Silage Quality and Dietary Preferences of Selected Forages by Goats and Sheep
Silage Quality and Dietary Preferences of Selected Forages by Goats and Sheep
Silage Quality and Dietary Preferences of Selected Forages by Goats and Sheep
(Animal Science)
throughout the world and more specifically in the developing countries (Ketema, 2007; Thornton
et al., 2009). Goat has the ability not only to survive different environmental conditions but also
able to utilize poor quality feed (Abedo et al., 2013). The productivity of goats in the (sub)tropics
is limited by acute shortages of good quality feed, especially during the dry season (Lupwayi and
Haque, 1997; Gupta and Atreja, 1999; Hove et al., 2001). Feeds available during this period are
usually of very poor quality (low in protein and high in fiber), which results in low voluntary
intake and poor digestibility (Tolera et al., 2000). Poor nutrition leads to low reproductive
performance, slow growth, loss of body condition and increased susceptibility to parasitic and
other diseases. Thus, feeding of ruminants with conserved forages has become an important
feeding strategy since they could be made available throughout the year. In addition, the nutritive
The availability of green forage is mostly seasonal, only in rainy season, when plant
growth is high. The seasonal scarcity can considerably be reduced by conserving the surplus
forage during high fodder availability period. Silage making has great potential to solve the
seasonal shortage of feed for ruminants by preserving excess forage produced during the wet
season for use at the dry period (Olorunnisomo and Adesina, 2014).
Legumes are a rich source of protein (both as forage and as seeds), are useful as cover
and green manure crops, are self-reliant in terms of acquiring nitrogen and are known to improve
soil structure and the quality of pastures when seeded with grasses. Legumes offer a renewable
source of nitrogen supplementation compared to most conventional protein sources due to low
The utilization of leguminous forages to feed ruminants in the tropics has been suggested
dependency on imported and high-carbon footprint feeds. Legume forages could be fed to the
animals by direct grazing, cut and carry, or stored and conserved as hay or silage(Castro-
Additionally, fresh feeding of legumes is limited by the seasonality of rain, and this
reduces the independence from protein-rich feedstuffs during the dry season. Moreover, legumes
feeding as hay may be restricted by high dry-matter (DM) losses occurring during drying,
transport and storage, and because of the practical implications of season and plant physiology
that may prevent a timely harvest/drying at the optimal time for hay making (Titterton &
Bareeba, 1999). The limitations of leaf shattering, harvest timing and availability in the dry
season are minimized when forages are conserved as silage, making this probably the most
The problem of low quality feeds and forage scarcity during the dry season can be
reduced drastically by utilizing tree legumes like Leucaena leucocephala and Centrosema
pubescens. Silages could be used as a buffer to overcome feed gap that arises from seasonal
Legume forages usually make poor silage due to their low content of carbohydrates and
their high buffering capacity (Wilkins 2001) hence they require addition of readily fermentable
carbohydrates (RFC) in order to obtain good silage. Therefore, utilizing added legume forage can
enhance fermentation and improve energy concentration. Ensiling browse legumes with king
grass increased N content in the feed. Both silage mixtures grass and legumes silages improved
DMI, N digestibility, retained N and N-use efficiency of sheep compared with feeding grass
It is well known that animals choose different plant species to meet their nutritional
requirements. Species preference differs according to various factors, such as animal species,
forage availability and accessibility and the nutritional and physiological state of the animals.
Ruminants select nutritious diets from a diverse array of plant species.(Kongmanila, n.d.2012)
They possess a degree of nutritional wisdom in the sense that they generally select feeds that
meet nutritional needs and avoid feeds that cause toxicosis, particularly goats and sheep
Goats can utilise a wide range of native range plants, including foliage from trees and
shrubs (browse), forbs, Legumes and grasses throughout the year. They are able to select a
relatively high quality diet from a variety of available feeds (Ramirez, 1999). Method of
An optimal intake of nutrients by grazing animals could be more easily achieved and
controlled if their dietary habits and preferences were better understood. In the traditional
system, factors such as quality and quantity of forage ingested, time spent during grazing and the
skill of the herdsman play a great role in the productivity of the flock (Ngwa et al., 2000).
ruminants are of fundamental importance for the determination of opportune feeding strategies
The results of this study could provide alternative protein supplements for ruminants
which are locally available. Forage legumes can also help to reduce the costs associated with
buying concentrates and supplements. This study will provide documentation and as well
contribute to sensitization on the need for conservation of desirable forage legume species. The
seasonal scarcity can considerably be reduced by conserving the surplus forage during high
fodder availability period. Silage making will have great potential to solve the seasonal shortage
of feed for ruminants by preserving excess forage produced during the wet season for use at the
dry period.
