Peigneux Urbain Schmitz 2012 SleepandtheBrain
Peigneux Urbain Schmitz 2012 SleepandtheBrain
Peigneux Urbain Schmitz 2012 SleepandtheBrain
Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Unit, Université Libre de
Cyclotron Research Centre, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.
These authors share equal first authorship. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mailing address:
B-1050 Bruxelles
Indeed, it suggests that sleep constitutes, like a switch, a simple mechanism by which are shut
off all neurophysiological processes associated with an active and costly wake state of
vigilance. In this chapter, we present a summary description of sleep and its defining features,
across animal species, we review also the phylogenesis of sleep. As the reader will realize, the
simplistic view that sleep is a mere state of inactivity must be replaced by the conception of a
At the behavioural level, sleep presents a number of definite features that humans share with
most animal species (Borbely, Hayaishi, Sejnowski, & Altman, 2000). It is a state of physical
stereotypic body posture (e.g. in man, lying down or curling; in bats, hanging upside down).
stimulation during sleep. Additionally, rapid reversibility between states (e.g. the fact that the
sleeper will wake up if the stimulation is reasonably distinctive and/or the need for sleep is
exhausted) distinguishes sleep from other specific states of altered vigilance like coma, brain
However, behavioural observations alone are usually not sufficient to ensure that the
individual under scrutiny is genuinely sleeping, rather than being in a relaxed state of
capture the dramatic changes in cerebral activity from wakefulness to sleep, nor the fact that
sleep is composed of two distinct physiological stages: Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM)
and Paradoxical or Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. In humans, NREM sleep is further
subdivided into 3 stages according to sleep depth (Silber et al., 2007), from the intermediate
stage 1 (drowsiness and sleep onset) to light stage 2 sleep then the deepest stage 3 sleep
(previously subdivided into NREM sleep stages 3 and 4; see below), also known as Slow
Wave Sleep (SWS). Under normal nocturnal conditions, NREM always precedes REM sleep
within an ultradian cycle lasting on average 90 minutes and repeating itself (Figure 1), with
the consequence that the sleeper may complete up to five cycles in a typical night (Dement,
Additionally, sleep is a regulated phenomenon, whose timing and duration are contingent
upon two main processes: homeostatic and circadian (Borbely, 1982; Daan, Beersma, &
Borbely, 1984; see Figure 2). During the course of a normal day-night cycle, the pressure for
sleep continuously accumulates with time spent awake, then dissipates during the night of
sleep. Extending the waking period above normal levels (e.g. in a sleep deprivation protocol)
results in a sleep debt with a rebound on the subsequent night where both duration and
intensity are increased, demonstrating the homeostatic regulation of sleep. This gradual
change in sleep pressure is counterbalanced by the circadian process, e.g. a nearly 24-hr
endogenous oscillatory variation in alertness and sleep propensity. The circadian signal for
sleep/alertness is high/low in the early hours and low/high in the evening, with the
consequence that homeostatic and circadian processes work in opposition during the day but
in synchrony during the night to ideally ensure consolidated periods of wakefulness and sleep.
The interaction between these two processes also exerts an influence on variations in
cognitive performance throughout the day, especially in the attentional domain (Schmidt,
Collette, Cajochen, & Peigneux, 2007; Schmidt et al., 2009). Due to the close relationship
between Slow Wave Activity (SWA) in SWS and sleep pressure dissipation (e.g. the
homeostatic process) along the night of sleep, the first half of the night is particularly rich in
slow wave activity (about 80% of time) whereas in each subsequent cycle, the length of REM
periods increases while the length of deep SWS is decreasing (Figure 1), the amount of stage
It is Hans Berger who performed in 1929 the first recording of the electrical activity of the
patterns in the EEG, the best known being the Berger’s wave or alpha (8-12 Hz) occipital
rhythm, observable during quiet wakefulness but suppressed by the opening of the eyes. He
also showed first that the frequency of EEG oscillations is slowing down with sleep, followed
by Loomis (1937) who divided sleep into five levels (A to E) representing the spectrum of
waking to NREM sleep stages 1-4. REM sleep was only later on discovered as a distinct stage
of sleep, with low-voltage rapid oscillations in brain activity, muscular atonia and rapid ocular
movements (Aserinsky & Kleitman, 1953; Dement & Kleitman, 1957). These findings and
eventually led to the first consensus on how human sleep should be recorded and scored: the
“Manual of Standardized Terminology, Techniques and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of
Human Subjects” published by Rechtschaffen and Kales (1968). Nowadays, sleep research
has evolved from a fascinating field of human physiology towards a dedicated scientific
discipline and a recognized medical speciality, with accredited clinical units for patients
suffering from a wide spectrum of sleep disorders. Although the classification and
codification of sleep patterns still remains performed more than 40 years later upon visual and
signals, technological advances have allowed the development of novel methods for the
analysis of sleep (e.g. spectral analysis thought to better reflect specific discharge patterns
observed at the cellular level in NREM sleep stages; Corsi-Cabrera, Guevara, Del Rio-
Portilla, & Guevara, 2005). Notwithstanding, limitations of the Rechtschaffen and Kales’s
classification system have been thoroughly discussed (e.g. see Himanen & Hasan, 2000),
leading to revised international consensus guidelines implemented in the “New Sleep Scoring
Manual” (Iber, Ancoli-Israel, Chesson, & Quan, 2007), which we will use below to delineate
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the different stages of sleep and wakefulness (see also Summary Table 1 at the end of this
section). One salient modification amongst others in the “New Sleep Scoring Manual” is the
coalescence of NREM sleep stages 3 and 4 from Rechtschaffen and Kales (1968) into a
single, unified NREM sleep stage 3. This change is actually fitting with an established clinical
and research practice where stages 3 and 4 are commonly considered together in the analyses
and interpretations.
