strong relationship. By gauging their willingness
to trust, we gain insights into how to approach the relationship-building process
effectively. It’s essential to examine their working style, team dynamics, and mindset.
Are they organized and respectful towards their team members? Are they open-minded
or resistant to new ideas? These aspects offer valuable clues on how to best engage
with the client and tailor our approach to align with their preferences and needs.
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By mapping trust formation against the sales and design processes, a clearer
understanding of each phase’s significance and the relevant trust-building actions
emerges. This approach allows for a more focused and tailored strategy in addressing
the needs of each phase and leveraging trust-building actions to effectively navigate
the specific challenges presented at different stages.

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Initiating the trustful relationship
Building a trusting relationship with the client initiates a pivotal phase that forms the
bedrock of successful collaboration. Right from the outset, the focus lies on fostering
rapport, grasping the client’s distinct needs, and showing sincere interest in their
objectives. This early stage is of utmost importance, as it lays the foundation for a
strong and trusting bond between the consultant and the client. Making a positive and
impactful impression during this initial phase sets the tone for the entire relationship.

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Initiating the trustful relationship at the Initiating trust by showing credibility
One of the most effective trust-building actions in project acquisition is showcasing
project acquisition phase. previous work and experiences. It helps improve credibility of one’s capabilities.
During the project acquisition phase, the sales process plays a pivotal role in convincing
customers to choose your organization. Clients are highly discerning during this stage,
carefully evaluating where to invest their resources and who they can trust. How can a
positive impression be created effectively through trust building approaches, assuring
clients that placing their trust in your organization is a prudent and rewarding choice? “
Clients often seek reassurance that they are making the right choice by
partnering with a consultant or organization. By sharing a portfolio of past
projects, case studies, and success stories, you provide tangible evidence
of your capabilities and the value you bring to the table.

We were in conversations with a client to acquire the project. Myself and

someone from the sales team, we picked out projects we worked on that
were similar to what the potential client was doing. When you do not have
projects that have absolutely similar aspects, you can show projects that
are in the same field as the client and projects that have a similar ask or

When clients can see tangible results and real-world examples of how you
have addressed challenges and achieved positive outcomes for previous
clients, it instils confidence in your expertise. It demonstrates your track
record of delivering on promises and meeting client expectations. You can
also present testimonials or endorsements from satisfied clients as it further
reinforces your credibility and reliability.

By showing previous work and experiences, you not only provide clients
with a glimpse into your capabilities but also allow them to envision how
you could potentially add value to their own projects.

Program Manager from an Acquired design consultancy

# Show previous work and experiences

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Initiating trust by being responsive Initiating trust with strong boundaries
At the core of project acquisition lies the understanding that you will be working for The example provided in the section assessing the trustor (the project declining scenario)
the client’s benefit. Rather than solely promoting your capabilities, it is essential to offers valuable insights into trust formation during the project acquisition phase.
empathize with their concerns and explore how you can address and enhance their

The client approached us after reviewing our website, acknowledging
our specific skills. However, uncertainties remained about their precise

Establishing clear boundaries on the scope of work, including what you will
and will not undertake, demonstrates how you prioritize tasks and strive
requirements and how we could align with their needs. In design processes,
for optimal results. This practice not only showcases strong organizational
clients often present concrete briefs that necessitate reframing, adding
values but also fosters trust in your abilities. Such trust-building can open
another layer of trust-building. When faced with clients who have vague
doors to potential future projects that might align better with your expertise.
ideas, being responsive becomes crucial. Rather than dismissing their
A real-life example illustrates this point: when a client approached us with
viewpoint, it is essential to comprehend their perspective deeply. This
a project involving agency work, which diverged from our typical areas
involves asking pertinent questions and actively listening to unravel
of expertise rooted in comprehensive research outcomes, we respectfully
their pain points. Rather than immediately showcasing our capabilities,
declined the opportunity. Our decision, driven by a commitment to our
prioritizing the client’s problems and inquiries allows us to collect
core principles, led the client to refer us to another individual who sought
comprehensive information. Armed with this understanding, we can then
our specialized assistance. By standing firm in our values and capabilities,
demonstrate precisely how our expertise can address their unique needs
we showcased our determination, ultimately strengthening our reputation
and aspirations.
and fostering trust in our services.

Senior Business Designer from a Large independent design consultancy ”
Program Manager from an Acquired design consultancy

# Communicate your intentions regarding the project openly and honestly

# Be more responsive to client’s needs # Setting strong but healthy boundaries on projects
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Initiating trust with aligned communication Initiating the trustful relationship at the
Communication to the client from different departments of the company should be
pre and during project proposal phase.
aligned, this example illustrates its importance.

It is the point where clients have taken a leap of faith in your capabilities and are now

eager to assess if you can fulfil their expectations. This pivotal moment requires a
thoughtful approach to build and solidify trust. How can you achieve this? This section
In many instances, project sales are handled by different teams or delves into the art of fostering trust through the creation of a compelling project
individuals, such as the marketing or sales team, including senior personnel. proposal and conducting pre-proposal sessions.
In this specific project’s case, the sales team secured the deal. However,
from the beginning, gaining the client’s trust proved to be a challenging

Regrettably, we realized this particular project was oversold with grand

promises, resulting in unrealistic expectations. The sales team not
communicating based on the actual outcome delivery potential, made
the clients paint an amazing picture about the expected outcome for
themselves. Which made it difficult for us to achieve. Although I had
confidence in my abilities, meeting such exaggerated expectations
seemed nearly impossible. Despite the difficulties, we resolutely undertook
the project, and it unfolded as a demanding and intricate endeavour.
Nonetheless, we persisted and eventually delivered results that earned
their trust.

In retrospect we saw how consistent communication across the

departments is important. If each team communicates differently to the
client, trust wavers. We initiated to have meeting with the sales team and
set templates on how to conduct sales. We also offered to have inter-team
discussions to better conduct sales. It imparted valuable lessons about
managing expectations and how aligned communication solves that.