The overall objective of this study is to test the preference of sheep and goats between
fresh forages and silages, which differed in their chemical composition, whilst controlling for, as
(1)To investigate the different preference of sheep and goats on selected fresh forages
and silages
(2)To compare the nutritional quality of fresh foliage from different tropical species and
(3)To examine the effects of ensiling a mixture of napier grass forage and legumes, either
The hypothesis for this study is that inclusion of a forage-legume component with king
grass for ensiling will be improved feed intake, digestibility. Different forages will show
Feedstuffs contain several sources of true protein and non-protein nitrogen compounds.
Proteins are large molecules that differ in size, shape, function, solubility, and amino acid
composition. It is important to keep in mind that amino acids and not protein per se are the
nutrients required by ruminants. Absorbed amino acids are vital nutrients for maintenance,
growth, health, reproduction, and lactation, and are used mainly as building blocks for protein
synthesis, as well as precursors for glucose and fatty acids synthesis. More specifically, amino
acids are involved in tissue growth and repair, enzymatic activity, transport of molecules, genetic
storage, immune function and cell differentiation. Therefore, supplying adequate amounts of
mentioned, amino acids are the compounds required by the animals, but in the present article, the
terms amino acid and protein nutrition will have and be used with the same meaning.
Protein is important for many functions in the animal’s body. With inadequate protein
intake, vital organs and systems including mammary gland activity, reproductive and immune
More specifically for the ruminant, adequate protein level (> 7% CP) in the diet is
required for maximal growth and activity of ruminal microorganisms, thus producing desired
MCP amounts and maximizing ruminal fermentation. In contrast, feeding diets with protein
functions, ruminal synthesis of MCP and amount of MCP absorbed in the small intestine. This is
extremely important because MCP is the main protein source for ruminants, and inadequate
protein levels may negatively impact ruminal function, performance, and subsequent
protein (RDP) to optimize rumen function and to attain the desired productivity with a minimum
amount of dietary CP. Optimizing use of dietary CP requires use of complementary feed proteins
and NPN supplements that will meet requirements of rumen microbes for maximal synthesis of
MCP; also the types and amounts of RUP should optimize the profile and amounts of absorbed
AA (NRC, 2001).
Given the differences in forage legume composition, there is a possibility rations from
forage legumes could be formulated that optimize productivity for a given physiological
function, for example growth, which could be an aspect to investigate in future research.
The protein contained in forages provides both ruminal degraded protein (RDP) for
microbial protein synthesis and ruminal undegraded protein (RUP) that escapes microbial
breakdown (Broderick, 1995b). Forage N occurs as both protein and nonprotein N (NPN).
The properties of a protein in forage determine the proportion of its CP that is RDP and
RUP. If degradation of protein is fast, all the amino acids and ammonia released cannot be
utilized efficiently and less protein is synthesized than is degraded (Broderick, 1995b). The
quantity of microbial protein formed in the rumen is related to dietary digestible energy (DE)
Forages high in water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) may improve balance and synchrony
of the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) (Miller et al., 2001) and increase microbial protein production
in the rumen and animal productivity (Parsons et al., 2011). When nonstructural carbohydrates
(NSC) were increased in alfalfa, there was a significant reduction in ruminal pH (6.85 vs. 7.08)
and NH3-N concentration in an in vitro continuous culture system (Berthiaume et al., 2010),
increased in vivo protein synthesis by rumen bacteria (Brito et al., 2009) and improved milk yield
The nutritional value of forage legumes for feeding ruminants can be improved by: (1)
reducing the rate and extent of ruminal protein degradability; (2) reduction of proteolysis and
NPN formation in the silo; and (3) increased microbial protein formation in the rumen
(Broderick, 1995). The implication is that silages from different forage legumes may have
different nutritive value and this may be different from grazed fresh material; blending legumes
2.3.Leucaena leucocephala
Leucaena leucocephala is a protein rich tropical legume indigenous and now widely
distributed in the high rainfall region of central America, Africa, Asia and northern Australia,
widely grown in tropics as a fodder plant for livestock.(Haque et al., 2008) . It is a multipurpose
tree species, which is vigorous, rapidly growing, drought tolerant, highly palatable, protein rich
and high yielding and can be grown on a wide range of soils (Gupta and Atreja, 1999).