Wakefulness can be defined as a state of full consciousness, allowing interaction with the
desynchronized pattern of neuronal firing, reflected in the EEG by rapid, high frequency
waves in the beta (β) range (14–40 Hz) with low amplitude (10 to 30 µV) and high muscular
tonus at the EMG. When subjects are awake in a quiet relaxed state or resting, especially with
eyes closed, EEG recorded from the posterior part of the brain (mostly at occipital locations)
displays patterns of alpha (α) or Berger waves of lower frequency (8–12 Hz) and increased
amplitude (20 to 40 µV; Figure 3), reflecting the increased synchrony of underlying neural
NREM sleep
NREM sleep stages are characterized in humans by regular respiration, decreased in muscular
tonus and gradual slowing down of the EEG frequency patterns with increasing amplitude
(Figure 3), from stages N1 to N2 or light sleep then N3 or deep slow wave sleep (SWS),
populations. Spectral analyses additionally reveal a background pattern of slow wave activity
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(SWA) below 1 Hz (Achermann & Borbely, 1997), not visually apparent in the EEG
recording but having important physiological implications (Steriade, Contreras, Curro Dossi,
& Nunez, 1993). Superimposed on slow rhythmic activities are transient events, mainly K
complexes and sleep spindles in N2 whose recurrence (every 3-10 seconds) is regulated by
NREM sleep stage N1 is a drowsiness transition period between wakefulness and sleep. Stage
N1 is characterized by the occurrence of theta (θ) waves in the EEG, slower in frequency (4-8
Hz) and greater in amplitude (50 to 100 µV) than alpha (α) waves, a decrease in muscular
activity and slow eye movements. A valid electrophysiological marker of sleep onset is the
attenuation of the alpha rhythm, which signs the transition from relaxed wakefulness to stage
N1. It is therefore important to record EEG at occipital derivations where the alpha rhythm is
prominent to accurately determine sleep onset (Silber et al., 2007). At the behavioural level,
subjects start failing to respond at the presentation of auditory tones, although awakening
thresholds remain low, to the point that subjects awoken during this stage may often report
During stage N2, also known as light NREM sleep, eye movements cease, heart rate slows
down and body temperature decreases, preparing the body to enter in deep sleep. Background
EEG oscillations decrease below 5 Hz in the delta (δ) range (1-4 Hz). Superimposed on slow
oscillations are periodical, transient EEG events named sleep spindles and K complexes
(figure 3). Spindles are short-lasting (0.5-3 sec), waxing and waning oscillations in the sigma
(σ) range (11-16 Hz), whose maximal amplitude is mostly found over central regions
(Borbely et al., 2000; De Gennaro, Ferrara, & Bertini, 2000; McCormick, Nielsen, Nicolas,
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Ptito, & Montplaisir, 1997). Behavioural, electrophysiological (De Gennaro and Ferrara,
2003) and neuroimaging (Schabus et al., 2007) data further suggest a functional
differentiation and distinct neuroanatomical bases for slow (11-13 Hz) and fast (13-15 Hz)
high amplitude immediately followed by a positive component standing out from the
background EEG, with a total duration at least equal to 0.5 second. Because of their
morphology and duration, K complexes are sufficiently distinctive and no amplitude criterion
is needed (Borbely et al., 2000). K complexes are optimally recorded at frontal electrodes
spindles until a transition to stage N3 or REM sleep, or the occurrence of a major body
N3 is the deepest stage of NREM sleep, also called “Slow Wave Sleep” (SWS), which can be
scored when slower waves in the 0.5-2 Hz frequency range represent at least 20% of the 30-
second EEG epoch. Because the cut-off was previously set at 4 Hz for the superior limit of
slow waves, which may raise confusions with delta activity, revised guidelines strongly
discourage the use of the term “delta waves” (e.g. in the 1-4 Hz range) to mention SWS
(Silber et al., 2007). Usually, slow waves are maximally expressed at frontal sites (Happe et
al., 2002), as well as K complexes. N3 being the deepest stage of sleep, arousal thresholds are
very high, with a longer period of sleep inertia after awakening and possible post-awakening
REM sleep
rapid low-amplitude EEG activity visually close to that recorded during wakefulness, hence
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its other name of “paradoxical” sleep (Jouvet, Michel, & Courjon, 1959). Five main features
determine REM sleep: low amplitude-mixed frequency (15-30Hz, <50 µV) EEG background,
rapid eye movements, muscular atonia and breath/cardiovascular irregularity. Rapid eye
movements (REMs) are conjugate, irregular and sharply peaked eye movements with an
initial deflection usually lasting less than 500 milliseconds. Presence of saw tooth waves or
transient muscle activity (phasic twitches) is strongly supportive evidence, especially when
one or more of the basic features are equivocal. During the first REM period of the night, one
may observe interspersed K complexes or sleep spindles but in the presence of unequivocal
REMs, theses epochs should be scored as REM sleep until there is a transition to stage W, N2
or N3, manifestations of arousal or major body movements followed by slow eye movements.
Alternation between activity and sleep-like resting states has been found across all studied
largely differ. The universality of sleep-like resting states suggests an important functionality
(or most probably a series of important functionalities) that has/have built up with evolution,
hence the paramount importance to explore the phylogenesis of sleep. Furthermore, even
amphibians, reptiles, avians, mammals, etc, suggest that the differentiation between NREM
and REM sleep states, typical of mammalians and birds, is not present -- or at least cannot be
questions about the complementary role of our two main states of sleep in evolution. Even if a
logical scheme has not yet been clearly disclosed and adaptations have occurred in some
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species, studying sleep in the animal kingdom should eventually allow us to understand the
As a word of caution, a main caveat when comparing species is that similar levels of
investigations are not always available. On the one hand, sophisticated intra-cerebral
recordings obtained in cats and rodents are only available in exceptional circumstances in
humans (e.g. during pre-surgical recordings) due to their invasive character. On the other
hand, polysomnographic recordings (EEG, EMG, and EOG) in animals have usually to be
carried in laboratory settings, hence preventing their observation in the natural environment,
potentially biasing the results. Although modern telemetric recording techniques make it now
possible to equip the animal of a signal wireless transmitter, allowing recording in more
natural settings, these are not yet generalized and well adapted to all species. Therefore, many
species have been mostly studied at the behavioural level, which limits the scope of possible
Insects have a daily rhythm of rest and activity. It is not merely due to the influence of the
dark-light cycle since it continues being observed even when time synchronizers (also named
“zeitgebers”) are removed from the environment. Evidence of a close-to-sleep state in insects
has long been mostly behavioural. For instance, it has been found that the scorpion adopts a
specific position where the body and the head rest flat on the ground, whereas in the bee the
antennae are folded up against the head (Tobler & Neuner-Jehle, 1992). Still, because mere
observation cannot easily delineate boundaries between sleep and quiet wakefulness in
insects, presence of a sleep-analogue condition has been further corroborated using the
homeostatic sleep pressure criteria. In the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), the most
studied kind given its relative simplicity, a homeostatically regulated sleep state has been
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observed, that in many respects is similar to sleep in mammals (Hendricks et al., 2000; Huber
et al., 2004; Shaw, Cirelli, Greenspan, & Tononi, 2000). Indeed, insects exhibit an increase in
the duration of the resting state when prior wakefulness is artificially maintained above usual
duration levels of activity, e.g. by moving the insect’s container or introducing a congener in
its environment (Bell-Pedersen et al., 2005; Huber et al., 2004). Furthermore, genetic
mutations affect sleep in Drosophila; conversely, sleep affects gene expression (Cirelli &
Bushey, 2008). Notwithstanding, although changes in brain electrical activity (Nitz, van
Swinderen, Tononi, & Greenspan, 2002) and changes in synaptic markers (Gilestro, Tononi,
& Cirelli, 2009) are reliably correlated with activity state, sleep in invertebrates seems to lack
the large-scale, slow, synchronous neuronal activity similar to that occurring during
mammalian and avian SWS (Cirelli & Bushey, 2008; Hendricks & Sehgal, 2004; van
Although several studies have reported behavioural sleep in Fishes (specific resting posture,
periods of reduced activity …), only few studies have investigated EEG (for a review see
Hartse, 1994). In tench (Tinca Tinca), simultaneous recording was made of the electric
activity of the brain, muscles and gills activity, respiratory and heartbeat rates, and reactivity
to sensorial stimulations. There was no clear difference between the rapid, low voltage
electrical brain activity during the activity (night) as compared to the rest (day), nor was it
(Peyrethon & Dusan-Peyrethon, 1967; Zhdanova, 2006 for similar results in the zebra fish).