Junior Business Designer from a Large independent design consultancy

# Maintaining a consistent communication language

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Initiating trust with expectation clarification Initiating trust with legal binding, contracts
When initiating to work with clients, they always come with some presumptions. They Creating a legally binding contract is a standard practice in the consulting industry,
have some expectations, and you want to deliver the best. When you do not know and it plays a vital role in building trust between parties.
expectations of the client, you might be working towards a wrong direction. How do
you ensure to keep expectations aligned?

I was heavily involved in creating the proposal that initiates the client
project. I have always been leading this phase to ensure that the kick-off

A well-drafted contract establishes accountability and sets clear standards
for the project’s execution. In some cases, agreements may be initiated with
of the project would be smooth. To ensure this, I find it important to take limited information, making it essential to go in depth and simultaneously
some actions that helps both the parties, the client and my team to be leave the option to add more details in the contract. The design process
clear with their responsibilities. This is my approach to the situation, the inherently involves uncertainty, and outcomes may evolve beyond the
proposal creation part goes back and forth with changes till we reach a initial scope. By reflecting this adaptability in the contract and allowing for
point that everyone is happy. During this time, you need to be a person who revisions as needed, both parties can navigate changes with greater ease.
understands the problem but also understands the client’s role perspective
and ambitions. In essence, you really need to appear knowledgeable, Effective project planning, separate from the contract, is crucial to
thoughtful and informed. accommodate unforeseen adjustments during the project journey.
Planning with room for change enables the team to be more receptive
Another thing that I always follow in my line of work, is to just sit with to altering decisions based on evolving requirements. For example, if the
them and have a clear conversation about our vision for the outcome. project initially set a specific amount of time for each phase, but during
We have a transparent communication about expectations which can the idea generation phase, it becomes apparent that more time is needed
really just include, who is responsible for what encompassed in role and due to reframing the problem, clear communication with the client is
responsibility, how would the communication happen, defining the desired essential. By openly discussing such adjustments and involving the client
project outcome, and setting an appropriate timeline. We also go on to in the decision-making process, trust is reinforced, and a collaborative
discuss the project approach we decide to take for their topic and address atmosphere is fostered. Overall, a flexible approach to both contract and
any doubts or issues. We find the design process to be quite abstract, project planning is integral to navigating uncertainties, minimizing risks
sometimes making it difficult for the clients to follow, so it is good to clarify and maintaining a transparent and trustworthy relationship with clients.

expectations and set a good mindset for the project. It proceeds to cover
technical aspects like budget allocation and communication flow. This sets
a good foundation for ensuring we do what’s right for them. I believe this Senior Design Consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy
shows how interested and motivated you are to find them the best solutions

Business Director from a Large independent design consultancy

# Ensure a legal binding to hold accountability for the trustee and reduce fear for trustor
# Clarify expectations through transparent and flexible communication. # Plan with room for change and be open to change in your decisions
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Initiating trust with expectation clarification Initiating trust during project pre-kick-off
There is a crucial need for clarifying expectations through transparent communication
as it helps in building a shared communication and thinking model between the clients Having signed the agreement, you and the client have solidified your commitment
and design consultancy to working together. Expectations are clear regarding the desired outcomes and the
project’s approach based on the brief provided. With the time and budget in place,
the project commences, beginning with a pre-kick off session to delve deeper into the

During a recent project, we successfully secured a contract based on
our initial proposal. However, the statement of work lacked specificity,
context. During this crucial phase, the focus is entirely on the clients.

The primary objective of the pre-kick off session is to gather essential information from
leaving the client with the impression that they could dictate our actions the clients, allowing you to better understand their needs and aspirations. A client-
throughout the project. As the project progressed, it became evident that centric approach ensures that their voice is heard and valued.
the client’s requirements far exceeded what we had initially anticipated,
resulting in a project scope five times larger than the original agreement.
Recognizing the disparity, I approached my superiors and emphasized the
importance of renegotiating the terms to accurately reflect the project’s
true scale and scope.

This led to a challenging conversation with the client, who felt their trust
had been betrayed by our request for additional funds. This experience
highlighted the critical need for clearly defined expectations and
commitments in consulting engagements. To prevent misunderstandings
and foster trust, it is essential to outline roles, responsibilities, and
anticipated outcomes within a comprehensive contract. This ensures that
both parties have a mutual understanding and agreement on deliverables
and compensation.

Effective project management hinges on establishing a solid foundation

of trust through diligent documentation and client buy-in. By proactively
addressing potential discrepancies and uncertainties, we can build trust,
enhance transparency, and pave the way for a successful project journey.

Senior Design Consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy

# Clarify expectations through transparent and flexible communication

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Initiating trust by similar experiences and interests Initiating trust with active listening and questioning
An example of having someone with similar experience on the project is beneficial is An example of how asking questions and listening intently shows geniune interest and
illustrated below. for you as a consultant gives reliable information to work with.

Having someone in the team with a personal interest in the project’s topic
or prior experience in a related field proves immensely beneficial. While it

For a productive and meaningful discussion, it is crucial to craft open-
ended questions that elicit useful responses. Additionally, recognizing
may not be necessary for the entire team, having at least one member with the client’s expertise in their field and leveraging it is key. Engage them
such qualities can significantly impact client trust. Clients tend to have in discussions about their work, motivations, resources, communication
greater confidence in the team’s ability to understand their needs when methods, processes, and work approach. By gathering resources from
they see someone with a relevant background onboard. the client that could be useful for the project, you create a more informed
project approach.
In a recent project, we observed the value of this first-hand. Initially, the
team consisted of a senior consultant and a junior consultant, but during To foster a comfortable atmosphere for open communication, arrange one-
the pre-kick-off phase, they encountered a steep learning curve in grasping on-one interactions with the reporting team. These personal interactions
the domain intricacies. However, the situation changed when someone enable individuals to express themselves more freely. During pre-kick off
with experience in a similar field, stepped in. This individual’s familiarity sessions conducted offline, utilize whiteboards to immediately map out the
with the subject matter facilitated the gathering of relevant information clients’ input. This approach allows them to shape and make corrections,
and enabled effective reframing of the project’s communication for the enhancing their involvement in the process. For online sessions, leverage
entire team. online collaboration tools to facilitate smooth interactions.