High proteinaceous legumes in animal fed with poor quality feed would increase the
animal feed nutritional value. Proteinaceous legumes such as Leucaena leucocephala and
Manihot esculenta are abundantly found in the tropics and were considered as high quality
leguminous forage due to its high protein content with good amino acid profile.(Harun et al.,
However, the potential attributes of L. leucocephala are limited by the presence of the
toxic amino acid, mimosine. In many tropical regions of the world, consumption of L.
leucocephala by ruminants results in poor growth, alopecia, mouth and esophageal lesions,
depressed thyroxine levels and goiter (Ram et al., 1994), while in Brazil, Hawaii, Indonesia,
Philippines and parts of India, ruminants consume L. leucocephala without adverse effects
conventional protein feed supplements (e.g. oilseed cake meals), which are often expensive or
unavailable in more remote or extensive production systems (Clavero and Razz 2003; Leketa
As part of a goat ration, leucaena provides both protein and roughage. Reports indicate a
sole diet of leucaena fed to goats has digestibility coefficients for dry matter (DM) of 57–66%
(form not specified), organic matter of 59–67%, crude protein (CP) of 62% (Mtenga and Shoo
1990) to 65% (Girdhar et al. 1991), and total digestible nutrient concentration of 59% (Girdhar et
al. 1991).
contains more CP (27.5%) and lower neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 24.4%) than lucerne
(Medicago sativa), lablab (Lablab purpureus) and desmanthus (Desmanthus bicornutus) (20.3–
2.4. Napier
Napier grass originated from sub- Saharan tropical Africa (Clayton et al., 2013). It has
been introduced as forage into most tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Napier grass is
fast growing and has a high annual productivity that depends on the climatic conditions,
especially temperature and rainfall (Aroeira et al., 1999). It is a very versatile species that can be
grown under a wide range of conditions and systems: dry or wet conditions, smallholder or larger
scale agriculture. It is a valuable forage and very popular throughout the tropics, notably in cut-
One of the most widely used grasses in tropical ruminant production systems is Napier
known as King grass Pennisetum purpuphoides (Herrera et al. 2006).It can produce high dry
matter (DM) yields relative to other tropical grass species (Araya-Mora and Boschini 2005;
Evitayani et al. 2005). Napier grass is mainly used in cut-and-carry systems (i.e. zero-graze) and
fed in stalls, or preserved as silage and fed to ruminants during the periods of feed deficit (Santos
Ruminant performance can be limited by low nitrogen (N) content in tropical grass silage
However, feeding napier grass or silage alone may not achieve ruminant nutrient requirements
for production, mainly because of its low nitrogen (N) content (~1.12 g N/kg DM; Santana et al.
2015).. Diets based on forages with low N content may reduce the amount of ruminal ammonia
available for microbial growth and, hence, nutrient digestibility and DM intake (DMI) (Brookes
Therefore,One strategy to address this issue is the use of protein supplements. This option
is rarely adopted in practice, owing to the high price of purchasing protein supplements
(Wanapat et al. 2006, Promkot et al. 2007). Adding or ensiling legumes with forages of low N
content is another method to increase N content of the diet. For example, adding the foliage of
the browse tree legumes Erythrina variegata L., gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp) and
diet, and improved its DMI and nutrient digestibility by goats (Aregheore and Perera 2004).
Similarly, Zhang et al. (2015) showed that ensiling high-N-content lucerne (Medicago
sativa L.) together with low-N-content sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) improved in vitro DM
digestibility (DMD) compared with ensiling sorghum alone. However, limited data are available
on the effects of feeding king grass–legume mixed silage on DMI, DMD, N digestibility and N
balance of sheep.
tropical regions, the leaves and twigs of which are used as livestock feed during drought and feed
which was introduced into the country from South America. It is a non-legume species of fodder
It grows well in a wide range of soil types and at elevations up to 1800 meters above sea
level. When planted at a density of 20,000/ha, it can yield 40-60 tons of fresh foliage. It can be
rejuvenated repeatedly and still produce the same or even higher yield (Manaig, 2017). Its leaves
contain 18-22% crude protein on dry matter basis making it a potential protein source (dela Cruz,
2011). Trichantera can be easily propagated by cuttings; it has rapid growth rate, good regrowth
ability, high stem-leaf ratio and ability to thrive even under unfavorable environmental
condition- some of the characteristics that should be considered when selecting fodder crop
(Diaz, 2012).
Among the nutrients needed by animals, protein is the most expensive. Smallholder
animal production efficiency is limited by the high cost and, sometimes, the lack of available
commercial protein supplements (Martens, 2012). Different levels of crude protein content of
Trichantera leaf meal had been recorded such as 26.30% (Ly et. al, 2001), 23.9% (Sarwatt et al.,
2003, 20.1% (Leterme, et al., 2006),18.21% (Jaya et al., 2008) and 25% (Martens, et al., 2012)
on dry basis.
The thin stems are included as they are also consumed by the animals. The crude protein
content of the leaves varies from 15 to 22% and apparently most of this is true protein. The
calcium content has been found to be particularly high compared to other fodder trees (Rosales
Analysis of its carbohydrate fraction revealed that this plant had the greatest amounts of
water soluble carbohydrates, total and reducing sugars when compared with other fodder trees
and shrubs. It also showed a surprisingly high amount of starch and its neutral detergent fibre
was found to be the lowest. The high amounts of non-structural and storage carbohydrates,
combined with the low amounts of structural carbohydrates, may explain the good biological
In feeding trials with 35-day-old New Zealand rabbit’s commercial concentrate was
substituted with Trichanthera gigantea at 10, 20 and 30% levels. The best biological responses
were obtained when replacing at the 30% level. At this level the live weight gain was 32.12
g/day and the feed conversion was 4.29 compared with a live weight gain of 32.29 g/day and a
feed conversion of 3.49 obtained when concentrate was used alone (Arango, 1990).
Live weight gain of 9 g day and 4.7 feed conversion have been obtained in guinea pigs
Cavia porcellus fed with Trichanthera foliage, sugar cane juice and 30 g of protein supplement
Live weight gain of growing hens fed a diet of maize, earthworms and Trichanthera was
8.4 g/day. Those fed with maize, earthworms, soya bean and Trichanthera gained 16.8 g/day.
The gain of the control group (commercial concentrate) was 17.4 g/day, but this had the highest
Pigs eat it well, especially during pregnancy. However, when eaten in amounts that
theoretically supply all the protein needs (about 3 Kg/day), pregnant pigs rapidly lost body
condition when given only Trichanthera as a supplement to sugar cane juice. Up to 30%
replacement of the soya bean protein by Trichanthera appears to be feasible (Preston, 1995).
Results, in terms of litter size and gain to weaning, from replacing 75% of the soya bean
meal with Trichanthera in cane juice diets for pregnant sows have been very encouraging. Litter
size did not differ from that of the control group and gain to weaning was slightly higher, with
replacement for soya bean (extracted meal or cooked whole seeds) during the pregnancy phase of
sows fed a basal diet of sugar cane juice. Trichanthera was offered ad libitum and complemented
with either soya bean meal or cooked whole soya bean seeds. The control treatment received
There were no significant differences in productive traits (days empty, numbers, weights
and growth rate of the piglets) due to treatment. Protein conversion rate (kg protein/kg of weaned
piglets) was best on the Trichanthera+cooked soya beans (0.425) and worst on
the Trichanthera+soya bean meal. The control treatment was intermediate (0.608). It is
concluded that the leaves of Trichanthera gigantea can provide about 30% of the protein (about
1 kg/day of fresh leaves) of the diet of pregnant sows fed cane juice (Sarria, 1994).
Results with growing pigs have been less satisfactory. Performance was reduced at all
levels of substitution of soya bean meal by Trichanthera. Rate of live weight gain decreased
(625, 584, 522 and 451 g/day) and feed conversion deteriorated (3.04, 3.27, 3.63 and 3.89) with
increasing substitution (0, 5, 15 and 25%) of soya bean protein by Trichanthera leaves. Intake of
cane juice, protein and of total dry matter decreased with increasing substitution
A cafeteria trial using foliage of Trichanthera gigantea and Leucaena leucocephala was
carried out with weaned lambs (African hair sheep breed) to establish their preference. Relative
intakes (kg DM/100 kg live weight/day) were: Gliricidia sepium 1.84, Trichanthera
gigantea 0.73, and Leucaena leucocephala 0.19. Mejia and Vargas, 1993 suggested that the
factor which most influenced intake of a particular tree foliage was the degree to which the
animals were accustomed to eating it and highlighted the need to give the animals an adequate
time to adapt to such feeds before they are able to consume appreciable quantities .