At variance in the catfish (Ictalurus nebulosus), the transition from activity to rest was
Additionally, there is no indication that a periodic state similar to paradoxical sleep exists in
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fishes, besides evidence for a global sleep-like state. Also, it remains a matter of debate
whether unihemispherical sleep (see below) exists in constantly swimming fishes, doubts
being raised in part by the absence of unilateral eye closure (Kavanau, 1998).
Available data on sleep in Amphibians are scarce (for a review see Hartse, 1994). Some
species maintain constant vigilance levels during behavioural rest (e.g. the bull-frog), whereas
reactivity to sensorial stimulations decreases in others, e.g. the tree-dwelling frog. Similarly,
EEG changes correlated with behavioural sleep have been observed in some species, but not
in others. Also, there is no evidence for periods of ocular movements during the quiescent
stage in Amphibians. Unilateral eye closure has only been reported in the bull frog (Rana
catesbiana) (Hobson, 1967), however only occurring briefly during respiratory acts and
Mammals and reptiles are neighbours in evolution, having led many researchers to investigate
vigilance states in reptiles. Sleep has been studied using continuous polysomnographic
(alligators and caimans) and saurians (lizards and snakes). Unequivocal signs of sleep are
present in reptiles at the behavioural level, associated in most studies with intermittent high-
amplitude, spikes and sharp waves in the EEG. At variance, few other studies have reported
to detect any sleep-related changes in the EEG (Walker & Berger, 1973).
Although still controversial, there are convincing arguments to support the hypothesis
that high-amplitude, spikes and sharp waves define a reptilian sleep state functionally
homologous to the mammalian and avian SWS (Hartse, 1994). Indeed, EEG spikes are
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associated with the presence of a behavioural sleep state in reptilians, and their density
increases after sleep deprivation in chelonian (Flanigan, 1974), iguanid (Flanigan, 1973) and
regulation. In vitro (Lorenzo, Macadar, & Velluti, 1999; Lorenzo, Velluti, 2004) and in vivo
(Gaztelu, Garcı´a-Austt & Bullock, 1991; Lorenzo et al., 1999) studies in turtles further
suggest that sleep-related spikes in reptilians originate in the medial cortex (the anatomical
and functional homologous of the mammalian hippocampus; Lopez, Vargas, Gomez, & Salas,
The lack of high amplitude, slow waves in reptiles has long been attributed to the
absence in these species of the thick six-layered neocortex responsible for generating EEG
slow waves in mammals (Hartse, 1994). Alternate hypotheses propose nowadays (a) that the
reptilian dorsal cortex lacks the interconnectivity necessary to generate sleep-related slow
mammals, birds and reptiles in the basic neurochemistry, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
of the thalamic reticular nucleus (Kenigfest et al., 2005; Llinas & Steriade, 2006), involved in
the genesis of sleep-related neuronal oscillations in mammals (Steriade, 2006), and/or (c) that
differences in the type and/or density of glia (Ari & Kalman, 2008) may explain why reptiles
lack SWS (Rattenborg, Martinez-Gonzalez, & Lesku, 2009), given that glia may amplify the
effect of corticocortical connectivity on neuronal synchrony during sleep (Amzica & Steriade,
Regarding to REM sleep analogues in reptiles, recorded sleep episodes associated with
rapid eye movements and heartbeat variations are very brief (a few seconds) and extremely
rare (a few minutes in several weeks of recording ) in crocodilians and lizards. The analogy of
these episodes with paradoxical sleep is still discussed. Also, the prevalence of unilateral eye
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closure during behavioural sleep suggests that reptilian sleep may occur unihemispherical
Since the discovery of REM sleep as a distinct phase in mammalian sleep, researchers have
searched for the origin and causes of the duality between REM and NREM sleep. Because
birds and mammals have evolved independently without common reptilian ancestors, the
presence of REM sleep in both suggests that this state has appeared independently in the two
phylogenetic branches to fulfil a function essential to more complex brains (Jouvet, 1994),
Sleep in birds
Like mammals, birds have NREM-REM sleep cycles (Campbell & Tobler, 1984; Lesku,
Roth, Rattenborg, Amlaner, & Lima, 2009; Rattenborg, Amlaner, 2002). They are also the
only other taxonomic group than mammals exhibiting high-amplitude slow waves in the EEG
during NREM sleep (Rattenborg et al., 2009), departing from the high-amplitude spikes and
sharp waves of reptilian sleep. Although some controversies persist, slow wave activity
during SWS appears to be homeostatically regulated in birds. For instance, SWA increases in
birds and mammals is directly linked to their common evolution towards large, heavily
Like most mammals, birds exhibit bihemispheric NREM and REM sleep in many conditions.
However, they have also developed the ability to sleep with one eye open, the contralateral
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hemisphere being awake to overcome the problem of sleeping in specific situations. Spooner
(1964) was first to observe an association between unilateral eye closure and
unihemispherical slow wave sleep (USWS) in young chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). In
those, the hemisphere contralateral to the open eye showed EEG activity typical of
wakefulness, whereas in the other hemisphere EEG activity was typical of SWS. The fact that
birds are able to control which hemisphere can sleep in response to changes in anticipated
risks suggests that USWS and unilateral eye closure serve a predator detection function.
Indeed, mallard ducks positioned at the edge of the group during rest (a position perceived by
the animals as dangerous; Bednekoff & Ritter, 1994; Elgar, 1989) exhibit a 150% increase in
USWS and a strong preference for directing the open eye toward the potential source of
danger (Rattenborg, Lima, & Amlaner, 1999), as compared to ducks safely sleeping in the
centre of the group, who display bihemispheric sleep. Thus, birds not only have the capacity
to control unihemispherical sleep, but also use this ability in a manner that reduces the
conflict between sleep need and predator detection. Although birds may also use USWS to
continuously monitor their environment for other purposes (e.g. food availability, weather
variations, etc.), predator detection is likely to be the most important given its surviving value.
Additional evidence suggests that some birds use unihemispherical sleep while migrating,
Sleep in mammals
Even though mammals represent a small fraction of living species, they have been logically
the most thoroughly investigated, humans belonging to this class. Alternating patterns
between NREM and REM sleep were found in almost one hundred species studied using
mammalians, but few exceptions discussed later (Fuchs, Maury, Moore, & Bingman, 2009).
