Salinity Magazine 2024 - Digital Version
Salinity Magazine 2024 - Digital Version
Salinity Magazine 2024 - Digital Version
Emphasizing the
role of cross-sectoral
collaboration and
e S a l ine
Th &
Water ms
o o d S yste
F r s h ip
par t n e
great at optimizing crop per hectare and
crop per drop under changing
circumstances. Hydrologists can help with
estimating water availability and devising
measures to regulate water availability.
We need engineers, economists, ecologists,
and social scientists. Growing sufficient
I am delighted to introduce this edition food in a changing climate calls for a holistic
of the Salinity Magazine, a milestone approach that engages actors from the
publication crafted through the water and food sectors and beyond.
collaborative efforts of the Netherlands By harnessing the collective expertise
Food Partnership and the Netherlands and resources of diverse stakeholders,
Water Partnership as part of their Saline we unlock synergies and amplify impact.
Contents Water & Food Systems partnership.
The content of the Salinity Magazine
3 Introduction Our freshwater resources are increasingly reflects this holistic approach. You can
4 Setting the scene: saline. This threatens food security. The read an array of perspectives, insights,
Salinity as a global genesis of the Salinity Magazine is a shared and case studies from around the globe.
challenge recognition of the urgent need to address I appreciated the in-depth background
6 Infographic Global the complex interplay between salinity, articles explaining the scientific
Salinization Challenges water security, and food production. complexities of salinity. I also enjoyed the
8 International partners Climate change exacerbates salinization of compelling project examples showcasing
and networks surface water and groundwater resources real-world interventions. Each section is
9 The Salt Doctors Senegal through longer droughts and dropping made to inform, inspire, and empower water
10 Knowledge for salinity groundwater tables. Rising sea levels cause and agriculture professionals like you. I am
11 Salinity and biodiversity: salt water intrusion. Overexploitation of happy that the magazine highlights the
The Sundarbans groundwater, often by agricultural users, contributions of Dutch actors and our
12 COASTS Project Bangladesh also leads to salinization. This was also international network of partners. I trust
13 S alinity and the acknowledged during an international high that these examples will foster
Sustainable Development level dialogue on saline agriculture at collaboration and knowledge exchange on
Goals COP28 in Dubai, which I had the honor of a global scale.
14 Getting to know SAM – moderating.
the Saline Agri Map I invite you to read this Salinity Magazine,
15 Poem Water and food technology can help in to learn from others, to challenge
16 Colophon climate adaptation. For instance, progress assumptions, and to contribute with
on salt-tolerant crops has been impressive. your own perspective to the ongoing
But we also have to realize that technology conversation. Let us join forces to address
alone will not be sufficient. We need to salinity challenges so we can feed the
protect our natural water buffers in world and manage our water resources
aquifers, wetlands and lakes. Plus our sustainably.
spatial planning will have to be guided by
water and soil considerations. With a Meike van Ginneken
changing climate, more erratic rainfall Water Envoy for the Kingdom of
patterns and salinization of freshwater the Netherlands
By publishing this Salinity Magazine we have the our work is the promotion of an integrated systems
ambition to provide professionals and practitioners approach, which has led to the implementation of seed
money projects in various LMICs, knowledge-sharing
working in the international water and agrifood sectors
workshops, and a series of networking activities targeting
with an easily accessible and attractive reference both the Dutch and international networks.. A Saline Agri
publication relevant to the challenge of global salinity. Map (SAM) has been developed in collaboration with Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam to share information about
projects and lessons learned in the area of saline
he Magazine is one of the outputs of the Saline Water sections of the magazine, and look forward to continuing
and Food Systems (SWFS) partnership and several of this collaborative journey. We hope you will join us in
its international partners. In 2022 the Netherlands addressing the salinity challenge together and interact
Food Partnership (NFP) and the Netherlands Water through platforms such as NFP Connects. Let’s raise
Partnership (NWP) launched the SWFS partnership as a awareness, share lessons learned, engage with the
cross-sectoral collaboration to strengthen cooperation international network and develop initiatives capable of
between the Dutch water and agrifood sectors to address preventing, mitigating, or adapting to salinity. For this
the challenge of salinity in low and middle-income purpose, the magazine not only provides background
countries (LMICs). It has been supported by various information but also aspires to offer inspirational
organizations in the Netherlands, including the Dutch examples and thought-provoking sections.