Feleciano R.,2017 suggested that growth performance, egg production and egg qualities
of quails were affected with different percentage levels of Trichanthera gigantean leaf meal
(TGLM) in terms of final and gain weights, feed consumption, feed conversion, water
consumption, point of lay, percent egg production, return of investment, project viability, egg
weight, egg length, egg shape, shell thickness, surface area, breaking strength, yolk color and
cholesterol content.
Studies conducted on the effect of feedingTG leaves (TGL) have revealed variable
response in different livestock species (Sarwatt et al., 2003; Wanapat, 2009; Avril et al., 2012).
Barbados Blackbelly sheep, a tropical hairy meat breed, known for prolificacy and good weight
gain (FAO, 1978) are widely used for mutton production in Trinidad and Tobago and other
Caribbean countries.
It is important to distinguish between what the animals ‘want’ to eat and what they
actually eat because of some external constraint (Parsons et al., 1994). The first of these can be
defined as ‘preference’ (Parsons et al., 1994, ‘‘what the animals select given the minimum
physical constraints’’), whereas the second can be defined as ‘selection’ (Hodgson, 1979,
According to Steele (1996), the anatomical characteristics of goats, with small mouths
and split upper lips, enable them to select even very small parts of a plant. However, goats are
also considered to be very fastidious and even when they have a very large selection to choose
from, they only consume the most nutritious feed available (Fajemisin et al., 1996), and the more
selective feeding behaviour of goats results in lower feed intake compared with sheep
In general, shrubs are preferred and selected over other types of vegetation by small ruminants in
extensive production systems (Ramirez, 1999). The shoots and leaves are generally preferred to
stems when goats are allowed to select (Steele, 1996), and goats spend 383 minutes of every 24
hours on eating activity (Keskin et al., 2005).. Van et al. (2005) and Samkol (2003) suggested
that hanging up the foliage was the best way to improve feed intake and eating rate of local goats
fed jackfruit, Flemingia, acacia and Muntingia (Muntingia calabura) foliage. Method of
Palatability refers to those characteristics of a feed that elicit a sensory response in the
animal and is considered to be the corollary of the animal’s appetite for the feed (Baumont,
1996). Palatability is a conditional plant characteristic that is dependent on animal species and
their physiological status (Horadagoda et al., 2009). Relative palatability shows the ranking of
forages to which the animal has access and is a means of preliminary identification of preferred
species, so as to manage a mixed species sward of forages, favoring one species over others.
Hence knowing forage preference is crucial in controlling pasture species balance (Horadagoda
et al., 2009).
When ruminants are faced with a complex array of plant materials differing in nutrient
type and quality from which they make a propitious combination in order to maximize their
biological performance. Goats and sheep in particular are known for feeding on a wide spectrum
of feeds and are said to select those that meet their nutritional needs and avoid those that can
Feed selection depends on palatability and the latter depends on both plant and animal
factors. Plant factors that influence palatability include species, intraspecific variation, chemical
composition, morphology or physical traits, succulence or maturation and form of the forage
(Marten 1978).Animal factors include the senses, species or breeds, individual variation,
previous experience and physiological condition (Marten 1978). Flavour (taste and odour) is
considered to be the most important food cue (Garcia 1989) and according to Personius et al.
(1987), herbivores are able to detect some toxic compounds by smell before eating or
A number of trials have been carried out to evaluate the palatability of browses during
grazing (Becker and Lohrmann 1992). However, other authors pointed out that conventional
methods used to assess classic forage preference (oesophageal fistula technique, stomach content
and faecal analyses) are not convenient for evaluating palatability because they are laborious,
costly and complicated. Methods based on direct feeding observation and intake of plant species
either on pasture or in stall feeding seem to be more suitable for palatability studies (Ben Salem
The study will be carried out at UPLB. Four feeds, Napier (Pennisetum purpureum),
Trichanthera gigantean, Centrosema pubescens, and Leucaena leucocephala will be used in the
first experiment. In the second, silage from different forages will also be included as the four
feeds. The experiments will be run for a period of 15 days each. The parameters will be
Experiment-1 Experiment-2(Silage)
Leucaena leucocephala will be obtained daily on cut-and-carry basis from IAS farm. Rice straw
will be achieved from within the locality from households areas where the materials abundant.
