The Age of Industrializatio1
The Age of Industrializatio1
The Age of Industrializatio1
1. How rapid was the pace of industrial change? Explain the changes that occurred during the
industrial changes. [ IMPORTANT ] [CBSE -2017, 18]
Ans – 1. The most dynamic industries in Britain were cotton and metal, they were growing at a
rapid pace. Cotton came to be known as the leading sector in the first phase of industrialization
upto the 1840s.
2. With the expansion of railways, in England in 1840s and the colonies in 1860s, the demand
for iron increased rapidly. By 1873, Britain was exporting iron and steel worth 77 euros.
3. The new industries still could not easily displace the traditional industries. Even in the 19 th
century, less than 20% of total workforce was employed in indusrial sectors. Textile was the
dynamic sector which was produces in domestic units only.
4. The pace of industrialization was not stangnant for the traditional industries, they too had
small innovations, for eg :- food processing, furniture making, building etc.
5. Technological changes came slowly, as the machines were too expensive and industrialists
were cautious to use those as the machines often broke down and repair was costly. They
considered them, not so effective.
Q2 : - “Even the most powerful technology was slow to be accepted by the industrialists”
Explain with an example.
Who improved the steam engine? Who manufactured the new model?
Ans – James watt improved the steam engine produced by newcomen and even patented the
new machine in 1781, his friend Mathew boulton produced the new model. But even after a
few years they could not find any buyers.
2. At the beginning there were no more than 321 steam engines all over England, 80 were
cotton, 9 in wool and rest in mining. Steam engines were not used in any of the industries.
3. So even the most powerful industries were yet to be adopted by the industrialists.
Q3 :- Define
1] stapler
2] fuller
3] carding]
Ans – stapler :- a person who staples or sorts the wool according to its fibres.
fuller :- a person who fulls i.e gathers the cloth by pleating
carding :- the process in which fibres, such as cotton or wool are prepared before spinning.
Q4 :- Why were industrialists not worried about the setting up of industries in cities of victorian
Ans – In the victorian Britain, there were no shortages of labour and handwork. Poor peasants
moved to the cities in large numbers, so there was a plenty of labour in the cities, wages were
also low. This was the reason why industrialists had no problem of labour shortage and wage
costs. They did not prefer to introduce machines that required high capital investment for the
same reason
Q5 – Why did the industrialists preferred hand labour?
Ans – 1. In many industries the demand for labour was seasonal.
2. Gas works and breweries were busy through the cold season, so they needed more workers
to meet the demand.
3. Book binders, and printers too needed extra people to meet the Christmas demands.
4. At the waterfront, people were needed during the winters to repair the ships
5. In all such industries where production fluctuated with season, industrialists preferred hand
labour, employing workers for season.
Q6 :- Why did the upper classes preferred handmade goods?
Ans – In the upper classes too, the aristocrats and the bourgeoise preferred things that were
produced by hand, this is because hanmade products came to be symbolized as refinement and
class. They were better finished, individually produced and carefully designed. Most of the
machine made goods were just for exports.
A range of products were produced with hand only, machines were made to produce
uniforms, standardized goods for the mass. But the demand in the market was for different
shapes and designs. For example in Britain, 500 varieties of hammers and 45 kinds of axes
were produced. These were produced by suing the human skills.
In countries with labour shortage, industrialists were keen on using mechanical power to
minimize the use of hands, this was the case in America and Britain
Q10 – Which non mechanized works were produced with small innovations?
Ans – Food processing, building, pottery, glass works, furniture making etc.
Q13 – how did india dominate the international markets in textiles? [ V.V. IMPORTANT ]
Ans – Silk and goods from india dominated the international markets in textiles.
2. Even though coarser cotton were produced in many countries, but the finer varieties often
came from india.
3. Armenian and Persian merchants took the goods from Punjab to Afghanistan, eastern Persia
and central asia.
4. Bales of fine textiles were carried on the back of camels, through the north-west frontiers
passing mountains and deserts.
Q14 – From which pre-colonial ports were vibrant sea trade operated?