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality.
Through the networks of NFP and NWP, we facilitate the
collaboration of stakeholders from diverse sectors,
including governmental ministries, esteemed knowledge Website Netherlands Food Partnership
and research institutes, Non-Governmental Organizations,
and corporate entities within the water and food sectors. Website Netherlands Water Partnership
This unique cross-sectoral collaboration aims not only Online community NFP Connects
to convene and connect networks, but also to add value
in addressing the challenge of salinity together. Central to
alinity presents a significant global challenge, affecting both concentrations of sodium in particular in the
the developed and the developing world. To provide context, it soil can lead to overall land degradation. This,
in turn, threatens global food security (SDG2),
is estimated that 400 million hectares of topsoil (0-30 cm)
directly affecting the livelihoods of millions of
and 800 million hectares of subsoil (30– 100cm) are salt-affected (smallholder) farmers (SDG8) around the world
soils 1. This poses serious threats to local as well as international as well as water-consuming industries (SDG6).
food security, considering the interconnectedness of global food
A few important observations should be made
(and other agricultural products) supply networks. From an
about the nature of salinity, in order to
economic perspective, the global annual cost of salt-induced land understand its cause(s) and potential response
degradation in irrigated areas is estimated to be at least € 21 billion options. A first distinction is between soil
(US$ 27 billion).2 that can be saline due to (historic) geological
processes, versus soil that has become more
saline due to human-induced practices. The
first type is often difficult to alter, as it can be
What is salinity? regarded as an environmental condition.
Human-induced practices, however, include the
What do we mean by salinization? In short, use of irrigation systems. This might come as
the terms refer to (increasing) levels of salt a surprise to some. But even fresh irrigation
concentrations (sodium, calcium, magnesium water contains some percentage of salts that
or a mixture) in soil and/or water, which directly will reside in the soil when applied, or when
negatively impacts crop growth. While water evaporates. When irrigation is not
each crop has its own salt tolerance levels, coupled with appropriate drainage, there is a
the majority of the global food stocks are high risk of salt accumulation in the long run.4
composed of relatively saline-sensitive crops.
This includes wheat, rice, maize and sugarcane.3 A second distinction can be made between
Increasing salt levels in the soil, but also salts in the (sub)soil, and salt concentrations in
sudden, or seasonal differences in water water. Salts dissolved in water limit how much
quality, can negatively affect or completely water plants or crops can physically absorb,
obstruct crop growth. In addition, high and therefore reduce crop growth. Certain salts
in subsoil can have another type of impact: often needed to develop cost-effective
high levels of sodium damages soil structure, interventions on the water, land and food
forming clayish particles, blocking soil pores systems level.
and reducing the flow of groundwater in the
essential root zone. This phenomenon is In the following sections of this magazine,
referred to as land degradation. particularly the four interviews, we will delve
into greater detail on these challenges and Saline groundwater
explore potential solutions across various deserves a special mention.
Dealing with salinity – different sectors. Around the world, it is often a
strategies practice to use groundwater
for human consumption
As previously mentioned, human-induced Research on salinity and agriculture. Excessive
practices can increase but also successfully groundwater extraction
prevent or mitigate salinity issues. This section Research on salinity includes environmental could stimulate the
outlines a few response pathways to address sciences (e.g. soil, chemistry, geohydrology, structural flow of (deep)
salinity. We loosely use the spectrum of water quality, and plant (physiology) saline groundwater towards
prevention – mitigation – adaptation to disciplines). Also, the socio-economic sciences upper soil layers. This
characterize these responses. have taken an interest in the topic, from the process might be irreversible
perspective of policy, governance and in coastal zones where
Prevention involves measures aimed at economics. Climate research in particular, pressure from saline
reducing the concentration or arrival of salts provides alarming messages in relation to ground- and tidal water
in water and soil in the first place. By keeping salinity, noting accelerating sea level rise, intrusion is always present.
saline groundwater or tidal water at bay climate change impacts and precipitation
agriculture can be protected from their impact. patterns becoming more erratic. This Global Overview of
Various technologies, such as tidal barriers and underlines that salinization is an Saline Groundwater
soil screens5, can be employed for this purpose. interdisciplinary topic, which requires an Occurrence and
integrated approach. It is a global challenge Genesis (PDF)
Interventions that reduce the impact of salinity that will be felt from wet coastal zones to arid
are characterized as mitigation measures. inland regions, as well as on small island
Improved irrigation and drainage practices, developing states.
infiltration and recharge of freshwater
resources, soil improvement techniques are The initial draft of this section has been reviewed by
only a few examples. Kate Negacz (VU) and Judit Snethlage (WUR)
1 Global Map of Salt-Affected Soil, FAO; Saline soils worldwide: Identifying the most promising areas for saline agriculture, Negacz et al. 2022
2 Dealing with the global challenges of salinization; Drivers, challenges and solutions, WUR 2023
3 Farmers’ guidelines on soil and water management in salt-affected areas, FAO 2023
4 The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture, FAO 2011
5 The application of desalination plants to desalinate water is of a different nature than the focus of this magazine
Global Salinization
(Semi)arid areas
Delta areas
Small Island Developing States
€21.3 billion
(Semi)arid areas The current global annual cost of salt-induced
land degradation in irrigated areas is estimated
to be EU € 21.3 billion (US$ 27.3 billion) related
to lost crop production.
424 million ha
Salt-affected subsoil (30-100 cm)
1 million x
– Land subsidence increases salt water intrusion Salts per annum added in USA
Overextraction of groundwater leads to salinization
Sea level rise is pushing salt front land inwards
10 million MT
– Temperature increase leads to more evaporation Europe adds 1 million metric tons of salts per
year to the environment, while USA applies
about 10 times more than this annually to paved
surfaces, causing secondary salinization.
Small Island Developing States
Due to salty water irrigation
Data originates from the following report (commissioned by NFP): Snethlage J., Gülpen M., Islam F., Terwisscha van Scheltinga C. (2023) Dealing with the global
challenges of salinization; Drivers, challenges and solutions. Wageningen, Wageningen Environmental Research, Report 3269.
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he Salt Doctors, a research and advisory company, The project in Senegal highlights the significance of
have been involved in 53 projects and initiatives collaboration, not only with local farmers but also with
across 19 countries. Their focus is on creating governmental institutions, universities, and both Dutch
resilient farming systems for salt-affected areas by and local agribusinesses, including seed companies.
providing practical training in the field and assisting with However, Arjen emphasizes the cautious approach
the implementation side, from sowing to harvesting. towards investments, highlighting the need for a
They work with salt-tolerant crops, but often a range thorough risk analysis and demonstrating solutions
of on-farm interventions including mulching, different that offer benefits to farmers.
irrigation and drainage methods could already have
good results in response to salinity. Arjen further elaborates on the challenges encountered
in different regions, citing examples from Egypt and
Recently, Salt Doctors started activities in Senegal, Bangladesh. In Egypt, land is often rented for a certain
being part of two Impact Clusters1 aimed at addressing period of time resulting in a lack of interest in soil
prevalent agricultural challenges and formulating tailored improvement, while in Bangladesh smallholders face their
solutions. The projects focus on onions, potatoes and own set of constraints, including limited land size and
different vegetables. Soil salinization poses a significant governmental subsidies that may not always align with
threat to sustained productivity and climate resilience in farmers' needs. Therefore, it is important to take into
Senegal. Inappropriate farming practices, such as account the specific context and tailor the general
excessive fertilizer use, sub-optimal irrigation methods, approach as well as specific interventions.
and leaving land fallow during hot
summer months, contribute to soil Lessons learned from on-the-ground implementation
degradation. Arjen de Vos, Director emphasize the significance of accurate measurement
and Founder of The Salt Doctors, and monitoring, empowering farmers with insights into
sheds light on their endeavors in soil salinity and water management. Arjen stresses the
Senegal. importance of long-term projects, noting that significant
improvements in soil health and crop yields require
‘In Senegal, our approach revolves around understanding sustained efforts over three to five years.
