HeandLiang Stomatal 2018
HeandLiang Stomatal 2018
HeandLiang Stomatal 2018
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jing Jing He on 20 March 2019.
Jingjing He, State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, Department of Plant Sciences, Article Contents
• Introduction
College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
• Stomata Structure, Development
Yun-Kuan Liang, State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, Department of Plant Sci- and Arrangements
ences, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China • Stomatal Function and the Mechanistic Basis
• Stomatal Response to Hormone
and Environment Changes
• Concluding Remarks
• Acknowledgement
As adjustable pores, each delimited by a pair of surrounded by swollen lips. The ‘lips’ are actually a pair of guard
guard cells, stomata are central determinants of cells, which can swell up to open or deflate to close the central
plant photosynthesis, transpirational cooling and pore through which water as vapour passes into the atmosphere
ecological adaptability, which have huge impact as a price to pay for the CO2 that diffuses into the leaves for the
on global water and carbon cycles, plant compet- photosynthesis. Therefore, plants use stomata to simultaneously
regulate CO2 uptake and water loss and directly influence the
itiveness and nutrients in foods. The specialised
CO2 assimilation and transpiration rates (Raven, 2002; Ruszala
guard cell anatomy and membrane ion transport
et al., 2011).
enable plants to adapt stomatal aperture rapidly to Apart from adjusting stomata aperture, plants may exert control
hormone and environment changes. In contrast to over their gas exchange rates by varying stomatal development
the highly conserved simple structure across land programme. The more stomata per unit area (stomata density), the
plants, the stomatal size, density and distribution more CO2 can be taken up and the more water can be released.
patterns vary substantially among species or geno- The balance between these two processes depends on stomatal
types within a species providing ample genetic responses to internal and external stimuli and the synchrony of
resources on which selection can operate. Study of stomatal behaviour relative to mesophyll demands for CO2 (Law-
the development and function of stomata is crucial son and Blatt, 2014). Stomatal pores can actively close up to
to understand cell fate specification, signal trans- prevent microbial entry and thus protect plants from pathogen
infection and yield loss (Melotto et al., 2006). Stomata can pro-
duction and plant–environment interactions and
foundly impact on global carbon and water cycles as well as plant
inform approaches to breed ‘climate change ready’
competitiveness and the dietary nutrition of crop products that are
crop varieties with improved agricultural capacity likely compounded by the ongoing climate change especially the
and food nutrients. increasing atmospheric CO2 (Hetherington and Woodward, 2003;
Myers et al., 2014). See also: Stomatal Patterning
The growing concern over the effects of climate change has
Introduction reinvigorated stomatal research, aiming at selecting and using
crop genotypes with less water requirements and enhanced stress
Plants use and lose a lot of water for growth and transpirational tolerance to produce more food to feed the burgeoning global
cooling. Even if they do not live in particularly dry places, most population along with the growing pains of water scarcity. This
plants will occasionally encounter water stress for shorter or introductory article gives an overview of our current state of
longer periods of time. When water availability is limited, one of knowledge with regard to the stomata structure, the evolution
the fast responses of plants is to close stomata, the microscopic and diversity of stomata traits, continues with consideration of
pores typically found in the epidermis of leaves and vegetative how plants control stomatal apertures and regulate gas exchange
stems. Stomata (singular, stoma), sometimes anglicised as sto- and ends with a consideration of approaches to develop ‘climate
mates, which mean ‘mouths’ in Greek, do resemble tiny mouths change ready’ crop varieties with improved ecological adaptation
and agricultural capacity.
Figure 1 The phenotypes and distribution of stomata. (a,c) Dumbbell-shaped stomata of Setaria viridis typical of the grasses. (b,d) The kidney-shaped
stomata typical of other species such as Commelina communis. (e) Stomata in grass are arranged strictly in cell files with the identical orientation. (f) Stomata
distribute scattered and no-isotropic orientation in C. communis.
the stomatal sizes, numbers and arrangement patterns and their apple and peach trees. However, poplar and willow are exceptions
surrounding cells have been diversified, the morphology of the among woody plants as they are amphistomatous. Stomata are
individual stomatal complex remains largely unchanged, that is usually absent altogether from the submerged leaves of aquatic
a central pore bordered by a pair of guard cells that originate plants (astomatous). The majority of parasitic plants are often
from the same parental cell and a substomatal cavity sitting on the lacking stomata.
mesophyll cells. Both the aperture and the number of stomata on Plants produce stomata in organised patterns. In grasses,
the surface of photosynthetic organs are cocontrolled by genetics conifers and some dicots, stomata occur in parallel rows, but in
and environmental signals for stomata to ‘set’ gas exchange rates leaves with netted venation they are often ‘randomly’ scattered.
to suit the prevailing environmental conditions (Hetherington Arabidopsis stomata are produced by a tightly coordinated series
and Woodward, 2003; Assmann and Jegla, 2016). To conserve of stereotypical cell divisions and successive cell-state transi-
water, desert plants as well as pine trees often have their stomata tions (Figure 2). First, a subset of protodermal cells acquires
recessed in stomatal crypts, which are small chambers below the the stomatal progenitor cell fate to become meristemoid mother
surface of the leaf or stem. cells (MMC), although the regulatory mechanism remains to
There are two distinct types of guard cells, dumbbell- and be fully discovered. Then the MMC divides asymmetrically to
kidney-shaped, represented by Setaria viridis (Figure 1a, c and produce a small triangular cell called a meristemoid and a larger
e) and Commelina communis (Figure 1b, d and f), respectively. stomatal-lineage ground cell (SLGC). The SLGC can either
Current evidence tends to support a notion that stomata with differentiate directly into a pavement cell or may reacquire the
dumbbell-shaped guard cells are more advanced in evolutionary MMC fate and undergo spacing divisions to produce a satellite
terms and more efficient physiologically because their guard meristemoid. The meristemoids could differentiate directly into
cells require fewer solutes and less water to achieve a given a guard mother cell (GMC) or undergo several rounds of ampli-
unit increase in aperture (Raschke, 1975; Hetherington and fying divisions (the division of meristemoid that regenerates
Woodward, 2003). Guard cells are specialised epidermal cells as meristemoid and increases the number of SLGCs produced by
they contain chloroplasts, although the role of guard cell photo- a single lineage). Finally, a bisection of GMC occurs to yield
synthesis in stomatal conductance responses is actively debated two cells, which concurrently proceed through a final cell-state
in the literature. The guard cells of a few species including the transition to form mature guard cells (Pillitteri and Torii, 2012).
lady’s slipper orchid are lacking chloroplasts (Outlaw et al., The genetic toolbox that control stomata development is highly
1981; Assmann and Zeiger, 1985; Azoulay-Shemer et al., 2015). conserved between Arabidopsis and rice, despite their stomatal
Stomata vary widely in distribution, arrangement, size and guard cells are of different morphology. However, in contrast
frequency among species or genotypes within a species. Stomata to Arabidopsis, there is no amplifying divisions required for
are typically 20–50 μm long and occur at densities between 50 the formation of rice stomata and rice GMCs need to recruit
and 300 mm−2 , and can often be found on stems, leaves, flowers their neighbouring cells to subsequently create subsidiary cells
and fruits, but not on roots. In leaves, stomata may occur on that grow faster than guard cells and eventually together with
both surfaces (amphistomatous, e.g. in Arabidopsis) or on only guard cells to form the pore (Liu et al., 2009). The spiralling
one surface (hypostomatous) as in most woody plants including effect of amplifying divisions renders stomatal orientation in
Spacing Amplifying
division division
Figure 2 The development of stomata. (a) Developmental framework of angiosperm stomata based on Arabidopsis. A subset of protodermal cells
(white) acquires the MMC identity (dark blue) and divides asymmetrically to create a meristemoid (light blue). The meristemoid either differentiates directly
into a GMC (guard mother cell) (red) or undergoes up to three rounds of amplifying divisions. The GMC divides symmetrically into paired young guard
cells (purple), later forming the mature guard cell (dark green). (b) Developmental framework of monocot stomata based on rice. Protodermal cells gain
the stomata precursor fate and divides asymmetrically to form GMCs (grass green). The GMC divides symmetrically to form immature GC (guard cell) pairs
(light green) that differentiate into mature GCs (dark green).
Arabidopsis to appear to be typically ‘random’. Amplifying to some extent (Liu et al., 2009; Vatén and Bergmann, 2012;
divisions are absent from all monocots, including rice whose Hepworth et al., 2018).
stomata is typically oriented parallel to the long axis of the leaf. As described earlier, rice stomatal complexes contain sub-
It is worth a mention that not all monocots especially those sidiary cells that are located adjacent to a guard cell, but
with broad, petiolate leaves and reticulate venation arrange their morphologically distinguishable from neighbouring pavement
stomata in rows, nor do all monocots have the dumbbell-shaped cells in a mature leaf epidermis. Stomata can be classed either
guard cells. Amplifying divisions are also absent from most as anomocytic stomata or as paracytic stomata depending on
early-divergent angiosperms, including Amborella. Regarding the absence or presence of subsidiary cells. It is traditionally
the mosses, Physcomitrella patens stomata develop entirely assumed that anomocytic stomata are primitive, relative to
without amplifying divisions, but more than three amplifying paracytic stomata. When the relations between guard cells and
divisions can occur in Houttuynia cordata. The absence or pres- their neighbouring cells are considered, stomata can be termed
ence, and if presence the different times of amplifying divisions as mesogenous, perigenous and mesoperigenous. Mesogenous
largely contribute to the great variations in stomata patterning, refers to a stomatal complex in which the neighbouring cells
size and frequency among species (Peterson et al., 2010). During are formed from the same meristemoid as the GMC, following
the past decade, five HLH family members (SPCH, MUTE and one or more asymmetric divisions. In a perigenous stomatal
FAMA plus SCRM and SCRM2) and three EPFs (EPF1, EPF2 complex, the GMC and all the neighbouring cells are formed
and EPFL9) have been identified in Arabidopsis as the key play- from different protodermal cells, whereas in a mesoperigenous
ers responsible for stomata development and distribution. The stomatal complex, both mesogene and perigene neighbouring
five HLH family members control cell divisions and cell-state cells are present (Rudall et al., 2013).
transitions to promote stomata formation. Those HLH family
members are regulated by the EPFs via a signalling cascade to
enforce stomata spacing, that all the stomata are always sepa-
rated from each other by at least one intervening cell. This is
Stomatal Function and the
referred to as one-cell spacing rule (Larkin et al., 1997). Besides, Mechanistic Basis
their corresponding orthologues have been found to function
in a largely conserved way among dicots (e.g. Arabidopsis), The high CO2 levels of Silurian–Devonian times, when the early
monocots (e.g. rice) and early land plants including P. patens, plants started to move up and colonise the land, meant that CO2
although some MUTE and SPCH functions might have diverged was readily available for photosynthesis to occur, whereas the
lack of water and the coincident high temperature and light inten- Stomatal Response to Hormone
sity placed a great challenge for plants to retain water and avoid
drying out. To this end, plants ingeniously acquired a cuticle layer and Environment Changes
to cover their photosynthetic organs. However, the waxy cuticle
prevents the intake of CO2 , the substrate needed for photosyn- Stomata are often exposed to multiple and frequently conflicting
thesis to operate. This dilemma was solved with the advent of signals from the environment. Guard cells integrate these sig-
stomata, as the stomatal guard cells can quickly perceive and nals and dictate plants in short term to change stomatal aperture,
integrate environmental signals, leading to the adjustments of whereas in long term to adjust stomatal size and density; the over-
stomatal aperture and even density in long term and therefore all result is the optimisation of gas exchange under the prevailing
optimise the trade-off between carbon gain and water loss (Raven, environmental conditions. Significant variation in stomatal sensi-
2002; Ruszala et al., 2011). tivity is known to exist among different species, and stomata of a
The most important characteristic of stomata is that they can same genotype behaviour can be completely different when plant
open and close, and the change in size of their aperture regulates growth conditions are different. In general, stomata is open in
gas exchange. Rapid stomatal movement to reset pore aperture response to photosynthetically active radiation (and there exists
requires two crucial innovations in guard cell behaviour. The a synergistic effect between red light and blue light in promot-
first is the specialised guard cell anatomy. It has long been ing stomatal opening), high temperatures and high air humidity,
while closure is induced by darkness, low air humidity, drought
observed that the composition of guard cell wall for example the
and plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA). A rapid rise of Ca2+ ,
micellar structure differs significantly to that of epidermal cells,
reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and cytosolic pH in guard
and the distinctly thickened but quite flexible inner walls of guard
cells is often associated with stomatal closing, suggesting second
cells were supposed to play an essential role in causing turgid
messengers play essential roles in mediating stomatal movement
guard cells to bulge and separate, opening the stomatal pores
(Kim et al., 2010; Lawson et al., 2012; Murata et al., 2015).
(Jones et al., 2003; Doblin et al., 2010; Amsbury et al., 2016).
Ever since its discovery, ABA has been intensively studied
Distinct from stomata of other plants, stomata in hornworts once
because of its versatile functions in regulating many develop-
opened cannot be closed. It is likely because guard cell walls
mental and adaptive stress processes. The role of ABA in stom-
in hornworts are devoid of arabinan that can modify the ability
atal development and function has been well reviewed by Cutler
of guard cell to respond to environmental and hormonal stimuli
et al. (2010). See also: Plant Hormones. Interestingly, ABA
(Lucas and Renzaglia, 2002; Jones et al., 2003). The second is
can enhance stomatal response to CO2 , which is the chief green-
the mechanism that governs the osmotica shuttle between guard
house gas that is keeping accumulating in the atmosphere largely
cells and neighbouring cells and the ion transport across the
because of the heavy use of fossil fuel and deforestation since the
plasma membrane and tonoplast. When the plants perceive the commencement of industrial revolution. Atmosphere [CO2 ] now
water stress, changes in turgor pressure take place when osmosis stands at approximately 403 parts per million (ppm), surged from
and active transport between the guard cells and neighbouring 280 ppm in 1750 (Brodribb et al., 2009). To uptake enough CO2
cells bring about concentration shifts in solutes, mainly potassium for photosynthesis to continue stomata open widely when [CO2 ]
(K+ ), chloride (Cl− ), malate2− and sucrose, resulting in water is low, whereas high [CO2 ] induces reduction in stomatal aper-
leaving and causing the stomata to close. Stomatal opening, an ture as plants can afford to partially close their pores to conserve
energy- and cytoskeleton-dependent process, also arises from the precious water (Figure 3a). Elevated [CO2 ] depresses stomatal
transport, accumulation and release of osmotically active solutes. conductance but enhances photosynthesis, water use efficiency
A number of H+ -ATPases, outward and inward K+ ion channels (WUE) and biomass accumulation in many species (Ainsworth
and at least two major types of anion channels, S-type anion and Long, 2005) (see also: Water Use Efficiency of Cultivated
channels and R-type anion channels that mediate the efflux of Crops). Accumulating evidence suggests that it is the concentra-
Cl− and malate2+ at the same time have been characterised in the tion of CO2 inside the leaf [CO2 ]i , not the atmospheric [CO2 ] that
guard cells of many vascular plants (Santelia and Lawson, 2016). directly dictates stomatal aperture. ABA application or short peri-
See also: Membrane Transport in Guard Cells ods of slight drought treatments that induce ABA biosynthesis
Starch in guard cells has been observed to accumulate at night can rescue the phenotypic deficiency of roses and other horticul-
and disappear slowly during the day, indicating starch degrada- tural species when grown in humid greenhouse of being unable to
tion in guard cells is important for stomatal response to light, close stomata when exposed to elevated [CO2 ] and low air humid-
which prompted investigation into the energy source required ity as well (Assmann, 1993; Chater et al., 2015; Engineer et al.,
for stomatal movement especially during the opening process 2016). This practice is widely adopted to extend the shelf life of
(Tallman and Zeiger, 1988; Horrer et al., 2016). Compelling evi- cut flowers including roses.
dence suggests that the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) produced Stomatal development is also controlled by [CO2 ], with stom-
by the electron transport chains in both mitochondria and chloro- atal density typically reduced in plants grown under elevated
plast are likely the primary energy currency for the guard cells to [CO2 ] (Figure 3b). Lake and coworkers have recently beautifully
adjust pore size. Recently, Mclachlan and coworkers have shown demonstrated it is the mature leaf to sense and transmit the sig-
that the triacylglycerols stored in lipid droplets in Arabidopsis nals, and then the stomatal density in developing leaves is modi-
guard cells can be mobilised and used as sources of ATP to drive fied (Lake et al., 2001). A trend has been observed on a geological
K+ uptake for light-induced stomatal opening (McLachlan et al., time scale that early evolved plants having lower stomatal densi-
2016). ties also showed a greater mean stomatal size, whereas smaller
Auxin ABA
High light Darkness
Blue light SA
High Low
atmospheric atmospheric
CO2... CO2...
Figure 3 Stomatal response to environmental signals and hormones. (a) In the short term, various factors control stomatal movements, such as
blue light, low CO2 , auxin as well as the high humidity that can induce stomatal opening, while darkness, high CO2 , abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid (SA)
and low humidity intend to induce stomatal closure. (b) In the long term, stomatal density is modified by time-changing atmosphere carbon dioxide levels.
When the atmosphere CO2 is rich, the stomatal density would be low. In contrast, when the atmosphere CO2 is low, the stomatal density would be high.
(b) Reproduced by kind permission of Web Manager Trish Roque (http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/copyright.php) © The University of California Museum
of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California.
stomata were found in leaves of recently evolved species with photosynthesis occurs. Adopting this so-called crassulacean acid
greater stomatal densities (Hetherington and Woodward, 2003; metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis strategy is useful to conserve
Franks and Beerling, 2009), indicating the plasticity and eco- water, but the potential downside is that because plants close their
logical adaptability of stomata development. It was generally stomata during the day they do not have the benefits of tran-
assumed that small stomata alter aperture faster than large stom- spirational cooling (see also: Crassulacean Acid Metabolism).
ata. Therefore, high density of small stomata may represent the Apart from taking advantage of the air currents, whether and how
best way of achieving maximal gas exchange and preventing CO2 these plants actively manage to avoid heat up and even sunburn
starvation in periods of low atmospheric [CO2 ]. However, the remains largely unknown. Another phenomenon that is notewor-
rapidity of stomata of plants that diversified under low or declin- thy here is the so-called patchy stomatal conductance, that is,
ing atmospheric [CO2 ] demonstrated by McElwain and cowork- plant leaves frequently exhibit dramatic spatial and temporal het-
ers indicating that atmospheric [CO2 ] is likely a stronger driver of erogeneity in stomatal behaviour. We still know very little of the
stomatal closing rate than stomatal size (Elliott-Kingston et al., stomatal patchiness, but it might be a form of emergent property
2016). In 2014, Myers and coworkers published an intrigu- that is inherently difficult to predict resulting from complex inter-
ing finding that the rising levels of atmospheric [CO2 ] caused actions of guard cells and various environment parameters (Mott
dietary deficiencies of zinc, iron and protein in crop plants, and Buckley, 2000).
which prompted a new research direction in selecting differences
between cultivars of a single crop and breeding for decreased
sensitivity to atmospheric [CO2 ] to mitigate the adverse effect of Concluding Remarks
climate change on global health (Myers et al., 2014).
Distinct from most plants whose stomata are open during the The innovation of stomata and stomatal control over gas
day and closed at night, the stomata of a number of desert plants exchange enabled the successful movement of plants from
are open only at night to absorb and convert CO2 into organic aquatic to terrestrial habitats. Current evidence tends to sup-
acid, which are then converted back to CO2 during the day when port a single genetic origin of stomata in the ancestor to all
Light CO2
Vascular plants
Green algae
Figure 4 Stomata evolution. Plants acquired the land around 480 million years ago (Mya), the acquisition of stomata approximately in 420 Mya. Mosses
and hornworts of the bryophytes and all of vascular plants have stomata.
stomatous land plants. Figure 4 shows that stomata are found aperture through manipulating ABA metabolism and signalling
in the early land plants including hornworts and mosses. But could enhance WUE and drought tolerance but often resulted in
whether the pores in liverworts should be treated as primitive retarded growth even when water supply is not limited.
stomata or just as gas chambers developed by convergent evolu- Increasing or decreasing stomatal numbers would correspond-
tion is controversial (Rensing et al., 2008; Ruszala et al., 2011) ingly increase or decrease stomatal conductance in a given envi-
(see also: Evolution: Convergent and Parallel Evolution). ronment. Therefore, selecting crop plants with alterations in
If they are just gas chambers, then the complete absence of stomatal density to reduce plant water use was also explored.
stomata in liverworts maybe interpreted either as a loss or a Interestingly, in contrast to the ‘high density but smaller stom-
plesiomorphy, depending on whether hornworts or liverworts ata’ approach, the ‘low density but larger stomata’ could con-
are sister to land plants (Villarreal and Renzaglia, 2015). A large fer drought tolerance without yield penalty under various water
body of evidence shows that in both modern seed plants and stress conditions (Yu et al., 2008; Doheny-Adams et al., 2012;
early land plants including mosses stomata possessed a suite of Hughes et al., 2017). If more tests, particularly the field trials
active aperture control responses to water deficit via ABA and can further substantiate these findings, genetically reducing stom-
to changes of atmospheric [CO2 ] (Ruszala et al., 2011; Franks ata numbers is likely a promising route to follow. Genome-wide
and Britton-Harper, 2016). However, based on their findings association study in combination with deep sequencing could be
that ferns lack the necessary signalling components for active used to efficiently mine the great genetic variations of stomatal
ABA-mediated stomatal closure, Brodribb and McAdam have density, which somehow has been largely overlooked in modern
recently put forward a gradualistic model for stomatal evolution crop breeding history that is dominated by pursuing high-yielding
suggesting that plants may gain active pathway after the diver- cultivars.
gence of ferns (Brodribb and McAdam, 2011; McAdam and Great progress has been made in the past study of the stomatal
Brodribb, 2013). In contrast, Cai et al. (2017) have reported that development and function. However, there are still many knowl-
genes of ABA reception and signalling components are found in edge gaps to bridge. To name just a few here, for example, the
all stomata-bearing terrestrial plants including ferns, and argued evolution of stomata and active stomatal control, the mechanis-
against the gradualistic model. Nonetheless, the evolution of tic basis of the distinct function of stomata in cotyledons and of
stomata and active stomata control over gas exchange merits stomata in true leaves, and why and how plant differentially reg-
further investigation because of its importance for understanding ulate stomatal development in the surfaces of leaf and stem? And
their influence on the rise of global vegetation. how plants control the programmed truncation of plasmodesmata
The phenotypic effects of genetic and environmental factors during stomatal maturation to establish symplastic isolation of
such as light, CO2 and water stress cause great variations in guard cells?
stomatal size, density and distribution pattern among species or
genotypes within a species. The plasticity and ecological adapt-
ability of stomatal development prompted early investigators to Acknowledgement
select and develop plant varieties with less water requirement
but improved ecological adaptation and agricultural capacity by The authors acknowledge National Natural Science Foundation
targeting stomata, for example by using ABA, a major player of China (No. 31470360 and No. 31770282) for supporting this
in mediating plant adaptation to various stresses as a proxy. work, and apologise to all colleagues whose work could not be
The outcome is mixed as in many cases engineering stomata cited because of space constraints.
Lucas JR and Renzaglia KS (2002) Structure and function of horn- Rensing SA, Lang D, Zimmer AD, et al. (2008) The Physcomitrella
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McLachlan DH, Lan J, Geilfus CM, et al. (2016) The breakdown terning in land plants. New Phytologist 200: 598–614.
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5: 258–262. Vatén A and Bergmann DC (2012) Mechanisms of stomatal develop-
Murata Y, Mori IC and Munemasa S (2015) Diverse stomatal signal- ment: an evolutionary view. EvoDevo 3: 11.
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Peterson KM, Ryche AL and Torii KU (2010) Out of the mouths
of plants: the molecular basis of the evolution and diversity of
stomatal development. Plant Cell 22: 296–306. Further Reading
Pillitteri LJ and Torii KU (2012) Mechanisms of stomatal develop-
ment. Annual Review of Plant Biology 63: 591–614. Lau OS (2017) Stomata. In: eLS. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons,
Raschke K (1975) Stomatal action. Annual Review of Plant Physiol- Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002075.pub3.
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Raven JA (2002) Selection pressures on stomatal evolution. New man & Hall.
Phytologist 153: 371–386.