Ans – A vibrant sea trade operated through the main pre-colonial ports. Surat on Gujarat coast
connected india to the gulf and red sea ports, masulipatnam on the coromandel coast and
hoogly in Bengal had trade links with south east Asian ports.
Q15 – How did indian merchants and bankers help in the export of trade?
Ans- 1. A variety of indian merchants and bankers were involved in the network of trade
2. They financed production, carried goods and supplied exporters.
3. Supply merchants linked the port towns to the inland regions.
4. They gave advances to weavers, procured the woven cloth and carried it to the ports.
5. At the ports, the big shippers and export merchants had brokers who negotiated the price
and bought goods from the supply merchants operating in the inland.
6. But by 1750s this network was breaking down.
Q18 – What was the indicator of the growth of colonial power in india?
Ans – When surat and hoogly decayed because of trade collapsing then the old ports began to
fall and the growth of the new ones like Bombay and Calcutta was an indicator of colonial
growth. These new ports were controlled by the britishers, using European ships. If any of the
old port houses wanted to operate then it required a network shaped by European companies.
Q19 – Why were the britishers keen on expanding textile exports from india after the
Ans – The consoliation of east india company after the 1760s did not decline the textile ports in
india. British cotton industries had not yet expanded and indian cotton textiles were in great
demand in Europe. So company was keen on expanding textile exports In india.
Q21 –What happened to the workers after the shift to European companies?
How did the changes affected the weavers and other artisans? [ IMPORTANT ]
Ans – 1. Once the east india company established political power, it could establish a monopoly
right on trade activities, it developed a system of management and control that would
eliminate all the competition for eg controlled costs and ensured good quality of supplies.
2. The company tried to eliminate the exsisting traders and brokers connected with the cloth
trade and have a direct control over the appointed a paid servant called gomasthas
to supervise the weavers, collect supplies and examine the quality of the cloth.
3. They prevented company weavers from dealing with other buyers by a system of advances.
Once an order was placed, the weavers were given loans to purchase the raw material for
production, those who took the loans had to hand the cloth to the gomasthas not anyone else.
4. As loans flowed in and the demand for fine textiles expanded, weavers eagerly took up these
works in the hope to earn more, but as they had small plots of land which they earlier
cultivated along with weaving had to be leased out and devote all their time to weaving. It
indeed was a laborious and time consuming work where all family members were engaged.
Q22 – “In many weaving villages there were clashed between gomasthas and the weavers”
“The establishment of the political power by the EIC resulted in the ruination of the indian
workers” explain the statement.
Ans – There were reports of clashes between the gomasthas and the weavers.
1. Earlier supply merhchants had very often relationship with the weavers looking after their
needs and helping them in the time of crisis.
2. The new gomasthtas were outsiders, with no social link with the village.
3. They acted arrogantly, marched into villages with sepoys and peons and punished weavers
for delayed work.
4. The price of the goods, the weavers received was very low, they were completely tied with
the loans they had been given.
5. For these reasons, in many of Carnatic in Bengal weavers deserted villages and migrated,
they set up looms in other villages where they had family relations.
6. Weavers along with village traders revolted against these companies and its officials like
gomasthas by refusing loans, closing down their workshops and taking to agricultural labour.
Q23 – what were the steps taken by the weavers against the british policies?
Ans – 1. Weavers revolted against the company and its officials.
2. They began to refuse loans.
3. Closed their workshops and taking into agricultural labour.
Q24 – What was the prediction of henry pattulo, a company official about indian textiles? How
did it prove wrong?
Ans – In 1772, Henry pattulo, a company official, said that the demand of the indian textiles
could never reduce, since no other nation produced goods of the same quality. But by the
beginning of the 19th century we can see a decline in the textile exports from india. In 1811-12
price of goods accounted for 33% which decreased to 3% in 1850-51
Why britishers were worried about the imports from other countries?
Ans – As cotton industries developed in England, industrial groups started worrying about
imports from other countries.
2. These cotton industries pressurized the government to impose import duties on textiles so
that Manchester goods could sell in Britain without facing any competition.
