2011 Catalog

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September 2010

s you know, for long-term success, your business needs to grow in revenue, not just by cutting costs. This usually means investing in people, equipment, land, buildings, marketing, and whatever else might be required for the company to progress. During a slow economy, filled with uncertainty, it is difficult to determine when it is safe to jump in and start spending. Right now, one of the safest things that you can do is to make sure that your people are well prepared to handle the business that comes through the door when the economy does turn around. You will be ahead while your competitors are playing catch-up. Right now, as customers are looking to stretch their dollars and get the most for their money, they are looking for vendors who provide the greatest value: A good quality product at an affordable price. A trained and productive workforce gives you that competitive advantage. SSPC Training and Certification programs are high quality learning opportunities that wont gouge your budget. Every program currently offered requires six days or fewer to complete a key feature that minimizes time away from the job. In addition, SSPCs online training library continues to expand as we look for ways to make training more convenient for our members. Finally, our programs are among the most flexible in the coatings industry in that we allow students to not only use previous SSPC training toward qualifying for certifications, but also certain non-SSPC programs that have been completed. Our main goal at SSPC is to provide the necessary knowledge and resources for the key stakeholders in a protective coatings project. So whether you are a contractor, consultant, inspector, engineer, paint or equipment manufacturer, or structure or facility owner, SSPC Training & Certification programs can help your project be successful. SSPC remains committed to partnering with you to ensure a competitive and competent workforce for the protective coatings industry. We encourage you to keep checking our web site (www.SSPC.org) for the latest developments in training and certification programs for coatings professionals like you. Best regards, Bill Shoup

Executive Director SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings

SSPC is accredited by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) as an Authorized Provider. IACET is a non-profit association dedicated to excellence in continuing education and training programs. IACET accreditation is the gold standard in continuing education and the accepted benchmark by which such programs are measured.

Table of Contents

SSPC Training & Certification Programs 2011

Surface Preparation & Coatings Application Coating Application Specialist Certification Program (CAS) ..............................................................................05 Abrasive Blasting Program (C7)..........................................................................................................................06 Water Jetting Program (C13) ..............................................................................................................................07 Airless Spray Basics (C12) ..................................................................................................................................08 Applicator Train-the-Trainer Program ................................................................................................................09 Floor Coating Basics ...........................................................................................................................................10 Marine Plural Component Program (MPCAC, C14) .............................................................................................11 Plural Component Basics ....................................................................................................................................12 Thermal Spray .....................................................................................................................................................13 Inspection Navigating Standard Item 009-32 .......................................................................................................................14 Using SSPC PA 2 Effectively ................................................................................................................................15 Protective Coatings Inspector Program (PCI) ...................................................................................................16 Concrete Coating Basics.....................................................................................................................................17 Concrete Coating Inspector Program (CCI) .......................................................................................................18 Bridge Coatings Inspector Program (BCI) .........................................................................................................19 NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI) .................................................................................................................20 Master Coatings Inspector Certificate (MCI) .....................................................................................................21
New New

Coatings Technology, Management & Safety Introduction to Safety and Health in Industrial Painting ...................................................................................22 Evaluating Common Coating Contract Clauses ..................................................................................................23 Project Management for the Industrial Painting Contractor .............................................................................24 Protective Coatings Specialist (PCS) .................................................................................................................25 Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1) ........................................................................................................26 Planning and Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) ...............................................................................27 Lead Paint Removal (C3) .....................................................................................................................................28 Lead Paint Removal Refresher (C5) ...................................................................................................................29 Lead Paint Worker Safety ...................................................................................................................................30 Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) ........................................................................................................................31 Marine Coatings ..................................................................................................................................................32 Basics of Estimating Industrial Coatings Projects .............................................................................................33
New New

Online eCourses, Short Courses & Webinars Short Courses ......................................................................................................................................................34 Online eCourses ..................................................................................................................................................35 Recertification Online Specialty Modules........................................................................................................36 Webinars..............................................................................................................................................................37 Schedule, Training Hosts & Registration Schedule of Public Course Offerings ............................................................................................................ 38-41 Training Hosts/Equipment Suppliers ............................................................................................................. 41-42 Training Program Categories ..............................................................................................................................43 Registration Form ...............................................................................................................................................44 3

Flexible Benefits
Company Members can Save Money with Flexible Benefits !
SSPC makes membership even more valuable to company members through the ability to customize a benefits package to suit their particular needs.

Membership in SSPC represents a valuable investment in your professional development. As a member, you will have access to a wealth of industry information, discounts on SSPC products and services as well as unparalleled networking opportunities. - Jim Dillon Newport News Shipbuilding

Flex Points

If training your work force is a priority for your company, you can use your flexible benefits points to lower the cost and increase the return on your investment. SSPC company members can use their Flex points to get additional discounts ($200 off per course for in-person classes) or get the below online training for FREE! Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1) eCourse (12 Points = Free Course) Planning/Specifying Coatings Projects (C2) Ecourse (12 Points = Free Course) Marine Coating eCourse (12 Points = Free Course) Quality Control Supervisor eCourse (5 Points= Free Course) Applicator Training Basics (5 Points= Free Course) Surface Preparation of Steel Prior to Coating Application eCourse (3 Points= Free Course) Surface Preparation of Concrete Prior to Coating Application eCourse (3 Points= Free Course) Surface Preparation of Nonferrous Metals Prior to Coating Application eCourse (3 Points= Free Course)

More Information

For information on SSPC Membership, please contact Ernie Szoke at 412. 281.2331, ext 2214, [email protected] or visit www.sspc.org/membership. To redeem your flexible benefits points for training, please contact Dee Boyle at 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 or [email protected].

On-site Training

Cant Make it to One of Our Public Course Offerings ? Let SSPC Bring The Course to You !
In an effort to accommodate our customers, SSPC training courses can be brought to your job site or facility anywhere in the world. Pricing for on-site courses is based on the course, number of participants, instructor travel and accommodation costs.

Consider these benefits

On-site training saves your company money and provides you with increased scheduling flexibility Compare your on-site prices to the total cost of sending a group of people to various public offerings Typically, the economics favor on-site training when you have five or more attendees Select the on-site dates most convenient for your organization

Students at an onsite class

If you wish to receive a proposal for an on-site training course, please submit the following information: The SSPC Course(s) you are considering Location where you would like to hold the training Estimated number of students Tentative Dates

International Training

More Information

Send to Jennifer Merck, [email protected] or fax 412.281.9993. Please include your full contact information and a customized proposal will be emailed to you within 3-5 business days.

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC works globally to enhance the coatings industry; runs education, training and chapter events all over the world.
SSPC offers classes in the following countries: Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam

SSPC Instructors

Coating Application Specialist Program (CAS) Coating Application Specialist (CAS) Certification Program
Program Description
The SSPC Coating Application Specialist Certification Program is designed to certify those individual craft workers who have experience and training in all aspects of hands-on surface preparation and coating application of complex industrial and marine structures, according to the requirements of the SSPC Coating Application Specialist (CAS) Program. This certification program also meets the requirements of ISO 17024. Facility owners, contractors, or certifying agencies may use this program for certification of Application Specialists for other substrates or conditions, as considered appropriate.

Dates & Locations:

January 29 March 14 May 6 August 12 September 30 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Phoenix, AZ Port Orchard, WA Pittsburgh, PA Seattle, WA

CAS Program Options

Program Options

SSPC Coating Application Specialist Level 1 SSPC Coating Application Specialist Level 2 Certification Program (CAS) (Interim Status) SSPC Coating Application Specialist Level 2 Certification Program (CAS) (Full Status) (See sidebar)

Coating Application Specialist - Level 1 1-Hour Written Exam Member $175 Non-Member $275 Coating Application Specialist Level 2 - Interim Status 1-Day Written Exam & Hands-on Skills Assessment Written Exam Member $175 Non-Member $275 Hands-on Exam Member $175 Non-Member $275 Coating Application Specialist Level 2 - Full Status 1-Day Written Exam & Hands-on Skills Assessment Member $175 Non-Member $275 Hands-on Exam Member $175 Non-Member $275 Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Hands-On Exam Retake Fee - $200 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Exam Content

Level 1 The SSPC Coating Application Specialist Level 1 exam consists of basic knowledge of industrial coatings and linings. Level 2 The SSPC Coating Applicator Specialist Level 2 Certification Program requires passing a closed-book written exam drawn from the core areas of the SSPC Transition Plan Body of Knowledge: Environmental, safety, and health Surface Preparation Coating Application Equipment/Troubleshooting

The hands-on portion of the testing certifies proficiency in abrasive blasting and coating application using conventional or airless spray. A minimum grade of 70% is required on the written exam and a minimum grade of 90% is required on the hands-on practical exam, in order for a painter to be considered for (CAS) certification.

Certification Documentation and Maintenance

About the Interim Program

The Interim Certification Program, SSPC Coating Application Specialist (CAS) allows those in the current workforce the opportunity to realistically achieve certification during the next several years. It focuses directly on the needs of the Application Specialist and provides criteria for the education, training, experience, knowledge, and motor skills required to prepare and apply protective coatings to steel and concrete surfaces of complex industrial and marine structures. SSPC offers two tracks to achieve interim certification under the SSPC CAS Program. Visit www.sspc.org/training.

Once workers pass the SSPC Level 2 interim or full status application specialist certification written and practical exams, SSPC will perform the following administrative tasks: Maintain documentation of the certification by entering the students into the SSPC database Issue SSPC certificates and photo ID wallet cards for those who have achieved certification. Certification will be valid for no more than three years and is maintained by: Successful completion of a minimum of 40 hours per year of SSPC accepted formal applicator training; or Successful retake of the written and practical certification examination.

About the Full Status Certification Program

Due to the make up of the current workforce and available training opportunities, SSPC strongly believes that owners should specify SSPC Interim Status painter certification during the next several years (in lieu of full status certification), while the industry gets up to speed with the new requirements. For a copy of SSPCs position statement go to www.sspc.org/training. SSPC will still offer full status certification to SSPC ACS-1/NACE 13 under the CAS program for those who request it and qualify. SSPC offers three tracks to achieve full certification under the SSPC CAS Program. Visit www.sspc.org/training for the latest information.

Important Note:

Online 8

For full program details, please visit www.sspc.org/training.

SSPC Interim Application Specialist Certification is valid for a maximum of two three-year terms or 6 years. Those wishing to renew their application specialist certification after completion of the second term must take a Full Status written exam in order to transfer certification status from interim to full.

More Information

If you are an employer interested in providing training for your employees to meet the formal training requirements of CAS, SSPC can provide this material to you. See Page 9 of this training brochure for more information.

Abrasive Blasting (C7)

Dates & Locations:
January 15 February 4 March 12 March 15 March 19 April 4 April 18 May 14 June 18 July 16 August 16 September 17 October 3 October 22 November 19 Chesapeake, VA Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Dubai, UAE Phoenix, AZ Norfolk, VA Port Orchard, WA Hawaii Chesapeake, VA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Honolulu, HI Norfolk, VA Seattle, WA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA

Abrasive Blasting Program (C7)

Level: Basic Includes Written Exam and Hands-On Skills Assessment Cost: Member $795 Non-Member $995 Credits: 0.6 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description

C7 is designed for contractor personnel who wish to obtain certification or others who wish to learn about dry abrasive blast cleaning of steel. It covers principles of surface preparation, surface cleanliness, surface profile, dust and debris control, and abrasives. Note: Students who do not want to receive the C7 Certification can attend and receive a certificate of attendance by only attending the lecture portion of the training and observing the blaster demonstration.

Course Content

Principles of Surface Preparation Primary Components of an Abrasive Blasting System Abrasives Nozzle Equipment Operations Hands-On Session Portable Centrifugal (Wheel) Blast Equipment Operations Hands-On Session


Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Recognize the importance of surface preparation Discuss the merits of dry compressed air abrasive and centrifugal shot blast cleaning as a surface preparation method Create a surface profile to industry standards that define the level of achievable surface cleanliness

The C7 courses listed above are all 1-day courses, limited to 10 students.

DoD Funded Training

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs C7 Course. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.

Course Format

The course starts out with a classroom overview of fundamentals in preparation for the written exam, which is then followed by a thorough review and walk-through of abrasive blasting and portable centrifugal blasting equipment setup and operation. Once the written exam is completed, a tailgate safety meeting is conducted to review safe gun operating procedures, including troubleshooting and signals, before the hands-on session takes place. Following the equipment review, the instructors will observe each student as they describe setup procedures and demonstrate their blasting skills. This format provides candidates with prior blasting experience an opportunity to achieve blaster certification. This program is not intended for inexperienced blasters. Each candidate will receive a comprehensive manual that includes copies of useful handouts and industry blast cleaning standards. Those who successfully complete the blaster certification program will receive a certificate and wallet identification card from SSPC. The written multiple-choice exam is worth a maximum of 100 points. The hands-on evaluation is also worth a maximum of 100 points. Candidates wishing to achieve the C7 Certification and CEUs must attend all 16 hours of the certification and pass the written exam with a score of 70% and the hands-on exam with a score of 80%.

U.S. Navy Requirement

Required Certification under the NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32

Certification Term & Renewal

All qualified Abrasive Blasters must re-certify in the fifth year from their initial certification date. Visit www.sspc.org/training for the latest information.

Currently Certified

Visit the SSPC website for a list of certified SSPC Abrasive Blasters. www.sspc.org/training

Who Should Attend

Contractors and facility owners.


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Providing Your Own Training?

Companies that have already trained their employees may elect to forgo the SSPC classroom training component and have an authorized SSPC representative oversee a written exam and a hands-on certification session. The SSPC exam proctor will not review any of the training topics with the students. It will be assumed that they have already been trained and are ready to be tested. If you would like to forgo the SSPC classroom training and only have SSPC come to your facility to proctor the exams, please contact Jennifer Merck ([email protected] or 877.281.7772 ext 2221) to request a cost proposal for this option.


Effective January 2005, SSPC has instituted new pre-requisites for the C7 Certification candidates. Before registering for the course, please visit www.sspc.org/training to download the Experience Form, and view the latest information prerequisite information. All candidates must submit a Statement of Experience Form on the first day of the training.

Water Jetting (C13) Water Jetting Program (C13)

Dates & Locations:
March 16-17 March 16-17 June 4-5 September 10-11 December 3-4 Dubai, UAE Phoenix, AZ Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA

Level: Intermediate 2 Days / 16 Hours (Includes Written Exam and Hands-on Skill Assessment) Cost: Member $795 Non-Member $995 Credits: 1.3 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description

This program assesses the skills of waterjetters who have a minimum of 120 hours waterjetting work experience and prior documented employer-provided training on the waterjetting equipment they use on the job. Candidates are certified through a brief written exam and a practical hands-on skill assessment. This is not a training program for beginners. It is a certification program for waterjetters meeting specific experience requirements.

Scheduling and Proposals

To receive a proposal for scheduling at your facility, including price estimate, set-up requirements and an equipment list, please contact Jennifer Merck tollfree at 877.281.7772, ext 2221 or [email protected]

Course Content

Surface Preparation Overview Basic Safety Awareness Overview Equipment and Productivity Review of Waterjet Cleaning to SSPC SP-12/NACE 5 and Use of SSPC VIS 4/NACE VIS 7 Review Unit (An optional unit reviewing wet abrasive blasting is available to be presented as needed.)


Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Describe the purpose of surface preparation and what it includes List the PPE required for waterjetting Discuss how tail-gate meetings improve job safety Identify the components of the waterjetting system Using SSPC VIS 4/NACE VIS 7, determine the initial condition of a surface and assess the level of cleanliness Using SSPC SP-12/NACE 5, demonstrate ability to achieve the level of waterjet cleanliness required for a given job

Each candidate must obtain written confirmation from his or her employers human resource manager that the candidate has a minimum of 120- documented hours experience waterjetting in an industrial or marine environment prior to qualifying for the Waterjetting Certification. Before registering for the course, please download the experience form. All candidates must submit this experience form prior to going through this program.