Moreover, we have witnessed instances where team members who Throughout the discussion, active listening remains paramount. Pay close
proactively show interest in the topic, even if they lack prior experience, go attention to the client’s words and intentions to gain comprehensive insights.
above and beyond the project’s requirements. Their genuine involvement If maintaining the conversation becomes challenging, seek permission to
is evident through active participation in workshops, conferences, and record the session, ensuring no valuable information is missed.
extensive research during both the pre-kick-off and research phases.
Always remember that the focus should be on the clients. By centering the
Ultimately, having someone with personal interest or relevant experience discussion around their needs, perspectives, and aspirations, you establish
in the team enhances the team’s capability to comprehend the project’s a client-centric approach that builds trust.

complexities and effectively address client needs.

Design Consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy
Junior consultant from a Medium Independent design consultancy

# Gain advantage through experience and/or personal interest in the client’s project
domain # Create a dialogue through asking questions and listening actively
# Additional efforts spent for client is appreciated # Acknowledge client’s expertise in the field
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Initiating trust by considering expectations from all stakeholders Initiating trust with personal engagement
During this stage, gathering insights and the expectations of all stakeholders addresses Taking the extra step to create personal engagement can significantly enhance the
how to integrate different viewpoints from the beginning of the project. pre-kick off session.

Building trust goes beyond a purely professional context, but it doesn’t

necessarily require becoming best friends or attending brunches together.
Striking a balance is essential. Initiating conversations by getting to know
In a project we were initiated, we saw that the reporting team from the each other on a more personal level can be highly effective. Inquiring about
clients were accountable to many other people in the company. Some their life, family, and weekend activities allows for a deeper connection
senior managers and even some people from the C-suite. The project was beyond a client relationship, by understanding their likes and dislikes,
about creating a new value proposition, and it needed approval from alot which fosters a stronger bond. It sounds like small talk, but sometimes they
of stakeholders. We took the initiative to have one-on-one conversations really help too.
with individuals beyond the reporting team, including managers and the
senior stakeholders. These discussions allowed us to shape the project These small human nuances play a pivotal role in building trust. As trust
according to senior managers’ expectations, mitigating the risk of delivering develops, clients become more comfortable expressing their pain points
something that may not align with their vision. This initiative gave us as the and concerns freely. Demonstrating genuine concern and care for their
consulting team more time to work on something that is aligned by all. We difficulties further solidifies the trust-building process.
identified not just the brief’s painpoints but also the reporting client’s pain
points that exists within their organization. This way, we were able to build Ultimately, by fostering personal engagement and expressing authentic
a proposition that we know would satisfy their senior management and interest in clients’ lives, we can create a more empathetic and connected
present the reporting client in a good light. atmosphere during the pre-kick off session.

Design consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy ”
Business designer from a Medium Independent design consultancy

# Identify client’s pain points and show care and concern for them and the project
# Consider expectations of all the stakeholders of the project # Aim to build a personal relationship with the client
44 45
Initiating trust during project kick-off Initiating trust by building a safe space
As consultants, it is our responsibility to create an environment where clients feel
Once you’ve gathered the preliminary information from the client, the next crucial comfortable sharing their opinions, ideas, and concerns without fear of judgment or
step is to take it back and embark on a meticulous analysis of the data. This analysis repercussions.
frames a comprehensive presentation, providing you with the opportunity to showcase
your understanding of the client’s needs and requirements. It enables the client to
gauge whether their input was accurately interpreted, fostering a sense of reassurance
and confidence in your abilities. The presentation serves as a collaborative platform

where both parties can engage in a constructive exchange of feedback. This two-way
communication is instrumental in reaching a shared agreement.
In a project I was involved in, we saw that if we speak openly about our
motives and how we felt, the clients really opened up. There needs to be a
boundary as to what you want to communicate honestly too. The clients
need to know that you are well-intentioned, and that you will do what’s
best for them. Additionally we saw how keeping a standard expectation
to reach that is agreed by both also shows how well-intentioned we are.

To do this, one need to build a safe space’ for clients. It allows for candid
and transparent dialogue. Fostering this psychological safety encourages
respectful disagreements, welcomes diverse perspectices and ensures
that everyone’s opinions are valued. For the project we were involved in, we
sought out to have one-on-one conversations and talk to them openly on
how they felt. Therefore, in a group discussion when we share the insights
gathered from all the conversations, they felt heard. We also ensured to
keep a role like facilitator or a moderator to ensure there is encouragement
for everyone to voice out their opinions and no judgements or critism is

Designer from a Small Independent design consultancy

# Build a safe space that allows people to be open and direct with their opinions
# Communicate your intentions regarding the project openly and honestly
46 47
Initiating trust by coming to a shared understanding Initiating trust by aligning meanings through language adoption and
As consultants, it is our duty to bring yourself and the client to a shared understanding consistent communication
of the goals, project approach, expectations and resources. Adopting the language clients use, and maintaining consistent communication
language helps to build trust with clients.

During the project kick-off meeting, we ensure to leave the meeting with

During a project with a food retailer, they tasked us with mapping a new
value proposition based on industry trends. Before officially starting the
a clear structure and understanding of the project. To do this, we give a
clear strucutred presentation, keep some working sheets to jot down their project, we held a pre-kickoff session to discuss the project’s outcomes
concerns and immediately think of ways to incorporate it. If we feel like we and timeline. To showcase our expertise and direction, we conducted
need more time. we schedule for another kick-off meeting. We usually make initial research and presented our findings in what we referred to as an
the clients also sort of repeat what we mean so they we know what their “insight report.” However, we later discovered that the company called it
interpretations are. Through open communication and active discussion, a “findings report,” causing confusion and emphasizing the importance of
we avoid leaving the meetings with lingering confusion or unanswered precise language to achieve clarity.
questions. By fostering a shared understanding, the project can progress
smoothly, ensuring that both you and the client are on the same page and Further, we ensured to communicate our interpretations of the brief to the
working towards common goals. I say shared because it is not like only the clients. By rephrasing our understanding back to client, they were able to
client on board to accepting the outcomes of the discussions, but that we give feedback constructively. Our receptiveness to their feedback became
are also okay with it from the perspective of our timeframe and budget and a critical factor in building trust. By keeping the brief and approach as still

resources. under construction’ we were able to incorporate their suggestions. This

collaborative approach not only strengthened our relationship with the
client but also allowed them to see the direct correlation between their
Design Consultant from a Medium Independent design consultancy requests and our analysis, further reinforcing their trust in our capabilities.

