ZZ Method Tutorial
ZZ Method Tutorial
ZZ Method Tutorial
This page provides information for learning the ZZ method. ZZ is a modern method
for speed solving the Rubik's Cube, originally proposed by Zbigniew Zborowski in
2006.[1] Michal Hordecki's ZZ Page provides a good background and description of
the ZZ method for those who aren't already familiar with it.[2]
Interpretation of the algorithms presented here requires familiarity with standard cube
o Edge Orientation Detection
o Edge Orientation Strategy
o Edge Orientation Cases
o Combining the EO and Line Phases
o Example EOLine Solves
o Basic Block Building Strategy
o 1x1x2 Blocks
o 1x2x2 Blocks
o Algorithms for Special Cases
o Corner Already Placed
o Edge Already Placed
o Connected Cubies
o Badly Connected Blocks
o Multiblocking
o F2LL
Example Solves
List of Terms
This stage orients all edges on the cube (EO) while simultaneously placing the DF and
DB edges (Line). It takes an average of ~6.127 moves and a maximum of 9 moves,[2]
but is without doubt the most difficult part of the ZZ method. For this reason, it is
often divided into two sub-stages: Edge orientation followed by placement of the line
edges. Also known as "EO+Line".
An edge is defined as oriented if it can be solved using only R, L, U and D face turns.
If an edge cannot be solved using these face turns then it is a misoriented or 'bad'
edge. Once the DF/DB edges have been placed, the cube is reduced to the <L,R,U>
group, meaning the whole of F2L can be completed by turning only the L, R and U
A quarter turn of the F or B face causes its oriented edges to become misoriented, and
its misoriented edges to become oriented. Using F/B quarter turns to orient up to four
edges at a time is the core technique behind edge orientation. NOTE: F2 and B2 turns
do not affect edge orientation. The following is a basic strategy for orienting edges,
based on the number of misoriented edges on the cube.
These rules of thumb should help guide your decision making when manipulating bad
1. It is generally more efficient to chose the F/B face with most bad edges
already on it for your initial F/B turn.
2. It is generally less efficient if placement of a bad edge into F/B removes
another bad edge from F/B.
3. In cases with six or more bad edges, it is generally more efficient to eliminate
the bad edges using both F and B faces rather than just one.
4. In cases with six or more bad edges, it is generally more efficient if placement
of a bad edge into a F/B face also places another edge into the opposite F/B
5. Execution of F/B moves with only two opposite bad edges placed is futile
from an edge orientation perspective, but can be useful for manipulation of
line edges.
Because there are over 2000 distinct edge orientation cases, it would be impractical to
memorise an algorithm for each one. Instead, learn to recognise familiar EO patterns
and the techniques which can be used to solve them.
In the vast majority of solves, edge orientation is carried out in groups of four. For
this reason, a range of four-edge cases is presented below, along with a complete set
of techniques to place them into the F-face. These techniques can just as easily be
reflected to apply to the B-face. Many cases have more than one optimal solution,
allowing a degree of freedom to help with placing edges on the opposite face, or
setting up the line edges.
When edge orientation starts to become more familiar, its possible to start planning
the line and integrating it into the edge-orientation phase to achieve EOLine in one
step. Start by integrating the line in easy edge orientation cases (for example, where
only two or four edges are misoriented) and progress onto more complex cases as skill
level improves.
The easiest way to integrate the line is simply to work out where the line edges will
end up after edge orientation, so that final placement can be planned and executed
without looking. Although this strategy is undoubtedly faster than EO+Line, it still
uses the same number of moves. By choosing the right way to orient edges it is
possible to make line placement much more efficient, and sometimes eliminate the
need for it altogether. The following describes how this can be done.
We want to create a line in the D face. No matter how the line is created, it eventually
boils down to the following:
Goal 1: Line in DF/DB position
Goal 2: Line in DR/DL position followed by D/D' turn - less desirable since it takes 1
extra move
With these two goals in mind we may rank possible line edge positions according to
their distance in moves from either of the goal states (using HTM):
Placing both line edges into either group 1 or group 2 will result in a more efficient
line unless they're positioned in such a way that moving one into line disturbs the
other. Use the positions in italics with caution for this reason.
It turns out that if one edge ends up an group 1, while the other ends up in group 2 it
always leads to a difficult line (2+ moves, most cases 3+).
An efficient line can be therefore be achieved by trying to move both edge pieces into
group 1 during edge orientation. If this requires too many setup moves, aim for group
2, but try to avoid ending up with 1 line edge in each group.
Example EOLine Solves
Observations: This case has 4 bad edges in positions UF, UL, DL and DB. The
basic edge orientation strategy will place all 4 edges into an F/B side and do
an F/B turn. The DF line edge is in the DR position and is oriented. The DB
edge is in the RU position and is misoriented.
Explanation: The initial D' move placed the oriented DF edge into its line
position. The L' R' U2 moves placed all misoriented edges into the B-face, and
placed the misoriented DB edge into a group 1 position. The final B turn
oriented the 4 bad edges and completed the line.
EOLine: F D B U2 F2
Explanation: The initial B' turn removes 3 bad edges to leave 4 remaining for
elimination. The following U2 turn does two things: Places a bad edge and
moves DF closer to its group-1 goal position. D' and L' then place 2 more bad
edges into the B-face, while placing the DB edge into a group-1 position. B
orients the last 4 bad edges and places the DB edge, and finally F2 places the
DF edge to complete the line.
4. Scramble: R' D F2 R B' U F' D' F2
Observations: 8 edges are misoriented, so the basic orientation strategy will be
to eliminate 4 edges, twice. The F-face has 3 bad edges, which is more than
the B-face which has 2. The DB edge is in its correct position and oriented -
also a group 1 position. The DF edge is in its correct position but misoriented -
a group 2 position.
EOLine: U F L B' D U B
Explanation: The initial U turn fills the F-face with bad edges and F eliminates
them. At this point the DF-edge is in a group 2 position, while the DB-edge is
in a group 1 position. The following L-turn brings the DF-edge into a group 1
position, but now both line edges now perpendicular to each other in the D-
face. For this reason a B' turn is made to move the DB edge out of the way and
allow the DF-edge to be placed. Meanwhile the number and location of bad
edges is unaffected. The following D and U turns place the 2 remaining bad
edges, as well as the DF-edge. The final B-turn orients the last 4 bad edges
and places the DB-edge.
This stage completes the first two layers by building two 1x2x3 blocks on either side
of the Line made in the previous stage. In order to reduce this step into bite-sized
chunks which can be recognised and executed quickly, I split this step into four parts:
The order of execution depends on the situation. In general the 1x2x2 block should
always come before its connecting 1x1x2 block, otherwise more moves will be
required later.
1x1x2 Blocks
Constructing the 1x1x2 blocks is usually done by connecting them in the U layer, in a
similar manner to Fridrich F2L. However, there are no cube rotations, and only L, R
and U moves are used. The three basic cases are:
R U R'
R U R' U R U R'
R U' R' U' R U R'
If the desired corner or edge pieces are not in the U layer, then they'll need to be
brought up before these cases can be applied. If the required pieces are already in the
U-layer, but connected incorrectly they'll need to be separated before they can be
1x2x2 Blocks
To build a 1x2x2 block you need a corner piece and two edge pieces (a D-face edge
and a mid-slice edge). Building the block involves first building a 1x1x2 block with
the corner and one edge piece. The other edge is then placed into the correct mid-slice
position (FL/BL/FR/BR) and connected to its block by rotating the U-face.
Connection with D-face edge
The core blockbuilding techniques introduced above are the minimum requirement for
completing F2L intuitively. As familiarity with F2L improves it may be desirable to
optimise some of the more difficult cases, for example where the desired cubies are
connected incorrectly. Its recommended that intuitive blockubilding is fully
understood before moving onto the F2L algorithms below.
The algorithms solve these cases optimally (unless stated otherwise), without
affecting edge orientation. They are applicable to all F2L slots when reflected
R U2 R' U2 R U R'
(U) R U R' U' R U R'
L F2 U F2 U' F2 L'
L D F2 D' L2 U L
(U2) R' U' R' U' R' U R U R (sub opt)
R U R' U2 R U R'
(U2) R U2 R' U R U R'
R2 U R2 U R2 U2 R2
(R U R' U')*3
(sub opt)
Connected Cubies
The initial moves in brackets position the block before the insertion algorithm, so may
not be necessary:
Sometimes a situation arises where multiple 1x1x2 blocks appear in the U-layer. If
both L an R slices are still free its fairly easy to temporarily 'store' a block in one side
while dealing with the other. However, if one of the slices is already complete there is
much less room to manipulate the completed blocks without breaking them up. The
algs below show some optimal solutions to these cases. If a completed block is
already 'stored' in its L/R slice then rotate the side, bringing the block into the U-layer
to match one of the cases below.
DF edge in mid-slice
(U') R2' U R
DF edge placed
R U' R' U' R' U R
DF edge in U-layer
(U') R' U' R U2 R2 U2 R'
edge in DR
(U') R2 D R' U2 R D' R
(U) L' U R U' R' L U2 R'
(U) R' U' R U R U' R' U' R'
edge in BR
(U') R2 U2 R2' U R U' R'
If you have a strong preference for one hand, cube rotations such as z for left-hand
blocks can sometimes make algorithm execution easier. As a final note, it is possible
to apply a subset of the ZBF2L algorithms for the last two 1x1x2 blocks. Only the
ZBF2L cases with LL edges already oriented apply.