3. Industrialists too persuaded the east india company to sell british manufacturers in indian
markets as well.
4. Exports of british goods thus increased dramatically.
5. At the end of the 18th century there had been virtually no import of cotton piece-goods into
india but by 1850 cotton piece goods constituted over 31% and by the 1870s it increased to
Q26 – What were the problems faced by the cotton weavers with the incoming of import
Ans – Cotton weavers faced two problems at the same time :
1. Their market collapsed
2. Local market shrank with the incoming of Manchester made goods, these goods were so
cheap (made by machines) that the weavers could not compete with them.
The local stories of these times, told the decline of the indian goods in the weaving regions, in
Q27 – What were the new problems faced by the weavers in the 1860s?
Ans – By the 1860s people faced a new problem, they could not get sufficient supply of raw
cotton of good quality. When the American civil war broke out and cotton supplied from the US
were cut off, Britain turned to india and started using the raw materials produced in india, due
to this the people were forced to use the raw and cheap raw materials for their goods.
2. By the end of the 19th century, weavers had to face yet another problem. Factories in india
began production, flooding markets with machine made goods toally suppressing the local
Q – How the Manchester goods affected the indian industries? [IMPORTANT]
Ans – 1. Weavers in india faced new set of problems that let to further decline in the cotton
textile industries in india.
2. The indian markets flattered with the cheap machine made goods from Manchester that
lead to decline in indian markets.
3. Traders in Britain persuaded the company to impose import duties that lead to decrease in
export of indian goods and international trade.
4. Trade depression in America lead to decrease in cotton supply in Britain, so india was their
last option to procure raw materials for cotton.
5. As raw cotton supplies increased, prices also increased therefore weavers had to buy the raw
materials at a higher cost.
6. In late 19th century, indian factories had to face stiff competition and suffered a major
Q28 – give a brief account of the industries that came up india. [IMP] [ 1 MARK GUARANTEED ]
Ans – 1. The first cotton mill came up in 1854, it went into production after 2 years.
2. By 1862 four mills were at work with 94000 spindles and 2150 looms.
3. Jute mills came up in began in 1855 at rishra, another one came up after 7 years (1862)
4. the elgin mill was setup in northern india in Kanpur In the 1860s
5. First cotton mill was setup after 1 year of the elgin mill.
6. By 1874, first spinning and weaving mills of madras began production.
Q – How did the trade with china increased industrial growth in india?
Ans – The history of many business groups goes back to trade with china, the british in india
began exporting opium and took tea from china to England.
2. Many Indians were included in this trade network providing finance, procuring supplies and
shipping, having earned enough through trade businessman in india had a vision to open up
industries in india.
3. In Bengal, dwarkanath tagore made enough money with chinese trade and set up 6 joint
stock companies in 1830s and 1840s. unfortunately tagore enterprises sank with those of
others in business crises of the 1840s
4. In Bombay, parsis like dinshaw petit and jamsetjee nusserwanjee tata built huge industrial
empires in india by accumulating their wealth partly from exports to china and partly from raw
cotton shipments to England.
5. Seth hukumchand, a Marwari businessman set up first jute mill in Calcutta in 1917 who also
traded with china. So did the father and great grandfather GD Birla.
Q- Why were the indian merchants not allowed to join the trade networks during the colonial
Ans – 1. As colonial governments measure increased substantially, the interference of
businessman became limited.
2. They were barred from trading with Europe in manufactured goods, and had to export most
of the raw materials like cotton, opium, indigo etc required by british.
3. Till the 1st world war, the European managing agencies controlled large sectors of indian
industries, these agencies mobilized capital, setup joint stock enterprises and managed them.
4. Indian financers had to provide the capital while the European agencies made all investments
and business decisions.
5. These European managing agencies had their own chambers of commerce where
businessman were not allowed to join.
Q- Name the three European agencies which controlled the industrial sector after 1 st world
Ans – 1. Bird heiglers co.
2. Andrew Yule
Q30 – How did the indian businessman find a way to survive in the age of Manchester goods?
