(M1) Handout
(M1) Handout
(M1) Handout
Concepts in
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify different terms and concepts in transportation engineering;
2. Summarize the importatnce of transportation;
3. Discuss the Philippine transportation system;
4. Describe the elements of transportation employment; and
5. Define traffic management.
For as long as the human race has existed, transportation has played a significant role by
facilitating trade, commerce, conquest, and social interaction, while consuming a considerable portion
of time and resources. The primary need for transportation has been economic, involving personal
travel in search of food or work, travel for the exchange of goods and commodities, exploration,
personal fulfillment, and the improvement of a society or a nation. The movements of people and
goods, which is the basis of transportation, always have been undertaken to accomplish those basic
objectives or tasks that require a transfer from one location to another. For example, a farmer must
transport produce to market, a doctor must see a patient in the office or the hospital, and a salesman
must visit clients located throughout a territory. Every day, millions of people leave their homes and
travel to a workplace be it a factory, office, classroom, or distant city.
There are several attributes of transportation engineering that affect the types of statistical
theories that are used in the profession. One important aspect of transportation engineering is that
the transportation engineer is not only interested in the infrastructure (e.g., bridges, rails, etc.) and
the individual units (cars, trucks, railcars) that use the infrastructure, but also the user. Often it is
necessary to understand the interaction of all three of these entities—infrastructure, individual units,
and user—to understand the system as a whole. Typically the infrastructure and units are considered
the supply side of the equation, while the users are identified with demand.
Experimental studies, or designed experiments, are the mainstay of many standard statistics
books. They are used extensively in many engineering disciplines, including pavement engineering,
that is not necessarily applicable to transportation systems engineering. For example, consider
an engineer who is interested in the various factors that affect skid resistance and the relationship to
crash rate. From an ethical standpoint, she cannot place various types of pavement surfacing on
different sections of the highway, observe what types of accidents occur, and then choose the best
type of pavement based on the empirical accident results. Instead, most transportation studies are
observational, and as a result, the statistics used by transportation engineers reflect this characteristic.
In addition, it is sometimes very difficult to obtain certain data from the transportation system, so
statistical techniques that can handle missing data or use a priori knowledge are needed. Lastly, much
of the data are correlated and interdependent. For example, the travel time on a given link is often
correlated to the travel time on the immediate downstream link. Sometimes this correlation is
negative: Consider, for example, a driver stopped at a red traffic signal. If the signal system is
coordinated properly, the driver will have a lower probability of being stopped at the traffic signal on
the next link. At other times, however, the correlation is positive: If one link is experiencing high travel
times because of excessive demand, then other links also will experience high travel times because of
the same demand. Regardless, as this example demonstrates, the assumption that different
transportation phenomena are independent is not always valid.
Tapping natural resources and markets and maintaining a competitive edge over other regions
and nations are linked closely to the quality of the transportation system. The speed, cost, and capacity
of available transportation have a significant impact on the economic vitality of an area and the ability
to make maximum use of its natural resources. Examination of most developed and industrialized
societies indicates that they have been noted for high-quality transportation systems and services.
Nations with well-developed maritime systems (such as the British Empire in the 1900s) once ruled
vast colonies located around the globe. In more modern times, countries with advanced transportation
systems—such as in the United States, Canada, Asia, and Europe—are leaders in industry and
commerce. Without the ability to transport manufactured goods and raw materials and without
technical know-how, a country is unable to maximize the comparative advantage it may have in the
form of natural or human resources. Countries that lack an abundance of natural resources rely heavily
on transportation to import raw materials and export manufactured products.
Good transportation, in and of itself, will not assure success in the marketplace, as the
availability of transportation is a necessary but insufficient condition for economic growth. However,
the absence of supportive transportation services will serve to limit or hinder the potential for a nation
or region to achieve its economic potential. Thus, if society expects to develop and grow, it must have
a strong internal transportation system consisting of good roads, rail systems, as well as excellent
linkages to the rest of the world by sea and air. Thus, transportation demand is a byproduct derived
from the needs and desires of people to travel or to transfer their goods from one place to another. It
is a necessary condition for human interaction and economic competitiveness.
The availability of transportation facilities can strongly influence the growth and development
of a region or nation. Good transportation permits the specialization of industry or commerce, reduces
costs for raw materials or manufactured goods, and increases competition between regions, thus
resulting in reduced prices and greater choices for the consumer. Transportation is also a necessary
element of government services, such as delivering mail, defense, and assisting territories. Throughout
history, transportation systems (such as those that existed in the Roman Empire and those that now
exist in the United States) were developed and built to ensure economic development and efficient
mobilization in the event of national emergencies.