From the next meeting onwards, we kept to our word, and made changes in
the way to present. We ensured to maintain consistency when addressing
clients, may it be in reports, presentation of discussion structure and

Design Consultant from a Medium Independent design consultancy

# Creating trust by adopting client’s language to align meanings

# Share your interpretations back to the client
# Prioritize establishing a mutual and precise understanding for yourself and the client # Maintaining a consistent communication language
# Plan with room for change and accept changes to your decisions
48 49
Initiating trust by taking ownership for the project Initiating trust by sharing project structure and approach
Taking ownership of the project and effectively setting boundaries and responsibilities Starting from the kick-off session, the design process kicks into gear with a well-framed
with the client help a project be successful in trust-building. research question. Although the design process itself may be intricate and unstructured,
clients expect to see a clear and organized project approach.

We find it important to demonstrate a sense of accountability and
proactively in leading the project to achieve desired outcomes. Assuming

In the project approach, we take the time to carefully define the methods
we will use and provide a clear overview to our clients. Each method
ownership means being fully invested in the project’s success, taking pride is accompanied by a brief description, outlining its purpose and the
in the work, and being committed to delivering results that exceed the anticipated outcomes. We delve into the details of each method, for
client’s expectations. I was the junior design consultant for a brief on finding instance, if we’re conducting interviews, we explain the number of people
relevant trends that would address the new direction for the client to take we plan to interview and the rationale behind this decision. Our aim is to
in the future. The team had a project lead thereby making it evident that help clients understand the reasoning behind every step we take.
they need to take higher ownership for the project. But I did the same too.
I shared my intentions to the client that I would take a great responsibility When it comes to market research, we explain the specific activities
for project, meaning I would spend my time effectively and deliver quality involved, such as competitor analysis and trend research. By being
results in timely fashion. I also shared my approach and how my time would transparent about our approach, we instil confidence in our clients that the
be dedicated to the project. This way they know my seriousness to the project is in capable hands. We reassure them that the end result will align
project. This sense of ownership should be evident from the very beginning, with their expectations. Simultaneously, we emphasize the dynamic nature
starting with a clear understanding of the client’s goals and requirements. of the process, acknowledging that the initial brief may evolve based on
the insights we gather from the research.

Another aspect that I saw help in building trust, was to demarcate
responsibilities with the client as it establishes a clear division of tasks
Designer from a Small Independent design consultancy
and roles. When each party understands their specific responsibilities,
it creates a more efficient and organized project workflow. Moreover,
effective ownership and boundary-setting contribute to effective project
management and risk mitigation.

Junior Design Consultant from a Medium Independent design

# Take ownership of the project

# Set boundaries and demarcate responsibilities with the client # Give the client a structure of the project process
50 51
Developing the trustful relationship
With the initiation of a trusting relationship, the client’s trust in you as a consultant is
inherent, given that you will be working on their project. Now, it is your responsibility
to deliver and exceed their expectations. Building trust is an ongoing process that
gradually strengthens over time. While the design process is essential, it might not
always provide the utmost clarity therefore additional layers of trust-building actions
are necessary.

52 53
Developing trust by following through Developing trust by admitting mistakes
In addition to specific actions tailored to trust formation, some general principles can
be applied across various contexts. Following through and admitting mistakes are
discussed here and the next page.

When a consultant makes a commitment or promise to a client, they are
essentially setting expectations for the client’s experience throughout the

Admitting mistakes truthfully and taking responsibility for them is a
crucial aspect of building trust in any professional relationship. When a
project. Delivering on these promises consistently is a clear demonstration
consultant acknowledges their mistakes, it shows honesty, transparency,
of reliability and credibility.
and accountability, which are all key components of trust-building. Instead
of trying to cover up errors or deflect blame, a consultant who admits their
To begin, it is crucial for consultants to set realistic and achievable
mistakes demonstrates integrity and a genuine commitment to finding
promises from the outset. Over-promising and under-delivering can quickly
erode trust and damage the consultant-client relationship. Therefore, it’s
essential to communicate clearly and honestly about what the consultant
However, admitting mistakes alone is not enough. Equally important is the
can realistically achieve and to manage client expectations accordingly.
consultant’s willingness to create an action plan to rectify those mistakes.
Once the promises are made, the consultant must be diligent in following
Clients want to see that their consultant is not only aware of the problem
through on each commitment. Consistency is key.
but also actively working towards resolving it. Developing a clear and
practical action plan shows the client that the consultant is taking the
In situations where unforeseen challenges arise that may hinder the
necessary steps to address the issue and prevent it from recurring in the
consultant’s ability to fulfil promises, transparent communication is crucial.
future. Moreover, the action plan should include measures to prevent

Program Manager from an Acquired design consultancy
similar mistakes from happening again. This proactive approach reassures
the client that the consultant is committed to continuous improvement and
is actively learning from their errors

Senior design consultant from an Acquired design consultancy

#Following through with kept promises and fulfilling expectations # Admit mistakes truthfully and create an action plan to rectify it
54 55
Developing trust during problem finding phase of project Developing trust with regular updates and consistent workflow
In addition to specific actions tailored to trust formation, some general principles can
The discovery phase of the design process is inherently dynamic and multifaceted, be applied across various contexts. Following through and admitting mistakes are
encompassing interactions with customers, market analysis, competition assessment, discussed here and the next page.
etc. Solving a problem that isn’t clearly defined yet necessitates remaining open-
minded about potential findings, which can create a sense of uncertainty and anxiety
for clients.

To foster creativity and explore radical ideas, divergence is essential. This requires

Regular check-in moments with the client play a vital role in maintaining
transparency and collaboration. Typically, we schedule update meetings
clients to trust in consultant’s expertise and methods, allow navigating uncharted
once a week or every two weeks, ensuring the client remains informed and
territories together. Encouraging clients to share their opinions and actively participate
actively contributes to the project’s progress. If necessary, we encourage
in the process enriches the exchange of information and ideas, ultimately shaping the
clients to dedicate more time or adopt a collaborative working approach
project more effectively. During this phase, building trust primarily revolves around
to facilitate meaningful interactions and decision-making.
being present for the client and keeping them well-informed.