OCLL/PLL: This orients the last layer corners in one step (OCLL), then
permutes the last layer corners and edges simultaneously in the final step
(PLL). This is similar to Fridrich's OLL/PLL last layer, but much fewer OLL
algorithms are required since the last layer edges are already oriented. OCLL
requires a minimum of 6 algorithms and PLL requires a minimum of 14,
giving a total of 20 algorithms for both steps. The average move count is 7.93
for OCLL and 11.21 for PLL which gives a total of 19.14 moves average.[12]
Using partial corner control during insertion of the last 1x1x2 block eliminates
the H and Pi OCLL cases, allowing even fewer moves and faster algs during
o speedsolving.com wiki: OCLL
o speedsolving.com wiki: PLL
o Dan Harris's OLL Page (corners only)
o speedsolving.com: Partial Corner Control
COLL/EPLL (ZZ-VH): This orients and permutes the last layer corners
(without affecting edge orientation) in one step, then permutes the last layer
edges in the final step. This may be preferred since it has a lower move count
than OCLL/PLL, and is regarded by some to have easier case recognition.
Learning COLL/EPLL is also a useful intermediate step to learning ZZLL or
ZBLL. COLL has 40 cases to recognise, solvable by 25 algs min. EPLL is just
4 cases (and only 3 algs if U-perm is mirrored) - a total of 28 for the whole
LL. COLL is 9.78 moves average, and EPLL is 8.75 average, yielding a move
count of 18.53 (slightly fewer than OCLL/PLL).[12]
o Rob Burton's COLL Page
o Jason Baum's COLL Page
o Dan Harris's COLL Page
o Lars Vandenbergh's COLL Page
o speedcubing.com: COLL Page
ZBLL (ZZ-a): Often labelled as the holy grail of speed cubing, this method
completes the last layer by orienting the corners and permuting the corners and
edges, all in one step. It involves 494 distinct cases, and requires learning a
minimum of 177 algorithms assuming mirrors and inverses are applied.
Completing the last layer has an average move count of 12.08, which is a
significant advantage over the 2-look options.[12]
o Bernard Helmstetter's ZBLL algs
o Chris Hardwick's ZBLL Page
o Jason Baum's ZBLL Page
o Lars Petrus's ZBLL Page (warning: many java applets!)
During the final stages of F2L its possible to manipulate the last layer cubies to
reduce the number of LL cases. This partial solving of LL during F2L is called F2LL.
The following are examples of F2LL options:
Winter Variation (WV): This orients the LL corners during insertion of the
final 1x1x2 F2L block, reducing the last layer to just PLL. It involves 27 cases
and is said to have a lower average move count than OCLL/PLL.
o Sebastien Felix's WV Page
o Ostracod's WV Page
o Dragon Cube WV Page
MGLS: On the last F2L slot only the edge is placed. The CLS part of the
MGLS method then orients the LL corners, while simultaneously placing the
final D-face corner. This leaves only PLL to complete the cube. There are a
total of 105 cases to recognise, solvable by a minimum of 56 algorithms, in an
average of ~9.5 moves. Its possible to reduce the number of CLS algs required
if the D-face corner is also placed along with its edge, but not necessarily
oriented. This results in a subset of MGLS cases called EJF2L, solvable with a
total of 16 fast 2-gen algorithms.
o Lucas Garron's MGLS Page
o Cubefreak MGLS Section
o YouTube: EJF2L Tutorial
o YouTube: EJF2L Cases
Blah's Method: This de-orients the LL corners during insertion of the final
1x1x2 F2L block, allowing completion of LL in one-step using a reduced
subset of ZBLL.[6]
Example Solves
Below are some example solves illustrating use of the various LL options. For some
real life ZZ solves, have a look at these YouTube links:
ZZ Method Example Solve
Mateusz Kurek [Matthew] 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube 15.06 average
Two ZZ Solves - 14.37, 15.91
ZZ Method: 25.75 Avg of 5 (page author)
B2 L F R2 B R L' F2 D' B F2 R U' D L' F2 D R2 F' U D L D2 B2 R'
EOLine (6 moves)
F R' U' L2 F D'
6 bad edges, three in F, one in B. Aiming for group 2 positions. Immediate F leaves 4
bad edges, one in F. Careful placement of remaining three bad edges results in DF
edges in group-2 positions, one move away from solution.