Ans – When indian business man began setting up industries, in the late 19 th century, they
avoided competing with the Manchester goods. For example, yarn was not an important part of
british import to india, the early cotton mills in india produced coarse threads that could be
used in khadi process rather than the high quality yarn imported to them. These yarns could
provide living to the indian businessmans and also could be exported to china.
Q33 – Why could Manchester never recapture its old position in the indian markets after the
war? [ IMPORTANT ]
Ans – 1. Unable to modernize and compete with the US, Germany, japan, the economy of
britian crumbled after the war.
2. Cotton production fell and exports decline gradually.
3. Gradually the local industries gained over the home markets, substituting the Manchester
Q35 – How did some workers managed to survive in the era of machine made goods? [ CBSE
2017 ]
How did the flying shuttle help in improving production?
Ans – 1. Handicrafts people adopted new technology that helped them to increase their
production without excessively increasing the costs,
2. By the 20th century, we found weavers using looms with flying shuttle, which increased
productivity per worker, speeded up production and reduced labour demand.
3. By 1941, over 35% of handlooms in india were fitted with fly shuttles, for example in regions
like Travancore, madras, mysore, cochin, Bengal the proportion was 70-80%.
4. There were several other innovations that helped weavers improve their productivity and
compelled them to compete with the mill workers.
Q36 – What was the condition of the weavers in surviving the famines and competition?
How could certain weavers survive the competition with the mill industries?
How could you say that famines did not affect the sale of banarasi and baluchari sarees?
How the introduction of new technologies changed life of weavers and other crafts people
Ans – 1. Amongst some weavers some produced coarse cloth while others wove finer varieties.
2. The coarser cloth was brought by the poor and its demand fluctuated violently, In the times
of the bad harvest and famines, when the rural poor had little to eat, and their cash incomes
disappeared, they could not possibly buy the cloth.
3. The rich people who bought finer varieties were more stable, the rich were able to buy these
even when poor starved.
4. Famines did not affect the the sale of the banarasi or baluchari saris which were bought by
the rich people.
5. The saris with woven borders, or the famous lungis and handkerchiefs of madras could not
be easily displaced with mill production.,
6. Weavers and craftspeople who did try to expand production did not prosper much, they had
to live hard lives and worked long hours, most of the times, the entire family was used for the
production processs.
Q37 – What was the condition of the craftspeople and weavers who continued to expand
production in the 20th century? [ IMPORTANT ]
Ans – 1. They did not prosper much.
2. They lived hard lives and worked for long hours.
3. All the women and children had to work various stages of the production process.
Q38 – How did the british market their goods in india? [ VERY IMPORTANT ]
How advertisements played an important role in the growth of industrial markets?
Ans – 1. Advertisements of the products :- advertisements make their goods appear and
desirable, they try to shape the minds of people and create new needs. Advertisements used to
appear in newspapers, magazines, street walls etc. from the industrial age, advertisements
have played a major role in expanding markets for products and in shaping in a new consumer
culture. [ IMP ]
2. Putting labels on the cloth bundles :- When Manchester started selling In india, they put
labels on the cloth bundles. The lable was needed to make its place and name of the company
familiar to the buyers. For example they used to put label as “Made in Manchester” which
made people confident of buying the cloth. These labels were not only just texts but also
beautifully illustrated pictures, seeing those labels we can understand the calculations and the
way manufacturers appealed to the people.
3. Images of Indian goods and goddesses :- images of indian gods and goddesses regularly
appeared on the labels, it gave extra divine approval to the buyer, the images of saraswati and
Krishna made the people familiar with the Europeans.
4. Printing calendar to popularize their products :- By the late 19th century, manufacturers
printed calendars to popularize their products. Unlike newspapers and magazines calenders
were used by the most common person. These were hung in tea shops, in the homes of poor
people, offices etc. the images of gods were also associated with these calenders.
5. Images of renowned personalities :- like the images of goods, figures of the important
people adorned these calendars and advertisements. It generated respect for the product too.
If the product was used by a popular entity its quality could not be questioned.
6. It was said by the sellers that if people loved their nation, they have to buy the product that
increased swadeshi movement. [ IMP ]