Following the discovery of rapid eye movements (REMs) during sleep by Aserinsky and
Kleitman in 1953, tentatively linked to dreaming activity, William Dement found in 1957 an
association between REMs and distinctive patterns of cortical EEG activity in the sleeping
cat, hence the name of REM sleep for this state. At the same time, the French neurobiologist
Michel Jouvet, who was investigating subcortical activities in sleeping cats, observed periods
of muscle atonia arousing simultaneously with high-voltage spiky waves in the EEG, similar
enough to the waking stage (Jouvet & Michel 1959). The finding was curious and certainly a
paradoxical phenomenon, because at that time fast cortical activity was still regarded as the
of sleep. This apparent discrepancy led Jouvet (1959) to name this strange state of wake-like
brain activity ‘‘paradoxical sleep’’. It was soon recognized that REM and Paradoxical sleep
were two names for the same phenomenon, which was further studied by Jouvet and others in
more than one hundred species of vertebrates. Their main conclusion was that this essential
monotremes echidna and platypus who are primitive mammals that lay eggs, as birds or
marsupials, the two main subclasses of mammals. The third subclass is monotremes, found in
Australia and New Guinea, whose two only alive species are echidna and platypus. Fossil and
genetic evidence indicate that monotremes diverged from other mammalian lines about 150
million years ago, and that echidna and platypus are derived from a platypus-like ancestor
(Clemens, 1989; Flannery, 1989; Westerman, 1992). They have more genetic and
physiological similarities with reptiles and birds than other mammals, and are thought to
possess characteristics of the common mammalian ancestor (Grutzner et al., 2004), hence
there are considered “living fossil mammals” which may inform us about the evolution of
Initial studies have suggested that echidna lacks REM sleep (Allison & Van Twyver,
1972), because no typical REM sleep low-voltage EEG pattern is observed at the cortical
level like in eutherian and marsupial mammals. However, further investigations have shown
that brainstem activity is different from that seen in other mammals during NREM sleep and
resemble that seen in REM sleep. Indeed, activity of brainstem neurons decreases like during
NREM sleep, but variability increases as during REM sleep (Siegel, Manger, Nienhuis,
Fahringer, & Pettigrew, 1996). Since it is known that brainstem neuronal activity generates
REM sleep, these results suggest that echidna has a REM sleep-like state, but not
accompanied by low-voltage cortical EEG like in other mammals. In the platypus who was
also thought devoid of REM sleep, behavioural observation and telemetric measures have
demonstrated atonia with rapid eye movements, twitching and the electrocardiogram pattern
of rapid eye movement, altogether with moderate of high voltage cortical EEG typical of
NREM sleep and REM-like brainstem neuronal activation during 6-8 hours a day, actually
proposing the platypus as a champion of REM sleep (Siegel et al., 1999). These results in
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are more recently evolved features of mammalian REM sleep, which may have had its
In his book "The Promise of Sleep", William C. Dement (1999) notices that the dolphin,
originally a land mammal that has returned to the sea, maintains a number of terrestrial traits
including bearing live offspring and, unlike fish, breathing air. At variance with terrestrial
mammals however, breathing is under voluntary control in cetaceans -- a process that should
preclude sleep. In order to solve what seems an impossible equation, cetaceans have therefore
opted for unihemispherical sleep (Figure 4), allowing one half of the brain to go to sleep while
the other half remains awake (Lyamin, Manger, Ridgway, Mukhametov, & Siegel, 2008;
Siegel, 2005). Thus, high-voltage slow waves almost never occur in both hemispheres at the
same time, with the eye contra-lateral to the hemisphere with slow waves being closed while
the other eye remains open (Lyamin, Mukhametov, & Siegel, 2004; Mukhametov, Lyamin,
Chetyrbok, Vassilyev, & Diaz, 1992; Mukhametov, Supin, & Polyakova, 1977).
Unihemispherical SWS (USWS) may also serve additional functions like efficient predator
monitoring in the environment and thermogenesis, which has been probably important in the
evolution of USWS in cetaceans but also for their apparent lack of REM sleep (Lyamin et al.,
2008). Indeed, no REM sleep episodes have been detected in any of the four species examined
by Mukhametov and colleagues (Lyamin et al., 2002; Mukhametov, 1984; Mukhametov &
1995; Mukhametov, Oleksenko, & Poliakova, 1988; Mukhametov et al., 1977), despite long
which REM sleep seems to be totally inexistent, at least when accounting for the unusual
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form of REM sleep in monotremes. Only one published study has reported EEG features of
REM sleep with marked loss of tonus of trunk muscle in a pilot whale, however for no more
than 6 minutes and one time only out of three non-consecutive nights (Shurley, Serafetinides,
Brooks, Elsner, & Kenney, 1969). USWS has only been observed in three aquatic orders (e.g.
Cetacea, Pinnipedia and Sirenia) among mammals. In cetaceans, virtually all of their sleep is
of USWS type, whereas eared seals and manatees may also display bihemispheric SWS
Unlike the terrestrial environment, there are few warm, safe places to sleep in the
ocean. This may explain why, contrary to all terrestrial mammals, killer whales (Orcinus
orca) and dolphins have minimal amounts of sleep behaviour (e.g., immobility or eye closure)
at birth, slowly increasing to adult levels over months. It may allow the neonate to
thermoregulate in cold ocean water and to be protected during development while swimming
with its mother. As the animal gains mass and blubber and approaches adult size, adult-like
sleep behaviour emerges, including periods of immobility. The mother also presents a near
absence of typical sleep behaviour during the postpartum period (Siegel, 2005), for periods
that greatly exceed those of sleep deprivation reported to kill rats (Rechtschaffen, 1998).
Interestingly, neither mother nor calf seem to exhibit a rebound in the amount of sleep
behaviour after this period, questioning the presence of homeostatic regulation in cetacean
sleep. Still, some evidence has been observed in one study for a rebound after experimental
deprivation of slow waves, but responses were highly variable among animals (Oleksenko,
methods, the peculiar properties of cetaceans’ sleep (e.g. USWS combined with lack of
typical motor and sensorial inactivity and apparent lack of homeostatic regulation) are
questioning the very nature of the essential constituents of sleep. Further investigations are
besides unilateral neocortical slow waves and eye closure, are preserved in cetaceans and
might constitute the core substance of sleep (Manger, Ridgway, & Siegel, 2003).
Initiation and control of sleep-wake cycles, and alternation between sleep states are regulated
by activity in specific neuronal populations located in two broad regions, namely the basal
forebrain and hypothalamus. Before describing their mode of action, it is first necessary to
review the neurochemical systems that promote cerebral arousal and prevent the organism
falling asleep (Figure 5), allowing further understanding of the basic mechanisms of sleep
initiation and maintenance (Datta & Maclean, 2007). Over the past decades, a large set of
from these pontine and midbrain wake-promoting cells activate thalamocortical systems,
Rill, 2002)
(PPT) of the brainstem and in the anterior hypothalamus (AH) of the basal forebrain (BF).
