Chapter One

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Ambo University Woliso Campus Student Attendance Management System Page 1

Chapter One
Student Attendance Management System is a tool designed to efficiently record and monitor the
attendance ofbarcode scanners students in educational institutions. It makes it simpler for
parents, teachers, and administrators to get real-time attendance data by automating the process
of recording student attendance. Teachers and other authorized staff members can record
students' attendance for their lessons using this different method such as a barcode scanners,
RFID cards, and biometric scanners are a few examples of the devices that can be used to do this
automatically or manually.

According to developed country a “Student Attendance Management System” is software

developed for maintaining the attendance of the student on the daily basis in the University
Ambo University Woliso Campus (AUWC). The Instructors, who are handling the subjects, will
be responsible to mark the attendance of each of his/her students. Each Instructors will be given
with a separate username and password based on the subject they handle. An accurate report
based on the student attendance is generated here. This system will also help in evaluating
attendance eligibility criteria of a student.

This Attendance Management List System is intended to help the lecturers and the head of
department to truck and manage how students attend the class. It also helps in generating the
percentage of attendance quickly.

Student Attendance Management System (SAMS) is a system that organizations can use to
manage/control student attendance [5]. This means that the organization (AUWC) can Identify
the existence of the student that mean the organization can identify weather the student has
accomplish their education by attending his/her class or not. Student Attendance management
system is one of the major activities done in Instructors of organizations (AUWC). This Student
attendance management system is used for keeping the record of a student in an organized
organization such as school, college, universities [1].

The main purpose of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for Attendance Management
System document is to describe the external behavior of the Attendance System. Requirements
Specification defines and describes the operations, interfaces, performance, and quality

Ambo University Woliso Campus Student Attendance Management System Page 2

assurance requirements of the Attendance System. The document also describes the
nonfunctional requirements such as the user interfaces. It also describes the design constraints
that are to be considered when the system is to be designed, and other factors necessary to
provide a complete and comprehensive description of the requirements for the software. The
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements for the
system, or a portion of the system. It is intended for the designers and developer.

1.2.Background Organization (AUWC)

Ambo University is one of the fastest growing Ethiopian Universities, currently expand to four
campuses. In addition to the main campus, it has three functional campuses - Awaro Technology
Campus, Guder agriculture campus and Woliso Business and Economics faculty. Among these
campuses, Woliso is the one, which was started in 2002 E.C by having Accounting and finance,
Economics, management and information technology departments. By now, it is teaching 38
departments and in the course of these developmental processes, it had enrolled students from
various backgrounds. The office of the human resource is responsible to will monitors the
employee working time, store records for employee such as personal detailed information, track
the employees being late and apply leave for certain purpose. Based on the calculation the
system will be able to generate various reports such as weekly attendance record, monthly
attendance records. Besides, the office is currently handling records of the alumni to provide
appropriate information when required.

1.2.1. Vision AUWC

AUWC aspires to be the leading higher educational institution being center of excellence in
education and research in areas of natural resources and cultural value utilization for
development [4].

1.2.2. Mission AUWC

AUWC has a mission of supporting the development endeavors of the people by tackling the
insistent problems by utilizing natural resources and cultural values, through inculcating
scientific knowledge and skills relevant to the country and assuring quality education[4].

1.3.Statement of the problem

Ambo University Woliso Campus Student Attendance Management System Page 3

AUWC uses manual ticking method in their existing system to control the Student attendance
management System (SAMS). In this system an Instructor take attendance of his/her student at
the end of each class which add another burden on instructor which make him/her to count the
absence and presence student at end of each class. In this system sometimes student is expected
to sign at each of his/her class which make the system manual. From this we get there is manual
system to monitor the student attendance. It is not good for controlling and managing student

not secure because the records may lose because of the reason that paper may burnt, lost or
broken . It is also hard to find certain records using paper-based system. Some of problems that
are faced in the existing system are as follow.

 Lack of secure Student attendance recording and monitoring system. This is one of the
problems in the existing system that makes the loss of data of the attendance of the
 Difficult to know the total attending hour of student attend the class due to manual
counting. Since the existing system uses manual based system it makes difficult to how
the student can attend their class.
 Difficult to generate reports due to paper based system the reports might lose. Since the
system is paper based to generate a report it wastes much time and there may be loss of
data before it reaches faculty/Department head.
 Lack of proper storage and retrieval of information.
 their attendance. It will cause economic impact on the university.
 Difficult to managing time due to manual based system that wasting time because of
signing the signature.

1.4.1. General objective
The general objective of the project is to develop web based AUWC Attendance Management
1.4.2. Specific objective
The specific objectives of the project are:-
To analyze the current system.
To identify the problem of the current system.

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To identify and to give solutions for the current system problem.
To design the propose system.
To develop system that makes retrieval of data efficient.
To implement of the proposed system in efficient way.
To test and evaluate the system.

1.5.Scopes the Project

The scope of AUWC SAMS project is involves the design of computer software which is
capable of taking student attendance and makes a record of student‟s attendance for a particular
course with the aim/ purpose of determining their eligibility to sit for the exam. Another striking
feature about the program is, it has the capability of sending the attendance records in the form of
an email to the parents / guardian of the student.

This project is limited only on how the students attend the class and each module. This
application will manage each student attendance in class and it also limit for AUWC SAMS.
It is a simple and flexible based attendance system developed for eligibility to sit for the exam
use. There are some of the modules will include in the developing system that listed as below:
 Administrator can login to the system and the system enables administrator to
manage the various functions, services and activities of the proposed system
 Register new Instructor.
 View Students record.
 Generates necessary various reports SAMS.

1.6.Significance of the project

The new system can trace the Student attendance management system while they are interring
and leaving class. From this Department Head can easily analyze and detect the weather a
student can sit on exam or not. Besides, the system can keep track the records about the student
such as their personal details information [5]. The administrator can view those records easily
through this system without have to find among the files.
In general, the significances of the proposed system are as follows:

For the university

 Increase regularity of the student.

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 Eliminate mistakes made during exam/at the end of the class.
 Reduce time needed to verify attendance data.
 Reduce time for making reports.
 Better control of student information in AUWC.

For Student

 To make plan for save time.

 Attend their class based on class Schedule.
 Fast to request permission and other related issue.

For Department

 To know exact data of every student at each class.

 Easily to update and delete student information.
 Effectiveness of flow information about the system.
 Used for secured data by password and username of student.
 Easily to accelerate the system.

For Instructor

 Reduce error when fill information a student.

 Via full information for School heads .
 Easily to control every student.
 Easily to send data for the School head.
 Fast communication with School head and administrator.

For System Admin

 Fast generate report and easily to manage AUWC‟s student.
 To know exact attending of his/her student.
 To reduce loss of data and redundancy of data.
 To increase performance of the student on attending class and exam result.

 Performance chain of communication through them.

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Ambo University Woliso Campus Student Attendance Management System

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