Lesson Plan Task

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PRE-PLANNING TASK (Follow the groupings for your demonstration teaching)

I. Instructional Planning Cycle

What do you think are the issues or difficulties that teachers could encounter at each stage of the instructional
planning cycle? How could these issues be addressed?

Stage Issue/Difficulty Solution

Learning Objectives Objectives can be too broad or not Objectives should be specific and clear. It
accurate to the learning targets and should align with the subject matter.
subject matter.

Assessment Strategies Learning strategies should align with the Carefully think about the best strategies
learning objectives and how to imply to use and implement them with the class
these strategies. in appropriate ways.

Instructional Activities Making it engaging and enjoyable for Making activities and implying game-
students. Make a game under the based learning to the class in creating
activities for more engaging learning. engaging and enjoyable activities.
Activities that they can find fun while still
learning at the same time.
Reflection Appropriate teaching for all kinds of Reflect on the progress of each student,
learners depends on how effective the and also consider how and what the
teaching skills are. learning process is for each student.

II. Instructional Planning Models for Teaching English

Instructional Planning Models Elements Pros Cons

ADDIE Model Analysis  Providing a structured  The sequential
Design approach that approach can be time-
Development facilitates the consuming, especially
Implementation development of teaching in extensive or complex
Evaluation materials. projects.
 Flexibility and  It requires adequate
adaptability to resources, such as
different contexts and trained personnel and
needs. technological tools.
 Emphasizing the learner  It focuses on the design
and understanding the and development of
needs and content rather than
characteristics of the
the target audience. interaction between
 Promoting continuous students and
improvement and instructors.
allowing for changes and
adjustments in future
courses, contributing to
a continuous learning

Kemp Design Model  Instructional program The Kemp Design Model has Teachers might feel
identification, and many advantages for e-learning overwhelmed when using the
goal specification of design, such as being learner- Kemp Model especially if they
an instructional course centered, flexible, have time constraints and want
 Examination of comprehensive, and to focus on the teaching the
learners' systematic. It focuses on content solely. This model may
characteristics based learners' needs, preferences, be a lengthy process and time
on the instructional motivations, and backgrounds consuming as it takes into
decisions in order to create a account many components and
 Subject content personalized learning time to plan for this model to
identification with task experience. be effective.
analysis related to
goals and purposes
 Instructional objective
 Instructional unit in
arranged, in logical
sequential order of
 Instructional
strategies design to
meet the mastery of
lesson objectives
 Plan and develop
 Evaluate instruments
for measuring course
 Resource selection for
instruction and
learning activities
ARCS Model Attention, Relevance, 1. Exclusivity: If there’s 1. Hard to get: To get
Confidence, and Satisfaction. one thing we learned an ARC directly from
from The Social the publisher is hard
Network it’s that having to do. I have never
something be exclusive gotten an ARC this
and hard to get makes it way. To get them
more valuable. Getting from the publisher,
a book before a lot of you have to have a
other people makes you relationship with them
feel exclusive and and you have to get
special and it’s a the attention of
wonderful feeling. I felt someone in the
totally jazzed when I publishing house in a
got Crossed a full 2 professional way.
months before it came 2. Unedited: Most ARCs
out. Getting exclusive have on them some
stuff is plain FUN :) version of “This is an
2. Read it before advance reading copy
anyone else: There’s made from uncorrected
nothing worse than proofs. Reviewers are
waiting for that next requested to check all
book in your favorite quotations against the
series. What could be final bound book.”
better than not having 3. Pressure: You can
to wait as long and feel pressure to read
getting an ARC? and review an ARC
3. Free: It’s illegal to sell before it’s released
ARCs so they will 4. Job: If you have too
ALWAYS be free whether many ARCs waiting to
you trade them with a be read on your shelf
fellow blogger, win it in a that all need to be
giveaway or get it read before a certain
directly from the date, it can make
publisher. blogging feel like a
5. Freedom: If you have
too many ARCs it can
take away your
freedom to pick what
you read.
6. What do you do with
them?: After the final
version of an ARC is
published, what do you
do with them? Do you
keep them forever?
You can’t give ARCs to
libraries (I’m not sure
if you can give them to
charities), and I think
they are kind of
pointless once the final
version is out.
7. Competition: It can
feel like a game or
contest to get them
because publishers
only print a very
limited amount of
them since they cost
so much to make.
8. Jealousy: You can
easily be jealous of
bloggers that get
books you really, really
9. Followers: ARCs tend
to go to the big
bloggers and not
necessarily fans of the

III. Thematic Approach to Instructional Planning

Read the short Tanguian folklore below. You are planning a lesson for your Grade 4 class. With the basic understanding of thematic
approach to instructional planning, write down at least five ideas for possible themes based on the folklore. (e.g. family, climate,
children’s interest)

The Man with the Cocoanuts

One day a man who had been to gather his cocoanuts loaded his horse heavily with the fruit. On the way home he met a boy whom he
asked how long it would take to reach the house.

