Wind Analysis

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SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering Volume 6 Issue 6, 7-14, June 2019

ISSN: 2348 – 8352 /doi:10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V6I6P102 © 2019 Seventh Sense Research Group®

Design and Analysis of High-Rise

Building using STAAD Pro
T. Dinesh Kumar1, Mohammed Ibrahim2, Mohammed Ismail Pasha Quadri3, Mohammed
Sohail Ali4, Syed Abdul Rahman5, Mohammed Akbar Khan6
Asst Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Lords Institute of Engineering and
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Lords Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Himayatsagar, Telangana, India.

Abstract may be vague, ambiguous, or even unacceptable

This project's principle objective is to analyze and from an engineering point of view.
design a multi-story building [G + 10 (3-
dimensional frame)] using STAAD Pro. The The Design of any structure is categorized into the
Design involves load calculations and analyzing following two main types:
the whole structure by STAAD Pro. The design
methods used in STAAD-Pro analysis are Limit 1. Functional Design
State Design conforming to Indian Standard Code
of Practice. STAAD. Pro features a state-of-the- 2. Structural Design
art user interface, visualization tools, powerful
analysis, and design engines with advanced finite The principle elements of an R.C.C building frame
element and dynamic analysis capabilities. From consist of:
model generation, analysis, and Design to
visualization and result verification. The loads  Slabs to cover a large area.
considered for designing the residential building  Beams to support slabs and walls.
are Gravity Load, which includes dead loads and
live loads, and Lateral load, including only Wind  Columns to support beams.
Loads. The total height of a building is 30m, and
 Footings to distribute concentrated
the area of a residential building is around 9,048
column loads over a large of the
sq. ft.
supporting soil such that soil bearing
capacity is not exceeded.
Keywords – STAAD Pro, Limit State Design,
Gravity Load, Lateral Load, High-Rise Building,  In a framed structure, the load is
Design, Analysis. transferred from slab to beam, from
beam to column, and then to the
foundation and soil below it.
TABLE 1: Maximum Span of
The design process of structural planning and
Design requires imagination and conceptual
thinking, and sound knowledge of structural
engineering science besides the knowledge of Support Supported
Cantilevers Fixed/Continuous
practical aspects, such as recent design codes, Condition
goodbye laws, backed up by ample experience,
intuition, and judgment. The purpose of standards One-way One-way One-way Two-
is to ensure and enhance safety, keeping a careful Two-way Two-way way
balance between economy and safety. The process
of Design commences with the planning of the Maximum
1.5m 3.5m 4.5
structure, primarily to meet its functional span of slabs
2.0m 4.5m 6.0m
requirements. Initially, the requirements proposed
by the client are taken into consideration. They

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

T. Dinesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 6(6), 7-14, 2019

TABLE 2: Maximum Spans of Beam Carrying III. METHODOLOGY

Live Load
Beam type Cantilevers Supported Fixed/Continuous
A. Study of IS 875:1987
Rectangular 3meters 6meters 8meters IS 875 deals with the various load cases that act
upon a structure and ways to calculate them.
Various parts of the code deal with load types
Flanged 5meters 10meters 15meters such as dead load, live load, wind load, snow
load, and various special loads and load
combinations. As the building is considered to be
situated in Hyderabad, which is not a seismic
zone, seismic loads were not considered.