A project I was involved in exemplifies this approach. Given the client

team’s limited availability, we established a distant working arrangement.
To ensure effective communication and engagement, we implemented
regular check-ins designed to foster meaningful conversations. During
these meetings, we discussed the research findings and encouraged the
client to ask numerous questions. This allowed us to gain insight into their
thought processes and tailor our approach accordingly.

Presenting the findings to the client follows a consistent standard. Whether

supported by visuals, well-documented, or enriched with quotations and
data screenshots, the materials always meet a high standard of quality.
By setting clear expectations for communication, presentation, and
deliverables at the outset, we strive to maintain consistency and reliability
throughout the project.

Design consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy

# Grab opportunities for frequent meaningful and collaborative engagements with the
# Have regular check-in moments
# Maintain a consistent and standardized workflow for achieving project
56 57
Developing trust by argumenting decisions and using methods Developing trust by being a guiding partner
Using some design methods, tools or canvases helps structure thinking for clients. It An example highlighting the importance of being a guiding partner for the client.
makes data tangible to see. Additionally, arguementing decisions shows the thought
process that helped arrive to the current state.

The client often lacks awareness of the research process, including the
data gathering methods and the insights we aim to uncover. In some cases,

Navigating uncertainty in interactions is crucial, as the perception of
questions can vary depending on the individual you’re communicating
junior designers take charge of content creation and client communication, with. A question may not always be seen as seeking a solution; it could be
making it crucial to effectively articulate our decisions. I recall a project interpreted as a sign of insecurity, which can impact trust. The challenge
where two senior designers, including myself, had other pressing priorities, lies in finding a balance between feeling secure in asserting oneself while
leaving a junior designer to handle client interactions. The client was acknowledging uncertainties in the situation.
demanding and imposed tight time constraints, resulting in inadequate
communication of findings from our side and many uncertainties on their To illustrate this, imagine being in the middle of a jungle with your guide
part. during a rainy and foggy chaos. If the guide admits, “I don’t know what
we’re going to do,” trust may waver. However, if the guide approaches you
Reflecting on this experience, I realized the importance of equipping with confidence and says, “We’re in a difficult situation, but let’s go through
junior designers with the skills to present clear points and well-argued here because I believe it’s the best way to go,” the situation is perceived
explanations. Using visuals, graphs, or concise statement cards from the differently. It becomes a matter of attitude rather than the process itself.
research can significantly improve communication. Employing method
templates like empathy maps or jobs-to-be-done canvases allows us to Finding the right balance of confidence and vulnerability in interactions
convey information more effectively to the client. is essential to building trust. Demonstrating belief in your decisions while
acknowledging the challenges fosters trust with others. It’s like navigating
Another key aspect is transparently communicating any decisions that the unpredictable jungle; a combination of confidence and openness
deviate from the initial brief. In another project, we found that the original helps build a trusting relationship with those you interact with.
brief served as a hypothesis that no longer aligned with our research
findings. We had to convey to the client that a shift in direction was
necessary. By providing convincing arguments for the change, we allowed
the client to make an informed decision. In the design process, changing the

Design consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy

brief can be common, making it essential to approach such modifications

constructively and honestly with the client.

Senior design consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy

# Argument decisions properly

# Articulate negative decisions in a constructive manner and deliver assertively
# Be transparent in communication and disclose information in an effective format
# Be the guiding partner who regularly assures the end goal for the client
# Using methods and tools to create a shared mental model
58 59
Developing trust by taking in client’s perspectives Developing trust by keeping a flexible approach to work
Client’s can be considered as the expert in their field, therefore, taking their feedback All aspects would not be possible to discuss in the project kick-off. When new information
seriously and incorporating them helps in developing trust. is found and changes need to be made, keeping a flexible approach to work is useful.

The project revolves around the clients, as it is ultimately meant for them

From the initial stages of the project proposal to the kick-off, certain
to implement in their company. Understanding their perspectives and aspects may have been outlined, but not explored in great detail. Take,
approaching solutions from their point of view holds immense importance. for instance, a project I was involved in where we initially planned to
Engaging in discussions with clients, presenting results, and seeking their interview a specific number of people, expecting to gather the necessary
feelings about the findings is crucial. Delving into their feedback and asking information and patterns. However, as we progressed, we discovered a
detailed questions helps gain clarity on their perspectives. Sometimes, diverse range of personas within the primary target audience. To gain a
clients may initially offer vague responses, like “it’s just not working for comprehensive understanding of the context, additional interviews were
us.” In such cases, proactively seeking more information and providing a required. This highlights the need for a flexible approach to work, allowing
feedback template can be beneficial. for adjustments when unexpected details emerge.

The template could include asking them to specify the problem, explaining In response to these discoveries, we promptly informed the clients and
why it’s an issue, and suggesting how they envision a solution. This discussed potential solutions. In this instance, we had planned buffer days
approach ensures that the feedback you receive is actionable, giving you to handle such situations. The clients provided valuable input, suggesting a
a clear direction for meeting their expectations. Throughout this feedback- focus on two personas. This adaptive and collaborative approach helped
gathering process, it’s essential for you, as a consultant, to maintain a light- accommodate the changes seamlessly.
hearted attitude while taking their input. When clients provide feedback,
they expect it to be implemented as requested. Throughout the design process, new data and insights may surface, which

can potentially alter the project’s direction. As a responsible consultant, it
is essential to keep these developments in mind and communicate them
Design consultant from a Medium Independent design consultancy accurately to the clients. Embracing flexibility and maintaining transparent
communication ensures that the project stays on track despite unforeseen
shifts, ultimately leading to a successful outcome.