"If you go slowly," said the boy, looking at the load on the horse, "you will arrive very soon; but if you go fast, it will take you all day."

The man could not believe this strange speech, so he hurried his horse. But the cocoanuts fell off and he had to stop to pick them up.
Then he hurried his horse all the more to make up for lost time, but the cocoanuts fell off again. Many times, he did this, and it was
night when he reached home.

Possible themes based on the folklore

1. Good thing takes time.

2. A wise man says only fools rush in.
3. If you rush, you crash.
4. Ignore and ignorance.
5. Slow down, he said.

Explain why these themes were chosen.

1. Good thing takes time.

-this theme focuses on how long the man will carry his coconuts before he will reach the house. If he takes it slowly rather than
rushing, he will get home early. He carried a lot of cocoanuts that led to falling again and again. It shows that he is rushing, which will
delay his journey to reach the house because he will stop and pick up the cocoanut. This message is to take things slowly because good
things take time to be achieved.
2. A wise man says only fools rush in.
- This highlights what the boy said to the man. It is the interaction of the two men. The boy-wise idea of the man is being ignored by the
man. This can highlight the importance of taking advice from others. Taking advice will give you an idea of a great solution to the problem.
It also shows how to trust and value others guidance.
3. If you rush, you crash.
- This is centered on the man's experience of hurrying to go home. He is rushing and hurrying his horse, which causes him to stop to pick
up the cocoanut that fell. Rushing will cause trouble and create a hindrance to his journey. And the effect of rushing is that he spent the
night before he reached his house. This shows that you should not rush things if you want things done faster and better.
4. Ignore and ignorance
- This focuses on how the man ignored the advice. Ignoring will make you ignorant. The heavy load of cocoanuts became more strenuous
You are on the 1st week of the Grade 4 curriculum guide, and based on the themes you have written, what learning
objectives could be targeted in each of the learning domains?

k Listening Oral Vocabulary Reading Oral Study Gramma Writing Attitude
Comprehensio Language Developmen Comprehensio Readin Strategy r Compositio
n t n g n
1 EN4LC-la-17 EN4OL- EN4V-Ia-31 EN4RC-Ia-2.2 EN4F-Ia- EN4SS-Ia- EN4G-Ia- EN4WC-Ia- EN4A-Ia-c-
Note details in a Ia1.14.4 Use context Note significant 6 Read 6 Locate b2.3 Use b15 Write 2– 19 Show
literary text Speak clearly clues to find details in a words, informatio the plural 3 sentences willingness
listened to using meaning of literary text phrases, n using form of about the and
appropriate unfamiliar poems, print and regular characters in enthusias
pronunciatio words or nonprint nouns a literary text m in
n and stories resources listened to or reading or
intonation with read listening to
long a literary
vowel a text

Themes Learning Domains Objectives (Write your own specific

1.Good things takes time. The learner is able to…
Listening Comprehension(LC) a) Analyze the importance of making
things done in a slowly but surely
2.If you rush, you crash. The learner is able to…
Listening Comprehension(LC) a) create a good decision making.
3.Slow down, he said. Oral Language (OL) The learner is able to…
a) interpret the value of other`s

Based on the learning objectives you have identified, what activities and learning experiences could be conducted to
attain them? What are the materials needed to implement these activities and learning experiences?

Learning Objectives Activities Materials Required

The learner is able to… Role Play Materials:

a) demonstrate the thought of the story; - create a role play about the - Props
b) characterize the importance of each folklore entitled “The man with - Costumes
persona; and the cocoanuts”.
c) explain the folklore with their own
interpretation. Reflection Materials:
- the students will create a - Paper
reflection about The man with - Pencil
the cocoanuts to check their
understanding and
interpretation of the folklore.