Certification Term and Renewal

All certified Water Jetting candidates must re-certify in the fifth year from their initial certification date. Visit www.sspc.org/training for the latest information. The re-certification process will include a brief open book multiple choice exam. Candidates must pass the exam with a score of 85%.

Course Format

U.S. Navy Requirement

Each candidate will receive a comprehensive manual that includes copies of relevant standards. The one day classroom portion begins with an overview of all surface preparation methods and basic safety followed by an intensive discussion of equipment and productivity and guidelines for using SSPC VIS 4 to achieve the SSPC SP-12 cleaning levels. Day two begins with a brief review of the first days classroom lecture before the written exam. Once the written exam is completed, a tailgate safety meeting is conducted to review safe gun operating procedures, including troubleshooting and signals, before the hands-on session takes place. During the hands-on skill assessment, the instructor will observe each candidate waterjetting and grade them on achieving SSPC-SP 12 WJ-2 Very Thorough or Substantially Clean Surface with the proper cleaning techniques. Candidates will also be graded on wearing proper PPE and their ability to identify the major components of the waterjetting equipment used. The written multiple-choice exam is worth a maximum of 100 points. The hands-on evaluation is also worth a maximum of 100 points. Candidates wishing to achieve the Waterjetting Certification and CEUs must attend all 16 hours of the certification and pass the written exam with a score of 70% and the hands-on exam with a score of 80%.

Required Certification under the NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Who Should Attend

Waterjetters with a minimum of 120 hours waterjetting work experience; waterjetting shift supervisors and project managers.

Providing Your Own Training?

Companies that have already trained their employees may elect to forgo the SSPC classroom training component and have an authorized SSPC representative oversee a written exam and a hands-on certification session. The SSPC exam proctor will not review any of the training topics with the students. It will be assumed that they have already been trained and are ready to be tested. Contact Jennifer Merck ([email protected] or 877.281.7772 ext 2221) for a proposal.

Airless Spray Basics (C12)

Dates & Locations:
January 30-31, Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 February 19-20 March 14-15 March 18-19 April 4-5 April 7-8 April 16-17 April 21-22 June 11-12 August 20-21 October 6-7 October 15-16 December 17-18 Chesapeake, VA Dubai, UAE Phoenix, AZ Waukesha, WI Port Orchard, WA Norfolk, VA Hawaii Chesapeake, VA Norfolk, VA Seattle, WA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA

Airless Spray Basics (C12)

Airless Spray Basics Training Only w/ simulator 2 Days/16 Hours, includes Written Exam & Hands-on Skills Assessment Airless Spray Basics (C12) Training without Simulator PLUS Certification 2 Days/16 Hours, includes Certification Written Exam & Hands-on Skills Assessment

Technician Level Member $595 Non-Member $795 Certification Level Member $795 Non Member $995

This course is designed to train and certify marine/industrial applicators to operate airless spray equipment, incorporating the use of a paint simulator and actual hands-on spraying. While using the simulator you will learn the proper technique for airless spray painting by using a program that simulates real life situations and equipment used in the field.

Course Description

Course Content

Note all offerings are for certification only and will not use the simulator - except for the SSPC 2011 course. Both levels: Credits: .6 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

- Introduction/Overview of Airless Spray Equipment Operational Systems - Proper Mixing Techniques - Proper Spray Techniques - Conventional Spray (optional) - Troubleshooting

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course you will be able to: Discuss the advantages of airless spray technology Recognize the importance of when and how coatings are mixed prior to airless spray Apply airless spray coatings to steel and concrete to meet the requirements of a given job specification

U.S. Navy Requirement Prerequisites

Required Certification under the NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32. The candidate must have a minimum of 800 hours applying protective coatings with airless spray in an industrial or marine environment prior to qualifying for the C12 Certification. Before registering for the course, please download the experience form. All candidates must submit this experience form prior going through this program.

Course Format

Classroom The classroom session consists of training on the fundamentals of airless spray technology: spraying protective coatings using airless spray pumps (e.g., material ratio; material viscosity; mixing; ambient conditions for application and curing; product data sheets; material safety data sheets; spray technique); equipment operation; troubleshooting basics and lessons learned; coating materials appropriate for airless spray, and quality control basics. Technician Exam and Simulator Hands-On Assessment The hands-on assessment requires each candidate to operate the virtual paint simulator to spray coatings to meet the coating manufacturers product data sheet (PDS) requirements. Candidates must also take a written exam and also answer questions about troubleshooting if things go wrong while spraying the simulator. Certification Exam and Hands-On Assessment On day two of class a certification written exam is given. Once the written exam is completed, a tailgate safety meeting is conducted to review safe gun operating procedures, including troubleshooting and signals, before the hands-on session takes place. The hands-on assessment requires each candidate to spray coatings on a steel test panel constructed in accordance with ASTM D 4228 and to meet the coating manufacturers product data sheet (PDS) requirements. Candidates must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during the hands-on session and must be able to answer questions about troubleshooting if things go wrong with the spray pump operation. Those who successfully complete the C12 certification program will receive a certificate and wallet identification card from SSPC. Candidates wishing to achieve the C12 certification must pass the written exam with a score of 70% and the hands-on exam with a score of 80%.

Certification Term & Renewal

All qualified Airless Sprayers must re-certify in the fifth year from their initial certification date. Visit www.sspc.org/training for the latest information. The re-certification process will include a brief open book multiple choice exam. Candidates must pass the exam with a score of 85%.

Currently Certified
Go to www.sspc.org/training.

Providing Your Own Training?

Companies that have already trained their employees may forgo the classroom training component and have an authorized SSPC representative oversee a written exam and a hands-on certification session. The SSPC exam proctor will not review any of the training topics with the students. It will be assumed that they have already been trained and are ready to be tested. Contact Jennifer Merck ([email protected] or 877.281.7772 ext 2221) for a proposal.

DoD Funded Training

Who Should Attend Simulator Funding

Contractors, project supervisors, and craftworkers involved in applying airless spray technology.

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in the C12 Course. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.

The Virtual Paint Simulator was purchased in part through a grant from The Sherwin-Williams Company.

Applicator Training Applicator Train-the-Trainer Program (ATT)

Dates & Locations:
January 29-30 March 18-19 April 6-7 May 4-5 August 10-11 September 13-14 September 28-29 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Dubai, UAE Waukesha, WI Port Orchard, WA Pittsburgh, PA Phoenix, AZ Seattle, WA

2 Days /16 Hours, includes Written Exam & Hands-on Skills Assessment Cost: Member $795 Non-Member $995 Credits: .6 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description

The course is designed to train owners, supervisors and other representatives of industrial painting contracting companies on the delivery of two levels of the SSPC Applicator Training Program for surface preparation and coating application. It will also provide you and your craft workers with a standardized curriculum for applicator training that you can present at your shop or job site at your own convenience.

Course Content

Where Is It Taught ?

The program covers topics in the areas of surface preparation and coating application for Levels I and II. Level I training is especially designed for entry-level employees new to the coatings industry while Level II meets the training needs of more seasoned craft workers. - Overview of Coating Applicator Training and Certification Program - Level 1 Content, Methods of Delivery and Instructor Notes - Level 2 Content, Methods of Delivery and Instructor Notes

SSPC will be holding this course around the United States, In addition, the course is available for custom delivery on-site at your location. Contact Jennifer Merck at 877.281.7772, ext 2221 for information on how to hold this course at your facility.

Online 8

Benefits of Attending

The benefits of attending the SSPC Applicator Train-the-Trainer course include: Becoming authorized to teach the SSPC applicator training curriculum to your craft workers Certificates of successful completion of SSPC training for your workers who complete the training Preparing those you train for achieving applicator certification in the future

Before registering for the course, please download the Prerequisite Forms, which can be found at www.sspc.org/training.

Additional Modules

Course Format

The two-day train-the-trainer program reviews the applicator curriculum through lectures, team exercises, and a hands-on component that covers hand-and-power tool cleaning, abrasive blast cleaning, and spray application. The trainer course concludes with two short Level II exams, one covering surface preparation and one covering coating application. Trainers completing this Train-the-Trainer session are qualified by SSPC to return to their facilities and teach the SSPC curriculum to their workers.

The following modules can be purchased at an extra price. These modules cover the core Body of Knowledge of ACS-1/NACE 13 requirements for surface preparation and application plus several specialty areas, such as coating concrete as well as safety in painting. Please contact Jennifer Merck, [email protected] or 877.281.7772 ext 2221 for pricing. -Corrosion Basics/Coating Materials -Surface Preparation -Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning -General Surface Preparation Methods and Hand/ Power Tool -Waterjetting -Coating Application Fundamentals -Airless Spray and Hands-on -Plural Component -Coating Concrete -Safety in Painting

Who Should Attend

Contractor supervisory personnel interested in learning how to train their craft workers in surface preparation and application techniques.

The Complete SSPC Train-the-Trainer Package

SSPC has created this Train-the-Trainer Package to provide you with the tools to complete your craft worker training and create documentation of that training. Once you take the Applicator-Train-the-Trainer and pass the exam, you will get a CD-ROM to help you prepare in teaching your own workers. The CD-ROM will be sent to you along with your wallet card and certificate after the course is over. The CD-ROM will prepare you to train your workers in a step-by-step fashion through all aspects of surface preparation and application for Level 1 (entry-level) and Level 2 (apprentice or journeyman level). The CD also provides you with a complete plan for the hands-on training so that you will know exactly what equipment and supplies are needed to deliver the course at your facility. The training modules to complete the body of knowledge will also be available from SSPC for an additional fee. Contact Jennifer Merck at 877.281.7772 ext 2221 or [email protected] for more information.

To Register

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC offers classes in the following countries:
Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand

United Arab Emirates Vietnam

Concrete Floor Coating

Dates & Locations:
February 22-23 March 29-30 April 19-20 May 3-4 June 22-23 September 15-16 September 26-27 October 4-5 October 18-19 November 15-16 Cincinnati, OH Orlando, FL Cincinnati, OH Atlanta, GA Cincinnati, OH Phoenix, AZ Cincinnati, OH Waukesha, WI Meriden, CT Cincinnati, OH

Floor Coating Basics

Level: Basic 2 Days / 16 Hours (Includes Course Exam) Cost: Member $595 Non-Member $795 Class Time: 8:00 - 5:00 Credits: 1.5 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description

This course is designed to meet the practical training requirements of SSPC-QP 8 Section 4.4, which require that each job crew chief and each QC manager complete a minimum two-day overview of concrete components, coating and surfacing types, and surface preparation and substrate repair techniques based on SSPC consensus standards TU-10, Procedures for Applying Thick Film Coatings and Surfacings Over Concrete Floors.

Course Content

To Register

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Concrete Composition Coating and Surfacing Concrete Condition Assessment Planning and Documenting Work Concrete Repair and Surface Preparation Treatment of Concrete Joints Readiness Prior to Installation General Installation Guidelines Concrete Sealers Concrete Primers Coatings/Topcoats Spray Application Installation of Self-Leveling Systems Installation of Slurry Coats Installation of Broadcast Flooring Systems Troweled Polymer Flooring Systems Coving Incorporating Reinforcement into Coatings and Surfacings Post-Installation Quality Assurance

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Recognize the basic properties of concrete Identify the procedures involved in inspecting, documenting, and preparing for an installation Detect substrate defects that must be repaired before coating/surfacing Employ surface preparation techniques based upon the requirements of the system to be installed Describe how to apply/install coatings/surfacings to concrete floors Evaluate contractor quality control of work

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes a glossary of terms, references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. Day one is devoted to a brief overview of the basic properties of concrete, condition assessment, planning, surface repair, and joint treatment. Sealers, primers, topcoats and application procedures and post-job quality control are covered during day two. The unit material is reinforced by five quizzes prior to the 50-question multiple choice final exam. The course also features six interactive exercises addressing ambient conditions, use of technical and material safety data sheets, selecting coating systems, adhesion, and calculating thickness and volumes. A project planning exercise assists students in applying lecture topics to a job scenario. To receive a certificate and CEUs you must attend all 16 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

Who Should Attend

Concrete contractor coating and surfacing managers and related personnel.


Marine Plural Component (MPCAC C14) Marine Plural Component Program MPCAC (C14)
Dates & Locations:
April 5-6 April 19-20 October 4-5 Port Orchard, WA Hawaii Seattle, WA

Level: Intermediate 2 Days/16 Hours, Includes Written Exam & Hands-On Skills Assessment Cost: Member $795 Non-Member $995 Credits: 0.7 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Scheduling and Proposals

Course Description Course Content

This course is designed to certify craft workers operating plural component spray equipment and those applying protective coatings on steel in immersion service by airless spray using plural component spray equipment.

To receive a proposal for scheduling at your facility, including price estimate, set-up requirements and an equipment list, please contact Jennifer Merck tollfree at 877.281.7772, ext 2221 or [email protected]

DoD Funded Training

Introduction to and Overview of Plural Component Equipment Operational Systems Troubleshooting Characteristics of Plural Component Coatings Group Exercise Brush & Roll

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs C14 Course. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Discuss the advantages of plural component spray technology Describe a two-part high solids epoxy Recognize the importance of when and how coatings are mixed on a plural-component spray pump Distinguish among the various methods of mixing: manual, at the gun, before the manifold, after the manifold Apply plural-component coatings to steel in a manner that meets the requirements of a given job specification

Certification Term & Renewal

All certified Marine Plural Component candidates must re-certify in the fourth year from their initial certification date. Visit www.sspc.org/training for the latest information. The re-certification process will include a brief open book multiple choice exam. Candidates must pass the exam with a score of 85%.

U.S. Navy Requirement

Course Format

Required Certification under the NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32.

Classroom The classroom session consists of a 6- 8 hour review of the fundamentals of plural component spray technology: spraying high solids coatings using airless plural component spray pumps (e.g., material ratio; material viscosity; mixing; ambient conditions for application and curing; product data sheets; material safety data sheets; spray technique); equipment operation; troubleshooting basics and lessons learned; coating materials appropriate for plural component spray with focus on 2K 98% solids epoxies; and quality control basics. Hands-On Assessment The hands-on assessment requires each candidate to operate the plural component pump and explain its operations. The candidate is also required to spray coatings on a steel test panel constructed in accordance with ASTM D 4228 and to meet the coating manufacturers product data sheet (PDS) requirements. Candidates must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during the hands-on session and must be able to answer questions about troubleshooting if things go wrong with the spray pump operation.

Important Information

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes copies of useful handouts and industry blast cleaning standards. Those who successfully complete the MPCAC certification program will receive a certificate and wallet identification card from SSPC. Candidates wishing to achieve the MPCAC certification and CEUs must attend all 16 hours of the certification and must pass the written exam with a score of 70% and the hands-on exam with a score of 80%.

Who Should Attend Program Focus

Providing Your Own Training?

Contractors, project supervisors, and craftworkers involved in applying plural component technology.

Program focus is on the application of two component (2K) 100% high solids epoxy protective coatings in a marine (shipboard) environment. However, SSPC does have a Plural Component Basics course, that evaluates the qualifications of those who apply (2K) 100 % solids protective coatings using plural component spray equipment in an industrial environment on steel or concrete.

Companies that have already trained their employees may elect to forgo the SSPC classroom training component and have an authorized SSPC representative oversee a written exam and a handson certification session. Please contact Jennifer Merck ([email protected] or 877.281.7772 ext 2221) to request a cost proposal for this option.


To certify the competency of individuals who operate plural component spray equipment and those who spray protective coatings using such equipment. SSPC offers three categories of certification: Equipment Operator Spray Painter Spray Painter/Equipment Operator


Plural Component Basics Plural Component Basics

Scheduling and Proposals
To receive a proposal for scheduling at your facility, including price estimate, set-up requirements and an equipment list, please contact Jennifer Merck tollfree at 877.281.7772, ext 2221 or [email protected].

Level: Basic 2 Days/16 Hours, Includes Written Exam & Hands-On Skills Assessment Cost: Member $595 Non-Member $795 Credits: 0.7 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Important Information

The hands on assessment requires each student to operate the plural component pump and explain its operations, and if qualifying for a spray training certificate, to also spray coatings on a steel or concrete test area. Candidates must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the hands on session and must be able to answer questions in English about troubleshooting in cases where things go wrong with the spray pump operation.

Course Description

This course is designed to train marine/industrial applicators in the application of protective coatings by airless spray using plural component spray equipment. The program focus is on the application of two component epoxy and polyurethane protective coatings in a marine/industrial environment on steel or concrete.

Course Content

Online 8

Visit www.sspc.org/training for information regarding requirements for organizations who wish to host the Plural Component Basics course.

- Introduction to and overview of plural component equipment operational systems - Characteristics of plural component coatings - Troubleshooting - Hands-on and group exercises - Brush and Roll

Benefits of Attending

To train the competency of individuals who operate plural component spray equipment and those who spray protective coatings using such equipment. After attending this course you will be able to: Discuss the advantages of plural component spray technology Describe a two-component epoxy and polyurethane protective coating. Recognize the importance of when and how coatings are mixed on a plural component spray pump. Distinguish among the various methods of mixing: manual, at the gun, before the manifold, after the manifold. Apply plural component coatings to concrete and steel in a manner that meets the requirements of a given job specification.


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Course Format

Exams There will be a written multiple-choice exam (25 questions) and the hands on skills assessment exam. All exams are conducted in English. If a candidate fails an exam, he or she must retake the segment of the program for which the examination was given. For example, if a person fails the written exam but passes the hands on skills assessment exam, he or she only has to retake the review of fundamental knowledge classroom session and retake the written exam. Conversely, if a person passes the written exam but fails the hands on skills assessment exam, he or she will have to retake and pass the hands on assessment at his or her employees expense. Again, a total of 80 points is required to pass both the written and hands on exams. Overview of Fundamentals (Classroom session) The classroom session consists of a 6-8 hour review of the fundamentals of plural component spray technology. The review will cover the fundamentals of the process of spraying two component coatings using airless plural component spray pumps (e.g. material ratio; material viscosity; mixing; ambient conditions for application and curing; product data sheets; material safety data sheets; spray technique); equipment operation; troubleshooting basics and lessons learned; coating materials appropriate for plural component spray; quality control basics. Hands-on Assessment The hands on assessment requires each student to operate the plural component pump and explain its operations, and if qualifying for a spray training certificate, to also spray coatings on a steel or concrete test area. Candidates must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the hands on session and must be able to answer questions in English about troubleshooting in cases where things go wrong with the spray pump operation.

Who Should Attend

Contractors, project supervisors, and craftworkers involved in applying plural component technology.


Thermal Spray Thermal Spray Training

Dates & Locations:
April 8 May 13 Waukesha, WI Houston, TX

Duration: 1 Day / 8 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Time: 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $395 Non-Member $595 Credits: 0.8 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]


Course Description Course Content

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

A one-day training program that covers the fundamentals of applying thermal spray coatings to industrial substrates.

- Introduction to Thermal Spray Technology - Thermal Spray Application Equipment - Thermal Spray Coatings and their uses - Application Technique - Industry Standards for thermal spray process - Surface Preparation - Quality Control - Safety and Environmental considerations

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Define thermal spray coating (TSC) and provide an overview of its application and uses. Discuss 3 types of arc spray equipment, their components, & safety considerations during their operation. Summarize SSPC CS-23/AWS C2.23M/NACE No.12 Specification for Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel. Describe surface preparation, specifications, and inspection requirements just before applying a thermal spray coating. Describe the procedures used to apply and inspect thermal spray coatings (TSC) to steel.

Course Format

The modules are supplemented by exercises in which students inspect blasted surfaces for degree of cleanliness of the panels; determine the profile; perform bend tests and inspect the bend; determine the DFT; and perform the cut test and assess the cut. Each participant will receive a comprehensive student manual. The written exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs you must attend all 8 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.


Navigating Standard Item 009-32

Dates & Locations:
January 28 March 17 April 15 June 6 October 6 November 10 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Seattle, WA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Port Orchard, WA Waukesha, WI

Navigating Standard Item 009-32

Duration: 1 Day / 8 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Time: 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $395 Non-member $595 Credits: 0.8 CEUs


Course Description

This one-day course describes the naval ship cleaning and painting requirements found in Standard Item 009-32. It covers the cleanliness, surface preparation, coating application requirements, and system application instructions for various Navy vessels. Requirements of referenced standards are also reviewed.


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Course Content

-Introduction to NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32 -Surface Preparation Criteria -Coating Application Criteria -Inspection and Documentation Criteria -Tables 1 through 9 Criteria for Options for Different Specific Vessel Areas -Summary of Industry Standards Referenced in NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be better able to: Navigate NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32 Use the criteria it presents to accomplish the painting requirements outlined for U.S. Navy surface ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. The written exam is a one-hour exam that consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEU's, you must attend all 8 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam. The class includes lectures and exercises that give students practice in searching for information in ASTM F718 PDSs and the Standard Item 009-32 itself.

Who Should Attend

Those coating contractors, inspectors, and suppliers who need to gain a better understanding of NAVSEA.

Whats a good course to take after you have completed the Navigating Standard Item 009-32?
Check out the: NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI) found on page 20.


Using SSPC PA 2 Effectively Using SSPC PA 2 Effectively

Duration: Half Day / 4 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Time: 8:00 - 12:00 Cost: Member $99 Non-Member $125 Credits: 0.4 CEUs

Dates & Locations:


February 4 March 16 April 14 May 12 June 7 October 5 November 11

Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Seattle, WA Norfolk, VA Houston, TX Norfolk, VA Port Orchard, WA Waukesha, WI

Course Description

This half-day workshop summarizes and explains the key highlights of SSPC PA 2: Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages. Students will learn to verify the accuracy of a DFT magnetic gage; measure the DFT of a coating with Type 1 or Type 2 gage; and describe and implement the procedure to determine if the lm thickness in a given area conforms to the maximum and minimum levels specied.

Course Content


-Introduction to the Standard and Key Denitions -Gage Types and Principles for Use -Calibration and Verication of Accuracy -Measurement

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Benets of Attending

After attending this course, you will be better able to: Operate PA 2 gages Verify gage accuracy Calculate sampling rates for DFT measurement to determine if a project is in conformance

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. The written exam is a one-hour exam that consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certicate and CEU's, you must attend all 8 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam. The class includes a lecture overview of the essential elements of working with the SSPC PA 2 standard, combined with workshops on verifying gage accuracy and operating PA 2 gages and judging project conformance with the PA 2 standard.

Who Should Attend

Those who inspect coating and lining applications on industrial steel structures.


Protective Coatings Inspector (PCI)

Dates & Locations:
January 17-22 January 28-Feb 2 February 12-17 March 4-11 March 20-26 March 21-26 April 4-9 May 1-6 June 26-July 2 July 11-16 September 12-17 September 18-24 October 31-Nov 6 November 5-10 November 7-12 November 13-19 November 21-26 Brugge, Belgium Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Saudi Arabia Dubai, UAE Nigeria Pasadena, TX St. Petersburg, FL Cairo, Egypt Nigeria Pittsburgh, PA Waukesha, WI Nigeria Nigeria Cairo, Egypt Houston, TX Nigeria Brugge, Belgium

Protective Coatings Inspector Program (PCI)

Level: Advanced 5 Days/40 Hours plus 1 Day Certification Exam Credits: 4.5 CEUs. Class Times: MondaySaturday, 8:00-5:00

Course Description

The objective of this course is to thoroughly train individuals in the proper methods of inspecting surface preparation and installation of industrial and marine protective coatings and lining systems on an array of industrial structures and facilities. There are no prerequisites to attend the PCI Course. However, this course is not an entry level course. Candidates should be prepared for an intense and fast-paced week of training with evening homework and study in order to cover an extensive amount of information in 5 days. PCI meets the requirements of ASTM D 3276 and the IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coatings and IACS CSR. documentation Course Content Identify the differences between quality - Module 1: Corrosion Prevention Using Coatings assurance and quality control and the common - Module 2: Quality Assurance/Control duties of quality assurance and quality control - Module 3: Surface Preparation & Inspection personnel - Module 4: Practical Math Describe the purpose and content of a pre-job - Module 5: Coating Application & Inspection or preconstruction conference - Module 6: Industrial Coatings & Coating Systems Explain the importance of ethics of inspection - Module 7: Specialty Inspection Projects personnel - Module 8: Coating Failures & Methods of Prevention Describe methods used to evaluate coating - Module 9: Inspector Safety performance prior to full-scale installation - Module 10: Coating Specifications Describe the unique aspects of performing - Module 11: Simulated Pre-job Conference; coatings inspection on an overcoating project, Inspection Procedure Development and on projects employing thermal spray - Module 12: Simulated Project Inspection coatings, powder coatings and duplex coating - Module 13: IMO Inspector Training Requirements systems Describe how coatings inspection can help Benefits of Attending prevent premature coating failure After attending this course, you will be able to: List potential safety hazards associated with coatings inspection Recognize the common duties, responsibilities, Prepare an inspection plan/procedure and the role of an industrial coatings inspector Perform coatings inspection on industrial Recognize the role of the coating manufacturer projects on a coatings project Compare inspection results to specification Describe the authority of a coatings inspector requirements Explain the importance of thorough

PCI Program Levels

PCI Basic Inspector: Course Exam (5 days) (There are no prerequisites for this level.) Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 PCI Certified Inspector: Course Exam and Certification Exam (6 days) (Prerequisites required) Member $1,395/Non-Member $1,595 Course Exam Only (1 day): (Includes exam and student manual) Member $250/Non-Member $450 Certification Exam Only (1 day) (Includes certification exam and student manual) Member $350/Non-Member $550

International Recognition

Course Format

PCI Level 2 meets ASTM International standard D3276 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors and has been approved by Lloyds Register and the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), the worlds largest commercial shipping classification societies, as equivalent to NACE Coating Inspector Level 2 and FROSIO Inspector Level III in accordance with the IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coatings and IACS CSR. SSPC is an accredited training provider for the New York Board of Professional Engineers. PEs in New York can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the New York Board of Professional Engineers.

The course provides participants five days of intensive training and includes multiple workshops and problem solving exercises so that participants may immediately apply the learning in a classroom setting, without the pressures of production and project schedules. In order to enhance the learning environment and illustrate the importance of teamwork, the workshops and exercises will be done in small teams. This course is completed with a comprehensive written examination and a practical (instrument use) examination. Students passing both components of the basic course exam at 70% or higher and meeting the prerequisites for certification can take the written and hands-on certification exams on day 6. A passing grade of 80% or higher on the written and hands-on certification exam is required to become an SSPC Certified Coating Inspector.

Who Should Attend


Coatings project managers, quality managers, inspectors, contractor supervisory level personnel, coating specification writers or coatings or equipment suppliers, coating consultants, or technical service representatives involved in the steel protective coatings industry.

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC offers classes in the following countries:
Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam

U.S. Navy Requirement SSPC QP-1

Approved Certification under the NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32. The PCI course meets the requirements specified in section 3.3.1 of SSPC-QP 1.


Concrete Coating Basics Concrete Coating Basics

Dates & Locations:
January 28-29 April 4-5 June 13-14 July 25-26 September 17-18 September 19-20 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Phoenix, AZ Waukesha, WI Houston, TX Dubai, UAE Pittsburgh, PA

Level: Basic Duration: 2 Days / 16 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Times: 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $595 Non-Member $795 Credits: 1.5 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description

This course is designed to provide basic training to contractors and act as a prerequisite for individuals seeking Concrete Coating Inspector Certification. This course also meets the practical training requirements of SSPC-QP 8, Section 4.4, which requires that each job crew chief and each QC Manager complete a minimum two-day overview of concrete components, coating and surfacing types, surface preparation and substrate repair techniques based on SSPC consensus standard TU-10, Procedures for Applying Thick Film Coatings and Surfacings Over Concrete Floors.

Online 8

Concrete Coating Basics Online Course Exam Only: Cost: SSPC Member $250/Non-Member $450

To Register

Course Content

Concrete Composition Coating and Surfacing Concrete Condition Assessment Planning and Documenting Work Concrete Repair and Surface Preparation Treatment of Concrete Joints Readiness Prior to Installation General Installation Guidelines Concrete Sealers Concrete Primers Concrete Coatings/Topcoats Application Methods Post-Installation Quality Assurance

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace.


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Recognize the basic properties of concrete Identify the procedures involved in inspecting, documenting and preparing for an installation. Detect substrate defects that must be repaired before coating/surfacing Employ surface preparation techniques based upon the requirements of the system to be installed Describe how to apply/install coatings to concrete substrates Evaluate contractor quality control of work

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes a glossary of terms, references for additional reading and copies of relevant handouts, standards and regulations. The first two days of the program are devoted to classroom lecture that is supplemented by quizzes and group exercises. At the end of the second day the concrete coating basic exam is given. The examination includes multiple-choice questions. A passing grade of 70% or higher is needed to receive a certificate and CEUs. You must pass this course to move onto the CCI certification course.

Who Should Attend

Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC offers classes in the following countries:

Concrete contractor coating managers and Inspectors, contractor managers, specifying engineers, technical representatives and material and equipment suppliers involved in the concrete coating industry.

DoD Funded Training

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs CCB Course. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.


No prerequisites for this level.


Concrete Coating Inspector (CCI)

Dates & Locations:
January 30-Feb 2 April 6-9 June 15-18 July 27-30 September 19-22 September 21-24 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Phoenix, AZ Waukesha, WI Houston, TX Dubai, UAE Pittsburgh, PA


Concrete Coating Inspector Program (CCI)

Course Description Course Content
The objective of this course is to thoroughly train individuals in the proper methods of inspecting surface preparation and installation of industrial protective coatings on concrete industrial structures and facilities

CCI Program Levels

SSPCs Concrete Coating Inspector program provides several different paths to certification as outlined below. The path you take depends on your current level of experience and training. PATH 1 Six-Day Training and Certification Option Member $1,395 Non-Member $1,595 PATH 2 Coating Concrete Basics On-Line Exam Plus Four-Day Concrete Coating Inspector Program (CCI) Option Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 + Member $250 Non-Member $450 for online exam PATH 3 Concrete Coating Inspector Program (CCI) Four-day Program Only Member $995 Non-Member, $1,195 PATH 4 Certification Exam Only Option (w/ Other Approved Certifications) Member $350 Non-Member $550 PATH 5 Certification Exam Only Option (w/ Experience/No Training) Member $350 Non-Member $550 + Member $250 Non-Member $450 for online exam

- Inspection and Treating Substrate Problems Which Affect Coating Quality - Inspection Ambient and Substrate Conditions - Inspecting Surface Preparation Equipment - Inspecting and Testing Abrasive Blast Media - Safety Hazard Inspection - Inspecting Surface Preparation - Inspecting Coating Application on Concrete - Coating Specifications - Simulated Pre-Job Conference - Inspection Procedure Development - Simulated Project Inspection

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Recognize the common duties, responsibilities and the role of an coating inspector Use concrete coating inspection equipment according to the manufacturers guidelines Identify specified concrete surface preparation methods Systemize record keeping procedures pertaining to the job specification Describe the inspectors team responsibilities and authority with respect to the contractors operations Devise and implement job-specific pre-job conferences and work plans Observe, assess and document concrete repairs as determined by the specification Recognize the environmental conditions pertaining to surface preparation, concrete repairs, coating application and coating cure as determined by the specification Prepare an inspection plan/procedure

Course Format PATH 1 - Six-Day Training and Certification Option

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual with copies of relevant SSPC standards. The course includes both written homework and assigned readings from the manual.

(See SSPC website for details and schedule of alternate path options)
The first two days of the program are designed to provide an overview of concrete components, coating and surfacing types and surface preparation and substrate repair techniques. At the end of Day 2, the training exam is given. You must pass the training exam with a 70% or better to move on to Day 3-5. Days 3-5 of the program are devoted to classroom lecture about planning and providing third party quality assurance through inspection from pre-surface preparation through post coating application. Lectures are supplemented by quizzes and group exercises. At the end of Day 5, the technician exam is given. The technician written exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and a hands-on test in the practical use of instruments. A passing grade of 70% or higher on the written and hands-on technician exam is required to move on to certification exam given on Day 6. On Day 6 the concrete coating inspector certification exam is given. The certification examination includes a 100 multiple choice question written exam, an inspection plan development exam and a hands-on test on the practical use of instruments. A passing grade of 80% or higher on the written, inspection plan and hands-on certification exam is required to become an SSPC Concrete Coating Inspector.

CCI Training Options

While the above paths lead to inspector certification, students with limited exposure to the coatings industry can also choose to take only the training portion of the program. 1. In Person Training Option (5 Days) Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 OR Coating Concrete Basics On-Line Exam Plus Three-Day Concrete Coating Inspector Member $795 Non-Member $995 + Member $250 Non-Member $450 for online exam


Online 8

Visit www.sspc.org/training for full details of all program paths and options.

Who Should Attend

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC offers classes in the following countries:
Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam

Inspectors, contractor managers, specifying engineers, technical representatives and material and equipment suppliers involved in the concrete coating industry.

DoD Funded Training SSPC QP-1

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs CCI Course.

The CCI course meets the requirements specified in section 3.3.1 of SSPC-QP 1.


Bridge Coating Inspector (BCI) Bridge Coating Inspector Program (BCI)

Level: Advanced 4 Days/32 Hours plus 1 Day Course Exam & 1 Day Certification Exam Credits: 4.5 CEUs Class Times: MondayThursday, 8:00-5:00

Dates & Locations:

January 28-Feb 2 March 7-11 May 16-21 October 17-22 November 7-12 December 5-10 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Frankfort, KY Waukesha, WI Houston, TX St. Petersburg, FL Pittsburgh, PA

Course Description

The BCI course covers the fundamentals of how to inspect surface preparation and application of protective coatings on bridge steel. These fundamentals are applicable to those who inspect coating work both in the shop and in the field. The course covers unique situations that will affect inspection in the field (e.g. containment, field safety hazards, changing weather conditions), as well as the fundamental inspection skills required to inspect new bridge steel painted in the shop, in the field or maintenance systems applied in the field.

BCI Program Levels

Course Content

Level 1: Course, Course Exam (5 days) Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 Level 2: Course, Course Exam and Certification Exam (6 days) Member $1,395/Non-Member $1,595 Course Exam Only (1 day): (Includes exam & student manual) Member $250/Non-Member $450 Certification Exam Only (1 day) (Includes certification exam and student manual) Member $350/Non-Member $550 Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Hands-on Exam Retake Fee - $200 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Roles and Responsibilities Nomenclature Inspection and Environmental Safety Preparation Prior to Beginning Work Mobilization Surface Preparation Coating Types and Characteristics Coating Handling and Application Coating Inspection and Defects

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Define the varying professional roles of the inspector, bridge owner and the painting contractor and their relationship to each other at the job site Identify what preparation the inspector must make prior to the start of work in order to conduct effective inspections Recognize common coating inspection and related terms Identify and properly adjust and operate commonly-used coating inspection instruments and test apparatus Identify fundamental surface preparation and coating application processes Identify key documents (e.g. specification; product data sheets and technical bulletins; industry technical standards and references) required to perform competent inspections Identify inspection check or hold points Create inspection documentation, including a basic inspection plan Identify processes normally inspected and documented Identify common coating application defects


BCI is now required training by the Florida, Connecticut and Kentucky DOTs. Lead coating inspectors in those states must successfully complete this course. SSPC is an accredited training provider for the New York Board of Professional Engineers. PEs in New York can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the New York Board of Professional Engineers. SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the FBPE, for continuing education credit.

Course Format

The first four days of the program are devoted to classroom lecture about bridge coatings inspection planning, substrate repair prior to surface preparation, surface preparation itself, coating surveys, specifications, and documentation requirements with ample time allotted to hands-on exercises and instrument practice. Lectures are supplemented by quizzes, group exercises, and hands-on workshops. On day five, the Level 1 Course Exam is given. Students have 2 hours to complete the 100-question multiplechoice test and hands on practical exam. On day six, students passing the course exam at 80% or higher can take the written and hands-on certification exams if they meet all of the prerequisites listed. To become a BCI Level 2 Inspector and receive your CEUs you must attend all 32 hours of the course and pass the certification exam. See www.sspc.org/training for details. Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual with copies of relevant SSPC standards. SSPC recommends that candidates take the classroom portion of this course before the course exam and certification exam.

SSPC QP-1 Online 8

The BCI course meets the requirements specified in section 3.3.1 of SSPC-QP 1. Visit www.sspc.org/training

Who Should Attend

Transportation agency coating inspectors, consulting engineer coating inspectors, fabrication shop coating inspectors, contractor coating inspectors, material and equipment supplier technical representatives, program and project managers and resident engineers.


For more details please go to: www.sspc.org/training


NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI)

Dates & Locations:
January 29-Feb 2 February 14-18 March 7-11 March 28-Apr 1 April 11-15 May 23-27 May 23-27 June 4-8 June 20-24 August 22-26 September 19-23 October 10-14 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Hawaii Waukesha, WI Port Orchard, WA Jacksonville, FL Norfolk, VA Hawaii Norfolk, VA Seattle, WA Norfolk, VA Annapolis Junction, MD Bellingham, WA

NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI)

Level: Advanced 5 Days, Includes Course & Course Exams Class Times: Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $1,095 Non-Member $1,295 Credits: 3.8 CEUs

Updated per the 009-32 FY12

Course Description

The NBPI course is a five-day inspection course that was developed by Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) to train coatings inspectors to inspect critical coated areas as defined by US Navy policy documents. These areas include (but not limited to): cofferdams, decks for aviation and UNREP, chain lockers, underwater hull, bilges, tanks, voids, well deck overheads and others.

Course Content

Each NBPI participant will receive a comprehensive manual with copies of relevant SSPC standards and the NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32 and NSTM Chapter 631.

U.S. Navy Requirement Accreditation

Required Certification under the NAVSEA Standard Item 009-32

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

DoD Funded Training

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs NBPI Course. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.

Corrosion Corrosion Control Inspection of Corrosion NAVSEA Documents Chemical or Detergent Cleaning Methods Mechanical Cleaning Methods Abrasive Blast Cleaning Waterjetting and Alternative Surface Preparation Methods Surface Preparation Method Selection Coatings Safety Coating Application Coating, Defects and Failures Specialty Coatings and Surfaces Coating Inspector Preparation Condition Assessment Coatings Inspection Instrument Exercises and Workshops

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Identify different types of corrosion Describe methods of corrosion control Demonstrate the use of environmental tests and coating inspection instruments Identify Navy single and multiple part paints Explain the different causes of coating failures or defects Create a coating inspectors inspection plan and log book Check the shelf life and condition of paint in the can Document that abrasive blasting, environmental conditions, paint procedures meet Standard Item 00932, Chapter 631 and, when applicable the manufacturers guidelines Conduct post-blasting/post-surface prep inspection including condition of surface, profile, residual soluble salts and readiness to paint Recognize hazardous areas related to paint and coatings and their applications Become familiar with procedures for doing condition assessment

Online 8

Visit www.sspc.org/training for information regarding prerequisites and the NBPI Refresher Program and to view a listing of currently certified NBPI Inspectors.

To Register SSPC QP-1

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

The NBPI course meets the requirements specified in section 3.3.1 of SSPC-QP 1.

Course Format

The first four days are devoted to classroom lecture and extensive hands-on training. On the fifth day, the NBPI Course Exams are given. The exam consist of three parts: 1. Multiple Choice Course Exam 2. Practical Exam (using inspection instruments) 3. 009-32 multiple choice exam

Who Should Attend

The course is primarily designed for people and organizations that are involved in painting work on Navy Ships. However, the comprehensive nature of this course makes it an ideal tool for anyone who desires basic certification in paint inspection. The NBPI compares favorably with other inspector certification courses that are available in the coatings industry.


For more details please go to: www.sspc.org/training


Master Coatings Inspector (MCI) SSPC Master Coatings Inspector Certificate (MCI)
The goal of the Master Coatings Inspector program is solely to recognize and honor those individuals whose experience and training has afforded them the prestige of multiple inspector certifications. SSPC recognizes that it takes tremendous personal commitment and dedication to the industry to maintain professional qualifications, and that task in and of itself is a core reason why so many of those people are so widely respected. If you happen to be one of these highly trained and experienced individuals, SSPC would feel privileged to have you apply for Master Coatings Inspector recognition. There is no cost to you to file the application or maintain the recognition. All you need to do to qualify is hold a current certification for the CCI and any two of the following three steel inspection programs: PCI, BCI, or NBPI. If you qualify and meet the criteria, you will be issued a certificate with a unique Master Coatings Inspector number as well as a special pin recognizing your achievement. You will also be recognized in the JPCL and other industry publications via a special press release issued on your behalf. The best thing is that once you are a Master Coatings Inspector, you will always be a Master Coatings Inspector. As long as you file your annual renewal and maintain your individual certifications, SSPC will keep you on the Active list of MCIs. Otherwise, you will go on the Inactive list. However, you will still be considered a Master Coatings Inspector.
Please contact Silvia Palmieri toll-free at (877) 281-7772, ext 2201 or [email protected]

For further information

Online 8

To download the MCI application form, please go to: www.sspc.org/marketplace

Why should I apply for the MCI ?

We believe that you should be proud of your training and experience and make your colleagues aware of it. The MCI program places you in a unique category that not many people achieve.

Will SSPC accept other inspector certifications as qualification for the MCI ?

No. At this time, we are only recognizing those people that are certified through SSPC-administered programs. However, each SSPC inspector certification program contains criteria that will enable those certified by other organizations to bypass certain of the SSPC program requirements.

Does MCI incur an additional fee ?

No. You already pay to maintain your individual certifications.

How does this compare to SSPCs PCS program ?

The PCS certification and the MCI are focused on different types of coatings professionals. The PCS certified individuals would not necessarily be coatings inspectors, and vice versa. However, both programs require a high level of knowledge, experience, and training to achieve. Also, MCI is a recognition program, whereas PCS is a certification.

M a s t er C o a

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20 0 9


Introduction to Safety and Health in Industrial Painting

Dates & Locations:
January 28-31 March 22-25 May 23-26 August 15-18 October 24-27 November 7-10 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Pittsburgh, PA Seattle, WA Houston, TX Phoenix, AZ Port Orchard, WA

Introduction to Safety and Health in Industrial Painting

Level: Basic Duration: 4 Days/Includes Course Exam Class Time: 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $795 Non-Member $995 Credits: 3.0 CEUs



Course Description

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

This program covers the fundamentals of safety and health in industrial painting including controlling exposures to toxic and hazardous substances, working safely to avoid job site hazards, and risk management and insurance issues.

Course Content

- Chemicals Encountered in Industrial Painting - Harmful Effects of Toxic and Hazardous Substances - Controlling Exposures and Recognizing Job Site Hazards - Working Safely - Role of the Coatings Contractor Safety Officer - Risk Management and Insurance

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be better able to: Recognize the toxic and hazardous substances found in industrial painting Define and describe the acute and chronic risks associated with industrial painting Identify and define the controls and proper PPE required Identify the true costs of loss and how to reduce these losses Define and describe the role of the contractors safety officer

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations A written multiple-choice exam is given at the conclusion of the course. To receive a certificate and CEUs, you must attend the entire course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam The class includes a lecture overview of the essential elements of workplace safety combined with workshops

Who Should Attend

Contractor safety officers and managers and risk managers


Evaluating Common Coating Contract Clauses Evaluating Common Coating Contract Clauses
Level: Basic Duration: 1 Day / 8 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Time: 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $395 Non-Member $595 Credits: 0.8 CEUs

Dates & Locations:

January 30 May 17 August 10 September 7 October 4 November 7 December 5 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Pittsburgh, PA Paso Robles, CA Port Orchard, WA Titusville, FL Waukesha, WI Houston, TX

Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description
This course provides a basic overview of those clauses most common to coatings contracts. It follows the outline of a standard construction contract while also teaching students to identify the key provisions that may be missing from contracts they receive.

To Register

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

Course Content


The Contract Documents Mutual Rights And Responsibilities Contractor Subcontractor Changes In The Work Dispute Resolution Termination, Suspension or Assignment of the Subcontract The Work of the Subcontract Date of Commencement and Substantial Completion Payment Progress Payments Final Payment Insurance and Bonds Temporary Facilities and Working Conditions Miscellaneous Provisions Subcontract Documents Prime Contracts Unique Clauses and Claims Case Studies Glossary of terms

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Course Format

Lecture; scenario-based exercises using a sample contract; quizzes and final exam. Each participant will receive a comprehensive student manual. The written exam consists of multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs you must attend all 8 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

Who Should Attend

Production and project managers, supervisors, and anyone involved in the decision-making process who needs to become more comfortable with contracts used in the coatings industry.

This course is strongly recommended as a prerequisite for anyone taking Project Management for the Industrial Painting Contractor (see next page).


Project Management for the Industrial Painting Contractor

Dates & Locations:
February 4-5 May 18-19 August 11-12 September 8-9 October 5-6 November 8-9 December 6-7 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Pittsburgh, PA Paso Robles, CA Port Orchard, WA Titusville, FL Waukesha, WI Houston, TX

Project Management for the Industrial Painting Contractor

Level: Basic Duration: 2 days/16 hours. Includes Multi-Part Written Exam Cost: Member $595 Non-Member $795 Credits: 1.5 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description
This course offers a fundamental introduction to those project management concepts used on industrial painting projects. Those new to or interested in becoming project managers in industrial painting can learn more about: Generating new business Reviewing contracts Navigating employee relations Building safety into the job Economics and other issues that may have legal and financial implications for the project are also covered and hands-on exercises in the complex challenges of bid formats, project coordination on the job-site, and risk planning are featured. Project Management for the Industrial Painting Contractor is not a source of legal or financial advice and it doesnt advocate a set format for running a business, but it does provide attendees with those basic skills required to run jobs more smoothly and profitably in the future.

Evaluating Common Coating Contract Clauses (pg 21) is strongly recommended as a prerequisite for anyone taking this course, as well as the Quality Control Supervisor course found on page 29.

Passing Grade
To receive a certificate and CEUs you must attend all 16 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

Who Should Attend

Industrial and commercial painting contractor project managers, estimators, and contractor supervisory level personnel with prior exposure to contract management and project planning.

Course Format
Students and instructor discuss all aspects of successful project management from identifying potential jobs and navigating the bidding process through planning, execution, and acceptance and close-out. This is supplemented by workshops that sample key issues project managers face every day. The afternoon of Day 2 is devoted to a multi-part exam in which participants demonstrate what theyve learned in the classroom by resolving a real-world project management scenario. To receive a certificate and CEUs you must attend all 16 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

To Register

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to Project Management What is Project Management? Definition of a Project Role of the Project Manager in Industrial Painting Module 2: Initiating a Project Project Life cycle Where do Projects Come From? Bidding Pitfalls Module 3: Project Planning Schedule Contract Checklist Resources Communications Risk Mitigation Quality Customer Acceptance Module 4: Project Execution Establishing the Project Team Communicating Project Parameters Employee Relations Cost Tracking Risk Management Project Acceptance and Close-out

Benefits of Attending
Benefits include learning to: Explain the properties of a project Differentiate between a project and a process Define the project life cycle Define the concept of project management Recognize the project managers role in the industrial painting industry Recognize various sources of business Discuss the value of customer service Recognize important elements of bid documents Define different bid/contract formats Apply historical cost and resource considerations to the bidding process Identify the interaction among scope, time, and cost Develop a project plan Develop a basic project schedule Identify & assess risks Determine the impact of working safely Assemble an effective project team Communicate project parameters effectively Manage project employee relations Assess and manage project risks Effectively close out a project


Protective Coatings Specialist (PCS) Protective Coatings Specialist Certification Program (PCS)
Members: $300 initial application fee $200 examination fee $75 re-evaluation fee Non-Members: $400 initial application fee $300 examination fee $125 re-evaluation fee The Protective Coatings Specialist certification program (PCS) identifies and awards recognition to individuals who have in-depth knowledge in the principles and practices of industrial coatings technology.

Dates & Locations:

February 3 March 19 May 26 July 16 August 20 September 24 October 15 November 19 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Pittsburgh, PA Saudi Arabia Waukesha, WI Annapolis Junction, MD Rochester, NY Pasadena, TX Norfolk, VA

About the PCS Certification Program

PCS Certification demonstrates mastery in: Assessment of coatings systems Development of coatings specifications Surface preparation and coatings applications Economics of coatings Contract planning and management Coating failure analysis Inspection

The PCS Exam can be held at the SSPC Headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA at anytime. Please call SSPC to make an appointment. 877.281.7772, ext 2201. A PCS study guide is available for exam preparation. The guide is a refresher on the subjects included in the PCS exam. To obtain your free copy, contact Shawn Nedley at 877.281.7772, ext 2210 or [email protected].

Certification attests to the professional credibility of the coatings practitioner and raises the standards of the protective coatings profession.

How To Apply

Visit www.sspc.org to download an application.

Further Information

Certifications are valid for four years. Visit www. sspc.org/certification. For further details, including a suggested list of reading, please visit www.sspc.org/certification.

Applicants should understand the mechanisms and effects of corrosion for a variety of materials, and be knowledgeable of the role coatings play in industrial corrosion control. The prospective Protective Coatings Specialist should also exhibit competence in management and planning of contracts for new construction and maintenance painting, economic analysis, and implementation of environmental and safety regulations and controls.

PCS Program requirements include:

PCS Program Requirements Include: Work Experience Option A 5 years coatings experience Education Bachelors degree C1 Must Take C1 Exam Only Must Take C1 Exam Only Must Take C1 Exam Only n/a C2 Must Take C2 Course and Exam Must Take C2 Course and Exam Must Take C2 Course and Exam Must Take C2 Exam Only

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC offers classes in the following countries:
Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam

Option B

7 years coatings experience

Associates degree

Option C

10 years coatings experience

High school graduation or GED n/a

Option D

15 years coatings experience

Candidates must provide a formal application and three professional references to SSPC SSPC recommends that candidates take the C1 and C-2 Courses before sitting for the PCS Exam Candidates should read entire application for complete prerequisite details

Special Note:

Candidates must complete a comprehensive multiple choice and essay question exam and pass with a 70% or better. The Certification is valid for four years, subject to verification of current status as a protective coatings professional.


Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1)

Dates & Locations:
January 10-14 January 29-Feb 2 February 21-25 March 7-11 April 11-15 May 2-6 May 14-18 May 16-20 August 22-26 October 3-7 October 10-14 Waukesha, WI Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Paso Robles, CA Port Orchard, WA Annapolis Junction, MD Rochester, NY Saudi Arabia Norfolk, VA Pasadena, TX Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA

Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1)

Level: Basic Duration: 5 Days / 40 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Times: Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 Credits: 3.8 CEUs Course Exam Only (1 day) SSPC Member $250/Non-Member $450 Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description

This course provides a practical and comprehensive overview for those who are new to the protective coatings industry. It is also an ideal refresher for reviewing the fundamentals of corrosion and the use of coatings as a protective mechanism against corrosion and deterioration of industrial structures.

Course Content

Important Information:

C1 fulfills part of your training requirement for SSPC Protective Coatings Specialist (PCS) Certification. All students interested in pursuing PCS Certification, having less than 15 years coatings experience, must take the C1 Exam and the C-2 Course prior to applying to sit for PCS exam. Individuals who are unfamiliar with the fundamentals of coatings technology should consider taking C1 prior to C-2.

Corrosion and Corrosion Control Coating Types and Their Mechanisms and Protection Surface Preparation for Painting Application of Coatings Inspection and Quality Control Coatings for Steel Structures Coating Degradation, Defects, and Failures Coating of Concrete Surfaces Safety in Painting Operations

DoD Funded Training

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Identify types of corrosion and select coatings that meet project demands. Recognize the different types of coatings available and the various mechanisms at work in the process of protection. Discuss how proper surface preparation is critical to achieving the maximum level of protection available through protective coating systems. Describe the inspection equipment and methods used to ensure that all specification requirements are met. Classify coating selection and application by facility and service environment. List the factors that accelerate coating deterioration and the techniques used to avoid common defects. Distinguish the unique selection and application problems with coating concrete surfaces. Recognize the safety hazards involved in coating operations and the responsibilities of management and workers in safety training and practices.

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs C1 Course. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.


SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the FBPE. The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Course Format

To Register

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes a glossary of terms, references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. The written exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs, you must attend all 40 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

Who Should Attend

Contractors, engineers, inspectors, consultants, facility owners, technical services and sales reps.

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC offers classes in the following countries:
Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam


Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) Planning and Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2)
Level: Advanced Duration: 5 Days / 40 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Times: Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 Credits: 3.8 CEUs Course Exam Only (1 day) SSPC Member $250/Non-Member $450 Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Dates & Locations:

January 29-Feb 2 March 14-18 May 21-25 July 11-15 August 15-19 September 19-23 October 10-14 November 14-18 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Pittsburgh, PA Saudi Arabia Waukesha, WI Annapolis Junction, MD Rochester, NY Pasadena, TX Norfolk, VA

Course Description
This course is designed to provide those who understand coating fundamentals with an overview of the principles of planning, awarding, and monitoring the quality of new construction or maintenance painting projects. After completing this training program, students will be familiar with tools to develop effective coating projects and play a more active role in managing painting projects to successful completion.

Important Information:

Course Content
- Roles and Responsibilities of Contracting Parties - Specifications for Coatings Projects - Preparing, Awarding, and Managing Coating Contracts - Quality Management - New Construction and Maintenance Painting - Economic Considerations for Industrial Coating Projects - Coating Failures - Causes, Identification, and Analysis - Safety and Environmental Concerns for Owners and Coating Contractors

In order to get the most value from the C2 course, you must have a basic understanding of the topics covered in course C1, Fundamentals of Protective Coatings. C2 fulfills part of your training requirement for the SSPC Protective Coatings Specialist (PCS) Certification and prepares you for the challenging Protective Coatings Specialist Exam. All PCS candidates that do not have 15 years of experience must take and pass the C1 exam and C2 class before sitting for the PCS Exam. There is no approved alternative training accepted.

DoD Funded Training

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Identify the key issues in managing a coatings project, including contracts, specifications, coating selection, and the roles of project participants Analyze and prepare a coating specification through the use of corporate engineering standards Recognize the cost of corrosion and select materials to mitigate it Estimate accurately in project cost analysis Define scheduling requirements, exposure environments, and coating systems for new construction Conduct facility condition surveys and analyses for maintenance painting Apply documentation methods during project administration Recognize coating failures Identify and comply with relevant environmental regulations

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs C2 Course. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.


SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the FBPE. The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes a glossary of terms, references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations as well as an overview of the coating fundamentals covered in SSPCs C1 course. Students can refer to this overview as needed during the C-2 course for a refresher. Topics covered in this course assume a knowledge of the fundamentals. The written exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions and 20 points worth of essay and fill-in-the-blank questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs, you must attend all 40 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

To Register

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

Who Should Attend

Contractors, engineers, inspectors, consultants, facility owners, technical services and sales reps.

Need a class outside the United States? SSPC offers classes in the following countries:
Algeria Belgium China Egypt India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Philippines Singapore Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam


Lead Paint Removal (C3)

Dates & Locations:
January 17-20 January 30-Feb 2 February 21-24 March 8-11 March 21-24 May 27-30 September 12-15 November 14-17 Redmond, WA Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Waukesha, WI Pascagoula, MS Vallejo, CA Gardena, CA Hemet, CA Phoenix, AZ

Lead Paint Removal (C3)

Level: Intermediate Duration: 4 Days / 32 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Times: Monday - Thursday, 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 Credits: 3.0 CEUs

Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description


State Supplements for Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, and Virginia are available with this course for an additional charge of $25 per state. For information on State Supplements for New Jersey, contact Dee Boyle at [email protected] or call her at 412.281.2331, ext. 2202.

C3 includes background information on the hazards of lead and other toxic metals as well as the current legal and regulatory environment. The course contains specific discussions on protecting workers; compliance with environmental regulations; proper management of waste streams and operations that result in potential exposures to lead; and associated control technology. The course also addresses reading specifications and developing programs to effectively control risks to workers, the public, and the environment. It concludes with a discussion of insurance and bonding issues, and an introduction to other safety and health issues that are encountered on painting projects.

Course Content

Worker Training for Lead Paint Abatement and Removal from Steel Structures Manual

SSPC has produced a lead worker training designed for contractors to train their workers to meet OSHA requirements for annual worker training. See page 30.


SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the FBPE. The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes. SSPC is an accredited training provider for the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH).

Background Information on Lead and Other Toxic Metals Legal and Regulatory Overview Worker Protection from Lead and Other Toxic Metals Compliance with Air, Soil, Water/Sediment, and Dust Regulations Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste Sources of Lead Exposure Control of Environmental Releases Specifications and Site-Specific Compliance Plans Work site Preparation Insurance and Bonding Issues Other Safety and Health Hazards

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Identify the sources of lead paint and the relative risks posed by industrial painting activities Recognize the potentially harmful effect of lead paint on workers, the public and the environment Determine the necessary controls to protect the public, environment, and workers during industrial deleading activities Apply procedures to measure and verify the continued adequacy of control options for their respective projects

Licensed Providers

This course is also available through the following SSPC-licensed training providers: See next page for schedule. Greenman-Pedersen, Inc./S.G. Pinney Instrument Sales, Inc. Lloyd Smith Phone: 1.410.880.3055 email: [email protected] KTA-Tator, Inc. Diana Knepper Phone: 412.788.1300, ext. 217 email: [email protected] Leighton Associates, Inc. Adam McGreevy Phone: 1.718.268.6314 email: [email protected] The Lovelace Group Chris Lovelace Phone: 1.770.418.0154 email: [email protected] MB Environmental Consulting Mitch Blum Phone: 1.716.937.0218 email: [email protected]

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes a glossary of terms, references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. Each of the lectures/ discussions will be complemented with show-and-tell demonstrations. In addition, hands-on workshops following most of the units reinforce the key points and give students the opportunity to test the knowledge gained through skill evaluations. A brief daily homework assignment reinforces the key items from each unit discussed and helps the student prepare for the 100-question multiple-choice examination administered at the end of the course. To receive a certificate and CEUs, you must attend all 32 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

Who Should Attend

Those assigned competent-person duties on any industrial deleading project; coatings inspectors who document contractor compliance; project managers and coating specifiers; containment superintendents; design engineers. * The C3 Course meets the competent person training requirements for SSPC QP-2 Contractor Certification.

State Approval

State supplements for Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey and Virginia are available with this course for an additional charge of $25 per state.


Lead Paint Removal Refresher (C5) Lead Paint Removal Refresher (C5)
Dates & Locations:
January 21 February 1 February 17 February 25 March 7 March 25 March 26 May 23 September 16 November 18 Redmond, WA Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Worcester, MA Waukesha, WI Pascagoula, MS Vallejo, CA Vallejo, CA Gardena, CA Hemet, CA Phoenix, AZ

Duration: 1 Day / 8 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Time: Friday 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $395 Non-Member $595 Credits: 0.8 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description
This one-day course provides refresher training for supervisors/competent persons who are responsible for industrial deleading operations. It starts with a review of basic information about lead and the human health hazards associated with it. The course continues with a review and update of relevant EPA regulations and progresses through discussions of 29 CFR 1926.62 and changes in the Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134). C5 concludes with discussions about control over emissions as presented in SSPC Guide 6.

Course Content

Background Information Regulatory Update Worker Protection from Lead and Other Toxic Metals Control of Environmental Releases

* The C5 Course meets the competent person training requirements for SSPC QP-2 Contractor Certification. It also meets the requirements of state programs that require refresher training to maintain supervisor certification and meets QP 2 requirements for competent person refresher training certifications

Benefits of Attending


After attending this course, you will be able to: Describe the chemical characteristics and historic uses of lead Recognize that other potentially hazardous toxic metals and materials may be present in coatings Discuss the applicability of the major federal statutes governing air, soil, water/sediment, waste, and dust to industrial painting projects Describe the hierarchy of controls required to reduce worker exposures to lead, including the relationship of engineering controls, work practice controls, and respiratory protection Apply required exposure monitoring, medical surveillance, and training programs to comply with the requirements of the standard

State Supplements for Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, and Virginia are available with this course for an additional charge of $25 per state. For information on State Supplements for New Jersey contact Dee Boyle at boyle@ sspc.org or call her at 412.281.2331, ext. 2202.


Course Format

SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the FBPE. SSPC is an accredited training provider for the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH).

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes a glossary of terms, references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. The written exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs you must attend all 8 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

State Approval

Who Should Attend

State supplements for Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey and Virginia are available with this course for an additional charge of $25 per state.
January 18, 2011 March 7, 2011 March 21, 2011 KTA-Tator - Diana Knepper @ (412) 788-1300 ext. 217 C3: February 7-10, 2011 C5: February 11, 2011 The Lovelace Group - Atlanta, GA area Chris Lovelace @ (678) 764-8963 C3: April 11-14, 2011 September 5-8, 2011 December 5-8, 2011 C5: April 15, 2011 September 9, 2011 December 9, 2011 GPI - Lloyd Smith @ (410) 880-3055 ext. 2220 C3: January 10-13, 2011 C5: January 14, 2011 February 17, 2011

Those assigned competent-person duties on any industrial deleading project who need a refresher; coatings inspectors who document contractor compliance; project managers and coating specifiers; containment superintendents; design engineers.

Licensed Provider 2011 Schedule

Leighton Associates Inc. - Forest Hills, NY Adam McGreevy @ (718) 268-6314 C3: January 11-14, 2011 February 8-11, 2011 March 8-11, 2011 April 5-8, 2011 May 3-6, 2011 June 14-17, 2011 July 12-15, 2011 August 9-12, 2011 September 6-9, 2011 October 4-7, 2011 November 1-4, 2011 December 6-9, 2011 C5: January 25, 2011 February 22, 2011 March 22, 2011 April 19, 2011 May 17, 2011 June 28, 2011 July 26, 2011 August 23, 2011 September 20, 2011 October 18, 2011 November 15, 2011 December 13, 2011 NAETI - Ocean, NJ - Connie Brown @ (732) 531-5571 C3: January 18-21, 2011 March 1-4, 2011 C5: January 17, 2011 February 28, 2011 MB Environmental - Mitch Blum @ (716) 310-3768 C3: January 11-14, 2011 C5: January 3, 2011 January 4, 2011 January 17, 2011


Lead Paint Worker Safety

Dates & Locations:
January 24 February 26 April 8 September 17 Annapolis Junction, MD Waukesha, WI Annapolis Junction, MD Hemet, CA

Lead Paint Worker Safety

Basic Duration: 1 Day / 8 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Time: 8:00 - 5:00 Cost: Member $395 Non-Member $595 Credits: 0.8 CEUs

Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Accreditation To Register

Course Description

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

This one-day course provides training for workers on lead paint abatement and removal from steel structures. It starts with a review of basic information about lead and the human health hazards associated with it. The course continues with a review of 29 CFR 1926.62 and presents detailed information on the Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134), which is incorporated by reference into the OSHA Interim Final Lead in Construction Industry Standard. The course then presents a review and update of Federal Government regulations involving lead, focusing on regulations promulgated by EPA. The course concludes with a review of control over emissions as presented in SSPC-Guide 6.

Course Content

-Background Information -Worker Protection from Lead & Other Toxic Metals -Regulatory Update -Control of Environmental Releases

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to: Describe the fundamentals of the OSHA Lead in Construction and Respiratory Protection Standards Discuss the fundamentals of applicable environmental protection regulations and best practices Recognize the hazards of exposure and appropriate ways to protect yourself from exposure during lead paint removal operations

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes, references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. The written exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs you must attend all 8 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

Who Should Attend

Those assigned worker duties on any industrial deleading project who are; coatings inspectors who document contractor compliance; project managers and coating specifiers; containment superintendents; design engineers.

State Approval

The Maryland Department of the Environment recognizes this course.


Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) Quality Control Supervisor (QCS)

Dates & Locations:
February 4-5 March 22-23 April 7-8 April 9-10 May 2-3 June 8-9 August 8-9 September 26-27 Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Vallejo, CA Hawaii Norfolk, VA Port Orchard, WA Norfolk, VA Paso Robles, CA Seattle, WA

Level: Intermediate 2 Days/16 Hours (Includes Course Exam) or as online eCourse 20-week semester (see sidebar) Cost: Member $595 Non-Member $795 Class Time: 8:00 - 5:00 Credits: 1.5 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description

This course is designed to provide training in quality management for SSPC - Certified contractor personnel, Technical Quality Managers (TQM), and inspectors employed by SSPC-QP 5 inspection firms. It provides an overview of the quality management aspects of surface preparation, paint, coatings, and inspection operations that a Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) needs to know to ensure delivery of a quality product to customers. It is highly recommended that persons attending the QCS course have recent inspection training (SSPC PCI, NBPI or BCI) or equivalent formal training and also have some quality control experience. It is also applicable to project managers, coating specifiers, contracting officers, plant and facility managers, coating inspectors, and technical service representatives in the industrial and marine coatings industry This course is not intended to replace the more formal quality management courses available from such organizations as the American Society for Quality (ASQ).


The QCS course meets the requirements specified in section 3.3.1 of SSPC-QP 1.


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Course Content

- Introduction - Quality Systems - QCS Qualifications & Requirements - Training & Qualifications - Technical Resources - Quality Manuals & Procedures - Documentation & Data Control - Calibration Programs - Contract Document & Specification Review - Work Plans & Process Control Procedures - Inspection Plans - Inspection Reports - Internal Audits

Available Online 8

The QCS eCourse starts on the 15th of each month throughout the year. Each semester is 20 weeks (5 months). Students can work at their own pace over the 20-week period to complete the units, workshops, and quizzes. The final exam is also completed online.

Who Should Attend

SSPC - Certified contractor personnel, Technical Quality Managers (TQM), and inspectors employed by SSPC-QP 5 inspection firms.

To Register

Benefits of Attending

At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to: Explain the duties and responsibilities of quality control supervisors Identify the technical resources a QCS should have on hand Define common quality system terms Describe the contents of a typical quality control manual Discuss the importance of written procedures and the requirements for writing them Recognize the need to control all documents and data related to the companys quality program Apply document review procedures Describe inspection plans and types of inspection Examine and correct system deficiencies that have caused non conformities Determine how to show conformance to specifications through detailed documentation Establish a program to monitor all equipment requiring calibration Identify the general training requirements for contractor QC personnel in the field or on the shop floor

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

Course Format

Lecture & Discussion Reading Assignments Hands-on Workshops

Exercise and Workshop Topics Group Q & A based on reading assignments Interpreting project specification and product data sheet information Developing a work plan Developing an inspection plan Reviewing inspection reports The written exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs, you must attend all 16 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.


Marine Coatings
The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

Marine Coatings

Available Online 8

The Marine Coatings eCourse starts on the 15th of each month throughout the year. Each semester is 20 weeks (5 months). Students can work at their own pace over the 20-week period to complete the units, workshops, and quizzes. The final exam is also completed online.

Level: Basic 5 Days /40 Hours, Includes Written Course Exam Cost: Member $995 Non-Member $1,195 Credits: 3.8 CEUs Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

Course Description Course Content

A five-day fundamental training program that covers the practical aspects of the selection, specification and use of coatings in a safe, effective, and economical manner to protect structures in harsh marine environments.

To Register

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

- Introduction to Marine Coatings - Elements of Marine Corrosion - Coating Fundamentals - Marine Coating Systems - Antifouling Coatings - Surface Preparation - Coating Application - Quality Management - Coating Failures - Assessing Marine Corrosion - Safety and Environmental Issues - Failures

Structures Covered

-Ocean Vessels (Blue/Deep Water) -Inland Vessels (Coastal, Brown Water, Shallow Draft) -Offshore Structures -Coastal Marine Structures

Other Areas Covered

-New Construction Painting -Maintenance Painting -Dry Docking -Crew Maintenance -Ride-Along Painting Crews -The use of world-wide standards in the marine industry

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be able to Recognize the nature of corrosion in the marine environment Describe the world-wide standards and organizations pertinent to marine coatings Identify the coating materials used in marine environments Employ proper coating application practices to protect marine structures

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes a glossary of terms, references for additional reading, and copies of relevant handouts, standards, and regulations. The written exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. To receive a certificate and CEUs, you must attend all 40 hours of the course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam.

Who Should Attend

Contractors, engineers, inspectors, consultants, facility owners, technical services and sales reps.


Estimating Industrial Coatings Projects Basics of Estimating Industrial Coatings Projects

Level: Basic Duration: Half Day / 4 Hours, Includes Course Exam Class Time: 8:00 - 12:00 Cost: Member $99, Non-member $125 Credits: 0.4 CEUs

Dates & Locations:


January 29 March 21 May 27 August 19 October 28 November 11

Las Vegas, NV-SSPC 2011 Pittsburgh, PA Seattle, WA Houston, TX Phoenix, AZ Port Orchard, WA

Course Description Course Content

This program covers the fundamentals of estimating industrial painting job costs including surface area calculations, labor and production rates, and equipment and material requirements.

Accreditation To Register

The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

- Surface Area Calculations - Labor Unit Costs - Labor Production Rates - Equipment Requirements - Materials

Call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202, email [email protected] or www.sspc.org/marketplace

Benefits of Attending

After attending this course, you will be better able to: Recognize basic estimating terminology. Identify factors that impact production rates. Perform those calculations required to estimate job costs.

Course Format

Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual that includes references for additional reading and copies of relevant handouts. A written multiple-choice exam is given at the conclusion of the course. To receive a certificate and CEUs, you must attend the entire course and attain a 70% or better score on the exam. The class includes a lecture overview of estimating essentials combined with workshops.

Who Should Attend

Owners and contractors or their staff members responsible for job estimating. **This course is recommended, along with SSPCs Evaluating Common Clauses in Coating Contracts, for those taking the SSPCs Project Management for the Industrial Painting Industry.


Short Courses
Online Short Course 2011 Schedule
January 15 February 15 March 15 April 15 May 15 June 15 July 15 August 15 September 15 October 15 November 15 December 15

Basics of Nonferrous Surface Preparation eCourse

Duration: 6 Hours, Includes Course Exam Cost: Member $145 Non-Member $245

SSPC company members can use 3 Flex points to get Short Course online training for FREE !

Course Description

This training describes those surface preparation techniques recommended for aluminum (Al) and stainless steel alloys and corrosion-resistant steel (CRES) through a brief review of the steps and processes involved.

Course Format

SSPCs Basics of Nonferrous Surface Preparation eCourse features 9 units as a series of web pages that students can access whenever it is convenient to them. After completing the 15-question exam online, students receive their final grade immediately.

Take a Shortcut to Success !

Want to advance in your career, but youre too busy and dont have the time to devote to a week-long class? Then try our new Short Courses. The Short Courses are designed to give you the basic skills and knowledge you need to get up and running fast ! Even better, they are offered online - so you can take them when its convenient for you. Registration is quick, easy and secure, via our SSPC MarketPlace Invest just 8 hours to get that job boost youve been looking for. Youll be glad you did!

Basics of Steel Surface Preparation eCourse

Duration: 8 Hours, Includes Course Exam Cost: Member $195 Non-Member $295

Course Description

This course defines surface preparation for steel through a brief review of the steps involved. It then provides an overview of abrasive blast cleaning, hand-and-power-tool cleaning, and waterjetting and the associated standards referenced when these methods are used to prepare steel for the application of protective coatings.

Course Format

SSPCs Basics of Steel Surface Preparation eCourse features 10 units as a series of web pages that students can access whenever it is convenient to them. After completing the 20-question exam online, students receive their final grade immediately.

Basics of Concrete Surface Preparation eCourse

Duration: 8 Hours, Includes Course Exam Cost: Member $195 Non-Member $295


* Please note, in order to use your flexible benefits points, please call Dee Boyle at 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 or [email protected]. in order to confirm that you have points available.

Course Description

This course defines surface preparation for concrete through a brief review of the steps involved. It then provides an overview of the methods and the standards referenced when preparing concrete for installation of the coating/surfacing.

Short Course Registration


Course Format

How Often are the Short Courses Offered?

SSPCs Basics of Concrete Surface Preparation eCourse features 8 units as a series of web pages that students can access whenever it is convenient to them. After completing the 10-question exam online, students receive their final grade immediately.

SSPC eCourses start on the 15th of each month throughout the year. Students can work at their own pace over the 20-week period to complete the units. The actual time to complete the short course is 6-8 hours, but you have 20 weeks to complete the material. The final exam is also completed online.


The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.


Online eCourses
Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1)
SSPC Company Members can use 12 Flex points to get C1, C2 or Marine Course online training for FREE!

Online eCourse 2011 Schedule

January 15 February 15 March 15 April 15 May 15 June 15 July 15 August 15 September 15 October 15 November 15 December 15

This course provides a practical and comprehensive overview for those who are new to the protective coatings industry. It is also an ideal refresher for reviewing the fundamentals of corrosion and the use of coatings as a protective mechanism.

Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2)

This course is designed to provide those who understand coating fundamentals with an overview of the principles of planning, awarding, and monitoring the quality of new construction or maintenance painting projects. After completing this training program, students will be familiar with tools to develop effective coating projects and play a more active role in managing painting projects to successful completion.

Marine Coatings (MC)

The Marine Coatings eCourse is a fundamental training program that covers the practical aspects of the selection, specification and use of coatings in a safe, effective, and economical manner to protect structures in harsh marine environments. Duration: 20-Week Semester, Includes Course Exam. C1/C2/MC Costs: Member $795 Non-Member $995 Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]

General eCourse Information How are eCourses taught?

Applicator Training Basics (ATB)

The Applicator Training Basics e-course covers the Core Body of Knowledge of ACS-1/NACE 13 requirements for surface preparation and application as well as safety in painting. Taking this course counts toward the required formal training needed to qualify for CAS Certification. However, e-learning does not include any required hands-on training and additional formal training (classroom and hands-on) may be needed SSPC Company Members to satisfy all of the certification pre-requisites. can use 5 Flex points

Quality Control Supervisor (QCS)

This course is designed to provide training in quality management for SSPC - Certified contractor personnel, Technical Quality Managers (TQM), and inspectors employed by SSPC-QP 5 inspection firms. It provides an overview of the quality management aspects of surface preparation, paint, coatings, and inspection operations that a Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) needs to know to ensure delivery of a quality product to customers.

to get QCS or Applicator online training for FREE!

The eCourses are perfect for those students who are unable to attend a regular public offering. eCourses feature the same units that are used in in-person classes. Each unit has been converted into a series of web pages that students can access whenever it is convenient to them. After completing each quiz, students receive instant feedback to aid in the learning process. Workshops are designed to encourage interactivity among students and the instructor. The C1 e-course also includes video supplements demonstrating important procedures and practices. You must have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to view and print pdfs. To get a free copy, visit www.adobe.com.

How Often are the eCourses Offered?

New eCourses start on the 15th of each month throughout the year. Each semester is 20 weeks (5 months). Students can work at their own pace over the 20-week period to complete the units, workshops, and quizzes. The final exam is also completed online.

Duration: 20-Week Semester, Includes Course Exam. ATB/QCS Costs: Member $395 Non-Member $595 Written Exam Retake Fee - $100 Contact Dee Boyle to schedule 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 [email protected]


In order to use your flexible benefits points, please call Dee Boyle at 412.281.2331, Ext 2202 or boyle@ sspc.org. in order to confirm that you have points available.

DoD Funded Training

Under the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Program, funding has been provided to train DoD, Army, Navy and Airforce personnel in SSPCs C1 & C2 eCourses. For more information on how to take advantage of attending this course for free, contact Jennifer Merck at 877. 281.7772, ext 2221 or merck@ sspc.org.


SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the FBPE. SSPC is an accredited training provider for the New York Board of Professional Engineers. PEs in New York can now submit SSPC Training Course CEUs to the New York Board of Professional Engineers.

To Register

www.sspc.org/marketplace, call 877.281.7772, ext. 2202 or email [email protected] account


Recertification Online
Certifications that can be renewed online
Surface Preparation Recerts Abrasive Blasting (C7) Airless Spray Basics (C12) Water Jetting Program (C13) Marine Plural Component Program (MPCAC, C14) Inspection Recerts Bridge Coatings Inspector (BCI) Concrete Coatings Inspector (CCI) NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI) Protective Coatings Inspector (PCI)

SSPC Recertification Online

Certification Term & Renewal
All SSPC-certified professionals must periodically renew their certifications. SSPC has now made this renewal process easier, by placing its renewal exams online. Coatings professionals, certified in the various programs, will be notified by mail in plenty of time to complete their renewals. Participants must take their recertification open book exam online before December 31st of the final year of their initial certification term. Those who do not successfully re-certify within that 12 month period will have to retake the SSPC classroom portion of the program or an SSPC-approved equivalent. The re-certification process will include a brief open book written exam, taken online. Candidates must pass the exam with a score of 85% Certified Professionals are required to: 1. Complete and submit to SSPC a Renewal Packet. Renewal letters are sent to the last known address 6 months prior to the recertification date. The letter includes a return form with information to process a renewal. To request a Renewal Packet please contact Silvia Margiotta at [email protected] or 877-281-7772 ext 2201. 2. Download & Submit Relevant Forms: work experience application photo requirement form 3. Certified professionals must document their minimum required hours of on-the-job experience. This documentation may be listed on the work experience form which will be sent in your Renewal Packet. 4. Register and take the certification refresher exam before the expiration date of your certification. Each participant will receive a new wallet photo identification card upon successful completion of the recertification process.

Administrative Notes
1. 2. 3. Candidate is responsible for sending SSPC updated address information If we get no response to the initial renewal letter sent out, a final notice is sent 3 months later If we still get no response by their certification expiration date, these individuals certifications expire and they must re-take the course and Certification Exam to become certified again If mail is returned as undeliverable, the candidates record is coded with a bad address


Recert Registration

Go to: www.sspc.org/marketplace

Applicator Training Specialty Modules

What You Get
The SSPC Complete Package provides you with a complete plan on how to successfully provide the training to your workers in your facility. The modules can be purchased on a CD individually or you can purchase all 7 together on one CD. The package includes: Student Manual Written Exam Written Exam Answer Key Instructor Manual Slide Presentation Specialty Modules - Meet the Full Body of Knowledge In addition to the expanded core modules, SSPC has added seven new modules to help contractors meet the Full Body of Knowledge as outlined in SSPC ACS-1/NACE 13: Price: SSPC Members: $499.00 nonmembers: $699.00 MODULE Water Jetting Plural Component Coating Concrete Thermal Spray Pipeline Coatings Electrostatic Spray Powder Coatings DURATION 1 day training, 1 day hands-on 1 day training, 1 day hands-on 1 day training, 1 day hands-on 1 day training, 1 day hands-on 1 day training, 1 day hands-on 1 day training, 1 day hands-on 1 day training, 1 day hands-on EQUIVALENT Water Jetting Basics (C13) Plural Component Basics Floor Coating Basics (C10) Based on custom SSPC Thermal Spray Course


Webinars in 2011 Webinar Series 2011 Presented by SSPC and Paintsquare

Free! to Everyone




The cost is free !

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Keep abreast of the latest industry trends, developments and technology - all from the comfort of your home or office.

SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC Webinar CEUs to the FBPE. The New York Board of Professional Engineers now recognizes all SSPC classes.

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SSPC 2011 Schedule of Training & Certification Public Offerings

Start Date January End Date Course Host Location Deadline

01/10/2011 01/15/2011 01/15/2011 01/15/2011 01/17/2011 01/17/2011 01/21/2011 01/24/2011 01/28/2011 01/28/2011 01/28/2011 01/28/2011 01/28/2011 01/29/2011 01/29/2011 01/29/2011 01/29/2011 01/29/2011 01/29/2011 01/30/2011 01/30/2011 01/30/2011 01/30/2011 01/31/2011

01/14/2011 05/15/2011 05/15/2011 01/15/2011 01/20/2011 01/22/2011 01/21/2011 01/24/2011 01/28/2011 02/2/2011 01/29/2011 02/2/2011 01/31/2011 01/30/2011 02/2/2011 02/2/2011 01/29/2011 01/29/2011 02/2/2011 01/31/2011 02/2//2011 02/2/2011 01/30/2011 01/31/2011 02/3/2011 02/4/2011 02/4/2011 02/5/2011 02/5/2011 02/17/2011 02/18/2011 06/15/2011 06/15/2011 02/17/2011 02/20/2011 02/25/2011 02/24/2011 2/23/2011 02/25/2011 02/26/2011 03/11/2011 03/11/2011 03/11/2011 03/7/2011 03/11/2011 03/11/2011 03/12/2011 03/18/2011 03/14/2011 03/15/2011 03/15/2011 07/15/2011 07/15/2011 03/16/2011 03/17/2011 03/17/2011 03/17/2011 03/19/2011

C1 C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep C7 C3 PCI C5 Worker 009-32 BCI CCB PCI Safety ATT C1 C2 CAS Estimating NBPI C12 C3 CCI Contract PDA PCS C7 PA 2 Pro Mgmt QCS PCI NBPI C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep C5 C12 C1 C3 Floor Coating Basics C5 Worker PCI BCI Tech Level C1 C5 NBPI C3 C7 C2 CAS C12 C7 C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep PA 2 C13 C13 009-32 C12

Midwest Industrial Coatings SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Vanwin Coatings Dunkin & Bush at Redmond Inn Scicon Worldwide Dunkin & Bush at Redmond Inn Greenman Pedersen, Inc. SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show SSPC 2011 Show Insignia FZE Solomon Resources SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses SSPC New England Chapter at Residence Inn Worcester SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Vanwin Coatings West Coast Industrial Coatings Midwest Industrial Coatings The Sherwin-Williams Company Midwest Industrial Coatings Midwest Industrial Coatings Insignia FZE Kentucky DOT QED Systems Industrial Corrosion Control, Inc. Midwest Industrial Coatings Industrial Corrosion Control, Inc. Insignia FZE SSPC Central Arizona Project Insignia FZE Central Arizona Project SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses Todd Pacific Shipyards Central Arizona Project Insignia FZE Todd Pacific Shipyards Central Arizona Project

Waukesha, WI N/A N/A Chesapeake, VA Redmond, WA Brugge, Belgium Redmond, WA Annapolis Junction, MD Las Vegas, NV

12/20/2010 N/A N/A 12/25/2010 12/27/2010 12/27/2010 12/31/2010 01/3/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/7/2011 01/22/2011 01/24/2011 N/A N/A 01/27/2011 01/29/2011 01/31/2011 01/31/2011 02/1/2011 02/4/2011 02/5/2011 02/11/2011 02/14/2011 02/14/2011 02/14/2011 02/14/2011 02/15/2011 02/19/2011 02/21/2011 02/21/2011 02/21/2011 02/22/2011 N/A N/A 02/23/2011 02/23/2011 02/23/2011 02/24/2011 02/25/2011

Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Saudi Arabia Hawaii N/A N/A Worcester, MA Chesapeake, VA Paso Robles, CA Waukesha, WI Cincinnati, OH Waukesha, WI Waukesha, WI Dubai UAE Frankfort, KY Port Orchard, WA Pascagoula, MS Waukesha, WI Pascagoula, MS Dubai UAE Pittsburgh, PA Phoenix, AZ Dubai UAE Phoenix, AZ N/A N/A Seattle, WA Phoenix, AZ Dubai UAE Seattle, WA Phoenix, AZ

02/3/2011 02/4/2011 02/4/2011 02/4/2011 02/4/2011 02/12/2011 02/14/2011 02/15/2011 02/15/2011 02/17/2011 02/19/2011 02/21/2011 02/21/2011 02/22/2011 02/25/2011 02/26/2011

03/4/2011 03/7/2011 03/7/2011 03/7/2011 03/7/2011 03/8/2011 03/12/2011 03/14/2011 03/14/2011 03/14/2011 03/15/2011 03/15/2011 03/15/2011 03/16/2011 03/16/2011 03/16/2011 03/17/2011 03/18/2011


Start Date

End Date





03/18/2011 03/19/2011 03/19/2011 03/20/2011 03/21/2011 03/21/2011 03/21/2011 03/22/2011 03/22/2011 03/25/2011 03/26/2011 03/28/2011 03/29/2011

03/19/2011 03/19/2011 03/19/2011 03/26/2011 03/21/2011 03/24/2011 03/26/2011 03/23/2011 03/25/2011 03/25/2011 03/26/2011 04/1/2011 03/30/2011 04/5/2011 04/5/2011 04/4/2011 04/9/2011 04/6/2011 04/9/2011 04/7/2011 04/8/2011 04/8/2011 04/8/2011 04/08/2011 04/10/2011 04/15/2011 04/15/2011 04/14/2011 04/15/2011 08/15/2011 08/15/2011 04/17/2011 04/18/2011 04/20/2011 04/20/2011 04/22/2011 05/6/2011 05/6/2011 05/3/2011 05/4/2011 05/5/2011 05/6/2011 05/12/2011 05/13/2011 05/14/2011 05/18/2011 09/15/2011 09/15/2011 05/21/2011 05/20/2011 05/17/2011 05/19/2011 05/25/2011 05/26/2011 05/27/2011 05/27/2011 05/26/2011

ATT C7 PCS PCI Estimating C3 PCI QCS Safety C5 C5 NBPI Floor Coating Basics CCB C12 C7 PCI C14 CCI ATT C12 QCS Thermal Worker QCS

Insignia FZE SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard SSPC Insignia FZE SSPC The Northern California/Nevada Chapter at Jeffco Painting & Coating, Inc. MCS US Corp The Northern California/Nevada Chapter at Jeffco Painting & Coating, Inc. SSPC The Northern California/Nevada Chapter at Courtyard Vallejo Napa Valley The Northern California/Nevada Chapter at Jeffco Painting & Coating, Inc. QED Systems The Sherwin-Williams Company

Dubai UAE Norfolk, VA Pittsburgh, PA Nigeria Pittsburgh, PA Vallejo, CA Pasadena, TX Vallejo, CA Pittsburgh, PA Vallejo, CA Vallejo, CA Port Orchard, WA Orlando, FL Phoenix, AZ Waukesha, WI Port Orchard, WA St. Petersburg, FL Port Orchard, WA Phoenix, AZ Waukesha, WI Port Orchard, WA Hawaii Waukesha, WI Annapolis Junction, MD Norfolk, VA Annapolis Junction, MD Jacksonville, FL Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA N/A N/A Norfolk, VA Hawaii Cincinnati, OH Hawaii Hawaii Cairo, Egypt Rochester, NY Port Orchard, WA Atlanta, GA Port Orchard, WA Port Orchard, WA Houston, TX Houston, TX Chesapeake, VA Saudi Arabia N/A N/A Waukesha, WI Norfolk, VA Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA Saudi Arabia Gardena, CA Norfolk, VA Hawaii Seattle, WA

02/25/2011 02/26/2011 02/26/2011 02/27/2011 02/28/2011 02/28/2011 02/28/2011 03/1/2011 03/1/2011 03/4/2011 03/5/2011 03/7/2011 03/8/2011 03/14/2011 03/14/2011 03/14/2011 03/14/2011 03/15/2011 03/16/2011 03/16/2011 03/17/2011 03/17/2011 03/18/2011 03/18/2011 03/19/2011 03/21/2011 03/21/2011 03/24/2011 03/25/2011 N/A N/A 03/26/2011 03/28/2011 03/29/2010 03/29/2011 03/31/2011 04/10/2011 04/11/2011 04/11/2011 04/12/2011 04/13/2011 04/15/2011 04/21/2011 04/22/2011 04/23/2011 04/23/2011 N/A N/A N/A 04/25/2011 04/26/2011 04/27/2011 04/30/2011 05/2/2011 05/2/2011 05/2/2011 05/2/2011

04/4/2011 04/4/2011 04/4/2011 04/4/2011 04/5/2011 04/6/2011 04/6/2011 04/7/2011 04/7/2011 04/8/2011 04/08/2011 04/9/2011 04/11/2011 04/11/2011 04/14/2011 04/15/2011 04/15/2011 04/15/2011 04/16/2011 04/18/2011 04/19/2011 04/19/2011 04/21/2011

Central Arizona Project Midwest Industrial Coatings QED Systems KTA Tator, Inc. at Hampton Inn & Suites QED Systems Central Arizona Project Midwest Industrial Coatings QED Systems Solomon Resources Midwest Industrial Coatings Greenman Pedersen, Inc. SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard C1 Greenman Pedersen, Inc. NBPI Atlantic Marine PA 2 The Sherwin-Williams Company 009-32 The Sherwin-Williams Company C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe SSPC Online eCourses Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep SSPC Online Short Courses C12 SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard C7 Solomon Resources Floor Coating Basics The Sherwin-Williams Company C14 Solomon Resources C12 Solomon Resources PCI C1 QCS Floor Coating Basics ATT CAS PA 2 Thermal C7 C1 C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep BCI C1 Contract Pro Mgmt C2 C5 NBPI NBPI Safety Insignia FZE Monroe County Water Authority QED Systems The Sherwin-Williams Company QED Systems QED Systems PolySpec Thiokol PolySpec Thiokol SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Vanwin Coatings Insignia FZE SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses Midwest Industrial Coatings Northrop Grumman SSPC SSPC Insignia FZE Blastco, Inc. The Sherwin-Williams Company Solomon Resources Todd Pacific Shipyards

05/1/2011 05/2/2011 05/2/2011 05/3/2011 05/4/2011 05/6/2011 05/12/2011 05/13/2011 05/14/2011 05/14/2011 05/15/2011 05/15/2011 05/16/2011 05/16/2011 05/17/2011 05/18/2011 05/21/2011 05/23/2011 05/23/2011 05/23/2011 05/23/2011


Start Date

End Date





05/26/2011 05/27/2011 05/27/2011


05/26/2011 05/27/2011 05/27/2011 06/5/2011 06/8/2011 06/6/2011 06/7/2011 06/9/2011 06/12/2011 06/14/2011 10/15/2011 10/15/2011 06/18/2011 06/18/2011 06/24/2011 06/23/2011 07/2/2011 07/15/2011 07/16/2011 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 07/16/2011 07/16/2011 07/26/2011 07/30/2011 08/9/2011 08/11/2011 08/10/2011 08/12/2011 08/12/2011 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 08/19/2011 08/18/2011 08/16/2011 08/19/2011 08/21/2011 08/20/2011 08/26/2011 08/26/2011 09/7/2011 09/9/2011 09/11/2011 09/14/2011 09/15/2011 09/17/2011 01/15/2012 01/15/2012 09/16/2011 09/16/2011 09/17/2011 09/18/2011 09/17/2011 09/24/2011 09/22/2011

PCS C3 Estimating C13

Insignia FZE Blastco, Inc. Todd Pacific Shipyards

Saudi Arabia Gardena, CA Seattle, WA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Chesapeake, VA Waukesha, WI N/A N/A Waukesha, WI Norfolk, VA Seattle, WA Cincinnati, OH Nigeria Waukesha, WI Pittsburgh, PA N/A N/A Norfolk, VA Waukesha, WI Houston, TX Houston, TX Paso Robles, CA Pittsburgh, PA Paso Robles, CA Paso Robles, CA Pittsburgh, PA N/A N/A Annapolis Junction, MD Houston, TX Honolulu, HI Houston, TX Norfolk, VA Annapolis Junction, MD Pasadena, TX Norfolk, VA Port Orchard, WA Port Orchard, WA Norfolk, VA Phoenix, AZ Hemet, CA Waukesha, WI N/A N/A Phoenix, AZ Hemet, CA Norfolk, VA Dubai UAE Hemet, CA Nigeria Dubai UAE

05/5/2011 05/6/2011 05/6/2011 05/14/2011 05/14/2011 05/16/2011 05/17/2011 05/18/2011 05/21/2011 05/23/2011 N/A N/A 05/25/2011 05/28/2011 05/30/2011 06/1/2011 06/5/2011 06/20/2011 06/20/2011 N/A N/A 06/25/2011 06/25/2011 06/25/2011 07/6/2011 07/18/2011 07/20/2011 07/20/2011 07/21/2011 07/22/2011 N/A N/A 07/25/2011 07/25/2011 07/26/2011 07/29/2011 07/30/2011 07/30/2011 08/1/2011 08/1/2011 08/17/2011 08/18/2011 08/20/2011 08/23/2011 08/22/2011 08/22/2011 N/A N/A 08/25/2011 08/26/2011 08/27/2011 08/27/2011 08/27/2011 08/28/2011 08/29/2011