Activity in these neuronal groups is high during wakefulness (maximally active in the basal
forebrain) and REM sleep, and strongly diminished during NREM sleep (minimally active for
PPT cholinergic cells). From a functional point of view, PPT and BF cholinergic cells are part
of the main arousal systems in the brainstem and forebrain, respectively. These neuronal
populations are causally involved in the generation of the desynchronized EEG pattern both in
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wake and REM sleep stages (Datta & Maclean, 2007; Steriade, Pare, Datta, Oakson, & Curro
discharges of thalamic mechanisms responsible for EEG spindles and slow waves
(McCormick, 1989; Steriade, McCormick, & Sejnowski, 1993). Although sharing many
properties, these two clusters of cholinergic cells also present specific features:
The pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) nucleus, being one of the major aggregations
amygdaloid wake-promoting systems of the forebrain (Datta, 1995; Datta & Siwek,
1997). Bursting discharges of a subgroup of these PPT neurons are also involved in
PPT neurons selectively active during REM sleep participate to the suppression of
muscle tone preventing motor activity during this stage of sleep (Datta & Maclean,
Cholinergic cells in the basal forebrain (BF) play an important role in hippocampal
and neocortical activation (Detari, Juhasz, & Kukorelli, 1984; Detari & Vanderwolf,
1987; Nunez, 1996; Stewart, MacFabe, & Vanderwolf, 1984). They receive input from
widespread projections to the cerebral cortex (Detari & Vanderwolf, 1987; Fisher,
Buchwald, Hull, & Levine, 1988; Gritti, Mainville, Mancia, & Jones, 1997;
Zaborszky, Carlsen, Brashear, & Heimer, 1986a; Zaborszky, Cullinan, & Braun, 1991;
Zaborszky, Heimer, Eckenstein, & Leranth, 1986b). BF cholinergic cells are widely
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especially the tuberomammillary nuclei (TMN). PH-TMN neurons are involved in promoting
and maintaining wakefulness (John, Wu, Boehmer, & Siegel, 2004), sending projections
through wake-promoting structures in brainstem and forebrain (Brown, Stevens, & Haas,
2001; Hass & Panula, 2003; Huang et al., 2001; Inagaki et al., 1988; Lin, Luppi, Salvert,
Sakai, & Jouvet, 1986; Panula, Pirvola, Auvinen, & Airaksinen, 1989; K. Sakai, El-Mansari,
& Jouvet, 1990; Sherin, 1998). Single cell recordings in freely moving cats and rats show that
the majority of TMN histaminergic neurons are active during wakefulness and silent during
sleep (Ko, Estabrooke, McCarthy, & Scammell, 2003; Sakai, Yoshimoto et al., 1990;
continuous sleepiness (Saper, Chou, & Scammell, 2001). Cessation of histaminergic activity
may be related to the loss of consciousness during sleep (John et al., 2004).
Most (NE)-synthesizing noradrenergic cells are located in the locus coeruleus (LC) of the
pons. They project directly to the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and other
subcortical areas such as thalamus, hypothalamus and BF (Berridge & Waterhouse, 2003;
Dahlstrom, 1964; Datta & Maclean, 2007; Lewis, 1987). During wakefulness, noradrenergic
neurons have a regular and tonic firing, slowing down during the initial phase of SWS (Aston-
Jones, 1981b; Foote, 1983). Like histaminergic cells, they are inactive during REM sleep
(Datta & Maclean, 2007). Cessation of activity in noradrenergic cells during sleep seems to be
related to loss of muscle tone (John et al., 2004; Lai, 2001). Activation/inactivation of locus
Foote, 1991; Berridge, Page, Valentino, & Foote, 1993), suggesting that activation of
noradrenergic cells participates in the process of cortical activation and behavioural arousal.
Serotonergic (5-HT)-synthesizing cells are located in cluster nuclei, called raphe nuclei, in the
brainstem. The two main clusters are the rostral cluster (a midbrain/pontine group sending
projections to the telencephalic hemispheres) and the caudal cluster (a medullar group
sending projections to the spinal cord) (Lyamin et al., 2008). Serotonergic cells have a similar
discharge pattern (maximal firing during wakefulness, decreased firing during SWS, no firing
during REM sleep; (Lydic, 1983; McGinty, 1976) and almost project to the same brain
regions than noradrenergic cell projections (Morgane, 2005; Tork, 1990; Vertes, 1988).
Unlike noradrenergic cells however, their role in promoting sleep and/or wakefulness and/or
sleep remains unclear (Datta & Maclean, 2007). It has been proposed that serotonin may play
a role in maintaining arousal, and regulating muscle tone and some phasic events of REM
sleep (John et al., 2004; Wu, Gulyani, Yau, et al., 1999; Wu, John, Boehmer et al., 2004). On
the other hand, a lesion in the raphe nuclei increases wakefulness and suppresses SWS (Sakai
& Crochet, 2001), suggesting that serotoninergic neurons are involved in SWS promotion.
Another, non exclusive functional hypothesis is that tonic activity of serotonin during waking
tend to suppress phasic events; and during REM sleep allows high voltage bursts of electrical
Hypocretinergic or orexinergic neurons, recently causally linked to sleep, are located in the
(GABAergic cells, see below) and the wake-activator histamine neurons of the posterior
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strong projections towards many primary wake-promoting neuronal systems of the brain
dopaminergic cells located in the substantia nigra compacta (SNc) and the ventral tegmental
area (VTA) present a similar pattern of activation across sleep–wake states (Steinfels, 1983;
Trulson & Preussler, 1984; Trulson, Preussler, & Howell, 1981). Notwithstanding,
Glutamatergic cells
Glutamatergic cells are located in the mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF). They send
strong projections to thalamic nuclei and the hypothalamus, thereby activating the thalamo-
cortical and hypothalamo-cortical networks, respectively (Datta & Maclean, 2007). Non-
invasive neuroimaging techniques in human subjects have shown that MRF activity is higher
during wakefulness than during SWS (Braun et al., 1997; Kajimura et al., 1999; Maquet et al.,
1990), in line with the proposal that glutamatergic neurons are involved in the maintenance of
behavioural states of wakefulness (Datta & Maclean, 2007). Likewise histaminergic neurons
For one part, sleep initiation results from the decreasing power of wake-promoting brain
neurons. NREM sleep generation and maintenance also depend on the implication of four
amino acid (GABA). Already in 1930, Von Economo demonstrated the existence of a sleep-
promoting area in the brain, by showing a correlation between severe insomnia and damage to
the anterior hypothalamus. A few decades later, GABAergic neurons (also named “NREM-on
cells”, see below) were identified in the ventrolateral preoptic (VLPO) area of the
hypothalamus. GABA cells are unique because, by contrast to most neurons, they are
maximally active during NREM sleep, less active during REM sleep and minimally active
during wakefulness (Siegel, 2004; Szymusiak, 1995; Szymusiak, Steininger, & McGinty,
2001). In this respect, GABAergic neurons may be viewed as the most potent sleep-promoting
component of the brain. Additionally, bursting activity of GABAergic cells in the VLPO
noradrenergic activity of the brainstem, but also in histaminergic and cholinergic systems, two
major arousal systems in the brain. By this way, continuous GABA release suppresses activity
in wake-promoting areas and activates NREM sleep (Datta & Maclean, 2007; Nitz & Siegel,
1997a; Nitz & Siegel, 1997b; Siegel, 2005). Slow Wave Sleep (SWS), which characterizes
deep NREM sleep, emerges by the reduction of neuronal activity in wake-promoting brain
regions due to the activation of GABAergic cells in the preoptic area, which in turn induces
hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), also involved in increasing the depth and duration of
Adenosine may play a role in the homeostatic regulation of sleep. Indeed, sleep
duration and depth are modulated by adenosine concentration in the basal forebrain
cholinergic region. Adenosine level progressively increases during extended waking periods
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and slowly declines during recovery sleep. It is hypothesised that increased adenosine
concentration in the cholinergic basal forebrain would decrease EEG arousal, increase
drowsiness and promote EEG delta wave activity during subsequent NREM sleep (Porkka-
Heiskanen et al., 1997). Additionally, adenosine may play a role in inter-individual variability
in sleep structure, NREM sleep intensity and detrimental effects of sleep loss on
underlying the effects of adenosine on NREM sleep homeostasis remain a hotly debated topic
maintenance are much more complex. In their pioneering study, Jouvet and colleagues