The forage crop will be chopped to 2 - 4cm in length. The mixtures will be ensiled in 4-
litre plastic buckets (mini silos) for laboratory analysis and for acceptability study. Silages will
be impacted manually, sealed with polythene sheets and pressed with sandbags to exclude air
At 21 days of ensiling, the silos will be opened and the silages will be visually assessed.
The physical parameters (color, smell (odor), texture, moldiness) will be recorded. Temperature
of the fermented product at different depths of the container will be observed and recorded using
the compost thermometer. The pH of the silage mixtures from different mini silos will be
measured by using PH meter. A representative silage sample from plastic mini-silo will be taken
into labeled poly bag for proximate analysis using AOAC (1990) method. Dry matter (DM) will
be determined using a forced draught oven at 65oC, correcting values for the loss of volatile
compounds by multiplying with the factor of 1.056 (Fox and Fenderson, 1978). During
sampling, which was done in triplicate, the silages will be visually assessed and compared in
terms of physical properties, adapted and modified by the procedure of Hassan (2004).
Six goats and six sheep will be used for the preference trial. For the test, the animals will
be individually placed in a rectangular pen (5x7m) with 4 feeders, will be identified from 1 to 4,
will be distributed equidistant from one another, on each side of the pen, positioned so that the
animal entering the pen will be initially chose any of the feeders. Before the start of the
experiment, all animals will be trained for 3 days to become familiar with the location of the
feeders in the stall and to consume the various foods offered in the feeder.
The preference and acceptability trial will be lasted for 15 days with 5- day adjustment
and 10- day collection periods, respectively and will be carried out using cafeteria method (Larbi
et al., 1993). The animals will be fasted for at least 12 hours before the test. Every day each food
will be rotated to a different feeder, and the animals will be exposed to the experimental diet for
4 h each day between 08:00- 12:00 noon. Feed refused after 4 h will be weighed at the end of
each day. The difference between the feed offered and feed refused will be used to determine
The coefficient of preference (COP) of each experimental diet will be determined by the
procedure described by Karbo et al. (1996) as the ratio between the intakes of each experimental
feed divided by the total intake on dry matter basis. The results from these will be used to rank
the various diets. When values are equal to 1 or greater, the forage will be considered to be
acceptable to the animals but when values are less than 1, the forage will considered being
unacceptable (Babayemi, 2007).The number of visits, number of bites and the time spent (sec)
per visit eating the randomly placed diets will be recorded by using a stop watch.
3.6. Digestibility
During the digestibility phase, feces will be collected with canvass bags and a 20%
aliquot will be saved in plastic bags and will be stored frozen at −20 ◦C. Urine will be collected
into plastic buckets containing 100 ml of a 10% (vol/vol) sulfuric acid solution, with a 10%
aliquot stored at −20 ◦C. Feed refusals will be sampled daily, and a composite sample for each
animal will be formed. Thawed feces, feedstuff, and refusal samples will be dried at 60◦C to a
constant weight and ground to pass a 1-mm screen. These partially dried samples will be
analyzed for dry matter (DM) at 105 ◦C, ash, nitrogen (N) by the Kjeldahl procedure (AOAC,
1990), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin
(ADL) according to Van Soest et al. (1991). The N concentration in urine will be determined as
3.7. Video Recording for Behavioral activities of animals fed by experimental diets
The behavior of animals will be recorded with two video cameras on the last two days of
the experiment. Video recordings continuously observed visually for each animal within
Recorded activities will be registered together with their beginning and ending times.
Data for each activity will be reported as the total time, expressed in minutes, in which the lamb
(a)Eating when the animal have its head in the feed bunk or is chewing or swallowing food with
(c)Drinking when the animals have his mouth in the water bowl or was swallowing the water
hind limb.
(f)Resting was recorded as occurring when no chewing behavior and no apparent activity were
being performed.
(g) Social behavior will be registered when a animal is licking or nosing a neighbouring animal
Daily representative grab samples of feed offered and refusals within the 5-d collection period
will be collected in a sample bag and kept in an oven for 48 h at 600C for DM determination.
The experimental data will be laid out using factorial arrangement with completely
randomized design with 4 treatments (feeds) and 6 replications by using Statistic X(version
8).Treatments means will be compared using Least Significant Differences (LSD) test at 5%
probability level.
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