Besame Mucho

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From: “The Best of Diana Krall”

Besame Mucho


Published Under License From

Peer International Corporation

© 1941, 1943 by Promotora Hispano Americana de Musica, S.A.

Copyrights Renewed
All Rights Administered by Peer International Corporation
International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

Authorized for use by Eileen gilligan

NOTICE: Purchasers of this musical file are entitled to use it for their personal enjoyment and musical fulfillment. However, any
duplication, adaptation, arranging and/or transmission of this copyrighted music requires the written consent of the copyright owner(s)
and of Peer International Corporation. Unauthorized uses are infringements of the copyright laws of the United States and other
countries and may subject the user to civil and/or criminal penalties.
(Kiss Me Much)
Music and Spanish Words by
Moderately English Words by SUNNY SKYLAR

Dm E 7 Dm E7 5 A7 5 A7
xxo xx xxo o o xo o o

Dm Gm6 Dm Gsus(add2) Gm
x xo xxo ooo x
3 3

Bé - sa - me, bé - sa - me mu - cho,
Bé - sa - me, bé - sa - me mu - cho,

Gm/B Adim7 Gm A7 Dm A7/E Dm/F

x xo xo xo o o xxo ox o o xx

3 3 3

each time I cling to your kiss I hear mu - sic di - vine.

co - mo si, fue - ra es-ta no - che la úl - ti - ma vez;
3 3 3

Copyright 1941, 1943 by Promotora Hispano Americana de Musica, S.A.

Copyrights Renewed
All Rights Administered by Peer International Corporation
International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

Authorized for use by:ofEileen

Compliments gilligan
D7 Csus2/E D7/F D7 9 D+ Gsus(add2) Gm
xxo o xo xo x xxo ooo x
4 3

Bé - sa - me mu - cho,
bé - sa - me mu - cho,

Dm E7 9 A7 Dm Gm6 Dm
xxo xx xo o o xxo xxo
3 3

3 3 3 3

hold me, my dar-ling, and say that you’ll al - ways be mine.

que ten - go mie - do per - der - te, per - der-te o - tra vez.

3 3 3

Gm Dm A7 Gm6
xxo xo o o
3 3

3 3

This joy is some-thing new, my arms en - fold - ing you, nev - er knew this thrill be
Quie - ro te - ner - te muy cer - ca, mi - rar - me en tus o - jos, ver - te jun - to a


Authorized for use by:ofEileen

Compliments gilligan
Dm Gm Dm
xxo x xo

3 3

fore. Who - ev - er thought I’d be hold - ing you close to me,

mí, pien - sa que tal vez ma - ña - na yo ya es - ta - ré


E7 B 7 A7 Dm Gm6 Dm
o o oo x xo o o xxo xxo

3 3 3

whisp-’ring “It’s you I a - dore;” Dear - est one, if you should

le - jos, muy le - jos de ti. Bé - sa - me, bé - sa - me

3 3 3

Gsus(add2) Gm Gm/B Adim7 Gm A7

ooo x x xo xo xo o o
3 3

3 3 3

leave me, each lit - tle dream would take wing and my life would be
mu - cho, co - mo si fue - ra es - ta no - che la úl - ti - ma

3 3 3

Authorized for use by:ofEileen

Compliments gilligan
Dm A7/E Dm/F D7 Csus2/E D7/F D7 9 D+
xxo ox o o xx xxo o xo xo x xxo

through. Bé - sa - me
vez; bé - sa - me

Gsus(add2) Gm Dm E7 9 A7 A7 5
ooo x xxo xx xo o o o o
3 3

3 3 3 3

mu - cho, love me for - ev - er and make all my dreams come

mu - cho, que ten - go mie - do per - der - te, per - der - te des -

3 3 3

1. 2.

Dm B 9 A7sus A7 Dm Gm6 Dm
xxo x o x xo o o xo o o xxo xxo

true. true.
pués. pués.


Authorized for use by:ofEileen

Compliments gilligan

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