(Jouvet, 1962; Jouvet & Michel 1959, 1960) showed periodic occurrence of REM sleep signs
(REMs, muscle atonia, etc …) in a pontine preparation (i.e. transection just above the
midbrain-pontine junction), demonstrating that REM sleep generation originates from the
brainstem. Further studies have tried to provide a more detailed picture of the REM sleep
controlling network. They have shown that REM signs are controlled by specific neurons,
called “effector neurons” and concentrated for the most part in the reticular formation (RF) of
the pons (McCarley, 2007; Steriade & McCarley, 2005). Generation and maintenance of REM
sleep involve a complex system of neuronal connections between effector neurons, a system
In 1975, McCarley and Hobson published the reciprocal interaction model to explain
the mechanisms of REM sleep. They proposed that REM sleep generation and maintenance
cells (Figure 6) (McCarley & Hobson, 1975). REM-on neurons are reticular cholinergic cells
located in the pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) and lateral dorsal tegmentum (LDT) of the
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located in the locus coeruleus (LC) (El Mansari, 1989; Thakkar, 1998). During wakefulness
and NREM sleep, high levels of activity in REM-off aminergic neurons actively inhibit the
action of cholinergic REM-on neurons. Throughout NREM sleep however, activity in REM-
off aminergic cells gradually decreases, eventually releasing inhibition on REM-on cells,
whose increased activity will in turn induce REM sleep (Brown & McCarley, 2008)
Additional evidences suggest that REM-on cells have an excitatory effect on REM-off cells
during REM sleep, which will terminate the REM sleep phase when a sufficient level of
activity has been attained as to inhibit again activity in REM-on cells (McCarley & Hobson,
1975). Brainstem PPT/LDT cholinergic neurons are promoters of REM sleep by sending
excitatory cholinergic projections to the effector neurons. For instance, they cause loss of
muscle tone during REM sleep by triggering simultaneous inhibition of and withdrawal of
microinjection of acetylcholine agonists into specific regions of the pons), prolonged REM
sleep periods are elicited, further showing their crucial role in the regulation of REM sleep
Three regions are know to play a main role in the generation and maintenance of sleep stages
and their distinguishing features (e.g. spindles or ponto-geniculo-occipital waves): (i) the
thalamus, including nuclei such as the thalamic reticular nucleus sending and receiving
projections to and from the cortex; (ii) the hypothalamus located behind the thalamus and (iii)
the reticular formation, located throughout the pons and mesencephalon, sending projections
level in animals, the neurophysiological study of sleep and the macroscopic delineation of
sleep-related cerebral structures have also been achieved in human using non invasive
Tomography (PET) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) techniques have
involved in sleep and its components. The spatial accuracy of these techniques (up to a few
oscillatory rhythms using e.g. EEG (Happe et al., 2002), high-density EEG (Massimini,
Huber, Ferrarelli, Hill, & Tononi, 2004; Riedner, 2007) or magnetoencephalography (MEG;
Ioannides et al., 2004) both during REM and NREM sleep. Optimal combinations between
these techniques (e.g. simultaneous EEG-fMRI, see below for instance Dang-Vu et al., 2008;
Schabus et al., 2007) and their intrinsic advantages minimize their respective drawbacks,
permissive and/or executive manner in NREM and REM sleep stages. This
description of the cortical and subcortical cellular and synaptic interaction processes thought
responsible for these cerebral patterns and their respective implication in the generation of
sleep stages and their specific features. All studies presented in this section refer to “canonical
sleep”, e.g. normal sleep in healthy young humans, without any associated pathology or
interferences due to prior sleep deprivation or pharmacological intervention, that are beyond
NREM sleep
As discussed above, there is a progressive change from wakefulness to NREM sleep in the
way neuronal populations are firing, from a desynchronized tonic mode towards bursting
neuronal populations responsible for the low frequency, high amplitude EEG typical of
NREM sleep. As illustrated Figure 7, three interconnected neuronal populations are involved
in the generation of NREM sleep oscillations: (i) corticothalamic neurons (neurons A), that
have excitatory synapses on thalamocortical neurons and thalamic reticular neurons; (ii)
thalamocortical relay neurons (neurons B) with their cell bodies in the thalamus and axons
making excitatory synapses on pyramidal neurons in the cerebral cortex and on neurons in the
thalamic reticular nucleus and (iii) thalamic reticular neurons (neurons C) located in the
Neurons A and B are excitatory glutamaergic neurons, whereas neurons C are GABAergic
inhibitory neurons. The resulting loops into the cortico-thalamo-cortical network are involved
by different ways in the generation of spindles and delta waves, which in turn are organized
by cortically generated slow oscillations (<1 Hz; Steriade, 2001). Altogether, these rhythms
structures, under the control of brainstem and forebrain modulatory systems, and are
coalescent within specific time windows corresponding to the depolarizing phase (up state) of
followed by equally synchronous depolarization periods (down state), during which neurons
are virtually silent. When cerebral activity is recorded and averaged over long periods, for
tens of seconds up to minutes as it is the case with PET scanning, it entails that areas in which
activity is most synchronous will be those in which regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) will
be most decreased due to the fact that averaging has included the long depolarization periods
during which energy demands are minimal (Maquet, 2000). Accordingly, PET studies have
consistently reported decreased regional CBF and oxygen consumption during NREM sleep,
encompassing the dorsal pons and the mesencephalon, the cerebellum, the thalamus, the basal
ganglia, the basal forebrain and the anterior hypothalamus, and neocortical prefrontal and
anterior cingulate cortices, precuneus and mesial part of the temporal lobe (Figure 8)
(Andersson et al., 1998; Braun et al., 1997; Kajimura et al., 1999; Maquet, 2000; Maquet et
al., 1997). The relationship between the depth of NREM sleep and decreased rCBF thought to
spectral power for slow oscillations in the delta (1-4 Hz) range and decreased rCBF in most of
the cortical regions reported above, particularly in medial prefrontal regions where response
Above rCBF patterns reflecting synchronous activity within specific brain areas, more recent
studies have taken advantage of the better temporal resolution of fMRI (about one second)
cerebral activity specifically associated with slow (< 1Hz; >140 µV) and delta waves (0.5-
4Hz; 75–140 µV) during NREM sleep (Dang-Vu et al., 2008). Using an endogenous event-
related approach, these authors searched for brain regions in which changes in activity (i.e.
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Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent [BOLD] responses in fMRI) were coincident with the active
depolarized (“up”) state of these oscillations, as indexed by peak negativity in the EEG.
Results show that increased cerebral activity is associated both with slow and delta waves in
several cortical areas including the inferior frontal and medial prefrontal cortices, and the
precuneus and posterior cingulate areas. Besides these commonalities however, slow
oscillations (< 1Hz) are associated with increased activity in the parahippocampical gyrus, the
cerebellum and the brainstem, whereas delta waves are specifically associated with increased
Additionally, Dang-Vu et al. (2008) found increased activity associated with slow oscillations
in the midbrain and the pontine tegmentum, a region that includes critical structures involved
in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness (especially cholinergic and aminergic nuclei, see
above), the activation encompassing the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC). This unexpected
result suggests that these structures are active in phase with slow oscillations, maybe allowing
the brain to periodically restore microwake-like activity patterns in order to facilitate neuronal
interactions. Taken together, these results further confirm that SWS is not, as may have been
thought, a state of brain quiescence, but genuinely is an active state during which phasic
increases in brain activity are synchronized to slow oscillations (Dang-Vu et al., 2008).