With the ideas you generated from the previous activities, write a one-day instructional plan for the Grade 4, Week 1
using the thematic approach. You may refer to the Grade 4 DepEd curriculum guide for guidance. Follow the format

Content Standards The learner is able to…

a) demonstrates an understanding of English grammar and usage in speaking or writing.
Performance Standards The learner is able to:
a) uses the classes of words aptly in oral and written discourse.
Instructional Objectives  Apply knowledge of word classes in speaking and writing.
 Identify categorize nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in sentence.
Resources and Materials  Textbooks
 Pen and paper
 Audio visuals
 PowerPoint Presentation
 White board and marker
Procedure 1. Introduction- 5 minutes
-introduce the importance of grammar in speaking and writing.
2. Teaching- 10 minutes
-Define grammar, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
-Explain their usage.
3. Practice- 5 minutes
-Group work: Give at least one example of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
-Individual: Construct a sentence using proper usage of grammar in speaking and writng.
4. Listening- 5 minutes
-Reciting/reading poems and short stories.
5. Assessment- 5 minutes
-Quiz on identifying word classes in sentence.
Assessment Quiz on identifying word classes in sentence.
Summary Emphasize using correct word classes in everyday communication.

Create a Daily Lesson Log following the DepEd’s DLL template uploaded. Refer to the curriculum guide (Grade 1-6
only). Attach the DLL at the back of this activity. (Monday-Friday)

IV. Instructional Strategies

What other strategies could be used to help differentiate the lesson for your learners? Search the internet for at
least three (3) activities or strategies that could be used for each means.
I. Activity:
Reading and Comprehension
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. discuss the essential information found in the selection,

b. describe the characters found in the story; and

c. understand the lesson by writing the plot diagram of the story.

1. Start the class with an opening prayer.

2. Introduce "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" as a notable literary texts contributed by a West Asian writer.

3. Let the students do a silent reading of the selection "Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves"

4. After reading the selection, let the students enumerate both the major and the minor characters using a T-Chart.

a. Write the name of the character at the center.

b. At its right, write their good qualities

c. At the left, write their bad qualities.

d. Let the students explain briefly why they consider such attributes good or bad.

5. For the discussion, ask the students the following Analysis Questions:

a. At the start of this lesson, what were your initial feelings and ideas about it? Did you like story? Was it exciting or too

predictable? How did you find its ending?

b. The magic words ―Open, Sesame‖ and ―Close, Sesame‖ that seal the cave of treasures have become popular expressions. How

do modern people use this expression in their daily conversations?

c. How were Ali Baba and Cassims lives different? Which of these two characters do you prefer? Explain your answer and cite

instances in the story that support your choice of character.

d. How is each of these themes – greed, loyalty and bravery shown in the story?

6. The students will create a plot diagram of the drama selection "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"

7. End the class with a closing payer.

II. Activity:
Creating and understanding signage for public awareness.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. describe the different instructions, directions, notices, rules and regulations,

b. create signage that can be found in school; and

c. help the community to achieve peace- and- order by following the rules and regulations seen on the signage.

1. Start the class with an opening prayer.

2. Introduce the lesson "Public Signage"

3. Let the students perform the activity "Do What I Say"

a. Distribute to each student a copy of the Following Directions activity sheets

b. Tell them to listen carefully while the teacher reads the instruction aloud.

4. Let the students enjoy the " Oh, You're There" activity.

a. Pictures of the different signage will be posted on the board.

b. Call a volunteer student to answer the question on the board.

c. The students will be asked, "Where can you find these images?"

d. When you see signage like them, what is the first thing that comes into your mind?

e. Do you follow what is written on the signage?

f. What will you do if you see someone who is not following the signage?

g. Do you think you can help your community by following simple signage?

5. Let the students create a Sign-Board

a. The class will be divided into 6, with eight members each.

b. The students will make a school sign board

6. End the class with a closing prayer.

III. Activity:
Understanding poetry.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the authors ideals about the poem,

b. use effective non-verbal communication strategies: gestures and body movements and eye contact in reciting the poem; and

c. appreciate the message of the poem by expressing their philosophical and religious ideals through reflection writing.

1. Start the class with an opening prayer.

2. Introduce the poem "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam"

3. Unlock the students' vocabulary by doing the Preliminary Activity.

a. Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B.

