Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Course Code: 2TDDE 101
Course Objective:
Mathematics forms backbone for all technologies and hence occupies an important
place in the curriculum of polytechnic education. The subject is equally important for
the future self-development of Polytechnic students. In designing the curriculum for
foundation course, the admission level to Polytechnics has been considered as 10th
Board examination and mathematical needs of Technical subject have been given due
1.1 Permutation
Meaning of factorial n
Permutation of 'n' dissimilar thing taken 'r' at a time,
1.2 Combination
3.1 Determinant
4.1 Allied angles.
5.1 Definition of Matrix.
Row, Column, Square, Unit, Upper and lower triangular, Symmetric & Skew Sym-
metric, Singular and non Singular Matrices.
5.3 Adjoint of a Matrix.
Course Outcome:
Through this syllabus the diploma student will learn the basic concepts of
counting principle through permutation and combination , expansion of a binomial
function , breaking up a complex fraction into simpler partial fractions,
trigonometric ratio and concept of matrix
Reference book:
Course Code: 2TDDE 102
Applied Mechanics
Course Code: 2TDDE 102
Course Objective:
1.1 Definition, Effect, characteristics of force.
Parallelogram of Forces
Triangle of Forces
Polygon of Forces
1.6 Determination of Resultant of two or more concurrent forces (analytically and
3.4 Types of supports and determination of support reactions of a simply supported beam
subjected to point load and uniformly distributed load (UDL).
4.1 Equilibrium of a system of concurrent forces.
5.3 Method of finding out Centroid of composite plane laminas and cut sections.
6.1 Concept and types of friction.
7.2 Definition of Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of Machines and
their relation.
8.1 Definition of speed, velocity, acceleration, uniform velocity, uniform acceleration and
variable acceleration.
8.7 Relation between linear and angular velocity of a particle moving in a circular path.
10.2 Definition and unit of power and types of engine power and efficiency of an engine.
List of Experiments:
Course outcome:
Determine the resultant force and moment for a given system of forces
References Books:
Course Code: 2TDDE 103
Course Code: 2TDDE 103
Course Objective:
Unit 1: UNITS & Measurement, Motion
Fundamental and derived units, Scalar and vector, Basic requirements to represent vector Symbols,
abbreviation, and proculation Linear measurement by vernier calipers, screw gauge and spherometer
Angular measurement by angular vernier Motion and its type Linear motion ,Circular
motion ,Angular velocity and relation with linear velocity ,Centripetal acceleration, Centripetal and
Centrifugal forces Rotatory motion Axis of rotation Moment of Inertia, Radius of gyration Kinetic
energy of rotation Numerical problems and solution on the topic
Postulates Of Molecular Kinetic Brownian motion Kinetic and Potential energy of Kinetic theory of
gases Postulates Calculation of pressure by Kinetic theory Prove of different gases law by Kinetic
theory.Elasticity: Meaning, definition, stress, stain, Hook’s law and elastic limit Surface Tension:
Meaning, definition, molecular forces, cohesive and adhesive forces, Surface energy, capillary rise
and capillary rise method. Viscosity : Meaning, definition, stream line and turbulent flow, critical
velocity, Stock’s law. Numerical problems and solution on the topic.
Heat and temperature, concept of heat as molecular motion Transmission of heat, study state and
variable state. Concept of heat capacity, specific heat and latent heat. Calorimeter and its uses
Thermodynamics Relation between heat and work Mechanical equivalent of heat First law of
thermodynamics and its application, Second law of thermodynamics and its application ,Carnot cycle
Numerical problems and solution on the topic., Heating effect of electric current: Joule’s law, work
energy and power in electric circuit, calculation of electric energy. Thermo electricity See back effect
and thermoelectric power., Neutral temperature, temperature of inversion and relation between them
Thermo electric thermometer and thermo couples. Numerical problems and solution
Course Code: 2TDDE 103
Reduction of sound waves(Longitudinal and transverse waves)Progressive and stationary waves Basic
knowledge of refraction , reflection, interference and diffraction. Ultrasonic, Audible range,
Production of ultrasonic, properties an due Refraction, critical angle and total internal reflection,
refraction through lenses and problems Power of lenses Spherical and chromatic aberrations Simple
and compound microscope, telescope and derivation for their magnifying power Numerical problems
and solution on the topic.