Figure 1 Economic Oppurtunities of Transportation
The improvement of a region’s economic position by improved transportation does not come
without costs. Building vast transportation systems requires enormous resources of energy, material,
and land. In major cities, transportation can consume as much as half of all the land area. An aerial
view of any major metropolis will reveal vast acreage used for railroad terminals, airports, parking lots,
and freeways. Transportation has other negative effects as well. Travel is not without danger; every
mode of transportation brings to mind some major disaster—be it the sinking of the Titanic, the
explosion of the zeppelin Hindenburg, the infrequent but dramatic passenger air crashes, and highway
accidents that each year claim about 40,000 lives in the United States. In addition, transportation can
create noise, spoil the natural beauty of an area, change the environment, pollute air and water, and
consume energy resources.
Society has indicated a willingness to accept some risks and changes to the natural environment
to gain the advantages that result from constructing new transportation systems. The society also
values many social benefits brought about by good transportation. Providing medical and other
services to rural areas and enabling people to socialize who live some distance apart are just a few
examples of the benefits that transportation provides.
A major task for the modern transportation engineer is to balance society’s need for fast and
efficient transportation with the costs involved. Thus, the most efficient and cost-effective system is
created, while assuring that the environment is not compromised or destroyed. In carrying out this
task, the transportation engineer must work closely with the public and elected officials and needs to
be aware of modern engineering practices to ensure that the highest quality transportation systems
are built consistent with available funds and accepted social policy.
Transportation in the Philippines covers the transportation methods of over 7,500 islands.
Jeepneys are a popular and iconic public utility vehicle. They have become a symbol of the Philippine
culture. Another popular mode of public transportation in the country is motorized tricycles, especially
common in smaller urban and rural areas. The Philippines has four railway lines: Manila Light Rail
Transit System Line 1, Manila Light Rail Transit System Line 2, Manila Metro Rail Transit System Line 3,
and the PNR Metro Commuter Line operated by the Philippine National Railways. There are also steam
engines found in Visayas which operate sugar mills such as Central Azucarera. Taxis and buses are also
important modes of public transport in urban areas. The Philippines has 12 international airports and
has more than 20 major and minor domestic airports serving the country. The Ninoy Aquino
International Airport is the main international gateway to the Philippines.
Infrastructure, being one of the main drivers of our economy, requires statistical data to come
up with measures to reduce the cost of transportation, both in terms of money and time, and also
helps in the integration of various regions within the country and a better understanding of
neighboring countries at the international level. Roads
As of October 2018, the Philippines has 217,317 kilometers (135,035 mi) of roads. The road
network consists of: Railways
Rail transportation in the Philippines includes services provided by three rapid transit lines and
one commuter rail line: the Manila Light Rail Transit System(Lines 1 and 2), Manila Metro Rail Transit
System (Line 3), and the PNR Metro South Commuter Line. The government has plans to expand the
country's railway footprint from 77 kilometers as of 2017 to more than 320 kilometers by 2022.
The Manila Light Rail Transit System or the LRTA system is a rapid transit system serving
the Metro Manila area, it is the first metro system in Southeast Asia. The system served a total of
928,000 passengers each day in 2012. Its 31 stations along over 31 kilometers (19 mi) of mostly
elevated track form two lines: the original Line 1, and the more modern Line 2 which passes through
the cities of Caloocan, Manila, Marikina, Pasay, San Juan, and Quezon City. Apart from the LRTA
system, the Manila Metro Rail Transit System system also serves Metro Manila. The system is located
along the Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA), one of Metro Manila's main thoroughfares. It has 13
stations along its 16.95 km track form a single line which is the Line 3 which passes through the cities
of Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasay, and Quezon City. Some of the stations of the system have been
retrofitted with escalators and elevators for easier access, and ridership has increased. By 2004, Line
3 had the highest ridership of the three lines, with 400,000 passengers daily.
Philippine National Railways (PNR) operates a commuter line that serves a region from Metro
Manila south toward Laguna. PNR, a state-owned railway system of the Philippines, alongside
a tramway system in Manila, was established during the Spanish Colonial period. The intercity rail used
to provide services on Luzon, connecting northern and southern Luzon with Manila; on the other hand,
the tramway served what is known today as Metro Manila. In 1988, the railway line to northern Luzon
became disused and later the services to Bicol were halted although plans to revive the southern line
are around as of 2015. Panay Railways is a company that ran rail lines on Panay until 1989
and Cebu until World War II.
Figure 9 Philippine Railway Map Airlines
Philippine Airlines (PAL) is the national flag carrier of the Philippines and is the first commercial
airline in Asia. Philippine Airlines remains the country's biggest airline company, it has the largest
number of international flights to the Philippines as well as domestic flights. As of 2013, Philippine
Airlines flies to 8 domestic and 58 international destinations in 33 countries and territories
across Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Oceania, and Europe. The airline operates hubs
in Clark, Manila, Cebu, and Davao.
Cebu Pacific is the low fare leader in the country, and is the country's leading domestic airline,
flying to 37 domestic destinations. Since the launching of its international operations in November
2001, flies to 27 destinations in 15 countries and territories across Asia and Oceania. As of 2013, the
airline operates hubs in Manila, Cebu , and Davao.
Other low-cost carriers in the country include Cebgo, PAL Express, and Philippines AirAsia.
These airlines have routes to several tourist destinations in the country.
It can be expected that in the twenty-first century, heavy emphasis will be placed on the
rehabilitation of the highway system, including its surfaces and bridges, as well as on devising a means
to ensure improved safety and utilization of the existing system through traffic control, information
technology, and systems management. Highway construction will be required, particularly in suburban
areas. The building of roads, highways, airports, and transit systems is likely to accelerate in less-
developed countries, and the transportation engineer will be called on to furnish the services
necessary to plan, design, build, and operate highway systems throughout the world. Transportation Planning
Transportation planning deals with the selection of projects for design and construction. The
transportation planner begins by defining the problem, gathering and analyzing data, and evaluating
various alternative solutions. Also involved in the process are forecasts of future traffic; estimates of
the impact of the facility on land use, the environment, and the community; and determination of the
benefits and costs that will result if the project is built. The transportation planner investigates the
physical feasibility of a project and makes comparisons between various alternatives to determine
which one will accomplish the task at the lowest cost—consistent with other criteria and constraints.
A transportation planner must be familiar with engineering economics and other means of
evaluating alternative systems, be knowledgeable in statistics and data gathering techniques, as well
as in computer applications for data analysis and travel forecasting, and be able to communicate with
the public and policymakers. Transportation Infrastructure Design
Transportation design involves the specification of all features of the transportation system to
assure that it will function smoothly, efficiently, and in accord with the physical laws of nature. The
design process results in a set of detailed plans that can be used for estimating the facility costs and
for carrying out its construction. For highway design, the process involves the selection of dimensions
for all geometrical features, such as the longitudinal profile, vertical curves and elevations, the highway
cross-section, pavement widths, shoulders, rights-of-way, drainage ditches, and fencing. The design
processes also include the pavement and structural requirements for base courses and the concrete
or asphalt surface material. Highway design also includes bridges and drainage structures as well as
provision for traffic control devices, roadside rest areas, and landscaping. The highway designer must
be proficient in civil engineering subjects (such as soil mechanics, hydraulics, land surveying, pavement
design, and structural design), and is concerned primarily with the geometric layout of the road, its
cross-section, paving materials, roadway thickness, and traffic-control devices. Special appurtenances
(such as highway bridges and drainage structures) are usually designed by specialists in these areas.
Highway construction involves all aspects of the building process beginning with the clearing of
the native soil, preparation of the surface, placement of the pavement material, and preparation of
the final roadway for use by traffic. Highways initially were built with manual labor assisted by horse-
drawn equipment for grading and moving materials. Today, modern construction equipment is used
for clearing the site, grading the surface, compaction of the pavement base courses, transporting
materials, and placing the final highway pavement. Advances in construction equipment have made
the rapid building of large highway sections possible. Nuclear devices test compaction of soil and base
courses, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used to
establish line and grade, and specialized equipment for handling concrete and bridgework are all
innovations in the construction industry. Large, automatically controlled mix plants have been
constructed, and new techniques for improving the durability of structures and the substitutions for
scarce materials have been developed.
Figure 13 suggests a balance among the three elements, i.e., a breakdown or deficiency in
one can lead to the failure of the entire system.The road and vehicle may be subject to constant
change and improvement. However, in a given period of time, they may be considered inflexible.
The major portion of existing regulations is therefore aimed at the driver. Worldwide, licensing has
become the most effective way of controlling the number of drivers on the road. It should be used,
therefore, to influence drivers to become familiar with the rules of the road. This is especially true
for the Filipino drivers, considering the most accidents have been attributed to them.
For vehicles, a number of controls exist, the most effective of which is vehicle registration.
Others are checks on equipment and accessories (lights, bells, mirrors, helmets, etc.). Motor
Vehicle Inspection System (MVIS) is being revitalized and expanded to cover the whole country.
a. Regulatory devices
These have the authority of law and impose precise requirements upon the
actions of the road user.
b. Warning devices
These are used to inform road users of potentially hazardous roadway conditions
or unusual traffic movements that are not readily apparent to passing traffic.
c. Guiding devices
These are employed simply to inform the road user of route, destination, and
other pertinent traffic.
Traffic signs are employed more frequently than any other devices to regulate, warn, or
guide road users. Traffic markings normally consist of lines, patterns, words, symbols, reflectors,
etc. They may be considered as specialized types of traffic signs in which the message is in contrast
with the color and brightness of the pavement or other background.
Philippine traffic signs conform to the 1968 Vienna Conventions of the United Nations on
Road Traffic and Road Signs, which the country officially adopted on June 6, 1973.
Traffic signs are necessary to give information as to routes, directions, destinations, etc.
Their function becomes more relevant when used to warn road users of hazards and regulate any
prohibitive action at specific places and/or at specified times.
To ensure uniformity, traffic signs shall be installed only by a duly authorized public body or
official for the purpose of guiding, regulating, and warning traffic. In case of temporary
construction work, however, special permission is given to contractors or utility companies to
install signs to protect the public provided that such signs conform to the set standards.
Traffic signs are normally of fixed/permanent type although some variable signs have been
employed and have become useful in locations where traffic and environment conditions often
a. Informative: the signs are intended to guide users while they are traveling.
b. Regulatory: the signs are intended to inform users of special obligations, restrictions, or
prohibitions with which they must comply.
c. Warning: these signs are intended to warn users of a danger on the road and to inform
them of its nature Elements of design
Uniformity in design includes shape, color, dimension, symbols, wording, lettering, and
illumination or reflectorization.
Shapes of signs are standardized as follows:
a. Equilateral triangular shape with one side horizontal shall be used for danger warning
b. Round shape shall be used for regulating traffic.
c. Rectangular shape shall be used for informative signs.
d. Octagonal shape shall be used for STOP signs only.
e. Inverted equilateral triangle shall be used for YIELD signs only.
• Danger warning signs shall have a yellow or white background with black symbols and red
• Prohibitory signs and restrictive signs shall have a white background with black symbols and
red border.
• Mandatory signs with the exception of STOP and YIELD signs shall have a blue
background and white symbols.
• STOP signs shall have a red background and white symbols. YIELD signs shall have a yellow
background and red border.
• Informative signs shall have a white or light-colored symbol on a dark-colored (blue or black)
background or a blue or dark-colored symbol on a white or light-colored background.
The minimum dimensions of signs depend upon the intended applications. Larger sizes are
necessary at wider roadways and on high speed highways. According to section 2.5 of
DPWH Highway Safety Design Standards Part 2: Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual,
regulatory signs are of four sizes based on the speed of the facility as follows:
a. A for urban low-speed roads
b. B for rural roads with speed limits between 60 kph and 70 kph
c. C for high-speed rural highways
d. D for expressways
In the case of a STOP or YIELD sign, for example, table 2 below should be followed:
Table 2 Recommended dimensions for STOP and YIELD signs
The reader is advised to refer to the DPWH manual for the dimensions of various
traffic signs and for other details letter, symbol, border, bar sizes, etc.
a. Lateral placement
On uncurbed roads in the rural areas, the sign should be at least 60 cm clear of the
outer edge of the road shoulder, the line of guideposts, or face of guardrails. The clearance
should not be less than 2 m nor more than 5 m from the edge of the travelled way, except for
large guide signs on expressways where ample clearance may be required (see figure 14).
In urban areas, signs should be located away from the face of the curb not less than
30 cm but not more than 1 m. If curb is mountable or semi mountable, the minimum
clearance should be 50 cm. On uncurbed roads, the distance given for rural areas shall be
b. Height
In rural areas, the height of the sign should normally be between 1 m and 1.5 m
above the nearest edge of the travelled way. For intersection direction signs, the height
should be increased to 2 m. Final height is dictated by visibility factor as the sign should be
mounted clear of vegetation and it must be clearly visible under headlight illumination at night
(see figure 14).
Figure 14 Height and lateral placement of signs
On curbed roads such as in urban areas, the signs should be mounted at a minimum of
2 m above the top of the curb to prevent obstructions to pedestrians.
Prohibition Signs
Prohibition signs (figure 18) are round with a red border and either a white or a yellow
background. Access restrictions signs can have a red bar from low right to top left. Parking
prohibitions have a blue background. The signs that signal the end of a prohibition are white or
yellow with a small black border and a black bar form left below to right top. The bar can be
replaced by a series of small bars. In addition, the symbol for which the end of prohibition is
intended is given in gray.
Additional Signs
These signs are small and rectangular, they supplement the information on the main sign (figure
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