Image Caption Generation

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Jameer Kotwal
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology


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e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Janvi Jambhale*1, Shreeya Sangale*2, Aarti Avhad*3,
Payal Vairagade*4, Jameer Kotwal*5
*1,2,3,4Student, Computer Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research,
Pune, Maharashtra, India.
*5Professor, Computer Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research,
Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Captioning images automatically is one of the Heart of the human visual system. There are various advantages if
there is an application which automatically caption the scenes surrounded by them and revert back the caption
as a plain message. In this paper, we present a model based on CNN-LSTM neural networks which automatically
detects the objects in the images and generates descriptions for the images. It uses various pre-trained models
to perform the task of detecting objects and uses CNN and LSTM to generate the captions. It uses Transfer
Learning based pre-trained models for the task of object Detection. This model can perform two operations.
The first one is to detect objects in the image using Convolutional Neural Networks and the other is to caption
the images using RNN based LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory). Interface of the model is developed using flask
rest API, which is a web development framework of python. The main use case of this project is to help visually
impaired to understand the surrounding environment and act according to that.
Keywords: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Long- Short Term Memory.
Automatic image caption generation consist on automatically create captions of images, not to have to create
them manually. It can be very helpful for people suffering from visual impairment, or simply to create captions
when we have large datasets and we have to describe the images. In this project we will build a deep learning
model that generates descriptions of given photograph. The project requires to combine different deep learning
architectures such as CNNs and LSTMs. Implemented model will be evaluated according to the BLEU standard
metric used in the field. Image caption generation has emerged as a challenging and important research area
following ad-vances in statistical language modelling and image recognition. The generation of captions from
images has various practical benefits, ranging from aiding the visually impaired, to enabling the automatic and
cost-saving labelling of the millions of images uploaded to the Internet every day. The field also brings together
state-of-the-art models in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, two of the major fields in
Artificial Intelligence. One of the main challenges in the field of Image Captioning is overfitting the training data.
This is because the largest datasets, such as the Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MSCOCO) dataset, only
have 160000 labelled examples, from which any top-down architecture must learn (a) a robust image
representation, (b) a robust hidden-state LSTM based representation to capture image semantics and (c)
language modelling for syntacticallysound oriented design for the unique purpose of caption generation.
In method proposed by Liu, Shuang & Bai, Liang & Hu, Yanli & Wang, Haoran et al. [1], two models of deep
learning namely, Convolutional Neural Network-Recurrent Neural Network (CNN-RNN) Based Image
Captioning, Convolutional Neural Network-Convolutional Neural (CNNCNN)Based Image Captioning. In CNN-
RNN Based frame work, Convolutional Neural Networks for encoding and Recurrent Neural Networks for the
decoding process. Using CNN the images here are converted to vectors and these vectors are called image
features these are passed into Recurrent neural networks as input. In RNN’s se NLTK libraries are used to get
the actual captions for the project. In the CNN-CNN based frame work only CNN is used for both encoding and
decoding of the images. Here vocab dictionary is used and it is mapped with Image features to get the exact
word for the given image using NLTK library. Thus generating the error free caption. Consisting of many @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
models that are given at the same time of convolution techniques simultaneously is certainly quicker compared
to the train the continuous flowing recurrently repetition of this techniques. CNN-CNN Model has less training
time as compared to the CNN-RNN Model. The CNN-RNN Model has more training time as it is sequential but it
has less loss compared to the CNN-CNN Model.
In the method proposed by Ansari Hani et al [2] Here they have used encoding decoding model for image
captioning. Here they have mentioned two more models for image captioning they are: Retrieval based
captioning and template-based captioning. Retrieval based captioning is the process where training images are
placed in one space and their corresponding captions which are generated are placed in another scope now in
the new scope the correlations are calculated for the test image and captions the highest valued correlation
caption is retrieved as caption for the given image from the given set of captions dictionary. Prototype based
descripting is the technique is done by them in this paper. Here they have used Inception V3 model as their
encoder and they have used attention mechanism and GRU as their decoder to generate the captions.
In the method proposed by Subrata Das, Lalit Jain et al[3] This model is mainly based on how the deep learning
models are used for Military Image captioning. It mainly uses CNNRNN based frame work. They have used
Inception model for encoding the images and to decrease the gradient descent problem they have used Long
Short Term Memory (LSTM’S) Networks.
In the method proposed by G Geetha et al[4] they have used CNN-LSTM model for image captioning. The entire
flow of the model was explained from data set collection to caption generation. Here Convolutional Neural
Networks was used as encoder and LSTM’s was used as decoder for generating the captions.
Our model uses two different neural networks to generate the captions. The first neural network is
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is used to train the images as well as to detect the objects in the
image with the help of various pre-trained models like VGG, Inception or YOLO. The second neural network
used is Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), which is used to generate
captions from the generated object keywords.
As, there is lot of data involved to train and validate the model, generalized machine learning algorithms will
not work. Deep Learning has been evolved from the recent times to solve the data constraints on Machine
Learning algorithms. GPU based computing is required to perform the Deep Learning tasks more effectively.
In this paper, We are going to explain Resnet-LSTM model for the image captioning process. Here Resnet
Architecture is used for encoding and LSTM’s are used for decoding Once when the image is sent to Resnet
(Residual Neural Network) it extracts the image features then with the help of vocabulary that is built using
training captions data, We will now train the model with these two parameters as input. After training. We will
test the model. Given below is the flow diagram of our proposed model in this paper. [Figure 1]

Fig 1: Model Implementation Flow Chart @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
As we have seen in the literature survey there are many drawbacks of the existing model. Each existing model
has its own disadvantage making the model less efficient and less accurate when the results are generated. The
observed drawbacks in all the existing models are as follows:
1)In CNN-CNN based model where CNN is used for both encoding and decoding purpose we observe that CNN-
CNN model has high loss which is not acceptable as the generated captions won’t be accurate and the captions
generated here will be irrelevant to the given test image.
2)While in the case of CNN-RNN based captions there might be less loss compared to the CNN-CNN based
model but the training time is more. Training time effects the whole efficiency of the model and here we also
encountered another problem. i.e.; Vanishing Gradient Problem. Gradient is the parameter which is used to
calculate the rate of loss per the given input parameter comparing both inputs and outputs. This Gradient
Descent Problem occurs mainly in Artificial Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks. Gradient is the
ratio of change in the weights with respect to change in the error in the output of the neural network. This
gradient is also considered as slope of the activation function of the neural network. If the slope is high then the
training for the model is faster and the neural network model learns faster. As the hidden layers increases the
loss increase whereas gradient decreases and finally gradient becomes zero. This gradient problem hinders the
learning of long term sequences in Recurrent Neural Networks. This Gradient Descent problem hinders the
RNN in learning and remembering process. The words cannot be stored in hidden memory for long term use
.Hence it becomes hard for the RNN to analyze the captions for the given image during the training purpose.
RNN cannot store the words of larger captions for longer period due gradient descent problem during the
training time, As the number of hidden layers increases the gradient starts to decrease and finally it reaches to
zero where the hidden key words in the captions are sent to forget gate of RNN. Hence CNN-RNN model be
trained efficiently for generating captions for the images. Finally we can conclude that as RNN have gradient
descent problem generation of captions for the images using CNN-RNN model is not efficient and accurate.
There are many data sets which can be used for training the deep learning model for generating captions for the
images like ImageNet, COCO,FLICKR 8K,FLICK 30K .In this paper, We are using FLICKR 8K data set for training
the model. FLICKR 8K data set works efficiently for training the Image Caption Generating Deep Learning
Model. The FLICKR 8K data set consists of 8000 images in which 6000 images can be used for training the deep
learning model and 1000 images for development and 1000 images for testing the model. Flickr Text data set
consists of five captions for each given image which describes about the actions performed in the given images.
After loading the data sets we need to preprocess the images in order to give this images as input to the ResNet.
As we cannot pass different sized images through the Convolution layer like ResNet we need to resize every
image so that they are in same size i.e;224X224X3 .We are also converting the images to RGB by using inbuilt
functions of cv2 library.
After loading the captions for the images using FLICKR text data set we need to preprocess those captions so
that there is no ambiguity or difficulty while generating vocabulary from the captions and also while training
the deep learning model.We need to check whether the captions contain any numbers if found they must be
removed and after that we need to remove white spaces and also missing captions in the given data set.We
need to change all the upper case letters in the captions to the lower case in order to eliminate ambiguity
during vocabulary building and training of the model. As this model will generate captions one word at a time
and previously generated words are used as inputs along with the image features as input , and are attached at
the starting and end of each of the caption to signal the neural network about the starting of the caption and
ending of the captions during the training and testing of the model.
We cannot pass the string captions directly as input to the neural network because neural network cannot @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
process string as input so the captions which are in the form of strings to numbers for that process we need to
build a vocabulary of numbers. This process is called encoding of captions. Firstly, After preprocessing of the
captions given in the training data set we need to create new space where all words in every caption are taken.
Now we have to give numbers to the words sequentially in the dictionary order. Now this space is called
vocabulary library. With the help of this vocab library we will number each captions by numbering their words
accordingly with vocab library. For a given caption each word is numbered by referring their values in already
defined vocab library. For example: Let us consider a Vocab Library that we have built by numbering every
unique word of the given training captions .Vocab Dictionary={a:1,aa:11,aam:2,……..,cat:450,………………
……………………………………………………… …………on:1120,……………………………………………
……………..table:3770,…………………………………… ………..,the:5000,………………………………..} Now consider the
caption={the cat is on the table}.Now this caption can be encoded into numbers using the dictionary and we can
encode this caption as caption={5000 450 890 1120 5000 3770}. Now this encoded caption is passed into
neural network(LSTM) for training the model to generate captions.
After collecting the data set and preprocessing the images and captions and building vocabulary. Now we have
to define the model for generation of captions. Our proposed model is ResNet(Residual Neural Network)-
LSTM(Long Short Term Memory) model. In this model Resnet is used as encoder which extract the image
features from the images and converts them into single layered vector and pass them as input to LSTM’s . Long
Short Term Memory is used as decoder which takes image features as input and also vocabulary dictionary to
generate each word of the caption sequentially.
With the introduction of transfer learning (using knowledge gained in training network on one type of problem
and applying the knowledge in another problem of same pattern) using deep neural networks like
RESNET(Residual Neural Network) which is a pretrained model for many image recognition and classification
became easy. We use this ResNet model in place of Deep Convolutional Neural Network because ResNet is a
pretrained model on ImageNet data set to classify the images. So by using the concept of transfer learning we
are reducing the computation cost and training time. If we have used CNN which is not pretrained then the
computation cost would have increased and the model takes more time to learn. By using ResNet pretrained
model we are also increasing the accuracy of the model. Resnet50 consists of 50 deep convolutional neural
network layers. ResNet50 is the architecture of Convolutional Neural Network that we are using in Image
Caption Generation Deep Learning Model. The last layer of Restnet50 is removed as it gives classification
output and we are accessing the output of the o layer before the last one in order to get the image features as
output single layered vector because we don’t need classification output in this paper. The ResNet is preferred
compared to traditional deep convolutional neural networks because the ResNet contains residual blocks
which have skip connections that ultimately reduce the vanishing gradient problem in CNN and ResNet also
decreases the loss of input features compared to CNN. ResNet is having better performance and accuracy in
classification of images and extracting image features compared to traditional CNN ,VGG. Below is the figure
representing the working of ResNet block and its importance compared to traditional CNN.
The traditional CNN consists of Convolutional Layer, ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)Layer and Pooling Layer. After
passing the input through the traditional CNN the output is as follows: H(x)=f(wx+b) or H(x)=f(x) where H(x) is
the output value and x is the input and w is the weights that are multiplied and b is the bias that is added and f()
is the activation function. We see that input is not equal to output in case of traditional CNN .So if we apply this
to extract image features or classify the images there will be error in the result and the accuracy is low. When it
comes to ResNet model the skip connections are the core of this model. This skip connections are the short cut
path that is followed by the gradient to reach the output layer. When this skip connections are applied the
output is equal to input .i.e; H(x)=x+f(x) where f(x)=0 as represented by the above figure. So we can observe
that when the images are passed through ResNet model the output will be equal to input without any bias or
weights added .Thus when ResNet is used for image feature extraction there is no much loss of data or image
features. Hence ResNet is better in extracting image features than traditional CNN model. The Residual Neural
Network has various layers in it like Convolution layer, ReLU(Rectified Liner Unit),Batch Normalization, @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Pooling layer, and Flatten .The description and working of various layers of Residual Neural Network is given
below: Convolution Layer, When the image is passed through the convolution layer ,then the image is converted
to pixel values. Image filters(feature map) are applied on the image and convolution operation is performed.
The output of this convolution layer is passed through the ReLU layer. When the convoluted image matrix is
passed through the Rectified Liner Unit layer. It applies ReLU activation function and modifies the pixel values.
ReLU Activation Function output={input when input>=0,0 when input.
The output from the ReLU layer is sent to Batch Normalization layer where it performs normalization and
standardization operation by adding extra layers to the network to scale the input to common size ultimately
making the network faster and stable. Then the output of this layer is passed to pooling layer. Pooling layer is
generally used to decrease the size of the image. Max Pooling layer generally strides a window of small matrix
across its input. It only selects the maximum value from each submatrix. Thus it decreases the size of the input
matrix without much loss. Flatten Layer, Generally the purpose of this flatten layer is it will convert the image
featured matrix to single layered vector in this ResNet. Basically after applying the max pool function on the
matrix we still want to still decrease the size of matrix and convert it to a single layered feature vector which is
considered to have image features for that purpose flattening is done right after max pooling in ResNet. After
the matrix is converted to single layer then this is said to consist of image features and is passed to Long short
term memory unit for generating each term of the caption sequence using vocabulary that we have built.
The output of ResNet(Image feature vector) and vocabulary built by using training data set captions are passed
to Long Short Term Memory Networks to generate captions. When we pass image feature vector and
vocabulary as input to first layer of LSTM, it generates the first word of the caption using training knowledge.
The next words of a caption are generated with the help of image feature vector and previously generated
words. Finally, all these words are concatenated to generate the caption for the given image. Long short term
memory cells are the advanced RNN’s which can remember data from long periods. This Long Short Term
Memory Networks can overcome the problem of vanishing gradient which exists in Recurrent Neural
Networks. In traditional RNN’s they cannot remember long sequence of data due to vanishing gradient
problem. So in the case of caption generation RNN’s cannot remember important words that are generated
previously and which are required for generation of future words. For example in the case of predicting the last
word of this sentence,”I am from France. I speak very fluently in French”. It is important to remember the
starting word France which is not possible in case of traditional RNN but Long Short Term Memory Networks
do not have this issue. So LSTM’s are preferred for caption generation compared to traditional RNN’s . Long
Short Term Memory Networks have cells which consists of various gates like input gate, forget gate and output

Fig 2: LSTM cell Architecture

In the figure xt is the input to the cell and ht-1 is the output that is remebered from the previous layer and ht is
the output of the present cell. The first step in LSTM is deciding what we have to forget this is decided by @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
sigmoid function. It takes Ht1 and Xt as inputs and give value 1(keep it as it is don’t forget or 0 throw away all
the matter ).It is represented by the given equation where f(t) is the forget gate,f(t)=σ(Wf.[Ht1,Xt]+bf).
After deciding about what data we have to forget using the forget gate now we should decide what information
have to be stored in Ht of the cell’s state for long time series data processing. It is divided into two sub parts
where sigmoid (σ) Neural network layer is the layer which decides what values need to be modified. And the
second step is the tan h layer that creates vector of modifies new values that are added to cell state. The cell
state carries the information from one cell to other cell. These steps are represented by the given formulas:
It=σ(Wi.[Ht-1,Xt]+bi),Ct=tanh(Wc.[Ht-1,Xt]+bc). Then we update the cell by using the given formula
:Ctt=f(t)*Ct-1+It*Ct Finally our output is updated by the given equations: Ot=σ(Wo[Ht-1,Xt]+bo) and
Ht=Ot*tanh(Ctt).In this way during the process of training the captions are processed like this in the Long Short
Term Memory and the words generated at each cell state are passed into the next cell states finally LSTM’s
concatenate all the words and generate the caption for the given images.
After defining and fitting the model. We trained our model for 50 epochs. It is observed that during the initial
epochs of training the accuracy is very low and the captions generated are not much related to given test
images. If we train the model for atleast 20 epochs then we have observed that the captions generated are some
what related to the given test images. If the model is trained for 50 epochs we observe that the accuracy of the
model increases and the captions generated are much related to the given test images as follows in the
following figures.[figure 3] [figure 4]

Fig.3 Fig.4
In our paper we have explained about generating captions for the images. Even though deep learning is
advanced upto now exact caption generation is not possible due to many reasons like hard ware requirements
problem, no proper programming logic or model to generate the exact captions because machines cannot think
or make decisions as accurately as human do. So in future with the advancement of hardware and deep learning
models we hope to generate captions with higher accuracy. It is also thought to extend this model and build
complete Image-Speech conversion by converting captions of images to speech. This is very much helpful for
blind people.
Image captioning deep learning model is proposed in this paper. We have used RESNET-LSTM model to
generate captions for each of the given image. The Flickr 8k data set has been used for the purpose of training
the model. RESNET is the architecture of convolution layer. This RESNET architecture is used for extracting the
image features and this image features are given as input to Long Short Term Memory units and captions are
generated with the help of vocabulary generated during the training process. We can conclude that this ResNet-
LSTM model has higher accuracy compared to CNN-RNN and VGG Model. This model works efficiently when we
run the model with the help of Graphic Processing Unit. This Image Captioning deep learning model is very @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
much useful for analyzing the large amounts of unstructured and unlabeled data to find the patterns in those
images for guiding the Self driving cars, for building the software to guide blind people.
The success and final outcome of the project requires a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and we
are extremely privileged to have got this all along the working of our project. All that we have done is only due
to such supervision and assistance and we would not forget to thank them. We respect and thank Mr. Jameer
Kotwal Sir for providing us an opportunity to do the project and giving us all support and guidance. We owe a
deep gratitude to our project guide Prof. Jameer Kotwal, who took keen interest in our project work and guided
us all along by providing all the necessary information for developing a good system. We would not forget to
remember our Head of Department Prof. Anup Maurya Sir for their encouragement and more over for their
timely support and guidance. We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support
and guidance from all teaching staffs of our department which helped us in our project work.
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