Senior consultant from a Medium Independent design consultancy

# Be open to feedback through constructive dialogue to create change # Explore specific expectations in detail as the relationship develops
# Take the client’s perspectives to consideration and empathize with their problems # Keep a flexible work approach to accommodate for new change
60 61
Developing trust by updating other stakeholders in a timely manner Developing trust during idea finding phase of project
Findings from research can show significant insights into the project direction. As this
marks the possible way forward, other stakeholders need to be updated. Once a new design direction is reframed and set, the specific outcome is not yet
defined. The idea finding phase aims to explore various potential solutions to the
problem at hand. Depending on the client’s capabilities and preferences, some ideas
may be considered for further pursuit. However, when the space for ideas is vast and

During the problem finding phase, it’s common for the initial project brief
to undergo reframing. For instance, we might start with the intention of
possibilities are endless, the process can become disorganized and complex. Despite
the challenges, the exciting aspect is the increased client involvement. The following
stories delve into this further to provide better insights.
building a product for widespread use, but research reveals the benefits
of targeting a specific group initially. In such situations, it’s crucial to
keep all stakeholders informed, not only the reporting client team but also
senior management and other relevant parties. Timely updates are vital,
as delays can lead to potential problems. By communicating changes
promptly, stakeholders have the opportunity to provide feedback and
assess factors like budget, viability, and feasibility. It also allows them to
align the project with their values and objectives. Updating stakeholders
can be achieved through large meetings with the reporting clients, as well
as through email exchanges, though the latter might not always lead to
productive discussions.

Maintaining transparent and regular communication during this phase is

essential for garnering support, ensuring alignment, and making informed
decisions. By involving all relevant stakeholders in the process, potential
issues can be addressed proactively, leading to smoother project progress
and successful outcomes.

Design consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy

# Keep other stakeholders of the client’s organization informed in a timely fashion

62 63
Developing trust by using design methods Developing trust with positive reinforcements
During this crucial phase, collaboration with the client plays a vital role in fostering Embracing feedback creates opportunities for improvement and demonstrates a
creativity and idea generation. willingness to adapt and grow. In the process of engaging in constructive dialogue,
positive reinforcement plays a crucial role.

If the client is not actively involved, it’s good to persuade them to join the
idea generation process. Their input is valuable in unleashing creative
freedom and expanding the breadth of ideas with their expertise of the
field. However, clients may face challenges when stepping into this phase,
particularly if they are non-designers accustomed to critical thinking.

To address this, we utilized various design tools like mind mapping and
post-it brainstorming. These tools empowered them to brainstorm with us,
resulting in a wealth of enthusiastic ideas. We noticed that non-designers

When clients provide valuable input or actively collaborate in problem-
solving, acknowledging their contributions and expressing appreciation
tended to quickly judge ideas, hindering open expression. To overcome this is essential. Positive reinforcement reinforces their confidence in the
obstacle, we fostered a non-judgmental environment, encouraging free- design consultancy, making them feel valued and appreciated as active
flowing creativity. partners in the process. Furthermore, it creates a culture of openness
and receptiveness to feedback fosters an environment where clients feel
We implemented the “6 thinking hats” technique after the brainstorming comfortable sharing their thoughts.
session, assigning specific roles to each participant. This approach
enabled them to view the ideas from different perspectives, being critical
or expanding on them.

Business Designer from a Medium Independent design consultancy

The structured use of these tools not only facilitated idea generation but
also provided a clear roadmap for progress. The clients could easily see
the project’s direction, understand the problem-solving process, and
actively contribute to the project’s success. Embracing a collaborative
and supportive environment during the idea generation phase enhances
creativity, strengthens client relationships, and drives the project towards
innovative solutions.

Senior design consultant from a Large Independent design consultancy

# Grab opportunities for frequent meaningful and collaborative engagements with the
# Be open to feedback through constructive dialogue to create change
# Boost client’s confidence on the consultancy through positive enforcements
# Using methods and tools to create a shared mental model 64 65
Developing trust by reviewing the project progress Developing trust by creating tangible representations
Showing clients the progress of the project, by highlighting acomplishments and key Sometimes bringing a concept to life even in the most roughest format helps clients
decisions taken reassures the client where they have reached. envision the the idea better.

As part of our practice, we make it a point to celebrate. During presentations,
we provide a brief recap of all the developments that have taken place,

Creating tangible representations doesn’t necessarily have to be physical;
it can also involve diagrams, digital prototypes, or even using Lego to
allowing the client to see the substantial distance we’ve covered together.
generate ideas. For instance, in one of our projects, we conducted a
We also take time to appreciate the progress made so far, so the team is
brainstorming session with the client where we created drawings of different
motivated for the rest of the project process. This approach instils a sense
directions on sheets and placed them on the floor. The session allowed the
of reassurance and progress in the clients. In one of the projects I was
clients to utilize the space to map out and position ideas in a way that
involved in, we witnessed how the clients derived genuine satisfaction when
made sense together. This interactive and tangible approach helped the
they realized the journey we had undertaken from the project’s inception
client gain better clarity and actively participate in sharing their opinions.
to its current status. The design process can be complex and at times
Even seemingly simple techniques like this can significantly enhance client
disorganized, making it challenging to maintain a clear sense of direction.
engagement and understanding during the design process.
However, by taking the time to highlight achievements and reassure the
client of their importance to the project, we not only benefit them but also
gain insight into the remarkable progress we’ve accomplished thus far. ”
Designer from a Small Independent design consultancy

Junior consultant from a Medium Independent design consultancy

# Regularly review past successes to reassure the trustor and reaffirm that the project
is progressing smoothly # Making an idea or concept tangible for the client
66 67
Developing trust during solution packaging phase of Developing trust with language adoption and arguemented decisions

project An example highlighting the importance of adopting to the client organization’s


As the project reaches its conclusion, and the concept is ready to be delivered,

maintaining momentum is crucial. The concept, which they requested as deliverables,
must be submitted at the expected standard they anticipate. Many a times, the phase
To ensure a smooth and satisfying project completion, the final delivery
would go through testing and iterations, which can essentially use the same actions as
should address several key aspects. One crucial element is a well-argued
mentioned in the idea finding phase.
presentation of the concept itself, explaining how it was developed, why
it was chosen, and detailing its potential for success and growth. As a
consultant, it is essential to showcase the concept’s viability, feasibility, and
desirability, which are insights gathered throughout the design process.

In a recent project, we delivered both a research report and a pitch deck,

along with a detailed technical report. This combination of deliverables
allowed the client to gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept
and its potential impact. We also gave a significant importance to talk
about the desirability of the concept. Since the project primarily revolved
around user-centricity, it was important to show that their future customers
would use what we proposed. Naturally, the specific deliverables will vary
based on the client’s requirements, but the key remains in effectively
arguing the decisions made and showcasing the concept’s impact.

