Cyber Fraud

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A basic malware analysis method

Article in Computer Fraud & Security · June 2019

DOI: 10.1016/S1361-3723(19)30064-8

11 2,283

1 author:

Ilker Kara
Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi


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Cyber Fraud: Detection and Analysis of the
Ilker KARA * Murat AYDOS
Department of Medical Services and Techniques Department of Computer Engineering
Eldivan Medical Services Vocational School Hacettepe University Beytepe 06800
18000 Cankiri Karatekin University Ankara TURKEY
Cankiri TURKEY [email protected]
Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Abstract—Currently as the widespread use of virtual monetary section of files and entering an appropriate code key opens the
units (like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin) has begun, people files for access again. Crypto-ransomware is the most popular
with bad intentions have been attracted to this area and have malware observed in recent times. With the spread of virtual
produced and marketed ransomware in order to obtain virtual
currency use around the world, it has become a focus of
currency easily. This ransomware infiltrates the victim’s system
with smartly-designed methods and encrypts the files found in the interest for attackers. The convenience of virtual currencies
system. After the encryption process, the attacker leaves a and inability to trace them forms the basis of the designed
message demanding a ransom in virtual currency to open access malware. Crypto-ransomware can delete files from the victim’s
to the encrypted files and warns that otherwise the files will not system after encryption [9].
be accessible. This type of ransomware is becoming more popular
over time, so currently it is the largest information technology
When the user attempts to access the desired files, a message
security threat. In the literature, there are many studies about
detection and analysis of this cyber-bullying. In this study, we is shown on the screen stating that the files are encrypted and
focused on crypto-ransomware and investigated a forensic payment is required. After the encrypted files are deleted from
analysis of a current attack example in detail. In this example, the the victim’s system, they are stored in an area belonging to the
attack method and behavior of the crypto-ransomware were attacker and a promise is made that they will be reopened for
analyzed and it was identified that information belonging to the sharing when the ransom is paid. Investigated examples show
attacker was accessible. With this dimension, we think our study
will significantly contribute to the struggle against this threat.
that even if the ransom is paid it is nearly impossible to access
the encrypted files [10].
Index Terms—Ransomware Analysis, Crypto-Ransomware,

I. INTRODUCTION Unfortunately, currently internet and applications based on it

are frequently used by people with bad intentions and these
In addition to convenience created by rapid developments in
digital platforms have become a great threat. One of the cyber
the field of technology and information, new threats have threats which is becoming more popular in recent times is
emerged [1]. Attackers rapidly adapting to new technologies ransomware. Ransomware, with updated new versions offered
have changed the target, type and methods of attack [2]. In to the market every day, infiltrates the victim’s system with
order for public organizations and institutions, private many methods [11]. The best known and most commonly used
companies and simple internet users to deal with these threats, methods are given in Figure 1.
they need to use a new generation of security precautions [3].

In spite of all precautions, cyber-attacks have continued to

increase. Currently the most commonly observed cyber-attacks
are ransomware [4]. Ransomware is harmful software or
malware which encrypts the victim’s personal files and folders
and demands a ransom [5]. Ransomware is generally
investigated in two categories [6] of crypto-ransomware and
crypto locker ransomware. Crypto-ransomware is accepted as
the first example of modern ransomware [7,8].

This malware obstructs the operating system or system entry of

the victim until the ransom is paid. Ransom is generally
demanded, with money transfer demanded by telephone Fig. 1. Crypto-ransomware infiltration methods into victim systems.
message, electronic card system or prepaid card system code. The general operating logic for crypto-ransomware is as
Crypto-ransomware prevents access by encrypting a certain follows:

978-1-7281-9656-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 0764

i. Fake sharing on social media or digital platforms The main contributions of this paper are summarized as
directs users to fake or infiltrated sites and infiltrates follows:
their computers.
ii. A fake mail is sent to the victim to download harmful  We present a systematic approach that can be used for
files to the computer and activate them. Most of identification and analysis of crypto-ransomware
these fake mails cause curiosity and concern by
 A sample case study is analyzed with the proposed
appearing to be a high telephone bill or from a cargo
company and clicking on message contents allows method and can be used for identification and
infiltration into the computer. analysis of crypto-ransomware operating with similar
iii. Imaging content on free film or tv series platforms logic.
may allow infiltration via files due to opening an
additional program or messages about updating Rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 3 reviews a
programs used in the system. few similar studies in the literature. Section 4 investigates
iv. Another method is that infiltration occurs due to
identification of malware analysis methods in detail. Section 5
applications previously attacked by the attacker and
appearing to be original or without knowledge of the proposes an applicable method for identification analysis, then
user while surfing the internet or by downloading or explains how it is applied step-by-step with a real case study.
updating a program for free.
In addition to these known infiltration methods, new methods III. RELATED WORK
are being developed every day.
To date, many approaches have been used for identification
Crypto-ransomware includes a double key encoding program and analysis of ransomware. The approaches with most focus
(public key). The crypto-ransomware infecting the computer are algorithms based on signature-based detection logic [11].
creates a new key at random and encrypts the files belonging Success of this approach is debatable due to weaknesses. It is
to the user one-by-one with this key. After this procedure, impossible to identify new-generation (fileless) ransomware
these keys are encrypted with a single key (public key) within with classic signature-based approaches. New types of
the crypto-ransomware. Later, the file keys and unencrypted approaches continue to be developed to resolve these
versions of the files are deleted. In this way, it is not possible deficiencies. These approaches encompass techniques
to open the files without the private key to the double-key investigating the operating behavior of ransomware (dynamic
encryption system. analysis).

Fatemah et al. presented a signature-based ransomware

identification method based on graphic mining. The study
concluded they had 96.6% rate of successful detection [12].

Daniele et al. developed a dynamic analysis approach working

with machine-learning logic for ransomware [13]. In 2015,
Donghyun et al. recommended a digitalized model to prevent
and identify crypto-ransomware [14].

Amin et al. developed a new approach for identification and

analysis of crypto-ransomware. With this approach the
encryption method and characteristic behavior features used by
the crypto-ransomware infecting the victim’s system are
defined [15].

Boldt et al. [16] proposed a viable method for crypto-

ransomware detection and analysis. The biggest deficiency of
this approach is that there is no case study to test the
applicability of the method and the programs used in the
approach cannot be used free of charge. We made the crypto-
ransomware case example examined in this study accessible to
everyone. In addition, attention was paid to using free versions
of the analysis tools used in the proposed method. Thus, we
Fig.2. Crypto-ransomware encryption methods for files found on victim aimed the applicability of the proposed method algorithm in
different studies.

Shaid and Maarof [17] executed ransomware within a virtual
machine environment, collected user-level API calls and

In 2019, Kara et al. [18] used program tools Forensic Toolkit

(FTK) tools for detection and analysis of ransomware. In their
work, Akbanov et al. [19] have developed a framework to
detect ransomware on virtual machines that are hosted on
cloud systems.

In 2020, Hwang et al. [20] proposed a method that dynamic

analysis and machine learning techniques. Hwang has also
tested API classification on the dataset having 1176
ransomware files and reported 97.3% accuracy.

IV. OUR PROPOSED FRAMEWORK Fig. 3. The overall process of our proposed system.


In this section, we explain our proposed architectural system. In this section, we present the necessary analysis infrastructure
In the study, the proposed approach model was designed in for the systematic approach to be used for identification and
order to implement identification and analysis of crypto- analysis of crypto-ransomware and how it is applied. A sample
ransomware specifically. Our approach comprises three case was selected for analysis in order to research applicability
modules. These are; of this approach.

 Module 1. An image (forensic copy) is taken of the A. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP

computer attacked by the crypto-ransomware. An
image is the name given to a one-to-one copy of the All analyses in this study were completed on a Dell Precision
data storage unit of the material to be investigated. T7920 brand workstation with 2xXeon Gold 5118 /32 GB /
There are two different methods used to take images 256 GB M.2 SSD running Windows 10 Pro operating system.
of physical and logical methods. All analyses are All investigations were completed in Virtual Machine mode in
performed on this image in a safe environment (on a order to prevent the workstation from being affected by
workstation). Thus, the aim is to prevent possible possible ransomware attacks. Analyses were completed with
harm to the live system. the “Md5deep” “OllyDbg” and “Wireshark” programs. After
 Module 2. After creating the analysis environment, preparing the analysis environment, the investigation stage
investigations of the image begin. In this step, began.
analyses are completed from simple towards
complicated methods. The first step is identification B. CASE STUDY
of possible ransomware. If there is no threat identified
on the computer, the process ends at this step. If We obtained a sample case to research the applicability of the
ransomware is identified, the first stage is to collect proposed method. With this aim, a computer was chosen
information about the ransomware without executing which had experienced an attack from probable ransomware
it. Later the ransomware is executed and with features given in Table 1. The chosen case was an
characteristic behavior (file-array movements, code example of a real attack and the study blurred personal data
architecture) analysis is performed. In the final step, due to possible demands to begin legal procedures. The most
the possibility of contacting the ransomware attacker commonly used methods by crypto-ransomware to infiltrate
is investigated in an attempt to obtain contact the victim’s systems is to reach the user through an infiltrated
information. website or fake email. As a result, first the internet history on
 Module 3. After completing analyses, the procedures the victim’s computer should be investigated. Static
are reported for use against possible similar attacks or investigations of the internet history of the victim computer
communicated to investigation units. observed a suspicious file had been downloaded in recent
times. Investigations focused on this suspicious file [15].
The process in the recommended approach model is visualized It was observed that the file content in
in Figure 3. “SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html” located at the

ry Internet Files\SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html location SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html After the creation
included a note belonging to the attacker (Figure 4). Static procedure, the procedure was performed by reading the “.enc”
investigations of the file called command. After the “.enc” command finished encryption, the
“SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html” with the “Md5deep” note to the victim during the attack was created as the file
program identified the suspicious file was created in the time called C:\Windows\Temp\SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html
interval “23.05.2020 14:11:49 (2020-05-23 14:11:49 UTC)” (Figure 7).
(Figure 4).
After the attacker successfully infiltrated the system, in order
to leave no trace, records or all procedures were deleted with
the C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\

Fig. 4. Information about the SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html.

Figure 7. Screen capture of some files encrypted with the suspicious “.enc”
software and located in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\

Figure 7. Screen capture of some files encrypted with the

suspicious “.enc” software and located in
Fig. 5. Message content belonging to the attacker. NtwkPortMon/help/generic/zhcn/SIFRE_COZME_TALIMAT
I.html [NTFS]\[root]”
The note shown in Figure 4 belonging to the attacker stated
that the victim’s personal data was encrypted and that they Considering the crypto-ransomware would attempt to
should contact the mail address stated in the note. As a result, communicate with the attacker, registry log files were
investigations began to determine whether file encryption investigated with the “Wireshark” program. Investigations
procedures had been completed or not by the attacker. were completed on the log files “security.evtx” and
Investigations with the Md5deep program showed that many RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational.evtx” located at
files located within “[IMAGE]/[root]/hp_P1000_P1500_Full_Solution/
C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\copy” NtwkPortMon/help/generic/zhcn/SIFRE_COZME_TALIMAT
had been encrypted by the suspect using software called “.enc” I.html [NTFS]/[root]/Windows/System32/winevt/Logs/”.
(Figure 5). Dynamic analysis with the OllyDbg program
investigated the behavior analysis by executing the
ransomware (Figure 6). Process Name File Information Properties
Product Name Microsoft Windows 10
Registered Owner BXX
System Root C:\Windows\
Product ID 00372-41378-7789X-AXXX
Description Physical Disk, 745.709.156 Sectors 424,6 GB
Total Size 529.890.345.260 Bytes (424,6 GB)
Total Sectors 745.709.156
Acquisition MD5 2f5abcdbeabb456a555ec56ab2befcc134
VerificationMD5 2f5abcdbeabb456a555ec56ab2befcc134
Acquisition SHA1 712abbe382ca064f064e6c69ce63d92ab3124ac3
Verification SHA1 712abbe382ca064f064e6c69ce63d92ab3124ac3
Fig 6. File-directory and registry logs of the
When the code architecture in Figure 6 is investigated, the file The Wireshark program performs network protocol and packet
called “SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html” firstly created analysis of computers and is popularly used for forensic
itself at the location C:\windows\temp\ investigations. The Wireshark program allows the possibility