As mentioned above, spindles are short-lasting (0.5-3 sec), waxing and waning oscillations in
the sigma range (11-16 Hz) during NREM sleep, especially during Stage N2. Spindles are
Krauchi, Renz, Wirz-Justice, & Cajochen, 2002; Knoblauch, Martens, Wirz-Justice, Krauchi,
& Cajochen, 2003), age (Landolt, Dijk, Achermann, & Borbély, 1996), menstrual cycle
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(Driver, 1996) and drugs (Aeschbach, 1994; Dijk et al., 1995). Behavioural and
electrophysiological data further suggest a functional differentiation between slow (11-13 Hz)
and fast (14-16 Hz) spindles (e.g. for a review De Gennaro & Ferrara, 2003), but their
functional neuroanatomy remained uncertain. PET studies have yielded conflicting results,
with a reported relationship between spindle activity and rCBF in the thalamus (Hofle et al.,
1997) contradicted later on (Dang-Vu et al., 2005). Using a combined EEG-fMRI approach,
Schabus and collaborators (2007) recently found that spindles occurrence is associated with
transient increases in regional brain activity in thalamic and paralimbic areas (anterior
cingulate and insular cortices), and superior temporal gyrus (Figure 10). Besides a common
neuroanatomical pattern, they also found that activity in distinctive thalamo-cortical networks
characterize fast and slow spindles. Whereas slow spindles only elicit additional increased
activity in the frontal gyrus, fast spindles are associated with specific activations in a large set
prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and anterior insula, further supporting the hypothesis that
generation of fast and slow spindles rely upon two functionally separated systems.
REM sleep
At variance with NREM, REM sleep and wakefulness are characterized by sustained,
desynchronized neuronal activity (Steriade & McCarley, 1990) associated with high energy
demands. Therefore, activity as measured using PET or fMRI will be increased in brain
regions actively involved in REM sleep processes as compared to NREM sleep, even above
activity levels observed during wakefulness. Using PET, REM sleep was associated with a
thalamic nuclei, basal forebrain, cerebellum, caudate nucleus, limbic and paralimbic
structures (e.g. amygdala, hippocampus, anterior cingulate cortex) and associative posterior
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temporo-occipital regions (Braun et al., 1997, 1998; Maquet et al., 1996; Nofzinger, Mintun,
Wiseman, Kupfer, & Moore, 1997; Peigneux et al., 2001). In parallel, decreased regional CBF
was found in frontal and parietal regions (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate
gyrus, precuneus and inferior parietal cortex), as well as in primary sensory areas (Braun et
al., 1997; Maquet et al., , 1996, 2000, 2005), indicating that activity in these regions is
Increased regional CBF activity in the PTT, thalamus and basal forebrain is in line with the
neurobiological literature, indicating that REM-on neurons and other cellular populations
responsible for REM sleep induction are located in these regions and mediate widespread
cortical activation through innervations in the thalamus and basal forebrain (Capece, 1997;
Datta, 1995, 1997; Steriade, 1990). Also, increased activity in amygdaloid complexes
involved in the generation of REM sleep (Morrison, 1999) reflects their potential role in the
modulation of regional activation/deactivation patterns during REM sleep (Amaral & Price,
1984). Indeed, most activated areas during REM sleep are regions receiving numerous
amygdalar projections, whereas deactivated frontal and parietal cortices are practically devoid
of amygdalar afferents (Aggleton, 1993; Amaral, Price, Pitkänen, & Carmichael, 1992;
Amaral & Price, 1984). Also, animal data have shown that electrical stimulation of the central
below) activity (Calvo, Badillo, Morales-Ramirez, & Palacios-Salas, 1987), one of the most
wakefulness, in line with PET results (Braun et al., 1997; Braun et al., 1998; Buchsbaum,
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Hazlett, Wu, & Bunney, 2001; Maquet et al., 1996; Nofzinger et al., 1997; Peigneux et al.,
2001). Beyond regional patterns of sustained cerebral activity however, fMRI investigations
suggest that transient changes in thalamocortical activity reflect the transition between tonic
and phasic components during REM sleep (Wehrle et al., 2007). Indeed, within human REM
areas seems to occur selectively during phasic REM sleep (e.g. rapid eye movements periods)
as compared with the predominant tonic REM sleep background, suggesting that REM sleep
subdivides into tonic REM sleep with residual alertness and phasic REM sleep with the brain
acting as a functionally isolated and closed intrinsic loop. From an evolutionary point of view
this transition may be beneficial since phasic REM sleep constitutes an extremely vulnerable
state during which sensory inputs are not perceived on top of decreased reactivity capacities
Probably the most distinguishing phasic feature of REM sleep are ponto-geniculo-
occipital (PGO) waves which are prominent phasic bioelectrical potentials occurring in
isolation or in bursts during the transition from NREM to REM sleep or during REM sleep
itself (for reviews, see Callaway, Lydic, Baghdoyan, & Hobson, 1987; Datta, 1999). In
animals, REMs are closely related to the occurrence of PGO which propagates throughout the
brain but prominently in the pons, the lateral geniculate bodies and the occipital cortex. PGO
are though a fundamental process of REM sleep, playing a significant role in central nervous
system maturation (Datta & Patterson, 2003). In human, intracerebral recordings in epileptic
patients (Salzarulo, Lairy, Bancaud, & Munari, 1975) as well as non-invasive PET (Peigneux
et al., 2001), fMRI (Wehrle et al., 2005) and magnetoencephalography (MEG; Ioannides et
al., 2004) studies in healthy volunteers indicate that rapid eye movements observed during
REM sleep are generated by mechanisms similar or identical to PGO waves in animals.
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In this chapter, we have tried to guide the reader beyond the appearances of a cessation of
waking activity during sleep. We have seen that despite evolutionary adaptations and
have learnt that above all, sleep is a state of the brain, and even more a series of active
sleep stages and their characteristic tonic and phasic patterns in man. Our exponentially
growing knowledge about the way sleep is regulated and organized at the brain level
should ultimately allow answering the fundamental questions of the vital functions played
by sleep in the life span. Indeed, one fascinating but still pending question is the
delineation of the exact function(s) played by sleep. Although we know with certainty that
sleep is an essential process for living species as different as humans and flies, we are still
functional hypotheses have proposed that sleep may promote restorative mechanisms for
the brain and body metabolism (e.g. cortical maintenance, energy conservation, body
mass, metabolism and sleep control), whereas others have considered that sleep plays a
prominent role in brain plasticity and memory consolidation processes (see related chapter
“The functions of sleep”). These proposals should not be viewed as mutually exclusive,
but rather reflecting multiple and complementary functions of sleep. An important task to
achieve nowadays is the identification of which of these hypothesized functions may only
be achieved during sleep, and which others may be executed during both waking and
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sleep, with sleep merely being a more efficient time for their accomplishment. It also
remains to be determined which, if any, of the proposed functions are universal across
mammalian species and across the lifespan, and which may be limited to particular
species or phases of development. Despite advances that have refined our understanding
of the relationships between sleep and cognitive processes, these underlying mechanisms
Sleep homeostasis; circadian physiology; the two-process model; circadian, diurnal and
Evolutionary perspectives; body restitution; cerebral restitution; core and optional sleep;
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conductor electrodes placed in contact with the scalp. The resulting signal is amplified and
digitized, filtered and cleaned from artefacts, then examined for rhythmic and transient
activities. Rhythmic activities are continuous oscillations patterns in the EEG that vary in
frequency (cycles per second, expressed in Hertz [Hz]) and amplitude (expressed in
characteristic features (e.g. K-complexes, vertex waves and spindles in sleep, see main
text). When the EEG is recorded at multiple scalp locations according to international
conventions (e.g. the 10-20 systems; see Information Box Figure 1 below), it additionally
allows topographic, spatially-based analysis of specific sleep patterns (Finelli, Borbely &
Achermann, 2001).