4. Let the students recite the poem The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam Translated by Edward Fitzgerald with the use of non-verbal

communication strategy.

5. The students will identify what is the authors concept of life and death.

6. Let the students write a reflection

a. The students will choose a passage from the poem, "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam" and write their reflections on it
7. End the class with a closing prayer.

V. Gamification in Teaching English

Remember your favorite games as a young child. List down the elements that made you like playing the game. List as much
as you can identify.

Write your ideas below.

We have this game called BANG-SAK short for the words BANG! BANG! from the sound of a gun and SAKSAK meaning
STABBING. It was one of my favorite games growing up. We always play it at dawn because that is when darkness starts
to envelop the place. It’s an exciting, fun game. One player will throw the stick as far as he can and the OUT/IT will pick it
up as the player hide. The players have to hide themselves while the OUT/IT will look for them. It wasn’t the typical hide-
and-seek game. Here, you don’t just hide but you also hunt the IT. You have to stab the IT in order to win. If everyone
failed to stab him and he BANG everybody, the first one to be killed would be IT.

The reason why I like this game is because I like the feeling of hiding and hunting at the same time. The adrenaline you
feel when you hear the OUT calling your name or when you hear his footsteps. The way you plan how you are going to
stab him when he’s not looking. Hiding and going from one place to another. It’s thrilling. It’s exciting.

Write an instructional plan for Grade 3 learners about the lesson on community. Incorporate games or
elements of games in every part of the lesson. (Semi-detailed Lesson Plan)
Attach your instructional plan at the back of this activity.

VI. Assessment Strategies for English

Below are examples of competencies from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Think about and describe assessment activities to
measure learner performance on them.

Competencies Assessment Strategy

Note details in a literary text listened to Have them listen to a sonnet and make them write a
summary of the sonnet.
Speak clearly using appropriate pronunciation and Have them perform a speech either prepared or
intonation extemporaneous.
Use context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar words A treasure hunt of words can be a great activity. Have them
look for unfamiliar words and try to define and use them in
a sentence.
Read words, phrases, poems, or stories with long vowels a Give them a poem to read or much better make them write
sound a poem with a long A vowel sound and then read it in class.
Locate information using print and nonprint resources Books and magazines can be used here. A game of Find Me
is fun. Give them a piece of specific information that they
have to look at in the book or in the magazine.
Use the plural form of regular nouns You can use placards and flashcards. Show them flashcards
with singular words and make them say what the plural
form of the word is.
Write two to three sentences about the characters in a The novel Romeo and Juliet is a good literary piece. Ask
literary test listened to or read your students to list down all the names of the characters
and their roles as they listen to it or read it.
Show willingness and enthusiasm in reading or listening to a Make them choose what literary text they want to read and
literary text do a group activity.

Search the internet for formative assessment strategies for each macro skill.


Oral Questioning – a pair of students will throw questions at each other and both has to answer it.

Reader’s Theater – From an assigned text have students create a script and read them in front.


Student Conference - One on one conversation with students to check their level of understanding.


One Minute Essay - A one-minute essay question (or one-minute question) is a focused question with a specific goal that
can, in fact, be answered within a minute or two.

List down at least five (5) activities and strategies for traditional and authentic assessment.

Traditional Assessments Authentic Assessments

1. QUIZ/LONG QUIZ/SUMMATIVE TEST – the most common 1. ESSAYS – in testing the student’s logical thinking, level of
type of traditional assessment conducted at the end of each understanding, and objectivity, an essay is one of the best
quarter. options.
2. TRUE OR FALSE TEST – students are required to make a 2. PORTFOLIOS – it can be used as a tracking tool for the
decision and test their knowledge by either choosing true or past lessons and understanding of the students.
3. MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST – although it might not be very 3. Self-Evaluation – is effective if you want the student to be
effective because some students just answer depending on aware of his/her own knowledge.
their luck, a multiple-choice test is always used for
4. SHORT ANSWER TEST – student’s knowledge is tested by 4. JOURNALS – are good for monitoring the student’s
requiring them to give a sort answer to a question or learning.
5. ESSAYS – students are required to see the importance 5. PERFORMANCE TASKS – can help the students show their
and meaning of what they have learned and what they knowledge in handling real-life situations.
Prepared by:

Bautista, Joana M.
Sanchez, Willa Bianca C.
Taguinod, Angelica P.

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