Coulomb’s law, Electric field intensity, potential. Capacity, principle of capacitor, types of capacitor,
combination of capacitors Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law Self and mutual
inductance Transformer and electric motor, Induction coil Photoelectric effect, threshold frequency,
Einstein- equation, Photo electric cells Radioactivity : decay constant, Half life, mean life Properties
of nucleus, nuclear mass, mass defect Production of x-rays, properties and its uses Thermal emission,
semiconductors, Types of semiconductors Explanation of conductor, semiconductor and insulators on
the basis of band theory P-N junction, diode as rectifier
List of Experiments:
Refractive index of prism ( I-D) curve
Refractive index of prism ( spectrometer )
Focal length of a convex lens by u-v method
Focal length of a convex lens by displacement method
Verification of Ohm's law
To find out unknown resistance by meter brid
To find out internal radius of hollow tube by vernier calipers.
To find out volume of given cylinder by screw gauge.
Surface tension by Capillary rise method. Coefficient of viscosity
Coefficient of Thermal conductivity by searl’s method.
Verification of Newton’s cooling law.
Course outcome:
The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to de-
velop different types of skills leading to the achievement of the following
competencies *Select proper measuring instrument on the basis of range,
least count & precision required for measurement.
Analyze properties of material & their use for the selection of material
mostly applicable for engineering users.
Identify good & bad conductors of heat and proper temperature scale for
temperature measurement Identify.
Analyze variation of sound intensity with respect to distance and follow the
principles used in the physical properties, its measurement and selections.
Course Code: 2TDDE 104
Environmental Engineering & Safety
Course Code: 2TDDE 104
Course Objective:
To improve the quality of life of the local community through management and conser-
vation of natural resources.
To ensure that the natural environment is used wisely
as well as judiciously. The natural resources are continuously available for the benefit
and enjoyment of future generations.
To decrease vulnerability and improve adaptation capacity among poor local communi-
ties associated with Climate Change.
2.7 Effect of air pollution on: human health, material properties, vegetation.
2.9 Major environmental phenomenon e.g., acid rain, global warming, green house effect,
ozone layer depletion.
3.2 Environmental laps rate, temperature inversion, atmospheric stability and adiabatic
loss rate.
4.3 Brief description of following control equipments along with sketch e.g, gravitation
settling chamber, cyclone, scrubber, bag house filter, electrostatic precipitator.
4.4 Brief description of following processes for the control of gaseous pollutants e. g.,
absorption, adsorption, condensation, combustion etc.
5.4 Origin, composition and characteristics of domestic waste water as well as industrial
waste water
Safety Practices
9.1 Responsibility of employees and employers regarding health and safety
Course Outcome:
Reference Books:
Course Code: 2TDDE 105
Communication Skill-I
Course Code: 2TDDE 105
Course Objective:
The main aim of communicating is to pass information so that other people may
know about what you are talking off. This can be through facts or even feelings.
Unit 2
Comprehension of unseen passage short answer type questions to test understanding of the passage
Unit 4
Method of procedure
Summing up
Unit 5
Classifications of Essays
Course Outcome:
Through this syllabus the diploma students will learn the basic concept of English.
Student should gain the ability to read understand, analyze, intercept and
extrapolate from the complex texts that are at the heart of the diver’s traditions of
the English language.
