Cyber Fraud
Cyber Fraud
Cyber Fraud
11 2,283
1 author:
Ilker Kara
Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ilker Kara on 14 December 2020.
Abstract—Currently as the widespread use of virtual monetary section of files and entering an appropriate code key opens the
units (like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin) has begun, people files for access again. Crypto-ransomware is the most popular
with bad intentions have been attracted to this area and have malware observed in recent times. With the spread of virtual
produced and marketed ransomware in order to obtain virtual
currency use around the world, it has become a focus of
currency easily. This ransomware infiltrates the victim’s system
with smartly-designed methods and encrypts the files found in the interest for attackers. The convenience of virtual currencies
system. After the encryption process, the attacker leaves a and inability to trace them forms the basis of the designed
message demanding a ransom in virtual currency to open access malware. Crypto-ransomware can delete files from the victim’s
to the encrypted files and warns that otherwise the files will not system after encryption [9].
be accessible. This type of ransomware is becoming more popular
over time, so currently it is the largest information technology
When the user attempts to access the desired files, a message
security threat. In the literature, there are many studies about
detection and analysis of this cyber-bullying. In this study, we is shown on the screen stating that the files are encrypted and
focused on crypto-ransomware and investigated a forensic payment is required. After the encrypted files are deleted from
analysis of a current attack example in detail. In this example, the the victim’s system, they are stored in an area belonging to the
attack method and behavior of the crypto-ransomware were attacker and a promise is made that they will be reopened for
analyzed and it was identified that information belonging to the sharing when the ransom is paid. Investigated examples show
attacker was accessible. With this dimension, we think our study
will significantly contribute to the struggle against this threat.
that even if the ransom is paid it is nearly impossible to access
the encrypted files [10].
Index Terms—Ransomware Analysis, Crypto-Ransomware,
Shaid and Maarof [17] executed ransomware within a virtual
machine environment, collected user-level API calls and
IV. OUR PROPOSED FRAMEWORK Fig. 3. The overall process of our proposed system.
In this section, we explain our proposed architectural system. In this section, we present the necessary analysis infrastructure
In the study, the proposed approach model was designed in for the systematic approach to be used for identification and
order to implement identification and analysis of crypto- analysis of crypto-ransomware and how it is applied. A sample
ransomware specifically. Our approach comprises three case was selected for analysis in order to research applicability
modules. These are; of this approach.
ry Internet Files\SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html location SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html After the creation
included a note belonging to the attacker (Figure 4). Static procedure, the procedure was performed by reading the “.enc”
investigations of the file called command. After the “.enc” command finished encryption, the
“SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html” with the “Md5deep” note to the victim during the attack was created as the file
program identified the suspicious file was created in the time called C:\Windows\Temp\SIFRE_COZME_TALIMATI.html
interval “23.05.2020 14:11:49 (2020-05-23 14:11:49 UTC)” (Figure 7).
(Figure 4).
After the attacker successfully infiltrated the system, in order
to leave no trace, records or all procedures were deleted with
the C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\
Figure 7. Screen capture of some files encrypted with the suspicious “.enc”
software and located in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\
to capture from the network, record online data and analyze
offline. Due to this feature of the application, it allows rapid
investigation of instantaneous network traffic. With the
thought that the investigated crypto-ransomware would attempt
to contact the attacker, all network traffic was stopped on the
Workstation before executing the Wireshark program. Later
the Wireshark program was executed and network traffic
investigated (Figure 8).
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Conflict of Interest
Dr. Ilker KARA is a Assoc.Prof.Dr in Department
of Medical Services and Techniques, Eldivan
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors. Medical Services Vocational School, Çankırı
Karatekin University since 2019. He was a Lecturer
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