11th Notes Informatics

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Chapter Wise Important Short + Long Questions
Short Questions:
1. What is software? Give example?
2. What is hardware? Give example?
3. Difference between software and hardware.
4. Difference between data and information with example.
5. Define information technology.
6. What is Computer?
7. Define CPU.
8. How world become global village?
9. What is digital convergence?
10. Difference between multimedia and hypermedia.
11. What is distributing computer.
12. Why software cannot execute without hardware?
13. What is data processing?
14. Difference between system software and application software.
15. Define input and its types.
16. Define pointing devices.
17. State the basic use of mouse.
18. Define Touch pad/Track pad.
19. What is light pen?
20. Define track ball.
21. Graphic tablet.
22. Pointing Stick.


23. Touch Screen.
24. Pen Based System.
25. What is Barcode reader?
26. What is UPC?
27. What is OCR?
28. What do you know about OMR?
29. What do you know about MICR?
30. Define Fax machine enlist its types.
31. Define magnetic strip card?
32. What is scanner?
33. What is smart card?
34. What do you know about camera?
35. What is video input?
36. What is audio input?
37. Difference between soft copy and hard copy.
38. How we measure the size of display screen.
39. What do you know about resolution?
40. Define pixel.
41. Difference between input and output devices.
42. Write function of CRT monitor.
43. Define video display adapter and its types?
44. What is ELD?
45. What is LCD?
46. What is flat panel display?
47. What is gas plasma display?
48. What are the advantages of flat panel display?
49. Define plotter and its types.
50. Difference between bit and byte.
51. Define System and its components.
52. Why system scope necessary in preliminary.
53. What is feasibility study?
54. D/F between logical and physical design.
55. D/F between unit-testing and system Testing.
56. What is implementation and its types?
57. Why we need to train the user for using a system.

Long Questions:
1. What is computer? Discuss primary components of a computer system.
2. What is software? Describe different categories/types of software.
3. What is keyboard? Describe enhanced keyboard and its segments.


4. What are pointing devices? List the names of different pointing devices.
5. What are display screens? What features distinguish one display screen
from another?
6. What is video display adapter? Discuss its different types.
7. What is printer? Discuss different categories of printers
8. What is impact printer? Discuss different types of impact printers.
9. What is non-impact printer? Discuss its different types.
10. What is SDLC? Discuss its different phases.

Short Questions:
1. What is computer network with example?
2. What are the advantages of computer network?
3. What is work group computing?
4. What is groupware?
5. What is difference between Client and Server?
6. What services provide by the server?
7. What are network standard and its types?
8. What is difference between Star and Bus topology?
9. What do you think which topology can work fast?
10. What are the disadvantages of Star and Ring topology?
11. Define Router?
12. Define Gateway?
13. Define Bridge?
14. What are advantages of LAN?
15. Define LAN?
16. Define MAN?
17. Define WAN?
18. What are the Advantages of MAN?
19. Define NIC?
20. Difference between LAN and WAN? At least four points.
21. Define Ether net?
22. What is Token and how it performs its function?
23. Write observation of DARPA.
24. Write observation of ANSI.
25. Write observation of IEEE.
26. Write observation of ISO.


27. What is ISDN?
28. Define DSL.
29. What do you think which line are better ISDN and DSL.
30. Write D/F CSMA/CD CR CS.
31. What is Internet?
32. WWE.
33. E-mail.
34. Telnet.
35. FTP.
36. Gopher.
37. Chat group.
38. Intranet.
39. Extranet.
40. Advantages of E-mail.
41. What is HTTP?
42. What is the main function of Application Layer?
43. What is the main function of Presentation Layer?
44. What is the main function of Section Layer?
45. What is the main function of Transport Layer?
46. What is the main function of Network Layer?
47. What is the main function of Data link Layer?
48. What is the main function of Physical Layer?
Long Questions:
1. Discuss different networks models.
2. What is network topology? Write the names of topologies.
3. What is star topology? Explain its working with diagram. Discuss its
advantages and disadvantages.
4. What is ring topology? Explain its working with diagram. Discuss its
advantages and disadvantages
5. What is tree topology? Explain its working with diagram. Discuss its
advantages and disadvantages.
6. What is mesh topology? Explain its working with diagram. Discuss its
advantages and disadvantages.
7. What is an OSI Model? Write the names of layers in this model. Draw and
label OSI Model.
8. Define LAN, WAN and MAN.



Short Questions:
1. Define data communication and writes its components.
2. Difference between Encoder and Decoder.
3. What is Signal? Define its types.
4. D/F between Frequency and Amplitude.
5. How Data is represented in Computer.
6. What is data encoding?
7. Define BCD code.
8. Define EBCDIC code.
9. What is Unicode?
10. Define ASCII code.
11. Define Data Transmission mode.
12. How full duplex mode faster than half duplex mode.
13. Define parallel transmission.
14. Define series transmission.
15. What is Asynchronous transmission?
16. How data is transmitted in Asynchronous transmission.
17. Define Synchronous transmission.
18. How data is transmitted in Synchronous transmission
19. D/F between Asynchronous and Synchronous.
20. What is Bandwidth?
21. What is Baseband?
22. What is Broadband?
23. What is communication channel and Writes its types.
24. D/F between guided and unguided media.
25. What is the function of cladding?
26. Write advantages of fiber optics.
27. Why microwave station installed on high Buildings or high tower.
28. How FDM work.
29. What is modem?
30. What is the working of Modem?
31. D/F between External, Internal and Wireless modem.
32. How data flow in simplex mode.
33. What are the features of Modem?

Long Questions:
1. What is data communications? Explain the basic components of
communication network.
2. What is data transmission mode? Explain its types with examples.
3. What is communication media used in computer networks? What are
different types of communication media?


4. Briefly describe different guided media.
5. Briefly describe unguided media.

Short Questions:
1. Why is the use of computer technology so important?
2. Give any three uses of computer in business.
3. How can the computer help in marketing?
4. How is the use of computer beneficial in stock exchange?
5. How banks can benefit from the use of computer?
6. What is ATM? What is its advantage?
7. What is E-banking?
8. How computer can be used in departmental stores?
9. How computer can be used in offices?
10. Write the purpose of document management system.
11. Define desktop publishing.
12. Define reprographics.
13. What is the use of image processing system?
14. What is the use of message handling system?
15. Write four benefits of computer-based training.
16. Define computer aided learning.
17. List any two applications of computer in education.
18. Write three benefits of computer aided learning.
19. What is a robot?
20. Write any five uses of robot in industry.
21. What is the use of computer-aided design?
22. Differentiate between CAD and CAM.
23. What is computer simulation? In which situation we use simulation?
24. How computer can be used in airline system?
25. How computer can be useful in weather forecasting?
26. How can the computer assist us in simplifying our work?
27. Write five benefits of computer.
28. What do mean by e-commerce?
29. Give three roles of e-Commerce in our daily life.
30. What is electronic shopping (E-Shopping)?
31. List four benefits of video conferencing.
32. What is online education?


33. How are e-commerce advantages in modern business? Give three reasons.
34. List two uses of computer in medical field.
35. Write three types of e-commerce.
36. Write some uses of computer at home.
37. Write two uses of ATM.

Long Question
1. Write the benefits of computer.
2. Explain how computers can be useful in business.
3. Explain how computers can be useful in Education.
4. Explain how computer can be useful in medical field.
5. Explain some important benefits of using computers.
6. What is E-Commerce? Discuss its role in our daily life.
7. Briefly discuss different types of e-commerce.
Short Questions:
1. Explain Von-Neumann computer model.
2. Define computer architecture.
3. What is CPU?
4. Write the function of arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).
5. Define main memory.
6. Define memory address
7. Why RAM is called Random Access Memory?
8. Which must be loaded first in computer memory, the operating system or
application software? Why?
9. Why RAM is called volatile?
10. State the function of I/O unit.
11. Define bus interconnection.
12. What is SRAM?
13. What is DRAM?
14. Why is ROM known as non-volatile memory?
15. How data is transferred from peripheral device to computer?
16. What is motherboard?
17. List some important responsibilities of I/O unit.
18. Define data bus.
19. Define address bus.
20. Define control bus.
21. What are interrupts?
22. Define DMA.


23. State the purpose of CPU registers.
24. List some general purpose registers.
25. List names of address or segment registers.
26. Define stack.
27. What is instruction set?
28. What is instruction format?
29. What are arithmetic and logic instructions?
30. Write the purpose of 1/O instructions.
31. Write the purpose of control transfer instructions.
32. Write the purpose of data transfer instruction.
33. What is instruction format?
34. Define operand code and operand.
35. Explain the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle of CPU.
36. Define fetch instructions.
37. Define port.
38. State the use of serial port.
39. State the use of parallel port.
40. Distinguish between serial port and parallel port.
41. What do you know about 1/O devices?
42. Define accumulator register?
43. List out different accumulator registers.
44. Differentiate between source code and object code
45. Define assembler.
46. State the relationship of source program, object program and compiler
47. Write the names of popular operating systems.
48. State the purpose of fetch instruction
49. States the purpose of decode instruction.
50. States the purpose of execute instruction.
51. Describe the role of main memory in computer system?
52. What is the concept of stored program machine?

Long Questions:
1. Describe Von Neumann design.
2. Define Computer architecture and its components.
3. What is CPU? Describe briefly.
4. What is bus interconnection? Explain different types of buses.
5. Describe System buses and its types.
6. What are CPU registers? Briefly describe special-purpose registers.
7. What is instruction set? Explain different types of operations performed by
the computer.
8. What is instruction format? Explain various instructions code formats.
9. Explain the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle of CPU.
10. Discuss different functions of operating system.
11. What are computer languages? Describe high-level and low-level


12. Describe language processors or translators and their use. Discuss different
types of language processors.
13. What is RAM? Describe different types of RAM.
14. What is ROM? Discuss its different types of ROM.

Short Questions:
1. Define Computer Security?
2. Why we need Computer Security?
3. What do you know about 4ws?
4. What is computer virus?
5. How viruses damage our computer?
6. How virus spread with Email?
7. How virus spread with Network?
8. How virus spread with Removable storage media?
9. How virus spread with Pirated software?
10. How does virus Activated?
11. How we can protect our system from virus? At least 4 points.
12. What is Boat sector?
13. What is Boat sector virus?
14. What is Chernobal virus?
15. What is Trojan horse virus?
16. What is Logic Bomb virus?
17. What is Red lock virus?
18. What is Antivirus?
19. Which virus is more dangerous? Describe In your own words.
20. What is data security?
21. What are the benefits of Antivirus?
22. Why Data security is Important?
23. What do you mean by Data Protection?
24. What is Privacy Issue?
25. What is Software Privacy?
26. What is the purpose of Copyright Act?
27. What is Password?
28. Which backup is necessary?
29. He/ She are using his/her name as password. Give reasons why it is not good for
30. Write down the principles of Data Protection Act?
31. What is Backup?


Long Questions:
1. What is a computer virus? How can it damage computer?
2. Explain different causes of computer virus OR How does virus spread? How
virus is activated?
3. Discuss different types of viruses.
4. Discuss some ways in which the security of data may be violated.
5. Briefly discuss different threats to data security. Explain any six solutions/
safeguards against security violation?
6. List some reasons of data loss.

Short Questions:
1. What is operating system?
2. What is the purpose of operating system?
3. Why computers need operating system?
4. Define graphical user operating system?
5. What is user interface?
6. What is GUI?
7. What are the characteristics of GUI?
8. What is command line?
9. Write short note on window?
10. What do you know about recycle bin?
11. Write the purposes of recycle bin?
12. Which task performed by control panel?
13. What is the function of short button?
14. What is event?
15. Write short note on mouse event?
16. What is the use of window explorer?
17. What is internet explorer?
18. What are uses of control panel?
19. What is my document folder?
20. Name five options control panel?
21. What is use of my computer folder?
22. Define window?
23. Define event?
24. What do you mean plug?

Long Questions:
1. Define a user interface. Discuss different types of operating systems on the


basis of user interaction.
2. Discuss different objects of windows operating system.
3. Briefly describe different features of Windows 2000.
4. What is disk partition? Describe primary and extended partitioning.

Short Questions:
1. Define word processor?
2. List your feature of full featured word processor?
3. Differ. B/w formatting tool bar and standard tool bar?
4. Differ. B/w cut and copy and also write its shortcut?
5. Define process of formatting in MS. Word?
6. What is use of clip board in MS. Word?
7. Differ. B/w line spacing and paragraph spacing?
8. Define alinement and indent?
9. Define font and its use?
10. What is font specification?
11. Define WXSIWYG?
12. Define search and replace option in MS. Word?
13. What is use of table?
14. How text is bold, italic and underline?
15. What is column?
16. Define character formatting in MS. Word?
17. State the meaning of default?
18. Define header and footer in MS. Word?
19. What is mail merge?
20. Define graphics in MS. Word?
21. Differ. B/w save and save as.

Short Questions:
1. Define spread sheet?
2. Write two uses of spread sheet program?
3. Define cell and how it is identify?
4. Define work sheet?
5. What is use of values and table in work sheet?
6. Define cell reference or cell address?
7. What is cell range?


8. What is relative’s reference?
9. Define absolute reference?
10. Define formula and how it is applied on cell?
11. Why parenthesis is important in formula?
12. Define function is excel built in function?
13. Define function argument?
14. Write a function to find average of values from cell A5 to A10?
15. Differ. B/w active cell and passive cell?
16. Differ. B/w work sheet and work book?
17. Differ. B/w function and formula?
18. Define 3D sheet?
19. Define chart and its purpose?
20. What is cell formatting?
21. What do you know about data alignment in cell?
22. Define types of data in excel.
Short Questions:
1. Define internet?
2. Which protocol is heart of internet?
3. Define ARPANET?
4. Define DARPA?
5. How many addressing scheme are used on internet?
6. What is purpose of IP address?
7. What is DNS address?
8. How can we connect to the internet?
9. Define W.W.W?
10. Define uploading and downloading?
11. What is email with example?
12. Define website?
13. Define ISP?
14. Define web publishing?
15. Difference between HTTP and HTML?
16. Define web browser with example?
17. What is domain name is used?
18. What is domain?
19. What does URL means and its components?
20. Difference between HTTP and FTP?
21. Difference between email address and URL?
22. What is important search of engine?
23. Define web hosting?
24. Write name of five search engine?


25. Difference between internet and web.

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