Reference Books:
Course Code: 2TDDE 201
Course Code: 2TDDE 201
Course Objective:
1.4 Slope of St. Line: Angle between two Straight lines, Parallel and perpendicular Straight
1.5 Standard and general equation of Straight line. Point of intersection of two straight lines .
Integration by parts
Breaking up into partial fraction
4.4 Concept of Definite Integral
Scalar Product
Vector Product
Applications (Work done, power & reactive power)
Course Outcome:
Here in this syllabus student will learn some concept of co-ordinate geometry ,
some part of statistics viz. mean , median , mode , deviation etc. , and ofcourse a
brand new concept of differential calculus and integral calculus which play an
important role in technical subjects then concept of vector number , how they are
added subtracted and multiplied etc.
Reference Book:
Course Code: 2TDDE 202
Engineering Graphics
Course Code: 2TDDE 202
Course Objective:
Applications of mini-drafter
Title Block.
Revision panel.
Folding marks.
Numbering of sheet.
Course Code: 2TDDE 202
Main switches, (lighting and power), socket outlets (3 pin 5AMP, 3pini5 AMP), bell, buzzer, loud
speaker, Aerial, ceiling fan, exhaust fan, Bracket fan, fan regulator, battery and earth point.
Diode: Zener, varactor, Scotty, step recovery, light emitting diode (LED), PNP and NPN transistors,
resistance, capacitor, Inductors (fixed and variable both), IC (8pin and 14pin) SCR, TRIAC, DIAC,
showerhead, wall lavatory basin, comer Lavatory basin, urinal stall, kitchen sink, Indian type
WC,Water closets (Asian pan, urissapan, Anglo-Indian, European)
Internal and external threads, slotted head, Square end and flat, radial arms and ribs, serrated shaft,
splined shaft, Chain wheel, bearing, straight and diamond knurling, Compression and tension spring,
leaf spring (with and without eye), Spur and helical gear
And numerals.
Angular Dimensioning.
Divide a line into any number of equal parts by parallel line method bisecting of line
and angle.
Projection of lines-
Projection of cylinder, cone, prism and pyramid. Under the following conditions:
Section of cone, cylinder, prism and pyramid (Solid resting on its base in the HP i.e. the Axis
perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP) in the following cases:
Under the condition - solid resting on its base in the HP and axis
Free hand sketches of simple objects (Using Pencil, Eraser & Paper only)
Course outcome:
Reference Books:
Course Code: 2TDDE 203
Course Code: 2TDDE 203
Course Objective:
True solution, colloidal solution and suspension, lyophobic and lyophillic colloids, optical and
electrical properties of colloids, coagulation, coagulants, idea about gels and emulsions.
Osmosis & osmatic pressure, Relative vapour pressure and Routls law. Internal energy (enthalpy)
Entrophy, Entrophy fusion free energy, Effect of change in temperature catalysis.
Sources of water, types of water, hardness of water, its causes, types and removal, Boiler feed water,
harmful - effects of hard water in boiler. Municipal water supply. Numerical on soda lime process.
Determination of hardness of water by O. Hener’s, EDTA and soap solution method.
Physical and chemical properties of metals, copper, iron, aluminum, tin, nickel. General principal of
metallurgy, minerals/ ores, ore dressing, roasting ,smelting, bassemerisation, fluxes, purification.
Explanation of alloying purposes, methods of alloying, composition and uses of alloy like brass,
bronze, duralium, German silver, gun metal, solder, stainless steel, casting and bearing alloy.
Definition characteristics , classification and properties of insulators. Glass, wool and thermo cole.
Lubricants: Meaning , type and theory of lubricants, properties of a good lubricants, Flash and fire
point and cloud point, emulsification number, viscosity. Paints and Varnishes : Meaning, ingredients
and characteristics of good paints and varnishes, their engineering applications.
Classification of fuel, gross and net calorific value, Determination of a solid fuel by bomb
calorimeter, octane and octane number. Proximate analysis of fuel, its utility, crude petroleum,
products of fractional distillation .
Explosives - Meaning, types, characteristic and use of explosives. Name Dynamite, lead azide,
T.N.T., Picric acid, R.D.X.