2. Electrooculography (EOG) records changes in voltage induced by the eye rotation, the
moving eyeball acting as a small battery, with the retina negative relative to the cornea.
Two electrodes located lateral to the eyes allow recording of horizontal eye movements,
two other electrodes above and below one eye allow recording vertical movements.
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Besides EEG, EOG and EMG, cardiac rhythms (electrocardiogram, ECG) and respiratory
activity can also be recorded simultaneously. Specific wires for EEG, EOG, EMG, ECG …
electrodes are connected through signal amplifiers to systems allowing recording and pre-
recordings have evolved toward digital polygraphs with high-capacity storage allowing
simultaneous recording and on-screen reviewing of multiple channels (up to 256 in high-
density EEG). According to the international consensus guidelines (Iber et al., 2007), EEG
with 16 or more channels would be an optimum to analyse sleep patterns, although a basic
scoring into different stages of sleep can be achieved with a minimum of 3 derivations located
frontally at F4-M1, centrally at C4-M1 and occipitally at O2-M1 (i.e. using right sided active
cortical electrodes F4, C4, O2 and a reference electrode M1 over the left mastoid in the
international 10-20 system; see Information Figure 1). Equally acceptable alternative
derivations are Fz-Cz, Cz-Oz, and C4-M1. In addition, many sleep units have a video camera
located in the bedroom, allowing the observation of the patient’s sleeping behaviour in
-Hz) -µV)
characterized by a desynchronized
0.5 second).
(e.g. spindles).
muscular atonia.
Sleep and the Brain – page 69/69
of the electrodes on the scalp (simplified representation). Electrodes are located along
imaginary lines across the head between bony landmarks that intersect at 10% or 20% of their
total length distance intervals, hence the “10-20” name. Letters indicate locations according to
the brain structure below the electrode, Numbers indicate left-right lateral location, and
M (M1-M2), Mastoid. The use of the 10-20 system ensures symmetrical and reproducible
electrode placement for within- and between-subject comparisons. A basic sleep recording
may be obtained using 3 electrodes (F4-C4-O2) and one reference electrode (M1), represented
FIGURE 1. Hypnogram illustrating sleep stages and their cycle in the course of a canonical
night in a healthy young sleeper. Grey bars indicate changes in sleep stages (or wakefulness)
across time. Note the progressive decrease in NREM sleep prevalence from the first half to
the second half of the night, whereas the reverse pattern is observed for REM sleep.
sleep. The homeostatic process maintains sleep propensity (duration and intensity of sleep)
which builds up during wakefulness and declines during sleep. The circadian process is a
nearly 24-hr endogenous oscillatory variation that determines the timing of the propensity to
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sleep. Ultradian mechanisms underlie the NREM–REM sleep cycle. As the sleep episode
progresses, the intensity of NREM sleep declines and the duration of successive REM sleep
FIGURE 4. EEG recording in a bottlenose dolphin during waking (A) and unihemispheric
slow wave sleep (USWS) in the right (B) and left (C) hemispheres (1-right cortex, 2-left
FIGURE 5. Sagittal view of human brain depicting the main neurotransmitter structures and
pathways involved in the generation and the maintenance of sleep and wakefulness.
(PPT) and in the anterior hypothalamus (AH) of the basal forebrain (BF). (HA)-synthesizing
cells in the substantia nigra compacta (SNc) and ventral tegmental area (VTA). (Glut)-
synthesizing glutamatergic cells in the mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF). From Datta
FIGURE 6. The reciprocal inhibition model for REM sleep (McCarley et Hobson, 1975).
During wakefulness and NREM sleep, noradrenergic (NE) and serotoninergic (5-HT) activity
inhibits cholinergic (Ach) REM-on neurons in the pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) and
lateral dorsal tegmentum (LDT). Throughout the course of a NREM sleep episode, inhibitory
feedback gradually decreases NE and 5-HT activity in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe
increased activity induces REM sleep. Activity in REM-on cells in turn exerts an excitatory
effect on REM-off cells during REM sleep, eventually leading to the termination of REM
sleep when a sufficient level of inhibitory activity has been attained in NE and 5-HT REM-off
oscillations). [A] corticothalamic neurons; [B] thalamocortical relay neurons; [C] thalamic
FIGURE 8. Brain areas in which regional CBF (rCBF) decreases during NREM sleep as
compared to wakefulness and REM sleep, measured using PET. Mid- sagittal (left panel) and
transverse (right panel) sections show higher synchronization (as reflected by decreasedrCBF)
in central core structures (brainstem and thalamic nuclei), basal forebrain, basal ganglia,
anterior hypothalamus, orbito-frontal and anterior cingulate cortices, and precuneus. Numbers
in the left panel refer to the corresponding transverse sections on the right. From Maquet et al.
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FIGURE 9. Combined EEG-fMRI investigation of human NREM sleep. Panels show brain
regions in which increased event-related BOLD responses are commonly associated with the
depolarized (up) state of slow and delta waves. Associated curves show the time course of
fitted response amplitudes (arbitrary units) during slow or delta waves in the corresponding
circled brain area. (A) Pontine tegmentum. (B) Parahippocampal gyrus. (C) Cerebellum. (D)
Medial prefrontal cortex. (E) Inferior frontal gyrus (F) Posterior cingulate cortex. From Dang-
Vu et al. (2008).
FIGURE 10. Functional neuroanatomy of fast and slow spindles. Panels show larger brain
responses for fast (red) than slow (black) spindles in the hippocampus (a), mesial prefrontal
cortex (b), precentral gyrus (c) and postcentral gyrus (d). From Schabus et al. (2007).
REM sleep (Braun et al., 1997; Maquet et al., 2000; Maquet et al., 1996; Nofzinger et al.,
1997). Regions in red colour are those in which there is a relative increase in neural activity
associated with REM sleep; regions in blue correspond to relative decreases in neural activity
associated with REM sleep: (a) lateral view; (b) medial view; (c) ventral view. A: amygdala;
B: basal forebrain; Ca: anterior cingulate gyrus; Cp: posterior cingulate gyrus and precuneus;
cortex; P: parietal cortex (inferior parietal lobule); PH: parahippocampical gyrus; O: occipital-
lateral cortex; Th: thalamus; T-O: temporo-occipital extrastriate cortex; TP: pontine
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