4th Year Project Guide Line

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Debark university

College of natural and computational science

Department of computer science

Final Year Project proposal Guideline


Compiled By: Birhanu A. (2012E.C)

Chapter One:...............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background........................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objective............................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Methodology.....................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Feasibility...........................................................................................................................................4
1.6 Project Scope and Limitation.............................................................................................................5
1.7 Functional and Non-functional Requirement....................................................................................5
1.8 Significance of the project.................................................................................................................5
1.9 Organization of the project................................................................................................................5
1.10 Project plan......................................................................................................................................5
1.10.1 Project time schedule...............................................................................................................5
Chapter One:

1.1 Background

Describe the project area you are working on. For example, if you are working on a title called
“Online Banking for ABC Company”, then you write about Online banking in general.

Also, write about the organization for which you develop the system. Based on the previous title,
this is about ABC Company. It should summaries the background information to the problem to
be studied and the context within which it will be studied. It shows also the significance of the
study, research idea etc.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In the statement of the problem, you identify the problems that exist in the current system the
organization uses and list them down. In addition, you have discuss about the effects of the
problems on the company’s operations.

1.3 Objective
What is/are the key objective(s) of the project? What is it that you plan to accomplish?

 General objective
 Specific objective
Write the objective of your project i.e. what you want to achieve at the end of the project. This is
written as general objective and specific objective that help to achieve the general objective. For
the previous title, the general objective would be developing an online banking system for ABC

1.4 Methodology
Describe the main research methods and techniques to be used. Are you planning to base the
study on existing information or do you intend to undertake interviews or some kind of survey?

 Requirement gathering methods

 Requirement modeling (Structured vs object oriented)
 Tools used
Under methodology, you discuss how you gather user requirements (interview, observation,
document analysis, etc.). After requirement gathering, you have to structure the requirements and
develop software models. Therefore, you should also specify how you model the system (OO, or
structured approach) and why you chose that approach. Finally, you can list out the tools you use
for the project especially software tools (the database type you use, the programming language
you use, the UML modeling tools, etc.). Successful applications must be carefully planned and
developed before any meaningful coding takes place.

1.5 Feasibility
Write about the feasibility of your project in terms of economic benefit, technical knowledge
required to implement the system, and the time available for the project.

 Economic feasibility:
 Cost-benefit analysis – identify all the financial benefits and costs
associated with a project. Tangible vs. intangible benefits, Tangible vs.
intangible costs and One-time vs. recurring costs

Tangible Benefits One Time Tangible Costs Recurring Costs

Cost reduction or avoidance ----------------
Error reduction -----------------------------------
Increased reusability----------------------------
Increased Speed of activity ------------------
Improvement in management
Planning and control
Increase sales ----------------------------------
Total Benefit -------------------------------------
 Technical feasibility
 Assessing the organization’s ability to construct the proposed system
 Takes into account various project risk factors
 Operational feasibility
 Will the system achieve the objectives of the project?
 Schedule feasibility
 Can the project be accomplished in a reasonable period?
 Project management critical path scheduling can help answer this concern.
 Legal/Contractual
 Are there regulations or legal obligations that affect the success of the
 Political feasibility
 Will the project have user and management support?
 Will there be resistance?

1.6 Project Scope and Limitation

Write the scope of your project. To what extent your system solves the problem of the
organization. Generally, the services, the deliverability you have to accomplish in the given time.
The limitation of your projects.

1.7 Functional and Non-functional Requirement

1.8 Significance of the project

Specify the significance of your project. What are effects of the project on the company or other
company’s in general. What is its contribution to the project area?

1.9 Organization of the project

This project documentation is organized into five chapters. The first chapter…. The second
chapter… The third chapter covers about …. The fourth chapter deals the data analysis and
finding of the results. The fifth chapter encompasses the conclusion and recommendation for
future studies.

1.10 Project plan

1.10.1 Project time schedule
 Put the time schedule for your project in order to finish our project at the right time, we can
schedule by using Gantt chart or PERT chart.

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