F2L (28 moves)
LH 1x2x2 block: U L U' L' U2 L'
RH 1x2x2 block: R' L' U' R U2 R2 U2 R
RH 1x1x2 block: U2 R2 U2 R' U' R U' R2
LH 1x1x2 block: U L U2 L' U' L
OCLL (9 moves)
U' r U R' U' L' U R U' x'
PLL (G-perm, 12 moves)
R2' u' R U' R U R' u R2 y R U' R'
55 moves slow fast
L' F2 U' B2 F' R' B' R' U2 R L F B2 U B D' U2 F2 L U' F2 D2 F D2 R
EOLine (6 moves)
R D' R' L2 F' B2
Four bad edges, two in F. Line edges set-up for group-1 line. Bad edges placed into F-
face, orientation places first line-edge.
F2L (28 moves)
RH 1x2x2 block: U L U2 R' L2 U2 R'
RH 1x1x2 block: U L2 U' R' U' R
LH 1x2x2 block: L2 U' L' U' L' U2 L'
LH 1x1x2 block: U' L' U' L U L' U2 L
COLL (Pi case, 14 moves)
U' F R2 U' R U' R U' R' U2 R' U R2 F'
EPLL (H-perm, 8 moves)
M2 U M2 U2 M2 U M2 U2
56 moves slow fast
U' L' U F' R2 B F' R' F L R' B' D' U' B R2 B2 R B' F2 L D2 L' D2 U2
EOLine (7 moves)
F' D' F' R U2 B D2
6 bad edges: 2 in F, 1 in B. Line edges in group-1 positions. Initial F' moves bad
edges in F to make placement easier, while maintaining DB edge's group-1 position.
D' placed bad edges into F and B. F' then eliminates 3 bad edges (creating 1). R U2
places bad edges into B. B then clears the last bad edges, preparing DF for placement.
D2 places the line edges.
F2L (22 moves)
RH 1x2x2 block: U2 R U R
LH 1x2x2 block: U' L' U2 L' U' L'
RH 1x1x2 block: U' R U' R' U2 R U' R'
LH 1x1x2 block: U L' U2 L
ZBLL (headlights case/AUF, 15 moves)
R2 D L' D2 R' U R D R' D U' L D' R' U
44 moves slow fast
B' U' L B2 F2 R' B F2 L F U' R' F L' U B' L2 B' F2 R D' F2 R2 F2 D'
EOLine (5 moves)
B' L' F' L D'
8 bad edges: 4 in B, 3 in F. Line edges both in group 2 positions. B' eliminates four
edges while ensuring the completed 1x1x2 block is preserved while placing the RH
bad edge. L' places the last edge into F. F' eliminates bad edges while preparing the
DB edge for placement. L D' places the line.
F2L (24 moves)
LH 1x2x2 block: L U2 R2 L U L'
RH 1x2x2 block: U R U2 R
RH 1x1x2 block: U' R U2 R' U R U' R'
LH 1x1x2 block: U L' U' L U2 L'
Phasing (6 moves)
U2 L U' L' U2 L
ZZLL (headlights case/AUF, 14 moves)
B U2 R U R' B' U R U2 R' B U2 B' U'
49 moves slow fast
D' B U2 L2 D2 B2 R' B F R D F' U' D F D2 F2 L' B L R2 D2 F2 D2 U
EOLine (7 moves)
B D' F' D2 F' R' F'
12 bad edges: Four on B, three on F. Line edges in group 1. Initial B creates 6-edge
case. D creates 4-edge case on F in such a way that future bad edge placement will
also place the DB edge. F' eliminated four edges and prepares DB for placement. D2
places one bad edge into F while placing DB. F' fixes one bad edge. R' swaps fixed
edge with bad edge. F' eliminates final bad edges and places DF.
F2L (final block positioned for WV, 24 moves)
LH 1x2x2 block: U' L U R' U L
RH 1x2x2 block: U' R L U2 R U R
LH 1x1x2 block: U2 R U R' U' L'
RH 1x1x2 block: R U R' U R
WV (11 moves)
U2 L U' R' U R L' U R' U R
PLL (G-perm/AUF, 13 moves)
F2 D' L U' L U L' D F2 R U' R' U'
55 moves slow fast
L U2 L' F L R2 D L2 U2 B' U' B' U R2 D' L U2 R D2 L U' L2 B L U'
EOLine (6 moves)
B2 U' R2 B L' D
Four bad edges. B2 removes the bad edges from the BU and BR places and makes
space for RU and RB. B is chosen here because it allows the DF edge to be placed in
proper relation to the DB edge. D aligns the line edges.
F2L (18 moves, setup for EJF2L)
RH 1x2x2 block: U R' L' U2 R' U'
LH 1x2x2 block: L' R' U R' U'
LH 1x1x2 block: L2 U2 R U L
RH 1x1x2 block: U2 R'
CLS (14 moves)
U2 R U' R' U R U2 R' L' U R U' L R'
PLL (F-perm/AUF, 16 moves)
U R U' R' U R2 y R U R' U' x U' R' U R U2 x' U2 y'
54 moves slow fast
References & Resources
List of Terms