Furthermore, when presenting the deliverables, adapting the language and

terminology to match the client’s preferences and industry jargon is highly
beneficial. This alignment facilitates better comprehension for the client
and expedites the implementation of the proposed solution. Moreover, this
approach portrays the consultant as credible and capable of delivering
high-quality results, further enhancing the client’s trust in the partnership

Design Consultant from a Medium Independent design consultancy

# Argument decisions properly

# Adapt yourself and the work to fit to the client’s vocabulary
68 69
Developing trust with transparent communication and quality results
An example highlighting the importance of transparently sharing infromation and
meeting some quality standards

Transparency is key when presenting deliverables. It is essential to
showcase all information in a progressive and well-structured manner,
highlighting the details that hold importance to the client. Keep the
presentation concise while clearly connecting sections and explaining the
reasoning behind the decisions made. Adhering to established standards
and striving for the expected quality results is paramount. These standards
could include specific metrics set by either yourself or the institution, such
as meeting predetermined timelines or delivering a certain level of detail.

In one of our projects, our primary goal was to ensure that the deliverables
contained all the necessary information, saving the client from having to
conduct further analysis. We aimed to provide them with comprehensive
materials that they could directly share with the agency responsible for
developing the branding touchpoints based on our strategy. To achieve
this, we included a template that the next agency could work with,
encompassing mood boards, content framing, and examples of visuals
aligned with the colour scheme. This approach not only streamlined the
process but also empowered the client to move forward swiftly with the
next steps, confident in the materials they had in hand.

Junior Design Consultant from a Medium Independent design

# Be transparent in communication and disclose information in an effective format

# Keep concrete standards of delivery to achieve quality results
70 71
Maintaining a trustful relationship
As one reaches the end of the project, it’s crucial to wrap things up on a positive note.
Maintaining good professional conduct not only ensures a smooth closure but also sets
the stage for potential future collaborations with the client on other projects. While it
doesn’t guarantee a long-lasting relationship, it does leave a lasting impression that
can be beneficial down the road.

When working with longer-term clients, the dynamics are quite different. Due to the
considerable amount of time spent together, the relationship tends to be more bonded.
This may lead to lasting connections and even the opportunity to consider some of
them as friends.

On the other hand, when dealing with shorter projects, leaving with a positive impression
can make a difference if encountering each other again.

72 73
Maintain the relationship at the end of the process Maintaining trust by involving stakeholders and informal engagement
An example that exemplifies the purpose of involving stakeholders and having some
informal engagement.
The final phase of the design process entails the delivery of the project. At this stage,

all the essential work has been completed, and the client is fully aware of what they will
be receiving. As a consultant, you might find yourself swiftly transitioning to another
When we reach the end of a project, it’s a prime opportunity to gather
project that takes higher priority. Consequently, the attention and enthusiasm for the
all the stakeholders including senior personnel involved for the outcome
previous project might dwindle, leading to a lack of momentum and a less-than-ideal
delivery. They require a more detailed flow of information with a structured
presentation briefly recapping previous topics and delving deeper into the
Even though the project’s duration may be brief, leaving a positive impression can have
a lasting impact and enhance future collaborations
It’s crucial to articulate and justify decisions during the presentation. This
helps the stakeholders understand the process and instils confidence. We
usually add 10% of something new that could excite the stakeholders. This
could entail providing additional work that goes beyond their expectations
or revealing new details in the project that they haven’t seen before. By
infusing this element of surprise or novelty, they are engaged their overall
experience with the project delivery is enhanced.

An essential aspect that I’ve found to be quite impactful is to highlight

the achievements of the reporting client’s team within their organization.
This doesn’t involve sugar-coating anything, but rather expressing genuine
appreciation for their active involvement and dedication throughout the
project. It not only leaves a positive impression of you as a consultants but
also showcases the client’s team members as dedicated participants in
external projects.

Furthermore, if the budget allows, organizing an informal get-together over

drinks or a fun activity can be a fantastic way to end the project on a positive
note. In cases where in-person meetings are not feasible, conducting a
closure call and requesting feedback on how the project handling could
be improved are excellent alternatives to ensure proper closure.

Designer from an Acquired design consultancy

# End the project on a positive note through informal engagement

# Create a positive perception of the reporting client
74 # Involve and update other stakeholders in an effective manner 75
Maintaining relationship after project. Maintaining trust by keeping in touch
A personal touch can help strengthen the rapport and leave a lasting impression, even
if ongoing individual maintenance is not feasible. By carefully handling each project
What happens after the project ends? Short-term projects may pose challenges in
and proactively nurturing client relationships, a solid foundation for potential future
maintaining individual relationships with clients. However, for long-term projects, the
collaborations and maintain a positive network within the professional realm.
bonds tend to be stronger, increasing the chances of lasting connections.

Let me tell you about my experience with a reporting manager from the
client’s side. We were in close contact during the project, helping each
other understand the project context better. Unfortunately, the project
took a turn for the worse; we focused on the wrong area, and contract
issues added to the mix. Sadly, the reporting manager lost her job due to
the debacle, and it ended on a sour note.

But here’s the surprising part. Despite the project’s failure, she still stayed
in touch with me. We connected on LinkedIn and even exchanged casual
check-ins. I shared interesting articles related to the topic we worked on
together, and she saw my genuine interest and dedication. It became
evident that she trusted me and believed in what I was doing.

Even after she moved to another company, our connection remained

strong. It paid off when her new company became our new client because
of that solid connection we maintained. You know what I learned from
this experience? Keeping that personal contact and taking time to share
valuable information post-project can make a huge difference. It shows
how involved you were with the project and builds trust. I kept in touch with
her to ask about the implementation of the project. They remained a long-
term client for us by seeing our proactive participation in the project. So,
never underestimate the power of post-project connections!