List of Experiments:
Determination of flesh point and fire point of a given sample of oil by Abel’s
RedoximetryTitration :
Course Outcome:
After the completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
Differentiate hard and soft water, solve the related numerical problems on water
purification and its significance in industry and daily life.
Explain the properties, separation techniques of natural gas and crude oil along with
potential applications and role of petrochemicals in national economy.
Reference Books:
Course Code: 2TDDE 204
Unit 1: Computer Organization, Evolution And Generation Of Computer Systems:
Block Diagram of computer system: Central Processing Unit, Memory unit ,ALU, Control unit Input
& Output devices. Input Device Categorizing input hardware :Key Board, Card readers, Scanning
Devices ,Bar Code Readers, OCR, OMR, MICR, Pointing Device, Mouse and its types ,light pen
Touch Devices, Web camera ,microphone Joystick, Digitizing tablet. Output Device printers, Dot
matrix, Printers, Plotters, and Monitors: CRT, TFT, Plasma, LCD Projector, DLP Projector, Speaker.
Computer System Characteristics and capabilities Memory Capabilities, Repeatability Types of
Computers & its Application Analog, Digital & Hybrid, General & Special Purpose Computer,
Application of computer system Computer Generations & Classification of Computer Systems Minis,
Mainframes & Super Computer Evolution of micro Comparative study w.r.t. speed, data bus,
controllers, memory, peripheral interface of PC to Pentium computer systems.
Systems Inter-Conversion from decimal to binary, octal, hexadecimal, conversion of binary number
System to decimal, hexadecimal. Codes used for information exchange between computers–ASCII,
Unicode, Data representation- Bit, Nibble, Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Giga Byte, Tera Byte, Peta
Byte etc Storage Fundamentals, Primary & Secondary Storage. RAM, dynamic and static ROM,
PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, ape storage Devices, Characteristics & limitations, Floppy &theirtypes.
Direct access Storage– Hard Disk, Disk Cartridges, Mass Storage Device Optical Disk , CD Rom,
DVD, flash drive, ZIP drive
Course Code: 2TDDE 204
System Software V/s Application Software. Types of System Software, Operating System, Loader,
Linker, Language Processor, Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter, Device Driver.
language, High-level language, Generations of Computer Language Application Software: working
with MSOFFICE components, creating editing, formatting and printing documents using MSWORD,
Data analysis and charting with MSEXCEL, Creating and presenting
Introduction, Functions of operating system, Types –batch, single user, multiuser, multiprogramming,
multitasking, multi threading, real-time , embedded, Network, Distributed CLI(Command Line
Interface) and GUI modes of O.S. Booting Process, BIOS, POST, Boot Strap Loader Introduction to
viruses, worms, Trojans, Anti Viruses scanning & Removal of Viruses ,safety measures- Firewall,
updates, Patches
Introduction to internet, different services of internet- www, E-Mail, Chat (Textual/Voice), website
access and information search, Browsers And Search Engines
List of Experiments:
3. Backup of data on tape, floppy & hard disk, CD, DVD and in PEN drive
4. Use of windows media player, recording, editing playing sound and video files
Course Outcomes:
References Books:
Course Code: 2TDDE 205
Communication Skills-II
Course Code: 2TDDE 205
Course Objective:
The students, after completing the course ,will be able to use general purpose words of
English to express himself in speaking reasonably clearly and correctly on routine
matters .Develop a habit of reading with comprehension to achieve an optimum speed
of 75 wpm Write reasonably and grammatically correct English
The students, after completing the course, will be able to
Meaning of communication
Definition of communication
Process of communication
Unit II- Detailed study of the stories from the prescribed book
Writing summary, moral and characterization of any one story from the book prescribed
Meaning of comprehension
Course Code: 2TDDE 205
Course outcome:
Seeks to develop the students’ abilities in grammar,oral skills, reading, writing and
study skills. students should improve theirspeaking ability in English both in terms
of fluency and comprehensibility
Reference Books: