Design and Optimization of A Planar Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer System For Consumer Electronics
Design and Optimization of A Planar Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer System For Consumer Electronics
Design and Optimization of A Planar Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer System For Consumer Electronics
ABSTRACT Recently, omnidirectional wireless power transfer (WPT) has gained increasing popularity
due to its capability to charge in arbitrary positions and directions. However, existing solutions still face
several challenges, including coupled coils, non-optimized structure, non-uniform magnetic field, and poor
misalignment tolerance. This work proposes an omnidirectional WPT system with three fully decoupled
coils consisting of one square coil and two perpendicular DD coils. Comprehensive modeling and Pareto
optimization for the transmitter coil structure are conducted for improved tolerance to both lateral and angular
misalignment. Experimental results are provided to validate the system performance in terms of the output
voltage and efficiency under different lateral and angular misalignments. With a 12 V input, the efficiency of
the system exhibits a <10% variation, ranging from 69% to 78%, with 50 mm misalignment in the x and y
axes and a 90-degree angular misalignment. At the same time, the output voltage remains within the range
of 11.5 V to 14.5 V.
INDEX TERMS Omnidirectional wireless power transfer, coil modeling, uniform field distribution, coil
Various omnidirectional WPT systems have been proposed TABLE 1 Calculation and Simulation Parameters
to accommodate the different charging positions. In [16], a
bowl-shaped WPT system is proposed. However, it utilizes
identical currents in transmitter coils, resulting in a fixed
magnetic field vector and power transfer direction. Another
design proposed in [17] uses a three-orthogonal-coil struc-
ture that can generate an omnidirectional magnetic field, but
it has limited free-positioning performance due to the poor
uniformity of the magnetic field. In [18], a three-coil WPT
system is proposed, but it lacks the Y-direction magnetic field.
A double three-dimensional (3-D) coil is utilized in [19], but
its non-uniform magnetic field leads to extreme degradation TABLE 2 Calculation and Simulation Time
when misalignment exists. In [15], a new bowl-shaped struc-
ture is proposed, that does realize omnidirectional WPT but
its complex structure brings manufacturing challenges.
While planar omnidirectional WPT systems feature sim-
ple structures thus facilitating the fabrication and furniture
integration, they do not inherently contribute to enhanced
performance. For instance, the reticulated structure in [20]
still exhibits weak magnetic fields in the y direction and low zero-coupling point, which is not practical in real application.
transfer efficiency. Similarly, the planar structure proposed In [25], a square coil matrix is used as the transmitter coil
in [21], which is composed of a metasurface, driver loop, and a flux pipe coil is applied as the receiver coil. This coil
and resonator, has low transfer efficiency and weak magnetic is cost-intensive and its anti-orientation misalignment perfor-
fields in the x and y directions. A crossed dipole coil is ana- mance is limited. For example, in [26], two DD coils are
lyzed in [22], but due to its sparse coil distribution, its transfer applied as transmitter coils, and two DD coils are applied as
efficiency is low. In [23], a tripolar structure is proposed but the receiver coil. This structure utilizes four DD coils which is
its anti-misalignment performance is quite limited. Obviously, cost-intensive. Meanwhile, the anti-misalignment is not men-
the planar structures have benefits in integration compatibility, tioned which might be a big issue for the real application. For
but optimization in structure design and improvement in anti- [27], a DD coil is applied as the transmitter coil while a DD
misalignment performance are still missing. coil is used as the receiver coil. Meanwhile, two square coils
From the discussion above, existing planar omnidirectional are used as the data coil. For this structure, the data coil does
WPT systems still face challenges such as: not contribute to the power transfer and the mutual inductance
1) Special coil structures are widely applied to extend the decreases sharply versus Z direction misalignment. In [28],
charging area coverage. However, in consumer elec- one square coil is used as the transmitter coil, and one DD
tronics applications, square coils are preferred on the coil is used as the receiver coil, while one square coil and
receiver side, which is not compatible with most of the one DD coil are applied as the relay coil. The three-coil
existing solutions. A new transmitter structure that is structure is complex and according to Table 2 of [28], the
compatible with consumer receivers is appealing. mutual inductance decreases by 30% with only 15% diameter
2) The design of the most existing structures is based on misalignment. For [29], the authors investigate the different
simulation. However, simulation is time-consuming as display possibilities of the DD coil and two square coils, of
many parameter combinations need to be taken into which the DD coil can be viewed as two rectangular coils. The
consideration. In order to simplify the design process, transmitter coil design is not mentioned at all. From the exper-
analytical models for coil design and optimization are imental results, the output voltage decreases by two-thirds at
needed. 30% orientation misalignment. At the same time, the receiver
3) Previous analysis focuses on the realization of a 3-D coil should be defined by standards like Qi or AirFuel Alliance
magnetic field without optimization. This results in un- to increase compatibility rather than self-defined.
even magnetic field distribution and poor misalignment To address the aforementioned issues, this paper proposes
tolerance [16], [20], [23]. An optimization process to a planar omnidirectional transmitter that is comprised of two
improve both the lateral and angular misalignments is DD coils perpendicular to each other and one square coil to
imperative. obtain better anti-misalignment performance for a square coil
Some coil structures employing the combination of square receiver. DD coils are employed to generate the X and Y
coil and DD coil have been proposed. However, some emerg- direction magnetic field while the square coil generates the Z
ing problems still exist. The solution is to increase the number directional field. The planar structure will naturally solve the
of square coils, which will increase the cost. For example, integration compatibility problem. Modeling and optimization
in [24], a quadrupolar coil is proposed. However, the biggest of the proposed structure are also performed to deliver optimal
problem is that at 20% x-axis misalignment, it will have a performance.
M1a3a =
Np Ns
M(ss − 2ids , sp − 2kdp , Pa Rd , Pa Ra , Pd Rd , Pd Ra )
k=0 i=0
s sp
Pa = −kdp , − +kdp , 0 ,
2 2
s sp
Pd = − +kdp , − + kdp , 0
2 2
√ s π
Ra = 2 − ids cos − θ + xcenter ,
2 4
√ ss π
2 − ids sin − θ + ycenter , h
2 4
√ s π
Rd = 2 − ids sin − θ + xcenter ,
FIGURE 4. Phone charging case with misalignment: (a) the Z coil and the 2 4
receiver coil with lateral misalignment (b) top view. (c) The Z coil and the √ ss π
receiver coil with lateral and angular misalignment (d) top view. − 2 − ids cos − θ + ycenter , h (11)
2 4
ss −ids ss −ids
Z2 = − sin θ +xcenter , cos θ +ycenter , h+ids
2 2
Similarly, other mutual inductance can be obtained via the
calculation process of M1a5a.
FIGURE 18. Mutual inductance between receiver and Z coil: (a) lateral
misalignment; (b) lateral and angular misalignment.
FIGURE 23. Measured results of phone charging case with lateral and FIGURE 25. Measured results with X coil excited under the misalignment
angular misalignment (a) efficiency test (b) output voltage. in x and y orientation (a) efficiency test (b) output voltage.
FIGURE 24. Steady-state waveform of watch charging case: (a) at point (0,
0), (b) at point (50 mm, 50 mm), (c) at point (0, 0), and (d) at point (50 mm,
50 mm) with a 30-degree angular misalignment.
FIGURE 27. Measured results with both X and Y coils excited under lateral
and angular misalignment (a) efficiency test (b) output voltage.
the range of 69%-78%, and the output voltage keeps high from
11.5 V to 14.5 V. The results show a good anti-angular mis- The transfer efficiency and output voltage at different posi-
alignment performance, which is consistent with the analysis tions are measured as plotted in Fig. 25. The efficiency ranges
in Section III. from 55% to 65% and the output voltage is constrained from
10.5 V to 12.5 V. At xmis =ymis =0 mm–50 mm with angular
D. MISALIGNMENT TESTS FOR WATCH CHARGING misalignment as shown in Fig. 26, the efficiency drops sharply
For electronic watch applications, the X and Y coils are ex- when only X or Y coils are separately excited. It is aligned
cited separately, and a square coil with ss = 38 mm, ds = with the previous analysis. However, when both the X and
1.5 mm, and Ns = 6 is used as the receiver for electronic Y coils work together to counteract angular misalignment, the
watch. Typically, electronic watch users place their watches system performance stays decent, as evidenced in Fig. 27. The
in a vertical position on the charging pad, as illustrated in stable efficiencies and output voltage validate the previous
Fig. 1(b). As a result, the experiment considers the receiver analysis and optimization.
coil in a vertical position. To account for the thickness of both
the electronic watch and charging pad, the height h is set at E. COMPARISON WITH OTHER OMNIDIRECTIONAL WPT
10 mm. SYSTEMS
The waveform of input and output voltage and current un- The comparison with the state-of-the-art omnidirectional
der positions (0,0) and (50 mm,50 mm) when the X coil is WPT system is depicted in Table 4 Compared with the three-
excited is shown in Fig. 24(a) and (b). It is observed that the dimensional structure like [15], [16], [19], the planar structure
input voltage and current remain stable even under misalign- is easy to gain compatibility with the home furniture.
ment. The waveform under 30-degree angular misalignment As for the anti-misalignment performance, first the anti-
is depicted in Fig. 24(c) and (d). orientation misalignment is discussed. In most literature, they
This paper proposes a planar omnidirectional WPT system.
The modeling process is conducted for the coil structure and
its Ns , lateral, and angular misalignment effects are studied.
Furthermore, optimization is conducted on the coil structure
to achieve free positioning performance. Finally, a 6.78 MHz
omnidirectional prototype is built for tests of mobile phone
and electronic watch charging cases. Results show an effi-
ciency range of 69%-78% efficiency for the phone charging
case and an efficiency range of 55%-65% for the electronic
watch charging case. When compared with the state-of-art
research in Table 4, the proposed solution presents good
FIGURE 28. Efficiency drop versus normalized orientation misalignment. anti-lateral and anti-angular misalignment performance on
the premise of compatibility with furniture and simplicity in
structure, which offers a fundamental and convenient solution
for future 3-D omnidirectional wireless charging applications.
fail to mention the anti-misalignment but the efficiency under
misalignment is measured. In this case, the efficiency drop
at the maximum orientation misalignment can be plotted in REFERENCES
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