the specific issues faced by farmers and devising suitable
solutions,’ explains Arjen. ‘We work closely with farmer ‘Structural improvements in soil health lead to increased
cooperatives and organizations, directly training and crop yields, making it economically viable for farmers to
educating 300 lead farmers. Establishing demo fields invest in equipment and practices,’ says Arjen. ‘Our aim is
allows us to closely monitor salt concentrations in the to empower smallholder farmers with the knowledge and
soil and develop effective strategies, such as crop rotation resources to make crop cultivation under saline
and implementing suitable irrigation techniques.’ conditions not only possible but also profitable.’
for salinity
Wageningen University and Research (WUR) focuses on academic (ground)water extraction.’ Salinity is included as a
research and implementation science related to healthy food and priority topic in WUR’s multi-annual Strategic
Research Programme.
living environment in the broadest sense. WUR addresses short-
term knowledge needs, as well as the formulation of research Another message is to develop a long-term and
questions relevant for the longer term in these domains. close collaboration at the science-policy-practice
interface. As Catharien explains: ‘In Bangladesh,
WUR maintains partnerships with NGOs such as
Solidaridad, who work closely with farming
udit Snethlage and Catharien Terwisscha communities on challenges related to sustainable
van Scheltinga have been involved in development. Long-term collaboration with the
the water and food team at WUR for many academic agricultural network, including the
years, and work on salinity research. The Bangladesh Agricultural University and Patuakhali
majority of their work concerns international Science and Technology University supports
collaborative research activities. structural knowledge generation and exchange.
Judit Snethlage And on the policy level, interaction takes place
They stress two topics when working on with the (departments of the) Ministry of
salinity: the need for integrated approaches, Agriculture. Long term collaboration helps to
involving stakeholders from both the water and develop trust, speaking ‘the same language’ and
food sectors, and the identification of scenarios facilitates progress bringing research, in this case
for decision-making purposes. Policy-making salinity research, from practice to policy.’
institutes as well as farmers have a need to
reflect on the potential impact of their Finally, Judit and Catharien reflected on the
decisions; scenarios are a helpful tool for both complexity of salinity. Salinity cannot be addressed
Catharien Terwisscha stakeholder groups to weigh different via agriculture alone, or via water system
van Scheltinga alternatives and make informed choices. interventions alone. You also need a thorough
understanding of the associated water and food
When asked about contemporary knowledge system, including its actor network, the(inter)
gaps in the area of salinity, the two researchers national value chains and crop growth processes,
refer to the growing need to know in a ‘higher in order to understand the potential effect of
resolution’ where salinity is felt, what its interventions. Also, the geological history and soil
potential effects are on crops and the structure play an important role in the cause and
environment, and what could be done about it. specific occurrence of salinization.
As Judit explains: ‘We are developing a global
long-term assessment of where salinity occurs, They concluded with the call to ‘bring different
More on and where it will probably get worse in the disciplines together and exchange knowledge in
this project future, considering various indicators including order to formulate much-needed action
climate change, irrigation practices and perspectives.’
WUR hosts the library of ILRI (the International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement). While it no longer exists, the
institute was founded in 1955, after a large-scale coastal flood disaster submerged large parts of agricultural fields in the Netherlands with
salty water. Its establishment represented an important step in sharing practical experiences of soil, water and agriculture and salinity and
combining it with academic research in low-lying or reclaimed lands in the Netherlands and beyond.
The Sundarbans
While salinity negatively impacts agriculture, saline
environments are amongst the richest on earth in
terms of biodiversity. Coastal wetlands act as interface
between freshwater and marine environments.
Their brackish environment is home to fish and other
marine species, migratory birds and many other species.
The Sundarbans mangrove forest, depicted here, is the
largest interconnected mangrove forest in the world.
It covers about 140,000 hectares along the coastal zone
of India and Bangladesh and is described as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site. The site is intersected by a complex
network of tidal waterways, mudflats and small islands
of salt-tolerant mangrove forests.
More on the
alinity poses a significant threat to Bangladesh, agricultural productivity but also provides additional
particularly in its coastal areas. With the increasing income opportunities, particularly for women farmers
frequency of cyclones due to climate change, vast who play a pivotal role in sustaining their families.’
stretches of farmland are inundated, rendering them
unsuitable for cultivation. Approximately 30-35% of the Part of the public-private partnership are seed company
population resides in the coastal delta region, with 30% Lal Teer, the Bangladesh Agricultural University and the
of the land affected by cyclones. When cyclones hit shore, Soil Resource Development Institute of the Bangladeshi
which happened most recently in May 2023, this resulted Ministry of Agriculture. Arun: ‘The government plays an
in damaged lands and disrupted crop cycles. important role; the government extension workers
further facilitated the dissemination of best practices,
Arun Ganguly (Project Manager) and Razibul Kader creating an enabling environment for sustainable
(Project Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Coordinator) agricultural development.’ Lal Teer has a role in driving a
have been working on the COASTS project since July 2020. business mentality and can discover markets for salt-
The COASTS project aims to address salinity by restoring tolerant seeds. Investments in developing salt-tolerant
and utilizing 5000 hectares of salt-affected land through seeds are needed.
the introduction of salt-tolerant seeds and innovative
agricultural technologies. At the community level, the project fosters knowledge
sharing and peer-to-peer learning by a ‘training of
What do they see as the highlight of the program? Arun trainers.’ activity. Razibul continues: ‘The trained farmers
Ganguly: ‘For me, three innovations stand out. Firstly, go home and teach these techniques to other farmers.
empowering female farmers with knowledge and tools to Thus the program impact is being scaled up. But still, a lot
manage soil salinity effectively. Training is provided on of untapped coastal areas are yet to be reached in
utilizing smart devices for measuring salinity levels. Bangladesh. Aligning local and international efforts is
Through the deployment of Farm Business Advisors (FBAs) needed to have a greater impact, which might be useful
equipped with smart devices to measure salinity levels, for other countries encountering coastal salinity.’
Zero Hunger Clean Water and Sanitation
High salinity levels in soil and water inhibit the The contamination of freshwater sources by saline
growth of crops and compromise their nutritional water jeopardizes access to clean water for drinking,
value, making it increasingly challenging to achieve irrigation, and sanitation purposes. Effective
food security and adequate nutrition for vulnerable management of salinity levels is paramount in
populations. Mitigating salinity's impact on preserving the quality and availability of freshwater
agriculture is essential for safeguarding the right resources, thereby advancing the goal of ensuring
to food and combating hunger on a global scale. clean water and sanitation for all.
Climate Action Partnerships
Embracing saline agriculture presents a promising In conclusion, addressing salinity issues
avenue for climate-resilient solutions. By utilizing through sustainable agricultural practices,
lands unsuitable for conventional agriculture, saline water management strategies, and innovative
agriculture not only expands agricultural technologies is essential for achieving multiple
productivity but also contributes to climate change SDGs. By tackling salinity, we not only promote
mitigation and adaptation efforts. Implementing environmental sustainability but also foster
innovative salinity management strategies is crucial economic development and social well-being on
in fostering resilience to climate-related challenges. a global scale. It is essential that stakeholders
collaborate and prioritize salinity management as
part of broader sustainability initiatives, ensuring
a more resilient and prosperous future for all.
Getting to
In October 2023, the Saline Agri Map was launched by NFP,
NWP and the Vrije University Amsterdam (VU). The Saline Agri
Map (SAM) is based on the results of the SALAD (Saline
know SAM
AgricuLture for ADaptation) research project, coordinated by VU.
It discloses a range of projects on salinity currently taking place.
SAM makes the global network of actors and their expertise in
saline agriculture more visible and accessible.
By publishing this Salinity Magazine we have the ambition to provide professionals and
practitioners working in the international water and agrifood sectors with an easily
accessible and attractive reference publication relevant to the challenge of global salinity.
The Magazine is one of the outputs of the Saline Water and Food Systems (SWFS)
partnership and several of its (inter)national partners.
International policy advocacy is greatly needed to elevate the prominence of the topic
on the political agenda. Let’s raise awareness, share lessons learned, engage with
the international network and develop initiatives capable of preventing, mitigating,
or adapting to salinity.