Sap MM

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1. Raw materials are providing to sub-contractor to convert in to semi finished or finished products.
2. we maintain info record for the vendor & finished product info record with sub-contacting info category.
3. next we create a PO for the finished product with item category L. in this PO maintain the service charges.
Raw materials has componants need to be maintained, it can be exploded by bomb or addedd manually.
bomb will be created by production team using T code CS01.
4. next we transfer the raw materials to sub contractor with movement type 541.
stock gets updated under stock provided to vendor.
there is no accounting document maintain, still we are owner of the raw materials.
5. next we post goods receipt in MIGO with movement type 101, the raw materials consumed under movement type 5
6. GI transaction keys are BSX -, GBB+
GR transaction keys are BSX +, WRX-
sub-contarcting charges are BSV -, FRL+.
7. at last we post the invoice in MIRO agaist the po & pay the sub contarcting charges to the vendor.

Scenario 1- Sub-contacting PO with scrap / buy product.

1. Raw materials are providing to sub-contractor to convert in to semi finished or finished produts.
2. we maintain info record for the vendor & finished product info record with sub-contacting info category.
3. Raw materials has the where as the buy product / scrap will be given has 1- because scrape/ buy product are taken b
4. Next we create a 1 PO with 2 line items, will have item category L for finished product & delivary address as plan
2nd line item will have raw material with delivary address as vendor address. Here check SC supplier check box, the
5. scrap/buy product produced under MVT type 545
taking scrap/buy product from vendor to your own stock MVT type 542
there Is no accounting document maintained bcz we are the owner of the scrap/buy product.
6. next we post GR in MIGO for the raw materials which is procured from vendor with " MVT type 101 o", the stock
Post GR for the finished product with MVT type 101, raw materials consumed under 543 & if there is scrap/buy prod
6. transaction event keys are BSX +, GBB-
7. at last we post the invoice in MIRO agaist the po & pay the sub contarcting charges to the vendor.

Scenario 2- Buy raw materilas from different vendor & send to Sub-contactior.
1. Raw materials are providing to sub-contractor to convert in to semi finished or finished products.
2. we maintain info record for the vendor & finished product info record with sub-contacting info category.
3. 1st PO will be for the raw material for the vendor A asking him to delivery address SC supplier check box should b
The price will be raw material price, 2nd PO will be of the sub-contacting PO with finished product & item category
delivery address will be of the plant address.
5. Post GR in MIGO for the raw material procured from the vendor MVT type 101 O.
Post GR for the finished product with MVT type 101, raw materials consumed under 543.
6. GI transaction event keys are BSX -, GBB+
GR transaction event keys are BSX +, WRX-
sub-contarcting charges are BSV -, FRL+.
7. At last create MIRO pay both the vendor invoice for raw material & another for sub-contactor.

ERS process (Evaluation receipt settlement)

a) ERS is a unique process where the creation of an invoice against the good receipt happen automatically.
b) The invoice pasted an basis of PO & GR, in this process it is not necessary for the vendor to submit an invoice.
1) Price & quantity varience do not accure in invoicing.
2) Because of automatic process avoids errors in communication b/w vendor & buyer.
3) Purchasing transaction settled quickly since the process automated.

1. Material Mater

2. Vendor Master - there are 3 indicators check

a) GR based IV - Invoice posted with respect to GR
b) Auto evaluation GR settlement delivery - this indicator ignore the creation of invoices automatically
with respect of GR.
c) Auto evaluation returns - this indocators allows the automatic creation of credit memos with
respect of return materials.

3. Info Record
a) GR based IV
b) NO ERS ( De - select)

4. PO - Create a PO with ERS vendors the default indicator in the vendor master flow to PO
(GR based IV & ERS indicators)

5. GR - This is mandatory step mvt type 101

6. Invoice ( MRRL) (program set automatically)

After executing the posting run, the ERS run posts the invoice automatically. A MM & FI involvement
are generated.
* in our project we had a batch job for MRRL program. Which used to run everyday once at 6am
(Monday to Friday) in the morning & generate invoice automatically for the GR done.
9. Customer billing document created in t code VF01 & send to customer for billing.
Consignament Process
In this process vendor delivers the goods to our premises, these goods are still under vendors liability.
The vendor is paid when the materials are consumed.

a) In SAP a consignment info record must be maintained with net price & tax code mandatory.
b) A consignment PO will be created with item category K, here the conditions & invoices tab will be hidden.
c) Once the goods are received, the GR posted under mvt type 101K.
d) The stock gets updated under vendor consignment, there is no accounting document created as the stock is still und
e) From vendors consignment we can transfer to our own stock, with mvt type 411K, The transaction event keys are
411 K : KON+
Then issue the goods from our own stock to cost center or production usuing mvt type 201/261, the transaction event
201/261 : BSX-
Or else we can directly issue the goods from consignment stock to cost center / production with mvt type 201K/261K
201K/261K : KON-
f) For the material consumed we settled the vendor usuing Tcode MRKO, transaction event keys are
KBS- (credit to vendor)
KBS+ (DR from consignment vendor)

A PIPEline material is a material enters the production process directly from pipeline.
EG: Oil or electricity from wire/cable & it can be consumed pipeline materials are represented by the material type P

a) There is no PO, no goods receipt, no stock for these materials.

b) We only record the consumption & pay accordingly.
c) We record the consumption in MIGO with special stock P
d) All price & tax information stored in info record in record category used as PIPELINE.

1. Material master - Material type - PIPE

2. Info record (mandatory) - pipeline info record is created with price & tax details.
3. Record Consumption - There is no PO, stock of the material, we can issue or consume material even there is no sto
4. Goods Issue- cost center mvt type 201P
Goods issue- GI to production mvt type 261P
5. Settlement - we do settlement in MRKO.
6. Transaction event keys - KON -(ACC modifies pvp)

3rd party/ SD integration/Drop shipment

Integration with SD in 3rd party process vendor directly delivers to the customer,
customer pays for the goods received to us & we pay the supplier.
Material master-sales view-BANS
1. In 3 rd party process we maintain material in sales data,
Item category group = BANS is maintained in sales data 2
2. The sales team creats a sales order with item category TAS (VA01 sales order)
3. This item category TAS will be determined automatically based on TAS assigment with item category BANS,
item category TAS is also linked to schedule line category CS.
4. This configuration creats a purchase requistition automatically in back end with item category S
account assignment category1, customer address flow to delivery address in PR.
5. PR is converted to PO.
6. The vendor delivers goods to customer & customer sign the proof of delivery (POD),
vendor's provide the POD'S to us & on based of this we post statistical GR, with mvt type 101, there is no stock upda
7. Transaction eventkeys are KBS+, WRX-
8. Invoice is posted in MIRO against the PO.
9. Customer billing document created in Tcode VF01 & send to customer for billng.
S4 & R3 Diffrence
1. The material length 18 in R3 & material length in S4 is 40.
2. Material ledger activity is mandatory in S4.
3. New material type SERV id introduced in S4.
4. the inventory management is reduced from 26 table to single table MAT doc.
5. The pricing table KOSU in R3 is replace by a new table PRCD-ELEMENT in S4.
6. In S4 hana customer & vendor is intergrated as business partners.
7. SAP Fiori appa are availabe in S4 hana fpr performing activities &
extract reports in real time.
8. S4 hana can run on hana data base while ECC can run
on multiple data base (DB2, Oracle)
9. In PIR auto sourcing is introduced, it works as
MRP = one in source list.

Service PO
1. Service Procurement is the procurement of services, no inventory is maintained for
for service procurement.
2. The requirement for services comeS from PM & PS (project system) module.
3. A work order or network order is created.
4. after the approval/release of these orders, a service PR is generated. This PR is
converted to service PO, then SES (service entry sheet) is posted in ML81N.

Note: a) a service PR/PO has item category(D)

b) as soon as the item D is keyed in, service tab gets enabled in item details of PR/PO.
c) A service master is created in AC03.

Types of service PO
1. Planned services.
2. Unplanned services.

1. Planned services - here the nature & scope of the services is known prior.
2. Unplanned services - here th nature & scope of the services are not known, a limit
is given in the PR.

Cycle of service procurement

a. Service master - AC03
b. PR - ME53N
c. PO - ME21N
d. SES - ML81N
e. Invoice - MIRO
sgsd cgsd
ftxt tax code create intrasd

vendor negotiation
supplier set up
SAP Fiori Apps
No customization done, but client is not ready to fiori apps but I know
the fiori apps.

1. Post goods movement

2. Manage PR - Professional
3. Manage / Process PR
4. Create PO
5. Manage PO
6. Manage supplier quotation/manage RFQ'S
7. Schedule purchasing jobs
8. Create / manage supplier invoice

5 Key Stages in the Sourcing Process

Stage 1 Understanding the need and developing specifications.
Stage 5 Developing contract / documentation.
Stage 6 Supplier selection.
Stage 9 Contract award and implementation.
Stage 12 Supplier performance / Supplier management.
Pricing Procedure
The various pricing componants like Freight charges,
sur-charges, discounts, gross price determine with the use
of PP.

* In the PO, schema group of vendor & schema group of pur org,
assign to PP.
* This will helps in determaining the condition type in PO.
* The PP contains con type
* Con type link to access sequence
* Access seq link to con table.
* Access seq works as search engine & search the con record,
based on con table.
*Con record found the price it ll fetch to PO,
if con rec not found we have to enter the price manually.

** Note: There was a requirement in CME project to create a condition

type to capture the experidate charges.
ans: ZEXP condition type was created. There is no access seq linked.
it is a header & item condition, we link to procedure RM0000.

12. Requirement: It is routine that is written as per business requirement, if there

are additional custom checks need to be done, then we make use of requirement.

15. A/C key & Accruals: The a/c key & accruals assign to respective G/L A/C.
system post the respective values in respective G/L A/C.

9. Statistical: This indicator if activated, it will not allow the value of con type,
to be taken in to net value calculation, it is used for info purpose only
EG: freight charges
Output Determination
Output determination helps in communicating details like
PO to external suppliers & also helps in communicating
with internal organisation detials like GR, GI slips, Lables.

When we create a PO the output type will be determined in PO.

Based on
1. Message Procedure - this msg procedure linked to application type.

2. the output procedure contains msg types.

msg type linked to Access sequence.

3. Access sequence linked to condition table.

access sequence works as search engine & search for condition records,
if condition record found in stamps the corresponding message type in PO.

a. Condition table
b. Access aequence
c. message type
d. message procedure

PB00- time dependent con type

PB00 will occure in PO when there is a condition record
or contract or pur info record is maintained, price flow to PO
this con type has access sequence.

PBXX - Time independent con type

PBXX will occure in when there is no con reocrd, or no contract
or no pur info record maintained, price will not flow to Po
we need to key in the price manually, this con type does't have access sequence.
Business application programing interface
A BAPI is a function module that can called remotely using RFC.

YES, I have used BAPI like READ_TEXT to extract the PO text in Material Master. item note, item text etc.
from PO line item details in one of my P2P report, PO tracking report.

S4 & R3 diffrences
1. The material length 18 in R3 & material length in S4 is 40.
2. Material ledger activities is mandatory in S4.
3. New material type SERV is introduced in S4.
4. Inventory mgt is reduced from 26 table to single table MAT doc.
5. The pricing table KOUN in R3 is replaced by a new table PRCD-ELEMENTS in S4.
6. In S4 hana customer & vendor integrated as business partners.
7. SAP Fiori apps are available in S4 hana for performing activity & extract report in real time.
8. S4 Hana can run on hana data base, while ECC can run multiple data basis(DB2, Oracle)
9. In PIR auto sourcing field is introduced, it works as MRP = one in source list.

Business adding ( 1 of the Eg: for enhancement)
they are enhancement which can be applied to standard SAP program as per business requirement.

YES, we have used BADI_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. Is one of our enhancement. We have used

this BADI to add our custom validation, the requirement was if, the PO is created respect to PR &
if PO price is greater than PR price is keyed in, then we get an error.
There is diffrence b/w PR & PO order cant't be saved PO can be placed on hold.
This BADI was used to not allowed to save the PO when there is a price diffrence.
note, item text etc.
I have written the FD for the PO tracking report, & open PO line iteam &
requisition to PO, written FD and handover to techniqual team for

1. PO tracking report
2. Open PO line item
3. Requisition to PO

1. PO tracking report : I have written the FD for the PO tracking report &
handover to techniqual team for development.
PO tracking is required by the business to list all the PO's & its PO history
for a material or services being created by net work order/ work order. This
report will be able to track full life cycle status of PO.
input screen contains 46 fields, output report contains 108. PO line item

This report was built to monitor the open PO line item, it will display
the total number of open PO line item which are due for delivery.

Logic: campare the PO line item quantity with GR quantity

condition: 1) EKPO - ELIKZ - delivery completed indicator
not = to X, EKPO - LOEKZ (not = to z)
2) EKPO - EREZ ( not = to Z)

3. Requisition to PO
This report will monitor PR to PO creation time in days. This report will
display the time taken for a creation of PO after the PR has been released.

Logic: calculate the number of days it taken to create a PO after the PR line
item has been approved.
Forms Conversiontions
We were devided in to 2 groups the 1st grp worked on forms, wrokflow & We did not worked,
interfaces, 2nd grp worked on interfaces, reports & enhancement.

I worked on PO forms, worked on already built form that,

I have updated terms & conditions, page number & logo
I had done just enhancement on this forms, updated FD in smart forms,
FD TD was already done I have worked on enhancement send for testing
then release for go live.
Actian order confirmation
PO will be send from S4 to actian where supplier can
respond through online portal.

The supplier receive the PO output & send the order

confirmation back to S4, in case of any discrepancy the
PO line item will be locked & uncomfirmed check box will
checked & rejected comments will be updated.

The confirmation from actian will be send vis CXML file

with the pay load ID with time stamp, confirmation status
confirmation header type, quantity, delivery date & reference.

1. Order confirmation - fully accepted

when the order confirmation flows from Actian to SAP we can see
the confirmation updated under confirmation tab with quantity
& delivery date.

2. Order Confirmation - fully rejected

* when supplier rejected there will be no confirmation updated
under confirmation tab.
* all the PO line item are locked.
* the rejection notes will flow to SAP.
* P1S6 release strategy triggered & notification sent to the buyer.

3. Partially accepted - when the order confirmation accepted

partially accepted, partially either by quantity or delivery date.
* the confirmation tab will have confirmation updated with
confirmation quantity & delivery date.
* the PO line item will be locked.
* P1S6 release strategy triggered & notification sent to the buyer.
Invoice Planning Workflow
* we have 2 types of invoice planning
1. Partial invoicing plan
2. Periodic invoicing plan

need the ability to notify the PO creator & the goods

receipiant to remove the billing block or PO for the
payment to be processed to the supplier.

1. The PO is created with document type NB / FO.

2. Invoice plan is activated & there will be a Z2 block on
the invoice plan items.
3. If the invoice creation date & billing dates falls b/w 15
days or less, Z2 block removed automatically.
4. If the billing date is 7 days from the system,a workflow
trigger the goods receipiant asking to remove the block.
5. If the billing date is 3 days from the system date &
goods receipiant fail to remove the block, then workflow
should trigger to the buyer of the PO, copying the goods
receipiant asking to remove the block.
6. invoice is approved & rejected using SBWP t code
rejection comments captured in PO line item under,
invoice plan text.
7. After the invoice planning block Z2 is removed
the invoice settled using t code MRIS.

Logic : SPRO - MM - Purchasing - PO - Invoice planning -

define invoice block.
once the above config done we can create a PO & save the block
Z2 applying in the invoice plan.
Logic is same for both the invoice.
* EKPO-EBLEN-EBLP (fetch inv plan FBLENR)
FBCT = billing plan table
condition =FAKSP=Z2(Billing block)
fetch AFBAT(billing date)

1. if AFDAT - SYSDAT is less than or equel to 7 days this line item

eligible for invoice plan notification. This program run everyday
& send workflow notifing to goods receipiant.

2. if AFDAT - SYSDAT is less or equel to 3 days , reminders

notification send to buyer(EKPO-EKGRP),
copying to goods receipiant(EKPO-WEMPE).
SWIA - Send the work item to any user/delete the work item
SBWP - inbox which work item reject/approve
SW15 - we can send the work item yo any user inbox
SWPR - if workflow in error state the workflow is restart here
when the a/c assignment PR/PO'S created the a/c
assignment tab get unabled in the item category.
* The goods receipiant available in the a/c assignment
tab, as per the business needs.
* A validation was required to be applied the field.
* The value entered in the goods receipiant was
valuated against the table USR02-B name.
* Then its checks for if the ID is terminated.
* This validation was applied to requistion field (AFNAM)in
PR & PO.

this line item

stands for Legacy system migration workbench

LSMW is a software based SAP tool for single or

periocdic transfers of data from non SAP to SAP system.

there are 2 tools use for migrating data

1. BDC- batch data communication ( done by ABAPER)

Types of LSMW
1. Batch input
2. Standard or direct input
3. BAPI's
4. IDOC's - intermidiate document

Functions of LSMW tool

1) Import data - data in spread sheet or sequential files.
2) Convert data - convert data from source formats & target formates.
3) Import data - Import data to SAP.
LSMW Direct Input
Direct input is a program provided by SAP to use this program
you should know object method & program name, easy to process
& very fast to load.

1. Maintain object atribute
2. Maintain source structure
3. Maintain source field
4. Maintain source relation
5. Maintain field maping & convertion rules
6. Maintain fixed values,transactions,user define routine
7. specify files
8. Assign files
9. Read data
10. Disply read data
11. Convert data
12. Display convert data
13. Start direct input program

LSMW Batch Input

Batch input is recording method that you have to record your
own structure,
system will record all the filed that you click & update value, then a file is
created as same as structure of recording, it is not flexible for complicate data.

1. Maintain object atribute
2. Maintain source structure
3. Maintain source field
4. Maintain source relation
5. Maintain field maping & convertion rules
6. Maintain fixed values,transactions,user define routine
7. specify files
8. Assign files
9. Read data
10. Disply read data
11. Convert data
12. Display convert data
13. Create batch input session
14. Run batch input session

hen a file is
complicate data.
IDOC - Intermidiate Document
Idoc is a SAP object that carries data of a business transaction from
one system to another in the form of electronic message.

The functionality of IDOC is all your documents like PO, invoice

order acknowledge etc.. Are now a days transmitted electronically
to handle this scenario. SAP has IDOC in which you convert the data
& send to other system / supplier & they can process it.

As a MM consultant we have to set up the message type for the PO's to

generate the IDOC testing of IDOC generating successfully as well as
receiving in SAP & posting the transaction successful.

1. main use of IDOC transfer data from SAP to non SAP through
EDI - electronic data interface, & SAP to SAP through ALE
ALE- application link enabling
* Inbound IDOC's - data that is received from other tool to SAP in the
form of electronic msg.
* Outbound IDOC's - data that will flow to other system from SAP through
electronic msg & PO send to supplier.
all the fielss are save in the segments like PO#, Material# which are sent to
supplier/receiving system.
* parent segment - basic type- SAP standard filed cannot be changed
* child segment - extension - can have customised filds which can be sent to rec
Process code - help to convert the data to receiving formate & send it to
receiving system.
Port - receiving system address port no will be given by basis to send data
to supplier / receiving system (communication channel)
Partner profile created by IT team with tcode WE20 , partner type LI,
message type - ORDERS04 - Sales Order Change Purchase Order Change
DEBADV - Debit Advice
INVOIC - Invoice
ASN - advance
ORDRSP - Salesshipping
Order Confirmation,Purchase Order Confirmation

Monitor IDOC - WE02

1. Execute
2. you get the list of outboun & inbound IDOC'S
3. status are provided
4. double click on IDOC'S
IDOC'S structure is devided in 3 records
1. control record
2. data record
3. status record

1. control record - contains data like,

IDOC number
Direction of IDOC (inbound / outbound)
basic type
port number
sender information
receipt information
2. Data record
as per the segments the data will flow to receiver

3. status record
we can find the status of IDOC processing
outbound IDOC - 16 is the success for outbound
inbound IDOC - 53 is the success for inbound
01 - IDOC created outbound
02- error transferring data to port
04 - error in EDI information
05 - error in conversion
59 - IDOC error
WE20 - Partner profile
WE30 - IDOC type
WE31 - Create IDOC segment
WE02 - Monitor IDOC
WE05 - List of IDOC
WE21 - Delete IDOC
WE19 - Testing of IDOC
BD87 - Manual processing of IDOC

Frequent IDOC errors:-

1. when they edit the PO & reprocessing the IDOC
then IDOC will be failed as IDOC will trigger automatically
2. Failed to tranfer data & port, erros from basis side where data
is not abl e to reach the port.
3. when the receiving info mapping has required fields & sending
info has missed that data, the idoc will fail.
4. if the material discreption, item note, item text, or material text
has special charecters, the idoc used to fail, we would clear/ remove
the special character & reprocess the IDOC again in BD87.
I am pushpalatha, basically I am from chitradurga.
I have overall 10+ of years exp, out of which 5.3 years of exp in SAP.
I have been part of implementation, support & data migration projects.

I am currently working as SAP MM consultant in cargill business services,

for the client cargill starch & sweerners support project,
my roles & responsibilities are.

1. Resolving the issues raised by end users by proving solutions via service now ticketing
tool within the SLA timeline.
2. Training to end users & new joinees on the business process.
3. we also prepare training document & QRG to help end users.
4. We work on change request at time, develop functional specs doc &
hand over to ABAP team to development for object, once the object is ready
UT is performed by us & we release the UAT for user to test, post user confirmation
we deploy the code to production.
5. we worked on automation of the process & trying to leverage SAP 360 automation
tool for batch jobs in order to reduce the manual efforts.

* Prior to this I have worked in Implementation project for Cargill Meat Europe, SAP S4 hana 1709
version, using Agile methedology, we had used Azure deveops tool. HP ALM as testing tool.

1. I have involved in discussion with client on daily basis & gathering business requirements.
2. converted these requirements by configuring them in SAP system.
3. Developed functional specs for various RICEFW objects & closely worked with ABAP team

4. Post development we used to perform UT, SIT & release UAT to the end users.
5. Prepare test scripts for UT,SIT & UAT and helped end users to complete UAT.
6. Worked on post GO-LIVE for almost 2 months./ worked on hypercare almost 2 months.

* Prior to this I was part of cargill ocean transportation logistics project, & a part of data migration
project, involved in domestic KT & we also preparing user guidence document to help end users, also trained end use
on the business process, involved in ramp up plans & hypercare activity.

* Previous to cargill business I was working with Cap Gemini business services, for the client Uniliver Brazil
procurement process, & I was a part of data migration project, involved in domestic KT training to end users & worke

* Previously worked with Hinduja Global solutions as client level trainer as process trainer to new joinees
on the business process.
* I can handle situation in a right way by prioritizing my task & work accordingly in sequence & get the
things done in the given time frame.
* I also delivery my task in given time frame with qiality.
* when it comes to SAP I always trys to use my skills SAP as my strength & passion changed from
logistics to SAP functional consultant role.

When it comes to weakness I feel there is a room for improvement in the area of ABAP. I can de-bug
small custom programms, reports. How ever if there are complain programs there is a room for improvement
& making my sinceare efforts in learning & enhancing my skills.

Why quittling cargill?

I had a tremendes journey in cargill for 6 years,I had ample amount of learning in my 6 years of journey in cargill
it is time for the explore new ways of working & meet new people so looking out for a change,
I do not have an option to change here.
I don hv option to change here
Why should I hire you?
I poses all the skills & the experience needed for this job role. I whould like to explore new areas
which would enhance my skills & benefits the project & organisation.

I whould like to part of xxx family.

drp + not used

Release Strategy
Release Strategy defines the approval process for PR or external purchase document.

With Clasification W/o clasification

Header level ---- Item level Item level
PO PR PR can be done at plant level, mat grp
Contract a/c assignment cat, pur req value.
Schedule agreement

Release strategy with classification method

Step 1 - Create charecteristic CTO4

Create charecteristic - ZB1 - enter the table CEBAN - plant = works & save

Step 2 - Create class CL02 (032)

create the class YB1 by giving the class type 032 go to charecteristic tab & enter charecteristic ZB1 create previously

Step 3 - Release procedure OLBE

OLBE - PR - release procedure with classification - set up procedure with classification

a. Release grp - enter d realese grp PK & also class YB1

b. Release codes - group /code/discreption
PK CR creator
PK MN manager
c. Release indicator - released or blocked, B OR R indicator
d. Release strategy

* how many release codes can create - max 8

* individual PR release ME54N, Collective PR release ME55

Physical Inventory(Inventory Management)

Physical inventory is the process of counting the meterial stock physically in the warehouse
with the stock present in the SAP system. It is cross checking of the stock in the system & the physical stock.

Types of physical inventory

1. Periodic Inventory
2. Cyclic Inventory
3. Contineous Inventory
4. Inventory sampling

The physical inventory carried out in 3 steps.

1. Creating a physical inventory document MI01
2. Entering physical inventory count MI04
3. Posting Invoice diffrence MI07
With Clasification
1. SAP version after 4.7
2. always based on communication tables
all the fields on this tables you can apply for release strategy.
Eg; CEBAN-PR, CEKKO-EX pur doc like PO, cotracts.
3. It is possible on both the internal & external doc.
4. Rs can be applied both header & item level.

Auto PO Generation (from PR )ME59N

No need of config, need to do few settings
1. in MM01(material master) check the auto PO check box in pur view.
2. in VM check the auto PO check box in pur data.
3. create a PIR & source list (mandatory).
4. create a PR with check box source determination checked.
5. PR is coverted to PO, this is done in ME59N.
6. A batch job can be scheduled which can run on regular basis &
convert PR to PO.

Rules to convert PR to PO
1. MM- in pur view auto PO must be ticked.
2. VM - in pur view automatic PO field must be ticked.
3. The outline agreement / PIR should be maintained. Which will
allow the automatic copying of price to PO.
4. source list should be maintained.
5. if PR is subjected to RS, it must be release in order to convert PR to PO.
W/O Clasification
1. SAP version 4.7 & below.
2. Fields like pur org, plant, a/c assignment,
a/c assignment cat, pur grp, mat grp Pr value are the few limits
where you can apply RS.
3. It is limitation only internal pur doc.
4. RS can be applied only at item level.

x in pur view.

onvert PR to PO.
Stock transfer with delivery & without Billing(INTRA)
Doc type-UB, Delivery type-NL

In Intra, billing is not required, STO happens in same company code.

How we shipping tab determining in PO?

1. Loading group & transportation group determined from MM.
2. The customer is dertermined from rec plant mention in the
shipping data for the plant'.
3. The shipping plant is assigned with the sales area of the rec plant.
4. The delivery type (NL) is determined with assignment of the doc type (UB)
shipping plant & checking rule.
5. Shipping point is determined from the assignment of shipping conditions
loading group, & supplying plant.

1. Define shipping for plant.
supplying plant the sales area details of the receiving plant must be
assigned for receiving plant, the customer number has to be assigned.

2. Assign delivery type & checking rule:

Doc type UB, supp plant, delivery type NL, checking rule 01

3. Assign document type, one step procedure under delivery tolerance

supp plant, rec plant, Doc type UB, check1step procedure

Material Master:
*Material must exist in both the supplying & receiving
plant in sales view.
*Maintain the material with basic date, pur data, a/c data
salas org1, sales org2, sales general plant data.
*sales general plant data= transportation group,loading group
avail check should be maintained

PO: Doc type UB

in intra process shipping tab gets determied
& gets activated depending on customisation.

OUTBOUND Delivery:
OB is created by using tcode VL10D, OB is posted with respect to PO,
created by supplying plant.

Post goods Issue: VL02N

*PGI is Posted with mvt type 641.
*once the PGI is posted stock updated under stock in transit.
with mvt type 101, GR is posted with respect to outbound delivery
GR is done by receiving plant, stock gets updated in receiving plant.

1. Define shipping for plant

2. Assign delivery type & checking rule.
3. Assign doc type one step procedure under delivery tolerance
Stock transfer with delivery & with Billing(INTER)
Doc type-NB, Delivery type-NLCC

In Inter, billing document is generated has stock transfer happens

between 2 plants of different company codes.

How we shipping tab determining in PO?

1. Loading group & transportation group determined from MM
2. The customer is dertermined from rec plant mention in the
shipping data for the plant'.
3. The shipping plant is assigned with the sales area of the rec plant.
4. The delivery typa(NLCC) is determined with assignment of the doc
type (NB) shipping plant & checking rule.
5. Shipping point is determined from the assignment of shipping conditions
loading group, & supplying plant.

1. Define shipping for plant.
supplying plant tha sales area details of the receiving plant must be
assigned for receiving plant, the customer number has to be assigned.

2. Assign delivery type & checking rule:

Doc type NB, supp plant, delivery type NLCC, checking rule 01

3. Assign document type, one step procedure under delivery tolerance

supp plant, rec plant, Doc type NB, check1step procedure

1. Material Master:
*Material must exist in both the supplying & receiving
plant in sales view.
*Maintain the material with basic date, pur data, a/c data
salas org1, sales org2, sales general plant data.
*sales general plant data= transportation group,loading group
avail check should be maintained

2. Vendor master:
* In pur data enter the supplying plant.
* In vendor master supplying plant assign to pur data view -
additional data maintain plant in PLANT ASSIGNMENT FIELD.

3. PO:
* PO is created by receiving plant using doc type NB.
* Supplying tab get activated with delivery type NLCC.

4. OUTBOUND Delivery:
OB is created by using tcode VL10D, OB is posted with respect to PO
created by supplying plant.

5. Post goods Issue: VL02N

*PGI is Posted with mvt type 643.
*once the PGI is posted stock updated under stock in transit.

6. Billing doc generated by supplying plant using Tcode VF01.

7. GR: is posted with mvt type 101, GR done by receiving plant.
8. Post invoice in MIRO respect to PO.
Invoice plan
1. The concept of invoice plan pre-planned or scheduled the desire dates for
planned procurement invoices without receiving invoice from vendor.
2. In invoice plan you don't have to wait for invoice from vendor, system will
generate automatically for scheduled date.
3. for these po's these is no GR.
4. We call this an special type of planned procument of non stock material.
5. this plan is helpful for regularly repeated procurment transaction like rental, leasing.

2 types of invoice planning

1. Periodic invoice planning
2. Partial invoice planning

Different types of methodology
1. Agile methodology- Agile methodology is a way to manage project by breaking it up in to several phases, here we
* Risks are quickly idenfied and fixed quickly.
* Delivery of the design is based on the priorities of the customer.
* There is more transpharancy.
a. ASAP Methodology (Accelerated methedology)
b. SAP activated methedology

2. Water fall - water fall linear approach where there is a break down of the project activities in to sequential phase,
where each phases depends on th deliverable of the previous phases.

Agile performs testing along with the builds where as in water fall model testing comes after the build phase.
Agile allows changes in project development & has when changes come from client.
Where as water fall no scope of changing the requirements once project development starts

ASAP Methodology - use in project implementation

1. Project preparation
2. Business blue print
3. Realisation
4. Final preparation
5. GO-Live

1. Project preparation phase - in this phase the higher management involve with the client, they discuss how many
* They also discuss on in scope & out scope of the modules.
* They discuss on interface, IDOCS, at higher end.
discuss project cost, resources required for each modules. This s usually SAP implementation kick off meeting, time l

2. Business Blue Print - here the SAP consultants & the client team gather to discuss on current process in the compa
this is very imp phase where, the functional consulatants will find the GAPS by finiding AS-IS process to TO-BE pro
* Here they discuss process follow in legacy system, AS-IS process is understanding the old procedure in the legacy s
* as per this we create the TO-BE process, in this TO-BE process if anything is not possible by SAP standard then we
which will be worked by ABAP team, they are "RICEFW" (Reports, Interface, Convertions, Enhancement, Forms, W
* Here they create a BBP document which will be signed off by client, daily we need to sit with the client discuss on

3. Realisation phase - This is the phase where all the functional consultant carry out the customisation & developmen
we raise transport request & do configure in development sysytem, once all done in development system. We ask bas

4. Final Preparation - In this phase we move all the transports to the production, cutover activity like master data up
charectertistic & clause creation for release startegy, batch jobs) training to end users about process is given, we also

5. Go-Live - Leacy system shpuld be stopped to be used by the end user & they start usuing the new system, we main
the user will log in incident, this hyper care which will run for 1 or 2 months, in hyper care there will be no SLA for t
Interview question: What GAPS did you identified in BBP phase?
yes, I was a part of BBP phase along with my sceniors & client & we had meeting in daily basis.
* One of the GAPS I identified was transport mode in the legacy system is present for each purchase order send to the
where as in SAP standard we do not have transport modes, this is the GAP.
* We worked with ABAPER with RICEFW to fill the GAP that is to add the new filed transportation mode in the hea
EKKO table
filed- ZZ transport_mode
1. Free goods
a) In PO check the free indication check box in PO line item overview.
b) You can also post GR for the free goods directly with mvy type 511 w/o ref PO.

2. Return goods
a) Goods return to vendor mvt type 122
b) Return PO- return delivery with mvt type 161, same as normal PO but check the
return indicatior in PO line item. Price of the PO will become negative.
Goods receipt with reference(with respect to PO)
GR is the phase in which the material is received by the ordering party
& the condition & quality are verified.
*GR will show increase in warehouse stock
Mvt type - 101

stock check - MMBE

Goods receipt without reference (without po 501)

such GR belog to unplanned goods movement, bcz no information on the material quality
delivery data, receiving plant is stored in the system prior to the posting.

561 - Unristricted
563 - Quality
565 - Blocked


a) Initial entry of stock

b) Goods receipt without purchase order

Stock type in inventory management

1. Unristricted
2. Quality
3. Blocked
Goods issue
It means moving the stock out of inventory that may be due to several reasons,
like returns the goods back to vendor, issue goods to production center, cost center or sampling.
*GI will decrease the stock in warehouse.

1. Unplanned GI (GI without reference)

a) GI for consumption - here we post the GI to cost center, production order, network order, sales order
system generate material document & accounting document.


201 - Cost center

261 - Production order
281 - Network order

b) Sampling Drawing - Randon sample are taken for lab testing or R&D , for quality testing, only a small
subjected for quality inspection.


333 - Unristricted

c) Scraping - scraping is enter a scrap posting when material no longer to used or damaged or
self life is completed or expairy date completed.


551 - Unristricted
553 - Quality
555 - Blocked

GI with reference
a) GI with reference to reservation - Reservation is created so that material is available on time & available
in production so, GI is posted with reference to reservation number.
201 - Cost center
261 - Production order

b) GI is with respect of order/production order/network order - if you create a production order the system
automatically reservs the stock.

261 - Production order

281 - nexwork order
231 - sales order
Automatic ACC Determination
when a business transaction is posted G/L a/c is determined automatically
this happen with the help of automatic a/c determination.

Part 1
AT Organisation level
activate valuation grouping code & assign to
plant & com code
chart of account
G/L account

Part 2
At Master data level

define ACC cat reference & assign to - valuation class & material type

Part 3
At Transaction level
check movement type
check spl / non spl stock
check the material has quantity / value update
check goods movement respect to PO / not
check the what kind of stock, that is sales stock posting/ consumption stock posting etc
based on these combination system will prapose a value staring, this value staring will
prapose transaction even keys.

Part 4
OBYC setting'
Valuation grouping code / valuation madifier
valucation class
Acc modifier / general modifier assign to GL acc
Split Valuation
Material is valuated differently like,
a. county of origin 90706
b. internal / external 24900
c. quality (poor / good) 47500
d. material having batch

1. Activate split valuation
2. Split valuation
a. Define valuation type & assign A/C category ref
b. assign a/c cat ref to valuation type
c. Difene valuation category
d. Assign valuation cat to valuation type
e. Assign val cat to val Area

Create MM in A/C view
key in the valuation cat
Create a PO & choose the valuation type
GR- check the valuation type trigged from PO
how will acc determined?
val cat -----> val type
val type -----> Acc cat ref
Acc cat ref ----> val class
in OBYC (val class) -----> val grp code + Acc mod/ Gen mod
val grp code+Acc/Gen Modifier+val class-----> G/L Acc

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