Business Designer from a Medium Independent design consultancy

# Sharing information that would interest them post project completion

# Be open to assisting them for future endeavours

76 # Keep in touch by following up with implementation updates 77

I hope the book illustrated the challenging nature of earning someone’s trust and
highlights that trust-building is an ongoing and continuous process. The mentioned
narratives provide insights into the practices of experienced consultants in building
trust. While building trust is a common concept understood by many, trial and error
might not be the best approach when working with clients. It is essential to have a
well-founded understanding of how to build trust effectively to foster successful client
relationships. For junior designers, handling clients can be challenging, making it even
more crucial to reflect on their own working methods, identify what works well, and
implement these strategies in future interactions. But it is good to remember that there
is not one formula for building trust. The competency for this is gained by experience
and learning what works best for you and for the other.

Apart from these aspects of trust, there more other nuances to this topic, like distrust,
mistrust, losing trust and regaining trust that should be looked into. It is good to keep in
mind cultural differences and how this can depend on demographics.

I trust that this book has shed light on the significance of trust and its practical
implementation. My hope is that it equips you with valuable tools to develop stronger
relationships with your clients, ultimately enhancing your professional journey.

Good luck with making trustful relationships!

78 79
Initiating the trustful relationship Developing the trustful relationship
Initiating the trustful relationship at the project acquisition phase. # Following through with kept promises and fulfilling expectations
# Show previous work and experiences # Admit mistakes truthfully and create an action plan to rectify it
# Be more responsive to client’s needs
# Communicate your intentions regarding the project openly and honestly Developing trust during problem finding phase of project

# Setting strong but healthy boundaries on projects # Grab opportunities for frequent meaningful and collaborative engagements with the

# Maintaining a consistent communication language client

# Have regular check-in moments
Initiating the trustful relationship at the pre and during project proposal phase. # Maintain a consistent and standardized workflow for achieving project expectations
# Clarify expectations through transparent and flexible communication. # Argument decisions properly
# Ensure a legal binding to hold accountability for trustee and reduce fear for trustor # Using methods and tools to create a shared mental model
# Plan with room for change and be open to change in your decisions # Be transparent in communication and disclose information in an effective format
# Clarify expectations through transparent and flexible communication. # Articulate negative decisions in a constructive manner and deliver assertively
# Be the guiding partner who regularly assures the end goal for the client
Initiating trust during project pre-kick-off
# Be open to feedback through constructive dialogue to create change
# Gain advantage through experience and/or personal interest in the client’s project
# Take the client’s perspectives to consideration and empathize with their problems
# Explore specific expectations in detail as the relationship develops
# Additional efforts spent for client is appreciated
# Keep a flexible work approach to accommodate for new change
# Create a dialogue through asking questions and listening actively
# Keep other stakeholders of the client’s organization informed in a timely fashion
# Acknowledge client’s expertise in the field
# Identify client’s pain points and show care and concern for them and the project
Developing trust during idea finding phase of project
# Consider expectations of all the stakeholders of the project
# Grab opportunities for frequent meaningful and collaborative engagements with the
# Aim to build a personal relationship with the client
# Using methods and tools to create a shared mental model
Initiating trust during project kick-off
# Be open to feedback through constructive dialogue to create change
# Build a safe space that allows people to be open and direct with their opinions
# Boost client’s confidence on the consultancy through positive enforcements
# Communicate your intentions regarding the project openly and honestly
# Regularly review past successes to reassure the trustor and reaffirm that the project
# Prioritize establishing a mutual and precise understanding for yourself and the client
is progressing smoothly
# Creating trust by adopting client’s language to align meanings
# Making an idea or concept tangible for the client
# Share your interpretations back to the client
# Maintaining a consistent communication language Developing trust during solution packaging phase of project
# Plan with room for change and accept changes to your decisions # Argument decisions properly
# Take ownership of the project # Adapt yourself and the work to fit to the client’s vocabulary
# Set boundaries and demarcate responsibilities with the client # Be transparent in communication and disclose information in an effective format
# Give the client a structure of the project process # Keep concrete standards of delivery to achieve quality results

80 81
Maintaining a trustful relationship
Maintain the relationship at the end of the process
# End the project on a positive note through informal engagement
# Create a positive perception of the reporting client
# Involve and update other stakeholders in an effective manner

Maintaining relationship after project

# Sharing information that would interest them post project completion
# Be open to assisting them for future endeavours
# Keep in touch by following up with implementation updates

82 83
Nikolova, N., Möllering, G., & Reihlen, M. (2015). Trusting as a ‘leap of faith’: Trust-building
practices in client–consultant relationships. Scandinavian journal of management,
31(2), 232-245.

Cirino, E. (2018, July 20). 6 tips for building Trust in yourself. Healthline.

Zamora Enciso, R. (2020). Cooperation in complexity. Cooplexity, a model for

collaboration in complexity in times of uncertainty and change.

Wilding, M. (2021). Trust Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Channel Your Emotions for
Although the subject of trust is broad, this book concentrates on the
Success at Work. Chronicle Books.
trust that exists between a design consultant and a client, or anyone
Zucker, L. G. (1986). Production of trust: Institutional sources of economic structure, external to a firm. In this context, there is less research and weightage
1840–1920. Research in organizational behavior. given to the subject of trust. But why is this significant? Design
consulting follow design process that non-designers may find difficult
Arifin, M. A. (2021). Competence, competency, and competencies: A misunderstanding to comprehend. As a result, this book walks you through the process of
in theory and practice for future reference. nternational Journal of Academic Research
initiating, developing, and maintaining trust in a project relationship
in Business and Social Sciences, 755-764.
that uses design process. The book’s narratives of proficient designers’
Sandra J. Sucher, S. G. (2021). The Power of Trust: How Companies Build It, Lose It, Regain experiences encourage reflection on your own working methods, which
It. New York: PublicAffairs. may include collaborating with clients on group projects at university
or creating case studies, among other possibilities.
Roger C. Mayer, J. H. (1995). An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. The Academy
of Management Review, 709-734.

McKnight, D. H., Cummings, L. L., & Chervany, N. L. (1998). Initial trust formation in new
organizational relationships. Academy of Management review, 473-490.

Bachmann, R., & Inkpen, A. C. (2011). Understanding Institutional- based Trust Building
Processes in Inter-organizational Relationships. Organization Studies, 281-301.

Written by Nivedhitha Sathish

MSc Strategic Product Design from TU Delft
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