06/4/2011 06/4/2011 06/6/2011 06/7/2011 06/8/2011 06/11/2011 06/13/2011 06/15/2011 06/15/2011 06/15/2011 06/18/2011 06/20/2011 06/22/2011 06/26/2011

SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard NBPI SSPC at Mega Rust 009-32 SSPC at Mega Rust PA 2 SSPC at Mega Rust QCS SSPC at Mega Rust C12 SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Vanwin Coatings CCB Midwest Industrial Coatings C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe SSPC Online eCourses Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep SSPC Online Short Courses CCI Midwest Industrial Coatings C7 SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard NBPI Todd Pacific Shipyards Floor Coating Basics The Sherwin-Williams Company PCI Insignia FZE C2 PCI C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep C7 PCS CCB CCI QCS ATT Contract Pro Mgmt CAS C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep C2 Safety C7 Estimating C12 PCS C1 NBPI Contract Pro Mgmt C13 Midwest Industrial Coatings KTA-Tator, Inc. SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard Midwest Industrial Coatings PolySpec Thiokol PolySpec Thiokol West Coast Industrial Coatings KTA-Tator, Inc. West Coast Industrial Coatings West Coast Industrial Coatings KTA-Tator, Inc. SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses Greenman Pedersen, Inc. PolySpec Thiokol Pacific Shipyards International LLC PolySpec Thiokol SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard Greenman Pedersen, Inc. MCS US Corp The Sherwin-Williams Company

07/11/2011 07/11/2011 07/15/2011 07/15/2011 07/16/2011 07/16/2011 07/25/2011 07/27/2011


08/8/2011 08/10/2011 08/10/2011 08/11/2011 08/12/2011 08/15/2011 08/15/2011 08/15/2011 08/15/2011 08/16/2011 08/19/2011 08/20/2011 08/20/2011 08/22/2011 08/22/2011

09/7/2011 09/8/2011 09/10/2011 09/13/2011 09/12/2011 09/12/2011 09/15/2011 09/15/2011 09/15/2011 09/16/2011 09/17/2011 09/17/2011 09/17/2011 09/18/2011 09/19/2011

QED Systems QED Systems SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard ATT Central Arizona Project C3 West Coast Industrial Coatings PCI Midwest Industrial Coatings C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe SSPC Online eCourses Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep SSPC Online Short Courses C10 Central Arizona Project C5 West Coast Industrial Coatings C7 SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard CCB Insignia FZE Worker West Coast Industrial Coatings PCI Insignia FZE CCI Insignia FZE


Start Date

End Date





09/19/2011 09/19/2011 09/19/2011 09/21/2011 09/24/2011 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 09/28/2011 09/30/2011


09/20/2011 09/23/2011 09/23/2011 09/24/2011 09/24/2011 09/27/2011 09/27/2011 09/29/2011 09/30/2011 10/7/2011 10/3/2011 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 10/4/2011 10/5/2011 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 10/7/2011 10/14/2011 10/14/2011 10/14/2011 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 10/15/2011 10/16/2011 10/22/2011 10/19/2011 10/22/2011 10/27/2011 10/28/2011 11/6/2011 11/10/2011 11/12/2011 11/7/2011 11/12/2011 11/10/2011 11/9/2011 11/10/2011 11/11/2011 11/11/2011 11/19/2011 11/17/2011 11/18/2011 11/16/2011 03/15/2012 03/15/2012 11/18/2011 11/19/2011 11/19/2011 11/26/2011 12/4/2011 12/5/2011 12/10/2011 12/7/2011 04/15/2012 04/15/2012 12/18/2011

CCB C2 NBPI CCI PCS Floor Coating Basics QCS ATT CAS C1 C7 C10 C14 Contract PA 2 Pro Mgmt 009-32 C12 C2 NBPI C1 C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep PCS C12 BCI Floor Coating Basics C7 Safety Estimating PCI PCI BCI Contract PCI Safety Pro Mgmt 009-32 Estimating PA 2 PCI C3 C2 Floor Coating Basics C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep C5 C7 PCS PCI C13

SSPC Monroe County Water Authority Greenman Pedersen, Inc. SSPC Monroe County Water Authority The Sherwin-Williams Company Todd Pacific Shipyards Todd Pacific Shipyards Todd Pacific Shipyards Central Arizona Project Todd Pacific Shipyards Midwest Industrial Coatings Todd Pacific Shipyards H.I.S. Painting, Inc. QED Systems H.I.S. Painting, Inc. QED Systems Todd Pacific Shipyards MCS US Corp Fairhaven Shipyard SSPC SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses MCS US Corp SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard PolySpec Thiokol The Sherwin-Williams Company SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard Central Arizona Project Central Arizona Project Insignia FZE Insignia FZE KTA Tator, Inc. at Hampton Inn & Suites Midwest Industrial Coatings PolySpec Thiokol QED Systems Midwest Industrial Coatings Midwest Industrial Coatings QED Systems Midwest Industrial Coatings Insignia FZE Central Arizona Project Northrop Grumman The Sherwin-Williams Company SSPC Online eCourses SSPC Online Short Courses Central Arizona Project SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard Northrop Grumman Scicon Worldwide

Pittsburgh, PA Rochester, NY Annapolis Junction, MD Pittsburgh, PA Rochester, NY Cincinnati, OH Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Phoenix, AZ Seattle, WA Waukesha, WI Seattle, WA Titusville, FL Port Orchard, WA Titusville, FL Port Orchard, WA Seattle, WA Pasadena, TX Bellingham, WA Pittsburgh, PA N/A N/A Pasadena, TX Norfolk, VA Houston, TX Meriden, CT Norfolk, VA Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Nigeria Cairo, Egypt St. Petersburg, FL Waukesha, WI Houston, TX Port Orchard, WA Waukesha, WI Waukesha, WI Port Orchard, WA Waukesha, WI Nigeria Phoenix, AZ Norfolk, VA Cincinnati, OH N/A N/A Phoenix, AZ Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA Brugge, Belgium Norfolk, VA Houston, TX Pittsburgh, PA Houston, TX N/A N/A Norfolk, VA

08/29/2011 08/29/2011 08/29/2011 08/31/2011 09/3/2011 06/5/2011 09/5/2011 09/7/2011 09/9/2011 09/12/2011 09/12/2011 09/13/2011 09/13/2011 09/13/2011 09/14/2011 09/14/2011 09/15/2011 09/15/2011 09/19/2011 09/19/2011 09/19/2011 N/A N/A 09/24/2011 09/24/2011 09/26/2011 09/27/2011 10/1/2011 10/3/2011 10/7/2011 10/10/2011 10/15/2011 10/17/2011 10/17/2011 10/17/2011 10/17/2011 10/18/2011 10/20/2011 10/21/2011 10/21/2011 10/23/2011 10/24/2011 10/24/2011 10/25/2011 N/A N/A 10/28/2011 N/A 10/29/2011 10/31/2011 11/12/2011 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 11/15/2011 N/A N/A 11/26/2011

10/3/2011 10/3/2011 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 10/4/2011 10/5/2011 10/5/2011 10/6/2011 10/6/2011 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 10/15/2011 10/15/2011 10/15/2011 10/15/2011 10/17/2011 10/18/2011 10/22/2011 10/24/2011 10/28/2011 10/31/2011

11/5/2011 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 11/8/2011 11/10/2011 11/11/2011 11/11/2011 11/13/2011 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 11/18/2011 11/19/2011 11/19/2011 11/21/2011

12/3/2011 12/5/2011 12/5/2011 12/6/2011 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 12/17/2011

SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard Contract PolySpec Thiokol BCI SSPC Pro Mgmt PolySpec Thiokol C1e, C2e, Marine-e, ATBe, QCSe SSPC Online eCourses Concrete, Nonferrous, Steel Surface Prep SSPC Online Short Courses C12 SSPC Hampton Roads Chapter at Colonnas Shipyard


2011 SSPC Training Host Organizations

SOLOMON Resources, LLC

Corrosion prevention. Together.

Hampton Roads Chapter New England Chapter SSPC-China Chapter SSPC-Indonesia Chapter Northern California Chapter

2011 Equipment Suppliers


SSPC Training Program Categories

Surface Preparation & Coatings Application
Basics of Nonferrous Surface Preparation (online) Basics of Steel Surface Preparation (online) Basics of Concrete Surface Preparation (online) Coating Application Specialist Certification (CAS) Abrasive Blasting Program (C7) Water Jetting Program (C13) Airless Spray Basics (C12) Applicator Train-the-Trainer Program Applicator Training Basics (online) Floor Coating Basics Marine Plural Component Program (MPCAC, C14) Plural Component Basics Applicator Training - Specialty Module CD Series Thermal Spray Concrete Coating Basics

Online Training/E-Learning

Basics of Nonferrous Surface Preparation (online) Basics of Steel Surface Preparation (online) Basics of Concrete Surface Preparation (online) Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1) (online) Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) (online) Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) (online) Marine Coatings (online) Applicator Training Basics (online)



Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) (online) Evaluating Common Coating Contract Clauses Project Management for the Industrial Painting Contractor Basics of Estimating Industrial Coatings Projects Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) (online)

Protective Coatings Inspector Program (PCI) Concrete Coating Basics Concrete Coating Inspector Program (CCI) Bridge Coatings Inspector Program (BCI) NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI) Master Coatings Inspector Certificate (MCI) Navigating Standard Item 009-32 Using SSPC PA 2 Effectively

Department Of Defense (Dod)

FREE SSPC Training/Certification Courses for DoD, Army, Air force, Coast Guard and Navy Personnel. For further information or to register for a course, please contact Jennifer Merck at 1.877.281.7772 x2221 or [email protected].
Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1) Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1) (online) Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) (online) Abrasive Blasting Program (C7) Airless Spray Basics (C12) Marine Plural Component Program (MPCAC, C14) Concrete Coating Inspector Program (CCI) NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI)

Coatings Technology, Management & Safety

Evaluating Common Coating Contract Clauses Project Management for the Industrial Painting Contractor Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1) Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (C1) (online) Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) Planning & Specifying Industrial Coatings Projects (C2) (online) Lead Paint Removal (C3) Lead Paint Removal Refresher (C5) Marine Coatings Marine Coatings (online) Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) Quality Control Supervisor (QCS) (online) Lead Paint Worker Safety Introduction to Safety and Health in Industrial Painting Basics of Estimating Industrial Coatings Projects

Coating Concrete

Floor Coating Basics Concrete Coating Basics Concrete Coating Inspector Program (CCI) Basics of Concrete Surface Preparation (online)


Lead Paint Worker Safety Lead Paint Removal (C3) Lead Paint Removal Refresher (C5) Introduction to Safety and Health in Industrial Painting


Abrasive Blasting Program (C7) 009-32 Requirements Water Jetting Program (C13) Airless Spray Basics (C12) 009-32 Requirements Marine Plural Component Program (MPCAC, C14) 009-32 Requirements Protective Coatings Inspector Program (PCI) 009-32 Requirements NAVSEA Basic Paint Inspector (NBPI) 009-32 Approved Navigating Standard Item 009-32 Using SSPC PA 2 Effectively Marine Coatings Marine Coatings (online)

SSPC Training Course Registration Form

Registration deadline is 21 days prior to published date of class
Your SSPC Individual ID Number Name (as it should appear on your certificate) Your Title Company Address Area Code/Phone Number Area Code/Fax Number Your Approving Managers Name Write in the Course(s) for which You are Registering: 1 Course Title: 2 Course Title: Date of Course: Date of Course: Location: Location: Company Name City/State/Zip E-mail Address Date and Place of Birth Title

Please tell us how you heard about this training

Demographic Information This must be completed, or we cannot complete your application.

Question 1: What is your primary business in terms of coatings work? (Check only one) A. B. C. a. b. c. d. e. y. D. E. F. a. b. c. d. e. G. H. Y. Facility Owner/End User of Coatings Architect/Engineering/ Consulting Firms Contractor Painting Flooring General Specialty Concrete Other Shipyard Fabricator Manufacturer Abrasives Equipment for coatings work Coatings and linings Coatings raw materials Other Dealer/Distributor/Store Government, Regulatory Agency, Research Other (specify) Question 2: In which industries or structures are you involved in coatings Question 3: Which products and services do you purchase or specify? (Select all that apply) work? (Select all that apply) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. Y. Chemical processing Petroleum refining/processing/distribution Metals and mining Pulp and paper Oil/gas production Power, conventional Power, nuclear Bridge and highway Waterfront/locks/dams Water works/storage Waste treatment Food, beverage or pharmaceutical Pipeline Gas utility Shipping/ship management Railcar manufacturing and/or repair Equipment/vehicle manufacturing and maintenance Military Stadiums & theme parks General Commercial Other A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Y. Coatings for steel Coatings or materials to protect concrete Surface preparation equipment and materials Coatings application equipment Coatings inspection equipment Safety equipment Containment Access and scaffolding equipment Lab and field testing equipment Coatings raw materials Painting services Consulting or engineering services Other Special Note: If you have a disability that may impact your participation in this activity, please call SSPC at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. Prior notification is necessary in order for us to address your needs.

Payment Options
Please charge my credit card in the amount of $ VISA Card Number Signature Check Enclosed Check No. MasterCard Discover Exp. Date AMEX Security Code

A Free Membership Offer from SSPC

If you register for a 4-day training course at the nonmember rate, you automatically become an SSPC individual member. Your membership includes unlimited access to the entire collection of SSPC standards at no additional cost, a subscription to the Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings as well as discounts on publications, conferences and other benefits. After the course, we will process your application, and you will receive your membership card and JPCL shortly thereafter. Please note: by itself, individual membership is $95 per year. This offer is valid only for new members or those whose membership has been inactive for at least six months. Your signature below verifies that you understand this offer.
Signature Date

Add $95.00 for 1-Year SSPC Individual Membership

Cancellation Policy

SSPC reserves the right to cancel up to 21 days before the scheduled training is to begin due to low registration. If a training event is cancelled, registrants receive a full refund of payments for course fees and supplemental material or SSPC can transfer your registration fee to an upcoming training. If you do not enroll in another class within one year, the fees will be forfeited. SSPC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a course or part thereof at any time. In the event of SSPC having to cancel or re-schedule a course, attendees will be offered an alternative course date or the option to withdraw from the course and a credit/refund issued if appropriate. We cannot take responsibility for the expenses incurred by the customer as a result of the cancellation or re-scheduling of the course. If you choose to cancel and SSPC receives your written cancellation: A) up to 30 days before the training, the registration fee is refundable, minus a $50.00 service charge or you may select a full credit towards a future training class or event. B) is received from 29 to 17 calendar days before the training, the fee is refundable at 50%, minus a $50.00 service charge or you may select a full credit towards a future conference or training event. C) is received in 16 or fewer days before the training, you will receive credit towards a future conference or training event, minus a $50.00 service charge. If you do not cancel or attend, you are still responsible for the payment. All credits for future classes due to your cancellation are forfeited if you do not attend another class within one year of your first cancellation. Under no circumstances is SSPC responsible for reimbursement of any airline tickets, guaranteed reservations or other expenses associated with a student attending any class.

Four Easy Ways to Register

Online at www.sspc.org

By phone, toll-free In the USA: 877.281.7772 x2202. Outside USA: 412.281.2331 x2202


Fax this form to: 412.281.9993

By mail send to: SSPC Training P.O. Box 200591 Pittsburgh, PA 152510591


100% Protective, Marine & Industrial Coatings

January 31 February 3, 2011 Mandalay Bay Resort Las Vegas, NV www.sspc.org/sspc2011

SSPC 2012 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, FL January 30 February 2

IMPACT on your business. Make less IMPACT on the environment. Make more IMPACT on your business. Make less IMPACT on the environment

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