to capture from the network, record online data and analyze
offline. Due to this feature of the application, it allows rapid
investigation of instantaneous network traffic. With the
thought that the investigated crypto-ransomware would attempt
to contact the attacker, all network traffic was stopped on the
Workstation before executing the Wireshark program. Later
the Wireshark program was executed and network traffic
investigated (Figure 8).

Fig. 9. Screen capture of WHOIS inquiry of suspect IP address.

As a result of suspicious network traffic investigations and

based on the attacker’s IP address, it appeared the attacker was
traceable. However, attackers generally do not use a fixed IP
for these types of attacks. Special programs may be used in
order to make the attacker untraceable. The most popular of
these special programs are virtual private networks (VPN).
VPN allows data flow for the user with the resource they want
to connect to or server they want remote access to by checking
Fig. 8. Investigation of suspect network traffic with Wireshark program the identity information and are known to encapsulate and
encrypt information like IP. If the IP of the attacker is
Figure 8 shows suspicious network traffic with the Wireshark detected, it is mandatory to confirm suspicious traffic.
program. It shows the Date, Time, Event, Computer, Target
User Name and IP Address in order, for the date and time of VI. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION
investigation in milliseconds with event log records, name of A large increase in the number crypto-ransomware attacks has
the system used, user name of the source system sending the been experienced, especially with the popularity of virtual
packet and finally the protocol (IP) addresses used. currency. This situation is due to the difficulty in legally
Investigation of suspicious network traffic with the Wireshark tracing virtual currency. Attackers encrypt the victim’s files
program identified that three different IP addresses were used with crypto-ransomware and inform them that they need to buy
by the attacker for Brute Force attacks. Brute Force attacks an encryption key to ensure access to their files again. Due to
aim to identify the user name and password from the victim’s the encryption type used in ransomware it is nearly impossible
computer. If the user name and password are identified, it is to break the encryption through outside intervention and this is
possible to access the victim’s computer remotely. As seen on accepted as technically impossible. The attacker deletes the
Figure 8, the attacker used the user names “david” and encrypted files from the victim’s computer and asserts that
“owner” in an attempt to identify the password registered on they are held in a storage area they own. In recent times,
the victim’s computer. attackers have sent a message stating that they will unencrypt a
file of the victim’s choosing not above 100 MB in order to
Investigations of the log file named “Microsoft-Windows- make sure the victim believes the situation. When the victim
TerminalServices- agrees, they are successfully given access to the file. However,
when the victim pays the desired ransom the attacker has
RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational.evtx” led to
achieved their aim and communication ceases.
consideration that access had been attempted from the IP
addresses “5.19X.4X.5X3” identified trying to access the
Analysis of ransomware encompasses detection of this
victim’s computer so investigations were completed on the log software, understanding how it works and reaching the
file called “security.evtx”. attacker. During crypto-ransomware analysis, reverse
engineering techniques are used and the structure of the
With identification that the attacker had gained unauthorized malware and interaction with the system are determined.
access, the IP address “5.19X.4X.5X3” belonging to the
attacker was used for an WHOIS inquiry on the Attackers continuously develop new methods to prevent website. The results of the inquiry identification and analysis of crypto-ransomware on the
observed that the IP address of the service provider company market. This makes intervention against this threat difficult; in
of the attacker was accessible (Figure 9). fact, it may be hopeless in some situations. Detection and

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Conflict of Interest
Dr. Ilker KARA is a Assoc.Prof.Dr in Department
of Medical Services and Techniques, Eldivan
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors. Medical Services Vocational School, Çankırı
Karatekin University since 2019. He was a Lecturer
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