Various research papers have been published in B. Preparation of Building Layout using
Designing and Analysis of High-rise building AutoCAD
using STAAD Pro. The conclusions of all these The layout of the building was prepared,
research papers have been gathered and are as discussed, and approved by an architect. The
follows. layout was then prepared using AutoCAD. The
various layouts were prepared and then later
Babitha rani, Nagendra Babu (April 2018) discussed with the architect for error correction.
designed and analyzed G + 4 Building using
STAAD Pro. It was a 3- dimensional framed C. Analysis and Design Using STAAD Pro.
design that involved load calculations and
Once the architect's layout was approved by the
analyzing the whole structure by STAAD Pro.
architect, the layout was transferred from
The design methods used in STAAD-Pro
AutoCAD to STAAD Pro using a DXF file
analysis were Limit State Design conforming to
format. Once the layout was transferred, multiple
the Indian Standard Code of Practice. The results
stories were created using the Translational
proved to be very accurate.
Repeat Tool in Staad Pro. After this, member
properties were assigned. Next, the load cases
B. Giresh Babu (June 2017) has done a seismic were generated and applied to the structure. Once
analysis and Design of G + 7 Residential
the loads were applied, the structure was analyzed
Building using STAAD Pro. Earthquake, or
and corrections were made to the structure for the
Seismic analysis, to calculate the response of a various errors generated while the structure was
structure subjected to earthquake excitation. He
being analyzed. After the analysis, we started
collected various necessary seismic data to carry
designing the structure by entering the Design tab
out the seismic analysis of the structure. In this
in STAAD Pro.
study, the structures' seismic response was
investigated under earthquake excitation
D. Limit State Method
expressed in member forces, join displacement,
support reaction, and story drift. The object of Design based on the limit state
concept is to achieve acceptability that a structure
A. D. Bhosale, Archit Pradip Hatkhambar, will not become unserviceable in its lifetime for
Rupesh Vinayak Katkar (April 2018), Analysed the use for which it is intended. i.e., it will not
and Designed a Multi-storey building using reach a limit state. In this limit state method, all
STAAD Pro V8i. After the analysis and design of relevant states must be considered in the design to
their structure, they concluded that STAAD Pro ensure a degree of safety and serviceability. The
could save a lot of time and is very accurate in acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability
design. They considered Dead load, live load, requirements before failure occurs is called a limit
combination, and wind loads in the designing state.
E. Limit State of Serviceability
Pabba Mounika, Maroju Navya, Syed Viqar
Malik (Februrary 2016) has designed a This state corresponds to the development of
Residential Building and analyzed it using excessive deformation and is used to check
STAAD Pro. In their design and analysis, the members in which magnitude of deformations
manual calculations were compared to STAAD may limit the rise of the structure of its
Pro results. The results of both manual and components.
software matched and were accurate. i. Deflection
ii. Cracking
iii. Vibration

T. Dinesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 6(6), 7-14, 2019



Area of Plot 131’.6” x 72’.6”
1. Modeling
Number of
G + 10 The above figure shows the beam and column
layout of the structure that is being modeled in the
Number of 80 STAAD Pro. The total width of the building is
Units 22.12 m while the lengths around 40.13 m. The
(Ground floor parking) figure also shows the X, Y, Z direction. Here Y
Type Apartment 2BHK direction is taken as the vertical component.
Flat 1: 1104 S.ft
Flat 2-4: 1094 S.ft FIG 3: Plan of the G + 10 Structure
Area of Each
Apartment Flat 5-7: 1163 S.ft
Flat 8: 1173 S.ft

FIG 1: Floor Plan Layout of the Building

FIG 4: Elevation of the Structure

2. Creation of Supports
All the columns have been assigned
fixed support using the STAAD pro
Support creator and have been
assigned accordingly. Fixed Supports
have restricted movements in all
directions as well there is restricted
moment. This means FX FY FZ MX
MZ MY all will have some values.

FIG 2: Typical Beam Layout

T. Dinesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 6(6), 7-14, 2019

5. Wind Load
The horizontal load caused by the
wind is called wind loads. It depends
upon the velocity of wind and the
shape and size of the building.
Complete details of calculating wind
loads on structures are given in IS
875(part-3)- 1987. For low-rise
buildings,s say up to four to five
stories, the wind load is not critical
because the moment of resistance
provided by the continuity of floor
system to column connection and
FIG 5: Support Generation walls provided between columns is
for the Structure sufficient to accommodate the effect of
these forces.
Design Wind Speed Vz = Vb x K1 x K2 x K3
3. Dead Load
Vb- Design Wind Speed
K1- Probability factor
K2- Terrain factor
K3- Topography factor
The exposure factor is -1.0 (As per code)
The wind speed may be taken as a constant up
to a height of 10m. However, pressures for
buildings less than 10m high may be reduced
by 20 % for stability and Design of the

FIG 6: Dead Load from Slab and


4. Live Load
FIG 7: Live Load acting on the Structure

FIG 8: Combinations for

Wind Load

The Live load acting on each floor is considered to

be 4 Kn/m3.

T. Dinesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 6(6), 7-14, 2019

6. Load Combinations

FIG 9: Load Combinations Acting

on the Structure
The structure has to be analyzed for load FIG 10: Assigning Design Parameter to the
combinations considering all the previous Structure
loads in the proper ratio. These
combinations are generated by the inbuilt
auto- load generator for various load
combinations as per IS Codes.



After the STAAD Pro has completed

analyzing the whole structure, we can now
proceed to the design part of the structure.
STAAD Pro can design a structure for
various types of materials like Steel,
Concrete, Aluminum, and Timber. We will
choose RCC or Reinforces Cement
Concrete for designing our structure. After
completion of the analysis, we go back to
the modeling mode and click on the
Design Tab, where we select concrete as
the material. Once that is done, we select
the Design Code, which is to be followed. FIG 11: Input of Design
We select IS 456. Parameters in STAAD Pro.
Various Design parameters can be entered as per
Once that is done, we select the various the user's command. These include the cover,
members to be designed, such as columns, reinforcement grade, maximum and minimum bar
beams slabs, etc. After that, we specify the size, Design for torsion, eccentricity, etc. If not
design parameters according to our wish. entered, the values will be taken as default by the
Otherwise, STAAD will carry out the STAAD engine as per the Codal Provisions.
Design as per the specified Design Code.

T. Dinesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 6(6), 7-14, 2019

Design Parameter for Fy Sec = 500000

Design Parameter for Fck = 25000 kN/m 2

FIG 12: Designing Parameter for Fck

Design Parameter for Fy Main = 500000

FIG 14: Input of Design Parameter for Fy SEC

FIG 13: Input of Design Parameter for


T. Dinesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 6(6), 7-14, 2019

Table 6: Results for Slab and
Isolated Footing
TABLE 4: Results for
sample Beams
Main Distribu
Thickness tion
Type Reinforc
Main in m Reinf.
Beam ement
Size Reinfo Shear
no. in m rcemen Reinforcement
10 mm
Slab dia @ 10 mm dia @
0.53 x 2 Legged 12i 4
937 4 – 20 300 mm 300 mm c/c
0.38 @ 190 mm c/c c/c

12 mm
d 1.5
dia @ 12 mm dia @
2 Legged 12i Footin x
1560 0.53 x 10 - 20 150 mm 150 c/c
@ 190 mm c/c g 1.9
0.38 dia c/c

2 Legged 12i
4043 0.53 x 4 – 12 1) This project is mainly concentrated on
@ 190 mm c/c
0.38 dia the analysis and Design of multi-storied
residential buildings with all possible
cases of the loadings using STAAD. Pro
Meeting the design challenges are
TABLE 5: Results for sample described in a conceptual way.
Columns 2) We may also check the deflection of
various members under the given
Colum loading combinations.
n no. Size in Main Shear 3) Further, in the case of rectification, it is
m Reinforceme Reinfo simple to change the values at the place
nt rcemen where the error occurred, and the
t obtained results are generated in the
814 0.45 x 4) Very less space is required for the
0.75 20 – 12 dia 8 mm
dia @ storage of the data.
5) STAAD Pro V8i advanced software,
190 which provides us a fast, efficient, easy
mm c/c to use, and accurate platform for
analyzing and designing structures.
1475 0.45 x 6) Shear reinforcement is calculated to
0.75 28 - 12 dia 8 mm resist both shear forces and torsional
dia @
moments. The shear capacity calculation
190 at different sections without the shear
mm c/c reinforcement is based on the actual
tensile reinforcement provided by the
STAAD program. Two-legged stirrups
are provided to take care of the balance
2122 0.45 x shear forces acting on these sections.
0.75 12 - 12 dia 8 mm
dia @ 7) Maximum sagging (creating tensile
stress at the bottom face of the beam) and
190 hogging (creating tensile stress at the top
mm c/c face) moments are calculated for all
active load cases at each of the above-

T. Dinesh Kumar et al. / IJCE, 6(6), 7-14, 2019

mentioned sections. Each of these IX. REFERENCES

sections is designed to resist both of
these critical sagging and hogging [1] IS 875 (Part 1) – 1987 for Dead Loads, Indian Standard Code
moments. Where ever the rectangular Of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) For
Buildings and Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak
section is inadequate as a singly Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 1100 02.
reinforced section, a doubly reinforced [2] IS 875 (Part 2) – 1987 for Imposed Loads, Indian Standard
section is tried. Code Of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake)
For Buildings and Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards,
8) The default design output of the beam Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
contains flexural and shear 110002.
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of the beam. Of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) For
Buildings And Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards,
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and biaxial moments at the ends. All 110002.
active load cases are tested to calculate [4] IS 875 (Part 5) – 1987 for Special Loads and Combinations,
reinforcement. The loading which yields Indian Standard Code Of Practice for Design Loads (Other
Than Earthquake) For Buildings and Structures, Bureau of
maximum reinforcement is called the Indian Standards, Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar
critical load. The column design is done Marg, New Delhi 110002.
for the square section. Square columns [5] IS 456-2000, Indian standard code of practice
are designed with reinforcement for plain and reinforced concrete standards,
New Delhi, 1980.
distributed on each side equally for the [6] SP: 34-1987, Hand Book of Concrete Reinforcement and
sections under biaxial moments and with Detailing, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1987.
reinforcement distributed equally in two [7] K. Sai Vivek, K. Siva Kiran, Design Aid for Unstiffened
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moment. All major criteria for selecting [8] Pilli, S.U. And Menon .D, ―” Reinforced concrete design,”
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reinforcement as stipulated by IS: 456 Limited, New Delhi, 2003.
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design of STAAD.


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